Friday, August 16, 2024

Dr Rob Cywes: #1 Cause Of Heart Attacks & Strokes (AVOID THIS)

Dr Rob Cywes: #1 Cause Of Heart Attacks & Strokes (AVOID THIS) 5 Minute Body 314K subscribers Join Subscribe 14K Share Download Thanks Clip 331,781 views Jul 28, 2024 #stroke #heartattack Dr Cywes has spent over 20 years researching metabolic disease and the cause of heart attacks and strokes. Head to or enter code 5MINUTEBODY to get 15% off your first order. This episode features Dr Robert Cywes, a double board certified surgeon who specialises in preventing metabolic disease, obesity, and chronic inflammation. Access the full show notes, including referenced articles, books, and additional resources: This episode discusses the cause of heart attacks and strokes and key metabolic markers to prevent cardiovascular events. In this episode, Dr Cywes discusses the two main causes of heart attacks and strokes and explains why early recognition is critical for prevention. We also discuss how early screening at age 40 (or earlier) is important to ensure you are not at risk, including simple screening tests. We discuss the role of cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and its function in the body, as well as saturated fat, and why fat is essential for healing inflammation, and preventing heart disease. Dr Cywes also shares why a high fat Ketogenic Diet or Carnivore diet is optimal for the heart, hormones and your over health, and why consuming too much protein in the form of animal meat can be dangerous. This episode is important if you want to know the true causes of heart disease and stroke and for those who seek to optimise their heart and cardiovascular function. You will learn the science of what causes inflammation in the heart, and simple dietary strategies to prevent heart disease and strokes. Carnivore Resources GoCarnivore App: 4-Week Fat Loss Course: 7-Day Fasting Course For Fat Loss: 5 Minute Body Social & Website Instagram: / 5minutebody Twitter: / 5minutebody Website: Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 02:25 Biggest cause of heart attack & strokes 07:41 LDL cholesterol, it’s function 15:07 Blood pressure + heart function 22:36 Sodium chloride (salt) on the heart 27:40 The energy every cell in the body needs 30:52 Saturated fat on the heart 37:15 Tool: The role of diet to prevent heart attacks & strokes 43:40 The first step to change your diet 44:51 Tool: Why you need to do high-fat 57:32 Risks of statins on the brain & diabetes 01:02:43 Ozempic is a better treatment than statins 01:04:55 Tool: The psychological impact of carbohydrates 01:10:03 Find Dr Rob Cywes #heartattack #stroke Chapters View all Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Transcript: Search in video Intro 0:00 the commonest cause of death is heart attacks and strugles the problem is not fat the problem is not cholesterol the problem is elevated sugar while an apple may be okay for other people 0:08 for me it's a trigger Dr Robert cus a double board certified surgeon and a world-renowned 0:14 expert in metabolic disease he's on a mission to fix your heart and your brain from disease and expose the truth about statins by the time you're sitting in the emergency room clutching 0:23 your chest because you've had a heart attack or your face is drooping because you've had a stroke it's too late doctors should be appropriately worried about your heart attack and stroke 0:31 risk the problem is they associate elevated LDL elevated cholesterol with that risk and 0:36 that's a false Association every single cell in your body is made of two layers of fat and if you're on a lowfat diet you're depriving your cells of healthy forms of fat let's talk about 0:45 stattin the risks of Statin you know the statins cross into the brain the brain is about 2% of the 0:50 human body and yet it uses 20% of the body's cholesterol well if you block that how's your brain supposed to work how's your brain supposed to repair itself the narrative in our community 0:59 is protein protein protein and that's an error because let's talk about fat let's dive deep into fat does saturated fat in any way destroy the heart well I I okay so let's go back 1:10 a step because I think there's a misconception a little bit about saturated fat if I told you this one thing was causing those three highly likely causes of your death what's the obvious 1:20 answer stay away from the harmful thing what really matters is what is your personal risk of 1:25 a heart attack or a stroke there's a very simple test a screening test that we can get for that 1:32 we have been told that cholesterol and LDL is the cause of heart attacks and strokes but my 1:37 guest today Dr Rob cyers will share evidence as to why this is not correct and show the 1:43 true cause of heart attacks and strokes and a very simple test that we can all get that 1:48 can actually prevent both but before we start I have a favor to ask if you are learning from and 1:54 enjoying these episodes please hit the Subscribe button that is an excellent zeroc cost way to 2:00 support this free health podcast because it is our mission to share that the food that 2:05 we eat our diet can fix the most chronic health conditions that not even big food 2:11 and big farmer can help us with and by subscribing you can share this message to Millions more people that need to hear it and hopefully it can save their life thank 2:22 you Dr CIS welcome thank you very much Rea it's good to be here as a double board certif Biggest cause of heart attack & strokes 2:30 surgeon one of the things that annoys you the most is this demonization of saturated fat and 2:35 the inappropriate existence of statins to prevent heart disease and these two recommendations have 2:41 largely caused the increase in deaths from cardiovascular events like heart attacks and 2:47 strokes so today Dr cvus is going to share his 20 years of experience and talk about the true 2:52 cause of heart attacks why ketosis and cholesterol is useless and why a high fat diet will actually 3:00 protect your heart so Dr cus my first question people don't want to have a heart attack so what 3:06 is the number one cause of plaque in the arteries that can lead to a heart attack uh first of all 3:12 Reena thank you so much for having me on it's a pleasure to be talking with you and getting the word out there um the commonest cause of death uh certainly in the United States is and and in most 3:22 uh first world type countries is heart attacks and strokes so it is a quintessential thing that 3:28 we have to focus on and yet in large part it has been ignored as a preventive or a screening test 3:37 that we do every woman is going to get a mamogram uh men men are going to get their prostates looked at colons are going to be looked at but we don't screen for cardiovascular disease it's 3:46 kind of upside down um that and there are great screening tools to detect early development of 3:53 cardiovascular disease um in younger people I start to screen at around 40 years of age 3:59 and already that's probably a little bit old but that's the earliest that we start a screen so I think it's important to understand that if you don't know you don't know and by the time you're 4:10 sitting in the emergency room clutching your chest because you've had a heart attack or your face is drooping because you've had a stroke it's too late that event has occurred and there are plenty 4:19 of ways earlier and earlier that we can divert away from that with recognition that's the first 4:25 thing the second thing is that not everybody is vulnerable to heart attacks and strokes if 4:31 you think about this and you ask me what causes it well the the starting point the initiating concern that we had uh in the world in the 1950s and 60s was a massive rise in heart attack and 4:43 stroke deaths but it was directly we now know retrospectively it was directly related to nicotine and yet many many countries still allow vaping and that kind of thing because the tobacco 4:53 count oh it's fine so the starting pivotal point was nicotine and it's important to understand that 4:59 because industry vifer defended their profit making when they sold tobacco products and 5:06 diverted our attention away from nicotine being the causative agent that created the plaque in 5:13 our blood vessels toward what the plaque was made of and you know in other words if your house is 5:20 on fire instead of worrying about the fire you're saying oh my God these these fire engines outside 5:27 are making all this noise look at the racket please can the fire engines go away call the police to get rid of the fire engines that's that's lunacy if your house is on fire you want 5:36 as many fire engines out there but at the same time you don't want your house to be on fire and if we can prevent the fire then we don't need the the fire engine so the fire engines is your body's 5:48 response to inflammation or to to injury and the body has over thousands of years developed a very 5:56 robust um attack and defense mechanism M against injury you cut yourself uh you bleed a little bit 6:03 the clot forms the scab forms and then your skin heals up well the whole body functions that way 6:10 or the majority of the body functions that way and your blood vessels are no different the issue is 6:15 that your blood vessel should not be having that degree of of injury and I mean if you think about 6:22 walking out in the woods and you get stuck in a bunch of brambles and you get Cuts all over your body that's what nicotine does to your blood vessels and when we blamed the fat response and 6:33 I'll explain that in a second that part of the healing response that the body has when there's inflammation is to form a little clot just like you do when you cut your arm the clot then gets 6:43 populated with cells white cells immune cells and those immune cells then attract um a layer 6:52 that basically Smooths that injury over and the macrofagos have receptors I'm going to go 6:59 little nerdy here called Appo receptors that attract think of that Appo as a zip code it's 7:05 your the zip code of your of your house or your postal code and there are molecules or little 7:10 structures that float around in your blood vessels that have other purposes but they also have this little zip code and part of the response is the final response to inflammation where the 7:20 LDL molecule the one that everybody's concerned about LDL that's got a zip code that attaches to 7:25 the macras as that dumps some fat and cholesterol to smooth over the injury but it's not causing the 7:30 problem it's responding to the problem and without that two major concerns number one you're not 7:36 adequately healing the injury and number two is if you decrease your LDL it's not doing its other LDL cholesterol, it’s function 7:44 normal functions the functions in the vessels is not its primary function that's a backup uh you 7:50 know that's the that's the backup function the for example in the US fire trucks out there to put fires out but the overwhelming response they have is to to to CarX and that kind of thing so 8:01 same thing with LDL LDL is a delivery system for fuel for energy for structural elements to the 8:07 cells of your body all of whom need fat and the the inflammatory response is just part of the job 8:14 that they do and to blame the LDL for responding to an injury because that's what we see we see 8:21 the plaque we see the fire trucks it doesn't make logical sense at all and then on top of 8:26 that the medications that they use to decrease that inflammation or to to not to decrease the 8:32 inflammation sorry I misspoke to decrease the LDL are very very toxic to other parts of the 8:38 human system where LDL would be performing other functions so I to simplify that the issue here 8:45 is inflammation and inflammation started out being caused by nicotine but when you examine the people 8:51 that have heart attacks and strokes under the microscope when you examine their blood vessels under the microscope and as a surgeon I've held that stuff in my hand it's this gelatinous I know 9:01 it's early morning for me it's snot like stuff that it just crumbles in your hands but it's made of cholesterol and fat so if you look at it under the microscope it is cholesterol and fat so 9:10 the tobacco companies then with a few skeptic or or or or doctors that weren't quite as uh 9:18 ethical as they should be said oh it's the fat that's accumulating your blood vessels that is 9:24 causing a problem and that's false so as soon as we diverted and we blame the fat we forgot about 9:29 inflammation and so then we said okay let's block this fat let's block because remember the Statin 9:36 industry began in response to smoking plot not necessarily in response to a carbohydrate plot 9:44 because the Statin were developed in the 70s and 80 really the 80s and 90s be at a time we started 9:50 seeing an increased heart attack and stroke risk smoking swing was declining and we started to see the other very injurious agent which is elevated levels of sugar as the sugar manufacturing uh 10:02 industry came up together with that they started to produce some statins but the statins occurred 10:08 prior to the era of carbohydrate injury of the blood vessels so they were really addressing the 10:13 pluck and they've now morphed that across but the the two uh injurious agents are nicotine 10:20 elevated levels of nicotine and elevated levels of blood sugar and it's important to understand that 10:26 because there are two populations um when it comes to injury from well let's look at nicotine some 10:32 people who smoke get heart attacks and strokes some people who uh smoke get lung disease osma and 10:37 lung cancer that is genetically predetermined the cause is nicotine but whether you get lung disease 10:44 or heart disease is genetically predetermined exactly the same thing in the blood vessels and most Physicians don't even understand this there are people like myself who genetically our bodies 10:55 are very very good very effective at clearing the sugar from the bloodstream so we don't live 11:01 in this high blood sugar environment uh we eat I used to eat a lot of sugar that's how but my body 11:07 shoved that into my cells my sh my cells converted to fat and the production of fat by the human body 11:14 by the liver and the fat cells protects you from that injury in the blood vessels now there other diseases associated with that but then there are other people who cannot produce enough and 11:24 the hormone that does that is insulin so when you cannot produce enough insulin now you can't 11:30 get that Sugar out of the blood vessels adequately and therefore your blood sugar Rises and it's that 11:36 chronically elevated blood sugar that your body can't utilize sitting in the blood vessels that creates the inflammation and I've proven in the laboratory when I did my PhD that we can create 11:46 that inflammation within 3 hours um where you get an immune response so it's a very rapid response 11:52 so if you think about it your blood sugars are elevated even mildly El elevated where most do oh 11:57 it's a little high drink less Coke um that injury is a chronic injury that continues to occur and 12:05 we're starting to see kids in their teens in the early 20s with type 2 diabetes and the interesting 12:12 thing is the everybody when they look at children look at the obese child and say oh my God they're so sick they're actually a lot healthier than the skinny kid who is eating a lot the same amount of 12:22 sugar and starch because they are developing the vascular injury and and that is a big concern for 12:28 us and we seen it earlier and earlier and earlier that's why we should be screening earlier so the problem is not fat the problem is not cholesterol the problem is elevated sugar and 12:39 but we divert and we BL we blame uh we blame the sugar in we blame the fat instead of the sugar 12:45 and I think the important consideration here is that narrative is driven by industry the smoking 12:52 folks now they say oh smoking is bad but vaping is fine because it doesn't have smoke in it well who you going to trust uh you know and same thing with sugar oh it's natural sugar it's healthy for 13:02 you um we have there is very very few sources of sugar that we currently eat that existed in 13:11 their current form when I was born think that one through okay uh a lot of the the majority 13:17 of the food we eat currently did not exist in the 1950s and 60s so it's not natural it's all 13:24 manufactured and hybridized so uh you know where when we're eating food that's supposed to be so 13:30 healthy for us those are people who believe that we started to exist Adam and Eve are 50 years old 13:37 or 60 years old doesn't work that way as you can hear from Dr cvus one of the biggest causes of 13:42 heart attacks and strokes is sugar and so we need to avoid it and we also need to rebuild our body 13:49 from the inside out and later on Dr cvis will talk more about the foods that we need to eat and those 13:55 that we need to avoid but the thing is the way that our food is produced Ed with pesticides and 14:00 toxins this can limit the absorption of nutrients into the mitochondria of your cells and that's why 14:06 I have armor colostrum as a sponsor of today's video now you might have heard of colostrum it 14:11 is a Milky fluid that is released by mammals including humans in the first 48 to 72 hours 14:17 after birth an armor colostrum is packed full of nutrients including over 400 functional nutrients 14:25 like peptides antibodies and antioxidants to help support your cell C gut function and immune system 14:31 and so much more now I use 3 to four full scoops of armor colostrum per day in chilled water and I 14:38 have noticed benefits in my skin and also my hair because colostrum contains growth factors that can 14:45 help stimulate collagen production and also skin elasticity so if you'd like to try Arma colostrum 14:51 just head to try sl5 minute body or use code 5 minute body to get 15% off your first order 14:59 so the first two is the nicotine um which is smoking I think many people know that they shouldn't smoke they shouldn't Vape um even alcohol don't drink the alcohol the next one you Blood pressure + heart function 15:08 mentioned is chronic high blood sugar levels let's go to the next two which is high blood pressure so hi there are three when I look at the heart in terms of acquired metabolic disease 15:19 there are three categories that we look at the first one is the plaque which is an inflammatory response of the cells the endothelium that line the blood vessels and what happens with those 15:29 cells is they should be quent when you look under the microscope at healthy endothelium it looks 15:35 like a fried egg they've got a nucleus which is the yolk and there it should look like a flat fried egg but that flat molecule is not a stable State the stable state for any cell is a round or 15:48 oval cell look should look like a a real egg you know an egg that's just been laid and there are um 15:57 it's called the the cytoskeleton little skeletal things just like the human body has a skeleton 16:02 that hold it's an active thing that hold it in that flat shape but a flat molecule is really just 