Saturday, June 22, 2024

Nvidia’s headquarters, the AI chips that propelled the company to a $2-trillion valuation were used in custom software that helped design the space-ship-like buildings.

Inside Nvidia HQ: What a $2T Company’s Office Looks Like | WSJ Open Office 0:00 in 2022 nvidia's headquarters expanded 0:03 going from the already insanely 0:05 impressive 500,000 ft large Nvidia 0:08 Endeavor to now include the even larger 0:13 750,000 ft Nvidia Voyager partly due to 0:16 the advancements of AI Nvidia has 0:18 managed to pass a trillion doll market 0:21 cap and when a company is growing so do 0:23 their lodging needs despite actively 0:25 encouraging remote work for their staff 0:27 Nvidia still keeps building out their 0:30 massive company premises a combination 0:32 that is almost guaranteed to attract 0:34 droves of high level talent to the tech 0:36 giant the entirety of nvidia's Main 0:38 Headquarters are located in Santa claraa 0:40 California and has been an ongoing 0:42 project for many years now the Endeavor 0:44 building was completed back in 2017 and 0:47 already the following year planning for 0:49 Voyager had begun in the early months of 0:51 2018 if you're not into Star Trek you 0:54 may not have caught onto the fact that 0:56 both building names are references to 0:58 spaceships from the Beloved franchise 1:00 we will go over everything from the 1:02 company's plans for the buildings to how 1:04 much the total bill added up to but 1:07 first let's discover what the Voyager 1:09 headquarters actually contain upon 1:11 entering the lobby known as their base 1:14 camp greets you with a full view of the 1:16 offices Central so-called Mountain you 1:19 will quickly notice a trend of naming 1:21 most sections of their building to give 1:22 it all that modern design feel unlike 1:25 its older brother the Voyager features 1:27 what may to some be a surprising amount 1:30 of greenery for a building owned by a 1:31 technology company something that has 1:34 become increasingly important to 1:35 companies worldwide to keep officers 1:37 feeling more organic and less corporate 1:40 large amounts of plants are also a 1:42 welcomed addition to the somewhat 1:44 congested air of urban California the 1:46 building is highly energy efficient with 1:48 a focus on sustainability Nvidia really 1:51 wanted to keep their environmental 1:53 footprint as minimal as possible while 1:55 running such a large Central operation 1:58 the large shaders referred to as trellis 2:00 that cover the outside areas are 2:02 equipped with solar panels something 2:04 that California in particular already 2:06 has an abundance of an opportunity they 2:09 surely don't want to waste if you worry 2:11 about not getting enough natural light 2:13 during your work days Nvidia has you 2:15 covered the roof of the building 2:17 features 245 triangle-shaped skylights 2:20 that make sure to keep employees away 2:22 from dark dreary meeting spaces of old 2:25 above roof level there are zones that 2:27 they refer to as bird's nests where 2:29 employees can hang out or work in a more 2:31 open and outdoorsy environment the two 2:34 buildings are connected by a large open 2:36 space area that is situated right in the 2:38 middle of everything employees can 2:41 comfortably walk between the Endeavor 2:42 and the Voyager without ever leaving the 2:45 company grounds as if that wasn't enough 2:47 Nvidia also owns several separate 2:49 buildings across the road that you can 2:52 access via a private walking path that 2:54 hovers over the busy main roads just 2:56 outside their office grounds given that 2:58 Nvidia currently employ employs roughly 3:00 26,000 people and the Endeavor has been 3:03 reportedly capable of taking in around 3:05 2500 staff members the entirety of 3:08 Nvidia HQ could be the location for over 3:11 6,000 members of the Nvidia team and 3:14 that is excluding the workforce that 3:16 they have stationed in the buildings 3:17 just a stone toss away across the road 3:20 not bad at all considering how much open 3:22 space these offices have for 3:23 collaboration as well so how much did 3:26 Nvidia pay for this Monumental office 3:27 spectacle well the voy alone cost around 3:31 $992 million to build the Endeavor set 3:34 the company back a lesser $370 million 3:38 which also isn't exactly cheap plus 3:40 around 184 million for the land that 3:43 they purchased back in 2008 although not 3:46 currently publicly available we can 3:48 assume that the land below the Voyager 3:50 was probably a similarly Hefty sum as 3:52 well considering the fact that the 3:54 entire premises are equal to almost half 3:57 of the size of Apple Park which Apple 3:59 paid a shpping $5 billion for maybe we 4:02 could even say that Nvidia got 4:04 themselves quite a bargain here if you 4:06 would like to see more coverage of the 4:07 industry Giants and everything else tech 4:09 make sure to subscribe to the tech Oasis 4:12 [Music] 4:18 [Music] 4:20 Channel 1.5M views 3 months ago #WSJ #Nvidia #Tech At Nvidia’s headquarters, the AI chips that propelled the company to a $2-trillion valuation were used in custom software that helped design the space-ship-like buildings. The tech company’s office in Santa Clara, California, is now one of the most sought-after places to work. … 1,110 Comments Add a comment... @ropro9817 3 months ago We heard what the architects think, but would love to hear what the people working there think of this design. 4.5K Reply 50 replies @Miniplev 2 months ago I feel like Modern workplaces all have one MO: 1. Angles 2. Depressingly modern 3. Very iittle actual workspace 4. Uncomfy weird chairs 133 Reply 1 reply @MaximillianSmith-pz1vk 3 months ago They’ve managed to design something that makes you feel lonely even when you’re with others Now that is talent 986 Reply 3 replies @padmitrii 2 months ago "the hi-tech roof removes noise" 4:51 almost yelling at each other with an awful background noise 56 Reply @juandenz2008 3 months ago There are an increasing number of studies that show that the risks of open plan offices outweigh the benefits. It feels more like an airport terminal than a place for concentration on a tricky technical problem. 1.4K Reply 18 replies @bobsworth7082 3 months ago It literally looks like a mid 2000s airport terminal 1.5K Reply 10 replies @thomasthaler8568 3 months ago odd that we never saw a single workplace 1.1K Reply 10 replies @profmerlinpants 3 months ago Looks so big but feels like something is missing and empty. 1.6K Reply 34 replies @emetzger 3 months ago you need an app to know where the bathroom is. great design. 32 Reply @hansestaden7595 3 months ago My dream is to never work in open offices again. I have yet to be in an open office that doesn't suck the soul out of you and leave you drained with a headache at the end of the day, I always end up using sitting with my AirPods Pro in my ears all day to get some peace and quiet time to focus on actually working. Not listening to music, just the rain "noise generator" to drown out the last part of chatter. 1K Reply 18 replies @frostydog860 3 months ago Cool office. I’ll stick to remote work. 137 Reply 7 replies @zapfanzapfan 2 months ago When you want that airport experience without actually travelling... 28 Reply 1 reply @j.f.almeida9081 3 months ago The bubble is going to blow up soon. 8 Reply @novabalm 3 months ago Honestly the colours and design feel kinda soulless, almost 1984-like 226 Reply 2 replies @realm8286 3 months ago Mr. Dahlgren's lack of blinking was kinda terrifying. 132 Reply 5 replies @heman248 3 months ago This looks like a shopping mall 180 Reply @mathewmcfool 3 months ago nice place to visit once in a while but WFH is so much better for me. 66 Reply 3 months ago Well, this looks much like an airport, with lounges in different floors and opposite directions and terminals that are connected. The question is, if I go to the wrong direction for a meeting, it will take me 20 minutes to get to the other side, which is exactly the problem with airports. We went from cubicles to massive open spaces as if there's nothing in between. Most people would appreciate if they didn't randomly run across their C-levels while walking to a meeting or at the bar. 141 Reply 3 replies @maryvasti 3 months ago Leather jacket man never disappoints. 