Sunday, August 18, 2024

The New American Tycoons - The Rise of the Billionaires | TYCOONS | FD F...

The New American Tycoons - The Rise of the Billionaires | TYCOONS | FD Finance FD Finance 45.9K subscribers Subscribe 2.5K Share Download Thanks Clip 186,658 views Jun 14, 2024 #FreeDocumentary #elonmusk #walton The New American Tycoons | TYCOONS | FD Finance Watch the Next Episode here: • Xi Jinping Oligarchs: The Rise and Fa... These are the complex journeys of the billionaire tycoons--industrialists and entrepreneurs who yield just as much power as any elected leader. Musk, Gates, Ma, and more. These are the superpowers’ super-rich ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe Fd Finance for free: Facebook: Instagram: / endevrdocs ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #FreeDocumentary #FDFinance #elonmusk #billionaire #walton #buffet #gates #bezos ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Welcome to FD Finance - Your gateway to the fascinating realms of finance! Immerse yourself in our collection of high-quality financial documentaries, providing not only informative insights but also revealing the stories and backgrounds behind the intricate world of finance. Join us on a journey through the dynamics of the financial world. From historical events shaping the markets to the latest developments and trends – here, you'll gain firsthand knowledge of it all. Understand the complex interplay of the global economy. Follow us behind the scenes of the finance industry: Gain exclusive glimpses into the world of financial institutions and personalities influencing the economy. Our documentaries shed light on the backgrounds and stories often hidden behind headlines. Subscribe to FD Finance and never miss a captivating financial documentary. Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Transcript 0:00 [Music] 0:08 tycoons are in many ways the lifeblood of society they're the most competitive 0:14 people you will ever find inside the secret world of the mega 0:20 Rich are some of the most powerful people on the planet this time the United 0:28 States new billionaires are being created really almost on a daily basis how do these tycoons make their fortunes 0:35 they are calculated risk-takers willing to put everything out there they're willing to lose 0:40 everything how do they hang on to them these people have so much money because 0:47 they haven't had to pay taxes and how are they shaping the future of America and the world money is 0:54 a form of of political power and right now that power is entirely in private hands and that's very very very 1:00 [Music] 1:07 [Music] dangerous 1:14 America the richest country on Earth this is the land of the Tycoon we 1:22 now have over 700 billionaires in America tycoons from social media to 1:28 manufacturing definitely defined the way that we work and all that we do these 1:33 men and women all began with a Relentless desire to do something new and extraordinary every time there's a 1:40 technological Revolution it throws up massive new amounts of wealth riding the wave of tech Innovation is at the heart 1:46 of the American Tycoon story they are calculated risk-takers they're willing to put everything out there they're 1:53 willing to lose everything but they do it in a way that's targeted to get to a 1:58 vision an idea 2:04 and the richest man in America and the world is constantly in pursuit of new 2:11 [Music] ideas no one in the history of Forbes tracking billionaires has been worth as 2:17 much as Elon Musk Elon Musk risks everything each 2:23 time he starts a new project Elon Musk says he could only do 2:28 this in the United States most other societies don't have that much wealth and they don't put that wealth into the 2:34 risk-takers Tesla is now the most valuable car company in the world worth around a trillion dollar it kickstarted 2:41 the electric vehicle Revolution their idea of an electric car is something that doesn't look good 2:47 isn't fast doesn't have high performance we wanted to break the mold Tesla makes less than a million 2:53 cars a year and yet it's worth more than the world's nine largest car companies put together 2:59 I think what we've done here is For the First Time created an electric car that you actually want to 3:05 buy but Tesla could so easily have been a different story instead of making musk the world's 3:12 richest man he could have lost everything risk taking is like the 3:17 Promethean fire you can get close and use some of it but you can't use too much of it Elon Musk has had moments 3:25 when it was on the precipice of disaster everywhere you look look the 3:30 color is red and no one it seems can stop the bleeding in 2008 the financial crisis 3:38 meant the global economy was on the brink of collapse Mayhem Carnage a 3:43 bloodbath call it what you want but what we saw on global stock markets today was 3:48 Ill disguised Panic it became impossible for startup Tesla to raise Capital Elon 3:55 Musk was broke the most sensible thing would have been to sell so musk tweets 4:01 that Tesla is only 3 days from bankruptcy that uh he doesn't own a house and that he has to borrow money 4:08 just to keep the company afloat that's how close they were to disaster musk took a huge risk and 4:15 secured a $40 million loan and put it all into 4:22 Tesla it's extremely unusual for somebody to uh put their money on the 4:27 line risk bankruptcy and make these projects work he uh had the courage to 4:33 do that really introducing the first true 4:39 Mass Market electric vehicle to the American Market is a Triumph that Detroit couldn't pull off and now 4:45 Detroit is following suit there's a bit of a revenge of the nerd going on here 4:51 with uh the amount of wealth that he has [Music] 4:57 created Elon Musk grew up in South Africa which was to shape his desire to 5:03 succeed at all costs Elon Musk has rather interesting background his mother 5:09 often said that she didn't know what was wrong with him as a child he later revealed to us that he had asperges and 5:16 he was bullied at one point some uh some of the school kids pushed him down the 5:22 stairs and he ended up uh with a fair amount of injuries I think part of his ego is 5:29 based on the way he was treated as a child he has a lot to prove his ex-wife Justine had an 5:36 incredibly difficult time with Elon she said that he was the most obsessive person that she'd ever met and Li off 5:44 with the Falcon knif and what musk did next was Obsession on a whole new 5:53 level he's built this space company that was started off as kind of a seemed like a side hustle you know this extra thing 5:59 he was doing that has become a major contractor a major player human space flight is the 6:05 reason that SpaceX was created and we're incredibly honored to partner uh with 6:10 with NASA again it was touch and go whether he'd lose 6:22 everything he had uh three failed launches and one rocket left to uh try 6:30 to show that he could uh uh get them into space and Supply the Space 6:36 Station 2 1 Z and launch of the SpaceX 6:44 Falcon 9 rocket as NASA turns to the private sector to resupply the 6:49 International Space Station and the fourth one succeeded and was 6:55 really uh defining moment [Applause] 7:09 