Monday, August 12, 2024


马云纽约演讲——震撼美国商界! 大热门 24K subscribers Subscribe 9K Share Download Clip Save 1,638,463 views Oct 19, 2019 著名的纽约经济俱乐部首次邀请中国企业家发表主题演讲,1200个位置超卖,火爆程度堪比NBA总决赛。这些掏钱抢门票的美国商界精英,为什么说他们的认知被改变?马云到底讲了什么? Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript 大热门 24K subscribers Videos About 1,118 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @Haozhng 1 year ago 他的讲话真的很优秀 也很喜欢他的英语 简单 清晰 准确 95 Reply 1 reply @mikeshinoda3045 10 months ago 不得不说马云的演讲真的有一种魔力,能很快让人沉迷于他的讲话,特别是当他讲到阿里来美国是帮助美国的中小企业走进中国的时候,下面的人都心潮澎湃了 81 Reply 5 replies @user-fg6kj2jq6r 1 year ago 他的观点也是一直围绕着不要竞争要共赢,不是卖而是买的中心来讲,这样更容易被美国接受 13 Reply @FamilyLovingUncle 11 months ago 马云先生是值得尊敬的人,也是中国变革的引领者。 29 Reply @user-lo1cs7vt3e 1 year ago 无论头脑眼光心态格局等哪一种人方面,马云这超前的经济头脑和独具一格的眼光当个总理都绰绰有余!脑瓜太灵活了,别人傻乎乎不懂互联网是什么的时候,他已经联想到商机无限了! 39 Reply 5 replies @goodboy4726 1 year ago 马云嘅口才,知识,自信,英语水平真的非常好 99 Reply 9 replies @user-nh9se9jh5w 3 years ago 阿里带着中小卖家、KOL们一同致富,虽然不一定每个人最后都成功发财,但把这条上升的通道建设好已经造福很多人了。希望能有机会让中小企业只用一台手机就把生意做到全世界:) 61 Reply 1 reply @michelles.200 1 year ago 最后的几句真的是一语成谶,如今的确是技术当道,变革进行中,不幸的是第三次世界大战也拉开了帷幕,伴随着国家之间的对抗,以及一场全球性的大流行病。阿里巴巴的梦想之途也被迫慢下来甚至不得不再次寻找新的方向。 15 Reply @numbbreak 1 year ago 無論他現在如何 也是傳奇人物 160 Reply @TTTVTTT 1 year ago 不管他现在怎么样,但他的的确确给我们带来巨大的改变 51 Reply @juliazhu5820 1 year ago He helps lots of Chinese people and changes the way we are living, is a great person! The whole world should work together to against disease, poverty and climate changes to build a better world! 39 Reply 2 replies @LijieLouis 11 months ago 全英文演讲,功力深厚 6 Reply @GeeGee-kp4fg 1 year ago 企业家的讲述的历史真的动听!很多值得学习的地方,102年:-》 38 Reply @step_by_step867 9 months ago 虽然一大堆人都在喷马云,但是他所做的贡献不可否认 8 Reply 1 reply @user-bi4rm3ug5c 1 year ago 因为敢想敢干而成功但我觉得有了江山应该稳重同时更加努力,当然,这段发言让我感受到其中的力量和令我钦佩,也能感觉到曾经的艰难和远见 15 Reply @dotslaser3326 1 year ago 抛开别的不说,马云的口才和反应能力非常好,全程演讲下来几乎没看稿,而且语速是比较快的,别说企业家,就是很多搞政治的大佬都无法讲的这么流畅、思路清晰,况且人家还是用英文演讲!这得让多少拿着小本本讲话的领导汗颜 20 Reply 5 replies @user-bc4yx6pb4s 1 year ago 只能说马云利用好了信息,复制国外的paypal,internet,加上他性格的优点,才让他有机会到现在的位置 11 Reply @user-iy1gh4ww8z 11 months ago 确实有了淘宝,有了直播,很多滞销的农产品,很多非遗手工产品都有了销路,解决了很多偏远农村,很多农民的生计问题,马爸爸确实是一个传奇人物 80 Reply 7 replies @user-bd5fv7jh3m 11 months ago Awesome, great, good job. 2 Reply @leoxu6743 1 year ago 讲的真好 4 Reply @user-js3gg6oc3v 3 years ago 有一说一 确实帅 10 Reply @alicezhang4797 1 year ago 马云老师确实推动了中国经济的巨大发展,是个了不起的人物,值得尊敬的人物! 288 Reply 40 replies @user-ch6bn4qp9w 10 months ago 讲得很好 3 Reply @user-yv3qy8vs9r 3 years ago 承认别人确实比较强不算丢人,丢人的是明知道别人比自己强,还不敢承认,甚至还去指责别人,马云确实改变了中国消费的消费习惯,阿里和淘宝也确实推动很多东西提前向前发展,借鉴别人的优势,学习别人的长处就被一些人偷换概念说成了崇洋媚外。 44 Reply 4 replies @vicwang6442 1 year ago 马云的演讲能力和英语真的好。 10 Reply 1 reply @Sofia-fh6xi 1 year ago 马云,传奇的人物 11 Reply @alanying8085 10 months ago Absolutely mind-blowing 2 Reply @user-rs6ye3cw7w 10 months ago 讲的很好 1 Reply @jackchen52 3 years ago 马云是个了不起的企业家 80 Reply 1 reply @8kuhdchinadance95 1 year ago 那时的马云还真是意气风发自信满满啊 93 Reply 1 reply @user-ug8xm7zl9n 8 months ago 好久不见 马老师 2 Reply @mingyangzhou-fl4ek 1 month ago 说的是不错,创业艰难,但是你没有提到你是在中国的快速发展的前提下,不要忘了,在特定的环境,特定的时间你才能成功,不要得志忘本 1 Reply @user-zm6cm3so9k 11 months ago 非常钦佩, 3 Reply @user-bi4rm3ug5c 1 year ago 但是我觉得很多人思想有些落后不想看见别人优秀过人之处,我很尊敬这样的人物 12 Reply @user-qv7zf8ez6w 12 days ago 马云是中国最优秀的企业家。 Reply @matrix_richard 10 months ago 历史会证明马云的伟大! 3 Reply 1 reply @soupenlen 9 months ago 馬雲引領了一個時代潮流 讓中國在這個強者橫行的時代脫穎而出 但這是以前的alibaba 現在的alibaba有點偏離軌道 但我希望他真的可以做到102年 這是一個非常偉大的成就 4 Reply @naixiao-ev3yz 3 months ago 他的英语好好,演讲如同讲故事一样,让人很想继续听下去 1 Reply @Leo-bj3od 2 weeks ago 马云确实是现象级的人物,这个大家都有共识,没什么好争论的,但物极必反这个铁证会发生在每个人身上 他的核心思想是“帮助小型企业解决赚钱问题”,那也就是revenue方面,因为电商几乎没什么固定成本,不要rent,不要utility,极少的人工等等,几乎所有的成本项都在毛利里 2块钱进的毛巾,8块钱卖给你,就这么简单,剩下的就是自己按按计算器的事。 但有一个现实的问题就是,这个现象到达极端的情况下,同行业一定会产生竞争,而竞争的尽头就是价格战,因为你的供应链基本都是透明的,也就是说你多少成本 多少毛利在别人眼里也是透明的 那同样是铅笔的,一打开tb有5000家都在卖,顾客只需要1只,销量不好的店铺只能无奈降价。 而无尽的降价只能压缩毛利,而毛利被压到没有空间了 最后只能降本,也就是换残次品,换供应链等等,最终的受害者一定是消费者。 Reply @StarLudow 10 months ago 马云老师确实推动了中国经济的发展! 12 Reply 2 replies @zuolinchen4813 3 years ago 厉害! 3 Reply @user-sz3rl2cc9o 8 months ago 他也曾經一場演講震撼中國政壇。 2 Reply @user-cn1nn7rb2o 8 months ago Jack is one of the most important businessmen in recent 15 years, he promoted Chinese internet business and made great progress of society convenient. 5 Reply @cheekyjay7800 9 months ago This is incredible speech, the passion, the vision and the wisdom. Everything is incredible! 13 Reply @zhilaijia7748 2 years ago 受过的伤,经历的痛,思维方式的独特啊! 18 Reply @lockfu 1 year ago 很棒! 1 Reply @user-xjh999 6 months ago 他的英文很好懂。我竟然直接听完了 2 Reply @god-son-love 1 year ago (edited) 英文老師出身,身上還是有點氣質。不像很多老闆,遠遠就聞到銅臭。不看稿,或許有擬稿,自信大方侃侃而談,在那種條件下可以爬到這樣高度不簡單。 83 Reply 2 replies @jqli9214 10 months ago Send my respects to you, you're the role model ever who inspired a generation of youth to follow your suit, no matter what happened to you. Your wisdom lit up the dreams within most average young men's hearts 15 Reply 1 reply @user-yf5jz5np1k 9 months ago 讲的真的好啊 1 Reply @user-lk4wg9xm6n 5 months ago 马老师是我的贵人,我是一个农村人,如果没有淘宝,我应该会在某个工地搬砖,根本不可能在城里买房买车,受人尊敬 1 Reply 1 reply @chinaluohu4231 1 year ago 马老师,真的是中国的骄傲 38 Reply 1 reply @xiangyu7901 1 year ago 这家伙还真是侃侃而谈 信心满满,好样的 10 Reply @user-vd1nb4my7x 1 year ago 给马云老师点赞 1 Reply @hhgh-ns4hg 8 months ago Great person! 1 Reply @fionaliu8736 8 months ago 当年壮志酬酬的马老师,应该也没想到在23年的今天他开始出阿里的股票,壮士断臂,让人唏嘘。他是位让人敬重的领导者,他的隐退是国家的悲哀。 8 Reply 1 reply @gbhgbh88 1 year ago 非常伟大的企业家, 5 Reply @dherallen6946 11 months ago his speaking is powerful. a fantastic businessman. 1 Reply @user-cv8ir9mr8m 9 months ago 加油,持续保持 Reply @taylorzhao6486 1 year ago 馬雲的口才是天生我才必有用,在啥場合顯啥像。任何領導者勾勒出願景時,總會不得不畫大餅的時候,這也很正常,畢竟最終會由實踐結果檢驗大餅願景,至少迄今為止的阿理巴巴還算做得到 18 Reply 1 reply @xhtmintcand525 3 years ago 马云厉害!2015的演讲说未来五年销售额达到1万美元,今年5月份2020年阿里巴巴财报截止2020年3月31日过去的12个月销售收入GMV达7.053万亿RMB,成为全球第一个超过1万美元的电商平台,到今年整整5年! 50 Reply 6 replies @user-gf7jv2lp3l 1 year ago From where I stand, Jack Ma is not only a business man, he is also a super successful adavisor for the whole world! As a Chinese, I am super proud of him! 27 Reply @yiqunle1474 5 months ago He has a good sence of Humor , love it Reply @zizhang9747 1 year ago Hi, yes. We love to help small guys and love to help them to make profit. This is the main purpose of Alibaba business. I totally agree. Vivian 3 Reply 3 replies @smartabcdefg 10 months ago 这个人无论被弄得多惨,都会被历史修正,最终成为这个时代进步的一个里程碑,很多人,无论现在如何伟大,也会被历史淡化成沙粒。 63 Reply 6 replies @user-bz8so1fx8j 1 month ago 講的真的好 Reply @liushu9527 1 month ago 真的很厉害,演讲逻辑很清晰 Reply @tylerzhang-oh1nr 1 year ago 最有钱的英语老师 18 Reply @johnzhang8127 1 year ago 马云就是牛逼,演讲从不用演讲稿 5 Reply @AP.-ed2mz 1 year ago 厉害 Reply @enzhouguo367 1 year ago 太帅了 马云 2 Reply @KiKi-yd2bb 1 year ago 馬雲 的講話十分精彩,並有總統風範! 