2 Reply @Wiggie_Wiggie 2 months ago I think working in an open office like this will distract people. Also people may feel awkward because there's no personal space. I mean if you just want 5 mins of relaxation, there's everyone watching waiting to judge you by your every moment. 10 Reply @pjmorgan 3 months ago Those are NASA references, not Star Trek references. 892 Reply 14 replies @TannerBarcelos 3 months ago Live 10 mins from the HQ. It’s amazing to look at when driving by everyday. Really competes with the space ship in Cupertino 5 Reply @stevenvillarreal8970 6 days ago These two buildings are absolutely stunning!!! It is like a huge building with ton of little buildings inside. UNREAL Reply @ZivineYT 3 months ago As someone who lives in Santa Clara the Nvidia building is one of the coolest I’ve seen in Silicon Valley. Love taking car pictures there 33 Reply @jonathanlander3631 3 months ago Soul crushing liminal space not unlike a drab mall or airport. Would love to hear what the employees who have to work there think. 367 Reply 6 replies @jonathanllamas2423 3 months ago The architect was explaining simulation of sun light like if this is brand new. AutoCAD Revit software did this for many years. 156 Reply 4 replies @RicoStew 3 months ago god these corporate videos are always so cringe. >you're saying the actual work that they then do together is better? (by seeing each other across the building) >absolutely, yes. Any source to back this up??? Trust me bro. 159 Reply 4 replies @Alongfortheride693 3 months ago I have been buying their video cards since the beginning. I am now on my 4090. My name should be on at least one of those triangles. 281 Reply 6 replies @ashleyknowles6613 3 months ago This is dystopian future they see 7 Reply @lc285 3 months ago 'More stairs than needed, elevators tucked away'. This sounds like those with disabiliries aren't welcome to collaborate.. 8 Reply 1 reply @eamonho6941 3 months ago I'd be more impressed if it looked like a giant video card with massive fans on the roof, to better reflect their roots. Right now it just looks like a pair of alienware desktops with people instead of anime figurines in the window. 28 Reply @Allaiya. 3 months ago (edited) Looks very cool & I love the natural light & plant wall, but they need a space for the introverts & not just small rooms that you have to probably book. The open concept would drain me so much if I had to do that everyday. 113 Reply 4 replies @MatthewMS. 3 months ago The most beautiful company of all time 2 Reply @witness1013 3 months ago So much wasted space 15 Reply @findtom1 3 months ago Welcome to Cyberdyne Systems 66 Reply 1 reply @themartdog 3 months ago so they work in what is basically a giant school cafeteria? lol 101 Reply 8 replies @Gummiees 3 months ago It's so obvious that this was written by Nvidia 416 Reply 6 replies @TheNinjappa 3 months ago Looks like a modern airport terminal 49 Reply @earlblacksher1785 3 months ago I literally did construction on this building and BOI LET ME TELL YOU.. SEEING THIS IN PERSON IS INCREDIBLE. It's a beautiful building. Definitely a unique format though, colorful throughout 2 trillion though 192 Reply 5 replies @yougeo 3 months ago Two things. Number one I've noticed that whenever a successful company starts focusing on a new headquarters building that's usually a sign that they have lost their way and are no longer focused primarily on their product and they usually do poorly in subsequent years. Number two if you built your company in all its success based on buildings that had cubicles you really shouldn't be looking for a different way. People may not think cubicles let people work together but most engineering success does not come from people working together. Most engineering success comes from individuals going off into quiet spaces that are their own without any distraction and thinking very deeply about a problem and tell a solution comes to them. Distractions and interactions with other people break that deep thought that is so necessary to resolve solutions for complex problems. 35 Reply 3 replies @Mirtual 2 months ago everyone's complaining about this not realizing nvidia still has toe best flexible WFH options, idc what my office looks like if I'm getting paid the amount they do with the benefits they get. 1 Reply @thegiggler2 3 months ago Everyone hates open office concepts. Try listening to the people. 84 Reply 5 replies @tipoomaster 3 months ago I remember when we saw the first render of this office. Nvidia was so much smaller back then. They've executed incredibly, and this campus also looks incredible. 10 Reply @swedesam 3 months ago And yet their Earnings Call sounds like a long distance phone call from the early 2000's. 4 Reply 1 reply @jlg395 2 months ago This looks like a dystopian hellscape. It could've been an unused set from Logan's Run. 1 Reply @AMM0beatz 3 months ago Would be cool as a science museum, or an indoor rainforest. 1 Reply @johnshoemakerpbc 3 months ago It’s so weird hearing these corporate speak words when looking at these kind of projects. What’s more important is to listen to real employees without a threat of penalty. I’m sure most of them hate these designs. I know I hate open offices. If I have to go to an office then I want my own space where I can personalize it and make it mine. 3 Reply @jayd8743 3 months ago It's a bit 1970s British office building crossed with Stansted Airport roof... Its like someone's tried to copy a Norman Foster building but with triangles. Was expecting more somehow. 54 Reply @celestialx8 3 months ago waiting for layoff soon :D 2 Reply @dictionarsis 9 days ago Bangunan yg dibangun dengan filosofi pasti menghasilkan bangunan yg berkesan. Bukan asal modern atau canggih saja. Keren NVIDIA. Reply @shmookins 3 months ago 4:29 Everything looks top notch, but why are there puddles? 7 Reply @Champagneyear 3 months ago I would go nuts working there 17 Reply @deepakjain4481 3 months ago wow the growth of Nvidia is astonishing 1 Reply @huruhooroo 1 month ago This is a good report. People should buy coffee for the journalists reporting this. Reply @CumBrianFries 3 months ago These companies with open office space must think we're idiots if they think we'd be fooled by how that design makes work more collaborative and productive. This is nothing but a way for companies to have more control. Most introverts hate this and they're some of the smartest folks out there! 23 Reply @TreDogOfficial 3 months ago One thing's certain, Nvidia treats their employees generously. I don't know how that's going to translate to their future stock price, but they've cornered the market for now. 10 Reply @isabellemos3333 1 month ago An Architecture of the Nvidia Headquarters Facilities Project that is very exciting for its employees and futuristic for future Microship planning developed by the company. Opened in early 2022, the Santa Clara headquarters is an imposing 750,000-square-foot structure designed to enhance employees' performance in line with the company's vision. Hao Ko, the design principal on the project, told Business Insider that the idea for the office "is rooted in that idea that people do their best work when they are provided with a choice." "A successful workplace needs to be a destination and not an obligation, so designing a comfortable place that reflects a company's culture is also very important," Ko said. If Nvidia is interested, it could create another headquarter in Angola to create semiconductors for the global electronics industry. Thank you very much for your attention.! 1 Reply @NorbertKasko 3 months ago 1:10 "The triangle is everywhere." Illuminati confirmed. 