Saturday, December 31, 2022

黃光國教授 臺大心理學系

臺大心理學系季報105年11月刊 人物‧通訊‧活動 封面人物專訪系友會專欄研究所專欄大學部專欄 人物專訪-黃光國教授 編輯:徐詩淳助教 黃光國老師自1976年起即在台大心理系服務,至2016年退休為止,春風化雨四十年,作育無數菁英才子,桃李滿天下。縱然已卸下教學重擔,卻從未從研究的崗位上退下來,年逾七十的黃老師以終生學者自詡,至今仍保持年輕時養成的良好習慣:每天晚上九點就寢,上午兩點起床寫paper到六點,然後到學校繼續做研究。對黃老師而言,凌晨時分大腦思維清晰、心無旁鶩,是最適合創作的時間,一點也不會覺得累。黃老師認為學者永遠沒有退休的一天,對於知識的渴求會隨著時間越來越濃烈,所做的研究也會隨著歲月的堆疊更加成熟完整。帶著這樣的自我期許,黃老師持續在華人本土心理學的研究領域深耕,致力於結合東、西文化,以科學哲學作為基礎,發展本土社會心理學,推動相關方法學改良、理論建構與實證研究等。黃老師多年來的研究成果質量並具,不僅著有專書十數本,中英文學術論文更多達一百餘篇,學術聲望享譽國際,深受學界與社會肯定。 談起系所未來的發展,甫退休的黃老師語重心長地表示,台大心理系甚至是台灣學術界已經走到了一個關鍵的時期,不一定會往好或壞的方向發展,端看參與其中的學者老師們能否重新省思學術的意義,堅持理想,造福人群。黃老師認為,一般學者做研究有兩種取向,分別是「解決問題取向」與「發表論文取向」。「解決問題取向」的學者以意義的搜尋為使命,謹慎思考並找出人類重大、嚴肅的問題在哪裡,探索各種可能去試圖解決問題。相反地,倘若研究者為了快速量產論文,忽略其學術意義和價值,產出的成果看似華麗卻無法對人類社會有實質貢獻,這是非常可惜的事情。然而,在評鑑及升等等多方壓力之下,目前台灣大專院校的教師們的研究取向有逐漸向「發表論文取向」靠近的趨勢,儘管有許多的論文發表,「突破性」的研究成果卻相對稀少,這樣的學術風氣讓黃老師感到擔憂,若不及時懸崖勒馬將會是台灣學術界最大的危機。「做任何事情都要分清楚『道』與『術』的不同,千萬要避免以工具引導問題解決取向。」黃老師再次強調自己從來沒有反對使用高科技儀器做研究,而是想提醒年輕研究學者們要保有造福人群的信念,相信知識的力量,擔負起解決問題的社會責任,如此一來人類終將走向更美好的境界。 帶著殷殷期許,黃光國老師也勉勵青年學子用心學習、動腦思考,找出學問上的重大問題並努力做研究,未來的發展將無可限量。身教重於言教,黃老師對學術倫理的堅持以及認真做研究的態度樹立了一個傑出學者的典範,贏得社會的尊敬與推崇。希望藉由本次專訪,讓更多心理人認識更多面向的黃光國老師。 黃光國教授專訪 成長背景 作者:黃光國教授 自幼胸懷大志 我會進入心理學的領域,以研究心理學作為終身職志,純粹是一種偶然的巧合。在通過大專聯考,考入台大心理系之前,我根本不知「心理學」為何物。考進台大後,在心理系念了四年,對「心理學」仍然是一知半解,沒什麼太大興趣。我在台大讀完心理學研究所,出國進修之前,可以說是滿腦子功名利祿,一心只想以學位做為手段,來追求名利,「建功立業」、「做大官、發大財」,根本沒有料到自己會以「研究學術」作為終身職志。 要分析我為什麼有這樣的人生目標,必須從我的家庭背景說起。我是台北市人,在台北長大,但是我卻出生於吉林省長春市。這一段過程說來相當曲折。我的先人世居台北,清朝末年,來自福建的貨船可以沿淡水河航行至台北的艋舺(萬華)和大稻埕(延平區)一帶,我的曾祖父便在閩、台兩地往返經商為業。時至今日,我的家族在台北市迪化街近台北大橋處,還留有一間百餘坪的長型商店式祖厝(台語俗稱「竹篙厝」)。據說當年來自福建的貨船可以沿淡水河駛至厝後,在靠近後院處停泊卸貨。我的祖父改業學習西醫,日據時代實行公醫制度,祖父曾是當時的公醫。父親又承繼祖業,是當年「台北醫專」的畢業生。 據一位堪輿先生說,我的曾祖父所葬的風水叫做「飛鳥過枝」,所以註定子孫會飄洋渡海,遠至異鄉。事實上,可能是受了先人從事商貿的影響,我的家族到家父一代,我的叔伯輩以及堂叔、堂伯,都紛紛離開家鄉,到中國大陸和南洋一帶尋求發展。家父亦不例外,當年他是到中國大陸東北行醫,定居於吉林省長春市達十四年之久。 我是在抗戰勝利那一年的十一月出生的,所以取名「光國」。抗戰勝利後,東北旋即陷入內戰戰亂之中。我家為了逃避戰亂,由家母先攜帶我及二位姊姊,在民國三十六年底返回台灣。不料未幾東北戰局急轉直下,東北淪陷後,家父卻羈繫於東北,無法返台,也因此而注定了我童年時期困頓的心境。 這樣的家庭背景很容易說明:青年時期的我,為什麼熱切的幻想功名利祿。在遷回台灣之前,我的家境是相當優裕的,回台之後,家道中落,僅靠著一點微薄的祖產度日,可是家裡往來的親友仍然不乏富裕顯達之人。在貧富對比之下,家人談起往日風光,人情冷暖,往往不勝唏噓。由於我是家中唯一的男孩子,家人對我的期望自然特別殷切。我自己呢,在耳濡目染之下,自然也希望自己將來能夠「重振家聲」,結果便養成了早年對於「成功立業」的熱切期望。 初中寫作啟蒙 我雖然自幼「胸懷大志」,可是在中、小學階段,在校成績卻始終平淡無奇,唯一的例外是「國語」。我念的小學是位於台北市延平區的「太平國民學校」。延平區舊稱「大稻埕」,是台北市的老社區,居民大多是本省人,班上同學也大多是本省人,國文程度因而比較低落。然而,因為我是從大陸回台的「半山」,小時候家裡是國語、台語混雜著使用,所以國語程度也比班上同學稍微好一點。到了小學三年級,班上來了一位外省籍的級任導師蔣石屏先生,有一次,他對我寫的一篇作文大為激賞,除了在母姊會上向家母對我稱讚有加之外,還把那篇文章拿去登在校刊之上。我因此受到了很大的鼓勵,也從此奠下了我對寫作的濃厚興趣。 我念小學時雖然成績平平,可是卻有點小聰明,每到重要考試關頭,臨時抱佛腳一番,也能夠順利過關。小學畢業後,參加初中聯考,我竟然成為班上唯一考入建國中學的學生。 初中畢業,我又憑著自己的一點小聰明,猛K一陣子書,「強渡關山」,通過高中聯考,考回建國中學高中部。我念建中時,建中是一個以「自由學風」著稱的學校,由於大部分學生都是第一志願考進來的,學校裡的讀書風氣很盛,老師們也很少逼著學生念書。在這樣的環境下,我正是「得其所哉」,學校裡的「正課」成績平平,卻把許多時間花內在閱讀課外「雜書」上。當時建中旁邊的牯嶺街是台北市著名的舊書店街,在課餘之暇,我經常和幾位同學一起去逛舊書攤,買回一些舊書,回家打發時間。 或許是「雜書」看得較多,在高中階段,我的功課雖然平淡無奇,國文成績卻是一枝獨秀,尤其是喜歡寫辯理性的文章,寫些與眾不同的觀點,與人辯難。我高一時的國文老師包喬齡先生是安徽人,他經常自許為「桐城派」傳人,並以「喬齡」的筆名在報紙上寫方塊文章。在他的國文課上,我寫的作文經常拿到高分,有一次,他甚至在我寫的一篇文章上批了「一百分」,同學們見了無不嘖然稱奇。高二、三十的國文老師是王亞春先生,她也常常稱讚我的文章,在我的作文簿上打出「甲上」,或甚至「甲上上」的評分等第。記得高二時,我讀了李宗吾的「厚黑學」之後,在作文課上寫了一篇月旦歷史人物的文章,王老師閱後的評分是「甲上上」,並在文後批註:「說理清晰,有筆掃千軍之力」,可是事後卻找我去談了許多為人處事的道理,希望我不要囿於李宗吾的一偏之見。王老師這種「欣賞而不同意對方」的風範,讓我深刻地體會到什麼叫「涇渭分明、就事論事」。 在台大心理系的日子 我之所以考入台大心理系,可以說是當年大專聯考制度「製造」出來的一樁「偶然事件」。為了幫助學生肆應大專聯考,建國中學在學生唸到高二下學期時,便要求學生填寫升學志願調查表,依照學生的升學志願,配合大專聯考分組,將學生分為甲、乙、丙三組。各組學生針對大專聯考的考試科目特別加強教學,這類科目,稱為「主科」。至於大專聯考不考的科目,則稱為「副科」,不只教學鐘點減少,老師在教學時也是點到為止,意思意思,聊備一格而已。 由於我喜歡寫辯理文章,對文史方面比較有興趣,而且又熱衷於「功名利祿」,幻想將來畢業後在社會上能夠有一番「作為」,所以在選擇聯考分組時,原先是想考乙組,唸法律系,畢業後當律師,一方面伸張「正義」,一方面作為將來「事業」的起步。然而,由於乙組的文法科系是所謂的「冷門科系」,當時我那些以就讀於「一流學府」自居的建中同學,大多是一窩蜂地報考甲組,竭力爭取進入理、工、醫等「熱門科系」,他們不斷地慫恿我也報考甲組。同時又因為我的家庭兩代為醫,家人在日常言談中經常表示:他們期望我將來也能當醫師,過著穩定、寬裕的生活。母親甚至將家父往年使用的許多外科手術器材裝在一只大皮箱裡,希望有朝一日我能克紹箕裘,這些器材便可以派上用場。 在家庭和學校的雙重壓力之下,又考慮到畢業後的出路問題,在填寫分組志願時,我終於填下了「甲組」。高三一年,是我十分用功,全心全力準備升學的一年。當時建中當局為了顧及有些同學家庭環境太過嘈雜,學生回到家後無法專心讀書,在放學之後,特別開放了幾間教室,供學生自習之用。我和幾位要好的同學因此約好:每天放學後,大家一起留在學校裡K書。晚餐或者在學校內的福利社,或者在學校旁的小吃攤,隨便吃碗陽春麵,即算打發了事。有時唸書唸得太晚,公共汽車已經收班,便從建中穿過植物園,沿著博愛路、延平北路,跑步回家,權充「運動」。 我雖然報考甲組,家人雖然希望我能考上醫科,其實我對自己將來到底想唸甲組的哪一科,心中並沒有一定的概念。到大專聯考報名之日,我和許多同學一樣,拿了一份補習班印發的參考資料,依照往年大專各科系的錄取標準填寫志願。我記得我是把「台大醫科」填在第一志願。以下各科系按照往年錄取成績的高低排列,密密麻麻寫了一百四十多個志願。至於我有沒有填寫「台大心理系」,台大心理系是排在第幾志願,則已經印象全無。不料大專聯考過後,放榜之日,住在我家隔壁的同班同學林志超竟然興沖沖地跑來告訴我,說他聽收音機播報放榜名單,聽到我考上了台大心理系。 坦白說,在得知我考上台大心理系之前,我對於心理學,可說是一無所知。當我獲知考上心理系之際,我的第一個反應是:「心理系是唸什麼的?」 大一生活 對於心理學的茫然無知,註定了我在大學初期生活的徬徨。進入台大心理系之後,我發現:班上大多數同學都是在大專聯考制度之下,糊里糊塗考進心理系的。有些同學在大一第一學期伊始,便下定決心,努力讀書,準備重考或轉系。我呢,高三時長期間埋首死啃教科書,早已使我對原本無興趣的物理、化學、微積分感到胃口缺缺,可是要談到轉系,又不知何去何從,於是便一天混過一天,在心理系待了下來。 大一時,我的普通心理學啟蒙老師是楊國樞先生。當時,楊先生初任講師不久,自己用功甚勤,講起課來,更是意氣風發,唱作俱佳,十分能夠吸引學生,也使我們對心理學有了初步的認識。有一次,在談到變態行為時,楊先生特意安排我們到松山錫口療養院參觀。當年錫口療養院的設備相當陳舊,封閉式的病房裡囚禁了許多衣衫不整、神情落寞、舉止怪異的嚴重精神病患。參觀之後,我不僅對「人」的另一種面向留下了深刻的印象,也開始去思索和人類行為有關得若干問題。 除了普通心理學能夠引發我一點學習興趣之外,我的大一生活可以說是徬徨猶疑,乏善可陳。在學業方面,心理系必修課的物理、化學,我唸起來都是意態闌珊,結果當然只能低分通過,勉強過關。而微積分一科,在大一上學期時便「當」掉了,三十分,「死當」,不准補考,必須在暑假時重修。學業上的徬徨,也反映在生活上的漫無目標,當時的知識界又流行著存在主義的虛無哲學,我讀了一些卡謬、沙特的中譯著作,略微知道一些存在主義的皮毛,卻頗能感受到「異鄉人」的情懷,而深深覺得自己實在是不幸的「失落的一代」。             立志攻讀心理學 我之所以下定決心攻讀心理學,是在大二那年。我的外祖父駱香林先生是位教漢文的碩儒,當時在花蓮開館授徒。香林先生所收養的義子之一,是其高足黃瑞祥先生。瑞祥先生為人謙和可親,漢學根底深厚,是位令人欽敬的長者。當時,他任職於花蓮縣觀光協會,由於業務需要,經常往返於台北、花蓮之間,我也常常有機會聆聽教益。有一次,我和他談起學業上的徬徨,他對我說了一句論語上的話:「人能弘道,非道弘人」,記得他對這句話的詮釋大致是這樣的:「讀再熱門的科系,也有失敗的人;讀再冷門的科系,也有成功的人。問題的關鍵,不在於你讀的是那些學科,而在於你用什麼樣的態度來對待知識?如果你不會活用知識,只知道死讀死記,以為讀了某一學科,社會就應該付給你某些報償,這是『以道弘人』的想法,是註定要失敗的。」 「反過來說,假使你在唸某一學科的時候,能夠肯定這門學科的價值,認為它和你的人生目標互相吻合,那麼你會竭盡心智來追求這方面的知識,不僅會活學活用它,而且會設法使它發揚光大。這是『人能弘道』的作法,唯有如此,你才有成功的可能。 所以你現在最重要的問題是要先問:你自己對心理學有沒有興趣?能不能對心理學有所貢獻?如果答案是否定的,那我勸你還是趕快轉系,去唸一些對你可能有積極貢獻的東西,記住,人能弘道,非道弘人!」 聽完這一番話,直如醍醐灌頂。當天,我幾乎是徹夜不眠地思索自己未來的出路。由於我大一時的成績太差,轉系既不可能,高三時廢寢忘食準備聯考的餘悸猶存,重考亦非我知所願,當時我的處境正如過河卒子,只有拼命往前,先唸好心理學,一切問題,等到大學畢業後再說。 今天回想起來,當年決心唸好心理學,動機仍然是十分功利性的。就短程而言,把書唸好可以申請獎學金,貼補生活之所需,而不必事事仰賴家庭;就長程而言,當時我確實相信:「唸好心理學,成為箇中翹楚,將來一定會有出路」,仍然擺脫不了「書中自有黃金屋、書中自有千鍾粟、書中自有顏如玉」的傳統思想。用心理學的概念來說,我最初決心唸好心理學,並不是源自於我對心理學本身的興趣,而是源自於它可能帶給我的外在報償,是出自於「外在動機」,而不是出自於「內在動機」。 這樣的態度對於我在大學時期的學習活動,有相當深遠的影響。從大二以後,我的成績便漸入佳境,每學期都能獲得獎學金。然而我的讀書方法仍然不外乎博聞強記,並不能把自己所唸的材料整理成一套「屬於自己的」知識體系。不僅如此,六○年代的心理學是以行為學派為主流,台大心理系師生們受其影響,所從事的研究大多是以老鼠、山羊等動物為對象,作有關學習理論的實徵研究。這種標榜「科學方法」的機械式研究取向和我的性格並不契合。因此系上所開的課程,像劉英茂先生的實驗心理學,鄭發育先生的學習心理學,張肖松先生的比較心理學、心理學史,陳雪屏先生的人格心理學,初正平先生的發展心理學,以及黃堅厚先生的心理衛生等等,我雖然都唸的不錯,可是由於我是把讀書當作是求取「外在目標」的一種手段,心理學的知識變成了「背誦記憶」之學,幾年心理學唸了下來,只覺得書是書,我是我,既無法和書打成一片,更無法活學活用心理學的知識。 研究所時代 這種「以讀書作為手段」的心態,直接影響到我對自己大學畢業後出路的考慮。大四畢業那年,我以第一名的成績考入台大心理學研究所,民國五十八年夏天,我回台大就讀。由於對未來抱有一股美好的憧憬,在研究所時代,我個人相當用功,成績也一直名列前茅。在這個階段,有幾位老師對我有較大的影響。 第一位是劉英茂先生。劉先生是位純學者型的人物,治學用功極勤,思想十分精密,上課時講話不多,然而一開口必能抓住要點,常常問得同學們張口結舌,無言以對。事後一想,劉先生的問題又往往是最重要的關鍵性問題。當時班上同學常常討論的問題之一,是如何學到劉先生那種「見血封喉」的思考和討論方式? 第二位是黃淑貞先生。當時黃先生回國擔任客座副教授,開授「心理學方法」一課。我對心理學研究方法的哲學基礎很感興趣,花了許多心血寫了一篇學期報告「社會心理學研究方法」。黃先生看完後,打了九十分,同時又很客氣地告訴我:「這篇報告寫得很好,不過卻只是整理別人的觀念。以後寫學術報告,一定要先想:自己的觀點在哪裡?」這番話對我可謂啟迪良深。從此以後,我提筆為文,第一個想到的問題便是「自己的觀點在哪裡?」 在我讀研究所時代,對我影響最大的是楊國樞先生。當時,楊先生剛從伊利諾大學學成返國未久,在台大心理學研究所講授「人格理論」和「實驗人格心理學」兩門課。這兩門課對我日後的影響極大。尤其是「人格理論」一課,不但任我初窺心理學的輪廓,而且使我對人本心理學(humanistic psychology)有比較深刻的認識。 我唸研一那年,楊先生和李亦園、文崇一諸位先生發起籌辦了一個「中國人的性格」研討會,邀請朱岑樓、曾炆煌、韋政通等學者及研究生,定期集會研討。這個研討會開啟了我研究中國人性格的興趣,也引導我去讀許烺光的著作Americans and Chinese: Two ways of life。讀完之後,我深為佩服許氏用以描述中國人性格的概念「社會取向」,又想起服兵役時在軍中所見到的種種順從行為,遂決定以此為題,用實驗方法,研究中國人的社會行為。我的碩士論文「現代化程度與社會取向強弱」便是在這樣的背景之下,由楊國樞先生指導完成的。 除了學校的課業之外,我在研究所時代參與的課外活動也頗值得一提。當時,佛洛姆(E. Fromm)的著作在台灣大行其道,他的許多作品,像《逃避自由》 (Escape from Freedom)、《愛的藝術》(Arts of Love)、《希望的革命》(Revolution of Hope)……等等,都被譯成中文,在坊間暢銷一時。我一方面深愛其作品中的人本精神,一方面又感到一般人太忽略其他的人本心理學者,因此將心理分析學派A. Adler的著作What Life Should Mean to You譯成中文,取名《自卑與超越》,由「志文出版社」出版。 研究心得與展望 華人本土心理學為終生矢志 〈人情與面子:中國人的權力遊戲〉這篇論文可以說是我學術生涯中的扛鼎之作。1983年夏天在香港中文大學召開的「現代化與中國文化研討會」,是海峽兩岸分隔三十餘年後,雙方社會科學工作者首度齊聚一堂的學術研討會。開會之前,我知道大陸代表將由著名的社會學家費孝通領軍,所以刻意寫成這篇論文,準備和費老提出的「差序格局」對話。就我印象所及,這篇論文當時並沒有引起與會人士的熱烈討論,可是它對我個人後來學術生涯的發展卻造成了重大的影響。 這篇論文經過數度修改之後,其英文版刊登在1987年出版的American Journalof Sociology之上。AJS是美國社會學界的頂尖期刊,有一百多年的歷史。在此之前,在這份刊物上發表論文的中國學者,屈指可數。或許是因為這個緣故,這篇論文出版之後,便一直廣為國際社會科學界所引用。〈人情與面子〉的理論問世之後,我以這個理論模式為基礎,又寫了一系列論文,集結成一本名為《中國人的權力遊戲》的專書,1988年由巨流圖書公司出版。到了2004年,中國人民大學出版社將這本書所收錄的論文略作調整後,改名為《面子:中國人的權力遊戲》,在大陸出版簡體字版,銷路相當暢旺。 在撰寫這些論文的時候,我同時投入了楊國樞教授號召的「社會科學本土化運動」。參與這場學術運動的經驗,使我深刻體會到:台灣學術研究水準低落的關鍵,在於中國學者對於近代西方科學哲學的演變缺乏「相應的理解」,無法真正掌握西方文明中獨特的精神意索。在西方的文化傳統裡,哲學是學術之母。學院中講求的知識,都是建立在其哲學基礎之上。在西方大學中攻讀博士學位,不管唸的是哪一個學科,最後拿到的學位,都是哲學博士(Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D),道理即在於此。 為了讓國內的年輕學者瞭解西方科學哲學的演變,我又花了十幾年的時間,撰寫一本《社會科學的理路》。介紹二十世紀裡十七位最重要的哲學家對於本體論、知識論和方法論的主張。這本書分為兩大部分,前半部所討論的「科學哲學」,主要是側重於「自然科學的哲學」,尤其強調由「實證主義」到「後實證主義」的轉變;後半部則在論述「社會科學的哲學」,包括結構主義、詮釋學和批判理論。由於包括心理學在內的許多門社會學科,都同時兼俱「自然科學」和「社會科學」的雙重性格,一個年輕學者如果想要在自己的研究領域上有所創發,非得要先瞭解這兩種「科學」的哲學基礎不可。 從1997年暑假起,我開始參與「亞洲社會心理學會」,並在2003至2005年間,擔任該會會長。這段經驗又讓我深刻體會到:對西方科學哲學缺乏「相應的理解」,造成學術研究水平的低落,並不是中國獨有的問題,而是非西方國家共有的問題。因此,下定決心,以自己的研究為例,說明突破這種困境的途徑。 從2000年元月,我開始擔任教育部「華人本土心理學研究追求卓越計劃」主持人。在執行卓越計畫的八年期間,我不斷殫精竭慮,一面思考跟心理學本土化有關的各項問題,一面從事研究,撰寫論文,在國內、外學術期刊上發表。收錄在本書中的〈儒家社會中的道德與面子〉,即是該段期間完成的作品之一。該項計畫於2008年初結束之後,我又以將近一年的時間,整合相關的研究成果,撰成《儒家關係主義:哲學反思、理論建構與實徵研究》一書,2009年出版。 這本書是以「後實證主義」的科學哲學作為基礎,強調:本土心理學的知識論目標,是要建立由一系列理論所構成的科學微世界,既能代表人類共有的心智,又能反映文化特有的心態。基於這樣的前提,我一面說明建構〈人情與面子〉理論模型的理念,並以之作為基礎,分析儒家思想的內在結構,再對以往有關華人道德思維的研究做後設理論分析,然後從倫理學的觀點,判定儒家倫理的屬性,接著以「關係主義」的預設為前提,建構出一系列微型理論,說明儒家社會中的社會交換、臉面概念、成就動機、組織行為、衝突策略,並用以整合相關的實徵研究。三年之後,該書之英譯本改以Foundations of Chinese Psychology: Confucian Social Relations之名出版(Hwang, 2012)。 2010年七月23至27日,在印尼日惹Gadjah Mada University召開的「第一屆國際本土及文化心理學會議」上,「亞洲本土及文化心理學會」宣布成立,我被推選為會長。在作主題演講時,我引述西方學者的研究發現,強烈批評現代世界主流的社會心理學理論,大多是以歐美國家的大學生作為受試者,而建構出來的。這種以「個人主義」作為預設的心理學理論,其實是非常「怪異」(WEIRD)而不適用於非西方國家的。亞洲本土及文化心理學會的主要使命,就是以「關係主義」作為預設,建構一系列的理論,來取代西方「怪異的」心理學理論。 會後我參觀位於日惹近郊的「婆羅浮屠佛塔」(Borobudar Temple),忽然大悟,多年來縈繞於心的建構「自我」理論問題迎刃而解,不久後,提出〈自我的曼陀羅模型〉,(Hwang, 2011a, b),並在台大以「建構含攝文化的心理學理論」,召開國際會議,在會議上發表的論文分別在《社會行為理論學報》(Journal for Theory of Social Behavior)和《日本心理學研究》(Japanese Psychological Research)刊出(Hwang, 2015a, b; 2016)。 這時候我的思想才算完全成熟,而且能夠在《社會知識學》(Social Epistemology)的國際學術期刊上和瑞典戈登堡大學教授Allwood展開為期三年有餘的國際辯論,雙方發表的論文多達十七篇。Allwood教授宣布辯論結束後,Nova Science Publishers立刻主動邀請我將雙方辯論的結果寫成一本書,題為《心理學的第三波:以實在論的心理學聯結科學與文化》(Hwang, in press)。 以〈自我的曼陀羅模型〉和「儒家的庶人倫理」作為基礎,我所建構的一系列理論,可以跟儒家傳統掛勾,也可以用來批判西方倫理對於中國文化的誤解。在《盡己與天良:破解韋伯的迷陣》一書中(黃光國,2015),我即以此作為基礎,對德國古典社會學大師韋伯(Max Weber, 1864-1920)的著作《中國的宗教:儒教與道教》作了全面的批判。 華人本土心理學未來展望 2011年,我在高雄醫學大學心理學系助理教授夏允中的引介之下,開始到高雄戒治所,協助他們提出一個整全式的理論架構,以整合他們內部正在實施的各項心理輔導方案,並推動以「內觀」作為核心的戒治輔導計畫。此後即開始在高醫大、高師大、彰師大、中山大學、宜蘭大學組織研究團隊,跟成員們一起討論如何以科學哲學作為基礎,建構本土社會科學理論。 我在退休前,鼓勵各地研究團隊的成員,針對我的研究取向提出批判,並由我負責回應。事後,我將李維倫、林耀盛、葉光輝等人之間的辯證性對話,整理成一本書,題為《儒家文化系統的主體辯證》,主張「社會科學本土化」的目的,是要彰顯「文化系統、研究者、被研究者以及學術社群」等四重主體性。我以西方的科學哲學為基礎,建構有關「自我」及「社會互動」的普世性理論,以之作為架構,分析先秦諸子的經典著作,理解儒家的文化型態學,可以用來批判德國社會學大師韋伯(Max Weber, 1864 -1920)對於儒教的偏頗論斷,彰顯儒家文化系統的主體性。 我在退休前,在國外書籍及學術期刊發表論文將近五十篇,根據Research Gate的統計,我的論文被引用2744次,平均一篇論文被國際學術社群引用50次以上,可以說明我個人的學術主體性,但這並不足以說明台灣在本土社會科學上的研發能量。退休之後,我的最大心願是提高本土學術社群論文發表的國際能見度,並建立台灣社會科學學術社群的主體性。 退休後近況 研究之路,永不停下腳步 這許多年的研究及教學經驗卻使我深深的體會到:社會科學理論的建構,不僅只是「知識」而已,更重要的它是波蘭義(Polanyi, 1962)在其《個人知識》一書中所說的一種「技藝」,他說:「人類擁有巨大的心靈領域,這個領域裡不僅有知識,還有禮節、法律和很多不同的技藝,人類應用、遵從、享受著這些技藝,人或以之謀生,但很重要的,又無法以可以言傳的方式識知它們的內容」。所以默會知識常常是「知道的比能說出來的多得多」。 這種「默會知識」其實就是莊子在其「庖丁解牛」寓言中所說的「體知」。正因為「默會知識」或「體知」只能意會不能言傳,所以需要透過師徒制的「做中學」才能傳承。然而,一個學者該如何從事這種「做中學」的教學工作呢?我在推廣本土心理學的過程中,曾經為國際學術期刊編了六次的「特刊」包括《亞洲社會心理學刊》(Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 1998, 1999, 2005)、《諮商心理學家》(The Counseling Psychologist, 2009)、《社會行為理論學刊》(Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviorism, 2015)以及《日本心理學研究》(Japanese Psychologist Research, 2016)。然而,這些特刊的主要作者大多是國外學者,僅有少數是台灣的本土心理學者,他們談的是心理學本土化各種不同的策略,而不是我所主張的研究取徑。波蘭義很清楚地指出:「像技能一樣,行家絕技也只能通過示範,而不能通過技術規則來交流」,「一門技藝如果在一代人中得不到應用,就會全部失傳」(Polanyi, 1962)。 儒家倫理與道德的結構是支撐住華人生活世界的「先驗性形式架構」(transcendental formal structure)。從「科學研究綱領」(scientific research programme)的角度來看(Lakatos, 1978)它是建構「儒家關係主義」這一系列理論的「硬核」(hard core)。因此,我刻意整頓三十多年來的思想成果,撰成〈儒家倫理與道德的結構〉一文,先交由Nova Science Publisher公司出版(Hwang, 2016)。 就宋明理學家最關注的「五常」而言,「儒家的庶人倫理」可以解釋「五常」中的「仁、義、禮」。〈自我的曼陀羅模型〉中的「智慧」,則是「五常」中的「智」。至於「信」則是雙方互動的結果,無法以這些形式性的理論模型表現出來。用Gergen(2009)的概念來說,「仁、義、禮」是「第一序的道德」(first-order morality),是可以用規範、原則或律則表現出來的道德。「智」則是「第二序的道德」(second-order morality),自我必須隨機應變靈活地將它展現在個人與他人的互動過程中。 我很早就以「工作坊」的方式培養研究生,為了讓「關係主義」理論建構的「技藝」能夠傳承下去,到我思想完全成熟之後,更在高師大、高醫大、彰師大、宜蘭大學等各校組織研究團隊,教導成員如何以「儒家倫理與道德的結構」作為基礎,建構「關係主義」的「科學微世界」。 人生觀分享 或許,是因為近年來研究儒家文化傳統的關係,我最想跟青年學子分享的人生觀,是孟子所講的一段話:「居天下之廣居,立天下之正位,行天下之達道;得志,與民由之;不得志,獨行其道;貧賤不能移,富貴不能淫,威武不能屈,是之謂大丈夫。」 台大教授黃光國開砲 「洪蘭是黑心商品」 台大教授黃光國開砲「洪蘭是黑心商品」 | 即時新聞 | 20131123 | 蘋果日報 [圖]【許敏溶╱台北報導】台灣大學心理系教授黃光國今天再度公開砲轟中研院院士曾志朗與中央大學認知神經科學研究所教授洪蘭夫妻兩人,批評曾志朗「是學閥養小鬼」,只會購買貴重儀器,做一些「跟屁型研究、垃圾研究」, ... 2013年11月23日16:59 【許敏溶╱台北報導】台灣大學心理系教授黃光國今天再度公開砲轟中研院院士曾志朗與 中央大學認知神經科學研究所教授洪蘭夫妻兩人,批評曾志朗「是學閥養小鬼」,只會購 買貴重儀器,做一些「跟屁型研究、垃圾研究」,雖這情況普遍存在學術界,「但曾志朗 更惡劣」,並指出洪蘭譯作錯誤連連,是「黑心商品」。 教改總體檢論壇成立10周年紀念活動,今天邀請黃光國舉行專題演講,題目為:「學術自 主與自我殖民:我為什麼批判曾志朗夫婦?」,黃光國說,最近前後發表約10篇批評曾氏 夫婦文章,除對曾氏夫婦所做所為看不下去,另一方面則要點出目前學術界的狀況,包括 各大學過於重視SCI、SSCI篇數,導致重量不重質的奇怪現象,同時也對自己本土心理學 被曾志朗批評是偽科學不滿。 黃光國說,曾志朗因為先後擔任教育部長、政務委員,利用他的權勢,促成多所頂尖大學 購買貴重儀器,並有徒子徒孫套用西方流行的研究典範,大量發表「輕、薄、短、小」的 研究論文,根本是學閥養小鬼;而他主張發展本土心理學,和曾志朗是兩條路線之爭,所 以他並非只是單純批判曾志朗,更包含學術自主與自我殖民。 此外,黃光國直指洪蘭的譯作錯誤連連,他說,2006年陽明大學教授潘震鐸指出洪蘭所譯 《腦內乾坤》的前129頁有近30條重大錯誤,去年10月洪蘭的譯作《快思慢想》也被批評 ,以目前最流行用語,這根本是「黑心商品」。 《蘋果》今無法聯繫上曾志朗,洪蘭則說對於批評不予回應。 ─── 鐵證如山,洪蘭只好繼續裝死了。該死的出版社,出面回收書了吧! -- There are a lot of things we don't want to know about the people we love. --- Chuck Palahniuk -- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: 推 huanglove:大推特推...洪蘭的確是和黑心商品畫上等號了1F 11/23 20:24 → huanglove:書被指正錯誤一堆..到現在還繼續擺爛在賣書..不要臉無恥 → huanglove:這種混障根本不配為人師表..早該被轟下台了..無恥至極點 → huanglove:從博士學位.翻譯獎.國科會補助.沒一樣不是靠裙帶關係的 → huanglove:被罵成這樣難怪不敢吭半聲..丟臉死了.... → huanglove:希望有越來越多人看到這則報導..別讓他們繼續擺爛下去 ※ huanglove:轉錄至看板 AfterPhD 11/23 20:30 ※ huanglove:轉錄至看板 Translation 11/23 20:32 推 huanglove:洪蘭今年不是有出新書..裡面的錯誤不是多到都可以出書了7F 11/23 20:35 → decorum:我想還需要時間 等著看吧 不過令我難過的是 洪蘭的影響力8F 11/23 20:51 → decorum:一大部分是透過學校傳播的 看到她的書不斷被學校推薦 → decorum:真是覺得荒唐無比 推 huanglove:我在想很多學校推薦書其實也只是看名氣在推薦..說不定那11F 11/23 20:53 → huanglove:些老師或行政人員根本也沒看過那些書..不知道哪些書好壞 → huanglove:只是想說推薦一些書名看上去很正面的書.然後作者有名氣 → huanglove:這樣就好了..他們肯定也不知道洪蘭的書會有這樣多錯誤 → huanglove:我相信隨著時間和消息的傳播出去..會有幫助的 → huanglove:老實說..我覺得這篇報導的力道實在太弱..我在想要是一般 → huanglove:讀者可能就只會以為是像政客那樣有口水戰而已..可惜 → huanglove:不過我還是很肯定這樣的報導..至少比起其它將洪蘭神話的 → huanglove:報導..我覺得這篇已經讓人很感動了..希望有更多人看到 推 her0418:繼續裝死的紅,是要裝死一輩子嗎......20F 11/23 21:05 推 velvetavt:洪蘭看起來完全沒有要善後的意思耶...可恥!21F 11/24 02:18 → velvetavt:出版社睜眼說瞎話指洪蘭譯文正確,遲遲不願出訂正版,我 → velvetavt:猜大概是要顧洪蘭這位大教授的面子吧。出版社什麼時候才 → velvetavt:要拿出一點道德良知呢?? 難道一定要消費者告他們才行嗎? 推 huanglove:今天中央日報也有報導...但是關於砲轟和爭議的事都沒提25F 11/24 06:57 → huanglove:甚至連曾志朗夫妻的名字都不敢提出來...太誇張了 → huanglove:也難怪洪蘭夫妻可以橫行霸道這麼長久的時間..大家都怕嘛 → huanglove:看來原作者和讀者真的都一點辦法都沒有吧...XD可悲呀 推 huanglove:黃教授今天回應之前洪蘭的文章連結 觀念平台-權力結構與道德規訓 - 中時電子報 → huanglove:其實當作連續劇看下去也蠻好看的xd看他們可以裝傻到多久30F 11/24 07:51 → tinmar:洪蘭擁有媒體勢力(包括聯合報+天下雜誌專欄)31F 11/24 10:54 → tinmar:先生曾志朗是學術圈大老(院士+前教育部長) → tinmar:以及洪蘭長期透過出書與演講經營社團與校園而累積人脈 → tinmar:她與林清玄都是言行不一致的文化名人 → tinmar:林因誹聞而走下神壇 → tinmar:要讓洪的神話破滅 是需要一番內幕調查的 → tinmar:包括對她所有譯作的檢驗 → tinmar:還有她的學術能力的真實程度 → tinmar:尤其 曾志朗是否讓洪能妻以夫為貴 → tinmar:至於對洪蘭黑心商品之評語 幾個月前前已見諸報紙標題 → tinmar:只是報紙評語似是引自網友 故未引起太大注意 -- ※ 同主題文章: ● 11-23 20:23 decorum. ■ [新聞] 台大教授黃光國開砲 「洪蘭是黑心商品」   11-23 21:21 huanglove. ■ Re: [新聞] 台大教授黃光國開砲 「洪蘭是黑心商品」 ※ 看板: CPLife 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1213  分享網址: 複製 回到看板(←)《CPLife》 譯者之言 一名自由譯者的自言自語。有事聯繫可寄 email 至。 2015年9月25日 星期五 無解的洪蘭翻譯品質問題 2015年9月25日 洪蘭的翻譯品質問題由來已久。其譯作《快思慢想》2012年10月出版後大暢銷,但2013年因為被指翻譯品質低劣而引發罕見的大爭議,本來是解決問題的一個契機,可惜相關人士錯過了機會,我們因此必須繼續面對洪女士「無私貢獻」的譯作,包括今天出版的《暴力犯罪的大腦檔案》。 洪蘭堅持譯書,令我想到一句話:以為自己擇善固執的人,可能只是冥頑不靈。台灣社會相當有趣,一些看似簡單的問題就是久久無法解決。我無法深入剖析社會問題,但洪蘭翻譯問題還可以整理出一個類似「懶人包」的東西,供有興趣者參考。 1. 洪蘭的翻譯品質真的很差嗎?畢竟她已經譯了超過50本書,累積字數超過一千萬,當中還有像《快思慢想》這樣的重要著作,而且許多譯作賣得很好。你們批評她的翻譯品質,只是人云亦云吧?有人認真對照過原文和譯文嗎? 答:洪蘭的翻譯品質確實很差。一名譯者的翻譯品質如果像洪蘭那樣,根本不可能通過出版社的試譯──這是假定把關者夠水準;不幸的是,出版社負責決定找誰翻譯的人,有時根本沒有能力判斷翻譯之好壞。 有朋友這麼概括洪蘭的翻譯問題:不求甚解(讀不懂英文),強做解人(用解釋代替翻譯),得過且過(看不懂或難譯的就跳過)。我覺得這說法很好。當中「強做解人」這一點,可能令人聯想到翻譯「說明體」(用自己的話把作者的意思明白說出來)。說明體並非一無是處,適當運用有助讀者理解原著,但洪蘭的問題不在於說明體是否應用得當,而是在於她對原文的理解往往有誤、喜歡在譯文中加插她自己的話,而且遇到不想譯的原文便跳過不譯,結果便出現錯漏百出、夾譯夾議的「洪蘭體」。洪蘭今天出版的最新譯作《暴力犯罪的大腦檔案》,光是試閱內容第一段,便充分展現了洪蘭體的問題:不過是幾句不算複雜的話,便出現三處誤解原文的錯譯和三處漏譯。這樣的表現,怎能使人對她的翻譯有信心? 洪蘭的翻譯品質,至少自2000年起便一直有人批評,中文維基百科有相當翔實的記錄,非常值得參考。 要評斷一名譯者的翻譯品質,確實必須認真對照原著和譯作。譯評人必須有足夠能力看出譯作的問題,寫譯評費時費力又沒有實質報酬,而且公開批評著名學者的譯作需要不小的勇氣(會得罪不少人,包括出版界和學術界的一些有力人士),這或許可以解釋為什麼洪蘭的翻譯品質那麼差,但歷年來願意公開具名批評的人不多。但無可否認的是,確實有一些有心人費了不少力氣,提出足以說明問題的具體批評,當中譯人譯事(G+)上的兩份洪蘭譯作勘誤(洪蘭譯《語言本能》中文非正式勘誤表;從洪蘭的誤譯學英文)堪稱代表作。認真看過這兩份資料的人,很難否認洪蘭根本沒有能力譯好那兩本書。 因為翻譯品質實在太差,不少人懷疑那些譯作不是洪蘭自己譯的;他們懷疑洪蘭像台灣學術界一些教授,把翻譯工作分給學生做,然後自己冠名出版。但是,至今沒有人能提出證據證明洪蘭這麼做。洪教授的譯稿據說是手寫的,而且洪蘭體「一路走來、始終如一」,那些譯作應該確實是她譯的。 2015年9月,知名部落客Wenson在其文章中提到,他很喜歡Andrew Solomon的著作Far From the Tree,向出版社推薦出版中譯本,被問是否願意接譯;他說他難有時間譯這本又厚又硬的書,可是又真的很喜歡這本書,而且也擔心它會「被洪蘭染指」,這句話譯界中人看了難免會笑出來。 2015年8月,臉書上有「一句話惹毛心理系大賽」,有網友留言「譯者:洪蘭」,獲得近六千四百個讚。這是洪蘭的翻譯問題難得帶給網友歡樂的另一件事。 2. 你把洪蘭的翻譯說得那麼差,可是人家的譯作還是一本接一本地出啊。你如何解釋出版社願意持續找她翻譯重要著作? 答:王乾任日前發表的文章〈為什麼洪蘭能繼續出版翻譯書?〉,對此有不錯的解釋:因為洪蘭的譯作能賣。儘管批評不斷,台灣仍然有不少讀者願意花錢買她的譯作。 你或許會問:「你不是說以洪蘭的翻譯能力,她根本不可能通過出版社的試譯嗎?那麼她為什麼能開始譯書呢?」答案很簡單,看完〈無聊筆記:王榮文與洪蘭〉你便會明白。洪蘭開始做翻譯,遠流出版社老闆王榮文有「開啟之功」。王榮文與曾志朗和洪蘭夫婦有「一輩子的情誼」,你認為洪蘭需要通過出版社的試譯嗎?王榮文說:「我欽佩她願意為像我一樣英文能力不足、科學常識不夠的國民付出額外的勞動,在她熟悉的科學領域無私地貢獻了將近一千萬字的譯稿。」問題來了,王先生既然英文能力不足,他如何判斷洪蘭有足夠的能力譯好那些著作?你以為著名學者就能譯好相關領域的著作嗎?你不知道翻譯是一種專門技術,優秀的學者不一定是好譯者嗎?(洪蘭是不是優秀的學者是另一個問題,本文無意評斷。) 王榮文那篇〈洪蘭教授的翻譯人生〉發表於中時網站上,有許多讀者留下有理有節的精彩評論,可惜這些批評就像狗吠火車,對王先生與洪教授好像完全不起作用,所以洪教授才能繼續她的翻譯人生,為英文不好的廣大台灣讀者付出額外的勞動,繼續無私地貢獻重要著作的中譯版。 3. 波卡事件主角、網路世界「大神」級人物戴季全寫過一篇文章〈革了翻譯產業的命吧〉,「一字一字深刻地說:洪蘭的錯,錯不在洪蘭」。他似乎認為翻譯業產值很低,譯者領不到好報酬,譯作品質低劣因此是一種產業結構問題,不能怪洪蘭。你怎麼看? 答:戴季全以為自己看到深刻的產業結構問題,可惜他那篇文章展現出來的判斷力,大概就像他在波卡事件中的表現那樣,只是自作聰明。 洪蘭劣譯的問題有它特殊的地方,但我們實在不必扯那麼遠,只需要思考以下問題:洪蘭翻譯的那些書,出版社拿支付洪蘭的稿費,在台灣能找到勝任的譯者,譯出意思準確、文字流暢,基本上不需要怎麼修改的中文嗎?我認為絕對可以。既然如此,為什麼要故作深刻,扯那麼多廢話呢? 台灣書籍譯者的稿酬確實不高,英譯中多數人領每個中文字0.6-0.8台幣(洪蘭的稿酬應該顯著高一些)。如果只是譯書,譯者的收入不會很好。但以台灣目前普遍低薪的情況而言,譯者只要案源不斷,收入在台灣已經算是中上水準。筆譯確實無法賺大錢(《魔戒》譯者是少數例外),收入完全無法與悠遊卡公司董事長或總經理相比,也無法與網路世界大神級人物相比,但有職業操守的譯者絕對不會因為報酬不高就敷衍工作、馬虎翻譯,否則便成了譯界的敗類。 4. 洪蘭劣譯關你什麼事?你為什麼要跟她過不去?有資深譯者說:「挑別人的錯不能讓譯技進步,發現別人的妙譯,理解妙譯的製造過程,才能增加自己的實力。」也有資淺譯者說:「洪蘭女士的譯本或許真的很糟,但真的一字一句都那麼爛嗎?裡面有沒有譯者可以學習的巧思妙譯呢?」你為什麼那麼愛批評別人的翻譯,不能多欣賞別人的妙譯嗎? 答:我實在氣不過:洪蘭翻譯不少重要著作,出版這種重要著作的爛中譯,影響很惡劣,實在是太欺負讀者了。2013年7月,加州州立大學哲學教授王偉雄經對照原文和翻譯,認為讀者對《語言本能》及《快思慢想》的指控屬實。他說:「(這兩本譯作)對不起付錢買書、花時間看書的讀者,也是侮辱了原作者……這兩本都是令人眼界大開的難得佳作,假如出版社買了 exclusive translation rights(獨家翻譯版權),可能幾十年內都不容許有第二個中譯本,那些英文閱讀能力夠不上讀原著的讀者,便只有望書興歎了。」 洪蘭翻譯《快思慢想》一書,因為翻譯品質低劣而引起極大的爭議,如果她能放過沒有條件看原著的中文讀者,高抬貴手,不再譯書,爭議應該可以告一段落。可惜她和遠流出版社顯然無意放過這些中文讀者。因此,我們即使是狗吠火車,也不能不發出抗議之聲。所以不是批評者要跟洪蘭過不去,而是洪蘭跟大家過不去。 有些譯者或許認為做好自己的翻譯,對得起作者和讀者,獨善其身就好。可惜「沒有人是孤島」:身在譯書這個行業,同樣沒有譯者是孤島。翻譯作品因為翻譯品質低劣而成為新聞事件,而且問題譯作繼續面世,整個譯界都將受害。低劣的譯作多到某個程度,願意購買和閱讀譯作的消費者將顯著減少。暴露翻譯品質問題,不是要害翻譯業,而是希望業界能正視問題,力求進步。為了指出問題,挑別人的錯有時是必要的,這當然不是為了精進自己的譯技。洪蘭的譯作問題那麼多,你還希望從中找出「可以學習的巧思妙譯」,你是要跟自己過不去嗎? 翻譯重要的外文著作,對促進社會進步十分重要,但翻譯品質不能得過且過,否則出版譯作可能適得其反。台灣不是沒有優秀的譯者,台灣人以至其他地方的中文讀者值得擁有可靠可讀的中譯本。 張貼者: Vic 於 22:53 以電子郵件傳送這篇文章 BlogThis! 分享至 Twitter 分享至 Facebook 分享到 Pinterest 標籤: 閒話, 論翻譯, 譯者夢魘 45 則留言: Jesse2015年9月26日 上午10:48 洪蘭的翻譯是不是那麼差,如果你懂英文就不可能問出這種問題...斬釘截鐵說,是,就是這麼差 回覆 Jesse2015年9月26日 上午11:00 一本本好書被人毀了,而且因為版權問題其他人不能翻譯,看的人浪費錢與時間又吸收不到知識,難道不該譴責嗎?何況洪蘭的"妙譯"的確很少(以奇妙想像力天馬行空亂編的不算的話) 回覆 Unknown2015年9月26日 下午2:01 一個口說“講理就好”的人 卻讓人覺得言行不一致 又可以佔有那麼多的媒體優勢 難得有人敢公開批判她 給作者一萬個讚!! 回覆 Captain Crash2015年9月26日 下午6:16 她的翻譯確實不怎麼樣。不過從出版社的角度來看,如果名字不是洪蘭,是不是還能賣到 20 萬本?似乎這才是 "深刻產業結構" 問題... :P 回覆 回覆 匿名2015年9月28日 下午5:36 原著是本好書 還是 因為洪蘭之名所以會大賣 想也知道 只要洪蘭快出書 兩三個月就開始在天下遠見... 放出她過去或是新的教育教養文章 聰明人都知道 又來了 匿名2015年9月28日 下午5:44 "深刻產業結構" 還有另一塊 公家機關的大小辦公室 現在還是中時旺報與聯合報的忠誠訂戶 洪蘭一出書 公家機關的大小辦公室 所有圖書館 一 定 買 wind38962018年1月16日 晚上11:01 原來如此,果然是「產業結構」也大有問題。 回覆 匿名2015年9月26日 下午6:18 蘭粉奇文一篇: 大家在說翻譯問題,她以洪蘭的教育貢獻回應。彷彿律師替殺人犯辯護,誇說當事人遵守交通規則一般,邏輯混亂,一路和稀泥到底。最可笑者,她說:「作為一個譯者,深深覺得如果能提出一整本新版譯作再來質疑,才是令人敬佩的指正。其他的,只配稱酸民。」置王道還、潘震澤及許先生等人於何地?悲哀的是,此君還是翻譯界中人,竟盲目至此!拜洪蘭似乎已經成為某種新興宗教了。 回覆 回覆 Vic2015年9月26日 晚上8:31 謝謝分享,確實很可笑。這種人在台灣還真不少。 回覆 Unknown2015年9月26日 晚上9:53 同為譯界一員,閣下已經把我要講的全部講完了,只有全力一推~ 回覆 匿名2015年9月27日 凌晨1:44 也許2013年那次爭議還是不夠大 至少很多讀者還是不知道洪蘭的翻譯有問題 不然書店和二手書店不會持續把這本書放在重要的展示位置 回覆 阿德2015年9月27日 上午8:36 百分之百贊同! 回覆 匿名2015年9月28日 下午3:00 太好了 終於有人講真話了 回覆 Unknown2015年10月2日 下午4:35 真的真的很期待那一天,洪蘭能不再遺害人間。 回覆 匿名2015年10月21日 中午12:37 洪蘭現身說法了。真是無恥至極! 回覆 Unknown2015年11月19日 上午10:00 所有讀者自有評論;有所幫助就是一本好書,沒幫助就是一個參考。 書能繼續大賣,表示認周、受幫助者佔多數。大大們的評論重點及真正目的又是什麼?令人費解?想想洪蘭老師對社會的正面影響力,我就支持、感謝她~~ 回覆 回覆 Ben2022年12月2日 凌晨1:59 是有所幫助沒錯啊,但是這"幫助"打了多少折扣? 甚至中間的錯誤是否會誤導讀者反而害人? 這就好像政府或慈善機構收了一億賑災捐款,結果只有兩千萬用在災民身上,其他的都浪費掉了。你當然可以心存感謝,但是否也應該檢討:如果讓更有能力的人來管理運用,受惠的人是否更多,受到的幫助是否更大? 如果都不能批評,而且以後還必須由同一人操作,還應該繼續支持感謝嗎? 回覆 台語與佛典2015年11月21日 上午8:28 譯者有沒有誤譯、漏譯,自己編譯出原文沒有的內容。 這是「翻譯評論」, 跟「正能量」、「磁場」、「正面影響力」沒關係。 希特勒的《我的奮鬥》一書,對不少人也是「很有幫助」、「充滿了正能量」。 回覆 匿名2015年12月22日 下午3:52 洪蘭對社會有正面影響力? 有道是瑕不掩瑜, 卻有鄉愿者硬要說瑜可掩瑕。 姑且不論其夸夸其談的一些跟儒家醬缸相去不遠的言論, 教育及學術研究是數以百年的大計, 錯譯扭曲原著室等同於摧毀科學與誤人子弟的, 真得很不想講的那麼難聽, 又是一個高級天龍人罷了! 回覆 回覆 匿名2016年5月14日 凌晨1:15 [錯譯扭曲原著是等同於摧毀科學與誤人子弟的] 最好指出是哪一本哪一頁或哪一章... 才有說服力啊,批評要有本啊! 回覆 Unknown2016年1月23日 上午9:22 師者所以傳道、授業、解惑也,洪蘭可謂道不傳,授塗說,惑芸芸矣。所謂知錯能改,若洪一句:[翻譯倉促不免疏漏,敬請讀者見諒,並不吝指正。]則眾生雖不滿但尚可接受。無奈洪趾高氣昂,輕蔑讀者,處處顯露[看得懂是教授老娘不睡覺用心翻譯;看不懂是讀者你沒水準鄉巴佬。]總括,過之根本不在語文能力,在其態度高傲輕佻。韓愈師說裡的師是什麼樣子?孔老夫子是什麼樣子?很明顯都不是洪蘭這個樣子! 回覆 Han2016年1月24日 下午6:39 快思慢想是天下文化出版的哦,不是遠流。 回覆 匿名2016年5月14日 凌晨1:10 覺得翻譯的不好或翻錯的人 是否可以將不對之處一一指出來 或是自己來翻譯? 讓有興趣的人 讀到正確的譯書 回覆 回覆 Vic2016年5月14日 上午9:51 光是這篇文章裡,就有三個連結,導向具體指出誤譯的資料,網路上還有許多其他具體指出錯處的資料,你為什麼不看就來質疑批評者呢? 此外,洪蘭譯的那些書,都是有版權的,不是你想譯就可以譯的,你為什麼連這點常識都沒有就來質疑批評者呢? 匿名2016年10月23日 凌晨3:29 沒有人質疑批評者,只是單純問出處而已。何必這麼敏感? 你是神嗎一定是對的嗎? 回覆 台語與佛典2016年5月23日 上午11:45 關於翻譯: 譯者要友一些雜學基礎: 回覆 回覆 Vic2016年5月23日 下午1:14 謝謝。 回覆 趙Kelly2016年8月6日 上午11:06 望書興嘆!四字道出我的心情,英文能力不足看原文,但又渴望拜讀大師之作,只好繼續嘆下去。 回覆 匿名2016年9月14日 晚上7:18 我是一名國小老師,以前因兼任行政想要邀請洪蘭演講,但後來得知必須要派車到台北接她,當下覺得這個人好大牌,與她學者形象差很大,後來就再也不考慮邀請她了,因為國內有太多適合的專家啊! 回覆 回覆 Beckett Hsiao2016年9月15日 上午11:27 通常不是代訂高鐵或其他車票就好了? 匿名2016年10月20日 上午11:22 我不喜他的翻譯,但兩件事應該分開來說,你的說法很不厚道,答應你/貴單位不是義務。他可能並不缺你的邀請費,卻要增加舟車勞頓和可以做其他事的時間。邀請不到落井下石,你跟老師的形象也很搭不上。 回覆 匿名2016年10月16日 凌晨3:48 我不是因為洪蘭的名聲才買她的譯書,而是覺得那本普科怎麼那麼好看,久而久之,發現共同的譯者是洪蘭。 回覆 回覆 匿名2016年10月20日 下午3:56 她譯的書或許很「好看」,但有許多內容已經背離原意了! 回覆 如2016年10月20日 中午12:39 洪蘭翻譯的很多都是好書,有很多該領域的正能量。 但是偏偏在重要觀念有時候(不多不多啦!)會類似出現「奇經八脈,中有內息,聚之丹田,會於膻中」的譯文(而吸星大法原文是「丹田內息,散於四肢,膻中之氣,分注八脈」) 如果認真照著練功,瞬間正能量就變...... 所以略懂略懂的都很XX , 不干我事的看了都很歡樂 回覆 回覆 匿名2016年10月20日 下午3:57 這種問題最大! JustinD22016年10月20日 下午4:54 哈哈,神比喻 回覆 匿名2016年12月5日 晚上9:55 幸好我的書是借的,而且中英文都不好,但他居然會說把葡萄糖從肌肉裡抽出來用,這已經不是語言問題了 回覆 匿名2016年12月14日 上午8:32 我身處海外沒有看過她的譯作,但翻譯最大的原則就是 "信, 達, 雅", 洪蘭教授的翻譯若能守住其中之一就算免強過關. 當然若是無一達成那就是對不起買書的人了. 我想可能是她翻得太快了所以犯下一些錯誤, 但是如果不是太過也是可諒解的. 回覆 匿名2016年12月16日 下午1:53 所以非買不可的話,先搜尋網路上有沒有勘誤表,買回來自己用立可白對照修改完,再重頭看...(譯界說不定可出一本譯文勘誤專書,把賣得最好的幾本書出個勘誤集) 回覆 匿名2018年4月2日 上午10:25 洪蘭會被批,只因為她是藍的統派。台灣一切泛政治化,懂? 回覆 匿名2018年4月5日 上午11:06 這裡的留言都專注在翻譯的問題上,卻有人特地在這把別人對於翻譯品質上的討論,直接歸因於政治立場的不同。還真是一切泛政治化的示範。 回覆 台語與佛典2018年4月8日 晚上8:14 我被 "匿名" 的留言搞糊塗了。這是同一人嗎?還是有兩個以上的人都"匿名"呢? 我覺得連去註冊一個名字都嫌麻煩的人,卻在部落格上留言發表意見,對一個嚴肅的部落格是顯得不夠尊重。 回覆 緁2019年8月8日 上午9:33 這就是為什麼我寧願看原文的原因,因為中譯其實是門很深的藝術,幾乎很難完全表達出原作者的真意。 回覆 Justin2019年9月20日 下午4:47 即使是原文書也是有類似寫不清的情況,跟翻譯書沒差別,都是不清楚。 回覆 Justin2019年9月20日 下午5:00 請分清楚這觀念: 若譯文是佳作,請注意是否是畫蛇添足。 大家都這麼做,大家的譯文變成作文,大家都受到尊敬。 請問這樣公平嗎? 回覆

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Soleus, the forgotten muscle for runners

Soleus, Soleus Online Course: Muscle Length Assessment and Treatment Related to Patellofemoral Pain Online Course: Male Pelvic Anatomy Online Course: Introduction to Myofascial Pain Introduction Soleus 3.jpg Located in superficial posterior compartment of the leg Soleus is a powerful lower limb muscle, which is situated deep to the gastronemius muscle. Together with gastronemius and plantaris, it forms the calf muscle or triceps surae. It runs from back of the knee to the ankle and is multipennate. The soleus has the greatest physiological cross sectional area (CSA) of the calf muscles and is thought to provide up to 80% of triceps surae force[1]. Muscle Physiological CSA (cm²) % Soleus 230 71 Medial Gastrocnemius 68 22 Lateral Gastrocnemius 28 7 Anatomy Origin Posterior surface of the head and upper 1/3 of the shaft of the fibula; Middle 1/3 of the medial border of the tibia, tendinous arch between tibia and fibula. Insertion Posterior surface of the calcaneus via the Achilles tendon Action Plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle; Reversed origin insertion action: when standing, the calcaneus becomes the fixed origin of the muscle; Soleus muscle stabilizes the tibia on the calcaneus limiting forward sway. Nerve supply Tibial nerve, L4, L5, S1 , S2 No sensory supply to the intramuscular aponeurosis. Synergists Gastrocnemius, Plantaris, Tibialis posterior, Peroneus longus and Brevis, FHL and FDL. Antagonists Tibialis anterior Blood supply Blood supply of the soleus muscle is from peroneal artery proximally and the posterior tibial artery distally; Muscle has a mixed blood supply; Vascular supply of the soleus is from popliteal, posterior tibial, & peroneal vascular pedicles to the proximal muscle, peroneal pedicles to distal lateral belly, and segmental posterior tibial pedicles to distal medial belly; With distal pedicles from the posterior tibial artery ligated & based on proximal pedicles from the posterior tibial and peroneal arteries, muscle can be transposed medially or laterally to cover defects in middle third of the leg; Proximal vasculature arises directly from the popliteal vessels and can reliably carry all but the distal 4 to 5 cm of the muscle; Intramuscularly, vasculature of the soleus divides into a bipenniform segmental pattern; With this vascular pattern, either half of the soleus muscle can be used, leaving a functional hemisoleus muscle intact Function Soleus has two major functions: To act as skeletal muscle: Along with other calf muscles it is powerful plantarflexor and has a major contribution in running, walking and dancing. It is also a major postural muscle designed to stop the body from falling forwards at the ankle during stance. In the seated calf raise (knees flexed approximately 90º), the gastrocnemius is virtually inactive while the load is borne almost entirely by the soleus. In moderate force, the soleus is preferentially activated in the concentric phase, whereas the gastrocnemius is preferentially activated in the eccentric phase [2]. Human soleus muscle tissue consists predominantly of slow twitch fibers, though the composition can range between 60 and 100% slow fibers.[3][4][5]. To act as muscle pump: The soleal pump assists with venous return from the periphery to the heart when upright as the venous circulatory system passes through the muscle tissue. Palpation When palpating the Soleus, plantarflex the ankle with the knee flexed to 90 degrees to ensure that gastrocnemius remains relaxed. The lateral and medial aspects of the muscle can then be palpated from the lateral and medial sides of the Achilles tendon. The muscle is palpable for most of the distance from distal to proximal though the proximal attachments will become more difficult to palpate if the heads of gastrocnemius are large. Accessory soleus muscle (ASM) It is present in 0.7 to 5.5% of humans.[6]It is usually observed during the second or third decade of life and is more commonly seen in females than males at a ratio of 2:1. It is mostly unilateral.[7][8][9][10][11]. This supernumerary muscle is located under the gastrocnemius muscle, in the posterior upper third of the fibula, in the oblique soleus line, between the fibular head and the posterior part of the tibia. From its origin, the ASM runs anteriorly and medially until it reaches the Achilles tendon.[12] ASM.jpg ASM2.jpg Depending upon its insertion it is of 5 types, or in other words it can origininate from 5 sites Achilles tendon Upper calcaneus region Insertion in the upper calcaneus, Medial calcaneus region, Medial part of the calcaneus Sometimes it is impossible to precisely identify the ASM origin and insertion, since the MRI fails to show details, depending on the slices[12]. It may cause pain on exercise. One may suspect a soft-tissue tumor, such as lipoma, hemangioma, and even sarcoma, but the anomalous muscle has a typical appearance on plain radiographs, and the appearance on computed tomography is diagnostic. If the patient is asymptomatic, no therapy is required, but if pain or other discomfort is provoked by exercise, exploration with fasciotomy or excision of the accessory muscle is recommended, as was done in six of our eleven patients who were seen between 1968 and 1985[7]. Pathology Strain/Rupture A muscle strain occurs when muscle fibers are damaged by the loads placed on them by activity. A gradual onset of pain is commonly reported during soleus strain and often with no specific mechanism of injury (MOI). This may be due to the limited sensory innervation to the intramuscular aponeurosis. In cases where a specific MOI is identified, steady-state running appears to be the commonest cause of injury[13]. Symptoms: Pain with active or resisted plantar flexion Pain during walking, running, jumping or hopping Tenderness on palpation of the injury site Investigations: Diagnostic ultrasound or MRI can be advantageous to confirm an injury diagnosis and ensure that injuries accurately assessed as full ruptures can be overlooked with clinical exam on occasion. [14] Further information about soleus and calf strains is available here Plus logo Practical Assessment and Treatment of Cervicogenic Headaches An online course by Ari Kaplan Related articles Calf Strain - Physiopedia Description Muscles of the calf complex[1] The lower leg is a vital biomechanical element during locomotion, especially during movements that need explosive power and endurance.[2][3] The calf complex is an essential component during locomotive activities and weight-bearing. Injuries to this area impact various sporting disciplines and athletic populations.[2] Calf muscle strain injuries (CMSI) occur commonly in sports involving high-speed running or increased volumes of running load, acceleration and deceleration as well as during fatiguing conditions of play or performance.[2][4] Calf strain is a common muscle injury and if not managed appropriately there is a risk of re-injury and prolonged recovery. Muscle strains commonly occur in the medial head of the gastrocnemius or close to the musculotendinous junction. The gastrocnemius muscle is more susceptible to injury as it is a biarthrodial muscle extending over the knee and ankle. Sudden bursts of acceleration can precipitate injury as well as a sudden eccentric overstretch of the muscle involved.[5] Clinically Relevant Anatomy[edit | edit source] The "calf" refers to the muscles on the posterior aspect of the lower leg. It is composed of three muscles: gastrocnemius - in conjunction with soleus, provides primarily plantarflexion of the ankle joint and flexion at the knee joint.[6][7] Plantarflexion provides the propelling force during gait. Although it spans over two joints, gastrocnemius is not able to exert its maximum power on both joints simultaneously. If the knee is flexed, gastrocnemius cannot produce maximum power at the ankle joint and vice versa.[6] soleus - is located beneath the gastrocnemius muscle in the superficial posterior compartment of the lower leg. Its main function is plantar flexion of the ankle and stabilising the tibia on the calcaneus limiting forward sway. [7] plantaris - is located in the posterosuperficial compartment of the calf. Functionally, plantaris is not a major contributor and acts with gastrocnemius as both a flexor of the knee and a plantarflexor of the ankle[8] These muscles come together to form the achilles tendon and all three muscles insert into the calcaneus. Epidemiology/Etiology[edit | edit source] Muscle strains most commonly occur in bi-articular muscles such as the hamstrings, rectus femoris and gastrocnemius. Therefore when we refer to "calf strain" we are often referring to a gastrocnemius strain. During sporting activities such as sprinting, these long, bi-articular muscles have to cope with high internal forces and rapid changes in muscle length and mode of contraction leading to a higher risk of strain. Despite this, calf muscle strains have also been reported to occur during slow-lengthening muscle actions such as those performed by ballet dancers, but also during common daily activities.[9] Various sports such as rugby, football, tennis, athletics and dancing are impacted by calf muscle strain injuries. In football, 92% of injuries are muscular injuries, 13% of these are calf injuries.