Thursday, September 29, 2022


海狮妈妈的绝望:幼崽被1吨重雄性压扁,来不及伤心尸体又遭贼鸥分食 万物有光 231K subscribers 相关视频链接: 又挖到宝了!一部零差评神级纪录片,分分钟让人乐到高潮 潜入海底10000米,9.8分顶级纪录片,满足你对深海的所有想象 最真实的震撼!象海豹正交配时遇袭,近4吨重的撞击吓傻了王企鹅 走遍41个国家拍摄,近乎满分的顶级纪录片,每一秒都太享受了 极地霸主·北极熊,猎杀海豹未果,却捡了条60吨重的长须鲸 87 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Mark Wong Mark Wong 10 months ago 可怜天下父母心,即使是一些动物也不例外!可怜的独脚爸爸太伟大了,令人为之鼻酸! 50 Yang Lucas Yang Lucas 10 months ago 結局讓人心痛海獅媽媽及獨腳爸爸好雄偉大❤️ 31 喬依 喬依 10 months ago 每個能長大生存下來的幼崽, 都像是個奇蹟~ 26 李美莲 李美莲 7 months ago 伟大的独脚爸爸安息吧😭 6 R.C Huang R.C Huang 10 months ago 殘酷又美好的大自然~~每個生命都在用力活著 10 馬得逼 馬得逼 9 months ago 小時候看很多人說動物園的動物很可憐,長大後看多了記錄片才知道能在(正規合格)的動物園的動物才是幸福的 3 哈尼 哈尼 10 months ago 既美麗又殘酷真令人感慨~ 12 Cless Alvin Cless Alvin 10 months ago 心疼独脚爸爸…… 9 JN R JN R 10 months ago 心好痛,自然界从来都是残酷的,我最害怕看这类故事了。😭 2 无 无 10 months ago (edited) 为了基因也过于疯狂了把,心疼雌性海狮和宝宝 17 苏再鹏 苏再鹏 9 months ago 解说员的嗓音很好继续努力解说更好的作品 2 歐盟華人 歐盟華人 10 months ago 大自然既美麗又殘酷,動物相生相克,人類已進化成最高等的精靈,但飢娥與戰爭亦仍隨影隨形! 1 柔醇呂 柔醇呂 10 months ago 物競天擇,動物們為了活著真不容易。 1 阿淳 阿淳 9 months ago 奇異鳥有翅膀 只是太小了隱藏在毛里 大小就類似暴龍的前爪 His Li His Li 10 months ago 偉大的獨腳爸爸,可敬可悲。人類現實中然道不是這樣。 2 R A R A 7 months ago 太可怜了 1 EC EC 10 months ago 含淚敬畏大自然的規律..... 2 Phin Djin Djap Phin Djin Djap 3 months ago 最后的结局,我看到心也碎了碎了碎了!😰😰 qigui he qigui he 10 months ago 解说得太好了 8 王块儿块儿 王块儿块儿 10 months ago 太悲伤了 2 Ha Ha Ha Ha 10 months ago 好想用大锤子捶那些雄海狮,那么可爱的宝宝被压死了 太伤心了。😔😔 7 許修華 許修華 6 months ago 旁白令人動容 Trinidad rojas Trinidad rojas 10 months ago buen. día. esos. animales. son. rudos. pelean. a. muerte. buen. ducumental. Dios. los. vendiga❤🌿🌺🌿🌻🌿🌹🌿🌺🌿🌻🌿🌹🌿 May Darko May Darko 10 months ago 海狮的社会形态真可怕 7 麵線 麵線 10 months ago 雄海獅一直給我感覺很暴躁 5 Jason Jason 10 months ago 独脚企鹅爸爸,海狮妈妈 🥺 1 Alan Tang Alan Tang 10 months ago 看图说故事,口才太捧,👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 8 Victor Wei Victor Wei 10 months ago 人生艰辛,动物又何尝不是 8 万物有光 · 杨树 杨树 9 months ago 最后看哭了 1 X X 10 months ago 这最后的文案也太过悲壮了还以为是感动中国 4 Kang Liao Kang Liao 10 months ago 奇异果是因鸟而名,而非相反。 對不起,謝謝。 對不起,謝謝。 9 months ago 請多享受陽光,多吃純素,無動物蛋、奶、蜂蜜。Enjoy Sunshine and Please be Vegan, no animal eggs, milk, and honey🥬🥗🌽🥕🥦🥥🥑🍓🍇🍌🍎🍐🍑🥭🍅🥒🍉❤️🌞🌈👼❤️🏖 2 Lin Xi Lin Xi 10 months ago 为什么企鹅不能在别的地方上岸呢 皆空 皆空 10 months ago 为什么要有生和死? 1 hou0224 hou0224 10 months ago 独脚爸爸,你安息吧!🙏🙏🙏😩 7 张瑞 张瑞 10 months ago 你的频道必火 Bam Bam Bam Bam 10 months ago 支持! 万物有光 · 不眠之夜 不眠之夜 6 months ago 新西蘭人表示: 我們沒稱它們為幾維鳥.....你們中國人才叫他們叫幾維鳥... はんミン はんミン 3 weeks ago 下个蛋就能减掉30%的体重,爽不爽😂 Zero Limit Zero Limit 10 months ago 可歌可泣 1 xiaodong Zhu xiaodong Zhu 10 months ago 雄海狮最不是东西 1 J Lee J Lee 10 months ago 没法看这节目。。受不了。。。虽然弱肉强食是自然界规律。 MS.Charis MS.Charis 10 months ago 我看到的万圣节😂😂😂😂😂 1 北风 北风 10 months ago (edited) 我用的浏览器都是己这种鸟命名的KIKI 万物有光 · yew yew yew yew 10 months ago 什么奇异鸟。。真是的你。。陆行鸟。。嘻嘻😁 2 葉信毅 葉信毅 10 months ago 看圖說故事 alex chew alex chew 10 months ago 马达 😀 國猪520⚽️ 國猪520⚽️ 10 months ago 又是沙发😄 1 万物有光 · 無相轉生 無相轉生 7 months ago 小編你唯一的缺點就是喜歡裝可憐的聲音...看到這些動物被吃掉是很幸福的事...因為他們可以重新輸迴再投股...更何況動物吃動物並不壞...可怕的是人類...為了吃而活...不是為了活而吃 Ming Chin Chiang Ming Chin Chiang 10 months ago 真的很鄙视那些摄影师,明明可以轻易的就在悲剧发生前,救出那个每天为生命奋斗的独脚企鹅,可是却选择继续拍视频,然后就会说人类不可以干涉大自然。人类无止境的残杀动物就不算是干涉大自然吗?是不是有利益的就不算干涉大自然,没好处收的就是干涉大自然? 真是可笑。 中共习近平病毒🦠。 中共习近平病毒🦠。 10 months ago 馬達好,第二。 万物有光 ·

Lifespan with Dr. David Sinclair

Ed Mylett 658K subscribers Most of us want to live as long as possible. It’s a SURVIVAL INSTINCT that’s hard-wired into our DNA. BUT IT’S NOT ENOUGH TO LIVE A LONG LIFE. OUR QUALITY OF LIFE MATTERS, TOO. Unlocking the secrets to a long, healthy life has CHALLENGED MANKIND since the dawn of medical science. Those of you who know me, also know I’ve been fascinated by this subject for quite a while, too. That’s why it’s a great privilege to welcome back this week’s guest, DR. DAVID SINCLAIR. He is a LEADING SCHOLAR and Professor in the Department of Genetics and co-Director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research at HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL where he has been teaching aging biology and translational medicine for aging for the past 16 years. More than that, he is also a foremost researcher best known for his work on UNDERSTANDING WHY WE AGE and HOW TO SLOW ITS EFFECTS. Contemporary BLEEDING EDGE RESEARCH and scientific advancements have propelled us forward and not only UNLOCKED SECRETS TO LONGEVITY but have also created new questions and curiosities that continue to excite our BEST AND BRIGHTEST MINDS. And few people on planet earth are as well versed or as educated on this subject as Dr. Sinclair. He lives in a world filled with deep examinations of hormesis, sirtuins, energy metabolism, biosynthesis, mTOR levels, reprogramming genes, mitochondria, learning and memory, time-restricted feeding and caloric restrictions, neurodegeneration, and cancer. While many of you may AWESTRUCK by this area of science, you should also be EXCITED by Dr. Sinclair’s research, because one day it will have a DIRECT IMPACT on you. This week, we’re going to translate what that research means to you in practical terms…and it’s coming sooner than you think! Dr. Sinclair covers a wide range of topics from red light therapy, to the effects of glucose on our bodies, hormone replacement, and the importance of being physically active, fasting, and not eating meat. We also touch on ALTERING DNA which holds the possibility of significantly extending life, and CURING HORRIFIC DISEASES like cancer, MS, Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons, and many others. Our discussion isn’t just about theories and research though. Dr. Sinclair has also got some HANDS-ON TIPS on what you can do to start to start feeling and looking younger right now. So, sit back, relax, and LEARN. CLASS IS ABOUT TO BEGIN, and I guarantee, you won’t want to miss it. 0:00 Intro 1:25 Are we actually younger if we look younger? 2:23 The basis of hormesis 5:01 Effects of time-restricted feeding 8:34 What are mTOR levels? 11:01 David's thoughts on physically active people fasting & not eating meat 15:59 Effects of glucose in our body 21:29 David's thoughts on red light therapy 25:06 How is age measured today? 29:39 David's thoughts on hormone replacement 36:04 Low levels of growth hormone make you live longer 38:58 David's thoughts on NAD 42:21 How Metformin affects glucose in our body 46:13 What is MOTS-c? 47:58 Where are we today in terms of being able to alter DNA? 52:02 What's David most excited about his work right now? 1:38:00 Is there a negative to people living so much longer? 1:02:58 Is there anything that worries David? 1:04:26 Other things that can extend or better your quality of life #DavidSinclair #reverseaging #antiaging #antiagingtips #antiagingfoods #antiagingtreatment #hormonereplacementtherapy #redlighttherapybenefits ---- Thank you for watching this video—Please Share it and get the word out! What part of this video resonated with you the most? Comment below! 👇 SUBSCRIBE TO ED'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW 👇 ---- Let's MAXOUT! Send me a text message at 714-916-9144 to receive weekly updates when new episodes are available! ---- → → → CONNECT WITH ED MYLETT ON SOCIAL MEDIA: ← ← ← → → → CONNECT WITH ED MYLETT ON SOCIAL MEDIA: ← ← ← ▶︎ YOUTUBE | ▶︎ INSTAGRAM | ▶︎ FACEBOOK | ▶︎ LINKEDIN | ▶︎ TWITTER | ▶︎ WEBSITE | ---- #EdMylett #Motivation Chapters 559 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Anita Venkataramana Anita Venkataramana 1 month ago I am a practicing Neurologist and it gives me great pleasure to hear Dr. Sinclair and many others preaching about prevention of a disease. Somehow we lost that in the last 15 years. It’s so sad and how my colleagues don’t even know how to adequately treat diabetes let alone hypertension or even provide counseling at the bedside for the sick patients. Here’s a pill have a nice day is the phrase I hear. Although not literally, I’m paraphrasing of course. I am all about prevention and learning and forever a student especially with doctors like Sinclair, Bikman, Fung, Jamnadas And of course Patrick. I’ve learned so much from them that I feel like I’m back in medical school being taught real science. Hats off to all of you. 26 Diane Hansen Diane Hansen 6 months ago Ed is a great host!! He is humble, intelligent, and asks important questions. David Sinclair is the man! He's so knowledgeable, humble, and clear. Thank you both for a first rate podcast!! 52 Jessica Terry Schneider Jessica Terry Schneider 6 months ago Incredible!! So grateful to have people like you Sinclair for diving into this industry and Ed for the platform and using it to share some amazing content. 👏 16 Richard Lock Richard Lock 7 months ago I’ve been following David Sinclair for a while and doing intermittent fasting for the last 9 months because of his advice. I’ve never felt consistently healthier! Cheers for putting this together, Ed! 138 Ed Mylett · Mary Fitzgerald Mary Fitzgerald 6 months ago This is the best interview I have heard to date about anti-aging, age reversal techniques currently available and what to expect in the future. I had to share it with my friends. 7 J E J E 7 months ago This episode was suggested to me by a friend, great interview questions and an amazing episode. You have a life long listener now. Thanks for the actually useful content 11 Evan Carmichael Evan Carmichael 7 months ago What an episode. Ed + David is pure fire!! :) #Believe 34 Xenia Stefanescu Xenia Stefanescu 6 months ago You have no idea , David how much we appreciate you . You are an awesome human being. , and you do so much for humanity. We wish you a long and productive life. 2 Monica Brante Monica Brante 6 months ago (edited) This is SO good! Thank you for sharing. - It is a lot and I need to listen to this a few times, but I feel that it is all here, which is great! Love it when he comments on how woman also benefits... there is very little research done on the female body, fasting etc. 9 Richard Sheridan Richard Sheridan 3 months ago (edited) Ed and David, I literally stumbled on this interview at 1am in the morning. I've been slowly learning about the various components to combat aging from Dr. Sinclair and it's been daunting. This interview is the single most information power packed episode I have ever seen in almost two years of watching/listening. This is as close to a true personal road map as I have ever had and I am Dr. Sinclair's age. My dream is to be able to care for my aging parents in their 80's and like Ed, I too have chills going up my spine with excitement about what is in the near term future. What research has done and simple things that we people can do, simple choices we can make to extend both lifespan and healthspan. Thank you so much for this interview, I am hopeful, inspired and excited. 2 3225Angela 3225Angela 2 months ago David Sinclair is not only smart but also has a great sense of humor. 2 Steve S Steve S 7 months ago Aging is a profoundly negative process. This interview causes optimism to soar! Dr Sinclair: please hurry, I'm older than you but trying just as hard to stay youthful. Intelligent interview. 57 Steve Sandström Steve Sandström 6 months ago I have followed David Sinclair's research for several years now. If anything it just looks as progress is going exponentially faster. It's an exciting time to be alive indeed. Thanks for a good show. And if you get the chance to talk with David again, ask him about those things about age reversing that isn't obvious. Like: what about teeth? Will there be new sets of tooth germs to have new sets of teeth? Or will you have to make do with what you've got? Or how about damaged parts? Will damage to the body, brain, nerves be reversed? How about radiation damage? Amputated limbs? Quality of life depend on many of those answers too. Keep up the good work! 2 Shuli Bitton שולי ביטון Shuli Bitton שולי ביטון 7 months ago I'm so looking forward to this interview! I still remember the previous one which was super fantastic and I learned so much new information I had never heard of! He definitely looks younger since the last interview which reminds me of the movie Benjamin Button. We want the body not to become complacent, to put the body in perceived adversity as opposed to an abundance state.I agree that preventative medicine is so much better than treating symptoms after you get ill.I've been doing time restricted eating for many years now. I eat two meals a day without snacking and never eat breakfast. Moderation is the key to everything in life. I can't wait for my daily walk to listen to this entire episode #MAXOUT from Israel 34 Ed Mylett · Mahmut Aoata Mahmut Aoata 7 months ago Thank you Ed for this beneficial episode, a huge amount of such wonderful information about how to have a healthy life or even living longer by considering those facts that have been mentioned. 15 Arlene Portsmouth Arlene Portsmouth 4 weeks ago Ed, Thank you, for yet another AMAZING EDUCATIONAL INSPIRING interview. You always have such great questions! 👏 I have been a fan of Dr. David Sinclair for about 3 years now. 23&Me told me I was related to a "Sinclair" and so I was doing a Google Search and that's how I found David. Funny because he's Hungarian as well. Since I was a child, I have been absolutely fascinated with the study of Aging. I've been eating the one meal a day for the last 35 years not intentionally. In my thirties I would do a 7 Day fast every month. Yes, I have shared your Channel most often. 🏆 2 Sharon Joan Sharon Joan 6 months ago Excellent presentation. Seems like these guys are genuinely wanting to help others and transparent about what they do. 