Why Big Pharma Killed President EisenhowerOn September 24, 1955, President Eisenhower – World War II hero and beloved president – was playing golf at his Denver home, when he suddenly collapsed from what was a rare disease at the time. He had a heart attack. Although nobody knew it then... and though you won’t read about it in any history book... This was a watershed moment that would change the course of modern medicine forever. One that would make heart disease the #1 killer of Americans – and would establish Big Pharma as America’s #1 most profitable industry. Hi, my name is Dr. Al Sears. The story I’m unveiling today has HUGE implications for your personal health, and that of your family. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with heart disease, you need to know the exact details of what took place. Because this story doesn’t just tell you WHO is responsible... It tells you WHY. As in...
Yet the REAL story behind it is virtually unknown. Within 24 hours of Ike’s heart attack, special interests seized the opportunity. They manufactured a crisis, a founding myth, and a “solution.” They shoved this propaganda down the American public’s throat. And in doing so, they singlehandedly sent America’s health spiraling downhill for the next six decades. Over the next few minutes, I’ll expose this near-60-year-old Big Pharma conspiracy. I’ll name the names. I’ll track the money. And at each stage, I’ll answer the BIG question: “Who benefits?” What’s more, I’ll reveal how you can safeguard yourself from heart disease forever with solutions that are 100 percent natural, affordable, effective, and safe.
You see, I’ve spent the last...
30 Years Fighting Big Pharma
Since graduating from medical school three decades ago, I’ve worked hard to develop a different kind of practice. |
Dr. Al Sears, M.D.
There are safe treatments that could forever rid your body of heart disease. Treatments you can apply from home, for pennies on the dollar.
But they’re natural, so Big Pharma can’t patent them.
That’s why they do NOT want you to hear about them.
In just a moment, I’ll share with you the shocking details of nine censored heart solutions ... where you can find them at your local grocery, health food store, or pharmacy... and how you can begin using them TODAY.
If you’re one of 70 percent of Americans suffering with some form of heart disease, I urge you to read on for the details.
What you’re about to see could save you a fortune on insanely expensive heart procedures.
Conventional therapies like...
- A $1,500-a-pop statin (cholesterol-lowering) drug prescription...
- A $40,000 coronary stent...
- A $200,000 (or more) coronary bypass surgery...
They could also deplete or even wipe out your retirement savings – even if you have health insurance or Medicare. (According to CNBC, medical bills are America’s #1 cause of bankruptcy, with 1.7 million Americans going bankrupt every year. And procedures like open heart surgery are some of the most expensive out there.)
And the worst part is, it’s all for nothing.
Did you know, for instance, that 85 percent of heart bypass surgeries are unnecessary?
Yet specialists love them because they can cost $200,000 (or more). Not a bad payday.
And the statin drug guidelines are so broad, almost 95 percent of new users are being prescribed drugs they don’t need.
President Eisenhower’s Farewell Address
President Eisenhower warns the American public as he leaves office on January 17, 1961
You’ve likely heard about Eisenhower’s famous farewell address, and his warning of the “undue influence warranted by the military-industrial complex.”Eisenhower was no stranger to the dangers of monopoly corporations pulling the strings of government to increase their power and influence. What made the military-industrial complex all the more dangerous was its ability to manufacture enemies and crises – which then stirs the American public into a war frenzy, leading to greater war spending and profits. Big Pharma – the “medical industrial complex” – is no different. They can as easily manufacture health crises – “epidemics” that call for new drugs and therapies, which the unelected FDA then rubber-stamps. |
As you’re about to see, there are nine life-saving alternatives that are 100 percent safe, effective, and inexpensive.
Today, I’ll shed light on each of these... the FDA’s efforts to censor them... and the independent studies backing their healing power. All the facts you need to build a disease-proof heart.
But before I do, let me tell you the REAL background story behind Big Pharma’s “mother of all lies”...
And how it ultimately took President Eisenhower’s life.