2 Reply @ropro9817 3 months ago Looks nice and open but it must take forever to get from meeting to meeting with such sprawl. 22 Reply 1 reply @vasiovasio 3 months ago Nvidia, the buildings are Amazing and Green, but Please bring back the Woman that says the jingle - Nvidiaaaaaa! We All Need Her Back! 7 Reply @BlazerManiacNumber96 3 months ago I used to work at Nike WHQ and now I work at Amazon WHQ. This place looks way cooler than both 1 Reply @rexgloriae316 2 months ago The level of corporate jargon is giving me a headache. Maximise efficiency and foster collaboration. 1 Reply @distributor1 3 months ago (edited) 2:45 *sound is reflecting somewhere imagine someone on the other side of the building going crazy of voices coming from nowhere 47 Reply 4 replies @AdamWolnikowski 3 months ago I used to work in Endeavor, it was my favorite office I've ever been in. Easy to navigate, tons of natural light, the sound mitigations the mentioned really work, and the sci-fi feeling really makes you feel like you're working on the future. 48 Reply 2 replies @wekkimeif7720 3 months ago (edited) Also this is not office tour, this is simply showing the entrance of the office itself... Office tour means showing around the whole office. Check Kojima Studio tour for proper example. 2 Reply @unl0ck998 3 months ago (edited) Y'all need to read "A Comparison of Psychological and Work Outcomes in Open-Plan and Cellular Office Designs: A Systematic Review" from 2021, a meta study of over 10000 papers on the topic. To quote the authors: "open-plan workplace designs were found to be negatively associated with health, satisfaction, and productivity. Significantly, very few positive effects were found throughout the entire review, with not a single study measuring productivity finding a positive effect. Furthermore, the empirical evidence does not support the anecdotal claims of increased collaboration and communication between open-plan office workers." 1 Reply @Michael-ix6es 3 months ago Nvidians imbecility of corporations is infinite 8 Reply @JM-gz1ej 3 months ago Those are very fancy buildings, no doubt. But I wont envy their employees, their parking lots are pretty much full even after 7pm. 3 Reply @alexeykulikov2739 3 months ago Those tense eyes… 2 Reply @ahumanbeing812 5 days ago Exactly how I imagined it to be: aloof, impersonal, ostentatious, high-tech, futuristic. It's all about showing off what the company stands for. Reply @dave597 3 months ago It's like an airport lounge, I dont think that the roof tiles would dampen the noise well enough, all the people in the open spaces seem to be eating or having a coffee instead of working. 12 Reply @RossiPopa 2 months ago One question please! Is NVIDIA a safe buy to outperform the market this year? I'm tired of these new buys every week, just to make up some assets with low percentage on my $236k portfolio and try to keep everything around 10%. 4 Reply 5 replies @Dr.W.Krueger 3 months ago No other brands for our workstation GPUs. Reliable drivers, good performance. 1 Reply @user-tc2ky6fg2o 3 months ago In a triangulated space/building, many squared/cubed objects and 90-degree lines simply do not look nice. There are a lot of missed opportunities in this building, but undeniably nice on Google Earth. 1 Reply @agrofeen1700 3 months ago (edited) This office complex is soo stunning 23 Reply @wmtrader 3 months ago Across the street from these two buildings are about eight very average looking Nvidia office buildings. I suspect that it is in the eight run-of-the-mill office buildings where most of the work is done. 18 Reply @plasmahandoku1073 2 months ago You know, I always keep driving past this place. If you look from the outside it looks pretty broad. When looking inside, it looks even worst lol. 1 Reply @chosencode5881 3 months ago Weird they didn't show a single office, looks horrifying 4 Reply @manchuratt8900 3 months ago Simple question: do the directors and VP also sit there? I bet not. Seems like extremely inefficient workspace. I'd to see someone these people who design these things to sit there any work and lets see how much they can focus. 5 Reply @asj2727 2 months ago "3D graphics were originally based on drawing triangles" is giving major Sabre Pyramid vibes. Reply @PattyBryant-mh4dd 3 months ago WOW Very Nice, Cool Buildings!! Great Video 🇺🇸 1 Reply @zzz11221 3 months ago (edited) Did they record this on a 720p webcam ? 4:39 10 Reply 1 reply @Sunshine03331 3 months ago It has literally no soul. Looks like an airport and I can imagine, based on ly open space working experiences, that focusing on working could be very hard all day. Hard days and headaches will be the results for the working part.for the part who are walking around and managing next coffee it is a dream place 8 Reply 1 reply @suhitkumar 3 weeks ago This is the kind of building you see at the start of a dystopian movie Reply @leonardo-mr4jm 3 months ago 4:25 bridge walls are unreasonably tall - to deter employees from jumping off? 4 Reply @hjsimpson3 3 months ago I never liked open space. There is a lack of privacy and concentrating is hard. Best office layout: home office. 3 Reply @rysus 3 months ago (edited) You know, I could see this kind of building being used as a really fun convention center. And I don't mean just for things like comic-con; any big gathering really. 1 Reply @backstreetsbackalright4363 2 months ago Looks dystopian. 1 Reply @albertlotanna 3 months ago Feels so sci-fi, like the kind of perfectionist buildings we see in movies. The future is rapidly changing, and it is equally as exciting as it is scary. 4 Reply 1 reply @ceeril 3 months ago Is this an ad for Nvidia RTO? 3 Reply 1 reply @Saint_Rigal 3 months ago Gonna be wild when this company tanks 1 Reply @anonymoususer3561 3 months ago Quite cool, it feels like a video game 1 Reply @kl3nd4thu 3 months ago The Architect mentioned that the elevators are "tucked away but they are there". Wow. What a way to not be inclusive to those who are in wheelchairs. Or heaven forbid you are in a cast from your recent ski trip and need to get up to the 2nd level. It was kind of interesting that wayfinding and signage weren't that prominent. If you are new to that campus, I bet it is going to be confusing to navigate those buildings. 8 Reply 3 replies @Cristian_M_ 2 months ago You work for 40yrs to have $1M in your retirement, meanwhile some people are putting just $10K in a meme coin from just few months ago and now they are multimillionaires. 3 Reply @7477238 3 months ago If I could have it my way I would have made the buildings look like giant graphics cards and the rooftop AC units would look like the cooling fans. 1 Reply @TimeFlux1089 3 months ago "Objective: Confront Yorinobu Arasaka" Looks sick! 1 Reply @JaminSilbaugh 2 months ago Can’t wait for the abandoned office park videos in 20 years Reply @dcamron46 3 months ago Wow it’s not a dense office at all…I work by here…those dudes are rolling the dough this year…wish I bought more of their stock 6 Reply @millamulisha 3 months ago “Employees called Nvidians”… ️ 🫡 6 Reply @kripposoft 2 months ago as a developer I would kill myself if I had to work in that environment. It's like trying to work in a busy airport terminal... 2 Reply @Leanzazzy 1 month ago It looks like another world. There's something about seeing such innovative and breathtaking designs that inspires you and makes you feel like you really are part of the future. Reply 1 reply @rafae5902 2 months ago So much spent on a luxury office when what most of their employees really wanted was to work from home! 1 Reply @ol2510 4 weeks ago 3500 people trying to work in the same 'room' sounds like a nightmare to me Reply @kalashchangal170 1 month ago 5:17 Agent 47 has really improved and now is able to show 10% of normal human emotions Reply @christinecamley 2 months ago Really interesting design! 1 Reply @FMFvideos 3 months ago Looks very similar to the buildings in Ghost Recon Breakpoint. 