[4] In Australian rules football CMSI represented one of the highest soft tissue injury incidences (3.00 per club per year) and there was a 16% recurrence rate.[2] Characteristics/Clinical Presentation[edit | edit source] It is important to differentiate between muscle strains within the calf complex in order to formulate a correct prognosis, an appropriate treatment program and prevention of recurrent injury. [10] Calf strains are most commonly found in the medial head of the gastrocnemius. [7] A sudden pain is felt in the calf, and the patient often reports an audible or palpable "pop" in the medial aspect of the posterior calf, or they have a feeling as though someone has kicked them in the back of the leg. Substantial pain and swelling usually develop during the following 24 hours. [11] Strains in the gastrocnemius are also referred to as a “tennis leg” as the classic presentation was a middle-aged tennis player who suddenly extended the knee. [7] Gastrocnemius strain[edit | edit source] Gastrocnemius is considered at high risk for strains because it crosses two joints (the knee and ankle) and has a high density of type two fast-twitch muscle fibers.[7] A tear of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle is due to an eccentric force being applied to the muscle when the knee is extended and the ankle is dorsiflexed. The gastrocnemius muscle attempts to contract in the already lengthened state leading to tear of the muscle.[12] Symptoms of gastrocnemius strain can include subjective reports of sudden sharp pain or tearing sensation at the back of the lower leg, often in the medial belly of the gastrocnemius or at the musculotendinous junction.[5] On objective assessment there will be[5]: Tenderness to touch at the point of injury Swelling Bruising may appear within hours or days Stretching of the muscle will reproduce pain Pain on resisted plantarflexion Soleus strain[edit | edit source] The soleus muscle is injured while the knee is in flexion. Strains of the proximal medial musculotendinous junction are the most common type of soleus muscle injuries. Unlike gastrocnemius, soleus is considered low risk for injury. It crosses only the ankle and is largely comprised of type one slow-twitch muscle fibres. Soleus strains also tend to be less dramatic in clinical presentation and more subacute when compared to injuries of gastrocnemius.[7] This condition frequently occurs in the middle-aged, poorly conditioned and/or physically active patient. [13] The presentation will likely be similar to gastrocnemuis strain however the pain may be slightly more distal and feel deeper subjectively. Injury of the soleus muscle may be under-reported due to a misdiagnosis of thrombophlebitis or lumping of soleus strains with strains of the gastrocnemius. [7] A soleus strain causes pain when activating the calf muscle or when applying pressure on the Achilles tendon approximately 4 cm above the insertion point on the heel bone or higher up in the calf muscle. Stretching the tendon and walking on tip-toe will also aggravate pain. [14] Plantaris strains[edit | edit source] Plantaris is considered largely vestigial and rarely involved in calf strains, although it crosses both the knee and the ankle joint as well. [7] Rupture of the plantaris muscle may occur at the myotendinous junction with or without an associated hematoma or partial tear of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle or soleus. [8] Injury to the plantaris muscle can present with similar clinical features as those of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscle. [15] Depending on the extent of the injury, the individual may be able to continue exercising although they will have some discomfort and/or tightness during or after activity. Where injuries are more severe, the exact mechanism of injury is easier to recall and/or the individual may be unable to walk due to severe pain. Grading of calf strains[5][edit | edit source] Muscle strains are graded from I to III, with grade III being the most severe. Treatment and rehabilitation depends on the severity of the muscle strain. Grade Symptoms Signs Average time to return to sport I Sharp pain at the time of activity or after May have a feeling of tightness May be able to continue activity, without pain or with mild discomfort Post activity tightness and/or aching Pain on unilateral calf raise or hop 10 - 12 days II Sharp pain at the time of activity in calf Unable to continue activity Significant pain with walking afterwards May have swelling in muscle Mild to moderate bruising may be present Pain with active plantarflexion Pain and weakness with resisted plantarflexion Loss of dorsiflexion Bilateral calf raise pain 16 - 21 days III Severe and immediate pain in the calf, often at musculotendinous junction Unable to continue with activity May present with considerable bruising and swelling within hours of injury Inability to contract calf muscle May have palpable defect Thomson's test positive 6 months after surgery Differential Diagnosis[edit | edit source] Medial tibial stress syndrome (shin splints) Achilles tendinopathy Plantar fasciopathy muscles strains and/or joint sprains due to reduced ROM of the ankle. [16] Other lower leg injuries related to sports with the same symptoms and treatment as a calf strain are discussed below. Chronic exertional compartment syndrome (CECS). [17] CECS begins with mild pain during periods of training and can disappear after training. In the latter stages, pain presents earlier, becoming more painful and of a greater duration forcing a halt in activity. Common complaints are; cramps, paraesthesia, numbness and weakness in the lower leg. CECS is caused by the increased intramuscular blood flow during exercise so compartmental pressure arises, capillaries become compressed and ischemia develops. Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome (PAES). An abnormal relationship between the popliteal artery and the surrounding myofascial structures. Functional PAES is caused by muscle contraction, often active plantarflexion of the ankle that compresses the artery between the muscle and underlying bone. [18] Baker's cyst Assessment[edit | edit source] Subjective assessment and thorough history should be taken at the initial assessment point Objective assessment:[19][20] Observation of the foot and ankle in standing and supine Ankle AROM Ankle PROM Palpation of the calf and replication of symptoms Resisted strength testing of the foot and ankle complex Thompson test: to rule out Achilles tendon rupture Knee AROM and resisted testing [21] Imaging: Ultrasound (US) is considered to be the gold standard. It can also be used to evaluate the degree and extent of the muscular lesion and to exclude other pathologies such as ruptured Baker's cyst and deep vein thrombosis. [13] A calf muscle tear is a most common in sports which require quick acceleration and changes in direction such as running, volleyball and tennis, Muscle strains are graded I to III. The more severe the strain, the longer the recovery time. Typical symptoms are stiffness, discoloration and bruising around the strained muscle. [14] Grade I: A first degree or mild injury is the most common and the most minor. A sharp pain is felt at the time of injury or pain with activity. There is little to no loss of strength and range-of-motion with muscle fibre disruption of less than 10%. A return to sport would be expected within 1 to 3 weeks. [22] Grade II: A second degree or moderate injury is a partial muscle tear halting activity. There is a clear loss of strength and range of motion. [22] with marked pain, swelling and often bruising. Muscle fibre disruption between 10 and 50%. 3 to 6 weeks is a usual recovery period for a return to full activity. [14] Grade III: A third degree or severe injury results in a complete rupture of the muscle and is often concomitant with a hematoma. [22] Pain, swelling, tenderness and bruising are usually present. Recovery is highly individualised and can take months before you are fully recovered for a full return to activity. [14] Rupture: is usually associated with the presence of fluid collection between the soleus muscle and the medial head of the gastrocnemius. This can occur with or without haemorrhage. The measurement of fluid collection informs about the extent of the lesion. The degree of the lesion (partial or complete rupture) can be defined by the distance between the two muscles. Axial US scans are the most useful for differentiating between partial and complete rupture, as it is possible to depict the whole muscle belly in one single image. [13] Medical Management[edit | edit source] Calf strains rarely require surgery however may be necessary in a complete rupture. Conservative management includes: Soft tissue injury management Steroid injection[23] Physiotherapy If a heamatoma is present, its removal as quickly as possible is essential, otherwise, complications may occur such as myositis ossificans. In the case of a more severe injury, a temporary heel pad to shorten the calf muscle to reduce tension in the muscle whilst it heals may be useful. It may be advisable to put heel pads in both shoes, however, to avoid creating a gait imbalance. Physical Therapy Management[edit | edit source] The principal treatment of a calf strain consists of rest and allowing adequate healing time, but in severe cases, surgery is necessary. Conservative treatment includes gentle passive stretching, isometric then moving onto concentric exercises.[23] In the latter stages, massage and electrotherapy can be used.[8] Initial treatment aims: to limit bleeding pain prevent complications.[7] Soft tissue injury management protocols should be started as soon as the injury occurs. PEACE and LOVE principles should be applied.[24] Other physiotherapy modalities can be used such as: Tape or a compressive wrap can be applied and the leg elevated where possible. [23] If major bleeding has occurred, the use of NSAIDs has to be carefully controlled as they have an anti-platelet effect which can increase bleeding, just as the premature application of heat and massage also can. [7] Gentle passive stretching exercises without pain to maintain range of motion in the plantarflexors. [25] In the latter stages, once inflammation has resolved, applying superficial heat simultaneously with a low load static stretch improves the flexibility of muscles.[23] Isotonic exercises for the antagonists tibialis anterior, and the peronei are recommended as well as light exercises for the injured muscle. Gentle movements, within pain limitations, in the first few days following injury will help to promote healing,[23] Shoes with a low heel are recommended to encourage improved heel-toe gait.[25] When the calf muscles can be fully extended pain free, a switch can be made from gentle passive stretching to active stretches, in both a flexed knee position (soleus) and a straightened knee position (gastrocnemius).[23] Gradual loading/strengthening exercises of the calf muscles should be given in order to have a full recovery. The sooner loading exercises are commenced the more rapidly recovery will be. Return to sport and specific plyometric exercises should be commenced before full return to sport. Strains may cause long-lasting pain, despite adequate early treatment. Treatment outcome is successful when: pain is resolved, the calf muscle can be fully extended, strength is back to normal, knee and ankle ROM are normal and when excessive tenderness has disappeared.[23] [26] Outcome Measures[edit | edit source] LEFS: Lower Extremity Functional Scale VAS: Visual Analogue Scale NPRS: Numeric Pain Rating Scale Muscle Strength testing Clinical Bottom Line[edit | edit source] Pain in the calf muscle is often due to a strain, however, there are other conditions which could cause similar symptoms, including deep vein thrombosis and achilles tendinopathy or rupture. Healing time is hugely variable depending on the severity of the strain and individual response to treatment. Conservative management consisting of a graded exercise program usually has the desired outcome for grade I an II strains, but in the case of rupture, surgery is required. Strength and conditioning exercises are essential to re-load the tissues and promote return to activity. Triceps Surae - Physiopedia Introduction The triceps surae, a term used to group the muscles of the calf, is constructed by the soleus, the two-headed (medial & lateral) gastrocnemius and the plantaris muscles [1]. Research suggests that contracture of the triceps surae is correlated with various conditions that affect the forefoot and midfoot, therefore consideration of these muscles is valuable when evaluating and managing such conditions [2]. Function[edit | edit source] In general, the main function of the triceps surae is to perform plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle joint, allowing the heel to elevate against gravity. This results in generation of the propulsion force required for actions such as walking, jumping or leaping. Furthermore, the gastrocnemius plays a subtle role in producing leg flexion at the knee joint, while the soleus plays part in maintaining stability when the body is standing [3]. Anatomy[edit | edit source] The muscles that comprise the triceps surae (gastrocnemius, soleus and plantaris) are part of the posterosuperficial compartment of the calf [1]. The soleus muscle and both heads of the gastrocnemius muscle, fuse to insert onto the calcaneus (heel bone) through the Achilles tendon (also known as the calcaneal tendon). This structure is considered to be the strongest tendon in the human body [2]. It has been proposed that the plantaris muscle either attaches onto the calcaneus independently from the Achilles tendon or may form a portion of the Achilles tendon, thus accompanying the tendon to insert onto the calcaneus. Interestingly, the plantaris tendon is commonly intact with rupture of the Achilles tendon [4]. This plantaris muscle is proposed to be absent in 7-20% of the population [4]. The muscles of the triceps surae are innervated by the tibial nerve (S1, S2 nerve roots) [1]. Anatomical dissection of the triceps surae Gastrocnemius[edit | edit source] The gastrocnemius muscle consists of a lateral and medial head at its origin, and makes up the superficial portion of the triceps surae. The gastrocnemius traverses three joints including the knee, ankle and subtalar joints [3]. Posterior view of the gastrocnemius muscle Origin - posterosuperior region of the corresponding femoral condyle, specifically: Medial head: arises from the posterior aspect of the femur, posterior to the medial supracondylar ridge and adductor tubercle. The medial head is thicker and wider than the lateral head [3]. Lateral head: arises from the lateral aspect of the lateral femoral condyle. Proximal, we well as posterior, to the lateral epicondyle [3]. The lateral and medial heads of the gastrocnemius muscle have further attachments from the oblique popliteal ligament and the posterior capsule of the knee joint. Function - the gastrocnemius muscle produces flexion of the leg at the knee joint and plantarflexion of the foot at the talocrural joint (ankle mortise). Further, the gastrocnemius is most effective when the knee is in an extended position and the ankle is plantarflexed [3]. Soleus[edit | edit source] The soleus muscle is situated deep to the gastrocnemius and crosses two joints including the ankle and subtalar joints [3]. Posterior view of the soleus muscle Origin - posterior aspect of the fibular head, medial border of the tibia (soleal line) and the interosseous membrane [3]. Function - soleus muscle is shown to be most effective with the ankle in plantarflexion (similar to the gastrocnemius muscle) but with the knee in flexion (opposite of the gastrocnemius) [3]. As mentioned previously, the soleus muscle plays a role in providing stability while the body is standing: There is a vertical center of gravity line anterior to the ankle that results in a natural tendency for the human body to lean forward. To counteract this natural pull due to the effect of gravity, the soleus muscle plays a significant role in generating a force posterior to the ankle joint in order for the human body to maintain stability. Therefore, the soleus muscle is constantly contracting when the body is positioned to stand or walk [5]. Plantaris[edit | edit source] Posterior view of the plantaris muscle The plantaris is a small muscle that has a slim and long tendon, ranging from 7 to 13 cm long [4]. Origin - superior & medial to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius on the lateral supracondylar femoral line. It also has an origin in the posterior aspect of the knee from the oblique popliteal ligament [4]. Function - similar action as the gastrocnemius muscle however the plantaris muscle is considered an insignficant knee flexor and ankle plantarflexor [4]. Because the plantaris muscle consists of a "high density of muscle spindles", it is considered to be an "organ of proprioceptive function" for the more powerful plantarflexor muscles [4]. Clinical Significance[edit | edit source] The triceps surae muscle is clinically correlated to the S1 nerve root. Compression of this nerve root may occur with a disc herniation or vertebral fracture. Signs & symptoms that are typical include gluteal and posterior leg pain as well as a diminished or absent Achilles tendon reflex (S1 reflex) [5]. Functional limitation of the triceps surae muscle unit is common due to being outweighed by the muscles of the anterior leg. What is know as 'talipes calcaneus' is present in these patients (talipes calcaneus is defined as "a deformity due to weakness or absence of the calf muscles in which the axis of the calcaneus becomes vertically oriented") [5][6]. The Achilles tendon is the most powerful tendon in the human body, with a load bearing capacity up to one tonne. Ruptures of the tendon are typically associated with prior damage. Specifically, microtrauma to the tendon disrupts its vascular supply, decreasing the overall strength of the tendon. The Achilles tendon is supplied relatively poorly ~3-5 cm proximal to it's insertion onto the calcaneus, making this region more vulnerable [5]. The region about 3 to 5 centimeters proximal to the tendon insertion is particularly vulnerable as it is relatively poorly supplied already. In adolescents, rupture of the Achilles tendon is often accompanied with a fracture of the calcaneus bone [5]. Gastrocnemius - Physiopedia Description Gastrocnemius The gastrocnemius muscle is a complex muscle that is fundamental for walking and posture[1]. Gastrocnemius forms the major bulk at the back of lower leg and is a very powerful muscle. It is a two joint or biarticular muscle and has two heads and runs from back of knee to the heel. The definitive shape of the calf is as a result of the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius, which are situated at the posterior, upper half of the lower leg. With the soleus and plantaris, they form a composite muscle called the triceps surae. The two heads of the muscle form the lower boundaries of the popliteal fossa.[2]The gastrocnemius muscle is superficial, can be easily seen and can be touched on the back of your lower leg.[3] Anatomy[edit | edit source] Origin[edit | edit source] Popliteal Fossa The two heads are located from the medial and lateral condyles of the femur. The medial head from behind the medial supercondylar ridge and the adductor tubercle on the popliteal surface of the femur. The lateral head from the outer aspect of the lateral condyle of the femur, just superior and posterior the lateral epicondyle.The fabella is an accessory ossicle most always found in the lateral head of the gastrocnemius.[4] Both heads have attachments from the knee joint capsule and from the oblique popliteal ligament.[2] Insertion[edit | edit source] Achilles Tendon The bulk of the gastrocnemius muscle from each of the heads come together and insert into the posterior surface of a broad membranous tendon. It then fuses with the soleus tendon to form the upper part of tendocalcaneus. This broad tendon then narrows until it reaches the the calcaneous where it expands again for its insertion on the middle part of the posterior surface of the calcaneus.[2] Nerve supply[edit | edit source] Both heads of the gastrocnemius is supplied by the tibial nerve (S1 and 2). Cutaneous supply is mainly provided by L4, 5 and S2.[2] Function[edit | edit source] The gastrocnemius with the soleus, is the main plantarflexor of the ankle joint. The muscle is also a powerful knee flexor. It is not able to exert full power at both joints simultaneously, for example when the knee is flexed, gastrocnemius is unable to generate as much force at the ankle. The opposite is true when the ankle is flexed. When running, walking or jumping the gastrocnemius provides a significant amount of propulsive force. Consider the amount of force required to propel the body into the air, triceps surae can generate a lot of force. [2] The gastrocnemius muscle tension has many fascial connections, and this tension is transmitted not only to the foot but to the knee, hip, and lumbar area. A shortened gastrocnemius muscle could cause dysfunctions to the physiological movements of the hip, decreasing its anteversion (inward rotation of the femur). The fascial system plays a fundamental role in the transmission of the force produced by the contraction of the contractile component of the muscle.[1] Image: Gastrocnemius (highlighted in green) - posterior view[5] Assessment[edit | edit source] Palpation[edit | edit source] At the posterior aspect of the knee joint, the two large muscle bellies of gastrocnemius can be felt on either side of the upper portion of the calf. The medial head is projects higher and is lower than the lateral. Both can be felt joining the tendinous junction. Further down the calf is the flattened tendocalcaneus which can be palpated to its insertional attachment at the posterior surface of the calcaneus.[2] Power[edit | edit source] Ankle plantarflexion in long-sitting (consider that gastrocnemius works against full body on a daily basis). Double/single leg calf raise Straight leg jump Functional tasks (steps, etc.) Length[edit | edit source] Passive dorsiflexion Body-weight lunge, measure the straight back leg. Treatment[edit | edit source] Weakness[edit | edit source] Non-weight bearing and basic weight bearing exercises such as theraband exercises, double and single leg calf raises. Weight-bearing exercises and gradually progresses stability exercises by (i) increasing load (ii) increasing the repetitions (iii) varying surface, for example introducing a wobble board Sport-specific movement patterns such as running, jumping, and bounding. Stretching Exercises[edit | edit source] In order to get effective gastrocnemius stretch, the knee must be in extension while the ankle is dorsiflexed. Patient position and procedure[edit | edit source] Long-sitting (knees extended) or with the knees partially flexed. Instruct the patient to strongly dorsiflex the feet, attempting to keep the toes relaxed. Patient position and procedure[edit | edit source] Long-sitting and with a towel or belt looped under the forefoot. Instruct the patient to pull with equal force on both ends of the towel to move the foot into dorsiflexion Patient position and procedure[edit | edit source] Standing. Instruct the patient to stride forward with one foot, keeping the heel of the back foot flat on the floor (the back foot is the one being stretched). Have the patient brace his or her hands against a wall if necessary. To provide stability to the foot, the patient partially rotates the back leg inward so the foot assumes a supinated position and locks the joints. The patient then shifts body weight forward onto the front foot. To stretch the gastrocnemius muscle, the knee of the back leg is kept extended. (To stretch the soleus, the knee of the back leg is flexed.) [6] Patient position and procedure[edit | edit source] Patient must be standing on an inclined board with feet pointing upward and heels downward. Greater stretch occurs if the patient leans forward. Because the body weight is on the heels, there is little stretch on the long arches of the feet. Precaution must be followed when a patient uses weight-bearing exercises to stretch the plantarflexor muscles, shoes with arch supports should be worn or a folded washcloth placed under the medial border of the foot to minimize the stress to the arches of the foot.[7] Trigger Points[edit | edit source] The gastrocnemius may contain up to four trigger points. The two medial trigger points lie in the medial head of the gastrocnemius, with the upper trigger point found just below the crease of the knee, and the lower trigger point an inch or two below it. The two lateral trigger points in the lateral head mirror the positioning of the medial trigger points, except that they lie slightly more distal (towards the foot) by about a half-inch.[8] Resourses[edit | edit source] See also[edit | edit source] Achilles rupture Achilles tendinopathy Achilles tendon Baker's cyst Calcaneal fracture Calf strain Deep vein thrombosis Fabella syndrome Thompson test Soleus Achilles Tendon - Physiopedia Anatomy The Achilles (calcaneal) tendon is a common tendon shared between the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of the posterior leg. It connects the two muscle groups (collectively, triceps surae) to the calcaneus. Generally, the tendon winds 90 degrees on its path towards the heel, such that the gastrocnemius attaches laterally and the soleus attaches medially.[1] It is the thickest tendon in the human body and has the capacity to withstand large tensile forces.[2] A subcutaneous calcaneal bursa permits movement of the skin over the flexed tendon. A deep bursa of the Achilles tendon reduces friction to allow free movement of the tendon over the bone.[1] Attachments[edit | edit source] The tendon provides a distal attachment site for the gastrocnemius (lateral and medial heads) as well as the soleus muscles. It inserts onto the posterior surface of the calcaneus (heel bone). The plantaris tendon also fuses with the medial side of the Achilles tendon proximal to its attachment site.[3] Function[edit | edit source] Through the action of the triceps surae, which raises the heel and lowers the forefoot, the Achilles tendon is involved in plantar flexion of the foot (approximately 93% of the plantar flexion force).[1] The contraction of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles result in a translational force through the Achilles tendon that results in plantar flexion of the foot. This action is very significant in human locomotion and propulsion responsible for actions such as walking, running and even jumping.[2][4] Also, these motions exert the greatest load on the Achilles tendon, with tensile loads up to about ten times the body's weight. The anatomy of the tendon provides for both elasticity (recoil) and shock-absorbance in the foot.[1] It is the largest and strongest tendon in the human body and is capable of supporting tensional forces produced by movement of the lower limb.[5] Blood Supply[edit | edit source] The Achilles tendon has its blood supply from longitudinal arteries which course the length of the tendon from two main blood vessels[6]: Posterior tibial artery: Which supplies the proximal and distal sections. Peroneal artery: Which supply the middle section. The tendon has a generally poor blood supply throughout its length, as measured by the number of vessels per cross-sectional area.[2] In addition, a relative region of hypovascularity exists in its midsection which usually happens to be the site around which most injuries occur. This has been attributed as a contributing factor to diminished healing after trauma.[2] Overall, the tendon has a relatively poor blood supply throughout its length, as measured by vessels per cross-sectional area. Also, there is a relatively hypovascular area in the midsection, which correlates to the location of many injuries: the area approximately 2 to 6 cm from the tendon's insertion point. Some have also suggested that poor vascularity contributes to diminished healing after trauma. Blood supply to the tendon also diminishes with age. Innervation[edit | edit source] The Achilles tendon is innervated by nerves of the muscles from which it is formed and cutaneous nerves. the sural nerve particularly plays a major role in its innervation with a smaller supply from the tibial nerve.[7] The nerve endings form a longitudinal plexus which supplies afferent fibres in the great majority of the tendon. [8] The afferent receptors are largely located close to the osteotendinous junction and have all four types of receptors which are the type I, II, III, IV receptors (Ruffini corpuscle pressure receptors, Vater-Paccinian corpuscle sensitive to movement, Golgi tendons mechanoreceptors and free nerve endings that serve as pain receptors). [7] Pathology/Injury[edit | edit source] The Achilles tendon is susceptible to damage with repetitive use or overload. These types of injuries typically occur in athletes and are usually sports or exercise-related.[5] The most common types of injuries are due to overuse and Achilles Tendon disorders, of which 55%-65% are diagnosed as Achilles Tendinopathy. Insertional issues (Retrocalcaneal Bursitis and Insertional Tendinopathy) account for 25%-35% of cases, with the remaining diagnosed as partial tears or undiagnosed complete ruptures.[5] Complete Rupture of the Achilles Tendon has been estimated to occur at a rate of 5.5 to 9.9 per 100,000 in North America and between 6 to 18 per 100,000 in Europe.[9] Roughly 60-75% of ruptures take place in sporting activities, including basketball and soccer.[5] Clinical Examination[edit | edit source] Palpation[edit | edit source] The foot is plantar flexed against resistance or gravity (body weight) while observing the posterior leg. Examination[edit | edit source] Achilles Tendinopathy[edit | edit source] Palpation and physical examination [10] The VISA-A is a self-administered questionnaire that evaluates symptoms and their effect on physical activity for patients with chronic Achilles tendinopathy. Achilles Rupture[edit | edit source] The Matles Test is a visual diagnostic test for suspected Achilles Tendon Rupture. [11] The Thompson Test is used to identify the presence of a complete Achilles Tendon Rupture and is performed by squeezing the calf. [12] Physiotherapeutic Techniques[edit | edit source] Achilles Tendinopathy[edit | edit source] A summary of treatment interventions for Achilles Tendinopathy can be found in the Achilles Tendinopathy Toolkit. Achilles Rupture[edit | edit source] Optimal treatment of acute Achilles Rupture is a highly contested topic[13], but can be broken down into: Open Operative Percutaneous Operative Nonoperative Types.[5] If a physician advocates for a non-surgical approach, the foot is typically placed in a cast or splint, such that it is held in plantar flexion. This treatment can be combined with early physiotherapy.[14] More recently, evidence-based guidelines for managing Achilles Tendon Rupture have been released by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS). None of the recommendations have a grading of "strong", but consensus recommendations based on expert opinion advocate the need for a detailed patient history and physical examination in diagnosis.