Wednesday, May 15, 2024

These Are the Best Magnesium Supplements | Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D.

These Are the Best Magnesium Supplements | Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D. 217,478 views Mar 19, 2024 In the landscape of essential nutrients, magnesium is a giant. Despite magnesium's critical functions, nearly half of people in the U.S. don't get enough, primarily due to diets lacking in magnesium-rich foods like dark leafy greens, nuts, and seeds. That's where supplementation can help. In this video, expect to learn • The upper safe limit for daily supplemental magnesium intake • The #1 sign of excessive magnesium supplementation • Why you should divide up magnesium supplement doses throughout the day • The most bioavailable (and most effective) magnesium supplements • Whether or not magnesium threonate is better at crossing the blood-brain barrier • Why magnesium threonate shouldn't count toward your RDA goal • Rhonda Patrick's magnesium supplement regimen (doses and brands) Download the 9-page Cognitive Enhancement Blueprint and get my exact omega-3, exercise, & sauna protocols for boosting BDNF: Watch the full episode: • The Science of Magnesium and Its Role... Chapters View all Transcript Magnesium Supplements 0:00 so naturally the next question on 0:01 people's minds are what about magnesium 0:04 supplements where do they fit in what if 0:06 I don't get enough magnesium from 0:08 dietary sources can I supplement so 0:11 let's start with supplemental magnesium 0:14 doses so how much is too much the US 0:17 Institute of medicines food and 0:18 nutrition board has set the upper safe 0:20 limit for daily supplemental magnesium 0:23 intake at 350 milligrams per day so this 0:26 is the level considered you know that 0:28 it's unlikely to cause diarrhea or 0:31 gastrointestinal issues for most people 0:33 diarrhea is the first sign of excessive 0:35 magnesium supplementation it's often 0:37 used therapeutically as a laxative but 0:39 this is a bit of a conservative dose it 0:41 does not include magnesium from dietary 0:43 sources so in other words there's no 0:46 evidence that going above the RDA for 0:49 magnesium is harmful in fact some 0:51 evidence suggest that it may even be 0:53 beneficial particularly if the Magnesium 0:55 is mostly coming from dietary sources 0:57 for optimal bioavailability of magnesium 0:59 ium supplements it's also generally more 1:02 effective to take the total daily dose 1:05 in divided smaller amounts rather than a 1:08 single large dose so this approach 1:10 allows for more efficient absorption by 1:12 the body it can also minimize the 1:15 potential GI discomfort so smaller 1:18 spaced out doses they're processed 1:20 better by the digestive system and this 1:22 also ensures maximum absorption 1:25 utilization of the Magnesium the 1:27 bioavailability of different magnesium 1:29 supplements does vary and it's not fully 1:32 standardized in studies clinical 1:34 research on organic magnesium salts so 1:38 these include magnesium citrate 1:40 magnesium glycinate magnesium 1:43 tarate these indicate um magnesium 1:47 malate is also in there these organic 1:49 salt forms of magnesium are generally 1:52 more bioavailable and effectively raise 1:55 plasma magnesium levels compared to 1:58 inorganic forms of magnesium magesium 2:00 like magnesium oxide magnesium chloride 2:04 magnesium sulfate so organic magnesium 2:06 salt are better absorbed in the 2:08 digestive tract it can lead to more 2:10 significant increase in magnesium levels 2:12 in the blood and I think this for this 2:14 reason it makes them more effective 2:16 choices for supplementing magnesium and 2:19 also of course addressing deficiencies 2:21 but just to eliminate any confusion um 2:24 the term organic in this context refers 2:26 to the presence of carbon being in the 2:29 acid molecule 2:30 so we're not talking about agricultural 2:32 standard of being organically grown here 2:35 it's a it's a different term magnesium 2:37 sulfate can be taken orally but and this 2:40 is an inorganic form but it's often more 2:42 commonly used as epson salt for a 2:44 transdermal through the skin 2:46 applications when it's taken orally it 2:48 can act as a laxative and it's used 2:50 therapeutically as a laxative the 2:52 effectiveness of epsin salt particularly 2:54 in baths is unclear we'll talk about 2:56 this a little bit later because the 2:58 transdermal absorption of magn magnesium 3:00 through epson salt baths really hasn't 3:02 been conclusively proven but let's talk Magnesium Threonate 3:04 about another form of magnesium called 3:06 magnesium threonate magnesium 38 is a 3:08 form of magnesium that has garnered a 3:11 lot of attention because of its 3:12 potential impact on brain function so 3:15 generally only a small portion of the 3:17 Magnesium ingested in a supplement form 3:19 reaches the brain and this is due to the 3:21 intricate active transport systems that 3:24 control the progression of magnesium 3:26 from the digestive tract into the 3:28 bloodstream and then subsequently from 3:29 the bloodstream um across the bloodb 3:31 brain barrier the body establishes and 3:34 manages a very tight concentration 3:36 gradient it creates a higher magnesium 3:38 level in the blood compared to the 3:41 cerebral spinal fluid and that allows a 3:43 very controlled quantity of magnesium 3:46 that can actually get transported into 3:48 the brain this precise regulation is 3:50 really important to maintaining this 3:52 equilibrium of magnesium necessary for 3:54 optimal brain function so in humans it's 3:56 been found that even an increase up to 3:59 30 100% in blood magnesium results in 4:04 less than 19% change in the cerebral 4:06 spinal fluid magnesium content and I 4:08 think this really highlights the 4:10 significant role that physiological 4:12 processes in maintaining magnesium 4:14 balance play which then influence the 4:16 brain health and function so some animal 4:18 evidence suggest that magnesium 3 andate 4:21 can easily get across the bloodb brain 4:23 barrier and at a human equivalent dose 4:26 of 8.1 mg per kilogram body weight so 4:30 that would be around 662 mg for a 180 lb 4:35 person can improve cognition and 4:37 decrease amalo beta plaques now this is 4:39 in the brains of mice and it's thought 4:41 that the Magnesium 3na is uniquely 4:43 effective in crossing the bloodb brain 4:45 barrier due to its specific molecular 4:47 structure so this form of magnesium is 4:50 chelated to thonic acid and that is a 4:53 metabolite of vitamin C so this cation 4:56 enhances its ability to pass through the 4:59 blood brain barrier or so it's thought 5:02 um the precise mechanism by which 5:03 magnesium 3 and8 bypasses this tightly 5:06 regulated concentration gradient between 5:09 the blood and the brain is not fully 5:11 understood it is believed though that 5:14 its molecular structure does somehow 5:16 facilitate easier entry into the brain 5:18 thereby increasing concentration of 5:20 magnesium in the brain more effectively 5:23 than other forms of magnesium that is 5:25 solely based on a very small and limited 5:28 number of animal studies 5:30 when we turn to human studies only a 5:32 couple have explored the effects of 5:34 magnesium 3 and8 so these studies are I 5:38 want to point out industry funded which 5:40 does invite us to consider a potential 5:43 conflict of interest so the initial 5:45 study that I I think garnered a lot of 5:47 attention was published in 5:49 2016 it was a small scale study that 5:53 only had 44 participants total um those 5:56 in the treatment group took daily doses 5:58 of about5 100 to 2,000 millgram of 6:02 magnesium threonate so this is mar 6:04 marketed as magine and they took it for 6:07 over 12 weeks based so this was based on 6:10 their body weight that's why there's a 6:11 range in dose the findings of this study 6:14 I personally think are