Monday, September 02, 2024

Elon Musk: “i am officially buying YouTube!”

Elon Musk: “i am officially buying YouTube!” Voyager 453K subscribers Sep 2, 2024 #Voyager The world knows Elon Musk as a revolutionary entrepreneur, a visionary constantly pushing the boundaries of technology and business. He has built electric cars that challenge the automotive industry, launched rockets into space, and even promised to colonize Mars. Now, it seems, Elon Musk has set his sights on a new frontier: YouTube. Yes, you heard that right—rumor has it that Elon Musk is interested in buying the world’s most popular video-sharing platform. But what could possibly be behind this unexpected move? Why would Musk want to acquire YouTube, and what changes might he have in mind? Today, we’ll explore the intriguing reasons behind Elon Musk's interest in YouTube, how it aligns with his larger goals, and what it could mean for creators, users, and the entire internet landscape. Subscribe Here ➡ / @voyagerspace #Voyager Transcript Transcript 0:00 I don't think people should care what the media thinks about them they're terrible judges of character free speech is meaningless unless you allow people 0:07 uh you don't like to say things you don't like at the point in which you lose uh Free Speech uh it doesn't come 0:13 back in a shocking twist that has left the tech World buzzing Elon Musk has just made an announcement that no one 0:19 saw coming I am officially buying YouTube find something that's meaningful 0:24 to you that where you believe you're doing something good for the world well you know who's to say that something 0:29 something this information um who's the aitor of that that's right the 0:35 billionaire entrepreneur known for his audacious moves with Tesla SpaceX and 0:40 more recently Twitter now X is set to acquire the world's largest video sharing platform some of these 0:47 conspiracy theories uh have turned out to be true that that that that was a pretty big deal there was Twitter and 0:55 and and and others engag in active suppression of information that was relevant to the public what does this mean for the future of YouTube how will 1:01 this acquisition reshape the digital landscape content creation and the way we consume media the world knows Elon 1:09 Musk as a revolutionary entrepreneur a Visionary constantly pushing the boundaries of technology and business he 1:16 has built electric cars that challenge the automotive industry launched Rockets into space and even promised to colonize 1:24 Mars now it seems Elon Musk has set his sites on a new frontier YouTube 1:30 Yes you heard that right rumor has it that Elon Musk is interested in buying the world's most popular video sharing 1:37 platform but what could possibly be behind this unexpected move why would 1:42 musk want to acquire YouTube and what changes might he have in mind today 1:48 we'll explore the Intriguing reasons behind Elon musk's interest in YouTube how it aligns with his larger goals and 1:55 what it could mean for creators users and the entire internet l landscape chapter 1 the power of 2:04 YouTube to understand why Elon Musk might be interested in buying YouTube we 2:10 need to First understand the platform's immense power and influence YouTube is 2:15 the second most visited website in the world after Google which also happens to own YouTube every month over 2 billion 2:23 logged in users visit the site consuming over 1 billion hours of video every day 2:30 it is a platform that has revolutionized content creation democratized media and 2:35 given a voice to millions of creators worldwide from vloggers and Gamers to 2:40 musicians and Educators YouTube has become the go-to destination for anyone with a story to tell or knowledge to 2:48 share but beyond its vast audience and diverse content YouTube is also a 2:53 colossal Revenue generating machine in 2022 alone YouTube's advertising re 2:59 Revenue was reported to be around $28 billion this makes it not only a 3:05 cultural Powerhouse but also an incredibly profitable one for someone like Elon Musk who is always looking for 3:12 the next big opportunity YouTube's blend of massive reach cultural significance 3:17 and profitability could be too tempting to ignore chapter 2 why would Elon Musk 3:25 want YouTube so why exactly would Elon Musk want to buy YouTube there are several 3:32 possible reasons that align with musk's known business philosophy and goals first and foremost musk has always been 3:39 a proponent of open communication and free expression recently we've seen him advocating for more transparent and less 3:46 restrictive social media platforms for instance his involvement with Twitter 3:52 whether through critical commentary or actual investment has always been about promoting what he perceives as freedom 3:58 of speech acquiring YouTube could provide musk with the ultimate platform to further his vision of an open and 4:05 less censored internet ensuring that a diverse range of voices is heard secondly musk has demonstrated a 4:12 keen interest in digital Innovation Tesla and SpaceX both leverage cuttingedge technology and his Ventures 4:19 like neuralink and the boring company indicate a Forward Thinking approach YouTube with its Reliance on algorithms 4:26 artificial intelligence and data analytics would be a perfect addition to his portfolio of companies pushing 4:32 technological boundaries it could provide him with a massive testing ground to integrate AI driven 4:38 enhancements or even merge it with other technological advancements like those at 4:43 neuralink third musk's focus on sustainability and green energy might 4:48 also play a role in his interest in YouTube while this may seem like an unlikely connection remember that the 4:54 internet and digital infrastructures are increasingly recognized for their substantial energy 5:00 consumption if musk could make YouTube Greener perhaps by integrating it into his solar energy Network or leveraging 5:07 spacex's satellite technology to make its data delivery more efficient it 5:12 could be a GameChanger for digital sustainability additionally musk might see this acquisition as an opportunity 5:18 to Foster and accelerate the development of creative content focused on science 5:24 space and Technology musk is a well-known advocate for education and science he could use 5:31 YouTube to amplify content that aligns with his vision nurturing a new generation of Engineers space 5:37 enthusiasts and innovators finally there's the business angle buying 5:43 YouTube could provide musk with a steady and substantial Revenue stream that complements his more speculative 5:49 Ventures SpaceX Tesla and neuralink all involve high levels of risk and 5:55 long-term planning YouTube with its established and growing user base could provide immediate and predictable cash 6:02 flow balancing out his portfolio and funding his more ambitious goals like reaching 6:09 Mars chapter 3 how would musk change YouTube If musk were to buy YouTube how 6:16 might he change it given his track record we can expect some radical and potentially controversial shifts firstly 6:23 musk would likely address issues around content moderation over the years 6:28 YouTube has faced critic iism for both over-regulating and under regulating content some creators and viewers have 6:35 complained about demonetization Shadow Banning and unclear Community guidelines 6:41 on the other hand others have expressed concerns about misinformation hate speech and harmful content musk who 6:48 advocates for a free speech platform might relax some of the content restrictions allowing for a broader 6:54 range of discourse this could mean fewer videos being demonetized and more transparency about what is and isn't 7:01 allowed however this could also bring challenges allowing more freedom of expression might lead to the 7:07 proliferation of problematic content which could impact YouTube's reputation and appeal to advertisers musk would 7:14 need to balance his ideals with the Practical need to maintain YouTube's role as a safe and welcoming platform 7:20 for a diverse audience second musk might push for greater integration of YouTube 7:26 with other Technologies imagine watching a SpaceX launch live on YouTube and then 7:31 being able to immediately interact with the spacecraft's realtime Telemetry data or having Tesla cars stream YouTube 7:38 videos seamlessly or even accessing unique content through neurolink enabled 7:44 devices the possibilities are endless when you think about the potential synergies between musk's various 7:49 Ventures and the YouTube platform third we might see a focus on monetization and 7:55 cryptocurrency musk has been a vocal supporter of digital currencies like Bitcoin and Dogecoin he might introduce 8:02 new ways for creators to earn money perhaps allowing them to accept payments in cryptocurrencies or rewarding them 8:08 with digital tokens based on their engagement metrics this could fundamentally change how creators 8:14 monetize their content providing them with more flexibility and financial autonomy fourth we could see a push 8:21 towards making YouTube Greener as mentioned earlier the tech industry has a growing energy consumption problem 8:27 YouTube's data centers consume vast amounts of electricity musk could use this as an opportunity to showcase his 8:34 Renewable Energy Solutions imagine YouTube running on solar power generated by Tesla's solar 8:41 roof or spacex's starlink satellites delivering content more 8:46 efficiently this could position YouTube as a leader in sustainable Tech and differentiate it from competitors like 8:52 Vimeo or Tik Tok chapter 4 what challenges would must 8:59 mus face in acquiring YouTube of course acquiring YouTube wouldn't be a walk in the park even for 9:06 someone as resourceful as Elon Musk there are numerous challenges he would need to overcome firstly there is the 9:13 question of cost YouTube is an enormously valuable asset and even musk's vast wealth might be stretched 9:20 thin alphabet Google's parent company would likely demand a hefty price 9:25 possibly upwards of several hundred billion doar even for the richest man in the world that's a significant 9:31 investment musk might need to raise funds by selling shares in his other companies issuing new stock or 9:38 partnering with other investors then there are the regulatory hurdles acquiring YouTube would attract 9:45 intense scrutiny from Regulators worldwide governments and anti-rust bodies would closely examine the deal to 9:52 ensure it doesn't create a monopoly or stifle competition this could result in lengthy legal battles and significant 9:59 con sessions such as divesting parts of the company or agreeing to certain operational restrictions furthermore 10:05 musk would need to win over YouTube's current stakeholders its employees advertisers creators and viewers many of 10:13 them might be wary of a musk takeover YouTube's Workforce accustomed to the stability and culture of Google might 10:20 resist the entrepreneurial and often unpredictable style of musk advertisers 10:26 might fear changes to content moderation policies and creators could be concerned about monetization changes musk would 10:34 need to carefully navigate these relationships to ensure a smooth transition and avoid alienating the 10:40 community that makes YouTube successful lastly there is the challenge of managing a media platform unlike his 10:47 previous ventures in technology transportation and energy YouTube is primarily a content-driven 10:54 platform managing a media company requires a different skill set involving complex decisions about content 11:00 moderation copyright issues and Community engagement while musk has shown himself to be a fast learner this 11:07 would certainly be a new and complex challenge for him chapter 5 the broader implications 11:15 of musk buying YouTube so what would be the broader implications of musk buying 11:21 YouTube how could this affect the digital landscape media consumption and Society at large first it could spark a 