👏 Bravo and thank you 5 Adil Duredoran Adil Duredoran 5 months ago (edited) Ed and Dr sinclair thanks for one of the best show 👍. Salute to Ed the way he admires his friend and conducted this show 😍 1 Leah Garcia Leah Garcia 7 months ago Wow-zer! What an incredible show!!! Just one note from an insurance perspective before you start any medications get with you Life Insurance Professional,... Remember insurance companies view any medication as a diagnosis. Thank you Ed Mylett! I am so excited about this show and all the value to bring to use each week! I am Your BIGGEST FAN!!!! #maxout 7 Ed Mylett · The Calming Gourmet The Calming Gourmet 6 months ago Re: diet, something interesting with 23&me, you can download your genetic weaknesses and put it in a program to learn, among other things, what foods to focus on with relation to your genetic weaknesses. Approx. 80% were animal-based food suggestions, not plant based. Find out what's right for you and create your own wellness journey. Certainly learn from others, but each of us are different, including Dr. Sinclair. 🌼 4 Grant Burris Grant Burris 5 months ago Well done! I follow all David Sinclair's talks. I am grateful for the work he does and his willingness to explain it. I greatly enjoyed the host and how he managed the questions. Great! 2 deborah stensvaag deborah stensvaag 7 months ago Excellent interview!!! Dealing with the aging issues of my 89 year old mother right now. How WONDERFUL if we could change this current reality we live in…”aging gracefully” is a myth….seems to currently be nothing more than decades of decline. Hopeful for this new reality. 10 Nomana Angelo Nomana Angelo 7 months ago WOW, WOW, WOW! Tremendous Mind Boggling Information from Dr. David Sinclair. I learned so much on the Science of some of the things I’ve been doing like time restricted eating, putting the body in adverse states, and restricting my sugar intake. But to learn that for every year we live longer we gain 3 more months and it’s soon to increase to 1 year is amazing along with other unbelievable information. This is a MUST listen!! Much Love and Aloha!!! #edmylett #maxout #itsaninsidejob #KVibe 12 Ann Mac Ann Mac 6 months ago (edited) David Sinclair is great! So amazing how young he looks👏 But Dr. Eric Berg is my go to doctor on the internet. He's help me so much to do things the natural way!🥰 Anyone who doesn't know him I would advise to subscribe and watch him. I'm a 56 years old woman and have done keto since this past August and lost 33 pounds!🤗😉 3 Nandanie Das Nandanie Das 3 weeks ago I have been following professor David St Clair for ever since I land upon his podcast and work.i tried to live right by his teachings.and it change my life a whole lot in many ways. Like a miracle David you are a remarkable outstanding man and scientists keep up the good work. I want to live as long as possible healthy I wish the world and many more can listen to you. Two thumbs up. Burak Demir Burak Demir 7 months ago Great new setting, great people, great information. Please more of this Ed! Greets from Germany. 1 Ana Rose B. Oncu Ana Rose B. Oncu 7 months ago I am learning so much thank you for these interviews. I always listen to him. Dr. Sinclair awesome! I don't wanna get old and live until 100 or over. 2 tamberrino tamberrino 7 months ago Absolutely amazing content, Ed!! Grateful for your hard work! 8 JP Ro JP Ro 7 months ago Funny thing is I read The warrior diet years back and am now running on two meals a day. At first I tried the feeding period in the evening only after training but it was too harsh. I tack breakfast on with my evening feed and don't eat during the day and train on an empty stomach. A lot more energy. Can't see myself going back to grazing. Have done this now for practically ten years. 3 Maria Wade Maria Wade 7 months ago Thank you so much! I have been called a hypochondriac for monitoring my blood and hormones every three months. This gave me so much validation and information of even more I need to look for. I am very down on my luck financially but I have my health. There was only one thing I didn’t pay close attention to and that was my bone health. If I would have watched my minerals, hormones and did some weight resistant exercises which is very little I would have been even healthier at 52 I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. Although I believe I can reverse it especially keeping up with your show and David Sinclair 🤘🎤😁 5 Yawa huang Yawa huang 6 months ago I really like dr David podcast ! My parents and my only sister are all have high blood pressure. I am only one don’t it☺️ I am 56 years old woman and I have 0 chronic disease- I have been always eating whole foods, always listen to my body ❣️ 1 Peter Horak Peter Horak 7 months ago I’m blown away by the information that David has shared about the latest status of anti-aging science. Absolutely incredible what has already been achieved. I had no idea we are so close to some incredible medical treatments that could literally reverse our aging clock ! Great interview Ed 🙏👊 39 Franco Rui Franco Rui 6 months ago Please please we need this professor here more times. Can you please bring him back for more episodes much more we need to learn more. This amazing absolutely amazing information , the world need to learn we need to learn This is very precious information about our lifestyle our future health this is amazing Timotheus Nobel Timotheus Nobel 2 months ago The mind boggles at the possibilities... For example, I preserved a lock of hair from my mother who died of cancer last year, and now it actually seems feasible that I'll be able to clone her back to life in a matter of years (like in the movie AI)!! (Note that I have been aware of the cloning that's been going on in Canada for a long time ("Clonaid"), but that seemed pretty shady and under the radar.) A question that comes to mind is: how are we going to stop the world from overflowing with people?? Is this going to lead to chaos and carnage??? Whatever the case, I say bring on the future!! Things have been far too mundane for far too long under this system of control. I'm all about an uprising... Qijing Fan Qijing Fan 7 months ago Finally, he mediated and he mentioned it. It's really important, stress pretty much reset everything. 1 Lin Qt Lin Qt 7 months ago Hi Ed great interview! I'm a woman close to 50 and I do intermittent fasting here and there but I like to do it regularly. I Know Doctor is has touched on weight lifting and exercise, but still not quite sure. I usually work out in the evening so eating can be done after but if I work out in the morning and feel like my blood pressure is low what should I do at this point? Can I take protein shake once or twice a day while fasting? I would appreciate your response. Jason Nelson Jason Nelson 7 months ago Amazing interview. Looking forward to seeing the healing advances for Sickle Cell, Diabetes, etc. 1 Louis Mont Louis Mont 1 month ago Im addicted to watching longevity community videos...particularly David Sinclair vids... 3 csrss csrss 7 months ago I have enjoyed this conversation to an incredible extent. Thank you. 4 Lessons in 30s Lessons in 30s 7 months ago For the 1% of people reading this, I hope you become successful in your life! 52 claudia murgoci claudia murgoci 7 months ago Amazing show, Ed!! The best of David Sinclair I've watched! Thank you, a real treat 👏👏👏 9 Anthony Clark Anthony Clark 7 months ago Amazing info and things to look forward to. As some who is legally blind I would love to get with him about that process 1 The Ancients Ancients The Ancients Ancients 6 months ago I'm surprised at how Sinclair who was written off over a decade ago has some revival again by people newly interested in this subject ! Most serious experienced cellular aging experts dismiss him with his vague science 7 Grace Davies Grace Davies 3 months ago This interview is next level. I am so thankful to live in a time where this information is so accessible. Keep this up!!! Arsenia Ventura Arsenia Ventura 7 months ago Ed, you can eat purple yam which help produce testosterone, it helps produce estrogen for women, and purple yams the staple food in one of the provinces in my country, and people there live for more than 100 years, still looking young and they are healthy and strong, we called that purple yam "UBE" and for sugar - you can eat bitter melon - it will regulate your sugar and also the sweet potato leaves - helps regulate your sugar too - Japanese people eat it. We always eat those food too, and we feel good and young too. I am an avid fan of David Sinclair, Ed, How about Dr. Steven Grundy, I also learned a lot from him....... 3 Patrick Petersen Patrick Petersen 7 months ago (edited) great video guys! - I´ve got a Question: David said, that low levels of growth hormone makes you live longer and recommend OMAD. As far as i know leads OMAD to the Autophagy process - which is associated with an increase in HGH (Human grothw Hormone) levels. Can someone explain this to me? 5 Erika Erika 7 months ago (edited) I have gone into the oxygen chambers. It freaked me out when reading that my lungs could collapse. When looking back, I believe that the issue was placing so much trust into a stranger who had total control over my body. I have also had ten- pass therapy as well. 👍😁 2 Javier Avalos Javier Avalos 7 months ago Love this podcast!! One of the best videos ive seen Suzanne Poitras Suzanne Poitras 7 months ago Wow !! Thank you Ed & David !!! ⭐️ Sooo many takeaways .. and notes !!! To be able to reset the aging process …from supplements …to Crispr …Wow!!!! Another great book on my to buy …⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4 Roy Zlatan Estevez Roy Zlatan Estevez 7 months ago I'm so happy for my grandkids. They will probably live to see this being developed. 3 Erika Erika 7 months ago I have your book! I bought several as gifts for family and they have yet to read it. That is up to them. 😉I also follow your videos. I absolutely love this one! Thanks so much. 1 Rachel Stark Rachel Stark 4 months ago I love every interview of Dr. David ever since he started discussing longevity. I have also acquired his book "Why We Age and Why We Don't Have To." That book is eye-opening and educative. In there, there's no point increasing lifespan without health span. The goal should be to live longer while staying young and healthy. Sinclair believes that in the foreseeable future, it's possible for humans to live beyond 120 or even 150, without the frailty, diseases and disability we now associate with old age. This is when I found my NMN supplement, Vitruvin Nutrition 500mg/day. I want the world to know that we only live once, let's live a little longer. 105Jule105 105Jule105 6 months ago My great great aunt is 105 yrs ,,, still bakes and walks everyday, takes no medication, takes ensure for past 30 yrs, had her memory and no health problems,,,,, eats what she wants,,, no alcohol, no cigarettes, no drugs,,, big family,,,,, believes in god 3 Sarah Pellett Sarah Pellett 7 months ago (edited) Very synchronistic how a bridge of videos led me here — I am so happy I stumbled upon two amazing guys at 2:00 am while being unable to sleep! Recently have been experimenting with fasting and different diets. Currently I am testing out vegan foods and seeing how my body and mind react (though I love the taste of meat and consider myself a foodie and aspiring chef.) I instinctually was led to the plant based diet, ironically having just come off of a keto diet. There is so much (mis)information out now advocating for both (opposing) diets that it’s difficult to know which is really the “right” way to eat. It is very confusing as I know many studies are cherry picked and biased. As I said my instincts kept pushing me to give plant based eating a go (for a minimum of 30 days) and see how I go. It’s reassuring to hear Dr. Sinclair echo what my gut has been telling me about eating plant based. I’m excited to further educate myself on the subject of wellness and anti-aging and am super excited to have found two people I feel I can trust (without an agenda). Can’t wait to binge watch you fellows and learn much! Appreciate and support what you both stand for. Thank you both for valuable content 🙏🏻 PPS ~ I’ve never before seen David Sinclair so I don’t know his age, but Ed remarked how he looks younger than the last time he’d seen him. If I had to guess, I’d say he looks to be about 32, 34 🤷‍♀️😁 6 Super Heroes Super Heroes 7 months ago I’ve been following David Sinclair since I was 18. I’m a baby now 👶 2 Soulitaire Records Officiel Soulitaire Records Officiel 7 months ago Ed always does a good job of letting the guest speak and give jewels my amazon cart is filled loolllll thank you for the priceless info!!!!!! 1 Elijah Perez Elijah Perez 7 months ago As this podcast continues it's tough to not be judgemental of of my own narrative. I completely agree with the health benefits of these supplements and procedures. However I don't agree with people being able to just Be lazy cause they can afford or their family can afford them to be lazy or continue to make the poor decisions that got them in their mess. People should have to make the necessary changes they need in their life, to better themselves. Ed essentially said the same thing when speaking with Peter Crone. 