Thursday, November 26, 2020


婚禮上感人肺腑致詞 >> >> 婚禮上某位父親對女婿說: >> >> “第一個抱她的人是我而不是你, >> 第一個親她的人是我不是你, >> 第一個愛護她的人是我而不是你, >> 可是,能陪伴她一生的 我希望是你而不是我” >> "如果有一天你不愛她了, 不要背叛她, 不要打駡她, 不要跟她說, 跟我説, 我帶她回家”!!! 新娘當場给父親跪下, 下跪那一刻 全場淚奔!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Sidney Powell, a MILITARY LAWYER and is the only one who can prosecute TREASON at a TRIBUNAL!

Sidney Powell is registered as a MILITARY LAWYER and is the only one who can prosecute TREASON at a TRIBUNAL!” was published in The Marshal Report on November 23. Sidney Powell warned that the Republican Party will be “neutered like a bitch” if President Trump’s second term is stolen, and she also called for elite Republicans to stand up against the fake news media and for true patriots to speak out. (Photo from the internet) She revealed that as soon as Trump starts his second term, a series of unprecedented punishment will be coming towards the men of guilt. This operation will begin from inside the Republican Party. Georgia’s Republican Governor Brian Kemp and the Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger might be the first two convictions, as abundant evidence shows that they both took money from the Communist China to help Joe Biden in “winning’” the November 3rd Election. She also made it very clear in the report that it was Communist China who tried to steal not only this US Election, but the freedom of America. These will justify that Communist China has started a war against America. Why is Powell the best person to lead this fight? In the conviction of treason, there are usually two types of cases: non-military treason and military treason. Non-military cases are usually handled by general federal courts while military cases typically involve trying members of enemy forces during wartime, where the jurisdiction must be carried out outside the scope of civil proceedings. Military tribunals will serve as a safety mechanism when the US Constitution is being challenged. Sidney Powell is experienced as both a criminal prosecutor and a defense lawyer. In addition, she was a DOJ Federal Attorney with over 500 Supreme Court Cases in her resume. America is blessed to have Powell leading the legal battle to convict those who orchestrated the unprecedented level of voter frauds in the 2020 Election. (Photo from the internet) On November 23, Mr. Lude in his live broadcast mentioned that the reason Sidney Powell is registered as a Military Lawyer is because there are military personnel involved in these coming convictions. Given her solid background in legal practice at the federal level, Sidney Powell becomes the only lawyer who is qualified to prosecute TREASON at a Tribunal. It is extremely difficult to convict a person of treason due to its strict definition and high evidentiary requirements. Over the course of American history, only a handful person who had been convicted of treason. The Justice League in America is clearly serious in this legal war against the evil forces within and beyond the American border, as all the legal grounds are now set up ready to face any challenges. Taking down the CCP is a major piece of Draining the Swamp The CCP has carried out the Unrestricted Warfare against America for many decades. To aid the plan, the CCP’s tentacles have penetrated into most, if not all, of the possible nook of the American system. The 2020 Election is a direct result of this Unrestricted Warfare, and one single combat may not be enough to bring it to justice. This is why Mr. Rudy Giuliani, personal attorney to President Trump, is working on full throttle in the constitutional battlefield, independent from Sidney Powell’s focus, in order to restore the actual vote counts in various swing states. Mr. Lude exposed that there were top level US officials who colluded with top leaders of the Communist China, and there will be witnesses from the core of the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] who will come to America to testify for it. This is not only a crucial step in taking down the CCP, but also in eliminating those traitors from the deepest level of the swamp within America. There is now mounting evidence that the CCP colluded with top Democratic leaders and manipulated this election. It will be naïve for anyone to believe that the swamp in America can be drained when the CCP continues to inject its money into this corrupt system. (Photo from the internet) It is crucial to awaken the masses in the US Mr Lude explained why it is a tricky business to play the Treason card. If it is not handled properly, Trump’s political opponents can counterclaim that they are being prosecuted not because of their wrongdoings but of Trump’s political power with him being the president, and in doing so, they will regain the advantageous position in this war. During Mr. Lude’s discussion about the FISC [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court], he emphasized the importance of public opinion before any action can be taken. Public opinion is essential in any conviction of treason. Without it, it will be extremely difficult for the judge of FISC to proceed with the conviction. Even if a conviction is declared, it will be almost impossible to carry out the sentence if the public does not agree to it. The CCP is deeply aware of how media influences the public opinion. This is why it has been actively working to manipulate the US media for many decades. Through exploiting the diligent Chinese people and colluding with the ‘deep state’, the CCP has corroded most of the mainstream media. What’s worse, the ideology of communism has been systematically implanted into the Americans’ minds. Therefore, to awaken the masses matters not only to gain victory in this legal battle but, more importantly, to restore the founding principle of America. (Photo from the internet) It is Trump vs Communist China, not Trump vs Biden America has boosted its legal preparation in full to face up against the threats of Communist China. As more Americans wake up to the truth, there will be not many moves left for Communist China to make in this game. On surface, this battle is between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. In reality, Joe Biden is merely a puppet of his master, which is the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to whom Biden has sold out American interest for decades. Recent leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop revealed shocking details of his money laundering and corruption with the Chinese (source: 1, 2). Based on current evidence uncovered by Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump won the election in a landslide and will be the President of the United States for another four years. After he is sworn in for his second term, we will be seeing an awakened American force with its incomparable power to crumble the CCP into dust within no time. CCP, you are done, literally! Author: rosabona Editor: XO


1. 有人問余光中:李敖天天找你碴,你從不回應是為什麼? 余沉吟片刻答:天天罵我說明他生活中不能沒有我;而我不搭理證明我的生活中可以沒有他。 2. 有人問畢卡索:你的畫,怎麼看不懂啊? 畢卡索說:聽過鳥叫嗎?聽過。好聽嗎?好聽。聽得懂嗎? 3. 被恨的人沒有痛苦,恨人的人卻終將遍體鱗傷。所以,絕不去恨人。 4. 緣分是本書,翻得不經意會錯過,讀得太認真會流淚。 5. 不同傻子爭辯,否則就搞不清誰是傻子了。 6. 學歷是銅牌,能力是銀牌,人脈是金牌,思維是王牌。 7. 成功的人不是贏在起點而是贏在轉折點。 8. 錢有兩種:花掉的是錢,是財產;沒花掉的是紙,是遺產。 9. 長得那麼美那麼帥氣自己卻不知道就是氣質;那麼有錢那麼有才華別人卻不知道就是修養。 10. 把脾氣拿出來叫本能;把脾氣壓下去叫本事。 11. 簡單的事重複做就是專家;重複的事用心做就是贏家。 12. 人之所以會心累就是常常徘徊在堅持和放棄之間,舉棋不定。 13. 有時候雖然能想明白但心還是接受不了。 14. 一個人最幸福的時刻就是找對了人,他包容你的不足並愛著你的一切。 15. 心結如果真打不開就給它繫成個花樣,其實生活就是這樣。 16. 誰走進你的生命是由命運決定;誰停留在你生命中是由你自己決定。 17. 不解釋的才叫從容。不執著的才叫看破。不完美的才叫人生。 18. 有一天你會明白善良比聰明更難。聰明是種天賦而善良是種選擇。 19. 讓你難過的事,有一天你一定能笑著說出來。 20. 羡慕的不是如膠似漆的情侶而是攙扶到老的夫婦。 21. 不埋怨誰,不嘲笑誰,也不羡慕誰,做自己的夢,走自己的路。改變自己人生的人永遠是自己。

