Friday, October 04, 2024

Beethoven Concerto SHOWDOWN 🎻 ft. Hilary Hahn, Itzhak Perlman, Clara Jum...

Transcript Intro 0:00 so what makes the BET of andol Certo so 0:02 difficult I mean it's kind of 0:03 universally agreed upon as the ultimate 0:05 s tier conero that makes even solois 0:08 take a deep breath before they play it 0:10 and even made the great composer bronze 0:12 feel inferior I mean look yeah it's a 0:14 difficult piece to pull off but maybe 0:16 not for the reasons you might expect 0:18 technically it's not that difficult but 0:20 actually that makes it even more 0:22 difficult because you can't hide behind 0:24 the usual virtuosity or theatrics and I 0:26 got to admit I don't play this cont as 0:27 much as I do with Mendelson or seal or 0:30 chikovsky so in today's video we're 0:31 going to go through four Great 0:32 Performances of the BET and conto and 0:34 see what we can learn from them all 0:35 right let's begin first of all we have Henryk Szeryng 0:38 what I consider the golden standard of 0:40 bethoven this is by the violinist Henrik 0:43 [Music] 0:58 sharing 1:03 yeah I think in this particular 1:04 interpretation he's definitely more uh 1:08 [Music] 1:12 stoic it's more serious in nature but he 1:15 has a very beautiful tone Harry sharing 1:18 was kind of known to be someone who had 1:19 a lot of actual stage fright he would 1:22 have to drink before he went on stage 1:23 and drink a lot they said that by the 1:26 time he was you know it was during I 1:28 think the intermission of a Rec idle 1:30 like half the bottle of whiskey was gone 1:32 just so that he could function on stage 1:35 this guy here has just down half a 1:37 bottle of whiskey and he's like now 1:39 playing this is is crazy to me let's 1:41 skip 1:41 [Music] 1:58 forward 2:00 [Music] 2:07 he is just such a golden tone you know 2:10 when he plays I remember listening to 2:11 his recordings growing up and I always 2:13 tried to emulate his his golden tone 2:16 I'll try to do it right 2:23 now his tone was different it has that 2:25 piercing quality that shine but then it 2:28 still has this usiness to 2:31 [Music] 2:35 it in one small passage you can already 2:37 hear the differences I'm over this 40 2:39 minute conto it's just exponential all 2:41 right so we're going to just skip 2:42 forward a little 2:46 bit just the end of the first 2:50 [Music] 2:58 movement 3:01 do you hear that sound he's so calm and 3:04 yet within that calmness there is 3:07 something 3:11 [Music] 3:20 there this is one of the most beautiful 3:22 moments in the entire con you know what 3:25 I want to listen to a little bit of the 3:26 second 3:28 movement 3:37 wow do you hear how clear his sound is 3:41 he's definitely not nervous right here 3:43 let me see if I can do 3:45 [Music] 3:49 this and then he goes on the a string 3:51 here just to get a different color 3:53 instead of the bright kind of clear E 3:55 string sound he 3:58 goes 4:02 right it's just to get a little bit more 4:04 resistance that you get on the a string 4:07 as you try to like struggle when you 4:09 struggle through it just a little bit 4:11 but then you obviously you win through 4:13 that struggle that's like just a human 4:15 emotion that everyone can relate with 4:17 and everyone wants you to win that's 4:19 just the ultimate tension and release in 4:22 [Music] 4:28 music 4:35 wow this Clarity is just astounding this 4:39 is being recorded on older equipment 4:41 this is golden it's just magical that he 4:43 has let's go onwards to the next person 4:46 oh this one is one of my favorite uh Itzhak Perlman 4:49 itac Pearlman let's see what you 4:58 got 5:02 [Music] 5:07 I just want to call out here that with 5:08 Pearlman the way that he plays the intro 5:10 is completely different from sharing 5:11 right I don't know he's got the beauty 5:13 and some sort of character that he knows 5:15 if you know you know kind of 5:17 [Music] 5:20 vibe which I love because it allows the 5:23 beginning to then grow to this like top 5:27 G to this note here like I'm want to 5:29 continue 5:30 [Music] 5:43 listening wow whatever I see Pearlman 5:45 it's just always like so funny because 5:47 the violin looks so tiny in his hands 5:49 his hands are so big he's able to make 5:51 this delicate beautiful sound he also 5:54 does this highly risky shift in the 5:57 first three notes of the First theme 6:00 [Music] 6:03 which like I would never do that I 6:05 always do 6:06 the that's kind of what most soloists 6:09 will do but not Perman I mean he is not 6:11 most soloist right here I want to listen 6:13 to a little bit of the second 6:20 movement oh wow he does the same high a 6:23 string shift as 6:28 well 6:34 [Music] 6:37 interesting he's walking more on 6:39 eggshells than sharing you know when 6:41 herck sharing played the second movement 6:43 it was just so there it was just like I 6:46 am here and I'm 6:48 [Music] 6:51 confident you know he played into that 6:54 phrase whereas pearlman's more like okay 6:56 I've got to be really careful here 7:02 I personally prefer Henrik sharing's 7:04 approach in that second movement opening 7:07 I think there's something so open so 7:09 approachable to that as well let's 7:11 listen to a little bit of the third 7:25 movement interesting he's not as bouncy 7:28 as uh the other other interpretation 7:30 that we heard from Harry Sharon he's 7:31 also using more of the lower half of the 7:37 bow I