Friday, January 22, 2021

林伍德律师的推特爆料:John Roberts)和世界各地众多的有权势的人,被勒索了

我相信,首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨(John Roberts)和世界各地众多的有权势的人,都在一个可怕的计划中被勒索了,其中涉及强奸和谋杀儿童,这些都在录像带上被捕获了。我有这些视频文件的密钥,密钥的信息我也分享出去了。” 阿波罗网记者李文波编译报道,进入2021年之后,林伍德律师的推特一直在爆料令人难以置信的黑幕,冲击力如同核爆。从1月4日当地时间凌晨2:00开始,林伍德律师在3小时之内发布了一系列推文,揭露了有关深层政府的令人震惊的信息, 林伍德大律师坦言个人、家人和朋友的生命处于危险之中,甚至可能失去生命。 林伍德律师告诉人们,“讲真话的代价可能很高。最终,一个人的生命、家人和朋友的生命可能都会处于危险之中,或者失去生命...” 林伍德律师警告,”这些推文就是保险单。强奸和谋杀儿童的勒索方案,这背后的邪恶主使力量需要知道,其他人是有文件密钥的。如果我在短期内死亡,或我的任何家庭成员受到伤害或威胁,适当的程序就会启动,很多人都会释放密钥。“ 林伍德律师继续说:“我已经与几个人分享了我将要与你们交流的真相。杀了我不会阻止真相的泄露,反而只会让其他许多人来释放真相。我要求川普总统立即任命一名诚实的特别检察官伸张正义。” "如果要求我将密钥和其他信息移交给执法部门,我只会同意直接提供给川普总统、弗林将军或者是鲍威尔律师。我相信他们。请为我的家人祈祷。谢谢。-林” 最令人震惊的部分是骇世录像带 林伍德律师在系列推文中表示,“我相信,首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨(John Roberts)和世界各地众多的有权势的人,都在一个可怕的计划中被勒索了,其中涉及强奸和谋杀儿童,这些都在录像带上被捕获了。我有这些视频文件的密钥,密钥的信息我也分享出去了。” “这类勒索计划是由世界上最著名的10家情报机构的成员实施的。其中的一个小组被蜥蜴小分队(Lizard Squad)黑入了,小分队获得了强奸和谋杀的勒索文件,并将副本提供给了艾萨克·卡皮(Isaac Kappy)。” “被勒索的人,当时摆在他们面前的是:枪支、儿童和照相机。被勒索的人被勒令在镜头前强奸儿童,然后被命令射杀儿童,这些全都被拍下来了。就这么的,被勒索的权贵名人,就由勒索者拥有并控制了,直到勒索的证据丧失价值为止。” “卡皮先生在收到蜥蜴小分队黑来的文件后,就把文件交给了他的一个朋友,把加密的密钥交给了他的另外一个朋友,时间是在2019年5月13日卡皮先生被谋杀的前不久。后来,蜥蜴小分队的成员也因黑客行为,而被投入牢狱。” “杰弗里·爱泼斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)使用的是相同勒索手段,通过迫使有权势的人,强奸儿童和谋杀儿童,来促进他自己或与他合作的任何情报机构的利益。必须立即对所有乘坐过爱泼斯坦私人飞机的,或访问过爱泼斯坦小岛的人进行讯问,并将其绳之以法。” 艾萨克·卡皮(Isaac Kappy)是谁?艾萨克·卡皮(Isaac Kappy)(1977年2月17日至2019年5月13日)是美国演员和音乐家,以在电影《雷神》(2011年)和《终结者》(2009年)以及AMC电视连续剧《绝命毒师》中的角色而闻名。他是Monster Paws乐队的成员。 林伍德大律师添加了卡皮先生死亡的信息,“2019年5月13日,演员艾萨克·卡皮在‘迫使自己掉落’亚利桑那州的一座桥梁后死亡,时年42岁。他在Instagram上的最后一篇文章是“当心一无所有的人,因为他没有什么需要保护的。”艾萨克知道世上的谎言,而我却知道他真相宝库的钥匙。” 为什么把如此重大的信息公布在社交平台? 林伍德律师在推文中说,“我决定将这个真相在推特和帕勒(Parler)上公布,是因为川普总统周围有一些不能信任的人,我不能把这些证据交给川普总统。卡皮先生曾经试图向川普总统提供这些信息,但随后就被谋杀了。我不知道皮卡先生是通过谁联系川普总统的。” “我想,卡皮的资料不仅没有落到川普总统手中,反而因为他试图让总统知道真相,招致杀身之祸。我知道我的生命目前就处于危险之中,但是我相信上帝,在做出决定之前,我曾祈祷过。我必须透露真相。” “现在,你们对我在1月1日的推文有了更多的了解。我希望这一爆料能引发辞职和供词,无论结果如何,我必须把我自己知道的东西都说出来,我现在正在这样做。”林伍德继续说道。 他断言:“如果没有可靠的消息来源,我永远不会提出这样的指控。风险太大了。我进行了尽职调查,验证了我今晚透露的令人震惊的信息的准确性。我现在感到完全放松了,因为你们正在了解到真相,一个能解释很多问题的真相。” 是谁在主使这样的勒索方案? “有10个情报机构让自己的成员部署这种勒索,包括中共、CIA、Mossad、FBI和MI6,其它的情报机构不讲明,也很容易识别。 “我不清楚这种利用强奸和杀害儿童进行勒索的深度和广度,但考虑到涉及机构的数量,失踪儿童的成千上万数量,还有许多有权势的官员,名人和商业领袖的莫名其妙的行动,我担心情况可能会是最糟糕的。“林伍德律师补充说 林伍德还提到了“全球和美国失踪儿童的数量令人震惊。”并给出了失踪儿童数据的报告链接,但是这个链接已经被封锁了。 林伍德断言:“我们这个世界上的许多问题可能与我今晚描述的勒索相关,包括最近大选中官员和法官的怪异行为。川普总统必须任命特别检察官进行彻底调查,我们需要答案,我们必须调查,为了孩子。” 在美国,每年估计有46万次的儿童失踪报告,这是联邦调查局NCIC的数据。在英国,根据英国国家犯罪局失踪人员处的数据,告每年估计有112,853名儿童失踪。 在加拿大,每年估计有45,288名儿童失踪,这是加拿大政府2015年的数据。

Friday, January 08, 2021


中国史上首富,最后竟因男宠而死 吕不韦—— 战国时期显赫一时,叱咤风云的头号人物。 在他的生平里,创造了无数个奇迹—— 跨国贸易领头羊,史上最牛投资人,《吕氏春秋》系列丛书主编,杂家学派名誉主席,帝国霸业董事长“仲父”…… 但要说吕不韦最牛逼的地方,当属他优秀投资人的身份。 到底有多优秀?用数据来说话: 投入本金:1000金+一个爱妾 投入时间:10年 获得收益: 1、一朝相国,一朝相邦的高级领导地位 2、洛阳食邑十万户的封赏 3、皇帝嬴政的绯闻粑粑 就问你服不服。 而论吕不韦经商头脑发达最重要的原因—— 离不开家庭教育的熏陶。 吕不韦从小就跟着他爸做生意,低买高卖这套路,他早就玩溜了。 有一天,吕不韦到赵国邯郸做进出口贸易。 碰到个屌丝,虽穿着一身破烂,却隐约透露着贵族的气息。 这个人就是—— 异人。 这个异人可不简单,他是秦国太子安国君的儿子,听起来好像有点吊,是个官二代。 吕不韦对这个异人可是一见钟情,心中大喜—— 挖到大宝了。 于是吕不韦当即下了个决定—— 哪怕散尽家产,也要和这个异人结为生死与共的老铁! 如果你觉得有钱就是了不起啊,这么轻轻松松就能扒住官二代,吕不韦这关系投资可值了,那你就错了! 异人他爹虽然是太子,但是—— 当时的异人,只不过是个在异国他乡当人质的倒霉蛋。 太子当时有二十多个儿子,异人排中间,妈妈夏姬也不受宠。 正所谓多一个不多,少一个不少,丢了他也不可惜... 不然,也不会派他到赵国当人质。 而且当时两国正在恶战,赵国在阏与之战中打得秦国满地找牙,而秦国也在长平之战中,杀了赵国四十万降兵。 就在这么严峻的条件下,还被人怼上了人质这条不归路上。 这只”异人股"咋看咋垃圾。 然而,如果一只好股,正处于炙手可热,股价奇高的状态,又那里轮得到吕不韦? 低吸高出、高瞻远瞩、独具慧眼才是大鳄。 接下来且看我们大鳄如何操盘了。 首先第一步—— 说服异人,对其进行天使投资。 吕不韦:我能让你变身高富帅! 异人:那啥,你先管好自己吧 。 吕不韦:你不造啊,老子还得靠你升官发财呢! 异人:哦?怎么说? 吕不韦:你爷爷秦王老了,你爸很快就要上位了,华阳夫人又是你爸的小心肝,你倒不如认她做干妈,那以后你就有希望当太子、当大王了啊! 于是投资项目就这么愉快的敲定了。 接下来第二步—— 投下第一笔投资:一千金 吕不韦给了异人五百金,建群拉人,发红包,重新包装上市。 又用了五百金,买些金银珠宝,打通华阳夫人。 要搞定华阳夫人,就先要搞定她的亲人,尤其是姐姐。 吕不韦通过华阳夫人的姐姐,向华阳夫人算了一笔账—— ”子楚(即异人)是只升值股,可由你操控,包装,升值,青春易逝,母凭子贵,你懂的!“ 异人要的是依靠,夫人要的是保障。 华阳夫人心动了。 “妾不幸无子,愿得子异人立以为嗣,以托妾身!” 安阳王后趁机吹吹枕边风,便让异人成为了太子。 第二笔投资:送爱妾(包赠孩子) 吕不韦有个小妾叫”赵姬“。 能歌善舞颜值爆表,好生美妙。 有一天,异人到吕不韦家饮酒时,非常巧合地见到这位美女。 异人(子楚)是看在眼里爱在心里。 吕不韦此时很窝火,但转念一想,前期投入都快倾家荡产,如果此时撤资—— 不就白干了! 不行,必须接着投。吕不韦咬咬牙,忍痛割爱地将赵姬献给了异人。 “吕不韦取邯郸诸姬绝好善舞者与居,知有身。子楚从不韦饮,见而说之,……乃遂献其姬。” 后来赵姬就生下了的儿子,名政,也就是后来的秦始皇嬴政。 事实证明,吕不韦的投资是准确的—— 秦王油尽灯枯很快就挂了,异人他爹守丧没多久也跟着挂了。 于是异人继位,即庄襄王。 异人收了吕不韦这么大礼,自然要回馈老铁,即位后封吕不韦为丞相,赏食邑十万户。 又过了三年,异人也死了,他的儿子嬴政继位。 尊奉吕不韦为相国,称他为“仲父”。 到这阶段,吕家一帆风顺,可谓赚得盆满钵满。 第三笔投资——男宠 但是,投资高手再厉害,也会有踩坑的一天。 第三笔投资就就让他一下子栽了个大跟头。 子楚挂了,秦始皇又小,太后跟吕不韦旧情复燃,你侬我侬。 可秦始皇总有长大的一天 ,太后欲望依然是那么强。 吕不韦怕事情败露引火自焚,于是—— 吕不韦为赵姬送上了第三笔投资——嫪毐。 嫪毐和太后打得火热,还私下生了两个熊孩子。 这么猖狂,自然纸始终包不住火,后来赵姬和嫪毐之间的爱情被秦始皇知道了。 秦始皇一怒之下,直接把嫪毐给车裂了。 自然皮条君也逃不了嫌,嫪毐死前就把他介绍自己给太后的破事全抖出来了。 吕不韦被贬,举家搬到偏远山区去了。 可吕不韦自知秦始皇不会轻易放过自己。 于是直接喝药自杀。 前235年,吕不韦,卒。 纵观吕不韦的一生三笔投资。 第一笔是完全成功的。 第二笔虽有偏差,仍保全全性命。 但到了第三笔就实在离谱了。 以至于丢掉性命。 这皆归因于一个字:贪。 日中则昃,月盈则亏。 做人切记莫太贪心。