59 Reply 5 replies @qiuqiu4854 1 year ago Jack Ma is a successful entrepreneur 8 Reply @xiaozhuwang7403 9 months ago 是中国成就了马云 永远要记住 2 Reply 1 reply @likeakittie 1 year ago He is an exceptional presenter, love his energy, his point of views, last but not least, his confidence in making a change in this world. We don’t compete against each others using weapons, we come together to build a better world for the next generation. 157 Reply 3 replies @sangtsang7936 11 months ago 马云纽约演讲——震撼美国商界!马云上海演讲——震撼中國政權界!差點害死自己! 4 Reply 1 reply @Jack-vq5zu 7 months ago In Jack Ma's words, Alibaba's mission is to cultivate 1000 companies like Amazon and JD, and make such companies make money. 1 Reply @tailingchan9185 3 years ago 你长得不出众.但你的才华很出众.可以说你是中国人的骄傲. 15 Reply @user-guangjiehe0208 1 year ago 很佩服,这个表达能力,书面形式的测试限制了中国人这种能力 59 Reply 3 replies @user-np4bc7kd8q 11 months ago 伟大的企业家 6 Reply @shanshanwang1271 10 months ago 时代造就了马云,他的出现是必然的,21世纪的光辉人物 11 Reply 1 reply @yhjz7912 5 months ago 我一直认为马云改变了世界,支持马云 Reply @user-vl8ji2lc1p 10 months ago He changed the world and my life 1 Reply @erichu7164 3 years ago 只有在现在阿云才能理直气壮的讲述他的经历和奋斗史,20年前谁会在乎他讲的这些! 66 Reply 6 replies @lishao670 3 years ago 中国馬雲加油平安中国加油 8 Reply @user-fv4yq1dy5m 4 months ago A high-quality speech Reply @ruchcha1235 11 months ago 棒棒的 1 Reply @qianli2577 1 year ago Being a Chinese so proud of you , you are the only respected businessman with global reputation in recent 20 years. 26 Reply 2 replies @serenazhang676 4 years ago 大家風範 4 Reply @user-wl2zd6jg8x 6 months ago 这是什么时候的演讲呀? Reply @michaelzhang4589 10 months ago 馬雲註定被載入史冊,就算是放在當今社會,他當初的那些言論、想法、思維依舊是超前的。只是說在中國的這個體制下,很可惜 2 Reply @huizhao9336 1 year ago 没有很多华丽,生疏的英文单词,但是很好的演讲。。所以学英语就得这样 5 Reply @user-zw1fe7jf6v 1 year ago 马云是一个很清醒的人,一个很成功的企业家。但是在中国想要成功,能力不是第一位,听话才是。 125 Reply 32 replies @user-pb1nq3kf8d 7 months ago 还不错 Reply @xiaosuomin 6 months ago 马先生的智慧值得我们学习 Reply @deanye9145 3 years ago Confidence! 5 Reply @user-yx8eu3ev3u 3 years ago 马云的父亲马来法,1987年马来法,浙江省曲艺家协会第三届副主席兼秘书长。1990年12月,当选为浙江省文联第三届委员会委员。马来法长期担任省曲协领导,推出了一批批优秀作品和曲艺新人,曾先后担任《中国曲艺志·浙江卷》、《中国曲艺音乐集成·浙江卷》副主编。其实每一个有钱人的成功并不是偶然,马云的父亲也是很厉害的, 14 Reply 3 replies @showgirlJP 10 months ago 時代必定創造英雄 為什麼是他不是你 因為英雄勇於嘗試 1 Reply @user-vi2rc2pv9p 7 months ago 真的厉害 Reply @chenxiyang3923 1 year ago To some extent, Jack Ma has changed the Chinese society with his vision. What a legend! 13 Reply 4 replies @wu-yili3849 3 years ago 美國心想:臥榻之旁 豈容他人酣睡 4 Reply @AaronJiang-qq9rl 11 months ago really 牛b Reply @dyctLC 1 month ago 阿里在转型了,线上业务被拼多多和京东蚕食不少,线上业务最风光的时候已经过去了,现在大陆不少人都是小件拼多多,大件用京东,我个人而言阿里系的产品就只剩支付宝付款了 Reply @user-vn9jy1of3l 1 year ago 电子商务是缩减了商品本身的价格,但是也无形中扼杀了很多工作和部分金钱向更多人汇聚的机会,相反让少部分人快速的掌握了大量财富 3 Reply 2 replies @Ching21286 1 year ago 想念马云掌舵的阿里巴巴集团…….物是人非了 4 Reply @user-ug8ld3co2k 10 months ago 致敬 Reply @bbszhende 11 months ago He is great Reply @peterpopopan 1 year ago 馬雲聰明一世,確又笨在一時,光是這一時就差點下台,電商平台從EBAY到Amazon 為何都不去碰金流業,寧願給PAYPAL或國際信用卡公司去負責,因為自己做金流平台時,就會影響政府金控政策(監控)的權力,業務交出去減少很多麻煩。 4 Reply 1 reply @dictatorsfk3402 1 year ago 支持马云!支持马云的阿里! 4 Reply 1 reply @gr9745 5 months ago 马云之所以这么厉害,很多人忽略了一个至关重要,甚至可以说是最重要的因素,那就是,马云是一名英语老师,好的英语,成就了马云之后的一切。所以,想要对中国人洗脑简直太简单了,只需让其从小多学中文即可。 1 Reply 1 reply @user-so4qf8pt5z 6 months ago nice speech Reply @mingqian8897 3 years ago 彼时的他还是有点紧张的! 11 Reply 2 replies @forsaken8520 1 year ago 没想到马云这么快就被抛弃了… 5 Reply 1 reply @rdyan786 1 year ago 中国最优秀的企业家-马云 1 Reply @californiagrace2800 2 months ago 感悟力强 Reply @hanyue4631 1 year ago 相比外滩那一次,英语演讲比汉语演讲得更好 4 Reply @erichu7164 3 years ago 是这个时代造就了执着的阿云 14 Reply 3 replies @user-wh9mn7yv2b 1 year ago What is year about this lecture 9f Jack Ma? Reply @momeil88 1 year ago 逻辑清晰 表达力 感染力强 2 Reply @kimchi4951 2 years ago 蛮适合做外交官 3 Reply @user-evcharger 10 months ago 马云,一个改变了中国一个时代的企业家,到22世纪的时候应该能入选21世纪全球最有影响力人物Top100. 6 Reply @user-ll6bp6em7w 10 months ago being a Chinese, make me feel proud Reply @woonjiaboi6963 3 years ago Genius 2 Reply @bananachu1788 1 year ago 最後還是沒走出被收割的命運 4 Reply 1 reply @hsy0033 1 year ago 电子商务的崛起刚好是国家5年计划重点照顾的时期,早期阿里和腾讯几个都在做电商,当时都在亏损。只有5年计划开始的时候,国家减免很多税收和给了很多政策的时候才崛起。马云厉害的是打败了其他对手,但是都是吃了政策的福利,不要过分夸大个人的能力。 3 Reply @user-gf3vl6ns8r 10 months ago Wow,the guy who full of energy,believe in himself,and helpful with Internet sells of China Reply @p0990 1 year ago Respect Reply @huangzhongtian 2 years ago 和某小学生对比一下 3 Reply @user-xi1iw7jw5l 1 year ago 创业的初心是美好的,当资本的累积到了一定的程度就会露出血淋淋的爪牙,这时候就需要沉淀毋庸置疑的是我们缺少这份沉淀,因为政府不允许这是一种无奈的循环 3 Reply @forrestZH 1 year ago 他做的是平台,轻运营,把实体业务、快递等相关人员、风险都甩出去了。因此阿里巴巴是平台型数据公司。京东才是和亚马逊对标的。 1 Reply @ldchen-yd8zs 1 year ago 马云会被载入史册 2 Reply @jiahuichen238 10 months ago 他说的事情正在发生,是无可否认的。对中国的发展、经济的贡献,十分了不起。 29 Reply @JinFu-g6n 2 weeks ago good Reply @cn将疯狂进行到底 6 months ago 马云,改变了中国的一些东西,也影响了世界一些东西,这个人不能说是伟人,但说他是奇人,这绝对没问题 Reply @pigmeowls8490 3 years ago 時代巨人,令許多人養活了家人。 58 Reply 4 replies @danielterryhuang365 3 years ago 然后扼杀了实体业,有好也有坏 7 Reply 5 replies @Leonard625 10 months ago Bravo Reply @laterwell 1 year ago 淘宝的最大优点是方便买到一些奇奇怪怪的小东西, 但不适合做质量保证, 我经常买到假货,劣质产品, 但是在亚马逊我很少遇到 4 Reply 6 replies @cr87a 9 months ago (edited) 这一点非常清楚:是因为有了中国政府制定的政治经济改革环境和中国庞大的市场 才会出现马云、马化腾、刘强东...等等世界互联网企业家。而在美国和欧洲那种环境中根本产生不了马云这样的互联网巨人。可以读读中国的经济史和中国政府建立的互联网经济政策,之后在看看马云的成功是不是偶然的就知道了。马云的落马主要还是因为后期太膨胀了,胆大包天想空手套白狼用国有银行的钱来搞中国的银行金融改革。敢把手申到四大国有银行去利用几亿人储户的血汗钱搞自己的蚂蚁金服,你这不是像许家印一样陪掉国家2.2万元元那样是找死吗?国家肯定要把你抓起来。 3 Reply 1 reply @user-ou9vq1rs5e 6 months ago 马云我祝你生意兴隆我很想听你前那一首歌曲为了钱无亲无友.这首歌你唱的太好听了我是金凤 Reply @ggbao01 1 year ago 牛 Reply @steinfranken520 11 months ago 身为浙江人,我真的为有一个马云感到骄傲。一口流利的英语,身价过亿。真心佩服 3 Reply 2 replies @dmvsjf7728 1 year ago 天不生马云,万古如长夜! 3 Reply @dongli-fm3wl 8 months ago 有些人的评论很有偏见,我认为中国教育已经很好了,还得继续努力。 Reply @user-fx6rj9ce8d 11 months ago 这是哪一年的演讲?? Reply @user-mr9ot8md6q 3 years ago 我觉得马云是在给美国人当头一棒》告诉他们中国商业和美国是不同的,而且中国的经济实力也继续增长! 13 Reply 2 replies @Allen-gb5xo 4 months ago 只有时代的马云。你是赶上这一波互联网红利,没有马也有牛或者杨…… 4 Reply 2 replies @LeiYe-oy4cm 4 months ago 后期走偏了,非要玩金融撬杠杆,如果没制止,一旦爆雷就是下一个恒大 2 Reply @user-gn7ej5bh8e 10 months ago 这是哪一年的演讲 Reply @hajack4866 3 years ago 中国没有接入互联网,只是国内局域网 17 Reply 5 replies @jasonliu5504 1 year ago 马云前半段说阿里巴巴怎么做起来的那一块很厉害,当时也是成功的抓到了中国电商不一样的点,成功把体量做上去了再反过来解决物流仓储这些优先级对中国市场不高的问题;但是后面说阿里巴巴怎么出海的部分感觉他就纯粹在胡扯了… 阿里巴巴在中国的成功是不可复制的,连他们自己都不行 3 Reply 1 reply @user-cmpcathy 5 months ago 好感動,他以幫忙中國的中小企走出中國成為新一代中產,是一代的企業家。但是,現在他估計人數可能沒有這樣多,也可能保留資本作其他準備了。 Reply @user-oy1of2ik8v 4 months ago justsays:no creative but time takes me money and successes Reply @user-gf6ej9rz8p 3 years ago 马云可以当中国外交部部长或者商务部部长了 11 Reply 2 replies @fudicai3657 3 years ago 归根一句话:保护好自己!才能保护自己国家! 8 Reply 1 reply @user-bi4rm3ug5c 1 year ago 说的很好,其实垄断没错,只是失败有错 Reply @user-fn8bj8nb2d 7 months ago 沒藏住鋒芒,和現在的演講比起來,那時候還是略顯青澀 Reply @gracenice6213 2 years ago 我记得马云曾经说过,淘宝建立起来以后,有很多人反对让他辗转反侧,所以他求助了克林顿。