Thursday, October 10, 2024

UW Medicine Live Stream Press Conference: Biochemist David Baker receive...

UW Medicine Live Stream Press Conference: Biochemist David Baker receives Nobel Prize 10:30 a.m. PT UW Medicine 42.3K subscribers Subscribe 244 Share Download Clip Save From an accredited US hospital Learn how experts define health sources in a journal of the National Academy of Medicine 11,941 views Streamed live on Oct 9, 2024 A press conference with Nobel Laureate David Baker is planned for 10:30 a.m. Pacific time today. Computational biologist David Baker, professor of biochemistry at the University of Washington School of Medicine and director of the UW Medicine Institute for Protein Design, has been awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for computational protein design. He shares the Nobel Prize with Demis Hassabis and John M. Jumper of DeepMind, who were honored for protein structure prediction. The award was announced today by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. RESOURCES: Our news release on the UW Medicine Newsroom has links to downloadable images and video, Baker’s bio and other collateral. Please credit “University of Washington School of Medicine” with any republication of photo or video content. Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript UW Medicine 42.3K subscribers Videos About Facebook LinkedIn Instagram Twitter 0 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Transcript Search in video 0:04 [Applause] 0:23 I know 0:30 hello everybody I'm going to um just 0:33 tell you what our plan is for the agenda 0:37 today we're going to try and keep this 0:39 at 30 minutes and it's a momentous day 0:41 we're really excited that everybody is 0:42 here to enjoy with us this 0:45 uh big exciting day for everybody at 0:48 udub medicine and udub so we're g to 0:51 kick it off with a welcome from anamari 0:53 CI udub president followed by Tim delet 0:56 CEO of udub medicine and then we're 0:58 going to hear from David we would like 1:00 to have questions at the end of the um 1:04 press availability without interruptions 1:06 if we can and then can we make sure and 1:09 turn off all our phones so we don't have 1:12 any vibrations or anything and then we 1:15 will be going over to David's lab to get 1:18 some video and photos of him uh greeting 1:21 his faculty and staff there and you can 1:25 follow us it's about a block so it's 1:27 walkable and if you need to leave some 1:29 of your equipment here you can do that 1:31 we will have people here that can um 1:34 watch that for you thank you and we're 1:36 going to thank you anamar for welcoming 1:41 everybody let's be honest this is about 1:43 as good as a 1:44 guess I mean just no question about it 1:49 this is as good as it gets and you know 1:53 good morning this is truly an 1:55 extraordinary event although in the life 1:58 of David I think that you know prizes 1:59 like this kind of getting 2:02 ordinary and that is uh and that is such 2:05 an incredible tribute to him you know we 2:08 are so proud to be the home of some of 2:11 the most remarkable creative Innovative 2:14 and talented faculty and we don't have a 2:17 better example of that than David and 2:20 they are the reason why we are 2:22 recognized as one of the top public 2:25 universities of the world in terms of 2:27 impact because this is if you look at 2:30 David's work this is about taking these 2:34 great basic science ideas and pushing 2:37 them out so that they make a difference 2:39 in the world and that's what we are all 2:43 about and what we want to be for the 2:45 state and for the world I was teasing 2:48 earlier that he is a fabulous local 2:51 example and what I mean by that is he's 2:54 he's a local kid Garfield High I mean he 2:57 really is a local kid and he's having a 3:00 global impact no question about it today 3:03 and we are so proud to recognize our 3:05 eighth Nobel Prize winner um since 3:08 joining the University of Washington 3:10 faculty in 3:11 1993 um David Baker has helped Define 3:15 what Modern Biology is through a truly 3:18 Visionary approach to protein science um 3:21 just by looking at his current roles you 3:23 can see the scope of his work um I won't 3:26 make pretend to understand it all um but 3:29 I do understand the impact that it's 3:32 having he's a professor of biochemistry 3:34 in our school of medicine and he's an 3:36 Adjunct professor in genome sciences and 3:38 bioengineering and chemical engineering 3:41 in computer science and physics and that 3:44 is because the scope of his work is so 3:48 Broad and that's what we're trying to do 3:50 here is make the barriers to this kind 3:53 of interdisciplinary approach um as low 3:58 as possible um he's also the director of 4:01 course of the Institute of protein 4:02 design at w medicine and a Howard