underwhelming so 6:16 the treatment group only achieved a 6:19 marginal increase in plasma magnesium 6:21 levels with no elevation noted in red 6:24 blood cell magnesium levels compared to 6:26 the placebo group additionally there was 6:28 a significant increase in urinary 6:30 magnesium which suggests that most of 6:32 the supplemented Magnesium 3 and8 was 6:34 actually being excreted through urine 6:36 there was some cognitive tests that were 6:38 also done there was no significant 6:40 difference observed when each of these 6:43 four different measured cognitive tests 6:46 were looked at in isolation compared to 6:48 the placebo group but if the data was 6:51 all pulled together so all four 6:53 cognitive tests were then pulled 6:55 together then there was a a 6:58 statistically significant difference in 7:00 cognitive function compared to the 7:03 placebo group obviously this suggests a 7:06 degree of statistical uncertainty in the 7:08 study's conclusions whether or not it 7:10 was just due to a small sample size they 7:12 said there's only 44 people in this 7:14 study perhaps if there were 444 people 7:18 there would have been more of a stronger 7:21 signal and the data wouldn't have had to 7:23 have been pulled together or maybe there 7:25 really isn't much of an effect there's 7:27 no telling the second study was also 7:29 industry funded which I think is 7:31 important to keep in mind this study was 7:34 published in 7:35 2022 and it involved 100 participants 7:39 and the treatment group was given 400 7:42 milligrams of magnesium 3 Anda along 7:45 with vitamins c d B6 and phosphole 7:48 Serene in contrast the placebo group 7:51 received only 2 grams of a starch 7:53 capsule so despite the absence of any 7:55 elevation of serum or brain magnesium 7:57 levels the treatment group did have 8:00 improved cognitive test performance 8:02 compared to the bbo group I would say 8:04 this study raises pretty significant 8:07 questions around causations because the 8:09 treatment group was not just given 8:11 magnesium 38 they were given a variety 8:14 of vitamins they were given vitamin C 8:17 the B vitamins vitamin D B6 but they 8:20 were also given phosph tidal Serene so I 8:23 I think to be able to establish a solid 8:26 conclusion that magnesium 3on is 8:28 responsible for improving cognitive 8:29 function the placebo group should have 8:32 gotten all those other vitamins and the 8:33 phosph tyal serine but not the Magnesium 8:35 3 and8 uh however that was not the way 8:38 the study was done so in my opinion I 8:40 think it's an interesting study but 8:42 really no conclusions can be stated 8:44 directly about magnesium 3 and8 itself 8:47 so I think a concluding statement with 8:50 respect to supplemental magnesium um 8:52 there's a few concluding statements one 8:54 to enhance bioavailability it's 8:56 advisable to take smaller frequent doses 8:59 of of magnesium supplements organic 9:01 magnesium salts like magnesium glycinate 9:03 or magnesium tarate are generally more 9:06 readily absorbed than in organic forms 9:08 like magnesium oxide I also think 9:10 there's some added benefits of these 9:11 organic salts for example taking 9:14 magnesium glycinate also gives you some 9:17 accompanying compounds like glycine so 9:20 glycine could potentially be beneficial 9:22 at least According to some studies also 9:25 magnesium Tate would give you tarine 9:28 which also may have some Health 9:29 advantages but that's the subject of 9:31 another podcast there is some caution 9:33 that should be taken without you know 9:35 not wanting to exceed um super super 9:37 high doses of magnesium so 350 9:40 milligrams per day is the the safe upper 9:43 limit and um that is for either organic 9:46 or inorganic magnesium supplements if 9:48 you go above that you may get GI side 9:51 effects so that's something to keep in 9:53 mind I would say a really important 9:56 takeaway from this section is magnesium 10:00 threonate is not the best option for 10:03 meeting daily magnesium needs as 10:05 outlined by the RDA it shouldn't be 10:07 included as contributing to your 10:10 recommended daily allowance of magnesium 10:13 and that is because magnesium 3 andate 10:16 contains a very low amount of Elemental 10:20 magnesium so if you are considering 10:23 supplementing with magnesium 3 andate 10:25 for its potential brain health benefits 10:28 which I would say have not been 10:29 established do not count that magnesium 10:33 dose towards your RDA goal so to ensure 10:35 you're getting enough magnesium you know 10:37 you need to to calculate what you're 10:39 getting from your foods but also 10:41 consider supplementing with other 10:43 organic magnesium forms like magnesium 10:45 glycinate which does have a higher 10:47 amount of Elemental magnesium content as What Do I Take 10:50 you can tell there are many different 10:51 forms of magnesium available a natural 10:54 question is what do I take the answer is 10:56 I hedge my bets I take a supplement that 10:58 has many different forms of magnesium 11:00 salts which seems logical to me there 11:02 are not many products I have found that 11:03 offer that one of them is magnesi om by 11:06 Moon Juice the other one I sometimes 11:08 take at night is magnesium glycinate by 11:10 pure encapsulations there are many 11:11 different brands I'm not affiliated with 11:13 either of those but I know many of you 11:15 want to know what I take so there you 11:16 have 11:24 it Magnesium Supplements 0:00 so naturally the next question on 0:01 people's minds are what about magnesium 0:04 supplements where do they fit in what if 0:06 I don't get enough magnesium from 0:08 dietary sources can I supplement so 0:11 let's start with supplemental magnesium 0:14 doses so how much is too much the US 0:17 Institute of medicines food and 0:18 nutrition board has set the upper safe 0:20 limit for daily supplemental magnesium 0:23 intake at 350 milligrams per day so this 0:26 is the level considered you know that 0:28 it's unlikely to cause diarrhea or 0:31 gastrointestinal issues for most people 0:33 diarrhea is the first sign of excessive 0:35 magnesium supplementation it's often 0:37 used therapeutically as a laxative but 0:39 this is a bit of a conservative dose it 0:41 does not include magnesium from dietary 0:43 sources so in other words there's no 0:46 evidence that going above the RDA for 0:49 magnesium is harmful in fact some 0:51 evidence suggest that it may even be 0:53 beneficial particularly if the Magnesium 0:55 is mostly coming from dietary sources 0:57 for optimal bioavailability of magnesium 0:59 ium supplements it's also generally more 1:02 effective to take the total daily dose 1:05 in divided smaller amounts rather than a 1:08 single large dose so this approach 1:10 allows for more efficient absorption by 1:12 the body it can also minimize the 1:15 potential GI discomfort so smaller 1:18 spaced out doses they're processed 1:20 better by the digestive system and this 1:22 also ensures maximum absorption 1:25 utilization of the Magnesium the 1:27 bioavailability of different magnesium 1:29 supplements does vary and it's not fully 1:32 standardized in studies clinical 1:34 research on organic magnesium salts so 1:38 these include magnesium citrate 1:40 magnesium glycinate magnesium 1:43 tarate these indicate um magnesium 1:47 malate is also in there these organic 1:49 salt forms of magnesium are generally 1:52 more bioavailable and effectively raise 1:55 plasma magnesium levels compared to 1:58 inorganic forms of magnesium magesium 2:00 like magnesium oxide magnesium chloride 2:04 magnesium sulfate so organic magnesium 2:06 salt are better absorbed in the 2:08 digestive tract it can lead to more 2:10 significant increase in magnesium levels 2:12 in the blood and I think this for this 2:14 reason it makes them more effective 2:16 choices for supplementing magnesium and 2:19 also of course addressing deficiencies 2:21 but