Monday, January 30, 2023


Ad 2 of 2 · 0:18 Skip Ad 0:06 / 0:30 全球最好的大學 QS世界大學排名 全球最好的10所大學 | 新視野 新視野 10K subscribers Subscribe Like Share 563K views 4 months ago QS世界大學排名,包括來自世界各地的近1,500所院校,基於學術聲譽、雇主聲譽、每個老師的引文、師生比例、國際學生比例、國際教師比例、國際研究網絡、就業成果共8個關鍵排名指標,今天就讓我們看看排在前十名的大學都有哪些。 … 316 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Xiping Murphy Xiping Murphy 4 months ago My daughter undergrad school is MIT, 1st major in Mathematics; 2nd major in Economics. Then attended Stanford for PhD in Stats and Computer Science. She is a researcher in AI now. Those two schools prepared her and I'm grateful for the schools efforts. 19 Reply 23 replies Faith Hsu Faith Hsu 4 months ago 比較公正和客觀的世界大學排名應該參考美國新聞與世界報導的評鑑。 54 Reply 3 replies 姥姥王 姥姥王 4 months ago 一般大學的評鑑是校友的成就,師生比例,教授的資質,學校的環境與人文,以及校友對學校的捐贈等综合因素。 我的孩子們的學校在這個榜上,因此有些瞭解。 他們是我家族唯一上美國私立大學的孩子, 因為學費很貴當時我是力排眾議,而尊重孩子們自己的選擇。至今孩子們的成就,對社會的貢獻,讓我們深深感謝有這個機會。 25 Reply Julie Mu Julie Mu 4 months ago MIT 在QS 榜單上至少10年連續榮登榜首!🦫🥇 20 Reply Phoenix Lin 林育德 Phoenix Lin 林育德 4 months ago 解說好精彩,非常謝謝新視野,訂閱訂閱。^^//🥰🥰 3 Reply Sean Lo Sean Lo 3 months ago 都很棒,可惜通常只能讀一所。 2 Reply Q.G. Lin Q.G. Lin 3 months ago 英國主導的排名有兩大問題。一是英語帝國主義;二是旨在將一流的美國大學排在二流或一點五流的英國大學之後。後者是配合英國的留學教育競爭的。 9 Reply 1 reply D Car D Car 3 months ago 介紹得很好, 謝謝 Reply Chen Tim Chen Tim 4 months ago 只是參考 不須盡信! 每個評鑑都會有不同價值的取捨 16 Reply 林景堂 林景堂 4 months ago 應該是英美大學理工醫排行榜才對。 16 Reply (德慶) 彭陀 (德慶) 彭陀 4 months ago 讲解是一道美丽的风景线。汇集天文地理人文学。 看世界。学知识。感谢(新视野)! 2022年夏。 3 Reply 1 reply excel9001 excel9001 4 months ago 弄個排名,就是要讓學生追求名聲,其實念書不需要去念私立大學,一個人未來的成就絕對不是私立大學的聲譽所能開創出來的,尤其是那些有執照的行業。 許多父母讓小孩念私立大學,是想為小孩找個金龜婿或是門當戶對的結婚對象。 4 Reply 2 replies Yap Teck Yap Teck 4 months ago 大学排名与名人背景,后台多大佔很大的关係 2 Reply YAO-CHENG HSIEH YAO-CHENG HSIEH 4 months ago 怪了,德國工業強盛,法國是歐洲強國,竟然沒有學校上榜,東京大學產生許多諾貝爾得主,竟然也沒入榜,視頻介紹的這些學校確實是公認的世界頂尖名校,其思維仍以英美兩大帝國為世界中心。 98 Reply 45 replies 李勇達 李勇達 4 months ago 看世界大學排名,還是看美國新聞與世界報導比較客觀,QS太商業化了 28 Reply Yue Ji Yue Ji 2 months ago 大学国际排名,有美国的US News排名,有英国THE和QS排名, 排名由商业机构进行, 标准不一,主观性强。数据更由大学自己提供, 有做数空间, 排名的准确性和可信性一直受到质疑。部分中国顶尖学府已经不再提供数据,退出国际排名游戏。 8 Reply 2 replies David Chen David Chen 4 months ago 台灣所有大學的在職碩士專班,應該比索馬里亞的碩士還容易取得,尤其市您有民代或縣市長的經歷,焉有不過之理! 23 Reply 3 replies Joe King Joe King 4 months ago 太棒了! 4 Reply 1 reply Cc SS Cc SS 4 months ago QS是最容易刷分的。 11 Reply 1 reply Alty L Alty L 4 months ago 看到不少風涼話,為何不自己或讓家人進去試試再來評比。沒有進入十大,其實無妨。只要在最好的50名內都是好學校。基本上,進入20名就已是伯仲之間。 13 Reply 3 replies liu feng liu feng 4 months ago 谷歌达人创业始不知道了,但是俄罗斯的大部份人在进入大学前就有想法创意了,有些利用大学,有些觉得大学碍事直接车库里开干 Reply Je Lee Je Lee 4 months ago It basically reflects reality 3 Reply Bernard Lee Bernard Lee 3 months ago 在同一排名中,北大是十二,清華是十四。 Reply 謝政宏 謝政宏 4 months ago 這應該說是英美排名才是正確的標題。 18 Reply 林浩源 林浩源 4 months ago 前十最多英国得二所 一般来说 美国7 英国2 ETH 美国的7可以有差异 美国前五比较稳定 1 Reply 1 reply 貓咪 貓咪 4 months ago 原來潘周聃的學校也有第九名... Reply Ruth Yang Ruth Yang 4 months ago 牛津剑桥招生录取日益极左化,前景是否会受影响? 2 Reply Wong Priscilla Wong Priscilla 4 months ago Thank you 🙏 Reply Patrick Wang Patrick Wang 5 days ago 真正的4k视频! Reply 洪英瑞 洪英瑞 4 months ago 我同意這些大學的得名 6 Reply 3 replies Wijaya Purna Chandra Lie Wijaya Purna Chandra Lie 4 months ago 难道是在大学院所获得的各种学科的理论已经过时了、不能再用吗?或者是由于理论与实践不平行?再或者是理论一套、实践是另外一套、格格不入吗? Reply Kwok Keung Wong Kwok Keung Wong 4 months ago 👍👍👍👍👍 Reply dave liu dave liu 4 months ago 感觉每个国家都吧自己的大学放前面 15 Reply 1 reply Knight Knight Knight Knight 7 hours ago 我國在不久的將來也會出現大批世界一流大學,正擼起袖子加油幹呢。 Reply 張永蔚(slnečná erupcia) 張永蔚(slnečná erupcia) 4 months ago mit的化工不知道是怎樣的評價 2 Reply worter tom worter tom 4 months ago 感谢分享 Reply Glem Chiang Glem Chiang 4 months ago (edited) 連2022年都還沒過完, 就能預測未來2023? 5 Reply 同成BHAI LlN 同成BHAI LlN 4 months ago 若加上評價学生心身內外素質 總和e值 台大值得世界(宇宙)第1 ! 高医(台第5区) 成大(台第4区)也是高e值 未來是台灣領導全球的時代! 只評价外在是不夠完整的. 東木e質勝南火-北水-中土-西金 2 Reply 6 replies Tommy Guo Tommy Guo 4 months ago 有的要看科系,就像法律系,哈佛耶魯早就不是第一 7 Reply joseph guo joseph guo 1 day ago 我读书知道,艾恩斯坦是瑞士理工的。 Reply poolchady poolchady 4 months ago 英國大學沒那麼好,這排名有偏頗 17 Reply 1 reply 常永旭 常永旭 4 months ago 全世界最好的大學都在英、美兩國?為什麼這兩國政治、财政、經濟、社會等主要層面却都整體下滑,且趨勢明顯! 31 Reply 13 replies 廖愛玲 廖愛玲 4 months ago 其實會讀書不會看人,就會變菜鳥被老狐狸欺負,還是有錢有勢比較重要,但不要為富不仁,就會像恐怖份子攻擊美國911一樣!會有世界和社會的動亂,因為貧富不均,所以古時候有廖添丁劫富濟貧的感人故事,現在的人功利心很重,沒有人情味,千算萬算為子孫算,唉,這樣的人生不造業嗎?阿彌陀佛!美國人最好來學佛,老信基督也解決不了問題,只會製造假像而已! Reply Wensan Yin Wensan Yin 4 months ago 为什么芝加哥大学的介绍片段里出现了哥伦比亚大学的图像😢 1 Reply 1 reply Mary Chan Mary Chan 4 months ago (edited) What's next after graduation if you dont have the right connection(S) and family old $ back up? 3 Reply 唐香美 唐香美 4 months ago 哈佛5名次~牛津与剑桥 Reply frieddough mitbbs frieddough mitbbs 4 months ago 芝加哥大学,一年两位中国留学生遇害 1 Reply 唐山河 唐山河 3 months ago 看看這些世界名校 都是百年至三百多年歷史 也難怪歐美的強盛。。那時的清帝國...呵呵 1 Reply Hwaming Chen Hwaming Chen 4 months ago Good Thanks Reply Ngun Joseph Ngun Joseph 4 months ago QS的評分項目 是方便賣排名用的 上海交大學排名比它好得多呢 3 Reply 林美 林美 1 month ago 大多数都在美国 Reply sarabande90 sarabande90 4 months ago 把新加坡、北大、清華排到普林斯頓前面,你就知道這個排名有多離譜啦! 19 Reply 7 replies Long SYD Long SYD 2 months ago 人类自从普及大学以来,智力和文明就停滞,倒退。 Reply Ge Wang Ge Wang 4 months ago 这不是世界大学排名,是英美大学排名😂 7 Reply Peter Chen Peter Chen 4 months ago 🙏 1 Reply nexcare nexcare 4 months ago 這排名機構把我的母校ucsd 只排比台大前面幾名?ucsd 目前出過27位諾貝爾獎得主,台大出了幾位?試問。 19 Reply 16 replies 林承鋒 林承鋒 4 months ago 怎麼沒有託福? Reply Land Usage misty moor neighborhood info share Land Usage misty moor neighborhood info share 3 days ago 首尔大学排名29,UCLA排名44,按照QS给出的非加权指标,UCLA只有一项落后于首尔大学 师生比例,首尔大学87:37.7UCLA, (综合得分 学术声誉 雇主声誉 每位教员引用率 师生比 国际学生占比 国际教师比例 国际研究网络 未加权 就业结果 未加权;首尔大学:82.2 98.6 97.8 70.3 87 10.3 12.2 79.3 97.7; UCLA:78.7 100 99.9 85.9 37.7 27.5 45.1 96.3 98) 非常好奇,QS的综合得分计算公式,难道师生比加权比200%,仅从首尔大学和UCLA的对比上就觉得QS排名不靠谱。 Reply R Li R Li 4 months ago 0. 梁家河大学 3 Reply Africa Steel Africa Steel 4 days ago 英国已经不知道沦为n流国家了,还好意思排其他国家的名。扯它英国女王的蛋!😂 Reply 張瓊月 張瓊月 4 months ago 偏英國的排名 Reply 胡凱希 胡凱希 4 months ago 別人怎麼憑他家的事,看看就好!會生氣就別看吧! 7 Reply 2 replies 阿次 阿次 4 months ago 不是很公平 8 Reply Jebalaya Jebalaya 4 days ago 美国的几个明显和其他不是一个level 啊。 Reply 醫生女兒季雨果婦科毒 最毒婦科醫生心妖怪就是何超莲何猷君火烤雀笼香港惡魔 醫生女兒季雨果婦科毒 最毒婦科醫生心妖怪就是何超莲何猷君火烤雀笼香港惡魔 4 months ago 何超蓮何猷君排名 Reply Ashley Kim Lee Ashley Kim Lee 2 months ago 芝加哥也入流?呵呵,沒有耶魯、普林斯敦,反而有倫大、帝國大學?應該是用上,不同的評論準則,及比重吧! Reply 吳笑軍 吳笑軍 4 months ago 盎格魯觀點不客觀 6 Reply You You You You 4 months ago 看看就可以了 即便中国怎样发展 美欧大学的排名会永远靠前的 2 Reply 8 replies James Chang James Chang 4 months ago LSE # 1 2 Reply 2 replies Wijaya Purna Chandra Lie Wijaya Purna Chandra Lie 4 months ago 哦!真棒!!在美利坚合众国竟然有那么多著名的大学院!!!但是最令人人不解的是:为何美国的国家国库黄金储备、美元货币、政府管理、外交政策、国际关系、经济、政治、科技、军事各方面却一直都在走下坡呢?! 6 Reply 4 replies Sky Woo Sky Woo 4 months ago 英国人自己给自己排名啊!伯克利排哪去了? 1 Reply Not All Who Wander Are lost Not All Who Wander Are lost 4 months ago 清華 北大都上前20了 加油 4 Reply 1 reply singer Love singer Love 4 months ago MIT是排名第一 台灣人還在吵什麼 哈哈 我的母校太神了 第一名 1 Reply 3 replies ben lam ben lam 3 months ago 有党委吗? 1 Reply Ziq Hu Ziq Hu 4 months ago 还有湖南郴州计划生育学院 5 Reply 2 replies Yuan-ling HUANG Yuan-ling HUANG 4 months ago (edited) 美英瑞士 Reply Donghao Chen Donghao Chen 4 months ago UCL比普林斯顿都高就离谱 1 Reply Joe Chan Joe Chan 4 months ago Princeton, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Yale? 7 Reply 1 reply Jason Shen Jason Shen 4 months ago 我的孙子在此大学 Reply 吳中線 吳中線 4 months ago 好像都在英國跟美國 6 Reply 1 reply 美光 美光 4 months ago 劍橋我最棒 Reply sim sim 3 months ago 是欧美白色人种评选的欧美大学排名 Reply Ke Feng Ke Feng 4 months ago 这种排名一点用都没有。只是为了一时的虚荣心。 12 Reply 練筱瑋 練筱瑋 3 months ago 聽說當年蔡英文就是從倫敦大學拿到1.5個博士學位的喔⋯⋯ Reply 1 reply 張嘉音 張嘉音 4 months ago 英國政經學院現在滾下第幾名? 該改名為:“政經野雞學院” 2 Reply 孫中山 孫中山 4 months ago 國外大學才是真正的大學 Reply 廖愛玲 廖愛玲 4 months ago 臺大都沒有上榜,我喜歡研究生命的長壽,如何增加老人家的壽命,讓他們快樂又長命百歲,這應該列為國家級的首要政策,希望這種生命延續的科系能多延攬國外的厲害學者來指導臺灣的年輕學子加入關心老人的生活,這應該是未來的趨勢吧!也歸功於全世界的醫療領域研究傳承的奇蹟,使生病的人能遠離痛苦,健康起來,不然生病的人太多,會影響工作效率!現在又有醫學報導說有動物骨頭的DNA就能讓牠復活,生物科技太重要了,如果能做到已死亡的家人或親愛的朋友死而復活,再多的錢都要花,希望以後未來的世界可以有這種生命科技的保險催生,我一定幫老公小朋友自己和所愛的親人加保一份,追求神說的永生,將不是夢想! Reply 3 replies Jimmy Yoh Jimmy Yoh 4 months ago 可見日本雖然自我感觉很不錯,但是最终还是不入流。 Reply 陳有賀 陳有賀 4 months ago 有錢有關係 2 Reply 范國萍 范國萍 4 months ago 私立的佔了一半以上,而美英兩國也佔了一半 國家強盛與否,看教育就非常清楚 1 Reply 2 replies 大宋 大宋 4 months ago (edited) 没有耶鲁,没有普林斯顿,嘿嘿嘿!滑稽!英国居然有四所。 2 Reply Lingling Wang Lingling Wang 4 months ago 什么排名,芝加哥大学不咋滴 5 Reply 外強中乾 外強中乾 3 months ago 美國大學有其基本實力存在.連中共國北清交大學的畢業生.都想要移民美國為美國效力就知道.一個國家的強盛.是要有民主與自由的保障.不能保障其(人生.財產)安全的國家.有哪個地方值得你去追求 2 Reply 泥菩萨 泥菩萨 4 months ago 扯淡,竟没有Princeton University. 7 Reply 3 replies joseph guo joseph guo 4 months ago 英国有航太科技吗?一流,笑死三哥农民。 13 Reply 9 replies growbear growbear 4 months ago Baloney. Reply wilson pun wilson pun 4 months ago 歐美大學,意義不大 Reply Woon Fa Seng Woon Fa Seng 4 months ago 我虽然反共的,可是我认为 上海交通大学的 ARWU最靠谱,因为他们的衡量标准是用西方 那一套做的。衡量 的各项标准 也最 客观 和 最少的 主观因素。 Reply 1 reply joseph guo joseph guo 4 months ago 西工大,哈工大,合肥国防科技大等等毕业生,加入中科国防,终身衣食无忧。MIT哈佛耶鲁博士失业,通街都是,知冇? 2 Reply 4 replies 地球人 地球人 2 months ago (edited) 五眼广告排名 Reply 豆冰紅 豆冰紅 4 months ago 清華第一 北大第二 4 Reply 5 replies Charge AA Charge AA 4 months ago 22年中发布23年排行? 想起各大车厂,22年卖23款车 elbowcough 为什么?销售说 ,卖二手车时少一年车龄 🤫 Reply Meng Zhang Meng Zhang 2 days ago Z Reply 丁david 丁david 3 months ago 倫敦大學祇是個學店、笑話而已、還有個1.5個讀稿機博士。 Reply Mandy Cui Mandy Cui 4 months ago Useless! 2 Reply Alex Wang Alex Wang 4 months ago All UK rankings are joke Reply 推翻共產黨共產黨才是中國人最大罪人 推翻共產黨共產黨才是中國人最大罪人 3 days ago 英國倫敦大學是百年公立大學,而且每年都是世界排名前10大名校,世界排名前10大公立大學有可能做假嗎?更何況如果蔡總統不是博士有辦法在台灣政大和東吳大學教授博士班和碩士班前後共15年,真是無腦親共塔紅班 英國倫敦大學官網發出聲明,證實總統蔡英文,確實在1984年,取得博士學位,聲明內容寫著「現任台灣總統蔡英文博士,1984年2月在兩位考官提交和審查論文後,獲得博士學位。雖然還不清楚副本是否存放圖書館,但這和蔡博士的學位無關,博士學位是正確授予的。」 1 Reply

Friday, January 27, 2023

Electromagnetic waves

The origin of Electromagnetic waves, and why they behave as they do ScienceClic English 388K subscribers Subscribe 12K Share 257,689 views Dec 14, 2022 Quantum World What is an electromagnetic wave? How does it appear? And how does it interact with matter? The answer to all these questions in 12 minutes. 0:00 - Introduction 1:31 - Frequencies 2:37 - Thermal radiation 3:53 - Polarisation 6:47 - Interference 7:27 - Scattering 8:47 - Reflection 10:09 - Refraction This video is narrated by Octave Masson. For more videos, subscribe to the YouTube channel : And if you liked this video, you can share it on social networks ! To support me on Patreon : or on Tipeee : Facebook Page : Twitter : Instagram : Alessandro Roussel, For more info: _________________________________________________ ScienceClic Français : ScienceClic Español : _________________________________________________ To learn more : Chapters View all Featured playlist 10 videos Quantum World ScienceClic English 698 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Echeverría Echeverría 1 month ago I really hope this channel keeps uploading content, it’s a gift to humanity 685 Reply 23 replies Nickator Nickator 1 month ago (edited) ₹40.00 Please dont stop bringing content like this. It simplifies concepts that take months to understand in colleges and I can even visualize it. This deserves millions of views I hope you reach there soon! All the best 176 Reply ScienceClic English · 5 replies Tempelier_ Tempelier_ 1 month ago (edited) I currently have the (electro)magnetic chapter in physics, so this is actually very helpful! 281 Reply ScienceClic English · 5 replies KrzysztofzBagien KrzysztofzBagien 1 month ago (edited) 6:01 it is worth noting that some animals can actually see light polarisation, eg. some insects recognise polarised light and use this ability to detect pools of water (its surface reflects light with horizontal polarization more strongly than with vertical polarisation), kinda like they were wearing polarised sunglasses. Fun fact is that even some humans have very limited ability to see polarisation - look for "Haidinger's brush". 93 Reply 3 replies Alex Alex 1 month ago without a doubt the most clear, thorough, and engaging science education content on youtube. no stone left unturned, all perfectly parseable. you are a treasure. thanks so much for what you do. 151 Reply 7 replies Daax Daax 1 month ago (edited) $49.99 Thanks for making these. I want to show my support and hopefully make it worth your while to keep writing and producing these types of videos. Happy holidays! I look forward to your next release. 48 Reply shambles9 shambles9 1 month ago (edited) CA$50.00 Love your videos. They really help improve my level of understanding of the universe. 14 Reply Ser Albi Ser Albi 1 month ago Watching this channel is like having a secret master key to the unknown that you can temporarly use to access the misteries of the universe. Amazing as always. 39 Reply 4 replies Shantanu Aphale Shantanu Aphale 1 month ago You are simply genius physicist. I think none in world right now has such talent to explain very complex phenomenon with beautiful demonstration or animations. You caught human mind's ability to understand pictures in motion... 27 Reply Gaming mit Maus Gaming mit Maus 1 month ago I have always wanted to know how polarisation and especially the emitation of EM-Waves from objects that are heated up works. I asked my physics teacher, and even my dad who studied Physics, but they didnt really know. This video explains it so well, that I understood it at first glance! Thanks! 23 Reply mgx mgx 1 month ago (edited) It would great if you could somehow visualize how a classic EM wave arises from a number of photons of the same frequency, and what it means for a photon to have frequency in the first place. Thanks for all the videos. 18 Reply Jean Briggs Jean Briggs 4 weeks ago $49.99 Thanks much for describing these concepts with such wonderful artistry and clarity. The enthusiasm and sincerity is most evident. Have a wonderful New Year filled with beautifully shared illumination! 4 Reply ScienceClic English · 1 reply Randall Hess Randall Hess 1 month ago A new ScienceClic post!!! I love this channel. Octave is a fantastic narrator, and the content is always engaging and hugely interesting. Thank you!! 14 Reply Kuvina Saydaki Kuvina Saydaki 1 month ago This is awesome! I usually just think of light as particles because wave particle duality is hard to think about, but there's so much more to be understood using the wave interpretation. 9 Reply HARSH ANAND HARSH ANAND 3 weeks ago (edited) ₹100.00 Thanks! It was a great video, please keep making these . You covered a great amount of knowledge into this small video.would love to see more of these ! 2 Reply Makaronowyninja Makaronowyninja 1 month ago I was reading up on Cherenkov effect just a couple days ago, and this explained it so much better than any article. I love your videos, very easy to understand while at the same time going into more depth than usual. 23 Reply 4 replies Conan Detective Conan Detective 1 month ago Your videos are in different leagues, true knowledge. Thanks for your hard work. 12 Reply Marco Marco 1 month ago Love this channel so much. First watched the video on string theory as I followed Thomas Harvey's works since then. Never stop making these videos at this quality. Would love a more frequent upload schedule, but quality over quantity. Could you try QCD next? 5 Reply Adib Lokhandwala Adib Lokhandwala 4 weeks ago Awesome!!! i studied about reflection, refraction absorption and scattering of light in high school, but i didn't knew why did it happened, you've explained it in a very articulated way , thanks man!!! 2 Reply Patrick McHargue Patrick McHargue 1 month ago Clear & concise. Thank you. 10 Reply Rationalific Rationalific 1 month ago These videos are absolutely fantastic! I could honestly listen to and watch a ScienceClic video about this for hours... I'm always introduced to things through these videos that I had no idea about. I learned the basic information, like reflection and refraction, but I never learned about their inner workings. And some things, like why the sky is blue, have been answered elsewhere, but this explanation is still unique and gets more into the physics behind it. (I would have liked to have seen info about red sunsets as well... Maybe in a future video...) The worst parts about your videos are when you say things like "Finally" or "To sum up". I just don't want them to end so soon! 1 Reply Book city INK. Studios Book city INK. Studios 1 month ago (edited) He just explained the wave behaviors!! His videos are always amazing. You can tell he puts time and effort into making each video very wonderful, keep up the great work! 2 Reply Iñigo Cilveti Iñigo Cilveti 1 month ago This channel is just amazing. Such clear explanations. It feels like it should have way more views and subscribers 4 Reply Paul C. Paul C. 1 month ago Thanks for another excellent video. Clear & informative. These videos are always worth watching at least twice. With every video I learn something new, or re-learn something I'd forgotten. Please keep them coming. 3 Reply Mega Mind Mega Mind 1 month ago Wow! I am 50 years of age now and from the age I went to, what was called Middle Technical School or MTS here) I had majors in Chemistry, electrical engineering / technology , physics, mathematics and all. Every major educated their own little part of the whole story and up till now I haven't seen a combined basic explanation like this which should be the basis of all above mentioned majors! Why, because your video literally gives a concrete understanding about the foundation of all that's teached and how all the bits you learn is actually just one basic fact about particles, matter, how this behaves and what follows as a consequence out of this fundamental behavior. In my quest to such an explanation as I wanted to now exactly this, people only repeated what was said in school or evade an answer by saying that it is to complicated to explain. And here you are (!) doing it in twelve and a half minutes! This basis shows also what I already thought for years and just recently showcased by the wonderful youtube channel Veritasium by Derek Muller. That, in electrical current, it's actually the electric-magnetic waves that carry the energy and not the flow of electrons, because electrons hardly flow anywhere! They just pass on the electric energy to their neighbor and the electro-magnetic field which they create through the excitation brings the energy over to the other side. That's why the material of the wire, their width, wheter it's a bigger solid core or separate strands and isolation can make a huge difference in how that current or signal is distorted or not. Also, as all matter interacts with each other through their electro-magnetic fields, no matter how significant. As such, we, as a big lump of matter, radiate the combined and averaged result of all the matter we exist off and unconsciously influence each other fields. Most people would say that the influence is so insignificant that we would even notice it, but it would explain a lot of phenomena in which people "sense" something that they can't explain like somebodies mode, intentions or why sometimes you feel attracted to somebody who, physically, at first appearance wouldn't attract your attention. Maybe a bit far off, but not in the basic sense of this fundamental physics fact. Long story short, Incredible how you managed to bring this subject so clear and yet in such a short amount of time!! Thank you so much! ☺🙏 1 Reply Broden Connolly Broden Connolly 1 month ago I’d love to see an in-depth video on quantum entanglement. You’re definitely the best channel on YouTube for explaining physics 2 Reply Naveen.V Naveen.V 1 month ago Thank you very much , even though i go into thinking of why everything happens you have stated out everything clearly and you have given me something to think of and ponder about , also the animation is just so cool 8 Reply Namaste Namaste 1 month ago Alessandro Roussel and Octave Masson—you two are the very best; good at public speaking, using resources at the highest advantage and make learning fun. Thank you for the hard work and effort that goes into these videos. We definitely appreciate it. 1 Reply Ivan Stojanac Ivan Stojanac 1 month ago This channel is the best at explaining complex topics in a simple and easy to understand way. 5 Reply Paul Paul 1 month ago Loved it! Now do the QED interpretation of the phenomena described here. 3 Reply Max Graham Max Graham 1 month ago This has completely updated my understanding of electromagnetism and it's phenomenal ❤️ 1 Reply Bari Science Lab Bari Science Lab 3 weeks ago Please, if you could make such an animated video on the physics of conductors and insulators (dielectrics) -- especially polarization of dielectrics, that would be unbelievable. Your animations are changing lives -- please don't stop. Reply Captain Tardigrade Captain Tardigrade 1 month ago it was very cool to see an explanation of reflection since I had little luck finding it recently. But I would also really like to see more in-depth explanation on how interference work the way that angle of reflection exactly matches the angle of incident. 2 Reply Zoltán Tóth Zoltán Tóth 1 month ago This is very good. Compact, to the point, understandable. Thank you. It was a long time ago when i learned thus much in thus short time. This is because you tell the essence of the cause of the explained phenomena, as it is, without side-excursions and without leaving out something necessary. 1 Reply Wilko Wilko 1 month ago This is so good! Also your other videos about quantum mechanic stuff .... can't believe it can be visualized and explained so well! keep it up! One of the best science channels! Reply DA T DA T 4 weeks ago Very well presented. Clear narration, and at a speed that was not to fast to be absorbed by us slower thinkers. 1 Reply magnus horus magnus horus 1 month ago these are wonderful videos, thank you! better than any science text book Ive ever read 2 Reply strangeWaters strangeWaters 1 month ago Great video. I really like the Clifford algebra story of electromagnetism, where the E field is space-time bivectors and the M field is space-space bivectors, and you can easily derive how relativistic boosts will convert one person's electricity into another person's magnetism and vice versa. IMO the magnetic field should be drawn with little spinning disks instead of vectors for this reason (drawing the bivector, not the normal, which is a 3-dimensional coincidence.) 2 Reply xersxo xersxo 2 weeks ago This is the greatest explainer video on electromagnetism I have ever seen. Everything is tied together well and is presented so clearly that you literally can't help but understand (given the minimal prerequisite knowledge). Thank you, so much. Reply Yiğit Perçin Yiğit Perçin 1 month ago This channel literally expands my imaginative perspective as a person who wants to find the theory of everything. Thank you for your amazing animations. Reply fMartinTv fMartinTv 1 month ago I've seen a lot of videos about this topic and this is the very best. The clarity of the explanation and the visual representations are above anything I've seen so far. Reply MrSamot MrSamot 1 month ago (edited) Wow. The 3:54 - 6:00 on polarization really clarified things for me. I comprehend it much better now. Thank you. 5 Reply lornlynx lornlynx 1 month ago (edited) This is the most concise, thorough and understandable explanation of EM-waves, Radiation, Polarisation and Optics I have ever seen. Amazing video! Reply Barry Piper Barry Piper 1 day ago Excellent animations, and I'm so glad you didn't fill them fill of speech bubbles, stick figures or other "fun" decorations because I want to use them to help my physics lectures. I always have a hard time getting students to envision these particle behaviors and movements. Reply Homura XP Homura XP 1 month ago Such a good channel. Glad to have discovered it. 2 Reply Humberto Perdomo Alvarez Humberto Perdomo Alvarez 1 month ago I'm really glad that people like you exists, you explain that well this topics and get people excited to understand them. Reply C T C T 8 days ago This is the best physics channel on YouTube, and I've watched many. It's ability to cut right to the heart of a concept, explain it in simple terms, and apply that principle to explain disparate practical phenomena 1 Reply Hak Mat Hak Mat 1 month ago It's nice how a lot of info is put together and got connected in a way that made it easy to understand and remember Reply Javier Castro Javier Castro 2 weeks ago I never had a good formal education in physics and I suck at taking exams, but I have been fascinated by science since childhood when I began studying physics out of pure curiosity and enjoyment. Between your videos and YouTube my education continues! Reply Patrik 2569 Patrik 2569 1 month ago How did I never found this channel? Amazing work. Other videos are great too. 🤯 2 Reply Pyro Cat Pyro Cat 1 month ago I can't believe how easy it is to understand content from this channel. I wish we had this when we were in school. Amazing work! 6 Reply 6 replies Rue Rue 1 month ago Really helped in the visualisation part! I have EM waves in my syllabus and this video cleared most of the how and why ques., esp. the polarisation part 👌 Thanks a Lot man! Reply Paprikar Paprikar 1 month ago Great video, as usual. I would like to see a more detailed video on the real cause of light refraction, or even more - the involvement of this idea in the context of the emergence of "gravity" in the GRT. 1 Reply Bjartur Mortensen Bjartur Mortensen 1 month ago This is really really really good. It seems to capture most of what is contained in a first optics course, and then some. 1 Reply Athena Athena 1 month ago Love your content! Pls keep posting more videos like this💯 4 Reply Victor Paes Plinio Victor Paes Plinio 1 month ago This video summarized and explained more than a whole semester in the college. Thank you very much! Reply Hi I am Just A CoolRandomUser Hi I am Just A CoolRandomUser 1 month ago (edited) Good quality video and finally I know the proper reason why light refracts, thank you soo much for your hardwork and beautiful illustrations. 3 Reply OHM-968692 OHM-968692 2 weeks ago My god the animations and explanations are incredibly intuitive! I still don't understand half of this, but this video answered my old question of "why EXACTLY does light slow down in water" - something that neither my physics teacher of YouTube videos could explain. Man the person who writes these scripts REALLY knows their stuff! This is better than Veritasium or Minute Physics or whatever. Reply Gianpiero Esposito Gianpiero Esposito 1 month ago I finally understood some concepts I wasn’t able to grasp before. Great content 1 Reply DasItMane DasItMane 1 month ago Man this channel is way better for intuitive understanding than almost anything else 1 Reply Relentless Mind Relentless Mind 1 month ago Thank you so muuuuch for such content ! If it's possible please don't stop on sharing this content with us. It does reallly help to understand abstract concepts withouth having to bite into book. TY so much Reply David Ephrat David Ephrat 1 month ago (edited) This is the first video of yours that I watched. I liked. I subscribed, I'll watch more tomorrow, but it's late now, and I already am having trouble processing all of this information. Also, I had no idea that 3D movies worked like that. That's really cool! You know what? I'm turning on all notifications too. I feel like this channel, combined with me doing research on my own time could really teach me a lot. Reply 40 Watt 40 Watt 1 month ago That explanation of unpolarized light causing vibration is so cool and I can't believe I've never realized that before. 1 Reply TwinSomething TwinSomething 1 month ago I have a physics degree and yet this video was the first time I’ve ever learnt how a mirror actually reflects light. Brilliant. 1 Reply Alessandro Capasso Alessandro Capasso 1 month ago fantastic video very easy to understand as always, thanks for your amazing content 1 Reply Hannes Frick Hannes Frick 3 weeks ago A very compact correlation between subjects that are often separated. You created a new link in my understanding of waves and atoms. I didn't understand, how the mirror acts with it's particles on reflection and what particle can top c(l) and how. Reply Wilson Gomes Wilson Gomes 1 month ago the way he explain things get so clear.Wonderful teacher 2 Reply ぷんぷPump ぷんぷPump 2 weeks ago I love how they relate concepts in both macro and microscale. It helps as understand esp the applications of these concepts. This helps everyone Reply Kewin Rausch Kewin Rausch 1 month ago The way you describe physics is really neat. You are clearly gifted. 2 Reply Daniel Koynov Daniel Koynov 1 month ago Amazing video! I have been searching for a proper explanation of electromagnetic waves but I didn't find a video remotely brilliant and well-explained such as this! 1 Reply beabzk beabzk 1 month ago Gorgeous as always. I loved it. This broadened my understanding of the electromagnetic waves. 2 Reply stephanie parker stephanie parker 1 month ago This connected a lot of dots for me, thank you! This channel is a treasure! 🎉 1 Reply Zharul Zharul 1 month ago As usual, Scienceclic produced the most understandable video on complex topic👏👏 3 Reply ThePhilosopher ThePhilosopher 1 month ago Absolutely brilliant video! I would like to see this kind of explanation done for the formation of a star. Gravity is always mentioned but the explanations never make sense of it, nor to they mention how charge can play a role. 1 Reply Akop Gabrielyan Akop Gabrielyan 3 weeks ago Happy New Year, folks! Hope to see more of your wonderful videos this year! Reply Meme hi Meme hi 1 month ago I love it when this channel posts physics vidoes, keep up the great work. 1 Reply Diogenes Pepsi Diogenes Pepsi 1 month ago Wow, what a fantastically explained and concise video. 1 Reply Tkcb 2799 Tkcb 2799 1 month ago Crazy how this video sums up 5 different experiments that I have had in my first semester in the Physics laboratory!!! 2 Reply Stu Mas Stu Mas 3 weeks ago (edited) Great video. Quick question, if I may: Is the angle of refraction affected/determined by reflection-interference, just above the surface? 9:05 Reply Michael Streeter Michael Streeter 3 weeks ago I have wanted to understand what actually IS polarisation of light for over 20 years. I've also been interested to know how exactly you can have a circluarly-polarised radio wave and antenna. Thanks! Reply mim Armand mim Armand 1 month ago Wow you explain thing in much better and more accurate way than anyone else on YT! Thank you! Reply Carl Stanland Carl Stanland 1 month ago You need more subscribers! This content is wonderful. Thank you for these videos. 1 Reply Randy78 Randy78 1 month ago Extremely clear explained! Thanks for making these kind of video's. Reply Tahir Büyükhelvacıgil Tahir Büyükhelvacıgil 1 month ago Enjoyed every second keep up the good work 4 Reply Luminescent Lion Luminescent Lion 1 month ago I'm an Electrical Engineer and it's nice to have more of the physics side of the equation so we can understand what were simulating when we make 10 million assumptions and approximate equations. 3 Reply Chad Chad 1 month ago If you ever can, upload a video on fluid dynamics, its often and overlooked subject in its potential for intuitive "aha" moments but it's worth a shot for sure! 5 Reply ScienceClic English · 3 replies xbuniekx xbuniekx 1 month ago PLN 10.00 Awesome, thank you for posting :) 2 Reply Aditya M Aditya M 2 weeks ago keep uploading such content...I am so curious to learn from you :) 1 Reply James Rowell James Rowell 1 month ago The fact that "jiggling atoms" (Feynman's explanation) is connected to heat never made sense to me - until now! Brilliant explanatory video. Keep up the amazing work Alessandro! 1 Reply The Systemic Anomaly The Systemic Anomaly 1 month ago Maybe the most amazing video ive ever seen, just amazing dude, you do great work, the graphics are out of this world illuminating, it really helps us understand, just great stuff, so much fun learning all of this stuff 1 Reply Abara Nihei Abara Nihei 1 month ago (edited) The writting and narrating of this channel are just amazing!!!! 2 Reply Spencer Wenzel Spencer Wenzel 1 month ago This is the clearest, yet in depth, description of the wave nature of light I have yet seen. This will be shown in my science class. Next, I would love a video about the particle nature of light i.e. ultraviolet catastrophe, photoelectric effect and compton scattering. 1 Reply Idir Khial Idir Khial 4 weeks ago Excellent video as per usual! 1 Reply Oscar Shu Oscar Shu 1 month ago Oscar Shu 0 seconds ago I work as an EE engineer for a decade, I thought I knew electromagnetic wave well in my daily work, but I still learn so much in this video, really like the explanation for diffraction, reflection, refraction from the perspective of atoms and how light wave slows down in material but the speed of light did not change. 1 Reply Natalie Greenhill Natalie Greenhill 4 weeks ago (edited) Perfection! Great Delivery. I hope that you are able to explain Radio Frequency or Pulsed Microwave Energy from Military Powered Directed Energy Weapons as well. 1 Reply Benlucky13 Benlucky13 1 month ago Fascinating stuff! Really intuitive explanation for black body radiation. Interesting point about 3D glasses, they're usually circularly polarized in opposite directions, so the effect works even if you tilt your head. Sixty minutes had a nice deep dive on that specific use of polarized light 1 Reply Helmut Alexander Rubio Wilson Helmut Alexander Rubio Wilson 1 month ago (edited) You are a genius teacher i have been studying EM waves for years as an engineer and i could not explain them this clear. I even didnt undertad why the change of speed EM wave from conceptual point of view. Than you man!. Reply ( O_〉O)? ( O_〉O)? 1 month ago In just 90 seconds, you described EM waves in a way that is easy to visualize. Reply Mundy Morning Report Mundy Morning Report 2 weeks ago Can you possibly explain how waves like this (made by chemical or relatively low power stimulation that is then released when lower energy states are recovered ) compare to the structure of EMP, impulse waves when plasmas glow or fusion happens? Reply Average Corn Enjoyer Average Corn Enjoyer 1 month ago these are such great quality videos it is truly astounding they are available for free, thank you for this, doing god's work Reply Shree Chawre Shree Chawre 3 weeks ago Definitely deserves the like. Like how did my teachers didn't teach me like this. Much appreciated. Reply jnez71 jnez71 1 month ago @ScienceClic could you briefly explain how photons fit into this picture? And how the "vibration of electron clouds" relates to the (quantized) energy transitions of the electrons? 4 Reply 1 reply Surinder Nagi Surinder Nagi 1 month ago BEST EXPLAINED, SIMPLY SUPERB, WOW, GOING BACK TO MATHS OF PHYSICS WILL BE MUCH EASIER AFTER ACTUAL VISUALISATION. ALL YOUR VIDEOS ARE MASTER CLASS GEMS! Reply Mr Farooq Khan Mr Farooq Khan 1 month ago Man it made me understand electromagnetic waves even better.thx Alot and keep the hard work ❤️❤️❤️. 1 Reply Marcelo B. Marcelo B. 1 month ago Great content, as usual. Reply Alexandre Olival Alexandre Olival 1 month ago This channel is criminally underrated 3 Reply RAVI SHANKAR MISHRA RAVI SHANKAR MISHRA 1 month ago I really and immediately need it's second part ☺️...... Please show me the story ahead of it 🙂 Reply Shackled Shackled 1 month ago This is excellent, thank you so much. 1 Reply ƚΞIϽıịıCIΞƚ ƚΞIϽıịıCIΞƚ 1 month ago The best Physics channel on YouTube hands down. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 1 Reply Isaac Roberts Isaac Roberts 1 month ago Does all of this apply to color-charged particles as well? 1 Reply W0tch W0tch 1 month ago Wow that is so concisely explained ! 1 Reply J M J M 8 days ago I thought the Electric Field and Magnetic Fields were orthogonal and thus independent and as such, do not interact with each other? Would love to hear your thoughts. Reply YTBasketball101 YTBasketball101 1 month ago Thanks for this it gave me a different way to think about light and how it behaves. Reply Philip Fahy Philip Fahy 1 month ago Alright, this is kind of freaky. I was thinking about the relation between electricity and electromagnetism this morning. A truly elegant description. And now I can say mirror are technically electronic devices! 2 Reply Radej Radej 1 month ago I wish i had discover this channel in school! Great and interesting videos! 1 Reply Angelo Alexander Angelo Alexander 1 month ago I love this channel so much, what I would've given to have this as a kid. Reply Cy "kkm" K'Nelson Cy "kkm" K'Nelson 1 month ago (edited) Actually, human eyes is sensitive to linear polarisation, albeit very little. IPS monitors work by rotating polarization direction, which changes pixel brightness against a fixed plane polarization filter. When screen is fully white, the polarization of electrically controlled variable angle in-plane per-pixel polariser and the fixed filter coincide, so the pixel brightness is maximal. You can see it if you look at an IPS screen in polarised sunglasses and rotate your head—the screen will become fully dark in a specific orientation (horizontal, vertical, or 45⁰, depending on a particular panel). When looking at the fully white IPS panel, some people see a hard to describe effect (I do see it, and I believe everyone can, it's just hard to notice): I see a very slight vertical bluishness and horizontal yellowishness (may be vice versa, or diagonal; depends on a panel). It's not lines or something, it's kinda direction-related tint. I can't find better words, “bluishness in one direction and yellowishness in a perpendicular direction“ sounds weird, but once you see it, you'll notice. It's like a tinted cross at the focus of your vision, with each line going wider in the away from your focus point direction; it's kinda shimmering, more prominent when your sight wanders a bit. Look at the very center, but do not fix eyes on the point, let your sight wander around the center of a fully white page, within 1cm or so, and you should notice it. This will not work on AMOLED panels, common in new phones, tablets and notebooks. Confirm that your display emits polarised light—white screen should turn fully black when you wear polarised sunglasses and rotate your head (or screen) in some orientation. In other word, the white light from the screen must be 100% linearly polarised. All today desktop monitors 19" and above likely qualify: AMOLEDs are economical only up to 17" so far. Here's another eye optics trick (unrelated to polarisation, but since we're talking about human vision...). Fix your sight very steady on a dot on a bright white screen, or even a well-lit sheet of quality white paper (you need a bright white light, day sunlight works), as steady as you can. In about 20-30 second, you'll see very pronounced network of irregular dark lines crisscrossing the whole white field. These are blood vessels in your retina. Nature decided to inverted mammalian retina (we're made, like, “it kinda works, don't fix it”): the light-sensitive cells are on the back side of the eye, and the nerve fibers and blood vessels are in front of it, in the path of light. This is also why we have the blind spot, where all nerve fibers connect into the optic nerve and go to the back side of the eye through a hole in the retina... Octopus' eye has convergently evolved to be very similar to the mammalian eye, with very similar lens and iris and annular muscles controlling focus and iris size, but their retina is installed the right way forward. :) Double whammy, since we live in air, a very transparent medium, and octopodes in the ocean, where water is full of suspended organic, both excretions and decaying remains of sea life, so the animals hardly benefit from their eye upgrade we did not get. :) 1 Reply Old Man Black Socks Old Man Black Socks 1 month ago Your analogies and animations provide a deeper meaning. You should become a professor. Reply akshay koli akshay koli 1 month ago My scientific assistant paper was on 14th January. Your channel has helped me a lot 1 Reply Mehdi Hamam Mehdi Hamam 1 month ago Very beautiful video,so enlightening! Reply Richie_dubfella Richie_dubfella 1 month ago Your clear voice and excellent visual presentation is pure gold ❤❤❤ Reply Mr Perfect Mr Perfect 1 month ago Wow is really all i can say. This guy was able show what we needed to know properly Reply Simon ROBIN Simon ROBIN 1 month ago Amazing as usual! Is there anyone who could explain me why an atom is always shaking and never reach the equilibrium? Reply propius ad veritatum Dei propius ad veritatum Dei 1 month ago This was a question I’ve always had… very interesting stuff Reply Khardellen Khardellen 1 month ago THANK YOU!!! I finally understand the relationship of electromagnetism! Reply Salton Playz Salton Playz 1 month ago Can you do one on quantum chromodynamics? 3 Reply Xartab Xartab 1 month ago Could you go in more depth over what polarised light does to the electromagnetic field? How it gets distorted in physical reality? Reply YTBasketball101 YTBasketball101 1 month ago Can you do a video series on the maths of quantum mechanics like how you did General Relativity. I really enjoyed that. Reply Jakub Lizon Jakub Lizon 1 month ago I like to think I'm pretty well versed in modern physics, but you somehow know the questions I still have and answer them perfectly. Reply Giacomo Toti Giacomo Toti 3 weeks ago This video explained so much subject of my study, it's beautiful. Reply Salton Playz Salton Playz 1 month ago LOVE THESE VIDEOS BEEN WANTING ONE OF THESE! 2 Reply Nahla Fouad Nahla Fouad 1 month ago This is impressive hard work. Thank you. Reply Mandar Pawar Mandar Pawar 1 month ago Great Video, which explain many phenomena about Light / radiation. 🙂 1 Reply Neon Black Neon Black 1 month ago It feels like theres so much more information in this video that can be fit inside 12 minutes Reply Pedro FIgueiredo Pedro FIgueiredo 1 month ago The Cerenkov effect was first observed by Pierre and Marie Curie and much later explained relativistically by Cerenkov. 1 Reply Ed109 Ed109 1 month ago This is by far the greatest science-education channel exists on Youtube! The music is just LOVELY 1 Reply Paul Byrne Paul Byrne 3 weeks ago Amazing content as always Reply iri iri 3 weeks ago This channel is amazing! Thank you 1 Reply MrAuswest MrAuswest 1 month ago I had to have radiation treatment for a vigourous skin cancer on my scalp. While doing so i intermittently say blue 'flashes' while my eyes were closed and asked the radiologist why that was. They could not say exactly. After hearing you mention Cherenkov radiation and never hearing of it i asked Google and discovered that an English team at a cancer hospital had discovered Cherenkov radiation producing light in the vitreous humour of patients eyeballs who were undergoing radiation treatment! Next time i go for my checkup i can give them this info - thanks to you. 🙂 Great job, keep up the good work. If you are able to post a video about electro-magnetic resonance and how it can be utilised for energy production i'd be very grateful. Reply Sagan Android Sagan Android 3 weeks ago I think the animations need some focus group testing. They are good, and this video is good. Very good in fact. But I feel like it's about 85% of the way of explaining things clearly. That said, it is probably the best video I have seen on the topic in general, but with some caveats- in the form of questions generated or things not being clear, or things being done a bit too quickly. I can give specific feedback at certain points in the video, if you'd like. Reply Marco Peaulo Marco Peaulo 1 month ago Love this channel so much: Quantum Electrodynamics next? 3 Reply ScienceClic English · 1 reply knowledge inspector knowledge inspector 1 month ago Very understandable, thanks. Reply evilferris evilferris 1 month ago This is, hands down, the best explanation of light polarization I have ever heard. Thank you! 3:54 2 Reply lumpyspaceprince lumpyspaceprince 3 weeks ago This is my favorite science channel ever. It almost makes me think all other videos are wrong lol Reply Varun Ahlawat Varun Ahlawat 1 month ago I've read 10+ textbooks of physics for optics. And no book had the reason of why in first place the reflection happens. Books show the rays of light bouncing like a ball, I used to feel so ridiculous by that cringy explanations and I'm really thankful to have this channel and videos like these! The reason of slowing down of light, oh man it's eye opening :) 4 Reply 2 replies Exterm Inatus Exterm Inatus 1 month ago After all this time, all the analogies regarding mirrors and how they work in terms of reflection and the concept of refraction. All of it makes sense with this video. 1 Reply Krutarth Mehta Krutarth Mehta 4 weeks ago A Masterpiece! ✨💫😇 1 Reply Prototype invariant Prototype invariant 1 month ago One of the best videos I've ever seen. Thanks! Reply Mumthas Zulfikar Mumthas Zulfikar 1 month ago Really great content ♥️ Reply Attila Asztalos Attila Asztalos 1 month ago Fun fact: typical 3D glasses DO NOT use linear polarization (mostly because tilting your head would start bleeding in the wrong image for an eye into the right one) but circular polarization (which is immune to this issue); but this can play merry hell with the heads of folks who are only used to how good old linear polarization (think LCD screen foils) works, as in two filters 90 degrees to each other = opaque, rotate one of them another 90 degrees = transparent. 3 Reply 2 replies LimeHunter7 LimeHunter7 1 month ago A quick comment: In an antenna, it is not the simultaneous movement of nuclei and bound electrons that generates the EM wave, but rather the conducting electrons flowing through the material 1 Reply Selim Şahkulu Selim Şahkulu 1 month ago Hey ScienceClic can you please upload more often iam so interested with your videos 1 Reply michel gent michel gent 4 weeks ago My only issue with this channel is that u don't upload enough videos! They are really god, especially the high level stuff 1 Reply Xopion Xopion Xopion Xopion 1 month ago Wow.. Awesome explanation with awesome animation... 1 Reply josphat karanja josphat karanja 13 days ago Very good lesson, very detailed🤓🧐 1 Reply Tihan Swanepoel Tihan Swanepoel 1 month ago Amazing video, please continue posting. Reply Technoverse Technoverse 3 weeks ago Excellent way of Explanation.Very much informative. best teaching skills. thanks Reply Minn Htutkyaw Minn Htutkyaw 3 weeks ago Thank you for this splendid video. Reply Kamaljeet Singh Kamaljeet Singh 1 month ago Please please please keep uploading more content like this !!! Reply Matthew Bloss Matthew Bloss 1 month ago Very nice visualization of the EM wave propagating outward. You say that the charge generates the field. Then you say that the wave will spread through the EM fields. Things are a little muddled on these points. You might want to do a video on quantum field theory and clarify the nature of the field and its presence throughout spacetime, even if no charge is present. Nice job overall and appreciate the nice visualizations. Reply John Altenburg John Altenburg 1 month ago There is an Art in explaining science. This is a master piece. TY Reply Caruzo96 Caruzo96 1 month ago HOW does this channel NOT have millions of subscribers?! 🤨 2 Reply Baran ÖZDEMİR Baran ÖZDEMİR 1 month ago Great work! 1 Reply TheOrigamiInstructor TheOrigamiInstructor 1 month ago This Guy and Eugene both will give you most thorough explanations you can EVER get, trust me. Reply AMPM AMPM 1 month ago 9:46 - so one of the reasons you can see through crystals? Also why there will be specific colors of distortion when impurities are present? Good stuff. 1 Reply Ceaser Van Ceaser Van 3 weeks ago Man I have been reading this stuff for almost a decade but have never really got a bit of it. Here in India it is just read and digest we even memorize what simple reflection means 😀😀😀 lol. Thanks buddy. ❤❤❤❤✌✌✌ Reply JITHENDRA KUMAR JITHENDRA KUMAR 1 month ago Wonderful info, keep going 1 Reply OHM-968692 OHM-968692 2 weeks ago Question: Does the temperature of an object depend on how fast the electron cloud is oscillating (frequency?) or how far from the nucleus it is moving (amplitude?). I'm a bit confused here... Reply Ibrar Khan Ibrar Khan 1 month ago Thanks man for this amazing video. 1 Reply Marcelo Brinholli Marcelo Brinholli 2 weeks ago I watch all of ScienceClic's videos. I fell so blessed I live in an age with technologies that allow us to access such wonderful content and with generous and brilliant people like Alessandro, who share their knowledge in a way we can understand it. I have a question on this topic, though. If scattering in atmosphere happens only on the most energetic frequencies, why then the scattered frequency is light blue, and not an even higher frequency, like violet? Reply 1 reply SmogandBlack SmogandBlack 1 month ago Very nice, thanks 😊. When we represent the path of an electromagnetic wave, we actually display the direction taken by the energy carried by that particular wave, if I'm not wrong... if we represent its profile we can see both energy direction and the oscillation of the electric field. And if the wave crosses the screen from left to right, we can imagine the magnetic field pulsating towards us... am I right? I often wondered why the two fields are orthogonal and what does this mean... does it mean that both fields are bi-dimensional and there is no excitation in the 'space' between them? On either side? No excitation inside that peculiar 90° space nor in the remaining 270° (which we can call the 'quiet' side)? Isn't it weird (and very interesting)? Reply 1 reply flawn flawn 1 month ago 10:05, why does the electron have a circular movement in particular? Can anyone explain this please in more detail, thank you in advance! Reply M. Venkadesen M. Venkadesen 1 month ago Looking for more. Thank you so much for this Reply feyziz feyziz 3 weeks ago Excellent work ! Thank you .. Reply thanos AIAS thanos AIAS 1 month ago AWESOME!!!! The way it works on an atomic level eluded me! And that thing about the beam of light going slower not the speed of the EM wave. It always confused me when i was trying to understand Cherenkov radiation! TY!!! Reply Nikita Stolyarov Nikita Stolyarov 1 month ago (edited) One of the best videos about electromagnetic waves I've ever seen. The only thing I didn't really get, is what are the directions of electric and magnetic waves (when we are talking about polarization). Are they directed such as mechanical wave's top and bottom points? Or it is just a simplification like image of an EM wave as a sinusoid? 