Hughes 4:05 Medical Institute investigator he's also 4:08 an elected member of the National 4:09 Academy of 4:11 Sciences he's had a bunch of awards we 4:13 could be here all day if we talked about 4:15 all of them so I'll just mention a few 4:18 the 2021 breakthrough prize in life 4:21 sciences earlier just earlier this year 4:24 times named him one of the world's 100 4:26 most influential people in health alist 4:29 he would have made if it was the top 10 4:32 most influential people in health he won 4:35 the for Frontier Prides of knowledge 4:37 award in biology and bio and 4:39 biochemistry and biomedicine by the BBVA 4:42 foundation in Spain and earlier this 4:45 month he was named a clarivate citation 4:49 laurate in recognition of the importance 4:51 of his research papers through scientist 4:54 around the world I want to just stress 4:56 that that what we're talking about is 4:58 that other scientists are citing his 5:00 work as being critical to their work and 5:04 that is what it's all about we couldn't 5:07 be prouder of this lifelong Seattle it 5:11 um his parents were faculty members here 5:14 at the U and this graduate of Garfield 5:17 High um which is just about as good as 5:21 it gets Dr Baker on behalf of the 5:24 University of Washington 5:26 congratulations and 5:33 but not just congratulations thank you 5:36 for making our University and our world 5:39 a better place and you're just beginning 5:42 I mean that's what I want to stress 5:44 Nobel prizes often come at the end of 5:46 someone's career David has his career 5:50 ahead of this is just the beginning and 5:53 so now I'd like to introduce Dr Tim 5:56 dallet CEO of w medicine and one of of 5:59 the strongest supporters of David across 6:03 our campus he's also the Paul G Ramsey 6:05 and DOW dean of the school of medicine 6:07 Tim you understand his work better than 6:09 I do so take it 6:11 [Applause] 6:14 away thank you thank you president K and 6:18 I'm just so happy uh for David for his 6:21 family it's great to see Hana here uh 6:24 who also is a star uh in her own right 6:27 uh for our entire University Washington 6:30 Community and especially the community 6:32 of protein design The Institute of 6:34 protein design and all the individuals 6:36 who have been involved and worked with 6:38 David uh throughout his uh career you 6:41 know in my roles I really have the 6:42 privilege of helping to support uh and 6:45 often facilitate the way uh for our 6:48 faculty our staff our trainees our 6:50 students and our faculty really conduct 6:53 World leading biomedical research that 6:56 expands our scientific understanding and 6:58 leads to new 7:00 in science and medicine and this is just 7:03 a phenomenal day it's a wonderful 7:05 recognition of really the LIF long work 7:08 of David and it's great to have this 7:10 come while David's still in his prime uh 7:12 and can't wait to see what he continues 7:15 uh to discover you know David and his 7:17 team really contributed and led the 7:20 cracking of the code to protein 7:23 structure how amino acid chains fold 7:26 together in a three-dimensional 7:27 structure to be the life BL building 7:30 blocks uh of Life by harnessing 7:33 artificial intelligence and 7:36 computational uh protein design you know 7:39 the institute for protein design now 7:40 they create novel proteins that have 7:42 never been seen before in nature to 7:45 really help us address some of the most 7:48 challenging uh issues we face whether it 7:50 be in medicine technology or even 7:53 sustainability among some of the most 7:56 promising applications for medicine 7:58 protein design is Paving the way for 8:00 development of new and highly effective 8:03 vaccines novel therapies such as 8:05 antivirals to block viral infection 8:08 treatment of celiac disease cancer 8:12 immunogenics it is just phenomenal what 8:15 David's scientific innovation and 8:18 Discovery is leading to in terms of 8:20 impact for health of our communities 8:23 protein design also has the potential to 8:25 provide again innovative solutions to 8:28 some of our biggest Environ irental 8:29 challenges by creating new biodegradable 8:32 materials sequestering carbon and 8:35 breaking down 8:36 pollutants as director of The Institute 8:38 for protein design and as president Kai 8:42 mentioned David's impact goes far beyond 8:44 his research here at the University of 8:47 Washington it truly extends to the 8:49 global scientific community Through over 8:52 600 published papers and his real 8:56 commitment to open science that is a 8:59 available freely to everyone it includes 9:02 moving research to practical 9:05 applications more quickly through 21 9:07 companies that he has co-founded and 9:09 more than a hundred patents so again 9:12 taking that scientific innovation that 9:14 Discovery and translating