克林顿也曾经国家主席,马云可以见到,为什么中国就不行,马云不仅没有机会而且被拦腰折断。我作为一个中国人,一个热爱国家的人,为中国的领导人专政,高高在上的行为很难受,中国的社会人心躁动,也和他们说一套做一套也离不开。 82 Reply 28 replies @wds3222 1 year ago 好震撼啊 他連自己的公司都保不住 呵呵 2 Reply 2 replies @user-lx7eq5zl9w 11 months ago 是的 Reply @POCKZHANG 10 months ago there are a bunch of the people keyboard man on the internet mock up his views on 996,on Ant Finance company failed to list,I have to say any man who is rational wouldn't condemn him ,He is a man once putting our society forward Reply @user-xk2qg1nr9g 8 months ago 帮助美国人赚国人的钱是这个意思吗 3 Reply 2 replies @MonicaMao 1 year ago 有格局,有头脑,有气度的马云。请拯救一下中国的教育吧。 64 Reply 21 replies @user-rn4ly5lo3y 9 months ago Why does the government want to suppress Alibaba's growth? If he's still growing, with government support, he'll be one of the world's largest corporations. 1 Reply @AiHoshino-kissme 1 year ago when your company was established in China, it will be hard to capture the global market. huawei is an example Reply @user-kw2uv4ve7c 1 year ago 那个年代一切皆有可能,你不需要创新,只需模仿国外成功的公司,引进到国内,都能做大! 5 Reply @manuellopez262 1 year ago 如果民众有选票,毫无疑问马云会被选上 4 Reply 3 replies @Yu_Fan 11 months ago 马云的产品,是切切实实惠及中国人的 1 Reply @guruchoykokkee 10 months ago In the game of gain and loss, never ever judge or trust fully an excellent salesman, even more so with a presentation focus on telling you it is not about money it is about the future. Caution! Reply @chenli984 1 year ago 看得我头皮发麻,马老师在中国太可惜了,可惜大环境容不下他 8 Reply 2 replies @user-ng2yh5zw3q 1 year ago 马云的能力 当国家领导人都没问题 8 Reply 2 replies @auyong8840 3 years ago 好 Reply @user-kr5dd3cc3r 9 months ago 赞 Reply @user-vq4xo9xh8y 1 year ago 马云如果做中国的领导人,一定会带领中国走向富强走向未来的 28 Reply 6 replies @jzwellness6249 1 year ago 如果将来中国迎来民主选举制, 马云的口才,学识,胆识…将会赢得100%的国民选票! 91 Reply 51 replies @user-qc4nu8sg5j 10 months ago Jack ma promote economy which famous person in china He is respectable person Reply @user-ki6wr2bq9q 1 year ago 会讲故事的人才能成功 19 Reply 2 replies @zhenwang1164 1 year ago 当选国家主席都不为过。一个有能力为企业制定生存计划的领导者也绝对可以领导一个民主国家走向成功 25 Reply 11 replies @fantasypad7861 1 year ago The man who has invented 996. 1 Reply @ShibaCat 1 year ago (edited) 很明顯是一個故事,1996年香港已經有33.6k撥號, 中國大陸也有。馬雲身邊的人不是農民,不可能那麼多人不知internet ,而且download 一張圖要幾小時也太誇張,33.6K 下載大概2KB/s, 當年一張圖除非是bmp, 否則jpg 也不會太大 Reply @shadowrocket6680 3 years ago 什么时候中文视频的标题不在意淫强国了,中国就真的伟大了 5 Reply 2 replies @pothoney 1 year ago 马云去考雅思能考多少分 5 Reply 8 replies @user-km4vu2yr3i 9 months ago 很好的影片 专注于难/找的香(火因),几百种口/粮等您挑选,(软/中220元) 专注于难/找的香(火因),几百种口/粮等您挑选,(软/中220元) Reply @user-uh4ki9ut3k 9 months ago A dream formed a few days ago before the speech. Reply @user-sv9sn1rh9j 1 year ago 马云其实做国家领导人的话,国家会发展的更好。 3 Reply 3 replies @FlyingPoo- 1 year ago 牛逼 Reply @user-gn5zh8qi7n 10 months ago 如果中国可以竞选主席的话,我会选他 1 Reply @user-bl8yf7qo5d 6 months ago 马总当之无愧的中华伟人 Reply @JAIL333 1 year ago Reply @liefu-rn1np 1 year ago good Reply @Tianguaxia 6 months ago In Alibaba today, I will help whichever merchant pays more. Of course, the price is getting more and more expensive. Reply @lili-uz2dq 10 months ago In fact, Alibaba is retailer, not a internet companys Reply 1 reply @tyrannicrex7114 1 year ago where is he now? Reply @Erica88822 11 months ago Reply @totli7780 1 month ago 优秀演说家 Reply @user-qj6fq1yl7e 1 year ago 任何国家的统治者都会将两样东西掌握在手中:一是军权,二是经济,任何人动了统治阶级的这两样东西中的任何一样都别想活! 1 Reply @user-mj8hi5so6k 4 months ago Dream and work! Reply 1 reply @user-rb5ym2xq5f 1 year ago 马云万岁 2 Reply @t3ylost999 1 year ago good Reply @user-tr9vb9wn9s 10 months ago good Reply @jhsjhsjhsjhsjhs666 8 months ago 口口声声说创造了1400w就业,有没有想过同时也让2亿人失业? 说是让小微企业赚到了钱,有没有想过这背后有10倍甚至于20倍的企业破产倒闭? 电商并没有创造财富,只不过把大部分人的钱都汇聚到一小部分人的手里,本身贫富差距就很大,马云更是加剧了这种差距,这些跳动着的巨额盈利的数字背后,是上亿人痛苦的哀嚎 1 Reply 2 replies @cenchen91 1 year ago Reply @youtubeadsarecancer785 10 months ago 一個KFC人可以說一口好英語已經令人佩服 1 Reply 1 reply @linli4578 1 year ago 他充满了自信 1 Reply @user-jk9cz7ul7y 7 months ago 他带动了一个时代的发展 Reply @07Hertz 11 months ago cool Reply @47Chan-yq7yy 4 months ago 现在回过头来看马后炮的说 当年马云关于中产的判断是相反的 现在国内中产返贫 极致性价比的拼夕夕更符合当下国内大环境 阿里当年选择消费升级高价路线的战略使其当下陷入了困局 Reply @Caicai-ng7rq 5 months ago 这个视频是马云在哪一年出的 Reply @user-od6zg3jq8v 4 months ago 挑戰極度的可能,不是向別人開山刀 Reply @user-py1hc4nv3h 10 months ago 馬云是个好商人 Reply @kevin-morning 9 months ago Jack Ma, found you Reply @user-fk8qp2ff3d 1 year ago Reply @wang5181 1 year ago 传奇人物 1 Reply @user-cm8kq3db2x 11 months ago 嗯 Reply @user-um2lj7jd8m 11 months ago 全球72小时,国内24小时,这个不是靠阿里巴巴实现,阿里巴巴没有自己的物流体系,得依靠第三方的物流公司,京东就有自己的物流,正在慢慢扩大,刘强东说过再过几年阿里要学京东。 Reply @user-mf1td3eh1f 9 months ago 历史不会忘记你 Reply @Linlin-tn3gd 10 months ago 馬雲最後給年輕人的三句話 你們是誰 你們要幹嘛 你們要帶我去哪 Reply @bellakqo 11 months ago I need English subtitles Reply @Liang-lj7fk 4 months ago 我竟然能听懂他的演讲,清晰 Reply @user-eg8nr1ow9h 1 year ago 虽然他的口才不错,创业成功,为中国互联网经济打出了一片江山。但是,他想向国家申请企业家之外的权力,就越界了。更何况说出违反当初国际工人组织的8小时工作制的“996”发言。 2 Reply 1 reply @user-ho6su5ek1p 1 year ago 确实 Reply @regingwang 4 months ago 馬雲來治國的話,中國人不僅會贏得財富,並且可以得到世人的尊重。 Reply @user-ok3nx6nk8q 1 year ago Reply @user-jk9cz7ul7y 7 months ago 他带动了一个时代的发展 Reply @user-ee6hj3yl8j 9 months ago Reply @meta.5104 1 year ago Reply @rixinou 10 months ago Reply @user-xk1db8fx9y 11 months ago Reply @zhaosammy6858 10 months ago Reply @hankxie3417 11 months ago 阿里巴巴的成功固然有自身的努力,但一切都是基于中国的基建设施,交通,网络。想要拓展全球,其他国家可没有这么好的基础设施。光靠软件的支持。完全不可能。 Reply @napoleonwestphal2387 1 year ago ️️️️️沙发️️️️️ 1 Reply @user-gs3di7th6t 10 months ago The first two-thirds and the last one-third don’t feel like the same person’s style. Reply @user-xz2yn6xl8i 8 months ago Admiro Jack Ma na China, não Liu Qiangdong e Ma Huateng. Reply @user-td6lr4nr7d 6 months ago Reply @jameswang4895 10 months ago 全球化 是基於 各國和平 尊重 相處 的前提!! 所以我不否認 和世界各國和平狀態下 執行 安全性的無間隙全球化!! 只要沒有和平 就沒有全球化!! 全球化 他是有絕對性的前提!! 沒有安全 我還跟你全球化 把我的優勢送給你用?? 所以馬雲說的 就是假話 今天證明了 沒有安全 沒有和平 沒有全球化!! 1 Reply @user-gg08 1 year ago Reply @kan-si1kn 11 months ago Reply @stanleymok9033 2 months ago Reply @thr-su9np 1 year ago 马云乃是996福报之先啊,你让他来估计中国是富强了,但是“百姓苦”这句短诗肯定是有过之而无不及 1 Reply 1 reply @gechen1906 2 months ago jack 马真是一个人才,非常佩服,可惜了 Reply @godachu 11 months ago 了不起 Reply @csr1_2 1 year ago 若果馬雲事業唔成功佢連買部車嘅錢都冇,佢冇糧出畀佢嘅員工, 嚟緊仲有一大堆健康嘅問題,家庭關係嘅問題,財務上嘅問題, 事業成功令到馬雲解決咗八成棘手嘅問題. Reply @yiwusellcom 1 year ago Learn from the pioneer Reply @user-or1yk5lv6c 10 months ago respect jack ma Reply @user-xl3jn7uz3n 11 months ago 哈哈 Reply @jamesgu2575 6 months ago 希望能再相见 Reply @globalvision-tk 1 month ago 牛人,开辟了中国电子商务时代 Reply @user-bk1hc2nd1j 1 year ago 这是哪年的演讲 Reply 2 replies @user-lr4to6cn6w 10 months ago 八十年代初数百万大陆人一旦跨入美国就赖在那里不走了, 即使苦天苦地.他们被违法剥削十分普遍, 那是原打原挨而已. 而像马先生逃回去之前肯定挣扎了很久, 西雅图中餐馆厨房是吃不消的, 那几乎是大陆人唯一出路,美国主流人很清楚尤其政府有关当局. 马的本身努力, 再加上碰到三个贵人: 林夏芳; 杨致远; 孙正义 . 赚到的钱几代人都用不完了, 但不可能上政坛的 . 1 Reply @yinxinren5616 1 year ago 真的是個一流演說人才,5億中產階級構建出的市場,極度吸引人,美國有幸選出了川普總統,扭轉季辛吉主義50年的思維。