3 Reply ScienceClic English · 5 replies Kaushal Gagan Kaushal Gagan 1 month ago This channel is my favourite 🥳 keep uploading, it was mind blowing. Reply Nick Robbins Nick Robbins 1 month ago Great content! I have a question. 0:50 the field is static and doesn’t vary but then it is accelerated… please clarify. Thanks again. Reply 1 reply Alan Welch Alan Welch 1 month ago Come for better fundamentals of physics End up learning Why the Sky is blue, new perspective of the sun being a mass of tiny wibbly magnets and that's why we can feel heat, and that mirrors have an electric charge of sorts on its surface among other things. Thank you so much for this work you do I truly appreciate it and you, happy holidays Reply Dirge987 Dirge987 1 month ago Really great video, but I'm a little confused as to how photons play into all this. I checked the internet for answers and the consensus seems to be that electromagnetic waves and photons explain the same thing but different ways and at different scales. Is there a way to bring both views together in a simple way to understand? Reply 1 reply Sanjay G Sanjay G 2 weeks ago Seriously awesome ...❤❤❤❤ I always wanted to learn abt EMW but coudnt learn anything Neither in clg or textbook How much I learnt today abt EMW I haven't learned so much b4 in my life .. TQSM keep uploading videos Reply Salman Farish Salman Farish 1 month ago Sir pls explain about quantum tunneling 3 Reply Etienne M. Etienne M. 1 month ago Immesurable joy. One revelation after another. Thank you Reply Aleksander Orzechowski Aleksander Orzechowski 1 month ago Extremely high quality content Reply Kazki Fairman Kazki Fairman 1 month ago Love the 3D graphics in this video! 2 Reply Saulo Armando Saulo Armando 1 month ago Amazing. As always. Reply Harshit Gupta Harshit Gupta 1 month ago I have a question Do accelarating charges produce light or charges moving with uniform velocity produce light Reply Tesseract9630 Tesseract9630 1 month ago (edited) One of the best science channel ever. 1 Reply Kafuu Chino Kafuu Chino 1 month ago I love this! But how does the Cherenkov effect detect neutrinos if they're neutral and don't interact with electromagnetic fields? Reply 1 reply vayu nandana Kishore vayu nandana Kishore 1 month ago (edited) Great work...please upload more. Reply Physicist Praneel Physicist Praneel 3 weeks ago Science is always researching, and in the process finding new and better ways to explain natural phenomena. Is this explanation from the current best knowledge or an older one? 1 Reply Adam B Adam B 1 month ago Would I be correct to assume that a charged particle could never not emit an EM field, no matter how small, due to the uncertainty principle? Reply Please Please 1 month ago Pls, make a video about. Bell's theorems. How to find hidden variable? And also about hiw probability in quantum physics work? 3 Reply Average Alien Average Alien 1 month ago (edited) It would be cool if you attempted to explain how dark energy works 1 Reply 1 reply Famous Quotes Famous Quotes 1 month ago hi buddy from the last five years this is something which is complete in itself from the biggner's pov. May science bless you . thanks for this treat buddy Reply MMA MMA 1 month ago i understood your explanation why moving charges form magnetic field but i cannot visualise the vector calculations about why does the magnetic field around a current passing wire is circular in shape would u pls explain that? 2 Reply Rudi Paganelli Rudi Paganelli 1 month ago Amazing video. Thanks 1 Reply Anon ymous Anon ymous 1 month ago Best teacher I've ever had. Reply Ramalingam Putta Ramalingam Putta 2 weeks ago Well explained. Reply Salton Playz Salton Playz 1 month ago LOVE THESE VIDEOS BEEN WANTING ONE OF THESE! 1 Reply Mark García-Wilson Mark García-Wilson 1 month ago Woah I forgot about this channel and I just rediscovered it. Amazing videos. 3 Reply anteeko anteeko 1 month ago Just wow fantastic job with this video! incredible. Reply Omni Yambot Omni Yambot 4 days ago this is exactly how i imagine it. this is my exact intuition. my good so satisfying. thanks for this. i will donate when i graduate 😅 1 Reply be smart be smart 8 days ago the background music is matched perfectly to the content. It feels like the secrets of the universe are revealed only to me Reply Little Stone's Adventures Little Stone's Adventures 4 weeks ago Nice vid ❤❤, can you do one on quantum spin pls 1 Reply Sphakamiso Zondi Sphakamiso Zondi 1 month ago This channel is criminally underrated Reply Vishal Gokhale Vishal Gokhale 7 days ago There is a problem with the explanation at the start. As per the other video (on this channel) magnetism is just electric force experienced by a charge in presence of "another current" (sp rel, Len contraction etc). But here we say magnetism is arising out of the same charge.. can you please explain 'how?' Reply Juan Soto Juan Soto 1 month ago Wow, thank you sir for being so great Reply Louis Robitaille Louis Robitaille 1 month ago 8:45 It's also because nitrogen molecules (N2) "absorb the white light" and "emit blue light". The sky is blue because nitrogen is by far the most common molecule in the air. Reply Supreet Sahu Supreet Sahu 1 month ago Love this channel 2 Reply HK HK 1 month ago Outstanding video. You even taught my wife and I how to read Feynman Diagrams in one night (!) via your QED Feynman Diagrams video. Reply javi martínez javi martínez 1 month ago What I never manage to understand in these explanations is how when you move an electron, you are generating a 3 dimensional perturbation, so that if light is quantized with photons, that would mean a ton of photons carrying the perturbation generated fom a single charge? Reply Arashpreet Grewal Arashpreet Grewal 1 month ago great content! Reply SS SS 1 month ago I had some questions which maybe you could address in a future video: 1. You said that when a charged particle moves, it produces both electric and magnetic waves, but didn't mention why it has to be particularly accelerated, because I had studied in high school that moving charges produces only magnetic field when at a constant velocity, and accelerated charges produce em waves. 2. Why does it actually bend during refraction? I slows down because the field interact with the atoms inside it, but why bend? I mean what is the mathematical equation behind it. Huygen's principle can explain it but it doesn't explain from the perspective of the atoms. I have an engineering degree but didn't study physics after school, so I watch these videos, and would like to thank you for the quality content you put out here. 2 Reply 1 reply Han Joon Lee Han Joon Lee 1 month ago Phenomenal content!! But my primitive brain has issues with comprehension :( Reply Joe Michelson Joe Michelson 1 month ago Amazing video! Reply HenryCGS HenryCGS 1 month ago The only thing that yet hasn't clicked for me is how all of that relates to photons. The oscillating electrons cause photons to appear out of nowhere? "where" are the photons in a electromagnetic wave? how do they relate to the wave properties of light (like destructive and constructive interference)? and what about their wavefunctions, do they have anything to do with this? Reply Jörg Kukla Jörg Kukla 1 month ago It's very interesting as always and I saw, that my school education was not totally for nothing 😅😅😅😅😅. 1 Reply Shoaib Nature Shoaib Nature 4 weeks ago Wonderful. 1 Reply awuuwa awuuwa 1 month ago excellent content 1 Reply LegendLength LegendLength 1 month ago If you take a magnet and shake it up and down you can measure the change using an instrument. And if you took that instrument far away you'd still measure it, just more faintly. In that way it seems you can describe radio transmission without even invoking the electro part of it. I'm not saying they are separate, just wonder if this is a valid kind of analogy or explanation. Reply mrwillard95 mrwillard95 1 month ago Quality explantion and animations👍👍 Reply Dr.Satish Sharma Dr.Satish Sharma 1 month ago Excellent.... thanks 🙏. 1 Reply Breakfast of Champions Breakfast of Champions 3 weeks ago Watching this earlier could have saved me years of traipsing in the dark. I vote ScienceClic the King of Science channels. Reply Prince Prince 4 days ago Amazing ❤️ 1 Reply usama8800 usama8800 1 month ago at 1:34 and my mind is already blown. it makes so much sense Reply emmanuilushka emmanuilushka 12 days ago Now with full certainty I can call myself quantum physicist Reply Tomy Stank Tomy Stank 1 month ago What is relation between charge and mass? Reply Van sf Van sf 2 weeks ago A subatomic particle can cause a magnetic field around it only when it has such intrinsic properties as spin or angular momentum. Microwaves in an oven are actually a fast-oscillating electric field which causes water molecules also to oscillate due to the dipole moments " p" pointing from oxygen atom side, which has negative charge, to 2 hydrogen atom side , which has positive charge, tend to line up with or to be parallel to the electric field Reply Mr. Technical Verma Mr. Technical Verma 1 month ago I'm learning about elecro magnetic waves by the help of electro magnetic waves 😂 2 Reply Vaak Demandante Vaak Demandante 1 month ago I bet there's hardly anything else in the Universe apart from electromagnetic waves and all of its various modes of vibration we call particles. I even have a suspicion that gravity is somehow fundamentally linked with electromagnetism in so far as to say it maybe some special mode of electromagnetic vibration that we tend to perceive as a space-time curvature. It's pure speculation on my part but those videos for sure keep my brain running - such an underrated channel. 1 Reply Sundoren Aesir Sundoren Aesir 1 month ago (edited) can you please explain why light path bended in refraction. I understand the slowing down but bending should happen at the surface and should have a different mechanism than interference inside water. There should be a heterogenous distribution of the EM energy just inside the 2D surface creating strong interference in the inside (water) but lower in the surface (mean density of both air and water) this partial interference should create the bending of light due to partial slowing down of the inside part of the energy but not the surface part of the energy. Since light trajectory is perpendicular to the E field (magnetic component is created by E field), partial cancelling interference-based slowing down in the inside but not the surface causes partial strength distribution of the electrical field which results a new E field more proximal to the surface making the light trajectory which is perpendicular to the E field towards center. With more energy/unit= wavelength the more bending will occur due to the strength of partial distribution/unit explaining more bending at higher wavelengths and vise versa. Is this correct ? Reply Joe Joe 1 month ago The channel is absolutely top! But this video is a little bit too "artsy" for me. I like when the electromagnetic waves are displayed as realistic as possible. Reply Aryan Srivastava Aryan Srivastava 1 month ago This is gold! Reply Elizabeth Reyna Elizabeth Reyna 1 month ago Could you explain how electrocity works. I did not understand veristasium acording to him electron do not move but what about the photoelectric effect? 1 Reply Luna Gong Luna Gong 2 weeks ago what a great video! Reply Junior Cyans Junior Cyans 2 weeks ago Love it! Reply Nishit Jain Nishit Jain 3 weeks ago One of the best channels out there Reply Alex Czech Alex Czech 1 month ago It's a cool feeling when you think you have a decent understanding of something but then it's explained in a new insightful way that makes you go "oooohhhhhhhhhhhh NOW I get it" Reply Jakub Waligórski Jakub Waligórski 1 month ago 4:48 did you just create vertigo effect with a 2D animation... 0.0 Great vid as always! 1 Reply ScienceClic English · 1 reply 🐝Sequoia Woods 🐝Sequoia Woods 1 month ago Wow, this is so fascinating! 😍does anyone know what science this is specifically 🤔 Thanks in advance. 1 Reply 2 replies theveta theveta 1 month ago This channel is the best education on this planet. Reply amalia antonopoulou amalia antonopoulou 1 month ago Thank you 😊 1 Reply Senko S. Senko S. 1 month ago i really wonder if a vacuum is possible that has different properties than our own since we now know that it is not really "empty" Reply Bully Maguire Bully Maguire 1 month ago Yesterday was my Physics exam and I suck at wave optics Wished that this video came out earlier 1 Reply placidesulfurik placidesulfurik 1 month ago This is brilliant, so much so that I feel bad about this comment: the chapter on polarization and its application was a missed opportunity to introduce LCD displays (in a nutshell). 1 Reply A A 1 month ago Please do a video on refraction. Thanks 1 Reply Tiberius Moon Tiberius Moon 1 month ago Awesome video :D Just some feedback: Could you look into using a de-esser for your microphone as its really harsh on the ears with those high notes. 3 Reply ScienceClic English · 1 reply Prime Radiant Technologies Prime Radiant Technologies 11 days ago Amazing video!!! Reply Joshua Joshua 1 month ago And I thought reflection was caused by the actual particles bouncing of the material 🙆🏽‍♀😂 2 Reply EngineerNick EngineerNick 1 month ago (edited) This is fascinating because I always wondered about the speed of light in transparent media; Sure you can explain it by showing it is the result of interfering waves... But I had always wondered if it was effectively the "speed of causality" slowing down. To my primitive understanding; the aggregate effect of large amounts of matter (ie gravity) also slows down the "speed of causality" right? Maybe gravity is just the slowing-down-effect leaking out of the matter and extending out into space. But the Cherenkov effect certainly seems to indicate otherwise. Neutrinos hitting ice are like star wars space ships making the WHUMP sound as they turn off the hyperdrive XD Reply Varun Ahlawat Varun Ahlawat 1 month ago I'm struggling with an idea that if a 3D object is contained to rotate independently lets say about two perpendicular axis, with different rotational velocities, now if those constraints are removed and it is free to rotate in space will the axis of rotation change to that with the minimum moment of inertia? If yes then why in this universe would something like that happen. I am trying to understand gyroscopic precession, can you please please upload a video on rotation and all the unintuitive or sort of confusing phenomena in it. Reply 1 reply Salma Aid Salma Aid 2 weeks ago Iam grateful for your help 😍😍 Reply Omkar Dusane Omkar Dusane 2 weeks ago BIggest doubt I have since last few days, If refracted wave appears ot be lagging, does it mean literally if the thickness of water is 1 light-second long then an event/burst on that side of the water will reach to me after 1.5 light seconds? just because of density of the material?? Reply Suron23 Suron23 1 month ago Genial, mein Freund! 1 Reply Nordin Bouchtaoui Nordin Bouchtaoui 3 weeks ago But isn’t spacetime a medium for EM energy? Like air is medium for sound? I know these are two different kind of energies with totally different properties, but they behave the same. For me it’s clear that EM energy travels at the speed of light, because spacetime as the medium can’t go faster than speed of light. Like air can’t go faster than 330 m/s. I think it’s the same concept. Reply Todd Beamer Todd Beamer 2 weeks ago This is much more complicated that I was ever taught at school. You talk about populations of light waves that interfere with each other, so how does reflection and refraction operate when only single light quanta are used? Reply 1 reply M.J.R. Technology Reveiws M.J.R. Technology Reveiws 2 weeks ago Superb video! Reply Jared F Jared F 1 month ago 2:37 Awesome! I have never understood the source of thermal radiation or incandescence before. Everyone always talks about luminescence and the source of those photons, that’s easy to find. I just have never been able to find much information about the source of photons from Incandescence. Looked all over Reddit, YouTube, Wikipedia and there’s literally only a sentence about it on Wikipedia, I checked the articles for Thermal Radiation, Electromagnetic radiation, Black Body radiation, Incandescence, and the only thing it says about it is “The kinetic interactions among matter particles result in charge acceleration and dipole oscillation.“ which didn’t seem helpful at all. Those articles are all huge, I can’t believe they didn’t say anything else. It seems pretty obvious now. Thank you! 3 Reply ScienceClic English · 1 reply Kurd Kareem Kurd Kareem 1 month ago amazing.. thank you alot 1 Reply boo Jay boo Jay 1 month ago Pretty sure the explanation on Reflection at 9:05 just blew my mind...I will never look at the mirror in the same way again. 1 Reply Muhammad Tariq Yousaf Muhammad Tariq Yousaf 10 days ago Question: Everybody is balanced if its center of mass passes through its base. But in the banking of the cycle, the cycle is ultimately balanced but its center of mass is not passing through its wheels. (base) How does a banking cycle balance? Reply Electrikhan Electrikhan 1 month ago fantastic video Reply P A P A 1 month ago So, according to your graphic, a moving proton also generates an electromagnetic wave? Reply Vortex Mind Vortex Mind 1 month ago Good work. 🎉. Thank You. Reply Stephanie Romer Stephanie Romer 3 weeks ago Beautiful ❤ 1 Reply Unknown Entity Unknown Entity 1 month ago (edited) Why does a charge not get hit away lets say from the first point of contact with a emwave? If the wave acts as force at a point in space it should displace the Charge as soon as it hits it. Or does the same wave act upon a volume in space? Reply Lubomir Dobrovodsky Lubomir Dobrovodsky 1 month ago The Master of Explanation Reply Sergey Makatun Sergey Makatun 1 month ago Amazing! Reply babynautilus babynautilus 1 month ago great illustrations to accompany the explanation :o 1 Reply Van sf Van sf 2 weeks ago (edited) What you call as waves here are actually forces due to the interactions between such quanta particles and their surrounding environment, but not that they can do so by themselves as totally misunderstood or misinterpreted Reply Muhammed Suleman Faisal Muhammed Suleman Faisal 2 weeks ago If acceleration of charged particle is zero with respect to some other observer ,will electro-magnetic radiations not be generated with respect to that observer? Reply Meklit Woldemariam Meklit Woldemariam 1 month ago Thank you ❤ Reply Edosa Eweka Edosa Eweka 3 weeks ago (edited) I am baffled as to why you did not say according to Maxwell as his equations describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated by charges, current and changes of the fields. This was way before special relativity. Reply Peter 5 Peter 5 1 month ago Immediately feel this channel brilliant Reply Sanket Varia Sanket Varia 1 month ago can you make video on explaining Qubits? because I tried to read about it I don't get a single bit out of it (pun intended). See a bit has 2 states 1 or 0 but since Qubit is in superposition it has both states at once. So how does Quantum computer make use of it because in order to use it it has to collapse into one of two states but if that's the case then how is that different from traditional bit then? Reply 4 replies Hossam Almosallamy Hossam Almosallamy 1 month ago The best video that made me understand electromagnetic waves 👌🏼👌🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 Reply Dragon King Dragon King 1 month ago ScienceClic is the BEST science channel on YouTube!!! 1 Reply Norman Dubowitz Norman Dubowitz 3 weeks ago Will someone explain what is the medium through which electro magnetic waves pass? In fact any radiation? 1 Reply dblockbass dblockbass 1 month ago really great video Reply Niles N Niles N 1 month ago (edited) Could you say that an electromagnetic wave is a ripple in SpaceTime like waves on a pond. What is the difference between a gravitational wave and an electromagnetic wave? 1 Reply ScienceClic English · 1 reply 𒀭𒂗𒆠 𒀭𒂗𒆠 2 weeks ago At the end, so close to the last seconds of the video, I knew you would not forget the Cherenkov effect :) Reply Rahul Ronaldo Rahul Ronaldo 1 month ago Please make a video with more explanation about charinkov effect u told in this video 1 Reply Salma Aid Salma Aid 2 weeks ago Amazing 😍😍 Reply Michael Wieland Michael Wieland 1 month ago CHF 10.00 Best Physics channel on Youtube 1 Reply ScienceClic English · 1 reply Sarva Jagannadha Reddy Sarva Jagannadha Reddy 1 month ago Dear, EXCELLENT. CONGRATULATIONS! Reply Carlos Antonio Pinzón Carlos Antonio Pinzón 1 month ago Excellent video. Why is the sky red at sunset? Reply M. Venkadesen M. Venkadesen 1 month ago Amazing video Reply عمرو الكفافى عمرو الكفافى 1 month ago (edited) do atom vibrations and electron jumping between orbits, each of them produce electromagnetic waves ? or electron jumping coincide with atom vibration leading to em waves 1 Reply Dr Sandeep Yadav Dr Sandeep Yadav 3 weeks ago Good explanation Reply lastnameavailableok lastnameavailableok 3 weeks ago amazing and brilliant Reply John Huldt John Huldt 1 month ago This is great 1 Reply do something do something 3 weeks ago 1:25 😮 but how can a single electron create relativistic effects? Reply Luud Luud 1 month ago 3:35 What happens in the atom when it absorbs thermal radiation from an atom with a higher temperature? Which part of the atom absorbs the radation? 1 Reply Muhammad Tariq Yousaf Muhammad Tariq Yousaf 8 days ago Question : Static charge produces an electric field around itself. But how does a moving charge produces a magnetic field around itself? Reply zakir hussain zakir hussain 1 month ago What is the field around electric charge made of? Where does the oscillating electric field of EM wave comes from, the accelerating charge never loses any of its electric field. Reply Mohd A. Mohd A. 1 month ago I love this video! Reply Abc Abc 4 days ago (edited) Sir can you do the derivation of wheeler-dewitt equation Also mathematics of toes 1 Reply stdesy stdesy 1 month ago It is really hard to mentally line up the conception of light as a wave of the electromagnetic field with the conception of light as a particle. It would seem impossible for light to be emitted by an atom as a single photon with directionality if it were an omnidirectional wave in the electromagnetic field yet I know that we’ve been able to make devices which can do just that. 1 Reply Pixador Delterrat Pixador Delterrat 1 month ago Excellent 1 Reply Dr Gamma D Dr Gamma D 1 month ago Superposition only becomes interference when the waves are coherent. Right now I have a light on, and wifi running. The two sources are super-imposing (and still working, thanks superposition), but they are in no way interfering (thanks again, superposition and linearity). Reply 2 replies Ryan McGuire Ryan McGuire 1 month ago If I was a billionaire I would put you in charge of a team of animators / script writers to make the complete physics college courses (mechanics, waves/EM, quantum, etc...) with your style. It would be a library of videos on a website which you can progress through like khan academy. If only! Reply Muhammad Rafiq Muhammad Rafiq 2 weeks ago Incredible Reply eXViLs - 8B008B eXViLs - 8B008B 1 month ago (edited) just to add to video.. particles we talk about are waves, and waves are particles, as they deliver energy in distinct packets.. Frequency of wave changes delivered energy, where shorter waves are more energetic (they transfer more energy to particle they hit), while for lower frequencies you need more mass to absorb energy, so they can easily pass trough matter. Adding energy to atoms makes them more energetic (their kinetic speed increases) and thats what we feel as heat when they form molecules.. they jiggle around more vividly and absorbing that jiggle is what heat transfer is.. also PV=nRT .. adding energy to particle not only increases heat in closed system, but also pressure (as there is more and stronger bounces on walls of closed system).. increasing volume lowers temp, as atom itself doesn't have any temperature. Water absorbs microwave energy really well, that is why that frequency of waves heat us most, and higher energy waves just kick out electrons from atoms.. Atoms w/o electron is more reactive, can lose bond with other atom by that kicked electron, that's why radioactive energy harm us, same goes for free electrons from food or other things. When it comes to interference topic, different energy waves travel at different speeds and not only light, that's how prism effect works. Also atmosphere has a (strong) color, it absorbs green and blue, so it is orange (yeah rly).. that's why you see red moon or red sunset/sunrise, and why sun is orange from our POV! (while indeed the sun is just white - thats how you would see it when you would be in space (tho surface temperature dictate color, and 6000K of sun would be nice white light) - you can see sun color on full moon, as it only reflect light without thermal radiation (as moon surface is cold) Also I would like to know how reflection works on non conductive materials from this video.. only way is smooth surface... as far as i know light (and other) wave bounces from surface, and smoother surface make wave less scattered, so less energy is lost and "cleaner" the image looks.. also different waves travel different length in material, thats why mirrors are green-ish and not silver-ish. 1 Reply Science Learning Science Learning 1 day ago Amazing explanation way Reply timetravelling Blockhead timetravelling Blockhead 4 weeks ago If only I was this good at teaching. 1 Reply Unknown Entity Unknown Entity 1 month ago Also if blue scatters the most why is the air near the ground not blue? missed to mention rayleigh scattering and particle size. Reply Alessandro Zir Alessandro Zir 4 weeks ago 👍👍👍👍 1 Reply Dadson worldwide Dadson worldwide 1 month ago (edited) It's funny how things we can't directly observe like waves can only be measured by the secondary effects. This makes it just like the love for your parents, yet it can harnessed and used and located by lines of evidence when observer intervenes invoking entropy of time as we know it. The dualism is just like ancient ancestors had always predicted or imagined throughout history. Just like you would expect your dreams to be if you could test and measure your dreams. Reply Physicist Praneel Physicist Praneel 1 month ago It's like a festival for me when you upload 2 Reply Chinchilla Chinchilla 1 month ago Wooo, I didn't get the notification! I was just curious and found out you uploaded! What a wonderful coincidence and reminder lol 1 Reply Olivier Liengme Olivier Liengme 3 weeks ago What is a dark photon ? Is it still electromagnetic ? Reply Indra's Net ☉ Indra's Net ☉ 1 month ago Damn. I thought mirrors were as simple as 'they reflect light'. 1 Reply ICCY DARK ICCY DARK 1 month ago So let me get this straight, a moving charged particle creates a magnetic field which in turn generates another electric field which would then create another magnetic field and so on and so forth correct? 1 Reply Garmashua Garmashua 3 weeks ago 1:30 i think it is not particle at work. it is core moves some what differently and makes electrons moving. Reply Riki Riki 1 month ago (edited) $1.99 Love you science clic! Reply Xiaoyu Tang Xiaoyu Tang 11 days ago it would be better if this video explains the "relativistic" nature of 4D elctro-magnetic fields/wave, since it mentioned that atoms move, but "moving" is relative. Reply blizzard10001 blizzard10001 1 month ago CHF 10.00 I still don't get why refraction changes the direction of movement of a wave. Can you cover the topic with a good visualisation? Reply AlwaysDisPutin AlwaysDisPutin 1 month ago i find the "EM wave is a bunch of disturbances" bit to be a bit vague. Instead, i like the idea that when an electron moves down a wire it creates a magnetic field which is like a heavy rotating water wheel, & that somehow creates an electric field nearby, which then turns another magnetic field water wheel nearby, etc etc Reply Anish Sharma Anish Sharma 1 month ago Just a comment to boost the algorithm, more science students should be seeing this gem Reply locusf2 locusf2 1 month ago Is sense of touch considered to be "electromagnetic" sense as sight is? We do feel heat coming from an object without touching it (infrared). 1 Reply 1 reply stephanie parker stephanie parker 1 month ago YEEESSS a new ScienceClic!! 🙌🙌💜💜 Reply Teoria de Tudo Teoria de Tudo 1 month ago This is my new favorite channel Reply Nick Harrison Nick Harrison 1 month ago Nicely explained..text books and classrooms explain it with too scientific terminology and mathematically.. phenomenon should be explained in common sense Reply Sensei Sapphire Sensei Sapphire 1 month ago If my school physics teacher could see me now watching videos on quantum mechanics Reply Pedro Roberto Pedro Roberto 1 month ago And what would the electromagnetic field be made of? which subatomic particle? would it be the photons? Reply Vladyslav Korenyak Vladyslav Korenyak 1 month ago The magnetic and electric field do not disturb one another. They are simultaneous consequences of a moving charge. Reply Joseph Anaya Joseph Anaya 1 month ago 👍👏 1 Reply GalilErme GalilErme 1 month ago The rubber band analogy seems good to represent the agitation of an atom, but how can this analogy work well if the electrostatic force decreases with (the square of) distance while the elastic force increases with distance? 2 Reply ScienceClic English · 3 replies A RATHER A RATHER 1 month ago Finally my favorite YouTuber 2 Reply Unknown Entity Unknown Entity 1 month ago (edited) An electromagnetic field is created by the presence of moving charged particles, whether or not those particles are accelerating. When a charged particle is moving at a constant velocity, it creates both an electric field and a magnetic field. The strength of the electromagnetic field created by a moving charged particle depends on the amount of charge and the velocity of the particle. When a charged particle is moving in a straight line, it will not emit electromagnetic waves. This is because the particle's motion is not changing in a way that would cause it to radiate energy. In order for a charged particle to emit electromagnetic waves, it must be accelerating, which means its velocity must be changing. So to summarize, a moving charged particle at a constant velocity will create an electromagnetic field, but it will not cause an electromagnetic wave to be emitted. So there is no disturbance in the first place like the video suggests. 1 Reply π π 1 month ago (edited) The extreme points of Gravity and Quantum field is singularity...this seems ,The two oppositely behaving theories are existing at the same time and at the same place in singularity. Everything starts with zero and ends up in zero. Sir, My question is "Is our universe computerized by some other higher dimensional civilization?"Or our universe is made by them in the laboratory and there is a unique way to understand it and that is mathematics.. Sir plzz reply... -A Second year Bachelor of Science Student 1 Reply Eddie Eddie 1 month ago Extraordinarily good content!! Instand sub 1 Reply ScienceClic English · 1 reply Dima boiko Dima boiko 1 month ago I more question. Does reflecting and refracting change the polarisation of the wave? 1 Reply 4 replies Jharana Behera Jharana Behera 1 month ago Thank u sir Reply Jonathan Kant Prik Jonathan Kant Prik 1 month ago Is this information true? Do EM waves get emitted by wobbling particles? I always thought it was due to electrons changing their energy levels Reply 1 reply Dante Gabriel2005 Dante Gabriel2005 1 month ago For those who want a quantum explanation of the phenomenon: Elettromagnetical waves are nothing more than quantized photons who propagate through schok waves (scattering) in the cosmos. The more density of particles there is in a specific zone, the quicker it will expand, like with water, where sound propagates faster because of this reason, being far more dense than air. Photons are known to have a double nature, being both a wave and a quntum particale. This is also the reason why photons still have an impact on particles with mass despite having none themselves. It's because they're also waves and, through their pression on other particles, allow them to still impact physically other particles but not be impacted themselves since physical interaction happens because of the exchanged mass between the objects. 1 Reply Shadow Fax Shadow Fax 1 month ago $5.00 Thanks! 1 Reply Timothy Timothy 2 weeks ago All frequencies vibrating in space are avoidance patterns of both repellant and propellant. Clockwise and counterclockwise. Unidirectional flow. Equalization of resistance in avoidance patterns at maximum momentum velocity in resistance, in and out of entanglement. Reply Omkar Dusane Omkar Dusane 2 weeks ago the reflection is understood well, but i did not understand the refraction, its the explaination given by fermilab too but it's not convincing. @ScienceClicEn can you shed some more light or could you please organize a doubt clearing session thanks Reply Blinded Blinded 1 month ago (edited) iirc, the most fundamental polarisation of the photons - is circular Linear is just a superposition of circular polarisations. Not the opposite. 1 Reply abhi r abhi r 1 month ago Refraction was not really as clearly explained as the other topics ... Overall a brilliant video nonetheless Reply Jafar AL-habib جعفر الحبيب Jafar AL-habib جعفر الحبيب 2 weeks ago مجهود مبارك Reply Shmuel Alexis Shmuel Alexis 1 month ago Easy, and I mean easy, the best science channel in YouTube. Reply 1 reply An Account An Account 2 weeks ago 4:26 STANDING HERE I REALIZE YOU'RE JUST LIKE ME TRYING TO MAKE HISTORY Reply Saket Joshi Saket Joshi 1 month ago When the music changes, he gets serious. 1 Reply Chris Zachtian Chris Zachtian 1 month ago Holy this-is-real-GREAT shit!!! Are you well-educated, or where do you get all those insights from? 1 Reply Konstantin Ivanov Konstantin Ivanov 3 weeks ago There seem to be few parts which are incompatible with generally accepted physics. - "...electric disturbs magnetic which disturbs electric, etc". This requires that the two fields are out of phase and each of them generates the other. In fact it is well known that the fields are in sync (in phase) and they are exhibition of same phenomenon. This is correctly visualized in other videos in the channel - Vibrating atoms are shown to emit radiation and if this were true, every atom will eventually cool down to absolute 0. The true part is that temperature is linked to kinetic energy of atoms and molecules, which after multiple interactions and exchange of momentum and photons, tend to equalize their energy across the matter. Equalized temperature is not same as zero temperature. Reply Keiran Grant Keiran Grant 1 month ago If everything in the universe vibrates, does that imply that the universe vibrates as well, and that could be measured? Reply 𝒮𝒾𝓇 𝒟𝑒𝓍𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝒮𝒾𝓇 𝒟𝑒𝓍𝓉𝑒𝓇 1 month ago nice work .. Reply Laurent Allen-Guérard Laurent Allen-Guérard 3 weeks ago 8:30 There is an error about the blue sky. Rayleigh scattering explains it, it's not because blue light has more energy, it's because of the wavelength compared to the size of air molecules. Reply Dgedeon03 Dgedeon03 1 month ago So the temperature of your coffee changes the color of the room you are in. Mind blown. Reply y5mgisi y5mgisi 1 month ago It's just like, how is this real? How is reality what it is? It's all just so weird. Reply Levi Civita Levi Civita 1 month ago So a 100 % ionized hydrogen plasma would not (or almost not) emit IR radiation since there are no electrons left to oscillate? 1 Reply Rich Rich 1 month ago I don’t know much about this topic but when you say it’s motionless and static but then arrows are moving in it , I feel confused by that. What am I not understanding Reply Jocelyn Joseph Jocelyn Joseph 1 month ago (edited) Tons include photon carrying energy force at 'c', graviton accelerating mass in a concentric manner, and proton accumulation of solid mass. These are spherical virtual and real. Paper is to writing as free space is to waves. Reply Kris Kris 3 weeks ago scienceclic english is the most immaculate vibe Reply savitri ayapilla savitri ayapilla 3 weeks ago Very nice Reply any wallsocket any wallsocket 1 month ago Explaining the coulomb force via rubber bands which are themselves explained via the coulomb force is like explaining gravity by a mass on rubber-sheet that bends down because of gravity lol Reply DyerAtol DyerAtol 1 month ago Wow super timedilating electrons. Interacting with themselves in the past and future? Reply mark970 lost mark970 lost 10 days ago why does water reflect light then? is there and electrical current in the water? so if i use ultra pure distilled water, i shouldn't be able to see a reflection in the water? Reply Tom Quixote Tom Quixote 1 month ago Wait, so there is both an electric and a magnetic field? I thought there was just one field, called the electromagnetic field because it gives rise to both electricity and magnetism...? 1 Reply ScienceClic English · 1 reply Debayan Kumar Das Debayan Kumar Das 3 weeks ago ₹200.00 Thanks! Reply Unknown Entity Unknown Entity 1 month ago You explain that the ocilations of electron clouds determines the Polarisation, what about +ions without electrons??? how do they provide polarized waves? Reply yep yep 12 days ago CA$10.00 Thanks! Reply Peter Kavanagh Peter Kavanagh 3 weeks ago Thankyou. It takes the form of a mass on higher resistance in the way. Turning off is a great puzzle . . The bear and near end of life salmon. The food for a Mother expecting a new cub bear. The different but close. That can be descrbed as th truth trees need copper etc to breathe . The air is healthier the seaon is to near time for this to happen more. The female, grannies, is to this through. Don't throw out the children. Speed is not constant so time is not relavent . Doing is not time. Reply Anjali Jain Anjali Jain 11 days ago i have a question, how do these waves travel through vacuum? the video shows how the atoms propagate these radiations but how do they travel in vacuum where there are no atoms? Reply Fish Fish 1 month ago worth my time, thx. Reply Roger Johnson Roger Johnson 5 days ago Almost as good an answer as ChatGPT. Reply Patrick Salis Patrick Salis 4 days ago Solar Thermal ( IR) Polarization... more.. PLEASE Reply Anssi Mirka Anssi Mirka 1 month ago (edited) 1:10 Jefimenko's equations suggest that both electric and magnetic fields arise from electric charges, currents, and their changes. From that point of view electric and magnetic fields have no CAUSAL link at all. The creation of an electric field does not refer to any magnetic field and vice versa. The fields just happen to resemble each other because their origins are similar. Both interpretations are good to keep in mind. Reply Charbel Eid Charbel Eid 1 month ago Nice video, but some of these phenomena are quite misrepresented. Diffraction is not the product of interference and the way you explained why the sky is blue, tho I understand you have to make it simple, didn't really quite capture the physical explanation, even as a physicist I couldn't understand what you really meant. Reply 1 reply Tyran McGrath Tyran McGrath 3 days ago "It's possible for particles to exceed the speed of light"? I thought that was proven to be not true Reply ThomasHaberkorn ThomasHaberkorn 1 month ago (edited) 7:40 it isn't clear why the incoming polarized radiation would produce anything other than the same radiation after emission by the atom.. there has to be some kind of random generator facilitating the scattering of light Reply Johnny Hurley Johnny Hurley 1 month ago These videos show me we really don't know much lol 1 Reply D D D D 3 weeks ago ? The part about mirror/metal reflection seemed to me to Imply that the light striking the free electrons at the surface which started them oscillating sympathetically and that started an emanation both into and out of the metal. The inward waves phase cancel and outward result in reflection. I think this ignores the elastic nature of this special interaction; some mirrors are nearly 100% reflective. Waves that are phase cancelled still propagate yet nearly one hundred percent emanate? I think the surface field of the mirrors offers a cloud of electrons and a very deformable springy subsurface that moves/distorts and then restores its field shape elasticity throwing off the photon at an angle that ‘mirrors’ its incident. I think propagation of electromagnetic energy is fascinating and elasticity is the vector to watch. Reply Mohsen Soleymanee Mohsen Soleymanee 1 day ago Questions: To my knowledge photons were generated when an excited electron returns to a lower energy orbital and due to Einstein's theory we know that they are both particle and wave. We also know any disturbance in an electro magnetic field will cause an spherical wave (electromagnetic wave) to be propagated in the field. My question is how come they are the same thing? To my knowledge photons were discreet particles (by that I mean they move like a bullet in one direction), but spherical electromagnetic wave propagates in all diection. Reply Nathaniel Gates Nathaniel Gates 1 day ago How do you accelerate something that is static Reply Vince Cox Vince Cox 4 days ago Please review the works at "CORAL CASTLE, Florida. (YouTube), He would "VIBRATE" ,, not oscillate the granite at a resonant frequency to the type stone he was working with. Granit has allot of magnetic properties given it's make up... You just need to vibrate at the correct freq. and it will become workable. Keep in mind we are talking about vibrating only the "B" field of a magnet into the rock!!! You will note at Coral Castle he also had a horizontal stone , similar to Stone Henge... All his magnetic generators were in the repel mode to maximize the "B" field.. SIMILAR TO THOSE SOWN ON THE PYRAMIDS OF EGYPT.. FACT!! Reply Hiro Trevelyan Hiro Trevelyan 2 weeks ago Wait, so mirror are recreating waves of light on its surface and send it back at us ? wow Reply PPS S. PPS S. 1 month ago EM wave is a physics abstraction that does not exist in the sense we normally assign to the word "exist". It exists only in the sense that such a concept is useful for interpretting observations and making predictions . Reply Shivani hr58 Shivani hr58 2 weeks ago Why does light bend when it goes through denser medium? Why 'bending' occurs? Why not just go through it as it is? Reply 1 reply idegteke idegteke 1 month ago I’ll correct the title for you: The Unknown Origins of Electromagnetic Waves, and Our Current Best Hypothesis to Their Behaviour Reply Victor Vilà Victor Vilà 1 month ago If only everyone got taught physics, there wouldn't be anyone out there thinking that microwaves are harmful or stupid shit like that Reply 202E 202E 1 month ago thank you 2 Reply Wally Masterson Wally Masterson 1 month ago Why isn't the sky purple, if the purple part of the spectrum is more energetic than the blue? Reply 1 reply Muhammed Suleman Faisal Muhammed Suleman Faisal 2 weeks ago On atomic scale which part of atom makes electro-magnetic radiations : 1. Electron 2. Protons or nucleus 3. Both Reply Himank Dhaka Himank Dhaka 1 month ago I rarely like a video, and I could not stop myself to do so with this one... 1 Reply Donald Axel Donald Axel 3 weeks ago (edited) What do you mean by saying "accelerate a charge"? At 00:20 After you say "The electric field is static [...] the charge is motionless." Then when you say "Imagine now that we accelerate this charge -- " what do you mean? Is the charge a particle and the particle is (just) a charge? I can digest (understand) this view, but language-wise it is not good. You should say "Imagine now that we accelerate this particle". 1 Reply LabPlay LabPlay 1 month ago Oh yes! Another video! 2 Reply BariumCobaltNitrog3n BariumCobaltNitrog3n 1 month ago If visible light is just waves with a corresponding color, why don't microwaves have a color, like UV light, that a sensor can detect, like IR light? We have telescopes that can "see" radio waves in space, why not here on Earth? An answer would be a gift to humanity. Reply Cycle Journal Cycle Journal 1 month ago at 4:40 you say: "The sun's heat is transmitted from its surface via electromagnetic waves through the vacuum of space." What exactly is being transmitted in terms of substance or matter? Do these electromagnetic waves physically exist as objects? 4 Reply ScienceClic English · 3 replies alan nolan alan nolan 1 month ago A field is like Spinoza's 'Extension '! Reply GamezGoneWild GamezGoneWild 1 month ago Want to clear a doubt: Permanent magnets have all electron spins aligned and that creates a magnetic field. There are no moving charges to give off the relativistic electric field effect right? So how does a magnetic field arise? 1 Reply 2 replies dulundum dulundum 1 month ago REALLY COOL 1 Reply Ihsan Ullah Ihsan Ullah 1 month ago How an neutral atom emits electromagnetic wave because the electric field of neutral atom is zero Reply Dr Gamma D Dr Gamma D 1 month ago (edited) I completely disagree with this interpretation (the 1st part, only). While Maxwell's eq. are beautiful, the time rate of change of the electric field does not cause the curl of a magnetic field (and vice versa with a - sign)...this is not "causal" according to relativity . I am a big believer in Jefimenko's eq, where E and B are only cause by charges, currents, and their time derivates on the past light-cone, in manner that satisfies Maxwell's eq. Reply Idk Idk 1 month ago (edited) 0:37 special relativity? shouldn't that come from the Maxwell equations? Reply Gregory T Gregory T 4 days ago The division of light was mentioned in the book of Job 38:24 By what way is the light parted, which scattereth the east wind upon the earth? All glory goes to God. Reply Ravi Ranjan Ravi Ranjan 1 month ago I like the videos of this channel before i start to watch the video 1 Reply mos ab mos ab 1 month ago I don't think the change in magnetic field of a charged particle has any effect on the electric field of the same particle, and vice versa. The propagation of the change in the electric field of a particle can be explained without the need to invoke the change in the magnetic field of that particle, and vice versa. Reply Le fyziks guise Le fyziks guise 1 month ago Good video but I wouldn't have made the analogy of an electron cloud be like a marble connected to a nail via a rubber band. That's not how EM forces work on the quantum scale, not even a little bit. Reply Mr. Technical Verma Mr. Technical Verma 1 month ago Can you make your subtitles in hindi language, then your viewers will increase. 