Friday, October 11, 2024

Congress ERUPTS as Robert F. Kennedy Jr DESTROYS Every Democrat in Congress

Transcript 0:00 thank you Mr chairman and I'd like to 0:02 yield my time to representative Massie I 0:04 than the gentleman from North 0:06 Dakota wow the irony and cognitive 0:10 dissonance from the other side of the 0:12 aisle it's deafening you could cut it 0:15 with a knife they are at the same time 0:18 denying that censorship is occurring but 0:21 suggesting that there's more material 0:23 that needs to be censored this is a 0:25 hearing on censorship that began with an 0:29 effort with a formal motion from the 0:31 other side of the aisle to censor Mr 0:34 Kennedy they do not want him to speak 0:37 yet that is the topic of this hearing 0:40 they have kept him from speaking a 0:42 collusion between the government and 0:45 private organizations Mr Kennedy in your 0:47 opening statement you um introduced us 0:50 to this word Mal information can you 0:53 tell us more about this madeup word what 0:56 it means and some of the uh things that 0:59 you've said or tried to say that you've 1:01 been censored for that's been 1:02 characterized as Mal information yes 1:05 Congressman as and if if it if by your 1:09 leave I'd like to just respond very 1:11 briefly uh to some of the uh what I 1:14 would call defamations that have been uh 1:18 just applied to me by the ranking member 1:21 uh I'm happy to talk to you about my 1:24 opinions on these issues what the what 1:27 you have stated and tried to associate 1:29 me with 1:30 uh through Kil by association is simply 1:33 inaccurate virtually everything every 1:36 statement that you just made about me is 1:39 inaccurate I have never advised black 1:41 Americans not to receive vaccines at one 1:45 point you say I'm Annie V and that's a 1:47 bad thing the other thing the other 1:49 moment you point out that all my 1:50 children are v i v I'm fully compliant 1:54 with the vaccine schedule myself except 1:56 for 1:57 covid I I I took flu vaccines for 20 2:01 years straight I have never been an 2:04 antia I have never told any I have never 2:07 told the public avoid 2:09 vaccination the only thing I've asked 2:11 for and My Views are 2:14 constantly 2:16 misrepresented so that the truth of what 2:18 I believe is not we're not allowed to 2:21 have a conversation with about that with 2:23 the American people which I believe 2:25 vaccine should be tested with the same 2:28 rigor as other medicines and medications 2:32 you tried to associate me a moment ago 2:35 with a replacement Theory which is 2:38 racist no I did not say you belongs to 2:40 the gentleman my colle time belongs to 2:43 the gentleman from I denounce that 2:45 theory it is racist and I have never 2:48 endorsed it or had any association with 2:50 it our film on a 2:55 medical bill buckon who is the black DDC 3:00 official who ultimately exposed the tusi 3:03 experiment tried for years and years to 3:06 appeal to T to CDC to stop it for 40 3:09 years finally he got reliefed by walking 3:12 into my uncle's office in the building 3:14 next door Teddy held hearings and ended 3:17 the 3:18 experiment I remember that very well and 3:22 to say that that I I wrote a I created a 3:26 film that encourages blacks not to get 3:29 adequate Medical care is just completely 3:32 if the it's the witness's time do not 3:35 censor the witness I'm not censoring the 3:37 witness I'm not censoring the witness 3:39 he's still talking it is the it's my 3:41 time and I've given it to the witness do 3:42 not censor him I'm not censoring him if 3:45 the views that you and others have 3:49 applied to me have attributed to me if 3:51 they were actually true I can see why I 3:54 shouldn't be able to testify here today 3:57 those are not true these are def a and 4:01 malignancies that are used to censor me 4:04 to prevent people from listening to the 4:06 actual things that I'm saying and I 4:09 think ranking member that we should have 4:11 a real conversation rather than an 4:13 exchange for at hominum attacks and 4:16 answer very quickly to your question the 4:19 term Mal information was coined to 4:22 describe information that Facebook and 4:24 Twitter and the other social media sites 4:27 understood was true but that the White 4:30 House and other federal agencies wanted 4:32 censored anyway for political reasons 4:35 because it challenged official 4:37 orthodoxies I'll give you one example 4:40 there was a I was included in a group 4:43 called The disinformation doesen and and 4:47 Facebook and others were asked to censor 4:50 as which they did and by the way my heck 4:53 eron post it was taken down my whole 4:55 Instagram account with 900,000 people 4:58 was taken down because of that oh they 5:02 knew Facebook knew that the 5:05 disinformation doesn't claim and what 5:07 they said that disinformation doesn't 5:09 came from this very shady group called 5:11 the center for preventing digital hate 5:13 in England that that funded by dark 5:16 money that should be looked into they 5:19 claimed that 65% of the vaccine 5:22 misinformation on the internet was 5:24 generated by those 12 people Facebook 5:27 itself said that is