Thursday, June 30, 2022

Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson performing Gone To Soon and Heal The World live at the Presidential Gala in 1992 3,200,552 viewsOct 15, 2011 36K DISLIKE SHARE DOWNLOAD CLIP SAVE Rishi Rathod 33.6K subscribers Michael Jackson performing Gone To Soon and Heal The World at Bill Clinton's Presidential gala in 1992. Music Gone Too Soon (Instrumental) Song 1 of 2 Heal the World Song 2 of 2 ARTIST Michael Jackson WRITERS Larry Grossman +1 more "We Are The World" - OFFICIAL 35th ANNIVERSARY VIDEO 63,431,671 viewsApr 16, 2020 lionelrichie 1.29M subscribers Happy Anniversary “We Are The World," 🌍 I can’t believe it’s been 35 years! The words and music are just as relevant today as they were then. The charity is still able to help so many in need. Together we can make a difference! The song is still streaming and still helping! #wearetheworld Music SONG We Are The World ARTIST U.S.A. For Africa ALBUM We Are The World WRITERS: Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie LICENSES Music lionelrichie

Lionel Richie & CoCo Lee - Endless Love (Chinese Idol Finale) 22,587,467 viewsAug 25, 2013

Lionel Richie & CoCo Lee - Endless Love (Chinese Idol Finale) 22,587,467 viewsAug 25, 2013 123K DISLIKE SHARE DOWNLOAD CLIP SAVE CoCoLeeShow 83.5K subscribers 20130825《中國夢之聲》總決賽 - 萊昂納爾·里奇&CoCo李玟現場合唱經典歌曲《Endless Love》無盡的愛 Lionel Richie & CoCo Lee performance "Endless Love" Live in Chinese Idol Finale "Endless Love", musical composition administered by: 1:22 PEDL AdShare for a Third Party Warner Chappell

《吻別》《張學友》HD中文字幕 3,387 viewsDec 10, 2019 22 DISLIKE SHARE DOWNLOAD CLIP SAVE kuang Lee 36.9K subscribers 《吻別》作詞: 何啟弘 作曲: 殷文琦 演唱:《張學友》收錄在 張學友1993年3月5日發行的同名專輯《吻別》中 1994年獲得第五屆臺灣金曲獎最佳年度歌曲,第十六屆(十大中文金曲)IFPI國際歌曲大獎.....英文翻唱歌名有《Take Me To Your Heart》《The Goodbye Kiss》........................kylee

寶島歌王歌后丨經典合唱精選 (環星娛樂 - 匯聚金曲丨打造經典)

六、七十年代樂壇,國語流行曲湧現,風靡全球,主要獨特風格以舒情歌為主,歌詞簡潔直接,容易打動人心,深受樂迷愛戴。 國語流行曲歌手大部分來自台灣,於是就出現有寶島歌王、寶島歌后等⋯各稱號,包括有謝雷、青山、楊燕、楊小萍、孔蘭薰⋯支持者來自各地,流傳至今歌迷熱情仍未減退! 寶島之經典合唱金曲有:台灣小調、今夜雨濛濛、花兒像人人像花、蘇州河邊、採紅菱⋯ 寶島歌王歌后經典合唱精選 (環星娛樂 - 匯聚金曲丨打造經典) 00:00:11 台灣小調_謝雷 / 楊燕 00:02:34 今夜雨濛濛_青山 / 楊小萍 00:04:42 花兒像人人像花_謝雷 / 劉明珠 00:07:42 蘇州河邊_青山 / 孔蘭薰 00:12:38 採紅菱_謝雷 / 楊小萍 00:15:22 我在你左右_青山 / 孔蘭薰 / 呂珊 00:18:34 今宵多珍重_楊燕/謝雷 00:21:30 傻瓜與野丫頭_謝雷 / 劉家妏 00:23:45 萍聚_林淑容 / 羅時豐 00:27:18 站在高崗上_胡錦 / 謝雷 00:30:52 相思悠悠_謝雷 / 楊燕 00:34:04 一條橋_青山 / 楊小萍 00:37:26 夜來香 / 夜上海 / 滿場飛_楊燕 / 謝雷 00:44:27 搖船曲_楊燕 / 謝雷 00:47:57 前程萬里 / 藍天白雲_楊燕/謝雷 00:51:13 大地回春_青山 /楊小萍/呂珊 00:55:05 月下情歌_楊燕 / 謝雷 00:57:49 高山青_謝雷/楊燕/莫旭秋/萬飛/劉家妏/甄秀珍 01:00:57 戀之火 / 如果沒有你_謝雷 / 楊燕 01:04:43 可愛的馬_謝雷 / 小熊


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

#指环王 史诗级必看经典电影:霍比特人+指环王|看完魔戒系列6部

#指环王 史诗级必看经典电影:霍比特人+指环王|看完魔戒系列6部|高分电影推荐 381,439 viewsJun 8, 2021 3.2K DISLIKE SHARE DOWNLOAD THANKS CLIP SAVE 闪电看剧⚡️ 169K subscribers #指环王 欧美奇幻电影《指环王》三部曲,《霍比特人》三部曲,都是改编自英国作家J.R.R.托尔金的原著小说《魔戒》与《霍比特人》,被喻为近现代西方奇幻文化的鼻祖。今天闪电就带大家重温这经典的奇幻之旅: 00:00 欢迎来到闪电看剧 00:26 霍比特人1:意外之旅 07:43 霍比特人2:史矛革之战 15:29 霍比特人3:五军之战 24:08 指环王1:护戒使者 35:37 指环王2:双塔奇兵 45:02 指环王3:王者无敌 57:36 指环王系列影评-托尔金 🎬相关影片🎬 看完【哈利波特】8部: 看完【暮光之城】4部: 看完【神奇动物】3部: 看完【饥饿游戏】4部: 看完【大逃杀】2部: —————————————————————————————————— 实时更新-不要忘记关注我的频道~ 咳咳,进入我的页面,右上角还可以打赏闪电呢! 哎呦喂让我自己说这话真是不好意思啦~o(*////▽////*)q Chapters 欢迎来到闪电看剧 0:00 霍比特人1:意外之旅 0:26 霍比特人2:史矛革之战 7:43 霍比特人3:五军之战 15:29 指环王1:护戒使者 24:08 指环王2:双塔奇兵 35:37 160 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... 闪电看剧⚡️ Pinned by 闪电看剧⚡️ 闪电看剧⚡️ 1 year ago 🎬相关影片🎬✿✿ヽ(°▽°)ノ✿ 看完【哈利波特】8部: 看完【暮光之城】4部: 看完【公主日记】2部: 看完【饥饿游戏】4部: 看完【大逃杀】2部: 24 z yan z yan 9 months ago 魔戒真的是无法超越的一部电影系列 小时候看感觉很闷 长大后看真的是感动又泪目 48 Rithy Heng Rithy Heng 8 months ago 能一次性看完整个系列的故事真棒,把以前一部一部看的那些不明白的地方都弄明白了。因为看电影的时候,一下子角色是好人,一下子变成坏人都让人很难理解。一口气看完就特别容易把前面和后面的剧情连接起来。多谢你制作出这个视频以及解说! 14 風晴 風晴 10 months ago 其實第二部梅里對樹人說的的:你們也屬於這個世界 當時聽到覺得心中突然震撼了一下 這句真的可以實用在現實 也貫穿整部電影的重心 當冷漠覺得事情與自己毫無相干時 當天災 戰亂延燒時誰都不能倖免 31 Stars Stars 1 year ago 好感动😭❤️ 看完好感慨,虽然人类和霍比特人没有精灵,矮人,或是魔族的法力和魔法,但他们拥有着最淳朴的东西,善良和勇气。山姆和佛罗多的友谊真的很让人感动,山姆真的是一个很善良很讲义气的朋友。看到他被误会真的好心疼他。一直以来都知道这部很经典,但一直没时间看,谢谢闪电的解说,闪电辛苦了❤ 27 闪电看剧⚡️ Wing Yap Wing Yap 1 year ago (edited) 謝謝閃電解說的好作品❤辛苦你啦! 第一次看魔戒也全看明白了😍 23 闪电看剧⚡️ 盧柏均 盧柏均 1 year ago 我居然默默看完了,真的很喜歡魔戒系列,內容量豐富到要看好幾次才看懂 15 Huo Lorien Huo Lorien 8 months ago 24:15精靈本來就是永生,而矮人的匠心獨具也跟戒指無關而是被創出的本性,且精靈三戒是精靈獨立打造的,所以並未受到索倫控制但技術來自索倫而仍與魔戒綁定 8 娱乐日爆社 娱乐日爆社 1 year ago 很感动,哈利波特跟指环王没法比,但两部都很喜欢 49 Henry Shi Henry Shi 9 months ago 好感动,一边看一边哭。每个人心中都渴望这样奇幻的冒险吧 3 D Choo D Choo 10 months ago (edited) 哈利波特和魔戒没有得比较,后者更扣人心弦更让人动容。Sam的忠诚是魔戒最关键的影响,没有Sam根本团灭不了半兽人。当然,四个哈比特人,他们的正能量是魔戒系列的灵魂。非常非常经典的科幻电影 41 Yu Er Yu Er 2 days ago 經過這麼多年再回頭看魔戒….裡面的特效 畫面 完全感覺不到是幾十年前的電影,魔戒絕對是經典之作歷久不衰! Mirage Undertaker Mirage Undertaker 10 months ago 可惜當年競爭雨果獎和“史上最好看小說系列”被《基地》系列碾壓了,但魔幻界絕對鼎立頂峰的作品 4 魚小魚 魚小魚 8 months ago 魔戒所陳述世界觀真的了不起 種種不可思議細節 至今還影響諸多次文化 (勇者鬥惡龍的世界也沒如此精彩) 哈利波特就不用再提了 原型賴利波特本來就只是一本童書畫冊 (法律上的認定未必就是事實) 6 Jonathan TK Yong Jonathan TK Yong 7 months ago 26:50 "Gandalf went to the library to research for half a day" That half a day is in fact, 17 years. He cele

卡特探员 Agent Carter

#EpicMedia中文 #动作 硬汉 | 动作电影 | 最新电影 高清 | 中文字幕

Tuesday, June 28, 2022


#终结者 #施瓦辛格 #詹姆斯卡梅隆 #机器人 这个系列是2019年做的,用这个小账号补发出来。


Top Gun Maverick | Full Movie HD Facts | Tom Cruise | Miles Teller | Jennifer Connelly, Joseph 2,752,829 views

Rambo: To Hell and Back

James Harden後撤步技術

歷史最強後撤步有多恐怖?Harden来告诉你 更多精彩影片: 不可能封蓋的投籃?CP3:你跳不起來的,因為你被我施了魔法!為什麼防守無法阻止Chris Paul投籃? 用慢鏡頭才能看清的細節!僅用「雙腳」就能將防守凍在原地?Damian Lillard如何打造「不可阻擋」的突破技術?矮將的突破之道! Leonard超强防守,只有Jordan有辦法打贏他! 336 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... YouPeng YouPeng 9 months ago 感謝2012年林書豪在火箭隊的時期,讓緯來體育台轉播比賽,我才認識了Harden,不管球打的如何有什麼低潮,在我心中永遠是球星等級的,繼續加油💪 77 Lue有引力 Isaac Lai Isaac Lai 9 months ago (edited) 其實籃球的單打技術這幾年更注意步法的運用,歐洲步和後撤步一下子成了顯學,Harden的智慧在於他不偏美式街籃或是肌肉突破,反倒是擅長於節奏和步法,這些技術比起專注於手,更不如是注重於整體,當然要說控球他沒有Irving的精快,也沒有Jordan和Kobe的套路豐富,但想到那個阿根廷人,就明白籃球技術是整體,連眼神也可以騙過對方(但Harden把它拿來防守) 10 Jason Tsai Jason Tsai 9 months ago 從雷霆到火箭到籃網 哈登打法一直很無私啊 根本不像有些人說的一樣愛自幹,從飛天遁地的扣籃到一個人扛起火箭 再到現在籃網 他的傳球跟觀察力真的成長好多 21 Earvin Johnson Earvin Johnson 9 months ago 真的是傳說中遊走於走步邊緣的後撤步,登登在力量掌握和規則理解都有很深的造詣 44 Claudio Chen Claudio Chen 3 months ago 1.一開始他把三步上籃由往前玩成向後而已,2.後來再加上了向後運球一步+三步向後上籃,3.再後來在他的節奏帶領下,有時候他做完1或2


#木乃伊 #盗墓迷城 #神鬼传奇 《木乃伊》第一部上映于1999年,小时候看到过前两部,也算是童年阴影系列了,印象最深的,就是伊莫顿吃圣甲虫那一幕,还有第二部中,蝎子王出场那一幕,不过现在看来还好,并没有那么可怕,影片中加入了很多幽默风趣的情节,用来缓和恐怖气氛,毕竟是商业电影,搞得太惊悚,票房就成了问题。这个系列,不算重启版的话,总共有三部,前两部有很强的继承关系,是三部曲中最精彩的部分,至于第三部,一句话总结就是,不伦不类,除了特效能看之外,剧情和设定确实雷人,等讲到的时候,会详细来说。 87 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... CHAN YI Pinned by 散装官人 CHAN YI 1 year ago 1:58 法國外籍兵團 7 散装官人 兔耳 兔耳 1 year ago (edited) 守墓人一族真的太辛苦了,世世代代一生一世都必須維護這個危險的秘密, 然後又三不五時一堆尋寶的來亂 13 황품섭 황품섭 4 days ago 小時候最喜愛的電影之一 linna linna 1 year ago 看这个系列时最喜欢蝎子王,虽然戏份很少🤣 7 散装官人 Lam Wing Yee Lam Wing Yee 1 year ago (edited) 建議你也可以 講述一下 重啟那一版本神鬼傳奇, 與其說是重啟 實際上是正正式式的第4集, 在這一套裏面女主角曾經和壞人搏鬥在 在館藏內 隨手拿起一本書箍在壞人的頭上 那本書正好是 太陽金經, 亡靈黑經在第二集 比阿努比斯收回, 只有 太陽金經仍然存於人間, 而且湯告魯斯演那個男主角後來是死神附身的, 也可以徒手復活死人, 相信金經就係復活 那一班人的剋星 神鬼傳奇2》女主前世是古埃及公主 在金字塔裏遇到了復活的宿敵木乃伊和剛睡醒的蠍子王——《木乃伊歸來》 137,595 viewsOct 28, 2020 639 DISLIKE SHARE DOWNLOAD CLIP SAVE 散装官人 23.2K subscribers #木乃伊归来 #神鬼传奇2 #盗墓迷城2 《木乃伊》归来的特效部分,依然是由工业光魔操刀,在当时应该算得上是一场视觉奇观了,第一次看前两部,是小时候在电视上看的,当时真是把我看傻了,也可能是因为我个人比较喜欢影视特效,所以很关注这方面,以后抽时间,会讲一期影视特效的发展史,和大家一起探讨下。 2

神鬼傳奇】首映會LIVE直播 The Mummy Taipei Premiere 133,938 viewsStreamed live on May 25, 2017

【神鬼傳奇】首映會LIVE直播 The Mummy Taipei Premiere 133,938 viewsStreamed live on May 25, 2017 601 DISLIKE SHARE DOWNLOAD CLIP SAVE 環球影片 官方頻道 269K subscribers 免費訂閱 ▶環球影片YouTube官方頻道 【神鬼傳奇】導演艾力克斯寇茲曼、演員 湯姆克魯斯、蘇菲亞波提拉和安娜貝爾瓦莉絲 即將一同出席在5/25 (星期四) 18:30 美麗華百樂園1F水舞廣場前舉行的首映會紅地毯活動! 紅地毯活動歡迎粉絲到現場共襄盛舉、感受巨星風采! - [首映會] 5.25(四) 18:30 美麗華百樂園1F水舞廣場 - [直播] 5.25(四) 18:30 LIVE直播 …………………………… ●【今年暑假就等這一部 6/7【神鬼傳奇】3D&IMAX 同步登場】 -5.25 首映會預告➔ -首支預告➔ -零重力幕後花絮➔ -精彩廣告 逃跑篇➔ 冒險篇➔ 混亂篇➔ 信念篇➔ 最大篇➔ 信念篇➔ …………………………… 類型: 史詩冒險動作片 卡司: 湯姆克魯斯(【不可能的任務:失控國度】)、蘇菲亞 波提拉(【金牌特務】)、安娜貝爾瓦莉絲(【安娜貝爾】)、傑克強森(【侏羅紀世界】)、 考特尼凡斯(【醜聞風暴】) 導演: 艾力克斯寇茲曼(【出神入化】、【星際爭霸戰】) 編劇: 強史貝斯(【普羅米修斯】), 克里斯多福麥奎里(【明日邊界】) 製片:艾力克斯寇茲曼、克里斯摩根(【玩命關頭7】)、史恩丹尼爾(【神鬼傳奇3】) 執行製片:莎拉布萊雪(【黑魔女:沉睡魔咒】) 湯姆克魯斯領銜主演一部氣勢磅薄、高潮迭起的傳奇故事,這個故事自從人類文明起始以來,便受到全世界的各大文明深深著迷,那就是【神鬼傳奇】。 一直被認為安全地埋藏在荒涼沙漠地底深處的墓穴中,一位古代的女王(【金牌特務】、【星際爭霸戰:浩瀚無垠】蘇菲亞波提拉 飾)生前遭到冤枉謀害,現在卻突然甦醒,將她沉寂和累積了數千年的積怨和惡意,都以超乎人類能夠理解的邪惡力量釋放出。 不管是在中東一望無際的遼闊大漠,或是現代大都會倫敦迷宮般的地底世界,【神鬼傳奇】一片都以令人出乎意料的緊湊劇情,以及令人嘆為觀止的奇觀和令人血脈賁張的動作場面將觀眾帶進一個充滿新奇想像的全新世界,也向世人介紹全新的神祇和魔怪。 【神鬼傳奇】一片的堅強卡司除了超級巨星湯姆克魯斯以外,還有安娜貝爾瓦莉絲(【公主與狩獵者】)、傑克強森(【樂高玩電影】)以及考特尼凡斯(【美國罪案故事:辛普森挑戰公衆】)。 25 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment...