would have expected I don't know 7:40 just from the way he played the opening 7:42 to have a bit more of 7:46 [Music] 7:49 a like have a bit more of like that 7:51 boisterous uh sound in 7:58 him 8:01 but I love the ease in which he plays 8:03 you just enjoy that so much I want to 8:05 skip to the end of the third movements 8:07 cuz the end of the third movement has a 8:08 bit more heaviness and it gives a chance 8:10 like for the soless to really dig deep 8:12 so I want to see Pearlman do 8:13 [Music] 8:23 that this part is really hard it might 8:26 not seem like he's doing much he's just 8:28 like playing detache but in order to get 8:31 that Clarity you have to always start 8:33 the every single note with the same kind 8:35 of 8:38 [Music] 8:40 impulse so that when it goes 8:44 fast it's even clearer I would have to 8:46 actually practice that to be able to do 8:49 on that level of 8:53 clarity 8:57 wow what did you see that he just like 9:01 he just he did this crazy thing on the 9:04 gam that is such a flex I mean usually 9:06 the notes are supposed to be 9:09 like but instead of this he 9:16 goes he just decides to go onto the G 9:20 string just for funsies wait let's just 9:22 let's just see this 9:22 [Music] 9:28 again yeah 9:30 I mean you obviously see that he's 9:31 having so much fun that's what music 9:33 should really be about and I think that 9:34 that is possible right where you can be 9:37 in an environment where everyone's 9:39 friendly everyone's rooting for you they 9:40 want you to succeed and actually that's 9:42 what we do on tonic tonic is this music 9:44 practice app where it turns your 9:45 ordinary lonely solitary practice into 9:48 something that's a shared experience so 9:49 you have musicians from all over the 9:51 world can come together they can 9:52 practice they can meet each other and 9:55 basically just share music so that by 9:57 the time you're on stage it already 9:59 feels like an extension of your practice 10:01 room plus you can also join cool 10:03 community events and win free prizes all 10:05 that kind of fun stuff that makes music 10:07 so enjoyable so if this sounds 10:08 interesting and fun to you definitely go 10:10 check it out it's free you can scan it 10:12 this QR code on my screen or download it 10:14 from the link in my description 10:18 below all right so next up we have a Clara Jumi-Kang 10:20 performance by clar jimy Kang all right 10:22 let's 10:23 [Music] 10:28 see 10:31 [Music] 10:39 so you can tell that from the beginning 10:40 their phrasing goes much more forward 10:43 than I think either it's Hax or or 10:45 Henrik sharings but there's also like 10:47 the serious as well like kind of uh this 10:49 to her sound that she's really putting 10:52 on I'm curious to hear when it gets to 10:53 the main theme what that sounds 10:58 like 11:06 [Music] 11:13 it it's a difficult thing for me to 11:15 think about when I think about okay 11:16 should the performance be about putting 11:18 Boven on a pedestal and making it about 11:20 that or should the performance be more 11:22 about the music contrasting back to 11:23 pearlman's rendition he was just like 11:26 I'll do what I want cuz I'm it's like 11:27 Pearlman right and here we have claraa 11:30 who's like I've got to make sure every 11:31 note is as it should be you've got this 11:34 like sound that 11:35 [Music] 11:38 is it's a little more tense 11:43 right you can tell that a lot of the 11:46 effort is being placed in that I want to 11:48 listen to the second 11:50 [Music] 11:58 movement 12:05 [Music] 12:09 yeah but the second movement is really 12:11 beautiful the way she played it has a 12:13 lot of soul I think she actually played 12:15 it better than Perman if I may say so 12:18 Clara's here she's got know so much 12:20 Beauty in the vibr I think that's like 12:21 where it's all coming 12:22 [Music] 12:25 from she's also got this separation 12:28 between the notes that she's 12:32 doing it kind of gives you this like 12:35 breathlessness in the music that happens Hilary Hahn 12:38 all right for our last performer we have 12:39 none other than Hillary H oh I can't 12:41 wait for this one cuz we were just 12:42 talking about how bethoven doesn't 12:43 require that much technique but yet 12:45 again it's one of the most difficult 12:46 pieces so I'm curious It's like what 12:48 does a Ferrari sound like when it's 12:50 driven like under the speed limit right 12:52 but then it's like it's all about that 12:53 control so I'm curious to hear about 12:55 [Music] 12:58 that 13:03 wow that's a beautiful 13:04 [Music] 13:13 phrase you can tell in her sound she's 13:15 not like trying to 13:17 [Music] 13:28 please 13:30 [Music] 13:37 [Music] 13:38 you know she's just got this amazing 13:40 quality I mean that's really suits this 13:43 particular piece she's not putting it on 13:45 a pedestal she's not like oh I'm I'm 13:47 going to like try to like protect this 13:48 bin doesn't need protection bin just 13:51 needs you to focus and play the right 13:54 notes and the right emotions all right 13:56 so let's go to a slower section remember 13:57 what I said about the Ferrari Drive 13:59 under the speed limit this is going to 14:00 be that let's listen to 14:01 [Music] 14:24 this you know when Hillary plays this 14:27 these like more intimate softer moments 14:30 it's like the same shape she doesn't 14:31 change this shape most other I've seen 14:34 performers what