剩下的交給歷史。 Reply @user-my3vn2nj5g 1 year ago Reply @gsws1949 1 year ago 用啥翻译的 大佬 Reply @dongli-fm3wl 8 months ago 我认为马云很厉害 Reply @user-my3vn2nj5g 1 year ago Reply @zhiluweima 9 months ago 他是个很好的路灯挂件,和中修官僚一样 Reply @CanhuiZhao-gf2xm 1 month ago 英语和聪明绝顶 Reply @user-ch6bn4qp9w 10 months ago 漂亮 Reply @user-ol1rk2dd9w 10 months ago wow~ Reply @enphantpan4020 11 months ago 马云的词汇量真是堪忧 Reply @user-ob2wv9qb4v 11 months ago 在看这个视频的时候我在想,不得不承认美国任何一点都优于中国,包括中国的淘宝天猫拼多多这些电商平台,还有抖音的短视频平台,他们所有的超前的观点都是从更发达的地区学习来的,他们不做也会有其他人去做这件事 Reply @user-nv5tr2oh4n 8 months ago 他的英语讲的很清楚 Reply @garywei1945 7 months ago (edited) Business model I trust Alibaba will and can obtain more potential business opportunities from outside of USA, if between American and China can be less political issues Reply @user-rs9wu7wi5f 4 months ago 马爸爸 Reply 1 reply @smithjohn5834 1 year ago 马云这种性格 西方人很喜欢 Reply @user-yn5ub5hp3f 10 months ago 经典的马云式演讲,听者观众都很有感! 但是蚂蚁金服利用重庆国有银行的30亿贷款,放大100倍杠杆玩互联网金融,利用20%多的借贷利差短时间内取得巨大收益,后被整治,这都算正常。不过以此目空一切,藐视国际金融规则和中国政府机构,这就有点过了。 那些说马云这样的民营企业和所有者被整治,纯是带节奏的,互联网民最好能分清........ Reply @learnchinseswithme1914 3 years ago 好 1 Reply @user-vi1fu1su8g 10 months ago Reply @taijistar9052 1 year ago 中国不能利用这样的人才,真是遗憾!一个国家只有用好了自己的人材,才能强大!如果很多有能力的人才不能尽其能力创造才富,他成为非法者,或不受欢迎者,那是国家的错。那么多政府官员贪腐,那是体制的错,制度的错! 1 Reply 1 reply @user-dn8io7xv1l 5 months ago 强啊。不需要任何翻译 Reply @feiwu2813 4 months ago 推动一小撮人发了财,但也坑了绝大部分人 2 Reply 1 reply @knightship138 10 months ago musk : where is jack ma? long time no see Reply @user-nl9us4mb7e 8 months ago 不得不说,英文说得挺好的! Reply @user-ie5wi2ks2e 5 months ago NONONO Waiting For You Reply @samwested 10 months ago Hmm sorry but where is Ma now? Reply @user-hg4zs9lw3y 1 year ago 看马云吹牛真爽 Reply @quanlong8799 11 months ago 曾今帮过很多人的同时也毁灭了很多人,有弊有利,但现在互联网上购买的很多东西没有体验到服务的感觉就不说了,还容易有假货,退货退款难,浪费自己的钱,而且自己的实力又不能跟他们平台对抗,所以很多人已经不再相信网购,多数时间用于现实生活中购物更真实更放心 Reply 1 reply @xiacanxia1915 6 months ago 说半天,就是互联网上开商场得啊,挣得是租金。还是传统商业那一套 Reply @user-lu4mj2re1h 4 months ago China, China, China Reply @zararatcliff5113 2 weeks ago His intension was good. But today's Alibaba does not follow that path/intension any more Reply @WilliamBugge-h7o 1 month ago 只有中国的马云,没有马云的中国。也只有时代的马云,没有马云的时代。几年后再回望的确如此 Reply @a_life_long_learner 10 months ago Where is Jack Ma now and what he is doing? and why? Who knows? Reply 1 reply @qwu1383 1 month ago 讲得好,看的透彻,可惜了 Reply @zack3409 8 months ago 即便是一個偉大的學者+企業家,相對於習而言,也只是一顆較大的韭菜而已 Reply @user-yh2gg2xb4o 1 year ago 现在看,他的目标还没实现。 1 Reply @lizhang2519 11 months ago 马云应该走入政坛 为国家效力,好过哪些人模人样的人! Reply @user-ti9uk6sk1q 1 year ago 不得不佩服 1 Reply @user-tt1hd7wx6j 1 year ago 如果给我选票 我一定投马云 Reply @dadegaoseng 4 months ago 带动了一大批中小企业 Reply @camelsue507 5 months ago 是中国庞大的舞台成就了马云张云冯云之流 Reply @user-wr1do5rx8g 11 months ago 树大招风 Reply @wright60 2 weeks ago 现在的阿里巴巴,已经不再愿意给中小企业提供帮助了,他们把流量卖给给了大牌企业,为大牌企业服务,忘记了初衷,这是为什么拼多多可以打败阿里巴巴的原因 Reply @user-gw9us9bc2k 8 months ago But now China business are strong in any country or we can say strong in the global Reply @demoonlee 11 months ago where is Jack Ma? Reply @CunLiu-di6yr 10 months ago 马云很了不起 Reply @user-re7gr3vv7y 1 year ago 马云口才真tm好 2 Reply @canadagnyk2773 5 months ago Musk: where is Jack Ma Reply @maxLi148 1 year ago Reply @MuhammadPoohBear 11 months ago where is jack ma? Reply @keegan0713 11 months ago 不知現在怎樣 Reply @CHNyzy 1 year ago 好奇的 Reply @user-gs6bg6eb5t 11 months ago 霸气侧漏 Reply @user-xy4pj2or8z 1 year ago 原来阿里巴巴是芝麻开门的寓意 2 Reply @OpenYourMouseTech 1 year ago 还是Jack ma 会讲 Reply @Egg7687a 5 months ago 不知道现在的马云还会不会觉得自己有改变世界的能力 Reply @Hai-pu8zi 1 year ago JackMa很大的改变了中国 Reply @user-XuYu 1 year ago xianzaidemalaoshizaiganma? Reply @user-bi4rm3ug5c 1 year ago 不过很多时候确实犯了一些作为公众人物不该有的负面形象,是为了刻意表现 Reply @chuckbass2012 4 months ago Wonder who wrote this speech for this street seller? After seeing his talk show with Elon M Chinese Government really did the right thing to stop him. Reply @user-fg6yg6kt7q 10 months ago 听他的英语怎么感觉我英语听力进步了,哈哈哈 Reply @user-dy4ts3nj6g 1 year ago 诸位可记得这位“商业巨子”曾是一名党员?人真的是善变的动物 Reply @manm318 2 months ago 舊夢不須記已成過去 Reply @user-qn2yy5ld7n 9 months ago 特有的社会体制造就了马云,但是世界的体制不是特有的,想收拢世界成就阿里会触动太多人的利益那是不存在的,至少几十年内不存在。 Reply @lamulamu6712 11 months ago 老马会洗脑,总是这一套 1 Reply @user-ed8pn6iv9b 9 months ago 马云 Reply @user-mo8bb2qs2j 1 year ago 我翻出来了 1 Reply @user-kz8mn5eq6w 6 months ago 他说让天下没有难做的生意,要帮助小企业做生意,实际上最后是小企业都活不下去,99%的人生意都不好做了 Reply @xuanwu9348 6 months ago 中间贴个胡子,就是恶魔崛起的主角 Reply @user-bz1ws5yq4f 1 year ago 笑死我了 Reply @YangDa-wp3el 8 months ago 总有人会让他不值一提 Reply @NarratorNEW 10 months ago 算是比較有遠見的企業家 Reply @user-rf3ku5ow5m 9 months ago 他的演讲是不是被他拿下的主要的原因:在一个102年的经济俱乐部,宣称自己将走向全世界? Reply @zhengxiaoqian 3 years ago 英语不错 不过是否可信 2 Reply 2 replies @user-ie5wi2ks2e 5 months ago 北京遇上西雅图 那是西雅图的唐人太少了 唐人街太小了 哈哈 Reply @andytian-pe8eg 9 months ago 他如果是我们的国家主席该多好 Reply @CRT-z8v 1 month ago 0:28 0:30 Reply @user-ys3oc1kp1o 5 months ago 预言大师,现在进博会就是如此 Reply @cbzzbc3482 11 months ago 阿里,阿里巴巴,阿里巴巴是个快乐青年,哦哦哦,芝麻开门芝麻开门,哦哦哦 1 Reply @user-uq3mi8zm1x 1 year ago where is jack ma? Reply 1 reply @TaoLi-yx5ql 1 year ago Reply @haiweizhang 11 months ago 我的英语水平和马老师一样,就是没有他有钱。 Reply @donwnen5629 1 year ago 看不懂英語沒有辦法就是感覺字幕可能有點不同 Reply @user-cj5gf8ok8x 7 months ago 悔创阿里杰克马 Reply @haohao-bm8zi 11 months ago (edited) 他必有更大作为。 Reply @lcc6236 10 months ago 他帶中國走向世界 走向文明 走向富強 另一位卻走相反的路 2 Reply 1 reply @weishi2021 2 months ago 他现在做梦都想象不到一个叫拼夕夕的黄峥仅用用几年市值全面超过阿里巴巴 Reply @user-hj7de3ks6r 11 months ago 他低估了意识形态冲突对商业规则的冲击。 Reply @Kurapita 8 months ago 到底是马云推动了中国经济还是中国发展成就了马云,怎么有人分不清楚 Reply @hallockzara 1 year ago I hope my spoken English is as excellent as jack Ma Reply 1 reply @mohomadsabbeh6651 1 year ago (edited) Gang 1,3,2,4 Reply @pengdu7233 9 months ago 每年阿里巴巴收的服务费,广告费,抵得上一个实体店的店租。屠龙少年成恶龙。 1 Reply 1 reply @betterme168 9 months ago 我选他当国家主席 Reply @jinsanpang666 11 months ago 曾经他是多么意气风发,就因为得罪了二百斤,公司大幅缩水 1 Reply @user-nannan88 11 months ago 京东都变国企控股了...100年很蓝的啦~~ Reply @user-nx7fx9xc7l 1 year ago 放在美国能做总统 1 Reply @jackzy7223 1 year ago 好奇怪啊,想想已经一年没有用过淘宝,转变为京东,PDD,唯品会了。 Reply @flora7688 10 months ago 没有想到他英文那么好,哦,我忘了,他曾是英文老师 Reply @L1Ru1fromCN 11 months ago 事实证明他无法逃离五指山 Reply @user-xl8zq7of9h 1 year ago 不愧是英语专业出身的 Reply @user-sp8qx2be1k 1 year ago 难 Reply @NingTang1972 1 year ago He seems a lot more humbled than when he is talking in china. 2 Reply 1 reply @dg8hs 11 months ago 油管喜欢乱发,很有可能的后果就是油管倒闭 Reply @user-xf6mv6td7j 8 months ago 范小勤 Reply 1 reply @user-xw8kb2rb1e 8 months ago 20年前,读高中,看英语杂志,介绍电影西雅图不眠夜,也翻译成网络情缘 Reply @weili4722 1 year ago 一本正经的忽悠劲堪比现在的那些抖音网红! 1 Reply @user-kg4go3fz4y 4 months ago 让马云做驻美大使多好。 Reply @chao541 1 year ago 被整了 再没有这种能流畅沟通中西方的人了 1 Reply @AnDo-xd1cs 1 year ago 马云的13罗汉打不过中央的七大长老 1 Reply @user-wb8zj1tf5o 8 months ago 电商让我们的城市不再有生机 Reply @math_whu6311 1 year ago 唉嘴上说的真好听,和usa各路演讲基调一模一样 Reply @kevinjia3635 3 months ago 马云足以载入史册。 