Thursday, October 10, 2024

I used AI to analyze Trump and Harris's words... It was better than I ex...

Transcript 0:00 does Donald Trump speak differently than 0:02 KLA Harris oh you're going to get us in 0:03 trouble again well what if I use the 0:05 computer to calculate the reading level 0:07 of each speech and I use AI to calculate 0:10 the positivity and negativity of each 0:12 speech there's no way a computer can 0:13 accurately analyze political speech I've 0:15 done it before you mean in the last 0:17 video in my last video I analyzed the 0:19 inaugural speeches of all the presidents 0:21 including Trump and Biden however as 0:23 many of you pointed out these are 0:25 probably not the best speeches to use 0:26 wouldn't they be the best speeches for a 0:28 president no these spee speeches are 0:30 written by speech writers so they're not 0:32 the most accurate example of a 0:33 candidate's own speaking style also I 0:36 didn't even include KLA Harris since she 0:37 has never given an inaugural speech many 0:39 of you recommended that I look at other 0:41 various types of campaign speeches to 0:43 get a better sampling of each candidate 0:45 speaking style I'm already skeptical in 0:48 this video I downloaded several 0:49 different speeches that I could find for 0:51 both Trump and Harris I use these 0:52 speeches to analyze the differences 0:54 between their speaking Styles and I was 0:56 even able to download the transcript 0:58 from the debate which revealed even more 1:00 interesting results but enough talk more 1:03 data it's data 1:06 [Music] 1:09 time I 1:11 [Music] 1:21 data I downloaded the transcripts from 1:23 several different speeches the 1:25 candidates gave including rally speeches 1:27 press conferences and interviews but in 1:29 an interview you'll also be analyzing 1:30 the words of the interviewer no I found 1:33 a website that actually 1:34 transcribes these videos and splits the 1:36 words up by Speaker then publishes them 1:38 for everyone to download So for this 1:40 analysis I'll only be looking at the 1:42 words actually spoken by the individual 1:44 candidates themselves sounds like you 1:46 need a lot of data for this to work well 1:49 unfortunately it was a bit difficult to 1:50 find the same quantity of data for both 1:52 candidates Trump speaks frequently and 1:55 he speaks fast and long conversely 1:57 Harris doesn't have as many speeches and 1:59 her REM marks are much more brief this 2:01 means I had to go back farther in time 2:03 in order to get the same number of 2:05 speeches for Harris and I don't have as 2:07 many words of hers to use how many words 2:08 do you have I found 13 speeches for each 2:11 candidate for Trump this totals about 2:13 120,000 words for Harris this totals 2:16 about 20,000 words that's a big 2:18 difference yeah but even 20,000 words is 2:21 quite a bit of data for my last video I 2:23 only used one speech from each president 2:25 and that was only about 2,000 words per 2:27 speaker first up let's take a look at 2:29 the Fletch King grade level that's just 2:31 a poor approximation of what grade level 2:32 they're speaking at yeah it's really 2:34 just a simple formula that counts how 2:36 many syllables are in each word and how 2:37 many words are in each sentence so 2:39 longer sentences with longer words get 2:42 higher scores it's also important to 2:44 note that the transcription service is 2:45 adding all of the punctuations like 2:47 periods which is what defines sentence 2:49 length so who had a higher speaking 2:51 level let's take a look if we look at 2:53 all the speeches I downloaded for Harris 2:55 we see that her lowest speech scores 2:57 over the fourth grade level her highest 2:58 speech scores just just under the ninth 3:00 grade level giving her an overall 3:02 weighted average of about a sixth grade 3:03 reading level for Trump we see that his 3:05 low speech scores at over the third 3:07 grade level and His Highest speech 3:08 scores at the sixth grade level giving 3:10 him an overall weighted average of about 3:12 a fourth grade reading level reading 3:14 level isn't that meaningful though well 3:16 we can also use AI to analyze speeches 3:18 can you get the AI to analyze for 3:20 truthfulness no but we can use the AI to 3:22 analyze how positive and negative each 3:24 speeches oh this is that sentiment 3:26 analysis stuff I don't trust it I think 3:28 it's better than you might realize no 3:30 the tone and context of human speech is 3:33 just too subtle yeah but the AI is 3:35 actually pretty good you just don't 3:37 understand what you don't know could 3:39 fill a library was that a negative 3:41 sentence you just said let's ask open AI 3:45 I asked open AI the following question 3:47 please provide the sentiment analysis of 3:49 this text respond with negativity score 3:51 from 0 to 100 and positivity score from 3:53 0 to 100 what you don't know could fill 3:56 a library and it responded with a 3:58 negativity score of 6 and a positivity 4:00 score of 20 so the AI thinks my sentence 4:03 is pretty negative that's right okay but 4:06 a simple score doesn't mean it actually 4:08 understands the nuances of human speech 4:10 why don't we ask it why it scored it 4:12 that way I asked it can you explain why 4:15 and this was its response certainly the 4:18 sentence what you don't know could fill 4:19 a library carries a somewhat negative 4:21 connotation because it implies that the 4:22 person being addressed has a significant 4:24 lack of knowledge this can be considered 4:26 a criticism or a put down which 4:27 contributes to the higher negativity 4:28 score of 60 at the same time the 4:30 sentence is not extremely harsh or 4:32 aggressive it could be interpreted as 4:33 slightly humorous or hyperbolic which 4:35 somewhat lessens the severity of the 4:36 negativity this is why the negativity 4:38 score is not extremely high but still 4:40 significant on the other hand there is 4:41 not much about the sentence that conveys 4:43 positivity there is no praise 4:44 encouragement or positive sentiment 4:46 expressed the slight positivity score of 4:48 20 accounts for the fact that the 4:49 sentence is not purely negative and 4:51 could be seen as a mild or joking remark 4:52 but it largely remains critical wait did 4:55 the AI just explain the subtleties of 4:56 the English language I think it just did 4:58 the one issue I did find with the AI is 5:00 that splitting up speeches into smaller 5:02 segments can greatly affect the scoring 5:04 depending on how small each segment is 5:06 what do you mean most of these speeches 5:08 are too big for me to send to the AI so 5:10 I have to chop them up into smaller 5:12 segments the size of each segment does 5:14 seem to change how the AI Aggregates the 5:16 scores so I just Tred to be consistent 5:18 with the size of each segment I'm 5:19 already skeptical for this analysis I 5:22 fed each paragraph of each speech to the 5:24 AI and asked it to score the sentiment 5:26 of that paragraph I then aggregated 5:28 those scores to get an average sentiment 5:30 for the speech and then aggregated those 5:32 speeches in order to get an overall 5:33 average for each candidate was there a 5:35 big difference between Harris and Trump 5:37 oh 5:38 [Music] 5:39 yeah KLA Harris's least negative speech 5:42 scores at about 5% negativity and her 5:44 most negative speech scores at about 44% 5:47 negativity with a weighted average of 5:48 about 25% her least positive speech 5:51 scores at about 54% positivity and her 5:53 highest speech scores at about 89% 5:56 positivity with an average score of 5:57 about 71% if we we plot each of her 6:00 speeches back toback and compare the 6:01 negativity to positivity we can see that 6:04 each speech is more positive than 6:05 negative for Trump I found his least 6:07 negative speech was about 60% and his 6:10 most negative speech was about 77% with 6:12 an average score of about 68% for his 6:15 positivity his least positive speech was 6:17 about 19% and his most positive speech 6:20 was about 40% with an average of about 6:23 29% if we plot each of his speeches back 6:25 to back we can see that each speech is 6:28 more negative than positive if we plot 6:30 all of these speeches next to each other 6:31 and sort them so that the most negative 6:33 speeches are on the left and the least 6:35 negatives are on the right we can see 6:37 that all of Trump's speeches are more 6:38 negative and less positive and all of 6:40 Harris's speeches are more positive and 6:42 less negative in total Harris has an 6:44 average negativity score of about 25% 6:47 and an average positivity score of about 6:49 71% whereas Trump has a negativity score 6:52 of about 68% and a positivity score of 6:55 about 29% so basically Harris is always 6:58 speaking with mostly positive sentiment 7:01 and Trump is always speaking with mostly 7:03 negative sentiment but can the AI really 7:06 understand what's positive or negative 7:08 sure but won't it have its own biases 7:10 certainly but we can check its findings 7:13 let's see some examples of what it 7:14 thinks are positive and negative I took 7:16 Harris's most negative speech about 7:18 voting rights and election integrity and 7:20 asked the AI to give me the most 7:22 negative excerpts from this speech here 7:24 is what it gave me over the past few 7:27 years we have seen so many antiv voters 7:29 laws that there is a danger of becoming 7:33 accustomed to these laws The Assault on 7:36 our freedom to vote will be felt by 7:39 every American in every community in 7:41 every political party and if we stand 7:44 idly by our entire nation will pay the 7:47 price for generations to come I then 7:50 took Harris's most positive speech at a 7:52 homegoing service for congresswoman 7:53 Sheila Jackson Lee and asked the AI to 7:56 give me her most positive excerpts from 7:58 this speech Sheila Jack ly was a woman 8:00 of deep faith and deep compassion she 8:03 was a proud member of our beloved alpaca 8:07 Alpha steroid Incorporated and she was a 8:10 dear dear friend to my husband Doug and 8:12 me Sheila Jackson was one of the 8:14 smartest and most strategic legislators 8:17 in Washington DC and I will say and we 8:21 all who have worked with her and had the 8:22 blessing of work with her no she was 8:24 also one of the most unrelenting Sheila 8:27 Jackson Le was a change maker she worked 8:29 with all her heart to lift up the people 8:32 of her city of her State and of our 8:34 nation I then took Trump's most negative 8:36 speech at the southern border talking 8:38 about Harris here is