they do is like it 14:36 becomes a different color and it becomes 14:38 like a different 14:40 [Music] 14:45 character but instead Hillary just you 14:48 know it's kind of the same Vibe she 14:52 [Music] 14:58 just 14:59 that's her style of playing which 15:01 actually pulls you in a lot it it gives 15:03 you this almost an uncomfortable feeling 15:06 like it shouldn't be so soft when she's 15:09 playing soft it literally becomes like a 15:11 vacuum the missing part becomes like a 15:13 void a vacuum of space it's not cold 15:17 it's not hot it's just not nothing she 15:19 then just works on this small small bit 15:22 and then it just expands again that's 15:23 pretty cool that's like the best analogy 15:25 I've come up with so far for Hillary's 15:27 playing let me go to the second 15:35 movement yep you hear it again 15:37 [Music] 15:51 here wait she's trilling on a fourth 15:54 finger instead 15:55 [Music] 15:57 of with which is what most you know 16:00 artists do she's 16:02 going and then she's trilling with the 16:08 fourth if you have a really strong pinky 16:10 you can definitely do that 16:16 oh 16:21 nice she's the first musician that we've 16:24 seen today that actually has this 16:27 thicker more boisterous kind of 16:29 feeling it needs to be 16:35 that there we 16:37 go it provides the contrast that we need 16:40 right there between these two 16:42 [Music] 16:44 voices ah there you go thank you Hillary 16:47 thank you for giving me that that 16:48 completes my day well I'm going to go 16:50 practice I was so inspired by these 16:51 performance hopefully you were two and 16:53 if you want to see other performances 16:55 where I go in depth and analyze for the 16:57 Brooke for the mson other contos as well 16:59 definitely go check out these videos 17:01 drop me a line in the comments below if 17:02 there are other performers or 17:04 performances that you'd like me to check 17:05 out and I'll see you in the next video 17:07 or in your practice room on tonic thanks 17:08 for watching 17:14 bye Beethoven Concerto SHOWDOWN 🎻 ft. Hilary Hahn, Itzhak Perlman, Clara Jumi-Kang & Henryk Szeryng Ray Chen 602K subscribers Subscribe 2.7K Share Download Thanks Clip 88,372 views Premiered Apr 16, 2024 Want to level up your playing AND learn from others when you practice music? Join the Tonic community: 🎵 Open to all instruments and levels. Who has the best Beethoven Violin Concerto? I personally love Henryk Szeryng’s GOLDEN tone. In this video I go through what makes the Beethoven Violin Concerto so epic and review 4 soloists and their musical choices they make to best bring forth Beethoven’s S-Tier Concerto 🎵 Let me know if I didn’t cover YOUR favorite performer 🎻 Drop a comment of others who you want me to review! 0:00 - Intro 0:38 - Henryk Szeryng 4:47 - Itzhak Perlman 10:19 - Clara Jumi-Kang 12:38 - Hilary Hahn Chapters View all Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Ray Chen 602K subscribers Videos About Tonic Music | The new way to practice Get Motivated Musically 🎉 267 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Pinned by Ray Chen @RayChenViolinist 5 months ago The best way to learn & develop your playing is to listen to how others practice! You can do that for free on Tonic: 🎵 Give it a try and let me know how you've enjoyed it! 22 Reply 1 reply @kelleyforeman 5 months ago I saw Augustin Hadelich perform this concerto a couple months ago and it was one of the most incredible musical performances I've ever seen in my life! 136 Reply 6 replies @kurufeemo8076 5 months ago It's unbelievable that artists of this caliber such as Ray himself share their superprofessional opinion with us. It's such a blessing, thank you! 30 Reply 1 reply @danastefan8986 5 months ago Until two months ago, I didn't pay attention to classical music, but now I'm fascinated.... and that's only thanks to Ray Chen, who always amazes me. His music is wonderful.🎻❤ 56 Reply 2 replies @TeaseMelissa 5 months ago Hilary's cadenza (this Beethoven concerto - can't remember who arranged it) is out of this world... it is not shown here but the simultaneous voicing with one melody ascending and one descending, interweaving, both crystal clear, is just insane. Her whole Beethoven concerto is of legendary status because it suits her style and skills to the T. Love the other interpretations too but this one goes to Hilary for me. 78 Reply 7 replies @zacarymiguel7127 5 months ago Clara-Jumi Kang's Beethoven led her win multiple international violin competitions while she was still a student. This demonstrates how, despite her age, Clara has developed the maturity to perform this badass concerto and is now living her dream as one of the world's most renowned violinists. Everyone in this video is on top. God bless them and their playing. ❤ Thank you, Ray! 29 Reply 5 replies @PlumberryPuppet 5 months ago I was always so fascinated with Itzhak Perlman as a young kid, I think in part because he always seemed so relaxed and casual while playing the most difficult things perfectly. I think it might have something to do with the fact that his disability means he's always sitting when performing, or the size of his hands. But most people when they play, things look difficult, even if the violinist makes it look like it's easy for them and they are having fun, the piece looks difficult to play. And then when Perlman plays, it's like magic, like he's barely doing anything, just moving his fingers and waving his arms (like he's pretending almost) but then this perfect music comes out with what looks like no effort. 