Reply @yixu7761 4 months ago 小馬是外星人,不是人類 Reply @Tohka_Mancity_MyLove 11 months ago 还真有国人给马云当跌啊 1 Reply @wangwang7135 1 year ago ドラゴンボールのように。 Reply @user-my1vg6on6z 1 year ago 22年 阿里 营业额8万亿 Reply @user-ie5wi2ks2e 5 months ago 我工作的任何场所都比你马云或者孙正义的大 或者 强悍 请问马云 马老板 你个人骄傲什么 Reply @j.s180 10 months ago 8年前的视频为什么现在推送出来 放在现在如此讽刺 Reply @user-lh9ku1ev5v 1 year ago nb Reply @wxws258 11 months ago 除了高精尖奢侈品,能把货买到中国中产手里今天看来确实是个幻想。 Reply @wen-ye7sh 1 year ago 1遇见 Reply @user-fj5tz1me1l 10 months ago 划时代人物 Reply @yunzhengzhu-gr4ef 1 year ago 是么 Reply @Lin-K 1 year ago 我们中国难得大人物不用看小本子背台词 1 Reply @Jill-bq8xd 9 months ago 对中国确实有深远影响 Reply @fj037250 1 year ago 东京大学叫兽:司马云 Reply @user-yb5us3jr6i 9 months ago 0:21 6 Reply @cirk365 1 year ago 那个时候看到的是真实的基础的互联网,现在一开始就接触,人们反而看不清也不关注 2 Reply @gary7448 1 year ago 不識姓馬的就拭姓馬的。。。 Reply @user-mh7zd8hs3z 1 year ago 马云前期务实,后期太膨胀自以为是了。 Reply @andreweng1427 10 months ago 大砲仙 Reply @panshuai 1 year ago 这个人为什么不能成为国家主席 Reply @JihJih-rb2tk 9 months ago Jack ma,niu bi Reply @aimiliyaan 1 year ago 该说不说,真厉害 Reply @user-hv1ko1zp4m 1 year ago 香港上市,割一波韭菜 美国上市,割一波美国韭菜 1 Reply @user-jy8er3nx8b 1 year ago 格局 Reply @may-love-cats 6 months ago 突然觉得马云就像中国的乔布斯 Reply @pengliu7043 1 year ago 15年,忽悠力度不够啊,好日子只过了3年。 Reply @user-tj3vm7wu7m 1 year ago 馬雲英文還是可以的 Reply 1 reply @greenone9951 3 months ago 讲故事有一套 Reply @ccw-xp5uz 10 months ago If you stand in the wind, pigs will fly. Reply @GAinAsia 11 months ago 他人呢? Reply @user-tq3gy2pi2q 1 year ago 被整前 1 Reply @user-iw3om9tu3b 8 months ago ture Reply @linkobe2932 4 months ago 马云英文哪学的 Reply @dott8347 6 months ago Where is Jake ma Reply @xiaowushuoshier 10 months ago 马大叔太能吹了 Reply @stone789chen6 10 months ago ! Reply @user-jw3hf8xw9l 4 months ago 给老外洗脑 Reply @archiekleung 1 month ago To fulfil Alibaba's vision English must be popular in China. All the buyers and sellers must have a common language. All commercial pilots must know key phrases and words in Eglish. It is called Air-speak. 100 years ago Mao was reading an old translation of Marx. Today university students are still reading translated copy like Mao 100 years ago. USSR imploded and poor even they had the war loot from Germany. That proved Marx was not a good teacher on economy. Then President Xi apparently the first question he asked his advisors how to prevent China from implode like the USSR. Some upstarts advocated to remove English from all road signs. Nobody criticized that it was stupid for the national capital. They were growing up reading the translated copy of Das Kapital. They never learned nor dare to criticize. When every one is talking about AI as testament of faithful the next president may lead us back to caves. Reply @hannx23 9 months ago 本来是奇迹。可惜是外人堆出来的。没有他马云。中国一样有别人。 Reply @user-xo3cz5ts7s 4 months ago 马云人呢?阿里巴巴是谁的现在 Reply @user-lq5ns1re9p 11 months ago 我们的习大大要是有马云的才(财)能该有多好呀! 1 Reply @richardlau898 10 months ago 只有马云能带阿里巴巴走出泥潭 Reply @beipiao9 1 year ago 他这一辈子也不容易 Reply @onetry5983 10 months ago 现在在看这段演讲,发现一切的笑话。亚马逊的模式才是正确的。中国现在主力消费也不是傻子。那个风头已经过了。 Reply @RRRRa1nzr 11 months ago 不得不说我觉得他的发言有吹的成分 Reply @halex5363 1 year ago 谈不上震撼吧,应该是心路历程 Reply @user-rz4qq2fk9i 1 year ago 他当国家主席就好啦 Reply 1 reply @Laowu1898 1 year ago 说的很流利 但有不少小的语法错误 - 过去时经常说的是现在时 Reply 5 replies @poocgy8231 10 months ago 很遗憾马云错误的判断了中国的未来,押注天猫后淘宝正在死亡 Reply @user-rv5zm8ne6v 4 months ago 只要你成功了,说鬼话都有人信。 1 Reply @InnovativeMaisonet 2 months ago 纯纯空手套 Reply @feixu2174 6 months ago 和马斯克比起来差远了, Reply @user-ul5hy2fd7d 6 months ago 你不应该在演讲中对比沃尔玛的员工数量,那是公民就业岗位,这一点你并不如对方 Reply @user-mc8ff2sg7t 1 year ago 如果他专注赚美刀的话今天就会是另一个结局了。 Reply @Mrbeefrank 11 months ago Where is Jack ma ? Chinese need him to save China economy. Reply @gh-lz5oh 11 months ago 。。。电商对于实体经济造成的打击是巨大的,从基本的底层商店就能看出来 如果评论区动不动就是大小姐公子哥那就不要讨论了 Reply @yangfangli4830 9 months ago 500 million middle class, impossible. Reply @zizailiu4054 6 months ago 阿里巴巴牛的不是一点点。做外贸的都知道阿里国际站的重要性。物联世界。 Reply @user-el3dd1zw2d 9 months ago What? Reply @user-gz7me1vj3r 11 months ago 太着急了,先动了金融的蛋糕 Reply 1 reply @user-gr4kb7vu3o 4 months ago 可惜啊,马云最后被拼多多给抄底了,淘宝提高了信誉品质,却被价格砍死了。我虽然敬佩马云,但是我还是主流消费日常用品把钱花在拼多多,只有几个高端的东西选择了淘宝。虽然我讨厌盗版,劣质品,但是还是选择了他,是我无耻,还是法律纵容了这些人在去突破我的底线,中国,我希望你能更好,是在品质和口碑,价格都优质的情况下,这一天是你真正崛起的时候吧 Reply @liberty-1984 9 months ago 他需要借钱? Reply @user-mc7cs9gj9n 9 months ago 为什么还有人把吸血鬼当爹呢 Reply @user-vq7by5yv6c 1 year ago give the America a little bit China Shock Reply @user-ie5wi2ks2e 5 months ago 纽约的工商界没有什么好收入 更多的 就是普通人摆摊位的而已 1 Reply @yywant-qb7om 10 months ago 那个,马云爸爸你真的不喜欢钱么? Reply @user-fy7jo6fk3h 10 months ago 阿里可以和华为并列,只是华为不会让人痛 Reply @Lucas-ct8zk 11 months ago 现在都返贫了 Reply @SaderaHopyu 11 months ago 我 Reply @muridmili8137 1 year ago 所以现在马云连牛都不敢吹了! Reply @user-ov5pb8zi7v 11 months ago 所以,去美国玩996吧 Reply @jyy-ze2wl 6 months ago 资本和背后的势力,你们永远是工具,用完就会被丢弃 Reply @Zhongguotese 8 months ago 别忘了,他也不过是红朝权贵之下的食利阶层之一而已,被清算也是任何一个皇朝权利交替之必然。 Reply @jonnltmi5613 1 year ago 马云如果是中国主席, 中国就有希望了 Reply 1 reply @lcc6236 10 months ago 一個天才 被一個愚昧的皇帝封殺了 Reply @felixevan216 11 months ago 马云上海演讲 -- 被中共震撼 Reply @liuhhgame 5 months ago 国运不允许他的创作,因为蛋糕太小了 Reply @user-fq4gn3wm5n 1 year ago 投机者414行不行 Reply @qibai-vd2ij 1 year ago 带给西方一点996马氏福报 Reply @snowce1709 11 months ago Reply @user-hi3ik3gq8v 3 years ago 喷子世界无处不在。 Reply @ObitoUchiha-ng6rv 10 months ago 一个主义没办法产生利益的时候,应该果断抛弃 Reply @wenbo399 3 years ago 啟蒙我[43]: A. 義大利、法國、葡萄牙、英國…等區域,遭受[大風、狂雨],是否因一帶一路[帶衰],天氣大變化,商業未來可憐。 B. 隔壁要想打戰[無外銷=沒錢]怎麼打?百姓要倒大眉。 C. 要像馬雲說[仿冒品]比原廠好,要賺外國錢! Reply @LittleLing.Channel 6 months ago 应该进领导班子 Reply @cindycandy-yy3ur 8 months ago 没有胡锦涛政府的政策,也未必有他的舞台 Reply @user-mx2fk8po7s 10 months ago 马云 可惜了。治世能才 Reply @user-oz3rt1td2g 1 year ago 我买东西超过72小时才能送到手 Reply 3 replies @maplesf3297 8 months ago 胡说八道,但是他有这个资本 1 Reply @eamonf9254 11 months ago “十年后全球72小时后收到商品,中国24小时后收到商品”哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 Reply @xidudexi0902 1 year ago x Reply @starleafcafe 9 months ago 马总统,穷途末路也。 Reply @user-yz3gl3kn1d 11 months ago 1 Reply @user-vx7wf5kk1t 11 months ago winnie be jealous,kill ma’s head Reply @drannoc100 1 year ago How many know that he’s a CCP member? How much support he really got from CCP? Reply @user-qb4po1ys5w 11 months ago 马云确实带动中国整体消费,可是害了中国经济,原来佩服他,现在他连特朗普都不如 Reply @marylaistirland6864 1 year ago This man should be locked up Reply @peter5817 1 year ago 比小学生强太多倍 Reply @Little-yr3ex 1 year ago 商人不能从政,否则只会变成前苏联 Reply @haolee8160 11 months ago 这翻译错误太多了 Reply @user-hb2du8fv8i 10 months ago 演讲的非常棒!但是有谎言,也有今日失败的根源: 1、阿里的崛起是靠淘宝,而淘宝就是抄袭ebay和e趣; 2、没有自己的物流和仓储,导致败给了京东; 3、觉得小企业不赚钱,拼命发展天猫,结果被拼多多抄了后路; 4、更重要的是阿里文化坏了,该换个时代了... 