3 Ed Mylett · Neil Morrison Neil Morrison 7 months ago I really appreciate you ❤️ your interviews great job today 👏 🙌 2 Ed Mylett · Rob Lacerra Rob Lacerra 7 months ago Do you recommend any specific vitamins? I’ve been fasting 2mad for over two years and I love it but I want to make sure my supplements are up to par. Or should I eat certain foods for a natural nourish. 1 Luloo Thematjj Luloo Thematjj 7 months ago You're both remarkable! Thank you for this powerful wealth of information! Get on track everyone! This knowledge is golden! ❤ 10 thatguy thatguy 7 months ago Most important podcast. Thank you Ed. Much love. 3 Ed Mylett · Ismael Santiago Ismael Santiago 7 months ago Age is just a number. Refresh your mind and body with EM videos. Thanks 🔥🔥🔥 5 Ed Mylett · Candice May Candice May 7 months ago I want to try OMAD but when I’ve tried it twice both times when I ate my one meal (at work) I felt so drained & couldn’t even finish my shift so what’s good to eat when breaking my fast? Can u give examples of what u eat during your OMADS ? Chelli Barton Chelli Barton 7 months ago I’ve been following Dr. Sinclair for some time. Fascinating information! Thank you for bringing all the amazing content that helps improve my life❤️ 7 Ed Mylett · Monique Cobb Monique Cobb 7 months ago I LOVE this interview! Thanks Ed! 3 Chrissy May Chrissy May 7 months ago One of the BEST interviews yet!! 🙌🏽 Great info! 6 Abshir Hirsi Abshir Hirsi 7 months ago This interview was unbelievably remarkable! 1 Dyanne Gavin Dyanne Gavin 2 months ago I would love to participate in a clinical study to help me extend my lifespan and cure my illnesses! 1 William Eberle William Eberle 7 months ago (edited) I look and act at least ten years younger than my age of 70. I've spent under $500 on doctors and medicine in my entire adult life (x-rays for bones that were not broken and some stitches), until two years ago when I got a hernia operation after forty years in construction. I've never taken any vitamins or supplements. The "secret?" Vegetarian diet, yoga poses and breathing, no negative thinking, and faith in Jesus. Save your money. 5 benjiebarker benjiebarker 7 months ago Dr Sinclair’s resveratol and NMN regimen is helping my mom’s alzheimers…i think reversing aging is helping her Alzheimer’s 7 Cheryl R Leigh Cheryl R Leigh 7 months ago While hormone replacement works for some I choose to avoid it though any of my peers (I'm a 60) absolutely love it. Since psychopaths are born and sociopaths are made; would be great if we could restructure the brain DNA to avoid it. 4 Black Salt Black Salt 7 months ago Fantastic didn't miss one second of conversation between you and david . Chris Busby Chris Busby 7 months ago your inner being is ageless. Once you come in touch with it, it is timeless, it never grows old or young or anything. It is just the same from eternity to eternity. 3 Aman Sharma Aman Sharma 7 months ago Incredible episode, very well interviewed Yvonne Sun Yvonne Sun 7 months ago Love love love the show and Dr. David , learning so much on my Type 2 Dieb 2 305news 305news 7 months ago Great podcast. What is the recommended dosage of metformin that David takes each day Life is wonderful Bao Life is wonderful Bao 7 months ago 13) metformirn therapy can help you 14) nmn therapy protecte against aging 15) Mot C 16) crispers (changing gene) while fixing genes 22 Anne Anne 7 months ago Hi David, you are just incredible! Q. please? Can you reset the Brain if there is blockages & shrinkage, and if you can how would this change your personality ? Would you still have all the knowledge you have gained, or would it be a blank but new? Thank you. 1 Reshad Unchained Reshad Unchained 6 months ago The essence of human ingenuity is to push conventions. Amazed we are now able to ask “do we need to age?” LittleOne3179 LittleOne3179 7 months ago (edited) I’m curious as to when inside tracker will include estrogen and other female hormones in their bio markers. I am 59 years old and a powerlifter, my inner age scored 9yrs younger than my biological age. My testosterone levels were even optimal, however the SHBG levels are an issue and I am sure not allowing me to optimize the testosterone I have. I sincerely hope more female hormones will be included someday? What can we do naturally to increase estrogen levels ? I’m currently investigating this and would love your thoughts. Menopause isn’t healthy for any woman and affects aging. Thank you for all you do! 9 James Salisbury James Salisbury 7 months ago (edited) interesting science on Testosterone and Longevity(or negative impact). I do wonder is cycling T to have lower periods with normal periods would help men live longer. It may be an interesting rabbit hole. Cool info on CRISPR and the age reset development. WOW Thanks for the interesting show guys. 1 Gospel of Thomas: 77th Pearl Gospel of Thomas: 77th Pearl 4 days ago What is good about living longer is that with time comes great wisdom, and with a healthy body the soul is free to work on moving onto a higher level of existence 🖖🏼 1 Beatriz Nino Beatriz Nino 7 months ago I’m diabetic and I was trying to incorporate fasting into my life. I noticed that my sugar levels skyrocketed for the whole time I wasn’t eating. As soon as I began eating, my levels started to go down. My primary told me that I should avoid the fasting because of that. My A1C was not good this time. My question is: How or what can I do to gain those benefits that I really want, if I cannot fast? Thank you so much. 6 Aldraz Aldraz 7 months ago (edited) So this may be a pretty stupid question, but if low oxygen intake helps to boost mitochondrial activity, would holding breath exercises for long periods help with this? Otherwise, if too much oxygen helps, would Tummo meditation breathing technique help as well? By the way, this was very fascinating interview! 2 David Tay David Tay 7 months ago (edited) When a living body is aging, it simply mean its dying. If its living, at certain stage, it maybe able to regenerate it to the point of reversing the aging. The answer to this is to stop the chronic inflammation. Inflammation is the disease thats the culprit of aging, backache, joint pain, diabetes, hypertension, weakened immunity, cancer etc etc 2 Isaac Hakim Isaac Hakim 7 months ago In Dr. Sinclair’s website, he states that he doesn’t not take metformin on the days that he exercises. Digging further into it, I read plenty of the medical findings that metformin somewhat reverses the benefit of exercising and reduces the ability of build muscle. Can someone clarify this? jewelleryaddict jewelleryaddict 1 month ago Thanks for bringing up the red lite. Husband and I have been using for pain and healing and for keeping his hair. Does make skin look better and helps arthritis type pain at near 70. Also seems ban small depression, we are both happy with the results. Would love to have someone address co q10. I have had chronic fatigue syndrome for 20 + years. the coq 10 does seem to help my fatigue alot plus many other suppliments and vitamins and very strict diet,. except for occasional bakery products. not everyone one is perfect!, 1 jane braun jane braun 5 days ago Amazing guy, he inspires others and it's exciting. Recently Elon Musk poo-poohed the idea of live super long. Hope he too will get on board for what is talked about here. As to cancer hope they develop ways to 'detect' it sooner, all from the blood as he says at the end. Randy Davis Randy Davis 7 months ago FANTASTIC Ed...WOW Incredible program...thank you! AMAZING!!!! What is that device David said he puts on chest, and I think you said you do too...that can alert to health events? I want to get one. Thanks again for creating a remarkable resource for us!!! WOW!!! 1 Ligia Sommers Ligia Sommers 7 months ago David Sinclair , my favorite scientist, thank you for having him . Hungarian ancestry, like men, he is my idol and my inspiration 🙏🏻✨🌹 8 Ed Mylett · Dave Scott Dave Scott 7 months ago I run frequencies derived from David Sinclair's recommended drugs or food when the actual drug is not available. For example Metformin (which my doctor will not prescribe for me ) has a frequency of something like 384.860418936 MHz (not the exact figure) derived from its atomic weight. Software, developed by John White ( someone you should really interview), runs a simple frequency generator which can transfer frequencies into the cells, emulating the drug and its benefits. Might be something you would like to research further. 4

Tuesday, September 27, 2022


胡适 Hu Shih 1960 color.jpg 1960年的胡适 中央研究院第2任院长 任期 1957年11月4日-1962年2月24日 总统 蒋介石 前任 朱家骅 继任 王世杰 中华民国第4任外交部部长 任期 1949年6月12日-1949年10月1日 行政院院长 阎锡山 前任 傅秉常 继任 叶公超 中华民国行政院政务委员 任期 1949年6月12日-1949年10月1日 行政院院长 阎锡山 Peking University.svg 第7任国立北京大学校长 任期 1945年9月4日-1948年12月15日 前任 蒋梦麟 继任 汤用彤 中华民国第3任驻美大使 任期 1938年9月17日-1942年9月8日 前任 王正廷 继任 魏道明 个人资料 性别 男 出生 胡嗣穈 1891年12月17日 大清江苏省松江府川沙抚民厅 (今上海浦东) 逝世 1962年2月24日(70岁) 中华民国台湾省台北县南港镇 (今台北市南港区) 籍贯 安徽省徽州府绩溪县上庄镇 国籍 大清(1891年–1911年) 中华民国(1912年–1928年) 中华民国(1928年–1962年) 政党 无党籍 无党籍 配偶 江冬秀 学历 哲学博士 母校 美国康乃尔大学、哥伦比亚大学 职业 学者、作家 专业 中央研究院院士 (人文及社会科学组,1948年第1届) 获奖 香港大学名誉法学博士学位 (1935年) 美国哈佛大学名誉文学博士学位 (1936年) 美国南加州大学名誉文学博士学位 (1936年) 美国哥伦比亚大学名誉法学博士学位 (1939年) 美国芝加哥大学名誉法学博士学位 (1939年) 美国杜克大学名誉法学博士学位 (1940年) 美国耶鲁大学名誉法学博士学位 (1940年) 美国宾夕法尼亚大学名誉法学博士学位 (1940年) 美国加州大学柏克莱分校名誉法学博士学位 (1941年) 加拿大麦基尔大学名誉文学博士学位 (1941年) 加拿大多伦多大学名誉法学博士学位 (1941年) 美国达特茅斯学院名誉文学博士学位 (1942年) 美国俄亥俄州立大学名誉法学博士学位 (1942年) 美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校名誉法学博士学位 (1942年) 美国普林斯顿大学名誉法学博士学位 (1942年) 英国牛津大学名誉法学博士学位 (1945年) 签名 学历 游美肄业馆(清华大学前身) (1910年) 美国康乃尔大学文学士学位 (1914年) 美国哥伦比亚大学哲学博士学位 (1927年) 经历 胡适(1891年12月17日-1962年2月24日),原名嗣穈,读书时曾取名洪骍,又改为适、适之[1]:5。一生用过笔名有:希彊[注 1][2]、自胜生、铁儿、冬心、臧晖之主人、臧晖等[注 2][3][1]:5。生于江苏省松江府川沙县,祖籍安徽省徽州府绩溪县上庄镇[1]:5。曾任国立北京大学校长、中央研究院院长、中国驻美大使、南开大学校董会董事等职。 胡适是新文化运动的奠基人与领袖之一[4][5],他兴趣广泛,著述丰富,在文学、哲学、史学、考据学、教育学、伦理学、红学等诸多领域都有较为深入的研究,开风气之先。在哲学上倡导约翰·杜威的实用主义方法论,主张“大胆假设,细心实证”[6],“实验是真理的唯一试金石”[7],在政治上主张自由主义[8],是一位备受争议、值得探讨的多重身份历史人物。也是被各方政治势力恶毒批评和攻讦得最多的人之一[9],他拥有三十六个博士学位(包括名誉博士), 是世界上拥有最多博士学位的人之一。 目录 1 生平 1.1 早年经历 1.2 中年经历 1.3 晚年经历 1.4 逝世及后事 2 思想与学术 2.1 白话运动/文学革命 2.2 哲学研究 2.3 白话文学研究 2.4 自由主义 2.5 禅宗研究 2.6 水经注研究 2.7 人权论集 3 评价 4 轶事 4.1 诺贝尔奖提名 5 主要论著 5.1 著作书籍 5.2 校对、编辑与翻译 5.3 文章与期刊 5.4 日记 6 家庭 7 注释 8 参考文献 9 研究书目 10 外部链接 10.1 画像 11 参见 生平 早年经历 胡适家族世系是徽州胡氏中的明经胡,自古传说出自唐哀帝(或唐昭宗)。到胡适父亲胡传(1841年-1895年)时,家业茶商,家道殷实。 1891年12月17日未时,胡适生于江苏川沙县(今上海浦东新区)。胡适父亲胡传(一说为胡珊[1]:5)一生娶3位妻子。元配冯氏在太平天国之乱时罹难,胡传续娶曹氏,胡传在五次参加乡试皆未中举人后,放弃科举之途,在中国东北宁古塔结识宁古塔边务钦差大臣吴大澂后,受吴大澂推荐走上仕途,后追随吴大澂,先后前往海南、协助治理黄河。胡传曾任上海的淞沪里卡(税收机关)总巡[1]:5。胡传再娶胡适生母冯顺弟,是胡传第三房妻子[1]:5。所以胡适出生之时,父亲胡传已经50岁。 1893年,胡传担任台湾台南盐务总局提调兼办安嘉总馆,办理台南盐务,此时2岁的胡适才随母亲去台湾胡传任所居住。1893年,胡传代理台东直隶州知州,胡适也随父母亲前往台东。然而,因清廷甲午战争战败,台湾割让给日本,1895年胡适随母亲离开台湾回上海,后回祖籍安徽绩溪上庄,进家塾读书。未久,父亲胡传病逝于厦门。 1904年,13岁的胡适在家人安排下与江冬秀订婚。江冬秀虽为乡村女子,但却是书香门第,虽不是博闻强识,也念过几年私塾,识得几个字。之后,胡适跟随其三哥到上海,入梅溪学堂。 1905年,胡适进澄衷学堂。1906年,考取中国公学。1908年,入中国新公学,兼任英文教员。1910年留学美国,入康乃尔大学选读农科。1915年入哥伦比亚大学哲学系,师从于约翰·杜威。 1917年的胡适 1917年初,在《新青年》上发表《文学改良刍议》。同年,通过哲学博士学位的最后考试,但并未取得博士学位,回国后被人尊称“博士[10]” (十年后才正式取得学位),并任北京大学教授,参加编辑《新青年》,回安徽绩溪与江冬秀结婚。1919年接办《每周评论》,发表《多研究些问题,少谈些主义》,主张改良主义,引发“问题与主义论战”。1920年离开《新青年》,在南京高等师范学校(今南京大学)暑期学校讲学。 中年经历 1921年的胡适 1922年,任国立北京大学教务长兼代理文科学长[11],创办《努力周报》。在《努力周报》第二期(5月14日)与蔡元培、李大钊、陶行知、梁漱溟等联名发表《我们的政治主张》。 1924年与陈西滢、王世杰等创办《现代评论》周刊。1925年2月,参加北京善后会议,并参与起草部分会议文件。1926年与其师郭秉文等人在美国发起成立华美协进社。1926年7月—1927年5月游历英国、法国、美国、日本诸国。1927年,正式取得哥伦比亚大学哲学博士学位[12]:40。与徐志摩等组织成立新月书店。1927年在上海蒋介石与宋美龄婚礼上结识蒋介石。 1928年创办《新月》月刊。任中国公学校长。1929年在《新月》杂志上发表《人权与约法》一文,标志着“人权运动”的开始,随后发表《我们什么时候才可有宪法——对于建国大纲的疑问》、《知难,行亦不易—孙中山先生的“行易知难”说述评》、《新文化运动与国民党》。1930年1月,胡适、罗隆基、梁实秋三人有关人权问题的文章结集为《人权论集》交新月书店出版,后被国民党政府查禁。4月10日在《我们走那条路》中提出:“要铲除打倒的是贫穷、疾病、愚昧、贪污、扰乱五大仇敌”。 1932年任国立北京大学文学院院长兼中国文学系主任、私立南开大学校董会董事及南开大学经济学院董事,并邀蒋廷黻、丁文江、傅斯年、翁文灏创办《独立评论》,胡适先后共为其撰写了1309篇文章。1935年1月4日抵达香港,逗留五天,主要接受香港大学名誉法学博士学位。1935年至1936年胡适多次要求出任驻日本大使未果[13]:128。 1937年八一三事变后,胡适与顾祝同、朱绍良、梅思平、陶希圣、罗君强、陈布雷、陈立夫、张君劢等人常到周佛海在南京西流湾8号建造的花园洋房的地下室躲避空袭,众人在此常常讨论时局,持“战必大败”的悲观情绪,胡适于是为这个非正式组织起名“低调俱乐部”,以区别与当时主战派及民众盛行的“歇斯底里的风气”的高调。 蒋介石于8月19日要求胡适即日前往美国争取美方对中国的支持。1938年任中华民国驻美国大使。1942年9月8日,辞去驻美大使一职,旅居纽约,从事学术研究。1943年,应聘为美国国会图书馆东方部名誉顾问。1944年9月,在哈佛大学讲学。1945年,出任中华民国政府代表团代表在旧金山出席联合国制宪会议;以中华民国政府代表团首席代表的身份,在伦敦出席联合国教科文组织会议,制订该组织的宪章。1946年7月5日,国立北京大学校长胡适由美国返回中国抵达上海[14]:8099。11月28日,蒋介石向国民代表大会提出《中华民国宪法草案》,并郑重致词,说明其要点[15]:49,由大会主席团主席胡适接受。12月25日,国民大会正式三读通过[15]:49宪法草案。同日国民大会闭幕,由蒋主席代表国民政府接受胡适递交宪法[16]:156。 1947年1月4日,教育部就沈崇事件电北京大学校长胡适、清华大学校长梅贻琦称,南京、上海等地学生游行“查系有人鼓动反政府及反美运动”;“此系美兵个人行为,纯属法律案件,并非外交问题。现美军已将凶犯交军事法庭审判,自应听候依法解决。诚恐有人扩大煽动,特电注意防范”[14]:8256。1月6日,对北大今后学生运动,胡适称:不应以罢课为手段[14]:8258-8259。1月24日,蒋介石想请胡适出任考试院长和国府委员,但胡适坚持不肯加入国民政府而力辞。(见《胡适之先生年谱长编初稿》,第1958页)5月6日,北京大学校长胡适电请教育部调查教授待遇[14]:8349。8月28日,联合国教科文组织中国委员会在南京举行成立大会,委员会比照联合国教科文组织设立自然科学、社会科学及人文科学、教育、大众传播、图书馆及博物馆、艺术与文学6个专门委员会,并选出执行委员胡适、朱家骅、吴贻芳、朱经农、梅贻琦、杭立武、竺可桢、张道藩、萨本栋、瞿菊农等10人[14]:8403。9月1日,北京大学教授俞平伯、向达、孙楷第等31人,因生活困苦,致函该校校长胡适称:“我们一个月的收入不能维持半个月的生活,谈不到子女的教育费,更谈不到即将到来的严冬,这是一种什么生活!”[14]:8405 1948年3月,胡适当选为中央研究院第一届院士。4月3日,蒋介石认为中华民国宪法为内阁制,实权在内阁,中华民国总统应为虚位,请公正人士较佳,所以想请国民党支持无党籍的胡适出马竞选行宪后第一任总统,等胡适当上总统后再任命蒋介石为中华民国行政院院长,胡适也同意了,但后来因国民党中执会还是支持蒋选总统而变卦[17]:2024。11月,中共解放军兵临北平城下,用电台广播呼吁胡适留下继续担任北京大学校长。12月,华北剿匪总司令部总司令傅作义,西去绥远和南走海上的道路都被堵死。是战是和?傅作义日夜思考,下不了决心。他认为胡适能够替他出主意,把胡适接到中南海怀仁堂密谈,胡送了八个字,“和比战难,坚持待变”。蒋派专机接运留在北平之学人胡适、陈寅恪、钱思亮、李济、劳干等到南京[15]:57。12月13日朱家骅、傅斯年、俞大维、陈雪屏四个人在南京设法派飞机去接胡适南下,胡适在13日时,本来还坚持不肯丢下北京大学不管,14日在南京方面的劝说下才勉强同意离开,1948年12月15日下午4点,傅作义派了部队护送胡适到南苑机场上了飞机。夜里十时光景,到了南京明故宫机场[17]:2061-2063。1949年1月15日,蒋介石在引退前夕聘请胡适担任总统府资政,胡适向总统府秘书长吴忠信去信表示辞意但未果。[17]:2068-2069 1949年3月9日,蒋介石派蒋经国赴上海访胡适[18]:166。