14 Reply 3 replies @robl5455 5 months ago Augustin Hadelich has three videos on YouTube where he describes his interpretations of portions of each movement and the first movement Kreisler cadenza. Great to watch even if you're not a violinist. 6 Reply 1 reply @lattelover5471 5 months ago 9:20: "[Perlman] just decides to go onto the G string ..." I heard a story that, at the start of one concert, a string broke on Perlman's violin. The concertmaster offered his instrument but Perlman shook it off -- and played the entire piece on the remaining strings, re-fingering everything in the moment. Can you even imagine?!? 26 Reply 5 replies @ruxiwang9571 5 months ago your analogy on Hilary's playing is really inspiring for me. probably the most inspiring musical analogy I've ever heard. that's some real deep understanding of music there. 6 Reply @amysinnott3832 5 months ago My daughter is a freshman student at UMass Amherst and she saw your concert yesterday evening, and she said it was the greatest experience of her life. I’m so glad that you were there and she had such a wonderful opportunity. I have encouraged her passion for all music all her life and seeing her truly enjoy it still now gives me great pleasure. 3 Reply @juliabkw 5 months ago (edited) Having listened to violin music for about 45 years and having played the violin (although not to Beethoven-concerto levels) since I was 7, I discovered a whole new order of magnitude when I first heard Clara Jumi-Kang and it hasn't stopped since. The short pieces you clipped from her Beethoven interpretation here leave me with the very same feeling: there's something ethereal about the music that leave her violin, as if each not is floating on some invisible angel's wings into the space of the audience. From a different world. At least for me. 8 Reply 2 replies @blessakim 5 months ago I really enjoy these breakdowns and interpretations of different performances so much. There's so much that goes unnoticed to people like me with an untrained ear so videos like this really help! Thank you for another great video making classical music much more approachable and fun! 3 Reply @NancyM1115 5 months ago As someone with horrible stage fright, if I were to down half a bottle of whiskey I’d be under the table before the performance even started. 112 Reply 11 replies @peggysmith-p5u 5 months ago Ray's videos are so fun to watch! I learn so much; he is always so upbeat and enthusiastic about what he is sharing! The editing is great, and Ray's playing is top tier! 1 Reply @credos97 5 months ago Hilary's first movement cadenza might be the most incredible thing I've ever heard on violin. I've looked for other versions and no one compares ! 4 Reply @GabdeVue 5 months ago Oh - for this concerto, definitely Anne-Sophie Mutter, too, yes. Her interpretation in my eyes is profoundly... "classic" - so strong, musical, confident, completely one with the piece. Absolutely love Hilary Hahn's interpretation, too! Your selection was an absolute delight and loved to listen to your insights! 4 Reply @Bnio 5 months ago Ever since watching Maxim Vengerov’s masterclass on this piece, I have interpreted it as a meditation/celebration of the change of seasons and how it affects a small community. The first movement is spring, second is lazy summer, and the third is the fall harvest. Not sure if that even crossed Beethoven’s mind, but I like it. Listening to that clip of Clara Jumi-Kang’s first movement, I can hear the birds of spring. 4 Reply 1 reply @JasielMartini 5 months ago (edited) I feel like the first 4:50 is just Ray fanboying over Szeryng lol Edit: I saw James Ehnes play this in Raleigh last year and it was fantastic. Dude has insane stage presence. Very juxtaposed to his usual demeanor. Dude walked up looking like a 7th grade history teacher in a tux and played one of the best Beethoven’s I’ve heard live. 29 Reply 2 replies @killerecho 5 months ago I've always been a fan of Szeryng's since hearing his Mozart VCs on the Philips recordings. He had that sublime balance between old school control and expressiveness without over romanticizing. Also, how Perlman is able to maintain such precise intonation with those catcher's mitts is absolutely bonkers. 4 Reply @byron4406 3 months ago Absolutely sublime. One vote goes to Clara jumi kang. 1 Reply @BlackViolinist_ 5 months ago Perlman❤always doing he's magical ease😢❤❤ 9:04 3 Reply @zatherog 5 months ago Violinists will never run out of adjectives to describe someone's playing 😅 19 Reply 1 reply @illusion-c7t 5 months ago Could you please make a video about "A Day in the Life of the World's Famous Violinist - RAY CHEN"....I mean a normal day VLOG for what you do throughout the day (just curious about your daily routine) 17 Reply 1 reply @Light71717 5 months ago I can’t not smile seeing Perlman perform 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 1 Reply @sampolinad 3 months ago Interesting thoughts! Captivating to hear! In one short interview Itzhak Perlman said that he loved the Beethoven concerto, he felt that there is always something to discover. And about the Tchaikovsky he said amongst other things that that concerto was uncomfortable in many spots to play. Always think of how Ludwig van Beethoven upon a remark from someone that something was too difficult to play allegedly had said: "Do you think I care about your wretched violin when the spirit moves me?" haha - one of my personal favourite quotes 2 Reply @juliegill6278 5 months ago My Dad ABSOLUTELY LOVED Beethoven and LOVED this violin concerto!!!!!!!!! His two favourite composers were first of all Beethoven then Sibelius. It HAS to be said it IS AN ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL piece!!!!!!!!!!!. Julie Gill, Glasgow, Scotland. 