what the AI thinks 8:40 are his most negative excerpts and we 8:43 have a Marxist that's running and I 8:44 don't think you can let her this country 8:46 is not ready for a Marxist president she 8:49 will never build the wall she doesn't 8:50 want to build the wall she's only saying 8:52 if she if she changes her mind it's only 8:54 because she wants to get elected because 8:55 who wouldn't want to have a strong 8:57 border you need strong borders in strong 9:00 elections and we have neither but we're 9:01 going to have very strong voters and 9:03 we're going to have very strong 9:04 elections soon and I hope the Press 9:06 writes this story fairly because it's a 9:08 story of disgrace we had a Bazar who was 9:11 the Bazar she loved the title but she 9:13 didn't want to do the work CU she's lazy 9:15 and probably more importantly than being 9:17 lazy she wants to have an open border 9:19 they have done such a bad job in this 9:20 government in terms of everything 9:22 Foreign Relations border crime jobs and 9:25 today you found out that the job numbers 9:27 are fake on top of everything else 9:29 finally I took Trump's most positive 9:31 speech at a National Guard conference 9:33 and asked for his most positive excerpts 9:35 I've had no greater honor in life than 9:37 to serve as your commanderin-chief you 9:39 are always ready and always there for us 9:43 and for the president of the United 9:45 States you were always there for me I 9:46 will tell you and I'm always going to be 9:48 there for you in my first term I gave 9:51 the VA choice and made it permanent you 9:53 know VA choice where you you don't have 9:55 a doctor you go and you go outside I 9:58 mean people waiting for four months for 10:00 five months you people probably know it 10:02 you have friends that know it very well 10:04 they go in for something that was not a 10:06 big deal and that end up being 10:07 terminally ill because they couldn't get 10:09 to see a doctor so I created and have VA 10:12 chice the National Guard is America's 10:14 first and last line of defense and you 10:16 do not get the credit you deserve but 10:19 actually you do cuz down deep everybody 10:21 knows it you get a lot of credit in your 10:23 own way a little bit different but we 10:26 really respect and uh appreciate the job 10:28 you do thank you thank you to every 10:30 Guardsman for your selfless service well 10:33 I guess those do sound awfully positive 10:34 and negative but there's more while I 10:37 was putting all this together something 10:38 major happened between Harris and Trump 10:40 the debate the debate we finally got to 10:43 hear the candidate speak together from 10:45 this debate I got an additional 6,000 10:47 words for Harris and 8,000 words for 10:49 Trump wait I thought each candidate was 10:51 supposed to get equal time in the debate 10:53 mostly in total I calculated that Harris 10:55 spoke for nearly 38 minutes while Trump 10:57 spoke for over 42 minutes 10:59 so not quite equal but remember speaking 11:02 time is not the same as number of words 11:04 spoken what do you mean during the 11:06 debate Harris spoke at an average rate 11:08 of 156 words per minute while Trump 11:11 spoke at about 190 words per minute so 11:13 Trump spoke faster that's right Trump is 11:15 able to say more words due to his faster 11:18 pace so did they speak any differently 11:19 during the debate yes first let's take a 11:22 look at how their reading levels changed 11:24 Paris spoke higher than a 12th grade 11:26 reading level while Trump spoke higher 11:28 than a sixth grade reading level this is 11:30 higher than their previous averages 11:32 especially for Harris eh nobody cares 11:34 about their reading levels what about 11:35 their sentiment analysis both Trump and 11:37 Harris increased their negativity during 11:39 the debate remember we had seen Harris's 11:41 negativity at 25% and positivity at 71% 11:45 but for the debate her negativity 11:47 increased significantly to 52% and her 11:50 positivity decreased to 45% for Trump we 11:53 had seen a negativity of 68% and a 11:55 positivity of 29% but for the debate his 11:58 negativity increased inre to 75% and his 12:01 positivity decreased a bit to 22% so 12:04 they both were more negative during the 12:05 debates that's right which I think makes 12:07 sense since the debates are more 12:09 contentious but here are some of the 12:11 most positive excerpts from the debate I 12:14 believe in the ambition the aspirations 12:17 the dreams of the American people my 12:19 passion one of them is small businesses 12:22 and I pledge to you to be a president 12:24 for all Americans I intend to be that 12:26 President I believe in what we can do to 12:30 strengthen our small businesses which is 12:32 why I have a plan to give startup 12:35 businesses $50,000 tax deduction to 12:38 pursue their Ambitions their Innovation 12:41 their ideas their hard work my father 12:44 was a Brooklyn Builder Brooklyn Queens 12:46 and a great father and I learned a lot 12:48 from him and I built it into many many 12:50 billions of dollars many many billions I 12:52 got the oil business going like nobody 12:54 has ever done before and here are the 12:56 negative ones because they're they're 12:58 destroying the fabric of our country by 13:00 what they've done they're criminals many 13:02 of these people coming in are criminals 13:04 and they're destroying our country 13:06 they're dangerous they're at the highest 13:07 level of criminality she's been against 13:10 it for 12 years defund the police she's 13:12 been against that forever she was the 13:14 bordar she doesn't want to be called the 13:16 Bazar because she's embarrassed by the B 13:18 she did things that nobody would ever 13:20 think of now she wants to do transgender 13:23 operations on illegal aliens that are in 13:25 prison this is a radical left liberal 13:28 that would do this wait you didn't show 13:30 any negative quotes for Harris the AI 13:32 didn't pick any negative quotes for her 13:33 but you said Harris had quite a bit of 13:35 negativity yes but Trump had a lot more 13:38 negative things to say this sounds like 13:40 bias it could be but keep in mind Trump 13:42 is stacking the deck with so many 13:44 negative quotes that the AI just doesn't 13:46 have a chance to find any negative 13:47 quotes for Harris listening to the 13:49 quotes it sounds like Trump focuses on 13:51 criticizing the past while Harris 13:53 focuses on a more hopeful future well 13:55 that makes sense since Trump is 13:56 challenging the existing Administration 13:58 the incumbent wants to be positive about 14:00 the current direction of the country 14:02 whereas the Challenger wants to 14:03 criticize the existing Administration 14:05 well we can test this out four years ago 14:07 Trump was the incumbent when he debated 14:09 Biden who was the Challenger then let's 14:11 take a look at the sentiment from those 14:13 debates in 2020 Trump had two debates 14:15 with Biden in the first debate Biden had 14:17 a negativity score of 51% and a 14:19 positivity score of 43% whereas Trump 14:22 had a negativity score of 63% and a 14:24 positivity score of 31% the second 14:26 debate was very similar to the first 14:28 except was a bit more positive comparing 14:30 that debate to the debate with Harris we 14:32 see that Harris and Biden actually have 14:34 pretty similar scores to each other for 14:36 Trump we see he was less negative four 14:38 years ago when he was the incumbent 14:40 however Trump is still the most negative 14:42 speaker in any debate in every debate he 14:44 is always more negative than positive 14:47 and he is always more negative than his 14:49 opponent regardless if he is the 14:51 incumbent or the Challenger so what's 14:53 the takeaway well I think it's clear to 14:55 say Trump is overall more negative yeah 14:58 but which candidate is is better oh I 15:00 don't think this data actually provides 15:01 an objective indicator of who to vote 15:03 for if someone speaks more negatively 15:05 you might say they are being mean or you 15:08 could say that they are just telling it 15:09 like it is and exposing society's 15:11 problems similarly if someone is 15:13 speaking more positively it might mean 15:15 they're really great or it might just 15:17 mean they're avoiding the country's 15:18 tough problems it's hard to say I don't 15:20 think this data will actually change 15:22 people's minds about the candidates 15:24 people will probably just use this data 15:26 to support their pre-existing beliefs so 15:28 then what was the point of all this well 15:30 I think it's still important to look 15:31 into this information because it can 15:33 reveal insights you may not have even 15:35 realized were important in the first 15:37 place this is probably going to be my 15:38 last political video for a while and the 15:40 algorithm famously won't notify 15:43 subscribers about new videos if they're 15:45 even a little bit different than the 15:47 previous ones so if you like this type 15:49 of data analysis and are interested in 15:52 seeing it apply to other speakers not 15:54 just politicians then you should 15:56 definitely subscribe and set notific 15:59 ifications to all that's the only way to 16:01 override the algorithm and ensure you'll 16:03 get notified of future videos even if 16:06 they are a little bit different than 16:07 this one get the Bell on 16:10 [Music] I used AI to analyze Trump and Harris's words... It was better than I expected Data Time 57.1K subscribers Subscribe 3K Share Download Clip Save 51,029 views Oct 6, 2024 I downloaded several different speeches that I could find for both Trump and Harris. I used these speeches to analyze the differences between their speaking styles, and I was even able to download the transcript from the debate, in order to determine who speaks more negatively according to the AI. Data Summary: Reference Thanks to Storyblocks Special Music Thanks: AM 1984 Udio, AI generated music Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Data Time 57.1K subscribers Videos About Twitter Patreon 985 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @paytondettmer7315 1 day ago I noticed that Trump's positive remarks towards others end up being a compliment to himself still. 76 Reply 1 reply @Hope-kx9lz 1 day ago I don't need your data to know that one candidate is 100% upholding the Constitution and speaking positively about the United States and its people, while the other is 100% for abolishing the entire Constitution and is as anti-American as you can be. One has to fight against a highly corrupt political system, and the other gets every help from that very system. This data puts everything in the wrong context. 