just to eliminate any confusion um 2:24 the term organic in this context refers 2:26 to the presence of carbon being in the 2:29 acid molecule 2:30 so we're not talking about agricultural 2:32 standard of being organically grown here 2:35 it's a it's a different term magnesium 2:37 sulfate can be taken orally but and this 2:40 is an inorganic form but it's often more 2:42 commonly used as epson salt for a 2:44 transdermal through the skin 2:46 applications when it's taken orally it 2:48 can act as a laxative and it's used 2:50 therapeutically as a laxative the 2:52 effectiveness of epsin salt particularly 2:54 in baths is unclear we'll talk about 2:56 this a little bit later because the 2:58 transdermal absorption of magn magnesium 3:00 through epson salt baths really hasn't 3:02 been conclusively proven but let's talk Magnesium Threonate 3:04 about another form of magnesium called 3:06 magnesium threonate magnesium 38 is a 3:08 form of magnesium that has garnered a 3:11 lot of attention because of its 3:12 potential impact on brain function so 3:15 generally only a small portion of the 3:17 Magnesium ingested in a supplement form 3:19 reaches the brain and this is due to the 3:21 intricate active transport systems that 3:24 control the progression of magnesium 3:26 from the digestive tract into the 3:28 bloodstream and then subsequently from 3:29 the bloodstream um across the bloodb 3:31 brain barrier the body establishes and 3:34 manages a very tight concentration 3:36 gradient it creates a higher magnesium 3:38 level in the blood compared to the 3:41 cerebral spinal fluid and that allows a 3:43 very controlled quantity of magnesium 3:46 that can actually get transported into 3:48 the brain this precise regulation is 3:50 really important to maintaining this 3:52 equilibrium of magnesium necessary for 3:54 optimal brain function so in humans it's 3:56 been found that even an increase up to 3:59 30 100% in blood magnesium results in 4:04 less than 19% change in the cerebral 4:06 spinal fluid magnesium content and I 4:08 think this really highlights the 4:10 significant role that physiological 4:12 processes in maintaining magnesium 4:14 balance play which then influence the 4:16 brain health and function so some animal 4:18 evidence suggest that magnesium 3 andate 4:21 can easily get across the bloodb brain 4:23 barrier and at a human equivalent dose 4:26 of 8.1 mg per kilogram body weight so 4:30 that would be around 662 mg for a 180 lb 4:35 person can improve cognition and 4:37 decrease amalo beta plaques now this is 4:39 in the brains of mice and it's thought 4:41 that the Magnesium 3na is uniquely 4:43 effective in crossing the bloodb brain 4:45 barrier due to its specific molecular 4:47 structure so this form of magnesium is 4:50 chelated to thonic acid and that is a 4:53 metabolite of vitamin C so this cation 4:56 enhances its ability to pass through the 4:59 blood brain barrier or so it's thought 5:02 um the precise mechanism by which 5:03 magnesium 3 and8 bypasses this tightly 5:06 regulated concentration gradient between 5:09 the blood and the brain is not fully 5:11 understood it is believed though that 5:14 its molecular structure does somehow 5:16 facilitate easier entry into the brain 5:18 thereby increasing concentration of 5:20 magnesium in the brain more effectively 5:23 than other forms of magnesium that is 5:25 solely based on a very small and limited 5:28 number of animal studies 5:30 when we turn to human studies only a 5:32 couple have explored the effects of 5:34 magnesium 3 and8 so these studies are I 5:38 want to point out industry funded which 5:40 does invite us to consider a potential 5:43 conflict of interest so the initial 5:45 study that I I think garnered a lot of 5:47 attention was published in 5:49 2016 it was a small scale study that 5:53 only had 44 participants total um those 5:56 in the treatment group took daily doses 5:58 of about5 100 to 2,000 millgram of 6:02 magnesium threonate so this is mar 6:04 marketed as magine and they took it for 6:07 over 12 weeks based so this was based on 6:10 their body weight that's why there's a 6:11 range in dose the findings of this study 6:14 I personally think are underwhelming so 6:16 the treatment group only achieved a 6:19 marginal increase in plasma magnesium 6:21 levels with no elevation noted in red 6:24 blood cell magnesium levels compared to 6:26 the placebo group additionally there was 6:28 a significant increase in urinary 6:30 magnesium which suggests that most of 6:32 the supplemented Magnesium 3 and8 was 6:34 actually being excreted through urine 6:36 there was some cognitive tests that were 6:38 also done there was no significant 6:40 difference observed when each of these 6:43 four different measured cognitive tests 6:46 were looked at in isolation compared to 6:48 the placebo group but if the data was 6:51 all pulled together so all four 6:53 cognitive tests were then pulled 6:55 together then there was a a 6:58 statistically significant difference in 7:00 cognitive function compared to the 7:03 placebo group obviously this suggests a 7:06 degree of statistical uncertainty in the 7:08 study's conclusions whether or not it 7:10 was just due to a small sample size they 7:12 said there's only 44 people in this 7:14 study perhaps if there were 444 people 7:18 there would have been more of a stronger 7:21 signal and the data wouldn't have had to 7:23 have been pulled together or maybe there 7:25 really isn't much of an effect there's 7:27 no telling the second study was also 7:29 industry funded which I think is 7:31 important to keep in mind this study was 7:34 published in 7:35 2022 and it involved 100 participants 7:39 and the treatment group was given 400 7:42 milligrams of magnesium 3 Anda along 7:45 with vitamins c d B6 and phosphole 7:48 Serene in contrast the placebo group 7:51 received only 2 grams of a starch 7:53 capsule so despite the absence of any 7:55 elevation of serum or brain magnesium 7:57 levels the treatment group did have 8:00 improved cognitive test performance 8:02 compared to the bbo group I would say 8:04 this study raises pretty significant 8:07 questions around causations because the 8:09 treatment group was not just given 8:11 magnesium 38 they were given a variety 8:14 of vitamins they were given vitamin C 8:17 the B vitamins vitamin D B6 but they 8:20 were also given phosph tidal Serene so I 8:23 I think to be able to establish a solid 8:26 conclusion that magnesium 3on is 8:28 responsible for improving cognitive 8:29 function the placebo group should have 8:32 gotten all those other vitamins and the 8:33 phosph tyal serine but not the Magnesium 8:35 3 and8 uh however that was not the way 8:38 the study was done so in my opinion I 8:40 think it's an interesting study but 8:42 really no conclusions can be stated 8:44 directly about magnesium 3 and8 itself 8:47 so I think a concluding statement with 8:50 respect to supplemental magnesium um 8:52 there's a few concluding statements one 8:54 to enhance bioavailability it's 8:56 advisable to take smaller frequent doses 8:59 of of magnesium supplements organic 9:01 magnesium salts like magnesium glycinate 9:03 or magnesium tarate are generally more 9:06 readily absorbed than in organic forms 9:08 like magnesium oxide I also think 9:10 there's some added benefits of these 9:11 organic salts for example taking 9:14 magnesium glycinate also gives you some 9:17 accompanying compounds like glycine so 9:20 glycine could potentially be beneficial 9:22 at least According to some studies also 9:25 magnesium Tate would give you tarine 9:28 which also may have some Health 9:29 advantages but that's the subject of 9:31 another podcast there is some caution 9:33 that should be taken without you know 9:35 not wanting to exceed um super super 9:37 high doses of magnesium so 350 9:40 milligrams per day is the the safe upper 9:43 limit and um that is for either organic 9:46 or inorganic