😶 1 Reply Leon Maliniak Leon Maliniak 2 weeks ago Okay...electromagnetic radiation is emitted when atoms move and are agitated and vibrate...but what starts them off either moving or vibrating...where does this initial momentum come from Reply 1 reply farshid. hg farshid. hg 1 month ago thanks for your desciption Reply Timothy Timothy 3 weeks ago What if space is a stationary cold negative field of resistance, and our forward momentum is transferring the negative force through mass as mass vibrates through it? Also the thermal energy singularity frequencies in resistance throughout space. If space itself is a stationary negative cold field of resistance. Both a repellant and propellant. Clockwise and counterclockwise. Alpha and Omega. Perpetual motion. Thermal energy singularity frequencies propelled by resistance unidirectional flow, and repelled at the same time. Distance is reduced by redirected thermal energy trajectories backward onto itself as magnetic fields circling around space within mass. Making resistance in mass a repelling outward force of pressure known as weight contained in mass. Mass NEUTRALIZES resistance within as outward force of pressure known as weight. Equalization of frequencies interlocking, creating mass as outward force of pressure. Kinetic energy contained within opposite forces holding mass together. Only thermal energy can accommodate in various degrees of force. The degrees of temperature variations determines the flow of release. Only mass can disrupt mass cycling patterns. Resistance is equal to the mass. Mass will always repel towards the weakest point of resistance. Occupational space is the weakest point of resistance. The greater the mass, the weaker the resistance. Resistance is neutralized in mass as outward force of pressure known as weight. If the resistance is weakened by proximity massive mass. Then, the internal resistance repels thermal energy singularity frequencies outward towards the weakest point of resistance, which is the greater proximity mass. Stars lose their cycling patterns and reduce their outermost layers towards the weakest point of resistance. Occupational space of weakest resistance. Equalization of vibrating frequencies spiraling throughput space. Space is vibrating as dark energy out of entanglement. Entanglement is the equivalent to thermal energy and resistance in equalization losing distance of forward momentum to cycling circulation patterns holding mass together. Hydrogen absorbs thermal energy and expands into helium. Helium occupies more area than hydrogen. More outward force of pressure known as weight contained within mass. Kinetic energy contained within as vibrating force of outward pressure known as weight. Weight is the cycling energy within the mass. We vibrate to the weakest point of resistance. We transition through space as space itself amplified by resistance and thermodynamics. Both coexist throughout space as space. Mass amplifies space. Distance is redirected into cycling patterns. Light is cycling on a quantum field of resistance and thermodynamics. We can see, feel, and redirect light. Light is in equalization of resistance. Space itself is dark energy in resistance. Thermal energy singularity frequencies rebounding throughout space outside of entanglement is maximum momentum velocity in resistance. Light is vibrating through space as space amplified by resistance. Distance is reduced by entanglement. Redirected trajectories cycling thermal energy singularity frequencies in harmonics of flow. Unidirectional flow is both clockwise and counterclockwise. Disruption is from proximity mass trajectories. Andromeda is heading towards the milkyway galaxy. If the big bang happened, then galaxies would be moving away from each other. But if two universes join together, then you have Disruption patterns of flow. You will have collisions. The greater masses will be trajectories for weaker masses to lose their thermal energy singularity frequencies to. The pressure pushing outward force is no longer in equalization to resistance outside of entanglement. It breaks the cycling patterns holding mass together. Theoretically. The math is in equalization to resistance within mass, resistance equalization outside of mass, and the distance of forward maximum momentum velocity in resistance of mass. Mass vibrating space proximity is the weakest point of resistance. The more massive mass, is the weakest point of occupational space. Weakening the outside resistance causes the thermal energy singularity frequencies within to release their cycling patterns of renewable energy, and propels it to the weakest point of resistance. Reply Unknown Entity Unknown Entity 1 month ago Overall good video but very far from being optimal way to many questions open that could easily be answered and made it understanding more robust. quality of your content is degrading :( Reply Esteban Ospina Esteban Ospina 3 weeks ago wow, thanks 1 Reply F F 1 month ago Pour out all useful knowledge right before the self-destruction of humanity, so that at least existential pleasure remains for the ego... Reply Tristan Carmeci Tristan Carmeci 1 month ago How do you make these videos? Reply Petter Romano Petter Romano 1 month ago Another banger 1 Reply CreationTribe CreationTribe 1 month ago If the emergence of the magnetic field requires an electric point charge to be moving at relativistic speeds, yet electron flow in a circuit is supposedly quite slow ... more of a drift than a flow ... how are these two facts accounted for in the creation of an electromagnet? This has always confused me ... Reply ScienceClic English · 1 reply Real Eyes Real Eyes 3 days ago When you're gonna come up with new subjects please don't forget you french community 🙏 Reply Kazmir Runik Kazmir Runik 1 month ago See, I came into this knowing the information already, but I never hear any other science communicators articulate the actual fundamentals like what's done here, that light is just an oscillation between an electric field and a magnetic field repeatedly inducing one another. The part taken for granted is just that a change in a magnetic field creates an electric field & vice versa, which is already a deeper level of understanding than you typically get from a video about light, even though drawing the connection between electric/magnetic flux and light waves really is that simple. It almost makes me wonder if it's even that widely understood, but you certainly do, and it's communicated so wonderfully effectively. Reply 1 reply ᴀ̂ᴢᴀ̃sʜɪ̈ ᴀ̂ᴢᴀ̃sʜɪ̈ 1 month ago I wanted to study it 2 Reply Numb Toons Numb Toons 2 weeks ago You talk about all phenomenon as being caused by 'vibration of electrons clouds'. But i have studied that electrons emit and absorb electromagnetic radiation by going up or down different energy levels. I see a big mismatch in both theories. 1 Reply 1 reply ancientwisdom2012 ancientwisdom2012 3 weeks ago This video's intro is incorrect (for the first 1.5 minutes). The electromagnetic wave is not the same as (nor is it derived directly from) the static electric field nor the static magnetic field. The static electric field doesn't leave the vicinity of the charge once the particle moves. A new phenomena of EM wave (light) is emitted from that charge due to its acceleration. This light or electromagnetic wave is NOT simply a combination of the original two static fields. An Electromagnetic wave is often confused with the static Efield and Mag Field. (partly the problem lies in how the EM wave is expressed mathematically. It is always expressed as the hypothetical component vectors of the original true EM wave. These components are not really two distinct phenomena interacting, but are a unitary wave (with E and H vector components) that is too difficult to express in its true superposition form, mathematically.) The electromagnetic wave always moves away from the source particle, yet the static E filed ALWAYS stays near the charged particle. you imply and illustrate the e-field leaving the charge and changing into a EM wave of light. The magnetic field, which is a result of the charge's steady motion (non accelerating velocity), is also NOT going to convert into 'light' and simply move away from the charged particle. The magnetic field STAYS near the charges (and follows the 'right hand rule' for how the fields act around that charge). Otherwise, in practice as soon as electricity flowing on a straight wire either changed direction due to being an AC current or perhaps the wire bent in another direction (constituting acceleration in physics terms), then the resulting EM wave would -- if we follow your interpretation -- result in the e Field and Mag field no longer being detected at the wire where the current was flowing. However, that E field and Mag field can always be measured in any moving current. They dont dissipate or convert into EM waves due to motion. Em waves have magnetic properties and E field properties but are NOT equivalent to mere combinations of disturbed static Efields and static magnetic fields interacting. SO in short your video intro is not what happens in reality. You can still measure the e field at the charge and it requires a different type of equipment to measure this e-field(whether AC or DC) than is needed to measure the electromagnetic wave(which requires either a RF power meter or RF Spectrum analyzer). The magnetic field is only generated from constant motion of the charge, not acceleration(and would be measurable with a Gauss meter). Acceleration of the charge is what generates the EM wave phenomena. Any light / EM wave generated is not coming from the static fields already present but is energy generated as a reaction to acceleration of the particle. Reply Mujina Umemiya Mujina Umemiya 1 month ago Movement of charge is called electric current. Reply Unknown Entity Unknown Entity 1 month ago (edited) What did cause the vibration of atoms in the first place. They cause radiation because of Temperature (vibration). But what caused it in the first place? If it was radiation that caused the vibration of atoms then what caused the radiation? gpt3 answer: Yes, atoms naturally vibrate due to the movement of their constituent particles, even if they are in isolation. This vibration is a result of the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics, which states that it is impossible to know the exact position and momentum of a particle at the same time. As a result, the particles within an atom are constantly in motion and vibrating, even if the atom is in isolation and not interacting with any other atoms or external forces. The vibration of atoms is known as the zero-point energy of the atom, and it is a result of the uncertainty principle and the fundamental nature of matter. The zero-point energy is always present, and it cannot be eliminated or reduced to zero, even at absolute zero temperature. In summary, atoms naturally vibrate due to the inherent uncertainty of the behavior of their constituent particles, and this vibration is a fundamental aspect of the nature of matter. Reply OHM-968692 OHM-968692 2 weeks ago 1:35 What? I thought all EM particles move at the speed of light!?? I mean in a vacuum why would some move faster than others? Reply Ramoloii Ramoloii 1 month ago 🥺👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽😭 1 Reply Vince Cox Vince Cox 4 days ago WOW! electromagnetic waves at any frequency are totally dependent on the "B" factor that is the center of a magnet . AC nor radio waves could NOT travel if it weren't for the "B" factor .. All electromagnetic waves travel with the "B" factor at the center to push it along. The entire universe is 100% magnetic once you learn the facts!!! Reply Bernard Heathaway Bernard Heathaway 1 month ago Εύρηκα! Reply Van sf Van sf 2 weeks ago Mr Maxwell's eq of magnetic waves came from the idea of cross-field between an electric field and a magnetic field. But the problem is that the transmission of thermal energy is not the same as how electrons move through such a cross-field. That's why his assumption that electromagnetic waves could move through vacuum space without any medium, while it actually is thermal energy, is nonsense. Reply Anton Adelson Anton Adelson 1 month ago MIND. BLOWN! 1 Reply Van sf Van sf 2 weeks ago (edited) You have also fundamentally misunderstood electric field because an electromotive force to drive a subatomic particle can be established only when there is a separation of two opposite charges, which are a negative charge and a positive charge, in which the electric field vectors point from the positive charge to the negative charge producing an electromotive force emf, in order to have a cross- field. Here you have only one single charge, which can be either positive or negative, which means that you have only one half of the electromotive force emf, and a positively charged particle can be only either a proton or nucleus without any electron or an cation. When a current i runs in a solenoid, it creates a magnetic field around the solenoid. But any electric current is always composed of 2 different flows of charges. One is the flow of electrons carrying negative charge from the negative terminal of the power source though an external circuit to the positive terminal, while the flow of the positive charge is actually transmitted from from the positive terminal , and atom to atom through the external circuit to the negative terminal. So, the current i here is the positive charge transmitted from the positive terminal to the negative terminal through the external circuit. But, without the flow of electrons in the opposite direction from the negative terminal to the negative terminal, there would be no magnetic field around the solenoid at all.. It means that a single moving positive charges or many single positive charge alone would never ever be able to form any magnetic field around such a positively charge particle as the way how you have assumed here. A single moving negatively charged particle alone , which can be an electron or anion, can never create any magnetic field around it either. There must be 2 opposite flows of 2 opposite charges in 2 opposite directions to establish a magnetic field around the 2 flows of 2 opposite charge. Yet, Mr Maxwell somehow still claimed that it was possible to have such a cross-field between a single positive moving charge and itself, and the charge itself creates a magnetic field as if an applicable electric field could be established by only one single positive charge, and the electric field could propel the positive charge itself. You guys should have wondered yourselves whether a positive charge or a negative charge could move by itself without any interaction with any other charge Can a capacitor have only one positive plate, and you still have the current i ? The answer is obviously no, never ever. Can an inductor have only positive charge running through it, and you still have the current i? No, absolutely not, because positive charge alone is merely of the total transmitted charge of cations or positively charged ions which can never run anywhere being fixed in their positions in the atomic lattice structure, while only free electrons carrying negatives charges can run around the inductor. The inductor must have both the positive charge transmitted through it, and negative charge carried by electrons running through it, in or der for it to have an magnetic field, which will cause an electric field in the inductor to drive electrons out of it So, what can make a positively charged particle move? The answer is that either another positive charge or negative charge, which either repels or attracts it Reply 1 reply nuance ascend nuance ascend 1 month ago there is nothing but Light , which is God itself . Reply 7 replies Richter B. Richter B. 1 month ago 🔥🔥 Reply Alpha Helix Alpha Helix 2 weeks ago multiple electromagnetic wave forms , and naiv mixed with molcular resonance and lamor frequency a little childish. Reply OP OP 1 month ago Can you make a video about Ac current 1 Reply ZC Techtricity ZC Techtricity 3 weeks ago Fusion is very high-brow science. There is a man in Kentucky, using small tesla coils, he no genius, but he has a much simpler way to create more clean electricity without spending Billions. He has created some simple devices which harness electricity from an AC electric field of energy. He has an YT channel with very low production value videos. The videos are not exciting to watch unless you think getting 3-10 times the amount of energy output, than he uses to create the AC electric field, is cool. I believe you do think it is cool. I know I do. No Billions spent, No Co2, Just American curiosity and perseverance. Fusion is a neat idea, but what could go wrong? I like the Kentuckian's idea much much better. As percentages go, the Kentuckian is making 20x more energy than fusion. ZC Techtricity is what he is calling it. Don’t forget to subscribe. Reply pyropulse pyropulse 1 month ago Why can't an antenna be 'driven' at the frequency ranges of visible light? That is, shouldn't we be able to drive an antenna to make it emit at a specific frequency that lies within the visible spectrum, such as driving the antenna at 545 THz (terahertz), thereby producing a wavelength of 550 nm (nanometers) corresponding to green light. To prevent thermal heating and emissions via thermal emissions, the antenna shall be sufficiently cooled such that 'superconductivity' an occur, thus reducing the resistance to 0 (zero) and providing no heat losses, and thus no blackbody radiation An antenna should be able to 'glow' at whatever 'pure;' color we want, by precisely adjusting the frequency corresponding to the desired color Reply 2 replies C C 2 weeks ago I wouldn't say the particle is "accelerating". It's vibrating.... Cuz heat Reply ailblentyn ailblentyn 1 month ago This is wrong in so many ways. For a start, simply accelerating an electron does NOT create EM radiation. If this were so, then, by Einstein’s Equivalence Principle, an electron sitting on a table top would also radiate. You need something like an oscillation to create EM waves. Reply ScienceClic English · 3 replies seraphic seraphic 1 month ago wait a minute, SPECIAL RELATIVITY is why you get a magnetic field from a moving charge!? Reply Luke EarthCrawler Luke EarthCrawler 1 month ago This is way too simplified to the point of being dead wrong. The part about polarization is particularly wrong. Atoms do NOT emit linearly polarized light. They emit one photon at a time, with angular momentum of plus OR minus one, ie. left or right circular polarized light ONLY because the photon is a fundamental boson with spin 1. What you see at the macroscopic level as linearly polarized light is actually an equal number of left and right circularly polarized photons. The true origin of electromagnetic waves can only be explained with quantum electrodynamics (QED). Maxwell's equations are an approximation as it considers the EM field a vector field that is continuous (i.e. not quantized). There are no photon is Maxwell's equation. Undergraduate quantum mechanics is also an approximation. When it deals with light-matter interactions, the atoms are quantized but the EM is not. You can do a lot within this approximation, but not everything. To truly explore "the origin of electromagnetic waves", you need to quantize the atom AND the fields... i.e. you need QED. 1 Reply 1 reply Jon Little Jon Little 1 month ago This is not an example of good science nor good science education. For example, despite the comments made about the different "types" of electromagnetic spectrum, there is no intrinsic difference between these types. The "types" are arbitrary differentiations of frequency based on human experience; there is nothing in physics that defines a qualitative difference between "infrared" waves and "visible" waves. The difference between the frequency of an "infrared" wave and a "visible" wave, and between two "visible" waves, is the same thing. Reply 1 reply Francesco Francesco 1 month ago where can I find the explanatory music? Found nothing on SonarEffects channel Reply David Lloyd-Jones David Lloyd-Jones 1 month ago (edited) It is inaccurate at 3:02 to say, "It is necessary to look at the microscopic scale" and then to start nattering on about atoms. Individual atoms and distinctions between and within them are at a scale far smaller than anything distinguishable by visible-light microscopes. So you're not dealing in science here. Your video is a lot of skool-teecher hand-waving. 'Fess up! All the stuff about rubber bands going in three directions, around 5:00, is just a lot of total nonsense: the number of directions from a nucleus to any point in the electron cloud is infinite, (or just very very large if "space" is granular or quantized). It most certainly is not three. I suspect you're suffering from the superstition that since your room has walls meeting at ninety degrees therefor space-time comes in flat and square chunks. Again, that's not science. That's the grade-school classroom's wall closing in around you. And these "partikoos" you talk about? Are we to assume that by partickoo you mean "particle"? Take it down and start over. This shoddy video is doing no good for anybody. Reply 1 reply piev piev 1 month ago 10:40 i still dont fully understand the last part where the speed of light cannot change but the light beam can appear slower than the speed of light due to the interferences. (?) It's still a little abstract to me. Can someone explain like I'm 5? Thank :D Electric Charges and Forces - Coulomb's Law - Polarization Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. 1.43M subscribers Subscribe 68K Share 3,518,290 views Feb 13, 2015 8.02x - MIT Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism What holds our world together? Electric Charges (Historical), Polarization, Electric Force, Coulomb's Law, Van de Graaff, Great Demos Assignments Lecture 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5: Solutions Lecture 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5: Key moments View all Featured playlist 40 videos 8.02x - MIT Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. 4,060 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... pallapati bhavana pallapati bhavana 1 month ago Amazing lecture. Every student want this type of lecturer. Thank you sir 22 Reply Voudale MH 41 Voudale MH 41 1 month ago I wish we had the same teachers here in Mauritania 🇲🇷 My specialty is physics sciences but I don’t understand many things and then after watching this I feel like I don’t want the lecture to end things are not that tough Thank you so much I will settle in this Chanel ❤️ 7 Reply Anuj Jadhav Anuj Jadhav 1 year ago Lucky are those who saw these lectures live ❤️ 1.3K Reply 12 replies Rashmeet Kalra Rashmeet Kalra 1 year ago I thought I made a mistake, taking physics in high school, This lecture made me believe I didn't.....I can't thank you enough sir! Lots of gratitude from India 223 Reply 4 replies John Hammer John Hammer 2 years ago What a time to be alive to get a chance to watch this amazing lecture over the internet without going to the MIT from several 1000 miles away. Amazing 154 Reply Suresh Nair Suresh Nair 10 months ago I'm from grade 10 but still understood most of the concepts and learning can't be more practical than this i love ur lectures ♥️ 209 Reply 13 replies Nomo Sapiens Nomo Sapiens 6 years ago I'm an engineering student and NONE of our lecturers have the ability to induce interest in the class like this man does. 3.8K Reply 41 replies Himanshu Negi Himanshu Negi 7 months ago We are lucky that he uploaded these lecture on YouTube, for free. thank you sir ❤️ 38 Reply Amir Norouzi Amir Norouzi 1 year ago Hi, I am an electrical communication graduate from Iran. It is very generous of lecturers who post their lectures on the internet allowing free higher education. especially for developing countries like Iran. Great lectures. tnx 8 Reply Minh Tran Minh Tran 1 month ago 24:22 You are so happy, this professor is casting a spell on you 1 Reply Arthur Lewin Arthur Lewin 1 year ago I hope someday schools wil be teaching physics like this then each and every child will fall in love with physics 304 Reply 5 replies i dunno my name i dunno my name 1 year ago (edited) I am class 11 student just entered this at random. To be frank I read these stuffs when I was in class 6. We just read these things. But things will get wonderful when you actully do it in practical...LOVE FROM INDIA.. :) from all NEET and JEE aspirents...! 28 Reply 2 replies Himani Mandhotra Himani Mandhotra 5 years ago (edited) I do not even know where to start from. I absolutely love your lectures. I cannot dare imagine the hardwork that goes into preparing them.! I mean, if I wasn't told to check out your lectures by a friend, I would have missed this great work! I'm currently in the XII grade, and Electrostatics is like the first unit of our physics book which comes in totally scary two big volumes. And such scary books really don't serve the motivational purpose. I'm more like depressed reading it. And when you don't have a Physics teacher at your school, you have no option but to rely on your capability of comprehending things as printed and published down in the book. So eventually when topics like AC and Waves started bouncing of my head when I didn't even have the basics of electrostatics cleared, I got demotivated enough. I had started hating the subject and the beauty behind physics faded somewhere there. But, ever since I've started watching your lectures, my love for physics has rekindled. I cannot thank you enough for that. And right now, I am so gravely jealous of these students who got to sit in your lectures and watch you live at MIT. I'm a big fan! Damn! I so much wish that I could see you in person and then I would have learnt to draw them sleek dotted lines.! :) 161 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 6 replies Kamal Singh Kamal Singh 1 year ago I am fortunate to stumble on one of your lectures while shuffling through the web, and I am stuck with your channel for a while Dr. Levin. No words can express my feelings about you and your fabulous teaching. I am a senior IT professional and an Electrical Engineer by education. I already completed 8.01 series. Thanks again for letting me revisit and see physics passionately which I might have pursued just as a part of academics and even scored high although aloofly 🙏 10 Reply 1 reply Himanshi Himanshi 1 year ago (edited) Omg... what a wonderful lecture it was!!!!!! Thank you Sir! So so Sooo much love from India...🇮🇳Can't believe that I'm learning this concept from MIT's professor ❤️ although I'm a biology student ,I'm getting intrest in physics... we need more physics teachers like you worldwide ! 9 Reply Gallax Gallax 1 year ago Walter, you're my daily therapy. I watch your lectures while I work and I wish I could've had you as a prof. Much love, I'll never look at a rainbow the same way again. I was fascinated the first time I saw a red sunset, so I wrote a paper in college to learn more about Rayleigh Scattering. Your lessons are one of a kind. I cant thank you enough for your service. 11 Reply 1 reply Shweta Rana Shweta Rana 8 months ago I wish I also got a teacher like u I never had an interest in physics but after watching your lectures I just feel wow... You are great sir 💯 7 Reply John Clevenger John Clevenger 1 year ago What a great teacher! You can appreciate how he can bring the concepts to life with interesting examples. There should be more like him, showing the beauty and importance of the science. Well done sir. 24 Reply J Thomson J Thomson 6 years ago He is the coolest physics teacher ever. 792 Reply 11 replies JEE JEE 10 months ago Such an honor to see your lectures on youtube, you really make love physics to every single person who attends your lectures. Thank you for putting this on youtube, though i am in senior high school this helps me a lot! 1 Reply Vinit Gulia Vinit Gulia 1 year ago I have never seen someone teaching so practically in such a different manner. Very very very intresting lecture on electricity sir. Pounds of love frm India sir.❤❤❤❤ 12 Reply Yogita Dhakad Yogita Dhakad 1 year ago Sir u make this chapter fascinating and taught us all the single concept with full enjoyment ... We specially I am really alot blessed by god to have u as my physics teacher because i use to study from u mostly and its because of u i use to score top rank in physics in my school in 11th .... ❤️❤️❤️INDIA LOVE U SIR SPECIALLY I ..💎❤️❤️ 7 Reply Unmask The Truth Unmask The Truth 6 months ago Really in India teachers only focusing on numericals and competition but none of them can't clear the concepts that sir walter did Thank u very much sir for making physiscs so much fun and now I'm really enjoying 😀 2 Reply Integral Gaming Integral Gaming 1 year ago As a student who's really interested in physics i love to say your lectures are really good 4 Reply FancyPants FancyPants 3 years ago I have a biology exam tomorrow, but damn it sir, your lectures are totally worth it 557 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 5 replies Abdus Samad Abdus Samad 1 year ago idk what level[ class ] of studies is this but me being in 10th class just coz of this gud explanation able to understand 98% of the content taught! amazing sir 🔥💯[ lots of love from india[ hyd]] 19 Reply Shanaya Afreen Shanaya Afreen 1 year ago (edited) I thought that he was explaining our NCERT everything what he said is in NCERT now i think how important NCERT is. Nd he is best coz the book we thought so boring he explained it very well Thnq so much sir❤️😁 1 Reply Shiva Upadhyay Shiva Upadhyay 1 year ago Love from India sir ... Huge salute for this respected man . 3 Reply Desiree Desiree 1 year ago Right now I'm writing some notes for my interview with my science teacher and it's been really stressful on me, but when she had given us the link to this video for 10:02, I ended up watching the entire lesson, thank you I learned a lot! 14 Reply 1 reply shubham tyagi shubham tyagi 1 year ago Sir ....You are at a different level of awesomeness 2 Reply Riya Pandey Riya Pandey 2 years ago 5th September is celebrated as teachers day in India 🇮🇳.... So, I am here to wish you happy Teacher's day... Thankyou so much sir for this amazing lecture.. 414 Reply 1 reply Tess Tess 2 years ago I love these lectures so much because they make physics interesting and entertaining, and i cant wait to watch and learn more from these videos!! Thank you, Sir Lewin! 9 Reply A Dharmic Indian A Dharmic Indian 1 year ago (edited) Why don't we have such great science teachers in school?? 😔😭 I love science but it seems boring because we don't have such great faculties & teachers am in 9th grade & I love watching his lectures because I understand all of them very easily... Thank you sir for all these amazing lectures !!!!! 1 Reply Zidan Zidan 1 year ago Sir I'm from India,,,I'm a big fan of yours.Recently I'm preparing for Medical entrance exam so I watch your lectures which is very helpful for us.A reply is needed from you plz.😊 2 Reply Subhas Chowdhury Subhas Chowdhury 1 year ago How simply and enthusiastically he had narrated one of the complicated subject ! How interesting Physics Class is when you are lecturing and demonstrating ❤️❤️ . Thanks a lot , Sir 🙏🙏 . Reply Priyanshu Behera Priyanshu Behera 1 year ago I accidentally discovered your channel and now I am a fan of yours professor. Thanks a lot Sir for these amazing lecture. You re-ignited my love for physics. Love and respect from India. :) 1 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply Johan O Johan O 5 years ago I'm in my final year of schooling in Australia. I take physics, my physics teacher is alright, she covers a lot of topics in a single lesson but doesn't necessarily uncovers them. We're doing electricity and magnetism now and no one in the class gets it, including me. But wow, just watching this lecture, I have huge respect for Mr. Lewin. If he's reading this, I just want to thank you so much. You've literally opened my eyes to a world I was oblivious to. Just amazing. Thank you. 33 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 3 replies Toekneemann Toekneemann 11 months ago I am a little further ahead in my Uni Physics 2 but watching your lecture was so enjoyable! my love for physics gets another deposit! Reply Saynt Pi de Clochard Saynt Pi de Clochard 8 months ago (edited) peace & blessigs to the professor ! nice way of presenting this topic, i had this in physics 26 years ago and it s fun to listen it from different ankle. i discover this channel today and his video about the lunar eclipse in morning on monday 16/5/2022 ! 5 Reply Sumit Kumar Sumit Kumar 1 year ago I wanted to understand these topics with examples....and sir when I visited this vdo..omg..this is so amazing....i really love physics and this video made me love phy even more...respect and love from india sir🤩🤩❤❤ 2 Reply The Bangtan window 💜 The Bangtan window 💜 9 months ago really professor u have made me fall in love with physics ! the way u teach practically is just phenomenal 💜 lots of respect 4 Reply VAISHNAVI BANSAL VAISHNAVI BANSAL 1 year ago Namaste sir, WOW!!! Sir I m loving ur lectures... Vaise toh I don't have any problem with phy...i mean it is my love and I generally don't search phy related study material on YouTube....but for the first time I did so...and I m very happy....also...I know this is a very bad habit of mine ...that I search for something and end up playing something... But this time I feel blessed doing this mistake... Thank u sir.... Thank u so much 1 Reply Rogue Blender Rogue Blender 6 years ago You are correct, this lecture alone has made me love physics. 346 Reply 3 replies veda swaroop karri veda swaroop karri 11 months ago (edited) I am studying 9th but still i can understand these beautiful concepts thought by Walter Lewin sir. 😃Watching videos every day of this channel makes my day happy. 4 Reply Itsrealkaran Itsrealkaran 1 year ago (edited) The one who disliked the lecture where trying to create opposite charge which are likes. Because no one can literally dislike Walter sir's lectures❤️ this the first lecture I watched now and I can bet that he's one the best physics teacher right there.❤️❤️ 4 Reply Md Inamul Hassan Md Inamul Hassan 1 year ago I am LUCKY enough to see such INCREDIBLE experiments that you did on live lecture SIR... 2 Reply Joel Theodore Joel Theodore 4 months ago I have enjoyed this lecture immensely, more than words can speak!!!! I really appreciate how you also teach the "love of physics." It's now my dream to do the same one day. Thanks Walter!!! Reply ミコム みこむ ミコム みこむ 1 year ago Interesting how this is infinitely more interesting and entertaining than modern education. 40 Reply 2 replies Navjot Singh Navjot Singh 2 years ago I love this guy. Mr. Lewin makes learning fun especially with the whole pandemic going on. Its so reassuring that there are people who know how to teach in a manner that not only makes it easier to understand but also more enjoyable, which is something schools lack today. 36 Reply NCISfan NCISfan 1 year ago See this is how i'd like to learn physics. I can barely understand things without a physical example. And walter lewin does his lectures the way i'd like them. 30 Reply Network Ninja Network Ninja 8 months ago Professor your lectures are legendary, I remember my brother watching your course online when he was doing Mechanical Engineering course, and I always wanted to catch up with your courses. I am glad I am doing it now :) Reply Yogita Dhakad Yogita Dhakad 1 year ago Who the hell are those disliking these videos ... .. He deserves 20M in his all videos .... Love u alot sir ..... Thanks for teaching in such a unexpected ways .... We have never found any teacher in india like u except verma sir and i am damn sure there is no one like u in the whole world ... Watching u on 2021 march 5 ... A fresher here and u have made my journey as a cake walk of understanding concepts thanks alot 3 Reply neeraj pal neeraj pal 1 year ago Thank u sir. I dont understand physics but after studying from your video i like it. Thank u so much sir for uploading these videos these videos are very helpful 2 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply ROXSHOWS ROXSHOWS 1 year ago thanks sir for this there are hardly few educators who promote free education but sir you are inspiration for us giving us assignments and making us fall in love with physics thanks sir 1 Reply Gia Mattu Gia Mattu 4 years ago Great lectures! Thank you for making these available, i'm sure students all over the world appreciate this as it is very helpful and makes learning physics fun and interesting. 20 Reply Tsering drema Tsering drema 7 months ago (edited) Sir Walter Lewin , you give me the vibe of Albert Einstein ✨,your lectures are just so interesting and amazing♥️ 2 Reply Chitrasen Biswal Chitrasen Biswal 1 year ago I'm a commerce student but still understand his lecture and found it interesting ❤❤ 1 Reply Pawan Singh Pawan Singh 1 year ago If I would have got a teacher like you then surely I would have been a master of physics 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ lots of love to you dear sir may god make you live long!!!!!!😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 1 Reply Nitish Singh Nitish Singh 1 year ago I never thought that electrostatic topic may be so much interesting. Sir, your teaching style is too good that it makes more and more curious about that topic...Huge Love and Respect from India ❣️🙏 2 Reply Stacy Esparza Stacy Esparza 9 months ago I have never taken a physic's class but I love watching his lectures and learning. So interesting Reply YASEMİN NUR ŞAHİN YASEMİN NUR ŞAHİN 2 years ago I LOVE your lectures sir 💕 I’ve never been bored through the whole 50 mins!! I never knew physics could be so much fun 294 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 10 replies Hamza Chouchane Hamza Chouchane 1 year ago Algeria must adopt this method of teaching physics. I am a huge fan 🥀 thanks for the lectures and be safe professor 💚 1 Reply Pratik Rana Pratik Rana 1 year ago Every teacher should have passion like Walter sir ❤️❤️❤️ 2 Reply Soham Kale Soham Kale 1 year ago Earth is lucky to have a great teacher like you ❤️ 4 Reply marvelous world of k marvelous world of k 9 months ago I love your lectures so much sir 🤗 and now I'm thinking as long as there is a master like you in this world , physics cannot be difficult . Reply Gurnoor Singh Gurnoor Singh 1 year ago I had trouble understanding the concept and u cleared it and fixed it in my mind . kudos to you sir!!!! Reply O Gor O Gor 6 years ago thank you. I enjoyed it a lot. you are the greatest teacher ever 177 Reply 1 reply Kavita Sharma Kavita Sharma 2 years ago (edited) I am in class 10th..A JEE Aspirant from India and consider myself fortunate that at least I can get a chance to be taught by u.. Even far away... I wish someday I will be also there in MIT being taught by such #legendary teachers... That's what I dream of everyday! 3 Reply cute Princess cute Princess 1 year ago It's just amazing .. how come I never know about this great teacher.. thanks to Physics Wallah and alakh sir that I had this honour of knowing him. I wish I was in his class 😅 that's probably not possible but huge respect to his efforts and teaching from India 🇮🇳 5 Reply 1 reply Saloni Singh Saloni Singh 1 year ago Sir after watching ur videos i love reading comments u get and the information u share by answering everybody's question 🙏❤ Reply Sanjay Bangroo Sanjay Bangroo 2 years ago Respected to Walter Lewin. He really makes physics enjoyable to the extent that you never know that you have actually fallen in love with it Reply Melvin Liew Melvin Liew 1 year ago Wow ! This professor is amazing. Bringing a lot of fun from learning science 😃 20 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply Ryan Henrique Ryan Henrique 2 years ago I'm a brazilian guy who has just graduated in engineering , and it's a pleasure to 're-attend' to physics when it's done with love and capacity of teaching in a way I had never seen before. Some of these physics concepts were completely blurred up to now. THANK YOU! You're the best (or one of the top) teacher I've seen in my whole life. 3 Reply yoongi's 3 dollar chain yoongi's 3 dollar chain 1 year ago I'm NEET aspirants and I used to hate physics but now I love physics , I even taught my friends . Thankyou sir and huge Respect sir 🙃 3 Reply Simly Bhowmick Simly Bhowmick 1 year ago I am now in 12th and almost completed my syllabus but i always wanted to see a demo.... And i got with great lectures Thank you so much sir for making chapters more interesting,🥰 Reply 1 reply ARK ARK 1 year ago I've passed 12th, and never studied electric section due to fear. I still don't believe that how I saw this lecture and understood a bit basics. Kudos sir. Thanks for making me love this section of physics as well 🙂 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply Agam🌸 Agam🌸 1 year ago Mr.Walter Lewin !!! After watching your conversation with Mr alakh pandey....... I came to know "bout your thoughts regarding physics...physics is just beautiful....I've seen your lecture ! It's really good.. thankyou sooo mchh sir....🌸 Loads of respect from india 1 Reply Mustafa Raza Mustafa Raza 1 year ago Sir your videos are awesome and tremendous. Never ever thought a lecture of this kind. Thanks a lot for sharing wonderful lectures of Physics. Reply Ravi Tripathy Ravi Tripathy 2 years ago Sir I am from 6th grade and I love to solve and learn physics,you are my favorite teacher i study 1 or 2 grades ahead for fun thank u for ur lectures 4 Reply Dutonic Dutonic 7 months ago You even link the homework with solutions in the description! Godspeed Dr. Lewin! Reply Gaurav Gaurav 8 months ago Thank you so much sir ❤. Recently I found your lecture on elctric charges. And seriously I loved it❤ 1 Reply Varshita Jain Varshita Jain 1 year ago he is really a great teacher he is even ensuring that basics get clear Reply Urvee Bavishi Urvee Bavishi 1 year ago I haven't liked physics so much ever before attending this practical class❤ Sir it will be one of the biggest pleasures of my life to meet you once❤💯 RESPECT💯💯💯💯💯💯 Reply supkaii supkaii 1 year ago And your lectures make me believe that physics will forever be an interesting subject! 3 Reply Amir ali Amir ali 2 years ago Amazing way of teaching sir, definitely you'll be remember for the centuries. Only a physics lover can understand you 3 Reply Indrajeet Varma Indrajeet Varma 1 year ago Your reading does not feel boring at all and studies become good. Reply Vipra Vaishnava Vipra Vaishnava 1 year ago I never thought physics would be so very interesting :) i just love it ❤️ 2 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply Ezequiel Sequeira Ezequiel Sequeira 1 year ago Thank you for making this available to us! Reply Seipate Bosena Seipate Bosena 1 year ago lectures like him are needed i really enjoyed the whole lesson thank you Reply Afnan M Afnan M 1 year ago Thank you so much ! I'm in year 12 and genuinely needed to understand this in much depth 5 Reply RPk 11:11 RPk 11:11 3 years ago My daughter is studying in 8th grade,she and I love to watch your lectures.thankyou.from. Tamilnadu.India 116 Reply 3 replies Mariam Hasany Mariam Hasany 1 year ago I have an assignment due tomorrow and I'm watching these amazing lectures 😍 Reply Ramesh Chandra Tewari Ramesh Chandra Tewari 11 months ago Thank you so much sir 🙏🏻 it very helps in understanding ch 1 of physics class 12th electric charges and fields. What a magnificent lecture 👌 👏 sir. 9 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 2 replies Jar-Jar Notbinks Jar-Jar Notbinks 1 year ago Simon sacrificed his honor for Science ! Wonderful Simon, you can be proud of yourself. Great teacher, hope mine was all like him, school would have been a much better experience :) 2 Reply Vinita Krishna Vinita Krishna 1 year ago Sir plz upload some more lectures in series ❤️LOVE FOR PHYSICS ❤️ Reply M Wahiduzzaman Abegh M Wahiduzzaman Abegh 1 year ago Your teaching style is superb sir,Thank You so much for your wonderful presentation, Sir. It was very well and clearly explained. I'm sure you did so much hard work for the class presentation So that students could understand in a better way. We need more teachers like you sir. Thank you very much Sir. Reply V from Clay Nation V from Clay Nation 2 years ago What I realised in this class is that My education wasn't as bad as I thought. I too have studied all these. And I am proud of my education and Sir Lewin! 💕💕💕💕💕💕 43 Reply Tushar Pandey Tushar Pandey 1 year ago Great content by the great teacher of Physics. I understand all topic clearly. Thank you sir. From India. Reply keep smiling keep smiling 1 year ago (edited) I love physics now. Why there aren't more teachers like him Reply antikoerper256 antikoerper256 1 year ago Knowledge is eternal. What a pleasure and honour to be schooled at MIT. 3 Reply Adalat Hussain Mirza Adalat Hussain Mirza 2 weeks ago Sir, it's a really amazing feeling to join your class 😊. This is my first comment on your video but still watching your videos since 2020 I hope you will help the students as such always.... Reply Khadija Mushtaq Khadija Mushtaq 1 year ago I can't beleive that physics can be teached in an awesome way I really wish I that I could take a live lecture of yours... Reply Neeraj Rattehalli Neeraj Rattehalli 4 years ago Ur sense of humor is amazing. This is by far one of my favorite lectures of your. And you are by far the greatest physics professor I have ever learnt from!!! 6 Reply chaikajpeg chaikajpeg 1 year ago The ending made me tear up, the right teacher can make studying so immersive it makes your heart beat faster. Huge respect! Reply Rishi Raj Rishi Raj 1 year ago Sir's lecture when compared to my school teachers has the same relations that electrical forces have with gravitational forces respectively haha much love sir :)) May you live forever 1 Reply Bhavya mishra 12G-13 Bhavya mishra 12G-13 1 year ago Walter sir u r awesome....probably the best PHYSICS lecturer... Thank you sir to make me love physics Reply Zivxp Zivxp 2 years ago Ohh God!! These students are damn very lucky to have you as a physics teacher... Such a brilliant person... has out of the box teaching techniques... Reply Sayee Kannan Ramaraj Sayee Kannan Ramaraj 1 year ago Very fantastic and fabulous Professor. Mind blowing discussion. 1 Reply Premananda Premananda 2 years ago Thank you very much for this grandiose lecture, awesome introduction into the electrostatics with interesting experiments 👏👌👌 41 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply MATRIX ABACUS MATRIX ABACUS 10 months ago Great teacher allows us to watch his lectures 2 Reply Rama Pranav Rama Pranav 8 months ago Thank You so much sir ❤️. These lectures are the BEST. I am going to take physics in my college , thanks for making it intresting sir. ❤️ Reply Dharmesh Dharmesh 2 months ago Those people are lucky who are watching this lecture live but those people who try it at their home are legends. 2 Reply Soliyana Tesfaye Soliyana Tesfaye 6 months ago This is one Legendary Teacher who actually made me interested ....Never Experience this kinda clearity for me! APPRICIATED ! Reply Shubham Sagar Singh Shubham Sagar Singh 1 year ago Lectures like this are for people who want to learn physics after reading your textbook. Something apart from the textbook ❤️ 1 Reply Anurag hazarika Anurag hazarika 3 years ago Every science student likes a physics teacher like him 😍 He is a living marvel🤟🏻 24 Reply vskumar mediboyina vskumar mediboyina 2 years ago Really I am amazed. The first I came to know how a quality teaching is it. Exceptionally outstanding. Great demonstration. Reply world information news world information news 1 year ago Sir you have a great in physics and your style have unique 👍 i am from India and preparing to IIT exam to your lecture sir its very interesting lecture Reply dodo🦋 dodo🦋 1 year ago Found a gold mine in here,very informative and very helpful. THANK YOU ! Reply Chaturbhuj Jee Chaturbhuj Jee 1 year ago The only thing I want to say that, it is amazing.............❤️❤️ Thanks professor from India....... Reply Trisha Prajapati Trisha Prajapati 1 month ago Finished 11 class by your lecture preparing for JEE and now starting electromagnetism.. Thanks you sir, for making me good at physics,, Sir where could I find your questions.. 4 Reply 1 reply Science Science 3 years ago Beginning a lecture this concisely, you know'll know the students have a phenomenal teacher. 4 Reply 43 Harsh Girish Patel 43 Harsh Girish Patel 1 year ago Amazing. Loved it. Never seen such an amazing lecture Reply xyz xyz 1 year ago We need teachers like u in India ua superb sir Reply Parameswar R Nair NEET Aspirant 2023 Parameswar R Nair NEET Aspirant 2023 10 months ago Thankyou sir, My class 11th finals are going on. Will start class 12th from soon. Starting a new journey. I'm prepreparing with your lectures. Thankyou sir No one can make Physics Interesting like this. Thanks again sir. Reply 2 months 2 months 1 year ago Ty alot sir for providing us with such a Amazing lecture its really interesting Reply Raghavendra Jambagi Raghavendra Jambagi 1 year ago walter levin sir.... undoubtedly you are a great teacher... As a physics learner ( I don't have courage to say physics teacher hence i used word learner) you are really inspirational.... lots of love from my side.... Reply Franco Tejerina Franco Tejerina 2 years ago I'm from Argentina, my physics teacher recommended this video if we understand English, and it's totally worth it. Mr Walter Lewin, you're my savior this semester. 19 Reply Mohan KUMAR Mohan KUMAR 2 years ago (edited) Sir you are a great professor And a brilliant teacher you make me love with physics and help ne to decide about my aim in physics in life.... 