2 Reply @rhoclouds 2 months ago i remember driving by the area when the headquarters was still under construction, thinking just about how massive of a space they would end up hosting. crazy stuff. wish we could have seen some other spaces other than just the lobby though Reply @sidharthravva2561 2 months ago I hate open workspaces. Completely, it has the opposite effect on employee behaviour. 1 Reply @Peter95111 3 months ago Just driving by these buildings on San Tomas makes you go, Wow! 1 Reply @dudeguybro 2 months ago I love having my own window office. Glad to buy Nvidia products (as I have a 4090 GPU), but I'd hate to work in some open concept. Reply @oamost 2 months ago 511 triangle windows on roofs... there must be one more 1 Reply @juddyyoutube 2 months ago It's funny how every company acts like open office was their idea 1 Reply @discoverymoi 3 months ago Would love a tour of the chip design room. 2 Reply @allenmoses110 3 months ago Speaking as an architect, it looks like a cold dysfunctional new world. Desperately alienating. The future looks bleak indeed for humanity. Reply @duedecimal6622 2 months ago "hey bro, can we meet on this spot?" "sure i can walk there for 45 minutes" Reply @broderp 1 month ago I now know why my video card cost so much, they needed these facy buildings, and all the bonuses the senior staff for coming up with this sterile work place.... 1 Reply @monoken 3 months ago (edited) I appreciate the exterior overall however, the indoor looks kind of a Mall or Airport that soon going to be abandoned, surprisingly it looks soulless 2 Reply @pichsuon1362 2 months ago I guess big tech companies couldn’t give up the feeling of being at university or traveling through the airport. 1 Reply @The_Real_Tone 2 months ago Critique on the video production here. 1) Why do you have unmatching framerates between shots as some are choppy while others are smooth. It's very jarring when watching this video. 2) Why does this 1080p (why not 4K btw) look like upresed 720p. Even at YT Premium "Enhanced Bitrate" the video looks blurry 1 Reply @kewkabe 2 months ago Lots of places to hold meetings and talk to each other, but where does actual work get done? I don't think the architects ever talked to engineers about how they work. 1 Reply @themusic6808 1 month ago People forget that Nvidia is a semiconductor company, not a consumer facing technology think tank for software developers fresh out of school like Meta, Alphabet or Apple. That’s why they design their headquarters and campuses to be like play pens for the young, creative mind to run wild lol Reply @akshyapani 2 months ago only one problem. wifi doesn't work here because of the design of the roof. It moves all signals out of the building. Reply @vjdevonmiles 2 months ago "Elevators are tucked away".... great, a big thank you from everyone bound to a wheelchair. 1 Reply @aguluman 3 months ago The cleaning services company sure earn their money. 1 Reply @elliotn7578 2 months ago It's funny how, despite many managers and executives touting the benefits of open working spaces, they all have their own private offices. Reply @emaslll 3 months ago (edited) Kinda like more the old office design. More warm and amigable. 2:59 Reply @TK621why 3 months ago (edited) when the interviewer says the buildings are star trek references when its clearly NASA 2 Reply @levidyer7714 8 hours ago Does anyone else get vibes from the Abstergo offices in Assassins Creed Black Flag? Reply @nihility. 2 months ago Looks cool! I'd love to work there. Reply @philipmaxwell669 3 months ago Some parts are nice and some parts merely say here is an office beneath a huge shed. Some parts look like deserted shopping centres. It’s dehumanising in large part with some nice bits thrown in. 2 Reply @nathana5883 3 weeks ago He was hurt when they didn’t make the walk under 2 minutes Reply @baratbushan8230 2 months ago Nice post with regards By Adv T E Barat Bushan Senior Advocate Member of MHAA Chennai Reply @shephusted2714 3 months ago light on the details - focused on ambiance and architecture no on desks and server racks - where the real work gets done 10 Reply @jwdp54 4 days ago This aged quick. 3 trillion worth now Reply @sweettorello 3 months ago Wow, the company that's working to replace everyone has a neato office! 1 Reply 1 reply @annekedebruyn7797 2 months ago Wish we saw more of the actual offices. Reply @clavo3352 3 months ago Wow! Most illuminating. Literally and figuratively! A Frisbee and biking and hiking park would be nice; with, a long sloping, meandering skateboard perimeter that terminates at an elevator or stairs to take you back to the top. And if you're going to have all of that might as well have a hang glider trebuchet also. Reply @jaginsburg 3 months ago (edited) The narrow range of color is concerning. Yes, there are plants, but they are used as blocks of green, a design element. There are no flowers. It’s brilliant engineering, but it feels like a spaceship, but more Kubrick than Star Trek, despite the names. Where’s the holodeck? 2 Reply @IrrationalCharm 2 months ago with all that space, they could've gave every single worker a small private office. Reply @panpawulon 3 months ago Looks like something that AI would create for itself as an office rather than place for humans to work. 1 Reply @anonname7610 3 months ago Do Epic’s offices next! (Google mapping them looks like youre going through Disney worlds or something lol) 1 Reply @pedroroque8681 3 months ago (edited) These mega corporations are beginning to look more and more like those ones we see in sci fi movies. Alien like, Bleak and soulless. 1 Reply @Jlw79 2 months ago It.. looks like an office 1 Reply @happalula 3 months ago interesting, but a big shame none of the measurements mentioned make any sense to me could you convert them to sticks or how-far-you-can-throw-a-ball maybe? 1 Reply @NeverTurnOffTheAmp 2 months ago Really cool and fascinating to see this, I would have loved a longer video. On the flip side, this "video journalist" just helped making an advertising here. Also, please stop calling employees things like "Nvidians". Reply @jaidenBenzz 5 days ago Great talk thank you Reply @zach4220 1 month ago Hiring Gensler to do your mega project. Very risk taking and innovative. You'll totally not get a soulless Pinterest inspired husk with them Reply @bigh1708 2 months ago beautiful buildings and spaces. Reply @xFanteziex 4 weeks ago filming 2 people talking instead the building.... 1 Reply @djrifbvkc2822 2 months ago (edited) The only thing “open floor design “ do is allow your managers to find u and give u more work or check on you… it DOSENT help with collab… especially when most of the work people do is solo. Reply @jtheabsolutegamer 3 months ago Trendy open offices do not understand the origins and reasoning behind the original open office by Frank Lloyd Wright. Its nice to see an office that resonates with the original. I just hope that it actually works for the employees, regardless of what kind of space it is. 1 Reply @unusualkmc 3 months ago Simply gorgeous. It easily rivals Apple's headquarters. Reply @swmut 3 months ago People work here because they get paid, potentially a lot of money. The "campus" aspect is simply there because they have to compete with the other large tech companies in the region, and they are making such ridiculously huge profits they can literally throw money at the wall to look "cool". Reply @MoZz.. 3 months ago maybe lower the price of your GPU or only release a product if its 50% increase in performance. That would look really well in the global environment perspective. Reply @chriss8971 3 months ago Ok, we've seen the airport terminal building but where do the employees work? 1 Reply @StandforAjdetray 3 months ago Thanks 1 Reply @me1izardo 3 months ago I’m sure Revit or equivalent BIM software was heavily used in design. Reply @ahsanmohammed1 3 months ago 4:50 Looked like you cheated. Ran. 1 Reply @vendalix 3 months ago Ever since he mentioned triangle, I can't help but feel like you're trapped in a low polygon game map with sharp edges everywhere and being forced to work 5 Reply @TalwinderDhillonTravels 2 weeks ago Still waiting to see/meet an architect that’s not a narcissist and actually designs buildings for people Reply @user-yf2iz8bo1y 3 months ago Why does Nvidia has an Eye as a logo and triangles as a Roof ? 