Saturday, October 05, 2024

Electron Transport Chain and Oxidative Phosphorylation

Transcript Search in video 0:00 oh hello friends in this video we'll be 0:04 discussing about electron transport 0:06 chain and oxidative phosphorylation 0:09 first of all let's recap the things we 0:12 have been discussing about cellular 0:14 respiration in the previous videos we 0:16 discussed about glycolysis and cédric 0:20 acid cycle 0:20 we saw the oxidation of glucose molecule 0:23 to pyruvate constitutes as the 0:25 glycolysis and in that we also get a 0:29 reduction of nad plus molecule into NADH 0:31 although ATP's are also getting produced 0:34 here but we'll be more focused towards 0:36 electron carrying molecules nadh and 0:39 fadh2 because this is what the et si is 0:42 all about then pyruvate is first 0:44 converted into acetyl coa which is 0:47 further oxidizer in cycle operations 0:48 called acetic acid cycle or simply Krebs 0:52 cycle so eventually what we get from 0:55 these biochemical reactions 0:57 besides Delta production of ATP 0:59 molecules we also get a reduction of nad 1:02 plus and fadh2 'ls in glycolysis the nad 1:07 plus is reduced to NADH thus gaining the 1:10 electrons here and furthermore in the 1:13 conversion process of pyruvate to 1:14 acetyl-coa we get a reduction of nad 1:17 plus to NADH also and finally in the 1:21 side-together cycle or Krebs cycle nad 1:23 plus and fadh2 or reducer to nadh and 1:27 fadh2 respectively so you can see in the 1:32 end we get these two electron carrying 1:34 molecules in the name of nadh and fadh2 1:37 and are called electron carriers and 1:40 these electron carriers are subjected to 1:43 oxidation in electron transport chain 1:45 well these are oxidized back to its 1:48 original form that's nad + + FIDH 1:52 they lose their high-energy electrons 1:55 and energy in these electrons is used to 1:57 pump the protons from matrix to the 1:59 intermembrane space when electrons 2:02 transit from one complex molecule to the 2:04 other in the electron transport chain of 2:06 inner mitochondrial membrane they lose 2:08 their energy and this energy is used to 2:10 pump the protons into the intermembrane 2:12 space so 2:13 this is how the electron transport chain 2:15 works in their mitochondria now let's 2:18 see in detail how electron transport 2:19 chain drives in the inner mitochondrial 2:21 membrane first of all we will see the 2:25 electron transport chain for NADH 2:27 electrons how the electrons from NADH 2:31 are drawn into the electron transport 2:33 chain 2:33 you know the electron transport chain 2:36 drivers in inner mitochondrial membrane 2:38 with which we get matrix side and inter 2:42 membrane space as shown in the diagram 2:45 and for NADH electrons to be transported 2:48 into the chain we have for protein 2:50 complex molecules present in them 2:52 membrane first we have NADH you between 2:56 oxidoreductase also called as complex 2:59 one molecule then we have cytochrome C 3:02 reductase also called as complex 3 3:04 molecule after that we have cytochrome C 3:08 oxidase also called as complex 4 3:10 molecule here in this case complex 2 is 3:14 missing because this complex 2 is not 3:17 used in NADH electrons rather it is used 3:20 for fadh2 electrons that that complex 2 3:23 is not present here and not only these 3 3:26 molecules are present for NADH electrons 3:28 to be carried into the chain but here 3:30 also we have a mobile electron carrier 3:32 protein which is known by the name of 3:34 cytochrome C complex which transpose one 3:38 electron at a time from complex 3 too 3:40 complex for as shown in the diagram it 3:43 takes the electrons from complex 3 and 3:45 delivers it to the complex 4 now what's 3:48 the work to be done by the electrons 3:50 that will be delivered into this 3:51 transport process so we know in the 3:54 matrix we have a high concentration of 3:56 protons and these protons need to be 3:58 transported out of the matrix to create 4:00 an electrochemical proton gradient so 4:03 that we can produce the ATP's from 4:05 proton motive force so let's start the 4:08 electron transport chain now here first 4:10 of all NADH is oxidized back to nad plus 4:13 and H pause - with the help of complex 4:16 one that's NADH reductase enzyme the 4:19 total of 2 electrons are lost by NADH 4:22 molecule and with which Pleven mono 4:24 nucleotide is first to reduce it before 4:27 gives electron to the iron sulfur 4:28 clusters and finally the two electrons 4:30 are received by you between molecule 4:33 which is further reduced to ubiquinol 4:35 and in between these processes four 4:38 protons are pumped into the 4:40 intermembrane space as shown in the 4:42 diagrams and after that ubiquinol loses 4:47 these accepted electrons and in that 4:49 process the additional two protons are 4:51 pumped into the intermembrane space 4:53 and finally the ubiquinol is again 4:56 oxidized back into the ubiquinone and 4:58 the two electrons are accepted by the 5:01 iron sulfur cluster first with which 5:03 another two protons are pumped into the 5:05 intermembrane space that's a total of 5:08 four protons called pump it had complex 5:10 three site now from here two electrons 5:14 which are with the FPS protein are first 5:16 accepted by cytochrome first and from 5:19 here cytochrome C complex a mobile 5:21 carrier accepts a single electron at a 5:24 time and carries it with a complex pole 5:28 so it must be kept in mind that two 5:31 electrons are not carried simultaneously 5:33 by cytochrome C complex rather