2 Reply @ItzTiger1217 5 months ago You should definitely do a PAGANINI VIOLIN CONCERTO NO.1 SHOWDOWN!! 2 Reply @jesusmon2060 8 days ago Sceryng, es para mi el mas grande de todos. Como decia Kogan, viendo como toca Sceryng, los demas tocamos como niños a su lado 1 Reply @hojowarf6488 5 months ago Hillary's long phrasing is amazing. Her volume control is absurd. With all the other performers I can hear when they move between strings. When Hillary plays ascending passages especially in these clips I simply can't hear the string crossings. Her tone control is just that even. 65 Reply 2 replies @nealeperl9528 5 months ago Way to go Ray! As a cellist, it’s great to hear a musician at your extraordinary level analyze the interpretation of these great violinists. Btw, my son told me you gave a great recital appearance recently in Carmel, Indiana. Thank you! 1 Reply @danielakbari5637 5 months ago (edited) Perlman is similar, but I still wish you included Heifetz; his first movement is majestic as the king 👑 and his second movement, will it’ll just cut through your heart ♥️ and he plays the third movement very fast, like a dance 💃 6 Reply @adalyman773 5 months ago I adore Hilary’s style. She has such a bold wardrobe that truly reflects her bold playing. Reply @xenasloan6859 3 months ago That slow class otoise themes, spectacularly reticulated in the passionate self-belief of a tiro. And the bonus - he lovingly arranged it as a piano concerto. Joy!! Reply @NgocAnhNguyen-1501 5 months ago Every time I feel weak, I go find Ray videos to recharge myself. I wish I could have 1/10 of his strength. 😭 1 Reply @jh.y00N 5 months ago Professor Ray is here! 🥇👑✨🫶🏻💯🫰🏻😻 10 Reply @EverGreenElephant 5 months ago My first encounter with this concerto was Perlman, so I'm very fond of his interpretation. It were the days when youtube allowed no videos longer than 10 minutes, so I downloaded all the files and lumped them together in an editor, just to find out that the last video was a few Hz higher pitched than the rest (for whatever reason). 1 Reply 1 reply @trs9295 5 months ago Perlman ❤️ I love his interpretation, his sound and his way to enjoy it ❤️ 1 Reply @fredkiana1972 1 month ago I like Hillary Hans, the most. This and The Four Seasons are my favorite works for the violin. I have never played an instrument, but I love classical music. When people ask me who my favorite musician is, I always answer by saying the king of music, Beethoven. I love this piece and I think I listen to it at least 100 times and I don’t get sick of it. Reply @hlarjay7503 5 months ago Dealing with stage fright: Chronic alcoholism👎 Tonic👍 5 Reply @SkunkworksProps 5 months ago Perlman's opening felt very playful, a definite contrast to Szeryng. I hope Clara Jumi-Kang gets a little more recognition as well, I saw her play Sibelius a while back and it was incredible. 4 Reply 3 replies @susanbryant6516 5 months ago Thanks, Ray, I really enjoy these type of videos, and they really help me LISTEN and HEAR the performances better 2 Reply @christinejoyabenoja4020 5 months ago (edited) GO RAY! YA GOT THIS! 👏🎖✨️ We're here to support you no matter what ❤ 4 Reply @clemmteetonball11 3 months ago Just by this (now legendary) performance alone I'm convinced that Hilary is one of our age's supreme Beethovenians of any instrument. She is my go-to violinist for the Beethoven concerto. Reply @hi28 5 months ago (edited) "Beethoven doesnt need protection" -Ray Chen 15 Reply @jenvogue5005 5 months ago Itzak Perlman, Ray Chen, Hilary Hahn, Henryk Szeryng all need to take vibrato lesson from Clara-Jumi Kang..... no one can replicate the ethereal quality of her Beethoven!!!! She is the only one featured in this video that doesn't have a wobbly vibrato. 2 Reply @prunesquallor3444 4 months ago I’ve always been amazed, and amused by noted performers talking about stage fright. Just knowing these talented men and women experienced stage fright like me helped me pass the jury exams so I could study classical guitar at a primo college. Reply @hojowarf6488 5 months ago Szeryng has such an intimate tone. It's like you can hear each grain of rosin as it scrapes the string. I don't know what violin he is using, apparently he had many. But I don't think you or Perlman could replicate it with your sweet, resonant Strads. Those instruments resonate so fully that the sound coming from the wood overwhelms the rosin on string sound he gets. 6 Reply 1 reply @chia_s_ee_d 5 months ago HILARY FOR THE WIN!!! Always my fave ❤ 8 Reply 1 reply @ioana938 5 months ago (edited) Perlman's ligtness is his magic superpower... This concert really showcases it. It might not be everyone's cup, but I am just so amazed when i get to hear how light and resonant his bow can play... I forget any other considerations... Maybe do a Vivaldi violin concerto other than the 4 Seasons, or Mozart (5th?) comparison next, definitely including him! Reply @susiesunbeam 5 months ago That preview of Ray.. Stunning. Just.. 