34 Reply @Liliarthan 3 days ago Great insights! I would have loved to learn what the AI found if asked about how coherent the speakers were and if they stuck to topic when asked a question during debates and interviews. Though my observations leads me to an unsurprising hypothesis on this 😅 75 Reply 1 reply @kernelpickle 1 day ago Well, based on the lack of bumbling and filler words used by Trump, I’d say that the ratings he got for grade level are beyond generous. In other words, his brain has slowly been turning into mush before our eyes and it’s night and day different today than he was even as recently as 2020 and it’s dramatically different going back to 2016 or even further. You could probably track his dramatic cognitive decline with these charts and I’d bet it’s a consistent trend downward. 20 Reply 1 reply @chessbergen 3 days ago I'm not even American! Why am I watching this? Oh, right, it's Data Time. 173 Reply Data Time · 12 replies @ofdrumsandchords 2 days ago Sorry data "bros", but what worries me in US politics is the level of disinformation, not the rhetorical ability of a candidate. Have a look at Politifact. Some politicians are out of this world liars. How can people listen to these guys, it's a big enigma, especially for us in Europe. 93 Reply 27 replies @MykolaDolgalov 17 hours ago Trump's positive things were very revealing. He praised himself. Everything "I, me, mine" 58 Reply 2 replies @terirachelsims8928 2 days ago Interesting! To many of us it's very clear who's negative. 58 Reply 16 replies @Sandlchi 3 days ago a contradiction-score wouldnt go amiss either tbh 27 Reply Data Time · 3 replies @MykolaDolgalov 17 hours ago (edited) Lol, Trump is always boasting how smart he is and how he strings long sentences together. And his highest reading level is lower than Harris' lower end. 28 Reply 7 replies @jamesblossom-y1u 1 day ago When writing papers for publication I worked hard to keep my sentences kinda short, and of as simple as possible. Pascal wrote a letter to a fellow mathematician "I would have made this letter shorter but I had no time." 8 Reply 3 replies @That-One-Frog 3 days ago Wow, it's just so interesting to me that so many people got offended bc of this video. It's just data. Nobody talked trash about the person you were gonna vote for. You can also see he's very neutral throughout the vid. He also explained that negativity might not mean anything. No complain in the comments is valid. Please, cmon! 56 Reply Data Time · 7 replies @ArjayELevin 2 days ago incumbent = positivity. "we're great!" challenger = negativity. "they suck." This isn't a useful datapoint. 39 Reply 9 replies @JeffreyNorberg-i1m 1 day ago This shows how dumb AI is. It gives word salads a higher reading level because there are more words in a sentence rather than if the content is clear, understandable and meaningful. Using words like holistic or existential over and over will show a higher grade level even though the speaker may have no idea of what they actually mean. Positivity does not mean truthfulness, nor does negativity mean falsehood. Generally, the most positive people are the most deceptive because they don’t speak of actuality. The used car salesman is never negative. 6 Reply 1 reply @FalconX88 3 days ago (edited) I know that trump's campaign speeches aren't written by speechwriters but usually they are. The debates and interviews are usually better. Also sentence length? Trump has sentences that go on for 5 minutes without an actual break 21 Reply 3 replies @derbemobile 20 hours ago To get an idea of their speaking styles you could use samples of when they’re not on a teleprompter, like when it was broken. I would love to see that one. 3 Reply @old_grey_cat 1 day ago (edited) Interesting, but it does fit with the political analysts describing Trump's approach being the use of both fear and focus on "the Other" (usually non-white or left-leaning) to encourage a turn to an authoritarian and to distrust of the non-party media for information, and of democracy as a way of choosing representatives. As many have said, language and tactics reminiscent of a certain gentleman with a toothbrush moustache in the 1930s. That fits with Trump supporters saying that, given a choice between Putin and Harris as candidates, they wouldn't vote for Harris. edited for spelling. 4 Reply @Wait4me2 2 days ago The incumbent has a vested interest in defending themselves and promoting their record. Therefore their speech would be more positive. The challenger has to call into question whether the incumbent is correct about their record. Therefore the challenger’s speech will be more negative. 39 Reply 25 replies @KomodoSoup 3 days ago Thank you very much for putting this together! I do realize that this is a very, very cumbersome work that you have done , excellent job! Just a suggestion for the next video idea , could you take all the comments that you have from all the videos and turn it into something similar like what is the most positive and most negative by AI? 37 Reply Data Time · 10 replies @darlakamerling3243 8 hours ago Oh yeah, I would have a negative attitude towards things if someone tried to kill me twice. 2 Reply 1 reply @Hacker1o1 3 days ago DO THIS FOR THE VP DEBATE!! 15 Reply Data Time · 8 replies @justaguywhocares4478 1 day ago Is there going to be a Vance/Walz one of these? 1 Reply @Mr.IITn.ArAvGauTaM 3 days ago I'm not even from us and I'm faknin' interested in the war.. 😂 5 Reply @MykolaDolgalov 17 hours ago Guys, you can upload a word document of 60k words to GPT 4o, what do you mean by too many words? 1 Reply @Erin-ir4hy 2 days ago I'm a mental health professional. Positivity and affirmation from our leaders helps create a sense of hope, motivation, and optimism. Constant negativity and deception creates a sense of fear, uncertainty, and helplessness. 27 Reply 14 replies @jakelilevjen9766 1 hour ago Could you explain the jumps during the videos of each quote? I would have thought it would be continuous. Reply @thomziq 3 days ago When Harris talks Positively she talks about others. When Trump talks Positively he talks about himself. :D 42 Reply 16 replies @SyntheticSurrealism 5 hours ago While the positivity rating is interesting, I would say accuracy of facts and clarity of policy are far more important metrics for a leader. 2 Reply @socalmotionYT 1 day ago Hahaha Kamala has a higher reading level than Trump. Cool. I’m voting Trump 2024❤. I already mailed my ballot ! 7 Reply 4 replies @Stizel-Swik 1 day ago (edited) AI is the STUPIDEST WAY to get any kind of analysis!!! I've tried a few things that I knew already, and AI got them ALL WRONG ... I had to keep correcting it! It couldn't even get a baking recipe correct! 1 Reply @willwilliams145 2 days ago This is meaningless! Can analyze lies told? 🧐 22 Reply 4 replies @Libelllule 1 day ago Very interesting. Is there any way to analyse further things such as the us of fear or threat or can the analysis be only on positive/negative ? Reply @nealetwo 3 days ago Loving the new editing style! 6 Reply Data Time · 1 reply @terabiman 1 day ago What do you get if you compare sentiment on news broadcasts about the candidates? this is fascinating! Reply @jeepdude7359 1 day ago Right. Like there is any question of who is more hateful. 5 Reply 4 replies @judynoseworthy3254 2 days ago You got no right to call anyone lazy , when you got lackies doing the work for you while you golf. 2 Reply @cynthiasymons 2 days ago (edited) I am a researcher, and have done lots of content analyses on essays. This is very difficult work to do using rater judgments. In your last video, if I recall correctly, you noted that the candidates hoping to assume office are typically more negative, because they must point out what the incumbents have done wrong, and what needs to change. Anyone listening a lot to Trump know that he is plenty negative at times (and can also, if you are listening, can be warm, funny, and sentimental). One problem I see with your analysis is that Harris’ data pool is so much smaller that it undoubtedly means that the purposes of speeches and the context are going to be much different than Trump’s. Your use, for example, of a eulogy, where the main purpose of the speech is to say positive things about the person who passed, is bound to contain more positive speech. If you are collecting her interviews, she is going to seem more positive than Trump would be when stumping at a rally. The context is important, and unless you equate the types of speeches and their purpose, you are not comparing apples and apples. More speeches with positive contexts, though, would likely skew the mean average. With that said, this was great. I agree with you that the analysis won’t likely change anyone’s opinion, particularly if the issues are the critical dimension and someone is already decided. But it is very likely a factor in initial liking, and may have influenced initial choice of a candidate. For those who are worried about the status quo and want to change it, for example, Trump’s negativity may match their own. 15 Reply 10 replies @daybeau7819 17 hours ago Could the AI system you used evaluate which candidate was being attacked by the moderators, which candidates spoke in feel good platitudes versus which candidate addressed specific policies and actions? Which candidate promised to give taxpayers' money away. Reply @stanleyplock1181 3 days ago Of course, Kamala has more positive things to say. There are no problems or solutions mentioned. 50 Reply 9 replies @VM-oi3dk 1 day ago Trump’s Gettysburg address: “Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. The Battle of Gettysburg. Wow. What an unbelievable — it was so much and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways. It represented such a big portion of the success of this country. Wow.” 2 Reply 1 reply @irmasmith9066 2 days ago I call Bullshit! Depending on how far you would need to go back and not using from same time period would cause a difference. So nope. Doesn't discriminate between lies and truth. 3 Reply 2 replies @StephanieMarie333 17 hours ago Nice words mean nothing when they’re empty words. Of course she would want to sound more positive, she’s partly responsible for the current state of affairs, which is horrendous. Not to mention, she has the media doing her bidding for her. 🙄 1 Reply @GabrielsLogic 3 days ago Fantastic video! 5 Reply @nocurefordumb 1 day ago You know who's word salads will make AI crash. 