Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Protein synthesis animation

Protein synthesis animation REDMEDBD 42.1K subscribers Subscribe 61K Share Download Thanks Clip 2,322,023 views May 27, 2019 #Animation #ProteinBiosynthesis #ProteinSynthesis Four videos combined in a single video to make it easy to understand protein synthesis in a living cell. It is indeed a very complex process. Only reading texts often isn't enough for better understanding of the topic. #ProteinBiosynthesis #ProteinSynthesis video 1. • From DNA to protein - 3D 0:00 video 2. • Video 2:55 video 3. • Video 8:42 video 4. • mRNA Translation (Advanced) 16:02 #ProteinSynthesis #Animation Chapters View all Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Transcript Search in video video 1. 0:17 here is a cell the basic unit of all 0:20 living tissue in most human cells there 0:24 is a structure called the nucleus the 0:28 nucleus contains the genome in humans 0:31 the genome is split between 23 pairs of 0:34 chromosomes each chromosome contains a 0:39 long strand of DNA tightly packaged 0:41 around proteins called histones within 0:47 the DNA are sections called genes these 0:51 genes contain the instructions for 0:53 making proteins when a gene is switched 0:58 on an enzyme called RNA polymerase 1:00 attaches to the start of the gene it 1:04 moves along the DNA making a strand of 1:07 messenger RNA out of free bases in the 1:10 nucleus the DNA code determines the 1:14 order in which the free bases are added 1:16 to the messenger RNA this process is 1:20 called transcription 1:26 before the messenger RNA can be used as 1:29 a template for the production of 1:31 proteins it needs to be processed this 1:35 involves removing and adding sections of 1:37 RNA the messenger RNA then moves out of 1:43 the nucleus into the cytoplasm protein 1:52 factories in the cytoplasm called 1:54 ribosomes bind to the messenger RNA the 1:59 ribosome reads the code in the messenger 2:01 RNA to produce a chain made up of amino 2:04 acids there are 20 different types of 2:08 amino acid transfer RNA molecules carry 2:12 the amino acids to the ribosome the 2:17 messenger RNA is read 3 bases at a time 2:20 as each triplet is read a transfer RNA 2:24 delivers the corresponding amino acid 2:29 this is added to a growing chain of 2:32 amino acids once the last amino acid has 2:39 been added the chain folds into a 2:42 complex 3d shape to form the protein 2:53 you video 2. 2:58 protein synthesis translation inside the 3:04 body the process of translation occurs 3:06 within every single cell each cell has a 3:10 nucleus after transcription mRNAs move 3:16 out of the nucleus and enter the 3:18 cytoplasm this mRNA strand acts as a 3:24 template for protein synthesis present 3:28 in the cytoplasm is an enzyme amino acyl 3:31 tRNA synthetase the enzyme macro 3:35 molecule has two binding sites one site 3:38 recognizes the amino acid methionine 3:42 this is followed by the binding of the 3:45 ATP molecule and release of 3:49 pyrophosphate resulting in activation of 3:54 amino acid finally the tRNA and the 4:01 activated amino acid bind together this 4:08 amino acyl ated tRNA is known as met 4:12 tRNA and is released from the enzyme 4:16 this marks the commencement of first 4:18 stage of protein synthesis the 4:20 initiation stage during the eighth 4:25 initiation stage a small subunit of a 4:28 ribosome binds to the mRNA strand the 4:34 mRNA strand is made up of codons which 4:37 are sequences of 3 bases then the 4:41 ribosome subunit moves along the mRNA in 4:44 five prime to three prime direction 4:47 until it recognizes the Aug codon or the 4:51 initiation codon 4:53 at this point net tRNA possessing the 4:58 anticodon UAC pairs up with the Aug 5:01 codon of the M RNA then a large subunit 5:07 of ribosome combines with a small 5:09 ribosomal subunits the lab subunit shows 5:14 three sides the acceptor site or the a 5:18 site v dial site or the P site the exit 5:23 site or the e site this whole unit forms 5:27 the initiation complex this is followed 5:31 by the elongation stage during this 5:36 stage another tRNA carrying molecule of 5:39 