Friday, August 09, 2024


物理的挑战一——李政道 oddballguy 3.62K subscribers Subscribe 295 Share Download 61K views 13 years ago 50 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @Janetw99 2 days ago 感谢这个视频 让我能看到13年前这么优秀的物理历史演变的讲解 感谢李政道先生!!! 3 Reply @sophiawang7563 4 years ago Respectful Dr. Li! Great scientist among Chinese American community! 9 Reply @Geek4STEM 2 years ago 敬佩!中华民族的骄傲! 10 Reply @kangkangyouwei 3 days ago Rip 2 Reply @000KONATA 7 years ago 做字幕的该打。“束星北”教授写成“苏新北”,又不是同声传译,事后查点资料会痛吗? 18 Reply @theyoung7523 6 years ago 讲的真好 9 Reply @turtlepine6460 3 years ago 33:28 what a lesson! I have encountered a situation where I naively believed the number my boss(a really big one) gave me without calculating myself, and established a model that was merely useless. 4 Reply @ericyu5165 6 years ago (edited) 李政道很难被超越,我估计起码100年之内没有华人能超越李政道。 13 Reply 3 replies @akpcSAIN 8 years ago 物理的挑战一——李政道 oddballguy 的频道 oddballguy 的频道 4 Reply 2 replies @peterhu8245 2 years ago 一脈相傳出諾蔣。沒有師承,沒有路嗎? 2 Reply @sofiwuu3001 3 months ago TD Lee, bravo, chizizhixin, baoxiao zuguo! True son of china! As Deng xiaopin his friend🫡 Reply @JIANGTG 6 years ago 杨振宁和李政道, 早年合作成就高, 日后却分道扬镳, 众人慨叹可惜了。 3 Reply 1 reply @user-eq5fo1wk3h 2 years ago 李政道得演讲说实话,非常真实与用心,想表达的总体的思路非常清晰,很受用,中文也非常好,杨阵宁差太多了,一堆的英文,而且假大空,思维混乱,词不达意。 7 Reply 1 reply @sgdrifter 7 years ago 李先生提到每个大师都把年龄说一下估计是受了cnyang的刺激。。。 9 Reply 1 reply @user-gi5uh7ey5t 2 years ago 还有吗 1 Reply @kainkain3454 2 years ago 有点意思 1 Reply @jowie6485 6 years ago 这个视频是哪一年的 1 Reply 1 reply @user-rb9jg4lq1w 6 months ago 綜覽世紀初葉及上半北美德國原子彈雛形量子力學引導物理飛躍蓬勃發展 Reply @amychin-atkins9804 11 years ago kanel rullar sniglar 2013/5/17 #58 RedHill Reply @xfbs7843 2 years ago 精神物理, 誰懂? 1 Reply @xiangtian5385 5 years ago 李政道的贡献比扬大 6 Reply @amychin-atkins9804 11 years ago kanel rullar sniglar 2013/5/17 #58 RedHill ======= Reply @balabalabless4600 4 years ago 是不是人多的地方都不讲专业知识啊…… 2 Reply 1 reply @amychin-atkins9804 11 years ago kanel rullar sniglar Reply @dongwang3322 8 years ago 那个主持人的确有点煞风景,到底是谁? 4 Reply 1 reply @amychin-atkins9804 11 years ago ++ LI JING-TAO Ph1 2013315act ++ +++++ 1 Reply @ericyu5165 6 years ago 要是有1万个杨振宁、李政道这样的华人该多好,这么聪明的人,会想到装死吗? 3 Reply 1 reply @amychin-atkins9804 11 years ago ++LI JingTao Ph1 2013315 act ++ It’s just too easy to stop. I often wonder if mothers had the same ‘options’ for pregnancy, would we see the same thing happening? Eg “I wasn’t able to gestate, I had to put the foetus in the incubator, because I’m too small, too big, can’t produce enough hormone/amniotic fluid/placenta, too tired, too heavy, etc. But actually the Dr says the incubator is just as healthy, and DH can also bond with the baby, I don’t feel guilty at al Reply @amychin-atkins9804 11 years ago kanel rullar sniglar ######58 REDHILL 2013/5/17 AmyApple Reply @user-gl7vi3jv1g 5 years ago 呕了,哎! Reply

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