Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Philippines Is Sitting On Trillions Of Dollars

The Philippines Is Sitting On Trillions Of Dollars Mountain Of Wealth 7.49K subscribers Transcript Search in video 0:00 we all know that countries with oil and 0:02 gas are super duper rich 0:04 so in today's video we'll talk about how 0:07 the Philippines might be the next one as 0:10 its oil and gas industry keeps 0:12 flourishing so without further Ado let's 0:15 begin is it true that oil and gas are 0:18 found in the Philippines the short 0:20 answer is yes 0:21 most likely more than enough to meet the 0:24 needs of the domestic Market with some 0:26 left over to sell abroad minerals 0:28 Farmland Timber coastal areas and marine 0:31 life are just some of the things that 0:33 Philippines has a lot of it is thought 0:35 that the country's wealth comes from its 0:37 natural resources which help the 0:39 country's gross domestic product grow 0:41 steadily it has been shown that fossil 0:44 fuel resources can be found in many 0:46 different places across the country both 0:48 in terms of length and width most of the 0:51 Undiscovered hydrocarbon deposits are in 0:54 the disputed spratly group of islands 0:56 which means that the Philippines is 0:59 sitting on a mountain of gold this is 1:02 more than enough to get the country out 1:04 of poverty other possible deposits are 1:06 thought to be in the northern province 1:08 of Cagayan the ragai gulf in bicol off 1:12 the coast of mindoro the new Palawan 1:14 block Northern Sabu and the catabato 1:17 Basin some of the oil and gas is found 1:20 in the disputed spratly chain of islands 1:22 where active oil fields now Supply the 1:25 rest of the country in 2018 the 1:28 department of energy and a service 1:29 contractor from China international 1:31 mining Petroleum Company Limited found 1:34 an estimated 1:35 27.93 million barrels of oil on land in 1:39 Allegria kabu about 12 percent of this 1:42 amount or 3.35 million barrels of oil 1:45 was thought to be recoverable natural 1:48 gas reserves in the area are thought to 1:50 be worth 9.42 billion cubic feet with up 1:54 to 6.6 billion cubic feet of gas that 1:57 can be used 1:58 about 70 percent of the total estimated 2:00 gas reserves comes from this discovery 2:02 even though the oil deposits have been 2:05 there for a long time no one has 2:07 bothered to use them yet it's too bad 2:09 this happened because the country's 2:11 economy could have grown faster if it 2:13 had been able to use these oil riches if 2:16 these reserves were finally used the 2:19 Philippines wouldn't have to pay so much 2:21 for oil from other countries in fact the 2:24 country would become an exporter of oil 2:26 products and offer a way to stop the 2:28 price of gasoline from going up every 2:31 week without being stopped Eldon Gene 2:33 nemenzo who is now retired was a pilot 2:36 and the former deputy commander of the 2:38 third air division of the Philippine Air 2:40 Force in Zamboanga City he did a lot of 2:44 research for his thesis while he was 2:46 still in the military and taking an 2:48 advanced course at the command and Staff 2:50 College of the paf in villamore Air Base 2:53 Pasay city nimenzo has now left the paf 2:56 after a long and successful time in the 2:59 military he said that the Philippines 3:01 large oil reserves are in different 3:03 parts of the archipelago most of them 3:06 can be found in the Reed bank which is 3:08 the biggest of them all and the Mischief 3:10 Reef which can be found in either the 3:12 spratly islands or the kalian island 3:14 group it looks like a blind bagger is 3:17 sitting on a pile of gold the 3:19 Philippines are like that the country's 3:21 exclusive economic zone goes out 200 3:24 miles and is thought to have hydrocarbon 3:26 resources worth 26.3 quadrillion US 3:30 dollars that can be recovered nemenzo 3:33 said this is more than enough to pull 3:34 the country out of the centuries-long 3:36 swamp of poverty and under development 3:39 the country has a lot of oil that hasn't 3:41 been used yet which may have caught the 3:43 attention of China and the US in fact 3:47 China has been building a lot of 3:49 infrastructure in the spratleys which 3:51 are a disputed group of islands that are 3:53 also claimed by Brunei Malaysia Vietnam 3:56 and the Philippines 3:57 demenzo's research showed that the 3:59 amount of hydrocarbon deposits in the 4:01 Philippines could be more than 26.3 4:04 trillion dollars 4:06 this is because oil reserves were 4:08 recently found in the Sulu celebes sea 4:10 which is in the Philippines other 4:13 sources like a report from China's 4:15 Ministry of geology and mineral 4:17 resources back up the information that 4:19 nemenzo got for example the report says 4:22 that the oil deposits in the spratlys 4:24 could add up to 17.1 billion barrels 4:28 this is more than Kuwait's oil reserves 4:31 which are thought to be 13 billion 4:33 barrels Kuwait is one of the world's 4:35 biggest oil producers since oil was 4:38 found under the sea in the 1970s the 4:40 spratly islands have become a major 4:42 point of disagreement the Philippines 4:45 along with China Taiwan Brunei Malaysia 4:48 and Vietnam has made a claim to the 4:50 islands in the spratly chain time to get 4:53 up to date in 1978 when Ferdinand e 4:57 Marcos was still president of the 4:58 Philippines he signed presidential 5:01 decree 1596. this included several 5:04 islands in the kalian group to 5:06 strengthen the country's claim to these 5:08 mineral-rich islands the ocean floor has 5:11 a lot of minerals and poly metals like 5:13 gold silver iron and nickel in addition 5:16 to oil and natural gas during a trip to 5:19 kalayan Island in 1979 with a defense 5:22 minister at the time Juan Ponce and real 5:24 this author saw the rich fishing grounds 5:27 of the spratleys spratleys were called 5:30 The parcel Islands back then during the 5:32 interview numenzo stressed how important 5:34 it was to modernize the Armed Forces of 5:37 the Philippines especially by buying 5:39 multi-role Fighters with Cutting Edge 5:41 technology to patrol and protect the 5:44 country's airspace and ceilings which 5:47 are more than twice as long as the u.s's 5:49 in addition he said that Filipino 5:51 technocrats would have to take the lead 5:53 in managing the process of oil 5:56 exploration in these areas which is a 5:58 joint effort between the Philippines and 6:00 international companies nemenzo said 6:03 that we shouldn't be kept in the dark 6:04 about how our resources are being used 6:07 the department of Foreign Affairs says 6:10 that bajo de masenlock is part of the 6:12 Philippines and can't be separated from 6:14 it it is in the zambales province of the 6:17 Philippines 6:18 it is in the masonlock municipality bajo 6:21 de masenlok is a group of reefs and 6:23 rocks that are about 124 nautical miles 6:26 from the closest coast of Luzon and 6:28 about 472 nautical miles from the 6:31 nearest coast of China it is in the 200 6:34 nautical mile exclusive economic zone 6:36 and the 200 nautical mile continental 6:39 shelf of the Philippines 6:41 in 1734 a Jesuit priest named Pedro 6:44 morillo velarde published a map of the 6:47 Philippines called Carta hydrographical 6:50 icorographica de las Isla Filipinos this 6:54 map was thought to be one of the oldest 6:56 and most accurate maps of the area it 6:58 showed that bajo de masenlok was part of 7:01 the province of zimbales the Alejandro 7:04 malaspina Expedition made another map in 7:06 1792. it was published in 1808 in Madrid 7:10 Spain on this map bajo de masinlock was 7:14 also shown to be part of the land that 7:16 made up the Philippines 7:17 on this map you can see how the 7:20 malaspina Expedition got to the Shoal 7:22 and went around it the 1939 Philippine 7:25 census came with an atlas that had a 7:28 copy of this map mappa General Islas 7:30 Filipinas observatorio de Manila was 7:33 made by the United States Coast and 7:35 geodetic Survey in 1990. it was a 7:39 general map of the Philippines on this 7:41 map of the Philippines bajo de masenlock 7:44 was also shown even though the Armed 7:46 Forces of the Philippines recently 7:48 bought new f-50 Jets from South Korea 7:50 and a number of new helicopters and 7:52 other weapons as part of its 7:54 modernization program it is still a far 7:57 cry from a year ago when the military 7:59 had squadrons of F5 f-86 and f-8 8:03 supersonic fighter planes and about 140 8:06 helicopters and a number of Naval 8:08 warships in its Arsenal it is hoped that 8:10 the AFP modernization program from 1995 8:13 which was approved by Congress and 8:16 signed by the president who was an off 8:17 office at the time will be finished 8:19 during President Rodrigo R duterte's 8:22 time in office well that's it for today 8:24 guys I hope I hope you liked the video 8:26 comment down your thoughts on this 8:28 matter we'd love to know and don't 8:30 forget to subscribe to the channel thank 8:32 you for watching Egara Fox Socks Tan Heather St 796,102 views Dec 15, 2022 Hello everyone and welcome back to Interesting Flow! We all know the countries with oil and gas are super duper rich! so in today’s video we’ll talk about how Phillipines might be next one as its oil and gas industry keeps flourishing! so without further due lets begin Is it true that oil and gas are found in the Philippines? The short answer is yes. Most likely more than enough to meet the needs of the domestic market, with some left over to sell abroad. Minerals, farmland, timber, coastal areas, and marine life are just some of the things that the Philippines has a lot of. It is thought that the country's wealth comes from its natural resources, which help the country's gross domestic product (GDP) grow steadily. It has been shown that fossil fuel resources can be found in many different places across the country, both in terms of length and width. Most of the undiscovered hydrocarbon deposits are in the disputed Spratly group of islands, which means that the Philippines is "sitting on a mountain of gold." This is more than enough to get the country out of poverty. Other possible deposits are thought to be in the northern province of Cagayan, the Ragay Gulf in Bicol, off the coast of Mindoro, the new Palawan block, northern