impossible that is 5:30 false information we know that not to be 5:33 true and yet when the White House ask 5:36 them to censor this disinformation 5:37 doesn't including me they did it anyway 5:40 when they knew it to be 5:43 untrue he's going to go a little 5:46 longer excuse me point of order I know 5:48 that Witnesses usually have five minutes 5:50 I see 10 minutes on the board is it 5:52 going to be 10 minutes 5 minutes but 5:54 we're we're pretty laxed with this U 5:56 we'll let him go for yeah I've seen you 5:58 hamam 6:00 gel down on quite a number of witnesses 6:02 given senators and former Democrat 6:04 members of Congress and all kinds of 6:07 he's either I'm just saying in past 6:09 history watch the time for all the 6:11 witnesses and if you want to cut him off 6:13 and censor him some more you're welcome 6:14 to do it oh that's not my job that's 6:17 that's your job why don't you threaten a 6:19 witness so that they can not want to be 6:21 a witness keny is recognized for his 6:23 opening statement we'll give him five 6:25 minutes more or less and then we'll move 6:27 to the next one Mr Kennedy go right 6:29 ahead 6:34 thank you Mr chairman Mr chairman maybe 6:36 we could put five minutes on the clock 6:37 then not 6:38 10 we could we put five on the clock and 6:41 we'll start it 6:47 running thank you Mr chairman and I I 6:50 want to I want to start I want to put 6:53 aside my written statement for a 6:55 moment and address one of the uh points 6:59 that was brought up I think an important 7:01 Point by the ranking member that this 7:04 body ought to be concerning itself with 7:06 the uh with issues that impact directly 7:09 the American people the rising price of 7:12 groceries 76% over the past two years 7:15 for basic food stuff uh the war in 7:20 Ukraine the inflation issues the Border 7:23 issues many many other issues that 7:25 concern us all as a nation we can't do 7:28 that without the first Amendment without 7:30 debate uh when I gave my speech my 7:34 announcement speech in Boston two months 7:38 ago YouTube I I talked about all those 7:41 issues I focused on grocery I focused on 7:44 the fact that workingclass people can no 7:47 longer afford to live in this country I 7:50 talked about inflation all the issues 7:52 that deeply concern you and that you've 7:55 devoted your career to alleviating those 7:58 issues 8:00 five minutes into my speech when I was 8:02 talking about Paul 8:04 R 8:07 YouTube deplatformed me I didn't talk 8:10 about vaccines in that speech I didn't 8:12 talk about anything that be could be was 8:14 a verot 8:16 subject I just was talking about my 8:18 campaign and things the 8:20 conversation and we ought to be happy 8:22 with each other as Americans but I was 8:25 shut down and that is why the first 8:28 amendments 8:30 important debate congenial respectful 8:34 debate is the is the fertilizer it's the 8:38 water it's the sunlight for our 8:40 democracy we need to be talking to each 8:42 other now there this is a letter and 8:46 many of you signed many of my fellow 8:48 Democrats I've spent my life in this 8:50 party I've devoted my life to the values 8:53 of this party there's 102 people sign 8:57 this this is itself 9:00 is evidence of the problem that this 9:03 hearing was convened to address this is 9:05 an attempt to censor a censorship 9:08 hearing the the the charges and as and 9:12 and by the way censorship is 9:14 antithetical to our party it was an it 9:17 was appalling to my father to my uncle 9:20 to FDR to Harry Truman to Thomas 9:23 Jefferson as a chairman referred to it 9:26 is the basis for democracy 9:29 sets us apart from all of the previous 9:31 forms of government we need to be able 9:33 to talk and and the first amendment was 9:36 not written for easy speech it was 9:39 written for the speech that nobody likes 9:41 you 9:42 for 9:43 and I was I was censored not just by the 9:47 Democratic Administration I was censored 9:49 by the Trump 9:51 Administration I was the first person 9:53 censored by the as the chairman pointed 9:55 out by the Biden Administration two days 9:58 after it came in to office it ordered a 10:01 truthful and by the way they had to 10:04 invent a new word called Mal information 10:07 to to to censor people like me there was 10:10 no misinformation on my Instagram 10:13 account everything I put on that account 10:15 was cited in Source the peer- reviewed 10:18 Publications or government databases 10:20 nobody has ever pointed to a single 10:22 piece of misinformation that I publish I 10:25 was removed for something they called 10:27 Mal 10:28 information Mal information is 10:30 information that is true but is 10:32 inconvenient to the government that they 10:34 don't want people to hear and it and 10:37 that's antithetical to the values of our 10:41 country after I announced my 10:45 presidency it became more difficult for 10:47 people to censor me outright so now I'm 10:51 subject to this new form of censorship 10:53 which is called targeted 10:55 propaganda where people apply 10:58 pejoratives like Anya I've never been 11:01 any vaccine but everybody in this room 11:04 probably believes that I have been 11:05 