Friday, October 04, 2024

How Tesla Reinvented The Electric Motor

How Tesla Reinvented The Electric Motor The Tesla Space 463K subscribers Join Subscribe 8.8K Share Download Thanks Clip 385,708 views May 5, 2024 #TheTeslaSpace #Tesla #Elon This is where Tesla vehicles get their incredible power. From the early days of Nikola Tesla, to the next-generation of Tesla electric vehicle, the AC electric motor been reinvented time and time again. Last video: The Real Reason Elon Musk Is Visiting China • The Real Reason Elon Musk Is Visiting... ► Support the channel by becoming a member: / @theteslaspace ►The Tesla Space Merch Store Is Live! Shop our first release while quantities last: ► Patreon: / theteslaspace ► Join Our Discord Server: / discord ► Subscribe to our other channel, The Space Race: / @thespaceraceyt ► Subscribe to The Tesla Space newsletter: ► Use my referral link to purchase a Tesla product and get up to $1,300 off and other exclusive benefits. Subscribe: / @theteslaspace Welcome to the Tesla Space, where we share the latest news, rumors, and insights into all things Tesla, Space X, Elon Musk, and the future! We'll be showing you all of the new details around the Tesla Model 3 2023, Tesla Model Y 2023, along with the Tesla Cybertruck when it finally arrives, it's already ordered! Instagram: / theteslaspace Twitter: / theteslaspace Business Email: #Tesla #TheTeslaSpace #Elon Chapters View all Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Transcript Search in video Intro 0:00 this is Nicola Tesla the greatest 0:02 inventor of all time and this is his 0:06 greatest invention the AC induction 0:08 motor in the early 21st Century Modern 0:11 inventors like Elon Musk started putting 0:14 these AC induction Motors into electric 0:17 cars from this Tesla Motors was born 0:20 Elon musk's Tesla has been constantly 0:23 improving on that Century old design 0:25 from their Model S to the model 3 and 0:27 onto their next generation electric car 0:30 that has yet to even be released this is 0:34 how Tesla reinvented the electric 0:40 motor the AC induction motor is a The AC Induction Motor 0:43 product that goes back to the early days 0:45 of Tesla Motors and the development of 0:47 their first Roadster vehicle but in the 0:49 grand scheme of things the induction 0:51 motor actually tracks its origin back to 0:54 the early days of the Industrial 0:56 Revolution alternating current is the 0:58 kind of electricity that surrounds us on 1:01 a daily basis it's what comes out of the 1:03 sockets in your wall and moves through 1:05 the power lines up and down your street 1:08 Nicola Tesla is widely considered to be 1:10 the father of alternating current 1:12 electricity and was a pivotal figure in 1:14 adopting AC to power the US electrical 1:17 grid around the turn of the 20th century 1:20 many people consider Tesla's greatest 1:22 invention to be the alternating current 1:24 induction motor essentially a device 1:26 that will transform AC electricity into 1:28 mechanical motion and and in turn when 1:30 used in the opposite direction an 1:32 induction motor can turn motion into 1:35 electricity one of the first large scale 1:37 applications of Tesla's AC generator was 1:39 capturing hydroelectricity at Niagara 1:42 Falls when we say alternating current we 1:45 are really talking about the direction 1:46 that electricity is moving through a 1:48 circuit so for AC electricity to work 1:51 the direction of the electric current 1:53 has to continuously alternate between 1:55 forwards and backwards this is a bit 1:59 difficult to imagine in the context of 2:00 our own electrical grid as far as we can 2:03 tell electricity flows out of the 2:05 Generating Station and into our house 2:07 but in reality it's in a constant state 2:10 of movement back and forth this is a 2:13 characteristic that allows AC 2:15 electricity to be transmitted at high 2:17 voltages over very long distances and 2:20 then converted into lower voltage for 2:22 final delivery to the consumer the 2:25 alternating flow happens so fast that we 2:27 only perceive the electricity as con but 2:30 in reality the direction of electricity 2:32 alternates 60 times per second in North 2:35 America so how does this apply to How Induction Motors Work 2:37 electric motors well it's all about 2:39 magnets so when you transmit electricity 2:41 through a conductive material like a 2:43 copper wire you also create a magnetic 2:46 field in that wire this is an 2:48 electromagnet and once you stop the flow 2:50 of electricity the magnetic field will 2:53 also dissipate now if you transfer 2:55 electricity in one direction through a 2:58 conductor you create a magnet magnetic 3:00 pole either a South Pole or a North Pole 3:02 and then if you were to reverse the flow 3:04 of electricity through that same 3:05 conductor you would also reverse the 3:07 polarity of the magnetic field so as the 3:10 direction of electricity alternates so 3:12 does the North and South Pole of the 3:14 electromagnet there are two essential 3:16 components of an electric motor the 3:18 stator and the rotor the rotor rotates 3:21 and the stator remains stationary easy 3:23 way to remember which is which now as 3:25 the name suggests an induction motor 3:27 uses a rotating magnetic field in the 3:30 stator to induce a rotational force in 3:32 the rotor here is how that breaks down 3:35 your stator is essentially a ring of 3:37 copper wire that is arranged into coils 3:39 that run from the front to the back of 3:41 the motor each coil of wire is wrapped 3:44 around a piece of iron so when 3:46 electricity is flowed through the coil 3:48 of wire it becomes a powerful 3:50 electromagnet the polarity of each 3:52 magnet is determined by the direction of 3:54 current so by alternating the directions 3:56 of the electrical charge being applied 3:58 to each sub sequent winding and flipping 4:01 each polarity in sequence we create a 4:04 rotating magnetic field that travels 4:06 around the Ring of the stator the speed 4:09 at which the magnetic field rotates can 4:11 then be controlled by the rate at which 4:13 you can alternate the flow of 4:15 electricity the rotor in this case is a 4:17 much more simple component there are 4:19 various different kinds of rotors used 4:21 in different induction motor designs but 4:23 the one that we are going to focus on 4:24 today is known as the squirrel cage 4:27 rotor it gets the name because the 4:28 structure is aind cylinder made from 4:30 aluminum bars that run from the front to 4:32 the back of the rotor with circular 4:34 metal end caps there is no supply of 4:37 electricity flowing into the rotor and 4:39 it contains no natural magnets it's 4:42 literally just a metal cage that can 4:44 freely rotate and yet the rotor can be 4:46 transformed into a magnet by the 4:48 rotating magnetic field of the stator 4:51 one of the interesting things about 4:52 magnets is that they move relative to a 4:55 conductive material they can induce an 4:57 electrical current into that conductor 4:59 which in turn creates an electromagnet 5:02 with no contact required just relative 5:05 motion you can see this by dropping a 5:07 magnet straight down a copper pipe as 5:09 the magnet Falls it will induce a 5:11 magnetic field into the pipe which will 5:13 then work against the magnet itself and 5:15 slow the fall of the magnet through the 5:17 tube so the further it falls the slower 5:20 it will move through the air due to 5:21 resistance from the induced magnetic 5:23 field in the copper pipe the same thing 5:27 is happening inside the induction motor 5:29 by rotating the magnetic field around 5:30 the stator using alternating current and 5:32 electromagnets a magnetic field will be 5:35 induced in the bars of the sroll cage 5:36 rotor that induced magnetic field will 5:39 react against the magnetism of the 5:41 stator we know that magnets with the 5:43 same polarity will push against each 5:45 other and this force of magnetism will 5:47 cause the rotor to turn in the direction 5:49 of the stator's magnetic field So the 5:52 faster you alternate the flow of current 5:54 through the stator the faster the 5:55 rotation of the magnetic field and the 5:58 faster the movement of the rotor due to 6:00 the magnetic push effect the only caveat 6:03 we need to remember is that the rotor 6:05 will have to move at a slower rate than 6:07 the rotating field of the stator because 6:09 the magnetic field is created by 6:11 relative motion if the two are turning 6:14 in sync then there's no longer any of 6:16 that motion in play the rotor will 6:18 demagnetize and slow down from the time AC Induction Motors 6:21 this induction motor was first patented 6:22 by Nicola Tesla 1888 to the present day 6:26 AC motors have been a staple of 6:28 industrial society we see them in 6:31 everything from elevators and street 6:32 cars to ceiling fans and washing 6:34 machines anything that plugs into the 6:36 electrical grid and Spins is more than 6:39 likely to have an AC induction motor 6:41 inside so when it came time for Elon 6:43 Musk and his crew of Founders at Tesla 6:45 Motors to choose a power source for 6:47 their first electric Roadster vehicle 6:49 there was one very obvious candidate the 6:52 AC induction motor and when used in an 6:55 electric vehicle the design gives you 6:56 one significant Advantage we know that 6:59 when you rotate the magnets of the 7:01 stator faster than the rotor you 7:03 Electrify the rotor and create a magnet 7:05 but when you spin the rotor faster than 7:07 the stator using an external Force like 7:10 a wheel you Electrify