Friday, October 04, 2024

Mendelssohn SHOWDOWN 🎻 ft. Janine Jansen, Hilary Hahn, Heifetz & Vengerov

Mendelssohn SHOWDOWN 🎻 ft. Janine Jansen, Hilary Hahn, Heifetz & Vengerov Ray Chen 602K subscribers Subscribe 6.1K Share Download Thanks Clip 171,131 views Premiered Dec 9, 2023 Want to feel motivated when you practice music? Join the best practice app for free: and learn together with the Tonic community 🎵 Maxim Vengerov vs Hilary Hahn - who's style do you prefer when it comes to Mendelssohn? What about Janine Jansen? Or do you prefer old-school Jascha Heifetz? Let me know if there are other performance versions of Mendelssohn you love in the comments below. 0:00 - Intro 0:23 - Jascha Heifetz 2:31 - Maxim Vengerov 7:13 - Janine Jansen 10:10 - Hilary Hahn Chapters View all Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Transcript Intro 0:01 [Music] 0:04 the midles of violent contrer is 0:05 probably one of the greatest violing 0:07 contros of all time it's definitely a 0:09 crowd favorite I probably performed it 0:10 at least a few hundred times by now I 0:12 started it when I was 9 years old but 0:14 that being said there are definitely 0:15 many different interpretations of it so 0:17 today we're going to take a look at some 0:18 performances of my fellow solists and 0:20 see how they do when they play the 0:22 mental and violing contral all right so Jascha Heifetz 0:24 first up we have Yasha hitz now of 0:26 course hits being one of the greatest of 0:27 them all I think there's a lot to learn 0:29 here as we go 0:35 through whoa that's an unusual Boeing I 0:38 think he did something that was 0:40 [Music] 0:41 like okay maybe it wasn't that unusual I 0:43 can't get it it was like so smooth his 0:45 bow 0:48 change it was really 0:55 [Applause] 0:58 smooth 1:00 [Applause] 1:02 this is a pretty fast tempo you know 1:03 Mendelson he marked Allegro molta pasado 1:07 I think it's adhering to that it's 1:08 definitely bringing out that 1:10 [Music] 1:15 Allegro wow that's so 1:18 [Music] 1:19 [Applause] 1:23 fast you can hear on these 1:26 passages he's actually got the orchestra 1:29 chasing for which I can't say is like 1:31 what you want to do but hus was famous 1:33 for that I think that there was 1:34 something alluring about that especially 1:36 back in those times it was like Catch Me 1:38 If You Can a little 1:40 [Music] 1:42 bit 1:47 wow wow those octaves they're so 1:51 [Music] 1:53 fast I could not play at that Tempo Wow 1:56 Let's skip ahead and he how he plays the 1:59 second theme curious if it it's still as 2:01 distant you know as the way he plays the 2:03 [Music] 2:09 beginning this kind of inner stoicism 2:12 you know kind of 2:15 [Music] 2:18 this if you know you know a little bit 2:21 of those vibes it's not like oh here I 2:23 am and let me give it to you let me 2:25 spoon feed it to you this style of 2:26 playing is very inner kind of strength 2:29 all right so moving on we've got Maxim Maxim Vengerov 2:31 bov o Maxim is one of my close friends 2:35 as well he has a great mendleson I 2:38 remember listening to his recording back 2:40 when I was a kid and when I finally 2:41 played it for him it was when I won the 2:44 menu in competition in 2008 so that was 2:45 really cool getting to play for your 2:55 Mentor 2:58 oh yeah the sound is immediately like 3:01 more 3:03 [Music] 3:06 sad it's a lot slower it's more somber 3:10 it's more like a person who's lost 3:13 something and is searching for it to 3:15 come 3:28 back 3:34 if you start softer you can grow bigger 3:37 by the time he's got 3:39 [Music] 3:41 this you know up to this passage it's 3:43 like wow here I am and then it 3:49 explosion this is really 3:55 cool wow did you see his fourth finger 3:58 his pinky it's it's so strong we got to 4:00 watch this 4:04 again he's vibrating on that high note 4:08 which I would only ever use my third 4:10 finger for with his 4:13 fourth I'm going to try and 4:17 vibrate yeah that's really hard the size 4:19 of his fingers they're definitely a lot 4:21 fatter than 4:22 [Music] 4:27 mine that's so cool so already you can 4:29 see that there are like two very 4:31 different interpretations of the mental 4:33 and violing a piece that everyone plays 4:35 everyone practices you might be playing 4:37 the mental and violing controll you 4:38 might be practicing it right now and 4:39 often times people ask me how do you 4:41 know which interpretation to go for when 4:43 you're preparing for something and 4:45 you're about to perform it in front of 4:46 people what's the best way to prepare 4:48 definitely practicing in front of people 4:49 so that's why I want to share with you 4:50 this something that I've been working on 4:52 for the past 2 years it's called tonic 4:53 it's a platform that brings people 4:55 together it's like basically the 4:56 practice community and where everyone 4:58 comes together and practices you can 4:59 open practice rooms you can uh get 5:01 together with your friends you can 5:02 listen to other people's interpretations 5:04 ask them questions get them to give you 5:06 feedback all for free so definitely give 5:08 it a try download it from the QR code on 5:10 the screen or from the link in my 5:11 description below let's get back to this 5:13 this is some good stuff we're watching 5:21 here yeah definitely more tranquil which 5:24 is what mson 5:28 writes 5:30 when vov is playing he's thinking about 5:32 not just the overall shape but like the 5:35 very next note so he's setting himself 5:37 up so In this 5:42 [Music] 5:47 passage see how that's 5:50 shaped that when you think about both 5:53 the shape as well as the next note you 5:55 are able to create very intimate feeling 5:59 so as opposed to let's say if you only 6:00 think about the 6:03 [Music] 6:04 [Applause] 6:07 shape that's thinking about the phrasing 6:09 which is good or if you only think about 6:10 the next note and you don't think about 6:12 the 6:12 [Music] 6:16 phrasing you see how it's like kind of 6:18 getting stuck but if I do 6:21 [Music] 6:28 both 6:31 you get this beautiful kind of like ah 6:34 you take everyone with you on your 6:36 journey on your musical Journey that's 6:37 what's happening here and I hear that 6:39 very 6:40 [Music] 6:47 distinctly you hear 6:52 that are they backs away a little bit 6:54 from the 6:58 phrase 7:04 so those are just a few little things 7:05 for you to think about as well when 7:06 you're practicing when you're listening 7:08 to different performances as well you'll 7:10 be able to start to pick that up all 7:11 right so the next up we have is one of Janine Jansen 7:13 my favorite violinists yanin yansen for 7:15 those of you out there you probably know 7:17 you know this is like Brett's dream 7:18 Crush first crush back when he was 7:20 learning the mental of violing Certo is 7:22 this probably this 7:28 performance 7:32 o very different very different so I 7:34 would describe this style as like 7:36 definitely more fluid you can hear the 7:39 sound more 7:42 flighty there's like a breathlessness 7:45 and this like oh I got to go somewhere 7:47 right so you can already hear that there 7:48 are multiple ways of creating passion 7:50 right what is Passion on the instrument 7:52 like how does it sound like and for 7:54 different people it's it's a different 7:58 answer 8:05 [Music] 8:09 wow 8:11 [Music] 8:14 yeah did you hear that she like hit that 8:17 top note she was very fluid before all 8:20 all along 8:21 [Applause] 8:24 these but then she would hit that top 8:27 note and then go back to being 8:30 [Music] 8:31 fluid and then hit 8:34 this that articulation it gets people to 8:37 be like whoo your ears kind of prick up 8:39 and your senses do as well when there's 8:40 contrast music is all about like 8:43 communication of course communicating 8:44 the emotions but it's like how do you do 8:46 it there's many ways there's many 8:47 different 8:51 ways 8:52 [Music] 8:56 wow so you can see like wow she like 8:58 doesn't let go go of the tension until 9:01 the very end let's watch that 9:03 again right 9:08 there I've never seen that 9:14 before and then she kind of like holds 9:17 that tension in kind of like a slow 9:19 release wow that's really cool most 9:21 people by contrast they kind of do this 9:23 fast 9:25 [Music] 9:27 release and let the Orchestra take over 9:29 but yanine kind of did this like and 9:32 then you're like wow you're you're sort 9:33 of like drawn in that's really cool 9:37 those octaves that's a really scary part 9:39 I played this in the menu and 9:41 competition that very concert where I 9:43 was playing in front of vov I actually 9:45 messed up these octaves I'll show it to 9:47 you just so I can relive the pain once 9:50 [Music] 9:55 more yeah I was 19 years old at the time 9:58 didn't have a career career was not as 10:00 sure you know that was like that I just 10:02 noticed the part where I mess up is the 10:03 most replayed part of the video what the 10:06 heck oh we've got our last person here 10:08 this is a performance by Hillary H let's Hilary Hahn 10:11 check her 10:19 out 10:23 wow she's trying to use as little bow as 10:26 possible or like trying to maximize the 10:28 bow to sound ratio almost to me looks 10:31 like it's like moving too slow compared 10:33 to other people like especially compared 10:34 to Yin right like Yin was 10:37 like a lot of breath but with Hillary's 10:40 just more 10:43 [Music] 10:45 like you know it's a lot slower it's a 10:47 lot tighter sounding and as a result 10:50 she's like applying a lot more like 10:52 control over the 10:58 bow 11:02 [Applause] 11:07 interesting 11:12 oh man what's with these people in they 11:14 strong pinkies 11:16 jeez I feel like my pinkies is like so 11:18 weak they can all 11:21 vibrate it's it's crazy it's 11:23 [Music] 11:27 crazy 11:32 Hillary's interpretation for me sounds 11:34 the same from beginning to where this 11:36 explosive passage it's more linear I 11:38 would say it also sounds like she's 11:40 playing more to the room rather than the 11:43 mic I feel like the mic here is not 11:46 doing her justice because we've all 11:48 heard Hillary in other recordings and it 11:50 doesn't sound like this this sounds 11:52 almost like too strain for my 11:57 taste 12:00 wow yo yo yo did you guys see that she 12:03 does an octave 12:07 there on that note I've never seen that 12:10 before in