[9][13] The group also recommends a more cautious approach in operative treatment for certain patients, including those with diabetes and/or neuropathy, aged 65 or older, who are obese or who have sedentary lifestyles, who are immuno-compromized, and who use tobacco.[9] The only recommendations rated as "moderate" in strength (fair quality evidence) were specifically for post-operative interventions. These were the suggestions for: Protective weight bearing and Use of a protective device that allows mobilization 2-4 weeks post-operatively.[13][9] A review on the topic advocates for educating patients on the potential risks and benefits of each type of treatment, including operative and nonoperative types.[13] Healing[edit | edit source] A meta-analysis of randomized trials of Achilles tendon rupture repair has suggested that a nonoperative approach, in which plantar flexion is used to produce tendon apposition, can allow adequate healing. Functional bracing and modified postoperative mobilization, including daily active plantar flexion exercises, may stimulate tendon healing and reduce the potential rate of re-rupture.[14] Resources[edit | edit source] A review of the literature to evaluate the efficacy of conservative eccentric exercise for Achilles tendinopathy. AAOS Guideline and Evidence Report: The Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture (2009) Plantaris - Physiopedia Description Plantaris muscle isolated during dissection The Plantaris muscle is a small muscle with a short belly and long slender tendon that is located at the posterior compartment of the leg and along with the Gastrocnemius and Soleus muscles, forms the Triceps Surae. The long, thin tendon of plantaris is nicknamed the freshman's nerve, as it is often mistaken for a nerve by first-year medical students during dissection[1]. This muscle is believed to be an accessory muscle and only vestigial in humans, and that it might be absent in 7 to 20% of individuals[2]. Anatomy[edit | edit source] Origin[edit | edit source] It originates from the lower part of the lateral supracondylar line of the femur and from the oblique popliteal ligament of the knee joint and the muscle belly crosses the popliteal fossa inferomedially. In the proximal third of the leg, the muscle belly is situated between the popliteus muscle anteriorly and the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle posteriorly. Its long slender tendon courses distally between the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle and the soleus muscle in the middle third of the leg. Insertion[edit | edit source] The muscle inserts medially, in association with the Achilles tendon on the calcaneus, or independently on calcaneus. Nerve[edit | edit source] Neural innervation of the plantaris muscle is provided by the tibial nerve (S1, S2). Artery[edit | edit source] Blood supply to the plantaris muscle is from the popliteal artery. Function[edit | edit source] In terms of function, the plantaris muscle acts with the gastrocnemius but is insignificant as either a flexor of the knee, or a plantar flexor of the ankle. It has been considered to be an organ of proprioceptive function for the larger, more powerful plantar flexors, as it contains a high density of muscle spindles[3]. Primary Actions of the Plantaris[edit | edit source] 1. The plantaris muscle is not a prime mover and does not have a primary action but assists with the actions of other muscles at the knee and ankle joints. Secondary Actions of the Plantaris:[edit | edit source] 1. Assists with flexion of the knee Agonists: Biceps Femoris Semitendinosus Semimembranosus Antagonists: Vastus Lateralis Vastus Medialis Vastus Intermedius Rectus Femoris 2. Assists with plantarflexion of the foot at the ankle Agonists: Gastrocnemius Soleus Antagonists: Tibialis Anterior Clinical relevance[edit | edit source] Even though it is a largely unremarkable muscle, the plantaris tendon is clinically significant because of its potential use as a graft due to its length and tensile strength. Removal of the plantaris muscle does not typically hinder the patient’s lower extremity function in the presence of a normal soleus and gastrocnemius[3]. Also, pathology of the plantaris muscle and tendon is an important differential diagnosis for calf strains and any pain arising from the proximal posterior aspect of the leg. Assessment[edit | edit source] Palpation of the muscle belly is possible in the popliteal fossa as well as along the medial aspect of the common tendon of the triceps surae group. With the patient prone and the leg flexed to approximately 90 degrees, the distal hand of the practitioner covers the heel while the forearm is applied against the plantar aspect of the foot, allowing a simultaneous resistance to plantarflexion of the foot and flexion of the knee. The muscle is palpated in the popliteal fossa, medial and superior to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle[4]. Management[edit | edit source] Acute phase of healing[edit | edit source] Immediate management should involve the RICE principles Rest Ice Compression Evaluation Research suggests, depending on the extent of the injury, the period of immobilization should be as short as 1 to 3 days, and positioned in a neutral or slightly lengthen position[5]. Sub-acute phase of healing[edit | edit source] Following immobilization, progressive passive, active, and resisted movements may commence within the pain limits. Manual therapy such as soft tissue mobilization, myofascial release and/ or active release techniques can also be initiated in this phase of healing. Manual therapy is essential for optimal collagen fibre growth and realignment. Progressive strengthening is also important in this phase and should be approached according to the isometric, isotonic and isokinetic exercise principles and within the individual's pain limits[5]. Sub-acute to chronic phase of healing[edit | edit source] Progressive strengthening and ROM exercise continue in this phase, however, proprioceptive, balance and sport-specific rehabilitation can also be initiated in this phase[5]. Resources[edit | edit source] [6] [7] See Also[edit | edit source] Gastrocnemius Soleus Calf Strain References Fukunaga T, Roy RR, Shellock FG, Hodgson JA, Day MK, Lee PL, et al. Physiological cross-sectional area of human leg muscles based on magnetic resonance imaging. J Orthop Res. 1992;10(6):928–34. Nardone A, Romanò C, Schieppati M. Selective recruitment of high-threshold human motor units during voluntary isotonic lengthening of active muscles. J Physiol. 1989;409(1):451–71. Ariano MA, Armstrong RB, Edgerton VR. Hindlimb muscle fiber populations of five mammals. J Histochem Cytochem. 1973;21(1):51–5. Burke RE, Levine DN, Salcman M, Tsairis P. Motor units in cat soleus muscle: physiological, histochemical and morphological characteristics. J Physiol. 1974;238(3):503–14. Gollnick PD, Sjödin B, Karlsson J, Jansson E, Saltin B. Human soleus muscle: a comparison of fiber composition and enzyme activities with other leg muscles. Pflugers Arch. 1974;348(3):247–55. Sookur PA, Naraghi AM, Bleakney RR, Jalan R, Chan O, White LM. Accessory muscles: anatomy, symptoms and radiology evaluation. Radiographics. 2008;28(2):481-99. Romanus B, Lindahl S, Sterner B. Accessory soleus muscle. A clinical and radiographic presentation of eleven cases. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1986; 68(5):731-4. Salomão O, Carvalho Junior AE, Fernandes TD, Romano D, Adachi PP, Sampaio Neto R. Músculo solear acessório: aspectos clínicos e achados cirúrgicos. Rev Bras Ortop. 1994;29(4):251-5. Leswick DA, Chow V, Stoneham GW. Resident's corner. Can Assoc Radiol J. 2003;54(5):313-5. Featherstone T. MRI diagnosis of accessory soleus muscle strain. Br J Sports Med. 1995;29(4):277-8. Doda N, Peh WC, Chawla A. Symptomatic accessory soleus muscle: diagnosis and follow-up on magnetic resonance imaging. Br J Radiol. 2006;79(946):e129-32. Del Nero FB, Ruiz CR, Aliaga Junior R. The presence of accessory soleous muscle in humans. Einstein (Sao Paulo). 2012;10(1):79–81. Pizzari T. The risks, epidemiology and return to play of calf muscle strain injuries [Internet]. 2021 Mar. Available from: urtehave_com. Rupture of the soleus muscle - Sportnetdoc [Internet]. 2011 [cited 2013 Aug 31]. Available from: Get Top Tips Tuesday and The Latest Physiopedia updates Email Address Enter your email address Our Partners World PhysiotherapyICRCClinically RelevantHumanity and InclusionHealth Volunteers Overseas The content on or accessible through Physiopedia is for informational purposes only. Physiopedia is not a substitute for professional advice or expert medical services from a qualified healthcare provider. 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The triceps surae connects to the Achilles tendon. A muscle strain can happen to any of the three muscle units. triceps-surae The triceps surae, muscles located at the calf. What is the Soleus Muscle? Your calves are actually made of 2 different muscles: (1) your gastrocnemius (medial and lateral heads) and (2) your soleus. Both are powerful muscles responsible for plantar flexion (pointing your toe or standing on your tiptoes) and are vital muscles in walking, running, and keeping balance. The gastrocnemius is your larger calf muscle, forming the bulge that is visible beneath your skin. The gastrocnemius has two parts or “heads,” which combined together create its diamond shape. The soleus is your smaller, flat muscle that is often overlooked because it’s hiding underneath your gastrocnemius muscle. The name is derived from the Latin word “solea”, meaning “sandal”. The soleus runs from just below your knee down to the ankle joint, attaching at the top of the tibia and fibula leg bones (at your knee) and inserting at the achilles tendon (by your heel). Consisting predominantly of slow twitch muscle fibres that make it relatively resistant to fatigue, it is still occasionally used for explosive movements as well. A soleus muscle injury is more frequent in older athletes and often underestimated. Soleus injuries are common for runners. Fatigue and overtraining are common injuries especially for long-distance runners. Soleus strain is also common to athletes who sprint including tennis and basketball players and other sports that require quick, sudden movements and jumping. Athletes are usually encouraged to do calf raise type exercises to prevent and minimize soleus injury. There are three muscles in the posterior compartment of the leg which originates from the soleal line. The soleal line can be seen at the posterior surface of the tibia and tibial nerve. The most common muscle in the ankle is called accessory soleus muscle. The human anatomy shows that accessory soleus muscle develops at the medial border of soleus muscle and Achilles tendon. anatomy of the soleus muscle The anatomy of the soleus muscle, the soleus is hidden under the larger gastrocnemius illustration of accessory soleus muscle The accessory soleus muscle, located at the medial border of the soleus muscle and achilles tendon. Why is it important for runners? Did you know when you are running, your body has to support a load that is 3-8x your bodyweight? This is a lot of force exerted on those muscles. The calf muscles play a very important part to running and walking. The plantaris muscle belongs to the posterior compartment of the calf muscles. The soleus muscle flexes the foot so that the toes point downwards; this is also known as plantar flexion. The soleus plays an important role in maintaining standing posture, making sure your body doesn’t fall forward. The deeper soleus muscle may not have the sprinting power that the outer calf (Gastrocnemius) has; but, these slow-twitch muscle fibres highlight its importance in long distance running. The soleus bears a lot of load during running, much more than the larger gastrocnemius muscle. Furthermore, the soleus is also often called the skeletal-muscle pump because it, along with the help of other calf muscles, pumps deoxygenated blood back from your legs to your heart. For runners, the soleus: propels us forward during running and walking bears most of the load from running is very resistant to fatigue soleus muscle Why do my calf muscles get tight after running? The commonly referred to calf muscles are responsible for forward propulsion movement of the lower extremity below the knee. The largest tendon in the body which is the Achilles tendon or calcaneal tendon connects the calf muscles down to the heel bone. This allows a person to stand, walk or run through a plantar flexor. As we mentioned before, the soleus muscle absorbs loads that are much, much greater than your body weight each time you take a step while running. So why does your calf always feel so tight? If the soleus muscle fiber is not strong enough for the job, which gets increasingly harder the more running you do, the muscle is going to fatigue and strains of the gastrocnemius muscle, causing the protective tone that you feel as a lot of stiffness and soreness. So how do you fix it? Do some strengthening exercises such as a knee bent calf raise. A stronger soleus will be able to handle the tensile forces placed on it. The peroneal artery supplies blood to the lateral compartment of the lower leg. The peroneal vein joins the posterior tibial vein. If a blood clot forms in the deep vein or deep vein thrombosis happens it results in cramping and leg pain. Also, red and discoloured skin may appear. Experts also stated that deep vein thrombosis and strains of the gastrocnemius have similar risk factors. Blood clots are extremely dangerous and if you suspect that you may have one, seek medical advice (hospital emergency department) immediately. illustration of peroneal artery Specialists also further discussed that the ankle dorsiflexion and inversion of our foot are facilitated by the tibialis anterior muscle. During physical activity and exercise, the blood flow increases which swells the muscles and thus causes pain. On the other hand, the tibialis posterior muscle is the primary stabilizer of the lower leg. It also assists in the ankle plantar flexion (pointing your toe). Its key role supports the medial arch of our feet (the arch of your foot). If dysfunction occurs, it may lead to flat feet and foot pain in adults. How Do I Make Mine Stronger? A strong, powerful muscle can only be achieved when you engage strength training for resistance exercises aside from cardiovascular exercises such as running. This is also known as progressive overload. Heel-raise or calf raise training with the knee bent is an effective muscle strengthening method for the soleus. You can employ double-leg calf raises and single leg calf raises. The best way to activate your soleus involves plantar flexion or pointing your toes downward, while your knees are in a bent (preferably at or around 90 degrees) position. Bent knees during heel raises target the soleus. If you do not bend your knees, the larger more powerful gastrocnemius muscle will be activated. For some great exercises to target your soleus as well as how to stretch your tight soleus, be sure to check out the following videos! How do you know if your calf muscles are tight or just weak? Having a trained professional assess your range of motion and strength is a good way to determine the health of your calf muscles whether they are tight or weak. This can be done by a registered physiotherapist. A registered physical therapist can assess other potential causes of calf or foot pain from running or other movements. Here at Westcoast SCI, we offer individualized running assessments with our registered physiotherapists who are running specialists and they will help you improve your running form and prevent injuries. WestcoastSCI Vancouver physiotherapy also has its professionals who can assist runners in running assessments and in improving running gait, biomecanics, shed time of your races or even simply teach you how to run more safely, efficiently and effectively while decreasing the likelihood of injury. Individualized Running Assessment Are you an elite runner? Or taking up running for the first time? Find the best version of you by visiting Westcoast SCI and take advantage of our time-tested service for runners. We offer an extensive running assessment which will thoroughly evaluate your gait, running style and biomechanics. The comprehensive running assessment includes one-on-one interviews to get the total picture of your running history including past injuries, lower extremity evaluation, self-selected pace treadmill evaluation and goal setting. The goal of a running assessment is to evaluate your running technique and identify muscular imbalances and areas of your running form that can be corrected in order to improve your running performance and most especially to prevent injuries, particularly in the foot, ankle, knees, hips and back. The initial assessment is broken into four stages namely: 1) Running history which is the gathering of information about your footwear, running distance and evaluation of your entire body. 2) Running analysis which is the checking of your cadence, stride Anatomy Of The Soleus Muscle - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim nabil ebraheim 1.07M subscribers Subscribe 1K Share 128K views 7 years ago Lower Limb/ Anatomy Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes the anatomy of the soleus muscle. The soleus is a muscle located beneath the gastrocnemius muscle in the superficial posterio … 29 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Felix Lopez Felix Lopez 6 years ago Excellent video. Thank you Doctor. Very helpful for us "master athletes" who've been playing sports for many years. 3 Reply Neuro Neuro 1 year ago I love you Dr. Ebraheim! Your videos make things so clear for me better than anyone else! Reply, san diego, san diego 1 month ago excellent as always. i do dry needling and acupuncture; always good to review this antatomy Reply med4kmd med4kmd 7 years ago Another excellent video, dr. However, I'd like to make a comment. More & more there is discussion in medical circles of tendonitis vs tendonosis. My understanding is that tendonosis results from degeneration of collagen over time from chronic (mis)use. Tendonitis on the other hand, is inflammation that results from an acute overload of the tendon, resulting in micro-tears of the tissue, which had undergone too much tensile strength too quickly. Often, what is commonly diagnosed as tendonitis is actually tendonosis. Understanding these differences and applying them to treatment can help to avoid secondary complications. For example, recognizing tendonosis may help to avoid prolonged or higher doses of NSAID's which tend to have gastric and renal side effects. Also, in recognizing a collagen issue problem over inflammation allows for a more proper treatment methodology, which at present demands proper time and alignment of tissues for proper collagen regeneration. This of course, assumes the patient doesn't already have another collagen issue, such as Ehlers -Danlos syndrome, which until recently appears to have been a significantly underdiagnosed issue. Nevertheless, I really appreciate the simplicity of your videos which brings much clarity of difficult topics to many people. 3 Reply 1 reply Phanes Erichthoneus Phanes Erichthoneus 4 years ago That was very informative. And I love the variation in the music. Thank you. 3 Reply Jessica Martinez Jessica Martinez 7 years ago your videos are very educational. 4 Reply Geo Jor Geo Jor 7 years ago terrific graphics, thank you for sharing your great medical knowledge... 16 Reply Nelly Hoffman Nelly Hoffman 6 years ago Thank you our doctor ! 1 Reply SneakySteevy SneakySteevy 2 years ago I have more dorsiflexion with straight knee than flexed knee. What does it means? 2 Reply Lamees Awwad Lamees Awwad 7 years ago Thank you so much, Doctor 1 Reply D D 8 months ago great video thank you so much Reply Didi Itung Didi Itung 6 years ago very helpful thankyou doc.. 2 Reply Александр Пушкин Александр Пушкин 5 years ago Thank u so much for this 2 Reply HowlingMoonCinemas HowlingMoonCinemas 5 years ago Watching that tendon snap apart like that... What a horrifying experience that would be for an athlete or for anyone. 2 Reply Han Ji Han Ji 3 years ago Have anyone seen bowed calves(not legs) my calves are very skinny compared to my knees and there is like curve in my knee joint Reply dr. a sharma dr. a sharma 5 years ago sir i like ur all videos 2 Reply Munnira Banu Munnira Banu 1 year ago My child had this problem doctor Reply Md Rabby Md Rabby 10 months ago Sir i have muscle injury last 3 i cant walk properly.... I am from Bangladesh. I want treatment from u.i want ur address Reply Ace Hardy Ace Hardy 3 years ago 🏋🏽‍♀️🔥 Reply Sultan Salllo Sultan Salllo 2 years ago No arabic version:(( ? Reply beau jeff beau jeff 2 years ago thank you Reply abbas seven abbas seven 7 years ago thank you doctor, but I prefer you to talk in your videos. 4 Reply Orthodox Tewahdo Orthodox Tewahdo 4 years ago the animation is excellent but try to talk Reply TURN-N-BURN TURN-N-BURN 2 months ago Too fast transition from one to the next. Just FYI for future videos. Reply indaystocome indaystocome 1 year ago why don't you read this out? not everyone can read. Reply Orthodox Tewahdo Orthodox Tewahdo 4 years ago please say some thing it was good if you say some thing Science. 2022 Sep 16; 25(9): 104869. Published online 2022 Aug 5. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104869 PMCID: PMC9404652 PMID: 36034224 A potent physiological method to magnify and sustain soleus oxidative metabolism improves glucose and lipid regulation Marc T. Hamilton,1,2,3,∗ Deborah G. Hamilton,1 and Theodore W. Zderic1 Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer Associated Data Supplementary Materials Data Availability Statement Go to: Summary Slow oxidative muscle, most notably the soleus, is inherently well equipped with the molecular machinery for regulating blood-borne substrates. However, the entire human musculature accounts for only ∼15% of the body’s oxidative metabolism of glucose at the resting energy expenditure, despite being the body’s largest lean tissue mass. We found the human soleus muscle could raise local oxidative metabolism to high levels for hours without fatigue, during a type of soleus-dominant activity while sitting, even in unfit volunteers. Muscle biopsies revealed there was minimal glycogen use. Magnifying the otherwise negligible local energy expenditure with isolated contractions improved systemic VLDL-triglyceride and glucose homeostasis by a large magnitude, e.g., 52% less postprandial glucose excursion (∼50 mg/dL less between ∼1 and 2 h) with 60% less hyperinsulinemia. Targeting a small oxidative muscle mass (∼1% body mass) with local contractile activity is a potent method for improving systemic metabolic regulation while prolonging the benefits of oxidative metabolism. Subject area: Health sciences, Physiology, Human metabolism Go to: Graphical abstract An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is fx1.jpg Hamilton, MT. et al. (2022) iScience. A potent physiological method to magnify and sustain soleus oxidative metabolism improves glucose and lipid regulation Go to: Introduction
By ∼2010 over half of American adults and 80% of those >65 years old had either prediabetes or diabetes (Menke et al., 2015; Xia et al., 2022). There is also currently a high prevalence of prolonged sitting between 9 and 11 h/day (Craft et al., 2012; Healy et al., 2015; Matthews et al., 2018; van der Berg et al., 2016) at a low metabolic rate during seated behaviors (Newton et al., 2013), especially in people who are at high risk for age-associated metabolic diseases such as metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes (van der Berg et al., 2016). Even in nondiabetics, postprandial glucose concentration in the 60–120 min range of an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) has often been described as one of the strongest independent metabolic risk factors for chronic disease because of linkages to Alzheimer disease (Kakehi et al., 2018; Ohara et al., 2011), neuropathies (Buysschaert et al., 2015; Papanas et al., 2011), dyslipidemia (DeFronzo and Abdul-Ghani, 2011; Festa et al., 2004), and cardiovascular conditions (DeFronzo and Abdul-Ghani, 2011; Succurro et al., 2009). Of concern, glucose tolerance is relatively difficult to improve by a meaningful amount during most therapies, including after substantial amounts of weight loss or exercise (Jansen et al., 2022; King et al., 1995; Knudsen et al., 2014; Magkos et al., 2016; Rose et al., 2001; Ross et al., 2000, 2015; Slentz et al., 2016). There is no doubt that inactive muscle fibers require little energy (Dela et al., 2019; Kelley et al., 1994; Rolfe and Brown, 1997) and that the whole-body oxidative metabolism is low throughout many hours of the day when sitting with inactive muscles (Newton et al., 2013); this may be one of the most fundamental yet overlooked issues guiding the way toward discovering metabolic solutions to assist in preventing some age-associated chronic diseases. During periods of inactivity, skeletal muscle accounts for only ∼15% of the whole-body postprandial glucose oxidation in nondiabetic controls of similar age and BMI as in the present studies (Kelley et al., 1994), despite being the body’s largest lean tissue mass (∼21–31 kg in women and men) (Heymsfield et al., 2022). Consistent with this, multiple studies using the arteriovenous balance method of the lower limb have calculated that the oxygen consumption (VO2) of inactive muscle is ∼1–2 mL/min/kg Dela et al. (2019); Kelley et al. (1994); (Rolfe and Brown, 1997). Therefore, during acute inactivity, the muscle-mass-specific VO2 (in units of mL/min/kg muscle) is even less than the modest value of ∼3.0–3.5 mL/min/kg body weight for the basal metabolic rate lying down or during prolonged sitting throughout the day in a whole room calorimeter (Newton et al., 2013). Thus, contrary to a common notion, even though skeletal muscle is the body’s largest lean tissue mass, it is unlikely the dominant contributor to the oxidative metabolism of either glucose or lipids when sitting at resting energy expenditure. The prevailing perspective (mostly from epidemiology) has been that there is a whole-body metabolic rate threshold that must be exceeded to induce a robust gain in metabolic health responses. Furthermore, the specific muscles recruited and types of contractile activity have largely been disregarded in human research. Taking a step back, we took a more physiological perspective in the current experiments. Herein, we tested the direct and immediate effects of sustaining a high duration of elevated oxidative muscle metabolism when sitting. We used 2 guiding principles in our approach. First and foremost, as described earlier, the energy demand is minimal in resting muscle fibers. Therefore, mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation is capped at a relatively low ceiling during inactivity (Dela et al., 2019; Kelley et al., 1994; Rolfe and Brown, 1997). Related to this, the elevated energy demands and fuel requirements for carbohydrate oxidation quickly come to an end when an exercise bout ends (Horton et al., 1998; Wasserman et al., 1991). For these reasons, there is a need for understanding the biochemical effects of sustaining an elevated rate of oxidative metabolism by skeletal muscle, but with a subtle rate of whole-body energy expenditure. Second, slow oxidative muscle has multiple intrinsic molecular and phenotypic features favoring specialization in prolonged contractile activity, in part because of the capacity for using more blood-borne fuels and hypothetically less glycogen in some physiological conditions; this is supported by animal (Bey and Hamilton, 2003; Cartee et al., 2016; Deshmukh et al., 2021; Halseth et al., 1998; James et al., 1985; Mackie et al., 1980; McDonough et al., 2005; Terry et al., 2018) and human (Deshmukh et al., 2021; Gollnick et al., 1974a, 1974b; Jensen et al., 2012; Johnson et al., 1973; Murgia et al., 2021) studies that have long described the heterogeneous qualities between different fiber types within a muscle and between different muscles. The soleus has a greater predominance of slow-oxidative fibers (∼88% of the soleus mass is type I slow-twitch fibers) than 36 other human muscles that have also been fiber typed (Johnson et al., 1973). The soleus is a slow-twitch postural muscle that has motor neurons and other features favoring a lower threshold of effort needed to recruit it for more time and intensity than other limb muscles (Hodgson et al., 2005; Monster et al., 1978). Compared with other leg muscles, highly controlled studies in rodents have found the soleus has a phenotype favoring more uptake of both plasma TG (Bey and Hamilton, 2003; Mackie et al., 1980) and blood glucose (Halseth et al., 1998; James et al., 1985). It has distinctive vascular features enhancing delivery of blood-borne fuels and oxygen (McDonough et al., 2005), relatively high levels of hexokinase II and GLUT4 (Jensen et al., 2012), and a relatively low concentration of glycolytic enzymes and glycogen phosphorylase (Gollnick et al., 1974a, 1974b). However, walking can cause rapid rates of glycogen depletion in the soleus as in other muscles (Jensen et al., 2012). Therefore, it is far from certain whether there is an effective physiological approach to capitalize on the phenotype of this slow oxidative muscle to improve systemic lipid and glucose metabolism. The scientific challenges and potential impact of developing a method for raising oxidative metabolism locally by a small tissue is perhaps best understood in light of the already much more established scientific interest (Chen et al., 2020) in activating another small tissue with an oxidative phenotype, brown adipose tissue (BAT). The soleus (Bey and Hamilton, 2003; Halseth et al., 1998; James et al., 1985; Jensen et al., 2012; Mackie et al., 1980; Petersen et al., 2003; Song et al., 1999) and BAT (Chondronikola et al., 2014; McNeill et al., 2020) are both tissues making up too small a percentage of total body mass to alter energy expenditure unless methods are developed to cause an intense local metabolic activation. Yet under some conditions, both might possibly be equipped with a phenotype favoring exceptional metabolic rates over prolonged periods of time. The specific questions we posed are analogous to the hurdles already faced in BAT research; how can people consistently activate tissue specific oxidative metabolism at a meaningful rate to increase whole-body oxygen consumption and then sustain it for hours at a time? Even if methods were developed to make that possible, would raising the local metabolic rate by a small mass of tissue be sufficient to impact systemic metabolic parameters as complex as very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)-TG concentration and postprandial glucose tolerance? This work was part of an effort to develop a method of muscular contractile activity specifically geared for sustaining the possible distinct benefits of oxidative metabolism for prolonged periods, instead of sitting with inactive muscle at a low metabolic rate. The present experiments were designed to test the potential physiological influence of the human soleus muscle during hours of prolonged contractile activity. Go to: Results Overview of participants and experimental approach to raise muscle metabolism As outlined below and described