the stator which 7:13 can then transfer the excess energy back 7:15 to the battery pack and increase the 7:17 driving range of your vehicle this is 7:19 how regenerative braking Works Tesla 7:22 retained the AC induction motor as their 7:24 primary drive unit into the model S and 7:26 X this allowed the relatively large and 7:29 heavy vehicles to achieve mindboggling 7:32 Feats of acceleration from a standing 7:34 start but they also came with a 7:36 significant drawback that needed to be 7:38 solved so the beauty of the AC induction 7:41 motor is its Simplicity coils of copper 7:44 wire some chunks of steel and iron a 7:46 squirrel cage of aluminum bars not much 7:49 to it that's exactly why the motors in 7:52 appliances like air conditioners and 7:54 washing machines can run for decades 7:56 without failure the downsides of the 7:59 orig induction Motors start to show 8:01 themselves only when you go in search of 8:04 maximum power and efficiency which is 8:06 exactly what Tesla was looking for when 8:08 they designed their model 3 okay so Permanent Magnet Motors 8:11 everything that we just talked about 8:12 still applies to this new motor that 8:14 Tesla created for their model 3 but with 8:17 one key addition permanent magnets 8:21 specifically they added permanent 8:22 magnets to the rotor so now instead of 8:24 an aluminum squirrel cage we have this 8:27 dense iron core filled with strips of a 8:30 magnetic Rare Earth element called 8:32 neodymium the technical name for this 8:34 new motor type is IPM syrm that means 8:37 internal permanent magnet synchronous 8:39 reluctance motor it's complicated here's 8:43 the scoop you could make a permanent 8:45 magnet motor by taking a metal cylinder 8:47 sticking four magnets to the outside 8:49 with South poles on the top and bottom 8:51 and North Poles on the sides that would 8:53 be your rotor and then when you stick 8:56 that inside the stator that we talked 8:57 about before and start rotating the 8:59 electromagnetic field in the stator 9:01 coils your permanent magnet rotor will 9:03 follow now we can actually spin the 9:06 Rotor at the exact same speed as the 9:08 rotating magnetic field of the stator 9:10 because we are no longer relying on 9:12 relative motion to induce the magnetism 9:15 in the rotor this already gives us 9:17 higher efficiency and more power 9:19 particularly when accelerating from a 9:21 stop because we have these two very 9:24 powerful magnetic fields that can 9:26 instantly push off from each other but 9:29 there's a big problem two problems 9:31 really for one permanent magnets stuck 9:33 to the outside of the rotor will have a 9:35 tendency to come unstuck due to 9:38 centrifugal force So the faster the 9:40 rotor spins the more likely it is to fly 9:43 apart but even more importantly reason 9:45 two is that the rotation of the 9:47 permanent magnets will start to induce 9:49 their own magnetic field into the stator 9:51 coils at high speed and this is going to 9:54 be opposite to the electromagnetic flow 9:56 in the stator and that force is going to 9:58 want to slow down the whole system this 10:01 is called back EMF and the faster the 10:04 rotor speed the more back EMF you get to 10:07 combat these two downsides we introduced 10:09 the design of a reluctance motor so 10:11 aluminum and copper are only magnetic 10:14 when you flow electricity through them 10:15 but iron is naturally attracted to 10:18 magnetic fields so that means we can use 10:20 it as a rotor material inside our same 10:23 old electromagnet stator and that iron 10:25 rotor will follow in sync with the 10:27 rotation of the stator's magnetic field 10:30 again there is one caveat we need to cut 10:33 channels into the iron material that 10:35 line up with the shape of the magnetic 10:37 field that surrounds it this will align 10:40 the magnetic reluctance of the iron core 10:42 with the magnetic field of the stator 10:44 and allow them to rotate in sync this is 10:47 our synchronous reluctance motor it's a 10:50 very efficient motor design and it works 10:52 very well at high speed because there is 10:54 no back EMF created by the iron rotor 10:57 the downside here is that a reluctance 10:59 motor has very low power density when 11:02 accelerating at low speed because the 11:04 rotor can only follow the rotating 11:05 magnetic field of the stator you don't 11:08 get that instant push effect of two 11:10 magnetic fields working against each 11:12 other now all we need to do is add 11:14 magnets to the rotor and we get our 11:16 perfect combination those channels that 11:18 we cut into the iron core make the ideal 11:21 location for our permanent magnets to 11:23 live this is our internal permanent 11:26 magnet by placing them inside the iron 11:28 rotor we reduce the permanent magnets 11:30 effect on the stator windings and 11:32 thereby reduce the problem of back EMF 11:35 now there is still a very complex task 11:37 here that involves balancing the 11:39 reluctance effect of the iron core with 11:41 the magnetic push of the permanent 11:42 magnets you see you want to utilize the 11:45 power of permanent magnets during 11:46 acceleration but then cancel them out 11:49 and switch over the efficiency of 11:50 reluctance at cruising speed this is all 11:53 handled by very Advanced software 11:55 controlling the magnetic field of the 11:57 stator that we cannot even begin to 11:59 explain and this is why the IPM sin RM 12:02 motor was never widely used until Tesla 12:06 came along and now Tesla is about to 12:08 take this design to the next level with 12:12 the motor design for the model 3 Tesla 12:14 was able to maximize both power and 12:16 efficiency but it did come at a cost if 12:19 we remember back to the original 12:21 induction motor it came with a 12:22 relatively simple and cheap rotor made 12:25 of aluminum Bars by switching to IPM sin 12:28 RM Tesla introduced The Rare Earth 12:30 element neodymium into their rotor so 12:33 the cost in this instance is money it's 12:36 a much more expensive motor now Tesla is 12:39 dedicating their research and 12:41 development into a Next Generation 12:42 vehicle platform that is supposed to 12:45 dramatically reduce cost while 12:47 maximizing efficiency this will serve as 12:50 the base for their upcoming Robo taxi 12:52 vehicle from what we learned last year 12:53 at Tesla's investor day the designers 12:56 are achieving much of that cost 12:57 reduction by elim ating Rare Earth 13:00 elements from the motor's composition 13:02 now it's not that neodymium is 13:03 particularly scarce in the overall 13:05 composition of the Earth but it is 13:07 difficult to locate near the surface and 13:09 you typically won't find large 13:11 concentrations all in one place so 13:13 therefore the cost is relatively High 13:16 and the supply is relatively low but 13:19 Engineers still prefer neodymium for 13:20 electric motors because it has a strong 13:23 magnetic field that won't degrade over 13:25 long periods of use so it does justify 13:28 the cost 13:29 now Tesla is saying that they can get by 13:31 without the need for any Rare Earth 13:33 elements in their new magnets so what 13:35 will they use instead a widely popular 13:38 material for making magnets is called 13:40 ferite this is a ceramic material of 13:43 mostly iron oxide also known as rust 13:46 combined with additional metals like 13:48 manganese nickel and zinc but it doesn't 13:51 particularly matter which one you'd find 13:53 ceramic ferite magnets in everything 13:55 from speakers to electric guitars and 13:57 cordless drills they also help keep your 14:00 refrigerator door closed so it's a very 14:02 common and affordable material the 14:05 downside of fite compared to neodymium 14:07 is magnetic strength you would need a 14:09 much larger quantity of ferite to match 14:12 the strength of a neodymium magnet and 14:14 there's not much extra space to go 14:16 around inside an electric motor we know 14:19 that Tesla can make some of this back by 14:21 increasing efficiency they've done that 14:23 in the past just in the time between 14:25 model 3 and model y the engineers were 14:27 able to reduce the amount of rare earth 14:29 material required for the electric motor 14:31 without sacrificing any power but 14:33 inevitably by switching over to a farite 14:35 magnet Tesla will lose some performance 14:37 in their nextg vehicle so now instead of 14:40 going 0 to 60 in 6 seconds it might take 14:43 8 or 9 seconds is that the end of the 14:45 world absolutely not this is a vehicle 14:48 made for mass transportation not the 14:50 racetrack going all the way back to 14:52 Nicola Tesla good inventors are simply 14:55 trying to extract more functionality 14:57 from the world around them how can we do 14:59 more work with less energy how do we 15:01 combine different principles to create 15:03 something new and more effective and 15:06 that is what Tesla the company has 15:08 continued to do throughout the past two 15:09 decades The Tesla Space 463K subscribers Videos About Twitter Instagram Patreon Shop the The Tesla Space store Cybertruck 2077 T-Shirt $29.95 Fourthwall Excitement Guaranteed Mug $14.95 Fourthwall Excitement Guaranteed T-Shirt - White $29.95 Fourthwall Tesla Bot Mug $16.95 Fourthwall The Tesla Space Logo Dad Hat $24.95 Fourthwall The Space Race Logo Dad Hat $24.95 Fourthwall 594 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @favesongslist 4 months ago (edited) When Tesla displayed the motor for the Model S plaid, I was blown away at its complexity. Tesla has truly talented engineers. 