Thursday, October 17, 2024

IT HAPPENED! Elon Musk JUST DEVELOPED Desert-Building Technology!

Transcript 0:00 Elon has done it again he's pushing the 0:02 boundaries of what's possible and 0:03 setting his sights on one of the most 0:05 challenging environments on Earth the 0:07 desert Elon is now developing 0:09 revolutionary desert Building Technology 0:12 imagine turning vast Barren deserts into 0:14 bustling sustainable cities powered 0:17 entirely by renewable energy elon's 0:20 vision goes beyond just surviving in 0:21 these harsh conditions he's creating a 0:23 blueprint for thriving in them but how 0:26 exactly does he plan to make the desert 0:27 habitable and what does this mean for 0:29 the future future of urban Living Part 0:31 One the visionary's New Frontier Elon 0:35 musk's ambitious desert Building 0:37 Technology you might think why would 0:39 anyone even want to build in a desert 0:41 what could be so appealing about these 0:43 vast empty spaces that are often more 0:45 associated with adventure movies than 0:46 actual cities but here's the thing 0:49 deserts cover about onethird of our 0:51 planet's land surface so while we're 0:53 busy squeezing people into crowded 0:54 cities there's a whole lot of untapped 0:56 land out there just waiting for someone 0:58 with the right vision and the right 1:00 technology to come along and that's 1:02 exactly where Elon Musk comes into the 1:04 picture in a way this new project is 1:06 almost like the next logical step for 1:08 musk think about it he's taken on 1:10 electric cars with Tesla he's reaching 1:11 for the stars with SpaceX and he's even 1:14 tunneling under cities with the boring 1:15 company each of these Ventures is driven 1:18 by a single unrelenting focus on solving 1:20 big bold problems and now he's setting 1:23 his sights on one of the toughest 1:24 environments out there in the desert but 1:26 with musk it's never just about solving 1:28 one problem it's always about finding a 1:31 way to push the boundaries of what's 1:32 possible the technology he's come up 1:35 with isn't just another attempt at 1:36 building some Desert Resort or 1:37 installing solar panels in Sandy areas 1:40 no musk's approach is all about creating 1:43 fully sustainable self-sufficient 1:44 communities think of it as a small city 1:47 right in the middle of nowhere 1:49 completely powered by renewable energy 1:51 harvesting water out of thin air and 1:53 capable of sustaining life on its own 1:56 it's like something straight out of a 1:57 sci-fi movie except that it's happened 2:00 right here right now on Earth let's get 2:02 into some of the nitty-gritty of how 2:03 this is even possible first off there's 2:06 the question of building materials as 2:08 you can imagine you can't just dump a 2:10 load of concrete in the middle of a 2:11 desert and hope it'll hold up musk's 2:13 team has developed some new Advanced 2:15 Materials that can withstand the intense 2:17 desert heat and the brutal winds that 2:19 often whip through these regions these 2:21 materials are designed to be tough 2:23 durable and above all sustainable they 2:26 don't require constant maintenance which 2:28 is crucial when you're building 2:29 something so far from traditional 2:31 infrastructure but that's just the 2:33 beginning what really sets this 2:34 technology apart is the use of AI and 2:37 Robotics now I know what you're thinking 2:38 isn't AI already everywhere but musk has 2:41 taken things a step further by 2:42 developing robots that can handle the 2:44 bulk of the construction work picture 2:46 robots powered by AI setting up 2:49 foundations building walls and even 2:50 installing solar panels all under the 2:53 hot desert sun it's like something you'd 2:55 expect to see on Mars but musk is making 2:57 it a reality here on Earth First this is 2:59 isn't just a gimmick either these robots 3:01 are designed to work with precision and 3:03 efficiency reducing the need for human 3:05 labor and minimizing the risks 3:07 associated with working in extreme 3:09 conditions speaking of solar panels 3:11 energy is obviously a huge concern when 3:13 it comes to Desert living musk has that 3:15 covered too solar power is the backbone 3:18 of this entire operation the