only a 5:36 single electron is carried and after a 5:39 delivery of one electron to the complex 5:41 four it jumps back to the complex three 5:43 and carries another electron then within 5:46 this complex for the electrons are 5:48 transferred again one at a time first to 5:51 a pair of copper ions called Cu a2 then 5:54 Tuukka cytochrome a and other cytochrome 5:56 molecules and finally the electrons are 6:00 accepted by oxygen molecule the ultimate 6:03 electron acceptor yielding us water 6:06 molecule in the end and in that last 6:09 phase and that the two protons are 6:11 pumped into the intermembrane space so 6:15 this completes our electron transport 6:17 chain for the NADH electrons so looking 6:21 at the diagram we can see a total of 6:23 four protons or pump a diet complex one 6:25 side the N of the four protons at 6:28 complex three site and finally the last 6:31 two protons are pumped at complex for 6:33 site so we can say from one NADH mol to 6:37 the etc' 6:38 or we can see electron transport chain 6:40 the total of ten protons into the 6:43 intermembrane space now let's see the 6:46 electron transport chain for the 6:48 electrons of fadh2 molecules in this 6:51 process of electron transport chain the 6:53 complex one is skippered and here we 6:55 have complex two succinate co-curator 6:57 case in action first of all we see 7:00 succinate dehydrogenase enzyme oxidizes 7:03 a molecule of succinate to fumarate and 7:05 remember this step is from cédric acid 7:08 cycle so why we have shown it here it is 7:11 because the succinate dehydrogenase 7:13 enzyme is an integral component of 7:15 succinate co-curate is complex 7:18 that's why I have shown it here the two 7:21 electrons released in the conversion of 7:22 succinate to fumarate in sidechick acid 7:24 cycle or transport first o2f ad which 7:27 gets converted into fadh2 then this 7:31 apathy h2 molecule loses two electrons 7:33 plan iron sulfur cluster and finally two 7:36 coq which gets reduced to shul qh2 7:39 and in that process pour protons are 7:42 pumped into the intermembrane space from 7:44 matrix as you can see in this diagram 7:47 and eventually we also get coq back into 7:50 the Q cycle now from here all the 7:54 reactions are Sam as we have seen for 7:55 nadh electrons so we know sit here is 7:58 that a complex one is not available in 8:00 action here or we can say complex one 8:03 molecule is not getting involved here 8:04 you know an ET cie of nadh molecule it 8:07 pump with four protons so that means 8:09 four protons will not be pumped here for 8:12 fadh2 electrons because it's missing 8:15 here so a total of six protons are 8:18 getting pumped by fadh2 oxidation pour 8:21 at complex three and two at complex 4 so 8:24 this concludes our ET cie for both nadh 8:27 and fadh2 aaalac you'll now at the end 8:31 if we calculate how many protons are 8:33 getting pumped by the electron transport 8:34 chain we see one NADH pumps 8:37 10 protons to the intermembrane space 8:40 while as fadh2 molecule pumps six 8:42 protons only a short of four protons 8:45 from the NADH so we need you to 8:48 electrochemical proton gradient across 8:49 the membrane and now we have it so the 8:53 next process will be the 8:54 oxidative phosphorylation while we will 8:56 briefly see how protons will generate 8:58 the ATP production in the oxidative 9:01 phosphorylation we see the involvement 9:02 of another important complex molecule 9:04 known by the name of ATP synthase or 9:07 complex 5 considering the proton 9:10 gradient across the inner mitochondrial 9:11 membrane the ATP synthase molecule has 9:14 got ion channel present in it and it's 9:16 through this ion channel the protons 9:18 flow back to the matrix 9:20 there's the chemiosmosis movement of 9:22 ions across semipermeable membrane down 9:24 their electrochemical gradient and the 9:27 rotation of f1 subunit driven by the 9:30 proton movement through f0 powers ATP 9:32 synthesis so this is how the oxidative 9:35 phosphorylation is coupled with the 9:36 electron transport chain now a thing to 9:39 remember 1 ATP molecule is getting 9:42 generated by the flow of poor protons 9:44 through the ATP synthase from inter 9:46 membrane space to the matrix so if we 9:48 recall one NADH pumps 10 protons to the 9:50 intermembrane space and when these 10 9:53 protons will flow back to the matrix 9:54 that time this will be equal to the 2.5 9:58 ATP's from oxidative phosphorylation as 10:00 poor protons gives us 1 ATP and 4 fadh2 10:05 molecule which pumps 6 protons that 10:07 equals to the 1.5 ATP's from oxidative 10:10 phosphorylation so this is how the nadh 10:13 and fadh2 de force in the ATP production 10:16 I hope you liked the video if you liked 10:18 it give it a thumbs up and make sure to 10:20 subscribe this channel thanks 527 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Pinned by Hussain Biology @AmitThakur-py4te 5 years ago I think complex 2 is soluble not integral part of membrane 76 Reply Hussain Biology · 3 replies @etlirxharra2 4 years ago This is honestly the best video I found about the ETC. Detailed enough yet very clearly explained, thank you! 56 Reply Hussain Biology · 3 replies @zch7345 3 years ago This is HOW such complex science should be visually taught from elementary to advance level. Even the novice can understand. 👍👍👍👍👍 ALL THUMPS UP TO YOU BUDDY. Excellent teacher indeed. More.... for the public at large. 