16:09 a transition point it's flat so uh um fluids and and nutrition and everything else can get from the 16:15 bloodstream across the endothelial cell into the cells of the organ that's being fed by that blood 16:21 through What's called the interstitium so that is an active form a healthy form of a cell when sugar 16:27 comes along down that blood vessel the first thing that sugar does is it goes into the cell now every 16:32 molecule of sugar has a molecule glucose has a mo has six molecules of water attached to it so you 16:39 get this instant flooding of of extra water inside of the endothelial cell and a flat thing doesn't 16:46 hold a lot of water so the cell rounds up and it becomes this big swollen Cell full of water and 16:51 we've got a sodium uh uh glucose uh water exchange to get rid of that water the problem is we're 16:58 on a low salt diet and salt is one of the more important things to consume and yet everybody's told us don't consume salt because of the water the problem is actually Sugar not salt so upside 17:07 down it is so now we've got these big swollen endothelial cells that skeleton gets damaged and 17:12 the cells are now swollen and when they swell they bulge into the Lumen into the inside of the blood 17:18 vessel and under the influence of sugar those cells are going from being nice and smooth like 17:24 Teflon where the blood just slides by to being activated because they feel the injury and that 17:30 injury uh is now attracting clot it's attracting and activating the intrinsic clotting Cascade so 17:37 you get this Cascade of clot and for example factor four of the clotting Cascade is calcium and the last layer is the lay on the lipids as those endothelial cells swell they narrow 17:47 the Lumen and anybody that understands physics understands that it's radius to the power of four 17:53 so any minor reduction in the radius of a blood vessel radically increases is the pressure that 17:59 is required to go across that blood vessel so our blood pressure starts to go up now we think of a blood pressure 120 over 80 Mill milles millimeters of mercury to be a normal blood pressure it isn't 18:10 it's closer to 110 over 60 110 over 70 that's normal but we've accepted that higher pressure 18:16 as normal because of that slight swelling of the endothelial cells so hypertension is caused 18:22 directly by sugar at the initial inflammation but it's separate and apart from the plaque 18:27 the plaque occurs just in specific areas and different areas depending on the drug that's of 18:32 the of the toxin that's initiating it um nicotine more peripheral um some Central sugar primarily 18:39 Central but the the plaque disease is a plumbing problem it's where the plum is getting clotted the 18:47 um hypertension is a swelling and a narrowing problem as well as a bit of inflammation and 18:53 then the third cardiovascular issue that we have remember I said earlier on you got your endothal 18:58 then you got a space called the intertia and then you've got your organ whatever that organ is um so 19:04 you've got to get nutrition across the cell across the endothelial cell or between endothelial cells through the interstitium into the regular cell that interstitial layer is a very active layer we 19:15 now know it's made of multiple little tubules little canaliculi think of of fiber optics 19:20 carrying electricity those Little Fibers and things travel along those fibras so your hormones 19:26 your sugars your substrates travel across that but what also lives in that interstitial space 19:32 aside from the organs is the organ structure so the the connective tissue of the organ and in 19:39 the larger structures of our limbs we've got ligaments tendons and we've also got nerves that live in that area so when the sugar level elevates in that interstitial area and is not 19:50 cleared by the cells when the cells are blocking the uptake of that sugar inside that inti you're 19:57 also getting elevated sugar damages nerves that changes the cellular nature of the endothelial 20:03 cells and damages ligaments and tenons that's why a lot of people with diabetes have ligament 20:09 injuries of their shoulders they can't comeb their hair anymore uh they get joint issues they get all of the inflamation of their ligaments and tendons but in the heart those endothelial cells 20:19 and the nerves within those that run under those endothelial cells become inovated the instead of 20:26 the cells just being endothelial cells they become electrically activated and now these collections 20:33 of cells that are way off think about having a house with a plug and then um a meter up or 20:40 3T up from where the plug is there's a source of electricity when you lean against that wall you're going to get a shock and that's going to disrupt everything it's not just gently like plugging a 20:49 plug in same thing with a heart and we call that aymas and one of the commonest bad aymas that we 20:57 starting to see which is electrical malfunction of the heart also caused by elevated sugar uh 21:03 is called atrial fibrillation and various forms of irregular heartbeat so we've got a plumbing 21:09 problem we've got a swelling problem which is hypertension and we've got I'm simplifying it 21:14 and then we've got an electrical problem or electrification of the cells particularly at the pulm veins where they come into the heart and so we have to go in and burn those to get rid 21:23 of that electrical system but those are the three cardiovascular diseases that are independently and 21:30 collectively caused by elevated levels of sugar and once you understand that if I told you that 21:38 this one thing was causing those three highly likely causes of your death what's the obvious 21:44 answer stay away from the harmful thing you know it it it it's illogical not to be that simplistic 21:52 and yet it is that simple I think it is very very simple I'm just thinking of my father-in-law who 21:57 um I spoke to yday he's on 20 medications how how old is your father I know I don't want to 22:02 throw him under of the bus how old is he 78 okay at 78 25% of his heart is blocked and so when I 22:09 said to him um talking about following a ketogenic or a carnivore diet or at least low carb diet he's 22:15 so deathly afraid of cholesterol and we're going to talk about cholesterols saturated fat but the one thing that he's very scared of is to add salt because he thinks that's worse for his heart so as 22:25 you said this is very simple and very common it makes sense but a lot of people especially those 22:31 watching might be just thinking well I've been told for decades that you know the opposite is true I need to eat low fat what would you say to those people well I think first of all we've got Sodium chloride (salt) on the heart 22:40 to understand where the messaging is coming from if you trust the tobacco companies if you trust craft Foods if you trust Nest I can't if you trust Coca-Cola I can't help you um because that that is 22:51 their messaging and it is marketing messaging just like one of the most trusted phrases that 22:56 we use now is um breakfast is the most important meal of the day um Kickstart your metabolism with 23:03 a healthy breakfast well those were advertising slogans that came from a company called Kellogg 23:08 Kellogg's when they discovered Rice Krispies and you can go back and Google that so we have to misinterpreted industry marketing certain things so for example when it comes to sugar 23:20 and salt if you take a pile of sugar in a pile of salt and you put them in water they both dissolve 23:26 in other words what they're doing is they're holding on to water that's how they dissolve they attach themselves to water sodium chloride or glucose and already said glucose has six molecules 23:35 of water attached to it sodium chloride one each okay the human body has a very robust system of 23:43 using sodium chloride salt to manage blood volume and blood fluid human beings are the only species 23:50 that P dilute urine if you look at your dog if you look at your cat their urine is dark but we've been told to drink 64 gallons of water a day which is crazy but part of The Narrative of that 24:01 is because the the problem is not hydration is not about water it's about salt now you don't want to 24:06 drink sea salt but at the same time Salt regulates our water distribution and our water uh retention 24:13 and our water uh removal and the human body has a great resource for dealing with salt you pee it 24:19 out you sweat it out and the largest uh resource of salt exchange is in the colon we poop it out 24:25 so the body's equipped to handle excess salt it does very very poorly when you've got deficient 24:30 salt the body is so dependent on salt it'll keep those salt numbers very close at the expense of 24:36 getting rid of calcium magnesium and potassium so if you're low salt those other electrolytes are 24:42 being peed out even though they necessary they're not as important to Salt now Evolution God in 24:48 nature whichever one you believe in didn't just do that spontaneously or just because they were 24:55 they had a little bit of a a mind Bend those things that salt is vitally necessary to the 25:00 function of the human body sugar on the other hand is toxic to the human body at elevated levels and 25:07 the human body has a very sophisticated system of clearing and getting rid of that Sugar the liver 25:14 turns the sugar into fat that's what it's called a fatty liver fatty liver doesn't come from eating fat it's the liver desperately trying to it's the first place that we that we see sugar in the body 25:22 is in the liver so uh the liver is desperately trying to turn that into triglycerides that's why the triglyceride numbers are so high body's trying to get rid of the sugar then the sugar 25:31 gets taken up by the fat cells and the fat cells turn into fat I've already said that protects us so the body is trying to protect us from excess sugar but it is very tightly regulating salt so 25:42 salt is important but sugar isn't however what industry has done very craftily is they've 25:48 completely ignored sugar so the worst the worst situation is high levels of salt and high levels 25:53 of sugar but now each individual has to make a decision is the problem sugar is the problem salt 26:00 and the narrative out there is that salt is the problem not sugar in exactly the same way in the 26:06 1950s ah smoking's fine nothing wrong with smoking it's a great angiolytic said the tobacco companies 26:11 it's fine to smoke but don't eat fat we blamed fat in our diet for what nicotine was doing well the 26:19 human body doesn't need nicotine but it needs fat so what did we do we went low fat and for 20 30 26:25 years we continue to smoke just go to Europe and you'll see everybody's still smoking so that is 26:32 where it's a distorted Narrative of reality but it's industry-driven not physiologically driven 26:38 and it's important to understand that look I'm not going to argue with anybody and say you must do this you must do that just be logical about the way put on your Mr Spock hat and be logical about 26:48 how the Body Works we've been chasing salt forever salt mine salt Caravans salt was a very expensive 26:55 thing the Europeans only really discovered significant sources of fat of sugar in the 27:01 15 1600s after Columbus discovered sugar cane or brought sugar didn't Discover it but brought sugar 27:06 cane back from the Americas back to Europe prior to that sugar was in honey it was in some fruit but it was a very rare commodity now we have this tsunami of sh I mean if you think about it the 27:16 potato didn't exist in Ireland until about 1600 and now the Irish are well at least until recently 27:22 they were dependent on on potatoes so it's a very short duration of our existence that we've been 27:28 high on the carbohydrates so it's important to understand that when somebody says oh this is the problem not this you really want to step back from that and say okay how does my body work what 27:38 does it really need now if you think about the human body every single cell in your body is made The energy every cell in the body needs 27:44 of up of two layers of fat okay just structurally forget about energy two layers of fat every cell 27:50 in your body and your body's turning those cells over very rapidly if you look at the brain it looks like this white gelatinous material why 65% of is fat where does that fat come from some of it 28:01 we make inside of our bodies but the but there are certain structural fatty elements that we have to eat and if you're on a lowfat diet you're depriving yourselves of healthy forms of fat the 28:13 way I look at fat consumption is if you look at your car if you're driving to a gasoline or or a 28:19 diesel car you've got fuel in the gas tank which is energy and you've got oil in the engine which 28:26 is lubrication and is is used for the structure and the function of the engine they both come from fossil fuels but they're very different in exactly the same way with fat some fat is very very well 28:37 used by the body as a source of energy if you think about a be hibernating or the word ketosis 28:44 is where you're using fat as a fuel source but at the same time all of our cells are made up of fat we we require fat for the structure like the engine and if you're taking gasoline and trying 28:56 to make uh um uh the other form of gasoline would then be sugar if you try to make structural uh uh 29:03 um oil from from sugar it doesn't work properly so it's bad I didn't say the analogy properly but 29:10 the point is that we need fatten our diet not just as a fuel source but also for the healthy 29:15 structure of the human body that's important and the final important thing is if you never ever ate 29:22 uh fatate in your life you would die of certain essential fatty acid malnutrition if you never 29:28 ever ate sugar again in your life your liver is so good at making sugar that nothing bad would 29:34 happen and that's an important consider so sugar is not essential in the diet fat is as you can 29:40 hear from Dr cus we need fat and adequate protein especially if we want to heal inflammation and 29:48 heart disease and a very easy way to do this is to try a carnival diet even for 90 days now I've 29:54 been doing a carnival diet for the last four years and I've noticed incredible benefits not just in 30:00 my physical health but also in my mental health but when I first started my doctor was telling me 30:05 you're going to get a heart attack from eating all of that saturated fat and eating all of that fatty 30:10 red meat so I really didn't have any support at the beginning and that's why I started a community 30:16 which has now grown to over 12,000 members so if you're thinking about trying a carnival diet I 30:22 would love to invite you to join our go Carnival Community every week we have board certified 30:28 Carnival and keto doctors to help support you and answer your most common medical questions 30:34 whether that be about blood pressure kidney function what's going to happen when I eat all of this protein and fat we also have coaches fat loss challenges meal plans and a list of over 30:44 800 Carnival and keto doctors so if you'd like to join just head to go and you'll get a 30:50 special discount on your first month let's talk about fat let's dive deep into fat people know that they should be eating more healthy fat have a heart healthy diet they think of things like nuts Saturated fat on the heart 31:01 you know olive oil um you know different types of fats why is saturated fat so important and 31:07 does saturated fat in any way destroy the heart well I I okay so let's go back a step because I 31:14 think there's a misconception a little bit about saturated fat the first thing is I want to I don't 31:19 like the word healthy but I like to use the word natural and manufactured fat manufactured fat are 31:26 the fats that are hydrolized and produced in factories we have to heat seeds up we have to 31:33 extract fat the the fat that uh is what I call the natural fat is the fat that occurs naturally 31:39 in animals naturally in plants or is just squeezed out of the plant like olive oil or uh or coconut 31:46 oil or avocado oil it's just pressed I mean all you're doing is you're squeezing it out of the fruit so that's the category of natural fats which occur whether you eat an avocado or you squeeze it 31:57 and you get the avocado oil it's kind of the same thing but if you squeeze a grape you're not going to get the oil out you have to heat it out you have to hydr it it changes the that 32:05 is an unnatural characteristic of the fat grape seed oil canola oil Crisco was developed as a as 32:12 a engine lubricant uh many years ago it's and and really just gives the the liquid the liquid side 32:20 so um I want to divide the the the fats into those two things the naturally occurring fats 32:25 and the unnaturally occurring fats now what's interesting is everyone talks about saturated fat that is an old historical term and I'll tell you why there is nothing that we eat certainly 32:37 on the Animal product side except for one thing that is dominant in saturated fat and that's the 32:43 only thing that is dominant in saturated fat is milk and no animal no mammal can survive 32:50 without milk think that one through so if milk was going to cause us harm why does every child 32:58 every baby whether you're a beluga whale an elephant or a human We Exist because of milk now 33:04 we've manufactured something called a milkshake which we feed our babies called formula it's it's a milkshake and yeah we we survive but we don't do so very well our brains don't grow very well 33:14 on those milkshake formulas but milk is essential for human development and it's saturated fat so 33:21 either God and nature are trying to kill us by giving us all the saturated fat in our milk but there's a misnomer that saturated fat occurs in any other Ur is a dominant form of fat in any 33:30 other form of meat the commonest form of fat in any Animal product is polyunsaturated fatty acids 33:37 so you got you got three major sources of fat you got the and it's about the double Bonds in the fat 33:42 there's a science behind it but you've got your um unsaturated fat or your monounsaturated fat you've 33:48 got your polyunsaturated fat with multiple double bonds and then your saturated fat which is all double bonds and the the kind of Mis misconception is with the polyunsaturated fats that's why I 34:01 don't like to use those tones I rather look at natural and unnatural or manufactured fats that's 34:07 how I divide it up because if you think about a steak a steak's going to have all three components 34:13 with a dominant one um the fat in an animal whether it's a salmon that you're eating whether 34:18 it is a chicken skin that you're eating whether it is a steak whether it's bacon that you're eating the fat in there is predominantly polyunsaturated and it's poly s fat has received a bad name 34:29 because it also occurs in the seed oils but it's difficult to make that distinction so I just like the word natural fat versus unnatural fat and we as a species have been eating and chasing natural 34:39 fat for our entire