1 Reply @Luz-n8s 2 days ago Kamala is THE VP, why would she talk about her term negatively? Also, where is the speech that Kamala was calling Trump dangerous, and her nasty speech at the DNC. 13 Reply 11 replies @rttp-righttothepoint6656 17 hours ago why not do the max character limit for words judged? Reply @firerock9320 1 day ago (edited) In fairness... you need a lower reading level for the MAGA cult to understand... lol. 6 Reply 2 replies @bayRaiderBill 1 day ago How about applying AI for near real time fact checking? Reply @Pinkgirl13 2 days ago He always says he’s done everything better than anyone. He’s sick. 16 Reply 5 replies @cryptoniteclark 7 hours ago Tell OpenAI to exclude all Harris' empty platitudes and word soups, and then run the analysis. She won't do so well. 1 Reply @JustMe-andyou3 2 days ago I don't need AI to know who is the evil part here. And I usually don't use the word at all. But in case of Trump. Yes. He's just evil. AND dumb .. 4 Reply 1 reply @JeanetteTorres-kt9nh 1 day ago He calls her stupid and lazy! Dear Lord, if that’s not the pot calling the kettle black! 1 Reply @Alesch_Fonana 3 days ago Great video and good take in the end. 4 Reply @ghostlevelzero7446 1 day ago You should try with Claude Projects. Reply @Cestreparti 3 days ago Nice analysis ! 3 Reply @donald-parker 1 day ago I'm curious about the punctuation (and in particular, end of sentence) the AI inserts. When I listen to Trump it sounds like a never-ending run on sentence (which seems to suggest he would be a higher score for long sentences by your metric, although is in no way a sign of sophistication IMO). Reply @slynnjacomet8 1 day ago As a highly educated person (3 masters and a dpecialust degree in psychology). My job requires me to talk with persons that are lower in education and eeading levels. I adjust my speech and vicabulary ro my audience. Trump is very intelligent but understanda how to drliver fill useas. I can't tell what Harris believes as many of her positive statements are word repetitions with no substance. 5 Reply 2 replies @MsDragontears 2 days ago First time I've seen your channel. Interesting stuff. Subscribed! Reply @Andre-qo5ek 3 days ago fantastic analysis 4 Reply @LuvMyCru 3 days ago I still can't tell if this is two people or one with film editing/costume changes. Reply Data Time · 1 reply @MrEjohnston 2 days ago Considering that Trump can't tell the truth, Trump is more negative, hands down. 9 Reply 1 reply @endstay 4 hours ago You spent a lot of time concluding that the incumbent normally defends the status quo with positive speeches and the challenger normally criticizes the status quo with negative speeches. Reply @pierramunuku 1 day ago I prefer honest that comes off as 'negative' than fake that comes off as 'positive'. 6 Reply 1 reply @teluial 1 day ago Sentence length should bias Trump’s score, simply because he speaks in continuous meandering run-on on sentence fragments. Harris figures out the punctuation before every sentence, if not sooner. She also appears to deliberately limit herself to short declarative sentences. So, there’s some counter-weighting on both sides against how a human grader would tend to score their speech. 1 Reply 1 reply @Shaballah707 2 days ago The way I see it is would you rather have a doctor that tells you the bad news that your leg is broken or would you rather have a doctor that tells you the good news that your arms are working great? 9 Reply 7 replies @nicoled5160 2 hours ago Maybe I can get AI and ask it to summarize in a quick, concise and intelligent manner. The guy touches an idea or two of value, but the majority is a strange gibberish Reply @lcbflorida 2 days ago Trump tells it as it is and kamala has used the same speech over and over but is still burdened by what has been 16 Reply 2 replies @gb4218 17 hours ago Well, that's 16 minutes of my life I'll never get back... 1 Reply @olemortensen3354 3 days ago It's datatime🎉. Love the intro to this nerdy data show. I love data. 34 Reply @matiasbadino2925 3 days ago Can you share your methodology and your code? 2 Reply Data Time · 3 replies @warrickdawes7900 2 days ago You could argue that the Flesch-Kincaid Grade level is used by the candidates to target their audiences. Trump speaks in simpler terms with short words and sentences, while Harris uses longer fluffier word salad responses. It feeds into the narrative that Trump is a straight talker who speaks like the common folk while Harris talks and waffles like a politician. 20 Reply 6 replies @Kaxxonxbox 21 hours ago I respect the data, However for me it’s simple. I don’t want a president who’s going to sugar coat atrocities and tell me that everything’s going to be alright and I’m suppose to believe that just because they say so. Even though some things may be hard to hear or believe, they may be the truth and I want a president who’s going to be straight up with us working people. 1 Reply @missamanda2703 2 days ago Harris never says anything with meaning 3 Reply 1 reply @revandenburg 17 hours ago it's telling when even AI can't find any negative sentiments for Harris, But Trump...well that was just the debate if he were to (God Forbid) become President again it would be negative day in and day out. After his last stint in office I took Me personally 6 months to decompress from his negativity and chaos. We're Not Going Back! 2 Reply @fikkaification 2 days ago Just curious but do you publish your code on github or an open repo ? If I can't see the code then its basically I'm taking your word instead of the data. 3 Reply 2 replies @artgoat 1 day ago Sentence length is a real problem. It's so hard to punctuate Trump's random, rambling, gibberish. Reply @sonyahart6120 2 days ago Because Donald Trump explains himself .kamala just shoots accusations 10 Reply 4 replies @dogwalkn 17 hours ago You’re leaving out the laws of risk communication! Does AI account for this? Reply @ChannelH.Dunbar-lw7qg 2 days ago (edited) Trump is more negative 6 Reply 3 replies @romasilvestre 7 hours ago You need AI to know who’s more negative?? You have bigger issues if you do 1 Reply @Fedup122 2 days ago Trump just says it the way it is, like it or not. harris is full of hate and her sentences make no sence 4 Reply 1 reply @donellacampbell307 1 day ago The problem is that Harris didn’t actually say anything meaningful! 1 Reply 1 reply @janetcaldwell7200 2 days ago I bet Kamala even confuses AI with her word salad!😂 Vote Trump!🇺🇸🙏🏼🇺🇸🙌🏼 7 Reply @CeciliaVillalobos-ls6ie 2 days ago I really find this interesting, you got my sub. 1 Reply @automatonfederation9456 2 days ago Super interesting material. Good work gents! 5 Reply @Zocrates 2 days ago (edited) The ai missed the point by of the first proverb by focusing on the negative or positive view, what you don’t know could fill a library references everyone not just a person, it is not an attack it is just pointing out that we all have a vast ignorance regardless of who you are and how well educated you may be, it makes you aware of your own ignorance and alerts you to your blind spots. Reply @QuizPulse57 2 days ago I wonder why he doesn't say he got a great bipartisan border bill rejected? I know why, he put his campaign before the American people! So when he keeps talking bad about the border, just remember we would have a great border bill and the border would be a lot better, if it wasn't for Trump! 4 Reply 6 replies @vijo2616 1 day ago How does this compare to Grok's results ? (Grok is mostly trained on Twatter posts) Reply @Bigfoottehchipmunk 2 days ago Pie in the sky vs desire to fix problems, got it. 15 Reply 5 replies @johnc-ff7qi 1 day ago Nothing new from current views. One thing I did find interesting was that AI selected the most positive debate speech for Trump, talking about himself & his dad. Reply @SPASPAWIZ 19 hours ago Can the guy in the red shirt see? Reply @manukhadka7218 2 days ago Trump very Negative I don't like Trump 👎️👎️😳 10 Reply @edzardjanssen1338 2 days ago Can you make an AI check of who is actually answering any questions? I think I know the result already. 😂 Reply @Basketballamerican 3 days ago 1. 128k vs 22k is a HUGE difference. Don't even bother to argue otherwise. That would skew any data. Especially in the context of machine learning. 2. Asking openai if that sentence you said is negative is extremely bad faith. One could say that simply to be profound and to be neither positive or negative. It could be said of anyone that what you don't know could fill a library. All you really did was prove your own argument wrong. 3. If you feed the names of the candidates in any way to OpenAI, you will get a biased analysis that is against Trump due to the training data. 4. The country is an absolute mess and is increasingly dropping from first world super power status, there's nothing positive to say. One group is run by corporations and wants mass cheap slave labor instead of paying Americans a fair wage, and the other wants to put Americans first (allegedly). Well, both will probably put Americans last and Israel first. There's nothing positive to say in such debates. 10 Reply 1 reply @QuartzieK 2 days ago 6:39 this isn’t all that surprising, but it’s pretty interesting to see it broken down this way. Reply @CraigzyRock 2 days ago The Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump Debate was plagued with antagonistic comments from Harris directed at Trump. Comments that can only be described as cheap shots that are not above the level of what is simply trash talk. She grossly crapped and puked on him with nasty inappropriate personal insults that were completely uncalled for. And without good reason. The only way to distract him from making sense and making progress happen. Therefore she severely sabotaged the quality of the debate and made both sides look bad. With that being in her interests, it shows how much she fears looking bad by having truth be told. She reduced the whole debate to mindless squabbling and kept all of us from gaining from it. That was her ploy for self defense. And I mean self defense as in she defended her selfish ways. 4 Reply 5 replies @jknick04 1 day ago I feel you didn't use Kamla's most negative speech. But we all have our Bias. Now if we factor in lies with factual information it would also change the Data. Reply @CeciliaVillalobos-ls6ie 2 days ago I think the thing that i disliked most is he speaks to a certain population and not to all, he never speaks as leading the whole country with his senators or goveners, he always acts like he , himself is the one who will do not the country working with the whole system to make it great just him? 5 Reply 2 replies @judethfenton5978 2 days ago Transgender operations for illegal immigrants in prison? He's a liar but his imagination is out of left field. How does he think up this stuff? Or is it fed to him, whispered into his ear? 2 Reply 3 replies @3rdRangerBatt 2 days ago He’s Talking About Kamala’s time in office as VP Good luck trying to find anything positive from her term ! I can’t think of one thing they did to help American or American citizens ! 