in more detail in the STAR Methods and supplemental information, participants included an equal number of male and female volunteers with a wide range of BMI, age, sedentary time, and habitual daily steps (Table S1). With regard to free-living sedentary time and activity profiling (Table S1), the volunteers were representative of the populations we and others studied with objective wearable tracking devices (Barreira et al., 2016; Matthews et al., 2018; van der Berg et al., 2016). Free-living activity assessment showed an average of 10.7 ± 2.1 h/day sitting time (mean ± SD) with a range of 6–14 h/day. These studies focused on understanding the responses from local contractile activity of slow oxidative muscle when the total energy expenditure was relatively close to resting metabolic rate (∼0.5–1.5 kcals/min above rest, or ∼1.3–2.0 metabolic equivalents [METs, 1 MET = 3.5 mL oxygen/kg/min]; Figure S1 and Tables 1 and ​and2).2). This was accomplished by developing and testing a special type of isolated plantarflexion activity targeting the soleus when sitting (Figure S2), to increase the oxygen consumption from local contractile activity as described in the STAR Methods and supplemental information (Figures S3 and S4). For clarity and brevity, we use the term SPU, or “soleus push up,” for this specific type of plantarflexion because the relatively high soleus electromyography (EMG) on-time (i.e., soleus activation) coincided with upward angular motion of the ankle (Figures S2, S4, and S5). Table 1 Metabolic rate and glycogen use during local contractile activity with SPU contractions Experiment I Sedentary control SPU contractions p-value Energy expenditure during SPU contractions METs 0.92 ± 0.04 2.03 ± 0.08 8 × 10−8 AEE (Δ kcal/min during contractions) — 1.51 ± 0.15 4 × 10−6 % increase whole-body energy expenditure during muscle contractions — 124 ± 9 3 × 10−7 Muscle glycogen concentration (mmol/kg) Vastus lateralis at the final biopsy 96 ± 6 92 ± 6 0.601 Soleus at the first biopsy (130 min contractions) 91 ± 5 76 ± 5 0.183 Soleus at the final biopsy (270 min contractions) 90 ± 5 68 ± 5 0.007 % of AEE contributed by soleus glycogen — 4.1 ± 1.0 0.003 Open in a separate window Mean ± SEM. Glycogen contribution to activity energy expenditure (AEE) was based on 3.75 kcal per gram of monomeric glucose units derived from glycogen if completely oxidized. The soleus mass averaged 1.07 ± 0.25 kg (combined mass in both legs) in these 10 participants. The calculation of the % of the total AEE contributed by soleus glycogen during 270 min of contractions was calculated as described in the STAR Methods. The full aerobic combustion of 22 mmol/kg (90–68 mmol/kg) of glycogen would provide about 16 kcal for the combined 1.07 kg soleus muscles. To determine if the energetics of SPU contractions were different than when sitting inactive (control), the results were analyzed with paired t tests. To determine the effect of SPU contractions on soleus glycogen, a mixed effects model with Tukey’s multiple comparison tests was used, because comparisons of control versus contractions were performed at two time points (130 and 270 min). See also Experiment I results in Figures S1 and S8 and Table S2. Table 2 Metabolic rate and carbohydrate oxidation during the 3-h oral glucose tolerance test Experiment II Sedentary control SPU1 SPU2 p-value SED vs SPU1 SED vs SPU2 SPU1 vs SPU2 METs 0.86 ± 0.05 1.31 ± 0.07 1.69 ± 0.12 5 × 10−8 3 × 10−6 9 × 10−6 AEE (Δ kcal/min) --- 0.60 ± 0.05 1.12 ± 0.11 2 × 10−8 3 × 10−6 4 × 10−6 Energy exp. (kcal/3 h) 207 ± 11 315 ± 16 402 ± 24 2 × 10−8 4 × 10−6 8 × 10−6 Total AEE (Δ kcal/3 h) --- 108 ± 9 (+36 kcal/h) 201 ± 19 (+67 kcal/h) 2 × 10−8 3 × 10−6 4 × 10−6 RER (VCO2/VO2) 0.84 ± 0.02 0.88 ± 0.01 0.90 ± 0.02 0.019 0.003 0.112 Total carbohydrate oxidation (mg/min) 135 ± 18 276 ± 14 392 ± 25 1 × 10−6 4 × 10−6 0.0002 Δ mg/min above control --- 141 ± 16 253 ± 26 1 × 10−6 5 × 10−6 0.0002 Total in 3 h (g) 24.2 ± 3.2 49.7 ± 2.5 70.6 ± 4.6 1 × 10−6 4 × 10−6 0.0002 Δ above control (g) --- 25.5 ± 2.9 (2.1 fold) 45.5 ± 4.6 (2.9 fold) 1 × 10−6 5 × 10−6 0.0002 Soleus carbohydrate oxidation (Δ mg/min) --- 113 ± 13 202 ± 21 1 × 10−6 5 × 10−6 0.0002 Open in a separate window Mean ± SEM. Metabolic rate and carbohydrate oxidation during the postprandial period following the ingestion of 75 g glucose. Each individual performed a sedentary control and one or both of the levels of local contractile activity. The delta (Δ) is the difference between sedentary control and activity. Differences between conditions were determined by a mixed effects model followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests. N = 15 for SPU1 effects and N = 10 for SPU2. See also Experiment II results in Figure S1 and Table S2. Figure S6 provides a schematic overview to summarize the tests performed in two related experiments, each examining effects caused by raising the local energy expenditure with this type of soleus dominant plantarflexion. In the first experiment, we obtained 60 muscle biopsies from the soleus and vastus lateralis (VL) for measuring glycogen, which led us to determine in the second experiment the effects of sustaining this type of muscle metabolism in a 13-point OGTT after ingesting a 75-gram glucose load in a diverse group of 15 men and women. SPU contractions induce minimal soleus glycogen depletion Volunteers all responded well to the prolonged contractile activity and did not experience fatigue or other adverse responses to the prolonged contractile activity, such as cramps, joint pain, or muscle soreness. It is important to note that volunteers in Experiment I (Table S1) were typically sedentary (verified with an objective tracking device), and none of them had a high aerobic cardiorespiratory fitness (determined by treadmill VO2max or the maximal oxygen consumption test). In Experiment I, the SPU contractions increased the rate of total body energy expenditure from an average of 0.93 ± 0.04 METs to 2.03 ± 0.08 METs during the acute activity (Table 1). A more detailed analysis of the muscle mass and analysis of the rate of oxygen consumption (VO2) by the working muscle mass is provided in another section below. Glycogen was measured in the VL on each test day as a control for an inactive muscle during this local activity (Table 1). Moreover, when sitting inactive, the average soleus muscle glycogen was steady between the first and final biopsy (91 versus 90 mmol/kg). Together these findings show there was not significant uncontrolled day-to-day variation, and as expected, glycogen was stable in an inactive muscle during SPU contractions. The soleus glycogen concentration was reduced an average of 22 mmol/kg (90 to 68 mmol/kg) because of the 270 min of SPU contractions, which corresponded to a net rate of glycogen use of 0.080 ± 0.017 mmol/kg/min. The more certain rate between the two biopsies on the active day was similarly low at 0.053 ± 0.032 mmol/kg/min, but it was not significantly different from 0 (p = 0.130). Glycogen had not reached statistical significance after 130 min of contractions (p = 0.183). The concentration difference was significant at 270 min (Table 1). However, the net soleus glycogen reduction was equivalent to 4% of the 403 kcals total AEE (Table 1 and Figure 1). Consistent with that, theoretical calculations show that the high local energy demand could not have been sustainable for long as a result of the potential energy from soleus glycogen. Even in the extreme theoretical scenario of 100% glycogen depletion, aerobic combustion of all soleus glycogen can provide no more than 65 kcals (90 mmol/kg x 1.07 kg soleus x 0.675 kcal/mmol = 65 kcals) of the actual total 403 kcals or ∼5 kcals if the glycogen was broken down for nonoxidative glycolytic ATP production. The lack of a sensation of local fatigue or rising effort over time is consistent with minimal glycogen depletion. An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is gr1.jpg Figure 1 Minimal contribution from soleus glycogen to the total energy for contractions (the activity energy expenditure) during prolonged local activity of the soleus with SPU contractions Individual results are shown with the mean ± SEM. N = 10 in Experiment I. The glycogen contribution was negligible at both 130 and 270 min and significantly less than the total energy demand for contractions at both time points (both p < 0.0001, mixed effects model followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests). See also Figures S7 and S8, and Table 1 for more details. SPU contractions reduce VLDL-TG while raising fat and carbohydrate oxidation We measured the increase in total body fat and carbohydrate oxidation during the SPU contractions and compared this to when sitting inactive on the sedentary control test day. Furthermore, we determined if this method of local contractile activity would decrease VLDL-TG (and the total number of VLDL particles in plasma). There is strong prior evidence that acute activity/inactivity is a direct determinant of plasma-lipoprotein-derived TG uptake because of local mechanisms in the microcirculation of muscle, as shown with radioactive tracer studies in rats (Bey and Hamilton, 2003; Hamilton et al., 1998; Mackie et al., 1980). Fat and carbohydrate oxidation were increased in each individual during the SPU contractions (Figure S7); this was when the average respiratory exchange ratio (RER) was 0.78 ± 0.01 during the inactive test day and 0.80 ± 0.01 during SPU contractions (not statistically different). SPU contractions caused a significant VLDL-TG decrease (Figure S8). The triglyceride content (Figure S8) and number of VLDL particles (Figure S8 inset) within all 3 sizes of VLDL in the circulation were responsive. Most of the TG was contained in the large particles (Figure S8), even though most of the particles were small (Figure S8 inset). SPU contractions are a method to induce and maintain a relatively high local rate of oxygen consumption (VO2/min/kg muscle) during prolonged contractile activity A fundamental principle in exercise physiology is that a small muscle mass working in isolation can achieve a higher local oxygen consumption (VO2/min per kg) than when recruiting a large muscle mass (Cardinale et al., 2019). For example, the VO2 in the whole lower limb musculature in young ultra-endurance athletes reached almost 200 mL/min/kg during exhaustive cycling in a VO2max test and a significantly greater maximal local rate of ∼350 mL/min/kg by the quadriceps during intense isolated leg extensions (Cardinale et al., 2019). Thus, to better describe the effects of elevated oxidative metabolism on soleus glycogen, measurements of muscle mass were also obtained in Experiment I. These 10 individuals were also studied during treadmill exercise because that is a large muscle mass modality requiring compound movements across all of the joints and muscle groups in the lower limbs. The muscle mass of the entire lower limb (14.8 ± 1.1 kg) was estimated from the appendicular lean mass (minus bone) from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) for when comparing energetic calculations described later. The mass of the soleus and other triceps surae (TS) muscles was directly measured from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The soleus was significantly larger than the two gastrocnemius muscles; soleus 1.07 ± 0.08, lateral gastrocnemius (LG) 0.169 ± 0.02, medial gastrocnemius (MG) 0.350 ± 0.02 kg. The soleus was 1.34% of body weight and 67% of the triceps surae, which was similar to previous MRI results of apparently healthy men and women (Kolk et al., 2015). The soleus dominated the recruited mass of the TS muscle group even more when calculated as the product of the anatomical mass and the percentage recruitment (percent EMGmax); the soleus accounted for ∼80% of the recruited mass with SPU contractions (Figure 2B). The estimated 20% contribution by the gastrocnemius is potentially an overestimate because, unlike the soleus, the gastrocnemius is a 2-joint muscle crossing the knee and ankle joints. The energetic contribution from the gastrocnemius is markedly suppressed by bending the knee and thereby demanding a significantly greater energy contribution from the soleus (Niess et al., 2018; Price et al., 2003). The gastrocnemius remains in a flaccid position while the soleus is contracting intensely if the knee is bent during ankle plantarflexion (Kawakami et al., 1998). The soleus also has a highly pennated architecture favoring greater amounts of muscular work during plantarflexion than predicted by mass alone, giving it a physiological cross-sectional area that is exceptionally high (3–8 times more than most of the 20 other limb muscles studied) (Ward et al., 2009). Because of these reasons, the exact contribution by the soleus can be underestimated by estimates from only the anatomical mass. There are other smaller muscles in the lower leg that might offset the gastrocnemius estimates. Therefore, ∼80% of the increased energy demand above rest is the best estimate we have for calculating the local soleus oxidative metabolism of substrates during SPU contractions. An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is gr2.jpg Figure 2 Whole-body and local oxidative metabolism during SPU contractions when sitting and during treadmill exercise (A) SPU contractions approximately doubled whole-body VO2 above the normal resting metabolic rate when sitting (p = 8 × 10−8, paired t test, N = 10). (B) The relative contribution of the medial gastrocnemius (MG), soleus (SOL), and lateral gastrocnemius (LG) to the estimated proportion of the recruited mass as determined with MRI and EMG. (C) The calculated VO2 per kg soleus muscle during SPU contractions as a mode of isolated plantarflexion was compared with the VO2 per kg of the whole lower limb musculature during walking at a moderate-intensity (p = 0.00001) and high-intensity treadmill exercise (p = 0.001). Statistics were determined with a mixed effects model followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests. Individual results of 10 untrained/unfit participants with an average VO2max of 30 mL/min/kg body weight are shown with the mean ± SEM. See also Figure S1. The estimated soleus VO2 during the prolonged SPU contractions averaged 237 ± 21 mL/min/kg (80% of the delta VO2 divided by the soleus anatomical mass; Figure 2C). Furthermore, because the soleus accounts for most of the TS anatomical mass in these individuals (1.07 of the 1.59 kg), the soleus VO2 would only be slightly reduced to 197 ± 17 mL/min/kg if the oxygen consumption were distributed evenly across the entire TS muscle group. The rate of total body energy expenditure during moderate walking and SPU contractions was obviously much less than running (Figure 2C inset). However, the local soleus VO2/kg during SPUs was greater than the average muscle VO2/kg of the lower limb muscle mass during treadmill exercise (Figure 2C). The estimated VO2 of the lower limb musculature was 108 ± 10 mL/min/kg muscle during the last stage before exhaustion, assuming 75% of the increase in total body oxygen consumption is in the lower limbs at the end of the VO2max test (Cardinale et al., 2019). This same approach calculated that moderate-intensity walking at 3 METs consumed an estimated 30 ± 1 mL/min/kg for the lower limb musculature. From this, VO2/kg in the lower limb during walking is roughly ∼13% of the soleus VO2/kg during the 4.5 h of SPU contractions. In summary, the rate of total body energy expenditure from aerobic metabolism (kcals/min calculated from total body VO2) was by design lower when working the small muscle mass than using a large muscle mass while briefly running at VO2max (Figure 2C inset). Most importantly, though, these findings demonstrate the human soleus of untrained adults is capable of sustaining a high local rate of oxygen consumption in parallel with a low amount of glycogen depletion during prolonged contractile activity. SPU contractions improve postprandial glucose tolerance Table 2 describes the postprandial metabolic rate after ingesting a 75-gram glucose load when sedentary or at two levels of SPU contractions. Before beginning contractions, the fasted glucose values were not different (Table 3). Then, beginning early in the postprandial period and lasting until the final time point of the 180-min test, both levels of contractions resulted in sustained reductions in glucose concentration (Table 3 and Figures S10A and S10B). These effects were evident in both SPU test days. In SPU2, the average glucose concentration was reduced significantly by 19 mg/dL already at 30 min (Table 3) and trending to decrease 10 mg/dL in SPU1. The largest treatment effect over a 60-min period (averaging 5 consecutive measurements of each individual) was 50 ± 6 mg/dL in SPU2. Statistically significant differences lasted until at least 180 min. The separation in glucose concentration between the sedentary control and activity trials expanded up until ∼75–135 min (Table 3); this coincides with about the time frame most commonly studied when relating glucose to clinically meaningful pathologies (Buysschaert et al., 2015; DeFronzo and Abdul-Ghani, 2011; Festa et al., 2004; Kakehi et al., 2018; Ohara et al., 2011; Papanas et al., 2011; Succurro et al., 2009). Table 3 Effect of sustaining local muscle metabolism on glucose concentration at each time point Time SPU1 effect at each time point SPU2 effect at each time point minutes N = 15 Control SPU1 Δ mg/dL N = 10 Control SPU2 Δ mg/dL 0 99 ± 2 101 ± 2 NS, p = 0.524 99 ± 3 102 ± 4 NS, p = 0.416 15 132 ± 5 123 ± 4 NS, p = 0.061 132 ± 7 124 ± 5 NS, p = 0.427 30 167 ± 6 157 ± 5 NS, p = 0.092 166 ± 7 147 ± 7 −19 ± 6∗ 45 190 ± 7 167 ± 7 −22 ± 5∗∗ 193 ± 6 165 ± 7 −28 ± 8∗ 60 201 ± 8 169 ± 8 −33 ± 7∗∗∗ 206 ± 6 163 ± 7 −43 ± 7∗∗∗ 75 198 ± 8 164 ± 8 −34 ± 8∗∗ 207 ± 4 159 ± 7 −47 ± 6∗∗∗∗ 90 192 ± 9 157 ± 7 −34 ± 7∗∗∗ 198 ± 4 151 ± 7 −48 ± 8∗∗∗ 105 186 ± 10 155 ± 6 −31 ± 6∗∗∗ 191 ± 4 142 ± 6 −49 ± 7∗∗∗∗†† 120 175 ± 9 146 ± 6 −29 ± 6∗∗∗ 182 ± 5 136 ± 5 −46 ± 7∗∗∗†† 135 165 ± 10 134 ± 8 −31 ± 6∗∗∗ 176 ± 6 128 ± 5 −48 ± 6∗∗∗∗†† 150 146 ± 11 121 ± 8 −25 ± 9∗ 154 ± 11 116 ± 7 −38 ± 8∗∗ 165 129 ± 11 106 ± 7 −24 ± 10 137 ± 13 103 ± 9 −34 ± 9∗∗ 180 117 ± 10 97 ± 7 −20 ± 7∗ 121 ± 13 92 ± 9 −29 ± 8∗∗ Open in a separate window Mean ± SEM. Effects of SPU contractions were determined by a mixed effects model followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests. ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001, ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001 versus sedentary control; †p < 0.05, ††p < 0.01 for SPU2 versus SPU1. N = 15 for SPU1 effects and N = 10 for SPU2. The zero time point was always taken when in the overnight fasted state and sitting inactive before the 3-h 75-g OGTT. See also Figures S10A and S10B for the graphical depiction of the time course for glucose concentrations for these results in Experiment II. Significant improvements in the total 3-h glucose incremental area under the curve (iAUC) (Figure 3A) were found in both men and women, and in younger and older adults, and after segregating the subjects by other common ways of categorizing participants such as by BMI categories and if they were more or less habitually active than the average person (Table 4). Some participants in Experiment II had never exercised regularly in their past. Some others had been competitive athletes. However, all had noticeably more hyperglycemia during the acute sitting at a low metabolic rate and improved glucose tolerance by SPU contractions (Figure 3A and Table 4); this demonstrates there is an apparent biochemical robustness in realizing the immediate benefits of this type of muscle metabolism. Although we did not observe a trend between sexes or other groups (Table 4), one should be cautious when interpreting the relative effectiveness in subcategories until follow-up studies with larger sample sizes are performed. An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is gr3.jpg Figure 3 Sustaining elevated muscle metabolism with soleus contractions is sufficient to cause improved glucose tolerance and reduced postprandial hyperinsulinemia, with up to a 52%–60% reduction in the blood glucose and insulin iAUC See Table 2 for complete results of the energetics for SPU1 (N = 15) and SPU2 (N = 10). Responses reveal a robust soleus muscle activity-dependent glucose (A) and insulin (B) lowering in each individual during a 3-h 75-g OGTT. Statistical summary (C and D) of the average iAUC responses from 0 to 180 min. Effect sizes are calculated by Cohen’s d test. SPU1 and SPU2 had effect sizes considered to be “huge” (>2.0) (Sawilowsky, 2009) for both glucose and insulin iAUC. (E) This index is the average of the glucose iAUC and the insulin iAUC for each individual, expressed relative to when sitting inactive (SED). Differences between conditions were determined by mixed effects models followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests. Mean ± SEM. The actual glucose concentration differences between conditions at each time point are in Table 3. Table 4 Three-hour postprandial glucose tolerance (iAUC) after subdividing participants Characteristics Mean Range N % iAUC SPU1 Effect p-value Interaction p-value Females 8 −39.8 ± 3.9 0.00002 0.804 Males 7 −38.5 ± 3.4 0.00003 Youngest (years) 38 22–51 7 −39.2 ± 3.2 0.00002 0.986 Oldest (years) 68 56–82 8 −39.2 ± 4.0 0.00002 Lower BMI 23.3 19.7–27.8 8 −37.9 ± 3.4 0.00001 0.602 Obese BMI 34.3 29.2–42.9 7 −40.7 ± 4.0 0.00005 Lowest habitual sitting time (h/d) 9.0 6.7–10.6 7 −39.4 ± 4.5 0.0001 0.939 Highest habitual sitting time (h/d) 12.0 10.9–13.9 8 −39.0 ± 3.0 0.000004 Lowest habitual steps (step/day) 4,365 2,061–5,544 8 −37.5 ± 3.3 0.000009 0.484 Highest habitual steps (step/day) 7,922 5,828–10,843 7 −41.2 ± 4.0 0.00005 Normal fasting glucose (mg/dL) 94 91–99 8 −37.9 ± 3.8 0.00002 0.595 Impaired fasting glucose (mg/dL) 108 102–115 7 −40.7 ± 3.5 0.00002 Open in a separate window The 15 participants were divided according to the above characteristics to compare the % change in the glucose iAUC caused by SPU1 compared with when sitting inactive in Experiment II. Two-tailed paired t tests were used to determine if the % change in glucose iAUC caused by SPU1 (versus sedentary control) was significant in each subdivision (bolded column). The participant characteristic by activity level interaction was determined with a mixed effects model to determine if there was a difference in the iAUC response to SPU1 within each subdivision pair (far right column). From this analysis, we conclude that there was no evidence to suggest men were different than women for the glucose response to SPU1 nor were there any significant characteristic by activity level interactions for the other 5 characteristics. Mean ± SEM. See also Experiment II demographics in Table S1. SPU contractions reduce postprandial hyperinsulinemia and insulin secretion For the insulin as well as the glucose iAUC (Figures 3C and 3D), the Cohen’s d effect size (ES) was in the statistical category of “huge” (Sawilowsky, 2009) for both levels of muscle metabolism (SPU1 mean −41% and 3.8 ES; SPU2 mean −60% and 4.9 ES). By the 3rd hour, the average insulin concentration differences between the active and inactive state (Figures S10C and S10D) had expanded further to −50% (SPU1) and −71% (SPU2). These results indicate a progressively greater percentage effect of contractions over time on insulin, especially when examining the SPU2 effect. The trend over time indicates the insulin reduction (compared to sedentary control) would last longer than 3 h had the test been extended (Figures S10C and S10D). Therapies impacting postprandial metabolism are difficult to compare without evaluating both hyperglycemia in tandem with hyperinsulinemia because exposure to both impacts glucose uptake by body tissues additively or synergistically. Thus, in a simple index we computed the average of both glucose and insulin iAUC relative to the SED control. There was a large magnitude of effect in both SPU levels studied (Figure 3E). From these findings below, the reduction in insulin concentration was likely in part due to reduction in pancreatic insulin secretion. Overall, the C-peptide response was strongly correlated with the glucose effects (r = 0.81, p = 0.00003), as were the insulin effects (r = 0.65, p = 0.002). The C-peptide iAUC was reduced 30 ± 3% (p = 0.00002) by SPU1 and 44 ± 6% (p = 0.0003) by SPU2. Thus, there are other systemic responses of this type of sustained muscle metabolism beyond improved glucose concentration per se. SPU contractions increase carbohydrate oxidation during the OGTT We calculated the rate of carbohydrate oxidation during the OGTT in each individual (Figure 4A) from VO2 and RER as summarized in Table 2. The individual results illustrate carbohydrate oxidation when inactive in the postprandial period and the consistently greater rate during SPU contractions in everyone (Figure 4A). An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc. Object name is gr4.jpg Figure 4 Recruitment during locally intense activation of a small mass dominated by the soleus consistently has the capability to raise whole-body carbohydrate oxidation above the rest of the body (A) The rate of carbohydrate oxidation after ingesting a glucose load was consistently increased during both levels of local contractile activity (see Table 2 for more results). The fasted condition was measured sitting at rest prior to the OGTT, and SED was the inactive control condition during the OGTT. SPU1 (N = 15) and SPU2 (N = 10). Differences between conditions were determined by mixed effects models followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests. (B) A model summarizing the influence of a small muscle mass on oxidative metabolism during the 75 g OGTT. Although contributing a negligible amount to systemic metabolism when not contracting, the energy demand of even a relatively small muscle mass has the potential to contribute meaningfully to carbohydrate metabolism when contracting with this single isolated SPU movement. This model is consistent with the findings that the total body skeletal muscle mass at rest accounts for ∼15% of the total systemic glucose oxidation in the postprandial period in nondiabetic controls with similar age and BMI as participants in the present study (Kelley et al., 1994). SPU contractions caused a 2.1- (SPU1) and 2.9-fold (SPU2) increase in the total body carbohydrate oxidation (Figure 4A). As shown in red bars in Figure 4B, the local contractile activity was sufficient to raise glucose oxidation above all inactive muscles and other body tissues combined. From the averages, the cumulative whole-body carbohydrate oxidation was about 24, 50, and 71 grams within the 3 h after ingesting the 75 g glucose load for the sedentary control, SPU1, and SPU2, respectively (Table 2 and Figure 4B). This local SPU contractile activity was sufficient to more than double carbohydrate oxidation and raise this source of fuel utilization higher than in the rest of all the tissues in the body combined (Figure 4B). Kelley’s study (Kelley et al., 1994) of nondiabetic subjects at a similar age and BMI as in the present study directly measured skeletal muscle carbohydrate oxidation in the whole leg at rest, and the rate by muscle was estimated at ∼0.7 mg/min/kg muscle (Kelley et al., 1994). This rate would be undetectable in a small muscle mass of 1 or even 2 kg, which would obviously be too small to cause a measurable influence on the total carbohydrate oxidation when inactive (see the Figure 4B model). This small muscle mass actively increased the rate 141 mg/min by SPU1; this corresponds to a rate of 113 mg/min by the 1.07 kg soleus, assuming 80% of the increase in carbohydrate oxidation was by the local muscle contraction. Therefore, any potential effect of the soleus muscle phenotype on postprandial carbohydrate oxidation would likely be undetectable at rest and would be magnified substantially by raising the local energy demand and VO2; this is illustrated in a simple model (Figure 4B) of 3 body compartments (a small recruited muscle mass, a much larger whole-body muscle mass, and the rest of the body). Taken together, these findings clearly demonstrate that the SPU contractions were magnifying the normally low rate of carbohydrate oxidation by a small mass of muscle, to the point that it becomes the most dominant tissue for carbohydrate oxidation in the entire body for the 3 h after ingesting glucose (Figure 4B). The sustained oxidative muscle metabolism concept: An integrative physiology model for understanding the impact of contractions on carbohydrate oxidation and glucose tolerance To reiterate, glucose regulation was improved by sustaining the local rate of oxidative metabolism during a relatively small increase in total body energy expenditure (Figure S1). Restraining the rate of total body energy expenditure was a way of minimizing systemic homeostatic disturbances such as an increase in catecholamines, which not only increases heart rate but also may be required for high rates of glycogenolysis during isolated soleus contractions (Richter et al., 1982). The small heart rate and blood pressure responses were a clear indication of a negligible systemic neurohumoral stress response to this type of contractile activity. The respective heart rate in SED, SPU1, and SPU2 was 73 ± 6, 79 ± 8, and 89 ± 7 beats/min; systolic blood pressure was 116 ± 6, 123 ± 4, and 124 ± 6 mmHg; and diastolic blood pressure was 77 ± 4, 78 ± 4, and 77 ± 3 mmHg. To put this in perspective, the total body energy demand of 1.3 METs (Table 2) ensured that the total body rate of energy expenditure was definitely less than the historical 3 MET minimal threshold often historically believed to be required for prevention of prediabetes and diabetes (Colberg et al., 2016). In fact, it is even below the threshold that behaviorists have used to define nonsedentary time (>1.5 METs). But are these low rates of total body energy expenditure and thereby low rates of carbohydrate oxidation theoretically sufficient to explain the large systemic glucose concentration differences? To address this, we analyzed the glucose lowering using the simplest possible mathematical model. The delta blood glucose was 33 mg/dL lower between SPU1 and control at 60 min (Table 3). Thereafter, this concentration difference between the active and inactive state remained in steady state (Table 3). Therefore, the grams of glucose accumulated in the blood and the rest of the extracellular distribution volume (Vd) can be calculated from a mass balanced equation. The Vd pool size is approximately equal to blood volume and interstitial fluid, or 230 mL/kg body weight (Livesey et al., 1998), which is ∼186 dL. The Vd accumulated 33 mg/dL less glucose during SPU1 in the first hour. On average, the Vd accumulated glucose at a 102 mg/min slower rate because of SPU1 contractions (33 mg/dL x 186 dL in 60 min). Therefore, the observed differences in glucose concentration required a physiological process to slow the rate of glucose accumulation by at least 102 mg/min. The observed increase in whole-body carbohydrate oxidation caused by SPU1 contractions above sedentary control averaged 141 mg/min (Table 2). The observed decrease in the insulin concentration during contractions (Figure 3) would obviously tend to attenuate the blood glucose reductions because of less insulin-dependent glucose uptake in various body tissues. Finally, the contractile-activity-dependent increase in glucose oxidation by the soleus muscle