💞 a lots of greeting from bihar India Reply Charlie Veihmeyer Charlie Veihmeyer 2 years ago my god I wish I could have been in this class. I'm self teaching myself physics through this and text book (hopefully otherwise i'm a lil screwed) but it's unbelievably helpful. Reply Uday Mandal Uday Mandal 1 year ago The man who can die to clarify all concepts to the students A lots of love from India ❤️❤️ 8 Reply jbryan09100 jbryan09100 1 year ago "You will not see any tedious derivations in my lectures; for that we have the book. But I will stress the concepts and I will make you see beyond the equations, beyond the concepts. I will you show you, whether you like it or not, that physics is beautiful, and you may even start to like it." I had to quote this verbatim for anyone venturing into this lecture series because it embodies everything that makes Walter Lewin an unparalleled educator. Whether you're coming from his 8.01 series or just looking for a deeper meaning into physics, there's no better place to find it. 2 Reply Prince Tiwari Prince Tiwari 7 months ago Sir your lectures provoke me ,i wanna be a teacher like you. First time , i had listened about you by alak pandey sir 2 Reply Priti Jha Priti Jha 4 years ago Hi Sir, I am from India and many physics teachers suggest us to watch ur lecture......I actually hated physics before but after hearing to ur beautiful and mind blowing lecture i enjoy learning physics. I love u and ur lecture Sir. I SALUTE U 144 Reply 4 replies u/n/kown u/n/kown 1 year ago Wow sir great lecture thanks for your beautiful explanation for it I love your explanation and demonstrations ❤❤ Can you suggest me some books for electrostatics and electricity. Reply Abhishek Thakur Abhishek Thakur 1 year ago Really you are best i ever learn from. From today you are my guru❤ 2 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply Yagnik Chandira Yagnik Chandira 9 months ago Just want to say sir you lectures are amazing I just got to know you from our principal sir and I started it watching it's just amazing u teach so much better and really its helping me alot Reply Akash kumar Akash kumar 2 years ago Lovely lecture sir I am going to follow your lectures, and I am sure I will definitely have great knowledge. Reply Parth G Parth G 1 year ago Thank you for inspiring physicists all over the world! 1 Reply Marc Del Marc Del 5 years ago The best physics teacher ever! I'm in my 70's, great time to learn what I forgot, or didn't learn the first time around. Thanks Professor Lewin! 9 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 2 replies Lan Anh Nguyen Lan Anh Nguyen 2 years ago Thank you sir for sharing your wisdom with us. You really made Physics so much fun to study. Reply lyrics at ease lyrics at ease 8 months ago Thank you so much sir for making concepts understandable ❤️ 1 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply Chethan Geloth Chethan Geloth 5 months ago Fan sir 😁 really wonderful before a month i seen u with alak pandey sir live and this is mine first experience to u sir ❤️ thank you Reply Afjal Jawed Afjal Jawed 1 year ago Now started the feeling the love for physic after watching this lecture that being awesome as I expected ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Reply Rohan Rajput Rohan Rajput 1 year ago Watching this for love of physics ❤️❤️ also taking help for JEE Advanced ❤️❤️ Reply Snehasis Dutta Snehasis Dutta 2 years ago I never thought an electricity lecture can be so interesting and fascinating...Lots of love♥️... 16 Reply Only love Only love 2 years ago I was frustrated by rote learning physics for JEE without any feel Now I am studying from prof lewin because its amazing without any burden of any exam And I'm telling you its an amazing feeling of learning Reply Shyam Das Shyam Das 1 year ago Beautiful. Amazing. Inspiring. Thank you, sir. 1 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply Villain Villain 1 year ago Thank you for making me understand the simple things in my life. Now I understand why I feel shock whenever I touch the long rod where my family dry their clothes. Everytime we remove the dried clothes from the rod, we drag them down with force, we are actually charging the iron/steel rod with clothes. After a while if we touch the rod, we feel a little electric shock due to the charges present on the rod. (Though it won't happen often but now I understood the concept of it). Thank You Professor 😃 1 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply Kaleab Getachew Kaleab Getachew 8 months ago Professor Walter Lewin, I'm a physics undergraduate student and I just started following your 8.02 lecture- PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT. You are the best physics teacher anyone can ever have. Thank you so much!!! I love you and physics. Long live. Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply Govind Jaiswal Govind Jaiswal 1 year ago (edited) Amazing lecture, I can only imagine this kind of lecture, but it's reality. Professor succeeded in taking students beyond equations to understanding and imagination. Your hairstyle is similar to that of Einstein. Lots of love and respect from India. Reply Yashasree T Yashasree T 2 years ago Wow amazing sir I will recommend all my friends to watch Ur classes I am feeling sad that Ur channel has only few lack subscribers u deserve like 50M subscribers 3 Reply Kiran Singh Kiran Singh 1 year ago Sir you are just awesome... I had know about wikipedia that you are the best physics teacher... That's why I have came here to your to learn really what is the physics I just falling in love with physics.... Lots of love from India🇮🇳 1 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 2 replies Chada Siddhartha Reddy Chada Siddhartha Reddy 1 year ago Most interesting and fascinating lectures. I hope in future i will be in mit. 1 Reply Arpita Deshmukh Arpita Deshmukh 1 year ago Simply amazing sir :) 1 Reply Ricky Shukla Ricky Shukla 1 year ago First time in my life.... I genuinely enjoyed physics.....will watch all your lectures. Respect and love to you Sir Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply Experiment physics with PRATIBHA DWIVEDI Experiment physics with PRATIBHA DWIVEDI 1 year ago (edited) So lucky to be able to listen to you sir🙏 Reply Advait Shirbhayye Advait Shirbhayye 2 years ago The perfect and ideal teacher. Thank you for this amazing free resource on YouTube! 5 Reply Krish Agarwal Krish Agarwal 8 months ago Sir ur lectures are very interesting❤️❤️ Thank u❤️ Btw is it really Walter sir's own personal channel or is it someone else's channel who posts the lectures 1 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply Tapas Mishra Tapas Mishra 1 year ago Tq so much Lewin sir... greatest physics teacher of all time 🙏🏻 ❤️ from india 1 Reply Naino Ulfat Naino Ulfat 1 year ago Sir u made me love physics which i hated throughout my life m gonna appear for MCAT nd the only obstruction i had was that iwasnt good at all at physics but u cleared my concepts Thank u Reply JEE ASPIRANT- ABHI JEE ASPIRANT- ABHI 1 year ago (edited) Sir your Lecture is excellent. I understand my physics chapter clearly After watching your videos thank you for this video.👍👍 Reply Prabhu Shanmugasundaram Prabhu Shanmugasundaram 1 year ago Well , the thing is there is not even a single accidental touch in dislike button ❤️❤️❤️ Love this man Reply BrokenBauccner BrokenBauccner 2 years ago That's why i say he's a legend 😂👍 you're amazing sir. I am glad that there are teachers like you. 3 Reply Nathan Acreman Nathan Acreman 11 months ago Man, thank god these lectures are available here for free. I already thought that physics was an amazing topic, but my current Electricity and Magnetism professor has dull and uninteresting lectures. Professor Lewin however, has phenomenal passion and you can seriously see it! 1 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply Radhika Rana Radhika Rana 6 months ago I just wish we could have a teacher like you ... Reply Ayush Yadav Ayush Yadav 7 months ago What grade is he teaching to? Awesome lecture as always by the way. Reply X🗿X X🗿X 7 months ago feel blessed to learn from you ♥️ Reply Anshika Singh Anshika Singh 1 year ago I am class 12th student and after watching this video I fall in love with physics........For me you are a God of physics............ Lots of respect and love from India 🙏🙏🙏 5 Reply Devansh Sharma Devansh Sharma 4 years ago what a great lecture.I found the experiments amazing,awesome man. 4 Reply David Henry Jones David Henry Jones 5 months ago Thank you for what you do! 1 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply MOULA Raoul MOULA Raoul 1 year ago Thank you so much Professor!!! 1 Reply ABHAY ABHAY 1 year ago I never forget this concept 👏👏 Reply Pritosh Sarkar Pritosh Sarkar 1 year ago You are a greatest scientist all around the world. Grand salute to you sir from India. Reply Medico Medico 1 year ago I feel about physics after seeing this lecture Wow wonderful teacher in the world 1 Reply KRISHNANANDA CH KRISHNANANDA CH 5 years ago Sir, It is great to hear you. Yes heart would not beat without Electric pulse. 4 Reply Muhammad Rafi Muhammad Rafi 1 year ago Well I'm not a student of engendering yet. Im in my last year of high school but these lectures gave me a lot of interest in the field of engineering. Thnkx a lot for help sir.😄 1 Reply Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. · 1 reply Ronit Biswal Ronit Biswal 2 years ago Even a person having no knowledge in Physics can understand each and every thing this man says .He is legend. Why is the speed of light what it is? Maxwell equations visualized Arvin Ash 755K subscribers Join Subscribe 57K Share 1,751,132 views Premiered Mar 25, 2020 #electromagnetism #speedoflight #maxwellsequations Twitter: @arvin_ash The History Guy video on Maxwell: . Why is the maximum speed of the universe the speed of light? Maxwell’s equations explained and visualized. Why is light so fast? What is light made of? Almost all modern technology is based on Maxwell’s equations. Not only do they describe every electrical and magnetic phenomenon, but hidden within these equations is a fundamental truth about the nature of light, and why it is the ultimate speed of the universe. We are going to visualize the equations with graphics. Objects have something called a charge. This is a property of matter like mass is a property of matter. If you have a static object with a charge, it will affect only other charges. And if you have a static magnet, it will affect only other magnets. But if you have a moving charge, it will affect a magnet. And if you have a moving magnet, it will affect a charge. That's what the four equations are telling us. A charge is the source of an electric field. If I have another charge, you can understand exactly what force it will feel. The first equation is a formula that tells us how electrical charges create electrical fields. It is based on concepts developed by Carl Friedrich Gauss. Permittivity of free space is required in the equation. It is the resistance of free space against the formation of electric fields. The second equation is called Gauss’s law for magnetism. It says that if you had the same sphere but it was a magnet, you will never find a configuration where the magnetic lines of force always point outward, or always point inwards. In other words, a magnet will always have two poles. There are no magnetic monopoles. The third equation is called faraday’s law. This law says that if move a magnet, you will create an electric field. This equation tells engineers how to generate electricity from a generator. The fourth equation is Ampere’s law. It says that if you have moving charge through a wire, or an electrical current, you generate a magnetic field. This requires a constant of nature called mu naught. This is the permeability of free space. This is the ability of free space to allow magnetic lines of force to go through it. Note that there are two terms in this equation, one term tells you the moving electrical charges can create magnetic fields, and the second term tells you that moving electrical fields can also create magnetic fields. This idea of magnetic fields being created from electric fields was Maxwell’s addition to Ampere’s law. #maxwellsequations #speedoflight #electromagnetism Both of these constants have to be measured, since they are inherent properties of nature. They are not derived from anything. What does this have to do with light? If I take an electric charge and put it on a pole, and I just move it up and down, what will this cause? According to ampere’s law, if an electric field moves or changes with time, it would create a magnetic field perpendicular to that. And because of the changing movement, the magnetic field would also be changing with time. And according to Faraday’s law the moving magnetic field lines would create another new set of electric field lines. Now, since the same thing is happening to these new electric field lines, that is, they are changing over time, they would in turn create new magnetic field lines. And the new moving magnetic field lines would create yet more electric field lines. You have just created a self propagating wave. What is the speed of this wave? You find this using advanced multivariable calculus which Maxwell was very good at. He comes up with is 1/V^2 = epsilon naught * Mu naught. Solving you get Velocity = Sq root (1/epsilon naught * Mu naught). So what the equations are saying is the velocity of this wave is inversely proportional the permittivity and permeability of free space. It makes sense that the velocity of any wave would be inversely proportional to the resistance of the substance it is traveling in. You might ask, well why are mu naught and epsilon naught those exact values? No one knows why. These are just the constants of nature. Now we take the measured values of these two constants, and do some simple math. The speed of the wave is about 300,000 km per second. Maxwell realized that light must be an electromagnetic wave. About 40 years later another great scientist by the name of Einstein did his own thought experiments inspired by Maxwell’s equation. And his thought experiment was based on one simple assumption. He asked if the speed of light is an inherent property of space, why would this speed be any different based on the speed of the observer? And it was from this simple assumption, that he came up with the special theory of relativity in 1905 which changed our ideas about the nature of time. Chapters View all 3,997 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Arvin Ash Pinned by Arvin Ash Arvin Ash 2 years ago (edited) For those of you wanting to know exactly how Maxwell derived velocity using multivariable calculus, here is a paper that shows the details of that derivation: . Also, this video may be helpful, In addition, several people have expressed that the prism graphic is incorrect because the direction of the exiting light is pointing up rather than down. Take a closer look at the sequence of colors. This graphic is not exactly incorrect. It is simply an upside down prism. You may object to the light seeming to bend upwards, but this is just a matter of perspective. I took artistic liberty in that, I admit. Red would deviate more than violet. But yes, the rays would point downward. (EDIT: New more "accurate" thumbnail was added later) 227 Reply Arvin Ash · 56 replies Richard Masters Richard Masters 2 years ago I teach electrical theory at university and I’ve never seen such a brilliantly clear explanation of the Maxwell equations and their consequences - Many Thanks. 1.2K Arvin Ash Reply 62 replies Irina Monich Irina Monich 6 months ago Just imagine how Maxwell felt when he realized that he arrived at the speed of light... What epiphany! I wouldn't be able to take another breath from excitement. This is a great video. Thank you. Amazing to see that the speed of light can be derived from those two constants -- vacuum permittivity and permeability of free space. It actually makes sense. 12 Reply Edward Ray Edward Ray 11 months ago wow, as a physics enthusiast, I’ve been looking for this level of understanding of “c” and how it can be derived for years, and this video nails it. Thank you, Arvin Ash!!! 69 Reply 5 replies pallavi singh pallavi singh pallavi singh pallavi singh 2 weeks ago Quality content 🤯 You explained these concepts so wonderfully in this just 13 minute video ..thank you for all your effort.. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 1 Reply Tom Heinle Tom Heinle 1 year ago Just imagine the thrill that Maxwell must have felt in that moment when the two speed limits matched. 26 Reply 3 replies WWTormentor WWTormentor 2 years ago Imagine if we could go back in time and show these great minds the technology that their great works led to. I wonder what they would say about it. 106 Reply 19 replies Esdev Esdev 2 years ago I've learned more about electromagnetism and the meaning behind Maxwell's equations in these 13 minutes than in 5 years of studying electrical engineering. 338 Arvin Ash Reply 11 replies Gobor Bobor Gobor Bobor 1 year ago This video is just pure genius. I really don’t know who Arvin Ash is - wether he is a teacher or a professor or “just” a superbly intelligent and curious human being - but I admire his lessons. What a great explanation this is… Thank you so much for sharing!! Reply gertwallen gertwallen gertwallen gertwallen 2 months ago This is a brilliant exposition at the conceptual level before digging into the needed math. Congrats Arvin. 1 Reply Rudi Hoffman Rudi Hoffman 7 months ago Brilliant explaining of subject matter with enthusiasm and crystal clear thinking. I wanna be this good at what I do as Arvin Ash! 1 Reply Nine Hundred Dollar Luxury Yacht Nine Hundred Dollar Luxury Yacht 1 year ago Thank you so much for this. I am old, but have wondered about things like this my entire life. Until now, my understanding ended with "Maxwell's equations said light went this speed". I feel like I know a little bit more about it now. 7 Reply Jacob Olness Jacob Olness 9 months ago This channel is awesome! Well done. Physics is not my strong suit but I think it is fascinating. This and PBS’ Space Time are my favorites so far. Subscribed 2 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply Joe Anarumo Joe Anarumo 2 years ago As a former undergrad in physics and grad in oceanography, I wish all educators were required to be at this level of understanding, enthusiasm and preparedness. Its nice to see you to explain serious material so simply, as well as capture the attention of thousands of people in subject matter deemed widely as boring and drab. Thank you for doing this, I'm subscribing to your channel. 208 Arvin Ash Reply 4 replies Sanker PG Sanker PG 1 year ago Great job Arvin. If only all educators could explain as you do; lucid but without losing the profoundness of the idea, the world of learning would be a much more interesting place. 1 Reply adam labnaki adam labnaki 11 months ago Hi Arvin, your videos are amazing, really helpful in understanding complicated concepts in physics 4 Reply sikhar saikia sikhar saikia 8 months ago Thank you for explaining this so beautifully. I never knew of Maxwell's thought experiment and it makes so much sense now that I understood that. 4 Reply Carrick Richards Carrick Richards 7 months ago Thank you; for myself and all the many others who can grasp this subject better, due to your clear explanations. 1 Reply Mehmet Terzi Mehmet Terzi 2 years ago Arvin, the world needs you and more people like you to help us make sense of things. I love watching your videos. Thank you 1 Reply The History Guy: History Deserves to Be Remembered The History Guy: History Deserves to Be Remembered 2 years ago Thanks for the collaboration! Thanks for expanding our understanding of Maxwell’s contributions! 683 Arvin Ash Reply Arvin Ash · 33 replies Paul Logeman Paul Logeman 4 months ago An exceptional presentation of a complex topic. The information was clear and concise with wonderful examples. 1 Reply Zuringa Zuringa 11 months ago I have zero background in physics, yet you explain things in a way I can actually understand. It's fascinating. Thanks! 6 Reply 2 replies Sonu Singh Sonu Singh 11 months ago I woke up feeling big and then I watched this and now I feel super super small and can’t fathom with how intelligent these guys were. Great video as always Arvin. 2 Reply snorkfire snorkfire 10 months ago VERY well done! I’ve wondered about that for years and even took time here and there to understand Maxwell’s eqn’s. You cleared it up in one brief video. Thank you sir. Subscribed. 1 Reply Веселин Шишков Веселин Шишков 1 year ago Харесвам те Човек ,бързо и лесно обесняваш неща ,които в университети те ни не могат да ги обяснят, добре съм запознат с теорията на Планк, както и на Бор ,но все пак не ми е известно още за съществуванетп на Бузонни частици, или на Тъмна материя , Извинявай че пиша на Моя езикл , но на англииски нямаше да се получи :) Голям фен съм на теб , :)А и в прочем не съм тинеиджър , и да и аз съм инженер :) 2 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply innertubez innertubez 2 years ago "There was a point in time when Maxwell was the only person in the world who realized this." That is pretty amazing. 738 Reply 41 replies Adrian Nuske Adrian Nuske 4 months ago this explanation tops every other one by a light-year-leap! You delivered knowledge without the "diva-blind" down. As simple as it truly is. Most deserved follow and like ever given! thank you! 1 Reply Steven Miller Steven Miller 1 year ago (edited) Thanks dude, I love your Physics videos and I use them often in teaching high school Physics and Chemistry courses I teach!! I did my PhD Physics coursework at Purdue University with a 5.9 / 6.0 GPA but I greatly benefit from your videos, well done!! Now I better understand why the electricity and magnetism fields in copper wires travel faster than the speed of light in free space or 3 X 10^8 m/s , because epsilon and mu in the copper are substantially different in copper than in free space and therefore the fields travel faster than the speed of light number we all have drilled into our heads from our school days!! 26 Arvin Ash Reply Arvin Ash · 6 replies J Bix J Bix 3 months ago That's one of the clearest explanations of Maxwell's link with Einstein's work I could even imagine. If I was fifty years younger I would want to come and study with you. 1 Reply Craig Fowler Craig Fowler 5 months ago I did see The History Guys video on Maxwell, it was interesting. However as I studied physics at degree level and can appreciate this topic in detail, your video was excellent way to explain this phenomenon to GCSE and A Level Physics students with interesting graphics etc. 1 Reply Bruce kemp Bruce kemp 1 year ago This video is interesting. There are some parts that get a bit technical, but overall the explanations are quite good. Perhaps there could be another version for those who have some background in Calculus. Some parts of this video explain why (and how) Calculus relates to everyday life. Some students would find this item interesting. 2 Reply Mystery Hombre Mystery Hombre 2 years ago (edited) Watching this made my jaw drop, imagine that Eureka moment, when Maxwell realised the approximate measured speed of light matched his equation. Epic. 380 Reply 8 replies Quién Sabe Quién Sabe 1 year ago PhD here: Superb explanation! I loved the way you expressed these concepts. Young students could get in love with physics with videos like this! 29 Reply 6 replies Mohammad Ali Mohammad Ali 4 months ago (edited) History and Physics combined. I also learned from this video, so it is literally educational too as well. Nice video and a huge thank you for this video. I also forgot to mention that there was a project that was done in school regarding electromagnetism. I did recognize how with electricity, a magnet could also be made too, but nothing more than this video had taught me clear enough than just a book about it. Yet this was one of the many reasons why I watch this video. It’s not just Biology that drew my attention nowadays since I met a doctor regarding electrical pulses throughout the body and brain. It is Physics too, especially because electrical engineering grabbed my attention for a major. Not that I say I am going to choose neither or both though. 1 Reply Richard Rigling Richard Rigling 1 year ago (edited) This may be the best video you have ever done. You've captured both the struggle and effort in science and the awe and wonder of discovery. Outstanding! 1 Reply Arvin Ash · 2 replies vishal rao vishal rao 1 year ago Arvin Ash's lucid style of explaining makes a layman like me understand and appreciate nature in its fundamental essence. I look forward to more videos from Arvin. I will see you in the next video my friend 🙂. 1 Reply Albert Hendricks Albert Hendricks 4 months ago Finally someone that understands physics well enough to explain it simply.Too many people take off on a tangent and we end up in a ditch somewhere. 1 Reply Christian Heaford Christian Heaford 2 years ago This is superb. Maxwell has always been one of my favorites, but I’ve never understood how his mind made such a leap to see the relationship between electromagnetism & light. Your explanation Arvin is so clear and simple that now I feel like I truly have an intuitive understanding. Love History Guy too! Good to see 2 of my favorite channels collaborating! 61 Arvin Ash Reply 2 replies tim stoffel tim stoffel 9 months ago Thank you for this fascinating look at those relationship between c, u0 and e0. Because of the significance and ramifications of those four equations, Maxwell has always been my favorite scientist. 5 Reply Michael Bustamante Michael Bustamante 1 year ago That was nicely done. Thanks for putting together a easy to follow path of how the speed of light is bounded by the interaction between electric field and magnetic fields. 5 Reply redlights9991 redlights9991 1 year ago Unlike most of the people commenting here, I’m not an engineer or have any connection with engineering, in fact I teach marketing at a university. So I have no background in engineering whatsoever, but the way you have explained this, even a layman like me understood it so well. You are a great teacher! 1 Reply swissaroo swissaroo 7 months ago Brilliant overview of Maxwell and his predecessors and those who picked up Maxwell’s baton and took it still further with their respective theories and insights! 1 Reply Nick Dyne Nick Dyne 9 months ago Brilliant. It's a real skill to make these ideas so easy to comprehend. Perhaps one on entanglement and emergence of spacetime 1 Reply Billy Lee Billy Lee 2 years ago This presentation of Maxwell’s equations is the best I’ve ever seen. 311 Arvin Ash Reply 12 replies jacques jacques9246 jacques jacques9246 1 year ago Very clear..I am a retired electrical engineer and this explanation of Maxwell theory reminds me of the old time 1 Reply Michael Deierhoi Michael Deierhoi 2 days ago This is a really good explanation about why the speed of light is what it is. Thanks for doing this video. 1 Reply Parsa Arta Parsa Arta 7 months ago I subscribed to your channel Sir. I personally thank you so much for your ability to make me to finally understand these. 1 Reply Eric Ostrowski Eric Ostrowski 1 year ago Outstanding video! Thanks for the clear connection between Maxwell and Einstein! Very informative and fun! 1 Reply Last Chance Last Chance 10 months ago Great job explaining the speed of light. It blows the mind to realize that the universe is like an ocean filled with uncountable waves of causality in every direction. 1 Reply Mark Simpson Mark Simpson 2 years ago This is absolutely amazing as it's the first time I've ever begun to feel like I partly understand what the four elegant equations actually mean! Maxwell was a genius and might be better remembered today had he not died so young. 10 Reply Alastair Palm Alastair Palm 1 year ago I can't get enough of this video. Well done all round. 1 Reply Jake Barlow Jake Barlow 11 months ago I understood more math in this video than I did in high school. I wish I had teachers like you back then. Reply ℙ𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕜𝕒 - 𝕆𝕗𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕝 ℙ𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕖𝕜𝕒 - 𝕆𝕗𝕗𝕚𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕝 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕝 2 years ago Not less than WONDERFUL! Wow. Your Energy Level- you are making Physics a lot easier to visualize. Please keep making more videos like this one :-) 2 Reply Garrett Garrett 7 months ago Oh! I had heard a long time ago that relativity was somehow a logical conclusion from Maxwell's equations but I never knew how until now. Thanks! 2 Reply cosmic adventure cosmic adventure 1 year ago You really made me love pyhsics the subject that i hated most during my hight school i believe at that time that physics is boring but you proved that wrong now i realised that physics is so simple and easy to understand if you got the right teacher thank you so much bro 1 Reply Frank Russell Frank Russell 2 years ago Superb job. Maxwell also invented color photography by proving white light is made up of Red Green Blue colors. There's a picture of a bow tie of many colors he made in the 1860's. He was a full proffesor at 25 years old. What an incredible genious! 7 Reply NubiVlog NubiVlog 1 year ago I've watched many videos about light and maxwell equations and this is by far the best one. Well done! 1 Reply moonpup moonpup 1 year ago Ok so we’ve seen patterns in the background radiation of the universe. I’m left wondering if these constants may change ever so slightly in relation to things like background radiation or concentration of “dark matter”. Any ideas on that? 2 Reply Glen Martin Glen Martin 1 year ago Back again. Thank you. I studied chemistry starting at age eight, after watching the movie, "Madam Curie." Then relativity, after reading about Einstein. It was not until graduate school that I discovered Maxwell, while taking physics courses and interacting with electrical engineers, as a graduate student in botany. Reply michael nastasie michael nastasie 1 year ago Absolutely amazing video, congratulations on your work putting it together and thank you so much for teaching me so much in such a short amount of time. Amazing. 1 Reply Dunno Anyone Dunno Anyone 11 months ago You bring difficult to understand science to a level ordinary mortals can grasp Arvin. Thank you. I already have a subscription with the history guy 1 Reply John King John King 2 years ago (edited) As a qualified electrical and electronic engineer of 36 years in telecoms I have only just found out how radio propagation works from this video. WOW! At college and uni they did not explain it this well. 86 Arvin Ash Reply 7 replies Stapleman 007 Stapleman 007 1 year ago I remember sitting in college physics II and the lecture professor deriving the speed of light formula from Maxwell's eqs. It was a WOW moment. 1 Reply L. Gagnon L. Gagnon 1 year ago So smooth and articulated! Thank you for this nice video! 2 Reply Chris Stargazer Chris Stargazer 2 years ago I finally understood what and why light is what it is.. Thankyou so much. This explanation itself was genius in itself. 1 Reply Rachita Sharma Rachita Sharma 10 months ago You truly make us understand the Maxwell's equations in a very simple , easy and logical way. Thankyou so much, Now I love these equations. 1 Reply David McArthur David McArthur 1 year ago What an fantastic and incredibly well explained video just binge watched about 20+ of your videos! Many thanks. 9 Reply 2 replies Alex Harvey Alex Harvey 2 years ago (edited) Thank you, I think this might be one of the best videos on physics on the internet. I wish everyone could see this. Not only is much of our understanding of the universe derived from these observations, but more than likely future revelations will also be. An often overlooked clue to the true nature of reality. So well explained. It really conveys the magic behind this story while also revealing the science. *Edit I would love a video about the fine structure constant and its interpretation (including it's relationship to the permeability of space). The 4PI in there seems very suspicious. I know recently the exact value has been measured to be slightly different (x1.000 000 000 55), but it all seems so close that it doesn't make sense for it to be just a random coincidence.. that maybe the 4PI is more meaningful than the exact number (and maybe the difference means a lot too). It's already inadvertently being used as a constant, only it's one we understand the meaning behind. In 3 dimensional space, if we imagine a field propagating from a source it is a sphere. The surface area of this sphere is defined as 4Pir^2. As radius isn't a constant and due to relativity a property defined by the observer, maybe this relationship is a hint to the true nature of causality and how space is defined. 4 Arvin Ash Reply Don Kloos Don Kloos 1 year ago Well done review with practical imagery and explanation. I remember this (vaguely) from my college chemistry and physics. Reply Vladimir Voynich Vladimir Voynich 9 months ago No matter how I try, it's sad how physics and mathematics can't love me how much I love them... J. C. Maxwell has always been my hero. 1 Reply Earl Wiese Earl Wiese 8 months ago I struggled with Maxwell's equations in University. Thanks for the simple explanations. 1 Reply Ituti X Noti Ituti X Noti 2 years ago This is the BEST video i have ever come across in all YouTube. You really KNOW what you are teaching! You have filled a lot of gaps in my knowledge! 1 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply Himanshu Kumar Himanshu Kumar 2 years ago Arvish Sir, what a wonderful and lucid explanation. !!!! I can't imagine the euphoria of honorable Maxwell sir when he discovered relationship between permittivity and permeability with speed of light 1 Reply Cosmoslogic Cosmoslogic 2 years ago I knew part of this but not all the details and as always Prof Arvin Ash ties all the lose ends together to make a very neat pack of history , Sir you are a rock of knowledge like no other , i plug your channel every chance i get for good reason you have the answers that most do not come up with , Thank you for what you do for physics now and in the future. 5 Arvin Ash Reply Lindsay Hoffman Lindsay Hoffman 1 year ago Loved the attempt of relating Guass's, Faraday's and Ampere's equations and their visualization in Maxwell's famous electromagnetic theory with the minimum of mathematical effort. Reply ZP ZP 1 year ago Awesome video, but I'm questioning the speed of swimming in fluids of different viscosity. I'm not necessarily sure that you'd swim slower, as used in the example. The increased resistance may be canceled by improved ability to motivate yourself. Any thoughts? Reply Family Guy Family Guy 2 years ago I have an awesome habit of watching your videos more than once! Great work! 1 Reply David Deavours David Deavours 1 year ago That realization that Maxwell could calculate c from the equations literally gave me chills.. wow. 1 Reply Tomatrix Tomatrix 2 years ago This is a really good video. Very well done in all aspects, many thanks 1 Reply John John 2 years ago I can barely add, subtract or multiply and have zero understanding of equations, but I just LOVE this stuff. 30 Arvin Ash Reply Charlie Double Whiskey Charlie Double Whiskey 1 year ago This was truly a most enlightening video. My understanding of light as an electromagnetic wave is much broader. 1 Reply Ahmad Ramadan Ahmad Ramadan 1 year ago This is the most brilliant explanation I've seen. And I've seen literally hundreds, on YouTube, lectures, as an undergrad, as an 1 Reply Shyam Footprints Shyam Footprints 1 year ago Nice video again. But how are the permeability constant and the permitivity constant calculated? This nice video will be awesome if this question is also answered. Reply Sean Ehle Sean Ehle 1 year ago I'm new to your channel, and an instant fan. If you read this, can you intuitively explain why the speed of light is the same as the speed of causality? Must it be so in a universe where all observers agree on causality? Reply d9 d9 8 months ago I am a physics student and this video gave me chills. 1 Reply Andrew Mander-Jones Andrew Mander-Jones 2 years ago I did elec eng 50 years ago and Maxwell's equations were a revelation to me then and still are now. The fact that all of E&M can be summarised in just 4 equations makes the subject the most concisely formulated in all of physics and science - I don't think there any other area that is so compactly expressed. Yes, one needs a lot of advanced calculus to understand and use the equations but that is true of many other areas, such as hydrodynamics and thermodynamics. I"d love a video on Oliver Heaviside next, please? He developed Maxwell's equations and the mathematics of the day (which was somewhat cumbersome) and produced a lot of the mathematical tools that elec engineers use now. 7 Reply 1 reply Brian Willing Brian Willing 1 year ago Very impressive, your short videos have me captivated then it's over. Furthermore what you teach sticks. Can't wait for the next video. Thank you sir. 2 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply Strange Logic Strange Logic 7 months ago Thanks so much, I've often wondered how we get the speed of light out of Maxwell's equations. 1 Reply Horror Habit Horror Habit 1 year ago I think that Niehls Bohr has a piece of the puzzle here as well, because he figured out why a single photon has the exact energy that it has. Reply yash godara yash godara 3 months ago Sir what a brilliant brilliant knowledge I got this from today. Now I can relate everything so well. We can make out one more thing from these equations which can change the future of mankind. And we can use that principle to discover something new in the future. 1 Reply Somasekara Sidiginamale Somasekara Sidiginamale 2 years ago Very good presentation of electromagnetism. Pretty handy for students while they are introduced to Electromagnetism. 1 Reply Ace Ace 2 years ago Thanks. I learned more in 13 minutes then in a semester of Fields and Waves when I was in college 25 years ago. 88 Reply Arvin Ash · 7 replies KJ R KJ R 1 year ago Maxwell one of my favourate mathematicians of all time! What a brilliant guy! Reply Pushpa Anamcara Pushpa Anamcara 2 years ago If only I was taught physics like Arvin does, oh my lost life! No matter then, I will savour the delightful insights of physics in my remaining late years. 9 Reply Pablo Dibildox Pablo Dibildox 2 years ago (edited) for anyone wondering, the upside down triangles are the divergence (for the dot products) and the curl (for the cross product) factors of the vectors in the vector field. Reply logiC logiC 1 year ago (edited) So much respect and thanks Arvin, this video finally got me understand why the light velocity does not depend on observer velocity, since it only depend on u0 and €0. This was indeed my ureka moment✌️🤩🥰 2 Reply Callum Mahakumara Callum Mahakumara 2 years ago Your chanel is soo underrated mate. Good work. Please don't stop sharing the knowledge. There are lot of people appreciate your work including myself 1 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply DKFX1 DKFX1 2 years ago Bravo, probably the best visual explanation of the electric and magnetic constant that exist on the web. There's a huge shortage of these kind of videos online and you're doing great. I propose that you make one of these visual explanations for each of the major physical constants. That would be awesome and teach very valuable knowledge to these curious people watching your videos. 69 Arvin Ash Reply Arvin Ash · 2 replies Old Possum Old Possum 1 year ago Having plenty of time in semi-retirement to get my head round things I have always wanted to understand, I have been plugging away at Relativity for the last few years. Being only a humble marine engineer, I didn't have Maxwell's equations explained to me at University and always struggled with field theory and the Del function, but now I understand where Einstein's starting point assumption came from and how. Excellent presentation! My only criticism is the background "music" but that seems to be inescapable these days. Reply Donald Clemens Donald Clemens 8 months ago I have been intrigued by Maxwell's equations. My speech in Math is severely delinquent. I am 74 now and do not expect to be competent in this field. Will continue to try to learn. 1 Reply SpringInFialta SpringInFialta 2 years ago One of the toughest courses in our undergrad EE curriculum was Electromagnetic Wave Theory which we just called 'Waves'. When walking into a midterm or final test you would often hear one or more students singing the following lines to the tune of 'The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald': Nobody know where the love of God goes When Waves turns the minutes to hours 3 Reply 2 replies Dr. Pierce's Physics & Math Dr. Pierce's Physics & Math 1 year ago Great, great job on this video. Excellent, insightful explanation. 1 Reply Warrior Defender Warrior Defender 2 years ago Very thankful for these intelligent men and their discoveries. 1 Reply Dan Avram Dan Avram 2 years ago What I remember after the high school Physics class: Maxwell was some guy who came up with 4 equations in physics (something something electricity & magnetism). What I will always remember after watching this: Maxwell came up with the insight that light is an electromagnetic wave. Cool stuff. He imagined a bouncing electric charge on a pole which creates a magnetic field, which creates more electric charges and more electric fields - an infinite loop of electricity and magnetism - i.e: a wave, a continuous super fast and seemingly never-ending wave - LIGHT. 6 Reply Dario Palomba Dario Palomba 2 years ago Mr. Ash, thank you for this remarkable video, which I had missed, best wishes for a happy new year full of health and knowledge! Happy new year to you all from Athens, Greece! 1 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply tom swift tom swift 1 year ago I took physics 45 years ago. This is the best explanation I've ever heard. 1 Reply amir aftab amir aftab 2 years ago The ease with which you explain difficult concepts is amazing. You do have a gift. 4 Reply Aarya Amale Aarya Amale 8 months ago Thank you I was always confused about maxwells equations. But now I have totally understood that. Reply edward lewis edward lewis 2 years ago I would encourage any student of physics to pay attention to Maxwell's Equations. I remember I was in my second year of university studying physics before I even really became AWARE of Maxwell's equations. It puzzled me that after studying physics why am I now finding out that somebody figured this out already? 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 1 Reply Aditya Mahat Aditya Mahat 2 years ago If only I had these videos explaining these concepts 20 years back, maybe I would've been a physicist today. I loved theorems and derivations. They gave me joy. Thank you for bringing that back to me. I am humbled by your explanation. Thank you to the power of C. 24 Reply riffmaj7 riffmaj7 1 year ago Thank you for your presentation. It's the best I've seen on the net pertaining to these equations and what they mean. Thanks again. 2 Arvin Ash Reply Dark Nematicz Dark Nematicz 1 year ago (edited) your videos are just awesome sir...keep goes all the way to the heart 2 Reply Sudipta Samanta Sudipta Samanta 2 years ago And I like the way it’s presented. It’s simple but effective. 2 Reply Rahul Gharat Rahul Gharat 1 year ago Legends never salute for sir maxwell 3 Reply Graham Bartlett Graham Bartlett 1 year ago Thank you. I have been wondering about the speed of light for a long time. It makes sense now. 2 Reply Proboscis Proboscis 2 years ago Some of us are gifted, you are clearly one of them Arvin. I never thought someone could make those concepts this easy to get! 27 Reply J Westney J Westney 10 months ago Wow I wish I coulda seen this explanation before I studied quantum physics! Woulda made my life a lot easier. 1 Reply Philip Michelon Philip Michelon 1 year ago Excellente vidéo ! La vitesse de la lumière découlant des équations de Maxwell. Bravo ! Reply Rui Albano Rui Albano 2 years ago Fantastic! The best explanation I have ever seen about the electromagnetism and the speed of light. Many thanks 1 Reply Benjamin Benjamin 1 year ago I studied this in physics and it was really interesting having your insight Reply Saurabh Mishra Saurabh Mishra 2 years ago Wow!! amazing,I have watched 6 videos of yours channel in last 2 days and your explanation is pretty amazing.Thank u for your effort.LOVE❤️ from 🇮🇳. 2 Reply Drew Andersen Drew Andersen 2 years ago Amazing. My favorite explanation so far from you. I have a hard time with math, but thoughtful explanations get me all positively charged ;) 6 Reply toonedin toonedin 1 year ago So finally I understand the why behind the speed of light! Thank You , Arvin! 1 Reply Scot F Scot F 1 year ago There is a statue to Maxwell in Edinburgh where he was born , most people just pass by without realising what an important contribution Maxwell made to our understanding of how the universe works. 1 Reply Aviii Aviii 2 years ago Your explanations are so understandable for a guy like me with no physics background. 1 Reply Saumil Gaur Saumil Gaur 2 years ago I am a doctor and I just love physics..!! And this video answered my two basic questions - why the speed of light is constant in space time fabric and why EM waves move and are not stationary when there is no energy to propagate them..!! It is midnight right now and I am sleepless due to excitement of knowing these concepts ..!! 😍😍Thanks for brilliant video...🙏 4 Reply 1 reply NewDawnFades NewDawnFades 2 years ago I finally understand why speed of light is a constant. Thank you for this amazing video 1 Reply 1 reply Ankur Javeri Ankur Javeri 2 years ago Arvin Ash does it again with the best explanation of Maxwell's laws. Keep this up man 5 Reply Terry Miller Terry Miller 1 year ago One thing that is fascinating is how the questions that these scientists asked were fairly normal questions that others have thought about before, but that they had the intellect coupled with dogged determination to answer them. Reply Chriswhitt 66 Chriswhitt 66 2 years ago That was absolute fantastic. Thank you. I'm going straight to the History Guy channel now.👌 2 Reply Sam O Neill Sam O Neill 2 years ago Thank you! I understand, which is more incredible than Maxwell's thought experiment. 1 Reply Richard Commins Richard Commins 10 months ago I was an electronic engineer in research and development for 35 years. I developed extremely sensitive detectors for gas chromatographs. The last 5 years of my career I was designing a Liquid Quadrupole Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer. I never used Maxwell's equations through out my whole career. The equations that I did use were E=I*R, ohms law, P=I*E, watts law, Q=C*V, charge of a capacitor is the capacitance times the voltage on a capacitor, Q=I*T, charge of a capacitor is the current times the time of a capacitor and I*T=C*V. This leads to V= 1/C int(i dt), the voltage of on a capacitor is equal to 1/C times the integral of the current over time and I=C * dv/dt, the current out of a capacitor is equal to the change in voltage with respect to time. Yes, there are other common formulas like XC= 1/(2*pi*F*C) and XL=2*pi*F*L, to measure the capacitance and inductance reactance with frequency. We can't forget about T=RC, time constant of an capacitance-resistance circuit and T=L/R, time constant of an inductance-resistance circuit. Yes, I learned about Kirchhoff's law, Thevenin and Norton theorems too. 2 Reply 1 reply JR W JR W 5 months ago As all stand on the shoulders of their predecessor giants (eg Maxwell on the shoulders of Faraday), I seem to recall that c can also be described as the proportionality constant between the strength of the electric and magnetic fields. Am I recalling this correctly? If so, there then must be a relationship between this and the permittivity/permissivity relationship. I'd sure like to know more about this! Reply CalikL CalikL 2 years ago No one explained this to me in such an easy way like this guy, this channel is amazing 3 Reply Richard Sleep Richard Sleep 1 year ago This is really deep stuff which I still struggle to understand but great explanation, thanks. 1 Reply Tourang Birangi Tourang Birangi 1 year ago How beautifully explained. Kudos! 1 Reply Big Beard Big Beard 2 years ago Someone once shouted "Eureka!" it is said. That's exactly how I felt when you got to the speed of light and Maxwell's realisation. Then you mentioned Einstein and the unvarying speed of light in a vacuum and relativity suddenly made a bit more sense. Just a bit... ;-) Thanks! 2 Reply Satya Shobhan Das Satya Shobhan Das 2 years ago Dear Sir, I am from India. Your presentation on the subject is very lucid and helpful. So thank you very much. But I have a question from my college days (1963-66) which nobody could answer satisfactorily. The question is based on Prof Rowland"s experiment. Here I present it: If I put a charged body (fixed) on an insulated turntable, and (also fixed) with a highly sensitive magnetic sensor/magnetometer and a video camera with a transmitter to instantaneously transmit the output of the sensor and then set the system on rotation. I think: 1) I shall register a magnetic field in the space surrounding the lump of charge on my handheld magnetometer as there will be a time-varying change of flux w.r.t. my device (as Prof.Rowland observed), in my frame of reference (standing on the ground), but 2) Will the output of the transmitter show the presence of a magnetic field around that charged body on the rotating turntable as there is no time-varying change of flux between them, (they are motionless w.r.t. each other)? I hope NOT! If so, then, how can the concerned volume of space experience simultaneously “a presence and NO presence” of any magnetic activity? What exactly will be happening in that volume of space around the charged lump and how can it be possible/explained? If magnetism is a physical phenomenon, how can it be so different to different observers, in real-time and space? Hope to get a kind reply. Thank you. With my best regards, I remain. Sincerely, Satya Shobhan Das Reply Dr. med. H. Müller Dr. med. H. Müller 2 months ago This video is art in itself. Perfect. 