11:28 wave of consolidation and competition in the tech world if musk were to acquire YouTube other Tech Giants might respond 11:36 by making Acquisitions of their own we could see Facebook doubling down on Instagram and WhatsApp or Amazon 11:42 investing more in twitch this might lead to a new era of competition and innovation in the digital media space 11:50 second it could lead to a shift in the balance of power between platforms and creators if musk implements new 11:56 monetization strategies or introduces cryptocurrency payments it could Empower creators by giving them more control 12:03 over how they earn money this might encourage other platforms to follow suit leading to a more Creator friendly 12:10 ecosystem third musk's ownership could drive changes in content policy and 12:16 moderation as mentioned earlier musk is a strong advocate for freedom of speech 12:21 and he might relax some of YouTube's content restrictions this could result in a wider variety of content and more open 12:28 discourse but it could also lead to challenges around misinformation hate speech and harmful content the balance 12:36 between free expression and Community safety could become a major point of debate and controversy finally if musk 12:43 integrates YouTube with his other Ventures we could see new forms of content and engagement that were 12:49 previously unimaginable we might watch videos while interacting with Tesla's AI or 12:55 experience SpaceX launches in augmented reality the convergence of different Technologies could create new types of 13:02 media experiences and transform how we consume content if Elon Musk were to 13:08 acquire YouTube it's almost certain that he would look for ways to revolutionize its business model currently YouTube's 13:15 primary source of Revenue is advertising this model has worked well generating 13:20 billions of dollars annually however it's also a model that has faced criticism from both creators and viewers 13:27 alike advertisers have a significant influence over which videos are promoted or demonetized which can lead to 13:34 frustration among content creators who feel that their income is subject to the whims of opaque algorithms and corporate 13:41 policies Elon Musk might Envision a different kind of monetization strategy 13:46 one possibility could involve reducing the platform's Reliance on traditional advertising in favor of more direct 13:53 Creator to Consumer transactions for instance musk could introduce a system 13:58 where viewers can directly support creators through microtransactions tips or even subscriptions much like 14:05 platforms such as patreon given musk's interest in cryptocurrencies he might even 14:11 facilitate payments in digital currencies like Bitcoin or Dogecoin further empowering creators to monetize 14:17 their content without needing to cater to advertisers another potential shift 14:22 could be towards exclusive content models musk might explore the idea of content tiers where certain videos or 14:30 series are only accessible to paying subscribers imagine a model similar to 14:35 Netflix or Amazon Prime but integrated within the YouTube ecosystem this could encourage 14:41 highquality long form content akin to what we see on premium streaming services today but with the unique 14:47 interactive and community-driven features that YouTube offers musk could also take inspiration from his work with 14:54 Tesla and SpaceX where he has implemented a direct to Consumer model bypassing traditional dealerships or 15:02 middlemen in the context of YouTube this could mean enabling creators to engage 15:07 more directly with their audiences without platform imposed constraints 15:12 imagine a YouTube where creators can sell merchandise offer paid courses or host virtual meet and greet sessions all 15:20 within the YouTube platform itself such Innovations would not only generate new revenue streams but could 15:26 also deepen viewer engagement and loyalty chapter 7 Reinventing content 15:33 Discovery and recommendation another area where musk could have a significant impact is YouTube's content Discovery and 15:40 recommendation algorithms currently YouTube uses complex AI algorithms to 15:45 suggest videos to users based on their viewing habits preferences and engagement metrics while these 15:52 algorithms have been effective in keeping users on the platform they have also been criticized for creating Echo 15:58 Chambers promoting Sensational or misleading content and not providing enough transparency on how they operate 16:06 musk with his background in artificial intelligence through Ventures like Tesla's self-driving car technology 16:12 might see an opportunity to overhaul this system he could introduce a more transparent and user Centric approach to 16:19 content recommendations this might involve giving users more control over what 16:25 types of content they see rather than solely relying on AI I predictions for 16:30 example viewers could customize their feed based on specific topics creators 16:35 or even types of content they prefer such as educational videos documentaries 16:41 or live streams musk might also integrate new technologies to enhance content Discovery imagine using Advanced 16:49 neural networks or Quantum Computing algorithms to provide even more precise and personalized 16:55 recommendations alternatively he could introduce new interfaces for Content Discovery such as virtual reality VR or 17:03 augmented reality AR experiences that allow users to 17:09 browse videos in a virtual space or explore interactive content in a more immersive way this could significantly 17:16 change how users engage with the platform making it more Dynamic and interactive moreover musk could explore 17:24 using blockchain technology to create a decentralized Content recommendation system 17:29 in this model instead of relying on a single centralized algorithm recommendations could be powered by a 17:36 network of users who collectively decide what content gets promoted this could 17:41 potentially democratize content Discovery allowing smaller creators to gain visibility based on the community's 17:47 interests rather than being overshadowed by the platform's algorithmic 17:53 biases chapter 8 Reinventing Creator platform relationships 17:59 one of the most significant changes that musk could bring to YouTube would be in the relationship between creators and 18:05 the platform currently this relationship can often feel adversarial creators frequently Express 18:12 frustration over demonetization unclear guidelines and abrupt policy changes 18:18 musk with his track record of fostering Innovation and rewarding Talent could approach this relationship differently 18:25 first he might seek to create a more transparent and predictable environment for creators this could involve clearer 18:31 guidelines around content moderation demonetization and copyright issues musk 18:37 could Implement a system where creators have more visibility into how their videos are performing and why certain 18:43 decisions like demonetization or removal are made this transparency could help build 18:50 trust between YouTube and its content creators fostering a more collaborative ecosystem musk might also introduce new 18:57 forms of support for creators particularly those focusing on Niche or underrepresented content for example he 19:05 could launch Grant programs or Partnerships to support creators who are producing educational scientific or 19:11 socially impactful content areas that align with his broader goals of advancing knowledge and promoting 19:18 Innovation this could help diversify YouTube's content landscape making it less dominated by Sensational or 19:25 mainstream topics furthermore musk could experiment with new monetization models 19:30 that provide creators with more financial stability instead of relying solely on ad Revenue he might introduce 19:37 Revenue sharing models where creators can earn a percentage of YouTube's overall profits based on their 19:43 contributions to the platform's growth alternatively he could explore creating a fund that directly compensates 19:49 creators who produce highquality content similar to the way some streaming platforms pay for exclusive rights to 19:56 shows or movies another significant change could be giving creators more ownership over their content currently 20:03 many creators feel that platforms like YouTube control too much of their intellectual property and data musk who 20:11 has a history of open- sourcing technology and advocating for greater user control might push for policies 20:17 that give creators more rights over their videos data and brand this could 20:22 include allowing creators to easily move their content to other platforms export their subscriber lists or even sell 20:29 their videos as nfts non-fungible tokens giving them more flexibility and 20:34 potential Revenue opportunities chapter n enhancing user 20:39 experience and engagement Elon Musk is known for his focus on user experience 20:45 whether it's making electric vehicles fun and intuitive to drive or designing rockets that look straight out of a 20:51 science fiction movie if he were to buy YouTube we could expect a similar emphasis on enhancing user experience 20:58 and engag engagement one of the areas musk could focus on is reducing the friction that users often experience 21:04 when navigating YouTube currently the platform can feel overwhelming due to the sheer volume of content and the 21:11 complex way it is organized musk might simplify the user interface making it 21:17 more intuitive and easier to find the content users want he could also introduce new features like voice 21:23 commands AI assisted search or even arvr integration to make navigating YouTube 21:28 more engaging and userfriendly musk might also look into improving the way users interact with content for 21:36 example he could introduce more interactive elements such as live polls augmented reality experiences or 360 21:44 degree videos that allow viewers to explore scenes in real time this could create a more Dynamic and immersive 21:51 viewing experience encouraging users to spend more time on the platform another 21:56 potential area for Innovation is social integration YouTube unlike other social media platforms doesn't have a strong 22:03 emphasis on community building musk could change that by introducing features that encourage more social 22:10 interaction such as group video watching sessions enhanced commenting systems or 22:15 real-time collaboration tools for creators he could also integrate YouTube more closely with other social media 22:22 platforms allowing for seamless sharing and cross-platform engagement moreover 22:27 musk could Leverage his expertise in AI to create smarter content moderation systems currently YouTube relies heavily 22:35 on automated systems to detect and remove inappropriate content but these systems are far from perfect musk could 22:42 deploy more advanced AI models capable of understanding context better and distinguishing between harmful content 22:49 and satire education or commentary this could help reduce false 22:55 positives and negatives creating a safer and more fair environment for both creators and 23:01 viewers chapter 10 YouTube's potential role in musk's broader 23:07 Vision to understand why Elon Musk might want to buy YouTube It's essential to 23:12 consider how it could fit into his broader vision for Humanity musk has often spoken about his desire to make 23:18 human life multiplanetary accelerate the transition to renewable energy and enhance human cognition and health 23:25 through Advanced Technologies like brain machine interf faces One Way YouTube 23:30 could fit into this vision is as a platform for education and knowledge dissemination musk is a strong advocate 23:37 for Education as evidenced by his founding of AD asra a school that focuses on science math and critical 23:44 thinking he might view YouTube as a powerful tool for democratizing Education making highquality free 23:50 content