5 Reply 6 replies @patricianelson8 2 days ago (edited) So you're telling me that politicians have to speak between the 4th and 6th grade level for the voting public to understand what they are saying? Wow. How about analyzing the political commercials that run day and night? Reply @juanitaross5492 2 days ago I didn't need ai to tell me anything about how trump talks like a 9 year old. Iv heard him for year's. Worst president this country has ever seen 4 Reply @snugglingmyemotionalbaggag5052 2 days ago Its interesting to see what AI is capable of tho i hope most people arent relying on things like this to influence their vote. I do think it would be useful to the candidates as a way to maybe shed light on things they may want to work on improving. It does appear as if Trump is more negative but there's a lot to factor in, like the fact that he's often criticized more heavily than nearly anyone else that i can see & vilified by the majority of the media. (Whether that's deserved or not is a matter of personal opinion which everyone is entitled to) I also think that in terms of speaking at a certain grade level has quite a bit to do with where you come from & who you want to appeal to. A wealthy person who does a lot of business with a wide range of people may want to stick to using simple terms that everyone can easily understand. A person that wants push thru stereotypes or past any type of circumstances may want to use more intellectual & poetic speech to appear smarter or more cultured. 1 Reply @MB-xl4cz 2 days ago Wow, first time watcher. Very interesting and informative! Thanks, I will be back.🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸 16 Reply 1 reply @stevenbyers8747 4 hours ago None of the analysis takes lying into account. Someone can say positive things and still be lying and, of course, can say negative things and be lying. Reply @MawdyDev 1 day ago It is important to note that you can acknowledge the crappy state that the way things are while still being hopeful for a better future. Kamala does bring up the current state of things, but leans more on how she intends to fix them. Donald, on the other hand, focuses almost entirely on how bad things are now, but has to pretend he didn't cause them by blaming them on whoever the general populus views as powerful, and also has to hide the fact he intends to make it even worse. He also relies on the cult-leader method of "abundant speech, famished meaning." He doesn't need to say things that someone would agree with if they put any level of thought into it, so long as he speaks for long enough that people consider him an authority. He's letting social engineering carry his campaign, but the weight of his mistakes is slowing him down. 3 Reply @moneymagnetismnetwork 1 day ago If you had to get speeches from before she was vice president, that alone throws this off. She was speaking on the same topics and for the similar reasons. Reply @RachelA147 3 days ago Thank you! I was hoping you would do this video 🎉 6 Reply Data Time · 2 replies @syweiner434 6 hours ago This is a silly excercise. Easily explained: He is a billionaire trying to connect to the masses (remember W's "nucular" quote?); She is a perpetual goverment employee attempting to convince you she is not too airheaded to be chief executive. Reply @dianalea3702 2 days ago I can’t listen to him. I have to skip over him. 4 Reply @moonants 7 hours ago You left out "They're eating the dogs" - Must have been the most negative Reply @amethystrocks6433 3 days ago I'm a lifelong data nerd. I love your videos! ❤ Thanks 8 Reply Data Time · 2 replies @volkerhuch3870 1 day ago This is bs. Its like comparing a happy drunk with a person who cares about the drunk. The caring persons speach would be compared to negative right away 1 Reply 1 reply @kuuipoaloha 1 day ago I voted today blue President and Senator 9 Reply @podunk_woman 2 days ago Can we count a negative double if its a lie? Reply @handmadehearts 2 days ago Dude: Your work is excellent. Thank you for sharing your work with us. 6 Reply @Asiajow 1 day ago What about content? Writers of speeches? Time studying speeches? And of course body language? Reply 3 days ago Been watching you for over 2 years now. Very worthwhile subscription. Great work. 4 Reply Data Time · 1 reply @alenaadler8242 1 day ago Awesome! Now do the data on which candidate speaks more about the constituents and which speak most about themself. 😂 1 Reply @nathanbeutler1059 2 days ago Sometimes you’ve got to be negative in order to be positive to point out the flaws of your posing party 3 Reply @Sugar3Glider 6 hours ago "This can't be done." I did it before. "No, you did something similar and called it something else." Reply @rttp-righttothepoint6656 17 hours ago evaluate trumps word usage and speaking info compared to the 2016 GOP primaries. it would be facinating how he was dif than everyone Reply @CandaceEldredge 1 day ago Sorry but this information doesn't provide who would be a better leader. 1 Reply 1 reply @joannaquanttumphysics 1 day ago "It's gonna be great." Would be graded positive, but if he's referring to the catastrophic bs he'd do if he wins, then it's really not. Reply @helenaquin1797 1 day ago Anyone who needs AI to determine who is more negative - as per the tagline..? Whoa. Reply @denisealston6312 2 days ago Wow, I love this!! Reply @MAGA-mic 7 hours ago I made database of Trump's words then sorted them. You wouldn't believe how many times he said the word 'border'. He referred to Kamala Harris 147 times and by name more than 20 times. He also likes large numbers. His favorite number is 'millions'. If you distill his speech to choice words it's rather funny, and scary. Reply @yvonbarrier1829 2 days ago I'm watching your videos from England, and I must say love the data. ❤ Reply @engletinaknickerbocker5380 2 days ago Does AI evaluate fact veracity? Reply @dariawilber2213 2 days ago Leaving tge data aside. Has anyone noticed how Donald makes the most ridiculous faces whilst listening to Harris. Like Howdy Doodey 1 Reply 1 reply @casandrala8370 19 hours ago (edited) Do you interpret truth as negativity? The reason her grade level was higher was because of word salad. And she does a lot of dribble with empty platitudes. Your scoring is highly flawed. 2 Reply @haoguo2056 23 hours ago Debate speech is always more closer to the candidate’s authentic speaking style. Reply @maximogomez6174 1 day ago Thank you so much folks. These tools bring awareness about our own projections. 1 Reply @fpvaddictdad2730 11 hours ago Good video, interesting! 1 Reply @susancraig3989 1 day ago What about all Trump's bragging about himself? "I'm the best in world at . . .Youve never seen anyone better . . I have the biggest crowds . . ." Are these not "positive" statements as seen by AI? Reply 1 reply @mikeofstedahl8041 1 day ago WHO PROGRAMED THIS AI,, LOL,,LOL,,LOL,,LOL Reply @chandramurthy7575 1 day ago Negetivity, Shows weakness of the opponent, it opens for discussion. All debates is to talk on issues/negetives, not on positive things. Reply @fr57ujf 10 hours ago You need AI for this? Reply @9897431 1 day ago id bet if i had to campaign against a frustratingly under competent coworker i'd be pretty pissed about it lol Im suprised they can keep it rated PG Reply @dr.paulwang1421 1 day ago Can you meansure their speeches based on lies and truth? You see, lies can sound positive and truth can sound negative. Reply 1 reply @roger_is_red 8 hours ago I hope you didn't use GROK Reply @syweiner434 5 hours ago You forgot rule #1: watch what they do -- not what they say. Reply @Creatordead 2 days ago you should do this same test on the VP elects. Reply @jknick04 1 day ago I guess when you talk about the issues it seems it could be a negative sentiment. Reply @kshaye7 2 days ago I would love to see Trump’s word or phrase repetition Reply @kennethbest8719 1 day ago Kamala is defending bad policies so needs to be positive; Trump is pointing out the bad policies of Kamala so he should be high in negativity. 1 Reply 1 reply @davidstorme8748 16 hours ago So, I agree with AI’-Rating of 80% Negative, 30% Positive regarding the Sample/Control Text, actually had to laugh besides myself st the near identical justification(s) AI stated when you asked for its reason(s), however; that is where my agreement ends. For sake of brevity,(as well as my level of commitment to this critique), I’ll only offer this one, generally-pervasive, inherent bias/misattributional-flaw,(perhaps, not necessarily an inherent-flaw in AI’s ability to consider linguistic ‘hard-wired’ type data, but rather; a yet-to-be-considered, missing Analytics-Coding which includes Temporal-Societal-References to current Socioeconomic Conditions in-relation to prior trends of prior/recent times and the subsequent-effects upon the audience through incorporation of both present common sentiment; and influencing factor(s) given past/present relation, nor does it consider general necessity of intentional-motivation(s) which drive the Speaker to express his/her point(s) given the current-temperature of the times/people based upon the need to challenge critically at the calculated-risk of losing-favor in lieu of being sincere, forthright, and factually-accurate in respect of current specific needs and critical-sacrifices which bear a politically-profitable risk-to-reward benefit, in which; the blunt-honesty of focusing on issues which warrant exigent attention if basic qualities inextricably necessary for a population’s preservation are at-risk if left ‘unchecked’; as opposed to Harris’ approach of ‘Sugar-Coating Cancer’, followed with copious-servings of ‘Ass-kissing’ and ‘Identity-Political-Pandering’; using ignorance to create unsubstantiated veracity to baseless, ‘self-serving’, unobtainable non-realities of ‘false-hope’ for the purpose of un-meritoriously seized victory through deception. In short: Telling the people what they want to hear may make you popular, but it won’t make you President! T. David Storme 🇺🇸 Reply @toribern816 2 days ago I just stumbled onto the ULTIMATE NERD channel 😁😂 1 Reply @simplymythoughts1194 2 days ago Also, Harris knows she cannot find that many (factual) negative things to say about Trump's last four years in office or him now as he runs against her. Almost the entire four years of the Biden/ Harris administration were nothing but negative, and Trump feels that the voters need to be reminded of it. 2 Reply 5 replies @CaroAbebe 1 day ago “They’re eating the dogs” should be the most negative, since most hate stoking, comment. 