1 Reply Charlie Barfield Charlie Barfield 2 years ago I've never heard this explained before...absolutely fascinating. Thank you 6 Reply sidlinger sidlinger 1 year ago So well done! Thank you! 1 Reply Tareq Naushad Tareq Naushad 1 year ago I admit to say that this video finally helped me to fully understand the 4 maxwell's equation with confidence. Thanks 1 Reply Carnac The Magnificent Carnac The Magnificent 1 year ago My two scientific heroes are Benjamin Franklin and James Clerk Maxwell, for different reasons. I appreciate Franklin as one of the last renaissance men, a genius as a statesman, businessman, author and scientist. I appreciate Maxwell on the other hand because he opened my eyes and changed my life in a way. As a student of electrical engineering I remember the required exercise of sitting and deriving Maxwell's equations from the basic laws and for the first time I really felt that I was on the doorstep of truly understanding something absolutely fundamental about the universe. And I wanted more. That epiphany changed me from my plan of focusing on microelectronics to focus on electromagnetics and signals and changed the path of my life. Reply James Maybury James Maybury 1 year ago If you look up the permeability and permativity of other materials like glass or diamond you can do the same calculation as Maxwell did of free space and you can check your answer against the speed of light in a vacuum and the refractive index of that material. However when I did this it doesn’t come up with the same answer. Can anyone explain why? I checked the vacuum speed of light equation and that works fine. 1 Reply Stephen Rothman Stephen Rothman 2 years ago That is the simplest, and the best, explanation of this that I have ever seen. And I have watched MIT Prof. Walter Lewin’s full course on the topic twice ((that’s not a knock on Prof. Lewin, who is awesome. Now I just have to go back and watch some multi-variable calculus better to remember what divergence is. 1 Arvin Ash Reply Rahul Shaw Rahul Shaw 2 years ago I struggled in my college days understanding this, and in few minutes you just explained it that would take whole semester 9 Arvin Ash Reply Fred Bach Fred Bach 1 year ago Fabulous video, my friend. Makes people want a little more because you provide the educational scaffolding that they can easily climb, as it were. Nice job. 1 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply Naveen Anan Naveen Anan 1 year ago Hi Avinash, As usual, a very fabulous explantion!!!. Just wanted to know at what speed or frequency is that electric rod operated up and down. Is this indendent of speed - that is the induced emr would travel @ speed of light or do we have any definite speed of operation? Reply mikeall mikeall 2 years ago Can't have a synchronous generator without these guys. When I'm at work it still amazes me when I stand next to a generator that is producing 1,400,000,000 watts and is no longer than a school bus. 1 Reply Ad Ru Ad Ru 1 year ago The clearest explanation I have heard so far for this perplexing question. Thanks Arvin, you solved me a problem. Now... can you explain in a bit more detail those weird constants (of permeability and permittivity)? 3 Reply 3 replies Simon Marley Simon Marley 2 years ago You have summed up a semester of physics in thirteen minutes. Amazing! 14 Reply 1 reply aucourant aucourant 2 years ago (edited) That was one of the most interesting talks I've ever listened too. I now understand something I have never understood before but always wondered about. 16 Reply Mike C Mike C 1 year ago Light is a electo-magnetic wave. Heard it a thousand times never understood it. Now I DO. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! 1 Reply Mike Humphrey Mike Humphrey 1 year ago Thank you for this clear, concise explanation! Question: might these 2 "constants" vary, as a function of location in or outside a galaxy, or in inter-stellar space? Hasn't the Voyager spacecraft sensed some surprises, after it exited our solar system? Though its instruments have suffered some degradation. Might mu naught & epsilon naught vary: e.g., close to an intense radiation source like our sun, in contrast with say, halfway from our sun to epsilon eridani? Maxwell & Einstein didn't have the luxury of the data from planetary explorations & our "eyes" on the Cosmos we have today.... ?? 6 Reply 3 replies The Latvian Laser The Latvian Laser 2 years ago Omg you just blew my mind! So the only limiting factor for the speed of light (or any other propagating EM wave) is the speed in which the E and H fields *interact*/induce one-another, which is determined by permittivity and permeability of the medium. Very interesting! 4 Reply 1 reply MasterHustler MasterHustler 1 year ago James Clerk Maxwell, the third greatest physicist behind only Newton and Einstein. Thank you for your profound influence and knowledge. 1 Reply Richard Ventus Richard Ventus 2 years ago (edited) Alvin - brilliant - thanks again. I still wonder why c is regarded as one of the most fundamental constants in physics when it is derived from two other unexplained constants of nature: permeability and permittivity. This shows once again that physics is about creating mathematical laws to model reality rather than to actually explain reality itself. 5 Reply 1 reply FISHERMAN FRANK FISHERMAN FRANK 2 years ago A truly wonderful amazingly simple explanation of essential factors we should all be aware of. 3 Reply Jc Np Jc Np 1 year ago You ease me with the maxwell equation and particulary with the meaning of the two constants. The example of a guy swimming in the water is so great, thank you Arvin 3 Reply 1 reply David Coorey David Coorey 9 months ago Brilliant video, Arvin! Really enjoyable :). 1 Reply Richard Vasquez Richard Vasquez 2 years ago (edited) I have this small book (120 pages) that goes through the math of Maxwell's Equations. It took s lot of effort, but it was worth it. The book recommends another one called Div Grad Curl and All That Stuff. I won't lie, you need to know calculus to appreciate it best. 1 Reply William Frederick Laurance William Frederick Laurance 10 months ago Great video and clearer than others on similar topics. But I think "Gauss" should be pronounced 'Gowce'. I've been a scientist for 40 years and never heard it pronounced otherwise. Gauss made contributions to many fields, including my own (environmental science). 1 Reply Yovu trois Yovu trois 1 year ago Wow! Great explanation. Would love to know more. Reply Phenomenal Physics Phenomenal Physics 2 years ago (edited) I needed this Edit: I am finally satisfied and I cannot thank you enough, Professor you are doing a great job Now we have a better understanding of reality ty💞 35 Reply Michael Mounts Michael Mounts 1 year ago great video!! but keep in mind that what we call “Maxwells equations” are really the work product of Heavyside—-the original maxwell equations were quite different…in unusual ways😉 5 Reply 1 reply Amith Thomas Amith Thomas 2 years ago Thank you for this video it is soooo well done :) 1 Reply Jürgen Anklam Jürgen Anklam 1 year ago Wow! This is the kind of explanation I was looking for quite some time. And still I wonder what is it in the vacuum that poses a resistance to building the electric and magnetic fields! Mysterious constants of nature! 1 Reply Ashok Akshith Ashok Akshith 11 months ago (edited) Brilliantly explained, awesome 👏 So the speed of light is really the property of vacuum. That’s an eye opener ! 1 Reply Arthur George Arthur George 1 year ago Great video. I would appreciate answers to 2 questions not addressed there: First, what started the magnet and the electric charge in motion to begin with , and which was first (chicken and egg problem?). Second, why do the waves start small, expand, and then contract? Reply Andy Andy 2 years ago I remember a lesson from high school where my teacher described a visualization of electron flow in a wire as like a pipe full of ping pong balls to represent the electrons in a wire. When you push another ping ball in (applied voltage), a ping pong ball pops out immediately. The individual balls don't need to travel the full length of the pipe before they flow out the other end. The flow happens instantaneously even if the speed of the individual ball travel is slow. This is the speed of causality. 10 Reply 5 replies red serpent red serpent 1 year ago Amazing video. The best scientific video I have seen in a long time. Thank you. 1 Reply GeoDen GeoDen 1 year ago (edited) Glad to see you gave my countryman (Maxwell) a well deserved boost! At school his classmates called him 'Dafty', in Scottish parlance the word 'daft' applies to persons of low intellect! They simply couldn't understand the high intellect genius of Maxwell. In university he blossomed. 1 Reply Arvin Ash · 2 replies Maximillion Maximillion 1 year ago Such a good story teller!! Thank you for this!! 💓 1 Reply Otie Brown Otie Brown 1 year ago (edited) This is an excellent history! Oliver Heavyside, wrote the (concept) equations. The idea was of course, Maxwell's. 1 Reply Pop RA Pop RA 1 year ago How about the particles that exceeds this light speed? Recently they discovered some sub particles that do that, and I'm not referring to tachions cause they aren't demonstrated yet as individual particles but there are others as I saw in a documentary last year... Reply kitesurf4life kitesurf4life 2 years ago That's the second time I come across your videos and once again an exceptionally good explanation and remarkable work. I like very much the deep understanding of physics, beyond the equations. I even wonder why i didn't subscribe the first time, it's done now :) One historical point I'd like to add, though it was not the point here: originally, Maxwell did not write the system of 4 equations attributed to him, actually he has never seen this beautiful system. He initially came up with much more complex system of 20 equations involving quaternions. This system was later shown to be simplifiable and writable this way but Maxwell had died by then. Needless to say that he was the original brilliant mind behind this theory and he did the hard part of the work, but that's how it happened. He must have been pretty damn good at math to sort out the speed of the wave from a 20 equations system with quaternions! Definitely one of the greatest scientist who didn't have the fame he deserved! 6 Reply 1 reply Pedro Luis Fernández Pedro Luis Fernández 1 year ago What a great explanation. Thanks for the video 🙏 Reply Ramesh BN Ramesh BN 11 months ago (edited) Very good video. Had my physics teacher explained this well, i would have got 3 noble prizes by this time. 1 Reply hunny1400 hunny1400 2 years ago As brilliant and intricate the theories gets...simpler should be the presentation for wide reach Reply James Ruscheinski James Ruscheinski 2 years ago (edited) Are there further implications for the speed of light being about the ratio of the planck length to the planck time? Are the planck time and planck length related to the electromagnetic field? Does the speed of light translate from planck time to planck length (from wave to particle)? Reply Andrew Lohmann Andrew Lohmann 2 years ago (edited) As an Electronics engineer we were taught Norton, Thevenin, Wheatstone but never really got much on Maxwell other than Maxwell's circulating currents mentioned but resolving them using simultaneous equations using Super Position. Learnt decades later that Super position is Quantum which is not the magic people would have you believe. 5 Reply 1 reply X X 2 years ago This is such a great explanation. I can't thank you enough. 13 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply Peter Wan Peter Wan 1 year ago Hi Arvin: It would be great if you can show that the speed of light is a constant if the observer is on a moving inertial frame without acceleration relative to the source of light. I know uo and eo are constant. I can see that mathematically. But it should be a small step from non moving frame of reference to a moving inertial frame of reference. But somehow I could not see the link. The math is telling me the speed of light is constant, but my stupid brain cannot see that physically. Reply Rob Rob 1 year ago Wow, really insightful. Thank you. 2 Reply andrew cobb andrew cobb 1 year ago Perfectly cadenced thought bite video. I now get it. Thanks. old UK amateur duffer here, loving it :) 1 Reply Mandakini Kale Mandakini Kale 10 days ago Thanks Arvin, Superb job explaining it! 1 Reply Kinga Gorski Kinga Gorski 1 year ago (edited) As active as my mind is, I can't even begin to imagine the mental, deeply contemplative, puzzling journey of coming up with a new "law". Incredible. Reply The Ultimate Reductionist The Ultimate Reductionist 2 years ago (edited) Thousands of physics videos on YouTube. I HAVE NEVER HEARD THESE SPECIFIC EXPLANATIONS IN ANY OTHER VIDEOS ANYWHERE ELSE ON YOUTUBE OR THE INTERNET!! This is AMAZING! I thought (wrongly) that I had "heard it all a billion times before" about physics. Not so. Thank you!! 3 Arvin Ash Reply AdmaneB AdmaneB 2 years ago that was the clearest explanation yet.... awesome! thanks! 1 Reply Carpad An i Carpad An i 1 year ago First time in my whole life I understood something relating magnetism charge and velocity of electromagnetic waves Thank you so much 1 Reply JMc JMc 1 year ago Thank you!!!!! I’ve been asking this same question all my life. 1 Reply bill33040 bill33040 2 years ago Gives an understanding of how lightspeed could vary around the multiverse. Reply paul dow paul dow 1 year ago Very well presented. The moment of discoveries awareness . Secret is to be prepared for when you think it. Reply Patrick Ellis Patrick Ellis 2 years ago Finally someone clearly explains why the speed of light is what it is, I suspect many things will now fall into place for me. Thank you 😊 3 Reply 3 replies Luke Ritter Luke Ritter 1 year ago (edited) I for one would love to see why a photon, from its reference point, doesn’t experience the passage of time or space for that matter. Keep up the awesome work!!! Reply 1 reply MaxDJs Workshop MaxDJs Workshop 7 months ago Brilliant work perfectly presented! Reply DAn Press DAn Press 1 year ago As an engineer and math enthusiast the prophetic nature of math is fascinating for me, the rules of the universe are written mathematically, then shown, sometimes centuries later. Reply kabushaha kabushaha 1 year ago Thanks a lot for this deep explanation of the great Maxwell equations. However, could you please explain how did they measure the permeability and permittivity of free space that time? 1 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply M Caelen M Caelen 1 year ago In fact, the second term added by Maxwell in Ampère equation was not only to satisfy symmetry between the electromagnetic fields, but also and mainly to ensure the conservation of charge (that can be derived from the Maxwell-Ampère equation) 1 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply Bright Sunshine Bright Sunshine 2 years ago From this video, I could understand how great these mathematicians were. It was beyond my imagination. Thanks. 4 Reply Kusum Kanta Saxena Kusum Kanta Saxena 1 year ago Made simple and understandable a complex subject.nice explanation and graphic illustrations.thanks. 1 Reply Tim Hansen Tim Hansen 1 year ago Would really love to experience the feeling of being the first human on earth and in history to understand and prove something about nature and reality that nobody else has understood before. 1 Reply M K M K 10 months ago Thanks for an amazing explanation! 1 Reply Helmut Alexander Rubio Wilson Helmut Alexander Rubio Wilson 1 year ago Maxwell is trully underrated.. his equations are beautifull all aour modern technology are based on them. It was dificult to understand by his time that is just the human eye that make the light look diferent from other electromagnetic waves. Reply George Spanoudis George Spanoudis 1 year ago Thanks. Very enlightening. Simple as ABC. 1 Reply bluebird bluebird 2 years ago This is the first time i've heard it explained this way or i'm finally starting to get it. Brilliant explanation. 6 Reply 1 reply Don Hutch Don Hutch 10 months ago Beyond intriguing, enlightening and refreshing...bravo 1 Reply ejud2001 ejud2001 1 year ago Beautiful!!! And very well explained! Thank you. :) :) :) 1 Reply David Turner David Turner 8 months ago (edited) Electromagnetic wave and the right hand rule of rotation along a linear path of polarized balls of fire. I love it. 📐🕐🔥 Reply Amen BaNur Amen BaNur 1 year ago Obviously the substance of all that exist is a wave… Reality is but a wave that waves on a waving waves of a wave waving on a wave…... Thank you for this explicit presentation 🙏 Reply Macbook Pro Macbook Pro 3 months ago Simply amazing videos... bravo Arvin Ash. 1 Reply Marvelous 13 Marvelous 13 2 years ago (edited) This 13 minute video taught me more than I tried to learn in a whole semester. 13 Reply 1 reply qelmnl qelmnl 11 months ago Best video ever on electromagnetism! Thank you 1 Reply Alex McNamara Alex McNamara 2 years ago incredible help, thank you delivered so well brilliant animations 1 Reply Vishnu S Vishnu S 1 year ago In the last part of video it s been stated that permeability can be thought of to be the resistance to the creation of magnetic fields. But as far the definition of permeability it is the ability of a material to get magnetized and hence the material with higher permeability is able to orient more magnetic dipoles in align with external field and they will create more magnetic field. Reply NEKNIM NEKNIM 1 year ago So if the speed of light is defined by the permittivity and permeability of electric and magnetic field constants, it seems that if those constants were to change the speed of light would change too (as you mentioned). Are there any theories that question the uniformity of these constants throughout our universe? What about other forms of energy that not restricted by these constants? Could this theorize dark energy or quantum entanglement? Reply MrElapid MrElapid 1 year ago Wonderfully done! 1 Reply ZimZam131 ZimZam131 2 years ago I watch a lot of content on YouTube and it is extremely rare that I will give a thumbs up to a video. But this video got one without hesitation. I applaud this explanation. Just wow! 4 Arvin Ash Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply Nadir GG Nadir GG 1 year ago Amazing content. Thank you! 1 Reply PHENOMENON PHENOMENON 1 year ago It is great that the relationship between light photons and magnetic flux is being recognised more. This phenomenon is taken one stage further in Neil Fulcher's book 'phenomenon' (Amazon) where consciousness can travel inside light when photo illuminesence occurs. The theories are put into practice by Fulcher and an out of body experience is initiated where the bodies soul can travel inside light 🌈🎱 2 Reply Юлиян Димитров Юлиян Димитров 2 years ago Thank you, absolutely amazing explanation 🤺 2 Reply Lidor Shimoni Lidor Shimoni 1 year ago I has been reading William Gilbert’s book, “de magnet”, and it’s seems like he understood a lot about magnetism and electricity back in 1600 Reply George Revell George Revell 8 months ago You videos are so awesome, this takes me back to university fascinating stuff. Exactly how this theory malginates with the reality that light is also photons ive always found baffling though cause light is restricited and definted by both quantum laws and also classic ones as we see here! 1 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply Tom Poleski Tom Poleski 2 years ago Maxwell, one of the greatest geniuses in history 6 Reply John Ward John Ward 1 year ago Wonderful presentation. I feel nearer to understanding light that I was 20 minutes ago. But one thing still puzzles me. In a water wave energy is translated from potential to kinetic. When one is zero the other is at a maximum, so the wave keeps propagating. With light both electric and magnetic vectors are zero at the same point. How does the wave get past this point? What am I missing? In an LC oscillating circuit, as in a radio transmitter, voltage is maximum when current is minimum, and vice-versa, like the water wave; but why in the propagated wave are electric and magnetic vectors in phase? PS if you do answer this, I have virtually no mathematics! Reply Dark Horse Dark Horse 1 year ago just amazing ..keep doing the great work sir 👍 Reply Abdelhak Khalil Abdelhak Khalil 1 year ago It is also worth remembering that Maxwell came up with 20 equations and not 4, though we call them Maxwell's equations. Reply Hah Hah 1 year ago Holy moly, when you showed me that image about light, I knew I would be thanking you for the rest of my life. 1 Reply Andras Kovacs Andras Kovacs 1 year ago Most outstanding show; thank you. 1 Reply Sameer Pawar Sameer Pawar 2 years ago Thanks alot Sir 🙏 I request you to please make a video on Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle.I've found it very hard to get my head around that concept.Lots of love and respect from India.Take Care. 5 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply qed qubit qed qubit 1 year ago i wish i'd seen this video waaay back in school ... i sure hope my nephews get to see it ! 2 Reply chip potter chip potter 1 year ago Thank you Arvin. Your teachings are exceptional. Always a pleasure to be in your classroom! 😊 2 Reply lxrose lxrose 2 years ago Great video. I have one problem. The electric and magnetic field vector goes hand in hand reaching maximum and minimum in the same time in this video. Is that correct? If the magnetic field is on top, its change is 0 so the electric field it creates should also be zero. It's the same with electric field. Am I wrong? 1 Reply Lior Lior 1 year ago I think Michelson & Morley's experiment should be mentioned too, in the context of how Einstein reached the ideas behind Special Relativity. Reply Kashif Kashif 2 months ago Bravo !! What an amazing explanation 1 Reply BertTheAce BertTheAce 2 years ago This is the BEST explanation of the speed of light I have ever heard and seen, THANK YOU Arvin Ash :-) 5 Reply Jamal Khalaf Jamal Khalaf 1 year ago Could you please explain why do electric and magmatic field are always perpendicular? Reply ssrbaqri ssrbaqri 1 year ago Great video, sir! Keep rolling these pearls! 1 Reply M R T M R T 2 years ago (edited) Is speed of light contingent on plank length? If plank length is compressed to expanded over parsecs, does that change our distance calculations? Reply Paul G Paul G 1 year ago Arvin really hit this one out of the park !!! 1 Reply Craig Fowler Craig Fowler 9 months ago The most underrated physicist in history 1 Reply Edward Grabczewski Edward Grabczewski 2 years ago Fascinating explanation, given in a wonderfully intuitive way. Thanks. I've been looking at these equations for a long time as an engineer without really appreciating the significance of the achievement until now. 9 Arvin Ash Reply Arvin Ash · 3 replies RF1204 RF1204 2 months ago The speed limit 3x10^8=ds/dt also limits ds and dt by themselves. The integration of that space-time points gives space magnitude always 3x10^8 bigger than time magnitude, at Plank as at universe sizes. But really they are not comparable as one is meters dimension and other seconds dimension. Reply Mark Anthony Mark Anthony 1 year ago I remember deriving this equation when I was in 11th grade, and I had absolutely no idea what I derived. Reply Vitaly Golubenko Vitaly Golubenko 2 years ago Great video, thanks! I just cannot get one thing: Wikipedia says that e0 value is defined as 1/(m0*c^2), what means that it uses experimentally measured speed of light. How we can then say that speed of light comes from it if we used "c" in its definition? Or was e0 value received by some other way? Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply andrew cobb andrew cobb 2 years ago Can you imagine that light bulb moment when Maxwell realised - in his head - light was electromagnetic in nature. I wonder what he was doing at the time? :) 1 Reply 1 reply Rajan S Rajan S 2 years ago This is a brilliant piece. I’m Masters in Physics, wish someone taught me the same way. Remembering First Principles concept propounded by Feynman and practiced by Elon Musk. Get to the fundamentals, get to granular level. 2 Reply John Brandolini John Brandolini 2 years ago (edited) I took 2 semesters of emag and you explained it better in 3 minutes than my prof did in 16 weeks. 4 Arvin Ash Reply rdelrosso2001 rdelrosso2001 8 months ago I have known the speed of light (299,792 KmPS or 186,326 MPS), for about 50 years, since studied HS Physics, in 1971. But I NEVER understood WHY 299,792 KmPS and NOT 300,792 KmPS and NOT 187,326 MPS, that is --- UNTILL NOW! Thank you for condensing a complex question in 13 minutes! 1 Reply Rhett A Rhett A 10 months ago Those should arguably be the "Maxwell-Heaviside" equations. Heaviside reworked the 16 equations Maxwell had into the four equations we have today. 1 Reply 1 reply AnyRandomChristian AnyRandomChristian 7 months ago First time in my life I understand why a wave moves. Love this video for that. Still feel that speed of light is arbitrary, this video just translates that into the permeability of space factor or whatever 1 Reply 1 reply Richard Carew Richard Carew 2 years ago A Einstein is quoted as saying that if you can't describe it simply you don't understand it well enough 😉.... as I am listening and you move into the math you are bringing a great big smile to my's a pleasure, sir... ;;☆》... be right back, I want to listen to the rest... then we can talk about... chicken and egg 1 Reply MR GRAHAM MR GRAHAM 1 year ago Takes me back to my technology college days. Another man before his time. Reply plan pitz plan pitz 2 years ago (edited) Every time Arvin Ash says"The explanation is coming up right now " I think: no way he can explain that in less than 10 min, not this time!Then magically it always ends with a mind orgasm. It is palpable how James Clerk Maxwell might have felt when realizing that the calculated speed matches the speed of light.Mind boggling is though how we still are struggling with wars,hunger and racism although humanity already was gifted with geniuses like Maxwell 170 years ago. 250 Arvin Ash Reply 21 replies Pittifull Humans Pittifull Humans 1 year ago (edited) I always figured it was impossible to go faster than the speed of light because if you did you would actually be reversing time, and time cannot go backwards. The speed of light can stop time, but any faster would reverse it and that’s impossible Reply Les Pièces du Puzzle Les Pièces du Puzzle 1 year ago Great Explanation! Now I know what to do to when I want to travel faster than light: Use at least a 5th dimension. Because Light is WAAAY too slow...! 1 Reply Steph M Steph M 2 years ago (edited) 11:00 Hippolyte Fizeau measured experimentally the speed of light in 1849 Maxwell published his equations in 1865. 20 initially before simplifying them to only 4 equations. Anyway, the speed of light was experimentally well established at that time. Reply davehero1 davehero1 1 year ago Brilliantly explained. 1 Reply Jean Corriveau Jean Corriveau 1 year ago This video allows me a basic understanding. Quantum fields are at the source of electromagnetism. I've got something to ponder now. Fascinating! 1 Reply jose carlos jose carlos 1 year ago That was an excellent explanation. 1 Reply Jerry Martyniuk Jerry Martyniuk 1 year ago Heavyside should also be mentioned (Maxwell solutions were in quaternions) Reply nicholas kearney nicholas kearney 9 months ago Great introduction, wowderful you. Mathematics,and you're explanation, in introduction, about ' the ultimate speed ', of 'the universe ', sublime. Aroha from NZ 1 Reply vijay sahani vijay sahani 1 year ago I got understandable explanation of permittivity & permeability of free space after 30 years of graduating in physics🙏 But now the real question is how the value of permittivity & permeability arrived? 2 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply James Manning James Manning 2 years ago James Clerk Maxwell is the most underappreciated name in history, if you ask me he should be as famous if not more famous than Einstein. Einstein literally opens his 1905 paper "On the electrodynamics of moving bodies" with "It is known that Maxwell's electrodynamics-" Reply Debojit Borpujari Debojit Borpujari 2 years ago Hi Arvin I was searching for an explanation about space time fabric itself. What it is made of? Is it pure energy or it is something which we still know nothing about? Please make a detailed video on this topic. 16 Reply Arvin Ash · 4 replies Michael Gordon Michael Gordon 1 year ago Maxwell's results predict part of Special Relativity, although I don't know if anyone realised it at the time. One solution of his equations is a wave with velocity c, but nowhere in those equations does it say what that velocity is relative to. Reply James Donaghy James Donaghy 1 year ago (edited) I'm so glad to see Anish at last give Maxwell his due. The only criticism i have is the notion of of permeability being about resistance to field creation, because, ofcourse, the field is always there, and what is actually meant is resistance to magnetic and electrical force creation, not field creation. It seems pedantic even to me, but it should be seen that the fields are there even if charge or B = 0v or 0N. Also, Maxwell reslised light was an EM wave in 1851,.not the 1860s, unless I'm mistaken. Reply Jelmer Dijken Jelmer Dijken 2 years ago Very interesting. I feel like every person on earth should know about these (99% real) concepts. 1 Reply 2 replies Daytrading NL Daytrading NL 1 year ago I saw another video. It explained that the speed of light is what it is because of the maximum physical limitation of speed. If this would be higher, the speed of light would probably also be higher. So I ask myself, other massless particles could also hit that same limitation. It doesn’t mean they are the same. So wasn’t this discovery coincidence? Reply Patinho Patinho 2 years ago I watched a vid which says we assume c is the same in both directions. Does this mean the permeability and permitivity constants were also measured using the same assumption? Reply Peter D Morrison Peter D Morrison 2 years ago The best explanation of, well almost anything, that I've ever heard. 13 Reply Anssi Mirka Anssi Mirka 9 months ago Wilhelm Weber seems to have connected the speed of light to the electromagnetic units in 1856 (some five years before maxwell) . He and Rudolf Kohlrausch also were the first to use letter c for speed of light. See Reply Matko Smat Matko Smat 1 year ago Great content, thanks! The background noise is distracting, though. Your voice and your topics are captivating enough. Reply MEDTEQ Support Videos MEDTEQ Support Videos 2 years ago Great video, just wondering if the animations on the EM wave are correct? The peak of the magnetic component should occur when the rate of change of the electrical component is greatest, which is when the electrical component is zero. In other words the E and M components should be 90° out of phase 2 Reply 1 reply Michael Stuart Michael Stuart 1 year ago thanks. cool. I want to learn more. What is the upside down triangle--- what's it called? and what does it mean? Is the p really the lower case Greek letter rho? What does divergence of electric field mean? etc Would you ever make a new video with simple examples of how you plug numbers into the equations to solve them? Reply 2 replies angel chiriboga angel chiriboga 2 years ago i always see this - I love being able to conceptualize the world. Reply Hong Kong Phooey Hong Kong Phooey 2 years ago (edited) It is unbelievable the great Scientists, Engineers and Inventors that have come out of that small country Scotland. Mindblowing. 5 Reply Mohammad Asif Mohammad Asif 1 year ago So good and excellent explanation. 1 Reply Anuj Kumar Anuj Kumar 1 year ago (edited) Great explanation for permittivity and permeability. And if we can understand these terms then relativity is much easier! But now question arises to my mind, how can we calculate that property of space that affects speed of electric and magnetic field.? I mean it seems like a simple constant in an equation just as G constant in newtonian gravity equation. If this works there then it should work there too(am I wrong again). BUT the MOST Major of my all questions comes now. Hw did scientists actually found that electric has finite speed(means it is travelling out of charge)? And also how did they found its velocity then after confirming that it has finite velocity? Make a video on that 🥰please. 1 Reply garyrich2000 garyrich2000 2 years ago Wouldn’t the Planck length (1.6 x 10 ^-35 m) be a monopole or is the unit of length a measure of complimentary spins? Reply Kevin Auguste Kevin Auguste 1 year ago Dude. Thank God for people like him. 1 Reply BUTCH NEWS BUTCH NEWS 2 years ago Nice lecture. My thoughts... Because ALL of our perceived reality is controlled by how quickly our brain can process reality, we have to do it one electron at a time. i.e. All nerve signals are electronic and can move only as fast as each electron will allow. So... the diameter of the electron becomes a big deal because no wave of any kind will occur until the electron moves. So, you have to displace space with enough energy to move an electron for a brain to recognize anything, at all. The voltage will determine how fast an electron moves vs the resistance... how to push an electron through its own volume, in space. The point is, there is no wave until an electron moves. One ampere per second will be the number of electrons in a string about 300,000 kilometres long. The resistance of an electron to motion, in space, will be the same as the resistance of space, itself. Things that are equal to the same thing are equal to each other. Reply Okan Byilmaz Okan Byilmaz 2 years ago These constants are like the configuration of the universe, tempting me to learn more about cosmology. 8 Reply James Donaghy James Donaghy 1 year ago Good to see you begin to properly appreciate James Clerk Maxwell, after all. You should give Maxwell more credit for his originality though, for example, he invented the word field in terms of quanta influences. Maxwell is the most underrated intellectual power of all time. He may not have appreciated the full potential of his work for industry and commerce in future decades, but his ambition to unravel the mysteries of nature where more than equal to his achievements. He always knew he was bound to find the most profound keys to nature. His achievement are as broad in science are they are underappreciated. You should make a vid on his achievements that lead him to stand before the Royal society as a child. Twice. How he solved Newton's 200 year old challenge to untangle the colours of daylight. 1 Reply Lee Shallis Lee Shallis 1 year ago (edited) I just thought, what if gravity is like code and mass is like a thread or app? Wouldn't that mean all the inner workings of anything can be gleaned from it's gravity? It would even explain gravity itself as a sort of loop of instructions that is being processed by it's mass. *Edit:* for the more progmatically minded you could think of space as being the instruct byte 00, gravity as the instruction bytes 01 XX YY ZZ and maybe WW where it's just telling what to add to a quark or something's velocity and those instruction bytes are ever changing based on where the thread/app (mass) is kept, you could think of mass like lua or javascript, language that is interpreted on the fly and they can effect velocity too resulting in the gradual slow down of velocity in one direction, which in turn produces the apparent speed limit of falling objects, just that the slow down is not big enough or long enough to protect large objects from damage on impact with something big enough to do notable damage Reply Anjana Imesh Anjana Imesh 1 year ago Wow😲 greatest electromagnetic wave explanation on youtube 2 Reply usmile usmile 2 years ago I'd love to imagine his reaction when he figured it out 7 Reply chris4072511 chris4072511 2 years ago The surprising thing about the electromagnetic wave solution to Maxwell's equations was not just that the velocity matched the speed of light, it was that it had a constant value at all. There was no preferred reference frame for the velocity because there was no preferred reference frame for measuring uo and Eo. If Maxwell had really trusted the equations he could have predicted Special Relativity way before Einstein. Although as it was, he had a hard enough time (not) getting it accepted that light was electromagnetic, and there was no experimental data to counteract the prevailing idea of an aether as a medium. 2 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply Dino Papas Dino Papas 2 years ago Oy, wish my EE/Physics professors could have simplified the overarching concepts to begin with as you have done...bravo! 8 Reply DenkyMan DenkyMan 2 years ago I'm watching this twice in a row. I think I understand for the first time! 2 Reply Paul Kocourek Paul Kocourek 10 months ago (edited) Since the speed of light LIMIT is based on the permittivity of space, It seems to me that the age old idea of going FTL would be possible if you could alter the permittivity of space, at least in the limited region occupied by a starship. 1 Reply 1 reply Karthik Agnesh Karthik Agnesh 2 years ago Can you explain why the velocity of light is much higher than the velocity(speed) of electricity (movement of electon in copper wires for example) Reply THOUGHT PoLEASE! THOUGHT PoLEASE! 1 year ago Never understood the term "electromagnetism" until now. SUBSCRIBED 1 Reply Martin Navrátil Martin Navrátil 1 year ago Great video. The only missing point is, why do electric and magnetic constants define not only the speed of light, but also the speed of gravitational waves, or the limiting speed of any moving object? The answer might be that it's not exactly electricity and magnetism defining the speed of light - but rather the speed of light plus the laws of electricity defining magnetism. Lorentz transform (the core of special relativity) applied to Coulomb law (the relationship between electric charge, permittivity and electric force) gives the magnetic force. 1 Reply 1 reply Classix Classix 2 years ago Imagine how sick it must've been to realize that light itself is this electromagnetic wave thing that you just came up with. I'd bust the biggest of nuts. 96 Reply 14 replies Zacharie Melanson Zacharie Melanson 1 year ago (edited) Ironic that Maxwell was once asking himself what a wave propagating through the electromagnetic field would look like, when it's literally the only thing we can see Reply Charles Hudson Charles Hudson 1 year ago Excellent video. Nice lead up to the punch line. 1 Reply Alton Allen Alton Allen 1 year ago Prior to James Clerk Maxwell, Michael Faraday contributed immensely to the observational relationship of magnetic and electric fields but did not have enough of a mathematical background to understand and derive the equations. Near the end of Faraday's life, James Clerk Maxwell was able to share with Faraday the discoveries that Maxwell had made in the mathematics that explained what Faraday had first observed. 1 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply Lock Lynch Lock Lynch 1 year ago Whoa this makes why Newton went nuts obsessing over alchemy shenanigans make so much more sense. Imagine how it must feel to sudden understand something so perfectly and beautifully... If I were one of these cats I'd probably drive myself crazy trying to experience that feeling again. Good lord, true insight sounds scary 1 Reply Raja Sarkar Raja Sarkar 2 years ago 11:03 Goosebumps😢 12 Reply MartinMartin Martin MartinMartin Martin 2 years ago WOnderful explanation !! This is the first time I understood WHY the speed of light is NOT infinite . 3 Reply Dagoberto Espinoza Dagoberto Espinoza 1 year ago Thank you for the simplicity. 1 Reply Joshua Mattimore Joshua Mattimore 2 years ago Imagine if they understood that one universal pressure is the medium light is limited to the speed of light in. And the electromagnetic force is the resonance of the field outside of that one universal pressure. Reply GurAngel Empire Inc. GurAngel Empire Inc. 2 years ago Good Job Guys. I dont know about anyone else but i am disabled and been able to grasps all the information very clearly not even paying much attention to screen. Very well narative, God Bless You... 2 Reply Arvin Ash · 1 reply Uday Shastri Uday Shastri 1 year ago Very interesting and fascinating explanation. I have a question. How do we know that the two constants of electricity and magnetism you mentioned, are not different in different places in space? If they are different in space then it would mean that the spead of light in space can be different at different places? 1 Reply Arvin Ash · 2 replies Morgan Reddy Morgan Reddy 10 months ago Very informative, thanks 1 Reply jockellis jockellis 2 years ago (edited) I’ve spent well over 20,000 hours looking for North and south poles where iron particles will gather and indicate a crack in a piece of steel made into turbine blades, car race car inspections or structural steel. And it is all based on this. 14 Reply 1 reply Tim Burr Tim Burr 1 year ago "If I have seen farther, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants." Einstein (talking about Maxwell in code.) 1 Reply Dodge Dodge 1 year ago I've heard one of Maxwells equations was "not quite correct"... This was related somehow to ET craft propulsion or such. We corrected it. Reply fisk7aal fisk7aal 1 year ago 11:07 I just got goose bumps all over my body. 2 Reply Valentin Ivanov Valentin Ivanov 1 year ago Wow! It probably the best explanation regarding the limit of the speed of light! Physics is such a beautifu and elegantl science...<3 1 Reply Deborah Keesee 10 months ago A couple of very minor FYIs: Maxwell's middle name was pronounced "Clark" and Gauss rhymes with "House." 1 Reply Sidharth Middela 2 years ago Was searching for somebody to explain this for 2 decades now. "Why is the speed of light - what it is" 38 Reply 1 reply Gary Cahn 1 year ago The contribution of Oliver Heviside is overlooked. He rewrote Maxwell's equations in the form commonly used today. He significantly shaped the way Maxwell's equations are understood and applied in the decades following Maxwell's death. Reply Mordechai Levinson 11 months ago Thank You so much for posting this 1 Reply Jogo Lock 1 year ago (edited) Thank you, best explanation of something I never got at school. Now here is the real question. Why is the speed of light so slow considering the size of the Universe. It is so slow that it makes it impossible for communication outside of your local experience. That has to be a design decision? Reply Srinivas Vemuri 2 years ago Very well done. 1 Reply Donald Pace 1 year ago Excellent explained... Thanks 2 Reply Jarek Nowak 2 years ago So if You wanna travel with speed higher than light - You have to change the "resistance" of space. 176 Reply · 88 replies Orlin Stoytchev 1 year ago Your thumbnail picture is getting closer to representing correctly how refraction works. Now, if you would make the incoming beam come from below, not from above, it would be perfect. 1 Faster Than Light Speed Travel With Neil deGrasse Tyson Science Time 428K subscribers Subscribe 17K Share 804,740 views Apr 10, 2021 #science #lightspeed #neiltyson Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson explains the possibility of going faster than the speed of light. If we look at the Einstein's special relativity theory, the speed of light in vacuum has constant velocity of 186,282 miles per second. If you could travel at this speed, you could go around the Earth 7.5 times in one second. In 1994, Miguel Alcubierre proposed a method that would take us beyond the speed of light limit. In his mathematical theory, he used two points in space-time to demonstrate the expansion and contraction of space fabric. The idea of Alcubierre's theory was that we could use this space-time warp to make an object travel faster than light. Neil deGrasse Tyson takes examples from science fiction works like Star Trek to demonstrate and explain how an advanced civilization could be capable of manipulating the fabric of space-time itself in order to travel faster than the speed of light. Einstein's theory of special relativity states that energy and mass are interchangeable, and speed of light travel is impossible for material objects that, unlike photons, have a non-zero rest mass. Neil deGrasse Tyson explains how Einstein's theory of general relativity allows for time itself to slow down if you travel at relativistic velocity Einstein's theory of general relativity mathematically predicts the existence of wormholes, but none have been discovered to date. Even if a wormhole could form, it would most likely be very unstable. Wormholes are still speculative because nobody really knows if you could pass through it. The math suggests that you need some sort of exotic material to pry the throat of the wormhole opening so that it wont collapse in on it self. Even then it is possibly unstable. #neiltyson #science #lightspeed SUBSCRIBE to our channel "Science Time": SUPPORT us on Patreon: BUY Science Time Merch: Sources: Jose Luis Blázquez-Salcedo, Christian Knoll, Eugen Radu. Traversable Wormholes in Einstein-Dirac-Maxwell Theory. Physical Review Letters, 2021; 126 (10) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.101102 Erik W. Lentz. 2021. Breaking the warp barrier: hyper-fast solitons in Einstein-Maxwell-plasma theory. Class. Quantum Grav 38: 075015; doi: 10.1088/1361-6382/abe692 Pioneering Interstellar Fligh Accessed 09.04.2021 Warp Drive and Aliens: Bryan Gaensler Public Lecture at Perimeter Institute on February 5, 2020- Neil deGrasse Tyson Lecture at the University of Washington Is Warp Drive Real? - Chapters View all 1,539 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Gary Gibbons Gary Gibbons 1 year ago All human achievement begins as a dream. 1.2K Reply 102 replies Hein Beukes Hein Beukes 1 year ago (edited) Being a HUGE fan of space sci-fi and someone who's always dreamed of traveling to other planets, at this point the most disappointing thing imaginable is that this probably won't happen during my lifetime :'( 131 Reply 15 replies DankyDiecast DankyDiecast 1 year ago I’ve always loved how it takes a photon over 100,000 years to get from the core of the sun to the surface and then BAM!!....straight shot to the earth in 8 minutes. 306 Reply 19 replies Basileus Audio Basileus Audio 1 year ago (edited) For thousands of years humans looked up at the sky dreaming about flying and now we have airplanes. If we as a species can achieve that then we can achieve anything. I’d give it a couple more thousand years until someone is born who invents warp drive technology lol 120 Reply 39 replies Brad Haaf Brad Haaf 1 year ago (edited) I can imagine all issues solved with AI and programmable matter by 2040 but you might want to wait a year or two and we may be able to program subatomic particles, building a subatomic ship with warp drive and downloading your mind to it. The biggest issue with travelling faster than the speed of light is everyone assumes you do it in the human body 48 Reply 8 replies Christian D. Christian D. 1 year ago Imagine when humans travel to different galaxies and your ship brokes down somewhere . And you wait for towing somewhere in the middle of nowhere 😂😂 223 Reply 29 replies Random Gamer Random Gamer 1 year ago What pains me is we know all the maths we just need the energy at this point we need help. 411 Reply 120 replies Michael J. Scott Michael J. Scott 1 year ago Yes, can you do like this more please?, it's interesting if we could see the like a miniseries about interstellar travel topics from Subluminal to FTL to Hypothetical stuff(wormhole, quantum drive etc) 12 Reply 1 reply Roger Mazuca Roger Mazuca 1 year ago Thank you Dr Weir on your explanation of a wormhole. Every time they explain it somewhere, I can't help but think of you 6 Reply Mortyman Mortyman 7 months ago He and Brian Cox are able to explain things in a very understandable way. 2 Reply Tom Monk Tom Monk 1 year ago It's so hard to conceive of the speed of light for the average person. At CERN, they are able to get particles to go about 99.999999% of the speed of light. CERN is 27 kilometers in circumference. For a particle to approach the speed of light, it must go around that track 11,000 times per second. Sheesh!!! 147 Reply 42 replies Nick Fallon Nick Fallon 1 year ago I think if we were to travel to other star systems it would be with robots/AI. Or, if we somehow figure out how to transfer conscience. That way things that are 100s of thousands of light years away wouldn’t even be a second for us, because you wouldn’t really be able to appreciate time when you live forever. 