my life holy moly I wonder if 12:12 she does it for like the triplets 12:13 [Music] 12:17 too okay she doesn't but imagine if it 12:19 would have been so funny for 12:23 this that would have been like hilarious 12:26 oh my gosh get a hilarious okay never 12:29 mind we're going to skip to the next 12:36 section interesting she starts this 12:38 section whereas others were always like 12:41 myself included we always 12:43 start Hillary starts at almost at like 12:46 the lower half of the 12:48 bow she has such great bow 12:57 control 12:59 [Music] 13:04 here is an example of what I said 13:06 earlier Hillary's like kind of looking 13:07 at each note super closely and focused 13:10 on each note as an individual and less 13:12 about I think the overall phrase and 13:13 that's an interesting choice as well but 13:14 I think in mson it does require a bit 13:17 more of a sweep because it's more quick 13:19 silver by Nature you know it's kind of 13:20 like feeling of continuation even the 13:22 movements All Connect together you know 13:24 the style of the composer is is really 13:26 important I mean there's so many things 13:27 you have to think about so let me know 13:29 in the comments below which other contos 13:31 you'd like me to focus on and we can go 13:32 ahead and review other performances of 13:34 other soless as well I think this is a 13:36 lot of fun oh by the way if You' like to 13:38 check out me playing Menon you can click 13:40 on this video here where I perform it my 13:42 style of course hope you enjoy it and 13:44 hope to see you in the practice room on 13:46 tonic 13:48 bye Show chat replay Ray Chen 602K subscribers Videos About Tonic Music | The new way to practice Get Motivated Musically 🎉 551 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Pinned by Ray Chen @RayChenViolinist 9 months ago Who is your FAVORITE performer when it comes to the Mendelssohn? Make sure you go practice on Tonic with these new insights after watching the video: 🎵 69 Reply 46 replies @kenkim5 9 months ago Vengerov legit turned that opening line into a full on Russian melody. Amazing 111 Reply 2 replies @zenboi4415 9 months ago My favorite interpretation of this concerto is by this obscure violinist named Ray Chen. You've probably never heard of him. 650 Reply 11 replies @mapa6772 9 months ago Heifetz is not just fast but clean as a whistle. Perfect. 43 Reply 2 replies @aesma-daeva 9 months ago Vengrov's story-telling is truly one of a kind! 5 Reply @konstantinossvolopoulospap8735 9 months ago Hilary is my favourite because her sound is so pure and her phrasing so subtle and elegant, I feel like I’m listening to Mendelssohn directly rather than a soloist. It’s almost like hearing an ideal of music when she plays. 156 Reply 8 replies @stephenking4170 9 months ago Vengerov's version sets a scene and tells a story...connects with emotion 31 Reply @ahteechia2687 9 months ago I am not a musician but hearing you talk about music and the different ways to interpret the same piece of music gave me a greater respect for great musicians and great classical music and great composers. Thank you for making classical music more accessible and enjoyable, not something remote and out of reach of none musicians to enjoy. 10 Reply @pugsnhogz 9 months ago Love Ray's comment about Jansen "holding the tension" in her performance, you can really hear/feel it once you're listening for it. Her rendition has so much EBB and FLOW, it's really something 26 Reply @ahh1180 9 months ago Maxim Vengerov is a generational he is exquisite 6 Reply @joncaju 7 months ago Love the passion from both Janine Jansen and Max Vengenov, but there’s a nobleness in how Hiliary Hahn approaches the Mendelssohn that draws me in, makes me hang on to every note and phrase, and invites me to hear this familiar concerto in a very different way than before 5 Reply @subjectivelistenersubjecti2740 9 months ago big fan of Hilary Hahn myself, she is so precise and controlled. It is her choice. Vengerov is the best at this show. 110 Reply 1 reply @lucienazario2786 9 months ago Maxim Vengerov has been very consistent with how he interprets music. I have watched many of his video concerts and I feel his emotions. He is truly one of the great violinists worldwide. 👏 44 Reply @lisamuse574 9 months ago in the early to mid 20th century, jasha heifetz was the pinnacle of violin technique. many violinists tried to emulate him, but few were able to approach him. his perfection was so complete that critics had a hard time finding any fault with his playing. so, due to his calm, effortless demeanor onstage, critics began to fault him for being “cold, emotionless, calculating.” but (thankfully), someone had the intelligence to do a blind test on listeners. they had listeners hear an audio (no visual) recording of heifetz, and then compared his playing to several other violinists of the day playing the same piece, to see who evoked the most emotion from the listener. all of the listeners chose HEIFETZ as the most expressive, emotive, and heartfelt player they had heard. 8 Reply 2 replies @deadoralivecowboy1401 9 months ago Please keep doing showdown videos , I learn a lot from your reviews and comments about phrasing and such :) 74 Reply 2 replies @oongaboongagang 9 months ago Woah!!! Vengerov's version deserves chef kisses!!!! I felt that a lot!!! Hilary's as well!!! So gooood!! 5 Reply @sertol3562 9 months ago Heifetz is the best! 6 Reply @a.r.mackinnon2451 9 months ago I think in an interview with 2 set, Ms. Hahn said she approaches all her performances with a 'how she's feeling on the day' methodology. She suggested that having a set perspective on how to play pieces removed spontaneity from the performance. I've have definitely heard her play different renditions of Mendelssohn. 33 Reply @S.Egbertsen 9 months ago Definitely Janine Jansen. Wonderful phrasing. It sounds so natural. 24 Reply @simondanielssonmusic 9 months ago While this is a channel dedicated to the art of violin playing, I really appreciate that you not only talk about things specific to violin but also general good advice on things like the emotional intention, phrasing etc. - things that even me, a classical guitarist and amateur cellist can take with me and learn from. Thank you! :) 120 Reply @emamali2591 9 months ago Maxim Vengrov interpretation is very expressive 19 Reply @jerryhe9963 9 months ago Janine's tension-holding high note does the climax the most justice, but the 2-4 fingered octave by Hilary is also awesome 35 Reply @PositivelyNice 9 months ago Maxim Vengerov is a very romantic player. He always flirts with his violin and the music; absolutely in love. 14 Reply @DebHickerson 9 months ago I grew up listening to a vinyl record of Yehudi Menuhin playing this. Love it! 11 Reply 1 reply @Sim882 9 months ago I like Hilary's the most if you listen to the entire performance. She seems to avoid exaggerations at any point; thus, the overall performance seems more integrated emotionally and feels more profound. 31 Reply @pugsnhogz 9 months ago For me Hahn's technique is just so pure, as many others have commented - you just feel the music singing through her instrument as if the performer is barely even there, less a presence and more of a conduit - I mean this not as a disparagement, but as the highest form of praise! 17 Reply 1 reply @hiendo5846 2 months ago Maestro JH’s technique is STILL the pinnacle IMHO 1 Reply @leadershipisaphilosophy 9 months ago I rarely comment, but I genuinely appreciate you sharing your talent and insight. I am not a musician but I learn something new every time I watch one of your presentations. Thank you very much. 56 Reply @sabrinai 9 months ago Only Ray can imitate those different playing styles accurately. 21 Reply @PositivelyNice 9 months ago Hilary Hahn is always elegant, ethereal, making music look effortless. But goodness only knows how much she practices. 15 Reply @703elee 9 months ago never realized it but you nailed why Hilary's Bach is one of my favorite Bach's (along with Grumiaux.....which they sent to space).......her bow control and laser focus on the INDIVIDUAL note and also nailed why i never really go to her for Mendelssohn. 8 Reply @hiendo5846 2 months ago So agreeing with Ray about Vengerov’s…touching my heart and soul🙏 Reply @simondanielssonmusic 9 months ago When I heard the first few notes of the vengerov interpretation I started tearing up instantly. It's crazy how different players can make you feel vastly different emotions. It's amazing actually. Yeah but out of all these vengerovs version is my absolute favourite. 137 Reply 1 reply @gabriel1chan 9 months ago You helped us to open our understanding of interpretation at a higher level. Thanks. 3 Reply @rileylee3269 9 months ago Thanks for doing this Ray. Really enjoyed the series knowing how people actually admire orchestra and classical music and how people handle instruments 6 Reply @frankie6954 7 months ago You should have shown more of Heifetz playing the slower parts of the first movement. What a wonderful sound he had, and such expression. You seemed to give Heifetz less time than the others. 2 Reply @RE-nv4we 9 months ago Nothing beats Anne-Sophie Mutter & Karajan's recording of this concerto 4 Reply @jonhh6918 9 months ago As much as I like HH for the Mendelssohn concerto I consider Janine the goddess of this masterpiece for the violin. 10 Reply 1 reply @AKi-xy7ed 9 months ago Love this series!!! Hope to see more 🎉🎉 3 Reply @silentstringquartet 9 months ago This is also my favorite violin concerto of all time. My favorite performance is by unknown violinists name Helena Spitkova. Absolutely mindblowing. 2 Reply @HelgeMoulding 9 months ago The trailer is pretty good, too... 9 Reply @lucienazario2786 8 months ago It's so wonderful hearing you explain and describe the important passages of the concerto. It helps violinists understand the music and play it better. Your untiring endeavor to help the musicians out there is something invaluable. Thanks to you, Ray. 👏🤩👍 2 Reply @felixdzerzhinski8004 3 weeks ago Hilary Hahn!!.... Great, powerful, poetic.... big emotions through her violin... Great violinist! Definitely my favorite. ❤ Reply @JakeYeung 9 months ago I will never get bored of watching experts commenting on other experts's work. Keep it up! Reply @ffsrsw 9 months ago I hope you make this a series! Great insights and I would love to hear you talk about just about any violinist/concerto combination. 