an amino acid approaches the M RNA 5:42 ribosome complex and fits in the a site 5:46 then a bond is formed between methionine 5:49 and the amino acid molecule on the tRNA 5:53 as a result met tRNA becomes d isolated 5:58 the ribosome then advances a distance of 6:01 one codon and the D isolated tRNA shifts 6:05 to the east side from where it 6:06 dissociates meanwhile another tRNA 6:12 carrying an amino acid molecule attaches 6:15 to the a site this is followed by the 6:20 binding of the amino acid molecules 6:23 [Music] 6:25 repetition of this process leads to the 6:28 formation of an amino acid chain 6:31 this event is called elongation finally 6:40 when the UAG codon or the stop codon 6:43 reaches the a site elongation is 6:45 terminated termination is the last stage 6:49 of protein synthesis the chain of amino 6:53 acid molecules is released from the 6:56 ribosome this released amino acid chain 7:00 is the protein and this part of protein 7:03 synthesis is known as translation then 7:09 the tRNA detaches from the mRNA ribosome 7:15 detaches and dissociates into its small 7:18 and large subunits 7:23 summary protein synthesis shows that the 7:27 first stage involves the binding of met 7:29 tRNA to M RNA and the small subunit of 7:33 the ribosome the larger subunit of 7:36 ribosome then combines with a small 7:39 subunit second stage is the elongation 7:44 stage in this stage the incoming amino 7:50 acyl tRNA fits in the a site then a bond 7:55 is formed between methionine and the 7:57 amino acid molecule on the tRNA the 8:03 process is repeated until a chain of 8:05 amino acid molecules is formed the last 8:10 stage of protein synthesis is the 8:12 termination stage when the ribosome 8:15 reaches the stop codon you AG elongation 8:19 stops and the newly formed a minor acid 8:21 chain which is the protein macro 8:23 molecule detaches from the ribosome 8:31 subsequently ribosomal subunits along 8:34 with the tRNA dissociate from the M RNA video 3. 8:43 in order for our bodies to function we 8:46 need to supply them with a variety of 8:48 nutrients we get from our diet 8:51 our bodies cannot use the food as it is 8:54 when it enters our digestive system the 8:56 process of chemical digestion uses 8:59 different proteins and enzymes to break 9:02 down the food particles into usable 9:04 nutrients our cells can absorb 9:07 and where are the instructions to 9:09 manufacture these and all the different 9:11 types of proteins we need to stay alive 9:13 the instructions to make proteins are 9:16 contained in our DNA DNA contains genes 9:20 a gene is a continuous string of 9:23 nucleotides containing a region that 9:25 codes for an RNA molecule this region 9:29 begins with a promoter and ends in a 9:32 terminator genes also contain regulatory 9:35 sequences that can be found near the 9:37 promoter or at a more distant location 9:40 for some genes the encoded RNA is used 9:44 to synthesize a protein in a process 9:46 called gene expression for these genes 9:49 expression can be divided into two 9:52 processes transcription and translation 9:55 in eukaryotic cells transcription occurs 9:59 in the nucleus where DNA is used as a 10:03 template to make messenger RNA then in 10:06 translation which occurs in the 10:08 cytoplasm of the cell 10:10 the information contained in the 10:12 messenger RNA is used to make a 10:15 polypeptide 10:17 during transcription the DNA in the gene 10:20 is used as a template to make a 10:21 messenger RNA strand with the help of 10:24 the enzyme RNA polymerase this process 10:28 occurs in three stages initiation 10:31 elongation and termination during 10:35 initiation the promoter region of the 10:38 gene functions as a recognition site for 10:40 RNA polymerase to bind this is where the 10:44 majority of gene expression is 10:46 controlled by either permitting or 10:48 blocking access to this site by the RNA 10:51 polymerase binding causes the DNA double 10:54 helix to unwind and open then during 10:58 elongation the RNA polymerase slides 11:01 along the template DNA strand 11:04 as the complementary bases pair up the 11:07 RNA polymerase links nucleotides to the 