Friday, January 01, 2021

OLIVIE PLUS 30X(Dr Gundry polyphenols)

Oil&Health Clinical studies Doctors Videos News Testimonials Company MyFr SHOP NOW! HOME / OLIVIE PRODUCTS / OLIVIE PLUS 30X TASTE GREEN POWER THIRTY TIMES MORE HEALTH BENEFITS IN A SPOON. So beneficent that OLIVIE Plus 30x is adopted by Doctor Steven Gundry! Preserve your body cells against oxidative damages. This rare olive oil helps you avoid serious diseases. In fact, with its uniquely high concentration of polyphenols, OLIVIE Plus 30x is particularly suitable for the preventive treatment of: strokes, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, psoriasis. Shop online OLIVIE PLUS 30X is Dr Gundry polyphenols rich olive oil from Morocco Desert. Organic and healthiest! view the certificates OLIVIE PLUS 30X chemiservice THE UNIQUE EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL THAT IS EXCEPTIONALLY RICH IN POLYPHENOLS, 100% NATURALLY. The laboratory analysis of OLIVIE PLUS 30x extra virgin olive oil produced by Atlas Olive Oils showed that this rare olive oil is naturally rich in polyphenols and particularly super packed in Hydroxytyrosol with a content of 233 mg/kg, and in Tyrosol with a content of 161 mg/kg. download the COA A COMPARATIVE RESEARCH CONFIRMS THAT OLIVIE PLUS 30X CONTAINS 30 TIMES MORE THE ANTIOXYDANT HYDROXYTYROSOL NATURALLY. The table shows the content of hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol of 22 samples of regular / conventional extra virgin olive oil taken from 4 Mediterranean countries, all historically known for producing extra virgin olive oil (Source: Hrneirik and Frische – 2004). The comparison with OLIVIE Plus 30x shows with no doubt its unique and higher richness of polyphenols. OLIVIE table WHY OLIVIE PLUS 30X HAS SUCH SPECIAL FEATURES? Simply because this oil comes from suffering olive trees surviving in a harsh rocky desert. Like the vine, it is well known that the olive tree must suffer to produce the best of itself. Because of high temperatures (up to 127°F in summer), a lot of rocks in the soil making the trees not able to grow their roots freely to look for nutrients, nearly no rain throughout the year, our olive trees stress and think they will die. So they trigger a self-defense mechanism through which they product abnormally high quantity of antioxidants. We think these antioxidants, born because of this harsh environment, are more active, more potent and this is the main reason why we obtained excellent results (illustrated by the clinical studies we made) for anti-inflammation, anti-pain, anti-diabetic effect, and anti-microbial. Olive oil THE HEALTHIEST ORGANIC EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL IN THE WORLD. The analysis of OLIVIE PLUS 30x extra virgin olive oil produced by Atlas Olive Oils showed that this oil is extremely rich in polyphenols and particularly in Hydroxytyrosol with a content of 233 mg/kg, and also in Tyrosol with a content of 161 mg/kg. Hydroxytyrosol is the most powerful antioxidant easily assimilated by the human body. It has an ORAC value indicating the antioxidant power of 40’000 μmolTE/g. According to the international laboratory method “Folin Ciocalteu”, a ‘’normal’’ ‘’regular’’ ‘’conventional’’ extra virgin olive oil has on average a content of hydroxytyrosol of: 7 mg/Kg. The hydroxytyrosol content in our organic certified extra virgin olive oil OLIVIE Plus 30x is 233 mg/Kg, by