Thursday, April 28, 2022

Anti-Aging Expert Explains How to Improve Your Diet and Lifestyle | Kellyann Petrucci 288,393 viewsMar 12, 2020

6.1K DISLIKE SHARE DOWNLOAD CLIP SAVE Tom Bilyeu 2.75M subscribers JOIN THE IMPACT THEORY DISCORD - HTTP://WWW.IMPACTTHEORY.COM/DISCORD There you will get direct access to Tom and the team PLUS exclusive content, offers, and so much more. Jump on in and get started on becoming legendary! This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Go to for 10% off your first month. BetterHelp is an online counseling company with the mission to make professional counseling accessible, affordable, and convenient. Best known for her wise advocacy of bone broth and collagen, Dr. Kellyann Petrucci focuses her medical practice and her writing on ways to heal the gut, slow aging and reverse inflammation. On this episode of Health Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Kellyann Petrucci describes diets and lifestyle choices for anyone interested in longevity, weight loss or stress reduction. She also shares her own story of overcoming burnout without sacrificing ambition, describes the incredible complexity of gut health, and advocates visualizing your own “television show” where you see yourself in exactly the place you want to be. SHOW NOTES: What are the lifestyle changes people should make for maximum longevity? [1:01] The problem with Keto is that people don’t get enough fiber. So how about Keto 2.0? [3:19] Kellyann advocates ancestral nutrition and learning to read your own body [4:37] The first principle of a good diet is to eat the highest quality food they can get [7:23] Kellyann explains how to get a good balance in your diet [9:15] Kellyann defines what exactly Keto 2.0 is [10:53] Kellyann explains how much of her stress was caused by her lack of boundaries [13:07] Kellyann describes the kinds of exercise and meditation she does [16:25] What are the signs that you are getting burned out and crushed by stress? [17:39] Kellyann strongly advocates visualizing the personal and business life you want [19:59] What are the biggest things that most people regret? [23:21] Not honoring who you really are is destructive to your body [25:37] Most autoimmune problems start with gut issues [28:17] Kellyann describes the many ways to use bone broth effectively [30:32] You have to have foundational beauty or else the cosmetic surgery won’t help [32:45] What one change can people make that will improve their health the most? [35:00] FOLLOW KELLYANN: WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: 461 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Annabelle Maguate Annabelle Maguate 3 months ago Changed my life. I will never eat the same ever again. "Unless you physically trip and your face lands in a box of donuts, there is no such thing as a 'slip'." Get that mind set and you'll win again and again. 81 Vicky She Vicky She 1 year ago (edited) One man's food can be another man's poison, she is so right. We all need to find an individual approach to our nutrition. 16 Aubrey Taylor Aubrey Taylor 2 years ago Currently watching this for a second time amidst the coronavirus madness. This channel is helping me SO much right now, along with Lisa’s. Thank you two so, so much right now. From the absolute bottom of my heart, thank you. ❤️ 19 Lisa Allen Lisa Allen 2 years ago Tom, I’m always so grateful for how generously you share content for free. Thank you❤️ 26 Andrezenou Andrezenou 2 years ago I’ve been scared and stressed of the judgement for 4 years that I would face if I were to break out of the shell and actually do what I am truly passionate about...luckily I’ve decided that 2020 is the year of change, started my own channel where I help people with their personal finances☺️thank you so much for the tips✨ 58 Inner Vision Inner Vision 2 years ago Really enjoyed listening to Kellyann. Her point about being boundary deficient is so valid. I think many people deal with the same thing that causes them unneeded stress. 13 MissSpooks MissSpooks 2 years ago I'm literally drowning in depression and I've never felt more lonely in my entire life, this video definetly helped a little very insightful thank you. 💖 59 Grace Morgan Speaks Grace Morgan Speaks 2 years ago Whoever is reading this and you are going through depression, stress, pain and trauma. You can fight this. Dont focus on your past. Focus on what's ahead of you. 232 Michelle Ellsworth Michelle Ellsworth 2 years ago I love her. Staying present is key to lowering stress! Moving your body makes you get present. All plays together. After my son died and 2 failed businesses and 100k in debt and divorce I went through massive stress and lived with chronic pain. Took a decade to realize my physical pain was a manifestation of internal pain. If we don’t let our internal pains move through us they will find a way to get seen in physical pain. 