11:10 3 prime end of the growing RNA molecule 11:15 once the RNA polymerase reaches the 11:18 terminator portion of the gene the 11:20 messenger RNA transcript is complete and 11:23 the RNA polymerase the DNA strand and 11:26 the messenger RNA transcript dissociate 11:29 from each other 11:32 the strand of messenger RNA that is made 11:35 during transcription includes regions 11:37 called 11:38 exons that code for a protein and 11:40 non-coding sections called introns in 11:44 order for the messenger RNA to be used 11:46 in translation the non-coding introns 11:49 need to be removed and modifications 11:52 such as a five prime cap and a 3 prime 11:55 poly a tail are added this process is 12:00 called introns splicing and is performed 12:03 by a complex made up of proteins and RNA 12:06 called a spliceosome 12:09 this complex removes the intron segments 12:12 and joins the adjacent exons to produce 12:14 a mature messenger RNA strand that can 12:17 leave the nucleus through a nuclear pore 12:19 and enter the cytoplasm to begin 12:22 translation 12:25 how is the information in the mature 12:28 messenger RNA strand translated into a 12:30 protein the nitrogenous bases are 12:33 grouped into three letter codes called 12:35 codons 12:38 the genetic code includes 64 codons most 12:42 codons code for specific amino acids 12:46 there are four special codons one that 12:49 codes for start and three that code for 12:51 stop 12:53 translation begins with the messenger 12:56 RNA strand binding to the small 12:58 ribosomal subunit upstream of the start 13:01 codon each amino acid is brought to the 13:04 ribosome by a specific transfer RNA 13:07 molecule the type of amino acid is 13:11 determined by the anticodon sequence of 13:13 the transfer RNA 13:16 complementary base pairing occurs 13:18 between the codon of the messenger RNA 13:21 and the anticodon of the transfer RNA 13:26 after the initiator transfer RNA 13:29 molecule binds to the start codon the 13:31 large ribosomal subunit binds to form 13:34 the translation complex and initiation 13:37 is complete 13:39 in the large ribosomal subunit there are 13:42 three distinct regions called the e P 13:46 and a sites 13:49 during elongation individual amino acids 13:52 are brought to the messenger RNA strand 13:55 by a transfer RNA molecule through 13:58 complementary base pairing of the codons 14:00 and anticodons each Eddie codon of a 14:04 transfer RNA molecule corresponds to a 14:07 particular amino acid 14:11 a charged transfer RNA molecule binds to 14:14 the a site and a peptide bond forms 14:17 between its amino acid and the one 14:19 attached to the transfer RNA molecule at 14:21 the P site 14:24 the complex slides down one codon to the 14:27 right where the now uncharged transfer 14:30 RNA molecule exits from the e site and 14:32 the a site is open to accept the next 14:35 transfer RNA molecule 14:39 elongation will continue until a stop 14:41 codon is reached 14:47 a release factor binds to the a site at 14:50 a stop codon and the polypeptide is 14:52 released from the transfer RNA in the P 14:55 site the entire complex dissociates and 14:59 can reassemble to begin the process 15:01 again at initiation the purpose of 15:04 translation is to produce polypeptides 15:07 quickly and accurately 15:09 after dissociation the polypeptide may 15:13 need to be modified before it is ready 15:15 to function 15:17 modifications take place in different 15:19 organelles for different proteins 15:22 in order for a digestive enzyme to be 15:25 secreted into the stomach or intestines 15:27 the polypeptide is translated into the 15:30 endoplasmic reticulum 15:32 modified as it passes through the Golgi 15:35 then secreted using a vesicle through 15:38 the plasma membrane of the cell into the 15:41 lumen of the digestive tract 15:45 proteins are needed for most 15:47 physiological functions of the body to 15:49 occur properly such as breaking down 15:52 food particles in digestion and the 15:54 processes of transcription and 15:56 translation make the production of 15:58 proteins possible video 4. 