magnesium supplements if 9:48 you go above that you may get GI side 9:51 effects so that's something to keep in 9:53 mind I would say a really important 9:56 takeaway from this section is magnesium 10:00 threonate is not the best option for 10:03 meeting daily magnesium needs as 10:05 outlined by the RDA it shouldn't be 10:07 included as contributing to your 10:10 recommended daily allowance of magnesium 10:13 and that is because magnesium 3 andate 10:16 contains a very low amount of Elemental 10:20 magnesium so if you are considering 10:23 supplementing with magnesium 3 andate 10:25 for its potential brain health benefits 10:28 which I would say have not been 10:29 established do not count that magnesium 10:33 dose towards your RDA goal so to ensure 10:35 you're getting enough magnesium you know 10:37 you need to to calculate what you're 10:39 getting from your foods but also 10:41 consider supplementing with other 10:43 organic magnesium forms like magnesium 10:45 glycinate which does have a higher 10:47 amount of Elemental magnesium content as What Do I Take 10:50 you can tell there are many different 10:51 forms of magnesium available a natural 10:54 question is what do I take the answer is 10:56 I hedge my bets I take a supplement that 10:58 has many different forms of magnesium 11:00 salts which seems logical to me there 11:02 are not many products I have found that 11:03 offer that one of them is magnesi om by 11:06 Moon Juice the other one I sometimes 11:08 take at night is magnesium glycinate by 11:10 pure encapsulations there are many 11:11 different brands I'm not affiliated with 11:13 either of those but I know many of you 11:15 want to know what I take so there you 11:16 have 11:24 it Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript FoundMyFitness Clips 199K subscribers Videos About Subscribe to Main Channel Facebook Twitter Instagram Patreon 1:12:47 The Science of Magnesium and Its Role in Aging and Disease by FoundMyFitness Shop the FoundMyFitness Clips store Mitochondria unisex fleece sweatpants - charcoal M $68.00 Healthspan Gear Women’s To-Do List t-shirt M $34.00 Healthspan Gear Mitochondria Leggings S $88.00 Healthspan Gear Mitochondria unisex fleece sweatpants - white M $68.00 Healthspan Gear DNA Damage Sucks - Short Sleeve T-Shirt S $34.00 Healthspan Gear Mitochondriac Unisex T-Shirt 2XL $30.00 Healthspan Gear 394 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Pinned by FoundMyFitness Clips @FoundMyFitnessClips 1 month ago Watch the full episode: Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube. 17 Reply @sgtaneja 13 days ago Thumbs up : Magnesium citrate (unbuffered) Magnesium glycinate (unbuffered) Magnesium bisglycinate chelate (fully reacted, unbuffered) Magnesium taurate Magnesium malate Magnesium threonate Magnesium aspartate Thumbs down : Magnesium oxide Magnesium sulfate Magnesium chloride Buffered magnesium salts 11 Reply 5 replies @charlotteknutsen7262 1 month ago (edited) Magnesium glycinate has helped me sleep so solid/straight through the night. ALSO, my anxiety levels are almost gone!! An incredibile supplement!! I take 315 mg per day. 124 Reply 16 replies @tom7471 1 month ago Thank you for the clear and precise information given on magnesium supplements! 17 Reply @travkatz 1 month ago what a great summary. thank you. worth my limited time to fully take this in. 16 Reply @brianshanahan3878 2 weeks ago Watched this again before ordering more! You're the best Rhonda. 1 Reply @brianshanahan3878 1 month ago Dr Patrick, you are the best at explaining all these things and you have been a HUGE influence in my life / quality of life!!! Keep up the great work and research! 18 Reply @Benjaber74 1 month ago Dr.Rhonda is giving us the best knowledge, thank you Dr.Rhonda 3 Reply @seti48 1 month ago Thanks, Doc. I like the way you get right to it without any long winded preamble. Precise and informative. Thanks again. 3 Reply @frankbreuer8849 1 month ago When I was in training as psychologist, my supervisor spoke about the benefits of magnesium for a number of reasons, e.g. reduced anxiety, stress and overall well-being. I followed his recommendation and the results were tangible. Mind you, that was in the year 2000, like almost 25 years ago. Btw, that's the value of a great practitioner, whether medical or psych, that they strive to know what is going on outside the box. Thank you, Martin Kleinschnitger, and shout out to you, Dr Rhonda. Great minds always think alike. 9 Reply @jhoang3671 1 month ago I love the clips from Dr. Rhonda Patrick. I dont have the time to listen through all the long forms. But this shorter ones are amazing. 19 Reply @sanpansam7977 1 month ago Excellent information! I learned a lot more about magnesium that I didn’t know before. Thanks. 1 Reply @bellavita3441 1 month ago This study of work is completely accurate .. I went to one of the leading Cancer hospitals in In NYC and they take your Blood and study the composition and I was told Exactly what you are saying “ what more than likely occurred “ People Who leave Rude Comment’s here about a PHD Biochemist shouldn’t even listen to this body of work she brings to people.. go elsewhere on You Tube 40 Reply 2 replies @valizouglou2345 1 month ago Thank you! So helpful! 3 Reply @JPOIII1985 1 month ago (edited) Thanks Rhonda! Great info Reply @jennifercomer4110 3 weeks ago Objective and beautifully well spoken 1 Reply @wsteele5864 3 weeks ago Just subscribed, thank you so much for your true to the science approach to your evaluation of available studies. I will be following you from now on. Priceless. Reply @Truth222-lf3lc 1 month ago Thank you for your very valuable knowledge. 2 Reply @brent-sherman 1 month ago I've been taking magnesium threonate along with apigenin and l-theanine before bed for about a year now and my sleep is on a whole different level. Wonderful, deep sleep. 89 Reply 12 replies @brightflower144 1 month ago Thank you so much for this information, I always trust the information that you present in your podcast and is great help for myself and my family. Thank you from my heart. Beautiful Rhonda 7 Reply 1 reply @pohaa 1 month ago Love your videos. I've shared the one on all-cause mortality and cancer linked to deficiencies in micronutrients as widely as I can including to specialists, registrars, GPs, medical executives, nurse practitioners, CNCs.. pretty well everyone I can. One thing I think is worth pointing out is that when Rhonda talks about milligrams of magnesium, she is referring to "elemental" and NOT the salt value. In the case of Glycinate, for instance, to get 300mg of elemental magnesium, you need a 3000mg (3g) dose. I often find that people are taking a 500mg tablet of some salt (they usually don't know), thinking they are hitting RDA.. when in fact they might only be absorbing say 10-30mg, even less with sulfate or oxide. 8 Reply @giuseppelamanna8669 1 month ago Thanks for your always clear and pertinent information Ronda - pls remember that your viewers are also outside the States so it would be good to provide measures in the metric system as well - best 15 Reply @tedthedog359 1 month ago Essential Rhonda Patrick 77 Reply 2 replies @Digbite 4 weeks ago The stuff changed my life. Anxiety dulled so I could sleep. With sleep the anxiety stopped creeping in and so on. 8 Reply 1 reply @ThomasMartin-kj9hi 1 month ago Thanks Dr Patrick! 6 Reply @lh2000 1 month ago I noticed that after taking Magensium L-Threonate that my dreams have become a lot clearer and vivid… it was quite obvious and immediate 75 Reply 8 replies @ThanksStJoseph 13 days ago Sooooo thorough! Thanks! Reply @SJC-nz7ix 1 month ago Great video! Glad to hear that I don’t have to pay extra money for a subpar product 2 Reply @Surfer-727 1 month ago Thank you Rhonda ! Great video ! 