Monday, January 21, 2019

The Diabetes Code

The Diabetes Code

The Diabetes Code

Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally

Book - 2018

Writing with clear, persuasive language, Dr. Jason Fung explains the only way to treat type 2 diabetes effectively is proper dieting and intermittent fasting - not medication. Dr. Fung proposes a new, evidence-based way to break the cycle of high blood glucose and increased insulin resistance. Drawing from the latest in medical research, he outlines the impact of diet and lifestyle in type 2 diabetes and offers simple, easy-to-follow advice for preventing and reversing its I always like to know the "why" behind the "how". This books starts out describing the long term ramifications of Type 2 diabetes, then talks about biology of how the body processes sugar. It's not a diet book. It leaves you to research how to find the right food regimen to satify your bodies needs. While I'm not overweight with a BMI of only 20, I still need to control my blood sugar. I tried fasting over the weekend and found it not difficult, other than the urge to graze from my kitchen. 
Well worth the time to read this book and build strategies for yourself.course, complete with helpful charts and illustrations.

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