117 Reply 12 replies @randycarter2001 4 months ago The mistake people are making is assuming Tesla is a car company. Tesla is a technology company that just happens to make cars. Tesla is into a lot more stuff than making cars, for example, mega-packs for grid storage. 5 Reply 2 replies @roderickpaterson1943 4 months ago 1887 is most definely not "the early stages of The Industrial Revolution". Most scholars suggest that the Industrial Revolution was between 1750 and 1850. Mechanisation, steam engines and telegraphy played a part in the American Civil War which was 1861-1865. The "early stages" of the Industrial Revolution is categoriesed by water wheels, cotton mills and standardisations 30 Reply 3 replies @nufosmatic 4 months ago The reason that Westinghouse succeeded with AC and Tesla over Edison and DC was that he had Steinmetz to make mathematical sense out of it. Charles Proteus Steinmetz (is that a kuel name, or what?) was able to understand the AC systems that Tesla intuitively built and create tools for the analysis of synchronous AC systems. AC analysis, also known as Steinmetz Analysis by people who don't care to repeat history, allows you to predict the losses through a network of connections and design transformers to lessen these losses in a large system. 30 Reply 2 replies @jonasgschnell4051 3 months ago The internal magnets don't reduce back emf, besides centrifugal forces, the reason for putting them inside the rotor is the reduced Airgap. 13 Reply 1 reply @rogerstar6683 4 months ago While he's the face of the electric-car maker today, Elon Musk DID NOT START TESLA. Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning were co-founders of Tesla, aiming to produce what became the Tesla Roadster. 4 Reply 1 reply @HolographicThoughts 4 months ago Yikes, the comments section knows more about EM than the video script. While the oblivious are like "thanks for misinforming me so clearly". 😂 40 Reply @freeenergytransformer5842 1 month ago Tesla's reinvention of the electric motor has been nothing short of revolutionary, building on the foundational work of Nikola Tesla and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in automotive technology. By leveraging Li-Ion batteries, which support higher current and enable the remarkable acceleration Tesla vehicles are known for, they’ve set a new standard in the industry. It's fascinating to see how Tesla opted to accelerate their innovation cycle by letting real customers essentially beta test their vehicles, a bold move that contrasts with traditional automakers who typically conduct extensive, multi-year testing before releasing a product. While this approach has its challenges, especially for engineers and designers working under intense pressure, it’s also what has allowed Tesla to lead the charge in electric vehicle innovation. 3 Reply @WalterWeinzinger 2 months ago The graphic at 2:45 is quite misleading. It looks like the magnetic field, generated by a current flow in a wire, runs lengthwise down the wire and then externally back to the other end of the wire. The magnetic field generated by current in a conductor actually rotates perpendicularly AROUND the wire according to the Right Hand Rule. 4 Reply @stevesepka2542 1 month ago Also, I've been told Elon Musk was not a founder of Tesla. He bought the company from his PayPal earnings and re-wrote their history. 3 Reply @pyrosapien4028 4 months ago Those wires and field lines going in the same direction at 3:08 make me uncomfortable, it’s supposed to be perpendicular 10 Reply @stevenrast4261 4 months ago Bro’s voice is back 😎 65 Reply 2 replies @icls9129 4 months ago He says that a magnetic field is induced in the wire -- err no! You can't have a magnetic field in a conductor. The magnetic field is surrounding the wire. 48 Reply 10 replies @saalbar1 4 months ago It’s just not Tesla Space without the voice 🙂… welcome back 12 Reply 1 reply @valentinsacco 4 months ago In asynchronous motors, the stator magnetic field and the rotor magnetic field rotate at the same speed, it is a mistake to say that the rotor magnetic field rotates at the speed of the rotor. The difference in speed between that of the magnetic field produced by the rotor and the rotor itself is called displacement speed. 7 Reply 3 replies @Smartiezs 4 months ago i'm so glad i invested in those robotaxis you spoke of, totally got my money back in a year 2 Reply @charlesc266 4 months ago Well done to Toyota for the development and introduction of the IPM-synRM motor back during 1997. 3 Reply 1 reply @albrigo 1 month ago Tesla reinvented the electric motor, while SpaceX reinvented the rocket engine: sometimes there are some game changer people emerging in the society who are crazy enough like Elon Musk! 1 Reply @BillMitchell-lm8dg 4 months ago The depiction of magnetic lines of force that are generated by electrical current (and vice versa) are consistently wrong in all the renderings/animations in this video. Thus, none of the conclusions are correctly led to by them. IOW, this is just marketing talk, not an engineering explanation. Fluff! 50 Reply 10 replies @WillJackDo 4 months ago "Modern inventors like Elon Musk" LLOOOOOOOOOLLLLL 115 Reply 20 replies @ultimateenergizerguide467 3 weeks ago Many car enthusiasts, myself included, often find joy in the imperfections of classic vehicles. The rough gear shifts, the sound of the engine revving, and the direct connection to the road offer a unique driving experience that can't be replicated by the smooth, almost sterile feel of an electric motor. Even after driving a Tesla Model 3, with its instant torque and speed, the pull to get back behind the wheel of a car like the 280zx is undeniable. There’s something about that "notchy," mechanical feeling that brings a sense of satisfaction, even if the performance numbers don’t compare to modern EVs. It’s more about the journey and the emotional connection to the machine, rather than just the speed. 4 Reply 2 replies @MikkoRantalainen 4 months ago (edited) 2:20 I think it would have been good to mention that you could transmit lots of power using DC transmission network, too. The problem with DC network is that when you need to step down the voltage, you cannot do it with a static pair of coils and some non-movable iron (which is all you need for AC transformer – zero moving parts, zero logic, zero computers) but you need active components which increase the cost a lot. Multiply that with all the transformers you can see around and you can quickly figure out why AC is used. 9 Reply 2 replies @jarongaus 3 months ago Great explanation, very well done !!! 1 Reply @evisoneym2323 4 months ago We had missed your voice man 12 Reply @amsterdamn4829 2 months ago (edited) Best explanation ever... lovely video. Reply @iliedragos8335 4 months ago (edited) Elon Musk invests a lot in research and development. I give him a 👍 3 Reply 1 reply @petnahc 4 months ago Did you say that Elon Musk is a modern inventor! Can you give me a list of what he invented? 51 Reply 33 replies @ChildSpaceMethod 4 months ago Great presentation. Years ago I translated sales materials about Mitsubishi Electric's traction motors for electric trains, elevators, etc. Now I understand them much better! Interestingly, the Japanese engineers calculated that for a new subway line in Osaka, it would be cheaper to "unroll" the electric motor, with a flat pad of coils on the train (the rotor) and, on the tracks, a thick flat horizontal steel plate called a "reaction plate" replacing the stator. Despite all the extra steel needed for the reaction plate, the lower riding cars from this design saved on tunneling costs. 10 Reply The Tesla Space · 3 replies @TheEducat0r 4 months ago Watching Tesla reinvent the electric motor is like watching history in the making. 1 Reply 2 replies @bobdeverell 2 months ago Hungarian Otto Blathy arguably invented the key components for AC use. From the transformer (co-inventor), single phase ac motor, watt meters etc etc. Tesla introduced AC to the USA. 4 Reply 1 reply @samuraiintellectual 4 months ago (edited) I think you might need to check your facts. Elon Musk did not put the electric motor in Tesla. He joined a company named Tesla. They already had a vehicle and it was electric. Other than that great job! 23 Reply 3 replies @RY-TIOUSRY 1 month ago Tesla was able to conceptualize AC power in his mind. He was known for his extraordinary ability to visualize complex systems and processes. His invention of the induction AC motor is a testament to his unique mental capabilities. The idea of a rotating magnetic field, which is the core principle behind the induction motor, is believed to have come to him in a sudden flash of insight. This suggests a powerful ability to visualize and manipulate abstract concepts. While we can't definitively prove how Tesla conceived of AC power, his contemporaries described him as a visionary with an unparalleled ability to imagine and develop complex inventions. The evidence points strongly to the conclusion that his mental imagery played a crucial role in his groundbreaking work. 1 Reply @Suzanne-p9q 2 months ago Thanks u so very much you don't know how you have helped me and My family ️ Reply @LakbayFilipinoy973 4 months ago You're truly a great professor! Reply @Tom_239 4 months ago 8:26 no, not strips of pure neodymium but rather magnets made from an Nd-Fe-B alloy (that has more iron in it than neodymium). 