2 Reply @alaaa1794 3 months ago Renewable needs to be part of it. 1 Reply @urimtefiki226 4 weeks ago People will be very creative in this building with open space. Reply 2 replies @Rexvideowow 2 months ago When shareholders demand more ROI: "We must cut labor costs." When the company needs a new building: "Here's a blank check." smh Reply @rsinclair689 2 months ago So your noise simply annoys coworkers further away. Yep, great idea. Reply @BooshAtlantic 2 months ago It feels fake warm/friendly. Like... "we are all family here" vibes in the most corporate sense. Reply @wilsonbotlero2363 3 months ago Open offices? Absolutely not 3 Reply @VectorSearch 3 months ago Where are the external monitors? 2 Reply @hollycow8171 2 months ago They really missed out their CORE CUSTOMERS, who brough their gaming CARDS. Now we need an alternate for this i guess!!! Reply @tvmila9616 2 weeks ago I wonder what a 3 trillion dollar office looks like. 1 Reply @rogersliu1200 1 month ago Making the company like home so that the employee can stay at the office 100% of the time and don't need to go home is the ultimate evil goal. Reply @al28854 3 months ago looks like the place is underground and the actual real world is above, just like the Fallout VG. 1 Reply @joelwillis2043 3 months ago "optimization tools to maximize sunlight" please... this was a relatively simple math problem 100 years ago Reply @neowang3106 2 weeks ago $3T now 1 Reply @mysticcmango 2 months ago I wasn't expecting these comments lol. it looks like an awesome place to work Reply @karmeshmeartia3784 1 day ago am I the only one who thinks it is more isolated and lonely compared to other company's headquarters? Reply @peter.p. 3 months ago (edited) Great company. They achieved total monopoly on thriving market without any bribery or cheating. I’m looking forward to see this company’s further growth in few years. Reply @faisalshahajat2872 3 months ago 26 is the new 13! Reply @DesiGoatFarmer 3 months ago So this is where John Connor will show up to prevent doomsday of humanity. Nice to see a preview before it hits the fan Reply @SickSickCix 2 months ago aren't Voyager and Endeavor NASA space probe and shuttle references, or did Star Trek come first? Reply @pac7025 3 months ago I am way too introverted to work in a space like this. And there's too many distractions for my mild ADHD. I would never be able to concentrate long enough to get anything done. Reply @xrl2393 2 months ago (edited) 2 trillion and it looks and feels absolute depressing, but that's exactly what we can expect from souless corp firms like Gensler do... 1 Reply @lisaharper1827 3 months ago Beautiful, would like to have seen the park in between the buildings. Reply @RajDeelish 3 months ago Looks like it could be a shopping mall. Overall there are some interesting spaces, so I'm sure it's a great space. Note, this was also designed on the original 100 billion dollar company budget, not the 2.3 trillion dollar market cap company Nvidia is today. Reply @vince_c 3 months ago The architects and engineers deserve all the praise they can get. This building looks insane! 1 Reply @jonen9494 2 months ago Youtube gave me an AMD commercial before the video... Reply @deshawnburton7114 3 months ago (edited) You can't say open spaces don't work if NVidia is clearly performing well Reply @NasserShakaa 3 months ago Definitely looks like Abstergo Reply @bhupindertube 2 months ago green wall is cool Reply @AI_WORLD_MOB 3 months ago 00:02 NVIDIA HQ uses custom software and visualization tools for office design. 01:06 NVIDIA HQ design promotes collaboration and efficiency 02:05 Chip design focuses on connections 03:02 Nvidia's new office design fosters quick iteration and deeper relationships. 03:58 Efficient office design for quick navigation 04:56 Nvidia uses simulation to create ideal working conditions 05:52 Nvidia HQ features innovative architectural design with emphasis on natural light and greenery. 06:47 Nvidia plans to continue evolving and expanding. 1 Reply @APoIIy 2 months ago We recently also got a new building with "open spaces". Total garbage. I want a desk, where i can adjust the height, so that i can stand up and a chair that will support my back. Left and right I want max 1 Person. The reality is you do not colaborate for 90% of the time. You work. Reply @knallhardt 2 months ago The blueprints looks like a microship Reply @ChatGPT1111 3 months ago Was he interviewing Dr. Evil or what? 1 Reply @Redz-zl4ki 2 months ago wow so beautiful, I hope they're offering H1-B Reply @BriansCryptoJourney 3 months ago Nvidia is still a good investment, along with Taiwan Semiconductor, Lam Research and ASML Holding. These three AI stocks have a lot of room for growth. Reply @AlanSmith88888 3 months ago Leather jacket man never disappoints. 13 Reply @SunriseConcreteCompany 3 months ago Soul crushing liminal space not unlike a drab mall or airport. Would love to hear what the employees who have to work there think. 1 Reply @JulieRoberts-od8ff 3 months ago Well, this looks much like an airport, with lounges in different floors and opposite directions and terminals that are connected. The question is, if I go to the wrong direction for a meeting, it will take me 20 minutes to get to the other side, which is exactly the problem with airports. We went from cubicles to massive open spaces as if there's nothing in between. Most people would appreciate if they didn't randomly run across their C-levels while walking to a meeting or at the bar. Reply @user-jn1cn5fg9w 3 months ago My dream is to never work in open offices again. I have yet to be in an open office that doesn't suck the soul out of you and leave you drained with a headache at the end of the day, I always end up using sitting with my AirPods Pro in my ears all day to get some peace and quiet time to focus on actually working. Not listening to music, just the rain "noise generator" to drown out the last part of chatter. 1 Reply @user-nc3o-Mila 3 months ago you need an app to know where the bathroom is. great design. Reply @jasonscalzo9597 3 months ago “We’re using visualization tools to help optimize the daylight that’s coming in here.” That made me laugh That is so Nvidia. I love how passionate they are about this new technology Reply @yougeo 3 months ago They should just build a big version of one of their parallel processors and put people inside it. They've obviously solved all the transport issues for electrons in the parallel processor and they need many people to do the same problem solving so it seems like a floor plan based on their parallel processor would be the best bet for productivity. Reply @AJ-rc5lr 1 month ago I can't believe i sold 1500 shares of NVDA back in 2015.. Reply @faisalshahajat2872 3 months ago Lightning is the 1st love! Reply @JudgeFredd 2 months ago Really great documentary Reply @jlg395 2 months ago The narrator looks like a robot himself. 1 Reply @7ak 3 months ago I have to say this is just a public relations facility. 