Cebu, and the Cotabato Basin. Some of the oil and gas is found in the disputed Spratly chain of islands, where active oil fields now supply the rest of the country. In 2018, the Department of Energy (DOE) and a service contractor from China International Mining Petroleum Co. Ltd. (CIMP) found an estimated 27.93 million barrels of oil on land in Alegria, Cebu. About 12% of this amount, or 3.35 million barrels of oil, was thought to be recoverable. Natural gas reserves in the area are thought to be worth 9.42 billion cubic feet, with up to 6.6 billion cubic feet of gas that can be used. About 70% of the total estimated gas reserves come from this discovery. Even though the oil deposits have been there for a long time, no one has bothered to use them yet. It's too bad this happened, because the country's economy could have grown faster if it had been able to use these oil riches. If these reserves were finally used, the Philippines wouldn't have to pay so much for oil from other countries. In fact, the country would become an exporter of oil products and offer a way to stop the price of gasoline from going up every week without being stopped. Eldon G. Nemenzo, who is now retired, was a pilot and the former deputy commander of the 3rd Air Division of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) in Zamboanga City. He did a lot of research for his thesis while he was still in the military and taking an advanced course at the Command and Staff College of the PAF in Villamor Air Base, Pasay City. Nemenzo has now left the PAF after a long and successful time in the military. Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Mountain Of Wealth 7.49K subscribers Videos About 1,223 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @rubenagoldberg3487 1 year ago Philippines will rise in the future, it’s not the appointed time yet. Father God, ptotect the Philippines and the people thank you for all your blessings . 86 Reply 3 replies @merlinaroyeras4581 1 year ago Opo, basta maibalik lang yong mga golds na nai deposit at iba pang wealth ng Pinas sa different countries by firmer Pres Marcos. It was said by Imelda Marcos during Mel Tiangco' s interview. Kailangan daw yon maibalik.. 9 Reply @sallybalajonda7792 7 months ago Praise the Lord Hallelujah our Nation will be Great again God Bless Philippines God Bless our President Ferdinand Marcos Jr God Bless Philippines people 11 Reply @gilambosgilambos372 7 months ago Ito ang dapat tutokan at bigyan pansin at madali in dahil ito ang makatulong sa Economiya ng atinh Bansa. Kung marealized ito talagang mag mura ang mga bilihin at maraming Investors ang pa pasok at dadami ang trabaho para sa buong Filipinas. 11 Reply 1 reply @milcahpadillo9623 11 months ago Division of work, tulungan naman natin Ang ating Pangulo with a sincere heart para umasenso naman tayo. " Nang walang pag iimbot at buong katapatan. After all tayo-tayo Rin lang Ang makinabang. 8 Reply @nolanrono6204 5 months ago God Bless Philippines, God Bless Filipinos, God Bless Us All 4 Reply @julieatilano8233 1 year ago May the Philippines will emerge as one of the very rich countries in the world so that all the Filipinos abroad will be going home to stay for good. Our country men could have a peaceful, comfortable and happy life. 217 Reply 20 replies @lakeofbays1622 1 year ago Filipinos are good people. God bless them. 179 Reply 11 replies @boyinglabro7082 8 months ago When I was in Iraq, my boss Ahmed Bessila from Algeria said to me, your country is so rich in mineral resources because of camel shape of our country . He told me that your country is so fortunate because of camel shape.. He believes our country will be rise no.1 if Philippine politician wants to develop your country in a right direction without tongpats. Now is started to our Beloved President BBM whose father knows very well the wealth of the Philippines.. God bless Philippines, aside from Deuterium who sits under the sea of SURIGAO PROCVINCE.. 5 Reply @anthonydsouza7174 1 year ago PHILIPINOS ARE GREAT PEOPLE,THEY ARE WONDERFUL AND I PRAY THEY BECOME A GREAT NATION. 143 Reply 8 replies @mojojojoguzman3332 1 year ago (edited) It was planned but, it was suppressed. This time, it will be fulfilled. Philippines will be a self - sustaining country, and can support other countries as well. It shall be fulfilled. 147 Reply 8 replies @georgebasister1929 1 year ago (edited) I was a long time contractor employee of Aramco in Saudi Arabia where my Saudi petroleum engineer officemates would always ask me what i am doing there when our country, the Philippines, is actually much richer than their s with all our rich agricultural, mineral and fossil fuel resources including one of the biggest deposits of natural gas in the world, not to mention oil, which they actually envy, them relying solely on their oil & gas. Having their own university dedicated solely to the exploration of petroleum and minerals (KFUPM), they should know how real all these are. 67 Reply 5 replies @joserogercahilig8967 1 year ago In God's given time the Philippines will harvest all this blessings 32 Reply 3 replies @susanasalud9530 1 year ago Proud to be Filipino with a beautiful and blessed with natural resources .Thanks be to god for all his glory . 13 Reply @gilambosgilambos372 1 year ago Kailangan double time ang operation ng mga Oil csmpanis sa mga Oil deposits prospects sa ating Bansa para maka benta rin tayo ng Oil at bababa ang prisyo ng ng Crudo at Gasolina sa pamilihan. 8 Reply @joelsamonte8382 1 year ago Kahit pa siguro nakaupo sa ginto ang Pilipinas kung ang pamunuan ay sari lang iniisip ay para na din nakaupo sa hangin. 20 Reply @junhinoguinpayumo7468 1 year ago GOD BLESS THE PHILLPIMES!... Thanks Sir... 49 Reply @karlbawar 1 year ago Philippines is one of the world's richly endowed countries in terms of mineral resources gold.silver, copper, timber, nickel, petroleum, cobalt, and salt. 125 Reply 12 replies @ccalv07 1 year ago Corruption is the biggest problem in the Philippines. 11 Reply @jocelynanolingvanmeerbeeck5736 1 year ago God bless the Philippines & it's people. 42 Reply 2 replies @jhayglimmer2125 1 year ago Philippines has everything it’s only the right will come. Mabuhay:) 20 Reply @conconmervin 1 year ago Yes! The previous government should have known it's priorities. Sadly, the people running it, were more interested in politics rather than doing the right thing. 46 Reply 3 replies @AudreywithJohan9988 1 year ago Even w/out gas deposit phillipines is a rich country if we dont have a corrupt system of govt 290 Reply 57 replies @purplecarehealthwellnessma6501 1 year ago Thank You God for blessing the Philippines with rich natural resources like gold and other precious minerals, oil and natural gas, deuterium and amazing, beautiful, God-fearing people. 7 Reply @larsyvindgrindrud8341 1 year ago (edited) Unlike many other newly oil rich countries Phls has an educated population. However, to make oil and other natural resources blessing the Phls has to stabilize its population and avoid corruption. Norway is regarded as the only country that has managed to avoid the so called Dutch disease or oil curse. I am sure that the Norwegian government will be more than willing to share its experiences. 22 Reply @lazygardeneasylife2774 1 year ago Correction they knew it already before this administration. According to my friend who is one of the engineers and scientist. They had a gas and oil exploration project for the past years they found out that the Philippines was so rich in gas minerals and others. And they try to convince the government for several times to help them extract that wealth. According to him they try to tell erap government, Gloria govn't and Aquino. They failed, they laugh at them. And now thanks God He revealed all the natural golds of the Philippines He give it at the right time at the right government God's plan is unimaginable️️️️ He is All Knowing God, a supreme God️️️️ 89 Reply 12 replies @mariloufontanilla1034 1 year ago God bless the Philippines. Thank you Lord . We praise you and we worship you ️ 50 Reply 2 replies @aquillesanhaw3388 1 year ago The Philippines become rich soon. Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj Prophecy; Not in a distance future the Philippines will left up higher and it's like a light in the light house that shines the world. 61 Reply 9 replies @fernandodagook6191 1 year ago (edited) True there are so many natural resources in the phiipine it is the land of creation and where the most holiest of holiest of God is located he owns it all so let us respect it 21 Reply 1 reply @malimali8740 1 year ago We can talk about it everyday. I’m already hearing this for 50 years and still nothing happen because of corruption Singapore and Japan have no natural resources but because of discipline and nationalism they fare much better so I would say the greatest resources the country have is it’s people not the oil and gold we have. It rain in the Philippines everyday and still the country don’t have reliable water supply. Look at the internet alone it haven’t speed at all. 19 Reply 1 reply @rodrigoestillore331 1 year ago If our officials are loyal and sincere to their duties and responsibilities to the country and people but it does not happen now It cant be avoided that personal enrichment will become a rider agenda when they are in the position However there are still honest and dedicated government servants but only very few 13 Reply @jencruz7740 1 year ago Philippine 🇵🇭should advance in renewable energy without damaging its natural resources that people can enjoy what’s nature on hand provided them 12 Reply @raysantos5550 1 year ago God always blessed the Philippines no weapons formed against the Philippines will prosper. The battle is mine said the LORD of host. 5 Reply @yojlemsaidolem 1 year ago When the time is right, the Philippines will rise. In God’s time the country is young and will have a lot of room for growth. 