desert is 3:20 one of the best places for solar energy 3:22 because let's face it there's no 3:24 shortage of sunlight out there musk's 3:26 technology integrates high efficiency 3:28 solar panels with Cutting Edge back 3:29 Battery Systems to ensure a constant 3:31 power supply and this isn't just any 3:33 solar setup it's specifically designed 3:36 to store enough energy during the day to 3:38 keep things running smoothly through the 3:39 night with enough backup to handle any 3:41 cloudy days that might come along but of 3:44 course life in the desert requires more 3:46 than just power water is another massive 3:49 challenge most deserts don't exactly 3:51 have a handy reservoir of fresh water 3:53 nearby and transporting water over long 3:56 distances is both expensive and 3:58 inefficient musks solution harvesting 4:01 water straight from the air Yes you 4:03 heard that right the technology uses 4:05 atmospheric water generators to pull 4:07 moisture from the air even in the dry 4:09 hot desert 4:10 environment it's not magic though it's 4:13 science these generators use a 4:15 combination of cooling and heating 4:16 techniques to condense water vapor 4:18 providing a sustainable source of fresh 4:20 water that can support an entire 4:21 Community you might be wondering how all 4:23 this technology is working in real world 4:25 settings well musk has already started 4:28 testing prototypes in various desert 4:29 locations the exact spots are under 4:32 wraps but there's speculation that he's 4:33 testing out in places like Nevada where 4:35 there's plenty of open desert space and 4:37 even overseas in regions like the Middle 4:39 East or North Africa these pilot 4:41 projects are the proven grounds for the 4:43 technology allowing musk and his team to 4:45 refine their designs and work out any 4:47 kinks before rolling it out on a larger 4:49 scale so far the early results are 4:51 looking pretty promising there have been 4:53 some challenges building in a desert is 4:55 never going to be a walk in the park but 4:57 the successes are stacking up one of the 4:59 big winds has been in power generation 5:02 the solar panels are outperforming 5:03 expectations providing more than enough 5:05 energy to power the entire setup even 5:07 with the demands of water generation and 5:09 robotic construction it's a testament to 5:12 musk's commitment to renewable energy 5:14 and sustainable living but what about 5:17 the impact on the desert itself it's not 5:20 like musk to ignore the environmental 5:22 side of things in fact one of the key 5:24 aspects of this project is minimizing 5:26 the ecological footprint the materials 5:28 used for construction are designed to 5:30 blend in with the natural landscape 5:32 reducing visual impact and helping to 5:34 maintain the desert's natural beauty and 5:37 as for the local Wildlife musk's team 5:39 has been working with environmental 5:40 experts to ensure that the technology 5:42 won't disrupt the habitats of animals 5:44 and plants that call the desert home 5:46 it's all about creating a sustainable 5:48 harmonious balance between human 5:50 habitation and the natural environment 5:53 and that's really the Crux of it isn't 5:54 it Elon Musk isn't just building 5:56 structures in the desert he's creating a 5:58 blueprint for a new way of living one 6:00 that's in tune with nature yet fully 6:02 powered by the most advanced technology 6:04 we have it's a vision that goes beyond 6:07 just turning sand into a habitable space 6:09 it's about rethinking how we interact 6:11 with our planet especially the parts of 6:13 it that we've traditionally seen as 6:14 inhospitable or unusable it's easy to 6:17 get caught up in the technical details 6:19 but when you step back and look at the 6:21 bigger picture it's clear that musk is 6:23 doing something truly groundbreaking 6:25 he's not just talking about 6:26 sustainability he's actually putting it 6:28 into practice in one of the most 6:29 challenging environments on Earth and if 6:32 he can make it work here just imagine 6:34 what other seemingly impossible 6:35 challenges he might tackle next Mars 6:37 colonization anyone in any case this 6:40 desert Building Technology is more than 6:41 just an interesting project