you want to do projects that are inspiring and that make people excited about the future musks out of the box 7:15 thinking has come under Fire though his plan to rescue trapped children from a flooded cave in Thailand with a mini sub 7:22 built from rocket Parts was a PR disaster and his ideas for the future of 7:28 car travel have run into into problems some of his ideas it's not 7:33 certain how realistic they are uh the boring project to create tunnels 7:38 underground that cars could zoom through at at incredible speeds would take an 7:43 enormous amount of work and I think a lot of people are not sure how feasible that really 7:51 is musk's plan to send 1 million people to Mars by 2050 is also viewed with deep 7:57 skepticism the ideas that drive tycoons to wealth 8:02 can also be the ideas that drive them to disaster we should expect that uh he 8:08 might remain a tycoon but that he's spreading himself too thin and making too many risky bets at the same time but 8:16 whatever the future holds Elon Musk is just the latest in a long line of American tycoons who've Stak their all 8:23 on the potential rewards of a new technology 8:30 to fully understand the role tycoons have played in the country's history you have to return to the 19th century to 8:36 the pioneers of us [Music] capitalism the Robert Barons were a 8:43 group of men who ran the industrialization of the United States in those days there weren't many rules 8:50 constraining what they could do called the robber barons because of 8:57 their ruthless Behavior they made their wealth from the new technology of the Industrial 9:02 [Music] Age the richest of them all was John de 9:08 Rockefeller who made his fortune from oil John de Rockefeller was present at 9:15 the creation of the oil business and he rode that horse to become the biggest 9:21 richest man in in the world in its time rockefeller's uh Fortune was bigger than 9:27 Bezos bigger than Musk it was enormous in today's money he is the Tycoon who 9:33 was the closest Contender to being a trillionaire in 1915 John D Rockefeller 9:38 could have paid off the national debt of the United States and still have been the richest man in the 9:46 world but like many US tycoons Rockefeller started out with 9:51 nothing his father was a um a ner well was someone who was always was always 9:57 hustling but not necessarily doing in the most um legal of ways many 10:02 billionaires are individuals who grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and that motivation is what leads them to 10:09 actually become people who transform the system and make a lot of money for themselves in the 10:16 process going from Rags to Riches is the essence of what's called The American Dream the American dream to me means the 10:25 the ability to become wealthy it provides the hope that drives people to 10:31 work hard you work your way up from nothing you don't come from money you don't come from family and the idea that 10:37 if you hustle enough you can do anything and one family from Arkansas defined the 10:43 American [Music] 10:50 dream The Waltons are the richest family on Earth thanks to their stake in the retail chain 10:56 Walmart founder Sam Walton's three surviving children have consistently been in the top 20 of Forbes rich list 11:04 and Alice Walton his youngest child is worth $65 billion alone Alice Walton is 11:11 the richest woman in the United States she inherited most of her money but she also invested her money she remains 11:19 involved in in many of the Walmart businesses Sam Walton became the richest 11:24 man in America in 1985 a position he held for 4 years [Music] 11:31 Sam Walton is the true rags to Rich's story mostly it's a matter of of believing in our people working with our 11:37 people and really trying to do everything we can to for their best interest and they in turn come back and 11:43 take care of our customers and take care of ourselves Walmart now has around 11,000 11:49 stores worldwide and is the largest retailer across the globe this retail giant started with a 11:56 small shop in Arkansas and once again he made his fortune by using new 12:02 technology was one of the first people who used computers um to track his 12:10 inventory that allowed Walmarts to become so extremely successful was a very tight control of inventory so they 12:17 would buy it at the last minute sell it as quickly as possible keep the goods moving once Walmart became a a giant 12:24 they were able to push their um suppliers and force their suppliers to sell it at you know lower prices he used 12:32 glossy commercials to attract families Walmart everyday low prices means everything every day everyday low prices 12:39 really mean something at Walmart every single item in the store every day passing all savings on to Consumers to 12:45 make Walmart the cheapest place to shop was always Walton's aim he also reinvested profits allowing 12:53 the company to grow quickly so Sam Walton became a cult figure people saw 12:59 saw Sam Walton as the embodiment of the American dream and everyone in the company said Mr Walton you've got to 13:06 perform we did it now you do it but when Sam Walton died in 1992 some 13:13 saw it as a turning point Walmart became more of a big empty 13:21 Corporation after Sam Walton's passing instead of helping their communities it came to look like Walmart was just 13:27 making money from their communities Walmart also attracted criticism for its 13:32 working practices so they tried in a first sense to make themselves more Community friendly they also tried to 13:39 address a number of very damaging exposes about the mistreatment of their labor the low wages they paid aware of 13:47 this growing criticism in 2008 Walmart decided to Rebrand and give themselves a 13:53 more caring image they Tred to raise their wages and do things to make 13:58 Walmart a healthier happier place for people to work and they wanted to tell 14:04 that story the growth of Walmart keeps the Walton family the richest in the world 14:10 but their domination of the retail sector still provokes controversy 14:16 fundamentally when a Walmart comes to a Town Main Street dies who's going to 14:22 compete with Walmart 14:29 [Music] the story of Walmart shows that size isn't 14:34 everything tycoons getting too big and too powerful has been the Great American dilemma since the time of robber 14:42 bearing how to balance business success with the greater 14:48 good at its height in the early 20th century Rockefeller Standard Oil controlled 90% of America's Oil Business 14:57 monopolies meant that a few people were getting wealthy from it not the vast majority of Americans and so they're not 15:03 living the American dream because companies had gotten too big and too powerful it's clear that something needs 15:09 to be done to create some rules of the road the sermon antitrust act back in 15:15 1890 allowed the government to dismantle monopolies this included the breakup of 15:21 rockefeller's Standard Oil [Music] 15:31 governments continued to regulate tycoons throughout the 20th century but in 1981 a new president 15:39 decided to change everything and set the tycoons free I Ronald Reagan do solemnly 15:45 swear that I will Faithfully execute the office of