accessible to people around the world he could encourage more scientific content host online lectures by Leading 23:57 experts or even launch new educational initiatives through the platform reaching Millions more people than 24:04 traditional educational methods musk could also use YouTube to advance his other goals such as promoting electric 24:11 vehicles or space exploration imagine dedicated channels that provide real-time updates from SpaceX missions 24:18 exclusive behind the scenes looks at Tesla's latest developments or live Q&A sessions with engineers and scientists 24:25 working on groundbreaking Technologies this would not only generate excitement around his companies but also Foster a 24:32 deeper public understanding of the technologies that are shaping our future additionally musk could leverage YouTube 24:39 to promote environmental awareness and sustainability given YouTube's vast reach it could become a platform for 24:46 sharing content on climate change renewable energy and sustainable living 24:51 practices mus could partner with creators who focus on these topics providing them with resources and 24:57 incentives to prod produce highquality engaging content that raises awareness 25:02 and inspires action on critical Global issues chapter 11 the global impact of a 25:09 musk owned YouTube If musk were to acquire YouTube the impact would not be confined to just 25:16 the United States YouTube is a global platform with users all over the world 25:21 and any changes musk implements would have far-reaching consequences in regions where internet 25:27 access is still growing musk's ownership of YouTube could coincide with efforts to expand internet access through his 25:35 other Venture starlink by providing affordable high-speed internet to underserved areas 25:41 musk could potentially bring millions of new users onto the platform this would not only expand YouTube's reach but also 25:49 open up new opportunities for Content creation and consumption in diverse regions musk might also push for greater 25:56 localization of content C currently YouTube's content is heavily skewed towards English-speaking audiences with 26:03 limited support for content in other languages or from other cultural perspectives mus could invest in 26:09 creating tools and resources to support multilingual content creation translation and distribution making 26:16 YouTube a more inclusive platform that better represents the world's diversity furthermore musk's Global 26:24 Ambitions could lead to changes in how YouTube operates in countries with strict content regulations or censorship 26:31 laws as an advocate for free speech and transparency musk might challenge existing norms advocating for greater 26:38 freedom of expression on the platform this could put him at odds with governments around the world potentially 26:44 leading to Legal battles or even the platform being banned in certain countries however musk's determination 26:51 to uphold his principles could also lead to positive changes encouraging more 26:56 open and Democratic access to information in regions where it is currently 27:02 restricted chapter 12 final thoughts and speculation while the idea of Elon Musk 27:09 buying YouTube is still speculative it's clear that such a move would have profound implications musk is not just a 27:16 businessman he is a Visionary who thinks on a grand scale and his potential acquisition of YouTube would likely 27:23 reflect that whether it's through fostering Innovation promoting transparency or challenging the status 27:29 quo musk's influence on YouTube could reshape the platform and perhaps the 27:34 internet itself in ways we can only begin to imagine of course with great 27:40 power comes great responsibility and musk would have to navigate a complex landscape of stakeholders regulators and 27:47 users his every move would be scrutinized and his decisions could have far-reaching consequences for the future 27:54 of online content free expression and digital media would YouTube under musk's 28:01 leadership become a Utopia of open information and Innovation or would it face new challenges and controversies 28:08 only time will tell what is certain however is that if Elon Musk does decide 28:13 to buy YouTube it will be one of the most significant text stories of our time one that could change the way we 28:20 connect communicate and create in the digital age Elon musk's potential 28:25 interest in buying YouTube is a story that that captures the imagination it brings together the world's most 28:31 influential entrepreneur and the most powerful video sharing platform while 28:37 the idea is still speculative the reasons behind it are compelling and the implications could be profound whether 28:44 it's fostering free expression integrating cuttingedge technology promoting sustainability or reshaping 28:50 the Creator economy musk's ownership of YouTube could redefine the future of digital media yet as with any major 28:58 acquisition there would be significant challenges and risks involved from regulatory scrutiny to stakeholder 29:05 resistance the path to acquiring YouTube would be far from easy but if there's 29:11 one thing we know about Elon Musk it's that he loves a challenge and if he does 29:16 decide to pursue this audacious goal the world will be watching closely to see how he plans to change everything once 29:24 again in the end whether musk buys YouTube or not his interest in the platform underscores the growing 29:30 importance of digital media in our lives it reminds us that the internet is constantly evolving shaped by The 29:37 Visionaries and innovators who dare to dream big and in this rapidly changing 29:43 world one thing is certain whatever musk does next it will be something that none 29:48 of us could have predicted I think danger of AI is much greater than the the the danger of 29:54 nuclear warheads by a lot mark my word words AI is far more 30:00 dangerous than nukes far so why do we have no regulatory oversight it's just 30:06 outside of human control it's going to be very tempting to use AI as a weapon it's going to be very tempting in 30:13 fact it will be used as a weapon the danger is humans using it 30:18 against each other I think most likely that'll be the 30:24 danger a NE device is kind of like a a Fitbit or an Apple 30:29 Watch we take out a a sort of a small section of skull about the size of a quarter um replace that with tiny tiny 30:36 wires very very tiny wires we we have aspirationally do do the first uh human implant this year one of the biggest 30:42 risks it could be the biggest risk I think we need to watch out about uh 30:48 population collapse this is uh somewhat counterintuitive to most people they 30:53 think that well there's so many humans maybe too many humans uh but that's just cuz they live in 30:59 City Elon Musk is known for his outspoken views on a variety of topics 31:04 but none perhaps are as urgent and provocative as his warnings about the potential dangers of artificial 31:11 intelligence AI in a series of discussions and interviews musk has 31:16 continually emphasized the risks associated with rapid AI advancements 31:22 and the need for stringent oversight and regulation one of musk's primary 31:27 concerns is the rapid Pace at which AI is advancing he has noted that AI has been 31:34 evolving quickly and that tools like chat GPT have made these advancements 31:39 accessible and visible to the general public however this accessibility also 31:46 brings to light the potential risks as these Technologies become more integrated into everyday life on on a 31:54 more sort of near term time frame I think artificial intelligence is something we need to 31:59 be quite concerned about and really be uh attentive to the safety of of AI um 32:10 you mentioned uh chat GPT earlier um you know I I I played a significant 32:17 role in the creation of open AI um essentially at the time I was concerned 32:24 that Google uh was not uh paying enough attention to a safety 32:30 and and so I I I with a number of other people created open AI although 32:36 initially it was created as an open source nonprofit and now it is closed source 32:42 and for profit I I don't have any stake in open AI anymore nor nor am I on the 32:47 board nor do I control it in any way but the chat GPT I think has Illustrated to 32:55 uh people just how advanced AI has become because the a has been Advanced 33:02 for a while it just didn't have a user interface that was um accessible to most 33:09 people um so what really chat GPT has done is just put an an accessible user interface on AI 33:17 technology that is um has been present for a few 33:22 years and there are much more advanced versions of that that are coming out so I think we you know I think we we need 33:28 to really be I think we need to regulate AIC frankly musk compares the current 33:35 state of AI to the early days of the automobile industry where safety measures like seat belts and airbags 33:42 were initially resisted by manufacturers but eventually mandated by Regulators he 33:48 believes that similar regulatory oversight is essential for AI to prevent 33:53 catastrophic outcomes without such measures the reaction to any negative 33:58 consequences could be too slow leading to potentially irreversible damage you 34:05 know the cars were unregulated at the beginning aircraft were unregulated um but they had lots of 34:11 um you know airplane crashes and in some cases manufacturers that were cutting 34:17 Corners um and and a lot of people were dying so they the public was not happy 34:23 about that and so they established a regulatory authority to to improve safety and now commercial airliners 34:31 are um extremely safe in fact they're safer than than if you were to drive 34:38 somewhere uh it's the safety per mile of a commercial airliner is better than a car and and cars are also extremely safe 34:47 compared to where they used to be um so um but if you say if you look at say the 34:53 introduction of seat belts uh the Auto industry fought the introduction of seat belts um as a 34:59 safety measure for I think 10 or 15 years um before finally 35:07 The Regulators made them put seat belts in cars and that greatly improved the 35:14 safety of cars um and then airbags were another big Improvement in safety so um my concern is that with AI 35:23 if if there's something bad that something goes wrong the reaction might be too slow from a 35:30 regulatory standpoint musk has been vocal about the need for a regulatory body to overc AI safety he argues that 35:38 just as there are agencies dedicated to ensuring the safety of pharmaceuticals food and transportation there should be 35:45 a dedicated Agency for AI the potential risks posed by AI especially as it 35:52 approaches or surpasses human intelligence necessitate proactive measures to ensure sure it develops in a 35:59 way that is beneficial to humanity well I've said for a long time I think AI safety is a really big deal um and we 36:06 should have some regulatory agency that is overseeing uh AI safety um but there 36:13 is not yet currently any such thing and and just generally any kind of regulatory agency done by the government 36:20 will usually takes years to put in place you know after uh the population 36:26 collapse issue I think AI safety is probably the second biggest threat to the future of civilization like I said 36:33 I'm not quite sure what to do with it I mean Tesla is arguably the the world's 36:38 biggest robot maker cuz like we have basically semi semi-autonomous cars that will 36:44 ultimately be fully autonomous um and we are building a humanoid robot that will 36:50 be basically like um like like the car but with legs and I I kind of uh 36:58 held off on doing that for a while because you know I I certainly don't want to hasten the AI 37:03 apocalypse but clearly with look at Boston Dynamics and like this humanoid robot is going to happen 37:10 so um they really going to happen with or without Tesla so it's like Tesla I've got a little