💖 53 Game Design With Chris Game Design With Chris 2 years ago I think paying attention to how we feel, being mindful, learning how to choose foods based on how we feel and not what we crave are small yet very impactful things. I had to make a big shift and feed my body and mind nutritious food, good books, positive things to help shift my mindset. I've made a couple of videos about my story and I think some times people listen to this and think it's super easy. The truth is it's hard work, but it's hard if you choose the easy, fast solutions because you'll end up working double. We have to pick our hard :) 6 Arianna Turtles Arianna Turtles 2 years ago I really like that they talk about how diets are to be specific to every individuals body. Some people do well vegan, some vegetarian. Whats you should di for your body you should find out by experimentation. Cut out foods add others and pay attention to how your body feels. The best advice will be your bodies reaction to the changes you make! 19 UneBûcheSuisse UneBûcheSuisse 2 years ago The last thing you want to do to reduce your stress is going keto. I really like her message about eating the highest quality foods you can afford. 13 Frances Frances 2 years ago Hi Tom, thanks for sharing this interview. Totally agree the gut is one huge key to health. You mentioned your wife's struggles, and how you used your knowledge of gut health as a major pillar for her recovery. Would you be willing to share those discoveries so we all can benefit? Perhaps you already have as part of your videos if so could you let me know where I can locate it? Thanks for asking the detailed how to questions and drilling down to the detail, often missed by a lot of interviews. Without the detail it's often hard to take best action rather than just random action based on assumptions. 3 Angel Rose 🌹 Angel Rose 🌹 1 year ago I love this interview my only issue was I kept having to pause and research what paleo and keto mean?? Because I’ve never been on any of those diets before so I had no idea what you were talking about! Thanks for sharing I will definitely be integrating this into my daily life much love ❤️ Anna 1 Rachel Smets Rachel Smets 2 years ago LOVE this! My burn-out was the BEST thing that happened to me. Since then I focused on the Mind-Body connection, what gave me energy, who gave me energy, how can I move closer to my purpose. I learned SO much! I learned to say NO! I learned to do what I LOVE and QUIT the corporate job to travel the world and create a digital life. The POWER of the MIND is HUGE and I just made a new video on my channel about an experiment to show that connection. Our thoughts create our reality.🍀 Once I realized that, my life started shifting!✨ Like you said ''Demand what you want!!!!'' then go DO it! 8 Blissful Body Blissful Body 9 months ago Good interview. She’s a well spoken woman. I can totally relate to the burnout she’s talking about and learning to listen to myself. Antonella Finocchiaro Antonella Finocchiaro 2 years ago (edited) :) Always excited to see a new episode.... your shows get me through the day @ work and motivate me to aim higher and do better because I feel like I deserve bigger things in life. I'm not the happiest at my current job but I feel like your podcasts help prepare me when it's time to take my next step. On April 20 I'll have one year clean and sober and just achieving this success has put confidence in myself that I can achieve anything... as long as I put everything I have into it. No more half measures :) Thanks Tom & Lisa! 2 J U J U 2 months ago I just read her book The Bone Broth Diet and love the way she explains things and how the body works. I am starting the Bone Broth diet tomorrow and am really nervous about fighting through the Carb flu because I have eaten poorly for years. I look forward to getting through that and feeding my organs instead of my cravings for bad foods. Toria Rose Toria Rose 1 year ago (edited) Love listening to her talk, and I resonate with so much of it. The one thing I didn't feel good about was her saying the body gets "revenge." Uh, no, I don't agree with that. I've come to love and respect my body due to the realization that it does everything it possibly can to protect/save us (aside from the fact that the human body is just totally phenomenal). It would do nothing to knowingly or intentionally harm us. It works with what we provide it, even with all those crap foods and lack of exercise (etc), it keeps chugging along. Even the big "c" is its last ditch effort to save us. If we start thinking in terms of the body being in any way against us, that will make self-love (and motivation for self-care) even more challenging. I think of my body as both a child and a guardian. Nurture one and you'll strengthen/protect the other. (edit) Oops, in watching the rest of this, uh, no, I must say, I totally don't agree with all that "do all the stuff (injecting toxins into your face and all that). WTF, that part is insane, and not at all about real happiness or self-value. It's about still holding onto the dinosaur-y idea that our youthfulness is where our value is, and best please the men folk in that regard if we wanna feel valuable/powerful. She needs to do a lot more meditation on that one, heh. patryk996 patryk996 2 years ago (edited)

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