President of the United States so help me 15:52 God Reagan thought things were being over regulated and that was stifling um 15:58 economic opportunity and profit making in the 1980s Reagan undertook to repeal 16:04 many of the limitations on wealth creation and business entrepreneurship in the United States in this present 16:11 crisis government is not the solution to our problem government is the 16:26 problem Reagan cut taxes and regulated markets hoping the wealth created would 16:32 improve everyone's standard of living Reaganomics did create an updated 16:37 version of the American dream Reagan's policies actually 16:43 increased inequality in the US however over 16 million jobs were 16:49 created and the booming economy made Americans feel good about themselves again they were ready to buy houses TVs 16:57 fridges cars and fast 17:03 food oh the 80s were great for billionaires one of the truly great eras 17:08 of prosperity in American history it was a vision that Americans enthusiastically 17:19 embraced Reagan's policies also paved the way for a new type of Tycoon one who didn't actually make 17:27 anything instead he made his fortune by investing in other people's 17:37 companies Warren Buffett is an example of this new breed of Tycoon who becomes immensely wealthy not by building things 17:44 but by investing in Things by buying stakes in undervalued companies Buffett 17:49 for a Time became the richest man in the world Buffett is very good at reading kind of what sectors of this new market 17:56 this service economy post-industrial economy and of what's going to grow and what's going to be profitable thanks to 18:03 deregulation and a booming economy Buffett made his first billions in the80s instead of following the stock 18:10 market he studied Financial reports from his office in Omaha looking for undervalued businesses I've never had a 18:17 computer in there I've never had a calculator in there and uh and I've never had a stock tricker in 18:22 there he once spent a billion dollars buying Coke shares which then quadrupled in value over 4 years years Warren 18:29 Buffett epitomizes the 1980s because from his little office in Omaha Nebraska 18:35 he's now able to move Capital around without limitations before the ' 80s it wasn't 18:41 possible to move money that way I'm having the time of my life I mean I get to do every day exactly what I like to 18:47 do with people who I love and who seem to like me pretty well and and it 18:52 doesn't get any better than that he now has thousands of followers for whom he invests money they call him the Oracle 19:00 of Omaha despite his huge wealth his lifestyle remains modest in the extreme 19:06 Warren Buffett is interesting because he kind of bursts onto the scene at a time when the images of wealth are often 19:14 flashy and you know fur coats dripping with jewels and and B Buffett's not that at all he is a folky 19:21 midwesterner from Nebraska um lives you know not someone who flashes his wealth 19:28 Buffett still still lives in the same house he bought more than 60 years ago how would I improve my life by having 10 19:34 houses around the globe I mean if I'd wanted to become you know a superintendent of housing or something 19:39 of the sort you know I could have gone into that as a profession but I do not want to manage 10 houses and I really don't even want somebody else doing it 19:45 for me and I don't know why the hell I'd be happier nothing really changed in the Buffett household as Warren Buffett got 19:51 richer his kids found out that they were wealthy because um they read about him 19:59 in Forbes Magazine now as well as advocating for higher taxes on the rich he's also sworn 20:06 to give away most of his fortune before he [Music] 20:21 dies the 1980s was also the beginning of a new technological Revolution the 20:27 digital age it's saw the birth of the tech Tycoon just as in the 19th century 20:33 entirely new Industries and sectors grew and you have the arrival of the 20:38 commercially available personal computer computers make possible things 20:43 that before were not possible and that includes the accumulation of enormous fortunes 20:51 [Music] 20:58 Bill Gates saw the Boom in home computers but his genius was not to build them but to write the 21:05 software Microsoft is the second most valuable company in the world and is worth around $2 21:13 trillion Gates understood how technology would change our lives foreseeing the 21:18 impact of smartphones before most of us were even using a computer uh virtually 21:24 uh everyone in 10 to 15 years time will be able to carry around a wallet PC you 21:30 can have thousands of pictures of your children if you like uh easy to call up 21:35 uh you'll be able to receive messages news bulletins in fact the machine over time will learn what you're interested 21:42 in an individual like Bill Gates is someone who sees a future before it's 21:47 occurred their ideas help them to imagine a different kind of world and they're investing and taking risks to 21:53 try to get to that world Gates wrote his first software program at the age of 13 21:59 he's a nerdy brainy guy so even growing up he was a bookworm they had a rule At 22:07 The Gates house no bill no more books at the dinner table he's sort of one of 22:12 these child genius type of type of 22:17 kids he dropped out of Harvard in 1975 to set up Microsoft Gates was creating a 22:24 company that was selling something that previously had been given away for free Gates had a very different vision and he 22:31 was right software was a business Gates Big Break came in 1980 22:37 when IBM chose Microsoft software for their computers because it was userfriendly Bill Gates software made it 22:44 possible for you and me to understand how to operate our computers Microsoft did a deal with IBM that also allowed 22:52 them to sell the same software to other computer companies putting them ahead of the competition he didn't always have 22:59 the best software on the market there were other programs that were better but he knew how to get them out there like 23:07 Rockefeller before him who ran 90% of America's Oil Business at its height 90% 23:13 of the world's PCS were running Windows making Bill Gates America's youngest 23:18 billionaire at the age of 31 one of the characteristic that Bill 23:23 Gates has in common with a lot of other tycoons is he's intensely competitive 23:28 part of Microsoft's success comes from that real intense take no prisoners we're going to you know we want to win 23:36 um we're not here to make friends and it also is something that contributes to their getting in trouble with the 23:42 Department of Justice by 1998 when Bill Gates was the 23:48 richest man in the world worth $51 billion Microsoft was being accused of 23:54 illegally creating a monopoly in the same way the robber barons were in the 19th century how many of you use a PC 24:02 without Microsoft's operating system gentlemen that's a monopoly 24:08 because he bundled his own web browser Internet Explorer with Windows software he was accused of crushing his 24:15 Rivals Silicon Valley companies referred to Microsoft as the Death Star and you 24:20 know saw it as this sort of enemy of everything that was right and good the