9 Reply @oribird540fly 1 year ago That would be good no more poverty in the Philippines 37 Reply 4 replies @ronwenthapelo3818 10 months ago Building wealth involves developing good habits like regularly putting money away in intervals for solid investments. Financial management is a crucial topic that most people tend to shy away from, and ends up haunting them in the near future. Putting our time and effort in activities and investments that will yield a profitable return in the future is what we should be aiming for. Success depends on the actions or steps you take to achieve it. "You're not going to remember those expensive shoes you bought ten years ago, but you will remember every single morning when you look at your bank account that extra 0 in there. I promise, that's going to be way more fun to look at everyday", I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life too. 28 Reply 33 replies @deveticar4315 1 year ago The Philippines will become one of the richest countries in the world through its minerals deposits. That's why China wouldn't give up the WPS! They're ready at all costs to get the share of the pie at Spratly and Kalayaan island or... it's a war! That's why Filipinos need a very strong leader of our country who can make crucial & strategic decisions with technical planning to resolve the WPS conflict. May GOD continue to protect the Philippines as His beloved country. 24 Reply 1 reply @emkeicastillo8430 1 year ago Pilipino in general love to study and finish college education , they can work and have a job no one ever want , this are our greatest asset , we are capable of hard work , 6 Reply @Theflippyedit 1 year ago Mabuhay ang Pilipinas ️🇵🇭 8 Reply @robvlogs168 1 year ago Surigao del Norte, Philippines has a lot of hydrogen deposits or what we called DEUTERIOM GAS. 35 Reply @heraldtiemsen6944 1 year ago Philippines for now focucing on DEUTERIUM/ HYDROGEN good for invironment its first clean power energy in the philippines.....phil. one of the best place gifted by many naturals resources from ..HOLY SPIRIT..... 14 Reply 2 replies @virginiarasalan6186 10 months ago Hoping this is true? Having oil in the Philippines makes the country rich. No more DH goes abroad and no more corruption from the government be settle down. 2 Reply @raymundocadavismesodeil8901 1 year ago I don't know when will the exploration will be done in fact our leader is busy travelling around the world with his wife and close colleagues 🇵🇭 6 Reply @user-mc6jy2tm2l 7 months ago Let us continue to pray for our country that God may give wisdom to our government to develop and use our God's given gift for the Filipino people and for the whole world. In His perfect time. Mabuhay Ang pilipinas. 2 Reply @Stephen_Jabs 1 year ago amazing update on this from the History of the Philippines up until its natural resources you are extra ordinary! 17 Reply @luismarcoledesma3797 6 months ago Mabuhay mga Pinoy..Thank you po 2 Reply @marissaaldea1815 1 year ago those who maltreated our country man who work in other country be ready because you will see what youve done if in GOD help when we become rich and you will go here to work and become OFW we will not do what you are doing to us because we are human the heart we are not animal who maltreated a worker which the only purpose is to earn money and help the family we are loving people not animals that no heart Thak you GOD 6 Reply @ApronianoJrOrtega-ws4th 6 months ago Wow, that's the great news for all pilipino People of the Pilipinas.thank you. Reply @BatAskal 1 year ago There is no guarantee that whatever natural resources the country is sitting on will really impact the wealth of each citizens. It is hinged upon the policies and the kind of government people choose. Take a look into Venezuela. 23 Reply 8 replies @jhayglimmer2125 1 year ago It’s the right time now to drill the natural resources if this current admin can develop the whole country! 2 Reply @Hecky-Alright 1 year ago (edited) A guy from oil rigging in Qatar told me in 2004 that if you really want to know where the navel or main chamber of oil in the Philippines is, use an infrared satellite. The West Philippine Sea is just the fingernails. Allegedly they have seen it. 84 Reply 15 replies @shimaosman6520 7 months ago May this petroleum news will be true. Wish to be back home in the Philippines. This makes the Philippines good nation. Hopefully, true. ️🇵🇭 1 Reply @woozy96 1 year ago PH should take actions fast. 6 Reply 1 reply @danilonepomuceno4330 1 year ago That's why the InZects wish to conquer the WPS. 10 Reply 1 reply @pongpong123able4 1 year ago Philippines doesn't sell its natural resources for income anymore. It has a long-standing moratorium on mining and logging. Its one of the few southeast Asian countries that has no developed petroleum industry Philippine economy is largely based on service industry (business process outsourcing), migrant worker remittances and a few electronic industries 20 Reply 4 replies @rosaliaabalos1546 4 months ago Philippines will be the richest country in the world..we are the blessed people.. let's stand united stop corruption and help in building our nation.. Reply @elmerganzan9131 1 year ago It is amazing resources in our country about gas that we had, So hopefully we will success at the help of our neighboring country to fulfill our dreams, so that we will become a poverty free. 15 Reply @dulseporree8280 1 year ago Go go Philippines. 2 Reply @jexalejandro6593 1 year ago I hope China is not and never be involve in drilling oil/gas in our country... 13 Reply 2 replies @Lilian-fh2ve 1 year ago Keep up Philippine ...God Bless Philipine...You need protection from U.S.A.TO support you... from Illegal Invaders. 1 Reply @ceasargines2884 1 year ago (edited) I heard this almost two decades ago or more but nothing has happened except the only small deposit been tapped in the province of Cebu. If this is true for real....what really made it difficult to exploit these deposits and will be the answer to save us from dire poverty. 3 Reply @kimmonfort8120 1 year ago Lagi tayung magpakabait at magtulungan sating kapwa at magtulungan Yan ang gusto Ng dios .para tuloy2 ang grasya 1 Reply @yl_009 1 year ago China is the hendrance to make ph great country once again. 6 Reply @Godpraiseandworshipper 1 year ago Psalm 118:14 The LORD is my strength and my defense ; he has become my salvation. 1 Reply @geofhateanime97 1 year ago (edited) Don't forget we have producer's of pearls and that's why we are called the pearl's of the Orient seas 3 Reply @gildaabela3083 1 year ago God bless The Philippines 3 Reply @franklimsaboso8296 1 year ago A storyteller long time ago until now it remains a story period. 33 Reply 5 replies @Stephen_Jabs 1 year ago thank God I hope that we could drill oil and produce soon. 5 Reply @pinoyastig0508 1 year ago Philippines have lot of natural resources sad to say we have a lot of corrupt government official too. 1 Reply @jilsyorobe433 1 year ago Before China become a unified country under its various dynasties, La Islas de Felipinas in the 15th century under the Kingdom of Spain owned the Kalayaan Group of Islands. 5 Reply 1 reply @annasin4393 1 year ago Very Goood.hope this will help our country.and the proceeds wont end in dirty hands.thank you. 1 Reply @Anjirito 1 year ago #Marcos4ever 5 Reply @dorismay8383 1 year ago Is that true? Hope it is.. God bless us..🇵🇭 2 Reply @josephramos3140 1 year ago These are those reasons why china intended to build their artificial island on that particular region. I hope china doesn't secretly looking for that oil reserves and dig it for their own benefits. 7 Reply @ramonperez3670 1 year ago The richest country in the world is Philippines Thank you God to giving us wealth. Reply @lofistudentbeats3305 1 year ago Now i know why malaysia does not want to return sabah. There is a lot of natural gas in the area 6 Reply 1 reply @rhodringor3109 5 months ago Galing lahat ito sa panginoong diyos.dahil siya ang lumikha ng jesus name..godbless the philippines..amen.️️🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭 Reply @francoisfrancois5814 1 year ago No matter how rich oil reserves the philippines may have, as long as there is corrupt officials still the nation cannot leave the poverty its just getting worse 7 Reply @robertosibug149 1 year ago God blees pilipino this is my country Philippines is Grate frend 1 Reply @billngo7197 1 year ago Sounds like Phil needs freedom 21 Reply 3 replies @kuyaGabzTv 1 year ago Sending my support nice video 1 Reply @user-qs6rv9nk1x 1 year ago (edited) Thank you for the very positive insight on the future of the Philippines and it's people it is time that poverty should end and uplift the life and image of the filipino people to the world ,Corruption will be a thing of the past ,as people would probably be in the middle income bracket classification enough to have a comfortable life for everyone,Greed should be eradicated by having enough on everyone's plate,Thank you God for blessing this country-The Philippine Islands. 7:07 3 Reply 1 reply @henrymata2253 11 months ago Wow! God blessed all filipinos 1 Reply @antoniobenamer8681 1 year ago Our lack of expertise and equipment To explore our own resources is the Hindrance. The malampaya gas field Only net us around 20% share of its Production. The rest went to the Prospectors . 3 Reply @ameliahirata4629 6 months ago Happy that Philippines richest all Filipino Filipino will come home for goods still dreami eill come true God Bless Us Reply @albert-cq9fh 1 year ago The most neutral country in the world, the Chair coutry of the Brettenwoods Agreement, USA cannot stop what is coming, the next Gold Standard. 6 Reply 3 replies @dr.maddisongarcia5791 1 year ago Bravo 1 Reply @rosemarieemperado3126 1 year ago G0D BLess phiLipines ️ 7 Reply @DakilangAtsoy 1 year ago This will turn the Marcos family a royalty for a long time. 2 Reply @pekopekoh 1 year ago Nope. Oil is not that rich here in the Philippines. There are few oils but "rich" on "deuteruim gas" - the future gasoline. 