違反選舉規律 拜登5種怪異贏法

違反選舉規律 拜登5種怪異贏法 儘管輸了大多數風向標縣 他還贏 實現種種「不可能」統計數字也很奇怪 【內幕】違反選舉規律 拜登5種怪異贏法 圖為2020年11月2日大選前一日,拜登在賓州匹茲堡的亨氏球場舉辦競選活動,支持者坐在車裡面。場面冷清。(Drew Angerer/Getty Images) 更新 2020-11-26 1:46 AM 人氣 1511標籤: 拜登, 川普, 美國大選 Facebook Twitter Line 複製鏈接 Print【字號】 大 中 小正體 简体 【大紀元2020年11月25日訊】(大紀元記者蔡溶綜合報導)拜登宣布選舉「勝利」,但敏感的記者在2020年大選中,發現了拜登違反選舉規律的5種「神奇贏法」 。 通常來說,總統候選人行事高調,在競選期間與媒體及公眾密切往來。與川普(特朗普)不同的是,拜登並不頻繁拋頭露面,也很少與媒體直接交流。因此,在BBC的一篇文章中,一名研究民調的大學教授坎貝爾(W. Joseph Campbell)曾形容拜登在「家裡的地下室」做一場奇怪的競選。 「地下室競選」的結果卻令人大跌眼鏡。《猶太之聲》24日刊文《拜登違反選舉規律的5種神奇贏法》說:拜登2020年在激勵選民方面似乎非常有效,以至於他打破美國歷史紀錄,成為美國歷史上獲得最高普選票數的總統候選人,比奧巴馬(Barack Obama)在2012年競選連任時獲得的選票還超過1,500萬票。 更令人震驚的是,拜登在全國的風向標縣幾乎都輸了,可他卻贏了大選。《猶太之聲》說,「到目前為止,還沒有哪個總統候選人會這一招柔道技巧」。 什麼是風向標縣?《大紀元》11月16日《2020年大選 川普在風向標縣獲壓倒性支持》一文介紹,在過去的近40年裡,美國總統大選有一個耐人尋味的現象:無論是共和黨還是民主黨贏得大選,全美有19個縣總是把票投給獲勝者。這些縣被稱為「風向標縣」(Bellwether Counties,又稱領頭羊縣)。 至少自羅納德‧里根(Ronald Reagan)總統以來,只要觀察這些縣的政治偏好,就能預測誰能入主白宮。 在2020年大選中,除了一個縣之外,所有風向標縣都以平均約16個百分點的優勢,選擇了川普總統。只有華盛頓州的克拉拉姆縣(Clallam),選擇了前副總統拜登,而且僅有約3個百分點的差距。 第二個反常贏法是,雖然拜登在美國每個城市、縣的表現均不及希拉里‧克林頓(Hillary Clinton)在2016年的表現,但在喬治亞州、密歇根州、威斯康星州和賓州等大城市地區,他的表現卻優於希拉里。 更令人驚訝的是,儘管民主黨在全國各地的眾議院和州議會席位普遍失敗了,但前副總統還是一人奪得創紀錄的選票總數。換句話說,拜登贏了,還創了歷史最高紀錄,而民主黨卻輸掉,不奇怪嗎? 與共和黨對手相比,拜登在今年3月初選時以創紀錄的低比例選票從黨內勝出後,8個月時間完成了所有這一切逆襲。顯然,這些成就是「巨大而出乎意料的」,通常會得到新聞界的矚目,專家會出來做精深分析,但在紐約市和華盛頓特區的新聞發布會和慶祝活動中卻幾乎沒有提及這些成就,是不是也很奇怪? 無論怎麼解釋,按照中國人的思維認識,種種違反常規常理的事兒,不是等閒之輩做得到的。按照《猶太之聲》的觀點,像拜登這樣從帽子裡掏出那麼多兔子(pulled so many rabbits out of his hat),就必須要像變魔術一樣拿出一種不同凡響的絕招才做得到,美國從未有過這樣的競選者和政治人物。 圖為2020年11月2日大選前一日,川普總統(圖中發言者)在賓州的斯克蘭頓舉行造勢集會,數千人參與活動,現場氣氛熱烈。(黃小堂/大紀元) 下面編譯《猶太之聲》總結的2020年政治魔術,大家看看有多獨特。 1)8000萬選票 天哪!這麼多美國人選擇了在華盛頓浸泡近50年的老政客拜登。想想看:近一個半世紀以來,沒有一位現任總統在連任競選中打破得票紀錄,但仍然失敗。 川普總統比2016年所獲的總票數還增長一千萬張,在少數族裔選民中獲得創紀錄的支持,但拜登半夜逆襲,甚至打破了奧巴馬的全民投票總數,這確實使人們質疑:難道奧巴馬在2008年和2012年競選時,靠副手拜登的號召力才闖過終點線? 這位前副總統在激發選民熱情方面始終落後於川普總統,但他是如此精明,以至於選民對他的競選活動不抱興趣的同時,投下了創紀錄的票數給他。 2)儘管輸了大多數風向標縣 他還贏 拜登將成為60年來首位在競選中失去俄亥俄州和佛羅里達州的「當選總統」。一個世紀以來,這兩個州一直在預測全國的結果,它們被認為是整個美國的「風向標州」。儘管民意調查使拜登在兩個州均處於領先地位,但他在俄亥俄州輸掉了八分 ,在佛羅里達州輸掉了三分。 拜登以顯著差距失去這兩大風向標州,還能贏得全國大選,這具有新聞價值。自從黑手黨聲稱在1960年幫肯尼迪擊敗尼克松贏得伊利諾伊州以來,還沒有美國總統用過這樣的竅門。 更令人難以置信的是,拜登在失去了全國幾乎每個歷史悠久的風向標縣之後,還是贏了白宮。 《華爾街日報》 和 《大紀元時報》 獨立分析了美國19個縣的結果,這些縣在過去40年中擁有近乎完美的總統投票紀錄。川普總統贏得了每個風向標縣的勝利,除了華盛頓的克拉拉姆縣。 還有另一份風向標縣名單,由58個縣組成,自2000年以來,它們正確預測了每一位總統。川普總統以平均近15個百分點的優勢,拿下了其中的51個縣。他輸掉的那些縣,拜登僅有約4個百分點的優勢。 這一切說明,風向標縣壓倒性地選擇了川普總統,但拜登「無論如何都找到了勝選途徑」。 3)拜登落後希拉里 僅少數例外 擁有準確追蹤紀錄的民意測驗官、哥倫比亞特區民主研究所所長巴沙姆(Patrick Basham)著重介紹了他同事的兩項觀察,即民意測驗師巴里斯(Richard Baris)的大數據民意調查,和巴恩斯(Robert Barnes)的大選後分析。 巴里斯指出,從2020年的選舉結果中得出的統計數字很奇怪:「除了密爾沃基(Milwaukee)、底特律、亞特蘭大和費城之外,拜登在全國每個主要都會區的表現都不及希拉里‧克林頓。」 巴恩斯補充說,在那些「由民主黨人統治的搖擺州的大城市裡……投票率甚至超過了登記選民的人數。」在最重要的州中,有如此多的郵寄選票投給拜登,他得到了破紀錄數字的選票總數,推翻了原本川普輕鬆領先的局面。 如果民主黨人將來成功取消了選舉人團制度,那麼拜登在少數城市中推翻壓倒性選票總數的神奇公式,未來會使民主黨人「戰無不勝」。 4)儘管民主黨無處不輸 拜登仍得勝 德索托(Randy DeSoto)在《西方雜誌》(The Western Journal)上指出:「川普幾乎是美國歷史上唯一一位總統,(靠他的影響力)為其政黨在眾議院中獲得了席位,而自己失去連任。」現在,這是拜登的奇蹟! 《庫克政治報告》 (The Cook Political Report)和 《紐約時報》 將2020年27個眾議院席位列為選舉日的一場賭博。現在,共和黨人似乎已經贏得了全部27場勝利。民主黨在州議會翻盤失敗,而共和黨人則在新罕布什爾州贏了國會和參議院,並在全國范圍內擴大了他們在州議會的統治地位。 白宮的副新聞祕書蒂爾(Judd Deere)11月5日發推說,川普總統否定了對國會的全部預期,給國會的競選帶來了巨大的勝利。不僅沒有丟失一席,反而有所增加。 令人驚訝的是,拜登擊敗了帶領所有共和黨人取勝的川普,而拜登自己的黨卻敗了。 5)拜登在初選中 大不如川普 過去,初選總數在預測大選獲勝者方面非常準確。政治分析家查普曼(David Chapman)強調了選舉前的三個歷史事實。 首先,以往沒有一個在初選時獲得投票總數75%的候選人會輸掉連任。 其次,川普總統獲得了初選票的94%,這是有史以來第四高的選票(高於艾森豪威爾、尼克松、克林頓或奧巴馬)。實際上,自1912年以來,川普是初選時獲得90%以上票數的五位謀求連任者(incumbents)之一。 第三,川普在2020年初選時有超過1,800萬人支持他,這是謀求連任者獲得的最高紀錄(克林頓持有的紀錄僅為這一數字的一半)。儘管川普在普選中獲得了歷史性的支持,但拜登仍能在大選中獲勝,「實現了不可能」。有趣的是,怎麼其他左媒記者不宣傳呢?◇ 責任編輯:李悅 # Donation 相關專題: 2020年美國總統大選 / 大頭條集錦 / 紐約頭條 / 觀點分析 相關新聞 【打假台】為什麼說拜登當選是違憲謊言 【打假台】為什麼說拜登當選是違憲謊言 人氣 2669新研究:拜登從數千非公民非法投票中受益 新研究:拜登從數千非公民非法投票中受益 人氣 1389田雲:普京不承認拜登當選 點明三個要害 田雲:普京不承認拜登當選 點明三個要害 人氣 21196打臉拜登 美智庫:免學生債務無助刺激經濟 打臉拜登 美智庫:免學生債務無助刺激經濟 人氣 1086 最熱視頻 【欺世大觀】「奇襲白虎團」翻轉 陳屍10萬主演打臉 【欺世大觀】「奇襲白虎團」翻轉 陳屍10萬主演打臉 【重播】專訪《蠶食美國》製作人鮑爾斯 【重播】專訪《蠶食美國》製作人鮑爾斯 【遠見快評】「移交」啟動 拜登「白等」? 【遠見快評】「移交」啟動 拜登「白等」? 【新聞看點】拜登選帶「病」閣員 墨菲遭死亡恐嚇 【新聞看點】拜登選帶「病」閣員 墨菲遭死亡恐嚇 【拍案驚奇】阻川普連任 揭祕全球大重構計劃 【拍案驚奇】阻川普連任 揭祕全球大重構計劃 【西岸觀察】拜登自命組閣「新瓶裝舊酒」 【西岸觀察】拜登自命組閣「新瓶裝舊酒」 如果您有新聞線索或資料給大紀元,請進入安全投稿爆料平台。 評論 「大紀元將選取精彩讀者評論在全球報紙版面上刊登,請您与我們一起記錄歷史」 「大紀元保留刪除髒話貼、下流話貼、攻擊個人信仰貼等惡意留言的權利」 大紀元網友【跟評】發表時間: 16 分鐘 17 秒以前 川普總統加油,別放棄,勝利屬於正義的一方.您定可連任! 大紀元網友【跟評】發表時間: 2 小時 17 分鐘以前 明摆着败登作弊。 大紀元網友【跟評】發表時間: 3 小時 41 分鐘以前 集團選舉造假和選舉舞弊的結果,無論怎麼自嗨,它只不過是個用欺騙謊言和掩蓋吹起來的巨大的泡沫!一個小小的真實的真相的針孔就會破裂的無影無蹤!美國總統大選還未結束,川普總統會繼續連任! 大紀元網友【跟評】發表時間: 3 小時 52 分鐘以前 此次的美國總統大選,可以說全世界的暗黑勢力全部勾結在一起跳出來用金錢和利益來引誘人們出賣自己的良知和靈魂:通過集團選舉造假和選舉舞弊造成了現在的在此次人類歷史上從未有過的荒唐的局面。不過到2021年1月20日之前,川普還是美利堅合眾國的法定總統;並且最終會成功連任?!全世界所有暗黑勢力以及無論出於何種原因加入邪惡陣營的人,它們在此次美國總統大選期間中的所做所為也就全部成為了它們的罪證!英國有句諺語:「誰笑到最後,誰才是勝者!」。 川普總統是神選之人,代表正義和良知!:無論東西方誰跟著川普總統對著干,誰就是跟神的旨意對著干,都要被淘汰! Trump We Salute You! Please Keep Make America Great Again!! You Will Big Win!!! 大紀元網友【跟評】發表時間: 4 小時 48 分鐘以前 *美国总统:川普再干四年,彭斯干八年!为了美国优先再伟大、合众国不变色,共和党世世代代干下去! 容许大选舞弊是自由民主世界灭顶之灾,真有舞弊美国人民敢交给犯罪分子吗?。美国人民今天遇见流氓了,万不可跟流氓讲道理,和流氓浪费时间就上大当了。看透流氓本性,丢掉幻想做充分最坏打算,不为赢取大选而是斩尽恶魔! 远离了监督重新计票都视为舞弊嫌疑,无论得票多少,只要坐实有舞弊就足够了。造假舞弊宪法理当不给机会参选,更何况高考状元、体育金牌得主作弊是如此。是民主党舞弊,重新计票所有费用由民主党最后买单。当务之急刻不容缓,继续舞弊制造恐怖是政变前奏,立马抓起来重刑治罪,美国才能摆脱共产主义阴影,才能纳入美国宪法正常轨道,要美国变成共产中国,美国人民价值观答应吗?!为了美国根基千秋万代不动摇,这是一场生死攸关残酷较量,与流氓打交道到了紧要关头,断定是政变,迫于时间不多容不得多考虑,切莫书生气该出手就出手,形势险峻下不按常理出牌不为过。对于秀才遇见土匪了千万不可重复农夫和蛇的故事,流氓乐于打口水仗是想以拖待变给对方致命一击。时间就是生命,决斗生死存亡是瞬息间的事,时间上争取主动势在必行先下手为强,为捍卫宪法平息违宪政变,是没办法的最有效办法,再有半点儿犹豫和疏忽太危险,错失就彻底完蛋了。踢开绊脚石,横劈拦路虎,预则立,不预则废,首当全面清洗隐患,能镇压就镇压。历史上是共和党实现了美国统一,民主党今天变了昨天“南方”,川普学林肯来一场大革命终结奴隶主”社会主义”! 大选倍受争议还在胶织,自己有着舞弊重大嫌疑又急于强行计票,又自称获胜,这跟中共流氓没区别,相当于早有预谋的政变,邮寄选票是众多舞弊手段之一,谁是背后操手?形势凶险迫在眉睫,民主党学中共什么坏点子都有,狗急跳墙了。要高度警惕防不测,社会主义只能扼杀在摇蓝里,稍有不慎或心慈手软就是千古恨。川普有必要适时拾起总统尚有权力,依合法手段铁的手腕,狠狠打击极左势力破坏大选公正的嚣张气焰,谁破坏法治妄图搞社会主义,要痛下杀手全面清洗统统拿下!防范未然,完善安保体系,保护好自己,粉碎政敌阴谋狠狠打击大选破坏分子。 大选,若民主党定性舞弊证据确凿,性质恶劣该当重罪,还有参选资格吗?美国人民还放心吗?把左派媒体抓起来,答案就有了。大选舞弊是犯了杀头窃国罪,从犯问罪,主犯重罪剝夺政治权利终身。大选舞弊极其恶劣,胜选了犹如体育运动员用了兴奋剂取消其参选资格。 为了美国人民传统价值、国土安全,坚决抵制搞社会主义,没收中共移美海外资产,彻底铲除中共移民在美共产分子,老的小的统统滚蛋!它们是祸害动摇美国根基是美国人民大不幸,它们善长阴谋鬼计到处搞渗透,是腐蚀自由民主世界的祸根!川普前任给美国输入孔子学院洗脑渗透和接纳太多窝居美国中共邪恶分子,所谓中美建交四十多年来就是坑,才有了中共里外呼应搅和引发了今天大选弊端。舞弊,人民”被代表"了和中共一模一样。美国人民不容忍任何人以任何形式搞社会主义,社会主义是非法是犯罪!社会主义,纳税人创造财富归权贵所有,劳动人民回到奴隶社会没有人权只配做牛马,共产中国就这么做的。 选票封禁,等待审计,严防做手脚。重新计票仍存在不规范不透明还玩猫腻变法子还想着怂恿袒护违宪舞弊,罪加一等,入重刑!妄图趁大选舞弊搞政变,启动全美实行紧急状态,宪法不可辱拒绝交权!共和党有必要学学老毛,以其道还其身,把握枪杆子,威慑政变! 大紀元網友【跟評】發表時間: 5 小時 54 分鐘以前 想想看:近一個半世紀以來,沒有一位現任總統在連任競選中打破得票紀錄,但仍然失敗。 这话什么意思啊? 大紀元網友【跟評】發表時間: 4 小時 31 分鐘以前 民主党在希拉里落选总统那年吸取教训、精心设计,才导演了今天震惊世界大选舞弊案,胆大妄为、犯罪规模是西方大选历史绝无仅有 大紀元網友【跟評】發表時間: 9 小時 37 分鐘以前 那不就為拜登「贏」得了牢獄之災嗎? 大紀元網友【跟評】發表時間: 17 小時 15 分鐘以前 美國總統大選舞弊案,拜登贏的怎麼看怎麼瞎,一堆訴訟千萬不要葬送在最高法院。美國加油~川普是偉大的總統,加油! 即時盤點大選舞弊全球疫情數據 19分鐘 【役情最前線】拜登逼宮 日媒:三日天下 25分鐘 新唐人將推出首部動畫紀錄片《扶搖直上》 30分鐘 遭死亡威脅 向朱利安尼提供拜登數據的店主關店 53分鐘 賓州聽證會 朱利安尼和證人披露選舉欺詐內幕 1小時 Google排序審查?媒體放棄公正或被洗牌 1小時 納瓦羅:國會若不通過刺激計劃 經濟會有麻煩 1小時 川普賓州公聽會發言:民主黨舞弊露馬腳 1小時 胡錫進要人「別和有錢人比」 被轟:假共產 2小時 感恩節前 川普宣布赦免前國安顧問弗林 3小時 章子怡為小蘋果慶生 兩人相互依偎似親母女 紀元推薦更多 > 【內幕】文件洩中共防疫舉措自傷經濟 新證據坐實拜登家族與中共有金錢往來 【名家專欄】川普祕密會談內容被洩露 【新聞大家談】拜登過渡 川普勝算幾何? 【獨家】中共利用國際友城打壓台灣外交 【名家專欄】幕後操控 退而不休的奧巴馬 832個國家級貧困縣全脫貧?義工:更窮了 白宮發布會(中文同聲傳譯) subscribe to White House Press 一日簡報 兩國玄機 白宮態度 中共謀局 請輸入郵箱地址 華人都在看 馬上訂閱 紀元圖解 更多 > 【圖解】2020美國大選中的舞弊現象 【圖解】2020美國大選中的舞弊現象 人氣 8790 【圖解】選前震撼彈 拜登電腦門事件簿 【圖解】選前震撼彈 拜登電腦門事件簿 人氣 9007 【圖解】2020美國大選 投票結果何時出 【圖解】2020美國大選 投票結果何時出 人氣 54671 新聞排行 更多 > 1川普律師尋求將自己在威州的選票廢除 川普律師尋求將自己在威州的選票廢除 人氣 27765 2美總務署批准拜登過渡資源 川普:繼續戰鬥 美總務署批准拜登過渡資源 川普:繼續戰鬥 人氣 23709 3【名家專欄】川普祕密會談內容被洩露 【名家專欄】川普祕密會談內容被洩露 人氣 18174 4美國總務署長發給拜登信件全文翻譯 美國總務署長發給拜登信件全文翻譯 人氣 15454 5【大選更新11.23】川普:相信我們會贏! 【大選更新11.23】川普:相信我們會贏! 人氣 14965 娛樂排行 更多 > 154歲劉嘉玲飾20多歲女生 紮雙馬尾造型引熱議 54歲劉嘉玲飾20多歲女生 紮雙馬尾造型引熱議 人氣 17361 2曾獲葉德嫻幫還巨債 劉德華承諾養她一輩子 曾獲葉德嫻幫還巨債 劉德華承諾養她一輩子 人氣 13395 3疑踩中共禁區 張藝謀《一秒鐘》遭金雞獎撤映 疑踩中共禁區 張藝謀《一秒鐘》遭金雞獎撤映 人氣 7054 4被誤認嚼口香糖耍大牌 范丞丞曝光真相引爆笑 被誤認嚼口香糖耍大牌 范丞丞曝光真相引爆笑 人氣 5536 5章子怡自曝減肥只喝水 體重從未超50公斤 章子怡自曝減肥只喝水 體重從未超50公斤 人氣 2263 文化排行 更多 > 1遇事就心亂如麻!3招教你跳脫負面情緒 遇事就心亂如麻!3招教你跳脫負面情緒 人氣 1619 2《諸世紀》中第一個「反救世主」魔鬼是誰? 《諸世紀》中第一個「反救世主」魔鬼是誰? 人氣 1496 3不同凡響的粉彩早餐:利奥塔爾的《拉維尼家早餐》 不同凡響的粉彩早餐:利奥塔爾的《拉維尼家早餐》 人氣 714 4【醫案】兵敗如山倒 【醫案】兵敗如山倒 人氣 663 5【成吉思汗】蒙古商隊遇害 西征花剌子模 【成吉思汗】蒙古商隊遇害 西征花剌子模 人氣 513 獨家視角 更多 > 【特稿】正邪相爭 大選分左右 人民選未來 【內幕】經營中美關係?盤點紐約統戰組織(上) 【獨家】紅三代揭武漢百億假黃金局中局 圖 【獨家】1年抗議逾百起 湛江防民如防川 圖 揭祕:拜登家族與爆料人關係是如何破裂的 【獨家】揭祕打壓「訴江潮」的中共幫凶 大紀元 LOGO 本網站圖文內容歸大紀元所有,任何單位及個人未經許可,不得擅自轉載使用。 Copyright© 2000 - 2020 The Epoch Times Associat