11 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @donerajitha5516 4 years ago With just 10minute class u have cleared all my confusion which I have from an year 👍👍👍 23 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @pihua6569 5 years ago PURA YouTube par search karne k Baad....itna awsm explaination...... Omg... Thanks for your video words.!!!....awsm 22 Reply Hussain Biology · 4 replies @sunidhim.ghatikar3625 5 years ago Im sure not even the scientists who worked on these things could present it as good as you did sir!! Thanks for your work.. 45 Reply Hussain Biology · 3 replies @bintmuslimah253 1 year ago Appreciation from kashmir to kashmir sirr Well explained 👏 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @rohidahussain9485 2 years ago (edited) Best video on ETS 📌 3 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @sanyarajput6397 3 years ago May God bless you! You're putting in huge efforts! 3 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @shubhangeekaginkar1028 4 years ago Searched whole YouTube for the explaination.....but this one was really the best explanation vedio as compared to others... Thank you sir.. 2 Reply 1 reply @bijilikiran1222 1 year ago No words, speech less. Thank you 😊 Reply @hudashoukat6638 2 years ago You are the best. Thanks for being a savior always 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @parikshitaadha3143 10 months ago It's the best explanation of ETS.❤ 1 Reply @indranilsaha7753 4 years ago I havoced through the entire YouTube for a step by step, clear explanation for the concept seems to be crystal clear to me... Thanks a lot sir... 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 2 replies @shrijitbirla1341 4 years ago Bohot hi achha explain kia. Ek bar me hi samaj aa gaya👍👍 3 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @michaeleisenberg7867 4 years ago Dr. Hussain, This material is fascinating and well presented! The more of these videos I watch and the more Wiki pages I read I only have more questions--which probably won't be answered in my life time. I accept that 4 billion years ago elements bonded into hydrocarbons and micelles, amino acids and polypeptides, and nucleotides. But beyond that I am flummoxed. I can't comprehend how we went from those molecules to functioning DNA, RNA, & proteins. How random events 3 to 4 billion years ago came up with the electron transport chain and the requisite DNA is inexplicable. A human generation is 20 to 25 years so human evolution is slow moving. But 4 billion years ago a molecule's "generation" would have been less than a second so infinite trials would have occurred 3-4 billion years ago. Sorry for the unanswerable digression but you've inspired me to study cell biology! 7 Reply 1 reply @shreyankamallikarjun2648 4 years ago all confusions of ETS cleared within 10 min.thankyou 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @TraveloH97 4 years ago Best explanation of ETC I could find on youtube... Thanks brother... 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @mylaughterjokes541 2 years ago Thankyou sir, this vedio is really very helpful,my all confusion is cleared in few minutes 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @mimmykarot4645 4 years ago Probably , the best explanation of ETS. Thanks a lot :-) 3 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @hanaaaa8383 4 years ago Omg this man is so good at explaining im not so confused anymore. amazing job mr.! 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @navintiwari9532 1 year ago Wonderful way of explaining .Very informative.Excellent.... 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @azaleamannat3470 1 year ago Best video Within minutes, clearing all doubts ❤🥰 Reply @heharshrajkamal8268 5 years ago FINALLY AFTER 4 HOUR I DID UNDERSTOOD IT THANK YOU😀🙏 8 Reply @azikomurva92 1 year ago Excellent explanation from all i have watched before. 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @RehanAli-ju2xn 3 years ago I have no words to appreciate your work... ❤️❤️❤️ 2 Reply @shib21 4 years ago This video really clears all the concepts of ETC 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @nagalakshmipullagala7753 4 years ago Really sir this is the only I understand the class . nearly I watched 10 videos before watching this sir but none of them helped me to understand 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @maheshraguram5721 5 years ago (edited) When I have doubts in biology,I search for your videos only sir.Very accurate and clear explanation sir.Keep it up sir. 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @simplestudy8359 3 years ago I can understand that a lot of efforts are needed to make such kind of videos. Keep it up 3 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @parveenjavad7523 4 years ago its simply awesome...….excellent flow charts..... 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @a4hxm 2 years ago Literally the best video on this topic ❤️❤️ 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @iabmonlinebio837 3 years ago Highly appreciated.. Best video by one of the best faculty.. Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @afeefawani2295 4 years ago Your videos act as ladder, always help me to climb up💞 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @adityasinha1166 4 years ago Thankyou for your great efforts. Watching your video from germany. great help Reply @mylaughterjokes541 2 years ago The words are not enough to say thankyou,yet a very big Thankyou sir 🙏🙏🌻🌻 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @Sk-yl1jp 3 years ago The best explanation ever!!! 