Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Ergothioneine: New Supplement discovered to Improve Mitochondrial Function

Ergothioneine: New Supplement discovered to Improve Mitochondrial Function Physionic 184K subscribers 57,862 views May 27, 2024 #mitochondrialhealth JOIN THE PHYSIONIC INSIDERS [PREMIUM CONTENT] Join the Physionic Insiders [Standard Tier]: Join the Physionic Insiders [Pro Tier]: Standard Tier: Access to the Premium Video Library, Full Study Analyses (+ Summaries), Insider Podcast, , Research Reviews, and More Pro Tier: All benefits of the Standard Tier + Live Sessions with Me, Consulting Lite, and More HEALTH AUTONOMY [COURSE] Learn to Analyze & Apply Studies for Yourself: JOIN THE COMMUNITY Join my Community [It’s Free!]: EMAIL LIST One Weekly Email of Value: HIRE ME FOR CONSULTING: Consulting: DONATIONS FOR A SCIENCE BASED CAUSE Patreon: OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: Created with Biorender References [Copy & Paste DOI into Search Engine] [1] doi:10.1101/2024.04.10.588849 *******CRITIQUES, RULES, AND NOTES******* Be aware of the following rules before posting comments: - Please do not post summaries of the video in the comments - it damages retention on the video and YouTube is less likely to promote it (these videos cost me a lot of money to produce). 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Please use the following link to submit your critique: Disclaimer: None of the information provided by this brand is a replacement for your physician's advice. This brand is information for the sake of knowledge and the options of choice it provides, not in any way a personalized prescription. Please consult your physician before making any health related changes. #mitochondrialhealth Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Transcript Search in video 0:00 the study I'll be showing you hasn't 0:01 even been published yet I'll explain 0:03 what that means in a bit but the data 0:06 shared by the researchers will be 0:08 cutting edge in respect to mitochondrial 0:10 health and function and its relationship 0:12 to an amino acid it's the first ever 0:16 describe mechanism of its kind and it'll 0:19 likely make waves but what are we 0:21 talking about here I'm talking about 0:24 this study now to be clear this is not 0:27 peer- reviewed this has been uploaded 0:30 pre-publishing to bio archives a 0:33 pre-publishing site to post studies 0:36 before a journal publishes it with peer 0:39 review I'm sure that the full study 0:41 won't deviate much from what I'll be 0:42 showing you here but if there are any 0:44 significant changes I'll update you that 0:47 said the data within is fascinating 0:50 because it tells us three things one a 0:54 new mechanism by which exercise improves 0:56 mitochondrial function two the 0:58 relationship between improved 1:00 mitochondrial function and a specific 1:03 amino acid three what impact 1:06 supplementing with this amino acid might 1:09 have on mitochondrial function 1:11 independent of exercise it tells us one 1:15 more thing something that has to be 1:17 present for the amino acid to work but 1:20 let's break this down and then I'll put 1:23 it all together for you in a neat 1:24 package at the end first the researchers 1:27 wanted to know which metabolites uh 1:30 molecules are more or less present 1:33 between mitochondria that have been 1:36 involved in exercise and those that 1:38 haven't so sedentary the researchers can 1:41 quantify the amount of metabolite in 1:44 exercise mitochondria and sedentary 1:47 mitochondria look at which metabolites 1:49 are in the extremes so indicating 1:52 significant difference and a likely 1:54 Target for discovering exercises 1:56 benefits we can see that here this is 1:59 this is a volcano plot of an experiment 2:02 called targeted 2:04 metabolomics the higher the dot the 2:06 greater the difference of its 2:08 concentration between exercise and 2:11 sedentary 2:12 mitochondria as you can plainly see they 2:14 identified the amino acid 2:16 erion and we can see that further 2:19 Quantified here with the red bar 2:23 indicating increased ergine 2:25 concentrations in exercised muscle as it 2:28 aside have you ever wondered how they 2:31 isolate mitochondria from cells I 2:33 actually have a lot of experience with 2:34 this because I've done it in the lab 2:37 myself however the researchers did 2:39 something a bit more refined than what 2:41 I've done they had mice with what's 2:44 known as a tripleh tag applied to 2:47 mitochondria so all the mitochondria 2:50 have this tag on them which allows the 2:52 researchers to capture mitochondria that 2:55 have this tag through an experiment 2:57 called imuno precipitation anyway this 3:00 is how they isolate mitochondria to run 3:02 experiments on them specifically so they 3:06 had a group of sedentary mice and 3:08 exercising mice that Express these 3:10 tagged mitochondria and then simply did 3:13 what I well what I just described to 3:15 capture the mitochondria and run 3:17 experiments that we'll go over now 3:20 they've identified the amino acid 3:23 ergothioneine and the next question is 3:25 what is the relationship of Ergo 3:27 thionine to mitochondrial function for 3:30 that the researchers plated muscle cells 3:32 in a dish and applied ergothioneine to 3:35 the cells or a control called the 3:38 vehicle that does not have 3:41 ergothioneine then they measure the 3:43 oxygen consumption of the cell so why 3:45 oxygen consumption well if you've seen 3:48 other physionic videos you might already 3:50 know but mitochondria utilize oxygen 3:53 when functioning to generate cellular 3:56 energy so the greater the oxygen 3:59 consumption the greater than 4:00 mitochondrial function so it acts as a 4:03 as a close proxy measure and what did 4:06 they find well they discovered that when 4:09 they added the erging the mitochondrial 4:12 function increased as evidenced here 4:16 this is called a seahorse assay which is 4:18 actually another experiment that I've 4:20 had the pleasure of learning in my PhD 4:22 I'll just mention that if the reddish 4:24 lines and bars are higher than the black 4:27 lines and bars that indicates an an 4:29 increased oxygen consumption by 4:32 mitochondria in the ergothioneine 4:34 exposed cells in multiple measures there 4:38 is such an effect indicating a direct 4:41 effect of 4:43 ergothioneine