Monday, June 27, 2022


金庸先生皈依佛教的自述: 我之皈依佛教,并非接受了那一位佛教高僧或居士的教导,也非是一种神秘经验,而是非常痛苦和艰难的历程。 1976年10月,我十九岁的长子传侠在美国哥伦比亚大学自杀丧命。 这对我如同晴天霹雳,我当时伤心得几乎也想跟着自杀。 当时有一个强烈的疑问: "为什么要自杀?为什么忽然厌弃了生命?" 我想到阴间和传侠会面,要他向我解释这个疑问。 此后一年中,我阅读无数书籍,探究"生与死"的奥秘,详详细细地研究了一本英国出版的<< 对死亡的关怀>>.其中有汤恩比博士的一篇讨论死亡的长文,这篇长文有不少精湛的见解,但不能解答我心中"人之生死"的大疑问。这个疑问,当燃只有到宗教中去求解答。我从高中时期曾从头至尾精读过基督教的新旧约全书。这时回忆书中要义,反复思考,肯定基督教的教义不和我的想法。后来我忽然领悟到亡灵是不灭的,于是去佛教书籍中寻求答案。 中国的佛经卷幅浩繁,有数万卷之多。我起初只读了几本简单的入门书,当时觉得其中迷信与虚幻的成分太重,不符合我对真实世界的认识论,但还是勉强读下去。后来读到<<杂阿含经>>几个月废寝忘食,苦苦研读,潜心思索,忽然之间有了会心"真理是在这里了!一定是这样!" 不过中文佛经的文字太过艰深,在古文的翻译中,有时一两个字有完全歧异的含义,实在无法了解。于是我向伦敦的巴利文学会订购了全套<< 原始佛经>>英文译本。所谓"原始佛经",是指佛学研究者认为是最早期,最接近释迦牟尼所说的佛法的记录,因为是从印度南部锡兰等国家传出去的,所以也称为"南传佛经"。 英文佛经的文句容易阅读得多,南传佛经内容简明平实,和我们所看待的人生十分接近,像我这种知识分子容易了解、接受,由此而产生了信仰。我相信佛陀( 印度语文中原文意思为"觉者")的的确确是觉悟了生的真实道理,他将这道理即"佛法"传给世人。 我经过长期的思索,考察,质疑,继续研学等等过程之后,终于诚心诚意,全心全意的接受了,佛法解决了我心中的大疑问,我内心充满喜悦,欢喜不尽。"原来如此,终于明白了!" 从痛苦到欢喜,大约一年半的时光。随后再研读各种大乘佛经,例如<< 维摩诘经 >> , << 楞严经>>, <<般若经>> ,等等。疑问又产生了,这些佛经的内容与 "南传佛经" 是很不同的,充满了难以置信的神奇,不可思议的叙述,我很难接受和信服。但我坚持读下去,直至读到 <<妙法莲华经>> ,经过长期思考之后,终于豁然了悟!原来大乘经典主要都是用巧妙的方法来宣扬佛法,解释佛法,使得智力较低,悟性较差的人能够了解与接受,<<法华经>>中,佛陀用火宅,牛车,大雨等等多种浅近的比喻来向世人解释佛法。 我也是了解了 " 妙法 " 两字之旨后,才喜欢上了大乘佛经.这个从大痛苦到大欢喜的过程大概是两年,对于我从小就听祖母颂念<<般若波罗密多心经>>,<<金刚经>>和<< 妙法莲华经>>,但要到整整六十年之后,才通过痛苦的探索和追寻,进入佛法的境界! 金庸先生接受日本佛教学者池田大作的采访,表达了自己皈依佛门的心路历程 池田:金庸先生也信奉佛教,且对佛学甚有造诣。先生皈依佛教,是缘起于什么事呢? 金庸:我之皈依佛教,并非由于接受了那一位佛教高僧或居士的教导,纯粹是一种神秘经验,而且是非常痛苦和艰难的过程。 池田:请往下说。 金庸:1976年10月,我十九岁的长子传侠突然在美国纽约哥伦比亚大学自杀丧命。这对我真如晴天霹雳,我伤心得几乎自己也想跟着自杀。当时有一个强烈的疑问:“为什么要自杀?为什么忽然厌弃了生命?”我想到阴世去和传侠会面,要他向我解释这个疑问。 池田:是吗?我可是初次听到。失去孩子的父母亲的心情只有当事者才可理解。我也是这样,我曾失去我的次子。我的恩师户田先生也有过这样痛苦的经历。他还年轻的时候,他的仅有一岁的女儿夭折了,这是发生在他皈依佛教前的事。 他曾经感伤地缅怀道:“我抱着变得冰冷的女儿,哭了整个晚上。”过了不久,他的夫人也撒手人寰,这使得他认真地思考有关“死”的问题。 金庸:此后一年中,我阅读了无数书籍,探究“生与死”的奥秘,详详细细地研究了一本英国出版的《对死亡的关怀》(Man’s Concern with Death)。其中有汤恩比博士一篇讨论死亡的长文,这篇长文有不少精湛的见解,但不能解答我心中对“人之生死”的大疑问。 这个疑问,当然只有到宗教中去求解答。我在高中时期曾从头至尾精读过基督教的新旧约全书,这时回忆书中要义,反复思考,肯定基督教的教义不合我的想法,后来我忽然领悟到(或者说是衷心希望)亡灵不灭的情况,于是去佛教书籍中寻求答案。 池田:户田先生也曾在失去长女及妻子之后的一个时期信奉过基督教,但是,关于“生命”的问题,却始终无法令他信服,也无法解答困惑和疑问。您之所以认为基督教不合您的想法,其中一个原因就是不能解答“生死观”的问题吧!那次会晤,我们说起过的康丁霍夫·卡列卢基先生曾经说过:“在东方,生与死可说是一本书中的一页。如果翻起这一页,下一页就会出现,换言之是重复新生与死的转换。然而在欧洲,人生好似是一本完整的书,由始而终。 这也就是说,东方与西方的生死观有着本质的不同,对于“生死观”,您曾作过竭力的思考,当然也不会满足于那种将人生视作“一本完整的书”的生死观吧!但是,佛典浩繁,不可能一口气学完,那种苦读和钻研殊非易事啊! 金庸:是啊!中国的佛经卷帙浩繁,有数万卷之多,只读了几本简单的入门书,就觉得其中迷信与虚妄的成分太重,不符合我对真实世界的认识,但还是勉强读下去。 后来读到《杂阿含经》、《中阿含经》、《长阿含经》,几个月之中废寝忘食、苦苦研读,潜心思索,突然之间有了会心:“真理是在这里了。一定是这样。”不过中文佛经太过艰深,在古文的翻译中,有时一两个字有完全歧异的含义,实在无法了解。 于是我向伦敦的巴利文学会订购了全套《原始佛经》的英文译本。所谓“原始佛经”,是指佛学研究者认为是最早期、最接近释迦牟尼所说佛法的纪录,因为是从印度南部、锡兰一带传出去的,所以也称为“南传佛经”。大乘佛学者和大乘宗派则称之为“小乘”佛经。 池田:能以汉译的佛经与英译的佛经相对照比较,才可以对之进行研究。 金庸:英文佛经容易阅读得多。南传佛经内容简明平实,和真实的人生十分接近,像我这种知识分子容易了解、接受,由此而产生了信仰,相信佛陀(印度语文中原文意义为“觉者”)的的确确是觉悟了人生的真实道理,他将这道理(也即是“佛法”)传给世人。 我经过长期的思索、查考、质疑、继续研学等等过程之后,终于诚心诚意、全心全意的接受。佛法解决了我心中的大疑问,我内心充满喜悦,欢喜不尽——“原来如此,终于明白了!”从痛苦到欢喜,大约是一年半时光。 池田:我希望您能原原本本地谈谈当时的心情。 金庸:随后,再研读各种大乘佛经,例如《维摩诘经》、《楞严经》、《般若经》等等,疑问又产生了。这些佛经的内容与“南传佛经”是完全不同的,充满了神奇、不可思议的叙述,我很难接受和信服。直至读到《妙法莲华经》,经过长期思考之后,终于了悟——原来大乘经典主要都是“妙法”,用巧妙的方法来宣扬佛法,解释佛法,使悟性较差的人能够了解与接受。《法华经》中,佛陀用火宅、牛车、大雨等等多种浅近的比喻来向世人解释佛法,为了令人相信。 池田:《法华经》富于艺术性,有“永恒”,有广阔的世界观、宇宙观,有包容森罗万象一切生命空间的广大。其中许多警句般的经文有影像般的美,简直可以说是一本庄严的“生命的摄影集”,可以一页一页翻转似的,那一瞬一瞬的画面如在眼前浮现。 金庸:我也是了解了“妙法”两字之旨,才对大乘经不起反感。这个从大痛苦到大欢喜的过程大概是两年。 池田:《法华经》是“圆教”,如果从作为大乘经典最高峰的《法华经》来看的话,其它的佛经,都可谓各执真理一端的说教,一切经全部都可收纳于“圆教”的《法华经》中,宛如“百川归海”。您先学小乘佛经,后再研读大乘经典,得出的结论认为《法华经》是佛教的真髓,这确实反映出先生对于佛教的认真探索之精神。 金庸:对于我,虽然从小就听祖母诵念《般若波罗蜜多心经》、《金刚经》和《妙法莲华经》,但要到整整六十年之后,才通过痛苦的探索和追寻,进入了佛法的境界。在中国佛教的各宗派中,我心灵上最接近“般若宗” 金庸小说里的佛学 《倚天屠龙记》中的九阳神功,夹于《楞严经》之中。而《楞严经》则是佛教中极其重要的一部经典。宣化上人曾说:若是明白楞严经,就是明白佛的顶。 张无忌为了解救义父谢逊,苦战少林三僧,而谢逊则在石窟中念诵《金刚经》,劝张无忌莫生分别心。 《笑傲江湖》中,仪琳为求令狐冲早脱苦海,念诵《观世音菩萨普门品》,尽显慈悲。 《天龙八部》,本为佛教术语。八部包括:一天众、二龙众、三夜叉、四乾达婆、五阿修罗、六迦楼罗、七紧那罗、八摩睺罗伽。 细心的读者或许能发现,《天龙八部》每一回的目录串起来,可以合成五首词。 最后,就以《天龙八部》目录编成的五首宋词,一同追忆金庸先生。愿先生千古。 第一卷——《少年游》 青衫磊落险峰行,玉壁月华明。马疾香幽,崖高人远,微步毂纹生。 谁家子弟谁家院,无计悔多情。虎啸龙吟,换巢鸾凤,剑气碧烟横。 第二卷——《苏幕遮》 向来痴,从此醉,水榭听香,指点群豪戏。剧饮千杯男儿事,杏子林中,商略平生义。 昔时因,今日意,胡汉恩仇,须倾英雄泪。虽万千人吾往矣,悄立雁门,绝壁无余字。 第三卷——《破阵子》 千里茫茫若梦,双眸粲粲如星。塞上牛羊空许约,烛畔鬓云有旧盟。莽苍踏雪行。 赤手屠熊搏虎,金戈荡寇鏖兵。草木残生颅铸铁,虫豸凝寒掌作冰。挥洒缚豪英。 第四卷——《洞仙歌》 输赢成败,又争由人算!且自逍遥没谁管。奈天昏地暗,斗转星移。风骤紧,缥缈峰头云乱。 红颜弹指老,刹那芳华。梦里真真语真幻。同一笑,到头万事俱空。糊涂醉,情长计短。解不了,名缰系嗔贪。却试问,几时把痴心断? 第五卷——《水龙吟》 燕云十八飞骑,奔腾如虎风烟举。老魔小丑,岂堪一击,胜之不武。王霸雄图,血海深恨,尽归尘土。念枉求美眷,良缘安在?枯井底,污泥处。 ​酒罢问君三语,为谁开,茶花满路?王孙落魄,怎生消得,杨枝玉露?敝屣荣华,浮云生死,此身何惧!教单于折箭,六军辟易,奋英雄怒! 送别佛子金庸,乘愿归来再续侠客行!