2 Reply @pohaa 1 month ago My understanding is that GI effects can occur as a result of low concentrations of magnesium in the gut wall. Starting at low doses then steadily increasing results in the ability to absorb greater amounts without suffering diarrhoea. I regularly consume a scoop of powder with more than 300mg of elemental magnesium in it without any negative side effects. It wasn't the case initially though. Take it slow and steady is the key. 8 Reply @JFImagery 1 day ago I had a problem with bad cramps in my legs, along with mysterious blood clotting in my legs. Since I have started using Magnesium Glycinate, the problems have gone away. I also take Electrolytes daily for the same issue. So glad to have discovered this... Reply @paulmfti 1 month ago God bless you Rhonda…thank you…this has already started to help with some possible pancreatitus… 5 Reply @Kerfufflekitten 2 weeks ago I used to have chronic cramps for years and have been to several doctors that never were able to help me, then I started putting a couple tsp of mag glycinate and potassium citrate in my 100 ounce cup before leaving for the day and it has literally change my life. Reply @sreevenukumboji6334 1 month ago Thanks Dr Patrick 2 Reply @donnamelcher7978 1 month ago Thank you 3 Reply @gregleach5833 1 month ago I take 5.5 ml of Remag daily and it’s made a huge difference for me on two areas . Heart rate and muscle twitching . I think it’s pure elemental magnesium but it works . I was skeptical in the beginning but was surprised. Reply @elinope4745 1 month ago I am a shell shocked veteran, I got severe anxiety issues and I care about my health. I get my magnesium from epsom salt baths. My doctor complained that my magnesium levels were too high. In my not a professional but a fan of life hacking opinion, the actual fastest and best way to get a lot of magnesium to absorb fast is to eat eggs for dinner and the following morning do a workout and drink some coffee then take a cold bath with epsom salt in it while you are still sweating from the workout, an ice bath if you can tolerate it. Soak in the epsom salt for twenty minutes and then shower it off and wash with soap after, or if you are extremely magnesium deficient you can refrain from washing the salt off in the morning and just take a shower later at night to wash it off. I have seen no studies in books that say this, but it seems to me like, as your body excretes sodium, and potassium with sweat that the outward force of these metals through active diffusion in sweat, creates an ionic reactive force that will help pull magnesium through the skin and into the extracellular fluid of the hypodermis. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, active diffusion one way can power diffusion in the other direction as well and this is a type of salt transport. I heard that absorption is better in cold than in hot baths, I know that egg protein is the best protein shy of milk protein to act as a dietary boost of active transport ligands, takes about 5 to 8 hours from eating to it to available in the blood. 10 Reply 1 reply @bw6078 1 month ago Information from Rhonda here as always essential daily requirement. Many thanks. 3 Reply @vedattlgan 3 weeks ago This video is true.I say as an experienced person.I getting two pill everyday magnesium glisinat and malate and no pain no stress good sleeps ended up.Try to take empty stomach is better. Reply @pennywild4131 1 month ago Thank you fir this information! Most doctirs don't want to explain this to us!" 6 Reply 1 reply @evelynmelian-glick436 1 month ago Thank you. Super informative! Thoughts on NAC n Glycine? NAC upsets my stomach 2 Reply 2 replies @AJ-bf1gz 1 month ago The threonate claims others have made did not jive with my intuition, glad you covered it. Going to continue Glycine, splitting my doses between breakfast and lunch. 11 Reply 5 replies @xXWillyxWonkaXx 2 weeks ago Just for anybody wondering, she takes different forms of magnesium salts such as Magnesi-Om by Moon Juice or magnesium glycinate by Pure Encapsulations. 7 Reply @TolaRat 1 month ago (edited) So detailed. But did we answer the title question? Maybe add a link or denote where in video timeline? 9 Reply 2 replies @gregamania1327 2 weeks ago For anyone with anxiety, I recommend NOW brand Magnesium Citrate soft gels (it has magnesium glycinate in it). 1 Reply @truman3.0 1 month ago What about ‘Ionic Magnesium’ liquid drops.. like that in the brand Trace Minerals for example, compared to the other “organic” forms you mentioned ? 4 Reply @SmickleLunenberg 1 month ago Thanks ! Reply @BeauSchutz 1 month ago PS (phosphatidylserine) has been shown in Japanese RCTs to have significant beneficial cognitive effects in elderly people so that definitely should be considered in that study you referenced. Reply @hamishr2367 1 month ago i just love the diarhea effect of any amount of magnesium 5 Reply @mattdotson24 1 month ago Is the recommendation 350mg of elemental magnesium? Which might mean you’re taking more mg of the supplement to get that much elemental magnesium? 5 Reply @farzadamirhosseini5100 1 month ago Thank you Reply @vineyardworker 1 month ago Does anyone know in what form magnesium is absorbed by the intestine? I should think it is absorbed as magnesium ion, Mg++, and not as whatever molecular magnesium salt you’ve eaten or taken. If that’s so, why does it matter what anion (oxide, glycinate, etc) it is paired with in a pill? (Aside from the solubility of that salt, and only re mg-specific effects.) 1 Reply @steven-jellemeijer8412 1 month ago I like them in powder form, just a scoop with a specifics measuring spoon in the water bottle, together with some other supplements and some lemon juice for taste/flavour. 5 Reply 2 replies @jd-zf6yr 2 weeks ago I have a 4 year old I am currently giving fish oil for brain development (he’s in occupational therapy and behind in coordination as well). Are there any other supplements you suggest may be beneficial for his brain development? Reply @PuzzleTime2 3 weeks ago I just changed my magnesium to Malate. Hope it helps my leg cramps too. Reply @maryalicepisa 1 month ago Magnesium threonate is the difference between whether my narcolepsy medicine works or not. (increased synaptic density) This is huge! Reply @DanCantStandYA 1 month ago I take about 183 mg of Mag malate in the morning and 133 mg of Mag citrate at night. It would be cool to see a chart of what forms offer the highest elemental magnesium. 6 Reply 1 reply @chloeivan1296 1 month ago I just want to know what she uses for her skin Reply @sgreen4449 1 month ago what are your thoughts on Astaxanthin? 3 Reply @chungwing9346 1 month ago Where does Magnesium gluconate stand in the bio availability scale? I believe it is also in organic salt form. 1 Reply @garrettd.6215 1 month ago Stomach pH also has a lot to do with how efficiently we can absorb magnesium! 11 Reply @Kube_Dog 1 month ago For keto people: avocados and sardines/kippers. 19 Reply @user-td4ys8er3l 1 month ago I used a Thorne brands Magnesium that is a combo of malate & citrate. After a couple days I was astonished at my increased everything better. I took it on a lark bc of all this about everyone being low on magnesium. I ate a lot of salad & thought I was covered for magnesium. Now I know better 6 Reply 1 reply @steven871 1 month ago What food are high in magnesium? I eat a ton of nuts, seeds, and green. Do I need a sump? I still wake up after 5 hours and can't get back to sleep for 60-90 mins 1 Reply @cmjack777 1 month ago Could you discuss magnesium bicarbonate 2 Reply @jakobw135 1 month ago Is it not recommended to take a magnesium supplement together or nearly at the same time with, anti-atrial fibrillation medication - Sotalol? Reply @quik4life 1 month ago Magnesium Chloride is very underrated, both in oral liquid form or transdermally. 