however one of the 4:44 mysteries of erine is that well no one 4:48 knows how it fulfills this role I mean 4:52 we understand that it has a positive 4:53 effect on mitochondrial function but how 4:57 and also can we supplement it to see 5:01 this effect we'll get to that question 5:03 too first let's describe how ergine has 5:06 this effect remember it's completely 5:09 unknown how ergine has this effect so 5:12 how can the researchers probe this 5:14 question well similarly to how they 5:18 discovered ergine to start looking at 5:21 which molecule is highly Divergent 5:23 between ergine supplemented and 5:26 nonsupplemented muscle cells for this 5:30 however instead of metabolomics they do 5:33 proteomics which identifies proteins and 5:35 they land on 5:38 mpst mpst or three mercapto pyruvate 5:43 sulfur 5:45 transferase is an enzyme found inside 5:48 the mitochondria okay so they knew it 5:50 was highly enriched in ergothioneine 5:53 exposed mitochondria and we can see that 5:55 further evidenced here as greater ergine 5:58 concentrations are applied mpst levels 6:01 rise remember the vehicle is a control 6:04 condition so no ergine addition then 6:07 they show a molecular model of mpst 6:11 protein so the enzyme and identify that 6:15 ergine would fit in it as in it would be 6:18 able to attach a little tough to see but 6:21 they're zooming into a pocket of the 6:24 mpst protein and showing that ergine 6:28 amino acid does fit 6:30 okay all well and good but all of that 6:33 doesn't prove that npst is the actual 6:37 mechanism of action all that we know is 6:39 that ergine increases its prevalence and 6:42 seems to bind to it but that doesn't 6:44 speak to the functional outcomes so what 6:48 happens when we inhibit mpst and repeat 6:52 the exposure of ergine to mitochondria 6:55 are they still active indicating that 6:57 mpst has no effect or are they inhibited 7:01 indicating that this is a mechanism of 7:04 action well we can turn to the data like 7:08 Brave Little scientists that could and 7:11 on top we see the mitochondrial function 7:14 in cells with functioning 7:16 mpst again the red lines and bars are 7:19 ergine supplemented the bottom graph is 7:23 the exact same experiment but after the 7:26 cells have also been exposed to an 7:28 inhibitor of mpst called I3 mt3 such a 7:34 sexy name the blue is the ergine exposed 7:38 mitochondria notice anything that's 7:40 right when the inhibitor is not present 7:43 we still see the Improvement in a 7:45 mitochondrial function but we lose that 7:47 Improvement when npst is inhibited 7:50 although ergine is still present this 7:54 strongly indicates that ergine confers 7:56 mitochondrial benefit through the mpst 7:59 enzyme 8:00 but what does it actually do aren't you 8:04 the least bit curious if you have the 8:06 mind of a scientist you're intrigued so 8:09 allow me to touch on this and then I 8:11 promise that we'll get to the 8:12 supplementation and how this applies to 8:14 humans mpst which I refuse to mention 8:18 the full name again because I barely 8:20 survived the first time is an enzyme 8:22 that adds sulfide molecules to 8:25 functional proteins within the cell 8:27 especially in mitochondria 8:29 this process of sulfide tagging to 8:31 proteins is called 8:33 persulfidation and it changes the 8:35 function of the proteins not only that 8:38 this enzyme can help produce a molecule 8:40 called pyruvate which is a common 8:43 precursor to energy Generation by 8:45 mitochondria I won't go into the 8:47 specifics now though so it can directly 8:50 influence the activity of multiple 8:52 mitochondrial proteins and it can add to 8:55 the pool of precursor molecules for 8:58 cellular energy generation 9:00 it's believed although unconfirmed yet 9:02 that ergine may either deliver more 9:05 hydrogen sulfides to the 9:07 mpst or it may bind to the mpst and 9:11 regulate its activity through what is 9:13 called alisic regulation which is simply 9:17 it just means that the binding leads to 9:20 changes in activity so I'd like to 9:22 return to this in a bit because there's 9:24 a few more tidbits that I really find 9:26 fascinating but currently not all the 9:28 answers are known but we are at least in 9:32 some know of the activity of 9:36 mpst okay now we know exercise increases 9:39 ergine in the mitochondria and we know 9:42 that it acts through npst to increase 9:44 mitochondrial function however what if 9:46 we bypass exercise and 9:49 simply eat more ergine does that work 9:53 too naturally the researchers added 9:56 ergine to the food of mice and in 9:59 instead of measuring mitochondrial 10:01 function they aimed for something better 10:03 actual physical function here are the 10:06 results the control diet is the mice 10:08 that are fed the same food minus ergine 10:12 and the ergine diet is well I think you 10:15 get it here we're measuring the speed of 10:18 exercise so the peak activity and we see 10:21 that the ergine group outperform the 10:23 control group and what's really 10:25 remarkable here is the effect wasn't 10:28 small either almost 30% better 10:31 performance so I won't bog this down 10:34 with more data although there is more 10:36 for example the researchers repeated 10:38 this experiment and mice deficient in 10:40 the mpst enzyme and well guess what 10:43 happened exactly what you would expect 10:46 no benefit of ergine supplementation so 10:50 where does that leave us we now know 10:54 that ergine is implicated in improved 10:56 mitochondrial function through an MP PST 10:59 dependent pathway we also know that 11:03 exercise increases mitochondrial ergine 11:06 fascinatingly the researchers took 11:08 previous data of blood levels of ergine 11:11 in humans and showed that exercise 11:13 endurance and resistance training 11:16 increases blood ergine in humans 11:19 additionally something to add here 11:21 exercise actually also increases mpst 11:24 expression as well as the localization 11:26 of npst to the mitochondria which is 11:28 also really fascinating also I didn't 11:31 report this data but the researchers ALS 11:33 also show an effect of exercise on the 11:36 ERG transporter the protein that allows 11:39 ergine into the cell through a 11:42 mitochondria Centric mechanism so I lift 11:45 that out because it's complex enough 11:48 although I may cover it in future work 11:50 finally we have some indication that 11:52 