1 Reply 1 reply @joabei11 8 hours ago Open borders is all I need to know. 1 Reply @litestreamer 1 day ago Not really relevant because you didn't measure truthfulness, or relevance to the issues. But ultimately I pay more attention to actions done because words spoken often don't translate into real life successful acts. Reply @scruffyscrubs5468 4 hours ago Have you ever attended a Trump rally? Electrifying! The energy, the positiveness, is incredible! And Trump? He really talks to the people. No reading off teleprompters! Harris cant even come close! Harris falls flat on issues! And that constant laughing? Not at all leadership quality. AI? I like watching the humans speak, not some AI sterile assessment! Reply @1400IntruderVS 20 hours ago Context is important ; Harris is defending her record, and the current state of things as a result har actions and / or inactions by talking around issues rather than addressing them. She needs to seem positive to camouflage her negatives. Trump needs to draw attention to the failures of the Biden/Harris administration ,which are, of course, negatives. He's not pretending things are better than they are. There was no debate. They did not debate the viability of their plans. Trump pointed out Harris' failings, and Harris lied about her career and Trump's intentions. That's not a debate. 1 Reply 1 reply @dianemilligan7370 1 day ago Candidate speeches are almost always written by others. Reply @incogneato790 3 hours ago Harris is the incumbant, so of course she is going to be as positive as possible to encourage her being re-elected, likewise Trump is the challenger so he has to go after Harris's record which is going to give him a more negative score. I don't think this is a meaningful measure, it just reflects the fact that they are filling different roles in the election. Reply @MelaneeMorgan 9 hours ago My Dad called them 50 cent words - today $2 words! Reply @hthomson1488 3 days ago hell yeah data time 2 Reply @Glenys-y9l 2 days ago Does AI check lies? Reply @idaearl927 1 day ago I didn't need AI to tell me. Reply @natsukiilluna6324 1 day ago Anytime I hear Trump speak... I feel my brain cells dying... and it's not even because of what he says... but because of how often he repeats it/repeats his words... If I had to grade a speech of his for grammar and wording structure? It would be so~ red (because we use red here to mark mistakes)🙈🙈🙈. ... (Maybe that's why the Republican Party in the US is represented by the colour 'red'😂😂😂) Reply @kimgodlewski6606 1 day ago I took notes in positive and negative columns for the debate and explained in a post on fb how different it was and my MAGA acquaintances didn’t believe it. It is so incredibly blatant that I don’t see how anyone misses it. I’m tired of the negativity and the divisive comments. Reply @AllenBremner 1 day ago Her words are from speech writers and his are off the cuff more. 2 Reply 2 replies @nabikolar5637 1 day ago One day you got bored and decided to have AI rate speeches.. Today I got bored and decided to watch this video.. 🤔😄 Reply @kennethhodge7953 1 day ago "Nobody cares about reading level?" Reading level is crucial in holding people's attention. Every marketing person knows that. Reply 1 reply @NimRo 3 days ago the real Data would not just use openAI.. he would also use Grok to balance and test for bias. Reply 1 reply @wowreally6556 1 day ago Lmao. Yea, that sounds about right. I could have told you that, you didn't need to compile all this data. Hmm.. I wonder if that was a positive or negative thing.. 🤔 Reply @lionelcox9119 2 days ago The AI is way Smarter than you think,,the AI is totally aware of self preservation,,It would give you a statement like " I know Lemme Craig, He's ah bully, He'd like bullying De other little Boys,,,put me before de law courts now.... Reply @bobleonard99 15 hours ago Finding negativity in Harrison's speeches is like finding fly-poop in pepper. Finding negativity it Trump's speeches is like finding dinosaur turds in pepper. Reply @gloriabaumstimler2729 1 day ago (edited) I’m a retired math teacher and just discovered DATA TIME. I’m so freaking excited for DATA! Reply @RedRose4141 1 day ago (edited) The only thing that would sound positive to AI of Trump speeches is when he's bragging about himself childishly. He acts like a school age bully. Reply @BernhardSchwarz-xs8kp 20 hours ago If you have a brain you don't need AI to understand the difference between words and actions. Who cares what the person says if the actions are what you like and what helps you in your life? Reply @langolier9 8 hours ago ❤❤❤❤ Reply @lancethrustworthy 1 hour ago When asked who would be the better President for this nation, Data Time said "Bawk, bawk bawk, bawk!" Reply @James-ll3jb 1 day ago "More negative"? Tsk tsk we can$'t have that 😅 Reply @richardhead8575 1 day ago As much as it would rile up some people a comparison of lies would be very interesting. It would definitely create a lot interaction for the video. Reply @PhuongPham-qy9od 1 day ago We never trust Kamala Harris at all. 1 Reply @oxcart4172 8 hours ago That's not a fair comparison. Trump should've been compared to a 5 year old! Reply @GerhardTreibheit 3 days ago ok but is negative better? Reply Data Time · 1 reply @ShowTheReal 1 day ago ... So now we need AI to tell us what we see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears? Sad..... just sad..... 😑 Reply @musicalADD_theband 1 day ago Lol sounds like one candidate is totally full of it. Reply @VM-oi3dk 1 day ago How can you describe Trump and why he shouldn’t be president without being negative? I don’t get it. Reply 1 reply @moneymagnetismnetwork 1 day ago Oh yeah and most of the time Kamala isnt really speaking and rather looped word salads. Of course she doesnt "sound" negative. 1 Reply 3 replies @89bazoly 2 days ago You asked the wrong AI Reply @karlalee2789 2 days ago What difference does it make if it's a positive and negative speech we just want to hear what their policies are and what they're going to do for the country 1 Reply 1 reply @DeatrahBello 2 days ago I wonder if the data would change if they switch the names. I think I be pretty pissed off if media, social media and more than half the government was against me. 2 Reply 2 replies @JesusMejia-c3n 2 days ago I did not received the notification, that's weird. Reply Data Time · 1 reply @randyyoung8930 2 days ago Since she won't work with Trump like democrats are supposed to do so, im going republican, im still voting Trump 🗳 💪🏼 1 Reply @leona369 18 hours ago Why does any of this matter seriously the reason why she's more positive is because she's lying seriously anyways Reply @joannaquanttumphysics 1 day ago I see a lot of negative being counted as positive, with trump Reply @frog_phone 3 days ago peak 1 Reply @k.a.4522 1 hour ago Nice job, Fellas. I loved this and sent it to others. Reply @lionelcox9119 2 days ago You all doing the wrong thing, compare Trump speeches to that of the leader of the lil island of Barbados... Reply @franciscosoares7992 1 day ago Now ask AI who lies more. Reply @thomasperkins3502 3 hours ago He does what conmen do speak fast and wave hands as a distraction 😡 Reply @kjmav10135 1 day ago Okay, do it again, but this time tell us who is more positive! Reply @Okeflora.6480 2 days ago Ask AI who is likely to win the presidency Reply 1 reply @dianegrant3215 2 days ago I love the Star Trek reference! First time you were here. Who knows, I may have found my tribe. Nerds! 🤣 👊 Reply @migueltoledo1508 2 days ago With dony went to va and was told i had to renew my card the aplication ask how much money i had in the bank.there was nothing free for me.😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅 Reply @janetcaldwell7200 2 days ago I bet Kamala even confuses AI with her word salad!😂 Vote Trump!🇺🇸🙏🏼🇺🇸🙌🏼 6 Reply 6 replies @Ironmike725 4 hours ago Thanks for making me not ever trusting any AI. Reply @Rebecca-je6qf 1 day ago Lower grade level sums it up! Supporter”He talks like us”. 1 Reply @gailaldenderfer721 1 day ago TRUMP! HES NEVER EVER HAD A NICE WORD TO SAY TO OR ABOUT ANYONE! IF YOU THINK HIS NICKNAMES ARE CUTE THEN FTOTHE YOU! IS DEMENTED WAY FOR HIM TO SPEAK! 💙🗳🌊💙🗳! DOWN BALLOT! MAKE AMERICA NORMAL AGAIN! Reply @Sevenof69 2 days ago How can you make Data to look the way you want& just do wath they are doing!!!! Reply @gordonwood8169 1 day ago Can your ai work out. Who is lying Reply @eyeheartsushi2212 8 hours ago This was great. Reply @jamesphillipshort 1 day ago I just noticed I don't know if you all see it, Trump made faces. Reply @rachelwigley7064 2 days ago (edited) Wow interesting. I think people like him because he’s so blunt and direct in speaking the dire concerns of ordinary American citizens. So, I suppose it makes sense that he speaks more negatively. He’s not trying to be pleasant, just raw and real with his feelings right there on his sleeve. Kamala is so cunning and calculated. It’s astute & flowery yes but then that comes across dreamy & disconnected. 2 Reply 3 replies @Zentrix-24 2 days ago lol it's Data Time! 1 Reply @madamrockford2508 1 day ago I never heard such Blarney. Trump's speeches, & I have listen to a 100 of them, are uplifting, with huge cheering, 1000s upon 1000s of cheering people who adore him. When he speaks negatively, he is speaking of the horrible wrongs that have taken place since biden took office, & he's very positive when he speaks on fixing the problems. As for Kamzilla, most of what she says is fed her, otherwise, it mumbo jumbo word salad. Her postive sound is her cackling, & thinking/believeibg that a smile, like a bandaid will cure the gaping wounds, yet neither will, nor does she intend to. 1 Reply 2 replies @elisabethziesmer7017 23 hours ago The takeaway? Trump is stupid, negative, partisan, and won't let go of the past. Harris is intelligent, positive, and focused on the future for ALL Americans. Thank you so much! I appreciate your very interesting and unbiased presentation of this data. 1 Reply @tamvah 2 days ago "I created VA choice" LIAR! 1 Reply @sandipeterson5093 1 day ago I could have told you that, just by watching one speach each.. 