16:04 the job of this mRNA is to carry the 16:07 genes message from the DNA out of the 16:10 nucleus to a ribosome for production of 16:13 the particular protein that this gene 16:15 codes for there can be several million 16:19 ribosomes in a typical eukaryotic cell 16:24 these complex catalytic machines use the 16:27 mRNA copy of the genetic information to 16:30 assemble amino acid building blocks into 16:32 the three-dimensional proteins that are 16:34 essential for life let's see how it 16:38 works the ribosome is composed of one 16:42 large and one small subunit that 16:44 assemble around the messenger RNA which 16:47 then passes through the ribosome like a 16:50 computer tape 16:53 the amino acid building blocks that's 16:56 the small glowing red molecules are 16:58 carried into the ribosome attached to 17:01 specific transfer RNAs that's the larger 17:05 green molecules also referred to as tRNA 17:09 the small subunit of the ribosome 17:12 positions the mRNA so that it can be 17:15 read in groups of three letters known as 17:17 a codon each codon on the MRNA matches a 17:22 corresponding anticodon on the base of a 17:25 transfer RNA molecule the larger subunit 17:30 of the ribosome removes each amino acid 17:32 and joins it onto the growing protein 17:35 chain as the mRNA is ratcheted through 17:41 the ribosome the mRNA sequence is 17:44 translated into an amino acid sequence 17:48 there are three locations inside the 17:51 ribosome designated the a site the P 17:55 site and the e site the addition of each 18:01 amino acid is a three step cycle first 18:05 the tRNA enters the ribosome at the a 18:08 site and is tested for a codon anticodon 18:11 match with the mRNA next provided there 18:17 is a correct match the tRNA is shifted 18:20 to the P site and the amino acid it 18:22 carries is added to the end of the amino 18:24 acid chain the mRNA is also ratcheted on 18:29 three nucleotides or one codon thirdly 18:34 the spent tRNA is moved to the east side 18:37 and then ejected from the ribosome to be 18:39 recycled as the protein synthesis 18:44 proceeds the finished chain emerges from 18:47 the ribosome it folds up into a precise 18:50 shape determined by the exact order of 18:52 amino acids thus the central dogma 18:56 explains how the four-letter DNA code is 18:58 quite literally turned into flesh and 19:01 blood 19:05 you REDMEDBD 42.1K subscribers Videos About twitter facebook 5:35 Hematopoiesis | Hematology |Watch how blood cells are made inside the body | redmedbd by REDMEDBD 1:18:15 Embryology animation fertilization to development of the nervous system everything in one place. by REDMEDBD 20:47 Watch how modern machines fix your damaged blood vessels! - Redmedbd by REDMEDBD 11:59 They're so tiny but they're everywhere!! by REDMEDBD 1,253 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @mylesleggette7520 1 year ago I always find the comments on videos like these fascinating. These are all of the same diagrams that were in Freshmen Biology textbooks I used in high school, just animated. I watch them now as an adult and think they're nothing special, but so many people comment on how seeing it in motion makes all the difference in being able to understand and engage with it. I've always been the same way, but about mathematical concepts - I can look at numbers on a page and it's all gibberish until I see the concepts applied to a live example, but some people can easily visualize complex math concepts purely in their mind without effort. It's truly incredible how differently people's minds work! 11 Reply @kaushaltrigunait1764 3 years ago I’m having 40 years teaching experience behind me but I loved the video. It’s one of the best animated material of its kind. 1.3K Reply 12 replies @wilhelmmeyer89 1 year ago Some 40 years ago I had a talk with a biochemist. We did not talk about protein synthesis. We talked and the capabilities of nature and humans. The question came up What did humans invent that was not invented by nature already. She mentioned the zipper. Here we see that the zipper in a much more complicated way was invented by nature some billion years, of course for different purpose. This video contains very good animations. It does not expain everything, for example, how the cell is informed that it has to produce a certain protein. Overall, this video is information and education at a high level. 