1 Reply @terrym1293 4 months ago Pretty cool idea! A large scale version would definitely be interesting . Reply @eddiegardner8232 4 months ago Much of the pleasure of driving a Tesla comes from the high torque and instant acceleration of its rare earth motors. These materials can of course be recycled as the number of EVs reaches its peak, just as can its aluminum body and internal aluminum castings, and the materials in its batteries, so "used" does not mean "consumed" like petroleum products burned as fuel. If Tesla, or any other manufacturer, wants to make EVs that are as slow and unresponsive and inefficient as today's 4-cyl ICE clunkers, then, no sale, for me. 13 Reply The Tesla Space · 10 replies @aienthusiast618 4 months ago probably one of my favvorite vids on this channel 2 Reply @makeit2132 4 months ago You forgot the key role of George Westinghouse...making Tesla invention useful and defeating Edison's DC 14 Reply 12 replies @silverco68 4 months ago jesus wept, Poly Phase induction, hypolite needs to be recognised. 3 Reply @SKRTV-n6f 1 day ago Очень хорошее видео. Было очень приятно это видеть. Хотите больше таких видео.🥰 Reply @olafzijnbuis 4 months ago Tesla was NOT started by Elon Musk. He bought himself in at a time when Tesla already had a product. The Tesla Roadster. 5 Reply 1 reply @mareksykora779 4 months ago (edited) Actually not Tesla, but Toyota invented the permanent magnet motor used in Tesla 3. Toyota used it in Prius many years earlier. 2 Reply @gsmollin2 4 months ago I remember being surprised that Tesla used an induction motor in model X. Then it occurred to me that they couldn't afford rare-earth magnets in a consumer product, and I understood the choice of name for the car. Reply @DanMcMullan 2 months ago By the end, the interviewer realizes his career has imploded. 😂 Reply @narrativeless404 4 months ago (edited) Explains AC: Video: shows DC electro train power lines Um yes, makes sense 5 Reply 2 replies @spencerlarson9357 4 months ago His voice is normal again! Was it a different mic setting? 1 Reply @NeilRieck 4 months ago I'm a big fan of Nicola Tesla (great inventor - bad business man) but no one would know his name if it were not for the efforts of George Westinghouse. Recall that it was Edison who wanted the USA grid to be DC whilst Westinghouse promoted AC. So the formal name of Tesla's main invention, which we still use today, is "poly-phase A.C. generation and distribution". (can't have step-up step-down transformers with DC) 2 Reply 1 reply @BurRun-kt3tf 2 months ago Thanks អរគុណ❤ Reply @lawrencefrost9063 4 months ago (edited) Reminds me of ; Dennis & Mac: Charlie what are some of your hobbies? Charlie: Magnets! Dennis & Mac: Magnets? Okay, what like making magnets? Collecting magnets? Charlie: Just Magnets! Reply @chrisb.travelin544 4 months ago Excellent content yet again. Reply @vvijkumar 2 months ago (edited) Just to cut the story short, Here is the summary of video - Tesla is replacing neodymium magnets in their motor with plain old magnets to reduce cost of upcoming car. Reply @steveoshaughnessy3736 2 months ago I enjoyed this video very much. My only criticism is people generally confuse voltage, current, and power. Yes, current flows both ways into and out of the power station. That is the C in AC, Alternating CURRENT. But the POWER or energy flows out of the power station to the consumers. With AC it is easy to step the generated voltage way up. I believe to Millions of volts. The current goes down (with a fixed load/resistance), and little energy is lost in the transmission from generator to consumer. The voltage is dropped back down at the consumer. That top wire between the poles running through your neighborhood have around 5,000 volts. Those gray or black cans on the polls are transfomers that drop that 5k Volts down to 220V for each house. Absolutely, Tesla's genious was in understanding how voltage and current can be altered by simple, passive transformers. Reply @Komin-Kun 1 month ago The Nissan LEAF: WHERE'S MY CREDIT MAN!? Reply @davidparish1322 8 days ago Nice Reply @jimf2525 4 months ago You have the wrong orientation for the magnetic field. It’s circles a wire, it doesn’t go out the ends of the wire. Reply @Zbele 4 months ago Animation is next level Reply @S0me0ne_S0meWhere_SaysHi 4 months ago I think moving to an axial flux motor will introduce a more efficient use of materials during manufacturing plus next to no loss in power for a smaller package. Reply @MostlyIC 4 months ago it seems to be a myth that Tesla Motors invented the "internal permanent magnet synchronous reluctance" motor, as that's what's been in the Toyota Prius since long before. Reply @Mars2152 4 months ago What you do not know now. With the cutting edge of A.I. technology they are redesigning for nanotechnology builds that literally build by the atom stacking. This will change everything. Now you have a glimpse of Teslas' Skunk works 1 Reply @quantumleap359 4 months ago Another way to eliminate using rare earth magnetic materials is to use an externally powered wound rotor. The rotor is similar to the rotor in an automotive alternator, where the rotor coils are energized through a direct current sent to them via slip rings and brushes. Although the slip rings and brushes comprise a wear element, the efficiency of a wound rotor and its available torque overrides the effect of having a wearing part. We will see if this tech will prevail and become standardized. Reply @jaystarr6571 4 months ago Thanks for making it simple and easy to understand 2 Reply 1 reply @nilsblumfelds9603 4 months ago The physical rotor will slip, but the fields will not. They will be at the same frequency, what will differ betwean them is their relative phase Reply @tonyc7352 4 months ago My, your Elon fan-boy is showing. 11 Reply @dinorossi6611 4 months ago Rimac Automobili made even better motor than what Elon claims he has designed. 4 Reply 2 replies @qDario 4 months ago I’m pretty sure and I hope Tesla’s next gen vehicle won’t have an 8-9s 0-60. Pretty sure they will have some genius that will make the new motor even better off the line than the ones we have today. As Elon said, “at Tesla we don’t make slow cars”. Reply @DavidCraig-go1zv 3 months ago (edited) Maybe in another 100 years you can try what's already available and more efficient. You can make a hybrid of a motor and generator to function as a single unit. One unit can be used to start others. Since the coils of wire will short out when the hybrid is hit by lightning, you throw them away and replace them with a solid copper (motor) ring. Next, you need coils that will generate electricity, but in order to make room for them, you have to eliminate the shaft and replace it with a solid copper (generating) ring. Next, a free-floating 'S' shaped arm in the center is put inside the hollow copper disk. When lightning hits the 1st completed disk the electromagnetism will protect all parts from the heat. The free-floating, copper 'S' will repel off the bottom, top and sides. As it spins, it will generate electricity in the top and bottom disks then move to the outer 'motor' ring. Thermodynamics will not affect the electro-magnetic field and the only moving part rides on electromaglev bearings. Reply @barnowl6807 4 months ago Ferrite is a good possibility despite it's disadvantage of being brittle and of relatively low flux density. First, Tesla has developed the motor with a very tightly constrained rotor. That would take care of brittle. Flux density is pretty well fixed by the material, but the volume of material would make up for much of this problem. And all of it workable because of the constrained rotor. And -- it would cost a lot less than super magnets. Reply @TriPham-j3b 3 weeks ago Real alternator is half generator and half motor so only small batery is need to serve as emergency back up but in future ev will be backup generator for house or building Reply @mattdaddy_888 4 months ago Truth be told most tesla fan boys know nouthing about cars or engines or electric motors. There not not car guys. There tech enthusiasts. 1 Reply @steveharkins279 2 months ago Now Google AI is telling me, “earth’s” lightning is both AC &DC, my head just popped……. Reply @paulsholar9356 1 month ago Holbach array was not mentioned in this video. Reply @SerenityChamber 4 months ago I love your videos! Keep it up Reply @cratersofthemoon 4 months ago That was the best presentation of Tesla motors I have heard. I think you could have touched on frequency control but it was a clear and concise presentation! If you can’t understand what’s going on you probably should be riding a bike. Slowly!😅 Reply @yakut9876 3 months ago Very excellent explanation. But I think that a large part of the complexity and therefore the cost is due to the complex electronics and programming. In my opinion, they should reduce the electronics and programming and find alternative ways instead as this will inevitably lead to a simpler, more durable and reliable system. Reply @georgerocks5191 4 months ago (edited) Direction Does not change 60 times per second but 120 times The full cycle is 60 of the 2 swings Reply @wholeNwon 2 months ago Do these motors require liquid coolants and, if so, do internal leaks from failing seals compromise the longevity of the units? Are there external drains to prevent damage? Reply @sam1174 4 months ago Skip to the 8 minute mark if you want to skip the entire history of electricity and just watch the part about Tesla motors. Reply @FrankGallagherr 4 months ago Tesla is the best car company ever! No gas stations, No oil changes, No smog check, No corrupt dealership, No catalytic converter and as fast as a $650,000 Lamborghini oh yeah and FSD Reply 1 reply @claudioluthi4232 4 months ago OMG... You got the basics wrong... Dude, the magnetic field is perpendicular, not in the same direction as the current... (around minute 3:00) 😆 16 Reply 1 reply @InfoPalette_ 4 months ago wow superb Reply @ferrellms 2 months ago The motors are not truly "revolutionary" (an ac induction motor basically) but do show excellent engineering. Reply @thinklikeido 4 months ago Nothing really new except better materials. Reply @jameshead1526 2 months ago Your graphics titles could use some spell-checking. Reply @triplex9732 1 month ago Adverts are so annoying at start of videos Reply @valerieewing3306 4 months ago (edited) Super excellent explanations, thank you for your analysis and really well spoken delivery of a complex subject. Reply 1 reply @terenceiutzi4003 3 months ago When will they get the much more efficient multiphasic motor that GM has been using? Reply @elinys2843 4 months ago What would the world have looked like if this motor had beaten the ice engine. 