6 Reply @felixLucretius 9 months ago (edited) Jansen’s definitely my favorite. The fluid and driving passion feels the most right for how the opening of the concerto was written—a happy middle between Heifetz (too stoic) and Vengerov (too sentimental, not enough momentum). I like Hilary’s, but it leans a little closer to Heifetz’s stoicism, arguably too deliberate imo. Don’t worry Ray I also have a weak baby pinky 😭 26 Reply 2 replies @fiddlestix3025 3 months ago Oh my god, that’s a super interesting exercise, to compare different performers in the same work…. To me, what Ray says about different styles floating different boats, is so true. There always is the question creeping in to my mind, too: ‘what would Mendelssohn have thought of this performance? Which one came closest to his idea of the work? Closest to what he felt and thought when conceiving the melodies?’ And then thinking: ‘we might never know. All there is is the present time, and how we feel about playing, or listening to, something.’ To me, honestly what grabs me most, always, is Vengerov’s and Janine’s playing. It’s just goosebumps all the way through… And yeah, those insane pinkies Must go practise, right now!! Thanks for an honest, fun and super interesting video, Ray! ️ 1 Reply @t.h.2129 7 months ago Thank you for highlighting features of the playing of these great violinists! So exciting!😋 Reply @vitaliysakun-duvalko8946 9 months ago Ray, if you read this, make sure to listen to Vengerov’s transition in the cadenza into the ricochet section. The way he subtly plays each string individually before starting full on ricochet is amazing Really cool interpretation by him 4 Reply @hmkhni 9 months ago Thank you for the analysis. Having heard and noticed the points you truly mentioned, still I go for Hilary and her precise, strong and the most balanced performance of all. 2 Reply @davidnavarro653 9 months ago My favorite interpretation is from kyung wha chung! 3 Reply @StanEby1 9 months ago You are a born and irrepressible teacher. I love how you think. I like Oistrakh and Ormandy. It's another day at the office for them, but Oistrakh's genius still comes through. 4 Reply @salionshatterstar 9 months ago How can I choose just one favorite performer's style? They each portray a different emotion, and I like all of them! 6 Reply @mediabunny4016 9 months ago Love this video! Please do Tchaikovsky and Brahms (with the Heifetz versions of both) and also the Sibelius. And maybe some Paganini too, that would be interesting. 15 Reply @notmyrealname6272 8 months ago I saw JJ play Sibelius live and honestly she was so utterly charismatic I nearly jumped out of my chair. Reply @PositivelyNice 9 months ago You are amazing teacher. Your tip on looking at the contact point, the fingering, etc, really helps me at Grade 3. I used to look at the music score a lot because I was always reading each note. 14 Reply @vzpaulus 8 months ago I fell in love with this concerto thanks to Nathan Milsteins interpretation Reply @Stanvansandt 9 months ago Oooo, good one, Ray. A bit of an eye opener for me, in that Vengerov was my favorite though I expected him to be last. I though his phrasing and tone expressed an emotional depth that I have rarely encountered in the Mendelssohn. Not that the others weren't valid interpretations in their own way - I enjoyed all of them. Loved your explanations and attempts to reproduce each artist's unique choices. 12 Reply @gabriele9957 9 months ago Just wanted to say Ray I really love this sort of video, please do more! 7 Reply @outerspace01l79 9 months ago Usually I don't like to compare performers but if I have to choose I'll always choose Heifetz. Noticed many comments here mentioned Sibelius violin concerto. In my opinion Sibelius violin concerto is like just written for Heifetz, insurmountable performance. 4 Reply 2 replies @adamdonovan5633 8 months ago Wow!! So different.....Vengerov: tender phrasing that aches and tugs at your heart. Hilary: cool, introspective,...'still waters run deep'....delicious Reply @HappyG1lm0re 9 months ago (edited) I liked Janine's interpretation and Hilary's playing the best 1 Reply @quaver1239 9 months ago This channel is delightful. Vengerov gets into my soul; my entire being responds to how he says what he says. Thank you, Ray Chen! 2 Reply @Oka33 9 months ago More of these please! 1 Reply @ViolinMechanic 9 months ago Hey Ray! I really enjoyed watching this video! Great and wonderful way of teaching by demonstrating these wonderful performers! 15 Reply @WillT25 9 months ago (edited) It's fascinating to observe the distinct interpretive approaches that various violinists bring to Mendelssohn's compositions. The meticulous precision of Heifetz, Hilary Hahn's contemporary approach, Janine Jansen's fervent intensity, and Maxim Vengerov's robust expressiveness each add a unique dimension to the same score, showcasing the diverse ways in which a single piece of music can be expressed and experienced. 2 Reply 1 reply @error248 9 months ago Janine's Version Sure is my favorite 1 Reply @lingling-gh6pw 9 months ago Fun video!! It also reminds me of that if you watch Hilary's play from different ages, Mendelssohn sounds so different! 5 Reply @fishnfiddle1 9 months ago I like them all but this recording by Vengorov! OMG! Perhaps it’s a reflection of his maturity, I don’t know. I think the first recording I heard was by Isaac Stern, but my paragon for this concerto was Henryk Szeryng. I played different movements of this concerto with my high school orchestra and I found my mood and life experiences ( at 17 😄) colored through performances. When I played the second movement I dedicated the performance ( the hubris!) to my beloved abuelo who lay in his deathbed. I was playing HIS father’s violin (still do). I was so absorbed in my grief at losing my grandfather that the piece played itself as I was transported out of the gymnasium and thought only of my imminent loss. I guess I did okay since I woke to a standing ovation and an immediate offer of a scholarship to university. Thanks for this great comparison Ray! 2 Reply 1 reply @friederikerugglehrbass3999 9 months ago That was really interesting ( now my daughter wants to learn if too..😉😄) anyways. I love Janine Jansen,she is one of my favorite violin players. I wonder if a newer recording from Hillary would sound different. Interesting comment about the mic...bec I noticed something similar about her playing the second movement of Mozart G oj front of the pope.. 3 Reply @KirstenMarit 9 months ago Love your candid comments about your own past performances. Absolutely artist magnificence! Kids take note: when you screw up - artist privilege! Keep going! 1 Reply @jnee3873 9 months ago Bro’s doing a Second Showdown, first Bach, now Mendelssohn 🎉🎉🎉🎉 4 Reply 1 reply @anifameali 9 months ago 就如听了Perlman的柴小协费城版本之后人们会想:哦,这个曲子就是为他写的啊。没有帕尔曼那样雄浑的力量,就无以表达俄罗斯人(不是普京的俄罗斯)特有的深厚的深沉的情感。没有Hahn跳跃的弓法与从容精准的指法,我们就难以感受到作曲家试图表达的对年轻女性优雅甜美的倾慕,甚至她偶尔的恶作剧,也让人忍俊不禁。我听过很多艺术家的包括陈锐先生的门小协,Hahn的版本更是听过不止百遍。郁闷的时候甚至无聊的时候,让我内心愉快和宁静。感谢艺术家在作品中找到最好的自己并传达和感染听众😇 1 Reply @lightale1367 9 months ago Brilliant masterclass with karolina protsenko ray....😎👌 Reply @wongfred9648 9 months ago This video shows that even Ray is a famous soloist, but he is still wants to improve himself. That's a very good atitude 2 Reply @Wtnwdl 9 months ago They are all so GREAT, Hard to choose one but if I have to choose… MV. I felt kinda sad, and it was beautiful. 3 Reply @Tweeteketje 9 months ago I like both Vengerov and Jansen very much. Reply @tiramusi 9 months ago Hilary Hahn is really precise and Maxim Vengerov is really emotionally expressive. I love them so much. Reply @lydieviolinart 2 weeks ago My favorite for that one is Hilary. She is so focus and sge sustain the notes so deeply! Reply @mts21cnyc 9 months ago I would love to see a video that looks at different performances of the Bruch concerto :) 11 Reply 1 reply @simon0yeung 9 months ago They are all wonderful. However, I would also recommend Oistrakh’s version as well 3 Reply @ansonkwong432 9 months ago It is also interesting to know that Heifetz was very likely using Ray’s violin, the Dolphin Stradivarius, in this Mendelssohn recording. Same instrument, but completely different style of playing and interpretation. 14 Reply 1 reply @chani_m 9 months ago I enjoy this series of video so much! Learned a lot from comparing different interpretations or even just different tones that the masters produce on the violin... I'd love to see showdowns of Brahms and Korngold!!! 5 Reply @marcosviniciosribeirocompo1137 9 months ago (edited) I simply love this Concerto !! For me it is ¨THE¨ Violin Concerto! ...If I can say it this way!?! Reply @TheNiennaTasartir 9 months ago I was lucky to see Ray perform Mendelssohn in February...travelled over 1000 km there,but it was soo worth it!❤ 4 Reply @vivianchoi7290 9 months ago Can you please do a Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto showdown? I love this piece very much. Thank you for all the great music and inspiration! 7 Reply @carolhayes7750 9 months ago Vengerov and Hahn were my favorites in this video. Love Jansen, but she and Heifetz sounded almost frantic to my ear in this concerto. 6 Reply 1 reply @AlexA-u3s9r 7 months ago kyung wah chung! 1 Reply @heidigood80 9 months ago I would love to see you review different performances of the Barber violin concerto! 