大乘佛法与小乘佛法的发展历史,北京有一寺藏有最全佛教大藏经 2017-11-15 由 白马非马谈古今 發表于佛教 我们先聊一聊大乘佛法与小乘佛法的区别: 1.传播地域: 一般地说,中国大部地区和朝鲜半岛、日本、越南的佛教(北部为禅宗,南部为禅宗与上座部),以大乘佛教为主,称为北传佛教,经典主要是汉文系统;而中国西藏、内蒙古和前苏联西伯利亚等地区的佛教,为北传佛教中的藏传佛教,俗称喇嘛教,经典属于藏文系统。现今日的斯里兰卡、缅甸、泰国、柬埔寨、老挝以及中国傣族等地区的佛教,以小乘为主,称南传佛教,经典为巴利文系统,近年来佛教开始流入欧美等一些国家,但影响甚微,主要如藏传佛教——跟随达赖喇嘛逃出的许多喇嘛传习及日本的宣传。 小乘佛教 2.主旨思想: 小乘佛法只度自己,不管他人:一个是他没有足够的智慧去救度他人,一个是他本人也不想救度他人。 大乘佛法是自度、度他,既有能力救度自己,又有智慧和力量救度他。 佛教本身就不是中国的,后来传到中国说到释迦学术思想的内容,也就是通常所谓佛学的概要,依照一般习惯,都以大乘、小乘来区分,中国的佛学与佛教,乃大小乘并列,而且比较偏向大乘,现在流行于西方的佛学,大多数只注重小乘,认为那是原始的佛教,尤其东南亚各国的南传佛教,大体都是以小乘为主的。 3.集结与传播: 小乘佛教的四次集结: 第一次:佛陀涅槃后的第一个雨季(安居期),王舍城耆闍崛山,迦叶主持,500结集,由阿闍世王为外护。先行结集毗尼(调服身心烦恼的戒律),由大迦叶提出戒律各条目,质询优婆离,由之依次诵出戒律的制时、制处、因缘(为何而制定)、对机(由何人何事而开始制定戒律)、制规(确定应守的规戒)、犯戒(怎样才叫犯戒)。同样,阿难背诵佛陀教法(经),优婆离背诵戒律,有经与律,无文字记录。由阿难诵出达磨(法藏、经藏)由大迦叶提出质询,阿难答出,说时、地、因缘(因何而说)、对机(对何人何事而说)、说法(说法内容)、领解(听众当时解悟情况),再由大家合诵通过。 第二次:佛陀灭度百年后,关于戒律争论,耶舍长老主持,在毗离耶城,700结集,重新审定经、律。但有反对者,另外组织上万人的“大结集”,也诵出经、律,由此分裂成为上座部(长老)与“大众”(多数),原始佛教进入部派佛教时期。一说,此次结集发生在第一次同时。 第三次:公元前三世纪,南传佛逝世后235年,在阿育王(约前268—232)支持下在华氏城,以国师目犍连子帝须长老为首,1000结集,重新订出经、律、论三藏,编成一部《论事》,其目的统一经、律、论,维护团结,消弥分歧。此次结集不为北传所承认,也就是说北传佛教没有记载。 这里我们谈谈阿育王对佛教传播的贡献: 阿育王 阿育王(约前273—前232,与秦始皇为同时代人,公元前180年左右,孔雀王朝被灭。公元前327年——前325年,马其顿的亚历山大的军队侵犯印度次大陆旁遮普地区,撤走后该地区陷入混乱。出身首陀罗的旃陀罗笈多摔军进入恒河流域,自立为王(月护王),阿育王即其孙子)。又译阿输迦王,意译“无忧王”,古代摩揭陀国孔雀王朝君主,在历史上他第一次实行了全印度的统一。 据说公元前261年,阿育王率领军队征服南印度羯陵伽国,遭受到顽强的抵抗,死伤惨烈,最后,他俘虏15万人,残忍地杀掉10万人,后来阿育王目睹战场上惨烈的场面,认识到武力征服不是最好的办法,只有“以法胜是为最胜”,宣布佛教为国教,在全国颁布敕令和教谕,刻制于摩崖和石柱上(成语:泛浩摩空:泛海摩(迫近)天,形容文辞博大高深),并建八万四千座塔,弘扬佛教,他在位期间,召集第三次结集,并在结集后,派遣传教师四方传教,佛教徒称之“弘法大王”。 他的儿子摩晒陀(国师目犍连子帝须的弟子)、女儿僧伽蜜陀(两人都出家为比丘与比丘尼),也都先后被派往狮子国(斯里兰卡)。当时东至缅甸,南到斯里兰卡,西到叙利亚、埃及、希腊等地,都有佛教传播。详细言之,后南传佛教以斯里兰卡为中心,向东南亚传播,北传佛教以克什米尔、白沙瓦为中心,继续向大月氏、康居、大夏、安息和我国于阗、龟兹传播。 可以说对于佛教走出印度,播向世界,当推阿育王为首功。后来,他还礼拜各地佛迹,刻了许多石柱,还在各地崖壁上刻了(摩崖)许多法诰。阿育王本人晚年皈依佛门,被尊为佛教大护法和“转轮圣王”。 可惜,在他逝世后不到50年,孔雀王朝为巽伽王朝取代,后者残酷破坏佛教,幸亏其统治仅仅限于中印度。当时,北印度大夏国为弥兰陀王(据说为希腊人)统治,受那先比丘教化而皈依佛教,有《那先比丘经》,同时兴起腱陀罗佛教美术。 无锡灵山大佛与阿育王柱 第四次,于大月支贵霜国(公元2世纪)迦腻色迦王时期(约78—120),由胁尊者为首500人,在迦湿弥罗(今克什米尔),对三藏作了注释,编成《大毗婆沙论》,为说一切有部集大成论典。第四次结集,主要是论藏的结集,以铜为牒,镂刻成文,建塔封藏,以传后世。 除上述以外,还有第五次斯里兰卡,第六至第九次没有取得泰国以外南传佛教诸国认可。近代缅甸举行过两次结集,1857年,缅甸贡榜王朝明顿王主持下,在首都曼勒举行2000余比丘参加的结集,以律藏为核心,以巴利文原典考证,历时5个月。另一次1954——1956年,缅甸联邦政府为纪念释迦涅槃2500周年,在仰光北部召集大会,参加者为各南传系上座部诸国比丘2500人,这次结集完成的藏经,是目前最完善的巴利文大藏经。 大乘佛教的传播和发展: 大乘经典由文殊师利菩萨与弥勒菩萨,带领许多菩萨和阿难尊者在铁围山中结集的,与第一次结集同时。 弥勒佛 古代印度传说,海底有龙王以神力化现的宫殿。龙王曾往灵鹫山听佛陀说法,产生信心,成为著名的护法神。佛陀灭度后,许多大乘经典都珍藏在龙宫中,称为龙藏。公元三、四世纪倾,南印度出现了一位杰出的佛学家龙树,后入雪山(喜马拉雅)皈依佛教。根据《龙树菩萨传》、《付法因缘传》卷五记载,龙树受“大龙菩萨”引导,入海底龙宫,取得大量“方等深奥经典,无上妙法”,从此传播大乘佛法,成为中观学派创始人,我国三论宗、西藏密宗均奉龙树。取经的典故,今日已经成为日常用语。 而密宗经典,则传说是龙树菩萨打开南天竺宝塔而取出的。 西藏佛教有伏藏之说:相传八、九世纪时,印度莲花生大士等曾将密法典籍埋藏在地下、山洞中,郎达玛(摩)灭佛(约836—841)时有更多佛典被埋藏,后人陆续挖掘之,分别整理印刻成南(上、下伏藏为12、13世纪发现者)、北部伏藏(16世纪发现者)。 为保存佛典以使佛法永久传世,中国佛教也想出种种办法来书写、密藏。典型的如房山石经——幽州大房山(今北京房山县)云居寺的石刻佛经,自隋炀帝大业年间始刻一直持续到清朝康熙三十天启年,前后千余年共刻石经15000余块,刻写佛经1122部,计3572卷。其创始人为比丘尼静婉(亦作净琬),断臂发愿将佛经刻石以永留后世。当时居幽州智泉寺在白带山凿石刻石经,隋文帝为其精神感动,赠以佛舍利,其在唐贞观八年(634)年题刻中说:“此经为未来佛难时,拟充底本,世若有经,愿勿辄开”。 抗日战争时期1942年,云居寺被侵华日军炸毁,主体建筑基本无存,只剩残垣断壁。 1956年~1958年,对云居寺进行发掘,1957年夏,工作人员在一个偶然的时机,在某老乡家的灶台上发现一石刻碑,上刻:“发心磨莹贞石,镌造大藏经,以备法灭……此塔前相去一步在地宫有石经碑四千五百条……”。 经过1985年和1999年两次大规模修复,恢复了云居寺原貌——五层院落,六进殿宇以及7座唐塔、5座辽塔。为修复云居寺,国家投入巨资,海内外佛教界、海外侨界人士发起为修复捐款活动。 想了解更多关于佛教的故事,请关注“白马非马谈古今”,谢谢

Rhonda Patrick on Diet-Gene Interactions, Epigenetics, the Vitamin D-Serotonin Link and DNA Damage Fundraiser