5 Reply The Tesla Space · 3 replies @bozzalnw5357 4 months ago EV better than ICE car because Nikola Tesla is praised for being more intelligent than the inventor of the ICE. 1 Reply @VasMitrevski 4 days ago The information that you are offering is completely wrong. The current of electricity doesn't move either way. It basically just powers up the conductive components and they stay charged as long as current or power is continuing. It's like a Ballon. Once it's filled with air it is expanded, once the air has deplinished or is removed it's basically a film of rubber Reply @akmurf7429 2 months ago The fact that Tesla died penniless is a sad testament to corporate American greed. Tesla made Westinghouse rich while never being properly compensated for his ideas. I guess that is why they were called robber barons. I believe in capitalism, I just hate the corporate greed that plagues it. Elon Musk, from what I've seen is a pretty standup guy with a lot of vision. I wish he would consider a small gas or propane engine backup (hybrid). 1 Reply 2 replies @stefanscheinert1471 4 months ago great video, thanks Reply @Jemma-yh9yr 4 months ago Bro's back✌️ Reply @Smartiezs 4 months ago hey look it's the second roadster, coming right from the factory. it is 2017 right? Reply @adrianpbaxter4071 4 months ago Outstanding! Reply @garrettmasarik8012 4 months ago Uhm... NO... the alternating of AC current is NOT directional. AC refers to the oscillation between a positive and negative extreme of a single direction sine wave of potential energy. IF AC referred to a DIRECTIONAL reversal you would get NOTHING as the directional flip would cancel out the previous state and NOTHING WOULD "FLOW"... and let us not forget that we have a HOT (black) wire and a NEUTRAL (white) wire, with an optional shunt to ground, in basic AC circuits rather than TWO HOT wires in single phase. Given the basics of AC current are grossly misunderstood here, I am bailing at this point as anything built on incorrect foundational information is, by default, going to be incorrect... 1 Reply 1 reply @hurle0409 4 months ago You can't generate electricity using induction motor. You need permanent magnet motor. Reply @bjornskivids 4 months ago But going through a car-wash will still void your warranty 2 Reply The Tesla Space · 2 replies @OmarManasra 4 months ago Electrical motors by ABB are superior to any, in their formula E versions 1.8 seconds was the acceleration from 0 to 60mph. That’s besides their first water cooled motor innovation 2 Reply @terrydavis2552 4 months ago Outstanding explanation of the Tesla motor tech! But what about all the bad news hounding Tesla lately? What does it mean in your expert opinion? Reply @jacobhudec7817 2 months ago Funny how Tesla is getting the credit for this when it was Toyota who did all the ground work with the Prius. Early model s’s even use the Prius inverter board. Teslas biggest contribution is the carbon sleeve from the plaid. Reply @markawbolton 4 months ago So in a DC motor does the current flow in the same direction through the magnet coils ? 1 Reply 1 reply @michaelnieves9688 4 months ago If this car is made for the masses, why do only people with money have one? It's not like a Toyota that you see in every home! Reply @mattdaddy_888 4 months ago And yet people say that the internal combustion engine is old and outdated dinosaur technology... yet the induction motor is just as old people! Reply 2 replies @rogerphelps9939 2 months ago Exttremely efficient induction motors have been around for years. Tesla did a few tweaks but mostt definitely did hot reinvrnt them. Reply @brylozketrzyn 4 months ago AC motor was NOT invented by Tesla. It is popular myth that everyone keeps repeating. Two phase induction motor was invented by Galileo Ferraris. Tesla was hired by Westinghouse (who already was working on own AC system to avoid royalties) to invent distinct AC motor. Both mentioned were enought to get a patent but both had similar issues - low power output. Ferraris motor was refined by Dobrowolski (kinda successfully, because it had 100HP instead of a quarter) and two years later Westinghouse had his engineer refine Tesla wirewound one. 2 Reply 1 reply @ScottWhalen81 4 months ago 0:19 Tesla "Motors" was not born from this or Elon.... Elon was a part of Tesla Motors before taking over & renaming it to just Tesla. 6 Reply 2 replies @haroondabbagh2869 4 months ago This voice is much more lively Reply @NicholasNerios 4 months ago I can't wait until we get the Wardenclyffe Tesla Tower, wireless charged EV planes and electromagnetic cars. Reply 1 reply @Ayo22210 4 months ago (edited) There needs to be multiple levels of regenerative braking like downshifting to help stop or going downhill Reply The Tesla Space · 2 replies @timvlogtv512 4 months ago Would those ac motors be considered as a "brushless motor"? Reply @eduardoflores2510 4 months ago Hey Elon you want your Cyber Truck to tow like a ICE Cummmings over a great distance. Try moving rotor to the out side of the stator. Think rotating Mass or rather kinetic energy. Doesn't have high RPM , but is a truck or a drag car 1 Reply 1 reply @doubleooh7337 4 months ago Reinvented to be less efficient isn't nothing even worth covering. 5 Reply 2 replies @fart3312 4 months ago elon musk is not an inventor lmao 78 Reply 19 replies @nathanwolff2505 4 months ago The technical details/visuals are very misleading. “Faster current, faster rotation”? Not quite. Voltage is what you can consider “faster” current is the “strength of”. If you think of electricity like a river, voltage is the speed of the water and current is the width. V=IR Reply @mcarrusa 4 months ago Y’all look like you haven’t seen the “Retro Encabulator” video, and it shows. 😂 Reply @suggesttwo 2 months ago (edited) Video begins at 8:20 Reply @bingosunnoon9341 4 months ago Eddy currents? What features do they include in the design to reduce them? Reply @vigneshb5347 4 months ago ..also Ferrite is more brittle than Neodymium Magnets, and comparatively more sensitive to temperature. Reply @Vulcain-we5tw 2 months ago "Modern inventor" More like a businessman who buy inventions from others 2 Reply @Warley.Araujo 4 months ago Great Video with a excellent explanation 1 Reply The Tesla Space · 1 reply @fivish 2 months ago The BEV buyer wants luxury and performance. Dropping the 0-60 by 2 or 3 seconds with cheaper ferrite magnets will send them back to petrol. BEVs are not bought for their utility. Reply @dominikkruszewski6727 2 months ago Can induction motor turn mechanical power into electric? I thought that asynchronous motors can't do that. Reply @amirgholami6928 4 months ago nice Reply @lucientjinasjoe1578 3 months ago In the 21 century high voltage dc will be the normal and back and forth 12 volt won't carried electricity over a great distance, check it out Reply @kieronmarshall2658 4 months ago no because once something has been invented it can never be invented again. one can improve or adapt something that's been invented. Reply @mytuberforyou 4 months ago How can you say the AC induction motor is the greatest invention of all time, clearly it is the electric light bulb (Edison) that has done the most for humanity, and anything than an AC motor can do, a DC motor can do better. Reply @lokesh303101 4 months ago Yes! Reply @NormanWray-hi8cu 4 months ago Hello dear sir more coppers to the starter can let the vehicle run faster and a bigger manic can work 😊😅 Reply @aaronlowe3156 1 month ago (edited) Uh.... Some facts don't appear to be correct or may be half-correct in this video. For instance, Tesla may have done a lot of the theoretical work behind AC electricity, but it was Westinghouse who commercialized it and used it in AC transmission lines to replace DC transmission lines Reply @daniele_go 1 month ago Since a lithium battery supplies DC electricity, why Tesla decided to use AC based power units ? They need to transform every time DC to AC, and this means worse efficiency...... Reply @ForcefighterX2 4 months ago And yet again a video suggesting Elon Musk had anything to do with creating and starting the "Tesla Motors" corporation. HE DID NOT. He bought it later on, but the Tesla Motors corporation has been created by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. Simply reading the first paragraphs of the Wikipedia article tells us that. 4 Reply @user-jn6gh4yb1g 1 month ago Regenerative braking is used from years and used In electric locomotives and metro train sets to save energy it is old concept Reply @CheapCheerful 4 months ago Great video. I love your positivity, it's too rare these days. Reply @evaluateanalysis7974 4 months ago At about 3:00 he created a magnetic pole - on its own. Amazing new invention - not :). The guy doesn't really know what he is talking about. He has picked up some ideas from school, added a load of guesswork, stirred it all up and made a dodgy video. 