3 Reply Guru Guru 1 year ago (edited) Before 1893 people believed anything heavier than air can never fly, But Wright brothers proved it wrong. Just like this we may one day travel to far star systems or even galaxies, But it takes time like 100-500 years or even more but i firmly believe Human kind will one day prove it. All we have to do is not to give up and to keep our Earth safe for them to live. 14 Reply 1 reply Seriksy Seriksy 1 year ago 1:51 is pretty much explained in Interstellar. The best space sci-fi movie to date in my opinion 185 Reply 18 replies Streetrunnaz01 Streetrunnaz01 5 months ago Interesting, it would make since to me if all particles in the known universe are quantum entangled since before the big bang. Therefore, you can technically affect a particle at a desired location as long as you can observe the light from said location, ie the observable universe, I believe this is possible due to particle wavefunction probably and quantum tunneling. Reply dathyr1 dathyr1 5 months ago (edited) Thanks for the video. Very informative. So for right now, The possibility of people or matter going "Faster Than Light" speeds is as others say a dream and only in the Movies. Right now with our technology, we will be lucky to visit the nearest planets, let alone going to the Stars. I like the explanation of if a person would go the speed of light, Time would slow down for him, but everyone he knew back on Earth would grow to be very old or dead when he does came back to Earth. Kind of like the "Time Machine" Movie with Rod Taylor. Last thing, the stars/galaxies that we see in the night sky are actually from a distant past snapshot. So what we see now may not even be there or have changed so drastically and wont know it till hundreds of years from now on Earth. Nearest Star to us is 4 light years away. Reply Guillaume Maurice Guillaume Maurice 1 year ago Thank you for sharing this that was very interesting. I really enjoyed the topic. Amazing. 2 Reply Jean Luc Jean Luc 1 year ago Résumé : Faster you travel in the 3 dimension universe, slower you travel in the 4th, time. A photon born in the big bang did not aged a single second. 74 Reply 6 replies Noeun oum Noeun oum 1 year ago Just so hard to travel out of space. I hope to live to see humanity travel to different Galaxy someday 6 Reply Shaff Huq Shaff Huq 1 year ago Could "time" be the 4th or perhaps 5th dimension? It goes something like this....imagine a board that's covered with tiny pins (let's call them moments or point in time), then you make a choice forced by our current understanding of 3D world and select consecutive pins (a linear progression of point in time). Darn it, I just had it! :) Reply Gerald Scott Gerald Scott 1 year ago I have studied the concept of faster than light travel for several years. Relativity clearly makes it impossible to travel faster than the speed of light through normal time and space. And I have completely discarded the wormhole idea, talked about so much By the late Stephen Hawking. Even if wormholes exist, and even if they are stable, they would not take you where you wanted to go. You would have to find the entrance to one, enter it, and come out who knows where. And could you even get back? Faster than light travel is going to require the warping of spacetime by the spacecraft itself, and there will have to be a way to control speed and direction. Also, it would have to be on a very small scale, The distortion of spacetime would have to be an area not much bigger than the ship itself, to avoid damaging other things. Navigation would be an issue, because at several times the speed of light, which would be necessary to get anywhere within a reasonable time (and I mean getting to Alpha Centauri in no more than, say, 24 hours) you would have to be able to control what science fiction calls the "warp field" Your ship would not be moving, spacetime would be moving. It's like being in a car where the road is moving instead of the car. This will not likely happen in the next few hundred years, but if we are ever going to travel to the stars, it will have to happen at some point. It is the only way to get there. 14 Reply 12 replies Derek Halley Derek Halley 6 months ago Question… So if we are traveling to a destination that we see from earth, is there a possibility that it’s not even there because it has since traveled or ceased to exist altogether? 6 Reply 2 replies cNazKool _it cNazKool _it 1 year ago a former friend of mine is a phd in electrical engineering with another masters in math. he says the mathematical distances of just the visible universe is beyond human comprehension. its a shame we didn’t launch a dozen voyagers back in the seventies all going different directions. some day someone brave like me needs to volunteer for a deep space one way mission 🖖🏿 Reply 1 reply Jason Webb Jason Webb 1 year ago I remember when Neil had a group of people talking and Will Weaton came on the stage. Neil was talking about the Enterprise and how the warp drive worked. He took a piece of paper and folded and shoved a pencil through. He opened the paper back flat and says this is how the show Star Trek was able to get from point a to b during a commercial break. Then Will broke the bad news to Neil. The warp drive didnt work light that. In the original Star Trek the Warp drive was the speed of light. So warp 1 would be the speed of light times 1 and warp 2 would be twice the speed of ligh and so on. Now i can totally understand why Neil would think and say this. Cause stars are so far apart, it would take forever to get from one star to the next. Like for instance from Earth to Alfalfa Centauri, its around 4 light years away from Earth. So by going warp 4, it would literally take 4 years to get there. I like the folding of space better then the speed of light theory and it would be a better explanation for how they were able to go where no man has gone before. 3 Reply 1 reply Kevin Wallace Kevin Wallace 1 year ago I really enjoyed this topic, thank you. Perhaps particle physics will find the exotic matter required for this to be a reality for humanUNkind. 6 Reply Dyl Rosete Dyl Rosete 4 months ago (edited) If u had a massless (or with mass) needle that extended to the sun, and you use a motor to rotate the needle 360 degrees multiple times, can it reach beyond speed of light? What happens? Reply Jon Griffin Jon Griffin 1 year ago I have seen these in my dreams. Literally seems the exact same shapes and colors with large bio-ships traversing the tunnels. Reply Mega Breath66 Mega Breath66 1 year ago I have to say that only a select few will be allowed to be taken if we find another planet to live upon,this dude is one of them. Pay close attention to the verbiage he uses. He has clear knowledge that space time travel is real.I also believe that we as humans cannot achieve this because we have not the essential materials to do so. Watch Rick and morty a lot of dimensional travel and space time travel are as accurate as at least I can get without being an expert. Reply Song Whisperer Song Whisperer 8 months ago Science has been changing so fast in the last few years, its has to be leading up to a significant new discovery. Reply A A 1 year ago Does relativity only apply to those that keep track of time? 1 Reply LittleSheDevl LittleSheDevl 1 year ago “Can we travel at the speed of light?” Well, we could if we didn’t have to waste time by continuing to go back to a time where we have to explain to flat earthers that the earth is a sphere 46 Reply 8 replies The Eclypse The Eclypse 1 year ago For propping open a worm hole use a white hole. I think its called exotic matter, and it repulsed matter which means ots impossible for it to collapse on itself. On the other hand that would make it impossible for us to pass through Reply Michael Cuellar Michael Cuellar 9 days ago If you send a wave of space time to ride along how would you stop the wave? Or would you just get off the wave and slow all the back down? Also would the warped space or shifted space damage objects in its path? Reply M.K.D. M.K.D. 10 months ago Concept of time travel is so fascinating! What movies can I watch on such theme? 2 Reply M C M C 1 year ago What if you put a warp bubble around a photon.... Would the photon break its own speed limit? 1 Reply chris a chris a 1 year ago If we can accurately measure the vibrational frequency of the age of all known atoms we could theoretically travel within the cosmic microwave background instantly and possibly beyond with a creation of the same atom of the same frequency in a particle collider. The navigation would take other calculations such as spectrum and density analysis catalogues of data. 11 Reply 2 replies yaniv mental yaniv mental 1 year ago Light “feels” no time due to it been in the speed of light so for photon coming from different stars the journey was instantaneously, if we could fly near the speed of light we would be able to get almost anywhere in a human life time due to our “time” getting slower as we get closer to the speed to light, the only problem that the people that would not move at the speed of light will probably not exist after the trip because of the amount of time that they “feel” that passed (much bigger then a human life time) 17 Reply 3 replies Derek Johnston Derek Johnston 1 year ago Wouldn't the expansion of the universe make it harder to travel these extreme speeds or warping time and space since what was in on place will no longer be there once you got there. 5 Reply 1 reply Ilya Kogan Ilya Kogan 8 months ago "Faster than light" makes as much sense as "slower than holding still" 2 Reply jamie gladwin jamie gladwin 1 year ago I know it's said there no absolute motion, but can there be absolute speed,if it's always compared to the speed of light? Reply ChinaVirus ChinaVirus 1 year ago It’s cool knowing really smart people are working to figure this out right now. 1 Reply Jesse Reiter Jesse Reiter 9 months ago I love when scientists say ftl travel say it Is possible but then they say it's impossible because it would take more energy than we have in the universe. Reply Chris R Chris R 1 year ago Think about this, Hypothetically, if you had a powerful enough telescope, and a ship capable of traveling faster than light, you could hypothetically travel about 2500 light years out, and watch the pyramids being built. 4 Reply 1 reply Kevin Potts Kevin Potts 1 year ago I have a question that someone reading this may know. If someone were moving away from earth at the speed of light, then time would effectively stop for them and they would stop aging relative to the people on earth, correct? How would their aging behave in relation to someone who was standing right on the cosmological boundary billions of light years away who was also moving away from earth due to dark energy moving them away from earth at the speed of light? 1 Reply 1 reply John Barrett John Barrett 1 year ago Wonder what type of warp drives are used (subspace, gravitic, or hyperspace)? Reply Antonio Antonio 1 year ago My 8yr old asked me " can you get warps from a warp bubble " I laughed so hard 🤣 I broke a rib. 7 Reply 1 reply Francisco Hughes Francisco Hughes 1 year ago Wait if space time is half broken in the ergoshpere could we go lightspeed in there and come out faster than the speed of light? Reply James Jamshid Bastani James Jamshid Bastani 1 year ago The answer is going to seem so simple and obvious once someone finally has an epiphany, much like Darwin and his eye opening discovery. 4 Reply 1 reply darryl ellis darryl ellis 1 year ago Man I love this channel! 3 Reply Ian Holland Ian Holland 9 months ago Does the terminal velocity of a black hole not exceed the speed of light or am i missing something? 1 Reply Suzanne Brown Suzanne Brown 1 year ago Linear space travel won’t do it. Warping, or bending, of space time could do it IF we can figure out how to create a device and a craft to achieve the desired result. 12 Reply babyrazor babyrazor 1 year ago question: if your traveling faster than light how can you see anything, wouldn't everything be black devoid of reflective light? 1 Reply Steven Villarreal Steven Villarreal 1 year ago I like the space ship model from Prometheus, like it took me a few seconds to even realize that was it lol. 1 Reply The Umbrella Corporation The Umbrella Corporation 3 months ago 5:28 Travel without moving/Folding space is a concept long thought of in science fiction. Like in Dune, Holtzman engines are used to ‘fold space’ in order to make a ship appear at its destination without anything inside it moving an inch. Reply Notorius B.I.G Notorius B.I.G 1 year ago (edited) I wish I could retain my humanity while becoming an entity that could experience the marvels of interstellar space first hand . 9 Reply 6 replies John V John V 10 months ago I wonder if there's different qualities of light that travel different speeds Reply HUMAN BEING - HUMAN BEING - 1 year ago I wish I was born in the year 2022, I'm really fascinated about james webb space telescope discoveries, also what next CERN will find. Future is so optimistic. 🥳 2 Reply A Chad catboy A Chad catboy 1 year ago Are there areas of the universe where a wormhole could form? Reply Armon Rakhman Armon Rakhman 7 months ago I think we can move faster than light. They said the same about the sound barrier 1 Reply Charles Wheeler Charles Wheeler 1 year ago I'm half way through and still haven't heard anything from Neil deGrasse Tyson 3 Reply Mandeep Saini Mandeep Saini 1 year ago (edited) We looked to the sky, we saw birds, we flew. We looked to the stars, we saw the moon, we went there We looked through a telescope, saw Mars, thought "hey whats there", and landed rovers there Nothing is impossible, its just not possible today 2 Reply 1 reply Wargasm644 Wargasm644 1 year ago We should just focus on trying to get to at least 1/2 the speed of light. Then we could get to the next nearest star in 10 years or so Reply William McCormick William McCormick 1 year ago When the Hubble telescope views a rotating galaxy from above its plane from outside the galaxy, and you measure the rays of light from the farthest point to the closest point you find that there are probably hundreds of thousands of light-years difference in the distance between the farthest point and the closest point of the galaxy to the telescope. So a vision of a whole galaxy at any given moment could only be brought to you by instantaneous communication. Which is how it was taught before World War Two. The speed of light to create a new beam of light was considered to take time to create, but once established a partial block to that beam was recorded instantly. And if you want to look at something like a galaxy to get a picture of it you are going to need instantaneous communication of light to do it. 1 Reply 1 reply Dub (Greg Snow)itdown Dub (Greg Snow)itdown 1 year ago This technology should be coming out soon in a vehicle I designed. The object is to glide on magnets by a projected magnetic laser beam. And your vehicle will glide like its on magnets with almost no friction. Carbon fiber the vehicle too to reduce weight. 1 Reply StarBoy StarBoy 1 year ago Can you catch your self from behind if you run around a tree with the speed of light?? 🤪😁 10 Reply 1 reply Bo Bo Bo Bo 1 year ago is it possible in theory to disable the H field in a lets say bubble. Will this make the object inside massless, which can enable it go at the speed of light, at least. 4 Reply Aurumk1 Aurumk1 1 year ago Easy if you can create a custom vacuum that pulls you up to speed, creating such a thing however I've found is not in the least bit easy. 1 Reply Randyl Plampin Randyl Plampin 8 months ago Hey, Neil! Did you ever notice those pock marks on the moon? What about that big hole in Arizona? There are rocks and stuff out there. Reply Philip Bunney Philip Bunney 1 year ago I always assumed anti matter powered the Enterprise & when Captain Kirk ordered ‘warp factor 3’ it was 3 times the speed of light propelled by matter & antimatter collisions. 1 Reply 1 reply Kelly Rayburn Kelly Rayburn 1 year ago When Alcubierre first devised his theory, he postulated that it would take more energy than is contained in the Universe. Harold White has refined it down so the energy required would still be very large, but not unmanageable. Reply 3 replies Jason Hayward Jason Hayward 1 year ago Finally faster than light travel . Real energies in our universe well in from outside but still. And how to find them . 5 Reply 1 reply Ernest Paul Ernest Paul 1 year ago How to travel faster than speed of light First, create a vehicle / rocket ship able to travel ALMOST at the speed of light second, make Dominic Torretto the driver 25 Reply 1 reply Nunya Bidniz Nunya Bidniz 1 year ago Haven't watched this yet. Does he cover minor details like astrogation, or hitting a grain of dust at speed? Can't wait to find out! 3 Reply Yellow eater Yellow eater 1 year ago I literally want to go faster that the speed of light in an absolute scientific way in the future 6 Reply 8 replies Josh Hsu Josh Hsu 1 year ago Technically we’re traveling at the speed of light relative to light 15 Reply 1 reply Tim Adams Tim Adams 5 months ago What would time do if you were going the speed of light and slowed back down? Would time speed back up as you slowed back down? What if everything was going the speed of light and they figured out how to go slower than that? Would time speed up for them? Reply LOL LOL 1 year ago Find out at what speed does a soul travel when it leaves the body. 2 Reply skilstopaybils skilstopaybils 1 year ago "This thing guna be haulin' ". Beautiful. Would love to read that in a paper 11 Reply adam charles adam charles 1 year ago It said in the beginning of the video that light travels at a constant speed. What it forgot to say was "in a vacuum". In water, light travels at a different speed than the vacuum of space. 1 Reply 1 reply Low-Key Investor Low-Key Investor 1 year ago (edited) a ship would have to use a combination of E-R Bridge and Alcubierre make a near instantaneous travel...the down the energy to produce such a thing would be enormous 1 Reply Frost Family Frost Family 1 year ago I hope that this channel will make a video on warp highways. Reply GComas GComas 1 year ago “If there’re intelligent life here in our universe, it is right here on Earth.” -unknown 1 Reply Jim Smith Jim Smith 1 year ago Gotta learn to create wormholes if we ever wanna get anywhere Reply Steve Steve 1 year ago Maybe one day it will be like Star Trek. I think we are a long way from this technology. 12 Reply 4 replies Daniel T. Daniel T. 1 year ago One thing about achieving faster than light travel, is that space is fungible, we know this because the fabric of space is expanding. The other thing we know is that hitting tiny particles at super high speeds can cause significant damages to spacecraft, that’s a big problem F = MA , So in parallel to all this, we need some kind of forcing field to prevent this kind of systemic failure. I thing the answer to solving for both is understanding the quantum frothing of empty space. 1 Reply Oscar Cruz Oscar Cruz 1 year ago Traveling at WARP speed, how do we deal with friction. Is friction a factor in space travel as far as the safety of the craft is concerned? 1 Reply 1 reply Saurav Saurav 10 months ago As the narrator said that if we move at speed of light we can go ahead in future. Which means we can see it.. so does that mean our future is destined before??? 1 Reply Posly Dream Posly Dream 1 year ago (edited) I theorize dark speed and light speed is the key. It is lights counter part. If you look at space. It is not empty, but full of darkness. Then on top of that. Shadows, if big enough, can move faster than light. We've studied alot about light. With alot more to learn. I may add, but very little is known of darkness, so far. Reply Josh Brown Josh Brown 1 year ago If nearly everything we know about space and the “laws” of the universe are based on math and educated guesses then who’s to say something is truly possible or impossible, same goes for math that says something is hypothetically possible but I like to stay optimistic. Reply TC63 TC63 1 year ago Well done video You win a subscriber 5 Science Time Reply Evan Gaudet Evan Gaudet 1 year ago If time ran slower around heavier gravity objects and time ran faster in non stressed space, then wouldn’t time run infinitely slow closing into a black hole. 2 Reply 1 reply Adnan Shaikh Adnan Shaikh 1 year ago Faster than the speed of light is the speed of zoom in like reach Andromeda in a few seconds 1 Reply Maciej / Matt Pack / Paczka Maciej / Matt Pack / Paczka 1 year ago i have two watches with Radio Controlled Timekeeping. both where timed on same day. I flew with one long distance and when I returned there is one second difference between them. Reply Daft Squiddy Daft Squiddy 1 year ago You just need to find the resonate frequency of the wormhole and somehow create a positive feedback loop to expand it. 🤷‍♂️ It's simple with the right equipment 🤣 2 Reply 2 replies Manzil Momin Manzil Momin 1 year ago (edited) Well going anywhere from a light year is actually risky bcoz u saw it a light year before and the time u saw was past of that thing so not sure that things has changed or not when u get to it finally somehow achiving speed of light. 1 Reply Matthew David Bowron Matthew David Bowron 1 year ago hey, you know the idea of quantum entanglement, that once some particles were entangled if one was affected the other entangled one would be affected instantaneously. Let's say that we invent working nanotechnology and by manipulating entangled atoms which we purposely entangle ourselves, this could show if nanotechnology worked through entanglement. Now what if the particles before we entangled them, were already entangled with other particles from long ago, say as far back as the big bang for hypothetical. These entangled particles could be very distanced from each other. I'm talking on the opposite sides of the universe in theory. Now if one is affected and the other entangled one is affected immediately, wouldn't this be communication faster than the light it would take to travel between them, as in faster than light, actually instantanous connection. If so this has consequences. A sci-fi film called "Kill Switch" had an idea of entangled worlds mooching off the power of one to empower the other. Of course in the film this was destroying both worlds, and a guy is sent to the other world to activate a kill switch to destroy that entangled world and save his own. Now with this entanglement, even though they don't call it that, it creates the two worlds to be side by side and able to take the energy of another. However in the film this other world is artificially created by this handwavium physical process, so much that there are copies of the characters in the hero's world, and all the planetary features, buildings and businesses and political groups, just mirrored. Unfortunately this mirroring would make one of them actually antimatter, and thus a very dangerous situation where contact between either world could set off a chain reaction destroying both worlds. Now matter and anti-matter pairs can arise from a high enough energy in the electromagnetic field, and in reality with entangled particles if one say is spin up the other is spin down, so this entanglement of mirrored particles is potentially possible, it just wouldn't create it instantaneously next door. Now if we are entangled with other particles, then there indeed could be particles near us we could manipulate that would manipulate already entangled particles somewhere else. Let's say we create half a quantum computer and have the entangled particles create the other half, thus allowing a form of computerized communication between the two. Now if we can do this, we could create robotic bodies that can create nanotech and use nanotech to manipulate other particles around it. More on this later. But let's say we create a quantum AI that can observe from both halves of the quantum computer. We would be able to theoretically see some other part of the universe through such a device. In fact in science fiction there was a device based on faster than light communication called an Ansible by Ursula Le Guinn. But if we can build robots and AIs, why not entire colonization ships, or android bodies we could remotely control through a BCI. We could thus travel to another body somewhere else in the universe without having to travel all the way from our local area location to the location of the entangled versions. This could allow us to explore other parts of the universe, instantaneously, without having to even move beyond our solar system. We could be entangled with other humanoids on other entangled planets and such a computer could allow first contact. Now what if we take this a step further, we create nanotech entangled with other nanotech via an entangled quantum computer. Now we have that nanotech manipulate other atoms nearby and create another quantum computer robot that could be entangled to another in a totally other distant part of the universe. We could create, theoretically, a series of communicating quantum AIs across the universe, entangled and interacting via nanotech creating a sort of quantum entangled intergalactic internet. We could create sensors connected to this entangled quantum internet, thus detecting things like gravitational waves, gamma ray bursts or even explore how fast the universe is expanding, and thus be able to measure things like dark energy or dark matter, and create basically exploration vessels throughout these entangled quantum internets, which again could have colonists or explorers in humanoid robotic form, allowing us to transfer our consciousness or pick up the sensory information from any entangled robot in the universal system. In essence this could allow us to create ambassadors and emissaries to communicate with other alien life forms, and create basically a way for people to travel to other parts of the universe through a BCI travelling through what would be in essence quantum hyperlinks, like the hyperlinks between web pages in our current internet. We could travel through hyperspace essentially without having to travel through hyperspace, and because these quantum computers are entangled, they would maintain connection no matter how far they drifted apart. We could study and explore the entire universe, create VR constructs of those monitored zones and do so from the comfort of our own solar system or planet. If we can do this to BCIs we could also link thoughts into a hive mind of sorts, and by entangling our own neurons with nanotech or entangled particles, we could upload our consciousness onto quantum computers and essentially live forever in these simulations created by the quantum computers. We could also learn and map how the matter in our own solar system is entangled with the rest of the universe, and thus find out how the universe is quantum entangled with itself. Thus we have essentially a permanent instantaneous connection all around the universe, uploading our minds into systems that can be as tough as diamond and able to run off the energy of a star, connect our minds into a supermind, and be able to hop from body to body, star system to star system, planet to planet, galaxy to galaxy, and maybe, just maybe universe to universe. This is instant communication using only nanotech and quantum entanglement and AI, which is technology we could develop in the near future. This means no having to make anti-matter to power starships to get to the speed of light, or create exotic matter like dark matter or dark energy or negative energy to hold open huge wormholes. That stuff will happen in the future possibly, but this means that within a century or so, we should have technology able to do experiments to see if this hypothesis is right. If so, the places we could go instantaneously could be unimaginable. This is like me in Perth communicating with someone from Pennsylvania, 12 hours apart, on opposite sides of the planet, communicating instantaneously on the internet. This means that sensors could detect dangers long before they would affect our region of space, in real time without any potential time travel or temporal paradoxes. And if quantum teleportation is workable through this system, imagine being able to hyperjump to another part of the universe, like the space ships do in the recent Battlestar Galactica series. If we can use 3D printers using nanotech, we could fabricate anything connected to the entangled quantum computer system. This means also backups eternal backups to the objects we manufacture with nanotech. In fact a working nanofabrication machine could exist with certain technology like a 3D printer and a scanning tunnelling electron microscope. They were able to spell IBM in xenon atoms back in 1993. Imagine hooking that nano-manipulator tech to a 3D printer with superconductors in basically subzero temperatures in space, which creates the coldest environments, and we could build nanotech from the atom on up. We also have nanomachines that can take in certain inputs and create certain outputs, we just call them cells or viruses or bacteria. We could genetically engineer nanofabrication through bio-tech or wet nano, or use the 3D printer version or dry nano. ANd if entanglement proves to work in this, we could create the whole object by only manipulating half of it. Sorry for the long post, but I hope this creates some discussion. 4 Reply 1 reply Thomas Corbett Thomas Corbett 9 months ago I think it will be found that to travel faster than light will be to shrink space about four lengths of your craft in front of you and expand it about four lengths of your craft behind you . I believe this will be done with a combination of magnetic and some type of nuclear power . 1 Reply OtakuMagnet OtakuMagnet 1 year ago The only barrier I believe we are facing is a true and thorough understanding of gravity. Our minds need to stop trying to fit everything into what we already know and be open to something new. I can't stop thinking that scientists still have the belief they must be correct, even if they can't completely explain the how/why. 1 Reply Jeffrey Yanchek Jeffrey Yanchek 1 year ago You can't hear sound once you reach mach speed. Is it complete darkness when going faster than the speed of light? 2 Reply Lyndon Smith Lyndon Smith 1 year ago The problem with the idea of fast travel causing aging at different rates is that there is no satisfactory resolution to the Twin Paradox. This is discussed in detail in the book 'Why You Can't Catch a Rocket to Mars'. 1 Reply btc btc 1 year ago Fabric can be broken, dark energy holds promise to this 1 Reply WE_ BoBo WE_ BoBo 1 year ago (edited) can gravitational waves be used to travel at light speed ? 8 Reply 2 replies Gunumn Gunumn 8 months ago Personally i dont think 3rd dimensional object would be able to handle the instability of extreme gravity of a worm hole. I think you would have to convert that 3d object into light for it to go through. Problem is that wouldnt be able to convert back. 2 Reply Jonathan Leo Jonathan Leo 1 year ago Ok tell me if I'm crazy, because I just had this crazy thought. Ok so if I travel closer to the speed of light time travels more slowly for me. So what if the same were true for photons? Follow me, so time is traveling more slowly for the photons then that would mean that the distance that they cover could be much smaller than we think. It should be true for all things right, because everything is made of subatomic particals at their core. I'm no expert just always like imagining the possibilities. Thanks for any and all suggestions. 1 Reply sybergato sybergato 1 year ago My hero! Reply 竜•Yu Zhong 竜•Yu Zhong 1 year ago faster than light speed is actually going Slower in others POV 1 Reply Bootylicious Bootylicious 3 weeks ago Is there a full video somewhere? 1 Reply Sachin Z Sachin Z 1 year ago We stuck in our solar system...not sure how we will ever travel that fast 3 Reply Zhavlan experient Zhavlan experient 3 months ago Hello. Question from a technician. Science people. Is it difficult to change the frequency of light to the "Ka" range in Michelson's 1881 experiment and use this experience in transport to measure the speed of transport? If you are at rest inside the DGP, then relative to you the speed of light is constant. If you are in motion in the DGF, then you break the symmetry and break the speed constant of light with respect to yourself. DGF - Dominant Gravitational Field. Reply ÑÈRÖ ÑÈRÖ 2 months ago If tokamok reactors become a reality,they could be modified to act as energy source for spacecrafts that may lead to creation of warp drives or atleast travel at 1% of the speed of light Reply Patrick Johnson Patrick Johnson 1 year ago Maybe quantum entanglement has the answer to superluminal travel, since speed of light travel is impossible and we don't know if traversible wormholes exists. If we can't reach extra solar, extra galactic worlds by light speed, Then teleportation might be our only way to go ,if we know how to solve the quantum entanglement mystery and use it for our benefit . I know this too sounds like sifi. But at least we still have hope even if it's a glimmer, to reach other worlds. 4 Reply 4 replies Dub (Greg Snow)itdown Dub (Greg Snow)itdown 1 year ago But particle physics can create much faster speeds than the speed of light. Reply RedKayotic RedKayotic 1 month ago I cant imagine if someone did it and accidentally move trough earth 1 Reply Ashish Shevkar Ashish Shevkar 1 year ago Just reached here.. faster than light itself to watch the video 55 Science Time Reply 12 replies Kelly Rayburn Kelly Rayburn 1 year ago The Alcubierre drive seems to be about the best way to go about trans-light speed. I hadn't heard of the Solaton wave (except in science fiction) but a reputable scientist wanting to use such gives it credibility. All I know is we will find a way. Us humans are a bunch of stubborn cusses. "Well, we've exhausted every logical avenue. What more can we do?" "We start exploring illogical avenues until we find a solution." "Do you know how that sounds? That's crazy!" "Yep. Us humans are definitely unhinged. But we get things done." Reply wizzolo wizzolo 1 year ago a little puntualization about getting to a distant star at below light speed, within a human lifetime: if you can get close to light speed even without reaching it, time will contract for the traveler allowing the astronauts to reach other stars within their own lifetime theoretically, but for the rest of humanity on earth a lot of time will still have passed. 1 Reply Mostafizur Rahman Mostafizur Rahman 1 year ago 4:15 — when you see something amazing and scary at the same time! 1 Reply Craig Cuthbert Craig Cuthbert 11 months ago How do you power a warp drive? Reply JONNY_Z__ 370z NA JONNY_Z__ 370z NA 1 year ago Very informative! 2 Reply Space Citizen Space Citizen 1 year ago Explaining interstellar travel while taking into a 20 year old potato 29 Reply Noah Noah 9 days ago If it’s possible it will be done in our lifetime do to AI becoming increasingly more powerful, soon AI will be more intelligent than every human on earth combined than at that point the singularity will happen. Pretty interesting food for thought😊 Reply Si Señor Si Señor 1 year ago Thanks 🙏 you for dashing my dreams into little pieces. 2 Reply le marque le marque le marque le marque 1 month ago What if you use tr3b tech ?... Hyper photon acceleration is created using a electro magnetic mercury field gyroscope. I know someone who had a theory about creating 3 different cores and combining them then amplifying them using a small emp burst. Just a theory... Reply Noobformer Noobformer 1 year ago Before travelling through the warp, you better develop some void shields. 2 Reply blazercage blazercage 1 year ago I am imagine the first person who said "Man Imagine going faster than that guys" then it was done. Then there was another guy who said " Imagine going faster than a horse" and then it happen. The someone said "Imagine being able to faster than the speed of sound" then it happen. Then another guy said " Imagine going faster than a bullet" then we did it and now we are at the steps of the imagining going faster than light and soon we will be there. 1 Reply 1 reply LC 400 LC 400 1 year ago We're at the point where we need some extra-terrestrial help. 27 Reply 9 replies TheSwiftMagician TheSwiftMagician 1 year ago Love it! Keep it comin’! 1 Reply Kevin Tortolano Kevin Tortolano 1 year ago LS is good for the solar system but for galactic travel you need a warp/ftl method. 1 Reply Avila’s Family Avila’s Family 9 months ago If we can only see back in time then how do we know how the universe looks today? Reply Farid Belaidi Farid Belaidi 9 months ago Remember: if you plan to visit a planet located at X light-years from Earth at the speed of light, when you’ll reach that planet, you’ll find it aged 2*X years older than when you left Earth. Reply Steve Wilkins Steve Wilkins 1 year ago Everyone is missing the point .. the REAL problem. All of these things may or may not be able to be overcome but, how will you SEE where you are going and avoid objects in your way (couldn't say, "Object In Space", cause that title was taken by the Firefly episode 😊👍😎). Reply Andrew Fisher Andrew Fisher 1 year ago (edited) We need a series of Star Gates to be built. 5 Reply Charles Taylor Charles Taylor 1 year ago If there are things out there traveling faster than light we wouldn't be able to see them because our vision requires light to see and if something were to go faster it would leave light behind. On the same note, if we traveled faster than light, how could see anything at all especially where we're going. Think about that. 1 Reply magicalkiwibird magicalkiwibird 1 year ago So this might not be the best place for this question, but how does one take space and bend it to form a tube? That idea is so weird to me I can't really fathom it outside of science fiction. 1 Reply Canadian atheist Canadian atheist 1 year ago Would you be riding a superluminal wave not supersonic? 1 Reply Music 4 Everyone Music 4 Everyone 1 year ago This bring memories of the movie named Event Horizon, a ship that bends space time. 1 Reply 1 reply Matthias Latimer Matthias Latimer 11 months ago Dr. Stone opened my eyes to science 1 Reply Rossell Arriola Rossell Arriola 1 year ago The distance between stars are MASSIVE! 3 Reply Cro magnon Cro magnon 1 year ago (edited) At the speed of light... just a grain of sand impacting with the space ship would create the biggest explosion sapiens haven’t seen ever 1 Reply Kgw98 Kgw98 1 year ago (edited) Just need to access the 4th dimension and have wormhole/gate to whatever area you want. Still need to know the ingredients and input energy. Reply Jacob Bhattacharjee Jacob Bhattacharjee 1 year ago When I try to understand the space, stars and all this galaxy stuff My mind starts speaking in unknown language Reply Thomas Reedy Thomas Reedy 1 year ago (edited) I am a bit confused. Do we have experiments planned to back these papers? Are we using data observed from astronomy? Is playing with a mathematical model science, if these is no physical observation and testing to accompany it? Even if we had the energy how would we control and direct to to achieve the affect? 1 Reply BlayneRhys BlayneRhys 4 months ago "Perfect speed is being there." 😉 Reply Carl Johnson jr Carl Johnson jr 1 year ago great video going faster than the speed light is the next step to new civilization in future explore other worlds 4 Reply George Emil George Emil 1 year ago What bugs me are those star streaks at 0:53 and 3:03. Stars are big objects. No way can they be seen that tiny streaking past spaceships and space probes. 2 Reply Cristiano Malanda Sebastião Cristiano Malanda Sebastião 1 year ago Scientists: We need negative energy. JJK: how can I help? Reply mico senor mico senor 2 months ago wasn't Neil deGrasse Tyson , perhaps a voice from beyond the wormhole Reply Mandolin Sashaank Mandolin Sashaank 5 months ago I don't really feel that it would need to travel faster than light. If we are able to reach relativistic speeds we can probably reach large distances within short periods of time. Only thing is that we are the ones who would feel it a short journey but the people back on Earth would have long gone by then. 2 Reply Owen JAMES Owen JAMES 4 months ago What I don't understand. Is why, In the beginning, everything expanded at light speed but now they say nothing can exceed this Reply richard klegin richard klegin 1 year ago How would they stop particles from smashing into the craft at the speed of light 6 Reply 3 replies Tracy Painter Tracy Painter 1 year ago I’m reminded of the bone heads in the military who released the UAP videos and can’t even figure out how they “do those maneuvers” inside the atmosphere. Seems simple enough to me. I saw the answer right off the bat. Reply 1 reply GameReality GameReality 1 year ago The time dilation make it possible for us to travel faster than the light, from the astronaut perspective. Reply nftv nftv 5 months ago Please explain if you travel faster than the speed of light and time slow down example 1 sec for a human being will feel like a hr for you .will that make you age faster than the regular person Reply Bill Kallas Bill Kallas 1 month ago If you could gather all of the gas in space as you pass through it, and use it as reaction mass to be expelled to provide thrust, could it provide enough thrust to accelerate your "spaceship" at 1G?? If you could, you could get to the nearest star and back in 12 years because your speed would keep building and building, until you turned around at the halfway point and decelerated at 1G. This process could be repeated to get home. Because of the near light speeds attained before slowing, the crew would only age 8 years. Reply Michael Cuellar Michael Cuellar 9 days ago Some people already achieved the key to space-time but they left alone and left us without the knowledge. Reply Rational Belief Rational Belief 1 year ago Really people of earth haven’t learn to justify.really this channel deserves more views. 8 Reply paul martin paul martin 9 months ago Wow faster than light could cause such a whiplash Reply Liquified Stone Liquified Stone 1 year ago Neil had broked my mobiles speakers with his voice.. 😭😭 1 Reply Dave Kelly Dave Kelly 5 months ago There might be a way to go faster than the speed of light Imagine crossing the known universe in a blink of an eye Well we are closer to find this than finding intelligent on another planet 1 Reply Richard Marcus Richard Marcus 1 year ago Wormholes are mostly stable but they don't work quite like this video describes and we don't need exotic matter to create one. Reply beastmaster415 beastmaster415 1 year ago Let's say i was instantly transported to a star that was 10,000 light years away... and when i look back to earth, would yall be in the past or would i be?...i know it's relative but its weird to think that what we're looking at is in the past yet it exists now Reply 1 reply Hunza the beautiful valley Hunza the beautiful valley 1 year ago I love and admire my mother planet.. I want it to live forever ❤️❤️ 5 Reply 3 replies Christopher Pett Christopher Pett 10 months ago You don't have to warp spacetime, stars do that for you once you go beyond the Heliosphere. Reply Chris p. Chris p. 9 months ago Man said “we need something that doesn’t exist” and “it can be catastrophic in application” Genuinely sounds like the universe has a lack of bees or something 1 Reply Michael Cuellar Michael Cuellar 9 days ago So even if you found a worm hole you'd need a black matter key to open the door... crazy Reply sourove sheikh sourove sheikh 1 year ago If "we" can't travel that fast, why don't we make light travel? My prediction is that even if we can't travel faster than light in near future, we may be able to make light travel fast enough and transfer information to the future. It may not be possible for us to travel to future but may be we can send information to our future generation through light. Just 100 years ago sending an email instantly was simply impossible to us. Everything that we can imagine is possible. We just don't know how. 1 Reply Giuseppe Libertino Giuseppe Libertino 1 year ago Everything is impossible, until it's possible. Reply Hexxagone Hexxagone 1 year ago Well if one of those Tic Tacs crash lands somewhere maybe we could back engineer the tech to go to space 5 Reply 1 reply Da Goon Da Goon 1 year ago If I had NDT as a teacher in high school, I probably wouldn't be living under a bridge. Reply Oscar Cruz Oscar Cruz 1 year ago If you bend space does the craft need a energy shield to protect it from falling apart? Reply 1 reply Caleb Caleb 11 months ago Will I see “faster” then light travel in my lifetime? (I’m 87) Reply Mined Mine Mind Mined Mine Mind 1 year ago If a person is in a space craft travelling at the highest possible speed it can travel, which to all intensive purposes is the speed of light, and there is a fly in the cockpit too. Does this mean the fly, flying from the back of the craft to the front, is then moving faster than the speed of light? Reply 2 replies Διονυσης Χαλμουκης Διονυσης Χαλμουκης 7 months ago I'll make it happen. If not, then i'll discover something that will take humanity a step further to achieve the speed of light. You have my word. Reply RM M RM M 1 year ago What's the point of this video when Neil speaks perfectly well for himself? 23 Reply 3 replies Gopi M Gopi M 1 year ago - What if you create a artificial gravity at the tail of the aircraft and create thrust with nuclear fusion to leap forward. Theoretically you should be able reach warp speed. - Creating Electron beams will solve most problems to travel to other parts of space as shown in Stargate. - Also decoding dark energy/matter and light energy together will help us solve many problems in space. 1 Reply 1 reply Kenny Laysh Kenny Laysh 6 months ago Sadly, our only option to leave earth for other solar systems/galaxies, would be ships large enough to live on for generations. The only possibility of us reaching other places faster or even at - light speed, will be if aliens find us and teach us, which is also VERY unlikely. For anyone 'fearing' aliens however, that's silly. Aliens would be the only hope humanity has to outlive this planet - we'd never be able to leave on our own. Even making it to Mars won't matter, as we'll never make it hospitable. 1 Reply 11BraVo SavAge 11BraVo SavAge 1 year ago Mind boggling 1 Reply 1 reply SSGSS Beet SSGSS Beet 1 year ago Is that only the speed of the visible light? Or all light? What about infrared or uv? Reply 3 replies spiritwalkers spiritwalkers 1 year ago Perhaps in a 1,000 years we will travel that fast. 1 Reply Danielle Le'mond Danielle Le'mond 1 year ago We have 1000 years of exploring our own solar system without worrying how to get to another one. 7 Reply 8 replies Moonbeam 87 / Jack Kelly Moonbeam 87 / Jack Kelly 1 year ago (edited) So The Ship is like Hubert Farnsworths, Planet Express Ship from FUTURAMA. The Space Moves around the Ship, While The Ship Stays Put. Reply WetBob SpongePants WetBob SpongePants 1 year ago Light thinks it travels faster than anything, but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it...Now, pull my finger. Reply m n m n 1 year ago Wow. Neil Degrassi's voice sounded completely different Reply Mutrino Mutrino 8 months ago (edited) You do actually not have to exceed the speed of light to travel to another star or even Andromeda. For half the trip you accelerate at 1g, turn your space ship around and decelerate at 1g, for most of the trip you would be traveling very close to the speed of light, time slows down for the traveler and it would take you about 50 ship yrs for a round trip to Andromeda, but millions of years would have passed back on earth Reply caganb caganb 1 year ago Need a warp field. I’m working on it 1 Reply Shilpan Shukla Shilpan Shukla 1 year ago Quantum entanglement can transmit information faster then speed of light with spins. 3 Reply 2 replies Hugo Tron Hugo Tron 1 year ago We are in a long way to go to other stars in one second and any other part of the universe in 1 sec, but instead of being emotional, there is only one way: Build it. Flex it. Use it. Enjoy it. Share it. 1 Reply Chris V. Chris V. 7 months ago They already figured out how to warp with out having to use exotic matter. 