3 Reply @damianolopez8799 8 months ago God has his way to help the Pilipino people. God is good. We have suffered enough. Reply @itoemy1048 1 year ago (edited) That's why china is so interested to occupy the east and west Philippine sea bcoz it's rich in oil reservoir ! Nag oil researched na ang china sa kapabayaan Ng Pilipinas .mag mula kay Cory the Kong until his son panot Aquino late president Ng Pilipinas , during their regiment malayang nag explore ang mga Chinese boat's sa west Philippine sea ! Wala kasing bantay ! Walang pcg ,walang Philippine navy , kahit nga ngayon na umaabuso na ang china sa pang mamaliit sa Filipino fishermen at Philippine navy , wala pa rin bang gagawin si PBBM ? Nasa iyo ang desisyon para ipagtanggol ang nasasakupan Ng Pilipinas ! Papayag Ka bang angkinin Ng China ang buong West and East Philippines sea ? Tatlong bansa na ang sumakop sa Philippines pero mga naging ally natin sila , pero ang china kaaway Ng maraming bansa , at magiging kaaway din Ng Pilipinas , walang magagawa diplomatikong pakikipagusap nyo sa bansang sakim sa Ibang lupain dahil may mapapala sila , matagal nang na survey Ng China na may oil serve sa Pilipinas ! Lalo na west Philippine sea at Kung true o fake news man ang napanood ko sa YouTube na nag land reclamation ang China sa Sulu sea ! Talaga yatang siraulo Itong si xi Jin ping , ang target nya ang tubataha reef . Ipapahakot nya ang fishes para kumita sya ! Papayag ba ang BPAR sa action na Yan China ? Masyado nang minamaliit Ng China ang Pilipinas ! It's about time to show how fearful Filipinos are ! 4 Reply 3 replies @angelstrong792 1 year ago Mabuti naman at mayaman sa langis ang Pinas, pambayad utang sobra pa, minahin na natin ang mga oil reserves para yumaman lalo tayo! Aleluya! Amen! <3 O:) * (Y) 1 Reply @InterestingFlow 1 year ago 4 Reply @riyahnnafeehily8047 1 year ago (edited) Philippines is very rich in natural resources. And the people is generally kind hearted. But unfortunately, due to its corrupt official and less educated people that vote for them, it remains a third world country. It's a pity, when the country can be so much more. I hope to God that someday, they can take advantage and develop what they have. 2 Reply 1 reply @k.campecinoarkitekton1806 1 year ago nice topic~ our country is being recognize 6 Reply 2 replies @akhadmea.2937 1 year ago PRESIDENT DUTERTE and PRESIDENT MARCOS MADE PHILIPPINES BETTER DAY BY DAY. 1 Reply @raiisbox3371 1 year ago The problem is, there could be an oil exploration to be executed between China and Philippines but China want a 50/50 share on whatever could be found resources after the exploration, and the Philippines don't agree with it. China is claiming the WPS or most part of it as their sovereign territory. China has the money to finance the exploration, and they are the one who badly needed a huge supply of oil products; why don't they start the oil exploration if this vlog is true? 5 Reply 3 replies @bensaudisahidjuan5707 1 year ago Conspiracy with the oil company here in the Philippines. What happened to the oil refinary in cebu? Supposedly to use it, and to decrease the gasoline price. 1 Reply 1 reply @russianprincess3673 1 year ago One day Philippines will rule all of SE ASIA🇸🇬 1 Reply @randomsh-t917 1 year ago Will the wealth get to the people? Will fusion put a fly into their soup. 5 Reply @MargaritoJrBorja 1 year ago Sana totoo, Nang di na sobrang mag hirap Ang susunod na henerasyon 1 Reply @miaya3898 1 year ago America 🇺🇸 be like: did somebody say trillions of oil? 32 Reply 12 replies @teresitacruz5108 5 months ago (edited) Wow.... Thank you Lord... What inside of my mind, You work of it.... Love you Reply @lukemitrani_ 1 year ago 3 Reply @user-kx3tm7hv1x 6 months ago Nobody deserves this new-found wealth more than the people and nation of the Philippines. Hopefully, social services and educational opportunities can be expanded so that the people can assume contributing positions in the oil and gas industry. Reply @m.hidayatullohmustafid8596 1 year ago Europe : he is our me please!! 3 Reply @hubalila522 5 months ago (edited) God Will Change Everything.Time Will Come . PEACE And LOVE not WAR !! Reply @baldeagledelta3482 1 year ago (edited) Well then there’s still deuterium which the Philippines has the largest repellenishable deposit found in the Surigao deep! Deuterium is the viable Green and clean fuel source of the future foreseen to replace the carbon emmitting fossil fuels. Deuterium supply Will never run out and is forever. 23 Reply 3 replies @MariaLuisaDelosReyes 6 months ago I did find your video to be very interesting. Awakening all to the importanc of our country and its oil gas and other minerals etc. Thank you. Reply @nidasieben2082 1 year ago God bliss as all we live each other. I'm proud what we have. We just love and care. Amen 1 Reply @yetztv18 5 months ago how amazing this content! this vlogger makes me happy as a filipino. and this content can earn money in youtube Reply @VirginiaAlbutra 4 days ago Praise God Philippines become number 1 economy, food basket, natural resources gas, gold. We become missionary to all nations to preach the gospel . A command before Jesus Christ went to heaven Reply @rannarann9316 1 year ago It depends on the government on how they use these natural resources. For sure 1.MONEY 2.THRONE 3.CORRUPTION are the most important to them. 1 Reply @johndorilag4129 7 months ago Not only the western side of the Philippines but the eastern side of the Philippines towards the Pacific Ocean are yet to be discovered Reply @gerardoavila6345 1 year ago YES! And recently DISCOVERED 23.5 tTRILLION WORTH OF OIL DEPOSITS. Reply @jaimedeveracrisostomo3602 4 months ago Pres.BBM must the priorities that oil and Gas for the philippines future. Reply @dennisgenio943 1 year ago Hope this oil reserves will put as our top priority of our country instead of concentrating in wars or WW3. Reply @sunroad7228 1 year ago "No energy store holds enough energy to extract an amount of energy equal to the total energy it stores. No system of energy can deliver sum useful energy in excess of the total energy put into constructing it. This universal truth applies to all systems. Energy, like time, flows from past to future". 1 Reply @olivec.garcia9331 1 year ago God created OPHIR the present day PHILIPPINES the wealthiest nation on Earth through generation Reply @paulmata4245 1 year ago To remove out from poverty, get rid of corruption and dishonest politicians And use our natural gas properly. Support our scientists, technocrats and manufacturers.., Reply 1 reply @CornelioAcuna-st9ru 8 months ago Yessss sarap sa oakiramdam angmga nakakarinig kami ng oagbating mabuhay wow wow uunlad na ang mga pinoy. Reply @AlejandraCordero-xb6pm 6 months ago Almighty God Bless Our Beloved Nation Thank you for very abundant blessings and well become a great nation all over Reply @leonardoromero6743 1 year ago Philippines government should take the lead if other countries want to explore. They should invest highly to control this vast minerals. If any countries want to explore this it's because they want to control. No countries have any rights. Reply @user-pv1ix6wy6b 5 months ago Let's help pbbm to pursue this benefits of pinoy people someday let's hope for the best mabuhay ka pbbm Reply @JoseSantos-xw3gx 1 year ago Go go Philippines gov start this project'for the Pilipinos well being. Do it now. Reply @oniongarlic9213 1 year ago The reason why China won't give up the west philippine sea. 1 Reply @RamBo-yh3kz 1 year ago Am I the only one who think that oil and gas are becoming obsolete in less than 10 years? 1 Reply @Charles-ix5jc 1 year ago Marcos need to start speaking with other countries to help them with the oil extraction here! United states should be eager to do something like this since they cut their production 2 Reply @ethiehetherington5086 4 months ago Madam Imelda was right all along when she said that we are sitting on natural resources and pretending to be poor. Former President Marcos said that Philippines is G.O.D. (Gold, Oil, Deuterium). It is shaming that Filipinos always elected a President that never care about the country but only enriching themselves. The Philippines should be a rich country by now if Former President Marcos was not ousted. It is really a shamed. Reply @bonifaciosalamat6579 1 year ago God almighty shall always guide, protect and defend His one and only blessed Christian Muslim nation in the Far East, the Philippines at all cost, against foreign invaders and conquerors.. Reply @ronaldbersabe4468 5 months ago Support president BBM,,, forever,, inggit nanaman mga may lahing tsekwa Nyan,, God bless pilipino peoples 100 percint,,, Reply @user-in6hr2sw2d 9 months ago ang dapat po sa ating minamahal na gobyerno ay may sariling monitor upang alam po lahat Ng mangyayari SA ating bansa tulad po Ng satellite na alam ang lahat ang nangyayari sa atin salamat po... 1 Reply @henryreosora4316 1 year ago The government should now do swift action to tap those oil deposits I'm optimistic that we can be in line with the richness of middle east countries. Reply @tesstessrr1984 1 year ago I hope this true ? They can ease lots of people future , especially younger generation , out of proverty . 1 Reply 1 reply @frankcuritana8159 1 year ago Future generations would benefit from the underground wealth of the country Reply @nestorbasallaje1534 1 year ago I believed Our Country is not a poor Country , i you compared it to a Mall just liked many products to offer ,, We have more than to offer , We have the the most Industrious and talented workers in the world , Our Country has many raw materials to offer , we have a vast reserved minerals to offer , We have Oils , copper ,steel , Iron , rubber , Alluminum , and other rich minerals to offer in different Region of the Country , We just need the right Investor to cultivate all these materials for fhe benefits of the Fil. People 1 Reply @LhyneSerrano 6 months ago praying PBBM will take the big step to start oil exploration like his father Reply @user-ik3pt2be3v 5 months ago Don’t worry all countries to our own rules I promise that equality to help others … Reply @ramongarcia-oc4fv 1 year ago certified the Philippines 🇵🇭 is more than yuo think about the Philippines oil production in the process Reply @ramongarcia-oc4fv 1 year ago certified the Philippines 🇵🇭 is the highly classified minerals products and more than yuo think about the minerals of the nation Reply @EventLoverExplorer 1 year ago Filipino should be the first one to be benefited 1 Reply @monagustin6515 1 year ago Deuterium, Platinum, Oil, gas, gold, copper, ore, nickel, cobalt, etc,, that's abundance here in the Philippines and yet the Philippines still crawling to hardship in life. Government officials are slow to extract these commodities! Reply @steadfastroland77vlog6 1 year ago This good news will come to