Rhonda Patrick on Diet-Gene Interactions, Epigenetics, the Vitamin D-Serotonin Link and DNA Damage Fundraiser 280,385 viewsFeb 3, 2016 TheIHMC 71.5K subscribers Our genes influence the way we absorb and metabolize micronutrients. Nutrigenomics looks at the influence genetic variation has over micronutrient absorption/metabolism and the biological consequences of this dynamic relationship. Our diet also influences which of these genes are turned on or off! Emerging evidence in the field of epigenetics has demonstrated that not only can we change the expression of our own genes within our own lifetime; sometimes these changes are heritable and affect our children and grandchildren. In this talk we’ll be exploring the intersection between genetics, nutrition, and environment: how your diet, micronutrients, exercise, heat stress, and sleep can change the expression of your genes and how this has profound effects on the way your body functions and ages. Rhonda Perciavalle Patrick, Ph.D. is an assistant scientist at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute working with Dr. Bruce Ames. She investigates the effects of micronutrient (vitamins and minerals) deficiencies on metabolism, inflammation, DNA damage, and aging in people. She also researches the role of vitamin D in brain function and dysfunction. In addition to Rhonda’s active role as a researcher, she also functions as a science communicator for a broad lay audience via her web and video presence found at She is passionate about disseminating health-related information in a way that the general public can easily understand. She is a frequent speaker and writer on topics ranging from general health and wellness, to diet and aging, to vitamins and their effects. It is Rhonda’s goal to challenge the status quo and encourage the wider public to think about health and longevity using a proactive, preventative approach. Rhonda earned her Ph.D. in biomedical science from the University of Tennessee and performed her graduate research work at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. She also has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in biochemistry/chemistry from the University of California, San Diego. She has done extensive research on aging, cancer and nutrition, and metabolism. Chapters Diet-Gene Interactions, Epigenetics, the Vitamin D-Serotonin Link and DNA Damage 0:17 Micronutrients are Cofactors for Enzymes 1:32 Over 300 Enzymes Require Magnesium 2:44 TRPM6 polymorphisms 5:22 Simple Solution: Eat Your Greens! 5:43 Heterocyclic Amines 8:16 348 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... John Smith John Smith 3 years ago (edited) I would like to complement the producer of this video. It is by far the best formatted lecture presentation I have ever seen on You Tube. The way you (I assume TheIHMC?) set it up, placing the presenter full size on the right of the screen, including full size, and clear, slides on the left, was phenomenal. This technique avoids the distractions of poor presenter coverage, and difficult to read slides, distracting from the content that the presenter is trying to share with the audience. We done, well done indeed! By the way, I'm also a big fan of Dr. Patrick. 140 Lindy Ford Nutrition & Wellness Lindy Ford Nutrition & Wellness 4 years ago Dr. Patrick speaks with authority. I'm constantly on my patients about "eating their greens." Thank you for sharing this. 26 Kieran Doherty Kieran Doherty 4 years ago I'm a pre PA student who is currently taking genetics and this is awesome! Thanks for all the educating you do Rhonda! 13 Jason Dames Jason Dames 6 years ago I love this stuff!! so informative and has a lot of substance unlike most health practitioners!! Thank you Rhonda! 43 Angelica Brito Angelica Brito 3 years ago My health Guru. Even when I have to watch her videos more than one time to understand everything, she has a very good way to explain things which also makes me interested in learning more. Thanks Rhonda. :)) 40 Katherine Sawick Katherine Sawick 3 years ago This young woman is amazing! She teaches a very complex subject at a level that a novice can understand and benefit from the entire lecture. There is absolutely none of the self centered blah, blah, blah that most YouTubers bore us with. 31 Graceon DS Jones Graceon DS Jones 2 years ago What you do is so important, I wouldn't have an inkling as to why things have gone the way that they have if it wasn't for Rhonda and other health experts. Thank you. 3 enviro1001 enviro1001 3 years ago So complicated subject you, Dr Rhonda, make it so simple and easy to understand. Thank you. 12 The Fire Breathing Duck The Fire Breathing Duck 2 years ago Fascinating and informative lecture that is easily digestible and understandable. Thank you for sharing this information and thank you for the lecture/screen format - so much easier to follow the speaker and slides at the same time. 2 Jesse Ray Jesse Ray 9 months ago Dr. Rhonda Patrick is amazing! Love her and the work she does! Found her on Joe Rogan's podcast, which she is the guest on like 6 or 7 episodes (about 2 and half hrs each!). She is the reason I grow my own broccoli sprouts for my greens shake!! 3 jessica long jessica long 4 years ago So interested in actually putting this information into practice and hope soon that the medical community will be using nutrigenomics to help their patients achieve optimal health. There is not a one size fits all approach to diet. 2 My Life the Parody My Life the Parody 6 years ago This interests me so much and it amazes me that doctors NEVER ask you what you're eating. 202 foreverkazi foreverkazi 1 year ago if my life wasn’t already devoted to another study I would solely focus on this, amazingly interesting information 2 coachraylo coachraylo 2 years ago Very good teacher. I am learning a lot from her. 2 Green Deane Green Deane 6 years ago You Go Girl! Providing a service with 23 and Me data is an excellent move. I'll do it as soon as it is available. 2 mrdarryl2row mrdarryl2row 5 years ago Great talk. I haven't heard Dr. Rhonda talk about vitamin k2, an important co-factor, that should be taken along with vitamin d supplements. Can she address this too? 13 Jared Verax Jared Verax 2 years ago She forgot to mention that folic acid isn't folate. It's the synthetic version and people with the MTHFR mutation, which is a LOT of people, have a hard time utilizing folic acid and it might actually work AGAINST what folate would do. 22 The Showing Agent The Showing Agent 2 years ago Keep up the good work Dr. 2 armadillotoe armadillotoe 2 years ago Thank you. This helps to explain the genetic link in obesity. 1 ALEXANDROS VASSARAS ALEXANDROS VASSARAS 2 years ago Thank You Rhonda Patrick, for your marvelous work !! 2 John Robertson John Robertson 2 years ago Amazing talk! Love the picture of all the metabolic pathways. 🙃 🙋‍♂️✌🇨🇦 4 Emre On Emre On 2 years ago Most physicians are not able to make the time to keep up with these findings, however a paradigm shift is very soon in order, this is HUGE! It's going to lead to a major goldmine in the philosophy of mindsets, nutrition, fitness, drugs, and other environmental variables to enhance the health of our lives, and perhaps even alter the aging process. Now we can better understand why some genes have variance in phenotype rather than simply assuming its the environment (abstract statistical reasoning). 2 Edward Russell Edward Russell 3 years ago This is useful for our physical self... we need to also think about our real self based on our thinking and reasoning. Creating a self and then developing it within the permanent values. Why? Because this self is what we need to create which takes us to the next life... body is merely a carrier... 5 Aras B Aras B 2 years ago Around minute 20:00 to 22, Dr Patrick speaks about vitamin D levels of pregnant women affecting seratonin levels in the developing brain of a baby, and how it affects autism. I wonder if this relates to older women having a higher risk of autistic children, as with age, our ability to absorb vitamin D is reduced. It may also have something to do with children born at different months of the year having different personalities, as their mother experienced different amounts of sunlight exposure during different times of brain development. 17 Mark Harris Mark Harris 4 months ago This lady's scholarship is phenomenal. 1 istvan antal istvan antal 1 year ago I think it is also important to let people know that it is very important to take vitamin D with a fatty food for maximum absorption. 1 Fuzzy Bunny Fuzzy Bunny 1 year ago Fascinating! Makes me want to eat healthier but I’ll forego the spinach since it is too high in gut damaging oxalates. 1 Master Chief Master Chief 2 years ago (edited) Basically eat, Good Fats, Lower your refined carbs, Eat your greens, Get some Sun, Go Exercise, Try Intermittent Fasting and be nice to your Mom 175 J. Curtis J. Curtis 2 years ago Fantastic work, bravo! 3 Monica Pretty Monica Pretty 4 months ago Thank you Rhonda!! awesome presentation!! Jami Carpenter Jami Carpenter 1 year ago Rhonda you’re amazing 💞 3 Rondie Rice Rondie Rice 3 years ago Very informative! 5 Ken Elliott Ken Elliott 1 year ago She's just so good! Impressive! I would so like to do some work with her if she needs help! IW Nunn IW Nunn 3 years ago Over my entire life, no Dr has ever wanted or offered to test my D3 level. Just recently I had to ask to have mine tested. 27 zxyx1 zxyx1 6 years ago amazing presentation as always! ;) 2 etofok etofok 3 years ago THANK YOU. You are saving lives 23 Larry Hutcherson Sr Larry Hutcherson Sr 1 year ago (edited) Awesome information delivered by an awesome speaker. Thank you. BTW: I'd really like to interact with her genes. 1 Tonya Koceja Tonya Koceja 2 years ago HELPPP , I Had My Vitaman. D. Level tested 5yrs ago and it was 6 ~. That was at 40yrs old ~ Im 45 now and need it tested again like NOW ~ I have also had a lot of these problems you discussed in this lecture ! 3 Ken Gilliland Ken Gilliland 3 years ago Thanks for sharing this very important video, Dr Rhonda Patrick ROCKS ! Keep On Truckin' 7 Claret trejo Claret trejo 3 years ago (edited) Great information. Thank you ! Smart and very beautiful doctor 4 dou40006 dou40006 2 years ago I am not so sure about the recommendation of vitamin be above 35ng/L. From I read recently our real need are more like 25ng/ L . We have been brainwashed 10 years ago about the promises of vitamin D supplementation, but it didn’t materialize by a reduction of cancer or diabetes or heart disease. But very interesting talk overall and great talker 1 Richard Tyler Richard Tyler 3 years ago Still the coolest person on the internet 35 poosta7 poosta7 4 years ago Dr. Patriek's presentations are fantastic! Liliana Torres Liliana Torres 2 weeks ago Me encantaría entender bendiciones para usted es muy inteligente todo lo que usted hace y sabe Alex Berukoff Alex Berukoff 2 years ago LOVE THIS GIRL 5 Jose Miguel Mandolesi Jose Miguel Mandolesi 4 years ago She is great! 3 Faz A Faz A 6 years ago Metabolism is complex indeed - individual. Despite the accessibility of these research findings, the sick-care medical system's only tool is pattern recognition - excepting functional/environmental doctors, most physicians unaware of polymorphisms etc 6 David Crandall David Crandall 2 years ago But in some cases, eating kale might not be as healthy as you think. For example, it can interact with thyroid function if it's eaten in very high amounts. It contains something called progoitrin, which can interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis and essentially block the iodine your thyroid needs to function. Eating too much of it may be giving yourself low-level poisoning of the toxic heavy metal thallium. IW Nunn IW Nunn 3 years ago The government and medical community will never focus on preventative care that involves nutrition. It's too effective and profit prohibitive. 59 Deborah Simon Deborah Simon 3 years ago I love Rhonda's videos. But I think she jumped the track a little in her answer to the last question.The questioner was asking for practical advice about whether or not most people should take multivitamins. She made some great points, such as too much folate being bad (because it can feed cancer), but my understanding is that she feels that --- in sum ---- yes, people should take a good multivitamin, unless they have a specific reason, such as a cancer diagnosis, not to. I think this was the information the questioner needed to hear. 2 Rich Pickard Rich Pickard 3 years ago Rhonda is so smart! 31 David Beaton David Beaton 2 years ago Great talk. So much to absorb. Just remember the average punter does not get it. I’m a biochemist and it’s still a lot to assimilate. Scott Dinger Scott Dinger 3 years ago Love her. 4 nomparfait nomparfait 2 years ago What about astragalus root for protecting/improving telomere length (combined with diet /D3/Mg of course) & impact on long healthy life? 1 B Sweet B Sweet 3 years ago I've never been so informed on a level that Wouldn't ever come up in a conversation wow however I have rewind a lot lol thx 7 Bracha Almond Namu Bracha Almond Namu 1 year ago Can a course be designed for high schoolers to have a window into wholistic nutrition? So much ignorance, and so much being discovered constantly. Would be great for young people to learn more about their own bodies. 1 kcromwell82 kcromwell82 2 years ago Today we know that we know very little about the gut microbiome. So many carnivores doing so well with zero veggies. 8 Ryan Ryan 3 years ago Wtf where has all this information been from all the other doctors? Found Dr. Patrick from Joe Rogan. 63 skyisthelimit ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ readyornotfor2 skyisthelimit ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ readyornotfor2 5 years ago Don't forget that Omega 3, DHA and EPA are also found in seaweed...(kelp also has vitamin D) where the fish got it from in the first place. 10 Big Ben Big Ben 5 years ago She is a sunshine 113 Grounded in First Principles Grounded in First Principles 1 month ago Has the Prometheus alternative on Found my fitness been released yet? This is gold. alex matheson alex matheson 1 month ago So well spoken Frank From Upstate NY Frank From Upstate NY 3 years ago Gotta wonder in how many years....(if the planet still exists), will one be able to confront one's polymorphisms...and have genetic manipulation in vivo. Obviously, we'll be doing massive in vitro work...but, how about the whole organism? Does this make sense? Home Life Together Home Life Together 1 year ago Wow! That was fascinating! 1 Taylor Dillon Taylor Dillon 2 years ago Dr Rhonda Patrick you are saving my life! 1 my name my name 2 years ago Thanks Rhonda, big fan , found you through JRE. RealJayJobes ジェイジョブズ RealJayJobes ジェイジョブズ 4 years ago I really appreciate how carefully you speak. 1 ZacharyTech7 ZacharyTech7 2 years ago (edited) I have genetic MTHFR VDR Taq BSM both +/- i have low vitamin D b4 supplaments was 14 now at 24 with supplements. i have congenital heart disease too. recently diagnosed with 22q11 which is low calcium. oh also have high functioning autism. but lots of sensory issues, Alexandre Magalhães Alexandre Magalhães 1 month ago I want to rewatch this again and again Bryan Naylor Bryan Naylor 2 years ago Could you do a presentation on bioavailability ? Tim Tim 6 months ago Thank so very much Dr. Patrick. You hard and brilliant work is GREATLY APPRECIATED and needed to millions. Tim from Kansas Thank You Carrol Lindsay Carrol Lindsay 1 year ago Metabolic pathways and phenotypes affect a second generation born that would influence the nutritional health or exposure to disease. My second question maybe there is not a direct response but can you give a general idea why most doctors do not ask questions if regarding nutritional intake, Nirmala Drieskens Nirmala Drieskens 1 year ago Great video♥️♥️♥️ Rob I Rob I 1 year ago 23andMe is something I would NEVER use, as they are sharing/selling your information to the medical industry, and there is little regulation on how this could be used against us in the future. Though perhaps sounding conspiracy theory-like, we’ve already seen a similar thing with our personal information and many, many companies like Facebook, Experian, etc, etc. 2 144Donn 144Donn 2 years ago Dr Rhonda eats this stuff for breakfast! Just amazing! 1 Bart Den Bart Den 1 year ago (edited) That is a good speaker ! - Tons of info, very fastly said. And structured. ... A BOMB. And she looks awesome and young. I'm gob-smacked. 1 Liselotte Johansson Liselotte Johansson 1 year ago You are just so Good! Thank you Ronda very interesting! B R I B R I 3 months ago Great information... Rob I Rob I 1 year ago One of the issues with supplementation is that there is always a small percentage that get adversely affected so you have to be aware of caveats. For example, the first question from the audience was a man asking about eating spinach: too much spinach eating by older males can be a problem with regard to excessive iron levels. Same for Vitamin D where some people with kidney or liver issues which affect the conversion of Vitamin D, where some people may make TOO much D and suffer some toxicity effects. For the most part, it seems mont people are D deficient. Dr Holick should get some credit for his long-time work to push for higher D levels and more awareness on D deficiency. 2 astromob1 astromob1 2 years ago Does one get the vitamin d polymorphism from one of both parents? In other words if one parents had polymorphism does it get passed on to offspring? Mo Turn Mo Turn 1 year ago Absolutely stunning work 2 Claire Wheeler Claire Wheeler 2 years ago For the veggies and vegans algal oil is a good choice for omegas including Dha. You can bypass the fish and go straight to source. Other oils that are good for omegas are hemp seed oil flaxseed oil. Spirulina in dry form is full of good nutrients. We dont have to rely on animals to gain our nutrition. Now I will watch the end as this is ultra interesting. Maurice Upton Maurice Upton 2 years ago (edited) Once we reach 65 & retire, the economic system hopes that we expire. The level of chemicals that we are exposed to in our daily working lives shortens our lifespans IMO. Also a Swedish study has pointed out that since 1945 the levels of different types of cancers has increased (excluding lung and skin cancers). This suggests to me that since open air nuclear testing began the levels of cancers seen in humans has significantly increased. Prior to 1945 many cancers seen today we're not seen or even as common. A persons body only has to come into contact with 1 Radioactive hot particle floating around in the atmosphere to cause lasting damage and cancer. 1 1aliveandwell 1aliveandwell 1 year ago Who decides what medical schools teach? Tried to get a Dr to measure active vite D as well (none of the Dr's saw would !! ). TY for a good vid ! 1 Digger D Digger D 2 years ago Wish this was 5 minutes long - then I would watch it. Damian Damiano Damian Damiano 2 months ago thank your for the lecture Rhonda , compare to your "anti aging " Godlike harvard MIT friends you deliver some information what can be put into use . But 55 min talking about staying in sun while we all know how important its MotoknivesandgunsbyJT MotoknivesandgunsbyJT 2 years ago MD’s are like lazy cops; they are not proactive. They are reactive. They deal with your problems once you get them. A good cop (and DR) will be proactive and educate you on how to NOT BE a patient. 3 yugoelvis yugoelvis 3 years ago The only Dr. that I really like! 2 carpe diem carpe diem 2 years ago Dr. McDougall of the Starch Solution says potatoes hold all the micronutrients we need, and Dr. Patrick, et. al., say eat your greens. Somebody is not correct. BTW, I believe Dr. Patrick went vegan. Murtaza Chishti Murtaza Chishti 4 weeks ago Brilliant 🤩 Jay Edenfield Jay Edenfield 2 years ago She's beautiful. Her mind is beautiful. 1 Bobby Ocampo Bobby Ocampo 1 month ago What is the basis of Magnesium Daily allowance requirement? How about those who only eat meat and are healthy? Michael Piatt Michael Piatt 3 years ago She is amazing but this is so over my head. 😂 1 John Kirton John Kirton 2 years ago Very good presentation. How come the audiences for these types of health promoting events often look so old and with BMI>25? 