Sunday, November 22, 2020


宇宙大爆炸前,诺奖得主彭罗斯找到答案! 宇宙之前是什么?对这个问题的普遍回答是,宇宙大爆炸创生了时间和空间,既然时间都是在宇宙大爆炸后才诞生的,我们当然无从知道宇宙大爆炸之前是什么。 虽然这是一个因果律上无懈可击的回答,但我相信没有一个人满意这个答案,就像亚当斯笔下泛维度种族不满意宇宙第二强大的电脑深思花了750万年才计算出来,关于宇宙、生命及一切的答案是“42”一样。 共形循环宇宙 现在好了,随着罗杰·彭罗斯获得2020年诺贝尔物理学奖,他的共形循环宇宙学又一次重见天日。按照这个学说,人们终于可以回答宇宙之前是什么了,彭罗斯这位89岁的迟暮老人也再次向人们推荐这个理论,并言之凿凿地预言,宇宙微波背景上发现的6个霍金点,就是这个学说最好的证明。 宇宙必然起源于一个奇点,是彭罗斯和霍金在上世纪60年代一起证明的,这被称为奇点定理。之后宇宙大爆炸及暴胀理论逐渐占据科学界的主流,发展到今天已广为人们所知,几乎成为宇宙起源唯一的解释了。但大爆炸之前宇宙究竟是什么,却像那个答案“42”一样,让所有人都极其不爽,难道我们真的就没有权利去追究宇宙背着我们都干了些什么吗? 彭罗斯不服气,他利用共形映射将宇宙的开始和结局联系起来,认为宇宙的终结就是另一次大爆炸的开始,我们的宇宙就在这种大爆炸-膨胀-大爆炸-膨胀中无限循环,从而回答了宇宙大爆炸之前是什么的问题:大爆炸之前,是另一个宇宙。 什么是共形循环宇宙 我理解的彭罗斯的想法大概是这样的,宇宙不断膨胀,最终将导致宇宙中所有物质都变成稀释的能量,宇宙中只剩下无处不在的黑洞。当宇宙微波背景温度降到无限趋近于绝对零度时,这些黑洞的温度将在某一时刻高于宇宙微波背景温度,从而开始向宇宙微波背景释放霍金辐射,黑洞变得越来越小,最后黑洞蒸发完毕,宇宙中只剩下纯粹的能量。 在这个过程中,大爆炸时宇宙处于低熵状态,随着宇宙膨胀演化,宇宙的熵越来越大,到物质全部转化成能量后,宇宙就达到了最高熵;黑洞蒸发开始从宇宙中移除熵,蒸发完毕后熵就被清零,这时候就开始了新一轮的宇宙大爆炸。 彭罗斯利用共形变换,一方面将体积无限小,密度温度无限高的宇宙初始奇点状态,变换成密度温度体积都有限的时空,另一方面又将未来膨胀到无限大的宇宙时空,变换成尺度有限的时空,从而让两个宇宙的终点和起点可以平滑地连接起来,从而形成一串首尾相接的“宇宙串”,回答了我们因为时间中断而无法回答的宇宙之前是什么的问题。 这一连串的宇宙大爆炸,就相当于纯能量(宇宙起点,上一个宇宙的终点)——能量和物质的混合态(宇宙膨胀状态,低熵-高熵-低熵)——纯能量(宇宙终点,下一个宇宙的起点)的循环,非常简洁,我感觉还是挺优美的。 我很想找一个什么现象来形容这个无限大到无限小的变换,不过抠破脑皮也想不出来,或许只能用一个哲学点的概念来说了,极大就是极小,或者否极泰来什么的。 如何检验共形循环宇宙 然而,不论理论多美妙,终究是需要实践来检验的,共形循环宇宙学理论的硬伤就是无法检验。彭罗斯在经过多年研究后,从宇宙微波背景中发现了至少6个霍金点,认为这些约有8个月亮直径大小,略高于周围温度的圆形斑点,就是上一个宇宙中的超大质量黑洞蒸发后留下的斑痕,是在宇宙的早期膨胀中形成的。 不过很多科学家认为,很难将一个永恒的无限大的宇宙整合到下一个永恒的超级小宇宙中,而且该理论要求宇宙中所有粒子质量都要消失,变成纯粹的能量,实在太难以想象了。这在科幻小说中已经表现出来了,要是谁从上一个宇宙中偷偷偷走了一些物质,下一个宇宙岂不是就没有抓拿了? 另有科学家指出,科学家们多年来一直在仔细检查宇宙微波背景,目前并未发现有什么特别的热点,所谓的霍金点并不存在。 看来彭罗斯虽然获得了诺贝尔物理学奖,但共形循环宇宙论要让更多人信服,还有很长的路要走。即使这个问题解决了,我们还可以问下一个问题,这个共形循环宇宙当初又是怎么来的呢? 近年来霍金辐射已经成为黑洞理论中的关键,越来越和宇宙的未来联系在一起,如果彭罗斯理论成立的话,霍金辐射就是关键中的关键了,霍金未能在有生之年获得诺贝尔奖,不能不说是一个巨大的遗憾.