existence you know again I refer to the the biblical side it's just an easy 34:45 reference I'm not uh um I'm more an evolutionist than anything else but they didn't Slaughter the 34:50 skinniest leanest Little Goat or lamb or sheep in the Bible it was the fattest one and there was a 34:55 reason for that we fatten things up if you go to Africa the Messiah when you're getting married or whatever it may be they're giving you the the hunter gatherers the fattest animal they're always 35:04 trying to fatten up the animal and in fact what we do even here in the US we bring cows and sheep and 35:11 uh other animals into feed lots to fatten them up and now you're telling us that's bad for us it it 35:19 it doesn't compute if that makes sense it doesn't compute um and if you think about it if you look 35:25 at two cows you look at one cow you look at um let's say an Angus cow and you look at a Jersey 35:32 cow they're both eating let's say they're out on the Range they're both eating the same grass genetically one cow the Angus turns it into meat and fat genetically the Jersey cow turns it into 35:44 milk that's grass being turned into those two products okay but one is good for us one is bad 35:50 it doesn't the logic is just not there let alone the science so I think the division that I make 35:56 in my own head is natural fat versus unnatural fat now there are certain plants beans flax that that 36:03 that if you are a vegetarian either religiously or by your own beliefs it doesn't doesn't bother me but you want to be focused on the amount of fat you can get from your plant-based diet I don't 36:14 have a problem with that but that is again where olive oil coconut oil avocado oil enriches the fat 36:20 content or coconuts avocados and olives if you eat them enrich the uh um the fat in the vegetables 36:28 and if you are a green vegetarian who's focused on fat and protein I have no issue with that I know 36:34 that in my own life I'm carnivore by or carnivore based by preference but I have no problem with 36:40 people eating that way but if you're eating a bunch of white manufactured food ground up flour 36:46 the the the potatoes the pastas the Rices and you're not eating the other Foods it is a disease 36:52 of malnutrition and your carbohydrates are very high and those foods are usually devoid of fat 36:58 on an animal-based diet it's very easy to get the fat in but what we've done in our society is we've 37:03 cut all the fat out so unfortunately we have to add the fat back in So if I'm eating a riy steak and it's got a big chunk of fat in no problem but if you're eating a chicken breast without the skin 37:13 you want to add some of that fat back because your body needs it let's talk about diet because people want to know what to eat now as a double board certified surgeon you follow a carnival diet can Tool: The role of diet to prevent heart attacks & strokes 37:23 you explain why you follow a carnival diet it's very simple it's got nothing to do with science it's simpler and easier and my dog doesn't eat leftover salad so at home uh I it's a little bit 37:35 beyond that but the reality is nobody should start on a Carnival diet it's too rigid it's too strict 37:41 and the body can't go from this to this right away you migrate toward it and the way I look at diet 37:47 is if you're if you're an alcoholic the only thing you should do is not drink alcohol nobody tells an 37:56 alcoholic what they should drink and as a human being from a nutrition perspective you want to 38:03 stop thinking about everybody who's got a vested interest in telling you what's healthy for you and what's not healthy for you but you just want to look broad spectrum at what foods are okay for me 38:13 to eat and to understand yourself within that context so what I like to do is to create a a 38:20 a fairly rigid wall for somebody who's in who's recovering from metabolic Health in other words 38:26 if if you've been perfectly healthy I have no problem with you having some potatoes or some rice every now and then um if you are like myself I have a glass of wine every now and then but if 38:36 I was an alcoholic I would stay away from it so the context is important carbohydrates are not the problem carbohydrates are not the problem our relationship with them is and that's so 38:47 important to understand however our society has manufactured huge amounts of carbohydrates and 38:54 we've mixed those carbohydrates in with um unnatural natural manufactured fat and the danger is the manufactured food rather than the food that occurs naturally now for myself who 39:04 has a relationship problem with carbohydrates the problem is not carbohydrates the problem 39:10 is I can't stop so therefore I don't start very similar to an alcoholic and it's important to take yourself into consideration and certainly if you've got diabetes or you've been more than 39:19 20 kilos or 50 lounds heavier than the BMI of around 25 unless you're a big muscle bound guy 39:26 your relationship with those carbohydrates is broken so the first thing is look at your diet and get rid of the carbohydrates but then within that everything is fine I don't care as I said 39:36 if you're more vegetarian or more carnivore based the rigid boundaries for me are staying 39:42 away from the carbohydrates with the exception of vegetables which are all carbohydrates but nobody pigs out on brussel sprouts within that so those are my boundaries that I'm going to maintain 39:52 for the rest of my life the rigid boundary is no carbohydrates no rice no grains um no 39:57 potatoes I stay away from fruit because they're all manufactured or they're all hybridized and full of sugar and in my life while an apple may be okay for other people for me it's a trigger so 40:08 I've got to look at this not through the biology but through the psychology does that make sense 40:14 so St away from those now if that's my boundary within that you can set yourself up anywhere so 40:20 those are the boundaries that you want to live within in my practice is all vegetables are fine to eat all animal products are fine to eat it then then comes down to likeability within that you can 40:31 then create for yourself a narrower spectrum of what we eat and you start with a broader spectrum 40:36 and slowly you refine that if you're otherwise fairly healthy you can then refine that as to what 40:43 appeals to you the most there's a billion people in India of which a number of them are practicing Hindus who are vegetarian now I'm not going to fight that I'm going to work with them to help 40:53 them be on a higher fat more green vegetarian diet rather than white vegetarian diet there's 40:59 certain diseases like Crohn's disease which is much better off of the anti-inflammatory side being pure carnivore I've chosen to be carnivore or carnivore based because it's easier and simpler 41:11 for me to exist that way but if I eat vegetables I have no problem with that I'm just not going to be eating the rice the potatoes the ice creams so the rigid boundary for because the key thing here 41:21 is not what you do for a little while it's the sustainability and if you're going to die at 100 you subtract your current age from 100 that's how long you want to stay in this in this realm so I'm 41:31 carnivore at home as a matter of convenience and we don't have to throw vegetables out if I go out 41:37 to a restaurant and I feel like some asparagus I'm going to eat it because I'd rather default to a vegetable than default to be so rigid that when I crash and burn it's tubs of ice cream or 41:47 bags of M&M's so and I got to understand myself as a human being so within that realm you can 41:53 then set yourself up anywhere you choose to but making sure that you are getting three essential 41:59 things in number one fat number two Salt we've talked about both of those and natural fat salt 42:08 and then the third thing is making sure that you have a source of micronutrients so on a carnivore 42:13 diet that's going to be eggs and again it's the liability two of the four is fine eggs dairy um 42:19 organs liver in particular and then small fish and shellfish sardines oysters clams muscles the whole animal and that is those are the four areas we get micronutrients from so you don't have to 42:28 take a bunch of supplements so I don't take any supplements except fish oil because I've got a history of dementia but I also eat sardines and probably the fish oil is excess same with olive 42:38 oil you eat olives regularly you don't need the olive oil but the olive oil is just convenient way to get the fat in so that's my personal diet um and I have that range it's not a crime 42:50 for me to eat a salad it's not a crime for me to eat uh asparagus because they don't affect me if I had Crohn's disease if I had a lot of inflammatory disease gut inflammatory disease 42:59 from the vegetables I'm going to be smart about it um and and not eat it but it depends on each individual the problem is the abundance the the tsunami abundance of manufactured carbohydrates 43:12 and those are the ones that have caused the health problems for most of us so youve got to and that's why I think you can't create you can that's what Healthcare has done is create this algorithm box 43:21 and they plug everybody into the same box okay um my wife doesn't have the same problems that I I do 43:28 okay my son is being raised as a carnivore he's 3 years old okay eventually he'll be exposed to 43:33 other things but if his foundation is what he's currently eating then those other things don't matter that much does that make sense it makes sense I think that um depending on who who you The first step to change your diet 43:43 speak to and their perspective a lot of people are quite confused about what to eat because everything sounds bad but I think that from your perspective it's very very simple avoid the sugars 43:53 avoid the manufactured fats um focus on natural fats let me just stop you for a second there the 44:00 first thing you want to do is get to know who you are be honest with yourself and know who you are I know I don't have control of that relationship and therefore I have chosen I can eat ice cream 44:09 anytime I want to I have chosen not to it's an Integrity based decision it if you feel deprived 44:15 of something it's just a question of time before you do you know I call myself the carb addiction doct and as much I look at sugar and starch not as a food source because we don't need it I look at 44:25 it as a drug that we become dependent on and there are people that use alcohol there are people that 44:31 abuse alcohol they are alcoholics but alcohol is not necessary for survival I look at carbohydrates 44:36 in exactly the same way okay and then the flip side is making sure that you are getting adequate 44:42 uh healthy food in to your system and we're going to talk about fat now but I think the key thing here is get to know who you are as an individual and be honest with yourself absolutely myself as Tool: Why you need to do high-fat 44:53 well I cannot handle carbohydrates if I have a a little bit of sugar it's it's a roller coaster and I cannot stop so that's why fat for me and fat for you and fat for many people is very satiating it's 45:03 very good for your hormones very good for your brain very good for your heart let's talk about if somebody wants to do switch to this kind of way of eating they need to eat more fat initially why 45:14 is that so important well I I think the the the first thing is that when you look at the three 45:20 macronutrients you've got fat you've got protein and you've got carbohydrates it's that simple those are the three sources of energy protein no matter whether you're vegan or carnivore is 45:29 actually fairly stable and too little protein is a problem if you're vegan but if you're not 45:35 vegan or or pure vegetarian protein is never an issue and I I said that but the narrative in our 45:42 community is protein protein protein and that's an error because the liver will take excess protein 45:47 and turn it into sugar there is no store in the human body for protein so the narrative should not be protein protein protein in the modern era it should be fat fat fat and the body will 45:57 regulate fat consumption it doesn't regulate lean protein consumption so that's an important consideration and so really what you're trying to do as you shift is you're trying to replace 46:07 the average obese person the average diabetic person is eating 80 to 90% of their calories of 46:12 sugar with less than five or 10% is fat and the remainder making up 15% or so of of protein so 46:18 you can do that math it's kind of that hard hard hard works out so really what you're slowly trying to do you're not trying to do it like this it's not a diet that you start tomorrow and you go or 46:27 in you slowly exchange the carbohydrates in your diets for fat and it's a slow steady exchange of 46:35 the two and at so really what you're trying to do this hasn't the protein the fat and the and 46:43 the sugar really drive the hormones that control our nutrition and if you look at the way the human 46:51 body works there are three phases that form the healthiest human body in ter a function and the 46:57 hormones reg they're all interrelated whether it's estrogen whether it's vitamin D3 which 47:03 is a hormone whether it is insulin or glue all those hormones are interrelated adrenaline all 47:08 they're all interrelated so they all influence each other thyroid hormones all of those so the the substrates the protein fat and sugar regulate your hormonal environment and human 47:18 beings are very tidal so when you're eating it's not just what you're eating it's uh the timing 47:25 of you're eating and the snacking is also is so the first thing is when you eat if you're eating High carbohydrate and some protein all of that that load is going up from the gut up 47:37 the portal vein to the liver and the liver then has to be in storage and distribution mode so the 47:44 liver is creating energy um manufacturing energy under the influence of insulin T3 thyroid hormone 47:52 human growth hormone and testosterone even in females and the liver is not now a net producer 47:58 of energy and if the liver is tasked with over with with too much it it begins to fail it's got 48:05 a limited capacity so now you're starting to get fatty liver the sugar is spilling over into your blood vessels you're taking that up as fat or it's elevating the blood sugar so when the liver is in 48:15 storage mode if you overwhelm it either with a massive amount or repetitively by multiple 48:21 meals or multiple snacks the liver cannot function normally it can't protect you but the first stage 48:27 of storage then when you've stored what you've eaten and you're going a fairly decent amount of 48:33 time without eating now so at first the liver is sending food out for storage it's sending sugar to 48:38 the muscles for as to be stored as glycogen it's sending sugar to the fat cells um it's sending out a little bit of fat to be stored as fat triglycerides some of the fat that you 48:48 eating we'll talk about this in a second bypasses the liver come to that in a second but there's a lot of pressure on the L of eating excess protein it has to convert that to sugar and then to fat 48:57 once you've stored your meal now your insulin your thyroid hormone your testosterone hormones they go 49:03 down but they go down and the hormone that starts to come up is glucagon and glucagon I call your 49:09 utilization hormone and so so now what happens in this instead of the cells being neet recipients of 49:15 energy they're now facing a slight energy deficit so they say hey I need energy and the liver then 49:23 becomes part of the Distribution Center sending that creating and sending that energy out to to the to the cells under the influence of glucagon the first stage with glucagon is to release the 49:33 stored sugar and the liver will always store Sugar first as glycogen in the liver you send that out 49:39 to the cells here's a bit of sugar but there's a very small capacity about 4600 gram of storage of 49:45 Sugar by the liver once that's gone once you've used that up now your cells are still saying dude I need energy and if you're eating repetitively you never get out of glucose utilization okay 49:57 but the cells depend the healthier cells depend on the third phase and if you don't if you go a 50:03 decent amount of time without eating that's where Jason Fun's uh intermittent fasting comes in now the liver is saying look I got no energy I need energy and that's where under the influence of 50:12 glucagon you mobilize fat from your fat cells the fat comes back to your liver your liver releases 50:17 it fatty acids as well as um uh ketones the liver manufactures ketones under the influence of glucon 50:25 now we talked earlier about LL and LDL got a bad name well when you're in fat utilization the the 50:31 majority of the way in which fat is transported from your fat cells back to the liver and to other 50:36 cells is in a molecule called LDL it is vitally necessary for the healthiest way of life it only 50:42 patches damage to blood to blood vessels if you're high on sugar and the LDL is these small little 50:48 fat deficit or or triglyceride poor molecules but the the healthy LDL and it can be a high number is 50:56 filled with triglycerides is very healthy fat traveling in the blood vessels and it's just a transport molecule bringing fat from your fat cells back to the liver for Ketone manufacturer 51:05 and out to the cells as an energy source and that is the healthiest state of being it's called the fat utilization phase governed by a lowlevel of insulin insulin sensitive as well as a higher 51:16 level of glycogen oh sorry of glucagon and that is the healthiest state of being that's where your 51:21 tissues are being repaired you're getting cellular cellular divisions happening cancer surveillance 51:26 is happening all of those healthy states of being are happening during fat utilization and the best 51:33 measure of fat utilization phase is a high HDL High HDL and LDL can be high but it's big fluffy 51:40 molecules of LDL so the LDL size should be high your vldl should be low because vldl is 51:47 the is the molecule that transports fat from the liver to the fat cells remember here the liiver is a recipient of energy from the fat cells so that's the healthiest state of being so we 51:56 can look at low vldl numbers high LDL with with fat Rich LDL high cholesterol High HDL as being 52:03 the healthiest state of being because that is where the body is healing itself that is the ideal state to be in and consumption of food should only be rare and occasional and 52:15 should be the food that your body mostly needs the sugar can be manufactured the liver does that it can make it from protein it can make it from glycerol it doesn't need to produce that so 52:26 that third phase that that fat utilization phase is the healthiest state to be in and that's where 52:32 you're using fat and that's why fat transport is such an important thing and if you block it with a Statin now you're depriving your cells of energy so what do you do you get hungry so you 52:40 eat again and you eating a lot of sugar so