2 Live, Learn and Teach Live, Learn and Teach 1 year ago I'd love Rhonda Patrick to talk to Dr Stasha Gominak about vitamin D. Rak Hit Rak Hit 3 years ago (edited) That second slide thoooo... You know what, think I'm just going to fast forward to where you just tell me what I should be eating and how I should be eating it 👀 1 Alba del Valle Alba del Valle 2 years ago Meat from pastured ruminants is a much more bioavailable source of all nutrients, including magnesium. 1 Pawan Sharma Pawan Sharma 1 year ago What is the difference between to eat or make a vitamin D3 in human body 1 Mark Mitchell Mark Mitchell 5 years ago Very interesting work, some of which explains what we already observe in life. However a couple of comments are worth making. Dr Patrick offers a "throwaway" comment about bread, including it her list of "junk foods'. This is inaccurate inasmuch as "bread" covers a wide range of foods, some of which are highly processed (white flour and sugar) while others are extremely elemental (whole rough grains with water yeast and little else) which are very health promoting (rich in fibre, vitamin E, protein, antioxidants, etc.). Research published this week (from Harvard) for example links higher rates of Type 2 diabetes with avoiding gluten and whole grains. A second observation is that Dr. Patrick appears to be a keen proponent of smoothies, which are a convenient way to consume fruits and vegetables but reduce demands placed in digestive system and raises the glycemic impact of foods (it is processing, after all) and so may be a double edged sword (so to peak). 3 David Villarreal David Villarreal 3 years ago This Chica Rocks. 1 John Redmon John Redmon 6 years ago But isn't it an important question whether Vitamin D needs to be activated from the sun - and that the Vitamin D capsule is perhaps not activated? 3 Mark Ziegler Mark Ziegler 2 years ago More and more foods you eat have proteins that are melded with .glyphosate herbicide which calls for another look. Gary Ordo Gary Ordo 2 years ago dear dr. Rhonda Patrick, please make lots of babies and train them well in nutrition! 1 PoliClips PoliClips 2 years ago So if I want to enjoy my red meat, all I have to do is bake it instead of frying it to be on the safe side? 1 Michael McGee Michael McGee 4 months ago (edited) She's got off the charts smarts this one. Goldena Medina Goldena Medina 2 years ago Fish is wonderful but what about grassfed beef? 1 talkingstick2u Joy talkingstick2u Joy 3 years ago She lost me when she started talking about meat. Wish she addressed the China Study. I have 5 siblings with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia and am very interested in epigenetics.... they are all meat eaters. My theory is that the whole foods, plant based diet is the reason I don't have this awful hereditary disease and am hoping that my kids don't get it either. 1 badmoon rising badmoon rising 6 years ago Will I be able to use your genetic tool from my raw data downloaded from Ancestry? 1 Martin Irving Martin Irving 3 years ago Interesting how she shows her subconscious bias in giving pork as an example of a high saturated fat source. 張永蔚 張永蔚 4 years ago is it a reversible process for the obese people having sperms with less ME? Lara Cwass Lara Cwass 3 years ago Is she suggesting that saturated fat is only destructive to those with this specific gene polymorphism? Polyunsaturated fat is highly toxic and inflammatory at the levels most Americans consume it. AR H AR H 2 years ago How does a person with hypothyroidism get their nutrients like magnesium if they're told to stay away from cruciferous vegetables? E46325mod E46325mod 3 years ago If she was a teacher of mine in college I would have been a doctor instead 1 Patrick Ryan Patrick Ryan 3 years ago 25:22 How can you recommend omega 3's or any polyunsaturated fats. "Poly" means many and "unsaturated" means fragile double bonds which break easily and cause free radicals to form to damage your cells.. Karolina Neumann Karolina Neumann 3 years ago (edited) I dont get it: center of Europe: no olive oil, no avocados, nearly no fish, only farming and cheese: and grand grandparents were always healthy with cheese, milk, meat...?? They didnt had any exotic imported food. 5 Richard Breeze Richard Breeze 1 year ago This is a deep dive if ever i heard one. David Crandall David Crandall 2 years ago I can tell Rhonda has a beautiful body. Even though she's been sitting around studying a lot. Bruce Hutchinson Bruce Hutchinson 1 year ago (edited) The nutrition bar Dr. Bruce Ames has been developing is available commercially as of the beginning of 2020. Healthright Nutrition. It is expensive $7.70/ bar $100 a package. Currently on sale for 50% off. Excellent product. Tom Boardman Tom Boardman 5 years ago grass fed Jersey cows produce the best for you milk, living milk is raw whole milk! the myth about milk is bad is unproven!!! Fat is our friend!!!! :) 4 devotae devotae 3 years ago Do you have permission to post this? I ask because in the description there are no links to her page or any refs of what she is talking about or where to find what she refers to. 2 Mark Read Pickens Mark Read Pickens 3 years ago As of this moment, forty people gave this "thumbs down." My first guess is "religious nut jobs." 1 Pedro Pedro 2 weeks ago She misspelled vitamin D3, for vitamin D and vitamin D2 G. S. G. S. 4 years ago what about the saturated fat from coconut oil ? are we going to jump onto the "bad" oil wagon again ? 3 jerry jerry 2 years ago Someone please tell me how to repair degenerated discs or painful spinal discs Captain Diabetes Captain Diabetes 3 years ago only 1000 iu increase by 5ng/ml ? Én egymagam Én egymagam 1 year ago Sugar is the worst thing you can eat. And - surprise! - there is glucose-fructose syrup in almost every food. From GMO corn. Bon appétit! Robs Pierre Robs Pierre 1 year ago Don't forget to think good thoughts. David Crandall David Crandall 2 years ago She wrong. The fats in bacon are about 50% monounsaturated and a large part of those is oleic acid. This is the same fatty acid that olive oil is praised for and generally considered "heart-healthy". Wilkens Brito Wilkens Brito 6 months ago 32:39 Bless you SH SH 1 year ago Thanks Timmy Bobinson Timmy Bobinson 3 years ago Asians eat a lot of stir fried food. Is that different to Western frying methods? How do they cope with the carcinogens using high heat frying method. 3 Cameron Jinks Cameron Jinks 3 years ago Rhonda Patrick, you are sooo beautiful and smart 1 johnny 1600 johnny 1600 1 month ago This chick is a badass ras mus ras mus 3 years ago OMG that body she packs!!!!!!!!! Don Sal. T. Don Sal. T. 2 years ago Chlorophyll!? more like... na jk I'm 32 going on 33 gonna pay attention this time. Be well. Darel G. Darel G. 5 years ago This is going to piss off my Doctor. 6 martysk8r martysk8r 1 month ago 40:12 Healthy food sample - Yummmmmm Brian MG Brian MG 3 years ago On one end her missing the weight was shameful, on the other.. the extra jiggle was appreciated. Brandon Asif Brandon Asif 2 years ago Rhonda "polymorphisms" Patrick 1 C Barron C Barron 2 years ago She is dope Sand paper Sand paper 5 years ago Im watching the video but my minds somewhere else ffs WHY CANT I JUST FOCUS!!! 3 Shehzad Khan Shehzad Khan 2 years ago Pretty and intelligent. This gal is HOT! Dale Kriens Dale Kriens 4 years ago you are so unbearable hot. lol I have a extremely overweight wife that I just can't get through her head how important this stuff is.... 3 Jose Miguel Mandolesi Jose Miguel Mandolesi 3 years ago She is vitamin d. 1 Phoenix Risin’ Phoenix Risin’ 2 years ago Intelligence is hot! Tehonrerzx Tehonrerzx 6 years ago Lol, at 41:33 it makes it sound like she didn't do anything Stephen Tack Stephen Tack 5 years ago @33:35 "Over 9000!" dariusz warwas dariusz warwas 2 years ago it all start with the stomach and ends with the stomach . all you have to do is to talk how to make your stomach healthy , that all . Potito Gradone Potito Gradone 4 years ago (edited) Brilliant Rhonda. But what's with the fish? lovely fish lovely fish 3 years ago Too bad there is no young people go to this kind of lectures....always old one the eat bad in there life and they want to live longer . 2 Christopher Walken Christopher Walken 2 years ago cool SuzieQ Wonder SuzieQ Wonder 2 years ago EAT YOUR GREENS! Ivan Eccles Ivan Eccles 2 years ago And a beautiful lady 😋 1 B M B M 3 years ago Is it safe for an 18 year old to take 5,000 iu of vitamin d3 a day. I do not know if I am vitamin d deficient but I do not get a lot of sunlight. is this safe ? Master Chief Master Chief 2 years ago NAT Network 9:21 Zen Lyf Zen Lyf 2 years ago WILL U B GIVING THAT TO FBI AS WELL wag1 wag1 3 years ago 17:50 red baron red baron 5 years ago bloody adds Maja Vidmar Maja Vidmar 1 year ago 1aa Rich Johnson Rich Johnson 2 years ago I have a headache! Tim Tim 6 months ago No excuse for not proof reading public comments. Referring to my very recent comment. TheRedPIll TheRedPIll 3 years ago I hate what we do to mice and other animals for testing. Yes it’s interesting and helpful, but wrong. 2 Nos Controlan Nos Controlan 4 years ago Great source of information, but I don't like the accent very much. "impoornt" PAINS 2022 PAINS 2022 2 years ago INTERESTINMG BUT TOO LONG..could be shorter and simpler..we dont need somuch detail Tommy Edge Tommy Edge 2 years ago Wrong Non Available Non Available 2 years ago Actually you're far better off not eating any animal products at all !! #Triagetheory #supplements #diet Bruce Ames on Triage Theory, Longevity Vitamins & Micronutrients 137,072 viewsFeb 11, 2015 3.2K DISLIKE SHARE DOWNLOAD CLIP SAVE FoundMyFitness 424K subscribers In this video Dr. Rhonda Patrick interviews Dr. Bruce Ames about his triage theory, which he proposes that the body has developed a rationing response to shortages of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) throughout evolution. When cells run out of a vitamin or mineral, that scarce micronutrient is allotted to proteins (in the body) essential for short-term survival. Proteins needed for long-term health, including those that protect DNA, lose out and become disabled and lead to diseases of aging. In addition they discuss how RDAs are chosen and what Bruce calls “longevity vitamins” which he calls a class of nutrients that exist mostly to prevent degenerative diseases of aging in addition to essential vitamins and minerals. Sign-up for the weekly email newsletter: Crowdfund more videos: Subscribe on YouTube: Subscribe to the podcast: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Chapters 00:00:00 - Introduction 00:02:36 - Triage theory 00:15:21 - Vitamin K 00:21:07 - RDA vs RDI vs EAR 00:31:45 - Vitamin D 00:36:28 - "Enough is enough" 00:41:42 - Diet vs supplements #Triagetheory #supplements #diet #longevity Chapters Introduction 0:00 Triage theory 2:36 Vitamin K 15:21 RDA vs RDI vs EAR 21:07 Vitamin D 31:45 Enough is enough 36:28 330 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Carol Tosi Carol Tosi 3 years ago I loved this video. You can see the respect that Dr. Patrick has for Dr. Ames and he for her. What a blessing for Dr. Patrick to have worked beside him and undoubtedly learned from his years of experience and wisdom. And what a blessing for him to have someone so brilliant to working beside him to certainly continue his research! And we are all blessed for having them in our world! 60 Roland Amaranto Roland Amaranto 7 years ago He's 86 and dedicating his time to research and share these vital information for the benefit of all. Thank you Dr.Ames, and to you to Dr.Patrick. :) 170 Pablo Cohen Pablo Cohen 4 years ago What an eloquent man. Natural teacher. And a fountain of knowledge, thought and connectivity in investigative nature. Thank you so much for your time and efforts. 40 Cara Cee Cara Cee 7 years ago You two have just further developed my interest in pursuing a career in nutrition. With my biochemistry background I can totally understand how these scarce nutrients could become such a huge problem. Nutrition is soo fascinating and yet such a huge necessity. One can't help but to research how much of what and when and where it's needed! 43 KevNoonz KevNoonz 5 years ago Dr. Ames literally is out of this world; ethereal; brilliant. 41 poleag poleag 2 years ago Triage theory transformed my thinking and got me interested in vitamins and minerals again. Thank you, Bruce Ames. 13 David Eade David Eade 4 years ago I LOVED the interview! It was fun to listen as it reminded me of how lucky I was to have Dr. Ames explain his assay in my nutrition class and then to perform assays using common toxins found in sprouts, mycotoxins in corn. The conversations we had with him were tremendous and gave us insight into how food safety and research is done. I thoroughly enjoyed this 30 year reunion! :) 4 Carter The Chi Staffy Carter The Chi Staffy 1 year ago This dude is 92 now and looks healthier than he did in this video! 22 Søren Skjold Jensen Søren Skjold Jensen 2 years ago I learned so so much from you two talking, Dr. Rhonda! This is really a great message to everyone on how we should look at nutrition – our deep relationship with foods i.e. plants. Thank you so much :) 3 Danielle Shine Danielle Shine 3 years ago This man is SUCH a legend, GO BRUCE!! Thank you for all you do. 6 Grainne F Grainne F 7 years ago Dr. Rhona and Dr. Ames, can I just take this opportunity to thank you for your work and especially for trying to distil the science for the lay person like me. You are on the cusp of a revolution in people taking their health into their own hands, and you taking this precious time to make videos, do podcasts with others etc is a vital part in getting this information out there. I'll pass on the word as best I can. Hello from Ireland and thank you again. The world is such a better place for people like you. Regards, Grainne 2 Joon S Joon S 7 years ago This is my first exposure to the great man that is Dr. Bruce Ames. What a wonderful human being, it must be such a pleasure to have him as a mentor. Thanks Rhonda for all the amazing knowledge you have to share with us. I walked away from this video feeling enlightened. 2 Kev n Ash Griffitts Kev n Ash Griffitts 7 years ago Amazing interview! People just clear your heads of what ever you think you know and do what Rhonda does. Awesome!! 9 priceandprice priceandprice 1 year ago Dr Ames, love this talk and your dedication to science and health. Dr. Patrick you are a super star and I look forward to every video. I have so much respect and admiration for you and your work 2 Texas Casey Texas Casey 2 years ago I have watched this video multiple times - Dr Ames is a gift. Thank you Rhonda! 10 cynthia Lee cynthia Lee 2 years ago This is really awesome. Very well done. Thank you both for the work you do and for sharing it. 2 Classical Pilates Centre Classical Pilates Centre 4 years ago Dr Patrick, I love your videos! You have the rare ability to share complex information in a way that makes it intelligible to the layperson without drumming things down. The same is true of Dr Ames. Thank you for your work! 3 DeskTornado DeskTornado 5 years ago The information on folate deficiency is so valuable. I have the MTHR mutation and take extra folate. But I understand that too much methylation can also cause problems, like cancer. Dr Rhonda, I wish you could talk about this issue because I never see the explanation or studies anywhere of how much folate is enough but not too much. 2 eagleswingsec eagleswingsec 1 year ago Back in the 90s, my prof described a “hierarchy of need” related to health and nutrition. The most important organs get first dibs on vital nutrients. His wording was different, but he was describing this triage theory, really. 3 DeskTornado DeskTornado 5 years ago What a treat it is to see an interview with the infamous Bruce Ames! Thank you! If our educational system were better this video would have millions of hits! 14 trishtrinitron trishtrinitron 4 years ago Thank you so much Dr. Ames and Dr. Patrick for uploading this very insightful discussion on You Tube. Rhonda's questions were always right on target in eliciting the most valuable biochemical principles from Dr. Ames' profound understanding & experience in this field. As a biological scientist I've been frustrated by the disconnect in nutrition & biochemical outcomes versus overall human health that is presented by people with little research knowledge of the field. Thanks again because you both have vastly enriched my approach to nutrition. 1 Bill Zajac Jr Bill Zajac Jr 2 years ago Bruce and Rhonda, thank you both for all you do and I hope you keep doing it for a long time. 1 El Rey El Rey 6 years ago Fantastic interview with two lucid experts - I took a lot out of it. Also laughed out loud at Dr. Patrick's reaction to the Mae West quote. 5 mitch cumstein mitch cumstein 5 years ago An excellent video. Great conversation! I've actually taken a lot of your vitamin and nutrition advice Dr. Patrick. Thanks so much! 1 sillykidsnow sillykidsnow 4 years ago Awesome interview!! Explained so much so clearly!!! Thank you!!💖😀 3 MRS. DL Lieberman 360 MRS. DL Lieberman 360 1 year ago Dr. Bruce Ames, you have earned our respect both by your age and your significant contribution to all. You are indeed a man of high distinction and deserving of such. 1 Robert Sutherland Robert Sutherland 4 years ago I just love Dr. Ames. I've followed his information for a long time. 4 Jungle Theme Jungle Theme 3 years ago Thank you!! I dont know if you read these... but I would love to know the tests I should ask the doctor for in order to tailor my diet. I am loving all of your work on youtube and have to pause the video every 10 minutes or so to research a new word I have never heard of haha. Love it. I love the little definition pop ups too. Would love more like a picture for the natto mentioned and perhaps a more direct advice on exactly which suppliments you reccomend. So far (with your vids) I am up to PQQ, D3, B complex, hydrosuminsumin collagen, salmon roe!. But in your podcast w joe rogan you mentioned that getting your biomarkers..marked.. can let you know if crusiferous vegetables or a keto diet etc. (Not into it) would work for you or not. Would love more videos on clarifying what steps a layperson can take to fine tune thier diet and excersize from really basic finances and educational background, because as you said for each opinion there is an opposite and it is so difficult to figure out the most recent/correct info. Fangirling hard excuse me. 3 peeness mcgoo peeness mcgoo 7 years ago Fantastic! What a brilliant man. Truly amazing work sir. Triage theory is spot on! 18 Alfonso Hunt Alfonso Hunt 5 years ago An additional thing to what Bruce talks about at 39:17 would be the ability to quickly analyze the nutrients in the food that is about to be eaten. Being able to put a piece of food in a device and have it quickly spit out all the nutrients and then combine that with the blood drop test indicating what is required. Once we get to that point then perhaps accidents will be only reason people don't live to their full potential. 3 tjames22123 tjames22123 5 months ago An absolutely fascinating interview. Thanks Dr. Bruce and thanks Dr. Rhonda!! 1 FoundMyFitness Mercury1955 Mercury1955 4 years ago Wow what a great interview. I feel like a sponge trying to soak all this up. Thanks much for your efforts Rhonda. Much respect to Dr Ames too. Getting old but mind is still sharp. Keep hanging in there! 1 Money moneyfishing Money moneyfishing 7 years ago 1000 thankyous for bringing the man who changed the way I look at nutrition. I asked you for this weeks ago and you delivered. Please tell Dr. Ames thank you. 9 Jeff Gilmore Jeff Gilmore 4 months ago What a great treasure this man is ! Thank You Dr Patrick! I am thrilled to have found you both!! Carllie Way Carllie Way 6 months ago Thank you both for this amazing interview. It inspired me a lot :) 1 alfred Vincent alfred Vincent 1 year ago Thank you Rhonda and Dr. Ames. Your focus on prevention is so important yet so ignored in this country. 2 Roger1uk Roger1uk 6 years ago Hi Rhonda,great video with Bruce, listening to you and him was amazing,he backed up my thoughts of a daily multi-vitamin being good insurance! What are your thoughts on things like lipoic acid and grape seed extract which I have been taking daily for nearly 10 years? 3 IAmAgainst IAmAgainst 4 years ago I hope he lives long enough to receive a Nobel prize.. 111 P X P X 2 years ago Amazing Dr. Bruce as 86, great scientist still transforms the medicine! 