far superior! The total polyphenols amount is also very high: 1250 mg/Kg compared to a normal extra virgin olive oil: 253 mg/Kg. Comparison of Hydroxytyrosol (HT) and Tyrosol (T) rates (mg/kg) between 22 samples of olive oil from 4 Mediterranean countries and our oil OLIVIE Plus 30x. Clinical Studies made on OLIVIE Polyphenols. FOOD AS A MEDICINE OF YESTERDAY AND TODAY. It is historically proven that many evolved ancient civilizations such as Egyptians, Chinese and Sumerians, just to mention few, were accustomed to use food to care and prevent illnesses. Ayurveda, the Indian traditional medicine had been mentioning food as a therapy for more than five thousand years. Historical documents testify how food benefits have healed humans for thousand years. Even Hippocrates, worldwide considered as the “father” of the western medicine, was saying «Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food». Until some decades ago, the food science was limiting itself to analyze the nutritional value of the food. Nowadays, new scientific researches have led to a bigger acknowledgement of the relationship between food and health by establishing what are the components with therapeutic properties. THE PRINCE OF FOOD STUFF. Scientific researchers unanimously agreed on the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet because it’s well balanced and rich in beneficial substances such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water, vitamins and mineral salts. There are a lot of food types in this diet, but extra virgin olive oil is the most important for sure because it’s naturally rich in good fatty acids and polyphenols. These latter are necessary to keep the body under good health conditions through their antioxidant properties that protect the body from the free radical damages. Molecules olive oils OXIDATION DAMAGES CELLS. Our body is constantly bombarded by free radicals existing in the environment: sun aggressive ultra-violets, ionizing radiation from the industry, passive or active smoking, automobile pollutions, etc. For example, upon breathing, we inhalate free radicals in the form of pollution. The cells in our body are then possibly damaged and could die by such chemical reactions. As a matter of fact, the free radicals can cause all sorts of deadly diseases such as cancer, leukemia, diabetes, kidney problems, liver problems, skin problems, etc. Needless to say, free radicals also speed up the aging process. This process is comparable to the metal oxidation. Once oxidized, aluminum turns to be white, iron becomes rusty, and copper transforms into green. In the same logic that oxidation damages metals, free radicals are also harmful to your body. Of course, free radicals do not only come from the environment, they can also be produced by our body’s metabolism as a result of our diets. We need to take proactive actions to protect your body from free radicals. The solution to this problem are antioxidants commonly called polyphenols. OLIVIE has a high content of polyphenols that will help increase the body’s defense system. These antioxidants can neutralize and prevent free radical from damaging your body. HYDROXYTYROSOL, THE KING OF ANTIOXIDANTS. There are many plants that contain healthily substances and are rich in polyphenols (fruit, vegetable, pulses, nuts, mushrooms, herbs, spices, etc.), but the olive fruit is the only vegetal organism that contains the highest range of bioactive polyphenols among which Oleuropein, Oleocanthal, Tyrosol and Hydroxytyrosol. This latter polyphenol is important for its powerful antioxidant properties and its highest bioavailability as the most updated scientific research shows. Its antioxidant power consists in neutralising the oxidative effect of the free radicals and avoiding the conditions that may cause diseases. This power is measured by the ORAC test (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) and it’s equal to 40’000 μmolTE/g for hydroxytyrosol, the