because that's the prevailing 11:07 narrative 11:09 anti-Semitism 11:11 racism these are are the most appalling 11:15 disgusting pejoratives and they're 11:18 applied to me to silence me because 11:22 people don't want me to have that 11:23 conversation about the war about 11:26 groceries about inflation about the war 11:29 on the middle class in this country that 11:31 we need to be having and and by the way 11:35 I want to say this while I'm on the 11:37 record that in my entire life and why 11:40 I'm under 11:42 oath in my entire life I have never 11:46 uttered a phrase that was either racist 11:50 or 11:51 anti-semitic I have spent my life 11:55 fighting my professional career fighting 11:58 for is Israel for the protection of 12:00 Israel I have a better record on Israel 12:03 than anybody in this chamber today I'm 12:05 the only person was publicly objected to 12:10 the $2 billion payout that the Biden 12:12 Administration is now making to Iran 12:14 which is is a a genocidal 12:18 program I'm the only one who subjected 12:20 to that I fought more ferociously for 12:23 Israel than anybody but I am being 12:26 censored here through this target 12:28 through 12:29 through through smears through 12:32 misinterpretations of what I've said 12:34 through lies through 12:37 Association which is a tactic that we 12:40 all thought we had been discredited and 12:42 dispensed with after the Army McCarthy 12:45 hearings in the 12:46 1950s but those same weapons are now 12:50 being deployed against me to silence me 12:53 I know many of the people who wrote this 12:55 letter I don't believe there's a single 12:58 person who this letter who believes I'm 13:01 anti-semitic I do not believe that there 13:04 is no evidence of that I want to say 13:07 something I think that's that's more 13:10 important than it goes directly to what 13:11 you talked about ranking member which is 13:16 the the the 13:17 need the the this toxic 13:21 polarization that is destroying our 13:23 country today and how do we deal with 13:26 that we are more this kind of division 13:30 is more dangerous for our country than 13:32 any time since the American Civil War 13:35 and how do we deal with that how are we 13:38 going every Democrat on this committee 13:41 believes that we need to end that 13:43 polarization do you think you can do 13:45 that by censoring people I'm telling you 13:48 you 13:48 cannot you that only aggravates and 13:52 amplifies the problem we need to start 13:54 being kind to each other we need to 13:57 start being respectful to each other we 14:00 need to start start restoring the comedy 14:03 to this chamber and and to the rest of 14:05 Americas but it has to start 14:07 here my Uncle Edward Kennedy has more 14:13 legislation with his name on it than any 14:17 senator in United States history why is 14:20 that because he was able to reach across 14:23 the aisle because he didn't deal any 14:26 insults because he didn't try to censor 14:28 people 14:30 he brought home people who were 14:32 antithetical to to what he believed in 14:35 he came home almost every weekend with 14:37 people like Orin hatch to our house at 14:40 the compound in 14:41 iisport at that time Orin hatch to me 14:44 was like Darth Vader because I was an 14:47 environmentalist and I was saying why 14:49 why is Teddy bringing this guy home but 14:52 he knew he was 14:54 effective because he understood that 14:57 comedy and respect 14:59 and kindness and compassion and empathy 15:03 for other people is the way that we the 15:06 only way to restore the function in this 15:08 in this chamber but more 15:10 importantly today we need to give an 15:13 example in the leadership of our 15:15 country of being respectful to each 15:18 other if you think I said something 15:20 that's anti-semitic let's talk about the 15:22 details I'm telling you all the things 15:25 that I'm accused of right now by you and 15:28 in this letter are distortions they 15:30 misrepresentations of I didn't say those 15:33 things there's fragments that I said but 15:36 I denounce 15:38 anybody who is who uses the words that I 15:41 have said to imply something that is 15:44 negative about people who are Jewish I 15:47 never said those things and I want to 15:49 point out also that the chairman pointed 15:52 to Dennis kenich is fighting behind me 15:55 there is no two people in in the country 15:58 who feel differently about more 16:00 differently about American politics than 16:02 these two people and yet they were 16:05 friends Dennis attended his children's 16:08 basketball games attended his daughter's 16:11 wedding this is what we need how we need 16:14 to start treating each other in this 16:16 country we have to stop trying to 16:18 destroy each other to marginalize to 16:20 vilify to Gaslight each other we have to 16:23 find that place inside of ourselves of 16:26 light of empathy of compassion and above 16:30 all we need to elevate the Constitution 16:33 of the United States which was written 16:35 for hard times and that has to be the 16:38 premier compass for all of our 16:42 activities thank you very much thank you

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