it to real 9:17 world impact impact it also includes his 9:20 role as a mentor to more than 90 9:22 students and postdocs who are now making 9:25 their own contributions to the field of 9:27 protein design in faculty position 9:29 around the world so thank you David 9:33 thank you for your amazing contributions 9:35 not only to our community here at the 9:37 University of Washington but really 9:39 globally and so now it's my distinct 9:41 honor to introduce our newest Nobel 9:44 Laurette at the University of Washington 9:46 please join me in welcoming Dr David 9:53 [Applause] 9:59 well I I um what can I say I want to 10:02 start by thanking um almost everybody 10:05 here and uh so I want to thank Anna 10:08 Marie and and and Tim for really uh 10:11 making the University of Washington an 10:13 absolutely uh wonderful uh place to do 10:17 science as Anna Mari it's said it's an 10:20 incredibly collaborative place and I've 10:23 never really I've never felt uh during 10:25 the whole time I were was here that 10:26 there were really any boundaries within 10:28 the University 10:29 um and uh so I'd like to thank both of 10:32 them for making the university the 10:34 university leadership has just been 10:36 amazing of a big b 10:38 t-shirt um and you know I've been here 10:41 for for quite a long time and I never 10:43 thought for an ANC about leaving so it's 10:45 really been um great privilege to be 10:48 here and so and um so keep up the great 10:51 work and uh um uh Trisha is here and uh 10:55 she really played a huge role in in um 10:59 everything we've been able to do and the 11:00 founding of the institute for protein 11:02 design and uh my wife hola is here and 11:06 she basically made everything possible 11:08 by among other things uh putting up with 11:10 me over the 11:12 years and uh uh and Linda are our our 11:16 director of uh The Institute for protein 11:18 design is you know is is um really kind 11:21 of the adult in the room and making sure 11:24 that everything everything happens and 11:27 while I just sort of play around um 11:30 and uh let's see in the back um I think 11:32 I see there my colleagues Frank and Neil 11:36 um who've um uh been it's been great to 11:39 to um start the institute for protein 11:42 design and have and have the most some 11:44 of the most amazing scientists I've ever 11:46 worked with um stay continueous 11:50 professors doing really absolutely 11:51 amazing things and it's been an absolute 11:53 privilege to um uh to uh to work with 11:57 them over the years and um as uh as Tim 12:00 and anamar says I'm very very excited 12:02 about the future I think uh protein 12:04 design has huge potential to uh make the 12:07 world a better place and I really do 12:09 think we're just at the very very 12:15 [Applause] 12:21 beginning Yeah question I'd be very 12:23 happy to take any questions so okay 12:25 we're going to start here I may ask a 12:27 long question I 12:31 iow I you toow sink 12:37 us can you briefly explain what prot 12:42 design is why you got into it 12:47 and can you talk about your work that 12:52 specifically your work the Nob PR yes so 12:56 proteins are the miniature machines that 12:58 carry out all the important jobs in our 13:00 bodies and in all living things so 13:02 basically all the remarkable properties 13:04 you see of any animal plant or anything 13:08 those are being mediated by proteins um 13:11 up until I guess before our work the 13:14 only proteins that we knew about were 13:17 the proteins that um we discovered in in 13:21 nature so a lot of molecular biology and 13:23 a lot of biology over the last probably 13:25 hundred years has been about trying to 13:28 find if you you're trying to study some 13:31 biological process like how muscles work 13:34 or or really anything it's been about 13:36 identifying what the proteins are and so 13:40 um sometimes you might you know read in 13:42 the newspaper elsewhere about some new 13:45 exotic protein that someone has 13:47 discovered that has an exotic name and 13:49 those were really all the proteins that 13:50 we knew about were the ones that sort of 13:52 came through Evolution and I kind of 13:55 liken it to sort of the Elven runes that 13:57 you discover from prehistory because 13:59 there are kind of all of these exotic 14:00 names and the idea that you could make 14:02 new ones was kind of a crazy idea so 14:07 because proteins uh solve all the 14:09 problems in that that life living things 14:13 have to deal with so well um if you 14:15 could make new proteins um you could 14:18 potentially solve a lot of current 14:20 problems for which there aren't proteins 14:22 to deal with like for example um you 14:25 know there Pro new problems that arise 14:27 because we live longer today so 14:29 you know diseases like Alzheimer's are 14:31 important you