it's a 6:43 glimpse into the future of sustainable 6:45 living one that could have far-reaching 6:47 implications not just for those living 6:49 in arid regions but for all of us as 6:51 climate change continues to alter our 6:53 world Technologies like these could 6:55 become crucial in helping us adapt and 6:57 Thrive even in the harshest of 6:59 conditions 7:00 by the time this technology is fully 7:02 rolled out we might just be looking at a 7:03 new kind of desert landscape not a 7:05 Barren Wasteland but a vibrant 7:07 sustainable Community powered by the sun 7:10 fed by the air and built by machines 7:12 that don't Tire don't complain and don't 7:14 need a break from the heat it's classic 7:15 musk really bold ambitious and just a 7:19 little bit crazy but if anyone can pull 7:21 it off it's him so here's to the Future 7:23 to desserts teaming with life and to 7:26 Elon Musk who once again saw potential 7:28 where others saw only sand part two 7:31 building the desert 7:33 Metropolis the vision for future Desert 7:37 Cities we've already seen how Elon Musk 7:39 is turning deserts into fully 7:41 sustainable hubs of life with his 7:42 groundbreaking desert Building 7:44 Technology but now we're going to dive 7:46 even deeper into what these Desert 7:48 Cities might actually look like imagine 7:50 standing on the edge of this vast Sandy 7:52 expanse with not much more than a few 7:54 plants scattered rocks and intense heat 7:57 then almost out of nowhere a city begins 8:00 to emerge a place that blends right into 8:02 the desert yet brims with Advanced Tech 8:04 and futuristic design that's the kind of 8:07 vision musk is working towards and 8:08 honestly it's pretty mind-blowing at 8:10 first it's a little tricky to wrap your 8:12 head around what musk has in mind he's 8:14 not just talking about building a few 8:16 homes or setting up a solar farm no he's 8:18 looking at creating a full-on 8:20 self-sufficient Metropolis in the middle 8:21 of a desert and it's not just about 8:23 surviving there it's about thriving 8:25 we're talking about everything a city 8:27 needs to function residences businesses 8:29 enter Ain M you name it all designed to 8:31 withstand the extremes of desert life 8:33 for starters the whole layout of these 8:35 Desert Cities is something musk has 8:37 thought about down to the finest details 8:39 he knows that life in the desert 8:41 requires a totally different approach to 8:42 urban planning these aren't just your 8:44 average sky scrapers and Roads instead 8:47 he's envisioning structures that are not 8:49 only functional but also beautifully 8:50 integrated with the desert landscape 8:52 imagine buildings that reflect and 8:54 absorb the heat minimizing the need for 8:57 air conditioning and homes that make the 8:59 most most of the natural light reducing 9:01 energy consumption the desert has its 9:03 own set of challenges but musk is using 9:05 those challenges to inspire Innovative 9:08 design Solutions Transportation Within 9:10 These Desert Cities is another area 9:12 where musk is pushing the envelope you 9:14 see moving around in a desert isn't 9:16 quite the same as hopping on a bus or 9:18 driving down a well- paved City Road 9:20 musk plans to incorporate Green 9:22 Transportation solutions that are as 9:23 futuristic as they are practical think 9:26 hyper Loops whizzing by at lightning 9:27 speeds connecting different parts of the 9:29 desert city in the blink of an eye 9:31 imagine hopping onto an autonomous 9:33 electric vehicle that takes you across 9:35 the Sandy landscape without kicking up a 9:37 cloud of dust or consuming a drop of 9:39 gasoline these vehicles would run 9:41 entirely on the solar power generated by 9:43 the city itself making them both 9:45 eco-friendly and efficient and musk 9:47 isn't stopping at Transportation he's 9:49 also reimagining how these cities will 9:51 grow their own food you might think that 9:53 food production in a desert would be 9:55 impossible right well not in musk's 9:57 World he's introducing vertical farming 9:59 to these cities which is basically 10:01 farming on a multi-level structure this 10:03 method allows for a lot of food to be 10:04 grown in a small space using less water 10:07 than traditional