reality if our government gives its priority, this is true that the philippines is full of gas and oil the biggest in the world Reply @spiritualvisionary9790 1 year ago GOD BLESS US 0UR PHILIPPINES AND OUR PRES. BONG BONG MARCOS OUR PHILIPPINES IS THE HIDDEN TREASURE OF GOD.... Reply @50sthankful 1 year ago This new blogger really knows that FILIPINO viewership will be on his market share 1 Reply @francoalvior4155 4 months ago Engr. Joel Alvior Andrade.. you're young & your talent will be more necessary locally for our country. Reply @nestorsantiago28 1 year ago I hope this will come true 1 Reply @user-zs9ek1bx5z 1 year ago (edited) BUT the Philippines never utilize most of these resources.. What a BIG waste of oppurtunity... And the US not considered the Philippines to be one of its States 1 Reply @sh1nyarm0r 9 months ago With a lot of sunlight in the equator line zone, a 50-mile by 50-mile solar farm could power the whole Philippines easily with minimal maintenance and zero impact to the environment indefinitely. Just ask Elon Musk Reply @botvenikmikail-qv6od 8 months ago Our borders must be kept safe and secure...isn't that the red line. Reply @assassin3042 1 year ago Oil drilling in philippines was started already...let see after 5 years...philippines win become rich country... Reply @jerrymontilla8995 1 year ago To be able to developt our natural resources especially oil and gas we need investors Reply @codelessunlimited7701 1 year ago The Smokey Mountain made the Philippines rich with abundant fossil fuel. Reply @ericzap5814 4 months ago More than 50 years ago , this news of oil and gas deposits have been circulating in the news but up to now there has been no exploration made yet , why ????? Reply @ramongarcia-oc4fv 11 months ago maybe more than you think is highly classified minerals in the Philippines 🇵🇭 Reply @erlindanalang969 1 year ago Please stop corruption , mr president. Thank you. Reply @ramongarcia-oc4fv 1 year ago certified the Philippines 🇵🇭 ️ is 🇵🇭 highly classified information about the Philippines 🇵🇭 minerals products Reply @cole8753 1 year ago Sana naman kung magkaroon ng oil sa pinas di lang ibubulsa ng manga corrupt Reply @josehermosura2946 5 months ago Filipinos are nationalistic, too, but some of our government officials are pulling us down. Reply @aldenarevalo4368 1 year ago Hindi na kailangan ng mundo after we get this gas ,oil. Reply @oscarsalomon6924 7 months ago The Philippine oil and gas exploration should have included the AGUSAN MARSH which according to a friend consultant to an ASIAN BILLIONAIRE who has a private satellite have previously done a geological satellite survey of Mindanao and have discovered oil and gas deposits in the area but may still be subject to drilling tests. The RICH PHILIPPINE NATURAL RESOURCES like these oil and gas should BE THE COUNTRY'S SOURCE FOR WEALTH CREATION. Following Norway's wealth creation, the Philippines should also create its own National Oil and Gas corporation to manage all oil and gas exploration, development , production , sale and ultimately its earnings. Also, the country should also establish a National Wealth Fund/Council which will serve as the bank to receive all earnings of the oil and gas corporation and/or any other National corporations managing any other natural resources exploration, development , production , sale and ultimately its earnings. The council will decide on how these funds will be spent but should prioritize the welfare of the Filipinos as these resources belongs to them and should be the first to benefit from it. Or they can use it as sovereign wealth fund for more earnings. Reply @angillomartin28 1 year ago (edited) Yeah, Philippines 🇵🇭 naturall have a more Gold than the World Reserves Reply @alexyap7323 1 year ago Very true! Reply @user-oq2ex3ew6p 7 months ago Tnx PBBM Reply @user-wc4ei3zu1k 10 months ago This is why China is so interested in South China Sea and the islands . Lots of oil there and the presence of US military is preventing China from taking advantage. Reply @paintrevealer1 10 months ago Interesting 1 Reply @kennethnoland8246 1 year ago Love this in the Philippines many new jobs love it Reply @righttime9197 1 year ago Thats the reason why US dont want to lose philippines as ally Reply @rayconx96 7 months ago Now the Philippines can acquire thousands of biggest and the longest range of ICBM from the USA ! Reply @hottesteverything6545 1 year ago I've heard it that Philippines has also a lot of Deuterium reserves in the Philippine Rise (Benham Rise) 1 Reply 1 reply @cezarcamaclang1898 1 year ago TONS OF GOLD. TRILLION $ NA OIL AND GAS. 72 NA AKO 1950'S NADIDINIG KO NA YAN.PARA MANAG INIP TAU NA MAKAKA AHON TAU SA HIRAP.NAKA TUTOK TAU SA KWENTO. PERO HABANG UMAASA TAU. PANAY NAKAW NG TAGA GOBYERNO NG PERA NG MGA TAO.AT CLA NAGYAMANAN,AT TAU UMASA SA KWENTONG KUTSERO. 1 Reply 1 reply @user-be9gr3wv3r 5 months ago NARIRINIG KO NA IYAN NOONG BATA PA AKO. NGAYON 64 YEARS OLD NA AKO. Reply @jerrymontilla8995 1 year ago Especially foreign investors we have to invite our friends particularly Japan and the USA so while they are drilling for oil they give protection from Chinese provocation their investment! Reply @roelapostol3372 8 months ago Wow Philippines.. Reply @mansuetoleonis6273 1 year ago (edited) 🇵🇭️🇵🇭god bless philippines🇵🇭 2 Reply @odetteverano7146 10 months ago For info Benham Rise is a solid methane (high class), china during PRRD reign wanted to make a research on that part of our country pero may mga umalma na politicians natin dito. Kaya ganyan sila kagigil kasi sa pacific ocean nakapwesto hindi dito sa west philippine sea. Reply @crisantocabrerajr.8540 1 year ago the real wealth of Philippines is its people...with more than 20million contract and migrant workers deployed in every country fluent in key languages such as English, Spanish, Mandarin,Korean,Japanese and Ilongo they can easily share the gospel message of the restored church of Jesus Christ and assist Our Father in Heaven's work in gathering scattered Israel and in bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of which He Himself launched it in 1820s in just a few spoke to His chosen Prophet.."Joseph, This is my beloved Son, Hear Him". Reply @jasperangel 1 year ago Fan here in the Philippines Reply @rogue17m22 1 year ago (edited) The Philippines already knew that already way back from before Marcos Sr., but (I think) the government doesn`t do anything about it, why? the Philippines would have been a rich country by now. God Bless the Philippines! Reply @garizaldeconstantino9310 5 months ago According to aramco that Philippines is the most richest country coz of the oil. Reply @fugak-han0072 1 year ago Sana all Reply @UCBerkeley6272 1 year ago There is a reason why this earth is round, and many oil deposits are found! Reply @mawkishrich3851 10 months ago Mayaman nga pero di naman Pilipinas nakikinabang. Kung hindi mga oligarchs, mga foreigners ang makikinabang, wala din. Magsasbawatan lang ang mga banyaga at corrupt na politicians, ang ending Pilipino din talo Reply @nicolasernestoarmero1141 7 months ago Recently hydrogen engines for cars are now developed by various automobile companies,this will lead to the enormous usage of hydrogen fuel which we have plenty in the Philippines,the Deuterium this will start the game changing path to the philippe we will be the biggest supplier of this green fuel future fuel and thus our time to be rich Reply @virgiliogonzales8507 1 year ago Bbm is what all the pilipinos and the country need from suffering and cruelty of so many leadership that never existed after fm era this is our chance bbm forever Reply @poinsettia. 1 year ago FYI America, you can't do what you did to Iraq and Libya on us. 1 Reply @alisbocesar2837 1 year ago The YHWH Will Shine on Earth, the Philippines new Jerusalem Reply @justmeonthebeach 7 months ago 4:44 The late President FE Marcos OIL EXPLORATION PROJECTS in the 1970s.... during the world oil crisis in 1970s as an after shock of the greatest shock... the NIXON SHOCK 1971.... Reply @lornagallego 1 year ago Amen % po. PHILIPPINES is a blessed nation: BECAUSE: our beloved and hon. Pastor Welde E. Almeda: Is a real FILIPINO citizen: whom loved too much to his own country: and he gave his whole life to PRAYER and FASTING. And preached the "APOSTOLIC GOSPELS" that "communism is satanism": for without ALL of those sacrifices: The PHILIPPINES would became the slaves of "communists nations".( Just investigate the whole TRUTH po). So now we're FILIPINOS are enjoying our freedom away from communism state. Because the DIVINE GREAT PROTECTION: GRACE: and MERCY of the ALMIGHTY GOOD LORD in JESUS CHRIST name, the great creator of heaven and earth: has always been abounded in our country. GOD BLESS you ALL po. Reply @dionysus1442 1 year ago If the Philippines rich in oil there is also full of Corruptions any govt institutions. Reply @leticiabalitaan5924 10 months ago Yes country is a rich country ….cuz of the people’s taxes….and now, we have oil , praying that our government official curb the corruption, huwag naman ho “ corruption to the bones…..that they think of the common people , the retired employees, to live their life happily ….pls . Lord , give us wisdom to think of others….pls. Lord. Amen Reply @robertfoo5946 1 year ago May Philippines bring the good news to US And bring your Big Brother War monger along your to share your wealth and safe their economy. Reply @belle7274 1 year ago The Philippines is Ophir in the Bible where Solomons gold came from to build the Temple of YHWH. It is called "Land of Gold", "Pearl of the Orient", Chryse or Golden Peninsula. Reply @procesocarlos4567 1 year ago This is a long story that i heard long time ago 3 Reply @TheJoselpre 1 year ago (edited) Sana iparehas natin sa mga bansa may oil and gas deposits, halimbawa partner ng Saudi ay Aramco, nagkasundo sila sa hatian nitong to find location, extraction, refining, sell and financial shares to every family citizen. Katulad halimbawa sa Malaysia, Vietnam, Russia, Indonesia, USA, etc. Dito sa atin, daming potential areas na mayroon tayo nito, dito lang sa Mindanao may area or location na may nakita big oil and gas deposits, bigger than Saudi Arabia as what a PCSB SKO Miri Sarawak, Malay Superintendent said to me, his group were