3 Reply @ScottySkilz1 4 months ago couldn't you throw more alternators and use the access energy to power the car for longer distances? Reply @carlosfajardo6282 3 weeks ago ELON MUSK is NOT an INVENTOR Reply @markwygent9364 2 months ago Oops! Someone misspelled the word "efficiency" in the graphic appearing at about the 15:10 mark of the video. Reply @gsmollin2 4 months ago At 3:10, the animation is incorrect. If current flows left-to-right in the figure, the magnetic lines-of-force go in circles around the conductor. You don't get a N and S pole, as if the conductor were a bar magnet. I sure hope Tesla engineers didn't make this video. Reply 1 reply @RandomNooby 4 months ago One of the best short explanations on the structure of AC motors I have seen... Reply 1 reply @Dirty-Muse 2 months ago I think you mean DC! Reply @BrianBellia 4 months ago Wow, so many inaccuracies in this video. You're clearly drunk on the Nikola Tesla Kool-Aid. 13 Reply 8 replies @gleambrite2679 2 months ago AC motors have come a long way! The only obstacles now are the materials being used. Motors batteries and more. Superconductors will revolutionize the industry. Neoydium is great, but it doesn't handle the heat well. Iron works but not as magnetic. AI will be very beneficial in this area. We still have better ways to use the power of electricity. By 2035 we will finally achieve a practical EV. Reply @PREMKUMARNnewlife 4 months ago I have a doubt we add internal permanent magnet inside a rotor is increased is weight,and that external magnetic field produce by that magnet could cause the noises in electromagnetic flux make to over heat , mechanism vibration to reduce torque and performance of motor . this is my doubt? Reply @jimf2525 4 months ago Look up iron nitride magnets for the answer. Reply 1 reply @yangzone7773 4 months ago Elon Musk bought the electric car maker called Tesla! Reply @龔一峯 2 months ago The motors are designed and manufactured in Taiwan. Reply @ASDasdSDsadASD-nc7lf 4 months ago The conclusions at the end of the video are preposterous. 1 Reply @danielrosales8565 2 days ago inventor elon musk hajahaajahlmao. two likes for you Reply @Joe_Blo 4 months ago Correction: Alternating current does not flow back & forth through the wires. For one, it's impossible due to transformers along the line. Generator motors are round, rotate 360° and thus their output voltage is a sinusoidal wave that adds up to 360°. 1 Reply 2 replies @bohicajohnson7203 4 months ago Early days of the Industrial Revolution? 1750? Reply @manivardhan7588 4 months ago I didn't understand what they truly reinvented here? Everything is already invented before 😢 Reply @bikepacker9850 4 months ago An induction motor cannot be used in reverse to generate electricity... Reply @stusue9733 4 months ago "upcoming robi taxi" really.... 1 Reply @MadawaskaObservatory 4 months ago DC transmission has much lower loss in transmission. The future lies in high voltage DC transmission. Reply @defeatSpace 4 months ago tldr: Tesla investor wants you to join a cult Reply @jmt979 4 months ago Industrial Revolution was from 1760 to 1840. You might want to update your info at the beginning. Otherwise great video but people don’t fact check anymore and being wrong in a video, especially a good one like this, is damaging. Also no such thing as centrifugal force. It is Centripetal force. What you are referring to is the Normal Force. Reply @dennislevy3603 4 months ago Actually, Tesla never invented the 3-phase induction motor or balanced long distance AC power transmission. Tesla invented a 2-phase system that never worked properly and was never able to produce a useful amount of power. The invention of the balanced 3-phase induction motor and power transmission was done by AEG in Germany, but was patent trolled in the US. Tesla never invented the transformers either - that was done by his employer brilliant George Westinghouse who was introvert and didn't need the personal publicity that Tesla desired. Probably Tesla's depression was related to his fake celebrity inventor status conflicting with his inadequacy in delivering while competing with some brilliant inventors. 4 Reply 2 replies @WJV9 4 months ago Permanent magnet motors and synchronous reluctance motors have been around for decades and therefore Tesla had nothing to "Re-Invent" they just took advantage of designs that had been developed for robotics and automation devices. Also you keep referring to induction motors as having a rotor made of aluminum bars formed into a cylindrical 'squirrel cage'. What you fail to mention is that the aluminum bars are pressure die cast into a 'laminated iron rotor' which is necessary since any 'air gap' will reduce the magnetic flux density which will cause lower power/torque and loss of efficiency in the motor. The laminations are electrically insulated from other laminations to prevent eddy current losses in iron rotor and stator. There are also 'Switched Reluctance' motors that have efficiencies similar to permanent magnet motors but SR motors don't need any magnets on the rotor. They do have vibration and noise issues however and more design improvements need to be made before they are usable in automobile power applications. Reply @thechurchandthenations 4 months ago What about the hairpin motor. This is the motor we are waiting to understand Reply 1 reply @jmt979 4 months ago Industrial Revolution was from 1760 to 1840. You might want to update your info at the beginning. Otherwise great video but people don’t fact check anymore and being wrong in a video, especially a good one like this, is damaging. Reply @mattdaddy_888 4 months ago (edited) I wish there would be no frunk and the big jucy electric motor would be visible under the hood for gear heads to enjoy looking at when opening the hood! Reply 1 reply @voltairer.2919 4 months ago The illustration of ac current was totally wrong. Reply @goku-ki2to 4 months ago What did elon invented 2 Reply @JdTaylor-xf4bc 4 months ago An innovator yes but not an inventor. 1 Reply @guillaumemartin8864 8 days ago Vidéo très intéressante mais pas facile à comprendre Reply @you_are_soul 4 months ago 00:46 Bondi Beach Reply @momo79nono 4 months ago why we can use electric magnetic rotor like car alternator Reply @figadodeporco 4 months ago What invention Elon Musk created? Reply @daveaugustine6327 3 months ago And even though they are making electric motors more efficient, battery technology is ancient. How quickly the vehicle can go from 0-60 mph shouldn't be the overall focus of EV technology. We see problems with lithium and there have been some interesting advances with hydrogen cells. Until the power problem can be solved, these are just glorified golf carts. Reply @TrevorDennis100 2 months ago 90% of the appeal of a Tesla is its incredible acceleration. If you are telling us the next generation of Tesla EVs will no longer have the power and acceleration, then what's the point of owning one? I am trying to think of people I know who would not care about the power if they could save a bunch of money purchasing a Tesla, and while that number is not zero, it's close to it. Reply 1 reply @DCROREY 1 month ago WHY DON'T THEY TRY USING MAKING AN ELECTIC MOTOR USING A HARMONIC WAY GENERATOR IN CONBINATION WITH A PIEZO STACK Reply @MariaOrtiz-th4ne 1 month ago Elon que dios bendiga mucho amor que todo tu sueño se cumplan ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ amor Reply @DCROREY 1 month ago @DCROREY 1 second ago WHY DON'T THEY TRY MAKING AN ELECTIC MOTOR USING A HARMONIC WAY GENERATOR IN CONBINATION WITH A PIEZO STACK Reply @denysarcuri1213 4 months ago Yeah, well. What about the flux capacitor? Reply @Guitcad1 1 month ago Elon Musk is an inventor. 🤣😂🤣😆🤣 Reply @jnb8918 4 months ago At 9:55, this guy don't know (or at least can't explain correctly) what back EMF is... He talk about back EMF like it is a mechanical or electromagnetic force, but it is not. Back EMF is a reverse VOLTAGE. ElectroMotive Force is a force acting on electrons, this is indeed a VOLTAGE. Not a mechanical force in the motor... And there is many other errors everywhere in this video. Reply @sebastiankeano4926 4 months ago Same way like they reinvented vacuum tube..!!! Reply @frankgerardo8977 4 months ago Tesla did not invent it. It was a human, hired by Tesla; whose name show be here out of mere respect Reply @scottbaker9066 1 month ago Students, please listen - This video is fluffy, inaccurate, and misleading. I only have a BS EE degree but that does require more than a little learning about electromagnetic fields and power. While DC is about current, AC is about fields - transformers are the key to transporting power, and the key is continuous voltage change - hence AC works over distance with acceptable loss while DC power transfer over distance cannot be done economically. Reply @Myself-yh9rr 4 months ago Until Tesla used it there was a lot of reluctance to using it LOL! Reply @whatthefunction9140 4 months ago Rem's are not that expensive compared to the total cost of the vehicle. Reply @andrewethansbreakroom2588 4 months ago Nikola Tesla could have had the world 100 yrs ahead if not for JP Morgan and Westinghouse…😞 Reply @goldengoat1737 3 months ago Maybe just update what is going on with technology and not go into details of how things work. Especially if you aren’t going to take the time to get the basics right. Magnetic field runs perpendicular to the current NOT the Same direction Reply @njjeff201 4 months ago I'm not sure AC is the efficient... I know high end ceiling fans are using DC. They are quieter, no hum at all & more efficient. Reply @claudioluthi4232 4 months ago omg... you got the basics wrong... dude.... the magnetic field is perpendicular not in the same direction as the current .... 