2 Reply @lucaspiano 9 months ago I love Hilary Hahn! She is all my lifetime favorite violinist for sure! 1 Reply @gae11e 8 months ago Janine Janine Janine Janine 😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰 I'm gonna see her live in 20 das 🤩Her interpretation of the Beethoven's Concerto is just... perfect. Reply @intthis 9 months ago My favorite part is at 6:55 when the girl over Vengerov's shoulder calls the guy next to her a show off, because he trilled along with the winds. Reply @eckhardt2006kugler 7 months ago Miss Jansen, she makes it possible for me to be totally involved in a piece of music. It's not as sterile as I think Miss Hahn is and Jansen's portrayal of how she physically plays along is very impressive. Technically she is on an almost unattainable level for me in terms of her presentation. It's a pleasure to hear her play and watch her. Reply @Bannerkim1 9 months ago Thanks for the presentation. Extraordinary excerpts and artists. Reply @mapa6772 9 months ago Tonic is a great idea and resource. Ray Chen: a multifaceted of our times Reply @lawrencerosecomposer 9 months ago Incredibly interesting and it really illustrates the importance of interpretation and shows that truly great music permits and merits different approaches. How can anyone claim that this or that performance is THE way to play a given piece? Thank goodness that all these great performers give us such different insights. Reply @aliasoma 8 months ago I've been a Hilary follower since her first recording of Bach. As she has matured her playing has evolved into this blend of technical proficiency and emotion. She had the nickname of Ice Queen during her younger years for her focus on technical mastery over a more artistic interpretation of whatever she was playing. Now she's at an age where violinists are supposedly coming into their prime performance years and I can't wait to see what she has in store for us. Reply @xiavitawu1765 9 months ago Lovin this concert trailer 🔥🔥 4 Reply @MD-ct9bm 9 months ago Loved this video! Very interesting! 1 Reply @sophielee570 4 months ago thank you Ray for this, love to see more vids of comparison and analysis Reply @gustavmahler3228 9 months ago vengerov best interpretation for me 2 Reply @OlgaStjarna 9 months ago Brett’s is the best for my years. He plays so gentle and light so i feelmyself somewhere in the dream… 2 Reply @michaelsproule2508 8 months ago I thought you were reacting to Hilary's Fingered Octaves! (That's probably why she added the top octave, second and fourth fingers). Slowed down to 50%, her fingering is clear, not to mention the effortless way she goes from the bottom strings to the middle and upper without the usual break! 1 Reply @sabrinai 9 months ago Where's your performance😢? Yours is one of my favourite Mendelssohn recordings. 3 Reply @davidoliver9886 9 months ago Please do a review of the Sibelius Concerto. Please compare the epic Vengerov performance , conductor Barenboim with the Chicago SO. This to me a defining performance of the Sibelius. Stay blessed. 2 Reply @danschmeidler9795 9 months ago amazing playing and great examples of amazing playing. awesome stuff Reply @jerelull9629 5 months ago I got here via Hilary Hahn with Jarvi conducting. She does Mendelssohn so beautifully, I'm hard-pressed to acknowledge anything "wrong" in her interpretation. I'd found Itzak Perlman doing it and was left cold by it after I heard Hilary's rendition. Reply @holgerg3824 9 months ago I like them all; all different performances are cool. I miss Augustin Hadelich!!! 7 Reply @violinlab 9 months ago Hillary Hahn also wows being the only one who does fingered octaves on the octave passages. Reply @bindak 9 months ago Thank you for this side-by-side comparison! Not a musician - and your explanations are super helpful. I never realized there was such a HUGE difference between interpretations 1 Reply @righthyunho 9 months ago My favorite interpretation is Kyung Wha Chung 1 Reply @tyraedmonson9677 9 months ago Ughhhhhhh. My FAVORITE concerto ! Actually Ray and Hilary are my favorites. Then trailing behind Anne Sophie Mutter .. I Love the speed of her vibrato Reply @hiendo5846 2 months ago JJ’s Mendelssohn for me…OMG❤ Reply @cafedumond85 9 months ago I am waiting for your Mendelssohn on June😊 from. Seoul. Reply @wfefewfwefw6810 9 months ago Bramhs ,Sibelius, prokovfeiv no1 and 2 1 Reply @incendiohawk1725 9 months ago Your performance of Mendelssohn is also amazing. I would love to see a review of Sibelius concerto 3 Reply @kawsar_habib_1 9 months ago Take love from Bangladesh 💖🇧🇩 Reply @frederickgolding1913 3 months ago Heifitz touches the soul. Reply @asya_vin 8 months ago самые любимые видео!)))) Reply @nancyjfs 9 months ago A while back Brett and Eddy reviewed Ray's Mendelssohn, plus Hilary, Anne Sophie Mutter and Augustin Hadelich. They praised Ziyu He and of course, Eddy praised Brett's (then upcoming) performance. Between Ray's reviews and theirs it is a wonderful dive into what makes all of them great! 2 Reply @AndyZach 9 months ago I like Heifetz's energy the most. Reply @yinhe9914 9 months ago As a non-professional player, I cannot distinguish the differences of the players. I have admit it. But making a bigger contrast in our own playing violin maybe a lesson we can learn. Theses are top of violinist. There are also some others we can try to follow and learn, and simulate. Tylor Davis is a violinist who started her learning later in high school. She does not play music of higher position and fast speed. Maybe Mr. Ray Chen can make a session to analyze her performance (or similar persons). That is most of our normal guys' goal. The purpose is to make our playing more like "Music" but avoiding tough technical hurdles. 1 Reply @NutelaSabe 9 months ago I love Hilary, but what Vengerov did with this just hits my soul. Every other time it's Hilary who sings to me the most :) She is fantastic. She could play yellow pages and it would still sound amazing :D (you know, like when someone with a great voice could read yellow pages, haha.... no? :D ) Reply @Amywithlove148 9 months ago Thanks for this information …. Very helpful Reply @bgcellozone 7 months ago Love this format- would do these listening style shoot outs with my advanced high school students - they were always some of my favorite lessons to do because it helped students develop their ears and taste and we got to study interpretation and try things out. Also gave us great reference points for interpretation on future pieces too, to call back to Reply @magkal8690 9 months ago Vengerov is Russian, so it's natural for him to add a little bit of melancholy, that really makes the obvious difference between him and the others. 11 Reply @klutzaklrin5514 9 months ago (edited) Greatest of all…times 0:25 Reply @vully70 9 months ago Janine Jansen is the only one in this compilation doing the piece justice. Reply @alexandremaurel9159 9 months ago Ray Chen, this is an awesome class for understanding musicality, thank you so much for making classical music accessible. Even for the experts your comments are so interesting 🙏🙏🙏 bravo! And thank you again so much!! 🎉 2 Reply @АндрійВолошко-е8я 9 months ago Very interesting🫶🏻🔥. Thank you for your fruitful work!! Reply @Dparrey 9 months ago Im digging the middle part hair style. Paried with the relaxed fun clothes. Lookin smooth man Reply @GLBinNP 9 months ago (edited) This video is great - thanks! & I'd love a video about the Korngold concerto. 2 Reply @karolchai900 6 months ago (edited) Maxim is my favorite ❤ Reply @r77882 9 months ago Wow, your interperations are so intersting & educating. Keep going with those reviews, this is great stuff!! Reply @christinelyman738 9 months ago Heh heh, I thought Ray would be spilling the tea, but he keeps it so positive and wholesome and throws in dad jokes as well. Reply @yaoxiao5859 9 months ago Like this kind of video Ray! Want more!! Reply @greywolfwalking6359 9 months ago The concert a good slice of the level of the production to be shown.... Thanks for sharing !! 👍🐺🧙‍♂️🦊🤙 5 Reply @joeshah8789 9 months ago Heifetz flexing on EVERYBODY !!!!! 💪🤣🎻 1 Reply @1dregae 9 months ago Sibelius violin concerto……..please……pretty please 2 Reply @flyawayjoji 9 months ago I actually got to see you play this very concerto in Taipei in March this year (it was glorious, and I can't wait to see you play again some time), so it's super exciting for me to see you talk about what you love in other people's interpretations of the same piece! 1 Reply @jason101other 7 months ago Hilary to me is always the consummate expert of all things violin playing. Anything she does, I believe 100% Reply @noelrands2549 7 months ago I’d love to see comparisons of the Walton Concerto. Reply @chonda89 7 months ago The "most replayed part" which is now, the most replayed part of this video TT Reply @tlmwoh 9 months ago im recording my mendelssohn tmrw and coincidentally this video pops up on my recommended 😭thank you ray Reply @MLaval-qo7en 8 months ago TODOS SON EXCELENTES!!...😊 Reply @arfyf6314 9 months ago Found this very instructive, thank you. More like this welcome 👍🎻. Reply @MD-ct9bm 9 months ago Would love to see a video like this about a Mozart concerto :) 1 Reply @andrewknippenberg761 9 months ago More videos like this please! Do the Beethoven VC next. 6 Reply @emmzzz 9 months ago (edited) Can you go over the Bach Chaconne with your favorite players and why, with dynamic and articulation? Thank you. 2 Reply 1 reply @adamdesanti6713 9 months ago (edited) I don't know what you call it but there's something about easing into a note with tenderness that goes into authority, or going from authoritative and back into tenderness. Varying tempo and volume ever so slightly in real time. I guess that's "the passion". It's amazing how the virtuoso does this continually. It really separates the masters. Great analysis here from Ray Chen! Reply @annatirindelli8879 9 months ago L' Interpretazione in assoluto che preferisco è quella di Kirill Troussov, INIMITABILE ed IRRAGGIUNGIBILE, davvero UNICO, PERFEZIONE ASSOLUTA👍🏻👌🏻 1 Reply @klmnps 9 months ago (edited) Vengerov resembles the deep and melancholic style of Oistrakh. Even the sentences are very much alike. 3 Reply 2 replies @pascalebertier1653 3 months ago Hilary, incomparable. Reply @chrysolikik 3 months ago thanks for this comparaison ;) Christel from Belgium Reply @BWBBRO 9 months ago When it comes to the big Romantic concertos Heifetz is king! Reply @cseperegazesolefolyikazarcomon 9 months ago (edited) I've heard it from you and Hilary (unfortunately it was outdoor concert) live that were perfect for me.😊 Reply @kristingarson2413 9 months ago Hilary Hahn, for me, is known as the Great Bow Economist. She never uses any more bow than she absolutely has to. I sometimes am amazed at how little bow she uses. It produces a very concentrated sound, and is good for a lot of music. But not French music, for example. 1 Reply @AMustieles 9 months ago (edited) I love this. Tchaikovsky. ❤❤❤❤❤ Reply @talesfromthequick 9 months ago Heifetz, an artist of the high calibre Reply @alexyang3086 9 months ago Plz come to Boston playing Mendelssohn~~~ Reply @SiChange 7 months ago (edited) Vengerov. Kyung-wha Chung, not here, and quite different, checks my boxes too. Lyrical, full blooded. So many fine readings to choose from. Reply @christianet1907 9 months ago Great video. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the different interpretations Reply @taswegian1790 9 months ago Love the way you keep showing your mentors Eddy and Brett . You are one of the better students of the Two Set Violin academy , keep doing your Ling Ling @RayChenViolinist , you’ll get there cobber. Reply @niiwii406 9 months ago My favorite interpretation is Sarah Chang's. There as a recording where she is a child and about 13 Years old. Kurt Masur is the conductor. This is my favorite 😍 Reply @user-hq4gu1jb3n 9 months ago Ray mentioned that he thought Hilary was playing to the room, not the microphone. I was wondering whether Heifetz was playing to the microphone and that it was possibly a broadcast. The frequency range of a microphone at that time would have been far different to what we have now, so the performer might have played in a different manner to what he might have played in concert. 1 Reply @antonywong3751 9 months ago (edited) Maxim Vengerov's is the best version — the most expressive and touching. Others are either too fast or too robotic. Of course Ray's version is amazing. 1 Reply @MsLionsmurf 9 months ago my fav is Chad Hoopes with the hr Sinfonieorchester (which can also be found on YT if anyone's interested) Reply @JohnAmidon-c6r 9 months ago Thanks, man! 👍 Reply @riripebby 9 months ago Have you watched Benjamin Zander's interpretation masterclass on the Mendelssohn? He advocates for faster tempi as well, and I totally dig it! 1 Reply @polmacip618 9 months ago Sibelius next! Love it so much Reply @galacticmess7050 7 months ago Might say something not entirely correct, but to me Heifetz' rendition of the second them does feel stoic and reflecting on pain, but it doesn't feel like he's allowing himslef/the music to be vulnerable in that theme. Sounds absolutely beautiful still, just a different way of reflecting on the emotion the music brings on that point. Reply @Tripod-ld4qv 9 months ago Janine is my favorite, what are your thoughts on Heifetz’s harmonics in the beginning? 1 Reply @Chihuahuauno1 9 months ago Brett's 2nd. Mvnt. is my most favorite of anyone - he played it with THE MOST honestly, sincerity, quite-loveliness, and musicality - more so than any other I have ever heard. 4 Reply @Oka33 9 months ago More videos like this would be wonderful Reply @pradagio_ 9 months ago How fortunate to have these great artists explain by another great artist! The editing was delightful. Took quite a chence on the pun though! Reply @ranviolinist 9 months ago love this kind of episode! please do it moreeee Reply @corinakiss7935 9 months ago Echt sehr schön!!!🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🔆🔆🔆🌲 Reply @PIPE3GUTI 9 months ago Vengerov, beatiful mendelshoon Reply @lordneeko 9 months ago Just waiting to see Hillary and Janine's reactions to your critique of their performances 😂 2 Reply @hildewong5281 9 months ago I love this video. It’s so educational and interesting. Please do more reviews of these concertos: Sibelius, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Brahms. Please include other soloists like Perlman, Ehnes, Oistrakh, Mutter, or the younger soloists like Maria Duenas. 2 Reply 1 reply @Nouser156 9 months ago if you do other videos keep doing Hilary Hahn. she’s my favorite violinist Reply @SeshanTM 9 months ago I think you should hear ysaye playing the 3rd movement or kreisler playing the whole concerto 1 Reply @Neha-wz2cp 9 months ago As someone who has never played an instrument and does not listen to classical music I don't know why I always come back to your videos. You seem to have such a passion for what you do and I think that's what's fun to watch. I do hate to say but I don't hear even a bit of difference between what you play and what the soloists in the videos are playing. 3 Reply 2 replies @matthewtaylor2651 5 months ago He is naughty....his 4th finger vibrato is perfectly okay. Do have a listen to his Mendelssohn-its really excellent. I'm surprised at Vengerov's...I don't usually like his playing but this Mendelssohn is superb. Reply @Light71717 9 months ago Itzhak Perlman’s is my favourite 🤍 I would love to see more videos like this, can you do ones on Brahms and Dvorak? I’m not a musician and I’m still learning a lot from this, it’s educating my ears and helping me understand what I’m listening to on a deeper level, thank you so much for this 🤍 Also, it would be amazing if you can do a video on the Paganini violin concertos, his violin concerto no. 4 is one of my absolute favourites and I’m surprised that it’s not quite popular, for me it even tops his violin concerto no. 1! So it would be interesting to hear your thoughts! 1 Reply @luzazn 9 months ago Thank you I really this kind of video where you breakdown how each interpretation are unique & specific. As I am a non music player, just a classical music enthusiast, this is very insightful. Thank you ❤😊 Reply @RijaMo 9 months ago 3:34 hehee that's what she said. 2 Reply @chia_s_ee_d 9 months ago Brett’s first crush 😂 5 Reply @popitoto 9 months ago Really enjoyed your musical analysis on each violinist! Reply @ashleepe_ 9 months ago I love this sort of vids! Reply @txsphere 9 months ago This is such a beautiful video. Zaddy, um Ray does such a wonderful job explaining the different interpretations. Reply @twoblink 9 months ago I'm a fan of them all ; but I like Jansen's version best. 1 Reply @mrcuddlefish 9 months ago Hot take David Garrett's Mendelssohn is wild and chaotic and I love it. It's imperfect and super raw and fun. Reply @harmoniaartificiosa 9 months ago Perhaps you should try to find out how Ferdinand David played. There are plenty of sources available online. The way he performed it is most likely what the composer preferred or intended himself. Reply @katrinaKJB1611 9 months ago I would love to see Brahms reviewed! It's one of my favorites ❤ Reply @chia_s_ee_d 9 months ago Pls review Bruch 1 or Sibelius 3 Reply @eckhardt2006kugler 7 months ago There is a real boom at the moment for people from the Asian region who play technically advanced classical music. My question is how can you feel so invested in European music? The same goes for the Americans and if I'm honest I have exactly the same feeling about Miss Hahn, she just stands there and plays despite her enormous technical ability. It would be so nice if she could show me a little more emotion about her game. 1 Reply 1 reply @gwenny9879 9 months ago It would be so great if you could cover Mozart no 4! It is super interesting to see different interpretations of all concertos but Mozart is especially fascinating when it comes to comparing different interpretations in my opinion. 1 Reply @ElsweyrDiego 9 months ago i've never noticed the 'infamous Heifetz slides" before, now i'm searching slides in all violinists videos 😆 Reply @felixdzerzhinski8004 3 weeks ago Hilary Hahn!!.... Great, powerful, poetic.... big emotions through her violin... Great violinist! Definitely my favorite. ❤ Reply @jannik9559 9 months ago I really love the Mendelssohn of Chad Hoopes. Its the one I love the most by far Reply @chrisma3256 9 months ago Love Heifetz ❤ Reply @adi_demian 9 months ago ❤❤❤❤ I wish I could give thousands of likes to this video instead of just one! This is genius! Thank you, Ray, for sharing (Szeryng?🤣) your insights on concerto and performances. This is brilliant on so many levels, it blew my mind! 4 Reply @ItzTiger1217 7 months ago I would love you doing video with Bruch Violin Concerto! Reply @isabela.marino 9 months ago Please do the Sibelius violin concerto!!! ♡♡♡♡ Reply @ramsayas7004 9 months ago Hi Ray! Maybe we can have Max Bruch's Violin Concerto in G Minor ❤ 2 Reply @elfin1218 9 months ago I would like to see you do a comparison of Sibelius using the same soloists. 1 Reply @ranc5185 9 months ago love this content!! Reply @dboj1873 9 months ago Love to hear your thoughts on James Ehnes! Reply @Xerings 9 months ago Could you do Sibelius Violin concerto reviews!! 1 Reply @TacticalStrike 9 months ago Sibelius please 2 Reply @Poreckylife 9 months ago Nobody beats Augustin Hadelich!! 1 Reply @swingeasyguy 9 months ago I've also always loved Henryk Schering's version, and of course Mr. Ray! Next I would love to hear different styles of the Sibelious. Reply 2 replies @musetekk3574 9 months ago very interesting discussion about Vengerov, also, I think that was a slowed recording of Hilary? I listen to one on steaming services and it's much faster Reply @JMaxwell1000 8 months ago Heifetz played EVERYTHING lickity-split, and the results, although technically perfect, were to my taste NOT what I would ever want to purchase or emulate. Reply @Eli-yu1tv 9 months ago Sibelius next please! 1 Reply @shvartze 7 months ago It should be called Another Edition of Heifetz and Students. Reply @LucasBGaia 9 months ago Heifetz is the best, everyone knows it, everything he plays is perfect!!! I just listen, I don't play any instrument, for me nothing compares, Heifetz will always be on a higher level. Ivry Gitlis Leonid Kogan Shlomo Mintz Reply @szviolin 9 months ago Ray, please review the Sibelius Violin Concerto 🥹🥹 1 Reply 9 months ago (edited) I vote for Brahms concerto as the next! Reply @ЛарисаКиселева-ф3ц 9 months ago My favorite is Bengerov,s version 1 Reply @jnee3873 9 months ago Sorry for the delay: 2 Parts this time, try and catch where I no clip the next part: WOW WOW OOWOWWW, JANINE JANSEN, omg, Janine Jansens octaves are super HAARD. Janine nails it 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉. Ray Chen on octaves, super scary, aka beluga is scared. Ray playing in front of Vengrov. Messed the OCCCTAVvves. AAAAAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. 19 years old nails the Mendelssohn Violin Concerto and wins the Menuhin Competition. MAd respect *clap clap clap 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉*. The most replayed part> MESSED OVTAVES😮😮😮😮😮😮😮. 