4月6日,胡适应中华民国政府要求,从上海搭威尔逊轮前往美国当说客,为和平解决国共内战问题寻求美国政府的介入,但4月21日船抵旧金山,得知4月19日政府拒绝中共24项要求,解放军已渡江,此时局势已定,胡适在美处处碰壁,孤臣已无力可回天[17]:2083、2092、2097。4月,胡适在美国发表《共产党统治下决没有自由:跋所谓〈陈垣给胡适的一封公开信〉》[19]:399,旅美时,与张爱玲相识,结下友谊;《自由中国》创刊,胡适任名义上的“发行人”。 4月22日,胡适在美国旧金山发表谈话,略谓:“现在重要之事实,则为中国政府已拒绝投降,此非仅四万万人民之命运所系,即全世界之命运,恐亦随之决定。”次日,解放军占领南京后,他仍宣称:“不管局势如何艰难,我始终是坚定的用道义支持蒋总统的。”[14]:8887-8888 6月19日,新任行政院院长阎锡山发表胡适为外交部部长,但胡适拒绝上任[17]:2095。 1950年应聘为普林斯顿大学葛思德东亚图书馆馆长(短期的中文图书管理员,来源:唐德刚《胡适杂忆》45页)。6月23日,主管亚太事务的美国助理国务卿迪安·腊斯克约见胡适﹐试图说服胡适出面领导流亡海外及台湾的反共亲美的人士﹐以取代蒋介石的政权,不过胡适对此表示全无兴趣。当时美国对蒋完全丧失信心,希望建立第三势力以对抗共产党扩张,因胡适无此兴趣而不了了之[20]。1952年,胡适和蒋廷黻在纽约曾有意联合组织反对党以在台湾推行民主政治,但在胡适返台与蒋介石讨论后,遭到蒋介石的反对,以致组党的事胎死腹中[21]:74-75。之后,他于1950年代初期偶回台湾参与政治活动与讲学。例如:以国大代表参与总统选举投票、担任光复大陆设计研究委员会副主任委员及协办由雷震主笔的《自由中国》杂志等等。 1954年至1955年,以批判俞平伯《红楼梦研究》为导火索,中国大陆掀起了批判胡适运动。为批判胡适,三联书店出版发行了《胡适思想批判论文汇编》8辑[22]。胡适先生住在美国,他搜集了这八本书,认真作了批注。而批判胡适运动的起因,根据耿云志的说法是:“这句话我想是他一生里,讲的最有失绅士风度的一句话,他(胡适)说按照毛泽东当时的水平他考北大是考不上的,我估计这个话有可能传到毛泽东的耳朵里,所以毛泽东非常决断地发动一场全国规模的彻底批判胡适的运动。”[23]1956年9月20日,陈源依老友周鲠生之托,致信胡适[24]。然而,胡适并不相信周鲠生所说的话,他在陈源信中“对于你,是对你的思想,并不是对你个人”下面划线,并在旁批注:“除了思想之外,什么是‘我’?”[25]。1957年11月,胡适当选中华民国最高研究机构中央研究院院长,并于隔年4月回到台湾定居就任。自此,胡适多时往返台、美两地。期间因为经济关系,1958年他还将《胡适文选》及《四十自述》等所有著作,以买断方式(一说为廿年)卖与国内某家出版公司。 晚年经历 1958年台北,胡适、蒋介石合照 1958年后,大陆发起大规模清算胡适思想的运动,胡适响应说,“我觉得世界上二、三百年来有一种公开的趋向,朝科学民主这个方向上走,朝新的科学方法走,那时候我朋友陈独秀在《新青年》上发表文章拥护‘德’先生和‘赛’先生,我表示过这样的话,把这个抽象名词人格化,把它看作人,最容易错误的,容易人格化。容易人格化,也就容易偶像化,偶像化了,便会盲目崇拜……当时我朋友陈独秀只认得两个名词,不知道科学是一个方法,民主是一种生活习惯,是一种生活方式。”1959年金门构工部队,于旧金城东炸山采石,意外发现鲁王墓“皇明监国鲁王圹志”八字及全文石碑后交由胡适博士研考。1959年兼任国家长期科学发展委员会主席(即今中华民国科技部)[11]。 1960年的胡适,摄于台中故宫博物馆 1960年,《自由中国》杂志负责人雷震与台、港党外人士共同连署反对蒋介石违背中华民国宪法三连任总统,胡适为连署人之一。之后,雷震筹备组党事宜,胡适虽未参与,但多所鼓励。1960年9月,雷震因“共谍”案被捕,史称雷震事件,而此事件,一般认为是蒋介石为阻止雷震筹组新党而策划。当时仍为中央研究院院长的胡适虽未受到此案株连,也参与营救雷震,不过并没有成功。对此胡适曾留下三千字的日记说明始末。1961年2月胡适参加台大校长钱思亮的宴会,刚抵达就感到身体不适,送至医院脉搏跳至135次,痰中带血。医生诊断为冠状动脉栓塞症加狭心症。此次住院2月,后回家自养,但身体已日渐衰弱。11月病情恶化,至台大医院疗养,隔年2月出院。 逝世及后事 1962年2月24日,参与中央研究院第五届院士欢迎酒会时,心脏病突发病逝于台北县南港镇(今台北市南港区)[26]时胡正在讲台上致词演说,至一半不支晕厥。蒋送来挽联:“新文化中旧道德之楷模;旧伦理中新思想的师表。”[27]之后,中华民国政府将胡适于台北的公配居所改建为胡适纪念馆。另外,台北南港当地士绅李福人(李氏望族后裔),也捐出一片面积达两公顷,位于研究院附近的个人私地辟建为胡适公园,作为胡适的墓地。(后来许多中研院院士或著名学人也安葬于此。) 胡适墓志铭由知名学者毛子水撰文,金石名家王壮为先生书写: “这是胡适先生的墓,生于中华民国纪元前二十一年,卒于中华民国五十一年。这个为学术和文化的进步,为思想和言论的自由,为民族的尊荣,为人类的幸福而苦心焦思,敝精劳神以致身死的人,现在在这里安息了!我们相信形骸终要化灭,陵谷也会变易,但现在墓中这位哲人所给予世界的光明,将永远存在。” 思想与学术 维基文库中相关的原始文献:Author:胡适 胡适在美国哥伦比亚大学研读期间,师从约翰·杜威,研究并接受实用主义(pragmatism,胡适自译为实验主义)哲学,这是一种方法论,提倡“大胆假设,细心实证”[6],“一切学说理想,一切知识,都只是待证的假设,都须用实行来试验过,实验是真理的唯一试金石”[7]。胡适将这应用在他各方面的思想和研究上,他说“我写《先秦名学史》、《中国哲学史》,都是受那一派思想的指导,我的文学革命主张也是实验主义的一种表现”[28],“我谈政治只是实行我的实验主义”[29],也体现在他的文字上,他说“我的长处是明白清楚,短处是浅显,我抱定一个宗旨,做文字必须要叫人懂得”[30]。 胡适在日记中曾说自己“平生大过,在求博而不求精”[31],这确实是他的一个特点,一生研究范围广博,但有三部著作都没有下卷[注 3],这也正是他的优点,他学贯中西,对于“汉学”和西方哲学都很了解,用西方学术方法来研究中国文学和哲学,填补了当时中国学术的一个重要空白[32]。 胡适对中国文化的冲击是迅速而巨大的,1917年,他的《文学改良刍议》引起社会舆论强烈反响,回国后很快在学术圈也产生巨大冲击,余英时说“这样暴得大名的例子在中国近代史上除了梁启超以外,我们再也找不到第二个了”。他在北大教授中国哲学史一课,时年二十六七岁,很多同学都怀疑他的资质,但很快他的很多新的观念让学生非常信服[33]。1919年他出版《中国哲学史大纲》上卷,被蔡元培称为“一部研究中国哲学的大作”,此后他的研究涉猎广泛,开辟中国文史哲学术研究的许多新领域、新纪元,“重新估定一切价值”,胡适说:“在中国文化史上我们真也是企图搞出个具体而微的哥白尼革命来”。[34] 胡适本来是不谈政治的,1917年回国的时候,他“打定二十年不谈政治的决心,要想在思想文艺上替中国政治建筑一个革新的基础”[29],但国内的政治及革命的气氛日益高涨,胡适也忍不住参与,发表了《多研究些问题,少谈些主义!》,引起了很大争议[35]。此后胡适积极参与时事与政治评论,但这其实并不是他的兴趣所在,他说:“只是我的一种忍不住的努力”[29]。他主张自由主义,提倡“自由、民主、容忍、和平的渐进的改革”[8],受到共产党[36]和国民党[37]两方面的反对,但他始终不改初衷。 政治系列 自由主义 Yellow flag 发展 思想 学说 重要人物 区域 宗教自由主义 组织 自由主义主题 政治主题 查论编 白话运动/文学革命 参见:新文化运动 1917年,胡适还是美就在家族国哥伦比亚大学的研究生,他在《新青年》上发表了《文学改良刍议》,引起很大反响。白话的使用历史很长,推动白话文的努力也有相当的时间[38],这篇文章之所以引起轰动,一是出现在合适的时间[39],二是内容详实,言之有据。一共提了文学改良的八个原则,“言之有物;不摹仿古人;讲求文法;不无病呻吟;去除滥调套语;不用典;不讲对仗;不避俗字俗语(注:即白话)”。不仅仅是文言改成白话的问题,还包括内容的改变,要“言之有物”,包括情感和思想,“非古人所谓‘文以载道’之说”,开启了对“文以载道”这一文学道统的批评[40][41][42]。包括文风的改变,让语言成为交流的有效工具,而不是以文害意。最后导致对文学的评价标准的根本改变,不模仿古人,推崇白话文学。关于白话文学,文中说,“今人犹有鄙夷白话小说为文学小道者,不知施耐庵、曹雪芹、吴趼人皆文学正宗,而骈文律诗乃真小道耳。吾知必有闻此言而却走者矣”。这句话在当时是革命性的,夏志清这么评价:“文学革命开始于1917年胡适的文章《文学改良刍议》...胡适把整个中国文学的遗产重新估价了,他以前没有几个学者敢像他那样公然表扬小说的价值,声称水浒传、西厢记足可与离骚、庄子、史记相提并论。他还以史学家和批评家的身份,指出一种他个人极为欣赏的艺术信仰:宣扬人道的写实主义。他信奉的是小心求证的精神,是现实的乐观主义者”[43]。 胡适此后发表《历史的文学观念论》(1917年)、《建设的文学革命论》(1918年)、《国语文法概论》(1921)等论文,认为“死文字决不能产出活文学。中国若想有活文学必须用白话,必须用国语,必须做国语的文学”,主张“国语的文学,文学的国语”。郑振铎说“《建设的文学革命论》...是一篇文学革命最堂皇的宣言”[44]。古文家林纾则反对说:“若尽废古书,行用土语为文字,则都下引车卖浆之徒所操之语,按之皆有文法,...据此则凡京津之稗贩,均可用为教授矣。”[45],反对者还有学衡派、章士钊。 1920年出版中国新文学史上第一部白话诗集《尝试集》。《尝试集》的新诗充满试验性质,并不成熟。余光中认为“胡适等人在新诗方面的重要性也大半是历史的,不是美学的”。[46]周策纵评胡适新诗“清新者有之,朦胧耐人寻味者则无;轻巧者有之,深沈厚重者则无;智慧可喜者有之,切肤动人挚情者则无”。[47]《尝试集》出版后,引起了相当大的反响,受到复古派的反对。学衡派东南大学教授胡先骕说:“胡君之《尝试集》,死文学也。...胡君辈之诗之卤莽灭裂趋于极端,正其必死之征耳。”[48] 1919年胡适第一个用白话写作独幕剧《终身大事》,剧情里女主角与恋人离家出走,是受易卜生《玩偶之家》的影响。他的小说《一个问题》开启了中国现代小说的第一个流派“问题小说”。[来源请求] 夏志清评价胡适的文学创作:“可惜胡适虽然是个了不起的倡导人,他却不能以身作则写出一些令人满意的文学示范作品来,他的主要成就在于把整个中国文学的遗产重新估价了。”[43] 哲学研究 胡适是较早引入西方方法以来研究中国学术的学者,1918年,他以其博士论文《先秦名学史》为基础,编写了《中国哲学史大纲》(上卷),论述了中国先秦哲学思想,蔡元培为此书作序,称其为“一部研究中国哲学的大作”,特长是使用“证明的方法、扼要的手段、平等的眼光及系统的研究”。冯友兰认为“在中国哲学史研究的近代化工作中,胡适创始之功,是不可埋没的”[49]。胡适此后并没有写下卷,被林语堂称为是“善著上卷书”[50]。 在书中,关于孔子及儒家,胡适说“正名主义,乃是孔子学说的中心问题,要创立一种公认的辨别是非真伪的标准”,他对儒家批评甚多,“儒家重礼乐,本是极合于宗教心理学与教育心理学的,只可惜儒家把这一种观念推行到极端,许多性情上的事都要依刻板的礼节去做,便把礼的真义反失掉了”,“从此以后,孝和礼这两个字便渐渐成了中国社会的两大势力”。“《春秋》的宗旨,不在记实事,只在写个人心中对于实事的评判,《春秋》的余毒就使中国只有主观的历史,没有客观的历史”,“孔子的‘学’只是读书,只是文字上传受来的学问,后来中国几千年的教育,都受这种学说的影响,造成一国的‘书生’废物,这便是他的流弊了”。 书中对墨家的学说颇为称许,“儒、墨两家根本上不同之处,在于两家哲学的研究方法不同”,“墨子的‘应用主义’,又可叫做‘实利主义’,‘用’和‘利’都只指针对人生行为而言,无论什么理论,什么学说,都需要能改良人生的行为,才可以推崇”,这和他自己相信的“实验主义”简直就是如出一辙。他还认为,“墨子的后人,于‘宗教的墨学’之外,另分出一派‘科学的墨学’,后来叫做‘名家’的人,在当时都是墨家的别派”。 1921年,胡适在《吴虞文录序》中说“我向各位中国少年介绍这位‘四川省只手打孔家店’的老英雄——吴又陵先生!”,此后,“打倒孔家店”成为新文化运动中反孔非儒思潮的一个口号。 1934年,胡适发表《说儒》,对儒家的起源提出新的学说,认为不是从孔子才开始,儒本是商朝的遗民,“是‘殷礼’(殷的宗教文化)的保存者与宣教师”,“老子也是儒”,“孔子和这班大弟子本来都是殷儒商祝,孔子只是那个职业里出来的一个有远见的领袖”,“将殷商民族的部落性的儒扩大到‘仁以为己任’的儒,把柔弱的儒改变到刚毅进取的儒”。 1959年,胡适在《容忍与自由》一文中评价《礼记 王制》中的“四诛”[51](四样不得赦免的死罪):“这一段说的“四诛”正是中国专制政体之下禁止新思想、新学术、新信仰、新艺术的经典根据。” 1929年,胡适发表文章《中国今日的文化冲突》,提出“我主张全盘的西化,一心一意地走上世界化的路”,此说引起很大争论[52][53],1935年6月,他发表文章《充分世界化与全盘西化》,对此说提出修正,“全盘的意义不过是充分而已,不应该拘泥作百分之百的数量的解释。为避免许多无谓的文字上或名词上的争论起见,与其说‘全盘西化’,不如说‘充分世界化’。‘充分’在数量上即使‘尽量’的意思,在精神上即使‘用全力’的意思”。 白话文学研究 胡适在白话小说《红楼梦》、《水浒传》、《西游记》、《三国演义》、《三侠五义》、《海上花列传》、《儿女英雄传》、《官场现形记》、《老残游记》等十二部小说的研究皆卓然有成,著述六十万言,结集为《中国章回小说考证》出版。 胡适是红学考证派的创始人,反对此前的索隐派红学,可以说是将小说纳入了学术研究正轨的中国第一人。1921年,胡适发表《红楼梦考证》,开宗明义,“向来研究这部书的人都走错了道路,他们不去搜求那些可以考定《红楼梦》的著者、时代、版本等等的材料,却去收罗许多不相干的零碎史事来附会《红楼梦》里的情节。我们若想真正了解《红楼梦》,必须先打破这种牵强附会的《红楼梦》谜学”。胡适提出红楼梦是曹雪芹所作,是曹雪芹自己的“自叙传”,后四十囘是高适补的。胡适是《乾隆甲戌脂砚斋重评石头记》(即所谓“甲戌本”)孤本的发现者和拥有者。并且接下来发现了一系列珍贵的版本比如《庚辰本》,为现代红学研究奠定了重要的基础。胡适对红楼梦评价并不高:“《红楼梦》在思想见地上比不上《儒林外史》,在文学技术上比不上《海上花》、《老残游记》...”[54],他之所以考证红楼梦,“在消极方面,我要教人怀疑王梦阮、徐柳泉一班人的谬说。在积极方面,我要教人一个思想学问的方法。我要教人疑而后信,考而后信,有充分证据而后信”[55]。 1929年,胡适发表《白话文学史》(上卷),考证中国白话文学史,上卷到唐朝为止,此后并未写出后续。此书的白话是广义上的,接近当时时代的口语,与诘屈聱牙的古文相对,包括汉朝乐府、佛经翻译等。 夏志清评价说:“胡适把整个中国文学的遗产重新估价了,他以前没有几个学者敢像他那样公然表扬小说的价值,声称水浒传、西厢记足可与离骚、庄子、史记相提并论。他对几本中国古典小说的源流和作者的考证,真是国学研究上的重要的里程碑。他还以史学家和批评家的身份,指出一种他个人极为欣赏的艺术信仰:宣扬人道的写实主义。他信奉的是小心求证的精神,是现实的乐观主义者。”[43] 自由主义 胡适本来是不谈政治的,1917年回国的时候,他“打定二十年不谈政治的决心,要想在思想文艺上替中国政治建筑一个革新的基础”[29],但国内的政治及革命的气氛日益高涨,胡适也忍不住参与[35]。此后胡适积极参与时事与政治评论,但这其实并不是他的兴趣所在,他说:“只是我的一种忍不住的努力”[29]。 胡适参与了好几个重要的政治辩论,开始于问题与主义之争,这是一个方法论之争。1919年7月,刚刚五四运动之后,他发表了《多研究些问题,少谈些主义!》,胡适不是简单地反对主义,只是反对一知半解,把主义挂在嘴上做招牌,他提倡首先要研究问题,将研究问题和研究主义相结合,最后找出解决的办法[56]。此文引起了很大争议,特别是此前5月1日李大钊刚刚发表了《我的马克思主义观》,于是二人展开了几轮辩论[57]。毛泽东受到启发,发表了《问题研究会章程》[58],并于1920年1月15日拜访过胡适[59]。但毛泽东研究了“问题”之后,也接受了“主义”。以胡适自己看来,他的主张当时没有被接受[60]。 1923年,胡适参与了科学与玄学的论战。张君劢是玄学派,认为科学解决不了人的人生观问题;胡适和陈独秀是科学派,认为可以建立以科学为基础的人生观。但胡陈二人之间又起了分歧。陈独秀坚持历史唯物主义,胡适认为经济不是历史的唯一决定因素,陈独秀称他是“心物二元论”,瞿秋白进一步地说胡适的实验主义是唯心主义。 1930年,胡适参与了革命和演进之争,发表了《我们走那条路》,他反对暴力、盲动的革命,主张和平、自觉的演进[61]。此文也引发了争论[62]。从中国近代的历史来看,胡适的看法当时并没有被接纳。 1935年,胡适参与了民主与独裁之争,发表了《一年来关于民治与独裁的讨论》等文章,他反对当时颇有市场的认为民主已死、中国需要独裁的论点,主张"民主政治的方式是国家统一的最有效方法”[63]。从中国近代的历史来看,胡适的看法当时并没有被接纳,在海峡两岸都多少如此,而且他完全低估了独裁在中国的可实现性。 胡适的核心政治理念是自由主义,他总结为“自由、民主、容忍、和平的渐进的改革”[8],这贯彻于他一向的政治评论中,比较有代表性的文章有《我们的政治主张》(1922年),《人权论集》(1929年),《自由主义》(1948年),《容忍与自由》(1959年)。他的理念受到共产党和国民党两方面的反对。毛泽东说:“自由主义取消思想斗争,主张无原则的和平,结果是腐朽庸俗的作风发生”[36],1954年大陆开展了批判胡适的运动[64]。蒋介石说:“自由主义与共产主义的思想...在客观上是与我民族的心理和性情,根本不能相应的,而在主观上更并无什么根,不过是人云亦云”[37],1957、1958年,台湾出现官方暗中支持的反对胡适的言论和事件[65][66][67]。 李敖作为自由主义者,如此评论:“民主二字早在五四时代就叫得满天响,四十年来,能够‘一以贯之’的相信他所相信的,宣传他所相信的,而在四十年间,没有迷茫、没有转变、没有‘最后见解’的人,除了胡适之外,简直找不到第二个。别看他笑得那么好,我总觉得胡适之是一个寂寞的人”[68]。 禅宗研究 胡适在写《中国禅宗史》的过程中接触到神会与北宗辩论的记载,感到如果不写神会,就难以写好禅宗史。 1926年8月间,胡适奉派到英国参加中英庚子赔款全体委员会会议,顺便到大英博物馆与巴黎国家图书馆寻找被斯坦因和伯希和偷走的敦煌遗卷里的禅宗史料。胡适到了巴黎时,当时在德国柏林大学研究的傅斯年也赶来巴黎和胡适住在一起共同研究敦煌遗卷。胡适承认他的很多想法都是受到傅斯年的影响。基本上胡适的禅宗研究就是要肯定北宗神秀的“渐修”学说而否定南宗惠能的“顿悟”说、并且证明所谓“六祖坛经”里“五祖弘忍传惠能法衣”的故事只是惠能的弟子神会和尚为了和北宗争夺皇室的供养所编造出的神话。[69] 1926年,胡适因在巴黎、伦敦相继发现三卷及一份残卷,约两万字有关神会和尚的资料,也就是《神会和尚语录》和《菩提达摩南宗定是非论》,又在伦敦发现了神会的《显宗记》[70],他不仅“要把禅宗史全部从头改写”,而且强调“这位大和尚神会实在是禅宗的真正开山之祖,是《坛经》的原作者”。印顺法师认为此为他的结论是不足取的[71],胡适忽略了日本学者忽滑谷快天的部分[来源请求],但在禅宗史的研究上,仍旧是有贡献的。胡适将当时禅宗史研究的问题点,由“西天二十八祖”的传承问题,转为禅宗革命家本身的问题。若无胡适的论断在先,日本佛教学界不会有如此多的回应和研究成果,中国禅学研究将不可能达到今日之成就。是故印顺法师的研究成果实受惠于胡适的先前贡献[72]。胡适说:“一千多年中,几乎没有人知道神会在禅宗史上的地位,历史上最不公平的事,莫有过于此事的了”。1974年日本学者柳田圣山收集胡适的讲词、手稿、书信等编成《胡适禅学案》。 水经注研究 1942年,胡适卸任驻美大使后开始关注《水经注》研究,此后的20年间,在《水经注》版本研究上花费了巨大的精力。所谓“《水经注》案”,是指一百多年来,部分学者指责戴震偷窃赵一清《水经注》研究成果一事。对此,学术界普遍有两种看法:一种认为戴震抄袭了赵一清的成果[73];一种认为赵一清、全祖望、戴震各自独立研究,取得了大体相同的结果。 在十几年内,胡适搜集了四十多种《水经注》的版本,抄写了一百多篇长篇文章和一些考证文字,用了千百个证据,为了推翻“几成定谳”的所谓戴震抄袭赵一清《水经注》校本的冤案。但部分学者认为是白费力气[74]。 《戴东原的哲学》一书是胡适研究清代思想史的一部最重要的著作。胡适认为,清代思想史中存在一个反理学的大运动,这个运动有破坏和建设两个方面。前者是揭破理学的谬误,打破它的垄断地位;后者是要建设一种不同于理学的新哲学。 戴震是胡适的徽州老乡。而胡适花了那么多功夫研究水经注来为戴震辩冤白谤,一方面是胡适一向有袒护安徽同乡的习惯[注 4],由胡适对李鸿章的评价就看得出来;一方面也是为了要发扬戴震的“从一事一物”开始“训练那心知之明”,以“渐渐进于圣智”的做学问的渐进法门[75]。 人权论集 1929年,胡适在《人权论集》序言里明确表示:“我们所要建立的是批评国民党的自由和批评孙中山的自由。上帝我们尚可以批评,何况国民党与孙中山。”[76] 评价 胡适墓 胡适墓志铭 胡适公园的胡适胸像 位于中央研究院内的胡适纪念馆。 胡适:“(我是)不可救药的乐观主义者,...有时我自称为历史家,有时又称为思想史家,但我从未自称我是哲学家,或是其他各行的什么专家”。[77] 陈独秀:“五四运动,是中国现代社会发展之必然的产物,无论是功是过,都不应该专归到那几个人;可是蔡先生、适之和我,乃是当时在思想言论上负主要责任的人。”[78] 鲁迅:“不错,古代的儒教军师,总说“以德服人者王,其心诚服也”。胡适博士不愧为日本帝国主义的军师。”[79] 夏志清:“文学革命开始于1917年胡适的文章《文学改良刍议》”。 “胡适把整个中国文学的遗产重新估价了,他以前没有几个学者敢像他那样公然表扬小说的价值,声称水浒传、西厢记足可与离骚、庄子、史记相提并论。他对几本中国古典小说的源流和作者的考证,真是国学研究上的重要的里程碑。他还以史学家和批评家的身份,指出一种他个人极为欣赏的艺术信仰:宣扬人道的写实主义。他信奉的是小心求证的精神,是现实的乐观主义者。”[80] 李敖:“在短短的两三年间,他用新方法整理了断烂朝报的中国哲学史,澄清了浮夸淫琐的文字障,创立了新式标点,宣传了‘不朽’论,介绍了实验主义,攻击了孔家店和旧式的父子问题,改革了不合人情的丧礼,鼓吹了女权和新的性观念,最后印出了《尝试集》,把中国文学带到了一条新路与生路,在南社横行排律成风的规摹里,使老朽们面对了新诗。这两三年的努力简直是奇迹,一篇文章带起了一个思潮,一个思潮引起无数的响应而汇成一个运动,每个运动都以《新青年》为源头”。 “我们只消肯定他在文学革命的贡献、新文化运动的贡献、民主宪政的贡献、学术独立和长期发展科学的贡献,我们就可以“论定”他对我们国家走向现代化的贡献了,除此而外,一切都是余事!”。 “民主二字早在五四时代就叫得满天响,四十年来,能够‘一以贯之’的相信他所相信的,宣传他所相信的,而在四十年间,没有迷茫、没有转变、没有‘最后见解’的人,除了胡适之外,简直找不到第二个”。 “至少我个人,我不承认在严格的尺度下,胡适是‘哲学家’和‘史学家’”。 “别看他笑得那么好,我总觉得胡适之是一个寂寞的人”。[68] 毛泽东:“帝国主义及其走狗中国的反动政府只能控制(知识分子)其中的一部分人,到了后来,只能控制其中的极少数人,例如胡适、傅斯年、钱穆之类”。[81] “看样子,这个反对在古典文学领域毒害青年三十余年的胡适派资产阶级唯心论的斗争,也许可以开展起来了”。[82] 胡思杜(胡适二儿子,1950年语):“他是反动阶级的忠臣,人民的敌人,...帝国主义的走狗,...在他没有回到人民的怀抱来以前,他总是人民的敌人,也是我自己的敌人”。[83] 蒋介石:“新文化中旧道德的楷模,旧伦理中新思想的师表”(挽联[15]:101) 。 “以今日一般政客如胡适等无道义,无人格,只卖其‘自由’‘民主’的假名,以提高其地位,期达其私欲,对国家前途与事实概置不顾,令人悲叹……经儿(注:蒋经国)婉报胡适与其谈话经过,乃知其不仅狂妄,而且是愚劣成性,竟劝我要‘毁党救国’,此与共匪之目的如出一辙,不知其对我党之仇恨甚于共匪之对我也,可耻。”“此人实为一个最无品格之文化买办,无以名之,只可名曰‘狐仙’,乃为害国家、为害民族文化之蟊贼。 最无品格之文化买办、其人格等于野犬之狂吠!”“以今日一般政客如胡适等无道义,无人格,只卖其‘自由’‘民主’的假名,以提高其地位,期达其私欲,对国家前途与事实概置不顾,可耻!” [84] “胡适乃今日文士名流之典型,而其患得患失之结果,不惜借外国之势力,以自固其地位,甚至损害国家威信而亦在所不惜。”“彼使美四年,除为其个人谋得名誉博士十余位以外,对于国家与战事毫无贡献,甚至不肯说话,恐其获罪于美国,而外间犹谓美国之不敢与倭妥协,终至决裂者,是其之功,则此次废除不平等条约以前,如其尚未撤换,则其功更大,而政府令撤更为难矣!文人名流之为国乃如此而已。”[85] 林语堂:“胡适的确是个了不起的人。他启迪了当代人士的思想,也为他们的子孙树立楷模。荣衔学位多不胜数。最高当局甚至曾敦促他竞选中华民国总统和出任行政院长。但终其一生,胡适淡泊谦冲,平易近人”。 “他是学者,也是好人。但一生所遭受的恶毒批评和攻讦,几乎比任何人多。但是这些谩骂叫嚣丝毫不能影响或改变胡适对发展科学、民主制度以及革新需要的信念”。 “他的朋友,或自称是他朋友的人,实在太多了,因此我有一次在我主编的幽默杂志《论语》上宣布:这本杂志的作者谁也不许开口‘我的朋友胡适之’,闭口‘我的朋友胡适之’”。[9] 唐德刚:“胡适之先生的了不起之处,便是他原是我国新文化运动的开山宗师,但是经过五十年之考验,他既未流于偏激,亦未落伍。始终一贯地保持了他那不偏不倚的中流砥柱的地位。开风气之先,据杏坛之首;实事求是,表率群伦,把我们古老的文明,导向现代化之路。熟读近百年中国文化史,群贤互比,我还是觉得胡老师是当代第一人!”[77] 余英时:“胡适的‘暴得大名’最初完全是由于他提倡文学革命,用白话来代替文言。...他的思想在上层文化领域之内所造成的震动却更为激烈、更为广泛。...无论我们怎样评判他,今天中国学术与思想的现状是和他一生工作分不开的”。[86] 季羡林: “适之先生待人亲切、和蔼,什么时候见他,都是满面笑容,从来不摆教授架子,不摆名人架子,不摆校长架子,而且对什么人都是这样,对教授是这样,对职员是这样,对学生是这样,对工友也是这样。我从来没有看到他疾言厉色,发脾气。同他在一起,不会有任何一点局促不安之感。他还不缺乏幽默感。我的总印像是:胡适是一个好‘朋友’,胡适是一个好人。”[87] “解放以后,我们队伍中的一些人创造了一个新术语,叫做‘小骂大帮忙’。胡适同国民党闹点小别扭就归入这个范畴”。 “我认为胡适是一位非常复杂的人物,他反对共产主义,但是拿他那一把美国尺子来衡量,他也不见得赞成国民党”。[88] 温源宁:“胡适博士,在少数人心目中,不是厉害的对手就是很好的朋友。对于其他人而言,他是老大哥。所有人都承认他和蔼可亲、招人喜爱,甚至他的死对头也这样认为。...胡博士学识渊博,他对万事万物——从春药的配制到佛教的深奥佛理——全都有所了解。...放在(伏尔泰等)这一群哲人中间,胡博士也不是最逊色的一个。而在中国,我不敢说他就不是唯一的当代哲人”。[89] 周汝昌:“(关于红学,胡适)做了一般性的考订工作,贡献不小,但这儿并没有什么新的思想内涵与学术体系可言。...对曹雪芹这部书的真涵义真价值,可说一无所论,简单肤浮得令人惊讶”。[90] 轶事 季羡林曾评价胡适“是一个书生,说不好听一点,就是一个书呆子。”并举一小事称,胡适一次会议前声明要提前退席,会上忽而有人谈到《水经注》,胡适之先生立即精神抖擞,眉飞色舞,口若悬河起来,乃至忘了提早退席这件事。[91] 胡适的代表作《中国哲学史大纲》、《白话文学史》皆有始无终,只有上卷而没有下卷,以致被黄侃讥讽为缺失“下面”一截的太监,成了将没有完稿的小说、论著称为“太监”的起源。 胡适与傅斯年的友谊亦是众人皆知,而两人的机缘的起因在于北大的时期。时年傅斯年21岁,胡适26岁。当时胡适任职北大并作为哲学史的教授,但是大部分的学生对于胡适没接续前任教授讲解的商朝哲学史作更进一步的说明感到不满。先前傅斯年曾经替班级禀报教授不适任,进而替换教授,因此班级希望傅斯年再向校长禀报一次。傅斯年听了几堂课后对同学说:“这教授虽然书读得不算多,但至少没出现什么错误,诸位就别闹了”。此事让胡适感激不已,时常称傅斯年为“保驾人”。[92]。 胡适喜欢玩一种称为过五关的骨牌游戏,在1946年6月24日的日记还认为是世界最好的单人游戏。[93]1960年11月23日,雷震事件发生时,胡适因心情不好玩此戏解闷。[94] 晚年胡适和李敖有一段往事,当时李敖作为学生比较穷。1961年10月,胡适就写了一份信并附送的1000元的支票并邀请李敖双十节后去玩。[95] 胡适反对包办婚姻,并以婚姻自由为主题写过一个剧本《终身大事》,影响甚广,但是他自己与包办婚姻的妻子江冬秀厮守终身。 诺贝尔奖提名 根据诺贝尔奖官方数据库,胡适曾于1939年和1957年分别被瑞典考古学家斯文·赫定和国际笔会香港中国笔会提名为诺贝尔文学奖候选人。[96][97] 主要论著 著作书籍 著《中国哲学史大纲·卷上》(1919年) 著《尝试集》(1920年,北平,北大出版部,新诗诗集) 著《胡适文存·一集》(1921年,北平,北大出版部) 著《章实齐先生年谱》 (1922年,上海,商务印书馆,姚名达订补) 著《胡适文存·二集》(1924年,上海,亚东图书馆) 著《戴东原的哲学》(1927年,上海,亚东图书馆) 著《白话文学史·上卷》(1928年,上海,新月书店) 著《卢山游记》(1928年,上海,新月书店) 著《人权论集》(1930年,上海,新月书店,与罗隆基、梁实秋合著) 著《胡适文存·三集》(1930年,上海,亚东图书馆) 著《胡适文选》(1930年,上海,亚东图书馆) 著《中国中古思想史长编》(1930年,吴淞,中国公学) 著《中国中古思想史的提要》(1932年,北平,北大出版部) 著《四十自述》(1933年,台北,远流出版社) 著《胡适论学近著·第一集》(1935年,商务印书馆;后删省为《胡适文存·四集》,台北,远东,1953年) 著《南游杂忆》(1935年,良友图书公司) 著《藏晖室札记》(1939年,上海,亚东图书馆;1947年由商务重排出版,改称《胡适留学日记》) 著《胡适的时论》(1948年,六艺书局) 著《水经注版本四十种展览目录》 (1948年,北大五十周年纪念,北平,北大出版部) 著《我们必须选择我们的方向》 (1949年,台北,自由中国社;即《胡适时论》的增改本) 著《齐白石年谱》(1949年,上海,商务印书馆,与黎锦熙、邓广铭合著) 著《丁文江的传记》 (1960年,南港中央研究院) 著《胡适口述自传》 (唐德刚,远流出版社) 校对、编辑与翻译 校编《神会和尚遗集》(1930年,上海,亚东图书馆) 编《中国文学史选例》(1931年,北平,北大出版部) 译《短篇小说》(1933年,上海,亚东图书馆) 编《中国新文学大系·第一集》(1935年,建设理论集,良友图书公司) 编《台湾纪录两种》 (1951年,台湾省文献委员会,与罗尔纲合校编) 编《乾隆甲戌脂砚斋重评石头记》(1961年,台北,自印本) 文章与期刊 发表《文学改良刍议》(1917年1月1日,于《新青年》第2卷第5号) 发表《历史的文学观念论》(1917年5月1日,于《新青年》第3卷第3号) 发表《建设的文学革命论》(1918年) 发表《多研究些问题,少谈些主义》(1919年7月20日,于《每周评论》第31期) 发表《差不多先生传》(1924年,于《申报》) 发表《人权与约法》(1929年,于《新月》杂志第2卷第2号) 发表《我们什么时候才可有宪法—对于建国大纲的疑问》(1929年,于《新月》杂志第2卷第4号) 发表《知难,行亦不易—孙中山先生的“行易知难”说述评》(1929年,于《新月》杂志第2卷第4号) 发表《新文化运动与国民党》(1929年,于《新月》杂志第2卷第6、7号合刊) 发表《我们走那条路》(1930年4月10日,于《新月》月刊第2卷第10期) 发表《容忍与自由》 (1959年11月20日在《自由中国》十周年纪念会上的演讲,全文刊登在《自由中国》第20卷第10期) 日记 《胡适日记全集 》 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (全套十册),(台北,联经出版社,POD版) 家庭 父亲胡传(1841年-1895年8月22日),字铁花、号钝夫,清朝贡生,官至淞沪厘卡总巡、台东直隶州知州,著有《台湾纪事两种》,1895年8月22日病殁于厦门。 