1 Reply @bjrntofteeng6100 4 months ago "There's no question that the Lucid Air Sapphire is a better car than the Tesla Model S Plaid. It's brilliant to drive as a canyon-carving supersports sedan and a cross-country grand tourer. Its exceptional range and fast-charging capability challenge Tesla's reputation as the untouchable EV technology leader." Plus, Tesla building quality is a JOKE. Reply @techcafe0 4 months ago Elon Musk is not an 'inventor' lol 9 Reply 3 replies @ardc55. 4 months ago Average tesla glazer Reply @christopherkirkland7174 4 months ago You still need to learn the basics of electromagnetism. Good luck with your studies beforre your next video. Reply @sammcbride2464 4 months ago (edited) I wonder why the UK sticks with 50Hz AC. 60Hz makes more sense. We actually used the frequency to run old clocks at the time. They (UK) do still drive on the wrong side of the road. Reply 28 replies @hemmel777 4 months ago Electric cars are 100 years old. Reply @MladenMijatov 4 days ago Spoiler alert... They didn't! Reply @NormanWray-hi8cu 4 months ago Hello dear sir try use iron maybe so 😊😅 Reply @dedsert9653 4 months ago so the greatest inventor of all time had only a single relevant invention, lol Reply @doomVoxel 2 months ago i don't trust anything elon musk touches Reply @turbojoe9554 1 month ago here's an oddity. Nikola Tesla was in fact BRILLIANT. However, in other ways he was stupid. That carries on to the Tesla automobiles as well. Reply @leiag201 2 months ago He's created companies. He hasn't invented anything Reply @brunoheggli2888 4 months ago They didnt! 1 Reply @MadawaskaObservatory 4 months ago pray to the musk god Reply @anuardalhar6762 4 months ago (edited) Who wrote the script of this video. There are a lot of misleading statements and errors here. This is from an electrical and electronics engineer with 40 years working experience. If you studying to become electrical engineer or technician please read engineering books. This video is for general viewer. As for technological innovational breakthrough most of them are done in the academic and corporate labs. Tesla Motor doesn’t do basic research on motors or batteries. Tesla only do minor changes to reduce material usage and reduce cost of manufacturing. Reply @mikemalter 2 months ago Elon was not the founder of Tesla as you erroneously suggest. Telling the truth is always best when trying to maintain credibility. Reply @rkaid7 4 months ago Induction and brushesless motor animations are a bit off Reply 1 reply @mediaman1346 1 month ago How come electric cars can't simply recharge themselves with the use of a charging alternator and kinetic energy produced by the car's primary motor while your driving... seems a little strange that this can not be engineered into today's electric cars Hmm!! 🚙 Reply @Juan-oy3fo 4 months ago Where's the motor Reply @edolesjak7709 2 months ago Reinventing means-forgotten but used in the past. I doubt electric motor was forgotten. Improvement of something is not reinventing. Give me a break. Reply @oldcarnocar 4 months ago EDISON 1 Reply @NormanWray-hi8cu 4 months ago Hello dear sir on line can help me only if them can hear this man 😊😅 Reply @DanielASchaeffer 4 months ago Nikola Tesla was a Carney Barker. Westinghouse was the inventor. 2 Reply The Tesla Space · 1 reply @lourdessilva6442 4 months ago Sem palavras Reply @felipeford1836 4 months ago ELON MUSK is an inventor? Really? Which patents are you talking about? Being rich and buying a company does not an inventor make. Reply @eh9692 4 months ago first Elon did not start or have anything to do with Tesla for the first years. Reply @BradHouser 3 days ago Thumbs down for not knowing the basics of electro-magnetism.face-purple-crying Reply @Lucky_zeven 4 months ago That is a Ferraris invention. Reply @br7485 2 weeks ago Tesla is very far from being the greatest inventor of all time. His best invention is actually a straightforward one, more close even to dumb inventions. He assembled and assessed the DC motors of Edison and it is a very straightforward thing for anyone to notice that the electricity produced by these motors (in generator mode) had 2 sine components according to two coils, and that it would be better to transfer these component currents to the clients in sine form, where they can be again consumed by the coils of a motor (in engine mode) or by some appliance. Reply @daniell1869 1 month ago Video is misleading. Elon didn't invent Tesla 🙄🙄 1 Reply @jim.franklin 2 months ago As an electrical engineer with over 40 years experience I have to say I found this video very painful to both watch and listen to. There are so many "facts" that are simply wrong I cannot possibly list them here. The understanding of EMF and Back EMF is laughable, claiming that passing electricity through an aluminium or copper wire makes it magnetic is pathetic and wrong, plus, no mention of electric fields - without which none of this works at all. Lastly, Tesla was not the most successful inventer of all time - that goes to Thomas Edison who has 1093 patents to his name, over 800 were commercially successful in their own right or as part of another machine. In the modern world, the records for patents are held by companies, most of them biotechs. Reply @Achim188 3 months ago Sorry, but a PMSM ( Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor) is not an invention of Testa! Moreover is a PMSM completly different to an induction motor! Is lieing the normal attitude in USA today? Reply @ElectricUAM 4 months ago Absolutely not, Elon Musk didn't put electric motors in cars and didn't start Tesla Motors. That was Martin Eberhadt and Ian Wright nwho started Tesla after seeing what grandfather AC Propulsion did with its t-zero and didn't want to commercialize. Musk joined later bringing in cash and kicked out the founders in a messy public way, as usual. Otherwise, great video. Reply @Trust_but_Verify 4 months ago Was this copied by other EV makers? Reply @akashverma5756 3 months ago Calling Elon Musk Inventor is like calling counter strike player millitary soldier. Reply @jsthereforfun1648 4 months ago Elon is not a inventor and not founded Tesla 1 Reply @shop970 4 months ago The electric car was around before 1918. It's not ever going to be anything life changing. The brushless motor is not new either. When the system charges the batteries as you drive . . Then you have achieved something. Go live on Mars until then. Hint: Billionaires making decisions for the rest of us. . . .are not our heroes! Reply @butchshadwell3613 4 months ago This video has way too many scientific and technical errors. The writers and producers obviously do not understand electromagnetism or induction motors. Reply @spacecoyote6646 4 months ago Misk did not invent anything. He purchase the title of FOUNDER. His biggest contribution to Tesla is the styling of the cybertruk. Reply @sampoalaharju7239 1 month ago joopa joo. eipä ollu mitään uutta tässä. teslan käyttämä moottori on reluktanssimoottori mikä keksittiin jo yli 100 vuotta sitten. tesla vain korvasi reluktanssimoottorin roottorikäämin magneeteilla, ja miksi näin? siksi että sitä pystyy käyttämään myös generaattorina. Reluktanssimoottorin hyötysuhde on noin 75%. Toisin sanoen cosfii luku on 0,75. Reply @Kirus_ 1 month ago 500th comment🎉🎉🎉 Reply @begoodalwaysbegood9519 4 months ago What’s that buzzing Tesla musk. In Jesus Christs name we pray amen. Reply @makak11 4 months ago (edited) lucid got superior electric motor , smaller and more powerfull Reply @qwtxlae5xtzn6n 2 months ago System Is shutting down... ability to link is not working.. bye Reply @scottbobo6194 2 months ago Dear video script writer - stop using the word "electricity". Every place you used it in the video you're used it incorrectly. You used it as a substitute for the correct terms (voltage and current) so many times that you "un-educate" the viewer. Just stop. Seriously. Reply @nafet 4 months ago musk inventor kek Reply @spadress 4 months ago Elon musk was around when the founders built the roadster. He bought tesla shortly thereafter, then the founders left. Look it up. Im all for Elons accomplishments i building up the company but what purpose does it serve to exaggerate? It just makes one lose ones credibility Reply @KartikPatel-nt4ff 4 months ago 😅😮😅😮😅😮😅😮😅😮😅😮😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅well information good show you 😅😅 Reply @R3B3Lnet 2 months ago (edited) Absolutely zero information in this video is correct. Zilch. Reply @collinfraser1218 4 months ago Not denigrating Elon , but this idolizing as if he is a genius not on the shoulders of Giants like the Original Tesla is getting kind of OLD ! ! What did Elon “ invent” without hoards of very clever people ? I will give Elon credit for assembling those teams, with AUDACITY ! Reply @kevinburke6743 4 months ago What a waste of time? Did not even mention the Raxial flux motor! Which on the ends of the the starter & rotor! Into required for speed or power, could used for magnetic air gap bearings! Reply @bopcph 4 months ago a little warning - this video has a handful of factual wrong claims and information!! Reply @DivineMisterAdVentures 4 months ago