farming in these 10:09 controlled environments you can grow 10:10 everything from leafy greens to tomatoes 10:12 to berries right in the middle of the 10:14 desert and let's not forget about 10:17 aquaponics and hydroponics systems that 10:19 recycle water and nutrients making every 10:22 drop count it's like having a green 10:24 Oasis within a tech filled City 10:26 providing fresh produce to Residents all 10:28 year round but what about building in 10:30 the desert sand it's not like you can 10:32 just lay down bricks and expect them to 10:34 stay put right musk has thought of that 10:36 too he's been experimenting with 3D 10:38 printing technology that uses the very 10:40 sand from the desert itself as a 10:42 building material this not only reduces 10:44 the need to import construction 10:46 materials from far off places but also 10:48 keeps the structures in harmony with the 10:49 environment the sand is melted down and 10:52 turned into a kind of glass or used as a 10:54 base material for building bricks it's 10:56 almost like these cities are being grown 10:58 from the desert itself and thanks to 11:00 this technology construction can be done 11:02 faster and more efficiently allowing 11:04 these cities to rise up in record time 11:07 now let's talk about energy solar power 11:09 is definitely the star of the show here 11:11 but musk's vision goes beyond just 11:12 slapping some solar panels on rooftops 11:15 the entire city is designed to maximize 11:17 solar energy collection from large solar 11:19 Farms on the outskirts to solar panels 11:21 integrated into the very walls and 11:23 windows of buildings every bit of 11:24 sunlight is put to good use and it's not 11:27 just about collecting energy it's about 11:29 storing it efficiently too musk's 11:31 advancements in Battery Technology mean 11:33 that these Desert Cities can store 11:35 massive amounts of solar energy enough 11:37 to keep things running smoothly even 11:38 during the night or on cloudy days it's 11:41 not just about living in the desert it's 11:43 about creating a lifestyle that's 11:44 perfectly adapted to the environment 11:47 musk's Desert Cities are designed to be 11:49 smart cities where everything is 11:50 connected through the internet of things 11:53 iot imagine living in a house that 11:55 automatically adjusts the temperature 11:57 based on the weather or Street lights 11:59 that Dim when no one's around to save 12:01 energy waste is managed through an 12:03 advanced system that minimizes the 12:04 environmental footprint with Recycling 12:07 and composting built into daily life and 12:09 because these cities are essentially Off 12:11 the Grid they're not reliant on 12:13 traditional infrastructure making them 12:15 resilient to power outages and other 12:17 issues that plague more conventional 12:19 cities Elon Musk isn't just building 12:22 cities he's building communities he 12:24 envisions places where people can live 12:26 work and play all within the same 12:28 sustainable ecosystem these cities will 12:30 have schools hospitals parks and 12:32 entertainment venues all tailored to the 12:34 unique challenges and opportunities of 12:36 desert living and it's not just about 12:38 putting up buildings and hoping people 12:40 will come musk is also investing in 12:42 creating job opportunities Within These 12:44 Desert Cities the technology itself will 12:46 need skilled workers and there will be 12:48 countless roles in the support 12:50 industries that will spring up as these 12:52 cities grow and it's fascinating to 12:54 think about what this means for the 12:55 future of Housing and Urban Development 12:57 if musk can make this work in the desert 12:59 why stop there he's already hinted that 13:01 the principles Behind These Desert 13:03 Cities could be adapted for Other 13:04 Extreme environments imagine similar 13:07 Technologies being used to build in the 13:08 Arctic or perhaps even underwater each 13:11 of these environments comes with its own 13:12 set of challenges but musk has shown 13:14 time and again that he's more than 13:15 willing to tackle The Impossible it's 13:18 like he's building a new model for how 13:19 humans can live on earth one that's 13:21 adaptable sustainable and Incredibly 