母亲冯顺弟,安徽省绩溪县人。她23岁守寡,一直守了23年,受尽了人生的痛苦和折磨。而最大苦痛,莫过于许多亲人的相继死亡。这23年间,仅婆家和娘家,共死去七个亲人。胡适在《四十自序》中详尽描写了自己的母亲的订婚过程和丧夫后打理家庭、培养儿子的故事。 妻子江冬秀(1890年12月19日-1975年),旌德县人,1917年于家姑包办下与胡适结婚。在当时自由恋爱风气兴起后,胡适并未像其他青年一样毁掉婚约,而是继续维持,对此,胡在后来的日记中写道:“假如我那时忍心毁约,使这几个人终身痛苦,我良心上的责备,必然比什么痛苦都难受。”1975年于台湾病逝。 长子胡祖望(1919-2005),于西南联大修读机械工程毕业,其后再赴美至其父母校康乃尔大学深造同科目硕士,毕业后长居美国任职工程师;1949年10月与3泰国曼谷与曾淑昭女士结婚,1955年于美国生独子胡复。 次子胡思杜(1921-1957),当年拒绝与家人赴台并留在中国大陆,1954年被中共强迫声明与胡适断绝父子关系,但仍被批斗,最终更于1957年9月21日不堪反右运动批斗而自缢身亡,但当时两岸消息断绝,胡适至死不知幼子死讯。 女儿胡素斐,5岁时不幸夭折。 孙胡复(生于1955年)。先天罹患小儿麻痹症而残疾,但仍成功入读父祖辈母校康乃尔大学,毕业后于美国任职公务员。至今独身未婚。 注释 “希彊”为胡适第一篇白话文章《地理学》的署名,当时胡适正读到《老子》第33章:“知人者智,自知者明;胜人者有力,自胜者彊。”胡适觉得这“自胜者彊”四个字好极了,就取别号叫“希彊”;又称“期自胜生”。 适与适之之名与字,乃取自当时盛行的赫胥黎的《天演论》中的“物竞天择适者生存”。 《中国哲学史大纲》,《白话文学史》,《四十自述》 胡适于1952年在台湾大学讲学中说:“我审这个案子,实在是打抱不平,替我同乡戴震(东原)申冤。” 参考文献 李振霞、傅云龙主编 (编). 李振霞撰〈胡適〉. 《中國現代哲學人物評價》(下卷). 北京: 中共中央党校出版社. 1991. 易竹贤. 《胡适传》 2005年4月第4版. 武汉: 湖北人民出版社. 2005 [2013-11-03]. ISBN 7-216-02346-3. (原始内容存档于2019-05-03) (中文(简体)). 我在学堂里的名字是胡洪骍。有一天的早晨,我请我二哥代我想一个表字。二哥一面洗脸,一面说,“就用‘物竞天择适者生存’的‘适’字,好不好?”我很高兴,就用“适之”二字。(二哥字绍之,三哥字振之。)后来我发表文字,偶然用“胡适”做笔名,直到考试留美官费时(1910)我才正式用“胡适”的名字。(《四十自述》“在上海(一)”,上海:亚东图书馆,第50页。) 陈独秀. “蔡孑民先生逝世後感言”(原载1940年3月24日重庆《中央日报》). 《蔡元培先生紀念集》. : 71. 五四运动,是中国现代社会发展之必然的产物,无论是功是过,都不应该专归到那几个人;可是蔡先生、适之和我,乃是当时在思想言论上负主要责任的人。 夏志清. 《中國現代小説史》. 文学革命开始于1917年胡适的文章《文学改良刍议》。 胡适,《我的歧路》,原载1922年6月18日《努力周报》第7期,“实验主义只是一个方法,只是一个研究问题的方法,他的方法是:细心搜求事实,大胆提出假设,再细心求实证” 胡适《杜威先生与中国》,原载1921年7月10日《东方杂志》第18卷第10号,《胡适文存》第一集卷二,381页 胡适,《自由主义》,1948年9月4日,“自由主义的第一个意义是自由,第二个意义是民主,第三个意义是容忍——容忍反对党,第四个意义是和平的渐进的改革 林语堂,《我最难忘的人物 - 胡适博士》,载台北《读者文摘》1963年10月号 欧阳哲生:《探寻胡适的精神世界》,秀威出版,2011年,ISBN 9862218002 P55-65 林芳如. 《臺灣歷史辭典補正·人物詞條補正》. 台北市: 台湾学生书局. : 37页. ISBN 978-957-15-1477-2. 唐德刚:《胡适杂忆(增订本)》,华东师范大学出版社,1999.1,ISBN 978-7-5617-1799-8 周质平. 胡適與韋蓮司. 李新总主编,中国社会科学院近代史研究所中华民国史研究室编,韩信夫、姜克夫主编 (编). 《中華民國史大事記》. 北京: 中华书局. 2011年7月. 陈布雷等编著. 《蔣介石先生年表》. 台北: 传记文学出版社. 1978-06-01. 李守孔. 《中國現代史》. 台北: 三民书局. 1973. ISBN 978-957-14-0663-3. 《胡适之先生年谱长编初稿》 蒋经国. 〈危急存亡之秋〉. 《風雨中的寧靜》. 台北: 正中书局. 1988. 萧启庆:《推陈出新的史学家陈垣》《元代的族群文化与科举》,台北:联经,2008年,ISBN 978-957-08-3228-0 见中国时报网站黄清龙(前中国时报总编辑)——胡适与蒋介石、毛泽东,2008-01-02 唐德刚:《胡适杂忆》,风云时代出版 洪子诚. 中国当代文学史. 北京: 北京大学出版社. 2010: 38-39. ISBN 978-7-301-15373-4. 胡适最令毛泽东生气的话:他当时水平考不上北大. 凤凰网. 2012 [2012-03-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-08) (中文(中国大陆)). 南京大学中文系教授沈卫威. 〈胡適思想的力量——為「實踐是檢驗真理的唯一標準」討論三十周年作〉. 《明报月刊》2009年1月号 (香港: 明报报业有限公司): 123. 一九五六年九月十六日,中国外交学会副会长、外交部顾问周鲠生,到瑞士出席世界联合国同志大会;周一九四九年前曾任北京大学教授兼政治系主任,武汉大学校长,与胡适颇有个人交情。在瑞士会议结束后,周鲠生又应英国联合国同志会的邀请赴伦敦访问。在伦敦,周鲠生会见了创办《现代评论》时期的老友,同时也是他执掌武汉大学时的下属陈源(陈在武大英文系任教,长期任文学院院长)。周鲠生代表共产党上层人士周恩来等,劝陈源回大陆看看,同时通过陈源动员在美国的胡适也回大陆。 南京大学中文系教授沈卫威. 〈胡適思想的力量——為「實踐是檢驗真理的唯一標準」討論三十周年作〉. 《明报月刊》2009年1月号 (香港: 明报报业有限公司): 123. 陈源依老友之托,于九月二十日致信胡适,将周鲠生原话转吿:我〔陈源〕说起大陆上许多朋友的自我批判及七八本“胡适评判”。他〔周鲠生〕说有一时期自我批判甚为风行,现在已过去了。对于你〔胡适〕,是对你的思想,并不是对你个人。你如回去,一定还是受到欢迎。我说你如回去看看,还能出来吗?他说“绝对没有问题”。他要我转告你,劝你多做学术方面的工作,不必谈政治。他说应放眼看看世界上的实在情形,不要将眼光拘于一地。 闵良臣:胡适之死. [2018-08-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-26). 蒋介石:《挽胡适之院长联》,《先总统 蒋公言论总集》第三十五卷,台北 胡适《藏晖室札记》,即《留学日记》自序,1936年 胡适《我的歧路》,原载1922年6月18日《努力周报》第7期 胡适 《四十自述》,引自《胡适之先生年谱长编初稿》67页 胡适日记,1915年5月28日,《留学日记》卷九,第三册,653页 蔡元培《中国哲学史大纲序》 “现在治过汉学的人虽还不少,但总没有研究过西方哲学史的,留学西方的学生,研究哲学的,本没有几人,这几人中,能兼研究汉学的更少了。适之先生虽自幼进新式的学校,还能自修汉学,至今不辍,又在美国留学的时候兼治文学哲学,所以研究中国古代哲学的难处,一到先生手里,就比较容易了” 顾颉刚,《古史辨》序,1926年,“(胡适)丢开唐、虞、夏、商,径从周宣王以后讲起,这一改把我们一班人充满三皇五帝的脑筋骤然作一个重大的打击,骇得一堂中舌挢而不能下。...(傅斯年)去旁听了,也是满意。从此以后,我们对于适之先生非常信服。” 唐德刚《胡适口述自传》(台北,传记文学出版社,1981)255页 胡适《我的歧路》,原载1922年6月18日《努力周报》第7期,“(五四以后),国内的‘新’分子闭口不谈具体的政治问题,却高谈什么无政府主义与马克思主义。我看不过了,忍不住了,——因为我是一个实验主义的信徒,——于是发愤要想谈政治,我在《每周评论》第三十一号里提出我的政治的导言,叫做《多研究些问题,少谈些主义!》,...,我的导言引起了无数的抗议” 毛泽东,《反对自由主义》,1937年9月7日,“自由主义取消思想斗争,主张无原则的和平,结果是腐朽庸俗的作风发生” 蒋介石,《中国之命运》,1943年,“自由主义与共产主义的思想...在客观上是与我民族的心理和性情,根本不能相应的,而在主观上更并无什么根,不过是人云亦云” 陈独秀,《安徽俗话报》,1904年 陈独秀,《答适之》,见《胡适文存》第2集《科学与人生观序》附录三,”中国近来产业发达,人口集中,白话文完全是应这个需要而发生二存在的。适之等若在三十年前提倡白话文,只需章行严一篇文章便驳得烟消灰灭”。 陈独秀,《文学革命论》,1917年2月 茅盾,《文学和人的关系及中国古来对于文学者身份的误认》,原载1921年《小说月报》12卷1号,“随便翻哪个文学者的集子,总可以看见‘文以载道’这一类气味的话。很难得几篇文学是不攻击稗関小说的,很难得几篇文字是不以‘借物立言’为宗旨的。所以‘登高而赋’,也一定要有忠君爱国不忘天下的主意放在赋中;触景做诗,也一定要有规世惩俗不忘圣言的大道理放在诗中。做一部小说,也一定要加上劝善罚恶的头衔;便是著作者自己不说这话,看的人评的人也一定送他这个美号。总而言之,他们都认为文章是有为而作,文章是为古哲圣贤宣传大道,文章是替圣君贤相歌功颂德,文章是替善男恶女认命果报不爽罢了。还有一个绝相反而同是不合理的见解,就是只当作消遣品。...所以综合地看来,我国古来的文学者只晓得有古哲圣贤的遗训,不晓得有人类的共同情感;只晓得有主观,不晓得有客观;所以他们的文学是和人类隔绝的,是和时代隔绝的,不知有人类,不知有时代!”。 周作人,《中国新文学的源流》,1932年 夏志清 《中国现代小说史》 郑振铎,《五四以来文学上的论争》,1935 林纾,给蔡元培的信,1919年3月 余光中〈中国的良心——胡适〉,《左手的缪思》 周策纵《论胡适的诗》 胡先骕,《评〈尝试集〉》,载于1922年《学衡》杂志第1期、第2期 《三松堂全集》第1卷,第213页 林语堂《胡适之》 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 《礼记 王制》“析言破律,乱名改作,执左道以乱政,杀。作淫声异服奇技奇器以疑众,杀。行伪而坚,言伪而辩,学非而博,顺非而泽以疑众,杀。假于鬼神时日卜筮以疑众,杀。此四诛者,不以听。” 白话翻译:“用邪道扰乱政令的人,杀掉。凡是制作靡靡之音、奇装异服、怪诞之技、奇异之器而蛊惑民心的人,杀掉。行为诈伪而又顽固不化、言辞虚伪而又巧言利舌、所学陷入异端而又自以为博闻、言辞谬庚而讲得冠冕堂皇,以此蛊惑人心者,杀掉。凡是假托鬼神、时辰日子、卜签招摇撞骗以蛊惑人心者,杀掉。上述的四种被杀者,不再接受他们的申诉。” 王新命等十教授,《中国本位的文化建设宣言》,1935年1月10日 胡适,《试评所谓“中国本位的文化建设”》,1935年3月30日 胡适给高阳的信 见《胡适文存三·庐山游记》文末附注,第171页 胡适,《多研究些问题,少谈些主义》,1919年7月,“先研究了问题的种种方面和种种的事实,...(同时)种种学说和主义,我们都应该研究,...(最后)有了许多学理做材料,见了具体的问题,方才能寻出一个解决的办法,...(而不能够)一知半解,...半生不熟,...把主义挂在嘴上做招牌。” 李大钊,《再论问题与主义》,1919年8月17日,载于《每周评论》第35号,“布尔扎维主义的流行,实在是世界文化上的一大变动。...惟有一面认定我们的主义,...一面宣传我们的主义,...经济问题的解决,是根本解决。” 毛泽东,《问题研究会章程》,原载于1919年10月23日《北京大学日刊》 胡适,《胡适日记》,1920年1月15日,“毛泽东来谈湖南事”。 胡适,《我的歧路》,1922年,“我等待了两年零八个月,中国的舆论界仍然使我大失望,...孔丘、朱熹的奴隶减少了,却添上了一班马克思、克洛泡特金的奴隶;陈腐的古典主义打倒了,却换上了种种浅薄的新典主义。” 胡适,《我们走那条路》,1930年4月10日,1930年《新月》第2卷第10号,“革命和演进本是相对的,比较的,而不是绝对相反的,...欧洲的宗教革命、工业革命、美国独立等等,都有很长的历史演进的背景。...(革命)有和平和暴力的不同,...武力暴动不过是革命方法的一种,而在纷乱的中国却成了革命的唯一方法。...那些号称有主张的革命者,喊来喊去,也只是抓住几个抽象名词在那里变戏法。...革命永远是尚未成功,而一切兴利除弊的改革都搁起不做不办,于是革命便完全失掉用人功促进改革的原意了。...中国今日需要的,不是那用暴力专制而制造革命的革命,也不是那用暴力推翻暴力的革命,也不是那悬空捏造革命对象因而用来鼓吹革命的革命。...我们要用自觉的改革来替代盲动的所谓革命。” 梁漱溟,《敬以请教胡适之先生》,原载1930年6月16日《村治》1卷2期 胡适,《一年来关于民治与独裁的讨论》,1935年,原载1935年1月1日《东方杂志》第32卷第1号,“欧战以来十几年中,民主政治不但不曾衰颓崩溃,竟是在量的方面有了长足的进展,在质的方面也走上了一条更伟大的新发展的路,...民主政治的方式是国家统一的最有效方法,...在今日的一切状况之下,一切歌颂独裁的理论都是不切事实的梦想。” 郭沫若编,《胡适思想批判》,三联出版社,1955 蒋经国(化名周国光)等,《向毒素思想縂攻击》,1957 匿名,《胡适与国运》,1958年 雷震被捕事件 李敖,《播种者胡适》,1961年12月26日 见《胡适之先生年谱长编初稿》,第647至第653页 《神会和尚遗集》:“恰好民国十五年我有机会到欧洲去,便带了一些参考材料,准备去看伦敦巴黎两地所藏的敦煌卷子。九月我在巴黎发现了三种神会的语录,十一月中又在伦敦发现了神会的〈显宗记〉。此外还有一些极重要的禅宗史料。我假定的计划居然有这样大的灵验,已超过我出国之前的最大奢望了。” 印顺:〈神会与坛经──评胡适禅宗史的一个重要问题〉 江灿腾:〈从胡适博士到印顺导师──关于中国唐代禅宗史研究近七十年来的争辩与发展〉 胡适早年向魏建功表示“东原是绝顶聪明人, 其治学成绩确有甚可佩服之处, 其思想之透辟也是三百年中数一数二的巨人。但聪明人滥用其聪明, 取巧而讳其所自出, 以为天下后世. 皆可欺, 而不料世人可欺于一时, 终不可欺于永久也”。(《胡适书信集》中, 第713—714 页。) 吴天任表示,胡适“于赵戴公案,虽力为辩白,亦终难取信于人。徒增纠纷,而于郦书本身,究何补益?”寓居澳门的学者汪宗衍说:“余年精力,为兹枝节问题,虽曰求是,实于郦书何干? 亦费词矣。”梁实秋曾问胡适:“先生青年时代写《庐山游记》,考证一个和尚的墓碑,写了八千多字,引起常燕生先生一篇批评,他说先生近于玩物丧志,如今这样的研究《水经注》,是否值得?”胡适答:“我是提示一个治学的方法。前人著书立说,我们应该是者是之,非者非之,冤枉者为之辩诬,作伪者为之揭露。我花了这么多力气,如果能为后人指示一个做学问的方法,不算是白费。” 参《胡适文存三·几个反理学的思想家》,第82页 胡适. 人權論集. 胡适,唐德刚,《胡适口述自传》,1959年 陈独秀,《蔡孑民先生逝世后感言》,1940年3月24日 鲁迅,《出卖灵魂的秘诀》,1933年3月26日 夏志清,《中国现代小说史》,1961年 毛泽东,《丢掉幻想,准备斗争》,1949年8月14日) 毛泽东,《关于红楼梦研究问题的信》,1954年10月16日) 胡思杜,《对我的父亲胡适的批判》,1950年9月 蒋介石,日记,1958年5月30日 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 蒋介石痛斥胡适是无品格之文化买办、为害国家、为害民族文化之蟊贼-炎黄之家. [2021-12-01]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-01). 余英时,《中国近代思想史上的胡适》,1983年3月18日 季羡林,《胡适是一个好人》,载于《学习时报》,2003年 季羡林,《为胡适说几句话》,1987年11月25日 温源宁,《不够知己》第9期,1934年3月1日 周汝昌,《还红学以学-近百年红学史之回顾(重点摘要)》 季羡林:“站在胡适之先生墓前”,《百年潮》,1999年第7期,第14页。 存档副本. [2015-12-13]. (原始内容存档于2020-12-18). 胡适. 《胡適日記全集》. 台湾: 联经出版公司. 2005-04-12. ISBN 9570827106 (中文(繁体)). 潘光哲. 〈再論中研院院長和政治〉. 《天方夜譚中研院: 現代學術社群史話》. 台湾: 秀威资讯. 2008-05-01. ISBN 9789862210215 (中文(台湾)). 《李敖回忆录》山居一章 Nomination Database - Literature. [2017-01-10]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-26). 胡适被提名参选诺贝尔文学奖揭秘. 南方都市报. 2014-10-10 [2017-01-10]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-10). 研究书目 余英时:《重寻胡适历程:胡适生平与思想再认识》(桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2004)。 周质平:《胡适与中国现代思潮》(南京:南京大学出版社,2002)。 Jerome B. Grieder(贾祖麟)著,张玉译:《胡适之评传》(海口:南海出版社,1992)。 罗志田:《再造文明的尝试:胡适传(1891-1929)》(北京:中华书局,2006)。 江勇振:《舍我其谁:胡适.日正当中1917-1927》。 外部链接 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:胡适 维基文库中该作者的作品: 胡适 维基语录上的胡适语录 胡适纪念馆 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 胡适研究中心 新意文化网—胡适专刊 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 胡适研究文库目录 余英时:〈胡适是20世纪影响力最大的思想家 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 杨贞德:〈胡适爱国主义中“国界”与“是非”的抉择 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 杨贞德:〈进化与自由──胡适自由主义中的历史观及其意涵 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 杨贞德:〈胡适科学方法观论析 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 罗志田:〈北伐前数年胡适与中共的关系 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 罗志田:〈前恭后倨:胡适与北伐期间国民党的“党化政治” (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 罗志田:〈胡适世界主义思想中的民族主义关怀 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 周质平:〈张弛在自由与威权之间: 胡适、林语堂与蒋介石 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 周质平:〈胡适与冯友兰 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 周质平:〈胡适与梁漱溟 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 周质平:〈“难进”“易退”的胡适大使岁月述论 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 周质平:〈评胡适的提倡科学与整理国故 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 周质平:〈胡适论辛亥革命与孙中山 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 叶其忠:〈理解与选择——胡适与康纳脱的科学方法观比论〉。 黄克武:〈胡适与赫胥黎 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 王晴佳:〈胡适的“中国文化大使”之路──以1917—1937年《纽约时报》报导为中心 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 王晴佳:〈胡适与何炳松比较研究 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 翟志成:〈被弟子超越之后——胡适的冯友兰情结〉。 翟志成:〈文化激进主义 vs.文化保守主义:胡适与港台新儒家 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 汪荣祖:〈胡适、吴宓和爱情——兼论私情与公论 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 周昌龙:〈胡适对礼教的观念与态度 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 周昌龙:〈戴东原哲学与胡适的智识主义 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 杨翠华:〈胡适对台湾科学发展的推动:“学术独立”梦想的延续 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 中岛隆博:〈启蒙与宗教——胡适与福泽谕吉 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 藤井省三 著,张季琳 等 译:〈恋爱中的胡适——美国女友艾迪丝.克利福德.韦莲司与中国现代化理论的形成 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)〉。 张伟《胡适当过四年驻美大使》 《环球时报》 (2002年8月5日) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 胡适《与冯友兰先生论老子问题书》 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 画像 胡适 / 江启明 (Kong Kai Ming) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Portrait Gallery of Chinese Writers (Hong Kong Baptist University Library 香港浸会大学图书馆) 参见 人物主题 flag 中华民国主题 文学主题 哲学主题 国际关系主题 新文化运动 新文学运动 白话文 问题与主义论战 胡适纪念馆 胡适公园 中西文化论战 唐昭宗 西递村 明经胡氏 外交职务 前任: 傅秉常 中华民国外交部长 1949年6月—10月 未就任 继任: 叶公超 前任: 王正廷 中华民国驻美国大使 1938年—1942年 继任: 魏道明 学术机关职务 前任: 蒋梦麟 北京大学校长 1945年—1948年 继任: 汤用彤 前任: 朱家骅 代理 中央研究院院长 1957年—1962年 继任: 王世杰 [显示]查论编 胡适家系 [显示]查论编 中国近现代文学流派和社团 [显示]查论编 中央研究院院长 [显示]查论编 中华民国总统府资政 [显示]查论编 中华民国中央研究院第一届院士 [显示]查论编 中国驻美国大使 [显示]查论编 南开大学 [显示]查论编 “抢救学人”计划营救对象 规范控制 编辑维基数据链接 WorldCat IdentitiesBIBSYS: 90581061BNF: cb12141238x (data)CALIS: n2004216136CiNii: DA03088904CONOR: 208657507CYT: AC000001581DILA: A023813FAST: 62039GND: 118945211HKCAN: 9811105424903406ISNI: 0000 0001 2138 7337LCCN: n80131442LNB: 000171089MusicBrainz: 98536b78-62f1-4882-983d-d9d4cc5dab5cNCL: 1084197NDL: 00315501NKC: jn20011211256NLA: 36602117NLC: 000150626NTA: 107208636SELIBR: 61938SNAC: w6xs5w6gSUDOC: 029879574VIAF: 71426854 分类:​1891年出生1962年逝世中央研究院第一届院士胡适中央研究院院长中央研究院人文及社会科学组院士中华民国总统府资政第1届中华民国国民大会代表中华民国驻美国大使第一届国民参政会参政员第四届国民参政会参政员中华民国历史学家中华民国教育家中国公学校友国立北京大学教授哥伦比亚大学校友康乃尔大学校友红学家中华民国哲学家中华民国作家使用笔名的作家中华民国大陆时期反共主义者北京大学校长中国公学校长中华民国反共主义者美国文理科学院院士台湾战后安徽移民台湾白色恐怖时期异议人士幼年失亲者台湾民主运动者庚子赔款留学生安葬于台北市者川沙人松江区人绩溪人宣城人胡姓新文化运动人物低调俱乐部成员布雷顿森林会议代表国际笔会成员学者出身的政治人物五四运动人物光复大陆设计研究委员会委员获中华民国总统颁褒扬令的学者中华民国大陆时期驻外大使多伦多大学荣誉博士麦吉尔大学荣誉博士香港大学名誉博士哈佛大学荣誉博士南加州大学荣誉博士哥伦比亚大学荣誉博士芝加哥大学荣誉博士耶鲁大学荣誉博士宾夕法尼亚大学荣誉博士达特茅斯学院荣誉博士俄亥俄州立大学荣誉博士普林斯顿大学荣誉博士剑桥大学荣誉博士台湾的世界之最 导航菜单 没有登录 讨论 贡献 创建账号 登录 条目讨论 大陆简体 汉漢 阅读编辑查看历史 搜索 搜索维基百科 本页面最后修订于2022年9月23日 (星期五) 12:25。 本站的全部文字在知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 3.0协议之条款下提供,附加条款亦可能应用。(请参阅使用条款) Wikipedia®和维基百科标志是维基媒体基金会的注册商标;维基™是维基媒体基金会的商标。 维基媒体基金会是按美国国内税收法501(c)(3)登记的非营利慈善机构。

Monday, September 26, 2022

20分鐘降三高!專家教你超慢跑甩開肌少症:70歲也能健步如飛! 徐棟英老師