1 Reply @yaoxiao5859 9 months ago Want a Sibelius one! Reply @seelenlerche 4 months ago (edited) Ich finde Janine Jansens Interpretation toll. Sie ist so aus einem Guss, da reicht der Spannungsbogen von Anfang bis Ende. Und wie sie nach dem Solopart an das Orchester übergibt, als würde sie eine Schleuse öffnen... großartig! Vengerov gefällt mir auch sehr gut. Heifetz spielt, als liefe das Metronom dazu. Das kann man beim Üben machen, aber bei der Aufführung sollte etwas mehr Empfindung dabei sein. Reply @spacejackson1612 9 months ago Definitely need a review on Heifetz Tchaikovsky cadenza! please~~~~~ Reply @sudharmansitaraman8377 9 months ago (edited) As amazing as Hilary Hahn is, I do think that effusive pieces like Mendelssohn and Tchaikovsky aren't really her style, and her talents truly come to the fore when she's playing something a little less dramatic, like Beethoven or Sibelius. The other thing is that I would have loved for you to show the truly insane part of her performance in the third movement, which is where she is in actual beast mode. Please do Sibelius next, and please do feature Heifetz's 1935 recording with Sir Thomas Beecham as well as HH (the France Musique performance with Mikko Franck) and JJ (she has a really interesting interpretation, similar to how she interprets Tchaikovsky). Love your content! 1 Reply @erickimn4711 9 months ago ray, i love you man! please also check out perlman with the NYPO! the 2nd and 3rd movements are filled with that perlman magic Reply @JeanDeLaCroix_ 9 months ago Please, please review the sibelius. The same violinists or even more of them but Hilary is incredible for that one 1 Reply @Jalcolm1 9 months ago Do the Beethoven because its simplicity makes it harder to define. Do the Britten because it’s so much fun. 1 Reply @milicapap9208 9 months ago Tchaikovsky interpretation of..... That would be quite interesting ❤ Reply @dayaneoliveira1122 9 months ago If you start Softer you can grow Bigger 👍 Reply @mehraneahmadi645 9 months ago Your performance of this concerto is definitely one of my favourites 💚🤍❤ Reply @sparklingmagnolia 9 months ago Could you please review Tchaikovsky’s violin concerto next? It’s my personal favorite❤😁 1 Reply @Raamyeon 9 months ago envy u start at so young. i start at age 25 and im only grade 6 abrsm at 36. took breaks in between due to depression from music :( kekw Reply @koolkdny 9 months ago I saw you play mendelssohn with the Pittsburgh Symphony! one of my favorite performances. You should do a video like this with some other concertos (tchaik, sibelius, etc.) 1 Reply @StraivtorS 9 months ago I can feel 4 different type of people in their plays. Heifetz's music is the classic "man" type: stoic to to point that his emotions are somewhat rigid. Hilary's is the opposit: her music is always very womanly, like a ballerina with such elegant and soft steps. (not just in this performance but always) Vengerov's is the seasoned men: full of emotions, heavy but attractive. Janine's play is the independant woman: she owns her emotions, knows what she wants and express it as needed. 1 Reply @mvdum29 5 months ago Hilary's approach to pieces for me is just so respectful of the work. No matter what the piece it never sounds as though she's propping herself up, she's letting the merit of the music shine true by being an honest interpreter. Although her Mendelssohn is not my favourite, I much prefer Vengerov's rendition, it's still a very solid version. However I cannot listen to anyone else play Bach. It doesn't feel right lol Reply @apacheboxing7816 8 months ago Tchaikovsky please. You are great 👍 Reply @edifine 9 months ago If you start softer, you can grow bigger. 1 Reply @nikanj 9 months ago 10:01. Thanks I hate modern technology. My teacher: If you make a mistake 90% of the audience won't even notice. YouTube: Most replayed. 1 Reply @hammen8894 9 months ago Esse é um conteúdo muito legal, revise outros concertos, e mantenha Heifetz, a lenda, sempre nos reviews, e adicionar outros. Reply @caganmahir2207 9 months ago 6:54 :D why is orchestra laughing at the middle of the performance thats so funny 🤣 1 Reply @Anna_Nikitina795 9 months ago I still haven’t forgiven you for putting Glazunov’s concerto so low. You can make amends by sorting out this concert))) Reply @entilzha 9 months ago I’d love to see a comparison for either/both of Beethoven and Brahms. Reply @lucienazario2786 9 months ago I like Vengerov's interpretation of the Mendelssohn. It's perfect!!! But I still would go for my favorite violinist Ray Chen. Being a fan, I admit I am biased. Reply @arturtarnowski4023 9 months ago I agree with the last violinist comment (Hilary Hahn), I mean she is hell of a great violinist, just sometimes U have this feeling there is little too much control or just not enough forgetting about controlling technical aspects of the play. But anyway listened to some of her recordings and I really am amazed by her Bach solo pieces. All of them are great. Love also compare theme of the movie - our teacher Marcin Gałecki in Fryderyk Chopin University of music made sometimes that with old players actually on Mendelsohn violin concerto haha! Best wishes to all of us here and U Ray Reply @ElMcMeen1a 9 months ago Great stuff, and if you think it's hard vibrating with your pinkie on the violin, try doing a slow-hand vibrato with your pinkie on a steel-string guitar. I got good at it, but had to have my pinkie broken, set sort-of wrong, and end-up curved - but stronger than it was before the accident. :) I don't recommend that approach. Love your videos!! Reply @Dilsli 9 months ago I adore this kind of video! Please, next time check Shlomo Mintz. I love his Mendelssohn. There's also a Sibelius when he was young, mainly his energy with the 3rd movement. I get goosebumps everytime. Reply @joakimfroberg6772 8 months ago Very interesting. Reply @Satopi3104 9 months ago Vengerov’s rendition sounds so Russian lol it’s kind of amazing. It reminds me how once I saw a Mozart opera at la Scala and it sounded SO Italian lol. 6 Reply @ngoanphuong5652 9 months ago (edited) Please do a review focus on Christian Li's Mendelssohn Concerto. You can listen to his album Discovering Mendelssohn and the video has excerpts from the 1st movement and 3rd movement, especially the 1st movement, which I think is really uplifting like Mendelssohn. You can also watch other videos by him (like his Schubert's Serenade) and, although unrelated, by Maria Duenas. Both of them are passionate about playing the violin in their own way (like you). Thank you so much, Ray! :) Reply @kilianklaiber6367 9 months ago Beethoven Violin concerto, my Favorite. I think Hilary nailed IT and so did your teacher. Heifetz, na 😢.... Reply @gimletrose1985 9 months ago I generally like players who makes me feel something. I love Nemanja and also Janene Jansen's. Maxim is great too. 2 Reply 1 reply @PositivelyNice 9 months ago Not sure I am thinking that 30 years later, someone else will review Ray Chen’s version of X Concerto and compare it to Hilary Hahn, maybe Chloe Chua… 😂 9 Reply @evelynbrandonsmusicchannel9235 9 months ago Brahms concerto next, please, and how do you think about Issac Stern's Reply @gerontius3 9 months ago Ray this was superb. How about the Sibelius? I heard you play that in Detroit......wonderful! Reply @Seize_your_moment 9 months ago Can you talk about Tchaikovsky violin concerto! It’s a fav of mine! Reply @lancefukushima2237 9 months ago Hi ray, love ur videos! Can’t wait to see your performance next year in Los Angeles. Canvyou make a video about violin care. I would like to know about a humidifier for the violin case. Is it needed? I live in southern california which is a drier area. Reply @zwy7 9 months ago I like James Ehnes his version is also faster than others Reply @arnabb2472 9 months ago Please make a video on Tchaikovsky and his violin concerto Reply @dasportsfan2122 9 months ago Missed opportunity to compare them to Brett’s performance 😂 Reply @Ethan_lu_lu 9 months ago You should review Roman Kim 1 Reply @SharpEdgeStandardOfficial 9 months ago Ling Ling taught you well ! Reply @anasalagha 9 months ago big fan from Syria ❤ Love watching your videos and always learning alot from you anyways the app tonic isn't working for me , it says the app doesn't work in you country hope that changes in future Reply @SantiagoDrumond-mh5zh 9 months ago My favorite violin concertos are Prokofiev's no. 1, Wienawski's no. 1, Sibelius' and Tchaikovsky's, they're so epic, I'd love to see you reviewing them. Reply @Apollo.283 9 months ago Hi Ray!! I love your videos, thank you!! And i would really like to see your reaction on Prokofiev violin concerto n 1(one of my favorite violin works), Thank you). Reply @honeyfarmer0 9 months ago Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insight as professional. Love your channel. Hope you could cover Sarah Chang too. One of my favorite violists. Reply @alizihnikutlar2593 7 months ago I suppose you had to have Nathan Milstein's performance too. As much as I know his Mendelssohn performance one of the reference. Reply @teresab7909 9 months ago i'd love to see a Tchaikovsky comparison!! :) Reply @mapa6772 9 months ago Maybe you need to review Kavakos to see how it's done. And Oistrakh. Reply @ediequiluz7884 8 months ago Maybe Wieniawsky First Violin Concerto Reply @師太滅絕 9 months ago Could you also do a review of violinists of different ages/era in the same work (not necessarily concerto), eg Heifetz/Ostriakh vs Perlman vs newer and then those contemporary ones..... What about by nationalities.... esp the older generation when there is distinctive Russian, French, Italian etc flavor in their playing..... (modern days artist become more and more international) Reply @nyannyanneko5919 9 months ago shes called Hilarious Hahn for a reason Reply @leonardobastos1945 9 months ago Michael Rabin is the GOAT on this concerto... Reply @iakovosCOG 9 months ago Can you make a video reviewing violin concertos that no one really plays, especially from the 19-20th century? Especially more obscure ones like the Molique, Bruch 3, Walton, as well as the dozens of relatively unknown composers who deserve some love. I'd be excited to help you turn this into a series! I can do some imslp and WorldCat deep dives and maybe show you some pieces you've never seen before. As one of the best concert violinists, I feel like you could have huge impact on how people think about the current violin concerto standards and maybe shake things up a bit! 2 Reply 6 replies @davefried 9 months ago (edited) i’d really love to see you do a comparison for brahms, particularly anne-sophie mutter at new york philharmonic/kurt masur rendition! Reply @danielgutu6428 3 months ago Idk how the first thing I saw this