highest among any other existing polyphenol. THE NATURAL MIRACLE OF THE DESERT OLIVE TREES. The polyphenol quantity and in particular the quantity of hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol mainly depends on the growing conditions of the trees and in the way oil is extracted from its precious fruit, the olive. As everybody knows, an olive tree is like a vineyard, it needs to suffer to produce the best of itself. Because of the hot environment (up to 127 °F in summer), because of the the rocky soil where the roots cannot develop easily and due to the lack of water, the olive trees are so stressed that a phenomenon of panic (survival instinct) occurs. The survival instinct results in a huge increase in the polyphenols production inside olives, roots, buds, baby leaves and leaves. This abnormally high production of antioxidants is due to the phenomenon of self-defense. The olive oil produced from these stressed trees has a very high amount of hydroxytyrosol polyphenols. It also contains a good amount of tyrosol, oleuropein, flavonoids, vanillic acids, and caffeic acids which are different types of polyphenols. According to the international laboratory method “Folin Ciocalteu”, a normal conventional extra virgin olive oil has an average content of hydroxytyrosol of: 7 mg/Kg. Our organic extra virgin olive oil OLIVIE Plus 30X has its hydroxytyrosol content of 233 mg/Kg which is 30 times higher! The total polyphenols amount is also very high: 1250 mg/Kg compared to a normal extra virgin olive oil: on average 253 mg/Kg. This unique feature of such richness in active principles comes from our olive trees planted in this rocky desert. These organically cultivated desert olive trees gave birth to our exclusive line OLIVIE. graphics EFFECTS OF POLYPHENOLS RICH OLIVE TREE POWDER ON INFLAMMATION AND PAIN IN PATIENTS WITH RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. Clinical trials demonstrate for the first time the potential therapeutic effect of olive tree extracts high in polyphenols against inflammation and associated pain for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). For more information click here. STRONG ANTI-INFLAMMATORY POWER FOR JOINTS AND PAIN KILLER. Our capsules have shown great anti-inflammatory properties, about 20% higher than duclofenac and indometacine. Without any side effects, and unlike chemical drugs (leading to stomach pain), the patient can take them everyday! This is proven by a detailed clinical study published in a famous American Journal of Biological and Pharmaceutical Research. “OLIVE OIL COMPOUND KILLS CANCER CELLS IN LESS THAN AN HOUR: ALL-POWERFUL OLEOCANTHAL”. A recent and authoritative scientific research carried out by Rutgers University and Hunter College in the USA demonstrates the effectiveness of the oleocanthal molecules. Olivie Plus 30X contains more oleocanthal than others extra virgin olive oils. For more information click here. POLYPHENOLS WITH ANTIOXIDANT, ANTI-INFLAMMATORY, ANTICANCER, ANTI-AGING AND HEART PROTECTIVE ACTIONS. We made several clinical studies on the desert olive trees organic powder: OLIVIE. More than 500.000 US$ invested on science for your benefit. Just the Joints anti-inflammation study costed 140.000 US$. In the next pages you will find all the clinical studies about the OLIVIE products. As matter of fact, OLIVIE products are backed to deep sciences as we have realized 8 clinical studies on: – lowering diabetes – lowering pain and inflammation for patient suffering from joints inflammation (3 studies realized in this). – lowering cancer tumor growth – anti-microbial effect. Last but not least, the story behind this powder is unique: We produce OLIVIE powder from suffering olive trees in a rocky desert. Because of high temperatures (up to 127°F during summer), a lot of rocks in the soil making the trees not able to grow their roots to look for nutrients, nearly no rain throughout the year, our olive trees stress and