antitrust controversy was most certainly 24:28 the Great obstacle in Bill Gates's Microsoft Journey his attitude under 24:33 questioning was a PR disaster and did you actually read what was in there 24:39 Gates is a very difficult person to get along with he has a tendency to try to 24:44 uh denigrate people that he's uh debating with you're saying to me that 24:50 there's more in there and you're just reading me part of he did not take seriously the arguments of those who 24:56 believed Microsoft was too big who belied it was too predatory who believed it was stifling Innovation so you ask me 25:04 about it without reading me the whole thing he came to represent the example of the spoiled narcissistic leader not 25:11 the Innovative entrepreneur this Court ruling finds the 25:16 company guilty of acting as a monopoly and stifling competition Microsoft was 25:21 ordered to split in two but on appeal the decision was reversed Gates has 25:27 since said he was not naive back then and that he made some mistakes even though Microsoft itself was not broken 25:33 up in the way Standard Oil was um the the gold was now tarnished after the 25:40 antitrust proceedings Apple was cool Microsoft 25:47 wasn't after the trial Bill Gates devoted increasingly more time to charity work through the Bill and 25:53 Melinda Gates Foundation after the lawsuit just like Rockefeller and Carnegie Bill Gates went 26:00 into philanthropy to deploy their great wealth for a greater good and so the gates started engaging in some smaller 26:07 scale philanthropy in the late 90s and then in the early 2000s founded their Foundation which was became immediately 26:14 the largest in the world and the goal is by 2040 uh to eliminate this disease so 26:20 the scientists here are part of an incredible exciting undertaking uh that will make malaria history to date the 26:27 foundation has given away over $50 billion Bill Gates has also recruited 26:32 fellow billionaire Warren Buffett and others to make a pledge to give away their wealth as 26:39 well as a philanthropist he's really had this second act that's very different whose Foundation has done extraordinary 26:46 work at scale kind of this massive these massive interventions in global 26:51 Health Bill Gates philanthropy is an example of how many tycoons are extending their reach into other areas 26:58 of American Life they're becoming public figures in a way that exceeds their 27:05 previous reputation as just business people in the 2020 presidential election 27:13 an unprecedented three tycoons ran for 27:19 office I think Americans of 1910 would have had great reluctance to you know 27:25 let John D Rockefeller run for president um and I think that there should be the 27:30 same trepidation about the billionaire dominance of politics 27:36 now but it's not just running for election it's influencing policy as well 27:42 Oil Barons Charles and his brother David KO who died in 2019 are perhaps the 27:47 biggest examples of billionaires using their wealth behind the scenes they have funded some of the most 27:54 conservative politicians in the country so coke money uh is still very much 28:00 attached to taking resources out of the ground uh that often have a negative environmental consequence and so he has 28:07 a very strong interest in limiting any government interference in the 28:12 activities that produce these environmental consequences they've spent hundreds and hundreds of millions of 28:18 dollars supporting candidates who spread lies that climate change is a 28:24 conspiracy these two brothers are trying to by America You could argue that the 28:30 Koch brothers have been two of the most influential political actors in the world in the last 20 to 30 Years yet 28:37 neither of them has ever held an elected 28:43 office the influence over American life also comes thanks to favorable us tax 28:49 laws which have enabled tycoons to build their immense fortunes so a new report reveals the 25 28:56 richest Americans including Jeff BAS Michael Bloomberg Elon Musk they paid relatively little and sometimes nothing 29:03 in federal income taxes between 2014 and 2018 both Bloomberg and Bezos have 29:09 endorsed the call for a corporate tax rise One Way tycoons legally avoid 29:16 income tax is by owning shares in their company instead of taking a salary in 2018 Elon Musk paid no income 29:25 tax after the ensuing outcry he pulled his Twitter followers and chose to pay 29:30 $1 billion in 2021 the American tax system is a 29:36 grotesque thing right now it's amended about 4,000 times a year and of those 29:43 4,000 amendments almost all of them are little favors to 29:48 people congressmen need campaign funds they have a mutual backs scratching 29:53 Society I mean you help me get reelected and I'll help you solve that tax problem 30:02 in 2021 55 of the largest companies in America paid no federal corporate tax 30:09 others have been criticized for not paying enough among them is one company whose 30:14 founder sits just off the top of the rich 30:21 list Amazon now ships 15 million Parcels a day and has 1 1/2 million employees 30:27 across the world [Music] the company dominates online retail and 30:32 this is all thanks to Jeff Bezos obsession with customer service people ask me are your customers loyal to you 30:39 and I always say absolutely right up until the second that somebody else offers them a better 30:45 service and I really believe that Bezos understood from the start that online shopping gave customers much more choice 30:52 but also more power online the balance of power shifts away from the merchant toward the customer it's because 30:59 customers have great information online they can price compare very easily all sorts of things like that also the 31:05 customers can tell each other what they find out so they can use the internet as a 31:10 megaphone 30 years ago Bezos was a banker in New 31:16 York he saw the number of people using the internet then a brand new technology 31:21 grow over 2,000% in a year he realized it was a chance to make his fortune the 31:28 biggest sacrifice which Jeff Bezos took um was of course leaving his career on 31:33 Wall Street he had been incredibly successful in finance by going into this online space which was relatively 31:40 unknown at the time he was taken a massive [Music] 31:54 gamble so the billionaires who really make it big they're the ones who take 32:01 advantage of a new technology and connect their ideas to that 32:09 technology and so he drops out of the Wall Street Rat Race instead moves 32:14 across the country to Seattle because it's got a good stock of software Engineers because Microsoft is in 32:21 Seattle he rented a house and set up in the garage with a door for his desktop 32:26 he wanted to be be seen as you know a uh a Frugal barebones startup that wasn't 32:33 going to waste money in just two months sales at Amazon reached $20,000 per week 32:40 the personal qualities that make a tycoon a tycoon is and thinking very big and thinking very long term Jeff Bezos 32:48 is a great example of that the plan from the beginning was to grow big quick by 32:53 investing everything back into the business his other great insight was that a successful company in the late 33:00 20th century