was calculated for SPU1 at 113 mg/min (Table 2). In conditions when intramuscular glycogen is not the predominant fuel for contractile activity, there is less competition with alternative substrates, including blood glucose. Therefore, from the findings we propose a model in which glucose tolerance can be rapidly improved by a large magnitude while sustaining a subtle, yet proportionate increase in carbohydrate oxidation, but this is under specific conditions when the recruited muscle fibers do not rely mostly on intramuscular glycogen to fuel contractions. Go to: Discussion These results indicate that the human soleus muscle is capable of raising, and sustaining for hours, the local rate of oxidative metabolism to high levels. From a physiological perspective, this kind of contractile activity was effective at improving systemic metabolic regulation quickly and by a biochemically meaningful amount to improve glucose regulation (Figure 3), even at the lowest SPU intensity studied (SPU1; Tables 2, ​,3,3, and ​and44 and Figure 3). Furthermore, the high level of endurance of the soleus during SPU contractions provides a tool for reversing the otherwise slow rate of muscle metabolism during long periods of inactivity (Dela et al., 2019; Kelley et al., 1994; Rolfe and Brown, 1997). We are unaware of any existing or promising pharmaceuticals that come close to raising and sustaining whole-body oxidative metabolism at the magnitude in the current study (Tables 1 and ​and2),2), including drugs that may activate BAT (Loh et al., 2019). A beta-3 agonist given at double the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved dose increased energy expenditure in 3 h, but by only an average of ∼8.5 kcal/h (Loh et al., 2019). By comparison, SPU contractions were capable of raising the energy demand 10-fold greater (91 kcal/h above control during the 270 min of activity in our first experiment; Table 1), without any evidence of progressive fatigue or other physiological limitations in the unfit individuals studied (Table 1). We learned that through this method of contractile activity specifically geared for sustaining oxidative metabolism, only an extra 100–200 mg/min of local carbohydrate oxidation (Table 2) by a small muscle mass was potent enough to improve glucose regulation by a large amount after ingesting a large glucose load (Table 3). As described more later, carbohydrate oxidation increases profoundly during the acute minutes of relatively heavy whole-body exercise. However, there is not compelling evidence to believe that either in humans or animal models, carbohydrate oxidation remains elevated by even a small amount in the hours after ending an acute exercise bout (Horton et al., 1998; Wasserman et al., 1991). There was not an increase in carbohydrate oxidation after large muscle mass exercise within subgroups of people who had a significant excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) (Horton et al., 1998). This finding of no increase in post-exercise carbohydrate oxidation above sedentary control levels was also demonstrated when experimentally changing the insulin concentration over a wide range (Wasserman et al., 1991). There is a competition at the cellular level between various substrates to supply the necessary energy for contractions. During exercise, muscle glycogen is generally the primary carbohydrate to fuel contractions and often accounts for about 72%–95% of the carbohydrate oxidation when it is available in normal concentrations (Bergman et al., 1999; Helge et al., 2007; Horowitz et al., 1999); this is observed even with lower intensity exercises such as cycle ergometry at 20%–30% of VO2 max (Gollnick et al., 1974a, 1974b) or quadricep extensions at 25% of the local VO2 peak (Helge et al., 2007). During isolated knee extensions at a local VO2 of 190 mL/min/kg muscle (when roughly comparable to SPU contractions in Figure 2C), the VL muscle depleted twice as much glycogen in 35 min (Helge et al., 2007) as the soleus did during 270 min of SPU contractions (Table 1); this is consistent with the possibility that with SPU contractions, the soleus may in some conditions deplete glycogen at a rate 10–15 times slower than the VL muscle of the thigh during knee extensions (Helge et al., 2007) or cycling (Bergman et al., 1999; Gollnick et al., 1974a, 1974b). A thorough review by Sylow and Richter concluded that blood glucose accounts for only ∼10%–18% of the energy during the time frame of a typical exercise session (Sylow et al., 2017). By comparison, these types of large muscle mass exercises (Bergman et al., 1999) potentially increase the total carbohydrate oxidation more than 10-fold greater than SPU contractions (Table 2). With cycle ergometry at ∼5 METs for 1 h, the rate of total carbohydrate oxidation was ∼1600 mg/min (Bergman et al., 1999), which was many times greater than SPU contractions could induce; this is also consistent with the carbohydrate oxidation in another study during 60 min of moderate intensity cycling combined with glucose ingestion (Horowitz et al., 1999). However, once glycogen is accounted for, the remaining carbohydrate oxidation due to blood glucose by the entirety of both legs during cycling was ∼180 mg/min (Bergman et al., 1999), which was relatively similar to the estimated rate of carbohydrate oxidation by the working soleus muscle during SPU contractions (Table 2). Prior work has suggested that when recruiting a smaller instead of a larger mass of muscle, there may be a shift in the relative reliance on fuels from glycogen to utilization of more lipids (Helge et al., 2007) and/or more blood glucose (Richter et al., 1988) to fuel contractions. A plausible hypothesis is the intrinsic metabolic phenotype of the soleus (Bey and Hamilton, 2003; Gollnick et al., 1974a, 1974b; Halseth et al., 1998; Hodgson et al., 2005; James et al., 1985; Jensen et al., 2012; Mackie et al., 1980; McDonough et al., 2005; Monster et al., 1978) requires less glycogen to fuel contractions, especially when there is not epinephrine stimulation (Richter et al., 1982). As described below, in addition to low muscle glycogen use, there are also other systemic processes that tend to offset the ability of contractions to attenuate postprandial hyperglycemia during and after large muscle mass exercise (Devlin et al., 1989; Hamilton et al., 1996; Knudsen et al., 2014; Maehlum et al., 1978; Steenberg et al., 2020). Results from many studies support the concept that it is often difficult to improve postprandial glucose tolerance. Studies have identified specific mechanistic explanations for why oral glucose tolerance is generally not improved (Devlin et al., 1989; Hamilton et al., 1996; Knudsen et al., 2014; Maehlum et al., 1978; Rose et al., 2001) or even made worse (Flockhart et al., 2021; Knudsen et al., 2014; Rose et al., 2001) in the hours following traditional types of exercise that would rely predominantly on muscle glycogen as the source of carbohydrate. Those observations include people with normal glucose tolerance (Flockhart et al., 2021; Knudsen et al., 2014; Rose et al., 2001) to people with diabetes (Knudsen et al., 2014). The mechanistic explanations to date include compelling evidence of increased insulin resistance within the unrecruited muscle fibers after exercise sessions (Devlin et al., 1989; Steenberg et al., 2020), elevated rates of glucose appearance into the bloodstream (Hamilton et al., 1996; Knudsen et al., 2014; Maehlum et al., 1978), and also possible impairment of intrinsic mitochondrial function from intense exercise training (Flockhart et al., 2021). In studying the chronic effects of exercise training, a landmark study reported that there was a modest 13 mg/dL decrease in the 2-h glucose without a significant improvement in the entire AUC; this only occurred when doubling the recommended weekly volume of exercise training combined with a vigorous intensity (7 METs) and nutritional conditions, allowing for a 4.6 cm reduction in waist circumference (Ross et al., 2015). Other carefully controlled studies showed unequivocally no reduction in the 2 h glucose (or AUC) with progressive weight loss of 5%, 11%, or even 16% (Magkos et al., 2016); this was confirmed in another large experimental weight loss study after inducing 15% weight loss (Jansen et al., 2022). Nevertheless, given that carbohydrate oxidation is not elevated after an acute exercise session ends, the post-exercise glucose utilization by muscle is apparently restricted to the nonoxidative pathways. Therefore, as described next, there has been the need to better understand the immediate and direct effects of contractile activity. The present study tested the effects of sustaining continuous contractile activity, at two levels of energy demand, throughout the entire 3-h postprandial period. The contractions were already attenuating glucose concentration quickly within the first 30 min when glucose was still rising (Table 3). Thereafter, the glucose improvements continued to increase and remained significantly lower than the sedentary control level throughout the entire 3-h postprandial time course. Earlier studies also found that activity involving a large muscle mass (cycle ergometry at 59%–67% HRmax) completed after 45 min of the postprandial period transiently blunted the rise in blood glucose and insulin during the contractions (Aadland and Hostmark, 2008). However, this effect was short-lived and evident only between 30 and 45 min of the postprandial period, followed by significantly greater hyperglycemia than the inactive sitting trial after exercise stopped. Similarly, Kanaley’s group (Holmstrup et al., 2014) found that subjects with low glucose tolerance were able to decrease the hyperglycemia during 60 min of exercise (60%–65% VO2max). After stopping the exercise, the blood glucose increased above the level when they never exercised, and thus the total postprandial iAUC was not improved (Holmstrup et al., 2014). Although an intermittent exercise pattern slightly improved the glucose iAUC compared with the 60 min bolus of exercise, spreading out the contractile activity with brief breaks did not reduce the glucose iAUC compared with sitting inactive in their volunteers who had low glucose tolerance as the present participants (Holmstrup et al., 2014). That said, it is important to understand that as previously emphasized, there are distinct molecular and physiological processes impacting metabolic regulation with specific inactivity/activity approaches (Bey and Hamilton, 2003; Hamilton et al., 1998, 2004, 2007, 2014; Zderic and Hamilton, 2012). Here we have focused on a method of raising slow oxidative muscle metabolism to complement (not replace) existing approaches. Prolonged sitting has become ubiquitous across the lifespan (Craft et al., 2012; Healy et al., 2015; Matthews et al., 2018; van der Berg et al., 2016) and is not significantly less in regular exercisers (Craft et al., 2012). But it is important to remember that regardless of whether ∼45 min of activity is administered as many separate brief breaks or as a single daily bolus, it mathematically increases the energy demand for muscular work for only ∼5% of the waking day. Thus, currently recommended activity approaches are a not a direct solution for a high amount of time when skeletal muscle has a low muscle metabolism. A large number of studies have focused on “brief breaks” from sitting inactive, e.g., 2–5 min activity breaks each half hour or 6 min once each hour (Henson et al., 2020; Larsen et al., 2015; Loh et al., 2020; Thorsen et al., 2019). What may be missed is that brief breaks are, by definition, brief amounts of contractile activity and thus only brief periods to potentially benefit from oxidative metabolism. A systematic review has reported that lifestyle interventions replacing sitting time with standing and/or brief walking breaks have decreased sitting time on average only 30.4 min/day (Peachey et al., 2020). That said, a promising early study reported that taking 3 brief interruptions each hour to walk at 2 mph (∼3 METs) may reduce the blood glucose by approximately 5, 15, and 6 mg/dL at 1, 2, and 3 h respectively, with the average insulin concentration (based on AUC) reduced by about 12% (Larsen et al., 2015). In a thorough recent study, no differences were observed for plasma glucose or insulin with any of the 3 patterns of walking breaks to interrupt inactive sitting in men with abdominal obesity (Thorsen et al., 2019). Henson et al. (2020) summarized results when combining 4 large postprandial lab studies and concluded that the glucose and insulin were not decreased by standing versus sitting in the postprandial period. Also, the brief walking breaks generally reduced glucose <10 mg/dL and thus were physiologically small and/or nonsignificant in some large categories of people (e.g., no statistical influence in males) (Henson et al., 2020). Physiological studies relevant to this found that muscle glucose uptake appears to have a relatively slow time course at the onset of some types of contractile activity (Bergman et al., 1999; Horowitz et al., 1999; Mossberg et al., 1993). In studying the time course in the human lower limb musculature during cycling, there was no increase in glucose uptake in the leg after either 5 or 15 min of continuous contractions, and significant responses were not evident until after 30 min (Bergman et al., 1999). Taken together, there is a biochemical basis for the need to develop methods to understand and benefit biochemically from prolonged contractile activity. The literature is understandably filled with language about designing programs to “engage as much skeletal muscle mass as possible” and the necessity of “a sufficient amount of muscle mass” (Ivy et al., 1999; Laughlin, 2016). The findings presented here do not in any way interfere with traditional exercise programs for their own distinct benefits. There are hundreds of skeletal muscles and many microvascular and metabolic exercise training adaptations that are restricted to the recruited muscles (Laughlin, 2016). Thus, it is understandable that the paradigm for glucose management and other cardiometabolic outcomes has focused less on the quality of contractile activity than on the quantity of recruited muscle and raising the total metabolic rate to higher levels for short exercise bouts (e.g., 150 min/week). The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) and other recommendations either implied or explicitly stated that health-enhancing metabolic effects may require an energy expenditure in the >3 MET range (Knowler et al., 2002). The current findings obviously are inconsistent with the notion that all contractile activity near ∼1.3 or ∼1.7 METs is a “stepping stone” to the goal of exercising at >3 METs (Dunstan et al., 2021). All of this points to the “specificity principle” that is a key axiom in exercise physiology (Hamilton et al., 2007, 2014). Applied here, it means that the phenotype of the muscles recruited, and the duration of the elevated metabolic rate, will determine the distinct biochemical processes that regulate the effectiveness of physical activity. There have more recently been national guidelines proposing that people sit less and/or move more in addition to traditional methods of exercise (Dunstan et al., 2021). Unfortunately, this advice is still lacking in specifics about how to reduce sedentary time enough for the most meaningful health gains. The rapid and large decreases in skeletal muscle TG uptake observed in rodent inactivity physiology studies (Bey and Hamilton, 2003; Hamilton et al., 2007) have been heavily cited by epidemiologists and clinical trials specialists to provide biological plausibility to understand the observational associations of diseases related to sedentary time. What has been overlooked is the same publications cited to provide the biological plausibility for why muscular inactivity is unhealthy also alluded to a potential solution; those studies were primarily based upon the large local molecular and biochemical responses in the soleus muscle (in rodents) that are dependent on prolonged contractile activity (Bey and Hamilton, 2003; Bey et al., 2003). The present findings provide evidence that the human soleus muscle has the potential to contribute to systemic metabolic regulation. Finally, it might prove to be that the most interesting hypothesis raised by these results is that the human soleus, although only ∼1% of body weight, can sustain a sufficient metabolic rate for an impressive duration and improve glucose and lipid metabolism. Others have demonstrated significant beneficial correlations between the slow-red oxidative fiber type and chronic disease states (Gaster et al., 2001; Hickey et al., 1995). There has been interest in applying molecular biology techniques to therapeutically enhance the quality of skeletal muscle by increasing the amount of slow oxidative muscle fibers (Gan et al., 2013). It is important to note that the results were obtained from adults across the lifespan (22–82 years of age) and with a wide BMI range and habitual physical activity levels (Table 4). Findings reveal that the human soleus of these ordinary people was already physiologically capable of producing these responses. Looking back, studies in the 1870–1880s by Ranvier described the soleus remarkably well as a red muscle with curvy capillaries that is relatively slowly contracting and fatigue resistant, even when the muscle was obtained from highly sedentary animals such as the domesticated rabbits and cats (Ranvier, 1873, 1880). The SPU method is specifically geared for sustaining positive effects of prolonging an elevated muscle metabolism for hours (not minutes), but with a very subtle increase in whole-body energy expenditure while sitting (Figure S1). This low effort method by a muscle that is naturally geared toward prolonged contractile activity may avoid the potentially serious deleterious cardiac effects of prolonged endurance training in some people or the impairment of mitochondrial function after training with excessive exercise intensity (Eijsvogels et al., 2016; Flockhart et al., 2021). Many other questions will need to be addressed in order to understand the full translational potential. One understandable viewpoint is that prolonged periods of elevated muscle metabolism is an unrealistic expectation. Another perspective is that it is an opportunity for gaining the distinct health effects of elevating muscle metabolism by a biochemically meaningful amount. Limitations of the study (1) This study was not a clinical trial. This was an experimental physiological study, conducted in highly controlled laboratory conditions. This study also did not test effectiveness of a free-living lifestyle intervention. The underlying distinct cellular stimuli and systemic metabolic responses during this approach for local muscular exercise have potential to complement other unique types of activity that typically involve a large muscle mass, different kinds of muscle contractions, and a lower duration of activity. The development of the SPU contraction method provides a unique physiological method that has never been tested before to raise and sustain muscle metabolism (for hours, not minutes). The present study does raise more than one translational hypothesis for the field to test. First, this method provides muscle physiologists with an opportunity to determine the effects of prolonged and locally intense contractile activity on muscle plasticity and response to high duration stimuli. Second, interdisciplinary clinical trials specialists in related fields who study diabetes, resting energy expenditure, skeletal muscle, exercise, and sedentary behavior may find the present results impactful for informing their new research ideas. One should be cautious when interpreting the relative effectiveness in subcategories until follow-up studies with a large sample size are performed. The practicality will also depend on implementation in large parts of the population. The practicality will depend in part on evidence that people are capable of successfully performing SPU contractions outside of a laboratory without EMG feedback. There is a need to test when this could be integrated within the lifestyle without disrupting various seated behaviors. (2) These studies only identified some of the immediate responses to SPU contractions. There is a need to describe the additional longer-term cumulative effects of an intervention in people living with a higher rate of muscle metabolism. (3) Muscle glycogen utilization was not measured in Experiment II (during the glucose tolerance test). Therefore, we did not test for the interaction of hyperglycemia and SPU contractions on glycogen use by the soleus. However, it has already been established multiple times that feeding a moderate-to-large glucose load does not increase the reliance on muscle glycogen to fuel contractions, and more expectedly sometimes there is a tendency for glucose ingestion to modestly attenuate contraction-induced muscle glycogen reductions (Akerstrom et al., 2006). Also see Criteria for selection of the metabolic intensity in Experiment II in the STAR Methods. (4) Interrogating glucose kinetics with tracers and catheterization of an artery and vein in the legs for A-V balance measurements would be insightful to further test the model proposed herein. A catheterization study would also be informative to measure the peak VO2 during SPU contractions. The VO2 measurements we did obtain were always at a submaximal intensity that could be sustained with a low effort in order to avoid biasing the results when using stabilizer muscles while straining during an intense performance test. (5) We cannot discern from the current findings how SPU contractions are impacting either the endogenous or exogenous (ingested) glucose disposal, the effect of SPU contractions on the rate of appearance of blood glucose relative to the rate of glucose disappearance, and how the parallel decrease in plasma insulin is attenuating glucose uptake by insulin-dependent tissues (e.g., resting skeletal muscle in the arms while the leg muscles are doing SPU contractions). (6) One may find it tempting to generalize the effects we found to other modes and doses of activity. However, these results were limited to when performing a specialized type of contractile activity. Other types of “low effort” activity do not necessarily activate the soleus muscle metabolism enough to cause the same magnitude as demonstrated in the present experiments (Gao et al., 2017; Pettit-Mee et al., 2021; Thorp et al., 2014). Other types of activity may also rely more heavily on muscle glycogen and/or may stimulate systemic processes that tend to be counteractive to glucose lowering (Helge et al., 2007; Richter et al., 1988). One well-designed study reported that although standing continuously over a 2-h OGTT can raise EMG in the large muscles of the lower body, it did not reduce glucose at all compared with sitting inactive (Gao et al., 2017). Go to: STAR★Methods Key resources table REAGENT or RESOURCE SOURCE IDENTIFIER Biological samples Human blood samples This study N/A Human skeletal muscle biopsies This study N/A Critical commercial assays Insulin ELISA Mercodia 10-1113-01 C-peptide ELISA Millipore Sigma EZHCP-20K Infinity Glucose Hexokinase Reagent Thermo Scientific TR15421 EDTA BD Vacutainer BD 368857 Software and algorithms EMG Works Delsys Version 4.5 Prism statistics GraphPad Version 8.4.3 Excel Microsoft For Microsoft 365 Other True One 2400 Parvo Medics N/A Biopsy needles with suction (5 mm) Micrins INS122-5 Treadmill Sole F85 Trigno EMG system Delsys N/A Electrogoniometer with two ends connected by composite wire with a series of strain gauges Biometrics SG110 activPAL PAL Technologies Model 3 Blood pressure monitor Omron and Tango HEM-FL31 and M2 3.0T MRI Scanner GE Medical Systems N/A iDXA GE Healthcare Lunar N/A Open in a separate window Resource availability Lead contact Further information and requests for resources should be directed to the lead contact, Dr. Marc Hamilton ( Materials availability This study did not generate new unique reagents. Experimental model and subject details Human subjects Informed consent was obtained before participation. Research conformed to the standards set by the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the appropriate Institutional Review Boards at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center and the University of Houston. There were in total 25 human volunteers in 2 sequential experiments, each using a randomized cross-over design so that individual participants could serve as their own internal control (Figure S6). Recruitment was aimed at providing an equal distribution of sexes, with a moderately wide range in age, BMI, sedentary time, and free-living activity level. The ranges and means for each descriptive characteristic are provided in Table S1. Details about inclusion/exclusion are included in the Method Details below for each of these experiments. Method details Soleus SPU contractions Both experiments utilized the same type of isolated plantarflexion that was done when sitting comfortably in normal chairs. This specific type of plantarflexion depended predominantly on the soleus muscle with some assistance from the gastrocnemius muscles (Figures S3 and S4). Secondly, unlike isometric plantarflexion contractions more commonly studied, this was an isotonic soleus activation that coincided with the angular motion of the ankle only when the ankle was moving upwards (Figure S4). Thus, to not overgeneralize from this to other types of plantarflexion and for brevity, the movement is described as an SPU, or “soleus push up”. See also the introduction of the Results for a summary of the supplemental figures for and Table 1 describing the participants. One primary intent was to limit the rise in total body energy expenditure to be well below the lower threshold of 3 METs defining “moderate intensity activity”. To that end, Experiment I tested the SPU contractions corresponding to ∼2 METs. Experiment II tested SPU contractions at ∼1.3 and ∼1.7 METs. The direct comparison of the whole-body energy expenditure of SPU contractions with treadmill exercise is described in Figure S1. Additional rationale and methods for testing this metabolic rate are described in more detail below. This singular movement by a small mass of muscle was isolated from other muscle groups typically used for large weight bearing compound movements like walking. The effects of this muscular activity were tested only while sitting comfortably. The feet were positioned on the floor and under the knees so that the knees were bent (Figure S2). The starting angle of the ankle was ∼70–90 degrees (90 degrees defined as when the tibia and sole of the foot are at a right angle). This type of plantarflexion movement was performed without adding external resistance beyond the weight of the leg (Figure S2). That avoided the necessity of using a resistance device while also minimizing potential muscle fatigue and tension-induced strain on soft tissues. Furthermore, the soleus contribution was accentuated during the seated plantarflexion because the knee was always bent, such that the metatarsophalangeal joint (MTP joint) in the foot was below the knee. The MTP joint was bending in concert with the plantarflexion of the ankle joint. When the knee is bent, the soleus contributes more to the work of plantarflexion as the gastrocnemius recruitment and energy demand is reduced compared to when the limb is straight (Cresswell et al., 1995; Kawakami et al., 1998; Niess et al., 2018; Price et al., 2003). Measurement of the soleus EMG provided instantaneous feedback to guide the intensity of soleus contractions and help teach how to effectively raise the local metabolic rate with this type of contractile activity (Figure S3). We had no difficulty teaching volunteers in either Experiment I or II how to do the local contractile activity in generally 1–2 sessions, especially with the assistance of the soleus EMG. Subjects were all consistently able to learn how to sustain a soleus EMG that is markedly greater than possible when doing treadmill walking. We found it was productive to instruct participants to focus mostly on raising the range of motion (ROM) (Figure S5) of the ankle plantarflexion in order to raise the soleus EMG intensity and VO2 (Figure S3B). Raising the rate was a less effective strategy (Figure S5). Notice in the examples of a male and female in Figure S5, when the ROM was doubled from a low level of 15 degrees to a moderate level of 30 degrees, the soleus EMG predictably doubled in these 2 volunteers. However, notice also that when the rate was doubled (from 50 to 100 contractions/min), the soleus EMG increased less than predicted. Furthermore, we found from experience that it could be counterproductive for volunteers to focus too much on using the rate as their guide for soleus activation, because raising the rate often caused an involuntary reduction in the ROM and VO2 response. In summary, we found it effective to provide EMG feedback while instructing participants to select a moderate ROM in order to comfortably maintain their desired level. A developmental study that proved to be instructive in perfecting the methods revealed a close relationship between soleus EMG and the contractile activity VO2 (Figure S3B). In 10 volunteers, the soleus EMG was incrementally increased in 6–10 min stages while measuring the steady-state VO2 responses within the last 3 min of each stage. The participants were instructed to begin at what was perceived as a very low ROM. The steady-state VO2 responses were measured when they raised the soleus EMG to progressively higher levels. A total of 42 measurements were obtained and the linear relationship between soleus EMG and the contractile activity VO2 response above sitting inactive is illustrated (Figure S3B). In summary, both experiments involved testing a subtle elevation in whole body metabolic rate above resting by contractile activity while sitting, and EMG feedback with direct measurements of oxygen consumption assisted in guiding the activity. Experiment I Participants Volunteers (Table S1) were recruited from a combination of newspaper and other types of advertising to interest the kind of participants who often avoid participation in a physical activity study. It was explained that this work may add knowledge about raising metabolic rate throughout much of the day, distinct from traditional exercises. Exclusion criteria included orthopedic or cardiovascular limitations prohibiting a safe treadmill VO2 max test, conditions contraindicating biopsies, and an inability to have an MRI. Protocol and procedures A total of 60 muscle biopsies were obtained for understanding the soleus glycogen responses of relatively intense local contractile activity from 10 somewhat unfit/untrained individuals (5 men and 5 women). Each subject served as their own control, for both an active and an inactive test day (always while sitting). Except for the activity, the sedentary control test was identical to the active test in all respects including the diet and activity before the testing. In addition to biopsies on each day, a blood sample was also obtained prior to the final biopsy for testing the effect of this small muscle mass activity on VLDL-TG concentration. The purpose of this first experiment was to study substrate metabolism over a prolonged duration of SPU contractions instead of inactive sitting. The habitual free-living