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @saraswatisarkar7367 4 years ago Very much useful for plus 2 students. They will achieve a clear concept 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @farzanaachu9340 3 years ago Best explanation of etc ever✨ 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @nikhattaufeeque6825 4 years ago Extremely Exhagarated n lucid explanation......Tnksm # Husain Sir..❣️❣️ 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @20nishuchahar40 2 years ago It is very informative video in short time , really nice👍🏻👍🏻 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @meenak7764 4 years ago Superb 👍 Now My all Doudt clear in this Topic Tqu so Much Brother 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @alameenolawale2453 4 years ago wow This is the best tutorials have watched like u broke everything to understandable stuff Thanks alot man Im subscribing ASAP 7 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @mohammedshahjahan1959 5 years ago আমি বর্তমানে বিজ্ঞানের ছাত্র নই, কিন্তু জীব বিজ্ঞানের এই বিষয় গুলো আমাকে প্রচন্ড রকম আকর্ষণ করে। ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে। Reply @rashim.jbajaj 2 weeks ago Thank you for this brilliant explanation Reply @amarnathdas3761 4 years ago Nice,itna clear .very much interesting. 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 2 replies @conceptbiofication6680 4 years ago Zbrdast sir.. kmal hogae 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @chandakasudha1013 4 years ago Really you explained the best....everything can be understand like this way of teaching 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @dipeshmehta8972 5 years ago Wow.. really really amazing.. best explanation through diagrams ...thanku very much..!!! 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @muruvvetcevik6636 5 years ago Best Video out of all of them. Thank you!! 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @tjsiddiqui8839 3 years ago Nicely explained!👌 Jazakallahu khairan kaseera!!✨ 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @Yo_Ritzy 1 year ago Literally best explanation Reply @jayayerramilli905 4 years ago So perfect sir damn good explanation I loved this a lot I'm hoping to get top in the test only by listening to you 5 Reply @pankharipatodi420 5 years ago Thanks sir it help me a lot after searching 10 different books nd asking to different people nd re asking it in coaching I was not able to understand ETS . thank u sir 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @moumeheta3599 3 years ago Thank you .. this video helps me to understand the topic much more clearly .. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @wasikhan4912 5 years ago Excellency to you dear sir wish you a bright future and thanks for the advance study. 3 Reply @YourWorstNightmare01 1 year ago THANKS!! AWESOME EXPLANATION SIR Reply @koppulasujata6058 3 years ago Its is superrr. I am waiting for more videos. 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @saim8478 1 year ago Amazing thank you so much for the help Reply @Total_knowledge859 2 years ago Love from India I subscribe your channel 1 Reply @ashesroy4634 5 years ago Sir your explaination is awesome. It helps me a lot. Thank you. 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @zoolife-easyway2822 3 years ago Very honestly explanation 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @azhagesansiva6697 1 year ago Very nice my all doubt cleared about this topic Reply @indranilsaha7753 4 years ago Wonderful... Wonderful 1 Reply @jyothigandham5260 5 years ago It's really awesome sir thank u so much for ur best videos that's clarifies my doubts 👍👍👍 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @botanywithmalabika5702 3 years ago Very nicely explained!! 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @saikeerthanarachamadugu8171 5 years ago Nice video.. Sir continue it.. It made easy while preparing for completive exam 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @abhyarthanabehera4802 5 years ago Thank you so much for making these concepts simpler for us students. 5 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @rakshitharevanna2431 3 years ago 🙏 words r not enough to say thank u yet thank u sir 🙏 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @factsmania8695 2 years ago (edited) Your efforts made understanding of biology easier.......thanks for your kind approach❤️🌼❤️🌼🌼❤️ 1 Reply @lakshmanvanapalli243 5 years ago Sir just marvellous 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @Bl_bhat 5 years ago Thanks a lot!!!! Actually a ton! I was stuck with how on earth to understand/remember this thing and was really tensed! Thanks a lot @Hussain Biology! 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @durgeshbhati5386 5 years ago Very beautiful way to understood the concept..! 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @coolguy-bw5qv 4 years ago It was well presented and made ETC seem so easy. Do keep making such videos👍🏻👍🏻 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @9ancy 4 years ago Gr8 explanation sir 1 Reply @meenak7764 4 years ago Thanku Sooooo Much sir... Now clear up My concept 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @olodumstudyvlogs 2 years ago Crystal clear 👌 ✨ Reply @DxDeepak 3 years ago Very Good explanation bro 1 Reply @justinackel3980 4 years ago Thank you for your video. 