13:23 forward thinking but musk's vision goes 13:25 beyond the technology itself he's also 13:28 thinking about about the social aspects 13:30 of desert life living in an isolated 13:32 desert community could be challenging 13:34 but musk is incorporating social spaces 13:36 and hubs within the city to foster a 13:38 sense of 13:39 community imagine co-working spaces 13:41 powered entirely by renewable energy or 13:44 community centers where residents can 13:46 gather learn and share ideas he's also 13:49 looking at how these Desert Cities can 13:51 become centers of innovation by setting 13:53 up research facilities and Tech hubs he 13:55 hopes to attract scientists engineers 13:57 and creatives from around the world 13:59 turning the desert into a Melting Pot of 14:01 innovation and culture in the end musk's 14:03 desert Building Technology is about more 14:05 than just Conquering the Sands it's 14:07 about pioneering a new way of living 14:09 that could Inspire cities all over the 14:11 world as urban populations continue to 14:13 grow and climate change forces us to 14:15 rethink how we build and live musk's 14:18 Desert Cities could be the blueprint for 14:19 a more sustainable future just imagine 14:22 years from now people might be living in 14:24 cities that owe their very existence to 14:25 the deserts they inhabit it's a wild 14:28 thought but with musk it feels entirely 14:30 possible who knows maybe this is just 14:32 the beginning if musk can transform 14:35 deserts into thriving cities there's no 14:37 telling where his next project will lead 14:39 the future of sustainable Innovative 14:40 living might just be rising from the 14:42 Sands right now one solar powerered sand 14:44 built building at a time part three the 14:49 global implications of musk's desert 14:51 Building 14:52 Technology we've already explored how 14:54 he's tackling the challenges of the 14:56 desert energy water and building 14:59 materials now let's zoom out a bit and 15:01 look at the impact these Desert Cities 15:03 might have on a global scale because if 15:05 musk can make this work in some of the 15:07 harshest environments on Earth the 15:08 possibilities are pretty much endless so 15:11 picture this musk has managed to pull 15:13 off the impossible and there's now a 15:15 fully functioning sustainable City smack 15:18 dab in the middle of a desert what does 15:20 that mean for the rest of us well for 15:23 starters it could completely change the 15:24 way we think about Urban Development 15:26 right now most of our big cities are in 15:28 areas with Rich natural resources 15:30 fertile land and access to water but 15:33 musk's desert technology flips that on 15:35 its head if we can build thriving 15:37 communities in the middle of nowhere it 15:39 could relieve the pressure on those 15:40 resource heavy areas instead of everyone 15:43 crowding into coastal cities or Lush 15:45 valleys we could start seeing people 15:47 move into what were once thought to be 15:48 uninhabitable places and this shift 15:51 could help us tackle one of the biggest 15:53 challenges of our time climate change 15:55 these Desert Cities wouldn't just be 15:56 self-sufficient they'd also be 15:58 incredibly e friendly since they're 16:00 designed to run entirely on renewable 16:02 energy they'd have a much smaller carbon 16:03 footprint than traditional cities and 16:06 because they're located in areas that 16:07 aren't typically used for agriculture or 16:09 large- scale development they wouldn't 16:11 be taking resources away from other 16:13 areas in fact they could help reduce 16:15 some of the environmental pressures that 16:17 come with expanding traditional cities 16:19 imagine what this could mean for 16:21 countries with vast desert regions like 16:23 those in the Middle East North Africa or 16:25 even Australia suddenly these areas 16:27 could become economic powerhouses with 16:30 the right investment they could build 16:31 entire cities that attract businesses 16:33 tourists and new residents it's a 16:35 win-win situation the countries benefit 16:37 from economic growth and we all benefit 16:40 from the reduced strain on more 16:41 vulnerable ecosystems and let's not 16:43 forget the jobs this could create