Monday, September 30, 2019



Picture of Human Thyroid Gland
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits low on the front of the neck. Your thyroid lies below your Adam’s apple, along the front of the windpipe. The thyroid has two side lobes, connected by a bridge (isthmus) in the middle. When the thyroid is its normal size, you can’t feel it.
Brownish-red in color, the thyroid is rich with blood vessels. Nerves important for voice quality also pass through the thyroid.
The thyroid secretes several hormones, collectively called thyroid hormones. The main hormone is thyroxine, also called T4. Thyroid hormones act throughout the body, influencing metabolism, growth and development, and body temperature. During infancy and childhood, adequate thyroid hormone is crucial for brain development.

Thyroid Conditions

  • Goiter: A general term for thyroid swelling. Goiters can be harmless, or can represent iodine deficiency or a condition associated with thyroid inflammation called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
  • Thyroiditis: Inflammation of the thyroid, usually from a viral infection or autoimmune condition. Thyroiditis can be painful, or have no symptoms at all.
  • Hyperthyroidism: Excessive thyroid hormone production. Hyperthyroidism is most often caused by Graves disease or an overactive thyroid nodule.
  • Hypothyroidism: Low production of thyroid hormone. Thyroid damage caused by autoimmune disease is the most common cause of hypothyroidism .
  • Graves disease: An autoimmune condition in which the thyroid is overstimulated, causing hyperthyroidism.
  • Thyroid cancer: An uncommon form of cancer, thyroid cancer is usually curable. Surgery, radiation, and hormone treatments may be used to treat thyroid cancer.
  • Thyroid nodule: A small abnormal mass or lump in the thyroid gland. Thyroid nodules are extremely common. Few are cancerous. They may secrete excess hormones, causing hyperthyroidism, or cause no problems. 
  • Thyroid storm: A rare form of hyperthyroidism in which extremely high thyroid hormone levels cause severe illness.

Thyroid Tests

  • Anti-TPO antibodies: In autoimmune thyroid disease, proteins mistakenly attack the thyroid peroxidase enzyme, which is used by the thyroid to make thyroid hormones.
  • Thyroid ultrasound: A probe is placed on the skin of the neck, and reflected sound waves can detect abnormal areas of thyroid tissue.
  • Thyroid scan: A small amount of radioactive iodine is given by mouth to get images of the thyroid gland. Radioactive iodine is concentrated within the thyroid gland. 
  • Thyroid biopsy: A small amount of thyroid tissue is removed, usually to look for thyroid cancer. Thyroid biopsy is typically done with a needle. 
  • Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH): Secreted by the brain, TSH regulates thyroid hormone release. A blood test with high TSH indicates low levels of thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism), and low TSH suggests hyperthyroidism.
  • T3 and T4 (thyroxine): The primary forms of thyroid hormone, checked with a blood test. 
  • Thyroglobulins: A substance secreted by the thyroid that can be used as a marker of thyroid cancer. It is often measured during follow-up in patients with thyroid cancer. High levels indicate recurrence of the cancer. 
  • Other imaging tests: If thyroid cancer has spread (metastasized), tests such as CT scansMRI scans, or PET scans can help identify the extent of spread. 

Thyroid Treatments

  • Thyroid surgery (thyroidectomy): A surgeon removes all or part of the thyroid in an operation. Thyroidectomy is performed for thyroid cancer, goiter,  or hyperthyroidism. 
  • Antithyroid medications: Drugs can slow down the overproduction of thyroid hormone in hyperthyroidism. Two common antithyroid medicines are methimazole and propylthiouracil. 
  • Radioactive iodine: Iodine with radioactivity that can be used in low doses to test the thyroid gland or destroy an overactive gland. Large doses can be used to destroy cancerous tissue.
  • External radiation: A beam of radiation is directed at the thyroid, on multiple appointments. The high-energy rays help kill thyroid cancer cells. 
  • Thyroid hormone pills: Daily treatment that replaces the amount of thyroid hormone you can no longer make. Thyroid hormone pills treat hypothyroidism, and are also used to help prevent thyroid cancer from coming back after treatment. 
  • Recombinant human TSH: Injecting this thyroid-stimulating agent can make thyroid cancer show up more clearly on imaging tests.