🤯 Mesmerising. 💕 6 Reply @johnlam7036 5 months ago Great work, Ray. Enjoy and learn so much 1 Reply @JuhoWon 3 months ago I've always really loved Perman's Beethoven. Reply @emilioroderburg5418 5 months ago Hi Ray, another fantastic new video. Could you perhaps record a video in Cremona (Italy) at the violin museum? I would be very interested in this 👍 4 Reply @Highlander515 5 months ago Thanks Ray for another in-depth analysis of these artists' interpretations. I would never have noticed anything different between them without these insightful videos. Reply @Tennisisreallyfun 3 months ago (edited) Perlman with the Kreisler cadenza. This is the standard I try to emulate every time I perform this concerto, and perhaps the most perfect cadenza I have ever heard for any concerto ever!!! Oh, and that shift you were talking about at 6:00, that glissando is everything to me, I can't help but play it🤩 Reply @Ahmaddakheel5 5 months ago You're my favorite violinist in the world, Ray! 1 Reply 1 reply @BB-io2ue 5 months ago I love Seryng's playing from I was a child. In this video he is really old(he died with 69), and he was alcoholic, but in the 60's there is a recording playing Beethoven with the conductor Hans Schmidt Isserstedt(with Joachim's cadenza) that I hear dozen of times and it was amazing. 1 Reply 2 replies @PatchCR 5 months ago (edited) Frank Peter Zimmermann has a recording that blows me away 20 years after I first checked it out of the library. In particular the voicing he does during the first cadenza will always be one of my favorite moments in violin repertoire. Reply @worgle123 5 months ago (edited) Finally, I'm here for a premiere!!!!!!!!! 3 Reply 1 reply @andrewknippenberg761 5 months ago I’ve been waiting for this video since you started this series! Reply @Ilcannone1743aficionado 4 months ago Great favorite H. Szeryng I saw him performing in Mexico City when I was a kid...definitely one of the best.... Reply @ForceOfPhoenixx 5 months ago Yay! It’s Beethoven’s Violin Concerto! ❤❤❤ Reply @michaelayers3998 5 months ago Absolutely love Hilary, but my all-time favorite is Heifetz. His Beethoven is simply breathtaking. Reply @zevelgamer. 5 months ago You should get an intreview with Itzhak Perlman 2 Reply @和子長谷川 5 months ago 今夜もVideo楽しみです、しびれる演奏、期待しかありません、🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤🎉 1 Reply @juliancardenas4474 5 months ago Ray! Please publish a violin show pieces tier list 🎻🙏🏼👏🏼 it would be very helpful to have your views! Thanks! 1 Reply 1 reply @dingaia 5 months ago Hillary just hits different 1 Reply @righthyunho 4 months ago I love Kyung Wha Chung’s rendition too Reply @bogumiauczak8018 5 months ago Ray, You play is magic! 🌹❤️ 2 Reply @cinderella84100 5 months ago Anne-Sophie Mutter & Karajan ➡️golden standard! 3 Reply @oiarasilva5790 4 months ago I love watching you play. Reply @e2pii213 5 months ago (edited) Probaly I am the oldest one here, so for me: Menuhin is the most memorable. (I am old enought to have the blessing to hear him and many other oldies live.) Reply @noahyes 2 months ago (edited) ive been very fortunate to have witnessed a lot of great things, but high up on the list is the time i saw perlman play this piece with orpheus at carnegie hall. this was around '00-'01, so perlman was still in his prime. it felt like a religious experience. when i was a student i also played that 2nd inversion D major arpeggio starting in 6th position, but after seeing him do it in that performance i switched to his fingering, and now i cant imagine playing it any other way. it makes a lot of sense. its much more tonally consistent to keep it all on the e string (can you imagine playing the opening of mendelssohn in 6th position? same deal, right?), plus you gotta love those ringing overtones that you can only get from the e string...and also i always hear the string crossing when the solist starts the phrase in 6th position. which is not ideal imo for the phrasing in this passage. thanks again for another fun and insightful video! more perlman please! his live shostakovich with the IPO is one of my favorite recordings of all time. maybe shostakovich next? Reply @torsteinmikkelsen1508 5 months ago Would also love to hear your take on Oistrakh's interpretation 1 Reply 1 reply @belmon38 5 months ago Clara Jumi Szeryng Perlman H.H 1 Reply @alhfgsp 4 months ago I'm surprised David Oistrakh was not included in this lineup. This concerto was one of his signature pieces. Reply @RobertFallon 4 months ago @Ray, I really appreciate your videos that discuss different masterful performances. I would love, however, to have you speak a little more about the process of arriving at an interpretation from the perspective of a virtuoso. Being a musicologist, I would like to hear some acknowledgement of Beethoven’s stylistic periods, or his biography, or why he wrote this concerto, or what genres (opera, marches, hunting topos, etc)—anything beyond the typically technique-oriented perspective of bow speed, vibrato, phrasing, etc, that you talk about that can give the piece meaning, a narrative, coherence, and vision. Reply @valappleby9960 5 months ago I just loved this video!! Thank you!!! Reply @BeyGraziani 5 months ago Hilary Hahn is my forever favorite one. Her playing is beyond awesome. Everything she plays pleases my ears so much. Reply @jyhshyonglin9793 2 months ago Perlman plays with ease and intensity. Reply @christu8148 5 months ago I'm