from 16:45 construction to Tech to agriculture 16:47 these Desert Cities would need a wide 16:49 range of skilled workers creating new 16:51 opportunities in places where they might 16:53 be hard to come by musk's technology 16:55 could also have huge implications for 16:57 water management water scarcity is a 16:59 serious issue in many parts of the world 17:01 and it's only going to get worse as the 17:03 climate continues to change but by 17:06 perfecting the technology to extract 17:08 water from the air musk could provide a 17:09 sustainable solution to this problem 17:12 think about it if we can make fresh 17:13 water available in the middle of a 17:15 desert we could bring water to other 17:17 areas that are struggling with scarcity 17:19 it could change the game for countries 17:20 that currently spend huge amounts of 17:22 money and energy on desalination or 17:24 importing water now there's another 17:26 angle to this that's worth considering 17:27 what if these desert cities could 17:29 actually help reverse 17:31 desertification desertification is the 17:33 process where fertile land becomes 17:35 desert usually due to things like 17:37 deforestation overgrazing and poor 17:39 agricultural practices it's a major 17:42 problem in places like subsaharan Africa 17:44 where expanding deserts are pushing 17:45 people off their land and making it 17:47 harder to grow food but musk's 17:49 technology could potentially offer a 17:51 solution by creating sustainable green 17:53 spaces in the middle of the desert we 17:55 might be able to restore some of this 17:56 lost land and if we can make the desert 17:58 Bloom even in a small way it could 18:01 provide a blueprint for fighting 18:02 desertification on a larger scale the 18:05 technology musk is developing also has 18:07 some pretty exciting implications for 18:09 renewable energy right now solar energy 18:12 is a great option for sunny areas but it 18:14 has its limitations solar panels only 18:17 generate power when the sun is shining 18:19 and they take up a lot of space but 18:21 musk's Desert Cities would be equipped 18:23 with the latest in solar Tech 18:25 potentially leading to new breakthroughs 18:27 and how we generate and store solar 18:29 power these advancements could then be 18:31 applied in other parts of the world 18:33 making solar energy more efficient and 18:34 more accessible imagine if every Sunny 18:37 Country had access to this kind of 18:39 Technology not just for powering homes 18:41 and businesses but also for charging 18:43 electric vehicles and running public 18:45 transportation systems it would be a 18:47 massive step forward in the fight 18:48 against climate change and speaking of 18:50 Transportation musk's Desert Cities 18:52 could serve as testing grounds for other 18:54 futuristic Technologies take the 18:55 hyperloop for example musk has been 18:58 working on this high-speed 18:59 transportation system for years but 19:01 building it in populated areas has 19:02 proven to be a challenge but in the 19:04 desert where there's plenty of space and 19:06 fewer obstacles it could finally get the 19:08 chance to shine these Desert Cities 19:10 could become hubs for Innovation where 19:12 new ideas can be tested and refined 19:14 before being rolled out to the rest of 19:16 the world it's like having a giant 19:18 sandbox where musk and his team can play 19:20 with all their latest toys it's not hard 19:22 to imagine a future where other 19:23 countries and companies start following 19:25 musk's lead after all if he proves that 19:27 Desert Cities are not not only possible 19:29 but also profitable others are sure to 19:31 jump on the bandwagon we could start 19:33 seeing Desert Cities popping up all over 19:35 the world each with its own unique twist 19:38 maybe one city focuses on renewable 19:40 energy while another becomes a hub for 19:42 sustainable agriculture the 19:44 possibilities are endless and the 19:46 competition could drive even more 19:48 Innovation before long living in a 19:50 desert might not just be possible it 19:51 might actually be desirable of course 19:54 there are always going to be challenges 19:56 with any new technology and musk's 19:58 desert cities are no exception for one 20:00 