1 Reply 1 reply @chefzau2335 3 years ago 震慑? Reply @zhilaijia7748 2 years ago 遭遇的白眼多了。 Reply @usergjcsy 1 year ago 不过是一个会说英语的白手套而已,到现在都无法脱身 Reply 2 replies @tz216 1 year ago 可笑的华丽演讲中没人会也没人愿意去关注其内容的真实性,因为演讲只需要华丽的填词便好 以及,见鬼说鬼话 Reply @user-th7gr7en7u 1 year ago 假如老马担任中华民主共和国第一任总统如何? Reply @gussikl5046 6 months ago 失去初心了,一心想用金融手段套穷苦老百姓的钱。 Reply @ccm5632 4 months ago 估计以后能留个全诗都不错了 Reply @qianli5823 1 year ago thgt Reply @zsg370 11 months ago Q Reply @user-mo8ny7gy8m 1 year ago 也就在这里才有一堆人跪舔马云了 Reply @JT-qj4hx 1 year ago 让人举手十分不礼貌 Reply @halex5363 1 year ago 这也是刷单的鼻祖了 2 Reply 1 reply @richiegor1778 1 year ago 有才最後在不合適的地方生長最終也是給人收割 2 Reply @user-sd1im5mp3k 1 year ago 马云被整的唯一原因,遭到了歪脖熊的嫉妒。就好像江蛤蟆嫉妒李大师一样。 1 Reply @kingdraex7359 10 months ago 中国人只想买农产品,低附加值,这是美国人希望的吗? Reply @user-id2oy8vm8i 1 year ago 他被一位國小程度的人,給壓制了。中國人不知何時才會覺醒 Reply @AE-hx3fm 9 months ago Chinese mask Reply @user-rs4fi5mb3s 1 year ago 老马最后升华了一下 Reply @jiasongwang5128 10 months ago 呵呵,无语应对, Reply @user-gj9yl3jk5j 1 year ago 其他都好,但到底是解决了就业还是减少了就业? Reply @user-oh1og6mj4k 5 months ago 不还是学习国外的模式吗,没啥创新 Reply @greenjim4933 11 months ago 在国内,这个神话已经过气了,他一系列操作,把自己归零了。 Reply @SJ-zg9bo 10 months ago 阿里系、抖音、拼多多是三大毒瘤 Reply 1 reply @davidhjailing3460 1 month ago 能力太强,被小学生想弄死他 Reply @andy8809 1 year ago 英文比某人好。不会看错字。不会说我看看我的小本本有没有写。懂管理。懂规划。独裁者滚蛋吧 1 Reply @atarashionnanoko 6 months ago 时势造英雄 人越大就要越祛魅,马云也是人不是神 别搞个人崇拜这一套 Reply @cirk365 1 year ago 也有部分人听着感觉无聊,但管理者需要一点无知的胆大 Reply @yongnamkim2272 1 year ago 怎么就这么看不惯他呢?不就是讲点外语吗? Reply @bloodyChina 2 weeks ago 赚钱而已 Reply @user-up9xu5il4g 3 months ago 马斯克看他跟憨憨一样 Reply @user-dz8vd1rd3n 8 months ago 他講了什麼不重要,在座美國人真正的想法也不重要,中國人怎麼想像美國人的想法才真正有趣。一來就震撼,怎麼就震撼了呢? Reply @binguan2642 10 months ago 诺大的中国容不下一个马云 Reply @user-vz2lm7wy1x 1 year ago 马云就算了吧,中国mei yi ge Reply @limalan6098 3 years ago (edited) 这根本是在炫耀, 哪是招商? 难怪特朗普心理不平衡。 1 Reply 3 replies @ChinaBeauty168 1 year ago 杰克马借给我花呗和借呗过,可惜都被我玩坏了 Reply @howe4622 1 year ago 傳銷 Reply @piggle9085 6 months ago 996福报? 还吹呢 Reply @ravenwei0117 11 months ago 你誰 你幹啥 你要帶我去哪 Reply @FUK-C 1 year ago 真惨,最后还是被打成一条狗 Reply @user-gl4ef1nx6q 1 year ago 排斥马云让我对中国政治彻底失望,最具创造性的企业家被束缚,我们还期望谁来创造? 政府还是国企 Reply @madhatterwonderland4834 3 years ago 飛機到達紐約飛機場。 海關人員問:“馬雲先生,請問你是中國共產黨成員嗎?” 馬雲回答:“是的。” 海關人員:不好意思,你不獲准進入美國領土。 2 Reply 2 replies @user-gg2nr9nk9c 1 year ago 说的挺好,大忽悠 Reply @user-zp1gr7sx2i 1 year ago 逗你玩兒呢, Reply @user-in9xp3jq3z 1 year ago 抄了亚马逊,中国亚马逊 Reply @qiuzhuanxiong4904 1 year ago 令我尴尬的演讲 Reply @puffystrike 1 year ago 又怎么样? 还不是被中国抓 1 Reply @benjiang9789 1 year ago 他的英语语法没及学好。 Reply @user-ud3ky6mq1j 10 months ago 被马斯克一顿羞辱 Reply 1 reply @user-vf6eu5et1r 1 year ago 胆小,退二线了…… Reply @tomchow4179 3 years ago 外星人 ~~騎著飞馬 ~ ~冲破云層 ~~來到地球 ~~找到很多銀子 .金子 .習包子現在说 .你退休吧 ,我给回你馬云的 ~是使你发大財的 ~电子东西 ~也就是 ~电子貸币 ~我们公平吧 。 Reply @kung2821 1 year ago 他把一个国家的成功,错误的等同于个人的成功,所以他悲剧了。不过,那个时候他不这样认为。 Reply @dyctLC 1 month ago 我猜在15年时,马云绝对没把拼多多当作对手,而如今就是马轻敌的代价。他口才是不错,用人有术,但就个人修为来讲他绝非神人 Reply @user-wu2xv9xr7p 4 months ago 成功了,就被石更组织接纳的一个条汪而已。 Reply @chungshunchan9132 2 weeks ago 感覺 中國真是很不幸 ……………………. ! Reply @user-so3xm3lg6h 1 year ago 我不喜欢这个人,因为淘宝上充斥着假货,假货意味着损害买家的健康。 1 Reply 6 replies @buncong827 3 years ago Ha fung thu thin Nam dung jikhi chu fong thy lo jin jin jin chu dong paying hukumpayung ping Dari xi jinping Reply @howardhan2101 1 year ago 你自己被震捯没?净胡扯 Reply @DKarl-ms5ev 6 months ago 中共就知道封杀了一个牛人 Reply @user-od8vr8zc7s 1 year ago 阿里巴巴创造了1400万个就业机会,同时让3200万人重新寻找就业机会。 Reply @YarotoGod 11 months ago 如果马云能参选中国总统,我愿意投他一票 1 Reply 3 replies @user-tf1sh1hq7x 4 months ago 一本正经的胡说八道 Reply @user-tl2lq3xi2n 4 months ago 无聊 Reply @kylesun7832 1 year ago 确实创造了不少就业,但干死了多少实体店?你是实现了中国电商对美国电商的换道超车,但对国家而言,那些不能从事这个行业又没有特别技能的人怎么办?他们小生意也做不下去了,怎么办?所以商人到底还是商人,把这个商业模式吹的再漂亮,有些问题也解决不了,解决不了有些棘手问题,甚至还会制造一些自己也解决不了的新问题的时候,必然会被斗争。所以啊,鼓励阿里巴巴走出去,去从外国的小商贩手里炸钱吧,然后把钱带回来支持国家的基础建设,似乎更合大众的口味。。 Reply 2 replies @jianhu8160 1 year ago 可惜生错了国家 Reply @jackwong7000 3 years ago 我就不信共產黨這次能夠搞垮阿里巴巴,馬雲的能力不至於此! 他一定還留有一手的! 1 Reply @dg8hs 11 months ago 油管喜欢针对我发有目的视频,喷到谁都将由油管担责 Reply @Liujingzi168 1 year ago 看过一次马云和马克思对话,就知道没有对比就没有伤害,一个杂货店一个玩火箭,精神层次都不一个级别,本来很喜欢马云的!那次以后感觉像暴发户对话了!马克思的贡献大于马云, Reply 2 replies @johncorner9801 13 days ago 马云想法很好,阿里巴巴的102年,但是马云不知道的事: China has NO future Reply @user-vf3jn3wk6y 11 months ago 摧毁改革几十年成果的罪魁祸首,破坏了市场多年磨砺的改革成果,打破了人口大国的稳定经济基础架构。利用人性懒惰和贪婪,造成不可逆转的经济血栓。牺牲几十万亿民生流动性,成就一小批倾销者为电商站台。企业家没错,不考虑国情的任意发展,某种意义上讲是有罪的。 Reply @linhuawei3383 4 years ago 太崇拜美国了,成功了,有钱了,没有中国人这么辛勤工作这么喜欢消费,马云兄拿什么去吹,中国真的什么也没有美国好吗,兄弟你的世界有点小,钱是多多,可惜了邦不到我, 2 Reply :00 I'm so honored I never expect there's so 0:04 many people coming here to listen to my 0:06 talk and when I sitting there a few so 0:10 important 0:12 thank you thank you very before my talk 0:14 I would like to ask how many people here 0:17 have used Alibaba services good not many 0:21 and how many of you have here have never 0:25 been to China never been never been to 0:30 China good thank you very much well 20 0:36 years ago I came to America my first 0:39 trip to America to Seattle before that I 0:43 learned so much about American from my 0:47 books from a team from my teachers from 0:49 my school and my parents and I think I 0:53 know enough about America but when I 0:55 came to America I saw totally wrong 0:57 America is not what I learned from the 0:59 books and INSEAD oh I found the internet 1:04 and then I came back and tell my friends 1:07 that I'm going to open a company called 1:10 Internet 1:11 I invited a 24 of my friends had a two 1:15 hours discussion and finally nobody 1:19 understand what has supported me we had 1:21 a vote 23 of them against me they forget 1:24 about there is no such kind of network 1:27 called Internet don't do it there's only 1:30 one person who said Jack I trust you I 1:32 don't know what a day is but if you want 1:34 to try go ahead try it because you're 1:37 too young at that time I was I was 1:39 thirty years old so I started my 1:42 business was not knowing anything about 1:44 computer we don't know anything about 1:46 business I started my first company my 1:49 wife and I and a schoolmate we borrowed 1:53 that from 1,000 us daughters we start 1:56 the business it was so difficult I 1:59 caught myself like a blind a man riding 2:02 on the back of blind tigers jumping 2:05 around for the past 20 years I survived 2:07 today but the first for the first three 2:11 years life was really bad 2:14 I remember I try to borrow three 2:16 thousand US dollars from the banks it 2:18 took me three months asking any friends 2:21 I know to borrow the money and failed 2:23 cannot I get part of the money and 2:26 everybody said it jack 2:27 is telling a lie because there's no such 2:30 Network called Internet 1996 so one day 2:35 later 1996 China was