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @nehabagri_3275 3 years ago The explanation is indeed too good 👏👌🙌 Reply @musicalharpreet8265 6 years ago This is really wow...i never ever learn about this topic bcz of complex notes...but ur explaination n ur best colorful diagramatic representation alwayssss help me ...thank u sooo much sir I always need to cover topic in 5 to 10 mins...and ur videos always done great job!...😄😄😄😄 thanksss alottttt... 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @mr_roy70 4 years ago Ap send kerta rahe aor video banaiya apki video bahut achi lagi 1 Reply @anuharikaupadhyaya5384 4 years ago very nice video.loved the writing and graphics Reply @indvspak56 9 months ago This video belongs from Kashmir ❤ 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @imeshasamarathunga7618 3 years ago Wow.. I understood very well❤ 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @ridabatool8582 2 years ago the best video 😍 1 Reply @vishubtvishwanath2268 4 years ago Great work sir 1 Reply @satabdeepanda6810 5 years ago Finally I understood ...Thank uu so much sir..keep it up👍👌 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @archanarani2289 5 years ago It's really outstanding 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @adnankhanthebest 4 years ago Great work... 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @Quick-flick05 1 year ago What about the second electron form NADH if it is also trasfered to oxygen then finally 4 H+ will be pumped means total 12H+ pumped for one NADH+H and one NADH+H is giving 2 electrons 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @niharikatp299 5 years ago Thank you so much sir for clearly explaining the concept 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @Kaur_2343 4 years ago Very helpful....thnk u 😊😊 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @mdamzed5385 3 years ago Thank you sir 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @venkatatejaswi6539 4 years ago Sir,,,,,such a great explanation ohhhh impeccable sir thank you so much sir......😁😁 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 2 replies @marcelosantanna8726 5 years ago Excelent explanation. Thank you. 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @tulughancivioglu1699 4 years ago very useful video! 1 Reply @piyac9420 4 years ago Best explaination ever . please add more videos on life science Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @biswajitjena3226 1 year ago How does it pump 4H+ while it's taking 2e- from C1 to C2.? 1 Reply @Jinkismita45 3 years ago Every time I revise I watch this 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @UmmeSalma-hz2ld 1 year ago I have a doubt in atp synthase complex one atp produced passes 2H+ to matrix.but u r saying 4 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @mohammedhisham1103 2 years ago A nice class sir❤ 1 Reply @theryterYT 7 months ago Much love🥰 1 Reply @mayurakshi21 5 years ago Amazing!!!!💐💐💐💐 Thnku so much sir!😊 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @priyankarathore8383 6 months ago Best and simple Reply @ejuliehepzibahaenorthelect2267 4 years ago A small correction: for every 2 H+ --- 1 ATP is produced. Thanks for the clear visualized video.:) 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @soniyasinghrajput5304 4 years ago great work sir.... 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @niranjangupta2009 4 years ago Thanku sir 👍 #parijatpharmacy 1 Reply @sanjayjadhav7607 4 years ago Thanks you so much sr 1 Reply @yo_bro8376 2 years ago Awesomeeeeee🙌👍 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @michaelrowland-us3he 5 months ago Can you do a video on oxidative phosphorylation for beginners. Your videos are for people that already know 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @rehamali3542 4 years ago that is great ..thanks a lot 1 Reply @pramilamukhia1643 5 years ago So gud explanation sir. Immediately subscribed! 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @palvisharma8512 4 years ago Well explained sir 1 Reply @ishakaur1928 3 years ago Superrrrrrrrbbbb explanation 😍 Reply @shummu1458 4 years ago Thankyou soo much sir.💐 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @shahnajparbin7543 5 years ago Here proton is first transport to transmembrane from matrix and again it is pumped to matrix from what is the need of this pumping..i mean what if not pumped..plzz rply..may be i am not getting the point 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @naazneenmohammed3222 4 years ago clear and detailed explanation ....keep it up sir Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @SCIENCEPHOBIABYMS.SHEETAL 4 years ago grt God bless u 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @nikitathakur5534 5 years ago Nyc video sir.... 🎩 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @soumalyachakraborty6822 4 years ago (edited) For biologists who are artists... ❤️ 3 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @manusabu6722 5 years ago Very nice 1 Reply @aspiranttoachiever 4 years ago Thank you so much 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @shamsundars1118 4 years ago Nice movement of video 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @honneshhonneshgr841 1 year ago It's really hurtful explanation sir... 1 Reply @bixapathikarrollaou8079 2 years ago Wonderful 💐💐 Reply @Thereciperoom_19 2 years ago NADH is oxidized in the complex 1 then Y the enzyme is called as NADH reductase???Is this a misnomer? & can u tell us a mnemonic to remember this oxidative phosphorylation sir??? 