was not a company that made a lot of money but a company that had a lot of Revenue investors would be 33:06 investing in growth that's what they want oh if you look at our us books business 33:13 it was profitable in the month of December of 1998 and that was a critical mistake uh because the management team 33:20 of the company should have been able to figure out and that was me by the way should have been able to figure out that 33:27 the ways to invest that 33:33 money Amazon's success has had a huge impact on Main Streets across the world 33:39 but from the early days when Bezos was mainly selling books he's been 33:44 Unapologetic complaining is not a strategy Amazon is not happening to book selling the future is happening to book 33:52 selling it's not just bookshops now with around 12 million products sold by 33:58 Amazon all areas of the retail sector are under [Music] 34:04 threat Amazon have very aggressively gone into more and more sectors this of 34:10 course isn't a sign of the future at all it's a sign of Jeff bezos's Ambitions 34:17 and also his continuous drive for 34:22 [Music] growth like most tycoons Bezos has kept 34:27 kept his family life private that is until 2019 when he 34:33 divorced his wife McKenzie she is now the fourth richest woman in the world and he's living a 34:40 more celebrity lifestyle he now lives a much more Hollywood oriented lifestyle brought 34:46 about an extraordinarily expensive home in La his new girl friend Lauren Sanchez 34:53 was a model before becoming an entertainment reporter and news anchor he now has yachts in St Barts where he 35:00 hosts models and celebrities you can find him jetting all over the world he's 35:05 constantly found in designer clothing with his new girlfriend and generally living what is called a more Jet Set 35:12 billionaire lifestyle many have said that they believe that Bezos might be having a 35:18 midlife crisis something's definitely going on with beel 35:28 [Music] money take it to the I just lety got a lot of Zer 35:37 on but some tycoons go beyond buying yachts and supercars with their unlimited spending 35:45 power newspaper Tycoon William Randolph Hurst the man on whom the classic film 35:51 Citizen Kane was based built his wildly extravagant Hurst Castle in California 35:57 it was packed with unusual antiques here's the original itself as the $50 36:02 million Hurst art collection goes on sale articles from 35 to 36:08 $200,000 15,000 objects in all spread over 80,000 ft of floor space the fruits 36:15 of 50 years of search for art Treasures eccentric business tycoon 36:21 Howard Hughes spent his billions building record-breaking aircraft builder of the monster Howard 36:27 Hugh stormy petrol of Aviation surveys the 320t wing of the Colossus whose 36:32 weight is 200 tons and whose length is 200 36:38 ft there are tycoons now with ambitions beyond the material world the 36:44 billionaire co-founder of PayPal Peter teal wants to live forever he plans to freeze his body 36:51 after death so he can be brought back to life when the technology exists 37:01 others don't just want to save themselves they want to save the planet 37:06 we have sent robotic probes now to every planet in the solar system and we know without any shadow of a doubt that Earth 37:13 is the best one this is the best 37:20 Planet Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk they certainly have a dream they want to explore space both men want to use space 37:29 to solve Earth's [Music] 37:36 problems Bezos plans to tackle climate change by moving heavy industry to the 37:41 Moon Elon Musk wants to secure the future of mankind by colonizing 37:48 Mars history fundamentally Bates in one of two directions either we um are a 37:53 multiplet species and out there exploring the stars or we are single planet species waiting around for some 38:00 eventual Extinction event we need those bold ideas and big thinking at the same 38:06 time the idea that colonizing Mars is the better answer than attending to the 38:13 problems on Earth is related to believing that technology can make 38:19 things better we can engineer our way out of a problem whether it be climate 38:24 change or social inequality or disinformation on the internet that there must be a better 38:31 fix sometimes the answer isn't always more technology these men are driven by a 38:39 sense that they are right that they know what others don't know and they don't see their own 38:44 shortcomings they don't see their own [Music] 38:52 limits this is especially true in the age of social media where the rapid develop velopment of new technology has 38:59 led to unintended consequences social media has changed 39:06 everything about modern society we now live our lives 39:16 [Music] online Facebook which also owns 39:22 Instagram and rebranded under the name meta has connected almost 3 billion people over a third of the world's 39:30 [Music] population I mean the mission of a company is to make the world more open 39:36 and connected because we believe that um you know everyone is going to have a much better experience when they're 39:41 doing different things with their friends the problem is is that it is a platform that has prioritized more 39:48 inflammatory content privileging the loudest voices in the room and that 39:53 contributes to polarization as head of the company in 2018 40:00 Zuckerberg was called before Congress to address mounting concerns I think it's time to ask 40:06 whether Facebook may have moved too fast and broken too many things Facebook has 40:11 grown so big so fast that much influence 40:16 comes with enormous social responsibility of which you have fail to 40:23 act he can't control the ills of society he can't control online harm but it's 40:29 clear now that we didn't do enough to prevent these tools from being used for harm as well and that goes for fake news 40:36 foreign interference in elections and hate speech as well as developers and data 40:41 privacy we didn't take a broad enough view of our responsibility and that was a big mistake and it was my mistake and 40:49 I'm sorry I started Facebook I run it and I'm responsible for what happens here 40:59 the overwhelming evidence is that uh Mark Zuckerberg sees the world only through Facebook's eyes that uh he 41:06 believes his company has the right to do what it does because it's popular uh he's shown very little evidence of 41:13 really taking seriously the concerns people have about hate speech uh about data 41:18 mining your every click and everything you do and everything you look at that is data and that data is being taken in 41:26 and being used to sell ads to advertisers but in doing that you are 41:31 you don't know how much privacy you're surrendering or how much they know about 41:38 you the rise of Facebook has been astonishing but it's Origins were very 41:46 modest in 2003 while still at Harvard Zuckerberg wrote the software for 41:52 Facebook in a week it was an immediate hit I remember in the first week alone 41:59 I'd come home from classes and see that 10% of students at Harvard were logged on at any one point in time and that was 42:06 just really cool so then by the second week we had all these people from other colleges around us like MIT and and 