Sunday, September 29, 2019


《夜半歌聲》是田漢、冼星海在1936年創作的。影片主要描寫了"九一八"事變後,青年藝術家宋丹萍與富豪之女李曉霞相愛,遭李父反對,並唆使流氓用硝鏹水毀宋面容的故事。該歌是宋丹萍被毀容之後,夜深思念李曉霞時所唱的一首歌。這首歌表現了主人公孤獨、悵惘的心境,同時也傾吐了主人公在痛苦之中對姑娘的懷念之情。在時而悲憤慷慨,時而柔腸寸斷,最後在一種呻吟般的歌聲中,將主人公對封建勢力的仇恨和逝去愛情的痛苦化作裊裊追憶。 空庭飛著流螢 高台走著狸鼪 人兒伴著孤燈 梆兒敲著三更 風淒淒雨淋淋 花亂落葉飄零 在這漫漫的黑夜裡 誰同我等待著天明 誰同我等待著天明 我形兒似鬼似的猙獰 心兒似鐵似的堅貞 我只要一息尚存 誓與那封建的魔王抗爭 啊!姑娘只有你的眼 能看破我的平生 只有你的心 能理解我的衷情 你是天上的月 我是那月邊的寒星 你是山上的樹 我是那樹邊的枯藤 你是池中的水 我是那水上的浮萍 不!姑娘 我願永做墳墓裡的人 埋掉世上的浮名 我願意學那刑餘里的使臣 盡寫出人間的不平 啊!姑娘啊天昏昏地冥冥 用什麼來表我的憤怒 惟有那江濤的奔騰 用什麼來慰你的寂寞 惟有這夜半歌聲 惟有這夜半歌聲

1930 年代中國經典藝術歌曲分享 夜半歌聲 Song at Midnight 1937 年 曲 : 冼星海 1935 ( 1905 - 1945 ) 1939 作品 黃河大合唱 詞 : 田漢 1935 ( 1898 - 1968 ) 1935 作品 義勇軍進行曲 新華影業公司 夜半歌聲 1937 導演 / 編劇 : 馬徐維邦 ( 1905 - 1961 ) 夜半歌聲電影主題曲 1937 年 原唱者 : 盛家倫 1937 ( 1911 - 1957 ) 1938年入中國電影製片廠作曲 為 ( 保衛我們的土地 )、 ( 塞上風雲 ) 等影片譜寫主題曲。 1956年,曾擔任影片 ( 荒山淚 ) 的音樂顧問。 夜半歌聲電影故事 : " 夜半歌聲 " 如同許多中國早期的改編電影,取材於 " 歌劇魅影 " The Phantom of the Opera。 即韋伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)作品。馬徐維邦在愛情悲劇的架構下,融入民初的時代背景, 民國十五年,某城劇院危樓內住著一位遭到毀容的青年藝術家宋丹萍(金山), 他幽居此地多年,當夜深思念李曉霞(胡萍)時便高吭哀歌,倾吐在痛苦之中對愛侶懷念之情, 對封建勢力的仇恨和逝去愛情的痛苦化作裊裊追憶。鄰人以為鬼魅作祟,紛紛關門躲避, 僅有住在鄰近別墅內的地主女兒李曉霞聽得入神。 回顧十年前,李曉霞與宋丹萍本是一對愛侶,卻遭到李父(鍾笑天)及惡霸湯俊(顧夢鶴)拆散, 湯俊更以漒水潑灑宋丹萍導致毀容。他自慚形穢,從此幽居劇院頂樓,並托人向李曉霞假報死訊。 李曉霞悲痛欲絕,精神耗弱竟成痴呆,只得在乳母(周文珠)照顧下獨居靜養。 " 夜半歌聲 " 是以懸疑氣氛取勝的電影, 成為當時電影行業中極高的賣座記錄。 " 夜半歌聲 " 歌詞 空庭飛着流螢 高臺走着狸鼪 人兒伴着孤燈 梆兒敲着三更 風淒淒 雨淋淋 花亂落 葉飄零 在這漫漫的黑夜裡 誰同我等待着天明 誰同我等待着天明 我形兒是鬼似的掙獰 心兒是鐵似的堅貞 我祇要一息尚存 誓和那封建的魔王抗爭 啊 ! 姑娘 祇有您的眼能看破我的平生 祇有您的心能理解我的衷情 您是天上的月 我是那月邊的寒星 您是山上的樹 我是那樹上的枯藤 您是池中的水 我是那水上的浮萍 不 ! 姑娘 我願意永做墳墓裡的人 埋掉世上的浮名 我願意學那 " 刑餘的史臣 " 盡寫出人間的不平 哦 ! 姑娘啊 ! 天昏昏 地冥冥 用什麼來表我的憤怒 ? 惟有那江潮的奔騰 ! 用什麼來慰您的寂寞 ? 惟有這夜半歌聲 ! 惟有這夜半歌聲 !

Friday, September 27, 2019

田英章偏旁部首技法教程(动态图) 神秘侠客书法