節拍超慢跑是什麼?不只降3高還能瘦身? 今天邀請到銀髮族救星徐棟英老師, 他讓70幾歲的奶奶從走路有問題到健步如飛, 更讓85歲的阿公可以做出棒式!自我訓練該怎麼做, 一起來看看! #運動 #糖尿病 #高血壓 #超慢跑 #高血脂 00:00 精彩開場 01:03 節拍超慢跑讓你降3高.狂瘦30kg!不傷膝更有效! 03:10 最強燃脂心律是多少?2週瘦3kg.逆轉糖尿病前期 07:22 越老越要動!超慢跑+肌力訓練健步如飛不是夢 08:30 最適合糖尿病患的節拍超慢跑!抗老擺脫肌少症 09:46 超簡單! 專家30秒教你正確節拍超慢跑SOP 10:22 節拍超慢跑 11:54 第一次節拍超慢跑就上手! 專家破解常見問題! 13:29 核心肌力運動 風傳媒►► 風生活►► 下班經濟學►► 10年前後 就上過徐老師的課, 靠運動真的拯救了很多人的健康, 謝謝老師專業又無私的分享。 找到適合自己還有知道正確運動方式真的很重要‼️ 這週開始超慢跑,邊追劇邊跑真的過很快,希望體重也能減下來 太神奇的方法了!我今天居然跑了5圈儿, 原来我也可以跑啊。不酸,不痛,不硬,不喘。谢谢老师! 嗨!身心靈健康是人生第一事業!! 超慢跑降三高⋯⋯ 一起動起來⋯⋯ 我們一起加油唷!⋯⋯ 是徐棟英老師耶! 因為跑步瘦20公斤真的超強🥺🥺 很棒的主題,同時也推崇兩位優秀的主持人👍 真的跑起來,沒有想像中痛苦,還會越跑越順 非常感謝老師,我已經開始跑了1个月了🙏🙏🥰🥰 很適合在家邊追劇邊跑! 看了後,發現這運動是很有用的運動,有道理,要去執行。 多謝蔡尚樺小姐-謝哲青先生兩位主持, 更多謝徐棟英老師的教學分享。 我今日特然睇到你哋呢個健康運動分享,好開心呀! 獲益良多,我一定會跟隨除老師的學習, 忠心感謝徐老師送上那麼好的精心健康運動教會。 另 請問徐老師 (要小步伐高步頻)是什麼意思? 很受用的知識,準備來開始運動了! 實際執行很有用! 超好超有用的運動。♡ 感謝🙏老師教導 \ 在家就能慢跑,大家跑起來! 講得非常好 👍👍👍 9 J 請問是飯後可以直接跑嗎?不會影響消化嗎?謝謝 運動很有效! 肌肉很重要 不能為了亂減肥失去肌肉啊 請問老師,我跑了幾分鐘後膝蓋感到熱熱的,屬正常嗎? 功德無量! 好啦!真的要運動了😂 請問老師有在授課嗎?要怎麼參加呢 我今天第一次用這種方式運動 小腿很酸 正常的對吧 畢竟第一天 我也知道要運動,當妳腹痛,走路都很困難,要怎麼運動,你說的我都知道啊 愛上跑步了! 10 在家也可以做 滿簡單的 膝蓋退化可以跑嗎?🙏🏼 請問剛吃飽就可以跑嗎? 非常棒 膝蓋痛可以超慢跑嗎 5 每天跑一跑 健康來找你 收藏沒有停止,運動沒有動起來 好!谢谢! 阿奇 阿奇 10 days ago 片頭有趣給推!! 9 C W So C W So 10 days ago 👍👍👍🙏🏻 6 廖嘉樂 廖嘉樂 10 days ago 下回可以來五個哲青哥嗎? 6 Allen Zhang Allen Zhang 4 days ago 感谢分享 2 芳澤 陳 芳澤 陳 5 days ago 讚👍 2 Tiffany Peng Tiffany Peng 6 days ago 我最近几个月爱上了运动,但是我的食量增多了,怎么才能控制自己的嘴呢? 恩恩 恩恩 6 days ago 燃脂區間根本就是假議題…..某些專業的地方請再多注意求證 吳伊薇 吳伊薇 10 days ago 我現在邊看邊跑 8 Vivian Lai Vivian Lai 9 days ago 請問老師,只做超慢跑,不要肌力訓練會有健身效果嗎? 超慢跑我可以接受。 我討厭肌力訓練 謝謝您! 13 christine197277 chen christine197277 chen 11 hours ago 很奇怪我跑了很多天沒有瘦 Mah Joanne Mah Joanne 9 days ago 老师 请问血糖高 吃饱饭了 马上慢跑 还是等及时分钟吗 谢谢 1 邱帥 邱帥 10 days ago 想看超馬芭樂跟徐老師PK 4 誠 誠 10 days ago 素食沒有殺身比較平安少病痛 10 陳小光 陳小光 2 days ago 天天動 彈不要狂吃 對體重下降無效 洪宋晏 洪宋晏 10 days ago 追劇也要跑起來了 6 jekjen wong jekjen wong 10 days ago ♡♡♡ 6 W H W H 10 days ago 跑跑跑 向前跑! 10 許秀珍 許秀珍 9 days ago 換過人工関節可以施行嗎? 3 Kuo聖 Kuo聖 7 days ago 我比較相信醫生的建議...... 2 时光食光 时光食光 5 days ago 请问节拍器是下载哪个app 1 juefan liu juefan liu 6 days ago 節拍器,有很多種,下載哪一個? 1 Delk Tsai Delk Tsai 10 days ago 做 起 來 7 J CHAO J CHAO 10 days ago 我只怕樓下鄰居會生氣😅 5 LOKK LOKK 10 days ago 今天開始跑 5 kitty kitty 3 days ago (edited) 没听懂(220–年龄)x0.7算出来的数字意义何在?是算超慢跑的强度吗? 許叔華 許叔華 9 days ago 開頭為啥要兩個哲青, 什麼古早年代的電視開場..... 3 Christine Chong Christine Chong 2 days ago 三酸甘油脂從724降到72!是不是真的嗎?有那麼神奇! 是否!是為了自己賣廣告! Foxy buddy loves carrots Foxy buddy loves carrots 6 days ago 我一下蹲,兩個膝蓋就有撕裂聲,不敢再做下蹲運動 Grace Li Grace Li 7 days ago 有血壓高怎様做超慢跑 2 温村婆婆 温村婆婆 5 days ago 老师说到走路令心脏增大,正想听下去,这个女主持插话说膝盖… 真无语😓 ChingYing Tsai ChingYing Tsai 10 days ago 動滋動 4 Fanang Fanang 8 days ago 請問節拍器下載網址 3 Pikabotic Pikabotic 8 days ago 這個人是醫師嗎@@? 聽到"很省能量" "瘦2, 30 公斤" 我就想按右上角叉叉關掉了 3 Lily Liu Lily Liu 10 days ago 孕妇可以这样跑吗?谢谢 2 LI wang LI wang 5 days ago 石破天驚(穿越靈界的科學研究)台灣國立中山大學剛出爐的學術論文、奇摩搜尋論文名稱(間腦開發專注力啟動創造力),研究用人的(松果體/意識體)以情境體驗的方式去解讀宇宙圖書館資料庫.探索古文明、星際旅行,目的在於探索和啟動創造力,不同的受試者意外分別連線到特斯拉、賈伯斯、外星人、神仙、前世等等…出現不可思議的神奇現象。 1 陳浩然 陳浩然 10 days ago 每天跑一跑 健康來找你 6

蔡幸娟和鄭進一合唱 [安平追想曲]

Sunday, September 25, 2022


Is Coffee Healthy with James Hoffman and Professor Tim Spector

Is Coffee Healthy with James Hoffman and Professor Tim Spector 225,192 viewsPremiered May 30, 2022 ZOE 158K subscribers Coffee’s earliest consumption dates back millennia when the tribesmen of Ethiopia used its ground-up berries to help aid concentration during prayer. Arriving in Europe in the 17th century, Coffee quickly began to replace beer and wine as a favourite breakfast drink. In the 20th century, coffee was blamed for high blood pressure and heart attacks, and more recently linked to a rising epidemic of poor sleep. None of this has prevented coffee’s relentless rise. Over 2 billion cups of the stuff are drunk each day. So, is coffee a guilty treat as many of us suspect? Or is it a health drink feeding your good gut bacteria? In this episode, Jonathan speaks with James Hoffmann and Tim Spector to find out. They discuss how coffee affects your gut bacteria, your hormones and your heart, whether decaffeinated coffee is healthy, and discover some of coffee’s most surprising side effects – which could come in handy if you find yourself in the jungle. James Hoffmann is a leading coffee expert and author of the World Atlas of Coffee and co-founder & chairman of the Square Mile Coffee Roasters. Tim Spector is a co-founder at ZOE and one of the top 100 most cited scientists in the world. If you want to uncover the right foods for your body, head to and get 10% off your personalized nutrition program. Timecodes: 00:00 - Intro 00:09 - Topic introduction 01:51 - Quickfire questions 04:48 - What is coffee and why are we willing to spend money on it? 05:18 - Views on coffee 09:12 - Health properties of coffee 11:49 - How is coffee made? 16:19 - Quantities of caffeine in beverages 18:11 - How important is fermentation for coffee flavor? 19:22 - What does the fermentation stage look like? 22:19 - Fiber & coffee 27:14 - Effects of coffee 28:25 - How much is too much coffee? 30:26 - What time is the best to drink coffee? 35:07 - What is decaf and is it safe? 38:59 - Does James drink decaf? 39:47 - Is decaf as healthy as caffeinated coffee? 41:16 - Does coffee quality matter? 42:31 - James' coffee preference 44:02 - Health side effects of coffee 46:45 - Is it healthy to mix coffee with milk? 49:33 - James' opinion on coffee with milk 51:35 - Summary 53:58 - Instagram question: Does coffee dehydrate you? 54:21 - Goodbyes 54:38 - Outro Episode transcripts are available here: Follow James: Follow Tim: Follow ZOE on Instagram: This podcast was produced by Fascinate Productions. Chapters 553 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Skyskovski Pinard Skyskovski Pinard 3 months ago As someone who grew up in the Caribbean, coffee was an everyday drink even as a child. My parents would roast there own coffee as the trees grew locally and roast the seeds. after they had theirs we the children were given a weaker version to drink. We would even help in the roasting process as kids by sucking on the sweet juicy pulps around the seeds before they were roasted. Growing up we did not make anything of it and up to this day it is still grown locally on the Island. Funny though, I guess it's me, but coffee does not keep me awake at all whatsoever. I could drink a litre now and fall asleep in the next 10 minutes lol. Great information Sirs 94 GoTellJesusSaves GoTellJesusSaves 3 months ago In the beginning of my coffee drinking experience (30-40 years of age) I couldn't have coffee without milk because of the bitter flavors. It wasn't until recently that I tried very fresh roasted, lighter roasted specialty grade coffees. The flavors of those coffees are so wonderful to me, that I very much prefer them without any type of additives. Kudos to excellent coffee roasters around the world, making people's lives just that little more enjoyable. 😀 👍 64 Pat Teti Pat Teti 1 month ago Wow! A fantastic summary far beyond just the health status of coffee thanks to two brilliant experts who are skilled at organizing their words off the cuff. Great job! Too bad you didn't talk about the very bad health effects of refined sugar added to coffee - so common in North America. 3 Renato Laino Renato Laino 3 months ago Nice video. Had a healthy dose of fiber and a borderline dose of caffeine while listening to James and Tim. Quite a relief that Tim approves coffee, otherwise I would have had to find a way to stop trusting him 104 MrRoboskippy MrRoboskippy 3 months ago Worlds collide. I've followed James and Tim separately for years. Now together on one conversation. 64 Matt S Matt S 2 months ago Very surprised you didn't discuss the relationship between coffee and acid reflux / heartburn. That's something I would have been interested to know more about and something that could potentially have a huge health impact for those who suffer from it... 3 Angela Reith Angela Reith 3 months ago Very informative and easy to listen to. And good to emphasise that we all need to monitor our own responses to coffee - which I love, but only mid/late morning. It's not one size fits all. Thanks very much for such clear explanations 8 Fraser Smith Fraser Smith 3 months ago Thank you for this. I've been watching James Hoffman for a while, but it's great to see an explanation of the basics and the background. 4 Anna Kissed Anna Kissed 3 months ago You three work so well as presenters I think I would enjoy you three talking about biomechanical engineering just as much. But I hope you will do this again at some point. I know people look to the past & claim it was a golden age of television. That back at the start of TV people would give lecturers on philosophy etc, but I disagree. TV is just getting better & better over time because of the increased specialisation & the ease at which great conversations can be documented. At one time this would be a fun Conversation at a University in Central London seen by a hundred people or so. Now that it's recorded & I get to see it, in a bedroom in Oxford as I drink my last coffee if the night (I have ADHD I use amphetamine as way to chill down & focus) so for me Coffee is a wondrous bedtime drink! Hot, delicious & a great way to drink my magnesium, potassium & sodium chloride for the day. But it could be also being watched in a different right now (hi if your our there, hope you have a great life) by someone interested in the history of coffee 200 years after we are all dead, buried & recycled by the soil. 6 Matz 4k Matz 4k 1 month ago Thanks for this amazing talk! Sadly this kind of actual information and knowledge is rare in our day to day lives. My parents still tell me off for drinking espresso as it is way too strong to be healthy... 1 Peter Brenton Peter Brenton 3 months ago Apparently there are up to 4 methods to decaffeinate coffee The Swiss Water decaf is a chemical-free decaf coffee that retains most of coffee's precious flavor and potent antioxidants, making it the healthiest decaffeinated coffee on the market. The lack of chemicals compared to the other popular methods also makes it a more earth-friendly option. 5 Scott Nicol Scott Nicol 3 months ago This is a little surreal for me - I spent the lockdown advocating Tim as a trusted source of Covid info whilst binge watching James' videos on coffee to distract me... never thought I'd be watching them in a double bill on the same video 🙂 15 Shardlake Shardlake 3 months ago Great collaboration, both James and Tim also have some great literature on this subject and more :) Many of which I own, great reads :) 1 GoTellJesusSaves GoTellJesusSaves 3 months ago I would love to hear the scientific results from testing done with different roast levels and different lengths of time off roast and different species of coffee. Because of the different reactions my body has to these three variables, there must certainly be different effects on the body due to these factors. 1 Francesca Francesca 3 months ago (edited) Very interesting, thank you! I would love to hear a similar discussion about tea as I am a tea addict ( but do enjoy one cup of coffee a day) 22 Kevin Elliott Kevin Elliott 3 months ago A really great discussion! In the dark ages when I thought coffee was Nescafe, drinking it black was was a foul experience. Therefore, coffee had to be drunk with milk. Fast forward to my late 50s and I discovered high quality arabica beans, which, consumed black was an entirely different - and wonderful - experience. I discovered, in the light roast, such a complex symphony of flavours. I do remember that on opening a new jar of instant coffee that the smell was wonderful, and the taste a comparative let down. Now I have discovered coffee which tastes like it smells. Subscribed! BUT...which of you British guys spelled 'fibre' as 'fiber'? Hmm....? 37 Laser Lotus Laser Lotus 3 months ago Having James in this conversation introduced me to this podcast, I love his youtube videos, this was a great listen, thanks for the amazing information! I'll sub for sure! 6 Neal Vadekar Neal Vadekar 1 month ago I hope you can cover the science more about people with sleep issues around coffee. I am severely impacted by coffee both positively with improved concentration, but then negatively with terrible sleep. The effect compounds over days and weeks, and i can get to the point of total insomnia… this is with just one small coffee per day before 8 am. There is not a lot of people out there helping me understand that. oldsteamguy oldsteamguy 3 months ago Wonderful. We need lots of videos like this on diet topics. There is too much misinformation on diet out there. 3 Jj Jj 3 months ago Super interesting episode. Coffee is great. Not much more is needed to be said, to be honest. Stress reduction from experiencing the scent of freshly ground coffee every morning is a benefit good enough that diminishes all potential drawbacks :) Richard White Richard White 3 months ago What a really informative and and fascinating discussion. As a Decaff drinker I think I'm going to move back to non-decaff in search of new flavours/tastes, as caffine has never been a problem for me - I just thought decaff was better turns out its all personal preference and tolerance to caffine. 6 Raj beadle Raj beadle 3 months ago A comprehensive and useful video for coffee enthusiasts [and people like me who have been in coffee for 30 years and still learning]. Thank you for doing it. 1 David.4 David.4 3 months ago Thoroughly enjoyed this insight into coffee. A real education, I thought an hour was going to be too long, but ended up going back to listen to the facts again. Thank you 16 Mirjana Fowle Mirjana Fowle 3 months ago Although I had known most of what you covered about coffee, it was still a pleasure listening to my favourite subject dissected by 2 experts! My favourite version of coffee is a variation of Turkish coffee which I make myself in a special pot on a hob and drink black with no sugar. A real treat! May I add that James has a very soothing voice! 2 Adam Kimbrough Adam Kimbrough 3 months ago (edited) Was interesting to hear the context of fermentation in coffee as opposed to in wine which I'm more recently familiar with. JigOfTheDubGopher JigOfTheDubGopher 3 months ago I really like the quickfire questions format of these videos. It helps me remember the salient summary points before diving deeper into the more thorough explanations. 