42:12 other colleges I'm in the neighborhood were were emailing in asking if we could release Facebook at their schools too he 42:20 dropped out of Harvard moved to Silicon Valley launched Facebook worldwide and 42:25 within a year hit 5 million users Mark Zuckerberg of course turned 42:30 down various offers um to sell his company the hardest one was really when 42:36 Yahoo offered us a billion dollars uh because that was the first really big offer and um you know at the time I knew 42:43 nothing about business right so I I knew nothing about what a company would be worth and I had to make this argument to 42:48 people that somehow this was going to be the right decision tycoons go against 42:54 the conventional wisdom they always want to get rich but it's it's the idea the passion that often separates the tycoons 43:01 from other business people when he floated Facebook on NASDAQ age 28 he had gone from a student 43:08 to being worth $20 billion in 7 years on this special day on behalf of 43:16 everyone at Facebook I just want to say to all the people out there who use Facebook and our products thank you but the 43:23 phenomenal growth of Facebook continued to bring a raft of UN intended consequences the problem now is that all 43:30 these platforms nearly all of them are so large that they're impossible to moderate they simply can't be this big 43:37 and have either human or computer-driven moderation that is effective Facebook is in a lot of 43:44 trouble right now I don't think the government will shut Facebook down but I think they will will intensively 43:50 regulate Facebook and break it up at the end of 2021 Facebook user numbers 43:55 dropped for the first time as users found fresh Alternatives Zuckerberg rebranded as 44:02 meta and announced Grand plans for a virtual reality metaverse hoping to lure 44:07 them back markets weren't convinced though and meta lost a quarter of its value in 44:13 just one day in early [Music] 44:22 2022 social media platforms have changed the way we interact riding the 44:27 smartphone Revolution platforms including Twitter Snapchat YouTube and 44:33 Tik Tok have accessed billions of users across the world social media has uh 44:39 taken us beyond the world of newspapers and and radio where the more you circulated something the more you could 44:45 sell you could make millions now with social media you can instantly make perhaps billions because you can reach 44:52 more people more quickly at lower cost 44:58 Twitter founder Jack dorsy is worth $6.6 billion Snapchat Creator Evan Spiegel is 45:05 worth $7.8 billion as well as turning these entrepreneurs into hugely powerful 45:11 billionaires social media has also given unprecedented power to influencers who 45:17 know how to harness it to create their own fortunes 45:24 [Music] Kim Kardashian has risen from nowhere 45:31 using reality TV and social media to become one of the most famous influential and wealthy people on the 45:38 globe Kardashian was kind of famous for being famous she was a friend of early 45:43 reality TV star Paris Hilton and then this reality show 45:50 Keeping Up with the Kardashians really kind of put her and her family on the W The Wider map map of 45:57 popular [Music] 46:05 culture I can't even deal with my mom doing a keg stand like there are no 46:10 words the show Keeping Up with the Kardashians ran for 20 Seasons I need someone to make me laugh 46:17 where's kimim it followed the lives of mom Chris and stepdad Bruce Jenner along 46:23 with their kids [Music] 46:29 the celebrity at bought her allowed her to promote company's products and this is like one of the 46:34 stores that I love to come to and it just has like all different styles I come with my two my Yeah my two sisters 46:41 there's so many I get a mom mixed up and we always we have such different styles and we always find stuff at intermix 46:48 that fit all of our personalities yeah Kim Kardashian is someone who's leveraged social media to make her 46:53 fortune in really kind of clever ways that have been extremely influential where you establish a following you have 46:58 a certain level of celebrity and so you start selling things her next step was to start selling her own Brands using 47:05 honest demonstrations of her products on social media I always had so many products and I just wanted like a little 47:12 defined kit of all of my favorite products that could just be really easy I always do the tip of my nose cuz it 47:19 just shortens your nose and makes it look so cute many of the beauty trends that have 47:24 emerged in the last 10 years have come from Kardashian her followers are women who 47:30 want to be like her she's got u a beauty company kkw 47:35 Beauty with cosmetics and then um perhaps her most valuable um creation 47:42 has been this body Weare shapewear company called 47:47 skims the skims body wear company is now valued at $3.2 billion it's kind of like 47:53 an idea Factory she comes up with the idea she outs sources the manufacturing of somebody else she does the marketing 48:00 on her social media and there you have it next thing you know she's a 48:07 billionaire Kim Kardashian now has 280 million Instagram followers making her 48:13 one of the most influential people in the world of fashion and Beauty but running a business driven by a social 48:20 media star can be tough if it's hard to stay relevant I mean one of the things about being on social media being a 48:27 social media Stars you got to give your viewers something new and different to see and ogal about so I imagine she'll 48:34 keep Reinventing herself and creating new companies she's young she's only 41 years [Music] 48:45 [Music] 48:53 old the American dream was built on the back of Tycoon and their groundbreaking 49:00 [Music] ideas few Americans begrudge them their 49:08 success but in recent years the size of their fortunes has caused increasing concerned about wealth disparity the 49:15 public perception of billionaires has changed very drastically they were once seen as 49:22 figures of American Pride but now we know how much tax they pay and and how much they're putting back into the 49:28 economy we will see the level of wealth continue to flow to the billionaire 49:33 class we have long been a very unequal Society but two things have changed one 49:39 the disparities in wealth are so evident they're so obvious we see on social media and elsewhere how other people 49:46 live so it's in our face and even more important there's a concern about Mobility people will accept inequality 49:53 if they believe they have a chance this is the American dream right in American society today that's less and less 49:59 true the wealth gap between America's richest and poorest families more than doubled between 1989 and 50:07 2016 the challenge of Our Moment is that everyone sees a need for better regulation of wealth but the people who 50:14 are in a position to make policy decisions are very dependent on the wealthy and so they have a disincentive 50:21 to make those changes but I think it's going to require much broader political imagination um thinking rethinking this 50:28 sort of same question that that um American lawmakers grappled with in the early 20th century which is how do we 50:35 