at first when your entire system when you've been 52:47 eating a lot of carbohydrates for a long time and you got diabetes you're overweight or you've got cardiovascular disease whatever those may be from uh the metabolic dysfunction of carbohydrates you 52:57 want to slowly you can't do it rapidly you want to slowly convert your body to being a primary 53:03 sugar burner to being a primary fat burer well if you're going to do that you want to feed your body that fat and you want to use fat to diminish carbohydrates and the reason for that is important 53:13 because if you're insulin resistant even if you go a long time without eating your insulin levels still stay very high they don't just come right down it doesn't happen in a day or two so if your 53:21 insulin levels are high it's blocking utilization of your own fat so you want to be eating fat in diet so it's available to you now the saturated fat by or the the longchain 53:31 fats the polyunsaturated saturated fats bypass the liver they go straight to the fat cells and under the influence of insulin they get taken up by the fat cells but they also get taken up by 53:41 the the general cells so you're slowly converting your cells under the hormonal changing environment 53:47 to changing from being dominantly sugar burners to being fat burners and the cells really don't 53:53 care for the most part some cells most cells can use both some prefer one or the other um 53:58 however the cells don't care if it's glucose or fat that they're burning it's the hormonal system that regulates health or unhealth and what people don't understand is that someone 54:08 like me who's obesogenic my diseases when I eat a lot of sugar didn't come from sugar they came 54:14 from chronically elevated levels of insulin so cancer is a disease that is common in my genetic 54:21 pattern the obesogenic pattern because insulin regulates cancer um cancer transformation so the 54:26 Angelina Jolie breast jeans the the Brack and the her those are regulated by insulin yes those are 54:32 genetic diseases but yeah they've been there for for thousands of years we've just suddenly started 54:37 seeing breast cancer rates increase rapidly why because insulin prevents the regulation of cell 54:43 uh the the the stopping of that cell division now you got cancer it's an insulin problem not a Brack or H euge problem so Alzheimer's is another one insulin regulates the the sugar in the brain 54:55 and you want fat in the brain not sugar little bit of sugar but mostly fat so all of those so 55:00 obesogenic people like myself we at risk for heart disease uh not not for art disease for cancer for Alzheimer's um in women it's polycystic ovarian syndrome because now you're getting higher 55:11 testosterone lower estrogen that's regulated by insulin so if your insulin levels are high that's a problem uh Menace low testosterone autoimmune disease thyroid disease that kind 55:20 of thing all regulated by insulin and that is in the obesogenic people who produce a lot of insulin 55:27 the diabetogenic people who cannot produce a lot of insulin their damage is being caused by chronically elevated levels of sugar because they they don't have enough insulin to clear that Sugar 55:36 they're getting the cardiovascular disease the stroke disease the neuropathy and it's a different disease Spectrum obviously it's belur so either way for both populations in my case you want to 55:47 bring my insulin levels down by not triggering it with carbohydrates in the diabetic situation they want to bring their blood sugar levels down it doesn't happen instantly that conversion 55:57 that conversion takes about two years to occur but the question then is how long are you going 56:03 to do this for you take your age you subtract it from 100 if you're going to die at 100 that's how 56:08 long you want to do it for so 2 years is a very small component but don't expect to see massive 56:15 results in a week body doesn't work that way you may need a little bit of weight but the hormonal regulation doesn't change in a week you know the way I the analogy I use in this regard is 56:24 if you take your gasoline car and you go to the gas station uh petrol are you petrol or or gas which one do you use petrol petrol yeah so if you go to the petrol station and you put 56:34 Petrol in your car and you say oh my God the price is too high I'm going to put diesel in my car the engine blows up so if you suddenly go from fueling your body with sugar with fat your 56:43 body's going to reject that it's miserable but if you rebuild the engine to tolerate the diesel 56:49 slowly over time and that's the key thing this is not a nutrition problem a diet that you can lose 56:56 10 pounds in 2 days that's what all diets pitch because success is measured by weight loss it 57:02 doesn't work that way this is a reformatting of the foundation of your body both psychologically 57:07 as well as biologically this is changing the hormonal state of the human body by using these 57:14 substrates to change it and it takes time to heal the body it doesn't happen you see things happen 57:20 fairly rapidly within the first few weeks but the long-term changes take years to to occur where 57:26 you are no longer insulin resistant and so it's a slow steady thing you want to be the tortoise not Risks of statins on the brain & diabetes 57:32 the rabbit let's talk about statins because when people follow a higher fat diet doesn't matter if it's Carnival ketogenic whatever the diet is low carb whatever they're going to look at their 57:41 blood work their LDL cholesterols may increase not for all people their total cholesterol is going to increase and most likely the doctor is going to put them or recommend a Statin a 57:50 lot of people on statins can you talk about how the statins actually the risks of statins 57:56 and how they are negligible in preventing heart disease and heart attacks for certain populations 58:03 right so the first thing you want to understand is and I understand the obsession with stattin 58:08 because if heart disease if if um heart attacks of The Strokes are the commonest cause of death 58:14 doctors should be appropriately worried about your heart attack and stroke risk the problem 58:19 is that what they do is they associate elevated LDL elevated cholesterol with that risk and that's 58:25 a false Association that Association does not exist okay so that's the first thing so we've been misconstrued with that what really matters is what is your personal risk of a heart attack 58:35 or a stroke and I said at the beginning of this discussion there's a very simple test a screening test that we can get for that um and the screening test is called a CAC a Caron arter calcium score 58:47 and I start to get CAC scores it's a simple CT scan very low radiation very low risk um I get a c 58:53 score starting at the age of 40 and it's probably warranted to get that even younger but at least at 40 you're looking for plaque in the blood vessels and that'll help you to determine am I at risk 59:03 or am I not at risk and so if you've got pluck in your blood vessels you are then on the more 59:10 diabetogenic side or you're a smoker forget about the smokers for a second uh we talk about the carb so you are at risk for a heart attack or a stroke then the question is do we treat the fire trucks 59:20 or the fire are we treating the inflammation or the healing process and the reality is what we 59:28 want is a flexible healing process because all of us are damaging our blood vessels all the 59:33 time you want to have a little clot that forms a fibrant clot that forms that at least plugs the 59:39 Hole uh think of think of it this way if you cut yourself and you form a scab that's healthy but 59:46 if you then form a choid that's you know what a choid is that hypertrophic scar that's not a 59:51 good thing that's an overreaction by the body same thing when it comes to the C cholesterol 59:57 and so what you want to do is you want to have the healing but you don't want to have uh the 1:00:03 excess uh uh the excess choid now in a choid it's made of fiber blast you don't want to get rid of 1:00:08 the fiber blast that's that's silly because your body needs that all the time just like your body needs cholesterol all the time what you want to do is to interrupt the massive increase and the the 1:00:19 overburden of the cholesterol of the fat and the cholesterol that's sticking to it and the way you do that is you allow the FI clot to work but you interrupt the cellular immune system you interrupt 1:00:31 the platelets and you interrupt the white cells before you even get to the cholesterol plot 1:00:37 because the cholesterol plot's permanent you want a small clot but you don't want that clot just to 1:00:42 remain there not be dissolved and so getting rid of the cholesterol is not only not really fixing 1:00:48 the problem it's also harming you from the other benefits of that cholesterol of that LDL molecule 1:00:56 your brain in particular needs that you know the statins cross into the brain um the brain is about 2% of the human body and yet it uses 20% of the body's cholesterol well if you block that 1:01:07 how's your brain supposed to work how's your brain supposed to repair itself so that is a big concern and if you divert if you block the pathway with a single enzyme that creates cholesterol cholesterol 1:01:17 is necessary in all of your cells um the statins also secondarily affect diabetes 7 to 11% increase 1:01:25 risk of diabetes commonest problem with statins is muscle uh pain muscle wasting even to the point 1:01:32 of rabdom myosis they've even got a name for it okay Statin induced muscle atrophy SEMA okay so 1:01:38 if you've named the side effect that's a problem now they've got drugs to treat the side effects of statins your cut 10 levels go down that's a vital molecule statins block that so the harm of 1:01:48 statins is about 42% of people are going to have significant clinical harm from stattin and there 1:01:53 is no benefit because the redu of PLU doesn't affect that big clot from forming you want to 1:01:59 interrupt the clot at the time where it crosses over from being dissolvable to being permanent and 1:02:07 that is at the platelet and the white cell level and the two drugs that most effectively treat that 1:02:13 are aspirin which blocks platelet activation and a new drug just in the US just releasing recently 1:02:19 covered by FDA is a drug called culture scene we typically use it for gout but culture scene blocks the activation of white cells and lowd do culture scene is about 20 times better as a 1:02:31 treatment than status without all the significant side effects especially if it's a low dose so you 1:02:36 want to interrupt the Cascade of clotting but you don't want to do it at that final level because of 1:02:42 all the other damage that you're doing you also said that glp ones like OIC uh could also be a Ozempic is a better treatment than statins 1:02:47 better treatment um more for insulin resistance and you also said that statins in 10 to 20 years 1:02:53 will become largely obsolete by cardio ologists correct and and the reason for that is because the problem here that take smoking out of the equation again is insulin resistance we just talked about 1:03:03 and whether that's on the obesogenic side or the diabetogenic side the glp 1's and that class of 1:03:08 drugs the gips there's a new drug glucon Agonist receptor antagonist called GGG that Eli Lily is 1:03:15 just about to produce or or is in Trials right now that it's available elsewhere those are drugs that 1:03:21 directly address the problem of sugar so while the aspirin the culture SE help with a plaque 1:03:26 itself far better than the statins the key thing to understand is that preventing this disease with 1:03:32 a healthy diet we cause the problem we can reverse it or we can stop it by changing our diet but 1:03:40 there are some people who need help to accelerate that if you're at imminent risk of a heart attack that's a problem so for example if you take someone with high blood pressure um changing 1:03:49 their diet is going to bring that blood pressure down to the point that they can come off their medication but you're not going to say don't take medication because you don't want something bad to 1:03:57 happen while they're getting better you want to uh throw everything at them and then deprescribe as 1:04:02 they get healthier you don't want to say oh no no no it's not we're not going to give you anything same thing here with e clotting you want to be on that on that medication for a while until your 1:04:11 own risk is is gone and we can measure that with insulin by measuring insulin resistance or insulin sensitivity however the glp ones accelerate that so if you're 15 years old and you got uh 1:04:22 uh you've got a little bit of pluck in your blood vessels yes we see that I'm not going to put that person on a glp1 I'm going to work very hard with them to change their eating path okay however if 1:04:32 you're 60 years old and you've had a heart attack we're going to accelerate that uh by using these 1:04:38 medications and they're very effective they're firstline drug for hypertension they're a first 1:04:43 line drug for diabetes maybe a second line drug for both of those um and certainly for the plaque 1:04:48 disease they stabilize and significantly improve that and there've been several studies now that have proven that they are better than Statin in that regard you're the carb addiction doc uh and Tool: The psychological impact of carbohydrates 1:04:58 you mentioned earlier about carb addiction and not many people talk about this is changing your relationship to food not following a diet or a label can you just elaborate more about that and 1:05:07 why that is so important right so the most most people the majority of people that start a diet 1:05:13 or change their diet it's because of a negative consequence they've got they want to lose some weight they've got diabetes they've got heart disease they got hyperen there's a reason why 1:05:21 they want to change there are some people out there that are focused on their diet that have no health issues significant health issues just want to be want to be healthier by eating that's 1:05:30 not the population I'm talking about but the overwhelming number of us are going to get sick and die of metabolic disease caused by our diet we're very good at beating infections and all the 1:05:40 other things CarX and and uh metabolic problems are the commonest cause of death right now um 1:05:47 so if you are in a state where harm is happen by definition if you've had five DUIs driving under 1:05:55 under intoxication and you got liver disease you no longer have control over alcohol nobody just 1:06:02 uses a little bit of heroin on a Tuesday Morning we've got to recognize the concept that we have 1:06:08 shifted as a society but as individuals away from primarily eating food for its nutritional value 1:06:14 toward primarily eating and drinking snacking and eating and drinking and carbohydrates for 1:06:19 our emotional management system and the secondary effect is maybe it keeps us alive but not very 1:06:24 well and all the harm is related to that so it is never the the carbohydrates I said that are 1:06:31 the problem it's our relationship with them and that's where is an individual we have to recognize that if you're sneaking off and eating stuff if you're snacking a snack is always an emotional 1:06:39 event it is never a nutritionally bad um if you are hoarding those carbohydrates if you have 1:06:45 them freely available to you you want to look at that relationship and look at the harm that it's done and it's really really difficult for the alcoholic to recognize they have a problem 1:06:54 that ownership is the first step then you make a choice I can eat as I said I can eat carbohydrates 1:06:59 anytime I want to I have choosen I've chosen my health over my enjoyment of carbohydrates 1:07:07 and that's a personal choice you don't I don't have to we're all going to die I can tell you don't text while you're driving but you make a decision every time and it can rapidly shorten 1:07:16 your life well same thing here we're all going to die but how we get there is our choice so I'm not 1:07:22 going to say you must do you have to if you choose I can can help you but I cannot make that choice for you however I can also provide information as I've tried to do through this discussion to 1:07:32 alter the distorted narrative out there you know for example Coca-Cola says oh you need our sugar 1:07:39 you're just fat and diabetic because you don't exercise and they invested billions of dollars 1:07:44 in move more that's why everybody's so obsessed with exercise and and yet we think that we have 1:07:50 to fuel ourselves with carbohydrates carb loading and all that kind of thing for exercise well if you smoke three cigarettes no matter how much you exercise you're not going to breathe it out but 1:07:58 yes you can burn off the car no they're toxic at ingestion and and so we've got to undo the 1:08:04 Distortion of that Reality by industry and once we get back to the basic way in which the human body 1:08:09 works and the human body's needs what we need mentally is an effort-based emotion management 1:08:16 system going for a walk having some spirituality if you choose to meditation having some quiet time 1:08:22 having human connection as a way to offload emot tension most of us really don't have a healthy 1:08:30 relationship where we can trust somebody and be vulnerable within that space think that one three 1:08:37 we live in an unprecedent 8 billion people on the planet Earth and everybody's lonely everybody's 1:08:42 alone so establishing healthy human connections establishing creative Outlets establishing as I 1:08:49 said Physically Active outlets for our emotional needs but what do we do we eat crap and we 1:08:55 spend time on screens and more and more we're using instant gratification as a way to manage 1:09:02 emotional need rather than an effort-based system we have to put effort and time into chilling out 1:09:09 and relaxing and and so I as much as we focused on metabolic Health the overwhelming issue in 1:09:17 our society right now is uh mental dysfunction emotion management dysfunction and yet the least 1:09:25 resources at schools in our community in every way shape or form is spent on healthy ways of 1:09:32 offsetting against emotional tension which is which is quintessential to human beings I you see I'm talking a lot with my hands that's an angiolytic for me but it's not a harmful one 1:09:42 so if if we look at the mental health component carbohydrates are just a phase like alcohol wise 1:09:49 in the US pre-prohibition then it became nicotine now it's carbohydrates with a mixture of some of 1:09:55 the opioid drugs but these are all dysfunctional forms of emotion management and as a society more 1:10:02 and more of us are burdened with that Dr CIS thank you so much for your time I know with that we ran a little bit over if people love you and want to hear from you more how can they find you well the Find Dr Rob Cywes 1:10:10 best places is I've got a little YouTube channel YouTube channel called carb addiction doc I go into some of the science I go into some of the behavior they're all they're old videos on there 1:10:19 it's the best way to educate yourself and that's why I do these types of videos just to get some of the Counterpoint point out there if uh I I do consults I'm a clinically practicing doctor you've 1:10:29 said I'm a surgeon yes that's my degree background I still do surgery but I consider myself to be a metabolic Health practitioner we can look at blood work we can analyze where you are we can give you 1:10:38 guidance but you've got to look for us and uh there is a phone number at the bottom of our um 1:10:44 of our YouTube channel it's um and can be done by WhatsApp 561 5170 642 anywhere in the world and 1:10:52 we can call up and do a consult either by Zoom by WhatsApp or by telephone the final thing I'll tell you Reena is I don't care if you agree or disagree with me if I've made you think for yourself I've 1:11:01 done my job thank you for joining me today on this episode with Dr Rob cus you can find the full show 1:11:07 notes including reference articles journals books and studies on the 5 MB Labs there is a link in 1:11:14 the description of this video if you are learning from and enjoying these episodes please hit the 1:11:19 Subscribe button that is an excellent zeroc cost way to support our mission of root cause healing 1:11:24 you can can also find me on other social media accounts I'm at five minute body on Instagram 1:11:30 and on X formerly known as Twitter and I generally share different information to what you'll find 1:11:36 here on YouTube I share Health advice and tips that I learn from the best experts and doctors 1:11:43 and if you'd like to leave a comment or you have a recommendation of a guest speaker please leave that in the YouTube comments as I check every single one now if you love this episode with Dr 1:11:53 cus you will also enjoy another episode I did with Dr Philip ovadia Dr ovadia is a 20-year cardiac 1:12:01 heart surgeon and he'll talk about the true cause of heart disease the role of ketosis and how that 1:12:07 actually helps your heart we also talk about the five metabolic markers that every person needs 1:12:13 to know to understand their risk of heart disease and we also talk about Foods what to eat and also 1:12:20 some healthy foods that we're eating every day that's actually accelerating the risk of heart 1:12:25 disease finally thank you for your interest in root cause healing and I'll see you next week 5 Minute Body 314K subscribers Videos About IG TW Subscribe Support Rina 932 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... 