commissioned to look for this oil and gas during former PFEM martia law time, perhaps circle of his old time friends can tell exactly the location but up to now, where is everybody?..our govt should have now/before a joint partnership betwn big foreign oil and gas company to do this big money mineral for us and like other countries, our citizens have already enjoyed this God given gift for us, i dont know hindrances whether kurakot, under the table money, commissioned to every politicians near the location, maybe other reasons, whew, awesome, terrible our politicians are, mahirap pa rin kami, sustento liit pa rin galing sa govt, hindi p rin kakasya. Kaya concentrate ang govt natin sa oil and gas segurado, tiyak happy mga Filipinos nito dahil angat buhay na kaming mahihirap, thank you Lord... 1 Reply @hectormoscoso-ki1cu 5 months ago We make reforms in our way of life get rid of corruption then we expect progress in our economy in such short period of time. Reply @sallybalajonda7792 7 months ago Praise the Lord Hallelujah our Nation will be Great again God Bless Philippines God Bless our President Ferdinand Marcos Jr God Bless Philippines people Reply @akhadmea.2937 1 year ago PRESIDENT DUTERTE and PRESIDENT MARCOS MADE PHILIPPINES BETTER DAY BY DAY. 2 Reply @sallybalajonda7792 7 months ago Praise the Lord Hallelujah our Nation will be Great again God Bless Philippines God Bless our President Ferdinand Marcos Jr God Bless Philippines people Reply @rondacer 1 year ago Philippines is very rich, we are just corrupt. It's not the system but values. We need VALUES! Reply @mutsakabaliling4005 1 year ago Oils in the MidE dries up ,and they work in the Phils as OCW,but they wont suffer because filipinos are good people. Reply @JerryVillena-qn2qc 1 year ago Ang Pinas at nakaupo sa trillion dolyar na natural na likas na Yaman... Pag ukulan Ang libreng kolehiyong edukasyon sa LAHAT Ng kurso para sa pilipino, Kahit Anong Yaman Ng isang bansa kung Mang Mang Ang pag iisip ay Wala Rin silbi, pero kung may sapat na kaalaman Kahit walang trilyong dolyar Ang Pinoy eto ay uunlad at Hindi malilinlang... Go pinas!️️️ 1 Reply @aldyaltar 1 year ago From slaves to kings, the Philippines is rising and will be like Israel in the time of King Solomon Reply @jaimesanchez3387 1 year ago Deuterium mining 2023 1 Reply @Kreigblitz 8 months ago Dream on... Reply @raincloud706 1 year ago We dont know if after 30 years we are still using oil for energy, thats is why to make money we have to extract it now. Reply @nildagonzaga5359 1 year ago (edited) THATS WHY MANY ALLIES(?) COUNTRIES GOT VESTED INTERESTS IN THE PHILIPPINES NATURAL RESOURCES. Reply @marksenarillos9629 1 year ago Unlimited... Deuterium is like a tree , it grows time after time Reply @mabuhaychannel7575 1 year ago and yet our politicians are busy doing other "important" things. Reply @trm6019zz 1 year ago Siya nawa! ️ Reply @Mr.Ry888 1 year ago USA: Philippines needs some freedom. 1 Reply @uranusstark1042 10 months ago Sinong presidente kaya ang uupo ulit at mag lelead sa ganitong project? Yung para talaga sa ekonomiya ng bansa ung maahon sa kahirapan ang bansa hindi yung gagawing private business. Hindi lang naman sa spratly pwedeng kumuha, sana umpisahan na ung sa ibang lugar habang inaayos pa ni PBBM ung claim natin sa spratly. Madami nga tayo engineer pero hindi naman magawa ung ganitong proyekto para sa bansa at mamamayang Pilipino :( Madami ding mga negosyanteng ayaw umunlad ung bansa dahil maapektuhan ang business nila. Karamihan pa ng mga negosyante mga senador o may mga katungkulan sa bansa o may mga protektor na powerful. :/ Reply @pflorentino2571 11 months ago That's why Chinese trying to occupy WPS. They know minerals deposited in the area. Reply @crislou7409 6 months ago Imagine 49.8 percent single in the Philippines according to UN population convention and the number 1 rank country of most number of single yet still increasing the rate of single in the Philippines despite most of poor families has many number of child. Most of good genes are single and no have children and the reason is prioritise their family, carrier also the living cost is expensive in the Philippines and one of the reason why they are single. The government still don't give a crucial for the living cost and jobs mostly rely on abroad revenue. it's really important to secure the resources in the future against private companies. Hope the government move a step and put out a law against oligarchy control to secure the resources so that in the future Filipinos will recover from proberty mostly are living in destitute situation with numerous child. Reply @lbwaray4867 1 year ago (edited) Not mentioning Mariana Trench north east of the Philippines, now called Philippines Mariana Trench, one of the deepest and richest natural gas resources. Reply @sandraligas6728 1 year ago Wow,thanks God Reply @jjtzlofttv2390 1 year ago Ph will be nxt oil producer country 1 Reply @milcahpadillo9623 11 months ago Our enemies just delaying our time so we could not start our own projects. Reply @elmerfrejoles98 1 year ago They need to have contingency plan in case of oil/gas spillage. So it could be repaired asap before it cause more damages than good. We don't want the gulf of Mexico to happen to us around beautiful PH islands & coral reefs and sea life. Hopefully our gov won't mess this up and corrupt our natural resources. Reply @suskagusip1036 1 year ago This was already published a decade ago. Fossil fuel found in the south. Villages were just surprised why all of a sudden there's fire coming out of the marsh in their backyard. Malaysia is enjoying it's petroleum oil in our territory in the south. We might have more reserved than them. Only the right people in the government and the right company should help uplift the lives of Filipinos not only the few corrupted one. Learn at Venezuela rich in oil reserved but it's people are leaving due to corrupt politicians. We are No different than them. This one Mexican guy in the grocery store told me "We are the same." I thought he meant the same Spanish heritage. He finally said "The same Corruption." He added None of these Politicians became Poor at the end of their term. If given a choice I would have the USA help in the drilling of oil there just like what they did in Saudi Arabia. Aramco oil company is USA owned company but many of their employees are also Filipinos and other foreign workers. We know China means only business and only goes to their economy as we see in those big malls. They make money from all of us OFW. It's true Philippines is sitting on top of that trillions untapped oil and natural gas reserved. The question is would every Filipinos benefit from it? Reply @simeoncapati6483 10 months ago Why the Government is not harnessing our natural resources? Reply @Omega_77711 1 year ago If corruption still emerge in our country people ain't escaping poverty and the system in our country itself is not improved. Reply @mariatheresafortunado1427 1 year ago Yeah, yeah if there is no corruption in our government. Reply @oscarsoriano8687 1 year ago If that is true,then stop all export of laterite or surface mining,we better develop our oil resources to support our economy. Reply @pingerfrints6716 1 year ago one thing philippines lack is high technology that will make oil refinery and hydrocarbon exploration plus philippine navy vessel updated so that chinese vessels will not harass any philippine navy personnel. Reply @dolliemarasigan1056 10 months ago super rich? so why our motorists are complaining about the highest cost of gasoline here in batangas Reply @georgelopera6290 1 year ago Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam are now enjoying their economic growth, they don't need to get old before they become rich! But Philippine government is blind as always expected, even P. Bong bong Marcos doing a lot planning, with the plan will still plan until now so expect it will not happen in this Era, it will happen after 10 years more! Reply @lorenzoaberilla1090 1 year ago Great thanks Reply @johnjohnfrederickhilariowe551 1 year ago The oil reserves if it's real should be made into LPG and this is the car fuel that should be used in Philippines....less pollution and good cooking gas.... If willing, nations nearby can be given a pipeline to distribute this crude oil without the cost of shipping.... Reply @wilfredobautista2266 1 year ago Tama maraming. Gold .dito .petroleum ..oil .. Reply @febochestbox5507 1 year ago The vlogger seems to know better than the rest of the Filipinos especially those who venture into this kind of oil business. OK, I will predict, maybe after 2000 years from now. Reply @DONOTS 1 year ago JUBILEE PHILIPPINES PEACE PROSPERITY PROTECTION Reply @manueldiamante6203 1 year ago The Filipino people will benefits like in saudi.. Reply @jessier3602 11 months ago To start drilling these Oil and Gas deposits do not give the contracts to China give it to US, Canada, & British Oil Extraction Companies they have more experience than China's Oil Companies and they will outsmart the Philippine government and extract the oil & gas keep more for China and less for the Philippines Reply @raincloud706 1 year ago But when every country are switching to renewable energy what is there for the country to cash on this resources, besides the world high players on financing oil exploration are no longer lending money on this kind of energy. Reply @flame1ce 1 year ago Never mind US dollar. We're going to gold base standard back again. Reply @colm3283 6 months ago Even if those "theories" are really true, and those oils are extracted, whatever economic progress would never be felt and benefit majority of the citizens. Only those voraciously greedy politicians, their hellhounds and some privilege oligarchs will flourish with it. And most Filipinos would remain miserably impoverished. Reply @lucascortez1093 1 year ago The Philippines must NOT allow CHINA to claimed/steal what's RIGHTFULLY belongs to the Philippines, that is 200 miles EEZ off the coast of the Philippines shore! Reply @jigyjigy2749 11 months ago Move forward, whats the hold? could be powerful people of world with interest to get the country resources. Reply @manuelty2718 1 year ago (edited) The oil reserve is just a drawing but not in