connected to 2:39 internet from Shanghai would dive a 2:41 long-distance call to Xiang Han and 2:42 Xiang collected world I invited 10 media 2:46 friends to my apartment I I want to tell 2:49 them I'm not telling a lie there is a 2:52 network called Internet way way to the 2:54 three hours and a half to see the first 2:57 to download the first picture and people 3:01 say is that thing's gonna work 3:03 and I say yeah it work but not today in 3:06 10 years the work but at least it proved 3:09 that I was not telling a lie I remember 3:13 when we tried out we try to help our 3:16 small business to sell online nobody 3:19 want to sell because nobody come to buy 3:22 so first week we have a seller employees 3:26 we buy or sell ourselves the first the 3:30 second week somebody start to sell on 3:32 our website we buy everything to sell 3:35 wherever to rooms full of things we 3:38 bought for new use or all garbage for 3:40 the first two weeks in order to tell 3:42 people that it works it was not easy 3:46 since 9 1995 to 1999 we failed we go 3:52 nowhere our business because everything 3:55 was ready in 1999 I invited 18 friends 4:00 of mine or came to my apartment we 4:03 decided to do it again we call the name 4:06 and people say why Alibaba 4:09 it's a we believe Internet is a Treasure 4:13 Island we should open sesame' for small 4:15 business and we were using Ali but 4:18 because it's easy to spell easy to 4:20 remember and we want to focus on helping 4:23 small business because at that time we 4:25 see the re bar 4:26 connoisseur and American ecommerce they 4:29 focus on helping big companies they're 4:31 focusing on helping big companies to 4:33 save the cost we believe China we don't 4:35 have a lot of big companies we have so 4:37 many small business and small business 4:39 it's so difficult for them to survive if 4:42 we can using internet as a technology to 4:45 help small business you'll be fantastic 4:47 so we start say if in America is good at 4:50 helping big companies just like America 4:52 is good at making basketball 4:54 we should play ping pong in China we 4:57 should help the small guys and we should 5:00 not helping small guys to save cost 5:02 because small businesses know how to 5:04 save the cost but small business should 5:07 learn how to make money so our business 5:09 is focusing helping small business to 5:12 make money online and we want to make 5:15 the company last for 102 years and 5:17 people cures 102 years because Alibaba 5:21 was born in 1999 last year we had last a 5:24 century we had a 1 year this central 100 5:27 years next century one year a hundred to 5:29 across three centuries we give a clear 5:32 go to any in price Don say we are 5:35 successful no matter how much money we 5:37 raised no matter how much money we make 5:39 no matter no matter how much we have 5:41 achieved don't forget we want to live 5:44 102 years now 16 years past we have 5:47 another 86 years to go because in next 5:51 86 years what if any time we die we're 5:54 never successful when I heard this club 5:56 is a hundred eight years old I was 5:58 surprised in the shop there's so much we 6:00 can learn from that well today nobody 6:05 believed that Alibaba could survive 6:07 because people say you are free you're 6:08 tiny and you know and especially when we 6:11 talk about when we I peel it people say 6:12 ah you are Alibaba your e-commerce 6:14 you're like the Amazon because in 6:16 American points of view EMAS improperly 6:18 is the only business model for 6:20 e-commerce but no no we are different 6:22 the difference between us and Amazon is 6:25 that we do not buy and sell but we help 6:29 small business to buying a cell we have 6:32 10 minutes small business on our site by 6:35 an a cell every day and we do not 6:38 deliver our 6:40 although ourselves though we 6:43 have more than too many people help us 6:46 to deliver over 30-minute packages per 6:49 day we do not own warehouses but we 6:52 managed tens and thousands of warehouses 6:55 for other small medium-sized deliver 6:58 companies and we do not own inventories 7:02 but we do have more than 350 million 7:07 buyers we have more than 120 million 7:10 buyers coming to shop every day on our 7:12 site and also we we sell our our revenue 7:17 last our sales last year was 390 billion 7:20 u.s. dollars and this year possibly we 7:24 are going to be bigger than warm up 7:25 globally and warm I manage that size of 7:30 business have more than 2.3 million 7:32 people we grow from 18 people to today 7:36 34,000 people and the difference between 7:40 Amazon has the other is Amazon is a 7:43 shopping center people feel surprised 7:44 was different and they loved it 7:51 because here ecommerce the Commerce in 7:54 China becomes a lifestyle young people 7:57 of a minimum they're using e-commerce to 8:00 exchange ideas that communicate they 8:03 build up the trust the birth of the 8:04 record it's just like a Starbucks you 8:06 never go to Starbucks to test how 8:08 wonderful coffee's it's a lifestyle and 8:11 this is how internet e-commerce is 8:14 changing China and what we feel proud of 8:17 is not how much things were seller sad 8:19 this year will be bigger than Walmart 8:21 yes we're proud we know you five years 8:23 we will sell one trillion US dollars 8:26 this is my goal which we think possibly 8:30 we will make it we're proud of that but 8:33 we're more proud because we create a 8:35 director in great job fourteen million 8:37 jobs for China and we created a jobs in 8:40 a countryside we create a lot of jobs 8:43 for women over fifty one percent of the 8:46 power sellers on the internet and women 8:48 so we feel so proud of that and people 8:51 say ok now Alibaba dad what's your next 8:54 what's your future because you are 8:56 everywhere we eighty percent of the 8:59 buying of sell online are created by our 9:01 company our future is that we have to 9:05 focus on globalize our business it's not 9:08 only sell more things we want to make to 9:11 globalize the infrastructure of 9:13 e-commerce why internet e-commerce grows 9:19 so fast in China than the USA because 9:22 the infrastructure of Commerce in China 9:26 was too bad 9:27 not likely here you have a click of 9:30 motors you have all the shops offline 9:32 Walmart came out everything everywhere 9:34 but in China we have nothing nowhere 9:38 so ecommerce in the USA is a desert it's 9:42 a complementary to the main business but 9:44 in China it becomes the main course we 9:48 created the infrastructure so we think 9:51 if we globalize our infrastructure the 9:55 payment the logistics center the church 9:57 transparent