know cancer is more 14:33 important we're heating up and polluting 14:35 the planet so we have new ecological 14:38 problems so if we had a long time to 14:40 wait uh then maybe new proteins would 14:42 evolve to help deal with these problems 14:44 but evolution happens on you know 14:46 geological time scales so with protein 14:49 design now um what we've learned how to 14:52 do is to design completely new proteins 14:55 that have new functions and so now we're 14:57 working on problems like like designing 15:00 proteins to um uh to attack Cancers and 15:04 acting much more specifically and 15:06 precisely in the body so be safer and 15:09 more effective than current treatments 15:11 similarly for autoimmunity being able to 15:13 dampen down the immune system where it's 15:15 gone ay my colleague Neil who's in the 15:18 back has developed the first um denovo 15:20 design medicine that is in use in humans 15:23 a Corona virus vaccine and his group is 15:27 designing making great progress to a 15:29 universal flu vaccine for example um 15:32 outside of medicine um I should say 15:35 another area that is important in 15:36 medicine that we're working on in 15:38 addition to vaccines are um proteins 15:41 that will um neutralize pandemic viruses 15:45 and so we're sort of going through the 15:47 list of the greatest viruses of concern 15:49 and designing proteins to block them and 15:53 some of these are headed for human 15:54 clinical trials um outside of biology I 15:58 mentioned that were uh we're you know 16:00 we're polluting the planet we're putting 16:02 a lot of plastic out there and a lot of 16:03 other toxic things we're designing 16:05 proteins that carry out chemical 16:07 reactions to um for example to uh to uh 16:11 break down plastic molecules and other 16:14 um uh other pollutants that were putting 16:17 into the environment uh were designing 16:20 proteins that interact with uh with 16:22 solar radiation to try to increase the 16:25 efficiency of 16:27 photosynthesis and we're designing 16:28 proteins that uh to mediate uh enhan 16:31 carbon fixation and uh we're just 16:33 starting to collaborate with others at 16:35 the U to work on the the methane 16:38 sequestration problem um and uh there 16:41 are also huge opportunities for proteins 16:43 and making new types of materials uh 16:46 we're familiar with things like bone and 16:47 tooth and shell which are made by from 16:49 proteins interacting with minerals and 16:52 now with protein design we can make 16:53 proteins that mediate mineralization and 16:55 create new interesting materials from 16:57 from not just things like calcium 16:59 carbonate and calcium phosphate but 17:01 things like semiconductors um so there's 17:03 a lot of different applications now I'm 17:05 not sure if I answered everything you 17:07 asked but you got a mouthful anyway 17:14 yeah your Nobel 17:18 Prize it's 17:21 computational protein I have idea what I 17:25 just said 17:29 What specifically what was your specific 17:32 project or right well it was for sort of 17:36 research that led to the Nobel 17:39 Prize can you give me 17:44 aart 17:47 level Lon 17:51 on okay well yeah the prize was for 17:54 computational protein design and that 17:57 means design or creating brand new 18:00 proteins that don't exist in nature um 18:04 and uh I um uh and so like I said 18:09 proteins are kind of the the workhorses 18:12 of all living things there were proteins 18:14 many proteins known before uh that 18:18 mediate the processes of life what this 18:20 Nobel prize is for is for U discovering 18:24 how to create completely new proteins 18:30 yeah can you talk a little bit about 18:32 what it was that first you to this 18:36 [Music] 18:39 work can you talk a little bit their 18:41 influence on You Scientist as well what 18:45 specifically yeah so um the problem I 18:49 think what really interested me about 18:51 the problem in the first place is that 18:54 um so living things are very different 18:57 from uh inanimate things like the just 19:01 you know the rest the rest of chemistry 19:03 you know you have you have chemicals 19:05 which are not alive and then you have 19:07 biology things which are alive and um 19:11 protein proteins are kind of at the 19:13 intersection between the two because a 19:15 protein is just a very large molecule 19:18 and so it's very much sort of a chemical 19:20 sort of thing it's just a molecule 19:22 without a made out of atoms connected by 19:24 bonds um but proteins have this amazing 19:28 proc amazing aming ability to 19:29 self-organize they be they they fold up 19:31 into shapes that kind of have these 19:34 magical functions and so it's really 19:35 kind of the simplest case of biological 19:40 self-organization and uh I think it took 19:43 my my path to um getting to um to being 19:46 interested