bit more I mean a lot 37:17 more ability to ensure uh robotics safety and AI 37:23 um and I'll try my best to to do that the creation of open AI in which musk 37:29 played a significant role was initially driven by his concerns about AI safety 37:35 he and others believed that AI development needed to be transparent and focused on positive 37:42 outcomes however musk has since distanced himself from open AI citing 37:48 its transition from a nonprofit to a for-profit model and his lack of control 37:53 over its direction essentially at the time I was concerned that Google uh was not uh 38:00 paying enough attention to AI safety and and so I I with a number of 38:07 other people created open AI although initially it was created as an open 38:13 source nonprofit and now it is closed source and for-profit I I don't have any stake 38:19 in open AI anymore nor nor am I on the board nor do I control it in any way but 38:25 the the chat gbt I think has Illustrated to uh people just how advanced AI has 38:33 become um because the AI has been Advanced for 38:38 a while it just didn't have a user interface that was um 38:44 accessible to most people so what really chat GPT has done is just put an an accessible user 38:50 interface on AI technology that is um has been present 38:57 for for a few years and there are much more advanced versions for that that are coming out so I think we you know I 39:03 think we we need to really be I think we need to regulate AIC 39:08 frankly musk's warnings about AI are not limited to its potential to surpass 39:14 human intelligence he also highlights the risk of AI being used as a weapon 39:20 either by Rogue States or individuals the temptation to use AI for 39:25 military or strategic advantage is significant and musk believes that this 39:30 could lead to Dangerously unpredictable outcomes so you used to have more hope 39:36 and you gave up some of it and now you don't worry as much about AI you're like this is just what it 39:43 is pretty much yes yes it's not it's it's but no it's not necessarily 39:50 bad it's just it's definitely going to be outside of human control not 39:55 necessarily bad right yeah it's not it's not necessarily bad it's just it's just outside of human 40:01 control now the thing that's going to be tricky here is that it's going to be very tempting to 40:08 use AI as a weapon it's going to be very tempting in fact it will be used as a weapon so the the on the the on-ramp to 40:17 Serious AI the danger is going to be more humans using it against each other I think most 40:23 likely that'll be the danger I try to convince people able to slow down slow down AI to regulate 40:32 AI this was futile I tried for years this seems like seen in a movie 40:40 Nobody the robots are going to take over and you're freaking me out nobody listened nobody listened no 40:46 one are people more inclined to listen today it seems like an issue that's brought up more often over the last few 40:53 years than it was maybe 5 10 years ago it seemed like some sence fiction maybe 40:58 they will so far they haven't I think people don't like normally the way that regulations work 41:05 it's very slow very slow indeed usually it'll be something some new technology will cause damage or 41:12 death there will be an outcry there will be an investigation years will pass there will be some sort 41:21 of insight committee there will be rule making then there will be oversight eventually 41:26 regular ations this all takes many years this is 41:32 the normal course of things furthermore mask discusses the concept of artificial 41:37 general intelligence AGI or digital super intelligence which he describes as 41:43 AI that can outperform humans in every way the development of AGI could lead to 41:50 a future where AI operates independently of human control pursuing goals that may 41:56 not align with human values or interests this decoupling from Collective human 42:01 will is a scenario that musk finds particularly alarming artificial general intelligence 42:08 or digital super intelligence uh decouples from a collective human will 42:14 and uh goes in a direction that for some reason we don't like whatever whatever Direction it 42:20 might go you know that's what of sort of the idea behind neural link is to try to 42:25 more tightly couple uh of human world to uh the to to digital uh super 42:32 intelligence and also along the way solve a lot of um brain injuries and 42:38 spinal injuries and that kind of thing even if it doesn't succeed in the greater goal it will I think it will succeed in in the uh goal of alleviating 42:46 uh Brain and Spine damage so the spirit there is that if we're going to make these AIS that are 42:52 so vastly intelligent we ought to be wired directly to them so that we ourselves can have those superpowers 42:59 more more directly that doesn't seem to avoid the risk that those superpowers 43:05 might um turn ugly in an unintended way no I think it's a risk I agree I I I don't I'm not saying that I 43:12 have some U certain uh answer to that risk I'm I'm 43:19 I'm just saying like maybe one of the things that would be good for ensuring 43:25 that the future is one that we want is to more tightly 43:32 couple human world Collective human world to digital intelligence one of 43:37 musk's proposed solutions to mitigate the risks of AI is neuralink a company 43:42 he founded to develop brain machine interfaces neuralink aims to create a 43:48 closer integration between human and digital intelligence potentially 43:53 allowing humans to keep Pace with AI advancements musk envisions a future where neuralink 44:01 can help address the civilizational risks posed by AI by ensuring that human 44:07 intelligence evolves alongside digital intelligence the idea behind neural link 44:13 is to try to more tightly couple uh Collective human world to uh the to to digital uh 44:21 superintelligence and also along the way solve uh brain injuries and spinal 44:26 injuries that kind of thing so even if it doesn't succeed I mean the fundamental 44:31 principles of uh of reading neurons uh sort doing rewrite on neurons 44:38 W with tiny electrodes um have been demonstrated for decades um so it's not like uh this is 44:47 uh the concept is new what the problem is that there's no product uh that works well that you can 44:55 go and uh and buy so it's it's all sort of in research Labs right um and it's it's not it's 45:04 uh like there's always like some cord sticking out of your your head and it's it's quite gruesome and it's it's 45:11 really um there there's no good product uh that that that actually does a good 45:17 job and is high bandwidth and safe and something you'd actually that you could buy and would want to buy so the way to 45:25 think of the neuralink device is kind of like a a Fitbit or an Apple watch um that's 45:34 uh where we we take out a a sort of a small section of skull about the size of a quarter um replace that with what in 45:42 many ways really is very much like um fit put Apple watch or or some kind of Smartwatch thing and and but but with 45:49 with tiny tiny wires very very tiny wires wires so tiny it's hard to even see them and it's very important to have 45:56 very tiny wires that you uh when they're implanted they don't they don't damage the brain neural linkx technology is 46:02 also intended to have more immediate applications such as helping individuals with injuries or neurological conditions 46:11 however its long-term goal is to create a symbiotic relationship between humans 46:16 and AI which musk believes is essential for ensuring that AI develops in a way 46:24 that is aligned with human values um other people fuse this word and and and 46:29 that this is my prediction will be an age of abundance for everyone I guess there's uh the dangers would be the 46:37 artificial general intelligence or digital super intelligence uh decouples from a a 46:43 collective human will and uh goes in a direction that for some reason we don't like whatever whatever Direction might 46:51 go you know that's what sort of the idea behind neural link is to try to more tightly cop 46:57 uh Collective human world to the to to digital uh super 47:02 intelligence and also along the way solve a lot of brain injuries and spinal injuries 47:08 and that kind of thing so even if it doesn't succeed in the greater goal it will I think it will succeed in in the 47:15 uh goal of alleviating uh Brain and Spine damage it really will be many years 47:21 before we have anything uh approximating A high bandwidth 47:27 uh neural interface uh that allows for uh AI human 47:34 symbiosis and for for many years we will just be solving uh brain injuries and spinal injuries 47:40 for probably a decade um and this is not something that will suddenly one 47:47 day it'll we'll have this incredible uh sort of uh whole brain interface um like 47:54 I said at least a decade of of really just solving um brain injuries and and spinal injuries 48:01 um and and really I think you can solve a very wide range of of brain injuries including severe 48:08 depression uh morbid obesity uh sleep uh potentially 48:15 schizophrenia like a lot of things that cause great stress to 48:20 people uh restoring uh memory in all the people musk is also concerned about the 48:26 international aspect of AI development he acknowledges that some countries such 48:31 as China May Advance AI technology without the same regulatory oversight 48:37 that he advocates for this could create a competitive disadvantage for countries that 48:43 Implement strict regulations potentially leading to an AI arms race however musk 48:50 also notes that government officials in China are aware of the risks associated 48:56 with AI and are likely to implement their own oversight measures the 49:01 challenge is to ensure that Global standards for AI safety are established 49:06 and adhered to preventing any one country from Gaining a disproportionate advantage through unchecked AI 49:13 development but but the rebuttal I get is like well you know China's going to have unfettered uh AI 49:20 development and so if we have regulations and that slows us down then China will have it and I'm like look I 49:27 from my conversations with the government officials in China they they 49:32 they they're quite concerned about AI I think we should have uh a government oversight just like we do we 49:39 have a government oversight and regulation of uh cars and aircraft and uh food and 49:47 pharmaceuticals these are all uh you know there's a there are 49:52 Regulators that oversee uh these developments to ensure Public Safety 49:58 um and I think uh AO digital superintelligence would 50:03 also be potentially a public safety risk and so it should be it's I think 50:09 it's very important to for Regulators to keep an eye on that one of the biggest 50:14 risks it could be the biggest risk I think we need to watch out about uh 50:19 population collapse this is uh somewhat counterintuitive to most people uh they 50:26 think that well there's so many humans maybe too many humans uh but that's just cuz they live 50:32 in a city uh if you're an aircraft and you look down you say if you dropped 50:37 a a cannonball how often would you hit a person basically never in fact there 50:43 stuff falling in from space all the time natural meteorites old rocket 50:48 stages all the time um but nobody worries about it cuz the the actual in 50:55 fact there's a good a cool website called wait but why and this guy Tim and like he actually 51:01 just did the math and and uh all humans on Earth could fit in the city of New York 51:08 on one floor don't even need the upper floors so that's actually the cross-section of 51:15 of humans as seen from Earth is extremely tiny basically vanishingly 51:21 small almost nothing um so we need to watch out about population collapse 51:27 this low low birth rate I think is um big risk and it's also not exactly top secret you can go look at the 51:34 Wikipedia and this this is actually this this is this is definitely the civilization ends