It’s a story that went unreported until recently.
When I dug deep into the history, I found the scheming and intrigue behind this myth was astonishing.
It implicates prestigious researchers, non-profit associations, and their big donors.
Which is why this story remains censored to this day.
In fact, Eisenhower even warned of this secret plot.
And while everybody knows he warned of a military-industrial complex during his farewell address...
Virtually nobody knows about his other warning – a warning just as ominous for the American public, if not more so.
Eisenhower’s CENSORED Warning
Near the end of his farewell address to America, Ike warned of the “scientific technological elite.”These political and scientific insiders were:
- NOT interested in the truth...
- NOT interested in real science, and...
- NOT interested in the American public’s well-being.
A small clique of career-obsessed bureaucrats only interested only in profits.
Their research serves as a marketing tool for highly lucrative drugs.
But it does nothing to improve public health.
Ike saw this development as the end of scientific discovery and curiosity.
You see, during World War II, while then-General Eisenhower was fighting for American freedoms...
A small group of drug companies was working against our freedoms.
They pulled their strings in government.
They consolidated and grabbed market share.
By the Eisenhower era, the drug industry was dominated by a handful of conglomerates.
A cartel we know today as “Big Pharma.”
And they were already leveraging control of scientific research for massive profits.
Eisenhower undoubtedly saw this trend. As you’re about to see, he even experienced the results personally.
So he knew this would shape America’s health in the decades ahead.
But this part of Ike’s address is all but ignored, censored, and “off-the-record.”
And that’s unfortunate, because it has mushroomed exponentially since that address. Scientists who support “facts” for Big Pharma’s profit – and their own careers – are putting everyday Americans in imminent danger.
That’s why it’s imperative you heed Ike’s warning if you’re concerned about your own health, and that of your family.
The very first victory of this new “scientific technological elite” took place on September 24, 1955 – within 24 hours of Ike’s famous heart attack. It was...
The Day Everything Changed...
Even though 950,000 people still die every year as a direct result...And although these deaths are easily preventable...
I doubt one in 10,000 Americans know about September 24, 1955.
The events on this dark day triggered a six-decade propaganda campaign – one that’s misled doctors and scientists to...
- Focus on the WRONG causes of heart disease...
- Ignore hundreds of natural, inexpensive, and safe heart disease treatments...
- And instead prescribe dangerous drugs that actually make heart problems worse, alongside 300 other deadly side effects.
Their public relations “experts” immediately appeared on TV and told America a frightening story.
They claimed there was a devastating new “epidemic” of heart disease.
And they blamed excess fat and cholesterol in Americans' diets.
To confront this “crisis,” they declared a new war.
A war on fat.
They labeled ALL fat as evil. Especially saturated fats.
They demonized entire categories of so-called “fatty foods.”
In turn, the “experts” proposed radical changes to the American way of life. They recommended that Americans stop smoking. Engage in 30 minutes of cardio each day. And adopt the “Prudent Diet,” a low-cholesterol diet consisting of corn oil, margarine, chicken, and cold cereal.
What was their real agenda? And who benefited?
According to the Harvard School of Public Health...
“The food companies saw a tremendous marketing opportunity, and re-engineered thousands of foods to be lower in fat or fat free.”
But in order to make their new agenda stick, they needed somebody famous as a model for everyday Americans.And who could fit that bill better than Eisenhower – war hero and beloved president?
As you’re about to see, they not only made Ike the guinea pig for their hypothesis...
They even used the press coverage of Eisenhower’s recovery as free advertising.
How “The Cholesterol Hoax”
Destroyed the Once-Healthy
American Lifestyle
Twice each day, for six months, the press covered every aspect of Ike’s recovery – every medicine and every dietary guideline.
New York Times, April 17, 1956
For the first time the word “cholesterol” entered the public vocabulary.
It became a dangerous evil, a monster, a villain.
They portrayed cholesterol as the “new polio.”