Meat Protein Versus Vegetable Protein By Carly Schuna

Meat Protein Versus Vegetable Protein Carly Schuna By Carly Schuna Block of tofu in a bowl. Tofu is one vegetarian protein source. The battle of meat protein versus vegetable protein is one that has raged for some time. A few meat eaters feel vegetarians can't possibly get enough protein or have full, balanced diets if they eat only plant-based foods, but many vegetarians and vegans seem to be doing just fine without meat. Do vegetarians need supplements to get alternate proteins? What are the facts? Meat Protein Versus Vegetable Protein The bottom line in the meat protein versus vegetable protein debate is that both sources have good effects on health, and most vegetarians will not have trouble getting enough protein. Protein is composed of amino acids, some of which are "essential," meaning they can't be manufactured by the human body and so need to come from diet. Related Articles Vegan Protein Sources Living Food Diet Steps to Being a Vegetarian Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, and some other dairy products contain all essential amino acids and are considered "complete" proteins. Plant sources such as buckwheat, quinoa, and amaranth also contain nearly every essential amino acid. Though complete proteins provide all essential amino acids in a single food, they're not necessary for good health. In general, the variety of amino acids every human needs can be provided by eating a balanced, varied diet that includes a variety of sources of protein. Biological Value Vitamin B-12 is chiefly found in meat and animal products. The measure BV, for biological value, is a gauge for how efficient a protein source is at building muscle and promoting tissue growth in the body. BV is measured on a scale from 1 to 100, with meat proteins scoring the highest. However, soy protein and other plant-based proteins, such as corn and wheat, also posted notable BV scores of more than 50. In considering BV scores and the efficiency of protein in promoting growth, it's also important to realize most people who need protein for significant growth and development rather than to maintain health are serious athletes. People who exercise moderately and eat a varied diet do not generally need to be concerned about the BV values of protein sources they eat. Pros and Cons Meat proteins and vegetable proteins each have notable pros and cons. Meat Protein: Pros Most sources of animal protein are complete proteins, so they provide the body with all essential amino acids. You need to eat only a small serving of meat to take in a large amount of protein. Meat protein is widely available, economical, and more commonly eaten. Vitamin B-12 is almost exclusively available in animal-based proteins. Meat Protein: Cons Many sources of animal protein are high in saturated fat and cholesterol, which can increase an individual's risk of developing high blood pressure and other serious diseases. Animal proteins tend to be significantly higher in calories than vegetable proteins. Besides high protein contents, many animal proteins have weaker nutritional profiles than plant-based proteins. Vegetable Protein: Pros Many plant-based proteins, such as soy, are easier for the body to digest than meat proteins. Vegetable proteins are lower overall in fat, cholesterol, and calories. Plant-based proteins generally have more vitamins, minerals, and nutrients than animal proteins do. Vegetable Protein: Cons Some vegetable proteins are more expensive and harder to find than meat proteins. Most vegetable proteins don't offer as many protein grams per ounce as meat proteins. It can be difficult to get enough vitamin B-12, especially for vegans, from solely plant-based proteins. Vitamin B-12 Vitamin B-12 is the only vitamin not present in the vast majority of plant-based proteins. Vegetarians can still get proper doses of vitamin B-12 by eating eggs, yogurt, cheese, and other dairy products, but vegans need to find other sources. Some B-12 is found in nutritional yeast, and several varieties of soy milk and cereal are fortified with vitamin B-12. Vegans can also get the vitamin through supplements. It's especially important for children and pregnant women to get the recommended daily allowance of vitamin B-12 in their diets. Was this page useful? Yes No Vegan Protein Sources Living Food Diet 8 CommentsView comments © 2006-2020 LoveToKnow, Corp., except where otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved. Resources, Advice & Tips for Covid-19 Read More Trending in Vegetarian Are There Any Cheeses That Do Not Contain Rennet? By Linda Johnson Larsen 308K How to Make Beet Juice By Beth Asaff 291K What Types of Breads Are Vegan? By Elise Deming, RDN 115K Why Do People Become Vegetarians? 5 Key Reasons By Linda Johnson Larsen 103K Eating Only Raw Vegetables and Fruits By Jeanne Grunert 73K Vegetarian Categories Growing Sprouts Juicing Protein Sources for Vegetarians Raw Food Diet Plans and Recipes Vegan Diet and Recipes Vegetarian Eating Vegetarian Recipes Vegetarian Slideshows Vegan Protein Sources Protein for Vegans Think vegan protein sources are hard to find? Think again. Animal products do generally provide more essential amino acids, which help build muscle and strength. However, vegans who eat a varied, balanced diet shouldn't have any trouble getting enough protein. There are dozens of protein-rich foods suitable for vegans. Some of those with the highest amounts of protein follow. Beans Beans are excellent sources of protein. Depending on the type you prepare, most one-cup servings have at least 15 grams of protein. Vegan chili, bean dips, and bean burritos all serve up healthy doses of protein in a single meal. Many vegans also prize beans for their versatility and convenience. Beans can be used as meat substitutes, baked into casseroles, served with salads and used to thicken soups and stews. Since they come pre-cooked in cans as well as dried, it's easy to add them to almost any recipe. Lentils Lentils, otherwise known as split peas, are a type of legume. Dried lentils cook more quickly than beans but have a similar nutritional profile, including traces of most essential amino acids. Eating cooked lentils with a whole grain, such as brown rice or bulgur, constitutes a complete protein. Like beans, lentils can be used as a meat substitute or as a base for soups. They're easy to prepare and are low in fat and calories and high in fiber. Soy Milk Soy milk is a common vegan protein source that provides five to ten grams of protein per one-cup serving. When it's combined with cereal or a whole grain such as oatmeal or cornmeal, the two foods offer all essential amino acids. In addition to drinking soy milk straight, vegans can use it for baking or thinning sauces and batters. Other soy-based products, such as soy yogurt, tempeh, and edamame are also good sources of protein. Quinoa Quinoa is a grain-like plant with edible seeds that, when cooked, have a texture similar to soft rice. Quinoa is unique among vegan protein sources because it contains a balanced amount of all essential amino acids. In addition to its eight grams of protein per serving, quinoa has high amounts of fiber and folate as well as the minerals magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus. To cook quinoa, rinse it thoroughly, add twice the amount of water as you have seeds, bring the mixture to a boil, and then let it simmer, covered, on low heat for about 15 minutes. Fluff before serving. Tofu Tofu, the quintessential meat replacement for vegetarians and vegans, is a protein powerhouse. One four-once serving contains 11 grams of protein, and tofu is even lower in calories than many other comparable protein sources. Tofu isn't only a good meat replacement or dinner standby. It works well in salads, soups, and as an egg replacement in a breakfast tofu scramble. Additionally, tofu can be used in baking to make a non-dairy custard or mousse smooth and creamy. Hummus Hummus is a Middle Eastern and Mediterranean spread that's made with garbanzo beans (chickpeas) and tahini, or ground sesame-seed paste. It's easy to make at home, but you can also buy it in a variety of flavors at almost any grocery store. Though it doesn't pack quite as much protein as some other plant-based foods, at close to four grams per quarter-cup serving, hummus is lower in calories than creamier bean dips, and it has a mild, slightly nutty taste that pairs well with almost any food item. Nuts Most nuts and nut butters offer close to ten grams of protein per two-tablespoon serving. They're higher in fat and calories than many other vegan protein sources, but they can help form the foundation of a very healthy diet. To boost your daily protein intake with nuts, try sprinkling them on cereal, oatmeal, and salads or mixing them in with savory dishes such as casseroles and tagines. Spread nut butter on toast, whole-grain crackers, or fresh vegetables and fruits. Other Vegan Protein Sources The previous items pack some of the most protein per serving out of all vegan foods, but they're far from the only sources. Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, and potatoes provide several grams of protein per serving, and whole-grain bread, seeds, and pasta are also good sources. Cereals like muesli can boost your daily protein intake, too, especially with soy milk. If you'd like to get more protein, you can always do so with protein bars, shakes, or powders. High-Protein Vegetarian Foods Types of Legumes 0 CommentsWrite a comment © 2006-2020 LoveToKnow, Corp., except where otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved. Trending in Vegetarian Protein Deficiency Symptoms By Beth Asaff 591K List of Common Whole Grain Foods By Beth Asaff 339K Are There Any Cheeses That Do Not Contain Rennet? By Linda Johnson Larsen 308K Are Raw Peanuts Dangerous By Jeanne Grunert 168K Ways to Cook Tofu By Donna Sundblad 77K Vegetarian Categories Growing Sprouts Juicing Protein Sources for Vegetarians Raw Food Diet Plans and Recipes Vegan Diet and Recipes Vegetarian Eating Vegetarian Recipes Vegetarian Slideshows High-Protein Vegetarian Foods Carly Schuna By Carly Schuna High-Protein Vegetarian Foods Protein-rich vegetarian foods aren't as rare as their reputation implies. While it's true plant-based foods don't contain as much protein as meats and meat products, you can easily stick to your diet and satisfy daily protein recommendations. Tofu Many people used to think of tofu as a bizarre, exotic food for health nuts. Since then, the soybean-based product has come a long way. It picks up flavors from other ingredients and marinades very successfully, and it's easy to prepare. One 100 g serving of tofu, or about one thick slice, has about 7 g protein. Greek Yogurt While most regular yogurt has a maximum protein content of about 10 g per 8-ounce serving, Greek yogurt is thicker, richer, and packs in more than one and a half times that amount. A 6-ounce cup of most nonfat or low-fat varieties of Greek yogurt has between 15 g and 20 g protein. Beans Beans work fantastically well as a meat substitute in casseroles, soups, and even pasta dishes. If you're pressed for time, use canned, instead of taking the time to soak and boil them. One cup of most cooked beans, including kidney, navy, and Great Northern, has about 15 g protein. Eggs Eggs are another classic source of vegetarian protein. You can scramble 'em, fry 'em, or hard-boil 'em, but any way you do it, you'll be getting about 6 g protein per large egg. Try a two- or three-egg omelet for a quick lunch or dinner; eggs don't have to be just for breakfast! Cottage Cheese It doesn't tend to get a lot of press, but cottage cheese is a protein powerhouse; a cup packs in nearly 30 g protein. Considering that, you could simply add a small scoop to some fresh fruit or berries several times throughout the day and make leaps toward your recommended protein quota. Quinoa Most whole grains are solid sources of protein, but quinoa is an exceptional candidate because it contains essential amino acids. It's also a snap to prepare: Just rinse, add twice the amount of water as you have grain, and simmer while covered for about 15 minutes. One cup of cooked quinoa has about 8 g protein. Lentils Lentils, like beans, are legumes. Unlike beans, they tend to fall apart when cooked for extended periods of time, making them perfect for savory sauces, thick soups, and warm curries. One cup of cooked lentils has nearly 18 g protein. Ricotta Cheese Ricotta cheese, the star of lasagna, manicotta, and other traditional Italian dishes, is also a standout source of protein, with the part-skim variety containing more than 14 g per half cup. Try using it as an alternative to cream cheese for a protein-rich, authentic Italian cheesecake. Nuts and Nut Butters Peanut butter, almond butter, and whole nuts of all kinds are satiating, tasty sources of protein that make fantastic snacks and lunch components. You can also use nut butters to make savory or sweet sauces and sprinkle plain nuts in salad. Two tablespoons of most nut butters have close to 8 g protein. Milk No matter what kind you like, whether it's soy or traditional dairy, there's no denying that milk is one of the most versatile and protein-rich vegetarian foods. A cup of skim milk has about 8.5 g protein, and a cup of soymilk