1 Harold Baker Harold Baker 3 years ago (edited) Thank you both for this fascinating conversation. I got a kick from the joke about exercise, a sense of humor may not be an essential nutrient, but it is important. I wonder if there has been any research on the effect of pharmaceutical drugs on micro-nutrient levels? Pharmaceuticals are so widely taken, especially by older people, who may be taking several different medications, for blood pressure and diabetes for example. 1 Leslie Hayman Leslie Hayman 6 years ago I absolutely appreciate what you're doing and the clarity with which you present! I am repeatedly asked why scientists talk about our need for "Folic Acid", particularly if it is a human-synthesized chemical upon which populations have not relied for health, prior to its deliberate introduction. In this video, you discuss with Dr. Ames, the deficiency of "Folic Acid" having a role in single carbon transfer (maintenance of cellular electron chain...metabolism). Can you please clarify and let us know the natural form of the substance that is required to avoid deficiency and the breakage in chromosomes or loss of DNA? Folate? MTHF?...and everything that goes into it? Perhaps Folic Acid is a summary characterization of a collection of substances: Micro-nutrients are not single-shot cure-all and play dynamic roles in complex (interconnected) dynamics. Yet,, Dr. Ames epiphany about Folic Acid deficiency and Radiation isn't likely a statement about life's dependency on a commercial product. Coach Emma Rubio, MSc Coach Emma Rubio, MSc 5 years ago Thank you to both of you, for your work and information. 1 Colin Maharaj Colin Maharaj 6 years ago I have not listened to this video yet. Just the first 2 mins. But I am so excited that this guy is alive and well enough to keep going in his field. I wish to meet one of these greats one of these days. 2 Gary Ordo Gary Ordo 2 years ago Thank you dr. Rhonda Patrick and dr. Bruce Ames you guys are the best! Geniuses at work showing love! 3 heymisterderp heymisterderp 2 years ago "Bad nutrition is doing us in." So true, yet a big reason why this problematic issue is so difficult to unravel is because such research goes against what must be 99% of the profit streams of conventional healthcare. 2 francis bertolini francis bertolini 1 year ago Excellent!! Love this man and you Rhonda! Thank you for your important work! 1 TheBusshelter TheBusshelter 7 years ago Awesome interview! Can always rely on your videos for great information 2 kipling1957 kipling1957 2 years ago This has so expanded my ideas outside of the regular box of “consensus biology” especially as regards to vitamins (or should I say the subset of compounds officially designated as such) that I will modify my undergraduate teaching of these concepts. 1 FoundMyFitness FoundMyFitness 7 years ago Here's a few great quotes from the video... 4:18 - “Folic acid deficiency does the same thing as radiation.” - Bruce 10:35 - “When you get a little low on any vitamin or mineral, it’s to nature’s benefit to ration it. Where would you expect it to ration it if you don’t have enough selenium, or Vitamin K, or magnesium? Well, it’s going to put it into those proteins that are essential for survival, because what nature wants you to do: survive and reproduce. Thats strong selection. Living to ninety? Nature doesn’t really care about about that, because you’re past your reproductive age.” - Bruce (on insidious micronutrient deficiency causing aging or “The Triage Theory”) 14:37 - “For example, in Vitamin K, the clotting proteins get it first… and only after they’re satisfied do you prevent calcification of the arteries, or prevent cancer, or prevent bone fractures. It’s all insidious damage that you get that’s a long term consequence. In fact, we call these the diseases of aging.” - Bruce (on The Triage Theory in selenium and vitamin k dependent proteins) 22:13 - “Over the years we’ve discovered these 15 vitamins, and 15 essential minerals… but it’s all based on some disease that shows up or people dying.” - Bruce (on longevity vitamins and the trouble with using only acute symptoms for defining essential nutrients) 23:20 - “I have an italian wife who feeds me a wonderful diet. She kept on nagging me that I should get more exercise. One day I said: when I feel like exercise I run my experiments, I skip controls, and I jumps to conclusions! I liked that joke so much I must have told her it fifty times and one day she said, "I’ve heard enough of that joke, I’m getting you a personal trainer!” So now I go and work out twice a week.“ - Bruce (on his exercise habits) 24:24 - “The EAR (estimated average requirement) is actually set two standard deviations lower than the RDA and people still aren’t even meeting that.” - Rhonda 25:25 - “What you want to know is… does it shorten your life? You can do those kinds of questions in mice, but those are expensive to do and no one’s been really doing them.” - Bruce (on studying deviations from optimal micronutrient intake) 31:05 - “The obese are eating the worst diet in the country if you define worse as ratio of calories to essential micronutrients. They’re just eating empty calories.” - Bruce 36:46 - “The docs are all used to randomized double-blind clinical trials, which makes a lot of sense because if you test a drug in people, no one has it to start with! But… applying it mindlessly to nutrition is stupid, because if 90% of the population has enough of Vitamin X and 10% are really deficient, you want to test it on that 10% otherwise you’ll never see anything because you’re diluting [your results] with the 90% that have enough.” - Bruce (on the problem of randomized double-blind clinical trials in nutrition) 38:12 - “Medicine has sort of abdicated [their responsibility]: most physicians know nothing about nutrition. They don’t get any training in medical school… maybe an hour or two lecture. […] I think prevention is going to involve different people. It’s going to involve people who know some nutrition and can figure out mechanism. The analytical methods are coming fast so that you’ll be able to put your finger in a machine and it will send the results to your iPhone.” - Bruce 42:05 - “If I don’t eat veggies with a meal, I feel deprived.” - Bruce 42:15 - “I think we all should try and eat a good diet. It’s actually a wonderful to eat a good diet, because you’re eating all of these different kinds of foods… and they all taste good, and when you get used to it, you feel better!” - Bruce (Originally shared at ) 153 kipling1957 kipling1957 2 years ago One of the best “elevator” summaries of how nature trades long-term health for short-term health as an explanation for senescence. Thank you! Alirio Zavarce Alirio Zavarce 4 years ago Awesome interview. This is music to my ears. Very inspiring. 3 Furious Doe Furious Doe 2 years ago Fantastic Interview ....I hope Dr. Bruce Ames will live long and happy ... with good food . Both of you are hero's . 1 Paulry Barczyk Paulry Barczyk 7 days ago I'm really glad that I stumbled across this wonderful channel. With the health of people seeming to be in general decline now for decades, and with general health guidelines (like those discussed in this great video) almost never recommended, I'm starting to think poor health is a deliberate goal of the BIG-GOV-MED machine that controls such things. Strong healthy people are harder for the machine to control, and they're also less profitable. And yes, I know that sounds tin-foil-hat-ish, but it's the simplest theory that explains our reality. MrHazelglen MrHazelglen 3 years ago So much mutual respect shown in this interview. 2 Allen Miller Allen Miller 3 years ago Our Canadian Government stopped paying for the Vitamin D test. They said its not a vitamin (hormone) of importance. Never pays to follow the nutritional advise of your government. I usually do the opposite. (They recommend Canola Oil as a healthy oil. I'm sure its because Canada is the largest producer of Canola Oil.) 22 Adiudicium 1776 Adiudicium 1776 3 years ago Thank you Dr. Patrick for explaining the K1 relationship with the calcification of aa. Fascinating! Smitha Sharma Smitha Sharma 1 year ago This was so wonderful! Loved it! 1 Theosis Northam Theosis Northam 7 years ago Bruce N Ames PH.D Scientist, Jedi Master.. Love it... 57 francois tourigny francois tourigny 1 year ago Wonderful interview, thank you Rhonda. 2 threnody threnody 7 years ago Rhonda what do you think about green powders? I recently started taking some along with some kale powder I happened to pick up at my local chemist and I have to say I feel a bit more nutritionally "replete" after a serving of each a day and more naturally energized and relaxed. I usually eat almonds, blueberries and some vegetables but probably not enough to keep me feeling like I cover all my bases. How do you feel about these vs a traditional multivitamin pill/tablet? kipling1957 kipling1957 2 years ago What a privilege and an honour to work in Ames lab, Rhonda. I had no idea. 2 Randie Harrison Randie Harrison 1 year ago God Bless this man. May God grant him long life in Jesus name . Bless him for his work. Bless Dr. Ronda Patrick for her work also. 1 AnnMarie AnnMarie 1 year ago Clearly, the force is with him. And Dr. Rhonda. 4 Eric Eric 7 years ago Nutritional Sciences student checking in, defining certain terms in the lower third was a great touch for the non-biochemically acclimated. Great interview! :) 1 Vaughn Booker Vaughn Booker 1 year ago Been taking my vitamins going on 20 years now, never stopping. 2 ironman4850 ironman4850 6 years ago Isn't it vitamin K2 that removes the calcium (plaque) from the arteries as well as several other functions? A lot of good information. 12 Peter P. Peter P. 4 years ago Amazing ,thank you for sharing all this info! 2 The1RobynHode The1RobynHode 5 years ago I cured my vision issues in my late 20s when I took lutein/zeaxanthin and removed as many glutamate compounds (glutamic acid being okay). I realized alter that it was huge for me to get more morning sun (for UVA) and eliminated the electromagnetic fields away from my body and brain. The poor are eating a TON of glutamates, and if they are already excitotoxic with a lowered redox, it's just aggravating that lowered health even more. This all ties back to the mitochondria craving calcium, with calcium effluxing from some cells into other cells to compensate for the damage. More hydration folks... more sunlight for making a better charge separation in the water for more energy harvesting into the ECT with the mitochondria. Gerald Pollack is gonna get a Nobel prize someday. 2 blueberry11051 blueberry11051 5 years ago Great video. Hope to see more. And, thanks for posting it. 2 Steffen Toates Steffen Toates 7 years ago Great video. Keep up the great work. 3 David Rowe David Rowe 5 months ago This is a lovely video. Easy to follow. Rhonda “lives” Newtons words: I can see what I can see, because I’m standing on the shoulders of giants” 1 FoundMyFitness Alan E Alan E 2 years ago Fantastic interview. Your work and field is so intriguing. What an exciting life. 1 Wes Burton Wes Burton 7 years ago I love this guy! He's cool as all get out and the content of this video is terrific. Cant say enough. Thanks!! 2 D27Rugen D27Rugen 7 years ago this is sooo epic, its like they are talking on how to fix 90% of hospital related visits very cheaply instead of all these 'interventions' that cause thousands and thousands of dollars which is one of the reasons why we gota tank sooo much money on 'health' insurance, which funny enough does not ensure anything about been healthy, in contrast it might be stressing you out 'cause you cant pay for it. 11 nobody nobody 1 year ago Ein wunderbarer Mann. Tolles Interview. Danke dafür 1 sboho sboho 1 year ago Dr.patrick you are so great for bringing Dr. AMES here I always wished to see him the one who devised the Ames test so thank you More over your channel is so great I just stumbled upon it Thank you again marc amatucci marc amatucci 4 years ago This was wildly informative and interesting 1 Virtual Pilgrim Virtual Pilgrim 1 year ago Everyone loved this interview, So what are you going to do differently now that you've seen it? What is the practical thing you're going to do as a result of this discussion? jim dandy jim dandy 7 years ago Very interesting explanations of things I previously didn't know- I think the best way and healthiest choice would be SURE to eat a balanced diet of whole foods [organic if possible] and not concentrate on 1 thing while neglecting many others- Like your Mother used to say eat your greens and since I am now 59 I think nearly all food would be considered healthier or at least more organic than 'modified' foods of Today, I could easily stand corrected though Yes a few negative articles have been written on supplementation and its possible for people who truly eat a real, healthy balanced diet supplements might not be as necessary but basics like multi-vitamins, fish oil cannot hurt. While watching this I ate 2 mangos and drank a few glasses of spring water God bless Doctor Ames working 5 days a week at age 86 1 Karina Ramirez Karina Ramirez 2 years ago Awesome!!! I enjoyed this very much! He was a joy to listen to! 4 Fran Guarderas Fran Guarderas 7 years ago amazing discussion... thanks so much! 1 Liberty DIY Liberty DIY 7 years ago Wow awesome interview thank you both! 3 Fred Miller Fred Miller 7 years ago Great interview Rhonda? Thank you! I would love to hear a podcast on your take of whether or not long term use of soy products is harmful. I was a vegetarian for 25 years so I have a practical bias. To me, an indication that is soy and its phytoestrogen is not harmful is amount of it used in baby formula. An estimated 15% of infants use soy based infant formula. This presents a natural experiment. The evidence suggesting some issues in this population subset is questionable, but I am not a biochemist. 1 jhdgkjsh jhdgkjsh 7 years ago I didn't make the connection that this was the SAME GUY that invented the Ames test, until you mentioned it. That's crazy cool! 26 phil smith phil smith 4 years ago Are the "15 vitamins and 15 essential minerals" listed anywhere? A great video, thanks a lot. Rhonda always does a great job. joe bob marley joe bob marley 5 years ago Ya the Triage theory explains so much! Wonderful conversation. I am worried about Bruce taking fish oil pills. I just dont know if they are a good idea especially when the bezt form of omega fats are from plants.. RustyShackleford RustyShackleford 7 years ago Is this the guy who made the Ames test? Wait, never mind, you just said it. That's awesome you get to work with people like this! 3 4hero70 4hero70 5 years ago my 2 heroes....fantastic synergy 2 joe schmo joe schmo 6 years ago Btw, this is exactly the conclusion Ron Rosedale has come to (presumably independently) that the body (or any organism) doesn't care about longevity, it only cares about reproduction. Sure. The question becomes - what is the most powerful intervention we can exploit to promote longevity (if we care)? I'm with controlling insulin response and avoiding foods that promote blood glucose spikes. And, presumably, refined carbohydrates tend to displace important micronutrients. ("not a pretty picture because Americans are eating all these empty calories.") Southern Grandma Southern Grandma 3 years ago I wish they would tell us what we should eat to get the nutrients we need. That is what we really need to know to be healthy and not necessarily all of this scientific stuff. I don't believe we should have to take a bunch of pills to be healthy, if we eat the right diet. 3 joe schmo joe schmo 6 years ago Yep, what he mentions at 4:18 is a general problem. People are getting sick because of the nutrient deficient, modern industrial diet but the tendency is to blame it on environmental toxins (heavy metals, strontium, aluminum, lead, mercury, etc). Unfortunately, it's mostly the refined carbohydrates that are causing the diseases of civilization; particularly heart disease and cancer (because of their impact on metabolism at the systemic {endocrine} and cellular level). 11 bendtrucker bendtrucker 5 years ago One of the greats. Up there with Linus Pauling. 7 More Human More Human 6 years ago "What I postulated, just an idea that came to my head. When you get a little low on any vitamin or mineral, its in natures benefit to ration it. The way it rations it, where would you expect if you didn't have enough selenium, magnesium, or whatever. Whats nature going to's going to put it into those proteins that are essential for survival. That is what nature wants you to do is survive and reproduce. Thats strong selection."- Bruce Ames That is a great piece...hope I quoted him correctly there, I was typing as fast as I could! 17 Paula Vaughn Designs Paula Vaughn Designs 4 months ago Brilliant interview!!! CYPRIAN KARIUKI CYPRIAN KARIUKI 1 year ago Dr bruce ames is a legend. DEB WEST DEB WEST 1 year ago Love him and this topic. ACURA4LIFE ACURA4LIFE 4 years ago Thank you Dr Rhoda your very smart beautiful and continue to share excellent information in my favorite topic Naturopathy: Orthomolecular Medicine: vitamins, sauna etc Sebastian Aguiar Brunemeier Sebastian Aguiar Brunemeier 3 years ago Bruce Ames is very intelligent. He must have been frighteningly sharp when he was young. 4 abracadabrascotty abracadabrascotty 7 years ago A wonderful only point of contention would be that he should specify that there are over 90 essential raw materials that ur body needs in adequate supplies for optimum survival, as opposed to his highlighting the 30 or so...also, his comments on the body trading long term survival for short term survival is precisely what is happening with cancer...cancer cells are typically produced as a precise response mechanism of exactly the same nature of which Bruce speaks about to buy ur body survival time to both identify and eliminate the bacterial infection that has invaded ur body...this is why cancer cells always surround these underlying bacteria and are found alongside these bacteria, because the bacterial infection will kill u in a week if ur immune system is deficient (which it almost always is in cancer patients, via these vitamin and mineral deficiencies they have prior to the infection) so as a response mechanism ur body is fully aware that the body can survive for years with a cancerous ur body decides to purposefully create cancer cells in the area of this bacterial infection and ur body also makes these cancer cells a very desirable environment for these bacteria to be attracted to- anaerobic, acidic, etc...the last step is that these cancer cells purposefully eliminate their apoptotic pathway which results in them becoming "immortal" which gives the immune system the most amount of time to address and eliminate this bacterial infection before the bacterial infection eliminates the host...the biopsy process, the radiation process, the surgery process, etc. typically allow the underlying bacterial infection to spread all over the body which then this cancer response must "metastasize" throughout the body in an attempt to isolate and protect the body yet again from this underlying potentially deadly infection...the blind are leading the blind in this cancer arena i tell ya...the simple solution for cancer is to: 1. provide the vital essential vitamins and minerals, etc. to the body which will allow the proper immune function response, via these raw materials, to this infection 2. if not identified by the body, tag the infectious area with a bacterial or viral infection that ur immune system DOES respond to, because they will also be veryyyy attracted to the very same cancer cells...wait a week...cancer gone 3. provide the body with the necessary enzymes for clean up of the following dead debris 4. provide the body with the necessary GC-MAF to ensure that any small amount of remaining cancer cells are removed very much in line with the work of Bruce...this will work better than any current therapy for cancer...any questions feel free to ask...ok take care guys...good interview... ur friend, abracadabra 1 Charles Patrick Charles Patrick 1 year ago almost all of us have a genetic or other issue with bioavailability of one or more nutrients, B12 deficiency for example Transcobalamin or bowel structure/disease, there should be a common test to identify any and all nutrient deficiency issue or issues, administered at annual checkups throughout a person's life joe schmo joe schmo 6 years ago Boy, he went from ignoring nutrition because it was too complicated to becoming obsessed with minutiae. 3 Andy Wilson Andy Wilson 7 years ago Wow, Bruce is awesome. Great Video. ! 1