Millions of Americans – frightened by the new “epidemic” – quickly embraced any solutions the so-called “experts” handed out.
When the dust settled, Americans had learned to watch the fat and cholesterol in their diets.
New York Times, November 6, 1956
None of it was true.
Not a single word of it.
As the Wall Street Journal recently reported...
“There has never been solid evidence for the idea that [saturated] fats cause heart disease.”
In fact, later research would confirm these fats have plenty of proven health benefits, including preventing and reversing heart disease!But once “facts” like these are born, they never seem to die. No matter the research or studies that disprove them. Not when so much money is at stake.
You see, this myth not only gave birth to poor dietary guidelines...
It also spawned the most lucrative class of drugs ever invented.
That includes the most lucrative (and deadliest) drug known to mankind.
Sales to date from this drug alone have totaled a whopping $140 billion!
And this #1 cash cow hinges on this one single myth.
That’s why it will NOT go away so easily.
Your own doctor likely still believes it.
But I think you’ll be surprised at just how little research there is to back it.
In a minute, you’ll hear all the details on how Ike was its first victim.
But first, let me expose how they used Eisenhower’s own doctor to administer their poison.
Ike as Big Pharma’s Guinea Pig?
Although top scientists and researchers were rallying behind the new myth...
Ike’s Doctor Debunks the Hoax
In 1956, an American Heart Association fund-raiser aired on the three major television networks. |
Dr. Paul Dudley White, Harvard cardiologist and Eisenhower’s personal physician.
White knew this cholesterol mythology was 100 percent false.
In fact, he publicly debunked it on a live broadcast in a panel debate with his peers.
But here’s the incredible thing...
Even with NO new research, studies, or trials to support the cholesterol hypothesis...
Dr. White reversed his position, and jumped on the bandwagon for the sake of his own career.
Is it a coincidence Eisenhower’s own doctor was the perfect example of the “scientific-technological elite”?
I’ll leave that for you to decide.
You see, this diet had POWERFUL backers from Big Pharma and Big Agriculture.
Like Procter & Gamble, with billions of dollars on the table selling vegetable oils in place of fat-heavy cooking.
P&G’s funding even helped transform the American Heart Association into a powerhouse organization.
In fact, the AHA’s most avid proponent of the “lipid theory,” Fred Mattson, was a scientist (and shill) for Procter & Gamble.
Mattson even helped P&G develop Olestra, a cholesterol-free replacement for fat in foods and cooking oils.
And in 1958, two years after Eisenhower’s heart attack, Kraft introduced polyunsaturated margarine to the market. A product they advertised as a “heart healthy” alternative to butter.
With this kind of money at stake, the increasingly powerful drug and food conglomerates weren’t taking any chances.
That’s why they hired leading medical experts to tout the new party line.
Today, drug companies STILL recruit “key opinion leaders” as hired guns for their marketing campaigns.
These top physicians endorse Big Pharma’s drugs. In return, they achieve celebrity status and popularity. And they enforce Big Pharma’s ideas in the medical community.
That includes ostracizing and blacklisting doctors who buck the status quo.
These mouthpieces for Big Pharma embody the very “scientific technological elite” that Eisenhower warned of.
Ike Killed by Rat Poison?The year before Eisenhower’s heart attack, Bristol-Myers’ new blood-thinner Coumadin received FDA approval. Before then, it was used as rat poison.The National Poison Center still labels warfarin – the generic name for Coumadin – a dangerous rodenticide. And guess who was the first one selected to test-drive the drug? That’s right – Dr. Paul Dudley White prescribed this rat poison to Eisenhower during the president’s recovery. This move was profitable for Big Pharma, but disastrous for Ike’s health. When the media reported on Eisenhower’s use of Coumadin, it instantly became the popular go-to drug for blood clot prevention. And now it’s one of the top 10 most prescribed drugs in the world. One that hands Big Pharma $15.3 billion per year. And it’s growing by the day. But did anyone hear about Eisenhower’s awful symptoms and side effects? While he was still on the drug, Ike developed chronic inflammation of his intestines. His medical condition was critical, even requiring bowel surgery, so his doctors temporarily suspended his Coumadin therapy. After he recovered, Ike again started to take Coumadin, which led to a brain hemorrhage in 1957. Yet the media, and his doctors, failed to make the connection between Ike’s diminishing health and this dangerous blood-thinner. |
That’s why he would not only go along with the new dogma...