1 Reply Jorge C. M. Jorge C. M. 8 months ago 1:40 What? How? Isn't it almost 300000 km/s? Reply Michael Ramos Michael Ramos 1 year ago One told me we can use antigravity. What does swimming under water, traveling by car, flying by plane and thru space have incommon?....they Crete a temporary antigravity... by.. free fall in or outside a plane, in orbit where we are always falling somewhere. That was half the question. What do they all have in common? ..........they are ALL subject to g-force. You cannot get awY from it no matter how hard you Hine it finds you.. High Five Mr Tyson Reply cc gg cc gg 1 year ago What if instea do warping space we warp / control gravity ? Reply Notorious ROSCOE Notorious ROSCOE 1 year ago Science fiction space ships travel at the speed of plot. 9 Reply christian christian 9 months ago I can see us being able to build space crafts that can go that fast but only use them as probes/rovers/satellites to explore other planets and solar systems. I dont see any way you could actually have something going that fast and keep humans in there without it obliterating them. 1 Reply MT SOKO MT SOKO 11 months ago Now that we've discovered the boson maybe we'll be able to manipulate it without the infinite energy requirements first predicted. Reply Dick Richard Dick Richard 1 year ago Short answer, our sci fi dreams are really hard to achieve 1 Reply 1 reply Steve Boswell Steve Boswell 5 months ago I reckon nearly everything is possible to do, we just have to be advanced enough to do it. Travelling faster than the speed of light I don't know, we need it though if humanity is to survive. If dark matter is expanding quicker than light and other stars and planets are getting pushed away it makes you think. I wish I could live a day in 5000 years time to see how much we evolved, if we are still alive of course 🤣 1 Reply Captain JJ Captain JJ 1 year ago We'll get to that point. What can't we do? 1 Reply Nina Frangieh Nina Frangieh 1 year ago It will not remain just a dream , it will happen soon 5 Reply 5 replies Joseph Miller Joseph Miller 1 year ago I just love this. . . . . Reply Hi Swiftie's and Walkers ♡♡ Hi Swiftie's and Walkers ♡♡ 1 year ago (edited) I want to travel with the speed of light. I basically don't know what would happen but once I wanna try ...👩‍🚀🌌 2 Reply 1 reply Tre2Crazy Tre2Crazy 1 year ago I’m not at all a astrophysicist but if a proton has no rest mass or something like that would it be possible to create a chamber that harness protons making it a proton chamber Reply Revy Revy 1 year ago This got very spacey very fast. Reply Wise-One Wise-One 3 months ago Is the speed of light fixed for every observable universe?????? Reply brandon holt brandon holt 1 year ago So we have legit teleporters.. 2 Reply Gideon cooper Gideon cooper 1 year ago (edited) I think neil should come with new invented theories. He been talking so much.!🤣 6 Reply 5 replies Mitch Firebird Mitch Firebird 1 year ago Many times faster than the speed of light will be possible in the future. When going faster than the speed of light humans will find that they will go through matter(black holes, planets, sun, space, ECT.) like a ghost. 1 Reply Aditya Radisty Aditya Radisty 1 year ago To bend space you just need to travel across the time into few second after the big bang , and then going back Reply 1 reply Anand Nair Anand Nair 11 months ago The more i learn the lesser i know! Reply User Zero User Zero 1 year ago Probably not possible but encompass the vessel in energy and then accelerate to the speed of light. Reply AnthonyY † AnthonyY † 1 year ago (edited) Knowledge can get you from point A & B, but imagination can encircle the entire world Albert einstein 1 Reply JAYW0151 JAYW0151 1 year ago It was all a dream i used to read wordup magazines. Salt n pepper heavy d up in the limousine 32 Reply 3 replies Tony Alvarado Tony Alvarado 8 days ago (edited) I'm stuck on the assumption of traveling near the speed of light accounting for a huge change in time (or time traveling due to speed) as stated by Neil. For example, if an explosion occurs with a young person that will see it who is also on a call with another young person on a spaceship departing at the speed of light just prior to the time of the explosion, regardless of your arrival at another point in space faster, the explosion has happened, and you're just waiting for the light to reach you. I can understand you don't see it yet, but it has happened already. In my little brain, one person is telling the other "dude, it exploded" to which the other says, "Yup, I heard it on the phone but I'm so far now that I have to wait to see it". I guess you could argue that cell service would be iffy since it's traveling at nearly the same speed as the cell signal being received on the Likewise, you could also argue that if you are only at half the speed of light, given enough time, the light of the explosion will surpass you. Does that then mean you are now going backward in time? I'm obviously not an astrophysicist but wonder if others have similar problems with this stuff. Having written that, thoughts of being at several multiples of the speed of light (not acceleration to the speed of light) may have crazy implications. However, Neil (who is wicked smart) stated you would actually go into the future. So, in that call scenario that I gave, you would basically be talking to the grandson of the young dude who you talked to as you took off. Reply Nathaniel montgomery Nathaniel montgomery 4 months ago Traveling faster than light would have us fly right into a void or super void . Reply Patrick Neal Porter Patrick Neal Porter 6 months ago (edited) Is it possible to go almost the speed of light light but then if we shine a light going at the speed of light, ahead of us. would that be going twice the speed of light Or would the light not escape Reply 1 reply STAYC Bias STAYC Bias 1 year ago What happen if you travel the entire universe in less than 1sec? Faster than teleportation. 1 Reply Jason Hayward Jason Hayward 1 year ago I can make a jump engine but I don't know what a warp drive or pulse drive is jump drives tap into energies that are moving through our universe 1 Reply Cleander Cleander 1 year ago We should put a group of very fertile people on a spaceship 🚀 so their 300th generation can get to the closest star 💫 Alpha Centauri 4 Reply 14 replies Michele Helton Michele Helton 1 year ago I fkn love Neil. Period. 2 Reply DMan1331 DMan1331 1 year ago Question: You create a device that could travel at the speed of light and attach a flashlight to that device. When you launch the device and it accelerates to the speed of light you turn the flashlight on, would the light emitted by the flashlight travel at twice the speed of light? I think that it would based upon Einstein's theory of relativity. My reasoning is that the flashlight shares the same inertial frame of reference as the craft that it is attached to. However, the light emitted from the flashlight will accelerate and leave the flashlight's inertial frame of reference at the speed of light thus achieving a velocity of 2 times the speed of light. So, in this case does 1 plus 1 equal 2 ? Lol Please let me know if you think that this is theoretically possible. Thanks 1 Reply 1 reply Durgesh Verma Durgesh Verma 1 year ago But if I travel at speed of light time will stop for me , as a result when I stop even after millions. Of light year it would me like just 1s or less passed 🤔 Reply João Costa João Costa 1 year ago If u travel at the speed of light on a ship and u send a beacon of light from the ship as it is moving, wouldn't that same beacon be travelling faster than the speed of the ship? in this case the speed of light? 🤨 Reply 2 replies Lynx Lynx 1 year ago If this would ever happen… and we travelled to a new habitable planet… what if there is life there… knowing humans we would probably ruin their own planet 2 Reply Skulldrey Skulldrey 1 year ago all i learned is that you have used neils words, worth years of earned credibility, for your own profit 4 Reply 1 reply topentine topentine 1 year ago Only light can travel at its own speed and any other matter that travels faster than light which I refer to as another state of matter can only do so because it’s in its own form. Hence, no machine can travel at the speed of light because they would be melted into a photon to do so… 1 Reply Some Stuff Some Stuff 4 months ago (edited) If we can uncouple the dark energy field from the neutrino background flux, we might only need 8 dimensions to do it! Reply Lago di Fuoco Lago di Fuoco 1 year ago If it is thought of, it is possible. Reply Mark Reeve Mark Reeve 1 year ago Don't know why this is the point I hung on to, but reflecting on a warp drive scenario with a ship remaining "stationary" while space moves around it. I suppose stationary is relative and everything in space is moving. The ship would actually be travelling through space at the same speed it was travelling before warping, would it not? Reply 1 reply Karl Morris Karl Morris 5 months ago Even if we could travel at speeds we have to send probes to these stars to start off with because for one how do we know that stars are not now a black hole just that the light is still coming to us from what it used to be because we can't go into a star and then gets sucked into its event Horizon Can We Reply ANDREW AGUIRRE ANDREW AGUIRRE 1 year ago Yay 4 Reply Nathaniel Anderson Nathaniel Anderson 1 year ago We would still need to develop some sort of bubble of space to protect the craft from being smashed to bits by small pieces of dust, while hitting them at the speed of light. Reply Isaac Kitone Isaac Kitone 1 year ago But if NASA for example wanted to send a spaceship to Sagittarius A* and they warped space-time, what about the space-time for the rest of us? Wouldn't it be warped also? 1 Reply Watcherlady85 Watcherlady85 1 year ago So a non material like entity with non human properties could pass through these portals?? Reply Jason Schneeweiss Jason Schneeweiss 1 year ago For the satelite to get to the nearest star. How long would it take the information to get back to us? Reply 2 replies manicd81 manicd81 1 year ago Will humanity ever reach another star system Reply David McRoberts David McRoberts 1 year ago (edited) I use Neutron stars stars to achieve FTL …I can make a 80 LY jump easily….I fly into the cone and it supercharges me… Reply 1 reply FR4NCO FR4NCO 1 year ago Worms holes are tiny and arguably a nesscessity in creating the land of our PLANET! No one is travelling into the future if you get there in a second! It'd still be our present day in your new destination and still the same date on theirs. It would be that same first date you would note and everyday after from both our planet's date and theirs....who ever "they" are. AyeProlly 👍🏻 Reply Jay TV ™ Jay TV ™ 1 year ago (edited) I just want to be faster than death everything else can be learnt 1 Reply redeye 11 redeye 11 1 year ago Proxima centauri is actually our closest star other than the sun of course Reply Casper Casper 1 year ago I just want something awesome to happen lol. x Reply Alan Brady Alan Brady 1 year ago It’d be impossible as you’d probably hit some space debris or an asteroid or something, sounds good travelling the speed of lift but how would it be possible to without hitting something on the way? 1 Reply 4 replies GentlemanOfFinesse GentlemanOfFinesse 1 year ago How long does it take me to travel to a distant star at the speed of darkness 🤔 1 Reply 5 replies István Sipos István Sipos 1 year ago 05:36 superLUMINAL at just supersonic speed, it would be a snail ship, not a space ship 2 Reply LM WHOLLY LM WHOLLY 1 year ago Thanks for sharing 2 Reply Daniel Miller Jr Daniel Miller Jr 1 year ago Emotions are gravity/antigravity on wavelengths of light and, sound. 8 emotions broken over choices creates a 24+32 bit binary code of gravitational magnetism around each person.:) Reply Corteum9000 Corteum9000 1 year ago It's probably the case that other pre-human civilizations in the universe already figured out ftl or wormhole travel. See Richard Dolan for more info. 1 Reply Domnic Mendes Domnic Mendes 1 year ago A little faster than light or even three times is no use...the universe is so so freaking huge 1 Reply buck rogers buck rogers 5 months ago So if you could bend space and warp to significant and certain distances away from earth then theoretically with a powerful enough telescope you could observe any moment in the history of the earth ! 1 Reply Bubble Fish Bubble Fish 1 year ago What about black holes are those wormholes Reply Mister Nobody Mister Nobody 1 year ago I have thought. If you were ever be able to contain an black hole and kinda stabilize it, directly in front of a spaceship. It will pull the spaceship faster than the speed of light, and because it's stabilized in front of the spaceship, it will move with and ahead of the spaceship. Any thoughts?, Wanna Invest? Reply 1 reply SuperKinahead SuperKinahead 5 months ago how do you dodge the rocks n stuff in your path when traveling faster than the speed of light Reply 1 reply Johnny S Johnny S 1 year ago Like a song playing bridging from one point to another Reply Chif GT Chif GT 1 year ago We should just ask Goku to teach us the instant transmission technique. Reply rahul choudhury rahul choudhury 1 year ago It's only the Google pay ad that brought me back to earth...else I was about to jump the warp hole Reply Michelle Encinas Michelle Encinas 11 months ago We need to build a massive ship that can maintain human, plant and animal life for thousands of years or at least hundreds as we make our way through space. Yes there is alot to think about but I believe it should be done soon 1 Reply 321Mdp 321Mdp 1 year ago This video is just widely theoretical. The enduring problem is that unless you can keep the bent space constant, if you travel in one direction (1) there is no guarantee what your traveling to is still there (2) as soon as you travel you can never travel back to the same time & place Reply Hani Kofi Hani Kofi 1 year ago The ship at the beginning: the Prometheus! ;) Reply Ghoraxe Ghoraxe 1 year ago Ok so.. If going faster than light requires that you temporarily remove yourself out of reality...... Why would we need thrust? The Goal Would be to Simply.. Open the Doorway to that reality.... but i guess than the question is.... How do you do that? I'm willing to bet it has something to do with gravity and lots of it Reply 3 replies Western Body Western Body 1 year ago I have already broken the speed of light. It only when I am observed I go slower Reply 1 reply Mark Cote Mark Cote 1 year ago What about electromagnetic propulsion? a disc shape craft. An upright cylinder core of liquid mercury. Surrounded by ferro magnets rotating in clockwise and counterclockwise directions. Also what about the TR 3B? there IS technology out there that can move much faster than what the media reports. Reply BJ M BJ M 1 year ago Wormhole do exist! Actually wormholes have nothing to do with folding space, which is impossible. They are conduits or tunnels, similar to the network of nerves of the body that transfer energy throughout space within extra dimensions. Is Time Travel Possible? - The Science of Time With Neil deGrasse Tyson Science Time 428K subscribers Subscribe 22K Share 978,036 views Jan 16, 2021 #TimeTravel #Science #NeilTyson Whether time travel is possible is among the most intriguing questions in all of science. Neil deGrasse Tyson explains how time travel into the future is possible through Einstein's general relativity theory. Time travel is a widely recognized concept in philosophy and science fiction. But is it truly possible in real life? What does physics tell us about time travel? Is it possible to travel to the past? There are some physical theories that can help us learn what time travel is and how it works. Neil deGrasse Tyson explains the nature of time and the conundrums of time travel. In Einstein's theory of special relativity time slows down or speeds up depending on how fast you move relative to something else. So, for an observer in an inertial frame of reference, a clock that is moving relative to them will be measured to tick slower than a clock that is at rest in their frame of reference. This case is sometimes called special relativistic time dilation. Time dilation may also be regarded in a limited sense as "time travel into the future. The faster the relative velocity, the greater the time dilation between one another, with the rate of time reaching zero as one approaches the speed of light. While some physicists argue whether time travel is possible, theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli thinks that time is in fact illusion and our reality is just a complex network of events onto which we project sequences of past, present and future. Neil deGrasse Tyson is quite possibly the most famous astrophysicist if not the most famous scientist of our time. He is a science communicator and author and he explains in layman's terms whether time travel is actually possible. Neil deGrasse Tyson has written numerous scientific books, his latest is "Letters from an Astrophysicist". #TimeTravel #NeilTyson #Science SUBSCRIBE to our channel "Science Time": SUPPORT us on Patreon: BUY Science Time Merch: Sources: Key moments View all 2,024 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Mario Jumpman Mario Mario Jumpman Mario 1 year ago The fact that it’s possible to time travel into the future is just mind blowing to me. I just want to use time dilation to go into the future and see how advanced earth gets. 328 Science Time Reply 72 replies Nathan Nathan 1 year ago Einstein had the best quote. You can’t travel to the past, because that’s already happened. 236 Reply 32 replies Bobby_Shadow Bobby_Shadow 1 year ago (edited) Man...I've always had an interest in this. It's such an interesting topic. 632 Reply 26 replies Kenneth Haines Kenneth Haines 2 years ago We are all time travelers. Apparently, it is a one-way street. 940 Reply 25 replies CD CD 2 years ago I think it's much simpler. It's never going to be a paradox. Time moves at the speed of light. That's why time stops if you travel at the speed of light. Even if you survive the round trip back to kill your grandfather and came back, the timeline you killed your grandfather is moving into its future at the same speed that your timeline you came back to is, and the two will never intercept. Wait 50 years and go back to that time line, you'll see you don't exist there and you had created an alternate timeline. If we ever discover anti graviton, the best we could do is visit either the past or the alternate timelines we have created. 377 Reply 57 replies Dardan Gashi Dardan Gashi 1 year ago This video literally explains of what happened in Interstellar (2014) movie. How they used a black hole to move forwards in the universe. And how staying 1 minute in the planet they landed on resulted like 10-20 years in Earth. 29 Reply 2 replies Rama Gakii Rama Gakii 2 years ago (edited) It's very possible because we all can agree that many things that were impossible 100 years ago, are now fulfilled 276 Reply 105 replies Extropian Transhuman Extropian Transhuman 2 years ago so crazy cool how tyson summed stuff up for us. I do like how he focuses on time travel, as it complements Musk's focus on simulations and Bill Nye with space travel 34 Reply 1 reply Bandog Bandog 2 years ago With all the crazy wild events going on in this world I don't doubt it 435 Reply 20 replies Jesse Jesse 1 year ago If we invent time travel then it won’t be a surprise to our future relatives if we visit them considering they invented it. We will have older and younger versions of our selves visiting each other 60 Reply 4 replies Wesley Insley Wesley Insley 2 years ago This Channel has become one of my favorite! Fascinating ideas and videos 95 Science Time Reply Science Time · 4 replies Dark Vulcan Dark Vulcan 2 years ago (edited) I believe so, but only forward and its not so much travelling" as it is "skipping" or like anti aging. I imagine if we ever reach type 2 we'll set up livable colinies around black holes to take advantage of the slowing effect the insane gravity has on time. 2 Reply Erick Protz Erick Protz 2 years ago Now I know what to do with the 2 black holes in my backyard. 1.6K Reply 79 replies StarMan TrendStarz StarMan TrendStarz 1 year ago What if we are all time travelers in a present day world ? Of course it won’t be possible to have same previous world characteristics but they will be similar 🙂 and since we are in a new world with new characteristics our action and thought would definitely be different because remember if we all did things differently at birth our future (which is now) won’t be as it currently is😀 Reply luttman23 luttman23 2 years ago If you could travel back in time, to stop a paradox you might also have to travel the equivalent amount through space. If you travelled back 10 years, you would exit the wormhole 10 light years away from where you entered. You couldn't possibly break causality then... could you? 4 Reply Excluseive Excluseive 2 years ago The difference in the time on the planes sounds more like General Relativity. Considering only the velocity, people on the ground would see time on the plane going slower but people on the plane would see time on the ground going slower. To compare the clocks at the start and end the plane had to accelerate (and deccelerate) so overall time slowed down on the plane due to General Relativity. 3 Reply C6 C6 1 year ago One reason i want time travel: I would love to go back to my childhood with the knowledge I have right now, and see all my old friends. One reason why I think it’s a horrible idea: simple as this, the butterfly effect. Someone somewhere will do something and completely alter this entire reality and change it as we know it. And not for the better 20 Reply 4 replies Ash M Ash M 1 year ago This man is truly an inspiration. Undoubtedly superb. Wow. 3 Reply Devin Smith Devin Smith 2 years ago This could've been a 1 second video. I would've gotten a chuckle out of Dr. Tyson just saying "No" and then the credits rolling. 158 Reply 6 replies alexandra alexandra 1 year ago If you were to time travel back to a previous part of your life like your childhood, would you, the time traveler, remain the age you are in the current present or would you become young again? 1 Reply Stafford Family Stafford Family 1 year ago So if you traveled back to the time before you traveled around the black holes, and then didn't travel, would you double yourself? 67 Reply 3 replies Jeff VQ Jeff VQ 1 year ago It can be done but the question is how will we be able to navigate the interdimensional space. We should assume that time is like an empty sea with no nearby island or landing point. Though, we knew when were going.. the idea that landing on the right place and time could still be a tricky one. We could might be lost in a different time or a different place. Reply afroafrik afroafrik 1 year ago Since it also takes some time for information to get to our brain from all of our sensory inputs (or even for a thought) we are actually stuck in the past not in present :) 35 Reply 3 replies Somrat Khan Somrat Khan 1 year ago I would say, we still don't exactly know what exactly time is. If we can truly grasp the true ideal concept about what time is, we may be able to go back. Also, isn't science always about "If ain't false, it's true"? Reply A A 1 year ago Damn neil is back at it again blowing my mind I thought time travel to the past was against the laws of physics 35 Reply 16 replies Irony Irony 2 years ago (edited) Did they use a clock with gears for this test or did they use digital clocks with the airplane test. I can see that reaching “light speed” bends the space in front of you but I feel like it changes your surroundings so it almost in absence is sucking you to the location point, but you would be in the same instance of time no matter your location. Which just makes it a neat instantaneous motion - so I don’t think your timeline would leave the time line per say if you left earth at light speed. I feel like it is possible somehow reverse a person timeline but that’s super sci-fi and that’s probably done at more of a cellular level by reversing cells to a point you were at your prime or possibly youth. But it’s not impossible per say if there was a wormhole that took you into a loop of bent versions of the universe to some degree in its past. Reply James H James H 1 year ago There are 4 ways to do backwards time travel: 1) Going FTL. May be possible if Tachyons end up being real & are able to be harnessed. 2) Being able to utilize the properties that higher dimensions offer. 3) Finding exotic matter that has a negative energy density. With this stuff you can do crazy things. Warp drive, stabilize wormholes, allow something like a probe to fly through the middle of a black hole & back out again without being crushed. 4) Wormholes. Probably need 3) to ever be able to send something through. 1 Reply George Hastings George Hastings 1 year ago What happened to the theory where you could travel backwards in time but not forward? Reply Aureum Aureum 1 year ago Time travel truly an interesting concept. If only we had a better understanding of it. 2 Reply 1 reply LoOk BoOk LoOk BoOk 1 year ago (edited) Bending a wormhole allows to time pass through the tunnel, but the wormholes are not sensitive to our eyes. If so,can time pass if the wormholes are sensitive to our eyes? 1 Reply Joseph Herron Joseph Herron 1 year ago Tyson is one of the greatest teachers that ever lived. 5 Reply 1 reply Mohamed Almehdhar Mohamed Almehdhar 2 years ago this channel is one of the best. I love you brother for the content you provide. 2 Reply telletran telletran 2 years ago I don't think you can travel forwards or backwards but viewing the past like watching TV might be possible. All you have to do is catch up to the reflective light bounced off your viewing target. Simple. Reply Rymel Lee Gutierrez Igne Rymel Lee Gutierrez Igne 1 year ago (edited) actually when you watch this video you are actually watching the past, visually and not physically. The only way I think the possible way to travel to the future is if you actually move faster than the speed of time then bend the fabric of space using gravity so that the needed travel is shorter than the actual but now it is not possible. 1 Reply darion payne darion payne 1 year ago 🔮*To break time certainly seems to mean breaking an object and having your own attention broken by it. So if I see two seperate lines in space, I can view them as cognition lines and view as the certain possibility of putting a solid on them. In this case I'd certainly use the wind to travel me across time, for me.🧐 1 Reply Harry Stoller Harry Stoller 2 months ago I’m so excited to hear this possibility! If there’s a link, what’ll it say? Reply Jake Jake Jake Jake 1 year ago If the last has already happened, and you go back in time, the past becomes your future, and if you somehow go back to the future, the future won’t change because it was your past, and the past already happened. You can’t change the future, by time traveling you effectively create alternate realities 4 Reply 1 reply ATwistOfFate ATwistOfFate 3 months ago If I could travel back in time I would love to with all of the knowledge I have now and do it all over again it would be the ultimate second chance. 1 Reply 1 reply wulphstein wulphstein 2 years ago I was watching a flying saucer movie where this weird psychic medium asked: is it possible that extraterrestrials are in psychic contact with humans. I had to admit: well, it's possible. Unlike time travel which is: not possible. 2 Reply Rod Anderson Rod Anderson 1 year ago Time travel as a "practical" ability is not done only because we don't know how -- yet. 2 Reply The-Disabled-Gamer The-Disabled-Gamer 11 months ago I love Dr. Tyson, i could listen to him talk/teach to no end, idk when it comes to anything Space my brain just can't get enough. Reply Harru Kuehn Harru Kuehn 2 years ago Neil in order to travel in the past would mean time is unform and the law of the conservation of information extends to the fourth demension. This has considerable implications and improbalities. Take a man traveling to his past and witnesses his birth. Is it a memory in his head or can he inhabit every moment up to his forth year simultaneously. Reply Azazel 2001 Azazel 2001 1 year ago I've always wondered if you were able to travel to the past would your memory be reset to accommodate the backward travel 5 Reply 2 replies Guillaume Maurice Guillaume Maurice 2 years ago Thank you for sharing this video, that was very interesting. I enjoyed it. 6 Reply 1 reply Slack Starfish81 Slack Starfish81 1 year ago Black holes are still the craziest things in existence. Like it just blows my mind 12 Reply dmark David dmark David 1 year ago Time-travel may not be possible in the manner we expect it. But we must look at technology and not ignore the nature of our physical environment. Perhaps the key is hidden in the latter. 7 Reply 2 replies Bala1boy Bala1boy 1 year ago The two black holes thing sound more like standing still in time rather than actually going back. 21 Reply 1 reply mayank mishra mayank mishra 1 year ago So that means no one has ever died in the past and we can just go back in time and see them alive. Wow. 14 Reply 3 replies RESPECT All RESPECT All 2 years ago Imagine going bac and time and changing when someone u knew were in a bad place at a bad time and died. You can move them from that situation amazing 🤩 that would be 26 Reply 14 replies ASFR&FlagCommunity 🇺🇦 ASFR&FlagCommunity 🇺🇦 1 year ago How to travel through the fifth dimension using only four dimensions 1. Go back in time to desired era 2. Change events 3. Go back to altered present day 56 Reply 5 replies Sanccex 313 Sanccex 313 1 year ago (edited) Paradox, Portals and Alternate universes aside, the fact of some just creating a time machine is breaking time in it self, as that time machine could be replicated in the past, this also applies to the future, so my point is that never ever a time machine has been created. The only real way of travelling in time, is actually by traveling into the space. 1 Reply Wild Dreams Wild Dreams 1 year ago (edited) There are events in my life that i felt i already been there before but it only happens in reality.🤔how do you explain dejavu in simple terms🤔 1 Reply Cristian M Cristian M 2 years ago Tyson is a Magician of Time 3 Reply Nick Mordente Nick Mordente 1 year ago “TONY STARK WAS ABLE TO BUILD THIS IN A CABIN.....WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS” 681 Reply 45 replies Richard Coterie Richard Coterie 1 year ago I am sad that I will not be seeing our universe interact with other universe in the far future. 6 Reply T Bur T Bur 1 year ago One of the troubles is that every time traveler would displace /add either matter or energy back into the past universe to it's total, whilst annihilating it from the future ( as lifetime spent in the past is no longer spent in the "present" ). Just thinking out loud ... Reply Dyzel Filmz Dyzel Filmz 1 year ago I JUST WANNA TRAVEL BACK IN TIME TO PREVENT MY PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS FROM EVER MEETING EACH OTHER. PRICELESS FOR ME 2 Reply Gyals next man Gyals next man 1 year ago If you travel back in time, that time becomes your future, and the events you do whilst in the past could significantly alter history, they would then become your future but you won’t know until you time travel back in time to the point where you alter history. Watch a series from an anthology called Amazing stories on Apple TV the first episode is about someone who accidentally time travels to the past altering his future and as he’s figuring it out it all clicks into place . Reply Joe Souza Joe Souza 1 year ago What if we sent a micro tracker/ nano time tracker in a particle small enough to reach speed of light ? Reply Link in the Chain Link in the Chain 8 months ago (edited) I started a project in 2006, using a very low audio tone I started recreating what I called the Solaris Uniform Nation audio or Sol Project. It's audio of Sol by space and time. I have the audio with my major record label distribution. Yes, I have time traveled with audio. Reply mister iguana mister iguana 2 years ago Here's my thought on time travel. Let's say I travel 100 years in the past. The spot where I stood will have moved due to the ever expanding universe and how the earth rotates around the sun. So my thinking is I might move 5 ft forward, backward, side to side, up, down. How would that get calculated and where would I stand to be in that spot when I arrive? Or if there's an object where I should end up what happens then? Now do this to 1000 years forward. I might just end up off planet ain't no one got time for that!!!! 11 Reply 2 replies YungBloodas YungBloodas 2 years ago I thought very small amounts of negative energy were already created in a lab? Something to do with creating a perfect vacuum and removing positive energy from the system? Reply GHOSTBOX_2 GHOSTBOX_2 1 year ago (edited) 1:30 Yeah that's what I was thinking. Using a black hole's horizon because time is messed up and scrambled in these things. So if we could contain a black hole we can go back in time. Or forward in time. Reply Jon T Jon T 7 months ago (edited) Interesting discussion. I've noted as I get older time seems to move faster. When I was 15 a month took forever now at 40 its over in the blink of an eye. This is pretty easily explained, as you get older time represents a smaller and smaller portion of your life, so it seems to move quicker. The theory is if you were immortal time would seem to speed up faster and faster until you literally went insane. So my theory is time is toxic to the human mind, and the longer we're exposed to time the more toxic it is 1 Reply 4 replies D Scott Boris D Scott Boris 2 years ago Would that have the same dynamics as the appearance of the planets moving backward in our night sky ? Reference to space time with two merging black holes . Reply Tulipな Tulipな 1 year ago I wonder if having completely 0 movement in space would make you have infinity fast movement in time? 1 Reply JimT's TubeTV JimT's TubeTV 1 year ago The problem is we still believe that time is linear. 33 Reply 6 replies Susan Caleca Susan Caleca 2 years ago If there are different time zones in the present couldnt someone travel to a different time zone, be considered time travel? 1 Reply Nolan Chompski Nolan Chompski 1 year ago The only question I have is if you go forward 10 years and come back to find everyone dead did you age more or do you come back only 10 years older? Reply Antwaun Kent Antwaun Kent 1 year ago I've said this before, the reason we can't go back in time is because things would have to be vacuumed in reverse and all items that's collected to make you would need to be collected as well as all things around that presents would have to be reversely collected too. When you do try to go back, Its like glue and will be pulled back to its resolve placement in current time, like a dream. Time is sticky, like gravity is magnetic like. To break its glue, you'd have to vacuum all possibilities and draw them in with you like a black hole that pulls light and matter to a singularity point. Then something would have to sort out the absolutions of all items and its placements. Very small matter that share a very similar make-up can just swap placement because it doesn't disrupt the continuem of time/space/logic and principals. Think of the cat in the box. The unknown can't flex its muscle so its free to bend/ relocate in the folds subbing its place with a simple replacement to keep the fabric whole. Its like being in water with a cup and moving that water to a different location in the same body of water with-in the waters same body.. Displacement isn't changed but the water has been moved. So what really changed but your logical knowing you did do it? So what changed in the water was the water but the place taken was by a similar form, so no gaps leaving an no obvious change. Like moving a fish from one tank to another. If the chemistry is perfect the fish only knows its not at the original point. Minus displacement and knowledge etc. To move you; again., all that food/air/water/etc that came to make you would have to be collected and brought in the present at the same time you left to filling your void as you go to the past. But once you're there all that, that made you currently would be missing in your now present. A leaf piece here, a dinosaur eye there, and collection of water and air/ light displacement/ energy, etc would all be gone as you showed up. And in your old present, those same random items of that collective past would be here in some type of you to be. Like a random dinosaurs ey etc or like your shadow but in many associated forms. And the backlash could cause many butterfly effects to be determined however. Can't go anywhere without leaving something behind and no man needs nothing. You could create a mirror image, like a video game but you've multiplied your factors and or doubled your existence. Which is not the same but a simulated past in the a present. Should make perfect sense. You blur out the faster you go forward leaving a trail. Just reverse that idea and that's back time traveling. Reply G.A. Wilson G.A. Wilson 1 year ago Neil, the solution to your quest to see your dad is simple. Have a quantity of industrial diamonds microscopically etched with your contact information, including a specific date and time where you can be found. Include a request to a future time traveler to travel through time to meet you. Then scatter the diamonds everywhere you can. If time travel to the past is possible someone in the future will find your "message in a bottle", travel back in time, pick you up and take you to your desired destination. Say hi to your dad for me. ;-)) Shalom, gw Reply Tim's World Views Tim's World Views 1 year ago If traveling back in time is possible, there would have to be an infinite amount of versions of everyone, existing at all points in their lives. If you go back to the year 2000, all of the people you know would be there. If you go back to the year 2010, all the same people would be there, as well. Every second would have to have those people there unless they died. So there would have to be a near-infinite number of versions of everyone actually existing. Reply dani stan dani stan 2 years ago it just hit me,,, i have a photo of my grandpa from when he was some 5 years older then me, and he looked a lot like me, and every time i look at that photo, i get scared and feel a sensation of increased deja vu or something, and it makes me wonder, what if i am my own grandpa? 47 Reply 10 replies jake jake 10 months ago This has been bugging me for the longest time and I just can't get past it and that is that when you "travel" back in time that is assuming there is something to go back to as in some sort of permanent recording or record of events that can somehow be manipulated.another thought is what if it is impossible for an Individual or even a group to go time travel for example when you want to hear just one instrument in 1 part of a song when you rewind a cassette it rewinds the whole song I say that to say this what if time travel is similar in that in order to travel back in time maybe the whole planet or galaxy perhaps even all of existence has to be rewound ..I am not very good at expressing my thoughts wrritten or typed I am hoping you get the gist of what I am saying....thanks for your TIME it is appreciated.... Reply YashNavindgi YashNavindgi 1 year ago So I think about this alot.. while having the odd existential crisis XD Was just thinking if time travel does exist, i.e. it gets created at some point in the future wouldn't we have already known about it and we would already be way more advanced in terms of technology standards (paradox yes).. but then that got me thinking, what if we do discover/invent the means to time travel but it works in a way that we dont think it should.. So, at the point in the future where we do as humans engineer some form of time travel tech, thats where the clock starts for the window in which we can travel in time.. this piece of tech records all events starting from the point that it was created at. Now we wont be able to travel to the future, but we will be able to travel to the past but only so far to the past as the limit would be the time at which this piece of tech was created. So the window of travel always grows but also always stays limited. Not sure if this becomes time travel at this point but also not sure what else you would call it? Im also no physicist, just a regular curious human so dont grill me in the replies about this being ridiculous ty, i know it sounds ridiculous but it is time travel were talking about here Reply Craig Daub Beats - Rap Instrumentals Craig Daub Beats - Rap Instrumentals 1 year ago So theoretically if one could indefinitely travel at the speed of light one could possibly live forever?? 22 Reply 9 replies A Hassen A Hassen 7 months ago Because we can relate to the past, history and what happened in it, altogether makes it more exciting to actually go back in time, and more entertaining to go forward in time. The future perhaps gives us better living standards but incompatible humans. Reply grumpy guy28 grumpy guy28 1 year ago Very mind blowing 🤯 excellent video 2 Reply Bob Man Bob Man 2 years ago "There's a path around 2 black holes that allows you to go back"..... then doesn't explain it 29 Reply 3 replies Mariyammal David Mariyammal David 1 year ago You cant duplicate an object infinetly in one time by going back from diffrent timelines,it violates energy equation,so Time does not exists, Time= Rate at which universal reaction occours,Time dilation =chemical reaction occurs at slower rate Reply donutwindy donutwindy 2 years ago (edited) If you go back even one nanosecond, there would be two of you, in the same location. Wouldn't that violate the Pauli exclusion principle? Conservation of matter? Or do those rules no longer apply? It gets worse. First there are 3 of you. The first, the going back in time you, and when you get there, the going forward again you. But then the first you eventually gets into the time machine again and now there are 6. As this all already took place, there would instantly be infinitely many of you between the first time and the end time. You would need to go back but instantly somehow erase the first you as you went back to avoid this. But then if you did, who got into the time machine? 1 Reply Nail Montana Nail Montana 1 year ago I keep hoping one day ill run into future me, suggesting I travel through time later in my life Reply Ranjit Sumra Ranjit Sumra 1 year ago According to Steven Hawkins, the time travels in a linear regression, and one can go forward or backwards in time. Please let us know, if anyone is working on his hypothesis at present, Reply Christopher Christopher 1 year ago what if time travellers were messing with the timeline and that's why we have mandela affects 3 Reply R Michaels R Michaels 1 year ago Would go back in time to see my parents 😔 29 Reply 7 replies Wisdom of the Golem Wisdom of the Golem 1 year ago Do light particles carve their path or is there an open pathway in vacuum leading it to it's course? If the latter is true what made the pathway? Reply the_dozak the_dozak 2 years ago For the two clocks set to the same time. And then the one on the plane reading different that the one on the ground. Did they take into consideration the effects of G Force on the watch in the plane? And how it might affect the performance of the watch and its moving parts? Reply 2 replies GODLESS101 GODLESS101 1 year ago Would it even be possible to go back in time on such a trajectory so as to not interact with your own timeline? Perhaps I don't directly interact with myself in any meaningful way, but instead interact with SOMETHING, which DOES interact with my timeline. Reply soslothful soslothful 1 year ago "The Doomsday Book" by Connie Willis is a very good time travel novel. Reply vivek tony vivek tony 1 year ago What about wormholes?? Can you explain that please Reply Jack Housser Jack Housser 1 year ago Using my brown hole I can effectively create time travel. I let out a little gas and the speed people run out of the room is so fast they must be travelling to the future. 62 Reply 4 replies Extropian Transhuman Extropian Transhuman 2 years ago 8:57. This is like neurons. Neurochemicals provide a sort of teleportation, as the chemicals that are going end up being replaced by new chemicals to fit into the new neuron. Reply Pootz 808 Pootz 808 9 months ago If time is constant and never stops then there’s no way to travel through it we’d be only able to go back to certain events or moments something like going back to a scene Reply Crazy Videos! Crazy Videos! 1 year ago Thank you so much for a useful content. I understood nothing. Reply Brain FM - Music for Fitness & Wellness Brain FM - Music for Fitness & Wellness 1 year ago Lovely video, we have so many nice places to see in this world. Happy traveling! 4 Reply issa knife issa knife 1 year ago sadly i bet if time travel was true the government would probably not tell us it would be madness if everyone can time travel 9 Reply 3 replies Postmaster Sgt Postmaster Sgt 1 year ago If its possible to time travel into the future there must be a way to go back into the past. 2 Reply 1 reply kevin long kevin long 1 year ago (edited) I'm more confused about space and time now then before watching this video thanks a lot Neil. Bam! Time travel is possible get a book and instead of opening the book to the first page go to the last page wahlah time travel turn the pages back you are going back in time. 1 Reply 1 reply Carlos Quintanal Carlos Quintanal 1 year ago I really admire deGrease but I think that time still unexplainable. time is constant on itself but everyone perceives it diferent Reply Leo Eastwood Leo Eastwood 6 months ago I really wanna go back in the year 2000, so I can fix my bad mistakes what I’ve done wrong to have a better life. 2 Reply 2 replies Tales From This Crypt Tales From This Crypt 1 year ago (edited) For us it’s never any other time than “now” … so although "time" is always "present" we don’t travel through it. rather time travels through us … ravaging us until it's past .... but you can pass an age in a passage grave as an encrypted personage Reply Sam Studios Sam Studios 1 year ago Imagine fixing everything bad that happened in life. 11 Reply 6 replies Blind Spot Blind Spot 1 year ago (edited) It´s kind of strange to say it like that: we are trapped in the now, like Tyson said. I´d want to argue quite the opposit for clarity. "Now" is a very fluent thing and very much depending on "here" (as I´ll go into a little later, with a simple thought experiment). But also, "now" is relational if it is this moment (or the speed at which we are..) turning past into present. If one thing is traveling faster in time then it is only traveling faster in relation to another thing that can be said to be traveling slower in time and therefore going backwards in time in relation to the other thing. Both are always "time traveling". And this is a very normal state of affairs. From Einsteins general relativity you could argue that this kind of time-digression is the natural state of things for layers in any gravity well (or warped space) worth the name, like different heights on earth. There is quite a few zeptoseconds time digression between your head and toes within your lifetime and we live on quite happily and unencumbered.. It would seem that the "time is an illusion" guy has a VERY, very good point. But in that case.. all bets are of, right? Maybe something like movie timetravel with a push of the button or some sort of stargate will some day be possible? Well, do the math... Because time and space are "one thing" in a very practically important way, that people seem to forget about. Even if instant timetravel were possible, you´d have to take into consideration your "here".. Your position that is rotating around the earth at 0.4km per second, orbiting the sun at 30 km per second, 230km a second for our sun moving around the milkyway probably some other orbits in star-clusters and an estimated 73.3 kilometers per second for the general expansion of the galaxy (also you´d have to come up with a factor for how much the universe has expanded all those travelled distances in that second without falling into Zeno´s "illusion of motion" paradox in a kind of compound interest calculation at planck-times). This means traveling one second back would also mean traveling at the very least 340 km in an instant and probably WAY, WAY more.. But 340 km is enough.. There is a very good chance you´d end up 340 km underground or 340 km into outer space (which starts well and good at around 100km up, so you´d better bring a pickaxe AND a space suit) and only a very marginal chance you´d end up somewhere on the surface of earth low enough to survive the fall, but high enough not to be half-stuck in solid rock. The jaggedy circle of different heights on the surface of the earth intersecting the skin of the sphere of all possible positions within a 340km radius from your current position, where you could theoretically survive, means very little even if you would by some miracle manage to reach it. It really would be anybody´s guess at what speed you´d arrive, since you´d literally have to divide by zero to calculate it. Even if you were generous and divide by the plank time you´d arrive at more than 10 to the 50th times the speed of light after traveling only one second back.. From this simple thought experiment It seems math, logic and common sense aren´t on the side of potential timetravelers.. Reply Dag Dowers Dag Dowers 1 year ago Which means the lower dimensions you have then the more you can twist and bend to the higher dimensions. Less dimensions is less stable which makes it controllable with things like mass which is higher dimension Reply Paul Calhoun Waser Paul Calhoun Waser 1 year ago Physicists have observed tachyons, so they are no longer “hypothetical.” Most physicists do not know it, but all neutrino speed measurements have yielded average speeds slightly faster than the speed of light. And the neutrinos’ rest mass-squared has been measured from neutrino oscillations, and they are negative. The square-root rest masses are thus imaginary. According to special relativity, positive relativistic mass must always travel slower than the speed of light. Conversely, negative relativistic mass must always travel faster than the speed of light. Thus, neutrinos have negative relativistic mass and negative-imaginary rest mass. Neutrinos are tachyons and cannot rest but must travel faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. Although we would measure neutrinos as going backward in time, they do not actually go there. We measure what occurred in the past. The arrow of time goes uniformly forward in the rest frame. Everything we see and measure is in the past, but nothing goes there. There is no “tachyonic antitelephone.” I have uploaded several papers on these properties to 1 Reply Gutenburg100 Gutenburg100 1 year ago So basically time travel to the past is possible but requires a massive amount of energy. It would also most likely create an alternate reality or a parallel universe where you can exist in it. Reply 1 reply Phil Heaton Phil Heaton 1 year ago Of course it is possible. We all do it, one second at a time, going forward with our life. There is no basis for time travel forward at a faster rate, other than Tau factor dilatation caused by high speed travel. That is very likely compared with the possibility of going back in time. I'm sure that someone has a hypothesis on how it can happen, but I've heard nothing of a way to test that, let alone a positive result coming from any experiment that would confirm it. 1 Reply 1 reply Stern Cawthray Stern Cawthray 2 years ago We need quantum computers to work out these calculations 3 Reply 1 reply Hermes XIVV Hermes XIVV 1 year ago I think a few hundreds of years from now once we actually have the technology it can be a real possibility Reply 1 reply Mike Mike 1 year ago (edited) Every bit of energy lasts forever now. We all are traveling at the speed of light, essentially. Time is faster than light. Reply 1009_Akbar alam 1009_Akbar alam 1 year ago (edited) it might be possible to travel in future, which will require enormous amount of energy. But the best thing is, when time will be slow for you, you won't even realize it. You'll feel as it is regular time. Unless you travel back with the same speed, you won't even realize the diffrences. Actually we travelling much much higher than the speed of light. Because space expanding itself at the speed of 3 billion trillion kilometers per sec. If we talk about past travelling, does every event in infinite fraction of time creates a frame in that fraction of time like video frame, which we can choose to travel? Reply 1 reply Unknown Unknown 2 years ago Stewie uses time machine to stop titanic from hitting ice breg. After change stops Stewie from travelling back in time, Captain of Titanic moves ship away from ice breg in original timeline. 