supplementing with erione can provide 11:55 these benefits as well now we need to be 11:58 cautious and point out that that this is 11:59 using an animal model which certainly 12:02 has its advantages and disadvantages I 12:05 would absolutely like to see this 12:07 repeated in humans and it should be 12:09 relatively easy to do so since we're 12:11 talking about muscle mitochondria which 12:13 are much easier to access than something 12:16 like I your liver or your brain but as 12:19 it stands only preliminary evidence 12:22 points to the amino acid orthene being a 12:25 potent Target for supplementation 12:28 leading to improv roved mitochondrial 12:30 function let's see where future research 12:33 takes us like this research right here 12:36 which I think you'll find equally 12:38 fascinating speak with you over there 12:48 [Music] Physionic 184K subscribers Videos About 315 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @thomascorbett2936 2 weeks ago If I take anymore supplements I won't be able to afford food . 499 Reply Physionic · 54 replies @jonasg5889 2 weeks ago What a coincidence, we considered naming our son to Three Mercapto Pyruvate Sulfur Transferase but we went with Dexter instead. 117 Reply Physionic · 6 replies @jpintero6330 2 weeks ago Dr. Bruce Ames was talking about ergothioneine decades ago! He has a list of the most important compounds for health out there. Taurine was on there too. 31 Reply @_Yep_Yep_ 2 weeks ago If only I had the body of a white lab mouse! I could breathe underwater, glow, regrow limbs, and probably time travel. 214 Reply 8 replies @ThaUnseenTruth 2 weeks ago (edited) Porcini mushrooms, and yellow oyster mushrooms generally contain the highest amounts of ergothioneine (and also a good amount of glutathione)... 87 Reply 10 replies @myberney 2 weeks ago Ergothioneine is an amino acid that is found mainly in mushrooms, as well as red and black beans. It is also found in animals that have eaten grasses containing ergothioneine. Ergothioneine is sometimes used as medicine. 18 Reply 2 replies @degusoap 2 weeks ago Taurine, (N-acetyl)cysteine, and ergothioneine. Sulfur-containing amino acids appear to have a similar effect in muscle tissue 51 Reply 4 replies @alexanderishere1857 2 weeks ago "uses more oxygen" is not alone a sign that it improves mito function. It could be, but it could also be that it stresses the mito, and it needs to work harder for the same outcomes. Too much guessing and assuming 29 Reply 2 replies @theintellectualinquiry 2 weeks ago Hearing “pyruvate” gave me Krebs cycle flashbacks 26 Reply 1 reply @Danny-mg1hu 2 weeks ago please talk about C15 or Fatty 15. It says its better than fish oil and help health metrics to a new level. also talk about INFRA RED LIGHT!! 42 Reply 2 replies @russelld01 12 days ago Wow, this is hectic, you made a complex scientific paper easy to understand in just over 12 minutes! Great work! ps I'll be back for the episode on pyruvate ;-) 5 Reply @besanit 2 weeks ago (edited) Increasing respiratory rate artificially may have negative consequences, the vulcano plot clearly shows that there are severl metabolites that increase and decrease with exercise, all these metabolites change with exercise for a reason. So just supplementing ergothioneine may cause more harm than good. I would wait for a long-term study before considering this as a supplement. 26 Reply 2 replies @cvspvr 2 weeks ago the mitochondria is the POWERHOUSE of the cell! 13 Reply @biondanishgenomeinstitute8193 15 hours ago (edited) Fun-attempt counter: 1. That is low, and given the 771 seconds video length hardly statistically significant. Wow, I like it. Reply @AtlanteanAngel 2 days ago Shiitake mushrooms contain highest levels of Ergothioneine. 1 Reply @davidbetancourt4028 2 weeks ago Middle aged guy here. Well, I picked up Life Extension L-Ergothioneine @ 5mg / day to see how effective it might be. There was one study from Blue California (also makes this stuff) showing improved sleep. My sleep is notoriously bad, so if it improves, then maybe this product is perhaps also doing the other things this new study purports. 13 Reply 2 replies @Truthseeker552 2 weeks ago Soooo. Exercise is good. Got it! 17 Reply 1 reply @ember9747 2 weeks ago I love this channel so much! 5 Reply 1 reply @nin6246 12 days ago Anything that assists in enhancing the function and ability of the mitochondria is a potential tool to help in the treatment of cancer. Thanks for bringing this supplement to my attention! 1 Reply @chris-lk4ml 2 weeks ago Visiting your channel for the first time. Good explanation. Normally I check whos talking first (phd in what, maybe publications etc). Id kept an eye on ergothioneine over the past months or so. Its getting more interesting but atm I will just eat my mushrooms on a daily basis (200g/d). 6 Reply @stephanygates6491 2 weeks ago Dietary ergothioneine = mushrooms. 6 Reply @marcux83 2 weeks ago ... is powerhouse of the cell 5 Reply @defforadio6428 2 weeks ago Ergothioneine was in my healing stack (arround 20 supps) 2 years ago. There was also reishi, chaga and all the antioksidantrs :D It cured my psoriasis. Tho as I said - 20 supps a same time - who knows what role Ergothioneine did there if any. 3 Reply @Schu2505 3 days ago (edited) Hmm... digging deeper on MPST: Dietary Supplements: While specific chemicals directly enhancing MPST production are less documented, supplements that support mitochondrial health, such as Coenzyme Q10 and alpha-lipoic acid, might have an indirect positive effect. Sulfur-Containing Compounds: Since MPST is involved in sulfur metabolism, dietary intake of sulfur-containing amino acids like cysteine and methionine might support its activity. (This is interesting because NAC is part of the GlyNAC duo that has been highlighted in another study for improving the hallmarks of aging.) Reply @mkvalor 2 weeks ago Awesome summary, thanks! 5 Reply @lv1985aa 2 weeks ago I read shiitake mushrooms have 24mg ergothioneine per cup. That’s more than supplement brands sell 3 Reply @gerard6629 2 weeks ago It’s so sad, they don’t even know if loading this substance is damaging when there is no physiological need for it. Always looking for results in a bottle, something to sell and make money. 5 Reply 1 reply @mballer 2 weeks ago (edited) Methylene Blue increases mitochondria oxygen consumption around 30%, what happens when using both? Do you turn green and rip your clothes to shreds? How does oxygen concentration affect this process? 