932 Comments: rongmaw lin Add a comment... Pinned by 5 Minute Body @5MinuteBody 2 weeks ago Access the full show notes, including reference articles, books, and additional free resources: Next week, I have a special guest, Dr. Nathan Bryan, discussing Nitric Oxide and how it prevents all chronic disease like dementia, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease, and the impact of PPIs and (interestingly) mouthwash on your health . Comment your questions below, and make sure you subscribe and turn on all notifications to check out the next episode. 120 Reply 6 replies @JenMarco 2 weeks ago The doctor put my mom on statins and I took her off it, put her on CoQ10 supplement, cooked her pasture raised eggs, I cured bacon, avocado and home fried potatoes for breakfast every day and put her on a high fat, high cholesterol diet and 6 months later her bloodwork came back perfect 648 Reply 46 replies @cmorrison5466 2 weeks ago I haven't watched Dr. Cywes in a couple of years and the first thing I noticed is how much younger and healthier he looks. He's aging backwards. Wonderful to see! 209 Reply 2 replies @ChrisHileman 2 weeks ago I have doctor Cywes order and review my bloodwork every year. He is one of the most knowledgable and caring doctors out there and what you see in this video is exactly how he is in my appointments. He’s the real deal. 263 Reply 6 replies @Bbarfo 2 weeks ago I had a telehealth appointment with Dr. Cywes last week. He spent an hour with me going over my health history and current diet. He also examined my recent lipid numbers and metabolic numbers. I was very impressed with his thoroughness and clear advice. I would recommend consulting with him in a heartbeat, no pun intended. 259 Reply 9 replies @user-jb3bg9og7b 2 weeks ago By far the most knowledgeable Doctor you ever had on here. This Dr should be in charge of the FDA. 299 Reply 21 replies @byronsmith1982 2 weeks ago We've been lied to about everything 134 Reply 7 replies @hrock8081 2 weeks ago Interesting how these days we’re finding out that what we’ve been told our whole lives is absolutely false. 102 Reply 4 replies @gerrymcintosh4477 2 weeks ago I’ve been a carnivore for three years now, and never felt better. Endless energy without carbs. Eat butter, rib-eyes, eggs and some dairy. Thriving at 64. 250 Reply 22 replies @kihntagious 2 weeks ago He's my doctor! He's phenomenal. 41 Reply 1 reply @msmeyersmd8 2 weeks ago This is the exact opposite of what we were taught in medical school (1980-1984). It is 180 degrees opposite. Sugars were not usually considered. Pre-statins. LDL (bad cholesterol) and the HDL/LDL ratio with diet control as the treatment. This man is a real scientist who looked at new knowledge and the data to find Truth. 175 Reply 4 replies @baruasafi5880 2 weeks ago This is an honest doctor. He cares about the health of patients. 105 Reply 2 replies @wisikahn 2 weeks ago (edited) I am 75 eating about an ounce of natural butter everyday, with no grain diet. Angina at my 30, 40, 50's of ages is gone. Scaling mountain trails every week with no problem of short breath. 87 Reply 7 replies @ruthbiafora5443 2 weeks ago Can it get any better that Dr. Rob is not only brilliant but brings in his own struggles with carbohydrates to help others? Another doctor in our community who truly cares 93 Reply @dr.geraldzuniga233 2 weeks ago Dr. Cywes is right. Is not salt, as a matter of fact, our cells have a Na+/K+ pump. Sodium is vital for cellular biomolecular function.I still remember when a professor of mine at Med School i n1990, told us that salt is not the culprit of hypertension and that if you xonsumed an amount of sugars, also eat an amount of salt because it helps in the absorption of sugars. As a Holistic Clinician, I can say that he is spot on. Kudos to him. Even on fats! 49 Reply 1 reply @engladsjbanan5750 2 weeks ago Thank you, i have been saying this for years. Many people suffering like hell following lies and fearmongering. 100 Reply 2 replies @Supershark83 2 weeks ago Manufacturers of statins advocated for re-categorizing lower levels of cholesterol as pathologic, as in, needing treatment. This has added billion$ to their bottom line. I always wondered why any doctor would prescribe a statin to an 85 year old. At 85, this patient has already lived beyond life expectancy- we ought to be asking what that 85 year old eats to have lived that long. 48 Reply @susangieseking1547 12 days ago Grandfather used to dump salt in his hand, and make us eat it before we went out to play in the summer. 12 Reply @michaelwhitaker5882 4 days ago i am a medical provider in the military; recent recruiting short falls has caused the one military service to induct recruits with BMI 30 or >. i have seen a number of 18 to 23 yr olds with A1C from 6.3 to 14 +..... Dr. Cywes, thank you for getting the message out! 4 Reply @Daniel76114 2 weeks ago You can tell that Dr Rob Cywes really knows his stuff. Yet, he can explain what he's learned in a simply way. Great information. Thanks..... 50 Reply @natmya243 2 weeks ago There are people that say the complete opposite, that every single cell in the body runs on carbohydrates. It's CRIMINAL that there is so much contradictory information out there that has people so confused and not knowing what to do. I researched this myself to the point of driving myself bonkers trying to work out what was the best thing to do and got nowhere. I settled on trying to have a little bit of everything. 55 Reply 9 replies @carolyn6001 2 weeks ago (edited) Fabulous. We eat about a pound of butter a week here. I bake only with butter and olive oil. 15 Reply @Brad-vl4no 2 weeks ago My grandfather had hypercholesterolemia and lived to be 102 years old. He retired from manual labour in his 80s. Cholesterol is not the problem. 8 Reply @edithattreed4762 2 weeks ago I stopped taking medication for high blood pressure because it was affecting my kidneys,so I started drinking ginger tea and green tea,I’ve also learned that ginger is actually better than any other form of medication for high blood pressure’s,ginger was the medication in ancient times 90 Reply 7 replies @beaker2257 2 weeks ago I can vouch for carb addiction being a thing. I'm 65 and for ten or more years have been on a low carb diet. A few months ago I bought a multi-pack of crisps. The first pack was so delicious I wolfed down two more packs. The next day I did the same and then made the decision not to buy anymore. 12 Reply @PeopleHealthTru 2 weeks ago 41:40 The essential foods. Homemade ice cream with no sweetener. Actually natural fat, salt, essential nutrients. Eggs, beef, dairy, liver, salmon, sardines. No carbohydrates are essential. But just like an alcoholic needs to avoid alcohol - a carboholic needs to avoid carbs, especially manufactured oils and foods. Avoid the carb addiction rollercoaster. 53 Reply 15 replies @sarahflynn9395 2 weeks ago I remember when I was a kid, they told you not to eat eggs because they caused LDL cholesterol. First thing I learned about cholesterol in Holistic Nutrition? Food cholesterol doesn't cause blood cholesterol. 43 Reply 6 replies @terricorbin3513 2 weeks ago Vape has sugar and vegetable glycerin in it which is an oil both are bad for your health and most people who vape suck this sugar and oil all day. I was a light smoker then quit with vaping but I was a heavy all day vaper. I quit vaping by going back to smoking for 4wks and I am now smoke and vape free for over a year. I have been Ketovore for about 4yrs.. I eat very few vegies and I love meat. The hardest things I gave up is cokes and vaping but I am very happy I did. Thanks to Dr Berry and Dr Cyrus I have learned a lot. 56 Reply 3 replies @24bellers20 2 weeks ago Now I understand why my testosterone levels doubled over 12 months after I went on low carb. 12.5 to23.8. This is one of the best explanations I’ve heard. 11 Reply 1 reply @lenoresmathers339 2 weeks ago Dr. Cywes is brilliant! He is absolutely saving lives - mine is one of them. Thank you for hosting him on your channel, which is also wonderful! God bless ️ 9 Reply @jwinters9974 2 weeks ago I have to question smoking/nicotine as being a significant cause of the rise of cardio issues in the 60's. People were smoking well before the 60's, and many part of the world are still puffing/vaping away today, most countries with a higher life expectancy than the U.S. What else was popularized in the U.S. in the 60's/70's. Crisco/seed oils. I remember vividly my mom changing from butter/lard to seed oils/margarine in the early 70's - thinking it the "right/healthy" thing to do. This I feel, has been a greater casual factor than smoking - though by no means the only one. 36 Reply 5 replies @UncleDavesKitchen 11 days ago I remember in the 1980s when fat was the culprit they made so many foods fat free but full of sugar. I remember Snackwell made fat free cookies but just loaded with sugar. We ate the whole pack since they were fat free and got bigger, bigger and bigger. It's crazy what they told us just to sell products that were toxic to us. 6 Reply @eddkennedy6458 2 weeks ago Absolutely mind blowing information from this brilliant caring doctor , thank you for uploading. 30 Reply @naseemkad 2 weeks ago My dad passed away at the age of 85. He seldom had anything sweet, no chocolate or juice. Just a few pieces of fruit and home cooked food in some butter and barely used processed oil. He walked daily. He never had any heart issues. 47 Reply 10 replies @debrajabs9523 2 weeks ago Thank you so much for this pod cast! He makes it so much simpler to understand, finally I know what to do, what to expect and how long it takes. Please have him back to speak about how much stress plays a role in cardiovascular disease and the best approach for dealing with. I had to put my husband on hospice two weeks ago and my heart is breaking to lose my mate after 32 years together. 14 Reply 1 reply @goodbarbenie5477 2 weeks ago The Father of Medicine, Paracelsus once stated. "Let your food be your medicine and in turn let your medicine become your food." . 10 Reply @johnkaimins9998 2 weeks ago What a brilliant and well informed discussion by Dr Cywes. Thank you for the upload. Blessings and good health to you. 10 Reply @mags5641 2 weeks ago I am going back to butter lard and full fat milk. I have not carried any excess weight over the few years I have been doing this. 14 Reply @1charlastar886 2 weeks ago (edited) I recently had leg arteries clogged with calcium that had to be surgically cleared 3-4 months ago. I've never smoked, drank alcohol or sodas, don't have high cholesterol or diabetes or excessively high blood pressure (125-134/70-80), never eaten a lot of processed foods, grew a significant amou8nt of our vegetables, never used a lot of processed seed oils. However, I was vegetarian for 12 years from age 18-30 and most ofr my life ate too many carbohydrate foods like whole grains and Irish and sweet potatoes. I am now in my mid 70's. I've never taken medications. I have had a diet too high in oxalates that I suspect caused the problem and may have been made worse when I began to significantly lower oxalate food consumption about 2 1/2 yar ago to try to dump the oxalates. What was in my leg arteries was described as like concrete. I am now primarily carnivore with a little non-starchy vegetables and an occasional bit of fruit. I am also using hydrangea root tea in an attempt to dissolve oxalate deposits as it works to dissolve calcium oxalate kidney stones. 19 Reply 7 replies @davidsonsunny2886 3 days ago Blown away by Dr Rob Cywes. He is an authority on matters related to heart. Reply @Turbo614 2 weeks ago Not only are fruits hybridized but most vegetables are too. I would stay away from both personally 26 Reply 3 replies @The1belal 2 weeks ago I shared this on my Facebook page as follow: . This 72 minute video is full of easy to understand information, that explains what we need to know to improve our mental and physical health. This really is good ! Be well . Great episode, I've been plant free since 2020, and it's the best thing for me ! Thank you 5 Reply @kymmhinterberger3856 2 weeks ago Excellent episode. Loads of quality information. 6 Reply @lennyweinrib9430 2 weeks ago Thank you for the interview. The doctor goes so fast through all this information that the pause button and the option to go back comes in good hand. 15 Reply 5 Minute Body · 2 replies @LengyDZ 2 weeks ago We clearly need a sugar tax on food. And conversely a subsidy for healthy high fat foods. 8 Reply @PeterCianci 2 weeks ago What an excellent interview with a doctor who knows TRUTH and how to explain it to anyone!!! Well done, thank you!! 6 Reply @suzannescheve9070 2 weeks ago Beautiful info!!! He explains things wonderfully- I especially loved the specific info regarding how sugar forces the flat endothelial cells to extend, causing damage and setting off alarms for clotting and immune system response. It is fascinating. I loved the whole episode! Thank you both!! ️ 5 Reply @gailtaylor6488 2 weeks ago This doc is a hero he got me on Carnovre an healthy happy and fantastic 17 Reply @littlered7820 2 weeks ago Dr Cywes, you are on the button !...thank you for pushing the truth, and not a Big Corp agenda. 4 Reply @keithdu66 2 weeks ago Completely agree! We need more content on this 5 Reply @Nick-gg6tg 2 weeks ago So good. Wish I could get my family to listen 20 Reply 3 replies @kayvan1429 2 weeks ago This doctor. I love this doctor. Tied the emotional health crisis at the end. Wow. 6 Reply @fairygodmomma2313 2 weeks ago Crisco was an engine lubricant. That's thought provoking. 25 Reply 2 replies @mar61182 2 weeks ago Dr. Cywes is brilliant !! 8 Reply @HenriSader 2 weeks ago Finally an MD who understands that the genetic background is key in addressing the scourge of heart diseases & inflammation. Very helpful. Thanks 23 Reply @Kthomasritchie 2 weeks ago Quite possibly your best ever interview. 38 Reply 5 Minute Body · 3 replies @mslee43 2 weeks ago He’s so practical! I love it! 5 Reply @SuzyBlackND-Wellness 2 weeks ago Really enjoyed as a Naturopathic Doctor! 6 Reply @KelleyHaines-qc4ue 2 weeks ago SO PERFECT TIMING IN OUR LIVES TO HEAR PURE TRUE COMMON SENSE* Plus we can keep the podcast , so as to re-invigorate memory to keep on a healthy road to SUCESS. Very grateful; so Thank YOU* 7 Reply @debjordan4399 2 weeks ago FYI: Sugarcane is native to tropical areas like Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. Botanists believe it was first domesticated in New Guinea around 8,000 BCE and brought to India 2,000 years later. 19 Reply 3 replies @nickbuis3307 2 weeks ago I always use the anology of scabs for cholesterol. If your body is full of scabs, are the scabs bad or just trying to repair you? I think you should be concerned with what's causing the scab to build up and the same is for plaque, you should be concerned with what's causing the plaque and that is usually chronic low grade inflammation, again inflammation is good, it's a mechanism for the body to heal but it's not good when it's chronic. 25 Reply @eugeniajuarez9387 2 weeks ago My mother passed away from a heart attack She never smocked or was a sugar consumer or suffered from diabetes was not overweight ! 7 Reply 1 reply @fakeperson4069 2 weeks ago I loved this one so much thank u!! 14 Reply @dejavue3013 2 weeks ago Is it so bad of me to feel vindicated? Thank you Doc! 16 Reply @cherihoward9864 7 days ago What a mess the food industry has caused. I still have trouble adding fat back into my diet salt also. We are so programmed to eat a certain way. How healthy we’d all be if we’d of listened to this years ago. 2 Reply @user-sy7ck3ln6o 2 weeks ago CAUSE AND EFFECT Explained crystal clearly 5 Reply @TomCarnivore 2 weeks ago Great interview! 15 Reply @susans7091 2 weeks ago Sadly many people still believe that horrible advice to not eat saturated fat! It is so healthy 5 Reply 1 reply @waynecioccale2384 2 weeks ago Every time there's a house on fire there are fire trucks so the logical conclusion is that the fire trucks are causing the fire. 21 Reply @wendyfarrowartist 2 weeks ago This is fantastic! I’m only part way through and have learned so much. I am 62. My bp is typically 110 over 60 to 117/70 and I have been worried that it is too low, particularly the diastolic. I feel empowered now knowing that that is perfectly normal. And I’m going to cut back on the sugar :-) 3 Reply @janetblanc7658 2 weeks ago For years we were told to avoid eggs and cut down on meat and fat in general. Now it's the contrary. It's really hard to know what's best. As avhealthy 81 year old, I stick to a reasonable diet. I love meat, dairy, thick cream, butter so eating those products come easily to me. i also love fruit and some chocolate every day 11 Reply 2 replies @corneliaeland 2 weeks ago I'm 76y old, going for a stomach/hiatus hernia operation soon. I was put on a "lean meat", fresh vegetables, green salads, sugar free, carb. free diet, to "shrink" my liver....I've never liked carbs, or sugar, so it's a easy diet for me. How healthy is chickpeas? I mixed it with Ratatouille, and lean pork pieces... 