with a with a whimper 51:41 not a bang uh because it would be a sad ending 51:46 um where the the average age becomes very high and really the youth are 51:53 effectively uh deao enslaved to take care of the old people in addition to his concerns about AI musk also 52:00 highlights the issue of population collapse due to low birth rates he 52:05 argues that this is a significant risk to the future of civilization as an 52:10 aging population could place unsustainable burdens on younger Generations musk believes that 52:17 addressing population collapse is essential for ensuring a stable and prosperous future super low birth rate 52:25 really yeah over like nuclear war don't we have an overpopulation problem no we 52:30 have an underpopulation problem really yeah why why this is the most commonly 52:36 misunderstood situation yeah they definitely push that we have a overation no no we I don't know it's just like I 52:42 think it's like this is a hold over from like I don't know the 70s or something you know so there was a huge um baby 52:51 boom like where people did have a ton of kids after World War II but then the 52:57 US has actually been had the birth rate in the US has been below replacement 53:03 rate Japan actually uh lost like 600 thou went down by 600,000 people last 53:09 year the Japanese are not in the bedroom at all then it would it would seem not 53:16 what about what about the us we got an increase right yeah what I'm saying is the US has been below replacement rates 53:24 for 50 years the only 53:29 the yeah since the early 70s since like 71 72 um so why are we spewed with all 53:34 this BS that yo we're overpopulating but the population's growing right no it's not so I mean 53:41 should say like lifespan is increasing MH um people are living longer that's the only reason why the 53:48 population of Earth isn't plummeting but it will plumm it he also emphasizes the importance of transitioning to 53:55 sustainable energy sources musk describes the current practice of extracting and burning 54:01 fossil fuels as a crazy experiment that poses significant risks to the 54:07 environment he advocates for accelerating the transition to sustainable energy to mitigate these 54:14 risks the atmosphere and the oceans we're taking vast amounts of carbon from 54:19 deep underground and putting this putting this in the in the in the atmosphere this is crazy we should not 54:25 do this it's very dangerous so we should we should we should accelerate the transition to 54:31 sustainable energy I mean this the bizarre thing is that obviously we're going to run out of oil in the long term 54:38 you know we're going to there's only so much oil we can we can mine and burn it's total logical we must have Su 54:44 a sustainable energy transport and energy infrastructure in the long term so we know that's the end point we know 54:51 that so why run this crazy experiment where we take trillions of 54:56 tons of carbon from underground and put it in the atmosphere and oceans this is 55:02 an insane experiment it's the dumbest experiment in in human history why are we doing this it's crazy 55:09 musk often references the concept of the singularity a point at which AI 55:15 advancements become so rapid and profound that predicting future developments becomes 55:21 impossible while the singularity is not inherently good or bad it represents a significant ific unknown that requires 55:28 careful consideration and preparation the Advent of artificial general intelligence is called The 55:35 Singularity for a reason because just like a black hole which is a singular Singularity it's difficult to predict 55:41 what will happen so it's not as though the Advent of AGI is necessarily bad but 55:47 it's bad as one of the possible outcomes so I think we really should take this seriously the population 55:53 collapse artificial intelligence obviously sustainable energy important uh the faster we transition to 55:59 sustainable energy the less of a gamble we're taking with climate I think there's going to be a 56:06 lot of breakthroughs on the medical front uh particularly around synthetic 56:12 uh mRNA uh Al you can basically do anything with uh synthetic uh RNA DNA 56:22 um it's it's like a computer program neur is really just going to um help 56:29 cure uh brain injuries and brain and spine injuries so it's like if if somebody's a 56:35 in fact our our first implanted devices in humans will be for quadriplegics tetrolic allowing them 56:42 to control a computer or a phone just using the M um so like you can imagine like if 56:48 Steven Hawking could just talk uh and normal speed or even faster than 56:54 normal speed in mus view the concentration of AI power in the hands of a few individuals or entities poses a 57:01 significant risk he cites a quote from Lord Acton Freedom consists of the 57:07 distribution of power and despotism in its concentration musk believes that 57:13 ensuring AI power is distributed and not concentrated is essential for preventing 57:19 a dystopian future I mean I I am concerned about um 57:25 certain directions that AI could take that would 57:30 be not good for the future I mean I think it would be fair 57:36 to say that like not all AI Futures are benign not not all okay um and and so if you have 57:43 something if if this if we create some digital super intelligence that exceeds Us in every way by a lot 57:50 wouldn't that that be benign there's a quote that I love from uh bo Act and he was the guy that came 57:57 up with power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely um which is that uh Freedom 58:03 consists of the distribution of power and despotism in its concentration and so I think it's 58:09 important if we have this incredible power of AI that it not be concentrated in the hands of a few and potentially 58:15 lead to a world that we don't want the goal of open of open AI is really just 58:21 to take the set of actions that are most likely to improve the positive future Futures like you can think of like the 58:28 future as a set of of probability streams that that that Branch out and 58:34 then converge collapse down to a particular event and then Branch out again and 58:40 uh there's a certain set of probabilities associated with the future being positive and different typ flaves of that and uh an open the eye we want 58:48 to try to do do whatever we can to guide to to increase the probability of the 58:53 good Futures happening I think that's that's really what we're trying to do do you worry that by making this open some Bad actors 59:01 may use some of what has been developed to do bad stuff uh 59:09 with I mean that that is certainly the the the I mean a good rebuttal to that um however I think if AI power is widely 59:17 distributed um then and there's not one entity that 59:23 has some super AI that is a million times smarter than anything else you 59:29 know if instead AI power is broadly distributed and to degree that we can 59:35 link uh AI power to each individual's will um so like you 59:41 know you would have your AI agent you knew would like everyone would have their sort of AI agent and then if somebody did try to do 59:49 something really terrible well then the collective will of others could overcome 59:54 that bad actor Elon musk's warnings about AI are a call to action for 1:00:00 society to take the potential risks seriously his advocacy for regulatory 1:00:05 oversight responsible development and proactive measures to ensure AI benefits 1:00:12 Humanity reflects his deep concern for the future as AI continues to advance 1:00:18 musk's insights provide a valuable perspective on the importance of balancing Innovation with safety and 1:00:25 ethical consider ations his efforts to expose the whole thing underscore the urgency of addressing these challenges 1:00:32 before it's too late Voyager 453K subscribers Videos About 534 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @josephstevener7499 4 hours ago Buy it, sir. 175 Reply @perrysmith8743 3 hours ago Our Freedom is coming back ! Thank you Elon ! 168 Reply 4 replies @timlong4704 4 hours ago Please help support Elon buy YouTube . We need freedom in this life . 156 Reply 2 replies @robertchristianson1187 4 hours ago Elon is amazing. There is still hope for this country 141 Reply 2 replies @Fakovszky 5 hours ago We are heading in the right direction 155 Reply @noname-nu6oo 2 hours ago Wow. So awesome!!!! No more censorship. No more political partisanship. 46 Reply @user-no5uc2om1z 4 hours ago Thank God for ELON MUSK ️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 119 Reply @butchiew.burnettesr.3019 5 hours ago Is this for REAL? IF SO I AM DOUBLING MY TESLA SHARES. 73 Reply 1 reply @susantaylor741 6 hours ago He's buying everything Coke, Ford, Twitter, YouTube 134 Reply 10 replies @MbaresaMuco 4 hours ago God bless you and shine on you Mr Elon Musk 119 Reply @nicksavage4763 5 hours ago ELON IS A NATIONAL HERO️ 197 Reply 10 replies @harker1977 6 hours ago He was buying Google last week 15 Reply 2 replies @sandraboothe1841 3 hours ago Buy it. God bless Elon. 43 Reply @Jake00001 31 minutes ago Google will never sell. 3 Reply @genevepolyte8486 5 hours ago YouTube is my number one viewing channel for many informative content and movies.. Enhance it Elon Musk and hire me too. Work from home job… 88 Reply @ralphmanning1292 4 hours ago Wow! Content creators will no longer have to speak in code! 48 Reply @NoClueHowBoutYou 1 hour ago YouTube is owned by google. Wouldn’t he have to buy google? 5 Reply @gloriettapatrona6595 44 minutes ago ELON IS AN INTERNATIONAL HERO!!! 4 Reply @Delta9SFBay11 2 hours ago Finally we will no longer be censored on YT.... Bravo Elon! 27 Reply @fleshwounds 6 hours ago Do it Elon. 52 Reply @michaelthomas7724 2 hours ago If he bought YouTube then people could ACTUALLY say things and show everything instead of having 2 different websites like Patron and other platforms. They could actually do everything right here finally instead of getting a strike or getting kicked off every time they turn around which is ridiculous. Their content would be shown to everyone not just who YouTube chooses. 13 Reply @user-ip9ec1zv6y 4 hours ago The alternative is to fund a YouTube competitor. 23 Reply 1 reply @Tm-eg2lx 45 minutes ago Please make this happen Elon Musk will make YouTube a more honest and un censored platform His integrity will shine through 3 Reply @EnriqueNater 3 hours ago That's could be an awesome move. It will enhance YouTube! 9 Reply @BeverleeLeeper 1 hour ago Go Elon, we're behind you 110%! 3 Reply @RichardCampbell-s5n 4 hours ago Thank God..... literally, media is a free open platform. Must stay that way. 58 Reply @ejolecostea6513 4 hours ago (edited) Thank you Mr Musk for buying utube, God will entrusted you again for another best moved. Bless you Mr Elon Musk 37 Reply @mariaherradi8732 4 hours ago Yeah !!! I love Elon Musk . 30 Reply @paulburr5072 5 hours ago Please make it so!!! 51 Reply @QuocNguyen-if1gc 27 minutes ago We support Elon Musk ️🇺🇸️ 3 Reply @nmn9166 3 hours ago Do it!!!! It’s ruined from censorship 24 Reply @Hockeylivin83 3 hours ago ELON FOR PRESIDENT! 4 Reply @adrianarisher6518 4 hours ago We the people love you 21 Reply @tony16614 4 hours ago Congratulations Elon 16 Reply @roxiecariere5713 4 hours ago Thank you Elon🫶🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 31 Reply @johnpalmer5131 2 hours ago I hope this is true. If there is anyone who can fix youtube it is Elon. 14 Reply 1 reply @robebanks5054 4 hours ago I hope this is true 34 Reply @alanphillips7132 6 hours ago I hope this is trough.then he can Help the British people 38 Reply 2 replies @Violetta1912 46 minutes ago I wasn’t sure about Elon but moves like this means he goes up in my estimation. We need more people like him. 3 Reply @nancyulloa9442 5 hours ago Good news!!! 35 @gloriettapatrona6595 53 minutes ago ELON IS AN INTERNATIONAL HERO!!! 5 Reply @Delta9SFBay11 2 hours ago Finally we will no longer be censored on YT.... Bravo Elon! 33 Reply @sandraboothe1841 3 hours ago Buy it. God bless Elon. 48 Reply @ralphmanning1292 4 hours ago Wow! Content creators will no longer have to speak in code! 55 Reply @NoClueHowBoutYou 1 hour ago YouTube is owned by google. Wouldn’t he have to buy google? 