find a way to balance capitalism with the needs of a broader public whether governments find a 50:42 solution to the wealth Gap remains to be seen however there's no doubt tycoons 50:47 will continue to drive the American dream the United States still has 50:54 enormous opportunities enormous resources enormous talent and an 51:00 enormous will to get ahead and I think that'll see us through in fine 51:07 shape well there will be many many more tycoons in the future doing what tycoons 51:12 of the past have done taking new technology finding a new market for it and building their fortunes and fame 51:19 based on them and that's a healthy thing that's how Society changes and evolves 51:26 [Music] FD Finance 45.9K subscribers Videos About 70 BEST FINANCE, MONEY & BUSINESS DOCUMENTARIES | FD Finance by FD Finance 31 FRAUD, SCAM, POWER - Everything about Shady Business | FD Finance by FD Finance 18 COMPANY STORIES | FD Finance by FD Finance 12 GOLD, EURO, DOLLAR & MORE - Everything about Currency | FD Finance by FD Finance 9 RESOURCES BUSINESS - Everything you need to know | FD Finance by FD Finance 165 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @UltimateJellyG30 1 month ago Putting Kim in this video is just insulting at this point 65 Reply 5 replies @luckyskivvy6077 2 months ago Breaking Standard Oil inadvertently increased Rockefeller's wealth. Its like how stock price explodes after a split. The new "cheaper" price attaches buyers and increases demand. The broken pieces exploded in value but as a collective remained Standard Oil. 56 Reply 2 replies @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Я поважаю людей, які працюють проти реклами проти гадів а тільки на себе. 4 Reply @luckyskivvy6077 2 months ago The American dream is a home, family, financial security, peace, and plenty of leisure time. How much of the American dream do billionaires get after working long hours and solving massive problems? SkipBezos and Zuckerberg... you'd spend decades grinding away. 21 Reply @DennisSimplifies 2 weeks ago Great content 3 Reply @airflowautoparts3047 2 weeks ago Unfortunately, Walmart’s higher ups, don’t care about their employees and their customers and looked at as cash cows 4 Reply @bayokoebi9351 1 month ago The Kardashians are the main recipe for disasters 9 Reply 1 reply @Projectendless854 1 month ago Becoming a millionaire seems easy you just need to find what to do then do it that easy but why is everyone not that wealth 14 Reply 1 reply @tedrosmehari8812 1 month ago The American Oligarchs 13 Reply @patriciawolf8121 8 days ago 700 billionaires and this country is in debt????? WTH is wrong with this ? And probably none of them pay their fair share of taxes. 5 Reply @AfiDeSouza-qf6nf 13 days ago They have the Power of the brain when its comes to making money. 2 Reply @SalmanovGadzhimurad-pj9qq 10 days ago Marina Bay Sands — интегрированный курорт с видом на залив Марина-Бей в центральном районе Сингапура. На момент своего открытия в 2010 году он был объявлен самым дорогим автономным казино в мире стоимостью в 8 миллиардов долларов, включая стоимость земли -мечта его было там побывать и отдохнуть 2 Reply @aniekanakpanamasi4635 1 month ago What about Google founders? 10 Reply @airflowautoparts3047 2 weeks ago Kim K looks better without makeup 4 Reply @azukaorumgbe7856 3 weeks ago The benefits of capitalism 3 Reply @spybaz 2 months ago The American Dream: Reward greed and victimize the poor US Capitalism: Greed required; charity abhorred 18 Reply 2 replies @sayedbilalsadat-me9uj 5 days ago Great documentary! However, identifying the beneficial owner of a business is a global challenge and very difficult. The people we see are not the true owners; they're just employees. The real owners, who stay hidden, have built the business with their help. These hidden owners may not be visible to us, and their goal might be to control the world through these public figures. 2 Reply 1 reply @RoseBeeGold 2 weeks ago wow wow wow 3 Reply @brittanyb5942 1 month ago I wish y’all would stop praising Kim K! 4 Reply @antonyfrancis3247 20 hours ago Dreams are different from REALITY. Reply @monneyconde2676 1 month ago i don't get it, everyone says try and fail its ok. but when elon tries and fails its like the worst thing that ever happened on earth by the critics 3 Reply @AudaxLwekamwa-kt6eg 2 months ago I've got to admit i enjoy and love ur stories #documentaries Very smart Good contents Good story telling Keep up the good work 10 Reply 3 replies @karljensen893 3 weeks ago Peter .. Elon .. and others are feathers .. trump is a hair that can be cleaned of easily .. feathers you pluck. A Hannibal lecture . 1 Reply @SarLucky 1 month ago do you bleam me for this song lyrics 2 Reply @pavanhurkat 8 days ago They forgot to add Google founders 1 Reply @jhondelv8891 1 month ago Correction money is political power. 3 Reply @MF-kr4hf 1 month ago Takin' Er' Money!! 2 Reply @high_maintenance 1 month ago (edited) This was great but you left out Ross Perot ️ 2 Reply @alext802 2 months ago 9:45 talk about boot licking lol 3 Reply @official_python.oglife2154 1 month ago 51:08...... and one of them is me watching them blueprints, i can see them errors from legends 2 Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Не знали, перевірити інформацію про всі інші просто 2 Reply @daniellouis3453 12 hours ago I have been working for a company for 20 years and I'm very poor Reply @besimkanapari8819 10 days ago Meanwhile Saudi families laughing at this video 5 Reply @vladracul40 2 months ago That's Right - A VISION OF NEW IDEA AND THAT IDEA IS - TOTAL CONTROL OF EVERITHING EVEN THE LAW . 3 Reply @johnpatrickoldfield534 10 days ago (edited) Theres no ways profitable companies dont pay tax. The tax authorities would be all over them. 1 Reply @parmanandmahabir. 12 days ago The housing market must be de regulated to bring back our econoomy. 1 Reply @trevortucker1 2 months ago Steve Jobs? 5 Reply @markcollins7765 1 month ago Wow! I read many of the comments on this video. All I read are on point.i guess the bottom line is that Americans are sick and tired of being swindled. Lied to, financially rapid, look at a arrogant boss that doesn't make a GD thing! Really. Many make a good take home salary while you're being paid a wage to barely get by. I did not view the entire video as I posted this. But, I have to make note of at least 2 things. There was a movie in the eighties "who killed the electric car". The three major American car manufacturers ruined this man and his family. Second point is that a few of these "tech billionaires" got their money via government support. You should have spoke to that fact. Oh, on another note.. may would have been nice to make a reference to eugenics with Bill Gates dad and link it to Africa philanthropy efforts. 4 Reply @CHMichael 4 weeks ago (edited) Are they trying to make the world a better place and did they pay their workers or is the money squeezed from desperate people. ... like Walmart. 