has about 7 g. Living Food Diet Nutritional Values of Vegetables 0 CommentsWrite a comment © 2006-2020 LoveToKnow, Corp., except where otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved. Trending in Vegetarian Are There Any Cheeses That Do Not Contain Rennet? By Linda Johnson Larsen 308K Raw Cacao Side Effects and Benefits By Linda Johnson Larsen 213K Are Sunflower Seeds Good for You? By Tess Jones 162K Is Coconut Milk Healthy? By Beth Asaff 104K Ways to Cook Tofu By Donna Sundblad 77K Vegetarian Categories Growing Sprouts Juicing Protein Sources for Vegetarians Raw Food Diet Plans and Recipes Vegan Diet and Recipes Vegetarian Eating Vegetarian Recipes Vegetarian Slideshows Living Food Diet Defining “Living” Food The Living Food Diet is a popular option for vegetarians. The most nutritional components of food – enzymes, nutrients, and minerals – are often destroyed when the food is heated or cooked. A living diet, then, consists of raw, minimally processed foods that are rich in healthful nutrition. In many cases, foods that are actually sprouting or germinating are the best sources of enzymes, nutrients, and vitamins, and there are many delicious options to choose from. Fruits Fresh, raw fruit is a staple item of any living food diet. The fresher the fruit is, the better its nutritional benefits will be. Vegetables Vegetable are another vital component of a living food diet. They can be eaten fresh and raw or processed into cold soups, juices, salads, and other dishes. Salads A crisp, fresh salad can be a delicious meal. Opt for salad blends that use a variety of different leafy greens and brightly colored vegetables – onions, peppers, radishes, tomatoes, carrots, etc. – for the tastiest, most healthful entrees. Raw Milk The Living Food Diet is often called the raw diet because minimal processing is desired. Fresh, unprocessed milk can be a healthy part of this diet, though it is not suitable for a vegan diet plan. Alfalfa Sprouts Fresh, budding sprouts are the epitome of living food and they are bursting with essential enzymes and vitamins. Alfalfa sprouts and bean sprouts are the most popular options. Leafy Greens You’ll feel more alive with a living food diet that encompasses different leafy greens. Try a range of different types of lettuce, cabbage, chard, and collard greens, and season your meals with leafy herbs such as rosemary, basil, and thyme. Raw Corn Raw corn is surprisingly sweet, crisp, and juicy. Enjoy it directly from the cob or remove the kernels to use in soups, salads, or other dishes. Sun Tea While most steeped teas are heated and could not be considered part of a living food diet, tea that is steeped naturally in the sun is a refreshing and rejuvenating option. Nuts A wide variety of nuts are great living foods to include in your diet. Brazil nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, and peanuts are all suitable. For the most nutritional benefits, soak the nuts in purified water for a few hours or overnight before eating to activate their germination cycles and increase their enzyme activity. Coconut Coconuts are perfect for a living or raw food diet. Not only is fresh coconut pleasantly crisp and crunchy, but the coconut milk can be refreshing and tasty. Dried Fruits At first, dried fruits may seem contrary to the concept of living food, but if the fruits are properly dehydrated they will retain many of their nutritional qualities. Papaya, bananas, apples, strawberries, pineapple, and apricots can all be easily dried. Purified Water water is essential for a healthy diet. Drink at least eight glasses of water each day, or even more if you have a very active lifestyle or exercise vigorously. Dried Meat While dried or dehydrated meat is not suitable for a vegetarian diet, it can be considered part of a living food diet if processed without heat that would destroy the best nutritional properties of the meat. Grow Your Own Food Many vegetarians who follow a living food diet plan grow their own food, not only for the pleasure of gardening but also to avoid pesticides and other chemicals that are applied to commercially grown produce. Home grown produce is especially important for a living food menu because it can be picked just moments before the meal. For more vegetarian diet plans, check out: Dieting Myths Foods to Eat on a Raw Food Diet Healthy Food Trends Nutritional Values of Vegetables High-Protein Vegetarian Foods 0 CommentsWrite a comment © 2006-2020 LoveToKnow, Corp., except where otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved. Trending in Vegetarian Beet Juice Side Effects By Robin Raven 647K List of Common Whole Grain Foods By Beth Asaff 339K Kombucha Danger By Carrie Grosvenor 134K Is Coconut Milk Healthy? By Beth Asaff 104K Why Do People Become Vegetarians? 5 Key Reasons By Linda Johnson Larsen 103K Vegetarian Categories Growing Sprouts Juicing Protein Sources for Vegetarians Raw Food Diet Plans and Recipes Vegan Diet and Recipes Vegetarian Eating Vegetarian Recipes Vegetarian Slideshows Nutritional Values of Vegetables Nutritional Values of Vegetables Anyone following a vegetarian, vegan or raw food diet needs to know nutritional values of vegetables. Eating a balanced diet is essential for good health. One trick is to 'eat according to the rainbow', striving to eat different colored vegetables. This helps you take in all the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants you need to support good health. Kale and Leafy Green Vegetables Kale, spinach and chard belong to the family nutritionists commonly call leafy green vegetables. Kale is abundant in vitamins A, C and K. Kale contains 41 calories per cup, 1 gram of dietary fiber, and vitamins A, C, and K. It also contains iron and potassium. Beautiful Beets Beets have been prized throughout history, and up until Roman times, only the leaves were eaten! Now we enjoy the rich ruby colored roots too. Beet contains about 75 calories per one cup, cooked. They have 3 grams of protein per cup. Yes, protein. Did you know that vegetables contain protein? You can get abundant protein on a vegetarian diet. Beets also contain a good amount of potassium and dietary fiber. Tomatoes for Antioxidants Tomatoes are rich in lutein, an antioxidant for vision health. They're also good sources of vitamins and minerals. One medium sized red tomato contains 26 calories, 1 gram of protein, just 11 mg of sodium and 273 mg of potassium. They also contain vitamin A and vitamin C. Carrots for Vitamin A Bugs bunny knew a thing or two when he munched carrots all day. Carrots are low in calories, with just 31 calories per medium sized carrot, yet they contain an abundance of vitamin A - more than 2,000 units of vitamin A per medium carrot. They also contain 233 mg of potassium, 2 grams of dietary fiber, and many trace minerals. Broccoli Goodness Although it's an ancient vegetable in the Mediterranean, broccoli was almost unknown in America until Italian immigrants brought it to the states in the 1920's. Broccoli contains abundant nutrients, especially vitamins A and C. One cup of steamed broccoli has only 44 calories and 5 grams of protein, as well as nearly 2 mg of iron, over 500 mg of potassium, and 4 grams of dietary fiber. It's easier to digest than many other vegetables in the cabbage family and is extremely healthful. Sprout for Living Vegetables A study of the nutritional values of vegetables would be incomplete without including sprouts. Each type of sprout, from alfalfa sprouts to sunflower sprouts, contains different nutrients. But all sprouts are low calorie and packed with enzymes, chemicals that aid metabolic processes. They're healthy, easy to grow, and packed with many vitamins, minerals and fiber. Lettuce for Health If you think lettuce is boring, you're probably thinking of the limp iceberg lettuce from your childhood. Lettuce comes in dozens of varieties with colors ranging from ruby red tinges to rich, dark green. The flavors differ too. Properly called salad greens, the actual vitamins in each cup of greens or lettuce will vary, but no matter what the variety, each cup contains less than 10 calories, 1 gram of protein, 1 gram of dietary fiber, and varying amounts of vitamins A, C, and minerals such as calcium and phosphorous. Enjoy Fresh Vegetables It would be impossible to cover all the vegetables available in the supermarket. There's rich purple eggplant, bok choi, spinach, parsnips, green beans, peas...and the list goes on and on! Rather than calculating exactly what you're eating, simply enjoy raw or cooked vegetables for health. All nutrition information included comes from the book The Nutrition Bible as well as the FDA. Living Food Diet Steps to Being a Vegetarian 0 CommentsWrite a comment © 2006-2020 LoveToKnow, Corp., except where otherwise noted. All Rights Reserved. Trending in Vegetarian List of Common Whole Grain Foods By Beth Asaff 339K Are Raw Peanuts Dangerous By Jeanne Grunert 168K How to Grill Vegetables in Aluminum Foil By Carly Schuna 115K Is Coconut Milk Healthy? By Beth Asaff 104K What Is a Legume? By Beth Asaff 95K Vegetarian Categories Growing Sprouts Juicing Protein Sources for Vegetarians Raw Food Diet Plans and Recipes Vegan Diet and Recipes Vegetarian Eating Vegetarian Recipes Vegetarian Slideshows Steps to Being a Vegetarian Donna Sundblad By Donna Sundblad Steps to Being a Vegetarian Steps to being a vegetarian are often influenced by a person's reasons for adopting a meatless lifestyle. However, no matter the reasons behind your vegetarianism, the first step is to ensure proper nutrition in your new diet. Always talk with your health-care provider or a nutritionist before making extreme changes in what you eat. Where to Start Some people may "choose" their level of vegetarianism. For instance, they may give up meat only or both meat and dairy. While making such a decision sounds like a logical first step, the vegetarian conviction is the strongest part of the diet for many people. In that case, the real first step is to take action on your convictions and learn to cultivate those actions into a new lifestyle. The most common reasons people choose to become vegetarians are to achieve better health and to improve animal-rights issues. Cutting Meat from Your Diet Cutting meat from your diet is often the first step to being a vegetarian. If you don't think you can do it all at once, begin slowly by eliminating your least favorite meat. Gradually make adjustments by cutting other types of meat from your diet until meat is no longer part of your menu. The process isn't a race against time; it's a cultivation of new habits. Go at your own pace, and live by your convictions rather than others' expectations. Add New Foods Don't make your vegetarianism all about giving things up. An important step to healthy vegetarian eating is to add new foods to your diet. Include exotic new vegetables and fruits, and check out new recipes to help create satisfying meals. For example, try a portobello mushroom sandwich on whole-grain bread to take the place of a burger. Be Willing to Experiment Most people grow up serving meals centered around a meat main dish. When you choose to become a vegetarian, it helps to have a willingness to experiment. Try different types of foods to help replace the texture and taste of meat in your meals. You can do it with other vegetables or with products such as tofu, TVP (texturized vegetable protein), soy items, or faux meats. Healthy Choices It's easy to give up meat and fill the void with junk and processed foods like macaroni and cheese. To be a healthy vegetarian, it's important to make wise substitutions to give your body the nutrients it needs. If you don't know where to start, try a tofu dish. Tofu is both healthy and versatile, and it easily picks up flavors from marinades, sauces, and other foods. Educate Yourself Misinformation is plentiful within the vegetarian world. Take time to read current vegetarian literature and stay informed. While older books often provide good information, it's important to note that some outdated ideas, such as the need to always eat complete proteins, are not valid. Make Vegetarian Friends Becoming a vegetarian can be trying when you are the only one in your social group who doesn't eat meat. Families don't often support the change, either. To avoid feelings of alienation, it helps to make friends with other vegetarians. This process is easier now than ever with the Internet. Participate in vegetarian forums and visit sites where members talk about recipes, substitutions, and the day-to-day struggles related to a meatless lifestyle. Different for Everyone No matter how you approach your vegetarianism, understand that it is an individual process. Some people give up meat all at once; others take time to make the adjustment. Part of the procedure will have to do with why you chose to become a vegetarian. You won't find a right or wrong way to become a vegetarian. It's a lifelong process. Living Food Diet Nutritional Values of Vegetables 0 CommentsWrite a comment Trending in Vegetarian Beet Juice Side Effects By Robin Raven 647K Are There Any Cheeses That Do Not Contain Rennet? By Linda Johnson Larsen 308K How to Freeze Tofu By Mary Gormandy White 233K Are Raw Peanuts Dangerous By Jeanne Grunert 168K Vegetarian Rennet By Linda Johnson Larsen 98K Vegetarian Categories Growing Sprouts