Supporting ideas he knew were dead wrong...
And aiding in the corruption of medical knowledge...
But would even turn around and prescribe this very same diet to Ike.
Thanks to this single move, the link between cholesterol and heart disease became “gospel.”
Yet not a shred of research supported it.
No studies, no trials, nothing.
Americans swallowed the propaganda like an overpriced pill.
Everyone now “knew” the “evils” of fat and cholesterol in their diets.
Yet amazingly, nobody heard about...
“The Eisenhower Paradox”
Ironically, Eisenhower’s own condition – used by Big Pharma to push their agenda – 100 percent contradicted the “cholesterol myth.”At the time of his heart attack, Eisenhower’s cholesterol was ONLY 165 mg/dL.
Ike also exercised every day and kept a perfect weight of 172.
In other words, he seemed to be in perfect condition.
And Ike’s case was hardly unusual.
According to a published analysis of the Framingham Heart Study...
75 percent of patients admitted to the hospital for heart attacks have normal cholesterol levels.
In short, cholesterol is a terrible predictor of heart disease.
That should have been the lesson. The end of the story.
But Americans didn’t hear about this from the media.
All they heard was Eisenhower’s new cholesterol-free diet.
New York Times, September 21, 1955
He no longer ate eggs, bacon, and steak for breakfast.
And over time, at the insistence of Dr. White, his diet regimen grew stricter.
In fact, some days he would eat nothing but grapefruit and melba toast.
The press carefully reported every detail.
And as a result, Americans jumped on board the new “heart healthy” diet fad.
But this diet came with dire consequences for Ike’s health, mind, and body.
The same suffering millions of Americans would experience over the next 59 years.
And STILL experience today.
The results are clear....
According to the Harvard School of Public Health, back in the 1960s when Americans consumed more fat, the rate of obesity was 13 percent and only one percent suffered from type 2 diabetes.
Today, although we consume MUCH less fat in our diets, the rate of obesity has soared as high as 45 percent and 8 percent now suffer from type 2 diabetes.
This is from Harvard University – could you think of a more reliable source?
Bottom line:
The Harvard study concludes...
“The low-fat diet hasn’t helped us control weight or become healthier.”
President Eisenhower’s own experience is a case in point.
After Ike began following this “heart-healthy” diet, his cholesterol levels soared.
They jumped from 165... to 195... to 225... to 259 mg/dL.
His weight skyrocketed too.
The president grew increasingly frustrated, even obsessed with his cholesterol.
At one point he even checked his levels 10 times each year.
The more his cholesterol soared, the more religiously Ike stuck to the diet.
A fact that dumbfounded his team of top physicians and enraged the president.
It got so bad the president’s doctors even started lying to him about his real levels.
Yet this didn’t stop the “experts” from continuing to push this mythology.
Six days before Ike’s cholesterol level reached 259, Ancel Keys – a protégé of Eisenhower’s doctor – published his famous “7 countries study.”
In fact, Dr. Paul Dudley White helped Keys secure government funding for the study.
It was...
“The Junk Science That Kicked Off the
Cholesterol Myth”
The study famously linked heart disease and cholesterol levels.It championed the same cholesterol-free diet that Eisenhower personally knew was false.
And it established the “lipid hypothesis” as accepted “fact.”
But here’s what no one knew at the time: Ancel Keys “cherry picked” the evidence so he could associate heart disease with fat and cholesterol intake.