think they will die. So, they trigger a self-defense mechanism through which they produce abnormally high quantity of antioxidants to defend themselves. These polyphenols, born because of this harsh environment, are more active, more potent and this is the main reason why we obtained excellent results. CLINICAL STUDY N° 1 IN THE COURSE OF PUBLICATION IN A RENOWNED SCIENTIFIC REVIEW. Supplementation with a rich polyphenols olive tree powder reduces circulating inflammatory markers, disease activity, and pain intensity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a 9-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Dr. Shavon Jackson-Michel, Director of Medical and Scientic Affairs – D. O. Company, United States of America (USA). Dr. Adrian Lopresti, Clinical Psychologist, Australia. Ghanam Jamal and Benlemlih Mohammed, Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Science Dhar El Mahraz, P.O. Box 1796, Atlas-Fez, University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Fez, Morocco. ABSTRACT Background- Notwithstanding the way that olive fruits polyphenols and olive leafs polyphenols have been known for their natural anti-inflammatory effect in the Mediterranean countries, there is little deep scientific study to confirm these benefits. Objective- To assess the effect of rich-polyphenols olive tree powder (made of leafs, baby leafs, olive fruit and olive oil) made from olive trees planted in the middle of a rocky desert on inflammatory process and pain intensity, a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial was conducted on human subjects with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Methods- Seventy-nine RA patients were randomized to get either 1 g per day of olive tree powder or 1 g of placebo powder during 9 weeks. Laboratory analysis, questionnaires administration, pain intensity, disease activity score, and inflammatory biomarkers were determined at the baseline and at the end of the trial. Specialists have monitored eventual side effects and antagonistic impacts of taking the olive tree powder through the period of the study. Results- Good compliance (over 95%) with the treatment was observed, without any side effect or study intervention adverse. Significant decrease in disease activity score has shown at the end of intervention within the treated group, and between groups (P<0.0001). Compared with the placebo group, inflammatory biomarkers decreased significantly in treated participants (P<0.0001). Here are the changes noticed from baseline in treated group were -1.25 mg/L (CI, -1.75 to -0.75), -2.09 pg/mL (CI, -2.63 to -1.54), -0.82 pg/mL (CI, -1.14 to -0.49) and -1769 pg/mL (CI, -2254 to -1283) for hs-CRP, IL-6, TNF-α and PGE2 respectively. Additionally, it is important to note that pain relief and global participants satisfaction increased significantly (P<0.0001) after 9 weeks of olive tree powder supplementation. Conclusion- A net improvement in circulating inflammatory markers, disease activity, and pain intensity was observed in RA patients allocated to rich-polyphenols olive tree powder food supplement. Keywords: Rheumatoid arthritis; olive tree powder; Inflammatory biomarkers; Pain intensity; Disease activity. download CLINICAL STUDY N° 2 Supplementation with rich polyphenols olive tree powder improves fasting blood glucose and insulin resistance in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a 14-weeks randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Jamal GHANAM & Mohammed BENLEMLIH* Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Science Dhar El Mahraz, P.O. Box 1796, Atlas-Fez, University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Fez, Morocco. *Corresponding author: Benlemlih Mohammed ABSTRACT Background- Despite the fact that olive tree extracts have been used for long time as antidiabetics in Mediterranean folk medicine, there are few studies on olive polyphenols providing support to this view. Objectif- To assess the