reality...corruption is the key, that's why the project could not be materialized! Big boooo... Reply @estiennetaylor1260 1 year ago Investing in the future that's not predominated by fossil fuels. Reply @attaskyel8227 1 year ago Even they get this oil reserves if corrupt govnt officials are rampant every position in the country. Filipino people still will remain poor. Reply @raymondzamora8520 1 year ago Nothing like that here in the Philippines. Big oil deposits? Nothing found yet! Reply @ernniebartolome9552 1 year ago D tayo yayaman...... sa style ng politiko sa mga nsmumuno sila sobra2222 ang yaman na wala kabusugan Reply @otislis7157 6 months ago I hope marcos drills for oil .And Filipinos pay 20 piso a liter or maybe less.Sell any left for market prices. Marcos is A good leader Reply @RamonAdao-v1g 3 weeks ago our common problem here in the Philippines number one is curroption Reply @rigboy4563 1 year ago It has been a long time plan iwas working in a rig in El Nido with Alcorn company. In 1999 and until now no exploration as per iheard after that we got oil there for 10kbarrels aday output. Because Philippines was born to be political country and that never corruption should stop ha ha ha inborn pls I Hope politician can read these comments thank you Reply @pete4258 1 year ago I pray the Philippines doesn't get involved with China. Reply @gemmakeffer5348 1 year ago I from mindanao my people said palawan is part of mindanao before long come the sphanish of course south china belong to the maharlika philippine an people in midanao we all knew that. Reply @mabahoka1271 11 months ago Brilliantly news , I hope that the oilfield is being taken by the Philippine government , but the profits should be sub devided to the Filipino people not to all the politicians whom owned the gold minefield in Mindanao , sorry to say but it's true Reply @bluedragon7849 11 months ago Philippines is rich in natural resources and oil deposits, unfortunately superpowers like US and China hinders it. The gold which controlled by US and the oil in West Philippine Sea which China is claiming. Reply @ricagnapan9736 1 year ago We are very rich but we have a corrupt system of government we can hardly move on Reply @bernadethdagohoy2727 1 year ago Wooow thank you God amenamen Reply @MrArtrigor 1 year ago Philippines must now enact a law that only 10% of income from the oil be used or spent by the government while the 90% be saved as ETERNAL PROSPERITY fund that can be accessed and used only with congressional approval under extreme need situations like calamity, pandemic, war or other "force majeure" conditions. Reply @raypogi1984 1 year ago as long as there is no more Liberal, oligarchs, and Communist then tha Philippines will continue to progress forward Reply 1 reply @cruzergo 1 year ago Ang yaman ng langis ang dapat ilagay sa Sovereign Wealth fund. Reply @secretboyn 1 year ago I disagee no matter how rich a country might be if there's corruption and political dynasty exist poverty is getting worst and worst Reply @user-mj6xz4zk2i 1 year ago Tulongan ninyo ang taong bayan baka mag revolution dhil sa gutum Reply @potatoprincess1517 1 year ago Thats good Reply @corneliocunanan2184 1 year ago HUWAG KANG SANANG MATULAD SA MAALAMPAYA NA GINAWANG GATASAN NG MGA GANID NA MGA MASISIBA SA PERA ,MAY KATIYAKAN ANG PAGUNLAD NG ATING BANSANG PILIPINAS . Reply @RobertoVDizon 1 year ago Thank you lord make it happen amen Reply @angillomartin28 1 year ago Now the World Facing a Great World Economic Crisis.. Philippines can save the World soon Reply @carlcutts8535 1 year ago If open. It would put Philippines in one year would pay off there in one year Reply @mikesolis-gi8my 1 year ago Kahit anong yaman kung ang mga namumuno corrupt walang mangyari pa rin . sila ang yayaman hindi ang sambayanan Reply @pramianbarat7441 8 months ago Mantap Reply @mralexis89 1 year ago As long as the CHINESE DOESN'T EXPLOITS, CLAIM IT AS THEIR PROPERTY. Reply @edbicierro6307 11 months ago China knows this. They surveyed the West Philippine Sea during the term of Pres. Arroyo and that's when they learned extent of the Philippines oil and gas reserves. This was also used as the basis for the nine dash line Reply @froilanalcantara3415 1 year ago Philippines is Philippines Reply @jorgemiranda5122 1 year ago Focus on deuterium energy... 1 Reply @MarkVillamor-pf5fr 5 months ago Oil is Not a Problem,.even me i recieve my shares in Oil,.Market,.in Palengke to Cook food,.am Culinary Team!@. Reply @peterlim3189 6 months ago Keep dreaming, and don't wake up! Reply @SilverBulleteer 1 year ago If the country is rich, or if it is going to be rich, then the people of the country will be rich. Hell no Reply @jasonrue8195 1 year ago (edited) FEM Sr. Had this vision already because he knew we had more than enough natural resources but communist rebels ruined it ️ this is what my father said when he was in the Armed forces of the Philippines. Reply @DANA-rd1uj 1 year ago True we have GOD Reply @tiacbendi181 1 year ago Matagal ko nang naririnig yan bata pa ako, kung totoo yan dapat walang utang ang Pilipinas ng Trillion. Tsaka bakit meron pa ring shortage sa Electricity at mahal ang gasolina dito? Ano yan illusion ng mga nakatira ng Shabu at ecstacy? Reply @mongru4214 1 year ago The question is?is this for the individual Filipinos if they have gas. Reply @tonydelro7005 1 year ago Kung Hindi lang kurap Ang MGA nasa gobyrno Hindi sana maghihirap. Ang pinas Reply @gerardoavila6345 1 year ago How about in Philippine RISE?? The area is so MASSIVE. Reply @thierrylaval4449 1 year ago Very interesting video. However the “guys” business is too casual. 2 Reply @joseho2912 6 months ago even lapu-lapu knows that spratlys is rich in gas and other resources. Reply @user-ew7sp3jp8p 6 months ago Hihihi, maduling tsekwa ️️🥹 Reply @obiecastro2482 1 year ago Alelluiah ,,, Amen! Reply @ThomasTambiga-xb6rg 10 months ago It was found in BARMM GOVERNMENT AREA...The Land of Promise... Reply @renegutierrez9781 1 year ago Tama ka jan bro. Mayaman ang ating bansa. Kaya lang ang mga nasa gobyerno ang ibang mga opisyal. Mga magnanakaw. Kaya hindi umunlad ang bansa natin. Pero, un bulsa ng mga opisyal natin ang maunlad Reply @carinaosdania512 1 year ago Politician will the only benifactors....once oil is found ... Reply @GSXSF-250 1 year ago hehehe! With the type of Senators and Congressmen..... Good luck!! Reply @loreleifajardo2430 1 year ago You said oil? Philippines needs some freedom -Americans Reply @ruche23000 1 year ago It will be of no use. Politicians will be the only ones who will profit from it. Reply @mariannemacapagal7730 1 year ago Merong financial ang pilipinas, kasu maraming buwaya. Dapat meron n tayong nuclear power. Sagot sa problema sa kuryente. Di lang kuryente pedi i develop ang nuclear, mga submarine n nuclear powered mga barkong maglalayag sa buong karagatan ng pilipinas ng 24/7, kaya yn ng nuclear. Reply @binifabellar9699 1 year ago Verry correct sir the oil in wps belong to rhe phil so china must getout there avoid overlapping of water teritory Reply @tech-growe-learning9484 1 year ago What are we waiting for????? Mine now the hidden treasure!!!!! Reply @Macjeeh 1 year ago Whiches why the Chinese wants the Spratly islands. Reply @gerardoavila6345 1 year ago Philippines also has the BIGGEST DEPOSIT OF HEAVY WATER that possible become a FUEL of te FEATURE. Reply @nestorjones6913 1 year ago Just vote wisely!!!... Reply @LV2210 1 year ago I wish for them it is true. They deserve it. So much poverty up there. I'm living in Luzon province. 1 Reply @gerardov.carcedojr.larryca3933 1 year ago Riches in words of mouth but poor in actions. Reply @paloloyabo2404 1 year ago Always DREAMING but nothing happens Reply @rodrigoestillore331 1 year ago Hindi muna tayo makinig sa sabi sabi Maniwala lang tayo kung nandoon na 1 Reply @mikehutchings1567 1 year ago just a personal analysis of US intensions.... by law put everybody in electric vehicles which makes no sense because there is a limitless supply of oil and gas that if developed, or allowed to be developed, would change the balance of power, or better said the balance of economic power, and there will be no monopoly when the Petro-dollar withers away Reply @marissaaldea1815 1 year ago Thank you GOD for your unstoppable help in our country those countries who are abusing our fellowmen be careful when we will become one of the rich country you will see what will happen its payback time for those abusive so be careful Reply @ashimata9766 1 year ago 4:01 Bacolod City my home city Reply @dylanrhey4568 1 year ago US: ayo Philippines seems you've a strange relationship with china right? Wana have some freedom? 1 Reply @dulseporree8280 1 year ago Hallo, you know about Philippines Future? Wow amazing. Salamat any way Reply @frankkluz9787 6 months ago (edited) Looks to me like 14 billionaires and almost 20,000 millionaires just might be getting richer - while the 70% in poverty get to see their electric bills go up (?)