22:55 letting out that bill didn't write what made him rich. 2 Reply @MF-kr4hf 1 month ago Horrible how we all have nothing so a few can have it all.. 2 Reply @sanethehappypill 2 months ago Stock price wealth is a scam 9 Reply 1 reply @airflowautoparts3047 2 weeks ago This old thinking; however, in my opinion, when a small business becomes either a tech or retail giant, over time (decades), that giant loses touch from where it came from. Higher ups need to come back down to where it all started as a constant reminder of what it was like to be in the struggle and be a customer again 2 Reply @Jacob_S13 1 month ago Guy is having fun - "midlife crisis" xD Srsly, bums are ridiculous nowadays 3 Reply @hungo7720 3 weeks ago Those immensely wealthy tycoons are driving the economic growth of the burgeoning US economy. They embrace a new era of technology and capital inflows. 2 Reply @dmimz7691 2 months ago I can’t believe people still go on FB.. that was so like 2000s . 6 Reply 2 replies @Desperado070 2 months ago Exactly that, everywhere around the whole you see the professionals owning most of the money. In amurica all the clowns are rich, actually I feel bad for them. 4 Reply @marklim5822 1 month ago In the meantime, meta has ripped 6 times from the lowest in 2022 1 Reply @francisvic6766 2 months ago The end 3 Reply @franciscopadilla1878 1 month ago (edited) When are you guys going to give me my fair share or my credit for thinking of these things that Elon musk and bill gates did if you don't even let me work with my hands?! 3 Reply @lewisstreet7266 1 month ago The worst person among these tycoon monsters is Jeff Besos !,, 2 Reply 1 reply @user-pi6ym2kj7w 1 month ago What did Kim create 3 Reply 1 reply @Gman979 1 month ago Funny how you don't call them oligarchs. Wtf 2 Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Це ви зробили все проти нас з коханим Гамданом Аль Мактум. 2 Reply @pranavpatil2242 2 months ago Could anyone help identify the background music played from 2:10 to 2:30? 1 Reply 2 replies @lhet8266 2 months ago Can somebody please tell the guy in green shirt to sit up straight and stop slouching 2 Reply @airflowautoparts3047 2 weeks ago Soooo, really… whom runs the country? The billionaires or government 2 Reply @theordinarychannel9334 2 months ago excellent piece but can somebody tell me what Ronald Reagan hasn't ruined for America ? 3 Reply 1 reply @karljensen893 2 months ago 254 Bn for Musk .. doubt it .. Tesla he owns 10% and stock not doing real well. He has his hands in Uncle Sam,s pocket. X plenetive deleted. 9 Reply 4 replies @Danaadiong 1 month ago Thats what he say to me revenge of the nerds 1 Reply @s_u__p 2 weeks ago Who is the woman? Somebody enlighten me who's this billionaire woman is? 1 Reply @mariasfich 13 hours ago Darling, richest country in the world is Luxembourg. Reply @nikolamusk5754 1 day ago The Barons of Greed Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Що головне, щоб не було викідів в порівнянні гази, щоб людина не дихати газами від автомобіля.. 1 Reply @wealthmakingg 1 month ago I created this youtube channel as a side hustle to be a YouTube tycoon but I've just 7 subscribers Reply 1 reply @lshaps46 14 hours ago How can she be put in the same group of people as Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos? This ruined the documentary's quality. Reply @sawsanzeyada4869 2 weeks ago Tycoon hamza tycoon Mohamed tycoon amr Tycoonshahd tycoon Reply @berkleystreetcapital3588 2 months ago Jensen Huang? 2 Reply 1 reply @ezekielalkhabeer7084 2 months ago 40:45 1 Reply @SarLucky 1 month ago Cos me l live Vailage Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Я ніколи не робив погане проти людей 1 Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Він зробив автомобіль від гадів в себе. Такі люди розумні, проти гадів. Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Це звичайно не знали, що можна зробити все можливе для всіх країн світу Reply @johnkurtz3462 1 month ago Toa trading Reply @ShyamuGotham-x4y 3 weeks ago Reply @odyssey37 1 month ago Those who can't make it criticize those who did 2 Reply @MartinaPaulinodelarosa 1 month ago Libinng unted 50 Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Я не раз казала що проти мене ніхто не буде красти під себе в 1 Reply @user-zr9sv3zp4h 2 weeks ago Y THE LIFE GAM VERY CAREFULLY AND GET RID OF ALL JEALOUSY PEOPLE LIKE WORMS ? Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago А це правда. Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Я просто дивлячись бачу, хто на що робить для людей Reply @LUCCY308 1 month ago 0:52 Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Я хочу сказати що я завжди за справедливість і талант, які крадуть інформацію проти людей Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Він зробив автомобіль без ніяких проблем і викидів Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago А це правда Reply @bpt13242 2 months ago So if Peter Thiel dies nd gets to da other side n realise it's more nicer there dn here,wtz he gonna do coz he "froze" his transport dis side.some people r overthinkers Reply @edwaldocamargo4387 1 month ago Deus Deus piedade piedade piedade para essa gente muito muito boa ️ Reply @daviempambani4745 1 month ago It's pronounced "bay-zos" not "Bee-zos" someone tell her she drives me insane of how she pronounced Jeff's last name! Reply @AnastasianKainova 2 months ago популярные и богатые одновременно ужасные люди Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago А крадуни крали все під себе, коли я особисто опубліковано в мене Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago А це я виставляю для всіх країн світу..я іра Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Я навпаки виставляю все для людей, які працюють проти нас в інтернеті Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Я вам казала що проти мене ніхто не буде красти під себе в мене, зрозуміло всім гадам в інтернеті Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Маск молодець, він зробив таке, що ніхто не повинен перевищувати свої сили в інтернеті Reply @R.K146 1 month ago Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Дихання газами в любій країні світу..це є отруєння всіх людей, щоб ви знали.. Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Я не розумію, я вам відкриваю очі, а ви робите проти мене Reply @user-yu8og2ur5h 2 weeks ago Я просто дивлячись попереджаю вас ніхто не буде красти під себе в мене в Reply @abbikola8719 1 month ago Criminal idiology of exploration bn dominant players, seen same colour race and.....faces ?? Proverb, the Land whom has nothing, but feeding the land seems milk and honey, in hunger ️ *Quote for brain games among of we humans ️ Reply @lighthousesaunders7242 2 months ago You misunderstands Musk completely. He was and is trying to change the world in a positive way. Starting a space is a very unlikely way of getting rich. Similarly, only two US car companies have never gone bankrupt. What Musk has done is undeniably remarkable in a way that doesn't apply to these other subjects. 4 Reply 3 replies @kilogrammountain3453 1 month ago Why putting kim kardashian she even not a smart like this legit billionaire 2 Reply 1 reply @alvarogarzon3032 1 month ago 700 billionaires in the US, a country where homeless people are criminalized. The 'beauty' of plutocracy. 2 Reply @ElonMuskDailyLife 1 month ago Elon Musk the Boss Reply 1 reply @EddieMakuwa 8 days ago Best sound from South african MxX 🫡 Reply

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