effect of rich-polyphenols olive extract on glucose metabolism and cardiovascular risk factors, a randomized, double-blinded, placebocontrolled trial was conducted in human subjects with type 2 diabetes. Methods- Eighty T2D patients were randomized to receive either a daily dose of 3 g of olive tree powder (6 capsules, 500 mg each) or placebo during 14 weeks. Anthropometric measures, glucose and insulin profiles, lipid profile and questionnaires administration were determined at the baseline and at the end of the trial. Doctors assessed potential adverse effects of olive tree powder through the period of study. Results- Good compliance (over 94%) with the treatment was observed, without any study-intervention adverse and without any side effect observed. The lipid profile levels of treated group decrease significantly (p < 0.0001 vs. placebo group), while the value of HDLcholesterol raise to 51.5 ± 9.4 mg/dL (p = 0.007 vs. placebo). The daily administration of rich-polyphenols olive tree powder results in a significant reduction (vs. placebo) in HbA1c (p < 0.0001), fasting glucose (p < 0.0001), insulin resistance (p = 0.0002). The average value of fasting glucose decreases to 114.2 ± 15.2 mg/dL, which is under to the normal range defined by the American Diabetic Association. Conclusion- The supplementation with a richpolyphenols powder from the olive tree was associated in a net improvement in fasting plasma glucose, insulin resistance and lipid profile in subjects with type 2 diabetes, suggesting the potential therapeutic effect of this extract as an antidiabetic. Keywords: Type 2 diabetes mellitus; Olive tree powder; Olive tree extract; Glucose control; Randomized clinical trial. download CLINICAL STUDY N° 3 Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of phenolic olive tree extract in streptozotocin diabetic rats Wafa Laaboudi*, Jamal Ghanam1, Oumaima Ghoumari1, Fatiha Sounni1, Mohammed Merzouki1, Mohamed Benlemlih1 1Biotechnology, Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Dhar, El Mahraz, University Sidi Mohamed, Ben Abdellah – Fez – Morocco ABSTRACT Objective- The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of an olive tree extract with high polyphenols content on blood glucose level and other related parameters in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Methods- Diabetes was induced in rats by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (55 mg/kg bw). 72h after injection, rats with fasting blood glucose higher than 2 g/l were used for the experiments. Olive tree extract was administered for 28 d and blood glucose level was measured every 4 d. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, creatinine, urea, total protein, uric acid, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase levels, were determined at the end of the experiment. Results- The oral administration of olive tree extract contributes to blood glucose level decreasing in diabetic rats group, which was significantly lower at 4th week compared to the diabetic control rats. Moreover, supplementation by olive tree extract decreased significantly (p<0.05) the values of total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, creatinine, urea, total protein, uric acid, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase resulting from damage caused by streptozotocin treatment. Beside this, significant reduce (p<0.05) in heart disease risk ratio was observed for treated group (4.1±0.14) compared to untreated group (7.64±0.36), which was quite similar to normal rats (4.50±0.36). Studied olive tree extract effects were similar to those of glibenclamide, a well-known antidiabetic drug. Conclusion- Results herein obtained reveal the hypoglycemic effect of this olive tree extract, suggesting his potential use as a natural antidiabetic agent. Keywords: Olive leaves, Olive fruit, Polyphenols, Antidiabetic, Streptozotocin, In vivo. download CLINICAL STUDY N° 4 Anti-infl ammatory and analgesic