in proteins actually it was a 19:48 kind of a long and Circ circuitous path 19:51 I didn't really start working on on um 19:54 on on proteins until well on the problem 19:57 until I became a professor are here 19:59 really which um uh uh um so it was I I 20:04 it wasn't something that I even was 20:06 aware of when um when I was growing up 20:09 so um I have to thank my parents who are 20:12 um who are uh who are actually going to 20:15 be at the celebration later uh for um 20:18 you know for for teaching me how how to 20:21 think and do many things but the the 20:23 protein part came really kind of late 20:25 and it wasn't like I was fascinated as a 20:26 kid about by proteins well then what was 20:29 it at what point did did you start 20:33 realizing wow this would be a 20:34 fascinating I think well in um uh um I 20:38 actually in college well I went to 20:40 Garfield High School and um and then uh 20:43 when I went to college I um actually 20:46 thought I wanted to be a social studies 20:47 and then a philosophy major so it was 20:49 only kind of late that I switched to 20:51 biology and my last year of of um of 20:54 undergraduate um my fourth year as a 20:57 senior year I took a biology class and 20:59 learned about proteins and how they fold 21:00 up and I thought that would be a really 21:02 interesting thing was really interesting 21:04 but I remember um you had to write a 21:07 paper in the class on saying I wanted to 21:08 write a paper on that and the TA said oh 21:10 that's way too complicated no one will 21:11 ever understand it so I I didn't do that 21:14 and then um and then but I got excited 21:17 about biology and then another 21:21 University and then um I got excited 21:24 about biology though and I went to 21:26 graduate school and worked on something 21:27 completely different different and um 21:30 and then like I said it was really when 21:31 I came here that I started working on on 21:34 the the protein folding problem and then 21:36 that got us into how to design 21:40 proteins and again I have to thank the 21:42 University of Washington the department 21:43 of biochemistry uh for uh kind of uh you 21:47 know taking me in the first place even 21:48 though I didn't really know what I was 21:50 doing and then I had the freedom really 21:52 here to pursue um pursue the science as 21:55 it developed and I really it wasn't like 21:58 I had a 21:59 plan I've never said I've always said I 22:01 can never see more than three months 22:03 ahead so yeah I understand from talking 22:06 to your colleagues that you had some 22:07 Skeptics um early on that this could be 22:10 done yeah can you tell us what why they 22:15 thought that couldn't be done and how 22:18 youed yeah well to begin with the only 22:22 proteines like I said that were known 22:24 were the ones that came through um The 22:27 evolutionary process so saying could 22:28 make a new protein someone could sort of 22:31 interpret like oh I can make a new 22:32 animal or I can make a new plant and 22:34 those would be obviously really really 22:35 hard to do so you're kind of make 22:37 something that's kind of like a living 22:38 thing but you're making it from scratch 22:41 I mean is that really possible and then 22:42 after we showed we could make proteins 22:44 that folded up but were totally inert 22:47 the idea that you could give them 22:48 functions and make them do things uh was 22:52 kind of a crazy idea and we were 22:53 actually kind of on The Lunatic Fringe 22:55 for many many years and saying that we 22:57 were going to in trying to make proteins 23:00 that could carry out um uh very 23:02 sophisticated functions just starting 23:04 completely from scratch so many PE many 23:08 engineers in biology have taken proteins 23:10 that already exist in in nature and 23:12 tried to modify them a little bit to 23:14 solve a problem and what we were what 23:16 we've been trying to do is just start 23:18 completely from from scratch and so 23:20 people said that was a crazy thing to do 23:22 and no one thought it was very um it did 23:25 was very much on The Lunatic Fringe 23:27 until um when we start getting better at 23:29 it and really this is in the last 23:31 several years suddenly it's in the 23:33 mainstream and you know I companies 23:35 start all the time and say we're part of 23:37 the protein design Revolution and you 23:39 know I so it's kind of interesting with 23:42 this field going from being something 23:43 which was really kind of crazy and and 23:46 didn't seem like it would ever be useful 23:47 to anything for anything to being 23:50 something that's so mainstream that big 23:51 companies you know are just starting all 23:53 the time and it's kind of on the tip of 23:55 everyone's 23:56 tongue can you sh what maybe next in 24:00 your work or what would you like to 24:01 