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @mona-up2kp 11 months ago Thankyouuuuu sirr, it helped a lot❤ Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @ashishkumarprajapati8222 5 years ago But after ETS total 38 atp is produced You have shown that there are 2.5+1.5 only 4 atp I didn't understood it... 2 Reply 1 reply @priyaschatterjee1382 5 months ago Excellent 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @divyanshisalgotra9607 5 years ago Very well explained 😊 Thank you sir 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @perababurao5449 4 years ago Well explained 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @hebaabdelmonem7911 4 years ago Omg..your explaination is really really amazing .thanks for heping me💙 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @saiprasanna8893 3 years ago Thanks a lot sir🙏 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @Zxz1998 5 years ago Got it. Thank you Sir 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @ramchandrasuthar2848 6 years ago Very nice analysis 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @jk12onwheels90 4 years ago Bhai lecture was owsm aur muja tnsn tha k ksa learn kruu Ets for neet thanks alot❤️ N I think uh r frm j&k 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 3 replies @LegendarySir1996 2 years ago Why not proton moves into intermembrane space when FADH2 spit to produce 2electron in complex2 enzyme?? Reply @georgeklucsarjr1988 5 years ago Nice demonstration! 2 questions 1) where do all those protons come from in the matrix ( that later get transported )? 2) how does the oxygen molecule get inside the matrix? 4 Reply 1 reply @Atrovastatin 2 years ago Is this eukaryotic bacterial ETC or higher eukaryotic class???? Reply @soyalkhan4108 5 years ago Mashah Allah bahot khoob 3 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @GujaratBiologyNEETPLUS 4 years ago Amazing which software is used by this ppt can u tell me 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @alimoosa1242 1 year ago Proud off hussaini 🖐🖐 Reply @asmakhan687 4 years ago Sir total of how many ATPS are totally produced by complete aerobic respiration Reply @jianazar1441 4 years ago This ws so hlpfl but i hope u would undrstnd tht u should make videos in urdu as well... So tht me type of stdnts get more clear concepts 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 2 replies @147suryasreekumar3 4 years ago Sir please reply...why NADH reductase complex pumps 4H+ ? 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 2 replies @soulindia4124 1 year ago What happens to water molecule further? 1 Reply @siddheshpathak9181 3 years ago (edited) But from where does the 2H+ protons came from to combine with water? Reply @neelambisht7114 4 years ago Hats offf best 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @Ekramulhqz 5 years ago Awesome diagram 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @IsmailKhan-ry2xl 5 years ago well done 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @girikowshik3724 4 years ago Sir I want to know what happens to the protons of FADH2 and NADH in the chain? Please explain Reply @Frameorderfanreaction2M2.O 1 year ago Thanks a lottttt💥🙏 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @wordseffect9523 4 years ago Very nice sir Reply @bhumikathakur3557 3 years ago Thank you sir...... Reply @arshjohar6443 2 years ago From where get ATP as I can't understand what are you after.. Electro chemical proton gradient .. Pls help me to understand better Reply @sanjayarundekar5429 3 years ago Thanks 1 Reply @ernestineouma263 5 years ago It was good lecture 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @aakritikhanduri8370 2 years ago Too good ..... Reply @hiranmoyeehandique6828 8 months ago Thank you.. Aku buji npalu Reply @pavitragg5074 3 years ago (edited) Sir can you please tell me how many protons required to form one ATP? You said 4 protons sir, but in ncert they given 2H+ so which is correct please tell me sir 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 2 replies @syedtajamul1034 3 years ago Thanks! ❤️ Reply @sindhumaniyot5538 4 years ago I have a doubt In your explanation you said that 2.5 ATP's are formed from 1NADH. But realy there should form 3ATP's from the oxidation of 1NADH. Why is it so? 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 3 replies @ranaslifescience6297 4 years ago It's like amazing, time saving video plz make one video only on ATP synthase Reply @Shreya_Shreee 5 years ago Why only four protons are pumped out from complex 1 while two protons from complex 4 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 4 replies @ujallazahra7564 5 years ago That means total 4 electrons are produced in ETC.. 2.5 from 1 NADH and 1.5 from 1 Fadh2? Reply @bisma0564 5 years ago Hussain Sir plzz can u tell me in electron transport chain how many protons r required for the frmatn of 1 ATP to pass back into the matrix through f0-f1 particle and during transfer of electrons how many number of protons pumped frm matrix into intermemberane space during exothermic conditions 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 2 replies @muskanroul 1 year ago from where does the H+ ions come in the matrix? 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @mehwishnawaz9369 6 years ago Superb lecture May you prosper and go hike. Ameen 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @nilanjankundu5006 5 years ago Sir if NADH is the carrier its getting reduced to NAD then FADH2 should be the electron carrier bcz that should reduce to FADH .... how come FADH is the carrier then? 