activities of olive tree extract Wafa Laaboudi*, Jamal Ghanam1, Hala Aissam1, Mohammed Merzouki1, Mohamed Benlemlih1 1Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Science Dhar El Mahraz, University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah – Fez – Morocco ABSTRACT Objectif- The aim of this study was the in vivo evaluation of analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of an olive tree extract with high polyphenols content. Methods- This olive tree extract was obtained from Moroccan olive fruits and leaves using an eco-extraction free of chemical solvents and toxic additives. Antiinflammatory activity was evaluated using carrageenan and histamine-induced paw edema methods. Analgesic activity of the olive tree extract was estimated against a hot plate, acetic acid induced writhing and formalin tests. Results- The extracts showed significant antiinflammatory and analgesic activities with a dosedependent manner. Anti-inflammatory activity of olive tree extract at 250 and 500 mg/kg doses was more important compared to the used standard drugs (p<0.05), in both carrageenan and histamine-induced paw edema tests. In analgesic assays, results showed that 500 mg/kg dose of olive tree extract has a significant analgesic effect through both peripheral and central mechanisms. Conclusion- Our findings suggest that olive tree extract is safe and has potential anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities, which promote this use as a food supplement against pain and inflammation related to inflammatory diseases. Keywords: Olive leaves, Olive fruit, Polyphenols, Anti-inflammatory, and Analgesic, In vivo. download CLINICAL STUDY N° 5 Eco-Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Moroccan Olive Fruits and Leaves and their Potential use as Antimicrobial Agents Wafa Laaboudi Corresponding Author, Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Science Dhar El Mahraz University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah – Fez – Morocco Jamal Ghanam Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Science Dhar El Mahraz University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah – Fez – Morocco Mohammed Merzouki Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Science Dhar El Mahraz University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah – Fez – Morocco Mohamed Benlemlih Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Science Dhar El Mahraz University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah – Fez – Morocco ABSTRACT In Morocco, the olive harvest generates regenerates a lot of waste such as leaves and olive fruits. Valuation by the extraction of polyphenols from this waste could be a promising source. In our work, we have prepared an olive tree extract from this waste, our extract contains 148 g/l of polyphenols, 8.4 g/l of flavonoids and 39.11 g/l of o-diphenols. Polyphenols, major natural antioxidants play a key role in hundreds biological reactions. The antioxidant activity test revealed great antioxidant potential of our extract with high ORAC value 3 848 100 μmol Te/kg. The present work has as objective to evaluate the antimicrobial activity. The olive tree extract showed broad- spectrum antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, Escherichia coli TG1, Escherichia coli DH5α, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus cereus MED5 and Streptococcus agalactiae. While pure phenolic compounds (caffeic acid, ascorbic acid and quercetin) showed more limited activity. The antifungal effect of the olive tree extract exceed the antibiotics at a concentration of 3 mg/disc (p<0.05). Industrial technology can therefore exploit this extract, rich in polyphenols, in order to use instead of a synthetic antioxidants and antibiotics that could be dangerous. This would lead Morocco to enhance the olive harvest waste as an important economic source. Keywords: Olive leaves; Olive fruit; Polyphenols; Antioxidants; Antibacterial; Antifungal. download CLINICAL STUDY N° 6 Anticancer effect of an olive tree extract through his cytotoxic, antioxidant and antiangiogenic activities Laure Eloy2, Thierry CRESTEIL2,3, Jamal GHANAM1, Wafa LAABOUDI1, and Mohammed BENLEMLIH1 1Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Science Dhar El Mahraz University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, P.O. Box 1796 Atlas, Fez-Morocco. 