thing there's the issue of cost building 20:03 a self-sustaining City in the middle of 20:05 a desert isn't cheap and it's going to 20:06 require a lot of upfront investment and 20:09 while musk has the resources to fund the 20:11 initial stages other countries or 20:12 companies might not be so lucky they'll 20:14 need to see concrete proof that these 20:16 cities can be profitable before they're 20:17 willing to commit there's also the 20:19 question of whether people will actually 20:21 want to live in these cities sure they 20:23 sound great on paper but living in the 20:25 desert is an everyone's cup of tea musk 20:27 will need to find a way to make these 20:28 cities not just livable but also 20:31 attractive to potential residents and 20:33 then there's the environmental impact to 20:35 consider while musk is going to Great 20:37 Lengths to make these cities sustainable 20:39 there's always a risk of unintended 20:41 consequences building in the desert 20:43 could disrupt local ecosystems and 20:44 displace wildlife and while musk's team 20:47 is working with environmental experts to 20:49 minimize these impacts it's a complex 20:51 issue with no easy answers it's a 20:53 reminder that even the most 20:54 well-intentioned projects can have 20:56 unforeseen consequences and it's 20:58 something musk will need to keep in mind 20:59 as he moves forward but despite these 21:01 challenges there's no denying the 21:03 potential of musk's desert Building 21:05 Technology if he can make it work it 21:07 could change the world in ways we can't 21:09 even imagine and it's not just about 21:11 creating new places to live it's about 21:13 rethinking our relationship with the 21:15 planet by building cities that work with 21:17 the environment rather than against it 21:19 musk is showing us a new way forward 21:21 it's a vision of a world where 21:23 technology and nature can coexist where 21:25 we can live sustainably even in the most 21:27 extreme environments and while there are 21:29 still a lot of unknowns one thing is 21:31 clear musk isn't afraid to dream big so 21:34 where does that leave us well it's hard 21:36 to say for sure but one thing certain 21:38 Elon Musk is pushing the boundaries of 21:40 what's possible and his desert Building 21:42 Technology is just the latest example of 21:43 his Relentless drive to innovate whether 21:46 or not these Desert Cities become a 21:47 reality musk is once again challenging 21:50 us to think differently to imagine a 21:52 world where we're not limited by the 21:53 resources at our disposal but by the 21:55 extent of our imagination and who knows 21:58 maybe one day we'll all be living in 22:00 cities that started out as nothing more 22:02 than sand and a dream IT HAPPENED! Elon Musk JUST DEVELOPED Desert-Building Technology! Elon Musk Rewind 298K subscribers Join Subscribe 196 Share Download Thanks Save 13,688 views Premiered Oct 15, 2024 UNITED STATES IT HAPPENED! Elon Musk JUST DEVELOPED Desert-Building Technology! 🔔 Subscribe now with all notifications on for more Elon Musk news, SpaceX news and Tesla news! 🖤 Support us now and become an Elon Musk fan: / @elonmuskrewind_1 Elon has done it again! He’s pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and setting his sights on one of the most challenging environments on Earth, the desert. Elon is now developing revolutionary desert-building technology. Imagine turning vast, barren deserts into bustling, sustainable cities, powered entirely by renewable energy. Elon’s vision goes beyond just surviving in these harsh conditions; he’s creating a blueprint for thriving in them. _________________________________________________________________ 🇺🇸 About Elon Musk Rewind 🎥 Videos about Elon Musk, SpaceX, Tesla and more 🎨 Written, voiced and produced by Elon Musk Rewind 🔔 Subscribe now for more Elon Musk, SpaceX and Tesla videos 🖤 Support us now and become an Elon Musk fan: / @elonmuskrewind_1 💼 Business inquiries and contact ➟ For business inquiries, copyright matters or other inquiries please contact us at: _________________________________________________________________ ⚠️ Educational and documentary content ➟ Content Context: This video discusses unverified information and theories from various