2 Reply @vrijevoeten 12 days ago Well, what can I say, it's obvious we have serious problems concerning the way peoples brains are functioning. 3 Reply @GS-ww9wk 2 weeks ago Dr Cywes is DA MAN!!! 2 Reply @robinlynn5533 2 weeks ago Your channel is awesome!! by far one of the best and knowledge packed videos on health. Thanks so much 4 Reply @CarnivoreJourney0609 2 weeks ago Excellent discussion! I plan to share this with everyone I know! 3 Reply @michaelsteven8892 9 days ago Most Informative & covering all problems on heart & stroke!!Thanks to Dr.Rob'expertise as a surgeon,a metabolic disease expert & for his most noble mission ! Pray God bless him in his mission ! 1 Reply @alisonaldred4611 2 weeks ago This was an excellent episode 2 Reply @darlenecameron9160 2 weeks ago Not all salt is the same. This needs to be addressed. Table salt is stripped of the minerals we need, then they added iodine. Celtic salt helps get the salt & 70 some odd minerals in the cells! So important… 15 Reply 6 replies @putheflamesoutyahoo1503 2 weeks ago one hell of a great teacher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 Reply @wendyrowland7787 2 weeks ago (edited) As a nurse of the 50s and 60s I can tell you strokes and heart attacks were still a major cause of death. We had a lot of trans fats in the form of margarine and cooking fat which may have been a cause. Smoking was high in the population along also with lung cancer. 18 Reply 7 replies @lanebrain55 2 weeks ago Diet , exercise and our social life will define our health 30 Reply 2 replies @suedavis7451 2 weeks ago I love this!!!! Thank you! 8 Reply @YogonKalisto 2 weeks ago very nice thanks. one of the most concise and clear educational talks i've heard involving dr cywes. some have been a little topic jumpy, different with every conversation, you made fine space together :D 2 Reply @wilmagrobbelaar4479 2 weeks ago Excellent realistic explanation. I loved the presentation. Great doctor, thank you Rina. 3 Reply @kw7796 2 weeks ago Fantastic guest 6 Reply @Jim-wu2nf 2 weeks ago Very great doctor! Thank You for the excellent health info! 2 Reply @surinderahluwalia7455 2 weeks ago Excellent interview 4 Reply @paratrooperlane7022 2 weeks ago Dr. Robert Cywes specializes in Weight Management and Bariatric Surgery for adults and adolescents in West Palm Beach, Florida. He has been doing bariatric surgery for 18 years performing over 8000 surgeries. 11 Reply 1 reply @williamhenry3337 2 weeks ago Dr John McDougall promoted rice diets and high starch diets. At about age 67 he slipped in his bathroom and broke his femur. His bones were made of Styrofoam from eating high starch. He died at age 77. 24 Reply 7 replies @phyllislovelace8151 2 weeks ago Thank you for your reporting, it is much appreciated 1 Reply @esoteric2slr 2 weeks ago Super fine comments and recommendations! Thanks for bringing talks like this to us. 2 Reply @alisonpovey1234 2 weeks ago I quite agree with you. But it's hard to get my Dr to see the facts. She wants me on almost zero fat. Will stay with you. 4 Reply @debranelson6756 2 weeks ago I have had T1 diabetes and eating carnivore for 10 years. I eat ribeye, ground beef, beef roast, eggs, and water. When I eat more fat (butter) I feel even better but have increased Blood glucose. How can I increase butter and keep BG down? 4 Reply 1 reply @rightnow4450 2 weeks ago Eating beef butter tallow eggs some raw yogurt healing my issues all psoriasis barretts esophagus neuropathy much improved and pain too. 11 Reply 1 reply @sarahclark78 2 weeks ago Everything you say makes sense to me. Thank you 2 Reply @sathiahalya3003 2 weeks ago Our grandparents lived long. 5 Reply 1 reply @dannykay3598 2 weeks ago Rina, please help clear this up. Dr Ede says brain doesn’t get cholesterol from what we consume, instead, the brain makes its own cholesterol and that it’s the unhealthy lifestyles that slows down/prevents the effectiveness of brain cholesterol. Dr Cywes, and all other docs we are in here, say the opposite - that brain uses dietary cholesterol. 3 Reply 1 reply @zita-lein 2 weeks ago Loved this! 5 Reply @ivicamaslaceti5111 2 weeks ago (edited) I was trying so hard to find mechanism of how nicotine causes CVD, and I failed. Most compelling, but still murky, is inhibition of NO production in endothelial cells. So the BP rises and so on. Regarding smoking, it have been shown that inhaling cigarette smoke provides massive doses of NO. So massive that it has antiviral properties. However, plausible damage from cigarette smoke is not from nicotine, but rather from particles (PM2.5 and smaller) that can enter blood vessels. That trgger defence mechanism to isolate particles. I would like dr.Cywes to examine that topic little better and not to repeat obsolete "common knowledge". Harm from LDLc is also obsolete "common knowledge". He is doing same mistake with nicotine as others do with LDLc. Same question applies: since there is nicotine in veins as well, why don't we see plaque in veins caused by nicotine? 19 Reply @jennywoodley7057 2 weeks ago Brilliant interview for so many reasons, thank you I am a new carnivore but would really like to know if it is safe for those of us with hemochromatosis ??? 3 Reply @dayriderschat 9 days ago Fantastic information .... I exercise every day, but have always given most of the fat from meat to the birds ....but they will get only half as much from now on .....I am only 15 years off 100 .... This information may help me stay healthier ,and able to pass my annual driving and riding tests for older folk in Australia .... ????????? 1 Reply @debbiesc.5957 2 weeks ago Would you teach us on triglycerides? 6 Reply @DCGreenZone 2 weeks ago Nattokinase is a promising alternative in the management of compounds that possesses several key cardiovascular beneficial effects for patients with CVD and is therefore an ideal drug candidate for the prevention and treatment of CVD. Nattokinase is a promising alternative in the management of CVD. 11 Reply 6 replies @patriciamaclennan5634 2 weeks ago (edited) It's also other toxins, chemicals and processed foods that create inflammation. He's right, the 50s and 60s had much more healthy habits. I've gone back to the way my family ate at the beginning of the 60s and guess what!? I feel so much better within my body. 4 Reply @kouros9574 6 days ago 감사합니다. 좋은 방송입니다. 1 Reply @sharonbackos4975 2 weeks ago Fantastic!! Love this doctor! Listen to him all the time 1 Reply @adrianamil3 2 weeks ago Bravo Sebi! Apreciez analiza ta! 3 Reply @christina.b 2 weeks ago what? nicotine cuts up your blood vessels? how could that be true? He's not talking about cigarettes where there are 2000+ chemicals added to nicotine? I wish I could ask him to expand on this. Another excellent interview. 16 Reply @sueherbst1442 2 weeks ago Fabulous Teaching !!! 1 Reply @jocelynevoss6517 2 weeks ago How about CKD I am 78 and no HPB no diabetic or heart decease Hhad a small TIA 7years ago Lost 25 pounds in the last 5 years 6 Reply @planegoodmusic 7 days ago Inflammation test showed top three - wheat, dairy, eggs. Now what to eat after removing grains? 1 Reply 1 reply @k9girl42 13 days ago Always appreciate all your informative videos! Thank you!! Reply @ebt777 2 weeks ago (edited) So is he saying that suddenly stopping sugar/grains/ and junk is too much? I stopped sugar/grains/ and vegetables 17 day ago. I am eating all animal products and some fruit in small amounts. I have lost 7 lbs but feel terrible and have had severe pulsating migraines. I do not want to go back...I just keep waiting for the "wonderful" to kick in. 4 Reply 2 replies @martinnhantran 2 weeks ago 58:38 Screening test called a CAC or a Caron arter calcium score. Simple CT scan, very low radiation, very low risk. Must test if you're 40yrs and above. 4 Reply 3 replies @l0I0I0I0 11 days ago Ty! 1 Reply @iamthecoffeewhisperer6268 12 days ago This doctor has a lot of useful knowledge. I learned a lot from watching this video. Reply @markyost3 2 weeks ago 5 min body ty very much for the video. Dr Robert Cywes thank you I use the Zyn and I keep hearing you loud and clear over & over annoying because I am addicted to nicotine pouches.Well I took your advice and I am nicotine free going forward. Thank you so much . 3 Reply @juliegrune1375 6 days ago Dr Cywes in incredible Reply @iconoclastic23 2 weeks ago I love Dr Cywes, thank you for having him on. 5 Reply @DCGreenZone 2 weeks ago SRP is Serrapeptase: We concluded that SRP has the ability to modulate vascular inflammation. Further studies will be required to explore the detailed mechanisms of the cardio-protective effects produced by SRP. These results suggest that serratiopeptidase may be a therapeutic agent for vascular inflammation in cardiovascular diseases. 7 Reply 2 replies @Hannahviviers-21 13 days ago Dr Cywes, hallo here from South Africa.... you are an excellent teacher. Thank you Reena for this video. Wonderful explanation. Reply @vannyanny63 2 days ago Love this talk Reply @radiohill 8 days ago Love it. A doctor talking truth and sense!! Finally! Thank you! Now can we get the Cancer centers of America to talk about what you eat as well? Reply @suzanbak1 2 weeks ago Dr Cywes 3 Reply @TheCazuzo 6 days ago I d say So2 is a very important element close to sodium, it helps blood albumine retain & distribute water from top to bottom in a balanced way ( so not all water goes to feet) Reply @jeffb5781 2 weeks ago Your channel is outstanding. Thank you. 2 Reply 5 Minute Body · 1 reply @njsongwriter 2 weeks ago Dr. Cywes mentions nicotine and elevated blood sugar but what about elevated insulin? Which causes the most damage the elevated glucose or the elevated insulin? Or are they both equal? I ask because it's my understanding that, at least in some people, Just tasting something sweet that may contain stevia or allulose will raise insulin even though it doesn't raise glucose... 3 Reply 1 reply @NinaAndrew-fp1sd 8 days ago Insightful presentation. Thanks for sharing. Reply @Ballistik-Knight 2 weeks ago Very interesting guy. A lot of what he says resonate with what I've come to realize over the years Reply @MyGreeneLife 2 weeks ago Such a great Doc! Love him 1 Reply @vinayagiegovender7435 8 days ago THANK You Dr Cywes This Is Profound Information Great Nutritional Lifestyle Reply @mar61182 2 weeks ago awesome interview !!! just subscribed 1 Reply @jaycommonsense2468 6 days ago I get chest pains with certain fats (butter, fat from pork, chicken , and I believe lamb). I'm perfectly fine with olive oil or fat from salmon Reply @janetsontilt 10 days ago Fantastic interview!! Reply @annetteschilder1235 2 weeks ago Brilliant. This is exactly what is going on. We have to admit to ourselves, as the first step. Reply @reginamemoriesforever-vc8ql 5 days ago (edited) Dr Cywes once mentioned the need for small amounts of sugar for females in order to not induce insulin suppression… How’s the evidence going in this hypothesis? Curious to see how this evolves. Reply @deliaocampo4340 13 days ago Dr.Cywes very best info honest truthful advice thanks God for having him ️🇵🇭🇺🇸 Reply @tammybarnes5495 2 weeks ago Great video! Thank you! 1 Reply @michaelmurphy1468 2 weeks ago absolutely brilliant , really grate , interesting , informativ , 1 Reply @alibali672 2 weeks ago Nico tine stops the spi ke pro tein attaching. Hence, those who smoked didn't fall sick. 1 Reply @suzettedelisser4354 9 days ago Wish everyone would listen this doctor and change there life style he is the best Reply @nellyb.9340 2 weeks ago (edited) My neighbour who’s in his 70s had his 1st heart attack in 2010 he had a 2nd one this June just after he hospital gave him “a clean bill of health” after his hospital screening appointment that’s what he told his close friends and relatives. Tuesday he attended the hospital and Friday morning he was gone. Autopsy said heart attack 1 Reply @khensanikubayi8868 13 days ago Thank you Dr Cywes Reply @alibali672 2 weeks ago (edited) Was the cause really nico tine or was it the chemicals added? Nico tine has various he alth benefits. Research was done to find what chemicals could be added to make it add ic tive. I wonder what other goodies they added. 2 Reply @murphy8449 13 days ago Great discussion - essential information! Thank you. Would someone with celiac disease and multiple connective tissue disorders likely benefit from a carnivore diet? Reply @sarahdlp524 2 weeks ago What about gut health on a carnivore diet? Please can people give their thoughts 1 Reply @voytek3999 12 days ago IT SO BAD !!! I WILL HAVE TO "SKIP" ALL THE "FOOD" I LOVE... THANK YOU! Reply @victoriaadagunodo4593 3 days ago Thank yuo very much Reply @josephmacmillen2429 8 days ago Great Show Reply @sedonawags11 9 days ago I’m so glad I downloaded this video because I just tried playing it and it keeps showing a black screen with the words “Something went wrong Tap to retry”. It’s either on my end or it’s being monitored. All your other videos are playing normally for me. Reply @johannahunter690 2 weeks ago Excellent explanation! Reply @isabelleheath7749 2 weeks ago Thank you !! Great content!! Reply @marirothbauer5407 11 days ago Only use RAW SUGAR. I also find that frying in butter the food tastes better add paprika awesome it frys so well. Reply @herbalannie7707 12 days ago My greatest take away is it takes several years for the hormonal system to adjust to a new way of eating. My body still thinks my blood needs to maintain a certain glucose level no matter if no carb or low carb. Undiagnoised long time diabetic. 13.8 A1C. Down to 6.1 in 8 months, but after 5 years of keto/ carnivore diet I still run 5.7 to 6.1. My big goal is to heal my diabetic retinopathy. 1 Reply @EVOP_OFFICIAL 2 weeks ago How heme iron oxidative damage and inflamation independent apob levels compares to sugar, also can slow absorbing carbs with fiber water and fat have any bad outcomes in metabolically healthy individuals that are sensitive to insulin and the cells not full with fat and sugar, if yes please compare amount risk with other effects like the mentioned apob and heme again 1 Reply @rickyricardo9917 2 weeks ago I had my gall bladder removed years ago, I hear high fat meals are not recommended, any suggestions? 2 Reply 1 reply @julietteluus510 2 weeks ago Wow, I like this doctor! What a privilege to listen to him! 1 Reply @sdgirlCook 2 weeks ago His last speach was great 1 Reply @kmgreenrph 2 weeks ago Very good information Reply @christinakirisapoulos2413 2 weeks ago This is amazing!!! Reply @Helen-nv8el 2 weeks ago That was illuminating and so helpful for those of us addicted to carbs, and trying to undo the damage we've done to our bodies, and minds. Thank you both 1 Reply 1 reply @margaritajaramillo2265 11 days ago Very nice! Reply @user-sd1qr5il6k 9 days ago What do you suggest for people with CKD or who are oxalate stone formers? Reply @alphasierrakilo 2 weeks ago I have been following Dr. Cywes for a few years now... Love this guy... I wish I could have Dr. Cywes read and discuss my blood work... but I don't think he can offer consultations to Canadian patients. Or can he? If not, then is there a "Dr. Cywes" equivalent in Toronto (Canada) that shares the same POVs? Would love to know. 1 Reply 2 replies @ladyellensings3666 13 days ago Very helpful xxx Reply @tammysims8716 2 weeks ago I would like to put the following question to Dr. Cywes. Would you recommend this ARMRA product as the host suggests during this interview? Reply @lizbarnard4528 9 days ago Thank you, you madr me think Reply @LadyE2015 2 weeks ago Hi please can Dr Cywes let us know if we can do carnivore if we have antiphospholipid syndrome which is a blood clotting disorder which can cause your blood to clot more easily and cause heart attacks and strokes. 2 Reply 1 reply @SEANGUS-xe9ib 2 weeks ago Very informative.... Reply @ivanvasik4170 2 weeks ago Good information Reply @giovannigentile7211 2 weeks ago Bravissimo Grazie ️‍ 1 Reply @lovetoclearclouds7017 11 days ago Dear Dr Cywes, thank you for the education on supplements. We spend a lot of money on supplements. But I have a question…… I’ve read that magnesium is difficult to get from food. And what about nitric oxide? Is it not necessary on carnivore? Reply @LawrenceTuckerFyretuck 2 weeks ago Keep it up! Reply @HAL_9000_YT 2 weeks ago Enhorabuena. ¿Donde podría encontrar un ejemplo de dieta alta en grasas naturales, desde una perspectiva carnívora?. 1 Reply 2 replies @jengenx7729 11 days ago Dr what is your opinion of fibre? So many current guidelines instruct that fibre is necessary (to prevent colon cancer for example) but I don’t see why it is needed with an animal-based way of eating? Reply @lornapedersen5869 2 weeks ago Soooooo good! Reply @CarniverousChar 2 weeks ago Excellent interview! 1 Reply @rossanajoubert4881 2 weeks ago So right! Reply @PanSearedRibeye68 2 weeks ago There has never been one person in the history of mankind who’s died from a heart attack due to cholesterol. 53 Reply 6 replies @D4rkBl4de 2 weeks ago Cooking a fat ribeye as I'm watching this. 34 Reply 3 replies @heatherparker7822 2 weeks ago The jabs increased the heart and stroke risks. Statins will only extended life by a few days after years of taking them. 14 Reply 1 reply @chewie94116 4 days ago Nobody wants to be told to eat less fruit, bread, rice, pasta, oatmeal, corn 1 Reply @UncleDavesKitchen 11 days ago "snacking is an emotional event it's never a nutritional event." 1 Reply @PanSearedRibeye68 2 weeks ago (edited) I used to smoke cigarettes and had high blood pressure. When I switched to cigars several years ago my blood pressure became perfect. It’s not the nicotine that’s causing problems. It’s the inhalation of ash, tar, chemicals and carbon monoxide. I’m not a doctor. I’m just giving my opinions. 35 Reply 4 replies @KJ-md2wj 13 hours ago (edited) If you have a relationship problem with carbs, it’s not the carbs but that you can’t stop. True cause of my weight gain. Reply @bythepiece 2 weeks ago People from outside America will not smoke American cigarettes. But all agree that tobacco from other countries are excellent and do not cause poor health. Same with food. Many foods available to us are not allowed in other countries. 8 Reply 1 reply @Annie-ZA 2 weeks ago WOW! I hear a SOUTH AFRICAN accent here! 6 Reply 2 replies @bigswolletx 2 weeks ago Graas-fed butter gives you what you need 4 Reply @PardieDiem 2 weeks ago They fatten cows with grain. 13 Reply 1 reply @peterpiper487 7 days ago People don't stop and think... have the number heart attacks increased or decreased over the years. I think we can all agree that they have INCREASED in percentage of population. And this increase has coincided with the medical suggestion that we decrease fat in the diet. That seems to be pretty straight forward to me. 2 Reply @kjbrocky 2 weeks ago Some women are wise enough not to get mammograms. Has he done his homework on that? Hope he doesn't push those! 