4 Reply @kushwanthdakka1513 4 years ago (edited) finally i found the detailed and satisified video about protein synthesis....thank you so much.. 240 Reply @Ex-expat 2 years ago Explained so even a mechanical engineer understands it! The biological programming is just mind blowing, not to mention the machines the programs are building. That the failure rate (illnesses) are not more frequent also is just fantastic. Well done 🤙 228 Reply 6 replies @BenbiMucizeDoktor 8 months ago There must undoubtedly be a Creator for these wonderful and complex things 7 Reply @oleggold 1 year ago This is insane. 20 years ago, when I was in school, chemistry and biology were such weird and difficult to understand subjects. But today, with the knowledge, plus the possibility of visual examples and explanations, everything is much more clear, and easier to grasp. Now I am interested in botany and Plant tissue culture. These types of videos help a lot. The human body is also really interesting to learn about this way. 444 Reply 6 replies @adarsh65kumar 4 years ago 2:58 The most detailed explanation ! You'll want to watch this part twice! 263 Reply 3 replies @nasseemmuttur778 2 years ago For someone who attented university 40 years back, this video is an updated refresher course. Thnx so much. 4 Reply 1 reply @angelinaleung1021 3 years ago I'm just wondering how people were able to figure out how all of this happened. Everything is so small and difficult to find out information for the first time 3.3K Reply 149 replies @DaveSmith-si6di 1 year ago Psalm 139:14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 20 Reply 2 replies @Sabotage_Labs 1 year ago Mind.... blown!!! The fact that this is happening in our bodies but at the speed as well. So many types of cells... All of it. Just a mind blow! 2 Reply @katharina... 2 years ago This is the best animation on the topic I've seen. I've watched a number of similar videos recently, always feeling afterwards that my knowledge was still fragmented. This one has painted the full picture for me. Thanks so much for using your talents to help us all learn! 👍💐 40 Reply @mhykhol 3 years ago I like how different parts of the video are like episodes of a show where a new character is introduced in each to further the plot and to explain other things that came before 79 Reply 2 replies @Junaidmohsin1 10 months ago Every biology student will appreciate this and love this video so much, thank you really ❤ 4 Reply @Noah-wt9so 4 years ago (edited) 00:00 - first video 2:58 - second video 8:43 - third video 16:03 - fourth video 51 Reply 1 reply @FaithnHope365 3 years ago (edited) A million thanks from the bottom of my heart for all who worked behind every tiny bit of this topic. starting from the amazing geniuses who worked it in thier heads to the ones who spent thier time creating a visual representation of the discovery and finally the ones who decided to put it all together and share it for all who have access to INTERNET !! If only I watched it during my college days!!!! Well better late than never !! Once again.. Thanks a gazillion trillion tons ! 168 Reply 1 reply @mollansuga1892 1 year ago Its insane!! I cant understand how could people not believe there is a great creator behind this mechanism of our bodies ! 41 Reply 17 replies @rohinisivamurthy5279 3 years ago (edited) Had there been such animated videos 35 yrs back I would have been a super scientist 😊 Sadly, I never had these and every time my teachers walked into a classroom to teach they either spit from a textbook or bluntly pretend to outsmart us, not knowing what they are teaching /talking! All I knew was they made most of us yawn in class. And to make it worse 90% of the biology classes were after lunch which is the time we are in food coma. Importance were given not in understanding but writing pages after pages and that too with color diagrams like you should be a super good student who can be all in all! OMG if those diagrams