19 Reply 2 replies @angelolivares8754 13 days ago (edited) The Oyster and Shiitake mushrooms are supposed to be very good sources of this aminoacid and some people claim they can improve workout performance and have antiaging properties. Does it make sense? 2 Reply @rockerteen8300 2 weeks ago Exciting if true! 5 Reply @BiobuilderLEO 2 weeks ago (edited) Exciting times. Looking forward to future research on ergothioneine 1 Reply @k.h.6991 2 weeks ago I eat mushrooms daily, in part because of their ergothioneine content. 15 Reply 2 replies @franks4973 13 days ago Excellent very clear. Thank you Reply @Billy4321able 2 weeks ago Once again science proves that an active lifestyle is the healthy choice. Next up: Scientists using advanced spectrograms prove the sky is in fact blue. 2 Reply @Gul0gulo 2 weeks ago Good one! Thank you. I sure will try Reply @MrCoffis 12 days ago Wonder how it compares to taurine’s effect on mitochondria. 3 Reply @ClimbAClassic 2 weeks ago $9.99 Thank you 1 Reply @glenwoodfirewood 2 weeks ago Have to listen to this twice. 2 Reply @cdorman11 13 days ago USC has discovered the protein humanin to play a significant role in the health of mt. Might be a good target for supplementation since its levels drop with age. 1 Reply @bearcubdaycare 2 weeks ago Intriguing. Hopefully we'll learn more from future studies. Reply @BR525 12 days ago I’ve been doing enemas with ergothioneine for months now and I feel like Lance Armstrong 1 Reply @brojerhwg5206 2 weeks ago so our ancestors had it right?... work is necessary to live?... hummm. so sitting at a computer screen all day is not work in the sense that the body does not recognize it as work ? .... walking to school, walking to the store, walking up stairs not taking the elevator, .... ride a pedal bicycle not an electric bicycle... keep moving while you sit?.. answer : easy to do even if youre old disabled and cant drive, like i am. .... thanks 2 Reply @jeromedenis4754 2 weeks ago Ergothioneine shows up as a misspelled word. I'll use it. I've been taking PQQ since Life Extension first made it available for purchase. 1 Reply @noosphericaltarzan 2 weeks ago I process and track pretty accurate data for running and have had seen no additional improvement from NMN supplementation during my current base phase. I might try this one to look for a statistically significant increase in avg GAP times over the improvements I have seen in May. 7 Reply 2 replies @sherwinmoscow9455 2 weeks ago On another topic, could you ummarize research about klotho and give your impressions? 4 Reply @catlyn777 2 weeks ago Hi, I am interested in learning more about HDL, specifically when it’s measured as “too high” (90). My doctor said she’s not worried because it’s the “good kind”. 1 Reply @GA-lf2uh 2 weeks ago OK, so if ergothioneine increases, that suggests either (1) exercising mice eat more ergothioneine containing foods or (2) they biosynthesise more ergothioneine. However, there's no evidence animals can biosynthesise it themselves, and assuming food intake in the experiment was controlled... Where did it come from? 2 Reply @kimelleman 12 days ago Thank You, Aloha. Reply @llamus8432 2 weeks ago amazing video Reply @johnlouie1663 2 weeks ago Interesting. Perhaps grass fed meats having more Ergothioneine is the reason to choose that instead of grain fed. 1 Reply @jillbetts1241 2 weeks ago Soooo fascinating Reply @davidhauk4163 2 weeks ago Happy Memorial Day! 1 Reply @adonvonilesere5642 10 days ago Do studies ever disappear into obscurity by not getting peer reviewed? Reply @xaadadaa 2 weeks ago Amazing 3 Reply @jonbaldridge2621 10 days ago Looks like Shiitake, liver and meat have some of the highest amount of ergothioneine. Reply @susanbeever5708 2 weeks ago Interesting! Reply @saralakushwaha1180 2 weeks ago Thank Reply @rccapps 10 days ago According to the "volcano plot", it looks like pantothenic acid (aka vitamin B5) isn't far behind ergothioneine in exercise-vs-sedentary concentration. Reply @Fearzero 2 weeks ago Noticed a pattern. No animal products extend lifespan. 1 Reply 1 reply @Discostick55 2 weeks ago Seems promising. L-Ergothioneine seems to be available as caps with vague claims of beeing good for aging skin, is this the same stuff you think? We all could do our own n=1 study and see we notice anything in the gym :P 5 Reply 2 replies @christopherhall7354 2 weeks ago A quick scan at Amazon makes one wonder if the study was financed by Big Mushroom 24 Reply 3 replies @relaxsh4841 2 weeks ago Can you do a video about potential mechanisms and theories of what causes PSSD and potential treatment avenues ? Reply @yureituesday 2 weeks ago What ever happened to DMAE it used to seem so promising as a supplement 10 Reply 6 replies @ToniDJohns 7 days ago Interesting ... yes, me too think like you !! LOL !!! Reply @ashypharaoh8407 2 weeks ago Ergothioneine, derived from ergot, is ergogenic. What a lovely coincidence Reply @alaaal-shakarchi8902 7 days ago When i saw your Astaxanthin clip I wanted to ask you to make one for Ergothioneine since it's becoming the next antioxidant trend in the market. I believe Quercetin till now is the most "proven" antioxidant when it comes to it's benefits. Now, is Ergothioneine really beneficial especially for skincare? Reply @Den-Geist-Befreien 2 weeks ago Eating healthy, sleeping right, exercising smart, and getting proper sunlight also improves mitochondrial function Source: Trust me, bro. I've studied the Krebs Cycle 4 Reply @paulwolf3302 2 weeks ago Don't tell the Olympics drug testing committee. 