1 Reply @CatherineMullins-en4zb 2 months ago It literally looks like a mid 2000s airport terminal Reply @user-kf4wh9qo5i 3 months ago It literally looks like a mid 2000s airport terminal Reply @brkbtjunkie 3 months ago Has an Abstergo motif Reply @darkinetix 3 months ago For a $2T company geeze, they could at least get some art for people to look at. Some kind of character. Can't believe this is a brand new design for an OFFICE not a lovely Costco-Bloomingdales hybrid. Reply @msnzuigt 2 days ago Looks like Silo (Apple TV+ series).. Reply @AinzWoolGown 2 months ago Conan needs to visit this office Reply @hassanshehzad4219 2 months ago Wish they had someone more intelligent / experienced with these important tours Reply @tyluz 2 months ago watching this im just thinking yea no wonder nvidia has the least input lag and best features there employees are working in heaven. Reply @darkmember727 3 months ago Not more than 2 minutes.... starts running Reply @solowingpixy8190 2 months ago jesus christ what A SOUL DESTROYING BUILDING. Reply @pduran880 3 months ago Nvidia .. Standing on Business Reply @TheMehranKhan 3 months ago Wait a minute how it became the most sought after place to work? I clearly remember 4 years ago everyone wanted to work at Apple and maybe other tech giants like Google or Microsoft or even Amazon (as a software engineer) the fact that stock price makes people think differently is wild. Reply @Searchingtheworld7183 1 month ago This is a giant airport with no planes. Reply @miscme7116 2 months ago One of my friends used to work in a big company, developing phones (not Apple), and there was a time when the company started to have a cold feeling, he told me. They used to have smaller office rooms where there was privacy, good co-workers and silence to work, however when they built new spaces that was all open office, the productivity of almost all workers dropped dramatically. This was later even benchmarked and proven. He told me it was a monkey house sometimes and there was no peace to focus on your work. They also mixed up the people so around you were no longer people you know. Some people had their projects that had little oversight for a long period of time. There was a situation where this overweight guy who always had his headphones on and sat on computer, he never talked to anyone and wanted no one to bother him, he died in front of his computer but stayed up. They found out he was actually dead only when his body started to smell too much. He had been sitting in front of his computer for days and no one noticed he was dead. It is surprising how much better people can focus on their work and perform when you give them a quiet space. Reply 6 replies @kasforai 3 months ago My relative works here and said only the outside looks cool, but the inside is not bad I think Reply @youtubyoutub2304 2 months ago Before studying networking I’d probably blind hate on this too, I truly realise the negative echo chamber comment sections usually are. Most of you seem to be depressive doom scrolling so just remember most people work in unimaginable conditions like slaves, this is new so it’s hated but it’s not meant for you 1 Reply @user-wf4nl2yy8x 2 months ago I wonder how would it be if Andramatin designs the building Reply @TwoFamuel 12 days ago 3 trillion now - 1 Reply @birkls 3 months ago 1:19 looks like that one new episode of Black Mirror with Salma Hayek Reply @liustone2627 1 month ago It looks like an airport with workstations Reply @adelekeadebisi 2 months ago Amazing Reply @shion-7777 3 months ago Timestamped Highlights 00:14 NVIDIA's HQ uses their own chips to design the office and visualize daylight optimization. 00:30 Star Trek-inspired buildings connect through an outdoor park, reflecting NVIDIA's origins. 01:13 The heart of Endeavor contains active spaces like reception, conference rooms, and coffee breaks. 02:01 Open office layout promotes collaboration and deeper relationships among employees. 02:57 Shortcuts and connections make it easy to navigate between buildings and levels. 04:35 NVIDIA's simulation technology helps create ideal working conditions and simulate daylight. 06:10 Green spaces, living walls, and labs balance tech and nature, signaling future growth. Summarized by @NoteGPT 1 Reply @dogs674 1 month ago I want to be head of something important in control of something like this Reply @caven7056 3 months ago Large building but it seems to lack character 1 Reply @fleeziest3060 3 months ago (edited) Very interesting to see the integration of AI into architecture. Call it archiTECHture lol Reply @Jus7here 2 months ago What will become a relic? 6:41? Nature? Reply @alexandrugheorghe5610 3 months ago 1:03 he doesn't inspire psychopathic vibes at all, no, no 2 Reply @simply-tom 3 days ago They’re the number one company in the world. I guess the building idea works. Not for me though. I see that building and especially the inside, I get dizzy and nauseated. Reply @ronnieteixeiradocarmo5477 3 months ago They should hire the architect to work there, that way they would see that many things could be avoided. Reply @Jared-lj2vb 2 months ago I feel like I could work in this office for 12 years without actually doing any work at all. Peak "time theft" office Reply @seikojin 3 months ago This only looks at the new buildings. There are 4 buildings they had before. When I worked there, it was in one of those buildings. Definitely cubicles/labs. And it was a good place, lots of friendly, dedicated engineers. The biggest perk at the time was subsidized meals. Could have lunch and dinner there, or all three meals from their cafeteria where they made a rotating menu of scratch made food. 1 Reply @Mark-hi4nv 3 months ago I hate open spaces. All you can do to drown out the noise is to put your headphones on and play music. Its also very distracting bc anyone at anytime can come to you. Perhaps offices should have an open workspace and then dedicated rooms for departments or teams. You only work at open space when u feel like it. Reply @worldfamous260dewitt 1 month ago Yes Reply @thehandleiwantedwasntavailable 2 months ago I didn't see a single work space that would inspire me to work. There were lots of open area spaces that are okay for group conversation, but where do I go to actually get stuff done? Reply @NarcatasCor 3 months ago 6:40 "Relic" confirmed, this is bad.... Reply @yadav0_x 3 months ago Having a zombie film or video game set here would be amazing, would not you agree? Reply @comfy950 3 months ago It's giving Gavin Belson Reply @AllahuAkhbarMuhammadJihad 3 months ago ALL IM SEELING IS ROLLERBLADES AND SCAREBOARDS :) LOVELY WORK SPACE Reply @parkerxgps8101 3 months ago Hope the place can help them deliver a better graphics card value. Reply @surfsupbruh 3 months ago nice but i heard no free food for employees Reply @peakz8548 3 months ago I used to work near there not long ago and would take a walk by the old buildings on the site. I have hard time now imaging how they managed to fit all this on that site. Reply @spurrya3563 3 months ago I used to work there till 2021(building C represent baby!!), endeavour could use more colour, plants or something lively. It felt a bit boring when I was there (probably covid). The older buildings were a lot more fun - especially building B. They had 1$ dinner and used to play backstreet boys music to open the dinner everynight. It was cozier and just overall more fun. Hope the new buildings are fun too. 2 Reply @matteuklol 2 months ago Takes them to the next level. what is the next level? Reply @shalevwiden3927 2 months ago This is nice Reply @majidp1981 3 months ago The disappointment after hearing that the walk actually took 2:30 minutes! Reply @nenm465 3 months ago Looks like a Museum Reply @HaiLeQuang 3 months ago I hate open office but this looks really really good. Reply @benjicool2808 2 months ago yeah you won't convince me that they are not harvesting aliens in the basement Reply @a.ksanah8518 3 months ago The cameraman is awesome! Reply @jairusokiror4553 3 months ago This is wonderful Reply @waty0usay1 3 months ago They just went like "yo we want an office from one of those video games". Reply @TITANONEOONE 2 months ago You went the long way to Endeavor Reply @thesaurusrex7919 1 month ago Im more interested in the mechanical room Reply @JiveCinema 2 months ago LIMINAL SPACE!! The buildings are nothing but soulless liminal space. Reply @avinasha.firange6316 3 months ago meet you soon 2 Reply @user-mk8hk1es5m 3 months ago Welcome to Cyberdyne Systems Reply @samalmaleesha283 3 months ago I want to work there soon Reply @marcoscastro3021 2 months ago Yall selling my bag rn Reply @theskyyisgold8824 3 months ago this looks like a soulless airport terminal have they thought about using any other colors than grey and white? 