6 Reply @genevepolyte8486 5 hours ago YouTube is my number one viewing channel for many informative content and movies.. Enhance it Elon Musk and hire me too. Work from home job… 93 Reply @michaelthomas7724 2 hours ago If he bought YouTube then people could ACTUALLY say things and show everything instead of having 2 different websites like Patron and other platforms. They could actually do everything right here finally instead of getting a strike or getting kicked off every time they turn around which is ridiculous. Their content would be shown to everyone not just who YouTube chooses. 18 Reply @Jake00001 41 minutes ago Google will never sell. 3 Reply @BeverleeLeeper 1 hour ago Go Elon, we're behind you 110%! 4 Reply @QuocNguyen-if1gc 37 minutes ago We support Elon Musk ️🇺🇸️ 4 Reply @EnriqueNater 3 hours ago That's could be an awesome move. It will enhance YouTube! 10 Reply @fleshwounds 6 hours ago Do it Elon. 53 Reply @user-ip9ec1zv6y 4 hours ago The alternative is to fund a YouTube competitor. 24 Reply 1 reply @ejolecostea6513 4 hours ago (edited) Thank you Mr Musk for buying utube, God will entrusted you again for another best moved. Bless you Mr Elon Musk 39 Reply @mariaherradi8732 4 hours ago Yeah !!! I love Elon Musk . 32 Reply @RichardCampbell-s5n 4 hours ago Thank God..... literally, media is a free open platform. Must stay that way. 60 Reply @paulburr5072 5 hours ago Please make it so!!! 53 Reply @nmn9166 3 hours ago Do it!!!! It’s ruined from censorship 26 Reply @Hockeylivin83 3 hours ago ELON FOR PRESIDENT! 4 Reply @adrianarisher6518 4 hours ago We the people love you 22 Reply @Violetta1912 56 minutes ago I wasn’t sure about Elon but moves like this means he goes up in my estimation. We need more people like him. 4 Reply @johnpalmer5131 2 hours ago I hope this is true. If there is anyone who can fix youtube it is Elon. 16 Reply 1 reply @Socialifee 40 minutes ago He will call it X-tube 5 Reply @tony16614 4 hours ago Congratulations Elon 17 Reply @roxiecariere5713 4 hours ago Thank you Elon🫶🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 32 Reply @robebanks5054 5 hours ago I hope this is true 35 Reply @Sunshine-tm9fs 4 hours ago Am I ever happy for you, Mr Musk! SUPER! HEARTEDLY GOOD LUCK to you!!! YOU surely deserve EVERY SINGLE BUYOUT!!! 34 Reply @margefrankford4227 1 hour ago Yes WOW ! Keep praying for our Country and Donald Trump 7 Reply @alanphillips7132 6 hours ago I hope this is trough.then he can Help the British people 38 Reply 2 replies @nancyulloa9442 5 hours ago Good news!!! 36 Reply @bobhuber462 6 hours ago Rock on Elon you the man! 32 Reply @trinhhuynh4357 52 minutes ago I love Mr .Elon Musk to buying YouTube ️️️ 4 Reply @steveturner726 5 hours ago Yes 20 Reply @Superliegebeest0 2 hours ago I could already see them lefties explode of anger. 7 Reply @lynngelski3604 6 hours ago Elon Musk ️ 33 Reply 1 reply @kaydewinter9163 2 hours ago This November vote Trump vance vote straight red to restore America 15 Reply @disaaustin7989 4 hours ago I think it will be wonderful 6 Reply @emmasolis4130 4 hours ago YOU ARE AWESOMELY GREAT ELON MUSK ️ ️GOD BLESS YOU TO THE OVERFLOW ️ 26 Reply @bullseye1981_ps4 6 hours ago First and this real ? 14 Reply @sonnyshook7981 4 hours ago THANK GOD 17 Reply @mariecummings3337 2 hours ago Hope he cleans it up too! 4 Reply @martieschutte7684 4 hours ago Go BIG show them how great you are ...we love the way you do not worry about what people say.. 15 Reply @denisemissaka7142 6 hours ago Exactly!!! 21 Reply @rosemaryadams5169 4 hours ago Thank you elon 5 Reply @someoneelse95 3 hours ago Elon for World's President!! 5 Reply @nuttydoctor612 1 hour ago He wants to be a dictator. 2 Reply @kimcatiller3416 4 hours ago This is wonderful! 13 Reply @C_mankii 2 hours ago Elon is our savior in this time frame. Amazing! 5 Reply @bethvann3951 3 hours ago God Bless Mr. Elon Musk!! 6 Reply @mariacaceres4312 2 hours ago Good job! We're proud of you! 3 Reply @DavidLong-77 2 hours ago Yes get in there fella 3 Reply @martinacruz8107 2 hours ago The Business he buys are in good hands. 3 Reply @DanielleTurner-x4w 1 hour ago Mars is already colonized. It don't need him. 5 Reply 1 reply @Kolinahr1701 2 hours ago Elon Musk: shield of freedom. 5 Reply @puff0086 1 hour ago Elon Musk is a hero ! 5 Reply @Montanafelines 4 hours ago (edited) Yesss!! You’re my hero!!!, always have been! 4 Reply @maijamansnerus239 6 hours ago Great!!!!! 21 Reply @user-ug6mv1cu1q 4 hours ago Congrats 8 Reply @Rightjustic 2 hours ago Yes, GOD is using Elon Musk to save us from evil 1 Reply @zannemairiwoods528 1 hour ago Hallelujah!!!! Great news ! 3 Reply @searching_4_truth. 2 hours ago OMG - You are the man, between you President Trump and RFKjr. “ We The People “ are sure to know the truth of/about everything!!!! 8 Reply 1 reply @suzannec.4263 3 hours ago Awesome! Buy it! Praying for you..... 6 Reply @feliciajohnson4540 3 hours ago I want Elon to buy YouTube. 11 Reply @raymondpetersen6155 1 hour ago It would be nice but I don't think he said he's buying YouTube!! I hope this is true! 3 Reply @Keeeggg0 4 hours ago This is the greatest thing to ever happen to 7 Reply @louisekrynski2878 6 hours ago The TRUTH always comes out!! MAGA 12 Reply @micahjames5286 1 hour ago THANK you, Elon!!!! 2 Reply @user-gk5lq9gb3y 4 hours ago Go go go 5 Reply @gloriaromo9466 4 hours ago WOW GREAT NEWS!!!!! 10 Reply @phylliswurm9473 4 hours ago Oh my goodness. If that's true much better things for alot of You Tube channels that have been interfered with. Time will tell and see what Elon decides. 22 Reply @ShrkRknDn 3 hours ago It is not the matter that he would like to buy YouTube, it is that would Google want really to sell in the first place! Very ridiculous proposal! 2 Reply @JohnHall-uv2jm 6 hours ago (edited) Oh and I Love this Awesome New Project of Mr. Elon Musk... God Bless President Donald J Trump 🇺🇲 22 Reply 2 replies @nonasartnsa5231 4 hours ago Way to go now maybe it can be real instead of centered. The Education was hence the word WAS great. 10 Reply @user-lp2vu8me6u 3 hours ago Awesome!!! 5 Reply @user-oq2hd9dw8g 4 hours ago Coolest boss ever…free inspiration from ! 9 Reply @pamelakenny6658 5 hours ago Good 15 Reply @user-pd1gh1ze3u 1 hour ago The only think is won't do is make coffee! Thanks Elon Musk! We love you! ;-) 2 Reply @user-dl5tm5lr7z 3 hours ago This is a great thing hopefully he makes it happen 7 Reply @jacquirichmond6107 18 minutes ago Bravo.... no more censorship on youtube!!!! Reply @John-mh7uz 4 hours ago Awesome! 12 Reply @claudemirotaqueti6846 3 minutes ago Elon Musk by YouTube that’s a good idea 1 Reply @KeyoLuna4413 3 hours ago You-X LET'S GO!!! 1 Reply @emmap1159 11 minutes ago Yes! Please do! 1 Reply @KR-jn2yc 3 hours ago remove the ads then you rich enought 1 Reply @annngo2945 8 minutes ago Yes. Our freedom is coming back from Elon Musk. God Bless you. Reply @howardtitman 3 hours ago (edited) I stopped using Twitter when he bought it, I guess I'll end up giving up on YouTube as well when this guy takes over! 3 Reply 4 replies @One.-- 1 hour ago Monopoly & regulatory laws 1 Reply @mattburrito 24 minutes ago if he does he better make uncensored content and minimum policies make youtube back to early 2010s levels 1 Reply @topbanana1324 3 hours ago Elon will be judged the good guy in history. Ps send me an x plz em. 2 Reply @stopwars8642 4 hours ago yes yes 8 Reply @johnnybreck886 3 hours ago AWSOME! 2 Reply @amuseher 1 hour ago Thank God, if this is true. Google ruined YT. Please don't make it worse. Reply @skybrown2075 29 minutes ago Sorry, I meant Elon Musk.. Reply @gigiturcotte-fp6ne 4 hours ago Great NEWS YOU GO ELON KEEP GOING FREEDOM ! THANK YOU SIR 4 Reply @vitolipari3406 1 hour ago One giant step for the free and open exchange of ideas. 3 Reply @johnwhitesr1002 28 minutes ago Creator give us FREEDOM Reply @waldovdm8915 3 hours ago would be geat if he could buy youtube. 1 Reply @user-ni4xi2lb7m 2 hours ago At least you’re not buying Roblox Reply @mudlynmahabir5565 1 hour ago I will be very happy if Elon Buy U tube 1 Reply @antonygiggs1904 1 hour ago Respect to you Elon Musk 4 Reply @RandalColling 55 minutes ago I doubt Google will sell youtube. Reply @josephinecolon5475 1 hour ago Thank you Elon for saving Americans 1st Amendment rights God bless America. 2 Reply @JohnTiano-ik2ro 31 minutes ago Stand with ELON MUSK Reply @CBJAMPA 2 hours ago Elon is an international treasure - young, but nonetheless a hero! 3 Reply @decentlyandinorder 3 hours ago It would be much less hassle and hundreds of billions of dollars less expensive, for Elon Musk to set up his own NEW Video platform that could compete with YouTtube and ultimately leave YouTube iin the dust. 1 Reply @dennisatakent 1 minute ago DON’T. YOU WILL MESS IT UP. Reply @helios4u2 33 minutes ago IT WOULD BE WONDERFUL IF ELON MUSK BOUGHT YOUTUBE. YOUTUBE'S CENSORSHIP IS INTOLERABLE. RESPECTING THE LAWS OF THE COUNTRY SHOULD BE ENOUGH. Reply @ZebbMassiv 32 minutes ago He's the superhero everyone didn't know they needed. Reply @sandrasowers2888 1 hour ago Elon Musk is our hero! I Love you Mr Musk Thank you for everything you do Reply @Sandy.333 2 hours ago PLEASE buy Google and YouTube!!! Reply @jeannie5389 18 minutes ago Please get rid of the foreign country ads on YT, maybe coming through google/FB, hacking!! Reply @SoldiersNRprayers 1 hour ago Do It Elon, make it right. 3 Reply @timschannel910 3 hours ago He needs to buy youtube 1 Reply @alcord2540 2 hours ago That would be great U Toob is a shadow of its former self. 1 Reply @georgecollins9388 36 minutes ago Go Elon. You are my hero. You can make it so much better. Reply @maryw1665 3 hours ago So glad you’re buying YouTube! 3 Reply @kaycoats8344 3 hours ago NO CENSORING! Reply @2209009pm 26 minutes ago I'll believe it when it happens. Reply @irishrebel9208 1 hour ago I did, I said it a week ago that he will buy YouTube, Facebook, Google & Amazon Reply @tambreyclark8464 2 hours ago #Elon. Please bring back #DOUGINEXIL. Reply @yvonnescott7858 1 hour ago I just LOVE this amazing man 1 Reply @codrelif 3 hours ago Hopefully he would stop the censorship. 2 Reply @Linda-9037 24 minutes ago My favorite entrepreneur buying my favorite platform Reply @annabelavega1642 52 minutes ago He’s not what you think he’s a Luciferian Reply @mudlynmahabir5565 1 hour ago God Bless you Elon love you It will be very nice for God Word preaching 1 Reply @kennethsakoda3113 29 minutes ago (edited) What a great Idea! If Musk Buys YouTube it could be a game changer for the better. Reply @namastesteven5655 3 hours ago Yes, yes, yes.......,. Love you elon .......... We want our freedom back 3 Reply @eugenebdotson7363 1 hour ago And Google could be around the corner ! Reply @SunnieDavis 1 hour ago I'd say.... WONDERFUL!!! FREEDOM!!! Reply @wjenkins1721 35 minutes ago I really hope so. I’m tired of being kicked off for my opinions of certain topics. Reply @JamesWolfgang 3 hours ago He has my vote through and through Reply @KAMMD 3 hours ago Hold your money, EM ! You’ll need it to buy NASA ! 