29 Reply 5 replies @staceyforehand9513 2 weeks ago (edited) I would submit it was seed oils as well, seed oils create inflamation. Yes the problem is unethical doctors, listen to dr. Ken Berry great information, to stop elevated sigars. 3 Reply @kumarsathyanesan2488 12 days ago Why do veins don't get blocks ? 2 Reply @gv2035 2 weeks ago Learned a lot from this video. Thank you very much! As a background, I have lost a lot of weight (60+ lbs. / 28 kilos) doing LCHF/Keto/Ketovore diet with Intermittent and Extended Fasting following Dr. Jason Fung. I am in my mid-60's and never felt better! Regarding the question of people having a big salt phobia and how to convince them that our body needs salt, this is what I say. Salt has been in the diet of our hunter-gatherer ancestors since the dawn of the human race. I believe salt is one of the essential minerals that made us thrive as a species. So salt cannot be bad, it is actually essential. In the meantime, sugar does not even come close. 13 Reply 4 replies @craiggartman3058 2 weeks ago cayenne pepper high in potassium 7 Reply 3 replies @imdee9024 2 weeks ago AHA: It's an integrity based decision. Know who you are. 1 Reply @miriamlandau1207 2 weeks ago (edited) Major Correction!! I am CORRECTING that he said animal fats are considered polyunsaturated fats for the most part. That is INCORRECT. The fats making up the lipid layer of ALL ANIMAL CELLS are saturated fats that's how they can hold the structure of the cell! Fats/fatty acids are classified into three types based on their degree of saturation/unsaturation (referring to the presence of a double bond) in their carbon chain: If there is NO double bond, the fatty acid is saturated. If there is ONE double bond, the fatty acid is MONOunsaturated, If there are 2+ double bonds, the fatty acid is POLYunsaturated. Double bonds weaken the lipid/fat hydrocarbon chain and that's why polyunsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and saturated fats are solid. That's why most polyunsaturated oil become rancid without refrigeration. It is unstable due to its double bonds. On the contrary, saturated fat is highly stable and has the opposite characteristic. For anyone with no biochemistry background this may not make sense. But it is essential to understand why natural saturated fats are so important to our diet. They are necessary for our cell to maintain its structure!! 3 Reply @camerojones 8 days ago Very informative program. Thank you. Reply @williamhenry3337 2 weeks ago Dr John McDougall promoted rice diets and high starch diets. At about age 67 he slipped in his bathroom and broke his femur. His bones were made of Styrofoam from eating high starch. He died at age 77. 22 Reply 3 replies @vynateya 2 weeks ago What about Ghee which I widely used in most dishes across India. I love Ghee cooked food in all forms. I think Ghee is good for health 4 Reply 3 replies @anthonydsouza7174 13 days ago I EAT HECK OF A LOT OF FREE RUN EGGS I EAT GHEE BUTTER AND COLD PRESSED OLIVE OIL.TWO YEARS AGO MY DOCTOR RECOMMENDED STATIN.I REFUSED AND STILL ALIVE. 2 Reply @doro6065 2 weeks ago The message that saturated fat and salt is bad for you is NOT coming from vested interest. It is coming from independent research, meta analyses and highly respected doctors who have dedicated their entire life educating people. 2 Reply @nancygorham5908 2 weeks ago Listening 28 July 2024 7 Reply @Icarianbrother 2 weeks ago Next video- Bacon grease lubricates the heart valves. 2 Reply @danielevans5864 2 weeks ago I pig out on steamed Brussels Sprouts with no seasoning or added fat. Same with asparagus! 3 Reply @pop1moreb4igo 2 weeks ago I’m new to diet, my question is what do I do with the grease from ground beef or sausage? Do I eat it or dump it? 4 Reply 5 replies @paragontv5950 9 days ago “My dog don’t eat leftover salad” 1 Reply 1 reply @Rapenzel57nowhere 2 weeks ago Different doctors have different views on illnesses so CONFUSING the people. It serms they learn from different books so finally you don't really know who to believe and finally just add stress on the patients. Why can't doctors have same views in illnesses?? 3 Reply @mohammedrehman8306 2 weeks ago What is it about nicotine that causes the inflammation, is it because it increases the blood pressure which then causes damage? 3 Reply 1 reply @angelawest9759 2 weeks ago I wish somebody would explain why peoples who eat a traditional Asian diet full of rice and noodles are thin? 4 Reply 3 replies @paulb4985 2 weeks ago OMG, IT'S NOT NICOTINE! Nicotine has plenty of benefits in the right circumstances and dosage! Demonizing Nicotine is about as bad as demonizing LDL! 10 Reply 3 replies @yeshuasaves7882 4 days ago It was the Alex Jones’s show that made me quit statins 1 Reply @MarkBraxton-hh2eg 2 weeks ago A blood pressure of 110/60 doc ? Really ?Is any blood allowed to get to the brain at all or should we get around in a lethargic state all day like this and feel nice and safe when its been proven that is not a healthy normal BP level at all except maybe in the sleep state...even then ..questionable 3 Reply 1 reply @fatfatthewaterrat5010 2 weeks ago My wife is a vascular surgeon. She says the vast majority of people who need plaque removed from their arteries are thin smokers. Not fat guys that eat burgers. Those guys die before they make it to surgery. 1 Reply @byrondcarroll 1 day ago Shared on fb and x. Reply @SpiritintheSky. 2 weeks ago Better late than never, I've come to realise that eating sweets and other sugary products amounts to no better than a health-destroying "recreational" activity. 1 Reply @iamleilaniquevedo4658 5 days ago Thank you for sharing. I am on my 35th day of a rice diet. a little cheat day. Maybe my diet helped me with no inflammation when I had an accident last July 2nd. Literally, I was thrown out of the Ebike, lying down in the street, maybe mind over matter, not in pain. Reply @mononoklegymen8947 2 weeks ago Sugar came from Spain to Americas, actually. 1 Reply @joanhenschel3511 2 weeks ago My sweet friend aged 49 died of a heart attack amongst other things. She consumed 2 - 4 Litres of sugary drinks daily! 1 Reply 1 reply @eleanormarkowski1294 2 weeks ago Sugar and starch is a DRUG. Love this. 1 Reply @SpaPartyCentral 2 weeks ago The first thing you'll notice is that your stool returns to perfect. 1 Reply @user-yi5ny5jg5i 2 weeks ago The main problem is lack of knowledge. We are dying because of it. It is very simple and affordable to be healthy but if we catch it before it gets worse. Reply @afisanaa 2 weeks ago His voice sounds similar to the the character Stewie from Family Guy. I cannot unhear it. 1 Reply @maozedung7270 9 days ago We should trust how we feel after eating, and not what others say, no matter how important they may seem. But we should note that butter, for example, does not occur in nature and was not intended to be eaten by us. This applies to all milk and dairy products. In a situation of scarcity, because there is nothing else available, you can resort to it to survive, but not as a daily diet. In any case, if you eat butter, the weather must be cold and you must work very hard, like the farmers in the Alps used to do! But that habit is not any garantie for a long life to do so. Reply @shirleyjbaker1096 8 days ago Raleigh NC Reply @bcgrandtours7827 7 days ago I am confused about nicotine. I thought is the tar that make your arteries clogged not the nicotine which is a stimulant, that makes also the nicorette patches still harmful? please someone clarify 1 Reply @Not_LoisLane 2 weeks ago (edited) Thanks for an interesting discussion. Just a question. Is it nicotine that causes heart attacks? Is it not perhaps the many harmful chemicals and of course carbon monoxide that are more likely to be the problem? There is quite a lot of research around nicotine which touts it as a good anti-inflammatory. If it’s as close to pure filtered nicotine. There were and are some people recommending nicotine in the form of nicotine patches for treating long-Covid, vaccines induced spike toxicity, and preventing Covid. Would be interested in your view. 2 Reply @carmenhealer4635 2 weeks ago For anyone with SIBO avoiding carbs treat the bloating symptoms. Reply @pharlapnz4630 12 days ago Probably time Dr Rob gets a very large bodyguard! Reply @woodworkingaspirations1720 8 days ago Been told tiger nuts are very good as well. They help fix BP plus other nutrients as well Reply @user-sy7ck3ln6o 2 weeks ago KEY FACT: INTEGRITY BASED DECISION - THAT'S A FACT JACK 1 Reply @FasterThanTheSpeedOfScience 9 days ago At around 34 minutes Dr Cywes claims animal faats are mostly polyunsaturated fat. Not true. Beef, lamb and pork are mostly saturated and monounsaturated fats with beef and lamb usually less than 10% PUFAs. Otherwise excellent information IMO. 1 Reply 1 reply @bellachet1392 2 weeks ago I do super well with the right way of eating…until the week before my cycle. That’s when carb cravings are insane. I can’t help myself. Not sure how to remedy this. 1 Reply @jocelynevoss6517 2 weeks ago How about CKD I am 78 and no HPB no diabetic or heart decease Hhad a small TIA 7years ago Lost 25 pounds in the last 5 years 1 Reply @user-rx4gh4ys1v 2 weeks ago FANTASTIC GUEST!!!!! Reply @yvonnedyer8370 2 weeks ago Eat organic butter as the others have trans fat 2 Reply 1 reply @carolmiles7474 2 weeks ago The first settlers travelled thousands of miles avoiding the natives by eating only Lard imagine that ,pig fat only,I salute them. 1 Reply @anitachisnell8412 2 weeks ago It amazes me how GP’s prescribe statins with no mention of taking COQ10 supplements. It’s ridiculous! 1 Reply @GrandmaTudi 2 weeks ago just poured some salt into my hand and gave it a lick. still listening. hoping the block in my aorta is shrinking lol 1 Reply @leslieabell1320 8 days ago Is pork good or bad. I see a lot of comments about Ribeye. I like pork and that's wht I ask. Reply @vcash1112 11 days ago Basically a Paleo diet ! Not giving up my potatoes and rice, sorry! 1 Reply @charlanpennington3989 11 days ago Fix your heart, take Manganese. Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you to the person that posted that. My arrhythmias dropped more than 90 percent. Also i like that it lasts 25 hours on me. Reply 1 reply @manuelodabashian1089 2 weeks ago I recently started having angina attacks and prescribed statins and two other things one of which is aspirin the other is Bisoprolol Reply @peteranetrella8746 11 days ago What about increase rates of cancer , lack of antioxidants , Fiber . Nutrients. Just curious! Reply @glendavis3257 11 days ago I would recommend one brazil nut everyday especially if you grow your own vegetables and live in Kansas, like my Mother who took this advice from age 40 til 82 when she finally died from osteoprosis caused by no salt(broken back) Himilian salt or celtic sea salt or both, not Morton's it has all the extra minerals removed and ony a filler which is unhealthy is added back into this pure white salt that almost everybody in America is eating. The brazil nut is a good source of selinium, which I learned in the 1960's that a deficiency of this mineral causes heart attacks; as witnessed by my Mothers entire family who all died from heart attacks before they were 60 years old; the men all died before 50. Reply @bshans2929 2 weeks ago Have you seen any oily substance becoming plaque.. ? Oil is dissolvable as it's in liquid form. It's substance like calcium aww and toxic which become plaques in blood. Reply @JamesAnderson-ez2df 2 weeks ago I am more covered with processed foods. If it does not come from the earth or est things grown fresh the earth. Not too worried about sugar, as in not corn syrup by products and such. Reply @GrandmaTudi 2 weeks ago when does he answer the first question about plaque in the arteries? 1 Reply 1 reply @MW-eg4gu 11 days ago I'm 76 male. I eat KETO and other days Carnivore. I have varicose veins. And I'm suspecting the fat I eat is not being used by the body maybe because my liver has aged or is fatty liver. ANY ONE CARE TO COMMENT? ADVICE? Reply @hyennussquatch4597 2 weeks ago (edited) Forget the butter and consume good quality olive oil. Look how healthy are people in southern Europe - Spain, Italy, South of France, Greece, and especially Crete where the best oil comes from. There you will see people who look like 65 years old but they are in their 80s. People over 100 years of age and in good shape are not uncommon there. And no obesity, no junk food... 1 Reply @Human927 1 day ago He’s confused between nicotine and smoking. Very different. Nicotine in itself is something that boosts testosterone. And testosterone prevents heart disease. Reply @mwarsiful 4 days ago do we stop eating bread and rice 1 Reply @RhinoDNA 10 days ago I haven’t seen any meat under $6 per pound in years…setting aside those who are well off, who on earth can afford switching to Carnivore? Reply @claravanrooyen4131 2 weeks ago (edited) Thankyou. About 14 years ago , there was Detoxivite (SA) ( I am not sure if I remember the name correct) sold in stores .It cleans also the lungs , from sigarette smoke . I only found it a few months on the shelf , Between 2008 and 2012 I consume food with less fat and as I could afford and I had high cholesterol , then I had prescription for statins. Then I start with milk for basic and and other food and the other kinds of food after 2012 . ( 24 - 30 litres Milk p/ month as I can afford , milk in coffee tea and food Reply @pixielated2003 10 days ago How does this all work with no gallbladder. I know ox bile is recommended but I don't like how they havest it Reply @miraforeman7567 2 weeks ago Can any doctor explain to me why heart attacks and strokes increased but smoking decreased drastically in later one or two decades? Reply 1 reply @almastirmizi13 11 days ago Not everyone who has a heart attack or stroke smokes. Now people have left sugar as well. So why do they have the attacks?? Reply 1 reply @Morning_Rays 4 days ago What about mustard oil? That's naturally fat consumed widely but blamed as a health problem. Reply @osuzyqzzz1 9 days ago What about the high AGEs in butter? How do we rectify this semminly problematic issue to justify eating butter. I have been eating butter since I started on this diet but discovered the high AGEs in butter and grilled meats. Its certainty better than the SAD I was on before. Reply @jimrutherford2773 2 weeks ago He's overweight and he's teaching people about metabolic disease? 1 Reply @danphavila4900 22 hours ago Why always nicotine , when most cardio patient dont smoke, crazy reasoning. Reply @pugalendi100 7 days ago But my doctor says you don't need to eat fat to get enough cholesterol. Our body makes enough cholesterol. 1 Reply 1 reply @KenWang2 2 weeks ago (edited) The problem is both. Excess of carbs and or excess fats will cause heart disease. Protein relieves the Randle Cycle. 1 Reply 1 reply @Robert-di3kv 2 weeks ago Too many commercials! 1 Reply @Kat-I-am3333 12 days ago (edited) How old is the doctor? And what are his views on coffe? I do water processed decaf only. Thx ️ Reply @biankabooth9891 9 days ago (edited) Weird I drank black coffee no sugar and no sweets but chocolate and coco drinks would give me palpatations, I ended up having a heart diagnostic operation and then was worse until I went for a MRI and they pumped me full of yellow radiation fluid first. Since then I have been fine and for 5 years I drink 6 to 8 red bull a day and eat cheddar cheese, when I cook I cook wirh beef fat, oh and I smoke, but listening to this I will pack up smoking and the red bull. Black coffee causes me arteritis pain though and I hate water, so what to drink. I do have herb drinks to drink. Reply @curiouskitten 2 weeks ago Why aren't oxidized chemically processed vegetable/seed oils, margerines, plant butter and plant milks ever discussed? 1 Reply 3 replies @HBKAT100 2 weeks ago Does this mean that I cannot use coconut flour to make a sugar-free brownie once in a while? Reply @ninaevagelou1793 13 days ago Can you tell me where and how to find the test that you need?? Reply @deliaocampo4340 13 days ago Amazing heathiest info very honest truthful thank you Dr.RobCywes God bless ️🇵🇭🇺🇸 Reply 1 reply @pattiliba8188 12 days ago Is it the nicotine alone,or all the other poison they put in cigarettes? 1 Reply @bdmesq 2 weeks ago Why don't you consider inviting Dr Greger for a video discussion [and possible am other opponent]? This could be far more convincing. Please consider this [ from a physician since 19 70] I would appreciate you r reaction Reply @kimneiswanger5804 11 days ago So before the turn of the century there was no Crisco there was sugar but mostly people ate from the animals they owned and from the vegetables they grew. And I have heard that the statistics of heart attack and stroke before the turn of the century were very very few. When did people start smoking cigarettes Reply @PeopleHealthTru 2 weeks ago ..The essential foods. Homemade ice cream with no sweetener. 