4 Nigel Josling Nigel Josling 3 months ago Really informative and helpful blog for all coffee drinkers, and doubters, thank you for doing this :)) 3 ZOE RayCyrX RayCyrX 3 months ago The part i was most intrigued by is 45:18. I've always felt like my bowl was stimulated from the moment i even smell the coffee as i grind it. Id love to learn more about how and why that happens. I often find my self (on my days off) running to the bathroom as my coffee cools. Joan Joan 3 weeks ago When my husband was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease, I did a lot of research on the internet. Research from Japan was pointing to some protection against PD and Dementia from drinking coffee. I drink coffee, my husband drank tea. One of my friends died of PD, she didn't drink coffee. I have another friend who has PD, she never drinks coffee. My neighbour and friend has Dementia, doesn't like coffee. The only other link between the 4 was they all suffered with constipation. I know this is just four people, but I honestly believe there should be more research into why people who never drink coffee get PD. 1 Ron Ron 12 days ago First time on your channel, found it very interesting and instructive. Look forward to seeing more of your videos. Love coffee. GoTellJesusSaves GoTellJesusSaves 3 months ago (edited) I have a very sensitive body type. Very high metabolism. My body reacts instantaneously to a single sip of coffee. What I have noticed very clearly is that my body reacts much differently to coffee that is 3 days or less off roast than 4-7 days. Then again there's a big change after 7 days. The best experience is 0-3 days. I feel invigorated, alert and in a better mood. Then 4-7 days. I just feel more energetic after a drink. Then after 7 days off roast, the lesser experience, with pressure in my forehead and eyes along with tiredness shortly after the small energy spike. Any ideas as to what is happening with the coffee that causes these varying reactions? I have an idea that it's definitely a change happening because of chemical reactions going on in the coffee over time. But I'm interested to know what those specific changes are. 1 Annette Pedersen Annette Pedersen 3 months ago This was very informative and easy to watch - thank you! 1 Gillian Merry Gillian Merry 3 months ago Great insight into the health benefits of drinking coffee 2 Barbara Donalson Barbara Donalson 3 months ago Fascinating! I have been on decaf for 6 months on advice of a dietitian ( ibs and reflux) - feel happier to know at least there is no major negatives if i buy decent coffee 😀 2 Fiona Fay Creative Fiona Fay Creative 3 months ago I use coffee therapeutically. I use a certified mold & mycotoxin free brand. I make a jar of coffee with a pinch of sea salt, and only take 3 tablespoons per day from it. It makes me feel motivated, relaxed, suppresses appetite (useful when stress makes one want to binge etc). Alyson Hall Alyson Hall 3 months ago I never drink coffee beyond 12pm, but from 7am to 12pm I drink 4to5 cups 2 of which are black coffee. I do think it is habbit forming but not a dangerous habbit as Tim said. I've found this discussion extremely helpful and interesting. I personally don't get palpations. But my sister who drinks decaff tea suffers alot with palpations and has made me wonder if this is why. Great informative conversation 2 Terry Newton Terry Newton 3 months ago It’s funny when people worry about the caffeine in coffee for their kids, but let them consume Coke in an unlimited amount. 4 soupairradio soupairradio 3 months ago This was good. I watch both of these gents, so was good to see them together talking about coffee, which interests me. If anything, it provides some more info on nutrition. 1 Catheleen Jordan Catheleen Jordan 3 months ago Thank you. I will be immediately upgrading my morning coffee routine. ☕️ 4 Doug Mazonowicz Doug Mazonowicz 3 months ago I started repairing coffee machines nearly 50 years ago and I started drinking at least 4 cups of ground coffee made from a 4 head leaver type coffee machine. Now I’m 83 years old and still drinking double shots from my Italian machine and if I missed my 7 PM coffee when I get back home I will make a coffee before I go to bed around 9 pm and I have no problem going to sleep in fact I sleep very very we’ll waking at 6 AM that’s been going on for all these years. My doctor can’t believe how well I am with no 83 years pain like other men. I live in Australia. Cheers Doug Mazonowicz. 34 Sidney Howe Sidney Howe 3 months ago I really enjoyed this. Very interesting from 2 interesting and very knowledgeable guests 👍🏼 thank you guys Bruno Calver Bruno Calver 3 months ago I think it would be really interesting to look into the levels of various beneficial microbes, chemicals, anti-oxidants, etc… in a range of coffees such as instant Vs high quality naturally processed and gently roasted coffee. In fact, this would be interesting regarding food in general, looking into all aspects of the supply chain. I would hope the results would show the value of carefully produced, naturally processed and fresh products… 2 Gary Johnson Gary Johnson 2 months ago Great discussion, In other words, moderation, even good things can have detrimental effects when abused, which each person must determine for themselves… Leia Lee Leia Lee 3 months ago I had to give up drinking coffee at a fairly young age due to getting heart palpitations although I did not drink a lot & was mostly a tea drinker. I then used decaffeinated coffee just a few mugs a day but still mostly tea. Then suddenly after many, many years for some unknown reason I went completely off coffee although I have loads of packets of decaf granulated coffee refill packs in my cupboard. All I have fancied at home is tea for about 4 years. Why I don't know. If going out somewhere I would then sometimes have a coffee unless very thirsty. 7 Leonardo Oliveira Leonardo Oliveira 3 months ago I loved the conversation! The most SHOCKING thing I’ve learned today is that coffee is a significant source of fiber. 🤯 17 Adnan Buyung Nasution & Partners Adnan Buyung Nasution & Partners 2 months ago I Really appreciate this podcast, especially the straight "no" answer for the first question :) Will Newcomb Will Newcomb 3 months ago Such a fascinating and informative video. Thank you! 1 ZOE Ana von Rebeur Ana von Rebeur 3 months ago Conclusion: coffee is healthy and fine, both regular or decaf. No limits to drink it. 4 Elora Teq Elora Teq 3 months ago I used to drink 4-5 cups of pressed coffee a day, 1 or 2 as mocha, and never after 2pm otherwise I had trouble getting to sleep, but had to lay off recently due to a stomach ulcer. After a 2-day caffeine withdrawal headache (I've had this before on the few times I've had to avoid it due to stomach bugs) I found it was far easier to get to sleep and, a big plus point, my acne rosacea has much reduced. I've switched to water, peppermint tea and fruit juice (washing my mouth with water afterwards to reduce the acid impact on teeth). I eat plenty of fibre already - whole-wheat bread, brown rice, salad stuff in sandwiches, porridge with dried fruit for breakfast etc, so there doesn't seem to be much benefit in drinking it, for me. Though I miss the taste I probably won't start up the habit again. 2 Nick Angel Nick Angel 1 month ago Each of us IS unique ! So, drinking coffee affect (s) us differently. Moderation is a safe way to consume the drink, I suppose. Although experience or even experimenting can guide the individual what is is good coffee for him/her. Therefore, in the end a certain degree of intelligence is worth acquiring. Capri Capri 3 weeks ago (edited) Either coffee works really well or really badly for you. I can't drink any caffeine at all because of anxiety and insomia. It baffles me that anyone can function normally on it but there are genetic factors in how you metabolise it, 3 Armadillito Armadillito 3 months ago Is it possible to decaffeinate coffee to a lesser extent? Would that offer a different compromise between the taste, shelf life and caffeine dose? Tim Gerber Tim Gerber 3 months ago (edited) James sitting in front of a poster showing the 6 cultivated varieties of coffee: „Broadly speaking there‘s two varieties.“ :D Made my day! 1 Barry Miller Barry Miller 3 months ago Two of my gurus! (One for coffee the other for health.) 2 Krish Rao Krish Rao 3 months ago Fascinating talk, very informative. Thank you very much. Lucy Renée Lucy Renée 2 months ago I LOVE the hearty laughter @ 6:00 ! Good discussion. Really good video. Lenard Lund Lenard Lund 2 months ago I cured my sons asthma with coffee when he was 7 years old 3 Jackie Leake Jackie Leake 3 months ago Love Zoe 'stuff', always so informative and interesting. Thank you. ZOE · B L B L 3 months ago Wow I have been following both since the pandemic. Really nice surprise to see the combo! 4 ZOE · Mike Hughes Mike Hughes 3 months ago Thanks for this, very interesting hearing your thoughts. I have learned a few things here. amanda chuter amanda chuter 3 months ago A lot learned - very useful. Thank you. 1 The Nerd Robert The Nerd Robert 2 months ago (edited) caffeine is a drug. Caffeine + Sugar is an amazing addiction formula 6 kuroibuta kuroibuta 3 months ago (edited) I think coffee could be bad for the brain. My mom has been active her whole life, always read but I can see she is getting some kind of dementia or brain disease because you have a conversation and she'll be bringing up the same thing 5 minutes later. She use to to drink 2-4 cups a day. I also have problems with coffee, it makes me feel quite lethargic and I am quite forgetful myself. I've been drinking it for many years. Of course, my experiences of coffee doesn't represent the whole population but I think there needs to be better studies on coffee. It is essentially a drug that makes you feel alert and good, so that has to do some kind of damage in the long-term. Also, caffeine has a half life of 6 hours (so half of the caffeine is still in your system after 6 hours) so if you have it after midday, you will probably have less quality sleep which can cause a lot of problems to the body. 4 Tony Perotti Tony Perotti 3 months ago Fascinating discussion! Thank you! Kate Lopez Kate Lopez 3 months ago I was brought up in equatorial Africa and from a very early age I drank several cups of tea daily and as I got older, coffee. Water wasn’t drinkable unless it was boiled so it was a good way to rehydrate. Years later I was planning a pregnancy and decided to stop drinking so much coffee. Oh my goodness, I was so ill , vomiting and dizzy. The come down from the caffeine and coffee made me so ill ! Never again! Now I’ve got a Nespresso Vertuo machine. The pods declare how many mg of caffiene are in them so I can moderate my intake. Three cups, two before I can start my day (about 250 mg) and one stronger one at about 4 pm. In contrast, my son, who has attention deficit disorder and finds the stimulation of strong coffee calms him it’s surely better than amphetamines, which is all that medical science can offer. At nearly 55 I’ll be drinking coffee, black and strong, for the rest of my life. 2 LasstUnsSpielen LasstUnsSpielen 2 months ago Every time Prof. Spector said Expresso James Hoffmann died inside. 1 r_unner_G r_unner_G 3 months ago Fantastic and informative video. Thanks! 1 Rob Watt Rob Watt 3 months ago I have to drink decaf, even in the morning, as otherwise I stay awake all night and my heartbeat gets messed up. Yet I can drink any amount of strong leaf tea, even late in the evening, without any such effects. And in tea there is lots of caffeine too. A friend who is a professor of pharmacology explained to me that it is not actually the caffeine in coffee that has the bad effects on people like me but rather the combination of the caffeine and some of the thousand other chemical compounds that are in coffee. That would explain why caffeine in tea has no ill effects, i.e. tea doesn't contain those compounds that are in coffee and which act in combination with caffeine. Trouble is, science has not yet discovered which compounds are responsible (or hadn't the last time I discussed it with my pal) -- and maybe there are other factors particular to the individual, such as Tim Spector often talks about. I wonder whether any more is yet known about this. If science could discover which of the thousand or so compounds in coffee combines with the caffeine to produce bad effects on people like me, then maybe those compounds could be removed instead of removing the caffeine and decaf drinkers could have their caffeinated coffee back. That would be a whole new industry. 6 Anna Kissed Anna Kissed 3 months ago Just put this up on James's site: " I have just been watching James on Zoe this week, truly wonderful & fascinating. James was talking about bringing in techniques from the whine industry (but surely that's politics) (today Boris Johnstone is facing a vote of no confidence) to the coffee industry And I wondered if anyone had tried bringing in any other techniques from the chemical engineering end of cooking like the use of Ultrasound, which is being used by the Whiskey industry to turn vodka into a good tasting whiskey in a matter of hours? Perhaps I should do a video or two on using an ultrasound on the beans before grinding, after grinding and after brewing. Its been found that ultrasounding cooked potatoes prior to frying or roasting them gets you a much better tasting product due to the collapse of the supersonic bubbles of water on the skin of the potatoes but presumably the bean creating a better roasting surface & possibly better extraction" 1 Rick Nicholson Rick Nicholson 3 months ago During the perk coffee era, it would be normal to add salt. Salt somehow reduced the bitterness of coffee according the going theory. I have tried salt in coffee and it works quite well, even filtered coffee if you had the misfortune of purchasing a brand/type of coffee which is bitter can be smoothed out with salt added. 