sources. It's intended for educational purposes and should not be taken as endorsed facts. ➟ Intention: 'No Narratives' does not aim to defame or discredit any individuals or organizations. The goal is to encourage thoughtful discussion and critical thinking. ➟ Non-endorsement of Violence: 'No Narratives' does not condone or promote any violent actions mentioned. These are included only for context. ➟ Educational Purpose: This content aims to foster understanding and discussion of complex and controversial topics, encouraging viewers to seek additional authoritative sources. ⚠️ Video disclaimers ➟ This video contains information not to be considered the truth, rather theories and information found on the internet or broadcasted by news outlets and journalists. ➟ Elon Musk Rewind does not have the intend to slander or discredit any of the persons mentioned. ➟ Elon Musk Rewind does not condone nor promotes the violent actions mentioned in this video, it is for educational purposes only. ⚠️ Copyright Disclaimers ➟ We use images and content in accordance with the YouTube Fair Use copyright guidelines ➟ Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act states: “Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.” ➟ This video could contain certain copyrighted video clips, pictures, or photographs that were not specifically authorized to be used by the copyright holder(s), but which we believe in good faith are protected by federal law and the fair use doctrine for one or more of the reasons noted above. _________________________________________________________________ 🚀 Thank you for watching our videos! 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Elon Musk Rewind 298K subscribers 25 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @fireonhair 1 day ago elon musk never said anything about building in a desert. wtf are you talking about. 2 Reply 2 replies @ceni5958 2 days ago Parabéns!!!!👏👏 Reply @michaelyork7917 1 day ago If a mountain range sufficiently high enough,, made of glass, was strategically built along the western edge of the Sahara it could alter the water cycle along it, keeping the moisture from escaping out to sea, and minimize hurricanes, another win/win 1 Reply @LiticiaMapaloHilario 1 day ago ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Reply @josephsadowski4532 1 day ago if you can create living in deserts you can create living on Mars too Love your way of thinking! 1 Reply @davidjagan2794 2 days ago Absolutely.....great job Reply @Trilobite45 2 days ago Prototypes for Martian colony bases. 1 Reply @재복-t8k 2 days ago (edited) ㅡ지구행성과 지구인에게 ㅡ생명적인 삶을 업그레이드 시켜서 ㅡ차원상승 시켜주려고 이땅에 온 ㅡ일론머스크는ㅡ창조의 신 구원자 같다는 생각이 드네요 3 Reply @mudonyekha5328 1 day ago Amazing 🤩 Reply @starwest8851 1 day ago wow really ?? i really want see how is works . really interesting Reply @georgebayes3103 2 days ago How about developing a monorail to cross the US Reply @NMGOQITHAKHELI-p4y 1 day ago Wow that's amazing Elon ❤🎉🎉 Reply @jacquesanil3520 1 day ago It might be toooo hot in desert 😮 Reply 1 reply @meg3460 1 day ago How would he cope with sand storms? Reply @austin6886 14 hours ago Maybe tech to someday terraphorm however spelt on other planets aka mars giant desert!? Not facts just saying makes more sense Reply @wildstorm74 1 day ago If successful, Australia can get a major upgrade. For Africa, they would have no reason for beg...and even much Australia in that major upgrade. Puting less stressed on food, water and housing... were there's no reason for person to be homeless. Reply @KennethCrommett-z9h 2 days ago Build a glass city out of sand. Strong glass. Make a big giant magnifying glass 10 miles wide.make lot power. 2 Reply @RATCLIFFE-LISTENS 1 day ago (edited) Many countries “China” “Saudis”are repurposing and will both irrigate and farm in addition to planting trees in desert regions. They have discovered locations where aquifers exist. Reply @christine6209 7 hours ago Where is all this coming from lol Reply @AliceStartley 1 day ago Hey Elon If God can turn water into wine, then why couldn't he turn that sand into dirt? Just saying Reply @robertsterner408 2 days ago Muffinbears rain 🌧️ upon you mate LoL AQUARIUS aka Robbie Reply

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