did not meet up to their expectations I am a dead rat. Old days yet fun to recall them now!!! Anyways, glad to know at least my kids will benefit today and I have to admit I am understanding my high school subjects more clearly now when I am watching these and teaching my kids including English grammar!!! adjective, adverb, pronoun, noun... 16 Reply @johnmillerpere_grin6371 1 year ago It’s hard to learn about protein synthesis when the animation of it is so beautiful ngl. 1 Reply @SpottedEagleOwls 1 year ago What a wonderful Creator we have. Thank you for sharing this 9 Reply @lokeshmeena0001 2 years ago This is the best video on this planet for protein synthesis topic. 2 Reply @sriharshacv7760 3 years ago I longed for these videos when I was a student. That was 10 years ago. 57 Reply 2 replies @dummy_shark 7 months ago The fourth video... My AP biology teacher in high school showed us this in class and it was so fascinating and helpful. Now I'm in college taking Anatomy & Physiology 1 and studying for my protein synthesis quiz. I try not to remember much of high school, but I remember very distinctly learning about DNA and RNA in her class and all the worksheets she gave us to help us grasp the concepts. I'm super thankful for that now! Revisiting these topics has been a lot easier Reply @vk4289 2 years ago This video just blew my mind 🤯! The animation made it VERY easy to understand the process. Thank you so much for this 6 Reply @willo7734 11 months ago Wow, it continuously boggles my mind how amazingly complex life is. Each cell is like some hyper advanced crazy 3d printer of proteins. Reply @tomunderwood4283 1 year ago Such a complex system, clearly an intelligent design. 8 Reply 1 reply @lenpalmeri6228 1 year ago (edited) Life exhibits an exquisite molecular choregraphy and impeccable timing. 1 Reply 1 reply @gracianne 1 year ago I am mesmerized 🤩 this video is the most accurate I have ever seen. Now, everything I have ever read/seen about protein synthesis makes sense in such a beautiful manner. 2 Reply @praveshpunia5665 2 years ago I got my Goosebumps on studying all these processes these are just 😊 4 Reply @mariatelen1248 2 years ago my whole college days wasn't able to make me clearly understand bout this things, a now, a minute video made it possible or me to understand ❤️ 1 Reply @e.1220 3 years ago RNA Polymerase Introns/Extrons Spliceosomes mRNA Aminoacyl tRNA synthase pyrophosphate Amino Acid+tRNA+ATP AUG Initiation Methionine Ribosome small and large Subunits A site, P site, E site Release Factor Initiation, Elongation, Termination Polypeptide Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi apparatus 13 Reply @sivakumar-cl6pp 6 days ago thx for combining all the best vids for each process. u are the best!! Reply @nothingtoseehere5678 3 years ago I was literally procrastinating finishing an assignment on exactly this. How did YouTube know o.O 42 Reply 4 replies @EdwinWade 7 months ago Phenomenal explanation!! Everything was explained so clear with the added repetition. It’s bothers me a lot that all of this happens at a molecular level and our body, cells, and DNA has all it needs to help us live. But what was going thru my mind was this process resembles how computer science works. A step-by-step process that looks for activation/termination blocks. The codon, tRNA, Ribosomal portion blew my mind. (The translation stage) Reply @Drmutungawellness 2 years ago I have a test tomorrow and I can’t be thankful enough , this has helped me a great deal 4 Reply 1 reply @Artist-Viru. 3 years ago It is world most best animated video of protein synthesis. Keep it up 1 Reply @lilcloudy8459 4 years ago the second video is amazing!!! 29 Reply 1 reply @glassscapemediaproductions 3 years ago Amazing edit sequence, i noticed you used repetition and new approaches in each segment to help solidify the idea. great job. i feel like i downloaded the info directly into my head lol 50 Reply 1 reply @aksalotl8173 3 years ago Very nice animation! (Detail: The aa should be attached to the 3'-end of the t-RNA, not the 5'-end.) 13 Reply

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