1 Reply @Nonsanity 2 weeks ago As with all supplements — and everything else, for that matter — it all comes down to situation-specific dose. Too little and too much are both bad, and higher or lower levels of something can cause other mechanisms in the body to shift to counteract the change, over time. Evolution has tuned biology well. Increasing the speed of one part of an engine without doing the same to all the other meshing parts is not going to result in better performance. Odds are, like so many other single button changes, it’s not going to be what the public thinks it is. Instead, it’s science learning another part of the puzzle by pushing and pulling at another small piece to see how it fits. 1 Reply @williampatrickfurey 13 days ago (edited) Noticed cytochrome c oxidase and thought of a recent theory i had after considering a way to activate the mechanism naturally rather than through close proximity 600 nanometer red light therapy. While watching someone speak about how little known and studied the results are at the moment, i had recalled that there was a seemingly rare type of red fluorescent fluorite (due to elemental impurities and it's interaction with uv light); it was said to be found in two places, Mapami and another place i can't recall but feel free to ask and I'll check my saved research. Point is that I'm sure there are metal substrate flashlights and I'm assuming that any small electrical signal to the cell could prompt just enough of this light to elicit this response, maybe sent through the crystalline structure of some element. The ATP increase was 16 fold Reply 2 weeks ago a 100 kg man would need to consume approximately 1218.98 grams (or about 1.22 kg) of dried Shiitake mushroom per day to achieve a dose of 33.4 mg/kg of ergothioneine. Reply @geniustracks9213 13 days ago The only thing that sort of scares me about supplements that improve not knowing if they'll be a nice performance enhancing drug for CANCER cells : / Reply @comment8767 3 hours ago Ergothioneine causes brown eyes in Dutch people Reply @Skiskiski 2 weeks ago Safety first! "The Panel on Dietetic Products for the European Food Safety Authority reported safe daily limits of 2.82 mg/kg of body weight for infants, 3.39 mg/kg for small children, and 1.31 mg/kg for adults, including pregnant and breastfeeding women." source Wikipedia 1 Reply 1 reply @QQ-wv3gz 2 weeks ago colloidal silver, methyline blue, ergothioneine a little wierd supplements 1 Reply @marcjames3487 2 weeks ago (edited) Wow that MPST experiment was clever. Common dosage in supplements seems to 5 mg - I wondered if that would be enough, but a cup of Shitake mushrooms has nearly 25 mgs and would be much tastier Reply @nicklam66 2 weeks ago Where can i buy this supplement Reply @frelsmeg 2 weeks ago Looks like regular old pantothenic acid is high on the volcano chart too …. Reply @johnallen5371 2 weeks ago Urolthine A is almost $100 a month. Is this Amino Acid a suitable substitute? Reply @itaygev1377 2 weeks ago everytime i try to explain your videos to a friend, i always nerd out when i explain acronyms such as MPST it's hilarious 2 Reply @mackmckinnon4407 4 days ago I watched another video you Made because I was taking lion. Main mushroom and what I got from, it was that it really didn't do much now that i've Tossed it Now after watching this, I went to Amazon looking for the supplement. I'm surprised to find lion's maine was one of them Reply @marlobardo4274 2 weeks ago It is interesting that erythrocytes having no mitochondria and cogito whether ergo they do accumulate ergothioneine. Reply @williambunting803 2 weeks ago Is there any potential benefit with this for those suffering from Long Covid? Reply @Holy.HannaH 2 weeks ago Interesting.. Not only does it sound beneficial but it sounds like it can provide info regarding other aspects of my mitochondria that Ive been attempting to identify on my own without additional testing. Further research also suggests this is fantastic enough in a plethora of ways that I should probably be taking it regardless lol Taking a look at where it is naturally found further solidifies my thought that all the different branches of life that evolved prior to us contain something we need on a regular basis in order to maintain our mitochondria. Anywho. Ordered some 25mg capsules that'll be here Wednesday️ Reply @Satou-Akira71 2 weeks ago thank you I will make sure that my Magics have more Ergothioneine in the future ah yes this was recently in the news, what is your opinion on this ? "Fish oil supplements may increase the risk of someone developing a heart condition or stroke, but could reduce the risk for those who already have cardiovascular disease, according to study." 2 Reply Physionic · 1 reply @christopherneufelt8971 2 weeks ago Side effects of the name of Ergothioneine: The people will ask google if it can be smoked. 2 Reply @JacquesTreehorn 2 weeks ago Isn't this the same fungus that produces LSD? Interesting. I just happened to order some yesterday. 4 Reply 5 replies @gvc1959 2 weeks ago wondering if ergothionine levels have any effect on levels of MPST in the mitochondria or just on function. 1 Reply @VDRO 2 weeks ago If it hasn't been published, how did you come across this info? Just wondering. 1 Reply Physionic · 1 reply @nancypreston7966 10 days ago May i ask who does your grahics or what library do you get them from? Reply @baileystruss7319 2 weeks ago So is there a way to boost MPST other than exercise? Im currently rather disabled with CFS Reply @a.maya12 11 days ago (edited) Does this "transport" through exercise work undepending from age? Reply @shimondoodkin 2 weeks ago Did they try to supplement with MPST elevation? Reply @aquavitae3824 10 days ago Does anyone know what is required to generate Eurgo? I'm guessing sulfer aminos and magnesium. Reply @TourniquetTwin 13 days ago That’s a very interesting molecule. Wurde es nicht auch aus einem Claviceps extrahiert? Ich könnte mich irren, aber der Name kommt mir schon sehr bekannt vor. Auf jeden Fall, sehr sehr interessant, ich bin gespannt auf dem Peer reviewed publishing! Reply Physionic · 2 replies @jesscorbin5981 9 days ago I think I heard it in The Matrix Reply @jarrodnunn 2 weeks ago Increase oxidative stress? 3 Reply @Gunni1972 2 weeks ago What superpowers to expect? Or mutations? Reply @Keith-xs6mo 2 weeks ago 2 Reply @jondel3304 4 days ago Hey, Psyonics! What about L-theanine for blood pressure? Reply @clintharris8818 9 days ago How long before the peer review is just done by AI ? Reply @dinomiles7999 12 days ago WoW , my PHD. ROCKEFELLER MEDICAL MATRIX PHD . . Wake up buddy . . Reply @pierrejeanes 2 weeks ago But Sir couldn't be that as more oxygen to the mitochondria more ROS ? 