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @alondraeller6248 4 years ago there is 34 production of atp from ETC, how is this only 1.5 and 2.5? 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @gopikaprakash2143 5 years ago Thankyou so much, i finally understood 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 3 replies @KashifKhan-gy8df 1 year ago Nice 1 Reply @chocomuffin4573 5 years ago (edited) Thank you so much sir.. it was very helpful.. can you please also make videos on carbohydrate metabolism.... you are a very nice teacher ...may Allah bless you! 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @farida4318 4 years ago Thnk u sir.🙂 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @mohammedhabibulla7213 3 years ago 🔥🔥🔥 2 Reply @Dracikunda 5 years ago Good job 👍 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @urvashi7425 2 years ago Osum explained 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @aminaejaz1453 5 years ago Good 1 Reply @Jinkismita45 3 years ago Best one. Reply @gahinde8500 4 years ago Why the complex I expel out 4 protons from one NADH Reply 1 reply @Atanu_Acharjee 5 years ago Really amezing..sir plz tell me..why cmlx2 can't pumps electron?? little problem there..plzz sir tell me 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 5 replies @deepakthakur9641 5 years ago Thnku sir 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @madoaj653 9 months ago Bro you are amazing.. I supported you could you.. please let me know if there is anyway to get hold on the pictures you draw in your videos..keep going best ok youtube 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @bcrbes 1 year ago Wtf. I was actually able to comprehend that 2 Reply @mr_roy70 4 years ago Nice sir 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @iztibamallikdeeba6914 2 years ago Best! Reply @fockewolf6 5 years ago didn't you frame FADH instead of FADH2 as electron carrier molecule by mistake? check1:35 4 Reply Hussain Biology · 2 replies @nvrajavarman4483 1 year ago 3.56 - in matrix we have a low concentration of proton and high concentration in intermembrane space Reply @abcgames4454 5 years ago Seems like you are from Kashmir sir. Well explained 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @salmafaruqui1127 4 years ago (edited) 8:43 if one NADH pumps 10 protons then behind every NADH dehydrogenation 5 ATP should have been produced but in actual 3ATP is produced and same for FADH2....why???? 1 Reply 1 reply @lovelove-fy1zj 4 years ago Why there is a release of 4 hydrogen from complex 1 . And also from complex 3 Reply @hamSo47 5 years ago How/why are 4H+ pumped in the intermediate membrane s0ace? 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @ShakeRapid12 4 years ago Love the thick Kashmiri accent 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @mrpewds680 5 years ago kashrah hooh👋🏻 2 Reply @vishubtvishwanath2268 4 years ago Sir will u plz tell how there will a net gain of 38 atps at the end of aerobic respiration of cellular respiration Reply Hussain Biology · 2 replies @karcicegi5366 5 years ago Thank you so much 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @jyotiprabhapradhan1931 4 years ago Thank u sir... 🙏🙏 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @abhijitpatowary5541 5 years ago Thank you sir 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @harshpise3395 5 years ago Thank you sir... 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @darshanawajira3826 3 years ago thankxxxxx 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @stellary10 3 years ago I have understood everything except from where the h+ comes to matrix at the beginning of this process 6 Reply 2 replies @biofond2753 4 years ago NCERT says 1ATP requires 2protons not 4,,please tell 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 4 replies @Ari-fg9ue 2 months ago thankyou Reply @abhaadhikari809 4 years ago Thanks it helped :) Reply @bharathi6942 4 years ago Bro ...Pls put a video on chemiosmotic hypothesis class's 11 lesson 13 photosynthesis in higher plants 2 Reply @AbhinasMisal7937 5 years ago What is the structure of ATP 1.5 and 2.5 Reply @satishthorat9816 6 years ago how many atp produced during tca cycle sir..? 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 4 replies @jemalm2745 2 years ago wow 1 Reply @nikhattaufeeque6825 4 years ago Sir Where u belong to ?? I mean today all my doubts got shattered up n just bcoz of uh...... Sir if possible then plzz make a vdo on *Hardy Weinberg's equation too n how to solve it ....sir pllzz do a bit faster within 1 week .......🙏 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 6 replies @pentamadhusudanarao3253 5 years ago How many atp's are produced through etc sir? 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 12 replies @humairashah3692 6 years ago Thank u sir 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @panchetawest30 6 years ago Hey, I have exams coming up in about 10 days. Can you please make a concise video of Calvin cycle? it is so hard to remember, I need it to be a point-blank as possible... Thank you very much!! 