video was the Dynamo strings Reply @lilaches 9 months ago I loved this! Would you please do the same for the Brahms Violin concerto in D Op, 77? It would be interesting to see your thoughts on the interpretation performed by Gil Shaham Reply @erickrodriguesbrito2302 9 months ago Finally saw the strings you use. Dynamo. Reply @NutelaSabe 9 months ago Sibelius pls :) Reply @Grem305 9 months ago I pull it off once and i was blind folded. Reply @PositivelyNice 9 months ago Heifetz is very strong. Often, not in my style but very unique. Reply @peterschaffter826 9 months ago Hey, Ray! How about a comparison video on the Sib? Or, islightly off the concerto track, The Lark Ascending? Reply @inperatieloos 9 months ago Please do this for Beethoven violin concerto as well Reply @JoshuaLo2732 9 months ago No such person greater than Heifetz on this list, the true maestro. Only two person to be compared are Prihoda and Kreisler. Reply @juliechen7733 9 months ago Prokofiev 1 please! Reply @swingeasyguy 9 months ago Thanks for putting this together. Heifetz is my all time favourite, but his Mendelssohn is my least favourite, it's too fast. Your fingers are twice the length of mine, no wonder I suck at violin!face-pink-tears Reply @niklasli5 9 months ago Do the Tchaikovsky next!! Reply @tiffcat1100 9 months ago Love this ❤ Reply @UnshavenStatue 8 months ago There's definitely a twoset vid with hilary where they spend a minute talking about how 4th finger vibrato is totally normal for hilary and brett and eddy just stare at her flabbergasted "what do you mean 4th finger vibrato is normal???"..... my takeaway from this video is that, in fact, 4th finger vibrato is totally normal afterall xD Reply @Daniel-San75 9 months ago Yehudi Menuhin no question, followed by Leonidas Kavakos. Sorry Ray!😁 2 Reply @sorinal1234 9 months ago Best Mendelssohn is without a shade of a doubt, Christian Ferras. It is a pretty good imitation of the way his teacher, George Enesco, played though without the "demonic" brush strokes Enesco was capable of. The 2nd Mov with Enesco is available on YT - very poor recording, though. The ( probably ) 2nd best Mend. is with Adolf Bush. He imparts an aquatic quality to the 3rd Mov. - very original. Modern players, sublimely talented and competent as they are are too remoted from the Mend. period and their presentations tend to be somehow sterile. 1 Reply @tttenebre 9 months ago augustin hadelich next!!! do it with tchaikovsky or brahms Reply @cricri2610 9 months ago Many pieces were played quickly in the past, and I don't know why, the pace slows down over time. Reply @OtakuBase 9 months ago Would love to hear thoughts on Tchaikovsky's concerto and Der Erlkönig Reply @magdaroutova6780 8 months ago Maria Dueñas Reply @mingicino 9 months ago Tchaikovsky please and Sibelius Reply @ruchamach 3 months ago Hi Ray, I have seeing you attached a microphone to your violin. I would like to know everything I need to do (accessories) so; From mic to sound! If you could share, I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you! Reply @nabilahshuaib67 9 months ago Sibelius violin concerto pls! Reply @antoniopulvirenti3504 6 months ago maxim has the best mendelssohn Reply @shuhuadu92 9 months ago Thanks for the amazing video! I've learned a lot. Though Ray you plan to do another concerto, I still want to kindly ask if it's possible to consider the Bach sonatas&partitas (for instance the Chaconne: Partita no.2, fifth movement) sometime. There are so many great versions, like Heifetz, Szeryng, Kavakos, Perlman, Hilary hahn, ... and of course yours! Personally, I like Hilary's version best, but I don't know why. For some reason, Hilary's version seens to be most "Bach" to me. This feeling is so strong, that I even feel the same when she plays some other pieces that are not at all related to Bach (like this Mendelssohn concerto). Why is that? And what do you think is the most important part to interpret Bach's music? Thank you. I'll always love you Ray Reply @LALA-ml4rk 8 months ago ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Reply @sofiasanchez8375 9 months ago Wieniawski’s no. 2 Violin Concerto in D minor! Reply @yashargharehbaghi518 9 months ago Alexander Markov caprices please...❤ Reply @guillecastillo2144 9 months ago ¿Y si incluyes a Mari Samuelsen? Con sus interpretaciones llenas de determinación y de precisión. Tus videos son excelentes. Muchas gracias. Reply @TomLeg 9 months ago You talk about the performer's focus, but what about the composer? Does he/she need to be thinking about the trend, the next note? Or are they allowed to do whatever they want? Reply @mskw920 9 months ago Thank you for pointing out all the details that I missed! I saw your Mendelssohn a few months ago, was 👍. Do you play differently every time? I ask bcs this is a piece that I work on for a long time and get it right. Still love it. Reply @師太滅絕 9 months ago Brahms violin concerto. Please review that. Thanks Reply @bb1111116 6 months ago Because of his incredible technique, Heifetz is outstanding with the Brahms and Tchaikovsky. The Mendelssohn needs a slower, more emotional approach and it doesn’t fit Heifetz. With the Mendelssohn concerto Jansen is my go to choice for modern violinists. Reply @mediocre-violinist- 9 months ago Hilary i feel plays more with the story of the piece. The young love is pretty much the common theme and i feel liike hilary brings out the naive nature theough "naive" phrasing. Hilary definetly knows how to look at each note whille looking at the phrase. Hilary is extremly intentional and she phrased that exactly the way she wanted to be. Reply @Classic1608 6 months ago Wheres my rosin? Music starts playing Reply @evanmcdonnal 9 months ago Of these I preferred Venegrov's take on it. It's all about Leonid Kogan though. It's a travesty you didn't include him. Heifetz tends to play things pretty fast I find, in some cases it's awesome and sets him apart, for this piece I don't like it as much as more lyrical/flowing interpretations. 1 Reply @lamlucky777 9 months ago Hillary 1 Reply @tygrtales6319 9 months ago Great video! Sibelius next? :D Reply @seanallendurian891 8 months ago Okay. Next is Sibelius' lol. Sara Chang, Hilary Hahn and Julia Fischer Reply @yudaileonzon2512 9 months ago Brahms!! Reply @fpilotto 7 months ago I like this kind of vídeos, but one you should put in your analysis is Anne Sophie Mutter !!!! Reply @OZI_DJ 9 months ago Please do Wieniawski 1 🥰 Reply @tylercox-philyaw613 9 months ago The fact that the GOAT, Brett Yang, was left out of this, is absolutely absurd Reply @MachaLatte123 9 months ago Hilary’s interpretation is more of a logical style, playing note by note, similar to Szering, that’s why they are so good at Bach, Brahms, Beethoven. However, I agree with Ray that this concerto needs more of a passionate / fluid style rather than focusing on each note, and here her interpretation comes out being too heavy. Vengerov has a melancholic style and sort of reminds me of an old man reminiscing about past glory whereas Janine’s interpretation is more youthful and exuberant. What’s not mentioned is that despite the exuberance Janine is a very logical interpreter where the notes and how they are being interpreted are intentional and pre- planned for a specific purpose (I noticed this in her Tchaikovsky and Brahms too) whereas I felt Vengerov plays a lot more by instinct and with more freedom. For my personal taste I prefer Janine’s interpretation as it reminds me of a young happy Fanny writing this concerto, but it could also be an older auntie Fanny reminiscing about her youth aka Vengerov Reply @salionshatterstar 9 months ago I wonder how much of the "most played" status of section might have been from Ray himself, revisiting that missed note over and over. Or perhaps some teacher shows it to all his students, "see, even Ray Chen makes mistakes" :-P Reply @C.A.K.92 9 months ago (edited) Review Maria Dueñas and Augustin Hadelich Reply @chenannabel6256 9 months ago I like the 19 year old version by Ray? 🤩🤭elbowcough Reply @recurvearcher6542 9 months ago Hi Ray, thank you. Perhaps as you alluded to is the development of the artist as they mature in their career. Yo Yo Ma after many years of concerts, felt playing with emotion to an audience over trying to play technically perfect felt and gave more back to the artist. Therefore I guess it would be interesting how these violinist evolved with this piece over the years. Great posts Reply @jamioncarter3388 9 months ago Can you do a Sibelius Showdown next Reply @antonyroach6802 9 months ago Look out for Kerson Leong's performance, it's swell Reply @DavidBergman1776 9 months ago I really enjoyed the video! I was curious, what mic are you using when you play? I really like the sound that you're getting out of it! Reply @deborasanchez124 9 months ago Sibelius Reply @jenvogue5005 9 months ago Yes, Ray would definitely have a warmer sound if he had more real estate on his fingertips Reply @AmandaViolinGirl 9 months ago Ray Chen did you know Karolina recently played it in an orchestra. Reply @groezy 9 months ago (edited) 12:00 haha! yoyoyo ray's philly coming out? Reply @Mr_Lyric 9 months ago Come on ray! Do sibelius! Reply @FoodwaysDistribution 9 months ago James Ehnes and david oistrakh performances always sound richer and better....... Reply @PoppyLam877 9 months ago Pls review Sibelius ❤ Reply @TwoSetViolinEdits 9 months ago We need to do one of the finale of bruch1 (I think?) And we need chloe chua’s in there as well Reply @Millye_wgf 9 months ago Yehudy Menuhin! Reply @bigprobllama 9 months ago (edited) Sit and watched this video with my sister. It was Heifetz for me but she liked everyone but Heifetz. You don't choose your family...😑 Reply @Y3llow_Submarin3 9 months ago Heifetz played everything fast. Reply @eckhardt2006kugler 6 months ago Please do a reaction to Simone Lamsma - Eugène Ysaÿe/ from: Sonate op.27 no.3 - Ballade She also plays on a very special Stradivarius you may have never seen before. Reply @eckhardt2006kugler 6 months ago Please do a reaction to Simone Lamsma - Eugène Ysaÿe/ from: Sonate op.27 no.3 - Ballade She also plays on a very special Stradivarius you may have never seen before. Reply @olgamozera619 1 month ago hand-pink-wavingface-blue-smilinghand-pink-wavinghand-pink-waving🥰😍 Reply @yansaneh.29 9 months ago review shosty 1 next Reply @yashjha0007 9 months ago i think you should do one for the four seasons ray Reply @edgarzarate7038 9 months ago Hi Ray, Nice video!! I would like to know what you think about one of my favouite violinist Renaud Capuçon Reply @theoqudatq2150 9 months ago please do Beethoven's! Reply @brianliu522 8 months ago Please review the Scottish Fantasy by Bruch🎉😊 Reply @mingicino 9 months ago These are great but I come back to Gil shaham every time.. Reply @benedictoryable 8 months ago Hilary Hahn, period!