1 Reply 1 reply @greenfalafel 2 weeks ago Oyster mushrooms! Reply @maestroharmony343 13 days ago Why are you keeping saying "mighty chondria"? Reply @user-rm2mo7gb5w 7 days ago Mushrooms are very very high top of the chart with this, eat more mushrooms and skip the vitamins Reply @TLW369 2 weeks ago Reply @buddymutt123 2 weeks ago Yo yo yo Reply @Schu2505 2 weeks ago Ignorant viewer: sulfur again (alpha lipoic acid makes old mitochondria like new again and it contains sulfur) 1 Reply @Josephduganmusic 2 weeks ago I’ve been supplementing with ergothymine for a while well I mean eating shiitakes daily when possible haha Reply @raystaar 3 days ago This is too deep in the weeds for me. I just wanna know whether or not E works to increase MF. Reply Physionic · 1 reply @sydene54 11 days ago great, but easy as you explain, it's still too scientific for me Reply @AnonMedic 2 weeks ago Let's skip the lab petri dish model of human flesh. They can just pay me a few grand to try it. Right now. Reply @ricaroanimar6695 13 days ago Sooooo, unless a study is published it can't be peer reviewed or checked. So take all of this with several mount everest sized grains of salt. Seriously Reply @arcadepiano 2 weeks ago (edited) done. i just bought hundred grams. but i already knew since 2 weeks ago. yes definetely the antiaging youtuber Lance published one week earlier same info. Reply @bulkypug3811 2 weeks ago (edited) How in hell do you isolate mitochondria??? Oh nevermind. 1 Reply @gettingstuffdoneright5332 2 weeks ago Little interest in mouse studies that haven't been peer reviewed, and even the ones that have, really enjoy the channel Nick, but I'd like to see you stick with human studies only. 2 Reply 2 replies @FlyingProbe 2 weeks ago Why aren't you doing some content for Nebula? Better yet: courses on life science on udemy! Reply @Jammoud 13 days ago eat mushrooms Reply @HolographicThoughts 2 weeks ago (edited) Ergothioneine is found in semen.. Perhaps retaining it is a source of magical power ...Dammit. Well, there's a study design: Ergo levels in standard vs. retention conditions vs fit and unfit men. 2 Reply 5 replies @allurbase 2 weeks ago Also, what about panthothenic acid? thats a B vitamin right? the untaken path in choose your own adventure. 1 Reply @Kong-kg6ij 2 weeks ago Do need it. Eat meat. Reply @EijiFuller 2 weeks ago Is there any benefit to supplementation to a trained athlete or only to lazy ppl? Reply @timzstr 5 days ago if you want to be healthy and strong and cancer free keep up to date with the booster shots we are so lucky thank you bill gates we love you Reply @homesignup 2 weeks ago Thanks for the info. mmmm mushrooms. Shitake is a common source that can be found easily. Reply @Mobev1 9 days ago Ok Reply @user-ws7dr9qx7q 9 days ago Reply @allurbase 2 weeks ago I would have preferred the control diet to have normal ergothienine levels instead of none of it, strange you didn't point that out. 1 Reply Physionic · 2 replies @sansabh 13 days ago Ah well. Another day, another supplement Seriously, 20 something already! ERGOTHIONEINE: Can This Little-Known Amino Acid Impact Longevity? [2024] Lance Hitchings 7,926 views May 19, 2024 Discover the secrets of ergothioneine, the latest "longevity vitamin" hailed for its antioxidant properties and potential to boost longevity. Learn what it is and how it works in the human body. Explore its benefits and how its impact on longevity. Don't miss out on this new vitamin discovery and its role in promoting a longer, healthier life. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Chapters & Timestamps: Intro: 00:00 What Is "Ergothioneine?": 00:31 How Does Ergothioneine Work: 01:06 How Does Ergothioneine Impact Aging: 03:42 Sources of Ergothioneine: 06:39 Dosages: 09:25 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Studies Referenced In This Video: Ergothioneine promotes longevity and healthy aging in male mice: Ergothioneine and its congeners: anti-ageing mechanisms and pharmacophore biosynthesis: The unusual amino acid L-ergothioneine is a physiologic cytoprotectant: Ergothioneine, recent developments: Distribution and accumulation of dietary ergothioneine and its metabolites in mouse tissues: Ergothioneine is associated with reduced mortality and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Social Media: Facebook: / lancehitchings Instagram: / lancehitchings Twitter: / lancehitchings ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AFFILIATE LINKS: Get a free month of Whoop using this link: Discount code for Renue By Science: LANCE10 Product Links: Discount code for DoNotAge: LANCE Annual Subscription: Products: Discount Code for Perfect Amino: HITCH10 PerfectAmino Drink Powder link: Chapters View all Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Transcript Search in video Intro 0:00 There’s a naturally-occurring compound that researchers are starting to call the “longevity 0:05 vitamin,” even though this compound was first isolated over a hundred years ago. It’s not 0:10 produced in any plant, or any animal, and most of us have never even heard of it. So, what is it? 0:18 Ergothioneine. Now, the jury’s still out on whether or not it’s actually a vitamin, 0:24 but…there’s little doubt about it’s ability to improve your 0:26 health and possibly, even extend your lifespan. 0:30 So what exactly is ergothioneine? It’s a naturally-occurring amino acid that contains What Is "Ergothioneine?" 0:37 sulfur, and it’s derived from histidine, an essential amino acid that’s used in the 0:42 biosynthesis of proteins. It’s easily absorbed by the body, it’s retained for long periods of time, 0:49 and it seems to improve our antioxidant and anti-inflammatory defenses. Higher plasma 0:55 levels of ergothioneine are associated with a decreased risk of mortality, 1:00 and is appears that it might increase lifespans…at least in mice. How Does Ergothioneine Work 1:06 Ergothioneine was discovered over a century ago, and it’s name came from ergot, 1:10 a fungi that can grow on the seeds of various grasses, such as rye. And it was 1:15 pretty much ignored until recently, when scientists discovered that most animals, 1:19 including humans, have developed a highly specific transporter protein that seems to 1:25 have been designed to extract ergothioneine from foods and actively move it into tissue cells. 1:32 This transporter is called OCTN1 and it gets unregulated right before meal times. Also, 1:39 the body tends to absorb ergothioneine very efficiently and hold onto it for long periods 1:44 of time. Now, this suggests that ergothioneine has an important role to play in human metabolism. 1:51 It turns out that ergothioneine is a cytoprotectant. A cell protector. 