1 Reply 1 reply @Mramirez7 1 hour ago (edited) GO ELON, GO!!! YES Reply @joannethompson3128 1 hour ago God Bless and protect Elon! Thank you for your efforts in saving humanity. We love you Elon. You ROCK, man. Reply @jcphan2191 49 minutes ago ELONGOD BLESS YOU SIR️ Reply @MyMadHouse 1 hour ago I'll believe it when I see it happen! Reply @rafaelkhasanov6808 3 hours ago Thank you Elon 4 Reply @chipsrafferty8362 1 hour ago The MAN,thank you Mr.Musk. 3 Reply @brig4760 51 minutes ago I would love to sit in the corner of a bar and share a beer with Elon. Reply @paulaecheverria9863 19 minutes ago God bless you Elon, I hope this is for the better Reply @jayjay-xk1zn 2 hours ago I dont think Google would let it go or the money that comes with it Reply @AnthonyMoore-rd7yv 1 hour ago Extremely smart move Reply @binusasidharan347 4 hours ago The Gr8 PayWall like X Reply @viviansonoda2433 39 minutes ago Great, thank you Elon …. You go !!!!!!! Reply @robraw101 1 hour ago as long as people comment truth and facts and they are not cyber bullying then they don't deserve to be censored. Reply @1stcavw247 37 minutes ago Thank goodness 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Reply @Tim_Takacs 3 hours ago Good keep it in American Hands Reply @user-uy3qy6yv3i 57 minutes ago best news 1 Reply @vitolipari3406 1 hour ago Thank you, Elon. Reply @azsheri8 4 minutes ago YEEESSSSS, PLEASE SAVE THIS GREAT PROVIDER OF SO MANY SUPER PLATFORMS / CHANNELS!!! Reply @nigeladams8508 1 hour ago Go get em Elon 1 Reply @mariakasprzyk4515 45 minutes ago WILL BE GO0D AND TRUTH Reply @johnd9031 4 hours ago Hope this is true 1 Reply @lenloe 56 minutes ago What a patriot! Reply @CorritOUT 1 hour ago If this is true, then God is on our side!!!!!🇺🇸 Reply @valmiron4360 3 hours ago Great move Elon! 3 Reply @valnicholson2519 4 hours ago Great news 1 Reply @Carma4001 3 hours ago Thank you, Mr. MUSK! Reply @WilmaHyche-ry4hr 3 hours ago Thank you, Elon! Reply @christine848 9 minutes ago Wow and our expectations are high based on brand reputation. Reply @SusanPayment 1 hour ago i love you Elon. Thank you! Reply @docdurdin 2 hours ago I would love to see it happen, but I doubt it. Multi Billions above X in cost. Reply @World-as-i-c-it 4 hours ago Yes! 4 Reply @conservativerealist 58 minutes ago Thank you Elon Musk. Reply @MrNickpeck36 26 minutes ago I hope so, detach it from liberal Google and make it a good service again. Reply @SamTheDopeMan 54 minutes ago The return of Stevewilldoit !!! Reply @sharonwalsh5814 2 hours ago Please save America vote Trump your part of the dream team God bless America!? And God bless you Reply @cynthialocher393 3 hours ago YEA!!!!!! 1 Reply @johngould8002 1 hour ago Where does this speculation come from ? Not from Elon I suspect. Reply @petercandance2330 3 hours ago If true, then ....YESSSS!!! Reply @marybessknight5843 3 hours ago I made this wish so many times! Thank you elon! Reply @airnearth5165 13 minutes ago Omgggg still owing 13 billion in Twitter deal not enough? Reply @Chris-lf9dl 26 minutes ago You're awesom Elon! Please buy YT if you can. Thank you Reply @barbarajeanbraceletlady3090 4 minutes ago There are those, that want things better. Then there are those who, make it better. He is Hope, in the future. We need more people like him on this Earth. May God Bless Him, Always. ️ Reply @noelamendoza6620 3 minutes ago Yes sir go go buy it. Reply @merrillalbury8214 1 hour ago How about a feature that allows the user to choose what commercials they do not care to watch? Reply 1 reply @user-fp5qh9sq6g 11 minutes ago God bless you Elon Musk Reply @iamnohamme 1 hour ago Buy it Elon please Reply @skybrown2075 30 minutes ago God Almighty blessed Ion Musk and our God will..... Reply @ringozawra 1 hour ago I hope realy hope Youtube buys Youtube and make it a democratic plate-form! Reply @cieramadre2458 4 hours ago Go ahead Elon Musk, buy YouTube and make our day, this will stop freedom censorship of patriots. Reply @helendubell1525 23 minutes ago Elon musk must is great ,he is good person. God Bless you ELON. Reply @franklin-pb7th 1 hour ago At last. Truth censoring is questionable. Reply @giadorazio8242 57 minutes ago God bless you you are America's hero Reply @marienzasokau8127 5 hours ago hmm.., when done, how will it be .., ie ; "YOU-X or, X-TUBE'" ??? ( just funnin' ) . 2 Reply @anitadonamaria9292 25 minutes ago Good for you Elon Musk Reply @markwillett1617 16 minutes ago GOOD MOVE CUZZY! Reply @anitavandam2415 1 hour ago After several decades of working with TBI affected people & Quadraplegia also, it would be amazing to see ways of helping them reach a better life, a quality of life. Reply @flowerofson-shine3539 1 hour ago Respect to you, Sir! Reply @johnvickieclayborn847 4 hours ago Elon is awesome 3 Reply @silviavoss6411 3 minutes ago WOW thank you I can actually speak freely, no codes, just expressing ones self like a real person enjoying their company, wow I do miss carefree easy going formats, I love you tube, thank you!! Reply @user-ir6xg8yk7v 3 hours ago Musk man I love you. Jesus loves you more Reply @lovinglife330 39 minutes ago How would your relations fare with Google? Reply @naturalPaths 28 minutes ago (edited) Is this true? “Rumor has it.” Reply @user-lb5og2vh3i 2 hours ago I am glad that he will buy it. Reply @unboximage1292 36 minutes ago LOL, like google going to let their cash cow go. Reply @marlynbalintad2855 2 hours ago May the Good Lord Bless you more for having a good heart. Reply @ronaldcohen526 53 minutes ago maybe i'll be able to comment on a news article Reply @CriticalEye75 1 hour ago Rumours are Rumours Reply @user-ps2ur3bo1o 46 minutes ago great job Elon Musk you are awesome keep buying out these extremly censoring platforms ! Reply @thunderfox7541 12 minutes ago If this is for real youtubes is about to get alot better Reply @mariabarrientos-quincy868 2 minutes ago Seems like Voyager is presenting a business plan to Musk. An advertisement to encourage purchase. Reply @Dulitzlives 4 hours ago Is this true! 4 Reply 1 reply @christlike1 57 minutes ago God bless you Elon Reply @saramartinez1725 2 hours ago Congratulations,fir you, thanks Reply @thomasporti7744 13 minutes ago Elon i have a couple ideas for your new youtube Reply @Robinjuneable 25 minutes ago Thank GOD! Reply @LuisHernandez-yf2no 6 hours ago Why isn’t this on “X”? 2 Reply 1 reply @TB-oz9lk 1 hour ago Elon for president '28 Reply @dannyoh2705 9 minutes ago YEAH ! Buy it !! Reply @charlynkinter1436 3 hours ago Thank you Mr Musk Reply @vapor2875 1 hour ago Where do you get your sources from Reply @user-fo5pd5ul3f 2 hours ago Great Elon! Reply @Joe-fd9od 3 hours ago Believe it when I see it Reply @CharlieWeir-d9t 2 hours ago Glad to hear it. Reply @walkingman9171 3 hours ago Hope he buys out ABC, get rid of the Woke dopes, no more of "The View", Reply @alistairproductions 1 hour ago How much would that cost Reply @user-ps2ur3bo1o 34 minutes ago he already bought twitter whats the differences ! Reply @mflaig14 34 minutes ago Google won't sell YouTube Reply @yunhuiroehrig7732 1 hour ago Good news!!!! Reply @orosalsero 2 hours ago I hope it's true. Reply @Danwilsey 1 hour ago THANK YOU ELON., IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT. YOU ROCK MY FRIEND. Reply @rosemarykennedy5430 2 hours ago I’ve been hoping for this ! Reply @southerncatlady6680 47 minutes ago I hope this is true. Reply @lelaniespar6565 3 hours ago I am very happy about this!!!️️️️ 2 Reply @Dungjune 2 hours ago Congratulations! Reply @aywhereru1131 1 hour ago I hope this is true. Reply @lookforwhat1118 20 minutes ago That would be cool Reply @mariabuckler6705 3 hours ago I am impressed! Reply @alanblock7099 3 hours ago I hope so as I am constantly censored as I am a conservative and the people are watch are constantly being censored, so unamerican Reply @heatherhayes9498 36 minutes ago Congratulations Reply @PerryCline-h4c 1 hour ago I can’t wait till he does buy it I am tired of the censorship….futube Reply @GIULIOGRIT 4 hours ago He'd better build himself a new YouTube for the amount of money he'll have to spend ! Reply @amadorvillena9559 2 hours ago Yes! Go go buy You Tube. Reply @imagrandpa 2 hours ago Seriously considering? I doubt it but would welcome it! Reply @HappyHermit322 1 hour ago Elon! Elon! Elon! Reply @user-gs6ib2nm1e 2 hours ago Whoooooo,FANTASTIC news at least we won’t get shutdown by an algorithm Reply @beerhunter272 2 hours ago I wonder if this is true? Reply @StockMaster-2025 2 hours ago Elon can buy youtube but I don't know if he can make it better than the way it is. He bought twitter but it didn't turn out to be better under his management. Reply @kathleendanford9420 49 minutes ago I have lost over half of my favorite channels and owners. Narrowing my enjoyment and watch time. Reply @jamiekent6075 1 hour ago hell yeah ELON!!!!!!! Reply @davidmace3310 1 hour ago Elon! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Reply @lcostantino7931 1 hour ago just hope people will be respectful ....hope he does ...utube censoring ....u go Elon .... Reply @CharlesJoyner-k5e 3 hours ago Thank God. Reply @kathleenbrooks1246 8 minutes ago Awesome 🇺🇸 Reply @AndyDyan-f6f 1 hour ago Why is he not getting satisfied with his space x,Tesla and other of his project companies?? He will go farther buying Facebook,TikTok and so on... Reply @rudolfsanchez9855 2 hours ago yt acts appropriately on serious problems gads will be done Reply @DEREKCHOWIE 3 hours ago We. R. Trading Ethereum 4 the Homeless Reply @lcostantino7931 1 hour ago now buy Google n amazon Reply @lt5093 2 hours ago (edited) What's the new ticker? Please Reply @rhondajones4007 1 hour ago Oh Jesus I pray NOT!!! Reply @user-yy2wl9ej2d 40 minutes ago Elon is going to evangelize the world with Good News Of Jesus Christ. Glory Amen. What A great plan Of God. Reply @zemezee8883 59 minutes ago thank you Reply @dman7208 2 hours ago I hope he buys it because tube has censored people speaking on the right and he will put a stop to that. Reply @TVTimSweden 7 minutes ago Wow if this is true the truth the real truth will come out Reply @richardjohnson2858 2 minutes ago (edited) Great news, if true Reply @Anna_USALobanova 2 hours ago Не переходите красные линии Elon Reply @SusanPayment 1 hour ago You are amazing! Reply @sstransportexpressllc8223 3 hours ago Sweet buy it up Reply @cmo8182 19 minutes ago Please buy it Reply @doraquinn3571 1 hour ago YAY, GREAT JOB! Reply @janalou4599 4 hours ago Yes Reply @markmarco2880 4 hours ago That he “might” be interested in buying YouTube…is simply a ploy of imagination on this creator’s part. Reply @giadorazio8242 57 minutes ago Your so beautiful & awesome Reply @sherrysarpu5647 1 hour ago Thank-you Reply @June-tb4vi 1 hour ago Yes!!!!!!! Reply @damarenrenovationinc9493 39 minutes ago Yes......... Reply @albertavantassel2602 1 hour ago I would have to hear that from Elon himself first. Before I believe this Reply @johntimbrell 5 hours ago The Heading is rowlocks. Sorry about my smelling mishtake Reply @mikerock8177 5 hours ago I hope he makes a commercial free what b***** that is 3 Reply @deborahjoyvalentine6180 4 hours ago Did Elon grab Google also? Yea!!! YouTube!🇺🇸WOW Reply @stevesutton522 1 hour ago Great news Reply @thomasaungst7475 1 hour ago Why bye YouTube Elon that is my question Reply @Dark_Gamer553 4 hours ago (edited) He is buying everything to make more money to spend on space x? Reply @denisemarti9922 1 hour ago Now he needs to figure out how to buy the govt out if...oh man I can't say it!! U know the thang ! Reply @gaza-zone 32 minutes ago I dont think Google Selling there money maker, but that would be awesome if Elon can get it Reply @aussiefamily4331 1 hour ago You made it again. Reply @lisaprendergast9716 3 hours ago Great. He's thrown me off X and now he is coming for my You Tube. How awful Reply @wb3115 2 hours ago Yeah ! Reply @williamdaniels4954 1 hour ago can he own the whole internet Reply @kayzstore5363 3 hours ago Moon Rock Reply @user-cx2yq4ep8r 3 hours ago Sweet!!!!I hope his does. Reply @tatianagusar1733 1 hour ago Great idea Reply @LindaPorter-ie3yw 23 minutes ago Glad!!! Reply @user-bt1hu1qg9j 5 hours ago (edited) 진짜에요?? 진짜 유투브 샀어요?? 진짜 뉴스입니까?? 머스크!! 진짜에요??? 