....and so it goes.... Reply @frankfernandez8215 8 months ago If the politicians is corrupt it won’t grow look Singapore they don’t have mining but rich coz politicians is not corrupt Reply @theresaserentas9088 1 year ago It's all God's blessings to such a poor country. Thank You God the Father Reply @youtubepatrol6372 1 year ago America is happy Reply @ramzeneger 1 year ago Im not excited about the jurassic and precursor of wars and curse of minerals like oil, Im excited about the future of batteries and renewable economy. Maharlika nation is very rich in copper and nickle and that is where the future is and not with polluting and global warming jurassic technologies! Reply @franklinoctaviano371 1 year ago Only the oligarchs will benefit on the mentioned richness of the Philippines, not the Filipinos. Reason? Corruptions. Reply @kapitantiam7345 1 year ago Our nibors rich in oil, like brunie, malaysia, sabah. May be we had also oil Reply @user-yn7ee7lq5z 10 months ago May langis nga jan s pinas pero di naman ramdam ng lahat ng bkit umaangkat p s ibang bansa at napakataas ang presyo...saan napupunta yong langis n nakukuha jan Reply @serapiodegula404 1 year ago un totoo lang sana 1 Reply @ayeeliss8139 1 year ago Kahit ilang trillion pa yan pagka korap ang sistema walang pkinabang ang mga Pilipino. Reply @ronaldourbanozo7990 6 months ago Kelan kaya tatayo yan nakaupo lang na sinasabi na oil and gas reserved....hirap na ang sambayanan inuuna pa mga infra proj. dapat mga resources. Reply @davidquinteronavarro8470 1 year ago Even with lots of $$$ corrupt politicians etc will want to hog up all the riches, even in Saudi Arabia so??? Reply @mariannemacapagal7730 1 year ago Dapat matagal n tayong me nuclear. Sabi nila nkaka canser. Bakit wala man tayong nuclear pero ang dami me canser sa pilipinas. Bakit ang US, japan, north and south korea, china russia europe at iba p. Bakit ang yaman ng bansa nila, yun ay dahil sa nuclear. Reply @user-mj6xz4zk2i 1 year ago Pero pang bili nang pangdigma kahit. Magkano na mahalbinili Reply @ernestodelacruz9392 1 year ago (edited) To much talk no result. Why not extract these oil.? The oil will not go to the gasoline station if no action 1 Reply @azlanshah3125 11 months ago Good night to all the Filipino s people god bless all the Filipino s country the dear Mr president of Filipino mush be careful of the Mafias corapsian is going very fast from uncle West Malaysia Harrison's kl Reply @tupakin719 1 year ago Kalukuhan Yan bakit Meron palang ganyan eh Hindi noon pa ginawa kunti lang sana naghihirap. Reply @TitoRebute 1 year ago the biggest deuterium gas..of the world..philippines Reply @ernestodelapaz9072 1 year ago How much of this resources does the Philippines really own. When oil exploration began in the Philippines, the country hardly had the technical know-how, much less, the technology to explore and exploit these resources. It had to depend on foreign companies to make this happened. However, if you examine the service contracts entered into with these companies, one might find out that all that resources ,once extracted, is not totally owned by the Philippines. This might be a reason why the country has not fully benefitted from it. I do not know if there are specific laws governing the mining, sale and distribution of such strategic commodity. That may be a good place to look first. Reply @qhuizatlantis8484 1 year ago USA: Did someone say. OIL? 1 Reply @gerardoavila6345 5 months ago The PROBLEM yes theres a fortune under neath our SOIL BUT even we have these sources If these is under politicize? Reply @ynad6922 1 year ago To see is to believe... Reply @Granados-pv9ql 5 months ago Pina alis Kasi natin Ang mga us bases na dapat Hindi natin ginawa ngayon ibinalik natin Ang mga us bases pero marami Ng artificial island ginawa Ang mga Chinese Dyan sa atin exclusive economics zone Reply @mariodiaz4694 1 year ago This is 5 months ago ,when are they start digging when there’s no more oil to dig Reply @hbr968 1 year ago That's why China is very aggressive to the West Philippines Sea, due to lot of resources & oil deposit. Reply @mikosantos2079 1 year ago Wow ! Sna mag materialize Hope Reply 1 reply @Cjjamson121 1 year ago I mostly dont believe in this but if this can really happen, fully operational, get it done as soon as posible, then ok thanks, but without this we surpass hunger for over the years, and GOD's love is enough most importantly. Reply @koomugtoo 1 year ago kapag na develop na yan they will say that kind of fuel is polluting the atmosphere and should be banned Reply @leonoradompor8706 1 year ago Biggest oil deposit in Don Carlos,Bukidnon especially in Manlammonay * Reply @marvinbadong6753 1 year ago This is the Product of Tatay Digong Handwork. Started by APO Reply @zhenwenlu2607 8 months ago Oil will not save the Philippines. Honesty and competency will. Reply @jmcryptozeth 5 months ago We Have a Good Position back then until Cory Admin. Now we have Rotten Government. Reply @rogerdelarmente2690 1 year ago Time will tell if its true philippines will be able to feed the desperate poor in the philippines, trillion money is a lot Reply @georgesandoval8311 1 year ago Not if Mainland China gets to it first, and keeps it for itself. Reply @robertballesteros2275 5 months ago If you trust me, read Isaiah 61:9 it was written that as one of the 12 LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL, we will soon be recognized and acknowledged by MOST FOREIGN NATIONS as the chosen land ( lupang hinirang ) blessed by GOD. ( Taas Noo Kahit Kanino Ang OPHIRIANONG TOTOO! ). Reply @rayconx96 7 months ago So the news about the Philippines millions of tones of gold is silent why???? Real or fake? Reply @angillomartin28 1 year ago Philippines the land of Wealthiest Person 1 Reply 1 reply @jonesisabela480 1 year ago We still don't know where BBM stands. We pray that he won't be another Pro-China Duterte. Reply @vigilmantilla1186 1 year ago Ang problema ay puro kurakot Lang ang inaatupag puro pangurakot pagpapayaman SA sarili nila. Karma is real and it has happened now and soon for there crime they had done.. Reply @allanis_the_great 1 year ago that's why china is so interested in west philippines sea. Reply @geraldmanuela5311 1 year ago true Reply @jmseva 1 year ago Maharlikans doesnt deserve the pain and destruction from Aquinos Terms Reply @izwandyibrahim488 1 year ago when i heard about spartly island.. well it is few country claim . it is devided ASean country, vietnam,brunei,malaysia, philipine and latest china also claim. let see Reply 1 reply @lanlanfuentes6760 1 year ago Philippines is one of the most richest country when we talk about the minerals ,gold etc ..unfortunatelay this is also a home of the most corrupt people in the world...real talk Reply @perlitanavarro5027 7 months ago Yes let turn into real Reply @mariannemacapagal7730 1 year ago Sabi nila masama ang nuclear, un ay kung gagamitin sa masama. Parang pera lang yn, mabuti ang pera, masama lang pag mali ang pag gamit at maling tao ang may hawak. Reply @alicelongshaw9189 1 year ago hope so gods well Reply @krisbraga4519 1 year ago AVOID GROUP TOGETHER OF AIRCRAFT BECAUSE IT WILL BE AN EASY TARGET FOR THE ENEMY. SPREAD IT AND MAKE A SILOS FOR DEFENSE.. Reply @rexmascarina2169 1 year ago Yes! Just sitting doing nothing until to this days. Reply @zereprotsenzerep652 1 year ago (edited) You missed to mention our deposit of deuterium or heavy water which cleaner than oil which no carbon emmission deposited on the deep of philippine sea Reply @nanettecayetano2607 1 year ago GOD WILL REMOVED LEADERS AND RULERS WHO ARE CORRUPT, POLLUTED, LIARS, DECEIVERS AND CROOKED REPLACED WITH GOD FEARING, LAW ABIDING, SINCERE AND HONEST LEADERS BEFORE HE WILL SHOWER HIS CHILDREN WITH PROSPERITY AND ABUNDANCE MORE THAN ENOUGH. Reply @luzgoncena2539 4 months ago No wonder China is claiming the Spratly island. Reply @SolocDolco 1 year ago (edited) We all talked too much but haven't done anything at all about it. Reply @lanitoure8110 1 year ago Guys hopefully is near soon in the future— what and why am sad coz In our country very expensive everything esp the current And if this will be true? Billions of dollars? Amounts wow! Hope in the future it will be very cheap or we don’t need to pay our monthly current „ god help Phil’s 1 Reply @ImNotARobot-2024 1 year ago NEXT RICHER ECONOMY? WTF? #PinoyBaiters #ForTheViews 1 Reply @gideonartajo1380 1 year ago The correct spelling is Philippines , not Phillipines... just trying to correct a small error ️ Reply @jamesdel5032 1 year ago Oil, gold, deuterium Reply @Adolfo_Padilla 4 months ago Ano ba nangyayari phil govt bakit hangga ngaun ni isang oil n gas rig walang napatayo sa mga well-known ng lugar na my large quantities of oil n gas deposits kagaya rin yong Deuterium deposit sa EPS na dapat sana ng govt. na diyan hikayatin ang US investors na maginvest sa Deuterium drilling nasa atin ang kayamanan kung pababayaan natin na nakatiwangwang di tayo makakaahon sa kahirapan Reply @shanecotecson226 1 year ago Deuterium also found in my country.. Reply @mjdeleon564 2 months ago Sana hindi umaki ulo ng mga filipino Reply @akashpatel8317 1 year ago ::nato walks in:: the impending overthrow of the Philippines government due to having weapons of mass destruction will be sad in the very near future. Reply @frozenheart3867 5 months ago (edited) Did the China already took the spratly island??? 1 Reply @shielencustodio6618 5 months ago Philippines is poor since after World War ,2 ,because of corrupt systemof govt. Even now there are many poor filipinos poverty is rampant elsewhere govt. debt soar from $ 6 billion plus to $13 billion when Dutert becomes president yet poverty is still our problem so sad. Reply @redo4510 1 year ago Kick all Chinese involved in corrupt local politicians/ senators congressman. Reply 1 reply @ramerobagona1302 1 year ago (edited) I don't think so,, the Philippines is very very rich country,, but the people is very poor..., Their are many individual to become very rich,, but not the Philippines itself,, because of rampant corruption it is impossible to the Philippines to become a rich country... There are many genius scientists,, engineer,, inventor pilipino but Philippines are no products to be proud of,, even cars or gadgets. .but we never lost hope,, God's will the time come for Philippines. Reply @golddumz1699 1 year ago Totoo nman talaga na marami tayong recve oil..Wala lang budget ang pilipinas kasi belyon rin hinihingi ng resident sa lupa nila bago ibigay sa governo lalo na title pa..Lalo na dito samin sa palawan minsan langis Naga aapoy pa..Kaya maniwala kayo hndi yayaman ito pilipinas hndi lang sa generation natin ngayun.. Reply @ameliahirata4629 5 months ago Sana mga abusado tao matutu na di matauhan may karma Reply @demetriodalit7660 1 year ago us want to control oil and gas, chinese want to control business.. Reply @joaquindelfin8046 10 months ago Reply @bernardinomalicdem559 1 year ago Reply @ninocatamco4513 1 year ago Part bicol region of philippines deposit of duetreum gas in the philippines... Reply @backyardmechanic3064 1 year ago That's why China want to go in spratly island Reply @wonderfulworld9006 1 year ago US Join The Chat Reply @wonderfulworld9006 1 year ago US Join The Chat Reply @purificationroque5255 4 months ago Reply @jimmyadonis7800 1 year ago Ok Reply @severinogalbinezjr3993 1 year ago BOHOL ISLAND.NATURAL OIL GAS. PANGLAO. ISLAND. & CEBU ALEGRIA ISLAND. Reply @carmennarciso7396 1 year ago nakupo kailan pb umpisahan yan puro nlng ngakngak ito halos mmatay

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