accomplish next yes um well um you know 24:04 as was already alluded to I think we're 24:05 really just at the beginning we figured 24:07 out how to design new proteins we 24:09 figured out how to make them um you know 24:12 bind to cancer targets for example and 24:15 we're starting and we're getting better 24:16 at learning how to um make them catalyze 24:19 chemical reactions so we're we've really 24:21 learned a lot about how to design 24:23 proteins with new functions so I think 24:26 now what's tremendously exciting is is 24:28 to look at the vast array of problems 24:30 that humans face and try and design 24:32 proteins that solve these problems and 24:34 I'm really fortunate I hope that that 24:36 that many of you can come over uh to the 24:39 lab in just a moment you'll see there 24:41 are large numbers of super brilliant 24:44 super super smart super energetic 24:46 students in post talks who are now 24:47 coming from all over the world to the 24:49 University of Washington to learn how to 24:51 design proteins and each one of them has 24:53 a problem they want to solve uh for 24:55 example Susanna who came from Mexico is 24:58 a designing proteins that block the 25:00 major components of snake venom as a as 25:02 a better 25:03 antivenom and uh you'll also meet 25:05 students who working on improving um the 25:08 efficiency of photosynthesis so really 25:09 across the board there's so many 25:11 exciting things to do now so I really do 25:13 think we're just at the beginning of the 25:15 impact that that that we can have and is 25:18 there a single problem that you see kind 25:20 of Rises to the top you mentioned 25:23 students is there one that we could just 25:25 solve this problem what would that be um 25:27 you know I I kind of I kind of love them 25:29 all I mean they're all I mean I I I we 25:32 only work on things that I'm really 25:34 really excited about and I think the 25:36 neat thing about this area now is 25:37 there's just so much potential across 25:39 the 25:43 board yeah how old I'm 62 62 yeah okay 25:50 you are still younger 25:54 than but he's 26 apart 25:59 yeah do you have a dream function for 26:02 one of the proteins that you could 26:04 create that would be considered 26:06 lunatic yeah that's a good question one 26:08 of the things that um that exists in 26:11 biology are molecular Motors so um for 26:16 example the way that our our muscles 26:17 move they they're little machines that 26:19 are involved in the contraction and the 26:21 movement um and uh the way that um uh 26:25 things get organized in our bodies and 26:27 our cells through these very 26:29 sophisticated molecular machines so and 26:32 what they do is they take a chemical 26:34 Fuel and they use they they break down 26:38 that fuel just like kind of a car it 26:39 takes they take a fuel and they use it 26:41 to to do something very actively so the 26:45 the newest generation of projects in my 26:47 lab is to design molecular machines now 26:50 what could they be good for um well in 26:53 bi in biology there are machines inside 26:55 our cell that do quality control and and 26:57 are important for removing a lot of the 26:59 junk that happens during cellular 27:01 transactions there really aren't any 27:03 machines outside of ourselves in 27:05 circulation but we know that there's all 27:08 sorts of you know junk accumulates in 27:10 our bloodstream there's we get 27:12 Aggregates we get amals forming so if we 27:15 could make machines that could go around 27:17 in the blood and uh in circulation and 27:20 basically do cleanup and and um uh and 27:24 and help U remove um toxic tissue that 27:27 could be a whole new way of treating 27:29 disease so that's one of the sort of 27:31 more lunati Fringe that we're working on 27:33 things we're working on now another I'll 27:35 give you one more example one and that 27:37 is I think I already alluded to this but 27:39 we have tooth and bone in our bodies and 27:41 there shells and those are proteins 27:43 interact with minerals what if we can 27:45 make completely new types of materials 27:47 by designing proteins that interact with 27:50 other minerals and cause and and you can 27:52 imagine all all kinds of hybrid 27:54 materials that could be superior in many 27:56 ways to any of the materials that we 27:58 have today including semiconductor 28:00 materials so it could be a new way of 28:01 patterning um things for electronics I'd 28:04 say that still qualifies as Lunatic 28:06 Fringe 28:07 also we 28:13 questions just want to make one last 28:15 comment and that's that David's 28:16 achievement isn't winning the Nobel 28:18 Prize the Nobel Prize is a recognition 28:22 of David's achievements thus far The 28:25 Best Is Yet To Come 28:29 thank you thank you 28:59 d

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