Friday, November 20, 2020


吴蒙:美選舉系統舞弊牽出中共利益集團 圖片:鮑威爾律師(右)在福克斯新聞台婁·多布斯(Lou Dobbs)的節目中透露,通過「錘子」(HAMMER)超級計算機和與之配合的應用程序「計分卡」(SCORECARD)的組合,可以實時篡改大選結果。(視頻截圖) 人氣: 2169【字號】 大 中 小 更新: 2020-11-12 3:53 PM 標籤: 2020美国大选, 舞弊軟件, 選舉欺詐 【大紀元2020年11月12日訊】隨著美國大選舞弊行為的不斷曝光,以民主黨及其背後的暗黑勢力篡改民意、暗箱操作,控制媒體、社交網站、民調機構、郵政系統、地方政府等系統打壓川普、扶持拜登的更多證據也不斷浮出水面。據海外媒體報導,被廣泛採用的問題選舉軟件不僅使用了存在安全隱患的中國製造的部件,具有民主黨背景的選舉系統公司還牽出江澤民家族等中共利益集團。 大選舞弊種種 律師鮑威爾:45萬張選票「奇蹟般」地只選拜登 目前被曝出的舞弊方式包括:「幽靈選票」;選民被冒名投票;郵局偽造「郵寄選票」的郵戳日期,為拜登製造選票;減少選票中選項,使至少45萬張選票選項只有拜登沒有川普;通過問題選舉軟件,將投給川普的選票改投給拜登;選舉川普的郵寄選票被丟棄等等。正如拜登失言宣稱的他擁有「美國政治有史以來最廣泛、深入的選舉舞弊組織」(the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics)。 本文僅以選舉軟件涉及的舞弊問題為例,揭示美國民主黨高層和背後暗黑勢力結合操控的舞弊行為。川普總統律師團隊成員之一、著名律師鮑威爾(Sydney Powell)8日接受福克斯新聞網採訪時表示,「有證據表明民主黨特工登入美國政府機密軟件『錘子(HAMMER)』和『計分卡(SCORECARD)』篡改大選結果,篡改數量達到總投票數的3%!」「他們讓支持川普的選票無效或銷毀這些選票、用各種能想出來的方式製造支持拜登的票,如大量死人投票,我們已經確定在關鍵州至少有450,000張選票,這些選票『奇蹟般』地只選喬·拜登,而沒有選其他候選人(如國會議員、州長、地方官員)。」 美國大選使用的「Dominion」的計票設備,被全美30個州普遍使用,包括內華達州、亞利桑那州、明尼蘇達州、密歇根州、威斯康星州、喬治亞州、賓夕法尼亞州這七搖擺州。但該系統在選舉期間出現了許多「意外」事故。正如鮑威爾進一步表示的,大選中充斥著民主黨「通過大規模、協調一致努力來竊取這次選舉」的證據。下面是部分例子: 1)賓州19,958張選票秒變 網上流傳一段視頻顯示電視直播畫面中,晚上10:22,在賓州得票數是: 川普:1,690,589 拜登:1,252,537 一秒鐘之後,川普少了19,958,拜登正好多了19,958,變成: 川普:1,670,631 (少了19,958票) 拜登:1,272,495(多了19,958票) 2)安特里姆縣6,000多張投給川普的票記給了拜登 美國在線政治媒體「Townhall」報導,密西根州共和黨主席考克斯(Laura Cox)稱,密西根州47個縣使用了相同的Dominion計票系統,制表軟件故障導致計票錯誤,其中一個縣安特里姆縣(Antrim County)的6,000多張投給川普的票記給了拜登。解決錯誤後,川普轉敗為勝。 3)密西根5秒計票增近15萬 推特驗證用戶、英國數據分析師莎拉·伊格斯菲爾德(Sarah Eaglesfield)對多個州的開票數據進行觀察後,發現存在她認為「不合常理,無法解釋」的現象。其中一個是密西根州的數據,在11月4日晚11點31分後,5秒鐘增加了149,772張票,也就是說五秒鐘密西根數出了將近15萬張選票,而且在這增加的近15萬選票中,投給川普的只有6千張。 4)大選日前提前更新軟件 在使用Dominion計票設備的佐治亞州,摩根(Morgan)和斯伯丁(Spalding)兩個縣的Dominion計票系統在11月3日投票日出現設備崩潰、投票中止,是供應商在選舉前夜上傳更新、重啟造成。據Politico報導,斯帕丁縣選舉委員會的選舉主管瑪西婭·萊德利(Marcia Ridley)說,設備供應商在投票前夜上傳了一些東西造成故障,「這不是尋常的做法」,萊德利說她之前從來沒有在投票之前向設備上傳東西。設備供應商說,故障是由上傳導致。萊德利說,不知道上傳的內容。 民主黨高層與選舉舞弊軟件的關聯 近日媒體,曝光多位民主黨高層關鍵人物與舞弊軟件相關聯。 拜登家族與中共聯絡人之一參議員費恩斯坦 加州民主黨參議員費恩斯坦(Diane Feinstein)的丈夫理查德·布魯姆(Richard Bloom)是Dominion計票設備的軟件研發公司Avid Technology 的重要股東。 據美國政府公開資料,布魯姆是Avid Technology公司的重要股東,擁有該研發公司60%的股份,並通過該集團擁有五家公司資產。而費恩斯坦是之前被爆料是拜登家族與華信集團合作的「第一階段目標項目的國內主要聯繫人」之一。 民主黨眾議員議長佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi) Dominion Voting Systems公司被指與民主黨眾議院議長佩洛西有關聯。據「彭博政府」(Bloomberg Government)官網2019年4月報導,Dominion Voting Systems公司聘用了它的第一個高權勢的團隊,包括眾議長佩洛西發言人哈米爾(Drew Hammill)的長期助手。他們還僱用了Brownstein Farber Schrec律師事務所,而佩洛西的前幕僚長埃爾薩米(Nadeam Elshami)是該律師事務所的遊說者之一。 奧巴馬接受公司董事獻金 Dominion的官網顯示,2018年7月16日,Dominion及公司管理層被位於紐約的私募股權公司Staple Street Capital收購。該公司執行董事肯納德(William Kennard)2009年~2014年擔任歐盟大使,為民主黨的金庫貢獻64,450美元,為奧巴馬捐款11,900美元,同時肯納德在2008年被列為奧巴馬的50萬美元政治籌款人(Bundler)。 克林頓基金 在《華盛頓郵報》2015年的一份榜單中,Dominion在2014年被列為克林頓基金會的25,000~50,000美元捐助者。 舞弊軟件採用中國製造部件 Dominion計票系統中的機器是使用中國產的計算機部件。Dominion 投票系統的首席執行官約翰·普羅斯(John Poulos)在1月的國會證詞中承認:「我們的產品中確實含有來自中國的組件。」他說,中國組件包括「LCD控制板,觸摸屏,直到芯片組件級別(人工智能處理器)……在美國沒有這些組件可選。」 去年12月16日,供應鏈監控公司因特羅斯公司(Interos Inc.)發布報告《中國硬件為美國投票機提供動力》稱,投票機供應商使用海外供應商的「不安全」部件時可能會有風險,這些部件通常很難被審查和監控。作者羅伯茨(Paul Roberts)在報告中說,流行的投票機中五分之一(20%)的硬件和軟件組件來自中國的供應商。此外,該投票機中將近三分之二(59%)的組件來自在中國和俄羅斯都有業務的公司。 這些中國製造的部件存在極大的安全隱患,很容易被安裝後門或「定時邏輯炸彈」(即到某個時間點,設備會忽然失效,原廠在系統更新時,安全隱患就會被植入)等惡意軟件。 鮑威爾律師在福克斯新聞台Lou Dobbs的節目中透露的錘子計分卡,就是一種超級計算機和應用程序的組合,可以實時更改計票結果,將川普總統的選票改到拜登名下。「錘子」(HAMMER)是一超級計算機,而「計分卡」(SCORECARD)是與之配合的應用程序,兩者合作可以實時從網絡提取投票數據,運用算法計算預設候選人落後多少票,然後改變候選人的選票數。 鮑威爾律師說:「可以做到這樣是絕對駭人聽聞的,無論是所謂的電腦故障或其它東西,有人實際上已經進入了(選舉)系統,並改變了投票結果。」 選舉軟件舞弊牽出中共利益集團 據大紀元海外評論員周曉輝撰文稱,Avid Techonogy背後的財團是美國新橋投資集團(Blum Capital),費恩斯坦的先生通過該集團擁有五家公司資產。美國新橋投資集團還是一家在亞洲投資的私人股權公司,於2000年初進入中國。2002年11月,與中國網通、軟銀亞洲基礎設施基金組成財團,以8980萬美元收購海底電纜運營商亞洲環球電訊(AGC)約19億美元的泛亞洲網絡資產。2004年收購深圳發展銀行等。中國網通在當時被認為是江澤民之子江綿恆的私人電信王國。 另據大紀元報導,江澤民遠房親戚江世干曾在新橋集團擔任高管,江的孫子江志成與其關係密切,其報住的香港豪宅和名車都是江世干名下公司擁有。 川普團隊發起法律訴訟追究舞弊責任人 針對關鍵州出現的選舉舞弊現象,川普團隊已經採取行動,發起多項法律訴訟,以追究相關人員的責任。週一(11月9日)美國司法部長威廉‧巴爾(William Barr)授權聯邦檢察官對大量的投票違規指控進行調查。巴爾強調,司法部調查將秉承「公平、中立和無黨派」的原則,認真處理嚴肅的指控。 參議院多數黨領袖米奇‧麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)說,他支持川普針對選舉欺詐發起法律抗爭。喬治亞州長布萊恩‧坎普(Brian Kemp)發表推文說,該州的選舉結果將只包括合法選票。 責任編輯:岳東卿#