interested in those coffee gadgets & machines XD 1 Reply @bryophyta9500 5 months ago I like Hilary's third movement. Also, you should review Janine Jansen's recording, it is one of my favourites. Reply @rjkbuny 5 months ago I almost thought Ray was going to say "within that calmness there was half a bottle of whiskey" Reply @Coolguy-ge3qx 4 months ago (edited) Henryk Szeryng should be the best ever with Bernard Haitink conducting Concertgebow Orchestra to perform Beethoven's Violin Concerto. Reply @thevector384 5 months ago You should also include Patricia kopatchinskaja performance as well 🔥🔥🔥🔥 1 Reply @hashdankhog8578 5 months ago I saw james ehnes perform this a while back, he held a qna afterward and I was able to ask a question on what the most difficult part was, he said that its super easy to play but playing it well is impossible 1 Reply @cedricpicard297 4 months ago Shoutout to the espresso setup! Collab with James Hoffmann when? Reply @sangue-di-drago 5 months ago Beethoven’s one is my lifetime etude. Reply @chriss6356 5 months ago Itzhak got that "Orange Drink, IYKY" vibe Reply @briannafrancis6410 5 months ago I would love to hear you play this concerto one day, Ray. Reply @pie3566 5 months ago I love your programs Ray. Regards from Chile. Reply @harryedwardlawrence598 1 month ago Beethoven violín concerto: always David Oistrakh Reply @Sarcalamu-cm7jk 5 months ago Next can you do Dvorak Violin Concerto Showdown? 1 Reply @jasonguo6513 5 months ago Great video❤Great coffee station setup! Reply @PepGuard-tp4ny 5 months ago Beautiful sounds. Thank you. Reply @Mrprince-tu9hv 3 months ago You should do a vid like this for the first Shostakovich violin concerto Reply @sabrinai 5 months ago Szering should have pracitised with tonic! Reply @Tweeteketje 5 months ago I like Janine Jansen's recording very much! Reply @oiarasilva5790 5 months ago Ray es um sucesso, como dizes e magico.tancks. Reply @Kerry-i4s 5 months ago Ray you should check out Roman Kim's violin concerto! (3rd movement is absolutely amazing) Note: only 2nd and 3rd movement have live screen- Reply @jelenakatic1778 5 months ago Now do Maxim Vengerov only, when he was 19, 27 and 47 😉🙏🏻 1 Reply 1 reply @zack_getlucky7133 4 months ago Besides these great artists, I really enjoyed your such good performance a lot even though only few part of it😂 Reply @diviajar1411 4 months ago Please, do a Shlomo Mintz! And Hadelich! And Ida Haendel! Reply @popitoto 5 months ago I heard Anne Sophie-Mutter,a recent video and is well lyrical,maybe a little too much but so beautiful sound and colour Reply @Al-gv5uw 5 months ago Szeryng is caring 1 Reply 1 reply @agatafurczyk9149 5 months ago I've listened to these recordings by Itzhak Perlman and Hilary Hahn before, but now I'll definitely check out Clara-Jumi Kang's and Henryk Szeryng's too. But I know for certain what kind of lesson I'm not going to internalize: Forget violin playing... I would topple over after a half of the first glass of Szeryng's stage-fright-dealing-method! 😂 Reply @m.barrera7273 5 months ago @Ray Chen and you'll be here in Detroit with the DSO in the 24-25 Season! 1 Reply @4ndreLuiz 5 months ago Muito interessante o vídeo. Fiquei com uma curiosidade. Você já conhecia as peças ou conseguiu reproduzir apenas ouvindo os trechos dos vídeos? 1 Reply 1 reply @fool3087 5 months ago Do a Tchaikovsky part 2 with Timothy Chooi 1 Reply @narayans3364 5 months ago (edited) Yaaa I’m excited ❤❤🎉 I love to listen to people nerding over violins and classical music I do it all the time lol btw Ray do u actually reply to comments ? Because I wanted to ask u if u could do more studios on tonic I love listening to u play Reply 1 reply @davidbrickman4880 5 months ago Milstein/Steinberg/Pittsburgh Reply @gyddeonkwan2479 5 months ago Ray You played this on 2 set violin! Reply @peterbaxter8151 5 months ago I still prefer Perlamn’s performance to Szeryng. When I hear his performance it seems to define how it should be played. Reply @Luguanyu307 5 months ago Ray if you haven't, PLEASE CHECK OUT ROMAN KIM, MAYBE EVEN MAKE A REACTION VIDEO ON HIM. HE IS BEYOND HUMAN. (particularly with the Beethoven 5) Reply @dehanbadenhorst1398 5 months ago Great video! Just a heads up, the chapters of the video show the wrong names😅 1 Reply @evasuh7978 5 months ago Can you please review a Beethoven performance by Julia Fischer/Anne -Sophie Mutter as well? They played Beethoven so many times, and also would be interesting from your perspective to see if a German musician playing German composer would also be recognizable from an interpretation perspective. Reply @lad4694 5 months ago Itz-TECH Perlman Reply @SmithBeatZ1 5 months ago Ray, I've been watching tons of your content lately. Why do you have an accent in some and not in others? Thanks! 1 Reply 1 reply @jackchenqinyao 5 months ago 🎉 love your video! How abt doing a video on Henri Vieuxtemps violin concerto no.4 in D minor op 31, Adagio religioso.I am learning that now and have been hearing Hillary Hahn’s version. Would like to hear your views😊 Reply @NH-zh8mp 4 months ago Hilary Hahn vs Clara Jumi Kang, who is better ? 