platform all around the 10:00 helping the small business around the 10:03 world to sell everywhere 10:04 help the global consumers to buy 10:07 everywhere our vision is in ten years we 10:11 will help two billion consumers in the 10:13 world to shop online anywhere in the 10:17 world you shop online within 72 hours 10:20 you receive the product and anywhere in 10:23 China 10:24 you shop online you will receive the 10:26 products within 24 hours and we think 10:30 our globalization is still focusing on 10:34 helping small business and helping them 10:37 learn to do business in the most 10:40 efficient ways and we think that we will 10:43 help another 10 made a business on our 10:46 e-commerce platform we will empower them 10:48 we give them the traffic we give them a 10:50 payment system we give them the 10:52 logistics system so they can do business 10:54 anywhere easily and quickly and we will 10:58 help we will have 40% of a business 11:01 outside China today we only have 2% of a 11:05 business outside China so people keep on 11:10 asking now you're big you raise that 11:11 much money what's your play in America 11:14 people say well are you gonna come when 11:16 are you going to come to invade America 11:19 where I gotta compete with Amazon when I 11:22 going to compete with eBay well I would 11:26 say we show great respect for eBay and 11:29 Amazon but I think the opportunity and 11:32 the strategy for us is helping small 11:36 business in America go to China sell 11:39 their products to China China in the 11:43 neck today China the middle class for 11:45 the China is almost as same as the 11:48 American population population and we 11:51 think in 10 years there will be more 11:53 than 1/2 billion Chinese people would be 11:55 middle class the demanding for middle 11:58 class the demanding for good products 12:01 good service was so powerful so strong 12:04 and I think China today cannot afford 12:09 the good products good service to them 12:11 by the terrible air we have 12:14 the water we have the land resources I 12:16 don't think China would be able to do 12:18 that and the next day's that China's 12:21 been focusing on exporting in the past 12:24 20 years and I think next to 10 10 10 2 12:28 years China we should be focusing on 12:31 importing China should have learned to 12:33 buy China should spend the money China 12:35 should buy a lot of things from globally 12:37 and I think that American small business 12:41 American branded products you should use 12:45 in the internet go to China passed in 12:47 two years 12:48 big companies of America is already all 12:50 over the China but it's the great 12:52 opportunity for using the e-commerce for 12:55 small business to go to America in the 12:58 past years we have helped a lot of 13:01 American farmers selling things to China 13:03 for example the Seattle cherries you 13:06 never believed that they invested an 13:08 American ambassador to China he came to 13:11 us a Jack came helpers to sell the 13:13 cherries in Seattle let's see how can we 13:16 sell cherries the cherries still on the 13:17 trees and we started play order 18,000 13:20 families book the order and we were God 13:23 order wish it will pick up the cherries 13:25 and shipped to China within 24 hours 13:28 80,000 families 160 tons of cherries 13:31 were sold and last year we sold over 300 13:37 tons of cherries and I don't know what's 13:40 this year about we also helped Alaska 13:43 seafood who helped Canada to sell the 13:46 lobsters the lobster we sold probably 13:49 takers they cannot sell and we also have 13:53 a lot of American branded companies like 13:55 a Nokia Estelle and our and companies 13:58 using our site to sell and Costco the 14:02 company they sold 600 tons of nuts on 14:06 our site for the first amount and the 14:08 rep for the first amount the using alia 14:10 Bubba six point five million u.s. 14:12 dollars so I think if we can help to 14:16 sell lobsters if we can help sell the 14:18 cherries why we cannot help this smell 14:20 small medium-sized companies to China 14:23 using our system so this is what I want 14:27 and 14:28 I want to take one day for example 14:29 November's November 11 the singular day 14:32 we make that as a shopping day last year 14:36 for that day we sold nine point seven 14:39 billion u.s. dollars and for the first 14:42 minute shopping we have 24 million 14:46 people rushed in for the first minute 14:48 and this year we guess the number was 14:52 scary so my purpose coming here that we 14:56 need more American products to China we 14:59 have hungry 100 million people coming to 15:03 buy every day so this is why we come 15:06 here we cannot come here to compete we 15:09 come here to bring the small business my 15:11 vision is that in 10 20 years anywhere 15:15 you buy anywhere sell anywhere 15:18 Philippine people can buy salmon on 15:20 Norway knowing people can sell things to 15:23 Argentina Argentina can buy and sell to 15:25 China this is how the internet is going 15:27 to change and lastly I want to say we 15:31 have changed the China with you part of 15:33 that and we think that the change the 15:35 power of change is so powerful the first 15:38 revolution of technology we have the the 15:42 organization of business called Factory 15:44 and had what first world war because of 15:47 the strength of the arm arms and muscles 15:49 the second revolution energy we have the 15:52 organization called companies and have 15:55 the second world war this time Internet 15:59 the data and I think we have a new 16:03 business called platform and the third 16:06 world war is going to happen and this 16:09 war is not between nations this is what 16:12 we work together to against the disease 16:14 the poverty the climate change and I 16:18 believe this is our future their human 16:22 being the nations should unite together 16:23 rely on the young people using not the 16:26 gowns 16:27 using computers using the data to solve 16:30 the human problem solve the society 16:32 problems and this is what I am 16:34 passionate about it's not about the 16:36 money it's about a dreams it's not only 16:38 the technology change in the world if 16:40 the dreams you believe 16:41 that changed the world and we know the 16:43 way the way is not easy as I always told 16:46 in the past 20 years doing internet 16:50 business in China today is difficult and 16:52 tomorrow is much more difficult but the 16:55 day after tomorrow is beautiful most 16:57 people die too more evening if you don't 16:59 work hard thank you very much 17:02 [Applause]

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