Friday, November 13, 2020


中文萬歲! 一『首』歌、 二『隻』駱駝、 三『張』桌子、 四『門』炮、 五『把』扇子、 六『輛』汽車、 七『架』飛機、 八『根』柱子、 九『條』絲瓜、 十『面』鏡子、 十一『尾』魚、 十二『道』菜…。 一『匹』馬、 二『頭』牛、 三『隻』猴子、 四『條』狗、 五『口』羊、 六『盞』燈、 七『畝』田、 八『扇』窗、 九『枚』火箭, 十『只』戒指! 我現在是一『顆』頭,兩『粒』大 你只能說一『輪』明月,但不能說一『輪』月亮;兩『匹』馬可以,但兩『匹』駱駝就感覺怪怪的。 一『葉』扁舟是形容其小而飄浮不定, 一『座』山則是碩大而穩重。 一『支』舞曲會令人感到腳底輕盈; 而一『道』彩虹則令人覺得前程似錦,充滿希望。 對會喝酒的人來說, 一『缸』好酒是大量, 一『罈』好酒是有量, 一『瓶』好酒是小量, 像我只能喝一『盅』好酒,是雅量! 還有,說你打得一『手』好球,是褒你; 誇你打得一『口』好球,是損你! 一『則』新聞是繽紛世事中的一個故事, 一『條』法律則表示條裡分明白紙黑字。 但『條』不像『根』那麼硬梆梆,軟軟的就有協商的餘地。 一『支』部隊,讓人有非常機動的感覺, 一『股』力量讓人感到一股作氣的氣勢。 但我實在喜歡 一『片』花海、 一『片』真情、 一『片』痴心、 一『片』歡騰, 還有一『片』混亂。 它們都讓人感到生動而充滿想像力, 否則哪會有一『串』鈴聲的清脆, 也不會有一『落』書籍的沉重, 更不會有陽關三『疊』的起伏了! 當然,談到緊張的情勢,哪有十『面』埋伏來得傳神。」 wife和 husband, Wife = 01 妻子 02 老婆, 03 太太, 04 夫人, 05 老伴, 06 愛人, 07 內人, 08 媳婦, 09 那口子, 10 拙荊, 11 賢內助, 12 對象, 13 孩他媽, 14 孩他娘, 15 內子, 16 婆娘, 17 糟糠, 18 娃他娘, 19 崽他娘, 20 山妻, 21 賤內, 22 賤荊, 23 女人, 24 馬子, 25 主婦, 26 女主人, 27 財政部長, 28 紀檢委, 29 渾人, 30 娘子, 31 另一半, 32 女當家, 33 渾家, 34 髮妻, 35 堂客, 36 婆姨, 37 領導, 38 燒火婆, 39 夥計, 40 黃臉婆 Husband = 01 丈夫, 02 愛人, 03 那口子, 04 當家的, 05 掌櫃的, 06 不正經的, 07 潑皮, 08 不爭氣的, 09 沒出息的, 10 該死的, 11 死鬼, 12 死人, 13 傻子, 14 臭不要臉的, 15 孩子他爹, 16 孩子他親爹, 17 喂, 18 老公, 19 豬, 20 親愛的, 21 先生, 22 官人, 23 相公, 24 大人, 25 挨千刀的, 26 老伴, 27 主人 28 主子 29 外子 30 老爺 再說幾個段子: 一、方便 一位剛學過一點中文的美國人來到中國,中國朋友請他吃飯。到了飯店落座,中國朋友說:「對不起,我去方便一下。」 那老外沒聽明白,「方便」是哪裡? 見老外疑惑,中國朋友告訴他說「方便」,口語裡是「上廁所」的意思。 哦,老外意會了。 席間,中國朋友對老外說:「我下次到美國,希望你能幫忙提供些方便。」 老外納悶了:他去美國,讓我提供些廁所幹嗎? 道別時,另一位中國朋友熱情地對老外說:「我想在你方便的時候請你吃飯。」 見老外驚訝發愣,中國朋友接著說:「如果你最近不方便的話,咱們改日……」 老外無語。 「咱找個你我方便的時候一起吃飯吧。」 老外隨即暈了。 二、乳 一位老師向老外學生解釋「乳」字的含義:乳即是小的意思,比如乳鴿、乳豬等。 講解完,老師要求老外用「乳」字造句。 老外學生造句說:「現在房價太高了,所以我家只能買得起20平方米的乳房。」 老師聽了,冒著冷汗說:「再造一個!」 老外學生:「我年紀太小,連一米寬的乳溝都跳不過去。」 老師冷汗如雨下,說:「再造一個!」 老外學生說:「老師我真的想不出來了,我的乳頭都快想破了!」 三、意思 老外苦學漢語10年,到中國參加漢語考試。 試題之一: 請解釋下文中每個 「意思」的意思: 阿呆給領導送紅包,兩人的對話頗有意思 領導:「你這是甚麼意思?」 阿呆:「沒甚麼意思,意思意思而已。」 領導:「你這就不夠意思了。」 阿呆:「小意思,小意思。」 領導:「你這人真有意思。」 阿呆:「其實也沒有別的意思。」 領導:「那我就不好意思了。」 阿呆:「是我不好意思。」 這老外聽了,一頭霧水。太深奧了,於是他交白卷回國。 四丶豐胸 豐胸後,一般會有四種結果: 1. 大不一樣; 2. 不大一樣; 3. 一樣不大; 4. 不一樣大! 中文萬歲!👍

Friday, November 06, 2020


“六根”、“六尘”、“六识”合称为十八界 眼、耳、鼻、舌、身、意(六根),是六种感觉器官,接触外境的六尘(色、声、香、味、触、法)后,产生各种认识和分别作用,而生起眼识、耳识、鼻识、舌识、身识、意识(六识)。这“六根”、“六尘”、“六识”,合称为十八界,是宇宙万法和“心”的总和,六根属于生理器官,六识属于心理作用,六尘属于物理现象,这十八界所产生的现象总和起来,即为整个佛教的宇宙观及人生观,要修行首先要灭除邪见,讲求六根清净。 眼根的修行:眼睛多访视苦难的人,可使我们产生信心,多探望病痛的人,可使我们滋生善心;而对于贫穷卑下的人,我们更要以平常心、慈悲心去关注、关心、关爱。 耳根的修行:一般人的耳朵,喜欢听是非传言,也容易受人挑拨;耳朵人人有,要善听,听好话不听是非,要谛听,注意听别人讲话,要兼听,听多方面的意见。所谓“忠言逆耳”正如“良药苦口”,虽然有时逆耳的话不顺心合意,也要多听。 鼻根的修行:佛门以“眼观鼻、鼻观心”来提醒善信专注修持,可见鼻子修行的重要,鼻子有嗅觉,对气味很敏感,如果对好味道(香味)产生偏好,就易生执着,贪爱之心。 舌根的修行:所谓“祸从口出”,说话最忌锋利伤人自尊,如果常以慈悲、温和的语气说话,必能口出妙香博人好感,常常口出赞叹语、慈悲语就是舌根的修行。 身根的修行:实践是最踏实的修行方法,证悟要靠“信、解、行”;身体是我们修行的工具,一定要好好地运用“立如松、坐如钟、行如风、卧如弓”。 意根的修行:听经闻法,起心动念,都为“意”的修行,我们学佛“如是我闻”一定要“信受奉行”。