8 Reply 2 replies @johnnyripple8972 9 days ago I’ve had occasional bouts of hiccups and some discomfort in upper right gut. Have been taking 800 mg Magnesium everyday for a while. Had no idea about the recommended does. Will cut it back. Reply @user-zd1rb6hn7d 3 weeks ago Any thoughts on absorption and a person who has had gastric bypass surgery and craniotomy brain tumor surgery Reply @nealhamilton3881 1 month ago If you haven't yet, could you do a video on creating the best DIY mix for electrolytes like the snake juice? It's cheaper for us to by bulk supplements aka powder from Amazon and mix it ourselves, would you do a video of what to buy and how/how much to mix. Fasting and summer time sweating makes this a priority. Reply @70athens 1 month ago Dr. Patrick is hands down this most informative Dr in YouTube. Thanks you for your detailed but also simple language vids 2 Reply @sgtaneja 3 weeks ago (edited) None of the magnesium supplements worked for me, until I started having high-dose active B6 / P5P along with an active B complex and a time realsed vit C with rutin. Without the above, I had developed magnesium & zinc intolerance and had very poor absorption of magnesium & zinc. I find the amino acid Glycine and B vitamin folate along with apigenin, 10X more relaxing and sleep inducing compared to magnesium. 2 Reply @user-xt5oe2gm5v 3 weeks ago I bought Magnesium Bisglycinate. Potassium Chloride. Fine pink salt. Sumac. Natural lemon powder. Honey. Reply @rockybalboap7763 1 month ago but people get confused ? is 350mg elemental magnesium same with zinc? maybe you could do a video to explain this ? Reply @mieciuuu506 1 month ago ATA Mg (acetyl magnesium taurate) - an innovative, bioavailable source of magnesium. The lipophilic structure of the ATA Mg formula facilitates its penetration through cell membranes, especially the blood-brain barrier. Studies have also shown that a relatively low dose of ATA Mg is enough to significantly increase magnesium levels in the brain. 7 Reply 2 replies @jbermiup8030 1 month ago This is very interesting. I also supplement with mg. BUT there is never mention in these videos of magnesium bicarb made at home with mgo2 and carbonated water. anyone? Reply @Earwaxfire909 1 month ago I find that taking magnesium glycinate with organic lemon juice before bed time helps me sleep better, without digestive track issues. 5 Reply 1 reply @timothy790110 1 month ago (edited) 2:50 MAg sulphate (food grade, NOT bath salts) is the only thing that stops my gallstone attacks, if i take it as soon as i feel a spasm. 20g dissolved in a luke warm glass of water. Reply @jimmypeach8838 2 weeks ago What about Hemp Hearts or the Hemp Protein powder that is loaded with Magnesium?? 1 Reply @TheNuclear3 1 month ago What about sucrosomial magnesium? I’ve read that its bioavailability is superior. Reply @Beepinsqueekin 4 weeks ago All my colon preps were 1.745 GRAM bottles of magnesium citrate. Definitely cleaned me out, but other than that, there were no other side effects for me. Reply @user-xr5nx9ju7s 1 month ago how many international units is that Reply @retiredlogman 1 month ago How might vitamin K2 play a role in this, with calcium and vitamin D ? 2 Reply @idaerasmus9617 1 month ago 2 bananas 250 ml milk 10 pecan nuts Handfull raisins 3 ice cubes Blend. Lovely bio availability of Mg, Potassium, Ca etc. 20 Reply 4 replies @trudyvaccaro1560 1 month ago I use magnesium chlorine flakes mixed with distilled water And use transderallly on my sking I use ancient minerals magnesium chloride flakes with opti msm Also dr mark sircus also wrote a book on magnesium oil used transderallly 1 Reply @kathymayes4290 1 month ago (edited) I take orotate, taurate, malate, glycinate, and l-threonate. Reply @Lions_Forever71 1 month ago Magnesium L-threonate really bothers my stomach, so I use a magnesium glycinate. 1 Reply @luckssj 1 month ago What about Mg Phosphate? How does this work Reply @jitkablahakova3073 1 month ago OK, so what are the best magnesium suplements again? 2 Reply @BigSteve619 1 month ago Magnesium oil? It definitely raised my serum levels. 5 Reply 1 reply @PaulRamen 1 month ago I take 300 mg of mag glycinate (three 100mg capsules) before bed. You would recommend taking each capsule at different times of the day ? (there is no minimum effective dose ?) Thank you ! 2 Reply @jeffrey4577 1 month ago What about magnesium lactate!? Reply @johnberg6202 4 weeks ago Does peanut butter have magnesium? Reply @shelleygower9843 1 month ago Holy crap....... threonate gave me blinding headaches! anechdotal? 1 Reply @danabee3775 1 month ago I added walnuts into my diet, every day handful of walnuts that suppose to be rich in magnesium just as well as other beneficial compounds. Some even say that walnuts are wonderful for supplementing for good eye health. Walnuts and magnesium citrate in electrolyte powder with no added sugar or natural flavors, just pure powder that is tasteless and let's see what changes to the better I will start noticing :-) Reply @flameace 1 month ago Well, there's this inconvenient side effect of bleeding more easily with higher doses, something like 500 milligrams seems to be too much for me. . That doesn't mean just that you would bleed more if getting cut, but bleed more easily for slightest irritation. Like pissing blood after running or spontaneous nose bleeding and pretty much all the time when sick... Reply @Sbannmarie 1 month ago (edited) Is this the best? 9:12 1 Reply @roustabout4fun 1 month ago Is one or the 0ther better to take near sleep time? Anybody know...I take Mag Glycinate. As a runner..I won't tell you about the time I miss-dosed my careful with the right dose. lol Enjoyed the info and redo it ...later today when I might learn more. ahh..caught that, Mag Taurate..(note to self-research) 3 Reply @yamafanboy 8 hours ago If 350mg of Mg is the upper limit i'm in big trouble because I supplement daily with 525mg of Mg (500mg of Mg Glycinate and 25mg of Mg oxide). I have experienced absolutely zero negative side effects thus far. Reply @sunmoon-84 1 month ago I was wondering about rebound effects. People supplement and go on health kicks etc, what happens if the supplements are stopped? 1 Reply 1 reply @ballathug8404 1 month ago Threonate has given me a headache all day like pressure in my head Reply @kn5913 1 month ago I take magnesium citrate ... this does have a Gi effect .... I also take magnesium Glycerophosphate which Dr. William Davis (wheat belly, supergut, undoctored ) recommended..... Magnesium glycerophosphate ...a magnesium chelate (source: PEScience Mag-GP) they advertise high absorption and Gi tolerability dissolves easily and taste free I find it easy on the digestive track Reply @Omsehnji 1 month ago (edited) Has anyone here heard of magnesium bicarbonate? I'm trying to wrap my head around if its worth pursuing. Apparently its the highest bioavailable form of magnesium as it occurs naturally in water. I also found something very curious when shopping for mag supplements. Most supplements will state the amount of magnesium glycinate for example in each capsule. But did you know that that apparently 1/4 to 1/8 of magnesium glycinate is elemental magnesium. Meaning the rest is glycine supposedly. I only saw one supplement maker that included this ratio in their label. So the question is, when a company is stating the amount of magnesium, found in each capsule, in whichever form, how much of is actually elemental magnesium? 4 Reply 2 replies @edjack5on 1 month ago What about Magnesium Malate? I was hoping to hear more Dr. Rhonda's opinion on that. 3 Reply 3 replies @OurFamilyInMotion 1 month ago Very interesting. If Mag Threonate doesn't raise magnesium levels, why would anyone take it? 1 Reply 1 reply @user-jh8sm2ph5e 1 month ago Disappointing that the known drug deletions for magnesium (HRT -estrogens being only one of them) were not addressed with regard to RDA's in this video. Reply @mortenvinther8940 1 month ago (edited) Magnesium did wonders with my heart palpitations and muscle twitching 10 Reply 2 replies @jeffreyparish2542 1 month ago Will taking Magnesium Glycinate in multiple doses still provide a noticeable sleep benefit rather than taking one dose before bed? Or might sleep benefit even better in multiple doses? 