1 Reply @user-tb5ns7hc5i 3 months ago (edited) I’d have to see it in person but looks like an architectural mess to my eye from this video’s perspective. Apple Park any day for the win. Did AI or Borg design this spiderweb matrix? 4 Reply @TestAccount-fu4ls 3 months ago It looks calm, sad and lonely for some reason Reply @TheLifeGiver 2 months ago They were bragging about how their chips allowed them to see how the sun would look through the skylights but thats a feature on Sketchup FREE and pretty much any other cad software................................... Reply @dnserror89 3 months ago Yet upper management has their personal office. Reply @shabbirmanji4190 1 month ago 4:50 Clearly that fast forwarded video explained its not right time. Its more than 2:30 Reply @OnPatrolFan 2 months ago I feel so bad for tech support there Reply @farrukhali69 4 weeks ago 1:10 Illuminati Confirmed. Reply @jonas_security_kolinski 2 months ago Looks like a Hitman level 1 Reply 1 reply @leftyfourguns 3 months ago (edited) The irony in seeing most of them using MacBooks >______> Reply @KoshyGeorge 3 months ago Seems like an ad 3 Reply @mcm2366 2 months ago Looks like JFK meets Logan's Run... cold grey with a lot of wasted space. Reply @Mcdblue88 3 months ago It looks like a shopping mall. No way I want to work there. They (client and architectural designer) completely disregarded the idea of human-scale Reply @alansandybay 3 months ago After apple hq now NVIDIA Reply @colin1235421 3 months ago So this is why my graphics card was so expensive... Reply @danrussell_official 2 months ago (edited) lol the “soul” of nvidia looks stark and bleak from the looks of that architecture. Also the open office plan is something very few employees like. Noisy, distracting, and you feel management’s watchful eye constantly - which is the real point of open office concepts. They wanna see you being collaborative. It’s kinda like if you do the dishes but no one saw - others think you didn’t do them. Reply @mzhou2727 3 months ago Makes me tired just thinking about hiking with a laptop in darkness Reply @DanielWieser 3 months ago The horror… 5 Reply @Pasha8204 2 months ago Need 4k 8k 1 Reply @papafishy7133 1 day ago u mean 3.3T 1 Reply @cazanovared 3 days ago How do you storyboard a video project like this? Reply @sadiqkhawaja7019 3 months ago Cool, where do people work? For NVIDIA there was a surprisingly small number of computers! Reply @dukke888 3 months ago Nothing beats working in the comfort of home. Reply @monsuur 3 months ago I prefer the design of Apple Park Reply @Cristobal8605 3 months ago Be nice if this video was uploaded with higher picture quality Reply @Edison73100 1 month ago Just like Tucker this will relic out. Reply @dr.timsmith5539 2 months ago shoulda had plants on the ceiling Reply @jollymess1 3 months ago Nice video. Reply @wwzzyyy 3 months ago Looks like an airport 1 Reply @maksimsdjacuks8571 3 months ago Nice!!! Reply @toobalkain 2 months ago feels very cold Reply @E34bmer 3 months ago Management always wants open concept and in office. No employee agrees! Smh Reply @willwilliamson9580 3 months ago important employees still get offices...but of course.. Reply @ddduva4440 3 months ago With all that tech you should be able to work fully remote. Reply @Kathy-Daniel 3 months ago It's so obvious that this was written by Nvidia Reply @Xonquest_ 2 months ago Do all the upper management use the stairs daily? The bald guy seems tired after a 2-minute walk 7:46 Reply @beaupridemore9775 3 months ago A way to spend immediate money….yall got to a point without needing it. That point everything needs to be done in AN area. Not several. Reply @lexmcdermott2751 2 months ago Lord almighty, what’s the monthly maintenance for all the on-site live plants ? Reply 1 reply @danielmachiya2953 5 days ago Laughs in Cal Newport Reply @kentrader2489 2 months ago It looks like The Emily May Foundation in Spider-Man 2 Reply @sigitkus7029 3 months ago "the sound bounced elsewhere" might want to think twice before gossiping in this place :)) Reply @Benni259 3 months ago So this is where my $600 that I spent on my 1660 super on 2021 went :) Reply @mpleandre 3 months ago Why are the comments so aggressive? Tf 1 Reply @user-lp2xr4lt5p 2 months ago amazing Reply @po-hsuanhuang5200 3 months ago Where's the line for employee GPU store? Reply @DirtyDan021 2 weeks ago Looks like a call of duty map Reply @petterv6604 3 months ago apple park >> 1 Reply @panamacityboi 3 months ago Super cool building, but I’d still rather work remote. Reply @Dots4knots20 3 months ago 2 trillion bucks and an AI bot for sneakers was able to get all the 3080s? Reply @KSW7 3 months ago Its like you just gave a nerd billion dollars. And told him to make something socially nice, so he just looked upon google places that make environment nice. And just pasted all with his random triangles. Reply @woodrowjr.7166 2 months ago Triangles are inferior to hexagons. That's right, I said it. Reply @acvdr 2 months ago it looks like huge starbucks to me Reply @0tayaya 3 months ago (edited) the walking here ….kinda make me dont want to work there already . Not to mention the place look kinda deserted, Remind me of a college on sunday Reply @user-dp2pr2oi5j 3 months ago Those are NASA references, not Star Trek references. Reply @JosePaul-el6ob 3 months ago It's so obvious that this was written by Nvidia Reply @mypotatoesarenice 3 months ago It looks very good, but I would never work an in person job ever again. Reply @teolcd 3 months ago I hope the map of this HQ won't actually be a hidden chip design just like in Ironman haha. Reply @AwomKenneth 3 months ago looks good! Reply @Cristian_M_ 2 months ago You work for 40yrs to have $1M in your retirement, meanwhile some people are putting just $10K in a meme coin from just few months ago and now they are multimillionaires. Reply @jm9371 3 months ago Wow.. Crazy sheet! Reply @julioa6680 3 months ago This looks so much like the game Control form Remedy studios and its worrying. Reply @daffyduck4195 3 months ago None of these elaborate concepts actually contribute to improving people's connections. They are simply imaginative creations concocted to rationalize the payment of so-called "experts" in this field. People are unnecessarily adding more decoration to a cake that is already complete. Reply @kole081 3 months ago It looks and feels like an airport Reply @karmatraining 3 months ago Did I skip thru this too fast or did they not show where the actual work is done, just the cafe/chill sections? 3 Reply @josephpiskac2781 3 months ago I was projecting this AI design influence twenty years ago though at that time not really understanding how it would work. Defense was successfully using A.I. for instantly generating combat scenarios. My high-tech employment in the 1980s was overwhelming crushed by the HIV AIDS extermination. Great this presentation did not have one do noting woman in it did provide employment for intelligent healthy young men. I have long thought A.I. is the answer to all our problems. Reply @2you2cool 3 months ago can we stand still at the moment where they are at the plant wall and say: 'it becomes a relic, if they put their technology up' . What about that Reply @rio197 3 months ago 0:55 Those are NASA references, not Star Trek Reply @TheSamWise7 3 months ago Surely the third building would be called Discovery. Reply @Keelow 3 months ago Feels like a sinister place from black mirror. Reply @basicallyph0r 2 months ago anyone know which engineering firm worked on this or what was involved from a structural design perspective? Reply @OmegaPhattyAcid 3 months ago I'll WFH when possible thanks Reply @edwardkim6064 3 months ago 엔비디아가 역사상 최초로 시가총액 1,000,000,000,000,000,000$ 가길 바란다 1 Reply @ianhomerpura8937 3 months ago As Confucius once said, "If an Nvidia factory is currently not on fire, it will be on fire." - Sseth Reply @indrahaseo 3 months ago When AMD HQ will come yet? Reply @harlinaindra4899 3 months ago Star Trek references? What about Space Shuttle Reply @Fang28 2 months ago I had to rewind because I accidentally misheard "nvidians" as "nvidiots" Reply @TheACLP 3 months ago so where is the place where they actually cook some future rtx 5090 gpus, I don't see the scientists that are hard at work, I see a bunch of happy people that aren't getting any work done. WHERE IS THE SECRET LAB? Reply @redsharktooth22 1 month ago Michael Falk's non-autistic brother is also a great reporter! Reply @mevans4953 3 months ago I’m honestly surprised that Nvidia is investing in California when everyone is moving to Texas. Bad move from a shareholders standpoint. Reply @Vinlyguyx420x 3 months ago The project manager has Data’s eyes Reply @bravo90_ 3 months ago Nice house Reply @josuengh4370 3 months ago Atrioc, you lucky man Reply @smaller_cathedrals 3 months ago Of course the comments are mosty filled with negative energy, ... what a surprise. I don't get it. One, the immense success of Nvidia pretty much shows that this workspace does something right. Two, what would you imagine the office building of such a company would look like? Three, you expect a documentary like this to cover individual workspacesm with employees being at work? I swear, ... Personally, I think this is highly interesting and the place is truly fascinating. Reply @bloodywanker781 2 months ago Where are the graphic cards made? Reply @MatiasNColman 3 weeks ago Por favor agreguen subtítulos en español. No es mucha inversión y todo Latinoamérica de habla hispana podría mirar sus videos. Reply @duck8280 2 months ago I know they already got a GTX 6090 and beyond. Reply @saheel1850 2 months ago Looks a lot like Google Bay View Reply @SaturdayWinter 3 months ago That's wildddddddddd, and you still work on a laptop and attend Zoom calls. Reply @user-vo5wr8xo8q 3 months ago Branch Nvidians 1 Reply @AbhinavKumar-dg8dz 3 months ago Tour apple park someday Reply @codylim1 3 months ago Finished watching 7:46 Reply @PC-hj4wg 2 months ago Futuristic buildings? Look standard these days Reply @nickluckovitch3288 3 months ago Arasaka is that you? Reply @edgarmeza8905 3 months ago Not gonna lie the blueprint of the building look like big boss outer heaven lol Reply @noreacharounds 1 month ago NVIDIA probably pays enormous taxes to the Peoples Republic Of California, or the PRC as we know of it. Reply @SoCalFreelance 3 months ago Not a fan of that roof design. Feels more warehouse than upscale office complex. Reply @fredlacroix6865 1 month ago hardware companies justifies their real valuations compared to ad driven software companies like meta FB which can be replaced anytime when app users suddenly changed their app usage trend or habit in a whim Reply @randomasdfx7891 3 months ago the office feels large and empty. Like a dead mall. Reply @pianomatt715 3 months ago Looks spartan. Wouldn’t love it there. Reply @d1snuts 3 months ago Looks like my highschool! 1 Reply @primenumberbuster404 2 months ago It's $3T now. Reply @LukasLwM 3 months ago Looked like a prison to me lol 2 Reply @gigachadster 2 months ago 4:55 the look on his face LOL. Looks like he's about to be fired Reply @userbosco 3 months ago Reminds me of THE COMPLEX: Found Footage :-D Reply @NorthMan014 3 months ago Entry Gate is Worsr Reply @PandaWitAGun 3 months ago ol'glizzys stomping grounds Reply @victorbayas6296 2 months ago Thought this were Vercel offices Reply @davidn1059 1 day ago I think the bald guy is a robot Reply @samexoldx 2 months ago (edited) So thats where they come up with the schemes to overcharge for their products. Reply @coolinspirefunnybook1289 3 months ago (edited) nvidia should invest on MSFT. Reply @ravindertalwar553 2 months ago BEST WISHES FROM RAVINDER TALWAR JALANDHAR CITY PUNJAB INDIA Reply @Fowlos09 2 months ago open offices spaces means you have no dedicated work space Reply @lokesh303101 3 months ago The Best OfficeSpace. Reply @stuartmiddleton9320 3 months ago looks like an airport 7 Reply 1 reply @hotlineoperator 3 months ago The building is like a shopping mall, where the various departments of the company are housed in the shop premises. Pretty cool. 1 Reply @InquilineKea 3 months ago WAIT IS THAT JACK DAHLGREEN FROM QUORA Reply @JaredHayes 3 months ago This is top signal Reply @kesun32145 3 months ago Reminds me of Enron Reply @sam3806 3 months ago just curious how many janitors need to keep this office clean Reply @beaupridemore9775 3 months ago Almost obnoxious unless they can keep it to campuses like this only. Get bigger and I’ll start having a (personal) problem as a fellow resident. Reply @vlad_objective 3 months ago It feels more like an airport building... Very uncomfortable and too grey Reply @Gabriel._.19 3 months ago Triangles Reply @LazarkGaming 3 months ago It's nice, but it'll never beat the Apple HQ. Reply @whocares83 3 months ago correction coming in... Reply @user-jv8zb6jz5q 7 days ago 3 trillion now??? Reply @640A 2 months ago Nice jawline Adam. Reply @7_of_9 3 months ago I would love to work there, I would get nothing accomplished Reply @caro5150 3 months ago Just a D measuring building between rich CEO's most of those people can work from home! Reply @regnam503 1 month ago Nice advertising. The buildings are incredibly depressing tho. Reply @JigilJigil 3 months ago (edited) From the outside the architecture looks futuristic but from the inside!! not that much. 1 Reply @Ma-pz5kl 2 months ago yeap....but AI forgot the designing this....WORKING THERE... Reply @user-lt1oy1kz9u 2 months ago Soon media will even praise how Jensen farts Reply @Maxmaxmax63 3 months ago All these places attempt to do is disguise the fact that you are WORKING ON A COMPUTER ALL DAY Reply @karanmehra8931 2 months ago pure art 1 Reply @RohitSharma-mi8gt 2 months ago can't wait for someone in a u haul in the desert to go like " all those triangles....illuminati" Reply @pilebunker420 3 months ago did you film this in a phone? Reply @MastaSmoke420 3 months ago "When an company gets rich selling to the enemy." Reply @davidc4408 3 months ago Friend works in Virginia. Is that same office and good company to work for financially? Reply @ChatGPT1111 3 months ago Liked the building a lot....UNTIL the open space concept. Complete no-go for me. Would never agree to that bs. Reply @charleskavoukjian3441 3 months ago Do they use Nvidia chips to design their Nvidia chips? Reply @akaalkripal5724 3 months ago Where are the offices in this mini Dubai? Reply @OneRedKraken 2 months ago Most of those areas look like the most distracting office space I've ever seen. How about we go do our workday at the mall? Sounds about as distraction free as their office. Reply @curtheisler1200 3 months ago MY guy 3d rendering is still based on triangles what are you TALKING about? Reply @AdventuresInTheSky 3 months ago Not sure I’d love the feel of that design there if I worked there, I think apple’s campus is king. Reply @JerryPena 3 months ago Was this an Airport terminal? Reply @hhydar883 3 months ago Simplistic designs are more calming at the workplace. This looks very overly done from architecture point of view. Reply @BrendonBoshell 3 months ago It's like being at an airport but you have nowhere to travel to. Reply @Willopo100 2 months ago looke like British petrol station just off the m25 motorway Reply @anirudhvijendrautpat2331 3 months ago Whats the use of all this when everyone works from home? Reply @shamsylridzalawangsham7035 2 months ago I would just made it square.. the root.. so pixels are not square but triangels. Root of 16K..? 7.2 E+16 bit. Double layer, triangle.. 4 layer star.. Reply 1 reply @NolbertoPardo 3 months ago I live 13 miles away from the HQ Reply 1 reply @lioneldude 1 day ago Oops they need to change the title Reply @maxhill9254 3 months ago nice buildings Reply @RandyStocks 3 months ago Same office 3 years ago when it was $400 billion Reply @pattyhsieh 3 months ago Looks and feels like a airport Reply

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