1:57 And, it’s an antioxidant. Ergothioneine collects in tissues that have high concentrations of free 2:04 radicals, like your eyes and your liver, as well as in sensitive tissue like bone marrow 2:09 and semen. Researchers have discovered that when human cells are deprived of ergothioneine, 2:15 it can lead to accelerated DNA damage and cell death. 2:19 Now, the human body cannot manufacture ergothioneine, 2:23 we can only get it from foods. This led UC Berkeley microbiologist Bruce Ames to 2:28 call ergothioneine a “longevity” vitamin, and researchers at Johns 2:33 Hopkins University have concluded that this amino acid “may represent a new vitamin.” 2:39 Now, vitamins are traditionally characterized by the onset of specific diseases caused by 2:46 a dietary deficiency, usually within a short time frame. And, although no specific disease 2:51 or medical condition has been observed with ergothioneine-restricted diets in animals, 2:57 low-ergothioneine diets do appear to lead to higher levels of oxidative stress and 3:03 inflammation, and thus susceptibility to a variety of degenerative conditions. Low levels 3:09 of ergothioneine in the blood have been correlated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, 3:16 stroke, frailty, cognitive impairment, dementia and Parkinson’s disease. 3:23 In the test tube, ergothioneine acts as a powerful antioxidant by quenching free 3:28 radicals like reactive oxygen species, or ROS. However, research suggests its main benefit 3:35 in the body is boosting antioxidant enzymes already present in cells, like glutathione. How Does Ergothioneine Impact Aging 3:42 A study was done in Sweden back in 2020 that looked at over a hundred compounds 3:46 that were measured in the bloodstreams of thousands of people, and the one that was 3:51 associated with the lowest rates of mortality and disease was, you guessed it, ergothioneine. 3:58 Higher levels of ergothioneine in the blood was associated with a lower risk of heart disease, 4:03 stroke and death from all-cause mortality, and this was put together over a period of 20 years. 4:10 In a different study, an animal study 4:12 (, in which mice were given a high dose 4:14 of ergothioneine, the researchers saw increases in average lifespans 4:18 by 21% compared to the control group. Also, 4:22 the average age at which 90% of the mice died increased by 29% compared to the control group. 4:29 The ergothioneine -treated mice also demonstrated less frailty, 4:34 higher activity levels and improved cognitive markers, like learning and memory. Mice given 4:39 ergothioneine also had less cellular senescence and less inflammation. 4:44 Now, in humans, blood levels of ergothioneine tend to decline with age. At this point, 4:49 it’s not clear if this is due to a greater demand of the compound by 4:53 the body or poorer absorption from foods or less effective transport by OCTN1, 5:00 but the age-related decline seems to be consistent across many animals. And these 5:05 lower levels are also associated with age-related conditions like frailty, 5:10 cardiovascular disease, macular degeneration, cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases. 5:18 Whether as a direct or indirect antioxidant, ergothioneine appears to help prevent DNA 5:24 damage both in the cell’s nuclear DNA and the mitochondria’s DNA. It is also thought 5:29 to upregulate a family of enzymes called the Sirtuins, in particular SIRT1 and SIRT6 – two 5:36 of the more important enzymes when it comes to things like protection from hyperglycemia, 5:40 cellular senescence, and cancer. And, since the genes that express these enzymes are called the 5:47 longevity genes, they also help with aging. Some researchers also believe this Sirtuin 5:53 boost could be the result of less NAD+ depletion through oxidative stress. If that’s the case, 6:00 ergothioneine supplementation could be yet another way to boost your NAD+ levels. 6:07 Because it operates at such a basic biochemical level, ergothioneine is 6:12 able to help protect just about every tissue in the body. In animal experiments, it was found to 6:17 support the cardiovascular system, the brain and nervous system, the immune system, the kidneys, 6:23 and the eyes. It is found in particularly high concentrations in the liver and in the blood. 6:29 Its presence in the skin has led to its use in topical cosmetic products, 6:34 where once again it seems to lower inflammation and prevent DNA damage. Sources of Ergothioneine 6:39 OK, here’s the thing about ergothioneine. The human body can’t produce it. But, 6:44 neither can plants. Only fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms can create ergothioneine. Now, 6:51 some animal tissues and some plants contain ergothioneine, but it’s presence in plants 6:56 and animals relies on uptake from these sources that can actually produce it. 7:02 So, some animal tissues, like the liver can contain ergothioneine, but not that much. 7:08 Mushrooms, which are a fungi, are a great source of ergothioneine. The concentration in mushrooms, 7:14 varies widely – 100-fold or more – depending on mushroom species and cultivation environment. To 7:21 give you some idea of the range, 3 ounces of king oyster mushrooms can contain over 7:27 400 mg of ergothioneine, while a similar serving of white button mushrooms might 7:33 only give you 5 to 10 mg. But even if you eat a serving of white button mushrooms every day, 7:39 you’re probably going to be ahead of most people. The average estimated intake of 7:45 ergothioneine in the US is about 1 mg per day. Italians average close to 5 mg day, 7:52 and maybe not coincidentally, they live about 6 years longer than their American counterparts. 7:58 The concentration in other foods, especially vegetables and grains tend to be much lower 8:03 than mushrooms, but this also varies widely, and is likely dependent on how much is being 8:08 absorbed from fungal and bacterial production in the soil in which they grow. The amounts in 8:14 animal products is even less, but tends to be relatively high in organ meats. 8:20 If you eat a serving of chicken liver, you might get a milligram or so. There’s 8:25 some speculation that ergothioneine could be manufactured by bacteria in the gut microbiome, 8:30 which could then be absorbed by the intestines, but this has yet to be proven. 8:35 Another food source that can contain a fair amount of ergothioneine is food that have 8:40 undergone fermentation. Since fermentation relies on the presence of yeast, bacteria 8:45 or other microorganisms, it’s not surprising that fermented foods can contain ergothioneine. 