Sunday, November 01, 2020

The Healthy Human Microbiome

The Healthy Human Microbiome Rod-shaped bacteria. Researchers have mapped the normal bacteria that live in and on the healthy human body. The accomplishment sets the stage for better understanding how bacterial communities affect human health and disease. The human body is host to trillions of microbes. These microbes outnumber the body’s cells by 10 to 1. Most of the time they are beneficial to human health, but sometimes they can cause illness. Scientists are using new genomic techniques to study these microbial communities and their genes, which collectively are known as the microbiome. The Human Microbiome Project (HMP) was launched by NIH in 2007 to characterize the microbes found in different regions of the body, including the nose, mouth, skin, digestive tract and vagina. Researchers from almost 80 universities and scientific institutions described 5 years of research in a series of coordinated reports published online on June 13, 2012, in Nature and several journals in the Public Library of Science. The scientists studied the microbes of 242 healthy adult volunteers by collecting tissue from 15 body sites in men and 18 in women. The sites included the nose, mouth, skin, stool from the lower intestine, and 3 vaginal sites in women. Bacteria were identified by extracting DNA from each sample and then analyzing a bacteria-specific gene called the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. The researchers also did more complete sequencing for about 800 reference strains. The scientists found that more than 10,000 microbial species occupy the human body. They estimated that the microbiome provides more genes that contribute to human survival than the human genome itself provides (8 million vs. 22,000). Humans need bacterial genes to aid in basic processes such as digestion. A surprising finding involved microbial metabolism. “It appears that bacteria can pinch hit for each other,” says Dr. Curtis Huttenhower of Harvard School of Public Health and lead co-author for one of the papers in Nature. “It matters whether the metabolic function is present, not which microbial species provides it.” Several clinical studies using project data have been completed. Researchers at the Baylor College of Medicine, for example, compared changes in the vaginal microbiome of 24 pregnant women with 60 women who weren't pregnant. They found less species diversity in the pregnant women. This suggests that the vaginal microbiome may have evolved to make a healthier passage for the newborn. In another study, researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine explored the human virome, the viral component of the human microbiome. They analyzed viruses in the blood and nasal swabs of children with unexplained fevers, a common problem in children under 3. Feverish children had nasal samples with up to 5 times more viral DNA than children without fever. This suggests that a quick test for viral load may help children avoid potentially harmful antibiotic treatment for a fever caused by viruses. “Enabling disease-specific studies is the whole point of the Human Microbiome Project,” says Dr. Barbara Methé of the J. Craig Venter Institute, lead co-author for one of the Nature papers. “Now that we understand what the normal human microbiome looks like, we should be able to understand how changes in the microbiome are associated with, or even cause, illnesses.”

Your Microbes and You The Good, Bad and Ugly

Your Microbes and You The Good, Bad and Ugly Cartoon of battling bacteria that look like pirates and seafaring adventurers. Microscopic creatures—including bacteria, fungi and viruses—can make you ill. But what you may not realize is that trillions of microbes are living in and on your body right now. Most don’t harm you at all. In fact, they help you digest food, protect against infection and even maintain your reproductive health. We tend to focus on destroying bad microbes. But taking care of good ones may be even more important. You might be surprised to learn that your microbes actually outnumber your own cells by 10 to 1. “The current estimate is that humans have 10 trillion human cells and about 100 trillion bacterial cells,” says Dr. Martin J. Blaser at the New York University School of Medicine. New techniques allow scientists to study these rich microbial communities and their genes—the “microbiome.” In 2007, NIH launched the Human Microbiome Project to study microbes in and on the body. Earlier this year, researchers from almost 80 institutions published a landmark series of reports. They found that more than 10,000 different species occupy the human body. The microbiome actually provides more genes that contribute to human survival than the human genome itself (8 million vs. 22,000). Humans need bacteria and their genes more than most of us thought. One of the most important things microbes do for us is to help with digestion. The mix of microbes in your gut can affect how well you use and store energy from food. In laboratory experiments, transferring bacteria from certain obese mice to normal ones led to increased fat in the normal mice. Blaser and his colleagues are concerned that changes in our microbiome early in life may contribute to weight problems later. “We’re in the middle of an epidemic of obesity that is very severe,” Blaser says. “It’s relatively recent, it’s widespread across the United States and across the world, and increased calories and decreased exercise seem insufficient to explain this.” We might be changing our microbiome for the worse, he says, by using antibiotics too often. In a recent NIH-funded study, Blaser’s team found that low-dose antibiotic therapy affected the gut microbiomes of young mice. Antibiotics also altered how the mice used sugars and fats. After 7 weeks, treated mice had up to 15% more fat than untreated mice. This and other studies suggest that gut bacteria can affect both appetite and how you use energy in food. In related work, Dr. Leonardo Trasande, Blaser and colleagues analyzed data from more than 11,000 children. Although the results weren’t conclusive, they suggest that infants given antibiotics might be at increased risk of becoming overweight. More work will be needed to confirm this connection. “Microbes in our intestines may play critical roles in how we absorb calories,” Trasande says. “Exposure to antibiotics, especially early in life, may kill off healthy bacteria that influence how we absorb nutrients into our bodies, and would otherwise keep us lean.” Microbes are also important for your skin, one of the body’s first lines of defense against illness and injury. Skin health depends on the delicate balance between your own cells and the microbes that live on its surface. “Basically, the healthy bacteria are filling all those little niches so that the more dangerous bacteria can’t get a foothold onto the skin,” says Dr. Julie Segre of NIH. Segre and other NIH researchers looked at skin microbes collected from different body regions on healthy volunteers. They found that body location has a huge effect on which types of bacteria live. For example, bacteria living under your arms likely are more similar to those under another person’s arm than to the bacteria on your own forearm. Microbes are also important to the body’s infection-fighting immune system. In one recent study, NIH scientists examined special mice that were born and raised to be germ-free. These mice seemed to have weak immune function. In contrast, normal mice have vibrant bacterial communities and a rich variety of immune cells and molecules on their skin. The germ-free mice were exposed to Staphylococcus epidermidis, one of the most common bacteria on human skin. Adding this one species of bacteria boosted immune function in the mouse skin. The mice with S. epidermidis were able to defend against a parasite, whereas the bacteria-free mice weren’t. “We often have a sense that the bacteria that live on our skin are harmful,” Segre says. “But in this study we show that these bacteria can play an important role in promoting health by preventing skin infections from becoming more prolonged, pronounced and more serious.” There’s strong evidence that the microbes in the female reproductive tract affect reproductive health and help protect against disease. A recent study also found a diverse community of microbes in the male urinary tract and on the penis. NIH-funded researchers are investigating other positive roles for microbes. One major area of research concerns allergy-related conditions, including childhood asthma, skin allergies, hay fever and eczema. So what can you do to protect against microbes that cause infection but take care of the ones that help you? We know that washing our hands is important for removing harmful microbes—for example, before eating or after using the bathroom. Other less obvious things can affect your skin microbes, Segre says. The lotions and creams you use can provide a barrier to protect your skin’s moisture, Segre points out, “but in fact you’re also putting a fertilizer onto the microbial garden. You’re really changing the food source for the bacteria that live on your skin.” There’s not one right answer about which skin products are best for you, she says. Experiment to see how different ones affect your skin. Many researchers worry that some people are trying to get too clean. Blaser thinks that people are using sanitizers and antibiotic products too often these days. “Obviously, there are many bad germs, but I think we’ve gone overboard and it looks like trying to get rid of the bad guys has had a collateral effect on the good guys.” You’re never alone when it comes to your microbes. But don’t get squeamish about it. Just remember how much you need them.

Basic Research :Trimethylamine-N-Oxide,Recent evidence suggests that an elevated plasma trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) level is associated with an increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events in humans

Basic Research Trimethylamine-N-Oxide: A Carnitine-Derived Metabolite That Prolongs the Hypertensive Effect of Angiotensin II in Rats Author links open overlay panelMarcinUfnalPhD, MDaRadoslawJazwiecMScbMichalDadlezPhDbAdrianDrapalaMDaMariuszSikoraMDaJanuszSkrzypeckiMDa rights and content Abstract Background Recent evidence suggests that an elevated plasma trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) level is associated with an increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events in humans; however, the mechanism is not clear. The aims of this study were to establish the plasma TMAO level in rats and to evaluate the effect of TMAO on arterial blood pressure (BP) and the hemodynamic effects of angiotensin II (Ang II). Methods Twelve-week-old, Sprague-Dawley rats were implanted with telemetric transmitters, and continuous recordings of heart rate, systolic BP (SBP), and diastolic BP (DBP) were made for 7 days before and 14 days during osmotic minipump-driven subcutaneous infusion of saline (controls), TMAO, low-dose Ang II, or Ang II + TMAO. Plasma TMAO concentration was evaluated using liquid chromatography coupled with triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry. Results The plasma TMAO concentration in controls was 0.57 μmol/L, whereas in TMAO-infused rats it was 58 μmol/L. Neither saline nor TMAO infusion affected SBP and DBP. Infusion of Ang II significantly increased SBP and DBP for the first 5 days of infusion only. In contrast, infusion of Ang II + TMAO produced a hypertensive response that lasted until the end of the experiment. TMAO infusions did not affect body weight and motor activity. Conclusions We showed that physiological plasma TMAO concentration in rats was approximately 10 times lower than that reported in humans. Furthermore, the new finding of the study is that TMAO does not affect BP in normotensive animals. However, it prolongs the hypertensive effect of Ang II. Résumé Introduction Des données récentes suggèrent qu'un niveau élevé d'oxyde de triméthylamine (TMAO) plasmatique est associé à un risque accru d'incidents cardiovasculaires indésirables chez l'homme; toutefois, le mécanisme n'est pas clair. Les objectifs de cette étude étaient de déterminer le niveau de TMAO plasmatique chez le rat et d'évaluer l'effet du TMAO sur la pression artérielle (PA) et les effets hémodynamiques de l'angiotensine II (Ang II). Méthodes Des rats Sprague-Dawley âgés de douze semaines ont été implantés avec des émetteurs télémétriques et des enregistrements en continu de la fréquence cardiaque, la pression artérielle systolique (PAS) et diastolique (PAD) ont été réalisés 7 jours avant et pendant 14 jours durant la perfusion sous-cutanée par une mini-pompe osmotique de solution saline (contrôle), de TMAO, de faibles doses d’Ang II, ou d’Ang II + TMAO. La concentration plasmatique de TMAO a été évaluée par chromatographie liquide couplée à une détection par spectrométrie de masse à triple quadripôle. Résultats La concentration plasmatique de TMAO dans les échantillons contrôles était de 0,57 μmol/l, alors que chez les rats perfusés avec du TMAO elle était de 58 μmol/l. Ni la solution saline, ni la perfusion de TMAO n'a affecté la PAS ou la PAD. La perfusion d’Ang II a significativement augmenté la PAS et la PAD pour les 5 premiers jours de perfusion seulement. En revanche, la perfusion d'Ang II + TMAO a entraîné une réponse hypertensive qui a duré jusqu'à la fin de l'expérience. Les perfusions de TMAO n'ont pas affecté la masse corporelle ou l'activité motrice. Conclusions Nous avons montré que les concentrations plasmatiques physiologiques de TMAO chez le rat étaient environ 10 fois inférieures à celles rapportées chez l'homme. En outre, la nouvelle conclusion de l'étude est que le TMAO n'affecte pas la PA chez des animaux normotendus. Cependant, il prolonge l'effet hypertenseur de l'Ang II.