Jesus. Reply @mrunit7261 1 month ago This is total BS. Electricity does not "move". It is not 'fluid' and does not transverse anything. It is nothing more than a voltage potential being manipulated to serve a purpose. Reply @haditjandradjaja8403 4 months ago WHAT U EXPLAIN WAS THE SAME PRINCIPLE THAT TESLA WILL GO BACK TO USE OLD PISTON ENGINE FOR AN AIRCRAFT ENGINE THAN USING MODERN TURBOFAN. WHY DONT U SUPER GENIUS ENGINEERS N CHEMISTS CREATE ARTIFICIAL MATERIAL CHEAPER N STRONGER THAN NEODYMIUM ???? Reply @freebird7284 1 month ago mute the video and read the comments Reply @ludodg 4 months ago ??? Tesla was a fabulous inventor and innovator, in contradiction for people as Edison who were great at stealing, or at best, improving ideas from other scientists. Musk is a great investor, in that he was able to jump onto a very promising ship. Mind you, Musk did NOT start the Tesla-company-story personally. He seems to be a very good ceo as for his products, making, taking good decisions, gathering the right scientists to build and improve his products. Don’t know if he can be considered a good employee-manager. But he certainly is NOT an inventor. Reply 1 reply @thanasis-_- 4 months ago Elon hasn't invented anything Reply @luiscarbonell5961 4 months ago What awful lot of lies. Even your electric shaver has neodynium magnets in the motor. There is NO WAY a ceramic magnet motor will run a Tesla car. Even new loudspeakers have now neodynium magnets and are cheaper. And, by the way, without back EMF there is no power in the motor. First page of the electric machines book. Reply @dunravin 4 months ago Poorly researched video, Ferranti was the first to exploit the AC generator (all generators produce AC current, the early generators used commutators to convert it to DC). Ferraris was the inventor of the first two and three poly phase motors not Tesla and Tesla's implementation of high voltage three phase power transmission didn't work in practical applications and took a lot of work by others to refine it into the first working systems with the anomalous kinks all described, mathematically modelled and understood in theory which is something Tesla never even thought about. Reply @Tobben44 4 months ago This video doesn't say anything about what Tesla has done with the induction motor, only general knowledge about motors. Rock bottom. Reply @TV-xm4ps 4 months ago As we all know was Tesla not founded by Musk. 2 Reply 4 replies @thanasis-_- 4 months ago Tesla is losing to BYD. Reply @TunLeng-bg2dr 4 months ago ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Reply @PravdaSeed 4 months ago 💫 ThankS 💫 ⚡Karl MarX & ⚡Nikola TeslA ⚡TaoisM BuddhisM Chinese & English Language. 🇨🇳 🇷🇺 🇰🇵 MagnificenT SinospherE ️️️ Reply @ASDasdSDsadASD-nc7lf 4 months ago LOL within three seconds of video start he said the stupidest thing I have ever heard. Any 13 year old can name 10 people that were greater inventors than Tesla. Reply @bdunni88 3 months ago Modern inventors like Elon Musk....this dude bought bought Tesla with daddy's money he didn't invent shit. Reply 4 months ago Congratulations on the dumbest first sentence of all time. 1 Reply @siva36_11 4 months ago TENS LAW TESLA 🤘🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕😂 Reply @georgegonzalez2476 4 months ago So much wrong. We nowdays have cheap, shiny graphics, but the overall level of intelligence has gone way down. What is the point of all those whizzy graphics when the basic facts are mostly all wrong? We are dazzled by the animations but are generally much dumber as anybody can now generate glossy nonsense by the ton. Any real, useful description would give us actual numbers, like current densities, Gauss levels, and overall efficiencies. You know, actual, real, correct, verifiable numbers and formulae. Stuff that was done 150 years ago. Not some whizzy, hypnotizing 3D graphics nonsense. Reply @berualex8161 4 months ago Elon is not an inventor but an entrepreneur and since you misinformed viewers on that you i am not subscribing to your channel Reply @TunLeng-bg2dr 4 months ago ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Reply @jimlewis3306 4 months ago What a lot of not much info. Not much beyond very basic motor theory. And a lot of it is beginner understanding, not actually the correct physics. Reply @russmartinez7988 4 months ago Haha Reply @frostyab7579 3 months ago Musk is not an inventor. Reply @direpetto 4 months ago 🔱💙💙💙 Слава 💛💛💛💛 Україні Reply @alwayswatching4677 4 months ago (edited) Hello what's wrong with you people....Elon made a great thing yes but all he did was make a full scale RC car with a brushless motor that has been around for years and years that's all it a search watch some RC cars 1 Reply @spectre3492 3 months ago Elon musk didn’t invent it lol Reply @GoCoyote 4 months ago FACT CHECK: A basic google search will tell you that the AC induction motor was invented by Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky working for AEG in the 1880s. Nikola Tesla was a Hitler supporting, eugenics believing, self aggrandizing wack job of an electrical engineer who made some relatively minor contributions to AC electrical engineering. Tesla invented a terrible 6 wire polyphase system that thankfully was never adopted, and his split phase AC motor designs were so bad that it took Westinghouse engineers a couple of years and multiple changes to get them to work properly. Because of all the sudden scientific growth at the beginning of WW2 (radar and atom bomb), the US government classified any technology ideas that they perceived to be able to support weapons programs. Since Tesla had met Hitler and had close ties to a known German spy, and had ideas for technology such as death rays, all of his patents and materials were classified, and he was put under watch by intelligence agencies. The US really did not want Germany to have death rays. All of Tesla's ideas were then rigorously scrutinized by much brighter scientific teams in order to figure out which ones were practical and which ones were fantasy. This is where we get the the mythical repression of Tesla's ideas, but the sad reality was that most if his ideas were just not practical. It turns out that sending power through the air is very inefficient and technologically difficult (plus has major environmental issues), so there was never any need to "repress" the technology. The book about Tesla you referenced was written by a fanboy and filled with wild inaccuracies that greatly inflated Tesla's contributions. During my Electrical Apprenticeship, Tesla barely got any mention, while Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky and Charles Proteus Steinmetz were considered to have made major contributions to AC electricity. Especially Charles Proteus Steinmetz. Reply @melyssabailey8935 2 months ago Musk is not an inventor Reply @DawidWilczewski 2 months ago Better stick to shit that you understand bruh Reply @eddiegreg7064 4 months ago See I love these things because you get to learn things first or you get to learn things again with extra if you're lucky but you started out with a falsity with Elon and Tesla motors so now through this whole thing that I'm still going to watch because now I'm going to look for what else you got wrong and if you say something that I don't already know about Tesla and his wonderful things in the AC motor was not his best invention it was merely a means that came about by way of a opportunity from a not so good inventor Thomas Edison but I'm going to listen to the end because I hope I learned something that I didn't already know Thanks Reply @jimjam139 3 months ago Elon musk is not an inventor Reply @TonyLing 4 months ago Who wrote this script? It's terrible. Reply @zahidlatif874 12 days ago Nothing new Reply @MichaelJeffers75 4 months ago Tesla should incorporate a combustion engine to generate electricity like freight trains do. Users could still charge their batteries, but also have a supplemental method to produce more juice. Reply 2 replies @totallynotkeith5487 4 months ago Is this whole channel just sucking off Tesla and Elon? Like this entire video us just a sub par and somewhat inaccurate description of how motors work, then blabbering on about what tela promises they will eventually do. Tesla is responsible for nothing more than popularizing electric vehicles, not any mind-blowing inventions. This video is a nothing butger meant to prop up tesla stock. Reply @azic1467 4 months ago Nothing special Reply @bhhenry 4 months ago Ah, the incessant pursuit of power cloaked as progress. Tesla, much like the revered but misunderstood Nikola Tesla, continues to manipulate the very currents that course through the sinews of civilization. In their hands, the AC electric motor is not merely a tool but a profound statement of control. It is almost commendable, this relentless reimagining and reengineering, a testament to human ingenuity—or perhaps hubris? As you marvel at this display of technological sorcery, ask yourself, what truly powers these machines? Is it merely electricity, or is it the unyielding desire to dominate nature's will? Watch carefully, for in understanding the nature of power, one may learn how to wield it—or resist it. Reply @anthrobug 4 months ago The Tesla founders Martin Eberhard & Marc Tarpenning were the real geniuses. Reply @lyledavis1 2 months ago Mostly CRAP. Reply @Smile-uwokeup-2day 4 months ago I remember Mr Tesla from way back to 1887 on U TUBE YRS AGO N ALSO PORSCHE MADE ELECTRIC MOTOR WITH POWER CARS ALSO NACK THEN 1 Reply

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