8:52 Ergothioneine consumption tracks pretty well with longevity, 8:55 although this might be due to the fact that ergothioneine-rich foods like mushrooms 8:59 and fermented foods also tend to be health-promoting in a bunch of other ways. 9:04 Finally, you could elect to just supplement with ergothioneine. Several supplement suppliers 9:10 provide ergothionein n capsule form. Most are in 5 mg doses, but I’ve seen them go as high as 25 9:17 mg. I’ve also seen tinctures of ergothioneine as high as 590 mg, which seems like a lot. 9:24 Which brings us to dosage. Now, as far as I know, there’s no recommended daily Dosages 9:29 dose for ergothioneine. The mouse study I was talking about earlier used the human 9:34 equivalent of 20 to 30mg of ergothioneine a day. Now, that’s a lot more then most 9:39 of use are getting on a daily basis, even if we’re including mushrooms in our diet. 9:43 But it’s not beyond what you could get on a mushroom-heavy diet. For example, 9:49 a mere 2-ounce serving of Porcini mushrooms would give you that 20-30 mg dose. 9:55 If you choose to go the supplement route, 9:57 taking 4 to 6 caps a day of the 5mg capsules would get you in the 20 to 10:03 30 mg per day range. We really need more human research to get a better idea of optimal doses. 10:11 Whether ergothioneine supplementation will really make a big difference for longevity in humans is 10:16 still an open question. Studies in humans have really just begun, but given the promising results 10:21 of other research, ergothioneine looks like one of the more promising natural compounds out there. 10:27 So, if scientist like Bruce Ames or the researchers at Johns Hopkins University 10:32 are correct and ergothioneine IS a new vitamin, it will be the first new vitamin since vitamin 10:38 B12 was isolated back in 1948. But whether or not it ever gets the label of “vitamin,” 10:44 the evidence in it’s favor seems strong enough for me to include it in my supplement stack. 10:50 OK, that’s it for this video. If you’re interested in other compounds that might 10:54 have a big impact on the aging process, check out this playlist 10:58 on longevity meds & supplements. And I’ll see you guys next time. I’m outta here. Lance Hitchings 81.1K subscribers Videos About 53 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @thomasyoung1588 6 days ago Good channel. Good presentations. Reply @parisconstantinou8299 4 days ago thank you very much Sir!!!for the absolutely valuable information!!!keep on the great work!! Reply @shravankumardebbad6620 3 weeks ago Good information Lance. Thank you. Getting on it right away! 3 Reply @divided_and_conquered1854 3 weeks ago Hi Lance - new sub here - I just wanted to say that I massively appreciate your approach, your thoroughness, your impeccable attention to detail, and your refusal to 'dumb it down.' Thanks so much for what you do - you inspire me to vastly increase my knowledge. (I've even gone through over 100 3x5 index cards to aid me in learning the relevant jargon/terms.) Thanks for all you do, Lance! Cheers. 4 Reply Lance Hitchings · 2 replies @danno1800 3 weeks ago Excellent to discuss a very important mushroom.thanks, Lance — much appreciated… 1 Reply @in2caffeine 3 weeks ago Thanks Lance! 4 Reply Lance Hitchings · 1 reply @tyanite1 3 weeks ago You're looking great, Lance. What you're doing is working. I'm not far behind in age but far behind in fitness, biohacking and training. You're the example to aspire toward. Reply @rolandsimon5771 4 days ago (edited) I love all of your videos. Keep up the great work. We should study the lives of Greenland shark and the jellyfish. A Greenland shark is able to live up to 400 or 500 years. Jellyfish can rejuvenates itself. Reply @aa-xn5hc 2 weeks ago Great video, thanks Reply @deborahfischer5708 3 weeks ago Love this 1 Reply Lance Hitchings · 1 reply @drhowardr 3 weeks ago Well done. Finally a video with new anti-aging information. I must have missed the 2009 memo as well! Reply @Mllet3d 3 weeks ago Another reason why Lion's mane mushrooms are essential and the make the most tastiest steaks 2 Reply Lance Hitchings · 1 reply @pluto4D 3 weeks ago Sirtuins activators can also act as a two edge sword. They can both suppress or promote specific tumours which can lead to certain cancers. There are many scientific and scholarly articles on this. It would be a lot safer and just as effective to use nicotinamide as it also upregulates NAD, but not sirtuins 2 Reply Lance Hitchings · 3 replies @metapatriot 3 weeks ago (edited) 7:21 King oyster mushrooms 3 oz = 400 mg?? ... or more like 4 mg ? of Ergothioneine 3 Reply 1 reply @marcdunivan2436 11 hours ago Is there a lab test to include in one's annual physical test battery? Reply @edwardbearjames2916 3 weeks ago (edited) Yeah I'm thinking we've made this all way too damn complicated. I'm feeling better than anytime in my life with focusing on protein and fats. I can now slowly start to incorporate things back in. I had antibiotics, this has wrecked my gut microbiome. Meat seems to finally be healing. Reply @chuclkles58 3 weeks ago Good to know even the humble white button mushrooms can provide a reasonable amount Reply @davidgifford8112 3 weeks ago Another excellent presentation. The perennial problem with mouse studies is that any intervention that protects them against oxitive stress invariably increases their lifespan by 30% (give or take). Humans oxitive stress protection is at least 6x better than a mouse, so any intervention that can support an already excellent system, is only going to add a small additional benefit. That said, as a frequent eater of mushrooms, I’m more than happy to add more porcini mushrooms to my diet. 5 Reply 2 replies @marcelbirgelen7558 3 weeks ago Hello, have a question does kefir contain ergothioneine? 1 Reply Lance Hitchings · 2 replies @sgill4833 3 weeks ago What kind of fermented foods? Kim chee? Reply Lance Hitchings · 2 replies @carlloeber 3 weeks ago Simple.. Reply @dzonthego 3 weeks ago Can't assume that because a food has a lot of a nutrients, that it's bioavailable. I am now carnivore 8 months and feel 1000% better than eating "all" my vegetables. Just sayin'. 15 Reply 9 replies @vincentcwli1 3 weeks ago this is old news 2009. Reply Lance Hitchings · 1 reply

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