2 Reply skinnyjeans4114 skinnyjeans4114 1 year ago Just listing to this gives me goosebumps but it's interesting 🤔🧐 3 Reply 2 replies Wes Wes 1 year ago (edited) I wanna go back to the 1990s / early 2000s 19 Reply 7 replies Wyatt Guilliams Wyatt Guilliams 1 year ago I think there's 3 types of Time travel One Way Forward Fixed Line UFO The OWF is exactly what was said in the beginning of the video you moving FASTER than light and landing in the future Fixed Point is simply a stationary machine that can only be used the moment it switches on to the moment it's turned off so you or anyone in the future can travel to any point in-between UFO is a vehicle that can openly move between past present and future allowing you to go anywhere at all in the moment of time you choose to explore and navigate Reply Renaissance Man Renaissance Man 1 year ago yes time travel is mathematically possible within the region of 2 black holes... but traveling back in time within that region is only effective in that region... not anywhere else. Otherwise the effect of us going back in time would enable us to look into a telescope and see other parts of the cosmos as they too would have been seen before we left. My guess would be that the only way to travel back to a point in our past relative to ourselves is still not possible. Reply MoneyGod vG MoneyGod vG 1 year ago Are we able to control the direction of a black hole to try and do tests for time travel? Reply Padre Scott Padre Scott 1 year ago Personal opinion on the ending phrase about time not existing. I've heard that past and future does not exist, only the present, reason we say live in the moment. So if that's true that means that the past is just now a series of memories. What if they created a machine that went into something's memories to alter things in the past. Reply berryfairy68 berryfairy68 1 year ago Us humans and our wishful thinking... Wanting to be somewhere else all the time 😂 1 Reply Manny301 Manny301 1 year ago Guys just remember if time travel was possible somebody would’ve came back in time already someone either from 100 years in the future or 1000 6 Reply 1 reply Mr_D3adw8 Mr_D3adw8 3 months ago I just thought of a different version of the grandfather paradox that i haven't heard anyone talk about. What if you took technology and science from the future you traveled to back to a earlier future that occurs after you left, so you wouldn't affect yourself and make a grandfather paradox, but now we have a grandchild paradox. Where since we've brought back technology that hasn't been invented yet we change the future we got it from and how could we have got it from the future since now that future has changed? Reply Chan Sreynoch Chan Sreynoch 1 year ago If going along with the gravity travel to the future then what if we go in the opposite direction of the gravity? Reply John Doe John Doe 2 years ago They didn't actually say how the trigectory between 2 black holes looks like, did they? Reply IceTray27 IceTray27 1 year ago I wanna go back in time just to watch every major movie on opening night Reply CONCISEtheGHOST CONCISEtheGHOST 1 year ago The part about space ships moving the matter around them to gauny FTL travel makes me think about Professor Farnsworth on Futurama. He said that his engines don’t move the ship but the engines move the whole universe around the ship. Lol Who knew!!!??!!! Reply Dan George Dan George 2 years ago Neil deGrasse Tyson such a good actor 3 Reply Scott Lovelace Scott Lovelace 1 year ago You will have to find a time a place that you aren't noticed by local civilization. It will also make a sound kind of like thunder when you appear in another time and place. Reply Amilcar Flores Amilcar Flores 2 years ago We can’t go to the past but we can travel to the future🔥 Reply June June 1 year ago We are already traveling thru time lol never thought about that. Reply Ang 77 Ang 77 11 months ago I don’t know if my son is trying to contact me from the future or I’m hallucinating as he is 5 and lives far from me now, he remindes me of the places we have been together and names or conversations between us through Radio or music or through whatever I listen to . I think something is going to happen to me and he’s trying to help me prevent it . I’m really confused, it’s hard to believe but to many signs Reply Arpit Goyal Arpit Goyal 1 year ago Right question to ask - if we travel in future. Whose future would it be? Will it be ours or someone else's who is us in some other universe. Reply Alfred Chalira Alfred Chalira 1 year ago i just feel like you cannot end up in your own past, 7 Reply Gaius Cavazos Gaius Cavazos 1 year ago Now I know this is a simulation for sure 2 Reply TTG Asap TTG Asap 1 year ago The gateway experience reportedly had people that “gained the ability to manipulate time” Reply Dag Dowers Dag Dowers 1 year ago Higher dimensions makes us more stable like a table with legs.. 1 dimensions is like the floor with nothing below it.. when u put mass on 1 dimension it will bend. Like a ball on a paper.. if u add dimensions like a cube it will be a lot harder to bend because it is supported by other dimensions Reply SerenityNow SerenityNow 1 year ago (edited) It depends on the observer. For example if we are here from earth observing Supernova from outer space, we only see the past of the super nova and the other information hasn't reach us yet. Just like in Avengers End Game, what ever place we go even if we go the speed of light for us reaching the destination would be our present, but the observer who saw us going to a direction will only see it as a past. Confuse yet? Reply Dante the Spoon Dante the Spoon 7 months ago I just wanna go into the past and secretly change things that I did 1 Reply Sanchita Verekar Sanchita Verekar 2 years ago To speak truth these video really worth 10k likes per hour 5 Reply Derelict Manchester Derelict Manchester 9 months ago Threads of Time is a book that is a compilation of accounts collated from individuals who may have experienced a brief excursion into another time zone or have slipped into alternative dimensions. Close to the village of Rougham, Suffolk, UK, a Georgian mansion house unexpectedly appears and disappears. This case of sightings has been ongoing for 150 years. In 1984, Ken Webster received dozens of messages that appeared on his BBC Microcomputer monitor, written in ‘Middle English’. A person named Lukas Wainman believed to be from the 1500’s sent these strange messages. A Russian scientist, who constructed a time travel ‘pod’, in which one of the experiments resulted in tragic circumstances. In a terraced house in Bath, Somerset, UK, a retired watchmaker created a healing device that also had the additional capability of being used as a time machine. Reply Matthew Matthew 1 year ago Going faster than light you just beat the light to a specific destination and can look back at the position you departed from and see the past... Traveling back to that point you catch up with the light until it presents nothing but the present and are met with the same amount of time passing as the entirety of the time it took to make the trip. With it being "impossible" to travel faster than light you will never observe this in reality. I have no input on the gravitational effect on time but seeing as Gravity isn't fully defined it may be an opinionated view that is not possible. I do not think FTL travel is equivalent to Time Travel or better put "4th dimensional" travel but if Gravity can be manipulated then maybe there is merit to the idea. It's quite the conundrum and could be a theoretical fallacy based on imaginative ideals. The Grandpa Paradox isn't much of an issue... once you exist you won't fade out of existence due to killing your ancestors BTTF style. The future you exist in is set no matter if the actions you take are corrected or not but a new future can exist along side it and you in turn become "interdimensional"... sounds relatively silly but so does time travel. It's a theory to be tested of course when and if technology permits it depending on a participant willing enough to try it out. I believe Many Worlds Theory is a good base to interpret this but therein lies the prospect of a whole mess of different futures interfering with the current present we experience now. 1 Reply Nwachukwu Oluwadamilare Nwachukwu Oluwadamilare 1 year ago I discovered the answer to time travel,we can only travel into the past not the future that is why most of the prediction of the future by many scientists have failed because the future is limitless I got this through my new discovery of how the universe came into existence 1 Reply Clientes Informações Clientes Informações 5 months ago Since someone predicted my future, I am sure we are living the past and at least people from the future can communicate with people in the past. Reply Joey Demitro Joey Demitro 1 year ago I WISH THAT I CAN TRAVEL BACK IN TIME TO THE YEAR 2000 ALL I CARE ABOUT IS THE PAST ONLY THE PAST 1 Reply phantomEdge damascus phantomEdge damascus 2 years ago what if "Time" is not an illusion but a real measure of sequences.... 7 Reply 2 replies Vithi Singh Vithi Singh 1 year ago In my opinion the grandfather paradox cam be resolved by believing in an eternal soul. So if one went back in time and killed their grandfather their soul would still exist in the present but their bodies would not. Reply James Smith James Smith 1 year ago I don’t think there’s a multiverse. I think that if one was able to go back in time, it would only be possible to go back to a point where you already existed, not before that. It would be more like being asleep and waking up in 2010 and waking up to your alarm and you have to go to work at your old job. There would be no “younger you” just you. If this was so, I do wonder if you would have memory of your future or only of your past. 1 Reply 2 replies Sandy Degener Sandy Degener 1 year ago Forget "The Grandfather Paradox", the only time a traveler went back into time and affected the future, was Marty McFly playing "Johnny B. Goode" at the prom and Chuck Berry hearing it over the phone, courtesy of his cousin. Reply Chris Srnka Chris Srnka 1 year ago And a big "thank you" to the narrator for helping me save 15% on my car insurance! 28 Reply 4 replies Zen Zen 2 years ago (edited) If it transpires that we are in a simulation then yes we will have access to all points in time. We just need to be given rights. 8 Reply 14 replies Karl P Karl P 1 year ago Please specify the “two clocks”. It is an atomic clock used in GPS, international time distribution services and many more. 3 Reply Aleksandr Anufriyev Aleksandr Anufriyev 10 months ago Time is a logical procedure used to identify the stages or length of the process of interest. The person or AI compares the properties of this process with the properties of the standard one. To say I want to travel in time, like say I want to travel in measurement. :) Reply Mr. Rene Moreno Mr. Rene Moreno 1 year ago Cool to see now! Great video now@06-02-2021 now! Keep up the good work now! Be well now! 1 Reply Milad JL Milad JL 2 years ago I adore this channel Reply Key West Fan Key West Fan 3 weeks ago “Here’s a photo of me when I was younger” Every photo of everyone ever is from when they were younger… Reply World Info World Info 2 years ago really amazing information 6 Reply theman2k7 theman2k7 1 year ago Truly fascinating Reply Chris Hardwick Chris Hardwick 1 year ago Believe it or not, I'm actually aging slower than most people and I experience time in a different way. I live up here in the mountains of Colorado at 9,000 feet where time moves slightly slower than it does down at sea level. You can see the difference in time if you look at the clocks on the satellites compared to the clocks on earth, they have to constantly adjust them because of how differently time moves as you get further away from a gravitational force. Pretty weird to think about... Reply 309Bugz 309Bugz 1 year ago If you headed west your whole life could you last a little longer? Reply Gabriel Litewski Gabriel Litewski 1 year ago I prefered going back anywhere in time to fix mistakes, I didn't want to waste it without even if something was changing because I didn't know without learning that would have been helpful Reply 2 replies Too Many Opinions Too Many Opinions 1 year ago I suppose that means that if you travelled forward in time, you could never get back to your own time. Reply Fatal Ritte Fatal Ritte 2 years ago If you expect to explain the entire universe with pen and paper, you’re... 4 Reply Rap Rap Rap Rap 2 years ago Only possible if youre a purely energetic being. Because youd be able to have youre movement accellerated faster than than the passing of time in our present or have your movement slowed down slower than present passing of time. Reply Red Consciousness Red Consciousness 1 year ago The Grandfather paradox is maybe not a paradox at all, just think about it. What if every time you travel back in time you create a different timeline Reply Katie Staton Katie Staton 1 year ago I know this might be a stupid question But are the light on lighting bug also apply to any or all of these laws if bugs fish can produce light does there light also travel at that speed 1 Reply Satan yes that one Satan yes that one 1 year ago If it’s possible it means it’s already happened but at the same time it hasn’t hahah it’s so crazy and I love it Reply Bob Aldo Bob Aldo 1 year ago They keep telling us time travel into the past is impossible. Until someone turns up from the future, we'll just go with that. Reply BFOR A. BFOR A. 1 year ago it's strange that we are trying to know the things that beyond beyond our capacity 6 Reply 3 replies Brandon Fisher Brandon Fisher 2 years ago NdGT's quoted as saying: I suspect in the near future that a new law in physics will be found declaring time travel into the PAST inpossible. Reply Norman Perez Norman Perez 2 years ago I'm facsinated to how we humans could one day travel back to the past. Reply 2 replies Fluff Pup Fluff Pup 1 year ago Deja vu is really the past premonition to the future exactly in purpose. Phenomenon of the hypothetical. 2 Reply 1 reply Lockdown Ron Lockdown Ron 11 months ago Feel like we were close to finishing the time machine then we get a random guy from 2120 who comes back and says “please don’t do it” then slowly vaporizes and he does not exist because we didn’t finish it Reply ifcourse ifcourse 1 year ago i feel like it’s not ever going to be possible because we probably would have already seen it since if it did exist then people could see anyone one at any time for example somebody would have tried to save lincoln from getting murdered or stoping a loved one from dying another example if my great grandson knew i was going to die tommorow then he would try and stop it i just feel like we would have seen a sign of it so the theory that we might see time travel in the future is out of the question Reply Jafar Julaihja Jafar Julaihja 1 year ago here's how I view time if you travel back in time, to the year 1960, you just deleted everything that comes afterward. if you killed your grandfather, you wouldn't be born. but you still exist in the year 1960. 13 Reply 2 replies Marjony Lewinton Marjony Lewinton 1 year ago Science fiction is amazing. The way we think is amazing. 1 Reply Albert Alberto Albert Alberto 2 weeks ago Let’s hope it will be real one day so we can go back to our childhood Reply You Me You Me 1 year ago Time travel is fascinating it would be awesome if they could create a machine where all you had to do was step inside enter any year you wanted and immediately be transported back to that time I imagine many would go back to see famous people or events the real Jesus Christ, the Egyptians building the pyramids, and so many others. Reply Tim Crum Tim Crum 9 months ago I have had a long time theory that it would only be possible to travel into the past and it would be a one way trip because travelers could only visit time that has past Reply SMOKENBUDESQ FOR FREEDOM SMOKENBUDESQ FOR FREEDOM 4 months ago (edited) YOUR TRAVELING INTO THE FUTURE SO YES ITS ALREADY GOING ON TIME CONTROLS YOU BY HOW FAR YOU CAN GO. Reply PEACE OUT PEACE OUT 2 years ago Time travel is impossible, but you can see the past with meditation techniques which are kept secret and requires hard work 8 Reply 2 replies Kobs Kobs 1 year ago I just cant wrap my head around the fact that we as humanity can be so smart to think like this yet be so stupid at the same time .... Reply Waji Saleem Waji Saleem 7 months ago I've always hated this "Time Dilation" thing @3:32 because it's difficult to comprehend, but my neighbor explained it to me a bit more clearly today. .. My Neighbor: "It takes u a certain amount of time to change your clothes, right?" Me: "Yea.. like 5 minutes." Neighbor: "Ok, so let's say u hop into a spaceship, & take off traveling at the speed of light. .." Me: "Ok. .." Neighbor: "You take a lap around the solar system, for just enough time to change your clothes, & then u land back on Earth." Me: "Ok. .." Neighbor: "When u get back to Earth, those 5 minutes or so that you were gone.. that time lapsed faster on Earth." Me: "How much faster?" Neighbor: "I don't know, like maybe 5 hours .. perhaps 5 years .. not sure man, but that's how time dilation works. .. time slows down for you as your speed increases." Me: "Shit man.. that kinda pisses me off, because it kinda makes sense.. but it still kinda doesn't, u know?" Neighbor: "Einstein proved it on paper, man. .. It's a thing." Me: "Sounds like bullshit, man." Neighbor: "Haha, yea. .. (looks around at his yard) .. I gotta finish cuttin' my grass." Me: "Aright, I'll see ya later." Neighbor: "Peace." 1 Reply Leon Patrick Leon Patrick 1 year ago Even if you could travel into the past, you couldn't move past when the time machine was made. Reply Key West Fan Key West Fan 3 weeks ago The issue though if you could travel at speed of light and move “forward” in time, is you’d be stuck there, with no way to travel back Reply Standard E Cover Standard E Cover 1 year ago What if it always happens but we dont have the memories? Reply Coin Coin 2 years ago Video: Time travel Thumbnail: The avatar breaking out of his iceberg 99 Reply 2 replies Joaquin Campana Joaquin Campana 1 year ago If time travel is possible, I would went back from 26th May, 2016 to 26th May, 2021 to fix things before going back to the present. I can't prevent things like Covid-19 outbreak due to causalities, but I can still change things that are irrelevant to most people but very important to me. Reply 3 replies Rahul Prem Nazeer Rahul Prem Nazeer 4 weeks ago Time travel to the past is impossible for humanity. If it was possible we would have already had a lot of time travellers from the future at different points of time in our history. But time travel to the future might be possible but as soon as the traveller reaches a point in future, that moment becomes his present and it's impossible to return back to the time from when the travel started. Reply time traveller time traveller 1 year ago We will spend another 100 years figuring out if we can time travel... Only to find, no we can't Reply Mr R Mr R 1 year ago How about a time traveler can only travel within his own time basically he can't go back before the time he was born. Like DR. Sam Beckett who traveled from life to life striving to put right what once went wrong and hoping that the next leap will be the leap home. Reply azamiruddin azamiruddin 1 year ago IF we can travel back in time, how to return to present time? Reply xSizzle xSter xSizzle xSter 2 years ago Yeah, time travel is possible....when pigs fly. Trust me, we are getting real close to pigs flying. 😎 102 Reply 10 replies Michael Miller Michael Miller 1 year ago For me, it’s easier to explain why F# and Gb are not the same note than understanding half of what was stated in this video... Reply N. Tire-Lee N. Tire-Lee 11 months ago Three humans have traveled forward in time, albeit to a tiny degree. This occurred in 1970, when the crew of Apollo 13 whipped around the moon on a trajectory to head back to Earth as quickly as possible. Examination of the vehicles telemetry showed an aggregate time progression of 300 micro-seconds from Earth-bound humans. 1 Reply Matios Gebreyehans Matios Gebreyehans 1 year ago We can't mess up with time. It is stubborn traveller. 2 Reply Brian Brian 8 months ago Time is defined as a duration of an event(interaction of matter and energy).So if there is no event then it means there is no time and if there is an event it means there there is time.You travel to future by doing an event and to the past by undoing an event.If you want to travel to the far future then you need to do more events and at a faster rate and the opposite is also true.Am I making sense??😂 Reply 1 reply kirby march barcena kirby march barcena 1 year ago NEIL DEGRASSE TYSON: So there's my side about time travel GROUNDHOG: I don't think my powers work that way. Reply DERIC 4 REAL DERIC 4 REAL 1 year ago I'd travel to the start of season 6 of peaky blinders! 4 Reply God bless God bless 1 year ago What if the astronauts on the International Space Station started traveling around the Earth at the speed of sound it would increase the time length similar to how we have to reset our GPS every year wouldn't it? Reply Caitlin zebra Downie Caitlin zebra Downie 1 year ago I would love to travel back to 2013 4 Reply 1 reply Caitlin zebra Downie Caitlin zebra Downie 1 year ago I would love to travel back to 2015 or 2017 or 2019 Reply Zenia n Ricardo Zenia n Ricardo 11 months ago An interesting thought experiment- You lived on Earth with your twin brother. Take a holiday to an area where there is no gravity. When you return you will be returning to the past as your brother on earth will have aged less than you by milliseconds and is actually living in your past albeit by milliseconds. Does this then open up the possibility of backwards time travel if we travelled within an area of anti gravity? Makes my head hurt)) Reply Adam H Adam H 1 year ago I bought a second hand time machine next Tuesday... They don't make them like they're going to anymore. Reply Bruce Wayne Bruce Wayne 1 year ago What if instead of creating another universe after killing your grandfather a new timeline is written where your father isn’t born but you are cause you came from a timeline where you are born but it doesn’t exist anymore so therefore you can’t return to the timeline you originally came from. Reply Brian Marisa Brian Marisa 1 year ago Only our consciousness can time travel.. Our physical being can't Reply Ro Gaming Ro Gaming 1 year ago Guys I want you to timetravel and tell me the future The Date is: Wednesday 21st April 2021 5:02GMT I'd love to know what's next! 6 Reply 4 replies GERARDO Villalobos GERARDO Villalobos 7 months ago If you can go forward you can go backward, it’s just a bit harder. Reply Professor MAWillett Professor MAWillett 1 year ago (edited) Neil, that’s not what people generally mean when they talk about time travel. However, excluding relativity, time travel is not possible. If it were then we would have time travelers walking around in our time with their equivalent of a Polaroid camera. Even if one claims that they are careful to not reveal themselves, there’s always an “Ugly American” or Japanese tourist with a lot of cameras or a journalist out to make a name for themselves. We’d know. Reply Eliza Jayne Eliza Jayne 5 months ago I just got my time machine producing perpetual energy. I had to rewire it because before , it wasn’t generating lightening. My time machine is disk drive. I just had a thought ... Time machine repairman... Makes sense a time machine repairman would know how to build a time machine. Out of all the time travelers .... I can actually explain how my time machine generates its own power... I rewired the disk because of faulty wiring. I got the disk rotating and lightening shot up from the Center ... Some how , via rotation, the wires seem to draw energy out of thin air . It forces it to gather at the Center hole . It’s very odd as the energy grows like a tree without leaves a wind storm . The wires I wove over the disk and a huge dream catcher was formed .. I’m gonna try another form of design... I need to make a transfer case of energy. Out of two disk designs , I need the most logical. The disk appears to be missing parts I was able to get and restore ... Once the disk revolutions get very fast , The energy grows from the center Reply Chinmaya Nayak Chinmaya Nayak 7 months ago how much time does it take for the spaceship to reach lightspeed if it does how does it dock solid matter in space? Reply 1 reply atlasbranchgamimg atlasbranchgamimg 9 months ago It's cool and interesting but what if black holes are not what we think or what we say? Like space is huge but what if there are other universes through black holes but just at a different frequency? Reply Nightwolf Nightwolf 1 year ago I've done it. It's like being a clone with amnesia. 20 Reply 6 replies That Jacob guy That Jacob guy 1 year ago Only time travel is with the timezones we've creates and happens if you fly from USA to Australia for example Reply Michael Jensen Michael Jensen 1 year ago I wonder what answers may arise as AI super intelligence is developed, and quantum computing... time travel would be the positive side of all that. Reply nessie nessie 1 year ago I remember dying back in the 90s but yet I've been reborn as the same girl in the same family, did I just get reborn in the alternate universe of the 90s? Is this why I'm experiencing deja Vu as if I've been here and there before? Reply SyncTaps SyncTaps 1 year ago Who else is here because they suddenly yearned to relive their childhood? Reply CastleDragon78 CastleDragon78 1 year ago To rewind into the past or fast forward into the future then 1 thing must be true.... 1. Matter can occupy or be present in 2 or infinitely more spaces at the same time. Reply Amrit prajapati Amrit prajapati 2 years ago This video reminds me show on Discovery science channel " Through the wormhole with Morgan freeman " 😀 8 Reply 1 reply Gallan g Gallan g 1 year ago For time travel, you’ll need the flux capacitor 1 Reply 1 reply H.Flick Music H.Flick Music 1 year ago Does speed and gravity affect the mechanisms of the clocks, slowing them down instead of the experience of time in nature Reply 1 reply soccerkills soccerkills 1 year ago I Time travel all the time some times it's 5 pm at work turns out it's actually 4 pm now Reply Micheal Sowell Micheal Sowell 1 year ago Living in a simulation would be the only way to travel back in time without killing everyone that exists when you go back Reply David's2Cents David's2Cents 1 year ago (edited) if you were to time travel to the future to see your future self i think you would be out of luck. i think if like you went 20 years in the future when you got there you would find out from loved ones that you have been missing for the last 20 years Reply Manuel N. Poblete Manuel N. Poblete 2 years ago So if I wanna go back in time and get the mega million lotto ticket I gotta talk to Elon musk and convince him to put me In a ship and fly between two black holes lol say no more tyson. 6 Reply beatrice tourot beatrice tourot 8 months ago (edited) Prisonner of Present reminds me of what AJ Ayer reported after his "death"experience . Here I quote from memory:- "There was this enormormous noisy crowd but without words and there were 3 Masters like and above one Master of all Masters who was [ without words ]" HUMAN BEINGS MUST SAVE TIME" But no one took any notice, so I took my gran father fob watch ,swing it above my head to bring the crowd's attention but no one took any notice'.And so I got very worried. I woke up".(End of the quote) So I said: 'Well, it's up to you to do it now." To which AJA answered : "Einstein has already done it" Reply kordulus kordulus 1 year ago Time travel does exist. it is regulated but not always maintained. For example. At one point in time, a lunatic from what would be your future,traveled to what would be your past and using knowledge of what would have been his native timeline, manipulated the people of what would have been the natives of the past he visited into thinking he was the son of god. It did not work out well for him. 2 Reply Xedokai Xedokai 1 year ago Wasn't that long a go that the "Grandfather paradox" was solved.. It creates a loop. You go back in time and kill your grandfather.. Which means you're unable to be conceived, therefore your Grandfather lives to be able to conceive your father etc and it happens all over again. Reply Brandon Hardaker Brandon Hardaker 7 months ago It's awesome that theories exist to allow time travel. What sucks is that too the technology to allow time travel is currently unfathomable Reply Aran Chilingar Aran Chilingar 7 months ago If time is not thought of as linear, like Einstein explained then yes Reply Devin Bacon Devin Bacon 1 year ago I've heard of 2 different theories in regards to time travel. Speed affects time, and gravity affects time. But what if these are both one and the same? Gravity is of course pulling us in a set direction, and everything is constantly moving. We understand speed and gravity as they're defined, but how do we know that the 'speed' has to actually involve moving? Gravity pulls us down to the Earth, but we aren't moving because we're on the ground. What if, to the laws of space/time, the force of us pushing against the Earth is regarded as both speed and gravity? To better explain, imagine being on the verge of being pulled into a black hole. You're right at the sweet spot where the force pulling you in is equal to your exit velocity, keeping you constantly at the same distance from the black hole at all times. You're moving, and also not moving, at the same time. You're being pulled in, but also pushing yourself away, and remaining still. This is probably something that holds no significance to the matter, but I found it interesting to think about. Anyways... The Earth is constantly rotating at an incredible speed, as well as orbiting the sun at an even more immense speed. The sun is also orbiting the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, and the Milky Way (i believe) is also moving throughout space. We're in a constant state of movement, no matter what. Which also makes me wonder, if speed affects time, then what would happen to something that is 100% still in space? 7 Reply Willj265 Willj265 1 year ago Sad thing is we will never be able to harness time travel backwards because we would already know about it from time traveler's Reply Nick Steadman Nick Steadman 8 months ago Even if time travel to the past was possible I don’t think our bodies could handle it. Reply KesselRunner606 KesselRunner606 1 year ago If someone went back into the past and altered the timeline, how would we tell? Reply Justin Brister Justin Brister 2 years ago I had a crazy dream we had worked on a machine to travel in a parallel universe and when we activated it 2 random people pop up in our world. We found out who these two are and thought they both came from 2 different parallel universes. When got together we found out they were from the same universe. The first person was in the past and was completely terrified and the other knew what happened and thought it was a malfunction on hes end and hes was from the future. We brought him on the team and he tweaked it better to bring the person in the past back to her time and he brought a few of us to hes time to learn more about what we can and cannot do travelling in parallel universes. So the way I took this is time traveling and parallel universe could co exist in a mysterious way. 1 Reply Bobby Starkey Bobby Starkey 1 year ago I'm moving forward in time now Reply Don Juan Don Juan 1 year ago If all energy is never destroyed only transferred maybe one day all the signature of atoms could be collected,Identified,And then therefore revisited 4 Reply Bang Broch Bang Broch 1 year ago i'd like to imagine that time travel is very possible in the future, but we can never change the past because everytime we do the jump to the past we are not actually going to our past, but we are going to our parallel reality past. so if we change something, the one that changed is another reality's future and not ours. the reason why we dont see any time traveler from the future in our present time is because its highly classified ( i dont know if this is the right use of word) just like not everybody could become an astronaut so does time traveller. Reply Savannah Baldwin Savannah Baldwin 1 year ago Due to quantum theory; the grandfather paradox is a paradox in its own lol Reply Shane Culbertson Shane Culbertson 10 months ago How do we stabilize all anomalies? 1 Reply Gabriel Litewski Gabriel Litewski 1 year ago Things keep getting worse as time goes on I want to go back anywhere into the past and stay there forever Reply MrRider117 MrRider117 1 year ago What about lost time.. Was in an elevator going to the first floor.. the elevator door closed and is moving..know it is moving and felt it moved.. saw the light on the elevator change .. but when the elevator door opened and was still on the 2nd floor.. Reply Miguel Rosado Miguel Rosado 2 years ago Time travel is not possible. To travel back in time you have to put every particle in the universe back where they were at that particular time, to go to the future you have to put every particles were they are going to be at that time. Time emerges from movement (energy fields)t and space. No movement, no time. We can perceive/measure movement thru space so our notion of time is formed. 4 Reply 1 reply Rique Jb Rique Jb 1 year ago If you travel to the future and come back to the present without changing anything in the history of Earth you actually travelled back in time Reply 1 reply FunLightFactory FunLightFactory 9 months ago (edited) I would think the laws of probability are separate from the space time continuum. In other words, if you observed lottery numbers being pulled, the numbers chosen, say, have a probability of 1 in 250 million. You go back in time and play those lottery numbers, however, the lottery numbers pulled are still 1 in 250 million that the same number would be generated. I would be curious to hear from a physicist theory on that. Time travel scenarios always seem to ignore the laws of probability. As they say, "The roulette wheel has no memory." If there's a 1 in 5 chance, there is always a 1 in 5 chance. It seems like no matter what, you will always have the "Grandfather paradox," because if you went back in time didn't change a thing, and then went forward in time, you're pretty much "reshuffling" the deck. You would come back to a reality that isn't the same, because every probability would be re-done. Reply saraswati sherpa saraswati sherpa 1 year ago Time travel gives me anxiety... if we move faster than time;we'd be in future... but where to move faster? Reply Edgardus Edgardus 1 year ago What if reimagining the past via principles is the way? Therefore, variables of the past can come together more easily. Reply Hmmmmm! Hmmmmm! 1 year ago (edited) You can interfere with the past.. life is choices that is convince your past self to go left not moves forward from there. Just like when you make a bad choice life moves from there. Life changes if its big will look different, If it's small it stays similar. You stop your grandparents from meeting then at somepoint those events happened..the result you not being born but those events did occur. Reply Fyetaine FYETAINE Fyetaine FYETAINE 2 years ago Of time travel is do we know someone hasn't already returned and changed the world 4 Reply tice sine tice sine 8 months ago What if a person has already witnessed time travel unfolding before them? But , they can't say anything because of the world we live in and what people will say. That would mean that even though Neil, Hawking, and Enstien are not positive Time Travel exists, this particular person does. That would or could be amazing information coming from someone possibly near you right? What if the proof has been witnessed already , but most just won't believe it? Reply Bard Madsen Bard Madsen 2 years ago Neil will talk about anything but The Younger Dryas Impact Theory. 1 Reply Nico Zheng Nico Zheng 1 year ago I want to time travel back to my 6 year old age. 2 Reply 1 reply Ozzy Cruz Ozzy Cruz 1 year ago If we build a time machine when we turned it on we would build the way to catch someone coming back. So as soon as we turned it on we would know it works. Reply It’s Rob It’s Rob 1 year ago I don’t care how fast you go. You cannot go back and change the past, so you better choose right now. Choose wrong now and learn. Choose right and reap the rewards. No time travel, my friend. There’s just now. Yesterday’s gone. Tomorrow will not hurry or be late. Reply Brian Brian Brian Brian 2 years ago I feel sure I've already seen this. 5 Reply 1 reply Mrballerize Mrballerize 1 year ago If time travel were possible, we would have already seen someone return to the past from the future. 1 Reply 2 replies Doug G Doug G 1 year ago I could’ve watched any other video, but my boy Neil. Couldn’t pass him up. Reply meloholic vivi ➐ meloholic vivi ➐ 1 year ago I wanna go back in time but I'm a little scared 1 Reply Ron DeForest Ron DeForest 1 year ago Of course it’s possible. Just because we don’t know how to doesn’t mean we can’t. The brightest minds at one time said we’ll never need more then 6 computers world wide when they built the first ones. The brightest mind once said we’ll never fly, it’s impossible. There are thousands of things we have now where the brightest minds said it was impossible. So I’m going to allow my dreams to flourish and know one day instantaneous travel both forward and back through time is possible, warp speed is possible, travel through and into higher dimensions is possible. Creating a machine with a screen that allows you to talk to our dead relatives is possible. It’s all just about using your imagination. 1 Reply random user random user 1 year ago Wasn't he explaining that to a grade school? They walked out like wtf? Lol 1 Reply Michael Duggan Michael Duggan 2 years ago Time tome is a fabrication of what ya thought 💭 4 Reply 1 reply East Afrika East Afrika 1 year ago Time travel is extremely easy using a gamma ray light emitter of Neon and helium, AI can be useful in doing this. Reply Kelly 'Azakels' Donlin Kelly 'Azakels' Donlin 2 years ago If one can live long enough they could see history and the past repeat itself. You cannot go back, but you can perpetuate into the future infinitely. #Azakels 3 Reply Wellch Wellch 1 year ago Are we travelling in the future one second at a time? Reply 2 replies King of Geese King of Geese 1 year ago Whew... Now I have reassured myself that rewinding the TV is not time travel Reply CLAY CLAY 8 months ago I want to go back to 2009 2012 and 2016 :) Reply ARCHIVED CHANNEL ARCHIVED CHANNEL 1 year ago It’s not that hard to travel to the future actually, I can explain on how to do it below. Just stay alive, and wait for the future. 4 Reply warrior333 warrior333 1 year ago (edited) So the planets move counterclockwise right what if you traveled that clockwise at the speed if light 🤔 something I've pondered on alot Reply Jerry Kidwell Jerry Kidwell 1 year ago It's not just black holes it comes down to gravity so if you could create enough gravity time would slow down for you but not everyone else, so what if we could reverse that then that could be one solution. Reply Hrvoje Bartulovic Hrvoje Bartulovic 1 year ago (edited) I came from the past less than a week ago and I must tell you that the things don't look swell! Reply Jesus Limones Jr. Jesus Limones Jr. 1 year ago Was thinking after watching Einstein’s theory about time travel. If possible it would seem that you would have to have something to spin at an away velocity to go and a to you spin velocity to come back ! Maybe ? W nuclear controlled power w a magnetic reversed field. Maybe 🤔 Reply Uncle Rico Uncle Rico 1 year ago Man, if I could go back. I'd take state. No doubt in my mind. Reply Obsidian_One1 The Obsidian Obsidian_One1 The Obsidian 1 year ago Time is an illusion unless you think of it in this way. time and space are one in the same they are inseparable 3 Reply 1 reply Billy Collins Billy Collins 1 year ago I believe in ying and yang. Dark and cold. Night and day. Life and death. What's interesting to me is these ying and yangs are constant. Reply Jason Jason 2 years ago The dumbest thing is thinking that physical aging of the human body would change depending on when one travels away from the rotation of earth's solar position in the universe. Reply A Spirit, A God, A Face, A Name A Spirit, A God, A Face, A Name 1 year ago Einstein was above and beyond all that world has ever seen Reply The holy karem the holy shibe The holy karem the holy shibe 1 year ago (edited) Time is a string that never stops growing Reply Marco Bozzo Marco Bozzo 9 months ago I travel everyday in the future with my imagination Reply Yukel Alexandre Yukel Alexandre 2 years ago Did it just just there. Hi Neil 😏✌️😜 3 Reply Never Mind Never Mind 1 year ago I think time travel like jumping to past or future really exist if one of us becomes god :') anyone should try this Reply Souvik Ghosh Souvik Ghosh 1 year ago (edited) I don't know why people think like this but when you're using lightspeed to travel faster than time, it means: the flow of time around you is faster than them. You're aging faster. That doesn't mean you're going to end up in a future timeline. Cause unlike the fiction, the future hasn't happened yet (from your perspective). Similarly if you use two black holes you're effectively slowing down the flow of time around you. Therefore when you come back from it, you'll be nearly at the same age as you went in, but the universe around you would've aged a lot. This scenario actually makes traveling to the future happen, but it's permanent. Reply ChewGummy ChewGummy 1 year ago Okay, I'm pretending that I understand some of it. Reply Preston Bacchus Preston Bacchus 5 months ago "Spooky action at a distance", or "spooky entanglement"? If you instantly communicated from one end of the galaxy to another, is that time travel? Yes it is. Reply Tony Lomas Tony Lomas 1 year ago It is possible but it is possible if you break the time space continue it might remain broken tearing you inside out! Reply TaroQ TaroQ 2 years ago WHY do atoms separate upon heating and condense upon cooling?🥴 3 Reply 2 replies Joel Rafols Joel Rafols 2 years ago Now you could only just watch the past that called time travel. You only can watch your past if you captured it when you are a kid 1 Reply Daniel Miller Jr Daniel Miller Jr 1 year ago Emotions are gravity/antigravity on wavelengths of light and, sound. 8 emotions broken over choices creates a 24+8=32 bit binary code of gravitational magnetism around each person:) Reply Chris Hicks Chris Hicks 1 year ago How can i go back in time and not watch this im so confused. I need a couple of black holes Reply Saint Akins Saint Akins 1 year ago Whenever time travel is possible with at portable device ideally a smartphone like device that's affordable, if you're going to attempt to save a deceased loved one who died years ago someone else has to take their place. Has Men in Black 3 explains the rules & catch to time travel, if done correctly you can avoid creating a butterfly effect like Trunks Briefs from Dragon Ball Z. Reply *ˢᵘᶻᵃⁿ •° *ˢᵘᶻᵃⁿ •° 7 months ago I spaced out during this video more than space itself Reply Trench1 Trench1 2 years ago If you move faster than the speed of light you'll be in the dark 3 Reply Jagatjyoti Dutta Jagatjyoti Dutta 1 year ago But grandfather paradox has 2 aspects : the discontinuity and the self continuity... Suppose your mom is in the verge of death before your birth bcoz a truck was just going to hit her and suddenly u come from future and save her...this is the self consistency theory of grandfather paradox... This maintains the consistency of the universe which many physcists believe would be imbalanced but I believe it is the balancing move Reply Bill Stanley Bill Stanley 13 days ago (edited) There is a reason why the name Einstein has become synonymous with genius. Even I can understand it now, and I barely got thru school. Reply Sabina KC Sabina KC 1 year ago Can I time travel? To experience its truth. Reply Mr. Ryan Mr. Ryan 2 years ago My conclusion after contemplating it over many a blunt: Absolutely not possible backwards, maybe possible forward through slowing your own time progression forward relative to everyone else. 1 Reply 7 replies Sparky007 Sparky007 1 year ago Could it be that we have found time travel but the people that test it go to a different parallel universe where they originally didn't exist but they exist their now cause of time travel and that's why we have yet to find out time travel cause the people that test it never come back one way is that we need to find a time traveler from a different parallel universe to tell us how they did it and test it? but it's gonna be hard to find time travelers cause they technically do not exist in our universe. Reply Danny Gonzalez Danny Gonzalez 2 years ago 9:12 Tony Starks is still alive?! 10 Reply 5 replies Adonai Zedek Adonai Zedek 1 year ago If the Universe is a simulation and information like a movie then could we just travel via consciousness to an earlier period just like we rewind and play a movie. Reply Shane Culbertson Shane Culbertson 10 months ago How do you stabilize broken realities? 2 Reply Javier Echavarria Javier Echavarria 2 weeks ago We're here again until we blow up the the fabric of time and universe until we're here to do it again Reply Chris Fox Chris Fox 1 year ago If you invert space-time into time-space, using time travel technology, or travel to the 5th-dimension, you can go fluid in motion. But why would you? 🧙🏻‍♂️ 1 Reply Jetstream Sam Jetstream Sam 1 year ago I wish time travel was possible Reply