2 Reply 3 replies @pamelamcelroy7478 1 month ago I noticed the magnesium-Om she takes is sugar free. Does that mean it has synthetic sweeteners which are not healthy? Reply @nikangel5362 1 month ago Hi could you refer me to a trusted brand for Sulfaraphane. (Brocolli Sprouts) liquid form perferably. Thanks. 3 Reply 2 replies @randygonzalez5758 1 month ago Is the upper supplemental magnesium dose of 350 mg the total supplemental form or elemental form of Mg? There’s a big different between the 2 and it’s not clear to me which is being presented here 2 Reply 1 reply @BillyJeen 1 month ago Is taking Magnesium Bisglycinate the same as taking Magnesium Glycinate? Reply 1 reply @louismaria5859 1 month ago Even different brands can be dangerous, I took some gycenite 300 mg and almost fainted the next day, two days in a row cause I wasn't sure why I felt like that at first Reply @privatetatum 1 month ago Which magnesium is best for daytime use, one that won’t cause drowsiness? 1 Reply 3 replies @DHTex11 1 month ago (edited) Taking Mg L-Threonate I don't see it on the list at 1:58 ? Never mind listened to the rest of the video Reply @samuelfox8126 2 weeks ago Mag chloride and sulfate are for transdermal ingestion. These have better absorption than any oral ingested mag. Reply @marcofranco6463 1 month ago Can you do a video on the best fish oil to take? 6 Reply 3 replies @dianamarie1652 1 month ago (edited) I take magnesium supplements 3 times a day, heart rate and blood pressure back to normal. Sleep so much better. Shame on my dr for not recommended this when I had anxiety and blood pressure issues. Anxiety now gone. Plus eating more greens, Whole Foods, no process foods. Limited sugar. Reply @masterspin7796 1 month ago Triquetra Ionic Magnesium (liquid) is the best that I have tried it got rid of the leg cramping nothing else would. 2 Reply @livinat1957 1 month ago What about garbage ingredients that are in the magnesium supplements, how or where do you get fewer ingredients ? 1 Reply 1 reply @relentlessshiba5108 1 month ago What is the difference between magnesium glycinate and TMG which has the word glycene in it? Both seem to do the same so i take both at a half dose each. Or are they different? Reply 4 replies @dreadnought80 2 weeks ago Which is a good magnesium supplement for someone with IBS? I have diarrhea to often because of this so Magnesium citrate doesn't help that. Reply 1 reply @karenkaren3189 1 month ago I take magnesium glycinate 2 Reply @Schu2505 1 month ago (edited) Talk about a BS study with PS in the treatment group in the 2nd study. Wow. I take magnesium malate because it’s in the NOVOS Labs formula. Glycine and Taurine also have longevity benefits. Reply @lenwenzel7440 1 month ago Have you heard of people absorbing Epsom salt through bath water treated with DMSO? I expect dosing consideration is really not possible this way. I am given to understand this may occasionally be used by some individuals suffering from whole body muscle tension which borders on whole body charley horses. Reply @DanMaul-ip1is 1 month ago I tried taking Theonate and even at the lowest dose I was on the toilet several times the next day. Reply @scottkremer8660 1 month ago I don't understand why she says M-threonate has so much less elemental Mg. Three capsules of Double Wood brand M-taurate (1500mg) contain 120mg. Three capsules of LIfe Extension M-threonate (2000 mg) contain 144mg. So an equal dose by weight of 2000mg of M-taurate would have 160mg elemental, while M-threonate has 144mg. Where's the big difference she's talking about? 1 Reply @bobcocampo 1 month ago What about magnesium chloride? 2 Reply @dsatt5350 1 month ago Is it absorbed better through the skin? Spray? 2 Reply 3 replies @jimpix8019 1 month ago Dr. Patrick. Why have you not covered Mg Salts or Mg Oil. For method of absorption. It was studied by a Professor at Birmingham University around 20 years ago. He found it to be the most efficient method of absorption into the body. The skin is the biggest gland. Please give your opinion on this as it seems that all the health community like yourself et al always overlook the efficacy of this form of delivery. I have regular blood tests every 4 weeks. And my Mg levels are usually around 85-95%. I apply Mg Oil locally every day. Reply 1 reply @privatetatum 1 month ago Can someone explain to me what ionic magnesium is? As in the magnesium found in trace elements liquids. 2 Reply 1 reply @Crowmother13 1 month ago Cardiologist wants me to take 900 mg mag per day. Is Drs Best a good company? 3 Reply 1 reply @nancyroberts9776 1 month ago I like Calm. Reply @Mashburn007 1 month ago Would a super alcohol dependent person be able to sleep on days with no alcohol by taking magnesium supplements? Reply 1 reply @-What-are-your-thoughts 1 month ago Is there a difference between threonate and L-threonate ? 6 Reply 6 replies @keithbertschin1213 1 month ago You quote official guidelines but we now know when it comes to diet much of what they say is bad advice. How can we trust this? …not talking about Rhonda, she’s a national treasure 5 Reply 1 reply @kumartamil6 1 month ago For sleep which one is good magnesium 1 Reply FoundMyFitness Clips · 1 reply @EatBeefBeHealthy 1 month ago JigSaw has a time-released mag supplement. Reply @wyleecoyotee4252 1 month ago I take Magenesium glycinate 400mg and eat Magnesium foods with no positive effect on my sleep or stress Reply @huddwah 1 month ago When I take magnesium my arthritis flares up.. any idea why? 3 Reply 1 reply @Aiken47 1 month ago Where’s the picture of red ruminant meat? That’s the best Reply @marynitz4238 1 month ago what can i take as a supplement to lower my Cholesterol Reply 1 reply @bshef3424 1 month ago ...but if we're already plantbased....nuts, seeds, leafy greens, beans, grains...etc, we even need it? 6 Reply 1 reply @HEWhitney1 1 month ago Before bed, I take 400mg Mg from 2,667mg Mg citrate and 120mg Mg from 2000mg of Mg ascorbate. No gastro problems. I'll start splitting it up into three separate doses. Reply 4 replies @paulmoldoveanu535 4 weeks ago I cured my migraines after taking Mg baths and also tablets. I tracked and graded the migraines over a period of a couple of months with excel, had an interesting correlation with moon fazes, but that's another story. I dream at night, don't get headaches, my fingernails grow like crazy. My doctor was a not happy when I told him I don't need his powerful pills anymore. do your own research, there is plenty of info out there from the BMJ to stuff that doesn't work. 1 Reply @DITTOE 1 month ago MAGNESIUM TAURATE HAS BEEN A GAME CHANGER FOR MY BLOOD PRESSURE ....... Reply @tomjones2348 1 month ago I do transdermal magnesium oil almost daily without any problem. This method allows you to top off your tank with zero risk of doing too much. Check out Mark Sircus' book on the subject. I like Dr. Barbara Hensel's Mg oil from Swanson's and delude it 50/50 with clean water. Oh, and my resent panel showed my Mg level is at the top of the range. Reply @skincareceo 2 weeks ago Can you do a video on why so many women have pelvic floor dysfunction and what is lacking when they do? Technically speaking we are supposed to poop and bear children so why is this issue so common? Reply @user-yn6ck2kf8y 1 month ago I wish there was information about the amount of magnesium mg’s in say a cup of leafy vegetables. I eat a lot of green leafy veggies and take a magnesium supplement and I wonder often if I am overdosing on magnesium but I have no knowledge of how much magnesium is in certain foods. Same concern goes for other vitamins like, B, C, K and so on. I’d rather eat my supplements and vitamins than take so many capsules! Reply 2 replies @ziv2liv 2 days ago "According to Harvard Health, healthy people probably don't need magnesium supplements