😂 Reply @raresshaham2164 9 months ago Does anyone noticed that in all this kind of contemporary comparisons interpretation none is mentioning about Gil Shaham?! It seems he doesn’t bond with their little world which makes him even more of a pearl . Another one missing of this “tops” is Frank Peter Zimmerman Reply @claraemmanuelleblanco4835 9 months ago Why doesn't anyone talks about Sayaka Shoji!? :c Reply @gnatural 9 months ago i dont think that Heifetz was playing too fast and he had plenty of phrasing . I think the standard of technique was much higher during that era and therefore they could play comfortably at quicker tempos without compromising the music.. What seems like a very quick tempo was probably a walk in the park for Heifetz from his point of view. Reply @samyung3541 9 months ago I also wondering the Ray’s version talking his interpretation 😂 Reply @SJTOfficial 9 months ago please play oppenheimer "Can you hear the music" its sooo good Reply @moussagueye4644 9 months ago You should do Sibelius or Brahms next Reply @manfred4766 9 months ago the Dvorak Reply @eddominates 8 months ago Hillary-ous Reply @sirobattaglin 9 months ago Curious how you got the rights to play these recordings on your video? (No criticism at all there, your video’s really interesting - hope you make more of these comparisons!) Reply @tuttifrutti2229 9 months ago Top élites violoniste slow down some passages or change a bit while Heifetz could lay anything at speed or faster tempo. God’s fiddler Reply @glenolivesomargaritafoglio4471 2 months ago Have you ever featured Lana Tratovsek? Reply @gustavmahler3228 9 months ago do the beethoven concerto please Reply @democraticpatriot2657 8 months ago Don't understand why part of Ray's vids are speeded up. Reply @indrac6897 9 months ago Ray what do you think about the E before the cadence that performs Shlomo Mintz Reply @Zahid_luna 9 months ago what about Roman Kim’s? Reply @christocello7731 9 months ago Vengerov and Jansen, great. Hahn, well, did she take the "molto appassionato" into account? Maybe Sibelius or Elgar are the better peaces for her. For me, Hahn's playing ist too controlled, each tone is perfect, but she doesn't tell a story. 1 Reply @tushar_ranjan7 8 months ago Vengerov wins this round. 1 Reply @DavidDavid-cc7bk 9 months ago Do sibelius Reply @ElinabirdYang 4 months ago I personally like Issac Stern's the best... Reply @jonathanbarragan5246 9 months ago Where can I find the full recording Reply @pugsnhogz 9 months ago HILARY HAHN IS GOD THX BYEEEE Reply @zevelgamer. 9 months ago Can you do itzhak perlman and twosetvioin next? Reply @ThomUnderStars 9 months ago Your whata heck made me laugh kkkk Reply @tishfricks 9 months ago Augustin Hadelich Reply @loicmiralles6090 9 months ago Roman Kim ? 1 Reply @LinhChi93 9 months ago @RayChenViolinist Can't believe you review Mendelssohn and skip the butt-clenching part =)) 2 Reply Ray Chen · 2 replies @Twice9Heartz 7 months ago Well I know I'm replying 2 months late but if since you're checking out other soloists then possibly you could view my friend (scary prodigy) Hayool (Hanna) Lee... 1 Reply @cristoarias6341 9 months ago My only one question is: why you never use Menuhin in one of your comparations ? Why always Heifetz? 🙁 Reply @sabot_3612 9 months ago Can we get some tchaik in here? 🥺 Reply @shorihiraku 7 months ago Where did u get the jacket? Reply @johnwquigley1811 9 months ago bruch concerto :) 1 Reply @Mark_Kisin 9 months ago Too bad you couldn't compare to Menuhin's 1958 recording, which for me is the quintessential recording of this piece. Reply @catius9206 9 months ago (edited) Why you didn't featured Sarah Chang? You should have included her, she performed this concerto when she was 14 years old, she deserves a lot of respect and recognition😿. One of the best world class solo violinist in this world (In this Era). 26 Reply Ray Chen · 6 replies @Robinicat 4 months ago My favourite rendition was that of Vengerov. Hilary Hann's performance was too restrained for my taste. Reply @MissTalmo 8 months ago I still prefer Sarah Chang version Reply @toruscore 9 months ago 8:44 are you telling us to listen! in latin, or is this a subliminal car commercial? 😂 Reply @hoyoonsong4399 9 months ago I started it when I was 9 years old 💀 Reply @philippeherridge2401 8 months ago PERLMAN ! Reply @SuperbBleu 8 months ago Why don't you do the Beethoven and Brahms? Reply @Quotenwagnerianer 9 months ago (edited) As nice as Vengerovs tone is, the tempo is too slow. As you pointed out "Allegro molto". His is more like "Allegro languido". ;), Reply @Oka33 8 months ago Review Beethoven Reply @Coffeeaddict496 9 months ago @raychenviolinist how dare you skip Hilary’s third movement ! Shame on you 1 Reply @D.S.Borromeo 9 months ago Am I gonna get that face once I became better at the violin? 1 Reply @AmandaViolinGirl 9 months ago 1st one too fast. I like the Hillary Hahn Reply @quest-cequecesttonvisage 9 months ago why is Hilary Hahn mirrored in thumbnail hurts so much Reply 1 reply @deanbrandl1987 9 months ago Well in my opinion Nadia sonnenberg is still the best Reply @TwoSetViolinEdits 9 months ago Nah, Brett likes Hilary Hahn’s now Reply @BIGVIOLIN153 9 months ago You are so humble👏🫡 Reply @linsterlin9185 9 months ago you forget Menuhin, he is the best in Mendelssohn Reply @TravisLohmannMusic 9 months ago I spy a CRT TV?!?! Reply @prodigy2104 9 months ago How come you didn’t review mutter?? Don’t you like her Reply @DCTom-r4s 9 months ago Kogan 1 Reply @Practicalmusicministryskil4906 9 months ago Great video – thanks! I share a free step-by-step “learn to read music” curriculum on my YouTube channel in the hopes of making music literacy accessible to all. Reply @wonghow 8 months ago I don't like Heifetz, yes very good skill, but not expressive. Maxim, that is good. What kind of expression to play, have to look at the key progression and tempo. Reply @anthonybouzeydane1085 1 month ago Ok...Ray...we love you very much and all...but calling jascha heifetz your fellow violinist or your colleague is just not it😅 1 Reply @AndySaenz924 4 months ago It sounds like Janine rushed through the intro there, which I don’t like. Reply @MaxwellsDemon9 9 months ago Hold on hold on, how is it you grew up in Brisbane but have extinguished all traces of the Australian accent and speak 100% American??!?! Reply @sfbirdclub 2 months ago But then...there's Hirschhorn....sad. None better...but still... Reply @flockecogames 7 months ago Listening to each recording in it's entirety, i get a very different impression of each. Some performers do a better job of shaping the entire piece, especially Hillary Hahn and Heifetz. You have to get a decent recording by Heifetz, not this terrible old video of him. Hahn also has much better recordings, and they evolve over the years. Perfect comment. If one only listened to this Ray chen showdown, with that old Heifetz video clip, you'd likely get the wrong impression of Heifetz and his Mendelssohn. (The Hahn recording wasn't representative either). There's this strange bias that Heifetz was all about speed and precision, but listening carefully to his entire recording, of almost anything, and you get the best interpretation. He shapes not just a phrase but the entire concerto in the most brilliant way. Of course janine Jansen's is also great. I'd like to have thrown julie fischer in the mix. Interesting how the greatest today, my favorites anyway, are women, when forty years ago my favorites were men. Reply @mohamad_4562 9 months ago 9 years old😅 Reply @everstudent4705 9 months ago Janine 最感人,海飞丝最差 Reply @vully70 9 months ago Didn‘t like Hillary Hahn either - too much control (and vibrato), too little passion. 1 Reply @nthnhbsn1909 9 months ago I used to love this piece until TwoSet ruined it for me by playing it in every video of theirs. Reply @zhandosmansurov6668 7 months ago As always,Hilary's playing is boring 2 Reply @konradnagy5394 9 months ago bartóóóóók Reply @r77882 9 months ago (edited) Heifetz doesn't sound too interesting. Seems like he came to do the job as fast as can be, and leave. Doesn't seem like sensitivity / any type of expressing any emotion is of its interest. Sorry, really cannot understand why he is considered one of the greatest. Reply @raoultak 7 months ago About Heifetz: let's rush and get it over with. No......that's not making music. 1 Reply @cesars8090 9 months ago The only one who plays this at a good tempo is Heifetz 2 Reply 1 reply @gustavmahler3228 9 months ago didn’t like hilary’s recording 1 Reply 2 replies @saracaselanizilio4627 3 months ago I don't know who's the best.... but Janine, to me, is the worst 😬 Reply @blanketstarry7725 9 months ago I've never been interested in Hilary Hahn's playing. She simply plays too robotic. Her level of expression is not near what most international players have. 1 Reply @vully70 9 months ago I‘m sorry, but I hate Vengerov‘s interpretation - much too slow, tone too fat, almost sticky, too much vibrato. Sounds like Tchaikovsky, not Mendelssohn. Completely wrong stile. 1 Reply @ismaparra 9 months ago Oistrakh.... Reply @marcosbadia1309 9 months ago Anne Sophie Mutter Reply @arinasosnovskaya5298 5 months ago Yeah, the tempo is why I absolutely can't listen to Heifetz's rendition of this concerto. Reply 9 months ago 🤔Astonished you did not take Julia Fischer into consideration;on par with Hahn,sure superior to Jansen!🤔 Reply @inraid 4 months ago Hillary is dry and mechanical 1 Reply 1 reply @xiaotaozhou8662 9 months ago Ray, I love you, but you are not fair on the comments. It is obvious that Hillary Hahn’s playing is bland, tight, and ultimately boring. I do not understand how people love her, she is just another ordinary prodigy. She used to be impressive, but her musical maturity does not seem to grow with her. Quite lamentable indeed. 3 Reply

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