나와라 오바. Reply @WalkerOG68 1 hour ago Yesssssss Elon Reply @user-wq2iw5sf9t 58 minutes ago I hope you do Elon Reply @lindadavis6840 3 hours ago Hell yeah!!! Reply @robnbyrd2475 1 hour ago He’s on a mission for what they did to his son Xavier Reply @DjLifeTV 3 hours ago He's destroying everything, i would suggest he stay in his lane with space program and transportation technologies Reply @chriswb7 3 hours ago Elon never said he is buying youtube though… 1 Reply @margiesalais5702 36 minutes ago Freedom Reply @dawnperkins4061 3 hours ago God will use anyone He wills, as He will..FACT!!! Reply @lytonhachlytonhach6250 1 hour ago Yeah we waiting Elon Musk buy Youtube,I hoping this is real Reply @WaynesWorldUnlimited 2 hours ago Oh my God please let this be true this could help my channel I’m sick of trying to abide by the system rules. This is why I’ve slowly been moving to rumble Reply @makak2366 57 minutes ago (edited) elon dosen t have 500 billion , needs to sell tesla Reply @dianegonzales7345 1 hour ago ELON Reply @DouglasLewandowski 4 hours ago I hope Elon does by YouTube so I can speak freely again Reply @merrillalbury8214 1 hour ago Who determines what is "problematic content"? That is the problem we have now. Just because you don't like it or disagree with what is "factual" and not keeps real discussion from being open. Reply @AngeJohnson-r5s 1 hour ago Will he also buy tik tok Reply @user-sq2zf3js4o 2 hours ago No! Reply @rubyferrante101 6 hours ago Stop making your videos so long nobody cares 3 Reply 2 replies @JosephineFreeman-n7i 1 hour ago ELON Reply @user-lp2un7rc9x 1 hour ago Give me a break! Ruin another platform good job Reply @kaycoats8344 3 hours ago Praise Jesus! Halleluya!! Reply @DanielleTurner-x4w 1 hour ago His cars can pick up evil spirits when you go to the cemetery at night, a woman was driving her vehicle and on her screen it showed a figure following hè and the figure wasn't behind her. Reply @merrillalbury8214 1 hour ago Maybe now Youtube will stop redacting words in streams or cutting out stuff tyhe left doesn't like. Reply @phildad4900 1 hour ago "rumour has it" Reply @whortle 2 hours ago Hooray! Reply @jennifermyers66 11 minutes ago (edited) GOOD STOP CENSORING ME Reply @stevenvater2681 17 minutes ago Please let this be true Reply @lindamannix1247 4 hours ago Yes. Buy UTUBE Reply @user-vc1pj3xn3m 25 minutes ago GREAT Reply @darlenegurney 1 hour ago Yeah! Reply @kathleendanford9420 51 minutes ago Ewww talking to Newsom 🫣 Reply @MyfathersdaughteriswhoIa-gq6ik 3 hours ago Yeah!!!! Reply @berthageorge2627 34 minutes ago Buying........[Told he had bought it️] So whats new...... Reply @mafrugal 4 hours ago Good news... Reply @nohesc1251 3 hours ago Great news Reply @markblack6189 3 hours ago Changes are ah com'in Reply @mistypfitzer111 1 hour ago I hope this is legit Reply @crazydiamond347 35 minutes ago Your blessings come from God not men. Dont forget who gets the glory. Reply @JohnTiano-ik2ro 30 minutes ago LET THE WORLD KNOW ANY WAY YOU CAN YOU STAND WITH TRUMP KENNEDY MUSK (THE DYNAMIC TRIO) AND THERE JUST GETTING STARTED FOLKS STAND WITH THE TRUTH Reply @gloriarivera785 37 minutes ago Gracias Por tomar esa gran desicion. Con esta importante Plataformas, Que tu seas el dueno se acabo la desiformacion, y la Teoria de Conspiracion. Reply @oribird540fly 1 hour ago Is YouTube owner want to sell??? Reply @elaineschildmeyer3877 2 hours ago Yea! Reply @b.l.2130 3 hours ago Yeah I wish Reply @hawaiianarts1 3 hours ago ...................................................PLZ>>>>DO IT Reply @Faelani38 5 hours ago google do not do it! 6 Reply @tatumfisher5527 13 minutes ago Awesome Reply @davez325 3 hours ago Thank God!, I hope he buys YouTube. Get rid of the old fogie, prehistoric thinking owners. Reply @PatriciaHelme 1 hour ago Thats great news england Reply @kayzstore5363 4 hours ago Hero Reply @robertmulligan7677 4 hours ago Yes,yes,yes Reply @lepurifoy9539 2 hours ago Great new !!! Reply @frankburkett4627 4 hours ago I sincerely hope this is legit!!!!! 2 Reply @DUNSTANSOKA 2 hours ago Hey Man is this for real? OMG!! Reply @thirddayvision 54 minutes ago most interesting Reply @TripleCrossProduct 2 hours ago It will be run by nuclear, which is the best way. Reply @berylgros8333 2 hours ago Yes love it Reply @CherylMillsap 1 hour ago no Reply @eugenebdotson7363 2 hours ago Great move Elon, will you also save our radio broadcasting system to keep it from George soros ! Reply @Lelia-wv3qz 10 minutes ago FB buy it !! Reply @gracemwende8054 3 hours ago Tongethar my baby forever Reply @titkosnagyon 6 hours ago hello im 46 jare man budapest hungary Reply @edwardspringfield-vl6cl 4 hours ago Trump should buy google. Reply @WaynesWorldUnlimited 2 hours ago I only have YouTube and rumble I don’t even own a television I have no streaming services so if it’s not on YouTube or rumble I don’t see it Reply @svetlanaklinova4876 2 hours ago Ой, я только ЗА. Цензура на здесь просто шкалит. Особенно, последнюю неделю. И при самых безобидных комментариях. Reply @joywright1254 3 hours ago Great! Reply @SheliaLipscomb 4 hours ago That's awesome Reply @sirvalentine8883 1 hour ago if only Reply @user-qj6cu7zv7f 24 minutes ago Really for u Reply @SuzanneSuzanne-u9n 4 hours ago Thank God for Elon Musk! 1 Reply @TOTKAT 1 hour ago Youtube is value 100000000000 dolar Reply @kathleencovington3110 2 hours ago Praise the lord Reply @susangus4550 3 hours ago Noooooooooooooo Reply @GIULIOGRIT 4 hours ago (edited) Now, if Elon wants to buy YouTube, they will ask him an amount of 100 billion at least. Even that high purchase will not be a good deal. Reply 1 reply @JohnTiano-ik2ro 14 minutes ago TRUMP KENNEDY MUSK️ THIS TRIO OF MINDS CAN SEE WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO HELP THE MASSES LIKE NO ONES BUSINESS.THEY ARE GOING TO CUT OUT THE MIDDLE MEN ,AND WOMEN AND LOWER TAXES AND STOP THREATENING ALTERCATIONS BROUGHT ON BY THE HIRED THUGS THEY'RE STILL ALLOWED TO CALL COPS.AND PUT UUUUBUUU Reply @JohnTiano-ik2ro 14 minutes ago TRUMP KENNEDY MUSK️ THIS TRIO OF MINDS CAN SEE WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE TO HELP THE MASSES LIKE NO ONES BUSINESS.THEY ARE GOING TO CUT OUT THE MIDDLE MEN ,AND WOMEN AND LOWER TAXES AND STOP THREATENING ALTERCATIONS BROUGHT ON BY THE HIRED THUGS THEY'RE STILL ALLOWED TO CALL COPS.AND PUT UUUUBUUU Reply @vaidyasethuraman452 2 hours ago Is this a joke? Reply @charlottamertz166 1 hour ago The UNION of 3 Genesis' POTUS TRUMP, ELON MUSK and ROBERT KENNEDY Jr. A tripod of an undeniable force to be reconed with. 🇺🇲️ Reply @inatay2609 1 hour ago Wow! Reply @tinatina1104 1 hour ago Great Reply @rosemaryadams5169 4 hours ago Thank you Jesus Reply @marymargaretbrown5982 5 hours ago PTL 1 Reply @chriskondracki7398 2 hours ago Can he buy my ex Reply @patricknoonan3754 2 hours ago It shouldnt be allowed hes to powerful to begin with Reply 1 reply @milagrossiles8542 4 hours ago Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa elonnnnnnnmusk.....ajuaaa Reply @pieproducer 3 hours ago god bless elon musk Reply @DEREKCHOWIE 3 hours ago love. 2. B. An agent 4. YouTube Derek Clifford Howie Tauranga New Zealand Reply @DytchWytch 2 hours ago Cool Reply @tommohnasky6128 3 hours ago Why? Reply 1 reply @landontakeamericaback2106 2 hours ago Yessssssssss Reply @Windancer11 4 hours ago That’s be awesome yes please 1 Reply @joycemorrice9509 1 hour ago Yay! Reply @johnoneill3379 2 hours ago But do we know Eton musk? With someone with so much power and influences around the world .. do really know this man? .. I hope I'm wrong but many people look for a saviour. Reply 1 reply @michaelg6686 5 hours ago He Buys things to make them Better. He's also building a new search engine. that Google is Crappy. 2 Reply @juleskass5387 58 minutes ago Is he really cuz I just heard he was buying something else as well oh no that's what it was he bought Coca-Cola. This man is freaking brilliant if he's actually doing this Reply @ljatzke 1 hour ago Yay!!!!!! Reply @AngeJohnson-r5s 1 hour ago wow Reply @alistairstephenson4145 6 hours ago Something else he can manipulate 2 Reply @rosemarybales8445 3 hours ago PRAISE THE LORD. I'M SICK OF HE DISHONESTY. Reply @karosan8287 3 hours ago Nice Reply @abelsalazar8677 4 hours ago Hell ya!!! Reply @siew-engtan1997 1 hour ago Blessings! Reply @anacrotteau5691 2 hours ago yesssssssss Reply @jonathanthayer4149 1 hour ago Big deal. Someone wanting to put a chip in you is evil dont be deceived Reply @user-tr7by2oj1z 5 hours ago You tube Reply @amadorvillena9559 3 hours ago Yes good buy UTube Reply @xyourafunny 1 hour ago That's it I'm going to go work for Elan who else is there to work for anymore Reply 1 reply @NnaemekaAmamasi 3 hours ago Yippeeee....hurrraaaahhhh!!! Reply @wrongturnVfor 1 hour ago love it Reply @915sunshine 2 hours ago Yesss Reply @debrajday 6 hours ago (edited) TOO FUNNY, NOT REAL OF COKE & FORD EITHER. Maybe in later future but not now Reply @jungleghostsurvival 17 minutes ago Good ! My channel will grow now!!! Reply @jonesjoyce1215 5 hours ago Seriously???!! Wow!!!!!!! That was the best news of the moment!!!! Finally we will be free from the Cabal Psychopaths!!! Elon Musk is the best!! Wow, what a sweet and incredibly adorable Being, he is so fair and great in his attitudes and intentions. Oh my God, I am deeply grateful for your son being like him!️️ 2 Reply @barbaragaskins3921 1 hour ago Please Reply @DelfinaBursonon 6 hours ago If I could be as confident as the man in this video, I would have conquered the world by now 1 Reply @ruthhayes2942 3 hours ago We do love you Reply @dhen-marccastillon923 2 hours ago HELLO MAHAL MURA KO NIMO OG BABYS NGANO KARON GABII PAGBINUT AN MAGPABABYS NAKO NIMO HANTOD HA PALAGING LAB LAB KAAYONG HONEYDARLING 1 Reply @syanekehr-lisapaly 4 hours ago Exciting plan strategi many pawerfull future to be real Future humannity möre confest the good think imposible to possible 2 Reply @MariaGavris-xl6ul 2 hours ago 1 Reply @CathyCampbell-Mosley-uy1ee 24 minutes ago Great I won’t be silent for speaking my mind. Bye bye dope woke Reply @memyselfandi502 33 minutes ago it Reply @atikatik5241 6 hours ago Gile sekali beli coke Twitter u tube dasar crazy rich makin kaya aja duitnya utk apa y segitu banyak Reply @evelynboes2223 3 minutes ago Reply @piglex1 1 hour ago Bollocks news. Reply @josephinerollins7179 4 hours ago ️Elon Musk️ Reply @elanemunoz8845 2 minutes ago Reply @user-tr7by2oj1z 5 hours ago 1 Reply @deborahjoyvalentine6180 4 hours ago YEA, WE The Legal Am People can Comment freely! WE can watch RED Disco dancing; and Elon expose Lemon endlessly Reply @CharlotteWolfe-qe5jj 3 hours ago Reply @ValterUngerson 4 hours ago Sorry musk youtube is not for sale. 1 Reply @kbrat5465 4 hours ago Thank you Jesus 1 Reply @CosmoSlicer 5 hours ago Sounds horrible 1 Reply @kathynash6780 7 minutes ago Reply @radojkafloer6608 35 minutes ago Reply @user-it3rm8dv7r 1 hour ago Elon Your The Master Thank You 🇦🇮🇦🇮🇦🇮🇦🇮🇦🇮🇦🇮 Reply @mbp-2150 1 hour ago Reply @KathyCuming 5 hours ago Be careful what you wish for. That much power in the hands of one person? Also,, will he boot people off YT like he boots them off X? 3 Reply @lynhart7158 3 hours ago 🫶 Reply @user-pt1jn6qw6j 4 hours ago ELON HAVE THE VERY VERY GOOD GOD BE ALWAYS WITH YOU A FOR GOOD 1 Reply @user-zt3dw2uu1l 1 hour ago Please!!!¡ Reply @tallcat55 3 hours ago Yey Reply @connieprudhel296 4 hours ago Reply @natayachantakasamkun1004 33 minutes ago ️️️️ Reply @gypsyheart7370 2 hours ago 🇺🇲 Reply @mariecummings3337 3 hours ago Reply @QuiLe-qw5jb 5 hours ago Reply @bubelominuteman1805 4 hours ago Thank goodness! There is a higher power! 1 Reply @rudybenavides9681 2 hours ago Reply @Moe-td3cx 6 hours ago Reply @SarieItumeleng-qs6kr 6 hours ago Reply @yolandaeldora939 6 hours ago one more place I will have to choose to quit..... I do not trust this man his points of view and what he will do to the one place creeps like him to use and control what I post and or look at!!!!!!!!!! 4 Reply 1 reply @donnavercautrenpotterybarn9743 1 hour ago Reply @raymarshall2995 4 hours ago And seriously, who cares. He can't stand not having control of a platform. Intervention will come. 2 Reply @MariaGavris-xl6ul 2 hours ago Reply @One.-- 1 hour ago LOL He can't afford it LOL 1 Reply @KaijuGameplayTv6592 6 hours ago this will destroy youtube, if he is destroying twitter aka x then for sure he will with youtube. 7 Reply 4 replies @lostlands42 5 hours ago If this is true yooohooo 2 Reply @jeskoog 4 hours ago No! I need to cancel my YouTube subscription right now! I don't trust him I'll never trust him He's on the move and it's not going to be a pretty ending 3 Reply @restybal 4 hours ago Why fix what is not broken? Reply

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