2ICSN-CNRS UPR 2301, Avenue de la terrasse, 91190 Gif sur Yvette, France. 3IPSIT, Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Paris Sud, 92290 Chatenay-Malabry, France. ABSTRACT The aim of the current study was to evaluate the anticancerous potential of a phenolic olive tree extract through his cytotoxic, antioxidant and antiangiogenic activities. The in vitro cytotoxic activity of a crude olive tree extract and his major constitutive components has been evaluated against human KB, HL60 cancer cell lines using MTS and flow cytometry. ROS production was estimated with the DCFH- DA assay. Antiangiogenic activity was evaluated in vitro on endothelial cells tube formation and the pro-angiogenic factor expression was quantified using qRT-PCR. In vitro cellular assays have demonstrated the cytotoxic effect of the crude olive tree extract. This extract reduces significantly (p<0.05) ROS produced in cells exposed to oxidative stress. Beside this, olive tree extract has demonstrated a strong anti-angiogenic activity, which was correlated with a significant decrease (p<0.05) in VEGF, angiopoietin and HIF1α expression. Basically, the evaluation of anti- proliferative, antioxidant and antiangiogenic activities could be the first step to formulate an efficient pharmaceutical product with preventive and/ or curative properties against cancer. Key words: Olive tree extract; Anticancerous; Cytotoxic; Antioxidant; Antiangiogenic. download CLINICAL STUDY N° 7 Effects of rich polyphenols olive tree extract on inflammation and pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A-8-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial Ghanam Jamal, Laaboudi W and Benlemlih M* Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Science Dhar El Mahraz, P.O. Box 1796, Atlas-Fez, University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Fez, Morocco. ABSTRACT Olive tree polyphenols have been known as natural anti-inflammatory agents. The aim of the current clinical trial was to assess the therapeutic effect of an olive tree extract with high polyphenols content on inflammatory processand pain intensity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. This is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Ninety RA patients were randomized into two groups; treated group received a daily dose of 3 g of olive extract (6 capsules, 500 mg each) during 8 weeks, while patients in placebo group received capsules with maltodextrin. Laboratory analysis, questionnaires administration, pain intensity, and inflammatory biomarkers were determined at the baseline and the end of the trial. Doctors assessed potential adverse effects of olive tree extract through the period of study. Significant decrease in disease activity score has shown at the end of intervention in the treated group and between groups (P<0.0001). Compared to the placebo group, inflammatory biomarkers decreased significantly in treated participants (P<0.0001). The changes from baseline in treated group were -1.37 mg/L (CI, – 2.71 to -1.57 mg/L), -2.14 pg/mL (CI, -2.71 to -1.57), -1.046 pg/mL (CI, -1.50 to -0.59) and -1795 pg/ mL (CI, -2283 to -1308) for hs-CRP, IL-6, TNF-α and PGE2 respectively. Pain relief and global participants satisfaction increased significantly (P<0.0001) after 8 weeks of olive tree extract supplementation. Results obtained after 2 months of supplementation demonstrate for the first time the potential therapeutic effect of olive tree extract with high polyphenols content against inflammation and associated pain in RA.