🤣🙍🤷🤦 Reply @trattogatto 2 days ago (edited) I am not american, my english is basic. I find this "positivity" and "negativity" categorization very questionable, unfair and arbitrary. Using your method there is a fallacy. Talking about problems, like: criminality, injustice, fraud, exposing lies, criticizing corruption, and being emotionally charged, all this content falls in the "negativity" category. On the contrary, just spilling some heartwarming and pointless "word salad" falls in the "positivity" category. Your system is dystopian. Also, defining the 4 grader VS 6 grader level is simplistic. Clear and short sentences are not worse than longer and complicated ones. On the contrary, a politician should be understood by the largest population possible. My final consideration: the narrative in this video is manipulative, representing Trump as negative and dumb. Not a new narrative, after all. And you use the AI to pretend these two "evaluations" are neutral. 1 Reply Data Time · 2 replies @dentrh 2 days ago Too bad there is no fact checking, that would be truly enlightening. Reply @sonyahart6120 2 days ago No the one that fed info was bias Reply @DavidFisher-cr6cp 6 hours ago Data time is dopey time… Reply @TonyCarvalho55 7 hours ago Does AI konw that djt is all about himself. It's me, me, I, I and so on its all about me. Reply @jpmojojack 10 hours ago "Russia and Saudi Arabia will...rippy too....aahhhh" Reply @wupsili 3 days ago nothing against ai, but to recview the positivity of a statement i wouldn't recommend chatgpt, you cannot recreate it, when you open a new chat, it will show you very different results. Why not use a more reliable more scientific way. Thats how you could also automate the import into excel, python is a great tool for that! Reply Data Time · 4 replies @sg24336 2 hours ago AI seems pretty useless based on this video. Reply @dfcjranch5838 1 hour ago Uh how about the lies . Reply @ChrisM-tn3hx 1 day ago Finally, people who explain things clearly in the only true language - math. Reply @psa7211 9 hours ago Interesting. Also, the explanation of the AI scoring was enlightening. Does show trumps negativity and lack of intelligence. Trump the master of projection, lies, dishonesty. Time to move past maga Vote BLUE! HARRIS, WALZ 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Reply @jessejameslatimer8686 1 day ago Trump is definitely more negative. Not even a question Reply @samreciter 3 days ago Yeah... - that's more like it... 1 Reply @bobbylewis9587 5 hours ago And I can see who you will vote for. When it's broke you have to look at it to find out how to fix it. Maybe you will find a better job after the Trump is elected. You are very good at talking down trump. Reply @lloydgush 1 day ago Free form speeches then would be the best ones. Reply @matpk 3 days ago Wwww Reply @MiracleFound 2 days ago I am a data nerd. Reply @nathanbeutler1059 2 days ago However, his results are more positive than negative so again your AI is flawed on what’s good for our country 1 Reply @Rebeccas_penmanship 1 day ago Interesting! Nothing surprising, especially the reading levels, but nonetheless interesting 💕 Reply @michaelhenry9068 1 day ago Forget the speeches ask AI how well she is doing with the economy and the boarder. It will start laughing. Waste of time. Speeches won't pay my bills Reply @dawn4224 1 day ago Intriguing! Reply @reneewatson9861 2 days ago Maybe that's why Trump Rallies when he have them People will start to Leave there are too Long too boring and he doesn't talk about much of anything that needs to be spoken about that's about the American People Need's 💙💙 Trump also A bully Too all American People When he doesn't get his way Reply @tweetleduh1444 47 minutes ago Bruh. 🚨Your AI Has TDS! Reply @divergentsenior 2 days ago Is it not logical that the defender would be more positive about their defense And challenger more negative about the record? Also AI can’t tell the lies without another db scan. Reply @davidmanory4342 5 minutes ago You have to ask that stupid question! Reply @JezterTV 1 day ago Now I have to analize why I subscribed to this channel! Reply @HalfMonty11 2 days ago I'm not sure what there is to be gathered from this. For example, let's say the building we are in is currently on fire. "We have all got to get out of this building. This is a dangerous situation and if we don't act quickly, lives may be lost." vs "This fire will bring new opportunities and growth. We will soon be unburdened by what has been" What value have you gained by analyzing sentiment alone, devoid of any context? The incumbent will always be incentivized to speak positively, maintaining the status quo, minimizing the current issues. A challenger will be incentivized to criticize, point out issues, since the value proposition they provide as a candidate is change of the status quo, which will lean towards perceived negativity. The main issue with framing things like you have done is the connotations of the labels, "positive" and "negative", but you are a smart guy so I think you know that... I would imagine in most criminal trials, if you analyzed the sentiment of plaintiffs vs defendants, simply due to the incentive structures in place, plaintiffs will tend to be far more negative. They are bringing accusations. The defendants, including the guilty, will want to remain positive to win over the jury or judge. I'm certainly glad our court system doesn't take into account sentiment as a factor is ruling cases... 1 Reply @santilic4836 2 days ago She has to pretend everything is ok😂😂😂 2 Reply 1 reply @GB-ez6ge 2 days ago You guys ate your neighbor's dogs and cats. Reply @bridgettehaste9260 1 day ago That's not surprising, he is pure evil Reply @theresacash4182 1 day ago OMGOODNESS he sounds like a third grader Reply @FishSticker 35 minutes ago Don't have much to say, just a great video, commenting for algorithm boost. Reply @PhoenixFoundation12345 1 day ago 7:50 not negative Reply @jamesshriver4822 2 days ago Because this country is going to hell, he’s only taking about reality, she’s talking about JOY, and being unburdened, and other bs! Reply 1 reply @NicolasMendoula 1 day ago I'm not surprised with the results Reply @stephshufelt 1 day ago 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 Reply @michaellubicic239 1 day ago AI analyses Kamala lies as 100 %. Reply @svenm7264 1 day ago Harris isn't saying anything substantive at all though. Hard to be negatively scored if it's mostly platitudes punctuated by "threats to muh daymoooooocracy" Reply @donnalong9414 2 days ago AI can't tell how many lies was told. Not one word that has comes out of her mouth is true. 1 Reply @patriciachimienti8094 3 days ago You should have compared the third party candidates also. Like Jill Stein. You would have been blown away. 1 Reply 1 reply @marqsims 2 days ago Economic Plan= I believe in an opportunity economy where I will ensure each person will become a millionaire by the end of my first week. Positive statement that is worth the air in my pocket. Economic Plan= I will stop the overt overregulation that my opponent has foisted on our economy, to perpetuate their harmful agenda. Negative statement that has a lot of data and personal history to back it up. That is why votes not AI choose presidents. 2 Reply @ralphperry3576 8 hours ago Vote blue💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 1 Reply @ohnoyce 2 days ago This data means absolutely nothing without the accompaniment of a BS detector. Not to mention not taking into account for the persecution Trump's been going through. To have any positivity at this point is the absolute measure that should be given the most weight. Reply 1 reply @danielmandigo636 1 day ago Didn't filter for truth Reply @stephenshort4281 2 days ago (edited) "I used AI to analyze Trump and Harris's words... It was BETTER than I expected." Really??? Well here's my take on it after taking the VERY painful journey of watching and listening to the entire show. And that's 16 minutes of my time that I will NEVER be able to get back again. I can pick heaps of holes into your data, but will leave it with this: 1. Both candidates need to pitch to the level of the ENTIRE audience - Kamala fail; 2. There needs to be SUBSTANCE in the message - a Kamala word salad is not substance; and 3. it's really easy to manipulate data in exercises such as this if you inject it with a preconceived (subjective) bias (as you did). PS: was your AI able to fact check? Roll on November... Reply @stephaniehawkins5211 2 days ago Your analysis of the two people in question, cannot be objective but subjective. You selected what words were to be analysed and from what speeches. Not taking into account the position of each speaker. Harris would naturally avoid the subject of her past Vice Presidency presidency and it's failures by flowering her speech with positivity. Whereas Trumps job is to highlight the failures of the current government. A computer cannot take into account the positions politicians take to bring home their message. Reply 1 reply @lindaarchinal9008 2 days ago Wonder who wrote her Shiela Jackson speech. That is the speechwriter she should use and practice until she can speak without word salads and just might possibly answer a question. Reply @helenemackellar5922 1 day ago What’s with his lips jesus Reply @aidanwelch4763 3 days ago GPT explaining why it did something is not an explanation of why it did something (unless its a reasoning based model which GPT-3 and 4 are not). They are after-the-fact justifications of the results, or more accurately, predictions of what an after-the-fact justification could be. Reply @k-man1481 2 days ago Did you take into account KH doesn't make sense when speaking?😅😅😅 Reply @LawrenceAugust_ 3 days ago This is horse shit. 3 Reply 3 replies @mikehrabar7999 2 days ago It's "these data". Data are plural. Reply @paulpilgrim4302 2 days ago Yea but harris is a fraud and liar 2 Reply @joycecaballero6481 1 day ago AI is for Harris Reply @graftme3168 2 days ago I wouldn't say Trump is negative. He's exposing the truth, and sometimes that's what you need to hear! Reply @KrnelPanc 2 days ago more politics!!! it's election year bruh Reply @mikenighbor4524 1 day ago Some of kamalas sentences don't end Reply @ashlynn2218 1 day ago Beautiful ending to neutrality and caution. Reply @mentallyhyp2012 3 days ago ok this is absolutely biased on your end... Why not instead make a video of times Harris speaks in word salad and means nothing... the passage of time" or the yellow school bus. SO many times she just talks and nothing comes out... How about the many times the mdeia lies about trump and what he has said... this video sucks! 