41:40 Actually 'natural fat, salt, essential nutrients. Eggs, beef, dairy, liver, salmon, sardines. No carbs are essential. But just like an alcoholic needs to avoid alcohol - a carboholic needs to avoid carbs, especially manufactured oils and foods. Avoid the carb addiction rollercoaster.' Reply @richardjackson5380 2 weeks ago Ridiculous. Ozempic does not "directly" adjust a sugar problem - look forward to kidney damage and digestive paralysis 1 Reply @user-ml9dr7sj1c 2 weeks ago Question How much heathy fat should we be eating Teaspoons of butter, olive oil -? Thanks Reply @vynateya 2 weeks ago I have patients who are not diabetic and who doesn't eat too much sugar and carbohydrates yet they have Coronary arteries disease ie plaques with high calcium scores. What is your advice about this 1 Reply 2 replies @credterfe 12 days ago So carboholic and sugarholic. Reply @normameyers4904 2 weeks ago “Ketosis is useless”. You said this at the beginning of the video. Please explain this. I thought being in ketosis was a good thing. Reply @lindawick455 11 days ago Is the new Pulse Max screening machines legitimate? Reply @bc2647 6 days ago It never too late...obviously this guy hasnt heard of the Master Healer Reply @cr-iv1el 2 weeks ago Commonest? Reply @Digorysmallz 2 weeks ago Dr Cywes is saying that Crestor is harmful (8:35). Is he suggesting that people with familial hypercholesterolemia shouldn't take Crestor as well? Does he have a proven alternative? Reply @belindagoodwinhairandmakeu8141 2 weeks ago I am so confused about Oats/porridge for breakfast ? (Home made). Is this too much carbs ? I add nuts, seeds, even egg yolk with berries. Pls advise Reply @anamachado5567 4 days ago How do you explain the asian people who eat rice every day, a few times a day? I can agree with most of what Dr. is saying, however it kind of falls flat when one considers the Asian country food intake. IE. the China Study. Honestly, I don't believe anyone has figures out exactly what's causing the fat and the bad health in the West yet. It might be a multitude of factors, ie what is eaten, how it is processed, Chemicals in our food, the products we use every day in our homes, such as shampoos, skin creams, washing liquids, genetics and much more yet to be discovered. And let's not forget the medications most of our western population has been put on. We don't know what we don't know. Reply @LibbySlaughter101 2 weeks ago My mum is 103, still mobile, no dementia & always ate whatever she fancied - plenty of fruit & veg. though. But unfortunately she has been diagnosed with gallbladder disease & been advised to eat a low fat diet. It's terribly boring for her! Reply 2 replies @Woodman-Spare-that-tree 10 days ago (edited) You say nicotine but I know people who have had heart attacks without ever smoking. And are not diabetic and do not eat a lot of sugar. Reply @heisenberg8346 12 days ago Where is this doctor located ? Reply @donnamcdonald3709 2 weeks ago I hate butter. I'd rather eat avocadoes, eggs, nuts, olives, coconut any day. Reply @lur3950 2 weeks ago No less than fabulous! Reply @rahabhassan6541 2 weeks ago He does not Answer your question. You asked about plaque but he did not give a direct, clear and concise answer! Reply @mattchambers4561 2 weeks ago Question if ldl isn’t a causal factor in heart disease, why is it that people born with genetically high cholesterol (familial hypercholesterolemia) can develop cvd rapidly? Like already have clogged arteries in childhood. Reply @Gary-iy4oh 6 days ago I’m on whole food diet and keep thinking I’m gonna have a heart attack weird chest pains and burping a lot with few dizzy spells. Do I need to cut the rest of the whole foods and stick to meat and eggs? Been to doctor who wants to take my bloods again as my cholesterol is high and he wasn’t me to eat low fat high fibre and I just looked at him stand thought u don’t have a clue on nutrition. Reply @geridannels1701 13 days ago What about using raw honey instead of sugar? Reply 1 reply @ChrisEmm87 12 days ago Any tips on why many people transition to keto/carnivore and see their tetosterone libido plammet? Is it SHBG related? Transitioning? Cause carnivore was suppossed to keep things at same lvl at least not make it worse. Reply @StoneAgePHD 2 weeks ago 30% Hindu are diabetic now, just saying 2 Reply @didgeridooblue 2 weeks ago My favorite flavor is salt on a watermelon. From this lecture it's the worst of two worlds. 1 Reply @SupremeODMG 11 days ago (edited) So im 6'3 my glucose is usually over 90 but not 100. I am very underweight even when i used to eat like crap, i had ibs and high levels on inflammation in gut and other areas. I did not put on weight no matter how much sugar or junk i ate but my trig levels were high and glucose was elevated. I eat mostly carnivore now but still trying to get rid of eating junk here and there. I think i am at risk because i do not gain weight for this? Reply @maxmax0 4 days ago is this because that good fat would repel bad fat? Reply @embergrace4385 2 weeks ago I have Alpha-gal with beef and pork so how do I do this and get enough fat and nutrients? Reply @drsvs 13 days ago Is nicotine (nicotinic acid- B3) the culprit? Or is it the pollutants like tar in cigarettes? Maybe nicotine is protective. 1 Reply 1 reply @chuck9112 2 weeks ago (edited) Hey, why don't they put people in the cardio unit on a butter IV ? They won't need surgery Reply @chrismyers9951 2 weeks ago Butter increases apoB. Coconut oil does not. Reply @markbeckett3317 2 weeks ago Are you saying any nicotine? Rather through smoking through the lungs or through your gums? Reply @nellyb.9340 2 weeks ago Really, if I never eat sugar I’ll be fine, does that apply to fruits also. Reply @yummymealsss 2 weeks ago I drink hot water and butter slice on empty stomach and i got Diarria after sometime. Not all time is good butter, and not need so much fats, and not everyone can live just on fats. Reply @slyr1 12 days ago Question what happens if the person has a history of gout how do you maintain a carnivore diet? Reply @judytucker9836 2 weeks ago Thank You both ️ Reply @deliaocampo4340 13 days ago Not believing to be vegetarian I eat everything carnivore grass fed meat chicken seafoods fruits veggies no soda bread alcohol not smoking no man made foods healthy oil olive 🇵🇭🇺🇸 Reply @michelleballard8715 2 weeks ago So why do other doctors (carnivore doctors) say veggies are actually bad? I never heard that to much protein converts into sugar Reply 1 reply @MrJOHNMICHAELVEGA 2 weeks ago You talk about discount and I am looking for my next meal! Reply @schaef1722 2 weeks ago Because I have a stent they won’t do a CAC scan for me Reply @philgowan6298 2 weeks ago Is it really from nicotine or the rest of the toxic chemicals inhaled? 1 Reply 1 reply @Viral2Vault 2 weeks ago My dietician is worries that im not getting the nutrients that i would get from veg and fruit and not from carnivore Reply @not_sure... 9 days ago Not very scientific conflating nicotine with tobacco products. There are no research papers I can find that back up any of his claims about the relationship between nicotine and arterial plaque. The only papers I could find that mention nicotine only look at nicotine from smoking cigarettes or tobacco products. 1 Reply 2 replies @marirothbauer5407 11 days ago I drew an Angel Message and it read cures come from the herbs and plants of the earth. I have followed that advice. Trouble sleeping drink Passion Flower tea at night with some pepperment also. Wow I slept for seven hours usually I only sleep 3hrs always. And I had a Cod Liver Oil capsuel after dinner then one after breakfast. Feeling great. Reply @markbeckett3317 2 weeks ago Are you sure about nicotines damaging effects on arteries or are you being influenced by cigarettes effects on the lungs and arteries Reply @Jennifr1966 2 weeks ago I have been doing keto for more than 8 months now. I do not cheat. But my blood sugar stays between 90-120. I have stayed away from medication, except for rosuvastatin for cholesterol. Should I get on insulin? Or metformin? Low carbs did lower my blood sugar considerably (from 7.6 to 5.8), but it hasn't gone into remission. Would it be wrong to go on diabetic medication until I can get it under control? Reply 1 reply @lovelife2day 2 weeks ago How much fat should a 57 year old woman eat who has no gallbladder - does it make any difference? 1 Reply @alice33 2 weeks ago In Sweden we mostly use Snus. Contains salt Reply @BrightonJames-pz8kv 2 weeks ago If you are allergic to dairy, as am I, this advice is no use at all. Reply @JTguitarlessons 2 weeks ago There is a lot of misinformation on here. The carbohydrate/insulin model has never been proven against the calories in/out model. Promoting a high fat diet is extremely dangerous. 2 Reply @robbmeblind9867 2 weeks ago the body is electric but dont tell a doctor 1 Reply @lynnwilliams5432 2 weeks ago Geez I’ve always thought Mg might be involved. Is it? I eat fat but especially dairy makes me gain. I am an 82 yr old almost Carnivore. Reply @giannidiolosa8804 12 days ago Full carvivore Full power Reply @peterpetino9590 13 days ago $2.00 I have a higher white blood cell count. Should I take a lowdose aspirin maybe?? Or the other drug that was mentioned.?.. Reply 1 reply @TakeTheRide 2 weeks ago I just had my heart completely checked out, and my new heart doctor had never heard of a carnivore diet. Reply 2 replies @robbmeblind9867 2 weeks ago smokers have no plaque at 80 yrs ? 1 Reply @soniacagunot4624 2 weeks ago (edited) We are misguided and misinformed by traditional ways .We thought that removing chicken skin is good and those fats of meat should not be eaten because its not good . Reply @ElizabethHonoria138 2 weeks ago Does anyone follow up on the meat, butter, cheese and all food of animal origin to see if they've be vaccinated? Some states/counties insist that ALL animals used for their products be vaxxed. Reply @jamesguess2228 11 days ago Is 100 over 80 ..ok for a 80 year old man? Reply @petermclaren2665 2 weeks ago I couldn't understand any of this Reply @kaycee625 2 weeks ago (edited) When I lived in SA my school was in sugarcane country with a mill next to the school. I will forever love the smell of the molasses. We used to chew on the sugarcane that the cutters gave us when we came out of school. Happy days!! Funnily enough, back then in the 70s nobody was fat. 1 Reply @didgeridooblue 2 weeks ago When you go carnivore, is whey (for protein) acceptable? Reply @dabbog5518 2 weeks ago HealingLoveALL Reply @Jay-xb6nc 2 weeks ago Blah, blah, a balanced diet that's low in highly processed junk food and get on with your life. Stop the constant obsessing. 1 Reply @FrankandDave583 2 weeks ago I’m always confused is cold pressed rapeseed oil healthy. Reply 1 reply @danglybit1 2 weeks ago (edited) Why are medical aid schemes and medical boards not putting pressure on medics to revise their statin programs?..My fam are so immune to these kind of videos, and dismiss it as my paranoia. 1 Reply 1 reply @amaldonado8641 2 weeks ago Loved the interview. Feel much better about statins. Not taking them. Ha! I was feeling miserable while i was taking them. Hopefully they remove them from the market soon or until they get another crappy prescription to fill their greedy Pockets... Reply @Wings_nut 2 weeks ago Dr. C would be a great guest. Hint hint wink wink. Reply @ST-dr6qx 8 days ago .... protein, protein, protein - hahahahha - A Myth razed!!!! yet another Great lecture at Top Gear pace - the Healer tends to speak at sixth!! Fun_tastic - Thanks!!!!! PS If you ever read - will you .... invite lecturers to talk Hashimoto and ostheoprosis? Reply @orion9k 2 weeks ago It's kind of ridicules to claim that heart attack is the number one cause of death, because all deaths without any exception, happens as a result of a heart attack (heart failure). Reply @stonepvv 2 weeks ago A South African doctor / trainer pointed this out a long time ago. Reply @HBKAT100 2 weeks ago Zero fruit correct? Reply @carmenhealer4635 2 weeks ago Fraud’s nephew did an advertising campaign to get us eating bacon for breakfast. Reply @SWH5619 2 weeks ago So I reluctantly started eating butter once I tried carnivore. It gave me chest pains. This wasn't new, it's why I stopped eating it before. And yes it was unsalted pasture raised butter. Listen to your body ppl. If you try to go by all these "experts", you'll go crazy or destroy your health. Reply 2 replies @TranTek 2 weeks ago (edited) It is great to see this kind of Doc to explain where people can understand Most refuse to accept exactly what he said, i had been saying this from way back when i learn from my phd friends where i assembled how inflammation came from Salt is not table salt un-refined full spectrum salt and LDL should be classed as Antioxidant Reply @MLJay 2 weeks ago He’s repeating a ton of false information about nicotine. Please stop 1 Reply @ronwest7930 2 weeks ago I get your message. But over an hour about it, no. Reply @darkshaman7087 13 days ago Butter lines the artery's etc to make our blood flow quicker haha Reply @joecaner 2 weeks ago Baby got back by buttering her bread. Reply @lydialawlor3250 2 weeks ago I'm in SA, I detect a SA accent Reply @kingussie 2 weeks ago In days gone by, if there was any kind of celebration they 'killed the fatted calf'. Reply @YouLoveMrFriendly 2 weeks ago Fraud 2 Reply @Casmige 2 weeks ago (edited) “Time” is directly related as a causal aspect of stroke & heart attacks. As is “breathing” & yes, even “eating” including imbibing liquids. We all simply need to eliminate these causal directly related items to effectively STOP these events from occurring-ing️ Reply @dalialovesdoggies4361 2 weeks ago Farrr tooo late for me. Cad. Pad. Atherosclerosis. Doabetes. Years of diabetes UNBEKNOWN to me. Ughhhhhhh Reply 1 reply @fotinikordos2609 11 days ago Reply @TheMasonator777 2 weeks ago Pasta, man. It’s the worst. Reply @Hiker_Mike 2 weeks ago My only concern is my LDL is ok on a low fat diet but on Carnivore it's 325, even if I'm careful with the amount of fat I consume. There's a Cardiologist on YT that says there are no reliable tests for soft-plaque build up. This is a concern for people like me with FH. I eat no sugar and very low carbs (ketovore) but my A1C is still 5.7. If I didn't have FH I would have no worries from being on a carnivore diet. 1 Reply 2 replies @sandramcarthur1866 2 weeks ago No one will tell me what to do when blood sugar goes to 54. T2 is in remission - I do not wish to reverse that! Reply 4 replies @katdivenice 2 weeks ago He is wrong about nicotine ! Seed oils are bad ! Reply @mikesmith8100 2 weeks ago Well, I'm 82 with no health problems and have consumed sugar since childhood. My heart is perfect, zero build up of anything anywhere. The brain burns sugar as it's power source. I think the sugar issue may be very complicated. Reply 1 reply @crispisauce 2 weeks ago What is C15? Did she every even say? Reply 1 reply @GerardoHernandezF87M2 2 weeks ago Too many calories, regardless of the macros are not good Reply @valeriemartini6315 2 weeks ago So does nicotine in chewing gum cause inflammation? Reply 2 replies @heman691 2 weeks ago We are meant to drink milk but only unpasteurised that’s a fact. 1 Reply @blankblank4130 2 weeks ago Honey? Reply 1 reply @fiddlerJohn 2 weeks ago 54:14 "... cancer is a disease that is common in my genetic pattern ,the obesogenic pattern, because 'insulin regulates cancer' ." Reply 1 reply @1Waarheid 2 weeks ago 8 minutes; same with germs. Reply @blankblank4130 2 weeks ago Krill oil is better. Reply @joamick 2 weeks ago I will say that I could not see how addicted to carns I was until I went carnivore. I could see my habits and the emotional connection I had to carbs, and the carnivore eradicated the addiction and cravings. Reply @KatrSayet 2 weeks ago Nicotine hardens the arteries Reply @davidhogg1216 2 weeks ago Lardy me Reply @kh485 11 days ago There are links of saturated fat and cholesterol to heart disease risk: that’s inconvenient. They want to promote tests Reply @damienroberts934 2 weeks ago ''nicotine causes plauque''?! Next he'll be saying ''coffee causes brain cancer''... He's the only guy on the planet I've ever heard say that... 1 Reply @giovannirusso8853 2 weeks ago The men are grain eaters , fruit eaters before the start of agriculture, in the temperate lands of neolitic, and also before...not only meat, not easy to take for not riding men...rethink your conclusions Reply @AntoineELismysalvation 2 weeks ago Butter doesnt fix the heart. Reply @katharinebayer285 2 weeks ago Nicotine has many health benefits. Talk to Dr. Ardis. Reply @appalachianprivileged3312 2 weeks ago I agree with alot of this doctors takes... Except the body has no store for protein... what are muscle fibers then? Wouldn't more athletic LMHRs need more protein for recovery? Reply @ShingInAction 2 weeks ago I tried armra for two years, and it didn't really help me. And it's expensive even with a subscription Reply @egay86292 2 weeks ago too slick production---hard to grasp, follow or understand. fire your director. Reply @venicebeachsurfer 2 weeks ago So, is steel cut oats or barley with some berries ok? Reply 3 replies @LeviteSpiritShine 2 weeks ago Reply @ShareefusMaximus 2 weeks ago Wow, I know nonsmokers who wear nicotine patches when they're taking a test or otherwise doing intellectual work. Seems like that might not be so smart. Reply @beeb7477 2 weeks ago Best diet ever for the heart is: red meat and butter. Reply 3 replies @languagelynnie 2 weeks ago This channel is stealing a lot of Huberman's marketing techniques. Smart but slightly unethical? Reply @oldfart9287 11 days ago Your all the same, eat this, dont eat that, new research blah blah blah. If you believe any doc or guru you will worry yourself to death. Just think about it, every few years new research proves everything previous was lies, I am 70 smoke drink eat chocolate and anything I fancy, so what I might die soon, at least i enjoyed my time on earth. Reply @Crazyferretlady-in5sd 2 weeks ago Where is this colostrum coming from, are they taking it from animals who also need it for their babies Reply @rocketmaam6898 2 weeks ago You are the salt of the earth...can't be bad if Jesus says it's a good thing to be. Reply @doro6065 2 weeks ago The only known and scientifically proven diet for longevity is WHOLE FOOD PLANT BASED. Everything else is missing what your body really needs to repair itself. 1 Reply @legacycommunications 2 weeks ago What if your growing your own fruit at home 1 Reply 2 replies @daves2624 10 days ago This is very important knowledge but it's presentation is TOTALLY ANNOYING. Who can sit through an hour of this I don't know but it sure won't be me. Dear Doc get a new director, pitch the idiot on the mike, slow down your conversation speed so people will have the time to absorb your information, and dump all the quick cuts of food etc, and the flashing bold type that repeats what you say. Reply @richardparis8738 2 weeks ago Reply @jimbeaver27 2 weeks ago seems anybody can do a health blog, some, like this one, suck Reply @heavenonearth1604 2 weeks ago STICK TO SURGERY Reply @KORTOKtheSTRONG 2 weeks ago 6 4 g a l l o n s Reply 1 reply @dr.mathieubelanger40 2 weeks ago Butter and some saturated fat like palm and modified palm are extremely bad. Sugar in excess and overweight is even worse. Don’t let anyone telling you otherwise without them showing you ALL the evidence based knowledge. Reply 1 reply @JudyChilds-fu4em 13 days ago Sugar is for hair loss, add it to a good shampoo to help stop hair loss, it works ️ Reply @peterpiper487 7 days ago Cheese is a super food; it has lots of fat and protein. Reply @videosight1 2 weeks ago I like these but don't have an hour! Why not brea up into more episodes? What, you don't believe in tomorrow esp on that carnivore diet gonna live long long Reply 1 reply @christianpicardo2683 2 weeks ago Its protein protein protein with fat ! Sorry doc thats what dr shawn baker says 1 Reply 2 replies @phannguyen2652 2 weeks ago confusing scientific explanations.. Reply @judahtribe7 2 weeks ago You're not supposed to eat the fat or the blood 3 Reply 5 replies @richardjackson5380 2 weeks ago Complete nonsense to say that "sugars" aren't needed. Glucose is the primary and preferential food for the body. Red blood cells and aspects of brain, liver and kidney function do indeed need glucose which is why the liver will store it and ration it's use if glucose is restricted. Only in basically starvation conditions will protein be used to make glucose but this actually demonstrates just how essential glucose is. Reply @Tendertroll1 2 weeks ago Notice that this guy never mentions what his LDL is! I bet his LDL is through the roof eating all of that fat Reply 1 reply @CaroAbebe 2 weeks ago He goes against all the science out there, and still people fall for his “advice” Reply @richardjackson5380 2 weeks ago He is not world renowned though is he? Try listening to someone more renowned like Dr Kim Williams who really knows the data. 1 Reply @Tendertroll1 2 weeks ago Is this doctor woke? Reply 1 reply @bonsummers2657 2 weeks ago Looks like he may succumb to a heart attack. Reply @chriswilkes2438 2 weeks ago You’re not an expert on vaping so do not comment on it! I am an expert and it is very safe! Reply

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