sedentary time was measured in the current participants as described in detail below (see ActivPAL device). Most people in modern times have at least 7–8 h per day of sedentary time as determined with objective activity monitors in the USA and other developed nations (Craft et al., 2012; Healy et al., 2015; Matthews et al., 2018; van der Berg et al., 2016). One day participants sat inactive for 7–8 h. During the active SPU trial, subjects never sat inactive for more than 4 min at a time while accumulating 270 min of SPU contractions (Figure S6). Although these individuals were sedentary, they were instructed not to do any intentional moderate to vigorous exercise for at least 3 days prior to testing in order to avoid potentially glycogen lowering exercise. In order to help reduce possible variability in glycogen concentration leading into each test day, participants walked 30 min on a treadmill at a comfortable 2 mph pace the evening prior to the testing days (under supervision) and then fed the standardized dinner meal (also under supervision). Standardized meals were provided for all 3 meals the day prior to testing in addition to the small breakfast on the test day. The study was timed so that a blood sample for measuring VLDL-TG and then the final biopsy were obtained about 7–8 h after a small, controlled breakfast (7 kcal/kg, 33% carbohydrate, 14% protein, and 53% fat) which was provided 12–14 h after an overnight fast. Because these were among the first participants studied with this type of prolonged contractile activity and they were generally not accustomed to exercise, we asked them repeatedly to tell us if there was any type of discomfort from the contractions, including cramps, a progressive sense of muscle fatigue, joint pain, etc. and none of those type of adverse events was ever encountered. After enrolling participants, we incorporated time for preliminary testing for them to become familiar with the testing procedures, including how to correctly and reproducibly do the SPU motion with real time EMG feedback. (Figure S3A). In the preliminary testing, the participants walked for several minutes on the treadmill and then practiced until they could confidently sustain an EMG level that was always greater than the soleus EMG when walking (typically about twice the soleus EMG of walking and sometimes more). Experience showed that by raising the ROM, the soleus EMG could be maintained at a markedly greater level than when instead focusing on increasing the rate of contractions (Figure S5). In the preliminary testing and on the actual test days, oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide (VCO2) production were measured at least every 30 min during the SPU contractions. VO2 was always obtained in steady state conditions. Subjects were not allowed to fidget when measuring VO2, under direct observation by at least 2 study staff at all times, in order to ensure an accurate evaluation of AEE. We allowed ample time for using the restroom and other breaks from the activity to remain comfortable. Using the real-time EMG feedback, they maintained the soleus EMG at an individual level determined in the preliminary test day to be above walking, required an energy demand ∼2 METs, and did not cause fatigue. The contractions with VO2 measurements were done in blocks of time up to ∼7 min long (longer if there was instability in VO2 because of a cough or movement), followed by shorter rest intervals to help maintain a resting position and possibly adjust the angle and setback of the chair or height. Muscle biopsies In all, a total of 40 soleus and 20 VL biopsies (150–200 mg) were obtained in 10 participants (2 soleus and 1 VL biopsies on each of the 2 days). Biopsies were taken at the midway and endpoint at the same time on the 2 test days for each individual. The 2 soleus biopsies each day were from different legs to completely avoid chances of inflammation or other effects of the first biopsy impacting results of the second biopsy. We used ultrasound to ensure optimal placement of the biopsy needle in the belly of the soleus muscle at the greatest muscle girth, using a Bergstrom needle with suction. Biopsies were obtained after 130 and 270 min of the contractile activity (Table 1 and Figure S6 top panel). The VL of the thigh was also biopsied as an inactive control at only the final time point (after the soleus). The VL biopsy served as an internal control for the glycogen concentration in a muscle that was not recruited to contract. VO2 and VCO2 gas exchange with indirect calorimetry VO2 and VCO2 production were determined using a TrueOne 2400 metabolic system from Parvo Medics. The gas analyzers and pneumotach were calibrated according to standard manufacturer procedures using certified calibration gases. Sufficient time to flush out the gas lines and average steady state measurements was always confirmed. The measurement period was extended when it was deemed helpful (such as if there was a fluctuation in VO2 caused by a cough or when taking additional time to confirm the precision of the result). We were careful to ensure participants were positioned when sitting completely relaxed to avoid extraneous movement beyond the intended SPU plantarflexion movement. This included positioning the chair back rest and height for each individual to optimize a restful position. Glycogen assay Muscle glycogen was determined from the measurement of glucose after acid hydrolysis with HCl using a standard enzymatic technique. Immediately upon taking the biopsy, any connective tissue or blood was removed and then frozen in liquid nitrogen. Muscle samples were then homogenized and boiled (100°C) in 1 M HCl for 2 h. After neutralization with NaOH, the resultant glucose concentration was determined by incubating for 45 min at room temperature with an Infinity Hexokinase reagent (Thermo-Scientific) that contained hexokinase and G-6-P dehydrogenase. Then the resultant molar concentrations of total glucosyl units were expressed relative to the starting mass of the boiled muscle sample (i.e, mmol glucosyl units/kg muscle). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the soleus anatomical mass The soleus anatomical mass was determined in these 10 individuals from MRI images of the TS muscle group in order to calculate the soleus contribution to the recruited muscle mass during plantarflexion. A 3.0T MRI scanner (Excite HD system, GE Medical Systems) obtained images every 1.0 cm of the entire soleus, medial and lateral gastrocnemius (MG and LG) muscles for determining the muscle volume and then calculating the muscle mass assuming a density of 1.04 g/mL (Kim et al., 2002). The relative recruitment of the soleus muscle and the other 2 TS muscles (MG and LG) was calculated as the product of the anatomical mass and the percentage of the maximal EMG. Maximal EMG was obtained from the highest EMG in at least 2 sets of standing heel lifts when standing on a single leg. When doing this, they stood on 1 leg and did maximal plantarflexion as rapidly and high as possible. The highest 1.5 s RMS signal from a moving average assessed every 0.01 s was taken as the maximum EMG signal. Dual-energy X-Ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and VO2max On a separate day from the two primary test days, DEXA (Lunar iDXA GE Healthcare Lunar) was used to calculate body fat as well as muscle mass of the entire lower limb. Additionally, an assessment of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) was performed, using an incremental treadmill test to exhaustion. They began by walking on a level grade for a 5-min warm up, and we progressively increased the speed and grade. We confirmed VO2max by heart rate and RER responses. The heart rate at maximum averaged 180 beats per minute and the age predicted heart rate was 182 beats per minute. The RER at the end of the test averaged 1.29, with a range of 1.16–1.51. After the 5-min warm up, the average time to exhaustion was 7.9 min (range of 5–12 min). VLDL-TG concentration A blood sample to measure plasma VLDL-TG concentration was obtained from an antecubital vein without a tourniquet before the final biopsy. EDTA treated blood was placed on ice, centrifuged under refrigeration for 15 min at 1000 × g, and stored at −80°C. The plasma VLDL-TG was measured by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy as described previously by our laboratory (Harrison et al., 2012). Electromyography (EMG) The raw EMG was collected at 2000 Hz and bandpass filtered (20–450 Hz) with the Trigno EMG system (Delsys). EMGworks software version 4.5 (Delsys) was used to analyze the EMG and goniometry signals. The EMG signal was rectified by taking the root mean square (RMS) after subtraction of the mean microvolts. In preliminary measurements evaluating ROM (Figures S4 and S5), an ankle strain gauge goniometer (Biometrics) sampling at 148 Hz was used. One end of the 75–110 mm goniometer was attached superior to the lateral malleolus and the other block attached to the lateral aspect of the foot. ActivPAL device for demographic purposes during free-living behavioral monitoring For demographic purposes of free-living behavior, the ActivPAL device (PAL Technologies) was worn by all participants in both Experiments I and II. Participants were instructed to wear the device taped to the anterior aspect of the mid-thigh whenever awake (but not in water) for at least 4 days (averaging 10 days) during typical free-living conditions to capture sitting, standing, and stepping time; wear time was 16.3 ± 0.7 h/day over 10.3 ± 5.0 days (mean ± SD). Experiment II The second experiment determined the ability of 2 levels of this type of local contractile activity to impact postprandial glucose during a 13-point OGTT (N = 15). Participants Participants volunteered in part through community outreach at churches and senior centers. For practical and ethical reasons, a VO2max test was not included in this group because there was no exclusion criterion for orthopedic and cardiovascular conditions. However, people were excluded if they reported any recent or planned changes in diet, physical activity, medications, and other potentially confounding lifestyle factors that could be a risk for adherence. They were also excluded if they had a fasting glucose >125 mg/dL or HbA1c >6.4% (the thresholds for Type 2 diabetes), had physician diagnosed diabetes, or took glucoregulatory medications other than metformin. Three participants had been taking metformin for over 1 year. The free-living sedentary and activity time are in Table S1 and had a relatively wide range. By design, this experiment was inclusive of a relatively diverse group of people, including 7 men and 8 women (Table S1). We sought out participants who were at some risk for type 2 diabetes (T2D) based on either the participant (with regards to their own phenotype) or a family member with T2D. These individuals had a HbA1c range of 4.9–6.1 and fasting glucose between 91-115. Inclusion criteria included the goal of an equal number of both sexes/gender and adults age across the lifespan (range of 22 – 82 years). There was a fairly well-balanced proportion of minorities (7 non-Hispanic white, 5 African American, 2 Hispanic, 1 Middle Eastern). Protocol and procedures Generally, within one visit we were able to teach each one the proper biomechanical movement for an SPU contraction. All participants were able to learn how to successfully perform SPU contractions. Fifteen participants performed an OGTT while sedentary for 3 h and during at least one activity condition for 3 h. The 75 g OGTTs were performed following a 12–14 h overnight fast. This test was used because it is the standard for assessing the integrative physiology of glucose regulation and for comparing between studies (Knudsen et al., 2014; Magkos et al., 2016). The participants either sat inactive (control) or performed seated SPU contractions throughout the entire 3-h OGTT period using a repeated measures design in which each subject served as their own control. When recruited, participants were given the option of choosing to participate in two slightly different levels of this activity (SPU1 and SPU2 in random order). Steady-state VO2 and RER measurements were recorded at least once during each of the 3 h (on average 5 times). The average energy expenditure each hour is provided in Table S2. In addition to a thorough explanation of study requirements and demonstration of procedures, time was allotted for ensuring each individual was comfortable with how to weigh and pre-package their food to maintain a consistent diet the day before each test day. Participants were provided with food scales. If the participants felt that replicating their diet would be difficult, we purchased and provided them with food. With this approach, these participants were able to maintain their habitual dietary preferences/requirements. Criteria for selection of the metabolic intensity in experiment II Because this second experiment followed the results of the first experiment, the criteria for the setting the AEE (MET intensity) was as follows. The methodological aim was for these participants to perform SPU contractions at an AEE intensity less than that used in the prior Experiment I (see Figure S1 and compare Tables 1 and ​and2).2). The first rationale for a lower AEE range was to increase the probability that there would be the same or less demand for soleus muscle glycogen used to fuel contractions than in the first study. This avoided the unnecessary subject burden of the added biopsies. Secondly, we aimed to limit the VO2 to assess glucose tolerance when raising total carbohydrate oxidation by an expected amount of about 100-250 mg/min above the normal sedentary level, with the aim of testing if that range was sufficient to reduce the blood glucose response. The reason for focusing on this rate of carbohydrate oxidation is described in more detail in the Results and Discussion. Primary outcome in experiment II (postprandial hyperglycemia) This experiment tested the primary hypothesis that sustaining a low AEE (about 0.6 kcals/min and close to one-half of Experiment I) by SPU contractions would be sufficient to improve postprandial glucose concentration compared to sitting with inactive muscle at the normal resting metabolic rate. From the 180 min after ingesting 75 g glucose, the postprandial glucose responses were assessed by calculating the incremental area under the curve (iAUC) using the trapezoid rule. Furthermore, it was important that the absolute glucose concentration (mg/dL) and the delta glucose concentration were reported at each time point. Given the importance in reporting these results relative to sex and age (and other characteristics of interest to different fields of researchers), the average glucose iAUC responses were calculated in categorically different groups. Method of measuring blood glucose and insulin Blood during each OGTT was sampled at 13 timepoints in 3 h (in triplicate 10 min before the glucose ingestion and every 15 min until 180 min after the glucose ingestion) from a warmed hand. It was tested using a Contour Next EZ (Bayer) blood glucose meter. This involved a well-validated approach of skin punctures for obtaining arterialized glucose excursions during an OGTT (Brouns et al., 2005; Förster et al., 1972; Whichelow et al., 1967). Direct comparisons with arterial catheterization have shown that capillary blood from skin punctures on average agrees closely (within 2–3 mg/dL) during OGTTs with catheterizing an artery (Förster et al., 1972; Whichelow et al., 1967), thus accurately reflecting the delivery of glucose to tissues from the systemic circulation. A validation study in our lab was performed. From this, results established that there was linearity in the observed and predicted glucose concentration in the range of 81–335 mg/dL with the Contour Next EZ (Bayer) blood glucose meter. In our lab’s validation study, the average measured values of whole blood samples, were 3 ± 1% higher than predicted, while the coefficient of variation was 1.3% between replicates (Figure S6). Plasma insulin (Mercodia) and C-peptide (Millipore Sigma) concentrations were measured with commercially available ELISAs. EDTA treated venous blood was obtained every 30 min from an indwelling catheter in an antecubital vein and processed to measure plasma C-peptide in addition to insulin and additional assays (beyond the scope of this paper). The 6 mL blood samples were centrifuged at 1000 × g for 15 min in a refrigerated centrifuge and the resultant plasma stored at −80C. For reasons beyond our control, there was not venous plasma available for insulin assays in 3 of 15 subjects for SPU1 and 2 of 10 for SPU2 comparisons. Blood pressure and heart rate assessment Although not a major outcome, we checked heart rate and blood pressure (BP) in Experiment II during the activity and when sitting inactive with an automated cuff and blood pressure monitor (Omron model HEM-FL31, Tango model M2). In one particularly obese individual, we used a manual sphygmomanometer and stethoscope in order to obtain readings. The results were averaged for 8 participants in which we have complete data from all 3 test days. Quantification and statistical analysis Calculations During physical activity, the total energy expenditure (TEE) is the sum of the activity energy expenditure (AEE) and the resting energy expenditure (REE). AEE is therefore calculated by subtracting the REE when sitting inactive from the TEE: AEE=TEE−REE The caloric contribution of soleus muscle glycogen (in kcal units) to fuel the total AEE was calculated from the combustion of muscle glycogen as follows: Energyfromsoleusglycogenduringcontractions=(ΔGlycogen)(Soleusmass)(GE) where Δ glycogen is the difference between the inactive and active soleus glycogen concentrations (mmol/kg) and the glycogen energy (GE) is 0.675 kcal/mmol which is the amount of energy (kcals) derived from 1 mmol of glycogen when the glucosyl units from glycogen are completely metabolized by oxidative phosphorylation. The soleus muscle mass (kg) was determined in each individual from MRI. This is based on the understanding that each mmol of glucosyl units in glycogen provides 0.675 kcal energy (i.e., 0.675 kcal = 3.75 kcal/g x 180 g/1000 mmol). The increase in oxygen consumption of the entire lower limb musculature during treadmill exercise was calculated as follows. In each of these individuals, the entire lower limb lean mass was measured with DEXA. Running at VO2max was used as a mode of activity to exercise the muscles of the lower limb intensely. The VO2 per kg of the lower limb musculature during treadmill exercise was estimated with the understanding that skeletal muscle accounts for ∼90% of the leg lean mass (Cardinale et al., 2019), and that 75% of the oxygen consumption during “whole-body” exercise involving weight-bearing activity is from the large muscle mass in the lower limbs (Cardinale et al., 2019). From this, the oxygen consumption of lower limb musculature during treadmill exercise was calculated as follows: lowerlimbmuscleVO2duringtreadmillexercise=0.75⋅ΔVO2lowerlimbmusclemass where the lower limb muscle mass = 0.9 × lower limb lean mass, and ΔVO2 is the increase in the measured whole-body VO2 during exercise above resting. Each statistical test used is reported in the table and figure legends. Paired Student’s t-tests were performed when there was a single repeated measures factor with only 2 levels (e.g., inactive and active). When there were 2 factors (e.g., activity/inactivity and time) or more than 2 levels (e.g., inactive, SPU1, SPU2), results were analyzed with a mixed effects model for repeated measures with Tukey’s multiple comparison tests. Each p-value was adjusted to account for multiple comparisons with a family-wise significance set at a level of 0.05 for each mixed effects model. Effect size (ES) was calculated with Cohen’s d test. ES descriptors were as follows: d (0.01 < 0.2) = very small, d (0.2 < 0.5) = small, d (0.5 < 0.7) = medium, d (0.8 < 1.2) = large, d (1.2 < 2.0) = very large, d (≥2.0) = huge (Sawilowsky, 2009). Normality of the data was tested using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Non-normally distributed variables were log transformed before further analysis. Linear regression was used to examine the relationship between specific variables. Statistical tests were two-sided and significance was set at p < 0.05. GraphPad Prism software version 8.4.3 was used. Results are expressed as mean ± SE unless stated otherwise. Go to: Acknowledgments We appreciate the financial support of the American Diabetes Association (1-15-TS-14). Author contributions M.T.H., D.G.H., and T.W.Z. designed research; M.T.H., D.G.H., and T.W.Z. performed the research; M.T.H., D.G.H., and T.W.Z. analyzed data; and M.T.H., D.G.H., and T.W.Z. wrote the paper. All authors approved the final version of the manuscript. Declaration of interests We, the authors and our immediate family members, have no related patents to declare. The authors have been developing technologies to help instruct people how to do the SPU movement optimally. The University of Houston has the intent to patent potential intellectual property. Inclusion and diversity We worked to ensure gender balance in the recruitment of human subjects. We worked to ensure ethnic or other types of diversity in the recruitment of human subjects. We worked to ensure that the study questionnaires were prepared in an inclusive way. One or more of the authors of this paper received support from a program designed to increase minority representation in science. Go to: Notes Published: September 16, 2022 Go to: Footnotes Supplemental information can be found online at Go to: Supplemental information Document S1. 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I would HIGHLY prefer this to a short press release blurb that allows pop-science clickbait aggregators (or even worse, the "science" sections of CBS/CNN and the like) to have first crack at it. This was produced by the university themselves, and provides a concise yet accurate and detailed overview of the biochemistry involved, as well as a nice short embedded youtube video demonstrating the movement in question and going over the main points of the research. Yes, improvements could be made, and yes, follow up studies will need to be performed. But this is head and shoulders above the "ONE SMALL TRICK, DIETICIANS HATE HIM" alternative we would have gotten otherwise. lock-the-spock 3 months ago | parent | next [–] Exactly. Essentially the trick is not "use this muscle". It rather is "do this specific movement with this muscle. I can describe it quite simply, but to truly learn it you'll need a biofeedback device and you need to know what you're working towards." There are a lot of surprising skills that we could learn if we just knew how and put in the effort. See e.g. the blind mountainbikers using echolocation to 'see' the path, or method of loci/other memory techniques. Tenoke 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] >I can describe it quite simply, but to truly learn it you'll need a biofeedback device and you need to know what you're working towards. I don't know, some gifs from different angles would sure have helped more given our lack of devices (though yes, the video does show one important angle). At any rate the complaints aren't so much in the description but in it being yet another simple trick, of which we see thousands and few if any pan out especially to the level claimed here. m463 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] Related, back in the 80's I tried a friend's small biofeedback device and learned in a short time how to really relax. The device was a galvanic skin response device that looked like a mouse. You put your fingers on it and it would make a tone that would decrease in pitch with less muscle tension. I laid down and tried to decrease the tone and I gradually learned where I was holding tension and how to relax. As the tone got deeper I would get closer and closer to falling asleep. search for GSR biofeedback on amazon (not affiliated in any way) ZephyrOhm 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] My adblocker hid the video. So glad I came here and read your comments. I was looking for a video aatd86 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] Shhh... This is a way to people to stop skipping training their calves. It's funny how they call it a soleus pushup but this is the basic movement called seated calf raise. ksaj 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] It's actually not. The reason he mentioned what's going on on the inside is not what you think is going on by looking from the outside. Sit in that same position, and then do a lift part way. At some point, you'll find a "spring" balance, where you can autonomously drum your leg. The muscle that is doing that triggered flex is the only muscle you are focusing on with the Soleus Pushup. Except for the SP, you are triggering it with a pause instead of letting your leg hammer. That rest will allow you to do the move indefinitely without muscle fatigue in that muscle only. It's a bit like your heart beat. Other than the pause, the distance you aim upward for, and the catch (the small bounce right before your heal falls to the ground), the move is way more like this leg drumming than any calf raise, but slower and with rest strokes. Incidentally, you can google the paper, which includes graphs of the muscle use. The two main muscles engaged for calf raises are only nominally activated (because it's pretty hard not to flex with this move) but the Soleus is doing way more of the work. So visibly it is pretty much identical to a calf raise. But what is driving the motion is totally different. Plus you limit to only 1% of your body weight. That muscle specifically has that spring action the surrounding muscles don't have, and uses nutrients entirely differently in order to be that way. After a half-hour of doing this, just like cycling, your body enters a metabolic state, which means that muscle is eating up fats and sugars from your blood at a much higher rate than normally. Then you keep going from there because your Soleus is the one demanding the nutrients. aatd86 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] I've looked but it still looks like a seated calf raise (which is an exercise that isolate the soleus). Perhaps the ROM is different or it is a quasi-isometric contraction, the paper is not very clear. pushcx 3 months ago | prev | next [–] For all the comments wondering what the particular movement and equipment is, see pages 5 and 6 of the supplementary materials: The equipment is an electromyography system with realtime display. It measures the muscle contraction and is displayed to the subject so they can learn to recognize the movement that properly activates the muscle. Contrary to the video, you do not need to be an academic to buy one, they're fairly common in high-end sports coaching/rehab and you can find a cheap arduino-compatible system on Amazon if you want to DIY. If you don't read much exercise science, it's worth noting the paper says "It is important to note that volunteers in Experiment I (Table S1) were typically sedentary (verified with an objective tracking device), and none of them had a high aerobic cardiorespiratory fitness (determined by treadmill VO2max or the maximal oxygen consumption test)." A common pitfall of exercise science is that almost anything works wonderfully on untrained sedentary subjects. Wait for replication. canucker2016 3 months ago | parent | next [–] But sedentary people are the target audience for this exercise. Athletes worry about having enough energy during their exercise. When many people in developed countries are obese or overweight, every technique helps, especially something for those who don't like to sweat... pushcx 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] Here's a nice intro to some of the difficulties in researching exercise science: For more, the Stronger by Science podcast regularly discusses methodology. karmakaze 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] > Athletes worry about having enough energy during their exercise. Ironically, I'm a sedentary person who doesn't have enough energy to do 10 stations at the gym. If I do back & legs I'm pretty much done for the day. While I was reading the article, I realized that my need for optimizing for efficient blood sugar use is different than the many who would rather waste it. T3OU-736 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] 10 stations seems... excessive. (If your goal for exercises is physical therapy or bodybuilding, ignore the rest of this) If a given "station" is what I picture it to be, it is likely a station for training a muscle in isolation. example: a station called "preacher's bench" for "bicep curls",l. Consider that isolation exercise is, broadly, really useful for two circumstances: bodybuilding, and physical therapy. For functional fitness, it is exceedingly rare that the an individual muscle would be the only muscle group engaged. So, instead, I would strongly argue that free weights (dumbells, barbells) and the compound (multi-muscle) movements are a better use of time and energy at the gym. and are a good starting point. Also Strength Training Anatomy - 3rd Edition by Frederic Delavier - helpful as a reference which stations engage what muscles. ksaj 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] That's pretty much exactly what they say in this study. The point is if you are a sedentary couch potato or desk jockey, you can do this to activate a metabolic state. Literally the people who won't use your (good) advice. It's why there is so much benefit to riding a cycle for 20-30 minutes before working out. Soleus Pushups done properly won't cause fatigue like the cycle does, yet triggers a long-lasting metabolic state (hours, versus minutes you can expect from short bursts of exercise) in the same amount of time. mancerayder 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] View it as training and not exercise. You start minimally and slow, far below exertion capacity, rest a few days, and do similar stuff with slightly more intensity (resistance) or volume (number of reps). There's an art/science to it, and barring health handicaps it's essentially a universal system the body evolved to do. jmatthews 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] If you do back and legs you should be done for the day. Split your posterior chain. :) collegeburner 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] if you do legs you should be done for the day... otherwise not hitting legs hard enough :) ksaj 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] Funny enough, they say in a few different ways that while it isn't a very practical exercise, you're just sitting there anyway. So it is not aimed at most athletes. Athletes already have strong metabolic responses, except when they plateau, but that's surely not going to happen to a couch potato or desk jockey. tylervigen 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] Right but the point is that there may be nothing special about this particular exercise. It’s a bit complicated to get the equipment and training to learn how to do this; maybe that effort is better allocated to just encouraging people to get up and go for a walk every once in a while. throw101010 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] > maybe that effort is better allocated to just encouraging people to get up and go for a walk every once in a while. This method has been used for decades and the results on the obesity rates do not seem to be very good so far. Maybe it's time to try other approaches. rizzom5000 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] Clearly the current culture in the US is not healthy, but the reason for healthy scientific and rational skepticism in this case was succinctly laid out in previous comments. It seems to me a tautology to suggest to that going for a walk is less complex than purchasing a specialized device in order to to a specialized exercise in an attempt to fend off obesity (when we already know that walking alone will probably not do any such thing). I'm much more optimistic about pharmaceutical approaches to combating the obesity epidemic at this point. The current cultural direction on this may shift at some point however. throw101010 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] > It seems to me a tautology to suggest to that going for a walk is less complex than purchasing a specialized device in order to to a specialized exercise in an attempt to fend off obesity (when we already know that walking alone will probably not do any such thing). Fair point, and I do agree that pharmaceutical approaches seem more likely to reach more people affected by this problem. My broader point was that the simplistic "just be more active" seem ineffective... and in my experience in some cases even counterproductive, so providing more alternative routes to healthier lifestyles makes sense to me, as complicated as they may seem, maybe they will be more convincing/enticing than what we currently do. eagsalazar2 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] The failure is a failure of adherence which is always the root issue with obesity. Walking probably actually does work well too. The relevant question is "which one are people more likely to actually do?" And this does seem promising in that regard. 