3 Mikael Från Göteborg Mikael Från Göteborg 2 months ago VERY informative. Thanks a lot! jellybean jellybean 1 month ago Moderation does the trick.LOL Great talk! Thank you!💕 1 Karen Hegarty Karen Hegarty 2 months ago Every person is unique and responds differently, as the scientist says. We can listen to our own body to work out if coffee is ok and in what quantity. Martin Broadhurst Martin Broadhurst 3 months ago Watching this while sat on the loo, after just having had an aeropress, listening to James and Tim talk about the laxative effects of coffee. Brian Norbury Brian Norbury 2 months ago Since I gave up coffee I have improved my health drastically and everyone I know who has done so has also improved their health. Benedict Perkins Benedict Perkins 3 days ago Made me chuckle, hearing James described as an ‘aficionado’ of coffee, rather than the guru that he is. Why do we sometimes look for ways to make what we’re saying sound more impressive by using terminology that might sound a shade more nuanced and clever but which actually ends up not really representing what we mean to say? I’m sure there was no intention to cast aspersions on the depth and breadth of James’ expertise but, even so, just as with those “EXpresso” moments, I’d love to have seen James’ reaction to hearing himself described as more of an enthusiast than a fellow scientist 😄 Joshua K Joshua K 2 months ago I was thinking it would be cool to have James Hoffman on a podcast to have a conversation with somebody like Dr Rhonda Patrick and one of the scientists doing studies on it and then this shows up in my feed. Gleb Baykalov Gleb Baykalov 2 months ago I wish we had footage of James' feed when Tim repeatedly said "eXpresso". Great video anyway, thanks! 5 Tim H-C Tim H-C 2 months ago Hi Gents, enjoyed the conversation. One thing not touched on is that caffeine can blunt insulin response in some...switching to decaf or 50:50 seems to help. pima Canyon pima Canyon 3 months ago great interview, lots of good info here. big surprise that coffee actually has fiber! 1 Ronald Reid Ronald Reid 3 months ago Fascinating. Two takeaways for me. Coffee is high in fibre, and coffee is not a diuretic. It's great to know that my favourite beverage is good for me. 1 Thomas Robinson Thomas Robinson 3 months ago Drinking fresh ground, mokka pot decaf, using James's method, as I watch. Great video guys, cheers ☕️👍 4 ZOE · Ann Oates Ann Oates 3 months ago Thank you, I learned so much from this video. 1 Theresa Pateman Theresa Pateman 3 months ago Excellent eye opening discussion. Alan Malarkey Alan Malarkey 4 days ago Interesting conversation. I have taken to the laté form of coffee, generally soya because I have osteoporosis and am seeking the calcium. I also take 1000 m vitamin D tablets. Does that make sense and render the milk contribution to my health above neutral? Ruth Walton Ruth Walton 3 months ago I love coffee and will definitely not worry now about drinking a few cups . What I still wonder about is that I get coffee with cardamom 😬 BarbJ BarbJ 3 months ago (edited) Wonderful discussion. I found out about this site from Dr. John Campbell. I like that the timestamps are right in the video. Barbara Brown Barbara Brown 3 months ago Enjoyed The "Coffee ☕" . . Information,knowledge and understanding!...I loved your engaging dialogue between each one of you... Friendly Easy Listening! Thanks for cleaning up and clearing my hearing around the confusion about coffee ☕ me! 😊... continue to share concerned subjects.. again Thank you, Excellent Janet Tempest Janet Tempest 2 months ago I read that a goat herder noticed he’s goats nibbling on the berries on a bush’ that after eating the berries the goats started skipping about and being frisky. So he tried them and the rest is history 🤩🙏❤️🙏 1 dmwj1 dmwj1 3 months ago I found that 2 cups of strong coffee will make me feel nauseous and suffer from waves of heat coursing through my body. Also fast heartbeat. As a result I drink only weak instant coffee: less than a quarter of a teaspoon per mug!! It was, therefore, interesting to find out that some people just don’t tolerate caffeine well. Perhaps I should try decaf. 7 Entropy 75 Entropy 75 3 months ago I've heard that adding milk has a large effect on the health benefits of coffee. Reducing the levels of healthy chemicals drastically..not sure how true this is. 1 G. L. G. L. 4 days ago Coffee and exercise!!! Fiber!!! Who knew? I didn’t. Excellent! I get up Sunday mornings, have a cup of coffee and go for a long run. Several weeks ago I had a ten-mile race. I didn’t have coffee that morning because I was afraid of having to pee, or more, during the race. Absolute WORST run I’ve had this year. Nan Wilder Nan Wilder 3 months ago I’m sure I’ll get around to viewing this, but right now I’m simply going to respond to the question you ask in the video’s title : Is coffee healthy ? My immediate reply is, I NO LONGER CARE ! This 60-something has witnessed a decades-long YOYO-ing of opinion as to whether coffee/caffeine/green tea is GOOD or BAD for us, and I’m truly over it ! I think the last straw for me taking the studies seriously, was learning (later, by chance) that the findings for green tea having an anti-Cancer effect, were based on drinking TEN CUPS of it per day ! I’ve gone through many phases with both coffee and green tea through the years, and am quite comfortable with where I am now : An occasional consumer of both. No matter WHAT your latest studies say ! 2 Matthew Deyn Matthew Deyn 1 month ago I always thought the higher content of caffeine in a filter was due to the longer contact time hi hello hi hello 3 months ago Question to Professor Tim Spector at 44:30 “ coffee is not a diuretic “, Interested to hear your explanation. Because adenosine competitive inhibition “ by caffeine “ happens in the kidney as well and increases the glomerular filtration rate. 1 nternalPractice nternalPractice 3 months ago (edited) Can a specialty " Swiss water" decaf (beans) be vacuum sealed and stored in the freezer as effectively as regular coffees? Aaron K. Chiu Aaron K. Chiu 2 months ago I wonder how it will be with Hames Hoffman. Great topics discussed - love it. Lean It Lean It 3 months ago (edited) Regarding too much coffee being bad, I don't know how that can be accurately studied without also differentiating between the sourcing and processing methods of the coffee. With animal products, I personally believe that the results of consumption, positive or negative, are as much about how and where the animal was raised... was the animal fed an organic or glyphosate treated diet? What were the foods the animal ate? Was the animal pumped with hormones? Did the animal live in a pasture or in a small box? Etc. I think with coffee there are likely similar issues that could play into the results, and therefore that must be controlled for to really have any kind of meaningful data. Perhaps negative coffee reactions could be the result of the use fungicides, pesticides, the roasting, etc. as opposed to the coffee itself? Roses Bees Roses Bees 3 months ago (edited) Just "found" you via Dr John Campbell. Excellent presentation without any waffle. Keep up the good work, from a newly-subscribed fan. Yann Gougeon Yann Gougeon 3 months ago James Hoffman is delightful to listen to. ! Robert Sarno Robert Sarno 3 months ago Can you do a nutrition video on red and white wines? Thank you! 1 ZOE · Grant Dcba Grant Dcba 3 months ago (edited) In Australia, Republica brand Decaf instant coffee has a taste superior to most, if not all other instant (and caffienated) coffees. A great choice for after 4 pm. jmo 1 Bryan Christophersen Bryan Christophersen 3 months ago Fascinating. New information in a good format 1 Giovanna Giovanna 6 days ago Thank you for this video. Lots of interesting information 😀👍🙏❤️ Gerry Powell Gerry Powell 3 months ago What’s good about coffee is it makes you feel better😉 9 philip proctor philip proctor 1 month ago Two to three coffees a day is ok for me. Ore than that my joints get painful and fingers swell. The same for decaffeinated, and for tea or critic juices. cairo cairo 3 months ago I am a coffee addict and I can safely say it is doing something with either electrolytes or dehydrate because I can get some bad cramps. Specially after exercise and coffee, but multiply coffe can do that too. Josephine Stabel Josephine Stabel 3 months ago (edited) I use a little bit coffee for headache from time to time. It helps..🌍 3 damian ainscough damian ainscough 3 months ago An excellent hour. Thanks. 1 logic logic 1 month ago Good informative talk. Thanks. However, we do need to know all about instant coffee both pure and mixed with chicory. Thanks Nick Angel Nick Angel 1 month ago Pure coffee is excellent drink ! That is: unadulterated coffee grains . "Virgin" as in virgin olive oil. I have been consuming 'virgin' coffee even as an infant. David Goddard David Goddard 3 months ago Very interesting. I learnt so much. Thanks. NotMyName888 NotMyName888 3 months ago What about mental health? Insomnia was mentioned but what about anxiety, stress, rumination, unhappiness... For so many people, quitting coffee eliminates problematic anxiety and allows them to enjoy the peace of the present moment rather than always asking "what's next?" 𝗖in𝗦𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗖in𝗦𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗻 3 months ago (edited) In a discussion about coffee, the expert should be able to pronounce the word espresso without x to be taken serious! 😂 1 Robert Hughes Robert Hughes 3 months ago There was nothing specifically said in relation to high blood pressure which after reading new research regarding the detrimental effect of drinking only one cup per day as opposed to 3 cups, I have stopped drinking coffee. I was waiting for this to be debunked so that I can enjoy my daily cuppa. daisy7066 daisy7066 2 months ago Yes its physically addictive at least, I get withdrawal migraines if I stop, it's a drug after all. Garlic Breath and Farts Garlic Breath and Farts 2 months ago I enjoy coffee so much, it must be good for me. I will never give it up, never. Sandra Wheeler Sandra Wheeler 3 months ago Hi, Coffee and I have had an interesting history. Before I was pregnant I drank both my tea and coffee black and quite strong. Couldn't stand either beverage during my two pregnancies and found that my taste changed. Or had the coffee become more bitter? So a weaker beverage was imbibed until one day a black coffee was made for me and I violently vomited afterwards. I have tried coffee since - I love the aroma- but the same thing happens. Interestingly I have developed allergies as I've aged (now 74) and I'm allergic to various trees, particularly evergreens. On the the uk, those are the pines and cedars, also elder/flower and Berry. Perhaps this is why I am no longer able to enjoy drinking coffee. Thank you for the conversation. Most enlightening. Regards Sandra 1 marioamayaflamenco marioamayaflamenco 1 month ago Brilliant! All of you guys. Carlos Lopez Carlos Lopez 2 months ago (edited) I can’t tolerate coffee have never drank it. My mother and her brother were both big coffee drinkers but when they both had heart attacks their Cardiologist told them to no coffee the caffeine. So my mother would take a green tea bag of tea and make tea from it 3 or 4 times a day from 1 bag of tea all day she also drank Pero a European drink made of malted barley, barley, chicory and rye. She said she enjoyed it as much as a cup of coffee. My favorites are The Republic of Tea their Silver Rain Full-Leaf Loose White Tea Finest Quality Silver Needle 100% White Tea Leaves from Chinas Fujian Province the tea is plucked in spring right before the leaf opens. The white, downy buds are carefully dried resulting in a low caffeine tea. I have read studies saying fine quality white tea buds are higher in polyphenols than green tea. It is very mild sweet tasting I steep 1 tsp of buds and make several cups of tea from this 1 tsp.throughout the day. It’s delicious with nothing added. I also like Green Foods Organic & Farm -Dried from Japan 1st Harvest Ceremonial Grade Matcha Green Tea. It can be mixed in hot or cold water I prefer it warm 1/2 tsp to 6 oz of warm water I whisk it or use the ceremonial tea brush to whisk tea. It’s delicious plain. I would like to see a scientific study of polyphenols I am reading white tea is packed polyphenols which have antioxidant benefits helping reduce chronic inflammation by protecting the body against damage from free radicals. They help relax blood vessels and boost immunity may prevent LDL from becoming oxidized scientists analyzed 5 studies and discovered that people that drank 3 cups of tea a day had a 21% lower risk of heart disease. They both have so many benefits. As for fiber I try to consume 35 or more grams of fiber I wouldn’t count on fiber from them or coffee.