because magnesium is naturally found in many foods and some breakfast cereals are fortified with it." Reply @MrBjonte 1 month ago I rarely see nano magnesium mentioned…. Reply @timothymarchant 1 month ago I sleep like a log everynight now when I take a magnesium tablet which is mixed theornate and glycinate, before bed. 3 Reply 1 reply @LonersGuide 1 month ago I seem to sleep better taking ~1.5 to 2g of Magnesium Threonate before bed. Also my dreams are more vivid and memorable. Reply @TroyQwert 1 month ago Actually, if you watch and listen to different experts their conclusions may contradict each other. And I lately watched a video that totally turned my mind on nutrients and supplements over. The doctor is talking that the effect of different supplements also depends on their compatibility. But nobody else ever even mentioned that. I.e. you should not take some supplements together with other ones and keep a gap between them around 2-4 hours. Imagine the shelves filled by supplements in a pharmacy, all those supplements this or that way have to be present in our bodies, but there's not enough time in a day to take them in the right way... I think WHO has to come out with an overall research and report on microelements and nutrients deficiencies to educate us all on that subject the right way. Reply @michaeltaylor8204 4 weeks ago once again you fail to state at what stage do you need supplements. discuss what is a sufficient level of magnesium. are blood test for magnesium accurate. Reply @kiethj7 18 hours ago Dr Patrick, I think you're great at providing benefits of supplements but im kind of mind blown that you talk about industry funded when you stood up for corporations pushing mnra Reply @Jo-sv6uw 1 month ago not surprised given your lifestyle, but your skin is FLAWLESS! Reply @metaphysicalArtist 1 month ago (edited) 19 different forms of magnesium: Magnesium citrate Magnesium glycinate Magnesium oxide Magnesium sulfate Magnesium chloride Magnesium threonate Magnesium taurate Magnesium malate Magnesium orotate Magnesium aspartate Magnesium carbonate Magnesium hydroxide Magnesium picolinate Magnesium gluconate Magnesium lactate Magnesium chelate Magnesium fumarate Magnesium peroxide Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate what do you take ? 2 Reply FoundMyFitness Clips · 3 replies @sassuki 9 days ago She gives contradictory information : she said inorganic is bad, yet the most popular inorganic form, oxide, is absorbed as good as the glycinate organic form, as per the table in 1:55 What a mess Reply @daboxingscholar 1 month ago 8:55 Reply @andrewnmontemayor 1 month ago Damn Rhonda you're looking younger and younger. 5 Reply 2 replies @francescag6889 3 weeks ago Magnesium Taurate works just like a beta blocker! Reply @karlbenmafia 1 month ago I better get my Mg supplements Reply @mgib1325 1 day ago I take 1000mg Glycinate supplements on top of food. Works great. Reply @rkujay 1 month ago Who needs actual physicians when you have youtube??? Reply @lifeisdead01 1 month ago Please be wary of hypermagnesemia if you already get a lot of magnesium from your diet, this shit nearly killed me a few weeks ago 1 Reply 1 reply @ChaiJung 1 month ago Question: what about magnesium threonate? Reply 1 reply @thebluecollarbadass9945 1 month ago I use magnesium glycinate it’s the only one that works and doesn’t give you the Hershey squirts️ Reply @mrcadoia 1 month ago My take home message is: Mag. malate Mag. Glycerinate Mag. Citrate Mag. Taurate are the best to take. And take a little bit many times throughout the day to increase absorption. Reply @mykota2417 1 month ago Magnesium is in cells so cannot be correctly blood measured. Reply @Simon-pl2zi 1 month ago Anyone can easily get their magnesium requirements simply by eating a strictly whole food diet, and cut out alcohol, refined sugar and processed foods, and yes that includes cutting out commercial breads. But because over 80% of Americans lack the self discipline to eat the way they should, they have to supplement, and most can't even be bothered to do that. Supplements are drastically inferior compared to getting your dietary needs from whole food sources. Reply @Itzbrady_ 1 month ago Magnesium chloride dissolved in water is highly bioavailable form to take orally. Reply @ssing7113 1 month ago Mag theronate as I understand is all studied on mice ? Not human trials ? Reply @Joonzi 4 days ago Reply @user-dt1ul5kx8n 1 month ago Ok I like the headline to get me to click so from a marketing thingy you did well and I enjoy your channel. However most people have the IQ of a plant. I would start or end with a very simple "buy this" as most people like I said, do not understand anything you are saying here. 1 Reply @squashduos1258 1 month ago Threonate did nothing to me! Reply @nomandad2000 1 month ago Imagine being her husband and trying to win a random argument…. Reply @JEFFQUICKLE9 1 month ago Just so you know Rhonda.....we humans do not need any supplements whatsoever....those are man-made things from factories.....period! The only information we humans need is Spiritual knowledge and more importantly Spiritual experience of Truth....and when you can move beyond the mind and the ego, thoughts, feelings and emotions you are able to fully control bodily function and health regardless of what you put into your mouth! 2 Reply @Brent-wb3tk 1 month ago (edited) Rhonda Magnesium. All BS. Check out Barbara O'Neill. Get your Rhonda Patrick from organic food Reply @bjorkstrand7773 1 month ago eat lots of peas. i do Reply @inspiringtone2975 1 month ago Maybe this would help President Biden. Hopefully he is taking it. Reply @jimmywhite5209 1 month ago Just noticed my magnesium is called magnesium oxide. Is this garbage? Got it at Walgreens Reply 2 replies @sunshinemotanyane6359 1 month ago Milk is a good magnesium for poor people Reply @juicebox853 3 weeks ago Too bad Huberman is not this objective. Reply @Indomitablespirit108 1 month ago Is it time for another covid shot Rhonda? 1 Reply @agapeo4137 1 month ago Why Why do you not compare and reveal the superior form of Liposomal and it's highest technology superiority?! Sorry to give a reported result I had, I had and have still a very noticeable mental effect positive increase with use of Liposomal Threonate magnesium with no other supplements my speed of memory and memory with verbal speech flow faster with no delay time lapse between retrieving the memory and speaking since i am a teacher. 1 Reply @Trueblue222 1 month ago Good grief, delivery style somewhat lacking, bored stiff after a minute , not watching all of it. Reply @myusernamerocks3 1 month ago She said a bunch of crap about magnesium but never bothered to tell us what kind to buy. Sad. 4 Reply 4 replies @sonshinelove6181 1 month ago She looks like Lee Marvin with long hair. 5 Reply @VAPIDISM 1 month ago I stopped taking magnesium supplements because they gave me the shits 2 Reply 2 replies @Rover08 1 month ago Why is Magnesium so important? You left that out. Reply FoundMyFitness Clips · 2 replies @scotturley4003 1 month ago Looks like Dr. Rhonda has a tan. She's not concerned about the cancer risk? 1 Reply @bamacheats 1 month ago Can tell Rhonda pounds the omega 3 supps! Oil pouring out of her face. 7 Reply 3 replies @himanshu050991 1 month ago Alright. i just saved spending 2-3 times the money on threonate. Chelated glycinate is much cheaper and much readily available in here anyways. thankyou. again. 4 Reply @computerguru70 1 month ago Im taking 600mg per day for years and no issues 5 Reply @wmp3346 1 month ago I use glycinate 133 mg Reply @asinh1100 1 month ago Naturally take magnesium from vegetables and lentils Reply 1 reply @bondjane007 3 weeks ago I take more magnesium because I am on some low dose of pain meds. Also seems water just goes through me. So higher mags. helps prevent constipation for me.. Reply

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