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sinclair - Cracking & reversing the aging clock - Frontiers Forum 2019 534,608 viewsJun 21, 2019

David Sinclair - Cracking & reversing the aging clock - Frontiers Forum 2019 534,608 viewsJun 21, 2019 8.9K DISLIKE SHARE DOWNLOAD CLIP SAVE Frontiers 31.4K subscribers Renowned longevity researcher David Sinclair believes aging is not inevitable but a treatable condition. In his talk at the Frontiers Forum 2019, he explained why we age – and how we can reverse aging to extend human healthspan and lifespan. David Sinclair is Professor in the Department of Genetics, Blavatnik Institute and co-Director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biological Mechanisms of Aging at Harvard Medical School. The Frontiers Forum is held in Montreux, Switzerland. See all speakers: 581 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Carl Hopkinson Carl Hopkinson 2 years ago Wow, someone under 60 that actually sees value in older people. Amazing!! 129 Fizzedup Slade Fizzedup Slade 2 years ago Great speech. What an inspiration he is and all those involved in this work. 5 Karim Karim 2 years ago (edited) Fascinating! I am following Prof. Sinclairs advancements closely 👌 Mitochondria, Aging, and Health 22,525 viewsJan 11, 2021 481 DISLIKE SHARE DOWNLOAD CLIP SAVE Kinexum Services LLC Mitochondria are commonly referred to as the powerhouses of cells because they create the energy necessary for cell function; however, these organelles do much more than that within our bodies. At Targeting Metabesity 2020 ( this past October, an expert panel led by mitochondrial genetics pioneer Dr. Doug Wallace discussed the key role of mitochondria in aging and health. While other "hallmarks of aging," such as senescence and epigenetics, represent important targets for extending healthy longevity, mitochondrial dysregulation and sequelae, such as inflammaging, are at the heart of the complex of chronic diseases of aging called “metabesity.” Join our panel for an updated dive into one of the major drivers of aging and health. About the Speakers: Douglas Wallace, PhD, is a geneticist and evolutionary biologist at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania, where he serves as Director of the Center for Mitochondrial and Epigenomic Medicine, and holds the Michael and Charles Barnett Endowed Chair in Pediatric Mitochondrial Medicine and Metabolic Diseases. More than 35 years ago, Dr. Wallace and his colleagues founded the field of human mitochondrial genetics, popularizing the concept of the ‘mitochondrial Eve’ from whom all humans alive today are descended. Wallace has a BS in Genetics and Developmental Biology from Cornell and a PhD in Microbiology and Human Genetics form Yale. Francesca Fieni, PharmD, PhD, is the founder and CSO of Pano Therapeutics, a platform biotech company she spun out of UCSF focused on clinical development of drugs targeting mitochondrial ion channels to address complex diseases of aging and extend health span. Francesca earned a PharmD and a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy and subsequently pursued a postdoctoral fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School in Boston. She was an independent research associate/specialist at the University of California San Francisco before she turned entrepreneur. Hazel Szeto, PhD, MD, is a research scientist, inventor, and entrepreneur in drug development. She received her MD and PhD in Pharmacology from Cornell and served on the faculty for 37 years. In 2016, Dr. Szeto left to direct research for Social Profit Network, a public charity supporting research to promote healthy aging and reduce age-associated disabilities. Dr. Szeto has developed the first class of compounds that selectively target mitochondria to enhance ATP production, repair mitochondria, regenerate tissues, and restore organ function. These compounds are now in clinical development sponsored by Stealth Biotherapeutics, a company founded by Dr. Szeto in 2006. Dr. Szeto’s research has resulted in over 200 peer-reviewed publications and more than 60 patents. Michael Zemel, PhD, is founder and CSO of NuSirt Biopharma, where he leads research programs focused on energy-sensing and development of therapeutics for diseases of aging and over-nutrition. Previously, he was Professor of Nutrition and of Medicine at the University of Tennessee from 1990-2012, where his work focused on energy sensing, muscle-fat crosstalk, and regulation of adipocyte metabolism. Prior to the University of Tennessee, he served on the faculties of Endocrinology and of Nutrition at Wayne State University and as Research Endocrinologist at the VA Medical Center associated with Wayne State from 1980-1990, where his work focused on endocrine regulation of cell signaling and downstream effects on both blood pressure regulation and insulin sensitivity. Dr. Zemel received his PhD in Physiology and Nutrition at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 28 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... L T L T 7 months ago Please put together a podcast with scientists addressing the Western Diet effect on killing mitachondria. Example, Corn Syrup injected in everything. 4 Deffo radio Deffo radio 4 months ago Great work! 1 Viktor Nilsson Viktor Nilsson 1 year ago Great work guys. Very supricing about leucin 2 Mike Frame Mike Frame 11 months ago Dr.Douglas W fielding the question about Gilbert Ling was a special moment. around 1:18:00. Also 1:23:00 the question about 3 Erwin Rogers Erwin Rogers 3 months ago Love it 🔥 1 thenewapollo thenewapollo 1 year ago @Claude, are you sticking to a dose of 75g of glucose or do you consider bodymass (smurf vs giant) in the administration? Evan Hodge Evan Hodge 1 year ago (edited) Useful fact: 1:45:00 non-panelist comment. HOW to check patient's insulin resistance. Evan Hodge Evan Hodge 1 year ago (edited) Exercise makes you insulin sensitive. Histamine evolved before the adaptive/innate immune system. What can you, in reality, check when you assess your health along the lines of mitochondrial function/energy production? That's the worthwhile question for a normal person. These people want to sell drugs. 3 CartesianColours CartesianColours 5 months ago Please put website links here. First speaker mentions website but it is not clear. Thank you. Hikari 8 Hikari 8 4 months ago (edited) Except Dr. Wallace, the panelists look so unhealthy. How can unhealthy people have any clue as to what makes a human healthy? Compare these people to Dr. Paul Mason, Dr. Brett Scher, Dave Feldman, Elliot Overton, etc. Just as I wouldn't take financial advice from broke people, when it comes to health, I wouldn't put much weight on the opinion of unhealthy people. 2 White Light Knight White Light Knight 7 months ago Humans do have brown fat 1 L T L T 7 months ago 42:00 metformin Timothy Bolton Timothy Bolton 1 year ago Curious - can or will a body take an electron and use it? Like grounding... can your body use an electron from the ground for something like this or does it have to be generated this way and stolen 2 Dino Miles Dino Miles 1 year ago Great , your all so smart . How about you tell us what we can and should do to enhance longevity, health , energy .... blah, blah , blah . Doesn't mean shit , if we cant implement positive change . 3 teleport valorant teleport valorant 11 months ago Hi everyone.If you read this message please read the Holy Quran the direct words and the final message from God.It will guide you to peace truth and happiness in this world and the afterworld with my lovely wishes 3 Dino Miles Dino Miles 1 year ago Next slide ... yup. Dino Miles Dino Miles 11 months ago Junk ... skip it . These filled are lost . 1 Dino Miles Dino Miles 1 year ago Junk seience... harmful. 1 28 Andrew Haze Andrew Haze 2 years ago This is great information. I am a student of health and fitness. At 71 I feel great. 28 T's L'il Bear Shoppe T's L'il Bear Shoppe 2 years ago Excellent! Thank you for all of your hard work in this area! 5 John m John m 2 years ago Thanks doctor you’re doing a great humanitarian job for the improvement of mankind and history will remember you and generations to come will be greatly for your efforts 11 Ramsey Pietro Nasser Ramsey Pietro Nasser 1 year ago If aging could be reversed safely and effectively, then this would be a galactic event. We can travel the stars 11 Shem Believer Shem Believer 2 years ago Can't wait to start his book Lifespan! Thank you Dr Sinclair. Yes I want to live on this Earth a purposeful healthy productive life as long as God has chosen for me. I didn't get to decide when I was born nor when I'll die. No epigenetics can protect me from the angel of death and my final breath. Personally I would not wish to stretch over 90/100 even in the healthiest state, that is more than enough of this very ephemeral life lol so unfortunately the science doesn't take into account spiritual dimension. Achieve 200 or more years for what purpose exactly? And will Earth be a better place to live in? 7 Ben Clark Ben Clark 2 years ago This is awesome! The downside is there are some corrupt people who society would not do well to have around that long. 2 Wesley Wesley 2 years ago I'm not interested in dying, but for everyone who wants to die I wont try to stop you. Hopefully this anti-aging research will expand lifespans dramatically, and I am optimistic that we can simultaneously deal with the environmental and social consequences that will arise from this development :) BK BK 2 years ago MY EXPERIENCE I was doubtful but desperate and this is what happened to me and totally unexpected. I stared doing intermittent fasting by skipping breakfast. I got on PQQ20mg, resveratrol, NR 250mg, Cycloastragenol 25mg on a empty stomach first thing in the morning. After about six weeks I noticed I could not sleep for more than 7 hours and thought this was interfering with sleeping BUT I realized my body no longer required to sleep longer and I could work all day into the evening without any fatigue Like I used to when I was younger. Loose skin under my neck started to tighten and also on my face which was a surprise. My eyes started focusing much better on small print. When I go for a light jog I know I can push much farther than before where I usually run and walk intermittently. My balance has improved where I can walk on a beam instead of falling off. I started dreaming almost every night very intensely. My male body is doing weird things that I haven’t experienced since I was 18. All I can say is something is happening that has never happened before with anything else and I have not changed anything. I eat very healthy organic non-treated food and I don’t eat junk but the change has to be because of this because that’s all I have done different and if this is only the beginning I am looking forward to 3 months supply I can’t what to see what happens but this is my experience which I am did not expect or plan for because nothing else has done anything but my energy was gone and I was getting weaker and felt wobbly and health slipping away. I was good till I hit 60 and then started noticing a change downhill and that’s happened to everyone in my family. I saw that early so I made changes at a very young age and it still came on no matter what I did until I tried this. Things that matter. Get the pesticides/roundup and chemicals out of your food, get the weight down by replacing junk food with natural food your body can recognize, drink pure clean water filtered, Lower high carbs and sugars, do a light jog every day. When you get desperate enough and scared you will be willing to try this like I did and hope your results will be the same before it gets too late. I don’t know if it’s the combination I’m taking and the way I’m taking it or what but it may have something to do with increasing the speed and effect I am having. 62 thatwasprettyneat thatwasprettyneat 2 years ago i guess this might sound naive to people, but this man gives me hope. also, i think what he's talking about is not fanciful--it's only fanciful in the context of a history without the knowledge that we have today. aging is inevitable, but the deterioration of the body may be fungible, or even negotiable. the challenge would be to figure out how to structure society if and when that happens. 8 Hector Cabeza Hector Cabeza 2 years ago Great video, thank you for the information and the hope 5 John Wendland John Wendland 2 years ago Followed Sinxlair for years...he never told anyone what he was taking until recently...he must be on the cusp of a breakthrough that will make what he has been doing moot 21 Benjamin Martinez jr Benjamin Martinez jr 3 months ago Love this guy ,. I'm trying to figure out why I still look how I did twenty years ago ..I just turned 41 Juan Carlos Gutierrez Betancur Juan Carlos Gutierrez Betancur 2 years ago Excellent as always! 5 Philip King Philip King 2 years ago I've gotten excellent results with Nicotinamide riboside 450 mg per day,300 mg in the morning, no breakfast.150 mg with lunch, my energy level and stamina are 100% better,my eyesight has improved dramatically, mental focus is 100%. I'm 51 ,construction worker,and can only verify what has worked for me.I hope everyone gets the results I have,the difference is amazing. 105 Lazarus Blackwell Lazarus Blackwell 1 year ago We can all make life so much better Why should we accept anything as the "way of things"? There is no reason for that. Accepting disease as something normal is just a poor excuse for not wanting to work to solve that problem You don't have to work Just keep a positive mind and show some gratitude for those who make lives better 4 Jane Lawrence Jane Lawrence 2 months ago I will be 50 on my next birthday, but many people still think I am still 30+. Very overwhelming but all thanks to NMN by vitruvin. Along with balanced diet and regular exercise, it's definitely possible to improve the quality of living and slow the aging process. 2 Janika Mahmud Janika Mahmud 2 years ago astonished how can people dislike it! anyways very thoughtful indeed. need to skip a meal, especially at night and definitely would try to fast at least two days a week. •HermHerm• •HermHerm• 2 years ago I have been taking NMN and Pterostilbene for 5 months and feel great. Arthritis almost gone. More energy quicker recovery sharper mind. Family and friends also the same. I’m 54. My 83 year old dad now does 50-60 pushups a day and can work outside 6-9 hours. Huge improvement. And both out cholesterol have improved. 20 michael Scaturro michael Scaturro 2 years ago that's brilliant, equating concepts of communication theory to biology. Wow. 9 Old Guy Old Guy 2 years ago If you watch his older videos (10 years ago) on the internet, you don’t see him get old at all. 11 Anna Redelinghuys Anna Redelinghuys 2 years ago David, i am really thankful for all your time and effort. Thanks again .. I would like to know if my husband can be helped he is going blind and it is so sad to see because he is such an active man . He is a diabetic and it has attached his eyes he has gone blind in the right eye and has about 30% vision in the left ..I would like to surprise him with a possible cure 1 Drale L Drale L 2 years ago From childhood I always said I would Live forever, or die trying. Now I see vindication over the horizon to all who were laughing at me. I did take the quote form somewhere though I can't remember where. 5 Jack Roth Jack Roth 2 years ago (edited) Dr. Sinclair, Sir, please, let's get this show on the road. I'm 75 and I damned sure do not want to be the last human to ever die. In the future mankind will look back on the time when we all had to die at some time. I'm running out of time. I have a good life and I want it to continue. Also, I am busy, I don't have time for death. So sir, please let's get this thing going. 15 Vitruvius Vitruvius 2 years ago This guy is coming out with a book in 2020..Definitely going to read it. 9 John Brown John Brown 2 years ago he's right, we should have put all the resources in anti-aging !"! Danni Phillips Danni Phillips 2 years ago I am 65 - I run 5k almost every day, I do a weight routine, martial arts and this year I have returned to playing baseball 40 Rick Murie Rick Murie 2 years ago Wow. Perhaps I speak for many when say I'm not nearly so afraid of dying as of the possible ravages of old age leading to death. 18 Fina Khan Fina Khan 2 years ago There is German technology that introduces frequencies, vibration and resonance because it’s the language and key to longevity. Patrick van meter Patrick van meter 2 years ago Help everyone to see climate change take us all out. That said, I like this just in case. Lifespan, fascinating read. Curt Zimmerman Curt Zimmerman 1 year ago I have been taking nmn,1 gram a day for about 3 months now. Also taking reservatol. Can’t really say I see a difference but will probably give it another 3 months. At about $130 a month I hope to see a difference to continue. 1 Klaus Zoidberg Klaus Zoidberg 2 years ago what happens when you take NMN for a year and then you interrupt the intake for 2 months or so? Does anyone know this? 6 rutr wer rutr wer 3 years ago this guy is close to 51 what ever he takes i want it. 294 John Travolta John Travolta 2 years ago I'm 27 years old and I'm really interested in talks about aging. I think we humans have now bigger activiments and so to have a chance to active those goals we must live longer. 4 Eifion Phillips Eifion Phillips 2 years ago It's all down to collagen too and sugar reduces collagen so take collagen capsules, cut out sugar and derma rollers are amazing for bringing new cells to the skin reducing wrinkles, lines and sagging skin! 1 GO GREEN GO GREEN 2 years ago Causes of aging: 1. Mitochondrial dysfunction. 2. Telomere shortening 3. Epigenetic changes 4. Mutations. 5. Aggregation of proteins. 6. Glycation. 7. Oxidative stress. 8. Enviromental factors. 144 Carmen Tongson Carmen Tongson 2 years ago Wow he looks so young....amazing....looks like he's only in his mid 30's! 1 Women of God Women of God 2 years ago ☝️☝️☝️❤️❤️❤️❤️thank you for your information bluejackscanada bluejackscanada 2 years ago He looks like a healthy 50 year old, he is not fat and likely has good genes to start with. I applaud his effort to actually reduce biological age. I hope he can reverse aging, its terrible. If it were not, cosmetic companies would be looking for the fountain of aging. krm398 krm398 2 years ago my question would what cost? can normal working..or retired people afford such a thing? or will it be so costly that only Bill Murray or someone like him can benefit? 3 Fauzia rahman Fauzia rahman 1 year ago I am waiting for this.i hope it comes in my lifetime. 5 Husham Ahmed Husham Ahmed 2 years ago روووعة هذه ستكون ثوره في تاريخ البشريه 2 One Sun One Sun 2 years ago Listened to the whole thing because he looked young at 50. 42 Irina Andrea Irina Andrea 2 years ago Wow ! He talks the walk ! If he really is 50 but looks 30 then I am a believer 1 Christina M Christina M 2 years ago This guy looks incredible for 50. 81 Devon Mckay Devon Mckay 2 years ago Me: we all getting old David: im about to rewind this mans career 5 Chris Hax Chris Hax 2 years ago Since I was young I have fasted and eat one larger meal a day usually and have always thought it helped my body's metabolism remain slower than others and now it's becoming accepted as healthy. My ego is being overfed now :) 11 Nubian King Nubian King 2 years ago What really work to turn back time...david... William Fields William Fields 2 years ago If Nmn can improve life of yeast, i would assume that it can improve the function or life of bacteria as well. iI that’s the case what are the long term effects of helping bacteria like helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)? or other Bacteria that can cause things like, Coronary artery disease? Our water in Florida, has this flesh eating bacteria called Vibrio. Most people can fight it off, but if I’m taking this…..Am i helping any of those bacteria to further spread?. 