762236 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] Is it about obesity? The technique is about increasing oxidative capacity, which has wonderful benefits. Although it metabolizes fat, that doesn't mean it needs to lower weight to gain benefits. collegeburner 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] walks don't burn that many calories man. America has a calories-in problem not a calories-out one anyway. wonnor 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] How could walking possibly burn fewer calories per unit time than a tiny leg movement? collegeburner 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] sounds like the theory is that keeping it going over a long period of time keeps the metabolism up vs a short walk? tbh I'm skeptical, but my point is more that "go for a walk" isn't really the answer for weight loss. serious cardio (hiit appears to work well from last time i looked at literature) and some heavy lifting work way better, but it's still mostly a "calories in" problem. collegeburner 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] if y'all want a little broscience: the soleus may be a good choice because advice is generally that it's best worked with sitting vs. standing calf raises. so kinda interesting that they came to this muscle in particular. swamp40 3 months ago | prev | next [–] > Instead of breaking down glycogen, the soleus can use other types of fuels such as blood glucose and fats. Glycogen is normally the predominant type of carbohydrate that fuels muscular exercise. > When the SPU was tested, the whole-body effects on blood chemistry included a 52% improvement in the excursion of blood glucose (sugar) and 60% less insulin requirement over three hours after ingesting a glucose drink. That's amazing if it is true. bluGill 3 months ago | parent | next [–] Most muscles can use a variety of energy sources. Cells have had to deal with famine and seasons since long before humans, and so needed ways to use whatever energy is available. Sugar is by far the easiest to use for energy, but fats are used as well. KellyC727 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] Yes, but the article is pointing out that without being in a state of famine or other known state when muscles have no alternative but to other fuels, the soleus uses other fuels. debacle 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] Not a biologist, but I would wonder why only this muscle would be capable of this. Metabolizing fats is a complex process. cowmoo728 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] All muscles are capable of metabolizing fat. In cycling (and other endurance sports), one of the adaptations observed in top athletes is that their muscles become highly efficient at metabolizing fat during medium-intensity exercise. A professional endurance athlete will metabolize about 70% fat, 30% carbs for the majority of a multi-hour event. This preserves their muscle glycogen for the high-intensity bits where they need to push 400+ watts for 20-30 minutes up a final climb, or do a 1200w sprint to the finish line. When the intensity level exceeds a threshold, the muscle will begin switching to nearly 100% glycogen. Once that glycogen is depleted, muscles lose their top-end peak power output. Sedentary overweight people tend to become very inefficient at metabolizing fat. At anything higher than a slow walking pace, for example, they will begin the cutover to glycogen and turn down fat metabolism. I believe the press release is saying that the soleus muscle is unique in that it does not have a readily accessible store of glycogen. So even in sedentary people that are normally extremely inefficient at metabolizing fat, exercising the soleus will force their body to metabolize blood glucose and fat. Normally it takes months or even years of slow and steady exercise to make a sedentary overweight person effectively metabolize fat while exercising at an intensity high enough to trigger serious metabolic improvements. So if true, the soleus muscle would be a magic shortcut to this process. jaggs 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] "Sedentary overweight people tend to become very inefficient at metabolizing fat. At anything higher than a slow walking pace, for example, they will begin the cutover to glycogen and turn down fat metabolism." Hm...very interesting. So is there an ideal protocol for fat mobilization in sedentary people? Asking for a friend. kiba 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] From what I read, lot and lot of zone 2 training. jaggs 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] Ahh, thanks. Now off to research. For my friend. mmastrac 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] In this case, is the body releasing actual fat into the bloodstream for use by the muscles, rather than the fat stores burning fat directly for ATP? cowmoo728 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] Yes, fatty acids are bound up in TriAcylGlycerol (TAG). Exercise triggers the breakdown of TAG in fat reserves, sending fatty acids into the blood. These fatty acids go through a pretty complicated process to be delivered into a muscle cell, and then into the muscle cell mitochondria. This transport process cannot keep up with energy expenditure during intense exercise, thus the cutover to stored muscle glycogen (and at even higher peak loads under about 10 seconds, creatine phosphate). Sedentary people lose the ability to rapidly deliver fat into muscle cell mitochondria. This is a good summary of the current state of the research. robbintt 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] What is meant by intense exercise? For example, vigorous cardio (age dependent but about hr 150 bpm) is one familiar benchmark, but is this considered intense exercise? KellyC727 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] Yes, muscles can use fat but only when forced to do so bc the primary fuel source is no longer available. This article is showing that even while the muscles and liver have glycogen and glucose is available, the soleus chooses to use fat. This is huge if it’s true! robbintt 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] Is there a place I can read about exercise metabolism like this? porpoisemonkey 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] Also not a biologist - just an enthusiastic layman. The Soleus muscle (Soleal pump) is partially responsible for helping to return blood from your legs back up to your heart while upright. [1] This is a fairly critical process so it would make sense that it would be able to metabolize multiple energy sources. [1] kaba0 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] If anything, the above article says that the soleus can’t utilize multiple energy sources, it relies mostly on the blood stream (which makes sense for better endurance at running/walking). Also, pumping the blood back is a purely mechanical process, the same is true for your arm muscles, I don’t think it has a relevance here — its a very important process that circulates lymph and helps circulate blood. lock-the-spock 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] Interesting. And the logical second conclusion is that this is an evolutionarily costly process, otherwise it would be common across our muscles. Maybe the muscle has a higher risk of injury, degeneration, cancer than othe muscles...? swamp40 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] Might have something to do with the "need for speed". Running further than your glycogen alone can take you - increases your survival odds. kaba0 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] It has more to do with the ratio of “red” vs “white” muscle fibers. Some muscles trade off some power for endurance and vice versa. If someone ever tried to train for their biceps they will know how even at the end of the training, the first few repetitions of a set will be “easy”, while afterwards it feels like you can’t move it anymore. It’s because biceps typically operates on its local energy storage, and it is not good at endurance. kiba 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] If you do aerobic exercise, you metabolize fat. debacle 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] But in a muscle? That seems to be the argument here, unless it's just bad journalism. mmastrac 3 months ago | prev | next [–] I'm curious if this is the same muscle that causes Charlie Horses. I can activate it on its own without moving my leg and can hold it in tension for a long time but if you flex it too hard it knots and is quite painful. The way that I can flex it: Lie on your back on the floor with your heels on a couch, knees approx 90 degrees Tip/rotate your foot forward and you'll feel a large muscle engage Try and flex that muscle like you would your bicep or pectorals. You'll find that you can hold it for quite some time. Edit: I managed to hold it for a few minutes and it's a very odd feeling afterwards. Almost like I had done a bunch of stairs with no cardio. Edit 2: Standing afterwards wasn't fun - I had to stretch my calves out to walk normally. outworlder 3 months ago | parent | next [–] > I'm curious if this is the same muscle that causes Charlie Horses. Not sure what you mean. We can have charlie horses in any skeletal muscle. mmastrac 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] Oh yeah, but at least in myself, they are primarily in the calves. blacksmith_tb 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] Gastroc[1] usually, I think, or at least that's how it feels for me. 1: aendruk 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] > Charlie Horse I had to look this up. It means leg cramp? jpollock 3 months ago | prev | next [–] The "Strengthening Exercises" for the soleus muscle would be a way to target it? Unless it needs a specific interval to get it into some sort of oxygen deficit or something? (From the linked page[1]) Some exercises to strengthen your soleus may include: * Bent knee plantar flexion with a resistance band * Bent knee heel raises (as per the Alfredson protocol[2]) * Seated calf raises Again, the bent knee position keeps your calf on slack and focus the workload on the soleus muscles of your lower legs. [1] [2] Alfredson Protocol: DoingIsLearning 3 months ago | parent | next [–] > The "Strengthening Exercises" for the soleus muscle would be a way to target it? Unless it needs a specific interval to get it into some sort of oxygen deficit or something? They specifically perform a concentric contraction of the soleus _and_ "passive drop" of the heel. So without more detail of the paper it's difficult to tell but it seem that the benefit is in performing concentric contractions _without_ eccentric contractions of the soleus. filoeleven 3 months ago | prev | next [–] > Additional publications are in the works focused on how to instruct people to properly learn this singular movement, but without the sophisticated laboratory equipment used in this latest study. Since everyone’s harping on the previous paragraph and saying “they’re just trying to sell us stuff!!” I figured I should put this quote in a top-level comment as an anti-inflammatory aid. jawns 3 months ago | prev | next [–] I'm a former journalist, and I'd like to touch on some of the comments about how this article reads like a dubious infomercial, with a lot of outsized claims that are setting off people's B.S. detectors. They set off mine, as well. But you have to remember that this is not a news article. It is not written by someone with any degree of expertise in the subject matter. Rather, it's written by a member of the media-relations department at the university. The only source for the piece appears to be Marc Hamilton, a professor at the university. So what you're likely perceiving is the author trying to hype up something that is inherently pretty boring and technical, and it comes off as B.S. cycomanic 3 months ago | parent | next [–] Very likely it's not the professor hyping it, but the uni communications office. This reads like a typical uni press release. The scientists typically have little influence on it, they typically read the text that there is no factual errors, but they also leave it to the subject experts (the journalists/communicators) to write the text. wildegorilla 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] See what the professor says: skjoldr 3 months ago | prev | next [–] Tidbits from Wiki explaining this from another angle. It seems like slow fibers burn fat better than fast fibers, which makes sense. "The action of the calf muscles, including the soleus, is plantarflexion of the foot (that is, they increase the angle between the foot and the leg). They are powerful muscles and are vital in walking, running, and keeping balance. The soleus specifically plays an important role in maintaining standing posture; if not for its constant pull, the body would fall forward. Also, in upright posture, the soleus is responsible for pumping venous blood back into the heart from the periphery, and is often called the skeletal-muscle pump, peripheral heart or the sural (tricipital) pump. Soleus muscles have a higher proportion of slow muscle fibers than many other muscles. In some animals, such as the guinea pig and cat, soleus consists of 100% slow muscle fibers. Human soleus fiber composition is quite variable, containing between 60 and 100% slow fibers. The soleus is the most effective muscle for plantarflexion in a bent knee position (Hence called the first gear muscle). This is because the gastrocnemius originates on the femur, so bending the leg limits its effective tension. During regular movement (i.e., walking) the soleus is the primary muscle utilized for plantarflexion due to the slowtwitch fibers resisting fatigue." version_five 3 months ago | prev | next [–] “We never dreamed that this muscle has this type of capacity. It's been inside our bodies all along, but no one ever investigated how to use it to optimize our health, until now,” said Hamilton. “When activated correctly, the soleus muscle can raise local oxidative metabolism to high levels for hours, not just minutes, and does so by using a different fuel mixture.” I'm can't evaluate the claims, but this kind of language makes me suspicious. Is this some whole new phenomenon or are there existing, known effects that this somehow parallels? digdugdirk 3 months ago | parent | next [–] There are people who train their entire bodies to function on different biochemical processes, generally long distance endurance athletes training to perform in a fat adapted state for ultramarathons and the like. The research here just seems to suggest that the soleus muscle itself has a lower "barrier to entry" before utilizing different energy sources (blood glucose and fat oxidation) which allows it to sustain activity for a longer time duration. This makes sense, as the soleus is highly involved in walking, and humans basically evolved to walk more than we've evolved to do anything else. soperj 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] I wonder if there is some kind of unintended consequences to using that fuel mixture... 762236 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] No, we're designed to do it in all of our skeletal muscle ravenstine 3 months ago | prev | next [–] > Hamilton’s research suggests the soleus pushup’s ability to sustain an elevated oxidative metabolism to improve the regulation of blood glucose is more effective than any popular methods currently touted as a solution including exercise, weight loss and intermittent fasting. I want to believe in this idea, but all I can say is that's quite a claim. I could believe that it's more effective at glucose regulation than exercise, but to say that it's more effective than weight loss seems peculiar because loss of fat mass (which I'm assuming is what is meant by weight loss) is a result of downregulating how much glucose and fat (insuling being present in response to glucose) can enter cells. Maybe there's a logic to that statement, but it seems to be comparing a cause to an effect. Presumably, if the soleus pushup lives up to its name, it would have a negative effect on fat mass. If blood glucose was poorly regulated, absent a failure to produce enough insulin, fat loss would be a sign of better blood glucose regulation. > The new approach of keeping the soleus muscle metabolism humming is also effective at doubling the normal rate of fat metabolism in the fasting period between meals, reducing the levels of fat in the blood (VLDL triglyceride). ̶I̶'̶m̶ ̶s̶u̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶f̶u̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶r̶e̶s̶u̶l̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶i̶g̶n̶o̶r̶a̶n̶c̶e̶,̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶f̶a̶t̶ ̶m̶e̶t̶a̶b̶o̶l̶i̶s̶m̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶x̶i̶m̶a̶l̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶w̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶i̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶s̶t̶o̶r̶e̶d̶,̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶e̶x̶p̶e̶c̶t̶ ̶V̶L̶D̶L̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶r̶e̶d̶u̶c̶e̶d̶,̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶o̶p̶p̶o̶s̶i̶t̶e̶.̶ ̶ ̶A̶l̶s̶o̶,̶ ̶f̶a̶t̶ ̶i̶s̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶j̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶t̶r̶a̶n̶s̶p̶o̶r̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶y̶ ̶V̶L̶D̶L̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶b̶y̶ ̶c̶h̶y̶l̶o̶m̶i̶c̶r̶o̶n̶s̶.̶ ̶ ̶I̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶f̶a̶t̶ ̶b̶e̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶m̶e̶t̶a̶b̶o̶l̶i̶z̶e̶d̶ ̶i̶s̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶p̶o̶s̶t̶p̶r̶a̶n̶d̶i̶a̶l̶,̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶b̶e̶ ̶i̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶s̶t̶i̶l̶l̶ ̶g̶e̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶r̶a̶n̶s̶p̶o̶r̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶a̶n̶o̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶w̶a̶y̶?̶ ̶ ̶I̶'̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶n̶k̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶u̶n̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶s̶p̶e̶c̶i̶a̶l̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶g̶o̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶o̶n̶.̶ EDIT: Nevermind, I think I had it backwards. Chylomicrons transport dietary fat from the intestine. And too bad my DIY calorimeter has a broken sensor, because I would love to test myself and see if such an exercise has a measurable effect on RQ. wrycoder 3 months ago | parent | next [–] I believe that the journal article is freely downloadable[0]. [0] (pdf) What is this diy calorimeter? ravenstine 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] Oh, you're right. For some reason I thought it was requesting I pay. A calorimeter in a general sense measures heat transference, calories being a measure of heat. More specifically, what I build is an indirect calorimeter which uses respiratory gas analysis to not only measure human energy expenditure in calories but make an approximation of the ratio of glucose to fat being utilized. The reason I might fix my calorimeter sooner rather than later is to see whether I can witness greater glucose utilization with the soleus pushup than with other exercises of the similar energy expenditure. EDIT: In the paper it states that they used an indirect calorimeter. It's a very cool device to have access to, but I don't recommend anyone build their own like I did. As the paper describes, it's really hard to get right with even the best equipment. Calibration is very difficult and subtle body movements can totally mess with a reading. > VO2 and VCO2 production were determined using a TrueOne 2400 metabolic system from Parvo Medics. The gas analyzers and pneumotach were calibrated according to standard manufacturer procedures using certified calibration gases. Sufficient time to flush out the gas lines and average steady state measurements was always confirmed. The measurement period was extended when it was deemed helpful (such as if there was a fluctuation in VO2 caused by a cough or when taking additional time to confirm the precision of the result). We were careful to ensure participants were positioned when sitting completely relaxed to avoid extraneous movement beyond the intended SPU plantarflexion movement. This included positioning the chair back rest and height for each individual to optimize a restful position. wrycoder 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] Do you have a link to your technology? Why is the indirect method so sensitive to extraneous movement? More so than just reflecting the additional energy expenditure? ravenstine 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] > Do you have a link to your technology? I don't, unfortunately. I did plan on publishing something about it, but life got in the way. Maybe you'll see me post something about it on HN one day. In summary, there's nothing really groundbreaking about what I did other than I made it smaller and more portable than most existing indirect calorimeters. I made a circuit board with some sensors and an Arduino Nano mounted on it. The outer shell was designed with OpenSCAD and 3D printed. It was designed so it could be worn on a facepiece (in my case, a modified 3M respirator). > Why is the indirect method so sensitive to extraneous movement? Anything movement made is a result of metabolic activity. I was surprised to see drastic changes in RQ (respiratory quotient) just by getting up out of my chair and walking to the bathroom. It can take time for reading to stabilize. One reason is that even the best CO2 sensors have a slow response time in contrast to O2 sensors. There's enough lag that a change in activity can ruin a large section of a test, in particular if you're anticipating delayed metabolic activity. Also, it takes the body some time to eliminate CO2 after any amount of exercise. After movement, especially something like steady state cardio, this causes the RQ to jump up for ~3 to 5 minutes before it drops down. One thing that research grade ICs do to mitigate this is to use a mixing chamber with a sampling pump to try and smooth out and normalize readings over a window of time. My approach was to literally just have my breath blow over the sensors with valves only allowing air to move in one direction, which is simpler and allows for readings to be a bit closer to real-time. It's also considered more problematic than other approaches like the mixing chamber. Oh yeah, there's also this thing with lactic acid buffering that can cause some extra CO2 production but isn't necessarily considered metabolic activity. Then there's the problem of leaks in the system, which are more likely to occur when the subject is moving. Even a little air leak can create anomalies, and you don't always know when they occur. There's a lot of confounding factors, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some. Unless an indirect calorimeter has been designed by a company specifically for variable movement, you can assume that the only way to get reliably results is to make sure that the metabolic activity remains consistent for the duration of a test. That means either the subject lies still and doesn't move at all or they're performing something like cardio at a steady pace. If you look up protocols for conducting IC, you'll notice they're very strict. > More so than just reflecting the additional energy expenditure? Energy expenditure is thrown off but actually much less so because it is more closely tied to oxygen consumption than RQ, which is more closely related to the volume of CO2 produced. Since oxygen sensors respond fast and the body doesn't do weird things with oxygen like buffer it, EE isn't affected as badly. But if you want to measure how much carbohydrate to fat is being utilized, then any disruption can cause confusing results. Indirect Calorimetry is very difficult to get right, but it's used because the alternative, direct calorimetry, is usually impractical. Direct calorimetry of a human being involves placing the subject in a room with a water jacket and measuring the difference in temperature after the subject has radiated heat away from their body. It avoids the confounding factors of IC, but you can't measure RQ that way and it's not really practical as I've said outside of financed research. wrycoder 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] Thank you for that explanation! cardosof 3 months ago | prev | next [–] So if I activate this tiny muscle in my calf for a while my metabolism will be up for hours? And where all that added energy will go? I don't know a thing in this area but I know that when something looks too good to be true, it probably isn't. jonnycomputer 3 months ago | parent | next [–] Info is in paper and supplementals, but in short, the protocol was that participants did the spu's for either 130 or 270 minutes each day, with 50 contractions a minute. It's a work out. zaven 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] No I think what they’re saying is if you do this exercise for hours while seated, you will have the increased metabolism and its benefits the whole time without getting tired. lostlogin 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] > when something looks too good to be true, it probably isn't. Is that a typo or are you a very lucky individual? tsimionescu 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] I think they mean, when something looks too good to be true, it probably isn't [true] (though that's not how the phrase is normally used, of course). Tao3300 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] It's definitely one of those phrases that makes more sense spoken aloud. anikan_vader 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] >> It probably isn't [true]. ericmcer 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] Maybe you just have elevated mood and energy levels for a few hours? One of the nasty parts of dieting is that you can cut calories and not lose weight, just have less energy and feel worse. Probably not as relevant if your obese but cutting calories leads to some other effects than weight loss when your already lean. Conversely if your weight is stable you might be able to add 500 calories with no ill effects, just more energy, faster recovery etc. It would be great if it was just formulaic like your post implies but it isn’t. skjoldr 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] Heat, obviously. Thermogenesis. neilknowsbest 3 months ago | prev | next [–] As an aside, the web page for this story shows pictures of a study participant seated in front of a big monitor displaying their vitals. I don't know much about study design, but I feel like that would confound results. thebeardisred 3 months ago | parent | next [–] It looked to me as if it was a biofeedback system for the purpose of aiding the individual in isolating the correct muscle movement(s). swamp40 3 months ago | prev | next [–] Video of the motion: kenjackson 3 months ago | parent | next [–] It looks like fidgeting, but what you can't tell is if the muscle is exerting on the eccentric or what the intensity is. In any case, I'm going back to fidgeting for the afternoon. lend000 3 months ago | prev | next [–] Curious if anyone here had additional context around this. Do calf raises have a similar effect? Do people with a habit of bouncing their calves while seated (essentially a soleus pushup as described in the article) have higher metabolisms on average? It makes sense that a part of a calf muscle could have exceptional endurance, given the importance of walking in humans, but the article seems to say walking doesn't use it enough to activate the same effect. Maybe running? The article makes some big claims and it would be interesting to see an independent review. digdugdirk 3 months ago | parent | next [–] Not sure about the specific differences in glucose utilization between the soleus and the gasctroc (the other main calf muscle) but in general, yes. Calf raises should have a similar effect. The key factor seems to be the soleus doesn't fatigue as quickly, allowing this to be sustained to a point where the muscle energy source shifts to a more long term type of fuel. As for people who bounce their calves? Absolutely - this is called NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) in scientific research. Its lumped in with general movement - walking, climbing stairs, etc. This can account for a few hundred calories per day. Here's an overview study that claims up to 350 calories per day: urubu 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] Standing calf raises train the gastrocnemius and the soleus. Many gyms also have a seated calf raise machine which is meant to isolate the soleus. I don't think I ever felt anything special after using it. digdugdirk 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] You'd know if you had isolated the soleus. It feels weirdly (but noticeably) different to activating the gastroc. Much deeper and more centralized. notyourday 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] > Do calf raises have a similar effect? Unlikely as untrained person would have a very hard time doing 50 calf raises elil17 3 months ago | prev | next [–] At the end of the video, the researcher says that it's not as simple as just tapping your foot, you need some technology to isolate the motion. Could anyone with a better understanding of anatomy/muscles explain how that works and how they get people to perform this motion? ilaksh 3 months ago | parent | next [–] First, they get the university to publish an article making their claim seem credible. They then get an investor to give them $300,000 and make a custom order with a factory in China to add another piece of plastic and some branding to an existing device. They wait 3 months and then receive 30,000 "magic" gizmos in the mail. Then, they sell people a $250 electric muscle stimulator that you wear while sitting. Then they buy a really big new house. They live in a city in the United States though so after taxes and paying a few other people off, it barely even qualifies as a mansion. Probably aiming for something like this one which is very nice, but his country club friends who are really rich will compare it to their guest houses. Fortunately they are almost done with the $59.99 app that tracks how much fat you are supposedly burning while you sit there for hours and your calfs twitch. I think this will sell very, very well. People are incredibly lazy and want to believe that not only do they not need to get off their fat ass, they don't need to move anything other than their feet and legs a few inches. Not only that, they don't even need the willpower to move on their own, and in fact it only works if they plug in to a device that does everything for them. Lol. tiagod 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] You spent all this time writing a comment calling out this study as a fraud appealing to lazy people, but it seems you were too lazy to read the article and truly understand the device's role... ilaksh 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] I read it. Looks like a bunch of BS. yread 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] This is very mean! But I did laugh out loud, thank you lock-the-spock 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] If appears to be a biofeedback device, to help the individual learn the precise motion, rather than just "do something that looks like it". ibrahimsow1 3 months ago | prev | next [–] I don't understand the physical motion. Simply raising the heel whilst sitting? lapetitejort 3 months ago | parent | next [–] I think it's more complicated based on the article: > "...It’s a very specific movement that right now requires wearable technology and experience to optimize the health benefits.” So it sounds like the performer may have to look at a graph to see that the right motion has been achieved? This video reinforces the notion: kentlyons 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] I went looking at the published paper ( and it says on pg3: "this specific type of plantarflexion because the relatively high soleus electromyography (EMG) on-time (i.e., soleus activation) coincided with upward angular motion of the ankle". The supplementary materials show EMG and range of motion graphs. A bit of googling says plantar flexion is the same muscle movement needed for pushing the accelerator pedal while driving or ballet dancers standing on their toes. My guess (not my field of expertise) is the muscle is activated strongly in isolation (the toe pushing down motion) and inducing a large range of motion. So it's not raising the heel so much as pushing the toe down. grahamplace 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] From the article: > In brief, while seated with feet flat on the floor and muscles relaxed, the heel rises while the front of the foot stays put. When the heel gets to the top of its range of motion, the foot is passively released to come back down. ivan_ah 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] See this video at t=34 secs: Seems pretty simple... I guess what is special is (1) you can do it while sitting, and (2) the muscle doesn't seem to get tired so you can do it all day. skjoldr 3 months ago | prev | next [–] While seated, place your feet flat on the floor while bending the knees so that the toes go behind the vertical plane of the knees. (Z shaped legs basically) Place your hand on the back of the upper portion of the calf, right under the knee. Keeping the foot on the floor and the leg in the same Z position, try to "slide" it backwards with as much force as possible but so it doesn't actually slip. You will feel muscle tension with your hand. That's the gastrocnemius muscle. You can probably contract it at will as well, so much that it cramps, that's the one. You don't want to flex it on either side of the calf. Now lean your body onto your leg (same position) with your elbow on top of the knee. Try to lift your heel up with your weight on top of the knee, while not tensing the gastroc (feeling it using the opposite hand), i.e. avoid trying to move the foot backwards, only lift the heel up. I am pretty sure this loads up the soleus muscle instead, that sits underneath the gastroc. You can feel it tense up if you place the opposite hand around the lower part of the calf, above the ankle, to the sides of where the curve of the gastroc transitions into the achilles tendon. Now this is pretty difficult to do without putting your weight on top of your leg, but I think after you identify the correct muscle it becomes much easier to do without tools. I had some success by trying to push the floor away with the balls of the feet while raising the heel and monitoring the gastroc with the opposite hand. After you do some of those loaded seated calf raises, the soleus muscle tends to become tense and stays tense for a while, you can feel it especially in the lower calf. This is probably how it eats up so much energy. Another way to load these muscles is to sit, bend your knees and spread them out while raising the heels, lean forward and place your elbows on your spread knees, shifting some of your weight on top of them. Then try rocking forwards and backwards while moving your heels up and down. Your lower calves will quickly start to burn, but they take a while to truly tire out. Which I guess is the point. :) jaggs 3 months ago | parent | next [–] Video needed. :) kazinator 3 months ago | prev | next [–] I think the soleus helps to pump blood. Flexing the soleus could be improving circulation, which is responsible for some of the allegedly observed effects. In Japanese there is a saying "ふくらはぎは第二の心臓" (fukurahagi wa, dai-ni no shinzou: the calves are a second heart). Calf-io-vascular workout? Haha. canadiantim 3 months ago | parent | next [–] A great pun, but the laughing at your own joke is the best! jonnycomputer 3 months ago | prev | next [–] The paper says the testing protocol was 50 contractions per minute for 130/270 minutes sessions per day. Not nothing. But something that you may integrate into your desk sitting for the day (I'd assume some benefit to even less activity, e.g. 1/2 hour sessions). timothylaurent 3 months ago | prev | next [–] There's no way that isolating the soleus is somehow mysterious and out of reach of the common person. Just tell us what sort of activation is needed - how long should you do the exercise - we can manage to figure out if we're working our soleus. alliao 3 months ago | prev | next [–] wonder if drummers (who may activate it more than others) have statistically significant advantage over others with similar sitting down lifestyle and energy output... big claims, great if true! najarvg 3 months ago | parent | next [–] In a specific study quantifying energy expenditure during rock/pop drumming, it was found to burn enough energy to qualify as a cardio activity (caveat, small sample size) - So there could definitely be come advantage gained by regular rock/pop drummers in comparison with sedentary folks for sure. This assumes of course, that other factors are kept the same (diet, pre-existing health conditions, stress exposure etc) which are incredibly hard to compare in real life settings. ordersofmag 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] I'm a runner who's fairly familiar with the difference in sensation between activating the soleus and activating the gastrocnemius (thanks PT). I'm also a drummer and I'm pretty sure most of my pedal-work while drumming is gastrocnemius-centric. RobertRoberts 3 months ago | prev | next [–] Eat a _lot_ less. Exercise (even just a little). Don't snack late into the evening. Be hungry, on a consistent and regular basis. Don't over-eat. No magic, no cost, no special anything. It's not easy, and most people can't do it, but it works. And even if some magic product helps you lose weight, you will still need to follow the above rules anyways. It's like many smokers, they can't quit until they almost die, but then they just magically can quit, cause it's life and death. No magic product/idea, just time to make a change. pawelduda 3 months ago | prev | next [–] Sounds amazing at a first glance, but I was hoping to at least see them attempt to describe how the move is performed. Seems like a trailer for something that needs to be unlocked with money. petesergeant 3 months ago | parent | next [–] > In brief, while seated with feet flat on the floor and muscles relaxed, the heel rises while the front of the foot stays put. When the heel gets to the top of its range of motion, the foot is passively released to come back down. The aim is to simultaneously shorten the calf muscle while the soleus is naturally activated by its motor neurons. pawelduda 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] Fair enough. I'm guilty of skimming the article, but I saw this: "The soleus pushup looks simple from the outside, but sometimes what we see with our naked eye isn't the whole story. It’s a very specific movement that right now requires wearable technology and experience to optimize the health benefits”, and some statements that made it sound like something requiring specific tech not available to the public. Thank you, gotta say with that description of the move now it doesn't sound that hard. canucker2016 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] from looking at pics of the gastrocnemius muscle (at the back of the lower leg, main portion from the knee, ending about midway down the lower leg, attaches to the achilles tendon) and the soleus muscle (underneath the gastrocnemius, extending from the knee down to the ankle), the gastrocnemius shouldn't activate during the motion. It seems like you could put your hand on the back of your calf, close to the knee, and ensure that the gastrocnemius doesn't flex/stays loose during the motion. elchief 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] there's a video on the site, but here's the link: gcau 3 months ago | prev | next [–] Having seen the video, it looks like the natural leg tapping motion literally everyone instinctively does when sitting down. gcanyon 3 months ago | parent | next [–] I definitely don't do that tapping motion instinctively. Unless I'm actively doing something, I am naturally still. Ten years ago I found out I have Factor V Leiden, which can cause blood clots. Since then I've consciously tried to develop the habit of toe-tapping. andyjsong 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] I've been known to pump my leg rapidly like in the video when I'm anxious. Maybe it's an involuntary artifact to "keep the engine running" just in case my flight senses are triggered. notyourday 3 months ago | prev | next [–] I think this is going to end up being an overblow over-editorialized headline. This looks to be an example of NEAT movements, which engage muscles and therefore of course increases energy requirement. The effect of NEAT on energy requirements of a body is fairly well studies and fairly well known. It would have been far more interesting if it lasted for over 4 hours as that would at least in theory pass the 2nd level signaling. If you are interested in this, I highly recommend Huberman's podcasts such as and annieup 3 months ago | prev | next [–] For people with mobility issues or disability this could be of great benefit if it does what is suggested. I had a work place knee injury which required reconstructive surgery ( not replacement) and am now considered disabled. I also have Fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. I can not use a treadmill, cycle or do much in the way of weight training. So this has lead to a much more sedatary life....and all that comes with it. I'd be very interested in finding a professional or research project to volunteer as a test subject! runamok 3 months ago | prev | next [–] I quickly skinned the article but in a nutshell it seems like the soleus (the main calf muscle) uses more fat and blood glucose than other muscles which primarily use glycogen. Thus using your calves in this specific way can help burn fat. This kind of makes sense as . It agrees with the theory that humans used persistence hunting to run down game and evolved to be excellent long distance runners. IIRC humans usually have about 2000 to 3000 calories of glycogen in their muscles so being able to rely on fat stores becomes critical for longer distances. spywaregorilla 3 months ago | prev | next [–] This is just leg bouncing right? Like sitting in a chair and moving your leg up and down? The thing that people yell at you for because it's annoying and rumbles the table and the car and the chairs? edit: yes it is. it's shown in the first ten seconds of the video. croes 3 months ago | parent | next [–] “The soleus pushup looks simple from the outside, but sometimes what we see with our naked eye isn't the whole story. It’s a very specific movement that right now requires wearable technology and experience to optimize the health benefits” spywaregorilla 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] This statement applies to pretty much every form of physical activity though revolvingocelot 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] I mean, it's not just leg bouncing in that I can bounce my leg in a way that clearly doesn't activate the soleus in the manner shown in the video. But it also is just leg bouncing in that there's no more complicated motion than a certain sort of slow, controlled leg-bounce. ourmandave 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] Can I get a health app update on my Apple Watch that tracks my leg bouncing? Cause I could break records if I'm in meetings all week. klyrs 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] Work from home, nobody will know how much your legs are quaking if your camera isn't mechanically linked to them... spywaregorilla 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] I've been called out for shaking my camera resting on the table actually. klyrs 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] That counts as mechanical linkage. My camera and monitor are attached to the wall, not my desk, for precisely this reason. twobitshifter 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] The article says you need special training and it’s not just fidgeting. I’m not sure what to make of that. n-e-w 3 months ago | prev | next [–] I had a quick scan through the actual linked article [1] but couldn't find the actual SPU protocol? It seems like there are two variations but no details of the regimen (reps / sets / duration). Admittedly, it was a quick look through -- but I'd be really interested to know the protocol. From the YT video in OP it looks like an easy enough motion to learn. [1] earleybird 3 months ago | prev | next [–] "It's not as simple as simply doing a heel lift or raising your legs when you're sitting or shaking your leg or fidgeting. It's a very specific movement that's designed where we use some technologies that aren't necessarily available to the public unless you're a scientist and you know how to use it." This has a bit of a 'smell' that I can't quite put my finger on. digdugdirk 3 months ago | parent | next [–] The actual quote from the article - “The soleus pushup looks simple from the outside, but sometimes what we see with our naked eye isn't the whole story. It’s a very specific movement that right now requires wearable technology and experience to optimize the health benefits,” said Hamilton. This is a statement around how to activate the soleus itself, and its an accurate statement for the majority of the population. It's an odd muscle to target, as we're generally more used to using our gastrocnemius muscles when plantar-flexing our ankle joint. Sitting helps target the soleus (which is why you might find a seated calf-raise machine next to a standing calf-raise machine at the gym) but it still requires a strong mind-muscle connection to activate without having the gastrocnemius take over. Having some electrodes to measure and display specifically targeted muscle output would help, and this is likely what he's referring to in the article. zmgsabst 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] I agree that it would help. But I’m pretty sure you can just touch the lower, outer part of your ankle (where it’s documented in the picture) to find out if you’re flexing the right one. Thinking about pointing my toes helped. I think people are right the difficulty is oversold. digdugdirk 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] The trick with the soleus is that its underneath the gastroc. And in many people's musculoskeletal structures, its entirely underneath the gastroc - meaning your trick won't help. Combine that with some compensatory activation of the gastroc during this movement and people won't be able to effectively train themselves to get the full effect of what the researchers are going for here - prolonged duration soleus activation. I'm not saying they couldn't have done a better job explaining how to do this at home, but its a surprisingly difficult thing to explain to someone face-to-face when you're a personal trainer. Let alone when as a scientist when you only get a short blurb to convey information about your latest research study. irrational 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] Yes, this press release reads like one of those “I know the secret to weight loss that has been lost since ancient times! Just one payment of $29.99 will get you on the path to your ideal beach body!” But, then I noticed this was from an actual university. Huh. And it doesn’t ask for money. And it basically gives the “secret” in the article. But it definitely has that snake oil smell. tyingq 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] Yeah, there's an implied "and if I identify for you the simple way to do this yourself without equipment, my business model goes I'll just identify two or three things that don't leverage that muscle". petesergeant 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] Also: "It’s a very specific movement that right now requires wearable technology and experience to optimize the health benefits" Great, sounds patent-able! canucker2016 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] Three paragraphs earlier in the article: "So, how do you perform a soleus pushup? In brief, while seated with feet flat on the floor and muscles relaxed, the heel rises while the front of the foot stays put. When the heel gets to the top of its range of motion, the foot is passively released to come back down. The aim is to simultaneously shorten the calf muscle while the soleus is naturally activated by its motor neurons." I think that gives the reader enough to replicate the Soleus Pushup - perhaps an indication on where the effort/force is to be emphasized/felt would help. Looking up "heel lift", the Soleus Pushup reads/sounds a lot like a seated heel lift. see dqpb 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] They're saying it's difficult to explain how to isolate the muscle. For example, two simple ways to lift only your heel from a sitting position are: 1. Push down with the ball if you foot 2. Lift up with your hip/quad They look the same, but are completely different. Do either of them activate the Soleus? Do neither of them? digdugdirk 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] ^ This. Its not snake oil, its a statement from a scientist who attaches musculoskeletal monitoring equipment to people on a regular basis and knows exactly how capable the average person is at activating specific muscles on command. nibbleshifter 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] > and knows exactly how capable the average person is at activating specific muscles on command. "Basically terrible". It took me a really long time to work out what exactly the fuck "activate your core" meant. Never mind "activate this muscle you have never thought about before". Someone 3 months ago | root | parent | prev | next [–] #2 I would call a pull up or lift up, not a push up, so I assume it’s more like #1. canucker2016 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] from the YouTube video, you can see the movement (positioned at 6 secs into the video): Of course, my friend's Chinese grandmother would admonish my friend for doing this movement at the table - evidently she considered the movement to be an indicator for something that shouldn't be mentioned at the dining table. peppertree 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] In this house we respect the law of thermodynamics! Melatonic 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] They also say though that the end goal is to teach people how to do the movement with no equipment. So maybe not so BS NotYourLawyer 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] Smells like bullshit garnished with snake oil. trynewideas 3 months ago | prev | next [–] See? Don't skip leg day. Tao3300 3 months ago | parent | next [–] Picturing gym bros with massive, vascular cankles now. Soleus? More like swoleus! giarc 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] Don't skip ankle day. speleding 3 months ago | prev | next [–] I fidget with my feet all day, ever since I was a kid, looks a lot like this. I wonder if that's why I can pretty much eat what I want without gaining weight and without doing exercise? jollyllama 3 months ago | prev | next [–] So just tap your foot in a weird way and you can keep your metabolism high? layer8 3 months ago | parent | next [–] “How to lose weight with this one weird trick.” kevin_thibedeau 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] Yes. It's just simulated fidgeting which has been demonstrated to burn a meaningful amount of calories. jollyllama 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] I'm reminded of those under desk fitness bikes. notyourday 3 months ago | parent | prev | next [–] ... which works as long as one does not consume more calories that the total amount of calories one burns (i.e. is in a caloric deficit). The real issue is that individuals who suffer from excessive weight tend to be in a caloric surplus jollyllama 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] It wouldn't be much of a metabolism trick at all if it doesn't work in ketosis or fasting. If you can burn fat, it should still work. notyourday 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] > It wouldn't be much of a metabolism trick at all if it doesn't work in ketosis or fasting. If you can burn fat, it should still work. Body will always switch to burning mostly fat after a prolonged period of physical activity which studies suggest for moderate level of constant physical activity happens somewhere around 90 minute mark. There are no magic bullets. pessimizer 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] > There are no magic bullets. How would you know this? uup 3 months ago | prev | next [–] Hmm, weird. I've gained roughly 50 lbs over the course of the pandemic. I've been working from home and often work from the couch, bed, or the dining table. I originally attributed my weight gain to the lack of commute, and I'm sure that's part of it. But when I sit at a proper work desk I do something similar to "soleus pushups" as part of my thinking process. Maybe I should start doing these again. kwhitefoot 3 months ago | prev | next [–] The article contains a link to a more scholarly article: hondo77 3 months ago | parent | next [–] In case anyone is wondering: "There were in total 25 human volunteers in 2 sequential experiments..." Broken down, that's 10 in one experiment, 15 in the other. No reason to get too excited with such a small sample size. GordonS 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] Surely it depends on the magnitude of the effect? jaggs 3 months ago | prev | next [–] Near the end of the actual paper ( - "Here we have focused on a method of raising slow oxidative muscle metabolism to complement (not replace) existing approaches." Maybe less snake oil and more a reasoned hypothesis? ravenstine 3 months ago | prev | next [–] From the article: So, how do you perform a soleus pushup? In brief, while seated with feet flat on the floor and muscles relaxed, the heel rises while the front of the foot stays put. When the heel gets to the top of its range of motion, the foot is passively released to come back down. The aim is to simultaneously shorten the calf muscle while the soleus is naturally activated by its motor neurons. believeme 3 months ago | parent | next [–] I want to know if I need to hold the heels high for certain duration of time or keep moving it up and down? I am confused! Appreciate your reply. mikhailyus 3 months ago | prev | next [–] If the muscle can be activated only by specific equipment, how it survived the evolution? Why is it still in our bodies? steve_adams_86 3 months ago | parent | next [–] The muscle is activated constantly during walking and running for example; I once strained mine and it took a long time to heal because it fires so frequently. The point here is that it’s non-trivial to activate it on command while sitting. The special equipment is likely meant to activate the muscle for all users on command, making their research far more reliable. mpcannabrava 3 months ago | prev | next [–] May I suggest an alternative (more accurate) headline? "Sedentary people who do calf raises while sitting for 2 to 4 hours show 50% less blood glucose than those who just sit. " That's terrible science, a waste of brainpower and clickbait. t-3 3 months ago | prev | next [–] Interesting. I wonder if this metabolic response is very important to human long-distance running capability or if it's just one small optimization among many? Small muscles used mostly during extended swimming or climbing might be worth investigation if muscle-activated metabolic modes are more common. fefe23 3 months ago | prev | next [–] They could have tried a bit harder to not make this sound like "DOCTORS HATE THIS TRICK" wturner 3 months ago | prev | next [–] The motion seems like it mimics what skateboarders do with their front foot when they ollie. Tenoke 3 months ago | parent | next [–] The front foot in an ollie tilts and slides outwards and up. It doesn't even face or move the same way as this. kgwxd 3 months ago | prev | next [–] > When activated correctly... Any chance they found that it's the same activation you get from walking but just kind of left that part out? Edit: Never mind, watched the video. Apparently it's the exact reverse of that internally? Did they test a moonwalk? AlexMuir 3 months ago | prev | next [–] This seems very close to the motion of rapid skipping. Once one can skip without jumping like a kangaroo it becomes almost effortless but also gets a good sweat on. toss1 3 months ago | parent | next [–] The article & vid makes the specific point that this is NOT like walking or running (although skipping was not mentioned). It seems that they are trying to get the muscle to contract while NOT under load. A key seems to be that the muscle normally is setup to resist a load and so not change length while activated, and also has an unusually high percentage of cells recruited in each activation vs other muscles (most strong contractions in human muscles recruit like 20% of cells, iirc), so this is to get the full contraction effect and not just a resistance effect. (But I'm just reading into it...) _dain_ 3 months ago | prev | next [–] Since in the not too distant past we walked on all fours, wouldn't the analogous muscles in the wrist also have this ability as an atavism? Or did we lose it renewiltord 3 months ago | prev | next [–] Seems hard to do since your gastrocnemius will just take over. Whatever, I'll do random heel lifts anyway. The calves could use some strengthening. swayvil 3 months ago | prev | next [–] This could be automated via electrical stimulation. A couple of battery-powered boxes strapped to your legs. It could be quite fashionable. mdrzn 3 months ago | prev | next [–] I won't go into the merits of the topic discussed, but the site's design is spectacular. Very impressed, loved it. boringg 3 months ago | prev | next [–] So when's the product release to provide specific soleus pushups coming out (as I do my soleus pushups at my desk)? peregrine 3 months ago | prev | next [–] raises many questions: - what movements was this evolved to support? (sprinting? walking a different way than was studied? running?) - Are our shoes causing us to underuse this muscle? Just from the video and the cadence shown I suspect if you did a slightly quick jog running on your forefoot you might hit that muscle on the rebound. Jweb_Guru 3 months ago | prev | next [–] These claims sound pretty suspect and much more selective journals than iScience have published completely bogus research before. Would like to see this replicated many, many times before anyone starts selling a product whose purported benefits are demonstrated solely from a single research study from a highly conflicted author. pessimizer 3 months ago | parent | next [–] > much more selective journals than iScience have published completely bogus research before. Do you post this under every journal article? Reminding everyone that things have been false before in places? Jweb_Guru 3 months ago | root | parent | next [–] Not every article. I just find it quite amusing that HN rails against the replication crisis, but when a clearly fishy publication that comports to its iases gets to the front page suddenly it's not an issue. peanut_worm 3 months ago | prev | next [–] Wonder if this has anything to do with how some people nervously tap their feet birdyrooster 3 months ago | prev | next [–] I am always doing soleus pushups to stim for my ADHD and it hasn't kept me from getting fat or tired. ruined 3 months ago | prev | next [–] it is 2022 and scientists have discovered fidgeting hn_throwaway_99 3 months ago | prev | next [–] I agree with all the other comments about this - the whole thing stinks of a BS infomercial, for very specific reasons: 1. Are people supposed to do this contraction indefinitely while sitting? Good luck with that. 2. Is this only supposed to be done with an e-stim machine to generate the contraction? Again, if so, it may be an interesting curiosity, but it's not practical. FWIW I wouldn't have such a negative reaction if the whole site and presentation wasn't in "slick bullshit" form, but instead conservatively, and clearly, presented their for findings. lock-the-spock 3 months ago | parent | next [–] It doesn't seem like a stim, rather it's a biofeedback device. The YouTube video shows quite clearly how they are working toward the right 'curve' of muscle tension.