1 Reply 1 reply @adriendecroy7254 5 months ago Szeryng is fantastic, but Oistrakh is next level. Reply @g02999 5 months ago 這一首比較喜歡Itzhak perlman的感覺,自然的情感流露 Reply @sadhbhdelahunt 5 months ago Isak's playing is very playful. I feel he speaks easily on the violin, like Hillary Han Reply 1 reply @xoo2905 5 months ago Do Emmanuel Tjeknavorian🗿 1 Reply @yhkee1 5 months ago 레이첸은 연주자 첫 음만 들어봐도 그 바이올리니스트의 보잉 실력을 바로 알아볼 겁니다 그게 중요하죠~ Reply @r3adrpro811 5 months ago (edited) I heard Perlman at a performance of the concerto with the NY Philharmonic years ago and he told the audience that when he got to the third movement, his wife would stop holding her breath and start singing "Thank God, it's over. Thank God, it's over. Thank God, Thank God. It's over at last." I cannot hear the movement without singing it myself.😂 1 Reply @dorgeshuun 5 months ago Not sure you need all those animations. 4 Reply @davidejin57 5 months ago Please review David oistrakh's Beethoven violin concerto. Reply @RichardCarter-y4m 5 months ago I wonder, how much of the differences is caused by the musician getting the best sound out of their violin?Not all of it course, probably it is the lesser part of the factors involved. Reply @masonwelty8058 4 months ago Hilary the queen of pinky. Reply @Saserca 5 months ago (edited) Hy Ray thanks for your videos, can you maybe do a video of Gipsy music on high level violin or whatever? Cheers!! Reply @twarg16 5 months ago Need more Vengerov! Reply @pie3566 5 months ago Please analize Prokofiev's violin concerto 1 Reply @alizihnikutlar2593 5 months ago I prefer G.Kremer's performance with Schinitke's cadenzas. Reply @NanaMizuguchi 5 months ago love your channel. You must love coffee as well. Reply @wgjkbddhj-id8bc 4 months ago do brahms next plz Reply @filippreidl4117 1 month ago Pleas make Wieniawski Showdown ❤❤ Reply @BlackHermit 5 months ago What are all these dots on the whiteboard in the background? 1 Reply @ilikeakeyboard 5 months ago Guess ill wake up before 6 am to see this! Reply @marinalopez9765 5 months ago Sublime ❤❤❤ Reply @Saserca 5 months ago Hy Ray can you please review the Red Violin Movie? Cheers Reply @douglasoh9431 5 months ago Kogan 1977 Reply @knightbeast6047 5 months ago Review Emmanuel Tjeknavorian!!!!!! Reply @Jusecadi74 5 months ago Szeryng ❤ Reply @mattheuspereira8576 5 months ago What about María Dueñas? Reply @rachidvanheyningen 1 month ago I think a lot of the vocabulary musicians use when doing things like this, is a product of what they see and what they expect to hear and not what they actually hear.. I bet his descriptions would have been much different if this was a blinded and rating unknown musicians Reply @pietrosucato266 5 months ago Pls Mendelssohn next 🙏🏻 Reply 1 reply @sarahraven2876 2 months ago These are all fantastic performances. In my opinion, no Beethoven showdown is complete without the incomparable Anne-Sophie Mutter. One friend once referred to her interpretation as "the holy of holies." Exactly. Even her recording made when she was 16 or 17, however old she was, reached pinnacles of the profound. Reply 2 replies @oiarasilva5790 4 months ago I love you.may friend ❤❤❤❤ Reply @PotatoLover18 5 months ago 👏👏👏 1 Reply @alfredwegener9813 5 months ago 2:48 isn’t that phrase in the second movement? 1 Reply 1 reply @jogisitanggang5913 5 months ago Can u react to roman kim performance 1 Reply @shannonmoro401 5 months ago Will be fun Reply @cathyh8501 5 months ago What’s Ray’s take on Anne Sophie Mutter’s rendition? Reply @richardhendyindonesiaviolinist 5 months ago Maybe Ray Chen Could Become Professional Violinist too Like Hillary Han -- Reply @lukyberiol2942 5 months ago Finally Reply @gae11e 5 months ago (edited) Come on !!!!! You didn't pick up the BEST : Janine Jansen !!!! 🥰🥰🥰 To me, she plays it just perfectly, every note, every movement. But in your selection, I'm team Perlman, no hesitation. Reply @JhonLuna07 5 months ago What string did you use Reply @KennyWong-yd6hn 3 months ago Heifetz’s Beethoven is the best Reply @vartolomei55 3 months ago Augustin Hadelich ? Reply @peterwu8471 5 months ago Come on violas..... make it happen Reply @olgamozera619 1 month ago hand-pink-wavinghand-pink-wavinghand-pink-wavinghand-purple-blue-peacehand-purple-blue-peacehand-purple-blue-peace Reply @amandas.6500 5 months ago Henryk resembles Frank Sinatra, just a little bit. 1 Reply @johannaglory 5 months ago It's probably the Holy Spirit anointing on him Reply @halohack789 5 months ago I can play so much better after drinking. I sound like a different violinist. Reply @markanthonychao2912 5 months ago Leonid Kogan… Reply @TrinkBruder 5 months ago Perlman is effortless. His rendition makes it seem easy. You are missing the point 🙃 Reply @noormartin3374 5 months ago 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 1 Reply @violinistawhynot5282 5 months ago Manca Oistrach. Reply @Artist-c7n 5 months ago Why always the same violinists? Besides Hilary and Perlman there are plenty of brilliant violinists. Kogan, Grumiaux, Accardo, etc. Reply @daniellem6933 5 months ago 🥵🔥🔥🔥 Reply @M_SC 5 months ago Prefer Perlman Reply @rkive..king7 5 months ago I think it's the same song he played at the airport .I do not know maybe Reply @annamariacabras837 5 months ago ❤🥵🥶😵‍💫😵🤯 Reply @linglingjourney 5 months ago Hey Ray when you make your next video can you please show us pieces that WE can play...we dont have your skill and talent so please think about US NOT YOU (sorry if I sound rude im not trying to be rude) 15 Reply 6 replies @user-ju7ru2pk6f 5 months ago You can't emulate it. Sorry. Reply 1 reply @ThomasTVP 5 months ago Maybe after half a bottle of booze you'd be calm enough, too. 😉 Reply

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