11 James Humphrey James Humphrey 2 years ago this combined with Neuralnet and there may be some hope for the human race 22 Ivan Break Ivan Break 2 years ago he doesn't look older since his first ted talk Glenn Thorn Glenn Thorn 2 years ago Great work David on your work ,Please can you focus on, affordability and access . why educate when these subs are for the privileged few 1 Women of God Women of God 2 years ago I would love to reach 120 why not if God allows me to live the long My grandpa is 100 years old and he still here with us 5 Pugger 653 Pugger 653 2 years ago I understand that over a very long period of time you brain will become overloaded with information. So that would make living for eternity impossible. But I also have these “theories” where you can come up with some method to have self induced amnesia on memories that are deemed unnecessary such as a former relationship that didn’t work out. Or even death of family members so you don’t need to have the pain of the loss. Maybe far enough in the future we gain the capability to transfer are consciousness into some software and then gain the capability to store memories that we don’t need at the moment, so we can draw upon the memory’s when we need them. Then again these are just some things I thought up after listening to this video. This video had me thinking for a good half an hour over possible futures. Robert T Robert T 2 years ago His "vision" of what is coming is pretty mealy mouthed. Is it virtual antiaging, or is it not? I'm all in for that. But he keeps hedging what he thinks is possible. burritos burritos 2 years ago I do intermittent fasting. It's cheaper than medications. 109 Evaristo Grant Evaristo Grant 2 years ago Only thing is that the average age of death is the same as it was more than two thousand years ago. 3 score and 10 (70). Upon searching Google it gave 71.5. Hmmm. How are we really living longer? carla de almeida carla de almeida 2 years ago great guy! Anita Carrier Anita Carrier 1 year ago Metformin? All pharmaceuticals are acidic, this causes inflamation. Aging in my view is about free radicals which cause oxidative stress, free radicals are unstable molecules because they are missing essential electrons, therefore they scavenge electrons from cells causing them to deteriate. Excessive exercise causes oxidative stress, exercise shoukd be moderate and consistant. Antioxidants donate electrons to free radical molecules stabling it and preventing scavenging from cells. Madben 99 Madben 99 2 years ago I'm close to 70 and have been following his 'protocol' for at least 6 months and had high hopes based on his lectures and supposed research ( on mice). I have experienced NO benefits what so ever. He's selling snake oil, folks. He has some interesting rodent results and has spun that into a personal fortune by his lectures and startup longevity companies. 14 Grox44 Grox44 2 years ago I wish I could afford NMN. I think there is evidence showing it works. Wish I could at least try it for a year. 5 Sydney Hamilton Sydney Hamilton 2 years ago Make eternal youth happen to both humans and animals! 5 bogrunberger bogrunberger 2 years ago So you'll have to work even longer, great! But seriously there are several issues with this, over population perhaps being the most important one. But another one is that assholes will also live longer and get more experienced. Cindy Radison Cindy Radison 1 month ago Honestly, I just don't want to be a wrinkly grey-haired useless woman who can’t remember stuff in my ripe age. If I can get older and be able to sustain my body slowing down aging or even biologically reverse aging to my prime, that is ideal. Obviously, nobody can live forever, but I feel like we can live a lot longer, so why not slow our age rather than age slowing us down? This is why I am constantly taking Dr. Sinclair’s NMN, a NAD booster and indeed a health provider. With NMN Vitruvin Nutrition (500mg) a day every morning with protein drink and Greek yogurt, it has radically changed everything. All sorts of problems have disappeared. Now, age is just a number. 2 Vince Abbott Vince Abbott 2 years ago Let’s get real about this if you have good genetics you will look younger. I have always been told I look ten year younger then my age.Yes I do eat right and go to the gym . The thought of making it to 100 is nuts. There is no need to go that long unless you want someone to feed you and change your diaper, your quality-of-life is about zero. Patrick king Patrick king 2 years ago i am going to live forever, i already figured how to keep young looking inside and outside the natural way. Sheetal Kelkar Sheetal Kelkar 2 years ago People living that long is a scary idea! I appreciate my life because the fact that it’s temporary 3 KittyCat Land KittyCat Land 1 year ago salute doctor i need This Erich Kiparski Erich Kiparski 2 years ago The crazy thing is that this guy’s schedule is extremely demanding/grueling and he probably looks like his version of “shit” in this video. Imagine what he looks like when he is rested and relaxed. 😳 John John 2 years ago This is going to be the start of the zombie apocalypse! 9 Jypsea Moon Jypsea Moon 2 years ago Very intriguing Max Freedom Max Freedom 2 years ago "We can now help you live longer and healthier." Yep. It's called diet and exercise. 1 MajiMarji MajiMarji 2 years ago I’d like to meet his dad! 3 Edilberto Rivera Edilberto Rivera 2 years ago So fasting is actually effective and healthy. Isn't that written on a 2,000 year old Bible? 7 martin sinclair martin sinclair 2 years ago We all now know it works. Online even every pharmaceutical company in China won't sell the powder for less than $3,000/kilo. It goes up to $5,000 depending on where you check. I can buy a kilo of cocaine in Quito for $2,000. When will the price come down to reasonable levels? David Kozelsky David Kozelsky 2 years ago But what will happen to the planet if everyone lives too long? 3 Galliano Marr Galliano Marr 2 years ago How many mg of Resveratrol does he recommend daily? Mortgage Financing Mortgage Financing 2 years ago (edited) great salesman !!!! 1 IncognitoTorpedo IncognitoTorpedo 2 years ago (edited) I've got some bad news for you. Even if you get epigenetically reprogrammed to a younger age, you will not look much younger. You will be metabolically healthier, but your UV-damaged skin will not repair itself, and it's unlikely to fix adrogenic alopecia. I hope I'm wrong about this, because I have my share of damage, but I'm not holding my breath. It did repair that crushed nerve, which is promising, but that's not the same as older damage. A more relevant test would be to try to regrow an old nerve injury. A young epigenome still isn't going to know how to repair a glycated protein, or remove scar tissue. 1 Dee Jay Dee Jay 2 years ago This just screams design NOT evolution مها الهذلي مها الهذلي 2 years ago ترجمه العربية متى تنزل؟؟ Longevity Coach Longevity Coach 2 years ago Insulin is not only the aging hormone, its also the hormone will be produced when we consume carbs , tea, coffee, cigarettes, bread, pasta etc. but not when we eat meat or drink water. Well 12 months ago I stop producing insulin so now I only eat meat and drink water. Thats the price to pay for health and longevity. 14 Malvin Ooi Malvin Ooi 2 years ago (edited) Many people said I look 42-43yo. But I am much more older than that +12. Few important practices are the follows...... 1. FASTING IS ONE OF IT TO TRIGGER THE IMMUNE FOR YOUNGER CELLS. 2. VIT B IS NEEDED TO PROTECT AND REBUILD NERVES. 3. ONLY FOR THOSE WHO ARE INTERESTED..... 4. Only for those who are serious..... 5. Only for those who needs to..... 18 Jon skelin Jon skelin 2 years ago This guy does not look 50yrs old as stated at 9:48 of this video. That is a good thing. That means that the stuff he is using is working. Jerry Ridge Jerry Ridge 2 years ago The question is, where are these trillions of dollars saved from? It seems that the patient is spending the trillions of dollars. Follow the money! For years we donated to the cure for cancer. If they are any closer to a cure I would be surprised and no matter how much you donated when you get cancer you have to pay to be treated not cured in remission. Angela Asadi Angela Asadi 2 years ago Do you know where I can purchase NMN at an affordable price? It runs about $100 a month for a gram a day. Not sustainable for most of us who have kids in college. 15 A Ras A Ras 2 years ago anyone over 40 reversed gray hair with any treatments? please share. Sandiz Sandiz 2 years ago Im 31 soon to be 32, i want to start an anti aging program and Reverse my biological clock, any suggestion on What i should begin with? 3 Dreamliner Dreamliner 2 years ago He looks younger than he was 7 years ago ... check his older video Marcelo Temer Marcelo Temer 2 years ago "MR BOY" - James Patrick Kelly's short story from 1997. 3 Tom Kruze Tom Kruze 2 years ago I thought he was early 30s not 51. Something is working 258 Winston Chang Winston Chang 2 years ago Wow ! David Sinclair looks the same, if not younger, than that video he did on mitochondria some years ago.....Was it just Resveratrol,....what about Pomegranates...? Cheryl Gies Cheryl Gies 2 years ago Maybe his dad is experiencing a placebo effect. The mind is very powerful. We under estimate our brains. 3 Majella Ertel Majella Ertel 2 years ago I wish to reverse my age and look 18 again. How do i do this? 8 Galliano Marr Galliano Marr 2 years ago What are examples for NAD Boosters? gabard jean-paul gabard jean-paul 2 years ago He was born in Australia 🇦🇺 1969 ... 7 Himalaya Himalaya 2 years ago but the actual thing is "we want to die but just look like 20 all life long😅 tbvh. 2 Pierre Normandeau Pierre Normandeau 2 years ago Scientist easely forget that healthy living and purity of the blood and organs is also the main determening factor in staying young and living longer. That is why people who live in polluted cities live 5 years less than people who live in the country. People who are vegetarian and avoid alcohol live 5 years longer on average than meat eating people. People who exercise regularly and stay at normal weight livre 5 more years than overweight people .You should question a biologist about the benefits of fasting on water. Biologists know much more about health than any medical doctor.. Fasting on water is a universal and simple way for people or animals to purify the blood and prolong a healthy life... 4 John Newby John Newby 2 years ago You lost me at "global warming " Timothy Tassone Timothy Tassone 2 years ago Expect major pushback from big pharma. They don't want to funnel solutions. It's all about options and money. 48 Steven Hughes Steven Hughes 2 years ago Sounds like Lazarus Long from Robert Heinlein....he did exactly that... lived a life then revuvenated. 3 Caffeine Tablet Caffeine Tablet 2 years ago 0:34 Is he asking "How many of you would like to return to 20?" The damn audio skipped. Andrew Heath Andrew Heath 1 year ago (edited) I have listened to a number of his talks, and in the final analysis there is NO breakthrough. Only ‘maybe’ medicines coming. Only practical advice given for NOW, is not new: fasting , eat well, no smoking, exercise. Or can someone assist me in some other practical anti / reverse ageing strategies? What information can be recovered and how? Mary Cate O'Malley Mary Cate O'Malley 2 years ago I envision you cracking the code just in time for the ecosystem to collapse. KONGNO2000 KONGNO2000 2 years ago i beleive that physical immortallity is possible ... 5 Satnam Sandhu Satnam Sandhu 2 years ago why live for 120 years when you can live for eternity? 42 킴룰렛 킴룰렛 2 years ago 최고 plejaren1 plejaren1 2 years ago So does pine bark extract and grape seed extract- same thing. 2 tjkooks tjkooks 2 years ago What is the use if all the right ingredients are not providing to the public. Big corporate companies want to make money do not really care if we live healthier and longer life. I have heard him before and tried to get the resveritrol that was working on with his team to learn later that his research was sold to a big pharmaceutical company. As usual the market was saturated with unreliable products sold to the public as natural supplements that is beneficial to the public. What people do not know that unreliable products can cause lots of health issues some like pancreatic cancer. I am tired of listening to all that. If you guys can not backup all that with reliable sources then we do not need it. Edgar Wilson Roial Edgar Wilson Roial 1 year ago So how can we take in Yamanaka factors? Stephen Mcbean/Cummings Stephen Mcbean/Cummings 2 years ago Please hurry with reversing the ageing process. DallasPilotCar DallasPilotCar 2 years ago I want some of the molecule. Maria Maria 2 years ago Veganism helps with aging but it would be nice to live untill death with a youthful appearance and with more energy 1 Wil R. Wil R. 2 years ago Actually if you go look at his older videos he looks older lol Danny Dazzler Danny Dazzler 2 years ago Great way to insult everyone with the first thing he said. 2 Margarida Carrancho Margarida Carrancho 2 years ago how will that have effect on women's fertility? 1 Josephine Alquinto Josephine Alquinto 2 years ago We are just passing through in this life so don’t derail’s so much better on the other side.. marcos g salgado marcos g salgado 2 years ago Have they stopped aging. In San Antonio texas every young person turns old very fast and very fat Andreas Georgallis Andreas Georgallis 2 years ago Paul Rudd has probably done it, why don't we ask him? Lyla N Lyla N 2 years ago No way he is 50. I need what he is taking please. Where i can find it 12 Pamela. Nam Pamela. Nam 2 years ago I bet you a dollar, your father won't live to be 100 . No matter what his blood said. I have a friend who is 119 who looks better and not living on pills, not even thinking about longevity and such. His parents died within 3 months of his birth, and all his other relatives. He is currently working on impregnating his less than 50 years old wife. Manuel Ojeda Manuel Ojeda 1 year ago Also look at Carolyn Hartz who is now 71 And she looks 46 years old. cadwell Collins cadwell Collins 2 years ago where can we find NMN and at least try it 3 حياة واختبارات حياة واختبارات 2 years ago And make the road our home No thanks I want to go home someday Spearmint Spearmint 2 years ago what was it his FATHER did to stay young now??????? John Smith John Smith 2 years ago Is it possible to learn this power? 2 peanut12345 peanut12345 2 years ago Forced fed pills for every action of the Human Being is a major cause,Shhh, Pfft BECKFORD BECKFORD 2 years ago guys making a lot of money from our insecurities. 1 Dia Dia 2 years ago He looks 30 or lesser Dogbertforpresident Dogbertforpresident 2 years ago It seems he has reduced life to information. 3 Mari Brunnsteiner Mari Brunnsteiner 2 years ago (edited) He looks like 28 - 35 y.o 15 Himalaya Himalaya 2 years ago this guy is 50😅 2 Timothy Landers Timothy Landers 2 years ago Stick your medicines & profit! Natural buddy boy!!!!! Anchan Sony Anchan Sony 2 years ago wonder Warren Buffet's secret of longetivity despite living on 5 cans of COKE and Mc_Junk almost every day fladave99 Mills fladave99 Mills 2 years ago All these old people living forever. We will run out of Oatmeal! 37 PAXOG PAXOG 2 years ago NANO BIO TECH THTS A GREAT AREA FOR STAYING YOUNGER . 2 Brian Murphy Brian Murphy 2 years ago Wayyyyyyyy to complicated. I don’t have a p h d in any thing It’s taken him many years to learn all this and I can’t consume it in a short talk 1 Davey Doodle Davey Doodle 2 years ago That’s it? Thought he might say take some vitamin c Jane Bond Jane Bond 2 years ago Anyone ever told U that U look like Christian Slater? Thanks for sharing. I would love it if U would post the words & names of things since I can't spell very well. Thanks again. 2 Samuel Uche Samuel Uche 2 years ago Yes he looks young at 50 but I will actually look younger than him at my 50. 4 Daniel Purdy Daniel Purdy 2 years ago Stop with all the talks and focus on research David. NMN, resveritrol, fasting and that’s it. You’ve found nothing and no significant studies to back them yet. Get to work in the lab not traveling and giving talks. Pinaki Bhattacharyya Pinaki Bhattacharyya 2 years ago Unlocking the Secrets of Longevity: 20 Year Anniversary of Aging Research at Einstein 14,793 viewsFeb 12, 2019 169 DISLIKE SHARE DOWNLOAD CLIP SAVE Albert Einstein College of Medicine 63.1K subscribers (November 07, 2018) Nir Barzilai, M.D. welcomes the adult children participating in the Albert Einstein College of Medicine’s Institute for Aging Research studies of centenarians, their genes, families and history of disease, to learn what they have uncovered in the course of the past 20 years. 00:18 Dr. Barzilai presents the Longevity Genes Project findings, 41:45 Sofiya Milman, M.D. presents the findings of the LonGenity study, which focuses on the children of the centenarians, and 01:01:12 cardiologist Anna Bortnick, M.D., Ph.D., presents on new technologies that are keeping hearts healthier as they can harden due to aging. The focus of the ongoing work is to target aging as a health risk, to help both those with and without longevity gene mutations to live longer and healthier lives. Along the way, the presenters unravel some of the mysteries of aging. 01:14:21 A question and answer panel follows the speakers. 21 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... GGS GGS 2 years ago In my childhood I was convinced that my body would not die one day. I still think so! Time passed and today, at the age of 71, I am sure that Dr. Nir Barzilai was born to deconstruct the disease called aging. I'm so glad about that! 18 Jordan Ong Jordan Ong 2 years ago I would be honored to join them. It would make myself, my friends and family being young forever again. Richard Price Richard Price 2 years ago (edited) Can I enrol? 1:43 really important ! Thankyou exercise for me despite broken right elbow on the 29th Nov need the pins K wires removed Lonnie Satterfield Lonnie Satterfield 1 year ago I can't agree with the test that supposedly showed no difference that lifestyle had among people with the centenarian's genes and those without the genes. Then the assertion was made that people without the desired genes could benefit themselves with longevity by the proper lifestyle. If exercise and dietary measures can help one group the common sense tells that it can help ANY Ricardo A. Seneris Ricardo A. Seneris 7 months ago You could also use some Japanese in Japan since they are also homogeneous. Richard Price Richard Price 2 years ago Smoking disgusting habit , Exercise -sleep -nutrition and regularly taking time out from eating, plus all the other stuff deeper down pyscho social lifestyle , chance to interact and engage even as we age , significantly contribute to society, good old Pablo Picasso was case in point a rebel but still innovator! Madison One Madison One 2 years ago Chronological & Biological Age are not the same. Repeat that please. 3 Wilfred Mikolas Wilfred Mikolas 3 years ago ...."still at infancy in preventative therapy"..,really after 20 years it seems the same questions but no answers to speak of.Irving Kahn might have more answers than this panel. Richard Price Richard Price 2 years ago EXERCISE isn't really discussed perhaps because inertia to exercise as we age is difficuilt nor SLEEP , VitC-lysine protocol ? Peter Peter 1 year ago Good talks, but don't understand why the slides starting at about 52 minutes are considered telling given he poor p values. Michael Ju Michael Ju 2 years ago Stop vitreous aging and liquefaction first peacock821 peacock821 2 years ago Where can I buy resveratrol rice, DJ526 rice? Richard Price Richard Price 2 years ago Great BUT THE BIG PICTURE IS MULTIDIMENSIONAL isn't it ? Richard Price Richard Price 2 years ago (edited) X ray not an accurate analogy 4-6 months + CAT scan rubbish , 4-6 months condensed and had all in the space of a few minutes or more , ionizing radiation is used to prematurely age mice and why because it sinesces cells so successfully. Growth hormones intuitively usefull for isolated sites and muscle growth but body builder polmboism or distended stomach seems directly due to ingestion of growth hormone .? Yes MRI is that more or less risky than Cat scan. YES exactly first the test is it safe? If so then how invasive , then how to read it and then correlate with other info , it is a huge problem but YES marketing today internet so-called experts saying this or that about health and l;ongevity they are muddying the waters . Also, my advice would become self-aware of the whole body -mind t process and traut in that wahtever you call it God or Higher power to guide you God bless shalom. Julia Dixon Julia Dixon 2 years ago How does a 50 something woman in decent health, w no vices, get into one of this guy's studies? Can become Jewish if necessary. 6 Rijen Shahi Rijen Shahi 3 years ago Dear doctors, i would like to suggest you that if you are still on research then please do it on Asians cause i think Asia have more centenarians then any others. I am From country Nepal and i still remember lots of centenarians in my family when i was child but now from the same family lots of members are dying mostly with diseases like blood pressure,Strokes, etc, could you answer why this could be? 2 Rifka Pinner Rifka Pinner 1 year ago 0