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 2 replies @lakhannagar4574 5 years ago Nice 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @shahidaanjum647 3 years ago best 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @gpsgps2125 5 years ago Wow 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @raviseries4540 5 years ago (C17H33 Coo)3 C3H5 reacts with fire what produce 1 Reply 1 reply @aghara2306 8 months ago 👏👏👏👏 Reply @unknown-xf5rw 3 years ago पमंपड😂😂 lol but video is so helpful 1 Reply @synthechehyacinthperlas8160 5 years ago (edited) Sir why do in some videos, they say that there are higher concentration of protons in the intermembrane and lower concentration in the matrix while your video says the opposite. What is the truth about it? (please reply😊) Reply 2 replies @rohanrathod9768 3 years ago Sir I think 2 hydrogen contribute 1 atp as mentioned in NCERT Plz clear confusion Reply Hussain Biology · 5 replies @271himanirana3 5 years ago Sir ye procaryotes ke liye he na ? Reply 1 reply @thesublimeu1532 4 years ago I have a question: how is this concept of phosphorylation applicable to the phosphorylation in photosynthesis? 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @hunzalahaque1229 5 years ago (edited) Very well explained sir ..but i feel its very hard to remember them there any tips how ti memorize it faster and better 3 Reply Hussain Biology · 4 replies @abhrobhattacharya7751 4 years ago (edited) 2:19 bro there's a minute mistake That fadh isn't electron carrier with the nadh it should be fadh2 na? There's another mistake brother At last you said per 4protons returned down the gradient generates an ATP but it should be 2 I mean per 2 proton ATP is generated .. 3 Reply 3 replies @068kajolgupta4 5 years ago Many books including ncert show that six protons are pumped during nadh2 Reply 1 reply @tanu6464 3 years ago 😊😊😊 1 Reply @tarvinderkaur5532 5 years ago Q complex is not explained 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @bhavanireddy4984 6 years ago I think this is totally wrong according to NCERT 4 Reply Hussain Biology · 4 replies @ishikasingh3930 3 years ago (edited) But in ncert book 2H gives 1 Atp given nd u said 4H gives 1 Atp 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 5 replies @asasqaymartialartclubbandi4717 5 years ago R u from Kashmir ? 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 3 replies @harishkrishnan678 4 years ago Very good explanation but make words clear sir I can't able to understand some of your words 1 Reply @sohilghani 3 years ago Are you from kashmir sir? 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @RobertsTravels 2 years ago And how exactly protons are moved in It all depends on inter-molecular forces, that depends on physics. Some support to explain it by a model of interactions (electromagnetic, strong, weak) and gravity. We even don't know what exactly electron or proton are. The best we know is quantum physics that descries electrons and photons by wave functions, that involves imaginary numbers and in best case scenario we can only calculate probability of certain interactions. Biology can't be explain using only real numbers and is not a deterministic. 1 Reply @varshaahire9282 5 years ago Sir can u plz add on vdo on limb development as soon as possible 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 2 replies @ur1299 3 years ago are you a kashmiri? just curious sir 1 Reply @juancarlosacosta9948 3 years ago It help but apeqk with more energy dont keep the same voice 1 Reply @zeeshanhayder4868 4 years ago Sir plz upload 1st year second chapter lectures its.humbul request.. Reply @maharshitripathi9091 4 years ago your explanation is good but the way you speak is really hard to understand please either work on pronunciation or use youtube voices 2 Reply 2 replies @Animatedworld-xm9yq 3 years ago Plzz hindhi middium vale students ko padhado 1 Reply 1 reply @cherryvlogs6361 1 year ago I did not understand😭 idk what i will do in exam!!! 1 Reply @tameemkhan8586 5 years ago Zis cheez se confuse the vo clear hi nhi hua ki total kitni ATP bani 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 3 replies @drpsychogaming1888 4 years ago *yo Great * Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @tarvinderkaur5532 5 years ago Plzz explain it 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @shehjaarkilam9504 3 years ago R u a Kashmiri? 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @shahmudasir2559 5 years ago R u kashmiri sir.?? 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 2 replies @PriyankaKumari-uj7mr 4 years ago Ncert me 1 NADH2 SE 3 electron Reply @jaishreekrishna7208 5 years ago Pumped Reply @jitendrabillaiya1392 3 years ago l❤️u 2 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @AkhileshYadav-mj6nt 4 years ago 1NADH2 Is equivalent tO 3ATP You're lagging conceptually Reply 3 replies @ja-andomizer3554 4 years ago 3:58 i think matrix contains less proton compared to inter mitochondrial slave Reply @kumavathdeborabai6649 5 years ago ets 2 Reply @damonrossouw9732 4 months ago Good explanation, just which I could understand your accent 😢 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @Jammukashmirvlogs 6 months ago little confusing Reply @sumairamajeed9763 5 years ago Not good 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @surajbhanja84 5 years ago Copy from Armando 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @khanjikhanj2265 3 years ago urdu mai samjha ma 2 Reply @Quick-flick05 1 year ago Plz do reply my question 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 2 replies @vikastomer6499 5 years ago I think u r Kashmiri 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply @rhydhamjoshi9652 4 years ago Take my subscribe u earn it 1 Reply @sidfulmali9053 5 years ago Lvdu 1 Reply Hussain Biology · 1 reply

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