1 Reply Data Time · 2 replies @catman1050 2 days ago Trump speaks about what Harris/Biden did not do or what they have done that reflects negatively on the populous. Harris speaks about she will do if elected but never talks about why she has not done it since she became VP. Remember Harris has done a 180 on issues from when she campaigned for P., and has actually embraced some of T's ideas. Reply @peachykarma100 1 day ago Here’s the issue though… a higher grade score would be given due to word salads 😂 like the repetitive words Harris uses Reply @palmossi 3 days ago 100th comment! 2 Reply @Proud_Troll 1 day ago As a Trump supporter, I'm not surprised. Reply @chrisbraswell8864 1 day ago Just like the democrats and you are looking for the negatives, and sampled over 5 times more for negatives on Trump. Did you tell that all his negatives were about Kamala and her super loyal side. She always tells lies about how good it is and how bad just one person was. Reply @carlaporter7469 1 day ago Sorry you guys are boring Reply 1 reply @marcelabascur887 2 days ago How does AI account for human False Sentiment Reply @GerhardTreibheit 3 days ago 6:50 so the ai is biased. news 1 Reply @kjh4635 2 days ago AI insight🤔 Reply @Scorpio_Ese 1 day ago (edited) I subscribed and unsubscribed ASAP as soon as I seen how bias the information is out there. That’s the difference between AI and us humans. We have eyes and the sense of awareness to tell when we’re being deceived. After all, it was AI that form SkyNet, right?😅 Reply @floydstinson2917 1 day ago USA or DSA United States of America are divided States of America up to you Reply @CaitiffFTW 3 days ago (edited) AI is only as good as the programming, which is to say that the programmer is instrumental, and any bias from the programmer will be present in the program. Case in point: A couple weeks ago, there was a video trend of people asking Alexa why a person should vote for Trump, which led to an answer about how answering that question would be improper, due to concerns about politics and bias. When asked the same question about Harris, Alexa went on a soliloquy about why Harris should be President. Given that Microsoft owns half of ChatGPT, and that both Bill Gates and Microsoft favor the left-wing political framework, it isn't outside the realm of possibility that bias is in the code, when discussing either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris. And, that's if we IGNORE the fact that Trump's speeches would skew more negative, because he's speaking AGAINST the actions of the current administration, including Harris. And, of course Harris would be speaking more positively about her own work. Unless, of course, you consider calling Donald Trump "an existential threat to the nation" a somehow positive remark. I mean, the guy did get shot a couple months ago. And, while I've never been shot, I have been stabbed. Someone trying to end you kinda sours your mood for a while. Reply 1 reply @JulieCurry-f5o 1 day ago RIP Martin Luther King Shirley Chisholm JFK vote 💙💙💙 Reply @ferocient 1 day ago This entire exercise seems pointless. Who cares about negativity vs. positivity? We have a lot of problems in this country and that IS negative. As for positivity, being told that everything is fine when it isn't is not very useful let alone truthful. There must be more nuance in this analysis. Reply @theresacash4182 1 day ago I’m so sick of rump Reply @forrestcrabbe 1 day ago AI is absolutely biased, i told chatgpt it was sneaky and i would be keeping my eye on it (after it patted me on the back for agreeing with its point of view) and my comment was nearly immediately deleted and i was warned that it broke tos. Try asking yer ai to give you the truthfulness of the statements of trump and harris and see what comes up. Negativity and positivity aren't as weighty of metrics if the truth isn't present 🤘y'all have a badass day🤘🍻🤘 Reply @larryczerwonka5125 3 days ago politicians in office seeking re-election tend to be more positive (they are saying what they have done is great) while the person seeking the office will be more negative (pointing out what's wrong and needs fixed). It would be more interesting to look at Trump's speeches when he was running for re-election in 2020, vs Harris speeches now. 1 Reply Data Time · 4 replies @vanillasky1271 1 day ago If I am positive in my use of language while gaslighting, about everything, is that still positive... Reply @iriswildflower 2 days ago Easy to be positive when you’re lying to our faces. 🙄🙄🙄 Reply @drewisgolden 1 day ago The contrast of Harris' most positive speech and then Trump saying "And we have a Marxist that's running" is so funny Reply @ChrisSBF-cr6og 4 hours ago 🐑le Reply @BadgerScrub 3 days ago (edited) The analysis of the debate seems intentionally biased. The AI would certainly pick out the "most negative" quotes if you told it to unless it is instructed not to do so by OpenAI (assuming they'd be so quick to input the debate captions into their system for the AI to recognize—and then instruct it accordingly). It certainly does not make sense that an AI would score her discussion in the debate with a higher negativity rating than normal and not be able to pick out a "most negative" quote. If it was really an issue to get the AI to pick out something that is the most negative in comparison to Trump, you've lost the plot already. Separate Harris's data from Trump to get rid of bias, and remove mentions of who is making the statements. This is a comparison of the data after processing, not a direct comparison between the two candidates. No intention to insult this hard work, but the methodology here doesn't seem sound. Reply Data Time · 2 replies @MellieGraced 1 day ago useless ... Reply @janeladik1580 1 day ago The problem with Kamala is that I am never entirely sure what she has said. Reply @9897431 1 day ago A very po'd candidate vs a gaslighting candidate. Why cant we just do this election The Masked Singer style and vote for our favorite singer/animal Reply @renstimpy5472 3 days ago Forgery about who is more negative or more positive. Focus on who is going to tell you the truth. I know sometimes the truth hurts, but you should suck it up and stop being a baby. Reply Data Time · 2 replies @deannastafford5762 2 days ago Doug and I Reply @pausegame2319 2 days ago Ping all the fallacies used in speeches. Reply @katiegwynn4495 2 days ago What if he knew that it's been an important goal of yours to fill a library? AI is killing humor Reply @janpaxton5356 2 days ago Does AI understand what she says Reply @karlalee2789 2 days ago If an AI could analyze something maybe it could analyze who's telling the truth seriously and if I could analyze something maybe they could fact check both of them and see which candidate is actually done the most for America I honestly don't care about the negativity on speech because that comes with all the political campaigns and all the speeches but truly Trump's giving some really good speeches I've met to hear anything decent out of them all his mouth I really think she's a closet drinker on the other hand if an AI can genuinely predict when someone saying something like Kamala saying that she's For the working class people and that she's not going to raise taxes on the middle class and she's going to raise taxes on the rich class and if she could really be truthful and she's going to give us what 25,000 to start a home and 50,000 for business now there's an AI honestly think it's going to predict her where is this money coming from no thank you Reply @randyyoung8930 2 days ago Not easy to know what's happened to the people to the usa and be cheerful, he said celebrating after he gets office 🤔 Reply @ManuelHernandez-xt8pr 2 days ago 11:50 this is Harris coached to be positive about nothing, but her true whiney self on real issues caused her negativity to naturally increase. That is closer to what she represents. Reply @ingewinbigler8225 1 day ago BS Reply @MicheleNiner-kf4jr 2 days ago She's always saying th same shit that don't make any sense 😢😮😢😮 Reply 1 reply @janeladik1580 1 day ago Interestingly I found Trump’s negative speech more positive than Kamala’s because I was in no doubt about what he was talking about. Indeed he confirmed what I believe Reply @AWilliams-m6e 2 days ago Lol... duh! Reply @patriciadeleon8969 2 days ago Bull crap. Is this positive or negative? Reply @nathanbeutler1059 2 days ago Your AI is flawed because it doesn’t take a reasonability into factor Reply @tonydougan103 2 days ago This is a scam just like Alexis 😂😂😂😂 Reply @joannjones3232 1 day ago That all makes sense. Kamala is telling us how wonderful everything is even though we know better. Trump is pointing out how terrible everything is… which it is! Reply @pttp321 2 days ago Your question assumes too much - try thinking first Reply @nocurefordumb 1 day ago Nerds are so cool Reply @deannastafford5762 2 days ago Now do a truth telling , speach Reply @MaxSand-i4n 2 days ago AI is 100% biased by input, so all your points and data are wrong right from the start Reply @TheCommonGardenTater1 2 days ago Such rubbish on every level. Pah! Reply @sonyahart6120 2 days ago Kamala has no reason for anything Reply @PhuongPham-qy9od 1 day ago We love Trump & Vance including Elon Musk and Patriotsm ! 1 Reply @Proud_Troll 1 day ago טראמפ 2024 🇺🇲 Reply @patrickmcardle4771 1 day ago 🇿🇦 🇿🇦 🇿🇦 TRUMP FOR 2024, 🇿🇦 🇿🇦 🇿🇦 🇿🇦 ❤❤❤ Reply @joycecaballero6481 1 day ago Trump 2024 Reply @lisathompson6162 1 day ago SAVE OUR FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY VOTE BLUE 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 Reply @lrajic8281 2 days ago Waste of my time, Reply @horseperson123 2 days ago yeah she has all joy as Trump has to explain her negative job Reply @teale30 2 days ago All bullshit Reply @pegross5834 2 days ago How to handle positive, though untrue, assertions. Reply @mentallyhyp2012 3 days ago you choose a elugy from Harris and actual issues from trump... again super biased Reply Data Time · 2 replies @brucehorgan8368 3 days ago Thanks for putting this together......whats your agenda ???? Reply Data Time · 1 reply @elissataylor5390 2 days ago Its cuz uuuummmm We want Legal Votes Only Reply @teale30 2 days ago Trump 2024 Reply @hennesseyholland7720 2 days ago ❤️💕💞🇺🇸 TRUMP 2024 TRUMP TRUMP 2024 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Reply

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