Keys studied 22 countries, but only focused on the 6 countries which supported his thesis.
The 16 other countries actually disproved his entire idea... but he left them out.
There’s a word for this kind of research – propaganda.
Nevertheless, the medical world rallied around his theory.
Keys ended up on the cover of Time Magazine.
Two weeks later, the American Heart Association officially adopted the cholesterol theory of heart disease.
The Deadly Fatty Acid
Up until recently, humans have consumed a roughly equal ratio of omega-3 fatty acids – vital for your heart’s function – and omega-6s. This equal ratio is essential for preventing heart disease. |
Lowering LDL (“bad”) cholesterol was now the primary focus of preventive medicine.
The ironic part is, Eisenhower was experiencing firsthand just how wrong this theory was... and paying for it with his health and life.
Throughout the 1960s, Eisenhower suffered seven heart attacks and 14 myocardial infarctions... even as he stuck religiously to the “heart-healthy diet.”
In 1969, the famous war hero and beloved president died from his last heart attack.
In circles today, it’s known as the “Eisenhower Paradox.”
And while this is only a single anecdotal piece of evidence...
The So-Called “Eisenhower Paradox”
The medical establishment is still force-feeding us the same myth that ultimately killed Eisenhower.
Remember: the conventional wisdom is that LDL cholesterol causes arterial plaque buildup, ultimately obstructing our blood flow and leading to heart disease.
You’ve heard it. I heard it repeated from elementary to medical school. And like my colleagues, I believed it without question.
That is, until I read thousands of studies proving otherwise.
Yes, LDL cholesterol can be found in the plaque that builds up along damaged arteries.
But this point misses a simple fact – one even a high school physiology course could tell you...
The damage to your arteries happens before NOT after the plaque builds up. Plaque is your body’s response to heart disease, not the cause of it.
LDL cholesterol catches blame because it’s found at the scene of the crime.
But that’s a lot like blaming a scab for the injury that caused it to form... or like blaming a band-aid for the injury its covering.
The truth is that the REAL culprit for heart disease has always been inflammation.
And the worst part is... the inflammation in our blood vessels is caused in part by the low-fat diet recommended for years by modern medicine.
That’s why Eisenhower’s heart disease grew worse, even on his “heart-healthy” diet... which replaced so-called “artery-clogging” butter with toxic vegetable oils.
And that’s why 950,000 Americans continue to die each year from heart disease, even as they consume record quantities of low-fat food, vegetable oils, and cholesterol-lowering drugs.
In fact, the truth about inflammation is old news. But the medical establishment still ignores it. Even when the mainstream media occasionally gets it right.
The Time article starts with a description of the conventional explanation of heart disease.
But I was stunned that this blunt article actually reached the mainstream.
Of course, this was more than 10 years ago. And in spite of the attention generated by this article, the market for cholesterol-lowering drugs to counteract heart disease has skyrocketed five-fold since then.
In short, there’s nothing stopping Big Pharma’s relentless march for profits... no amount of evidence... no matter how airtight... even from a prestigious source like Time Magazine.
Their profit margins trump proof. And it certainly trumps your health and your life.
But I have good news.
You don’t have to fall victim to their mass guinea pig experiment.
I’ve identified three urgent indicators of heart disease you can check with a simple blood test.
These tests indicate (with startling accuracy) that you could be at imminent risk of a heart attack or stroke.
In fact, one of these indicators can predict when that risk may jump by as much as 500 percent.
A review of 26 articles, published in the Journal of Biotechnology Information, proved even a very tiny increase in levels – 5 mcg – confirms a 20 percent increase in heart disease risk ... independent of ANYother factors for heart disease.
And I can speak from personal experience as a physician.
Take the incredible case of one of my patients, Edward N., 48 years old, who walked into my Center for Health and Wellness about ten years ago.
Ed had suffered two strokes, but what baffled medical experts was he showed none of the traditional risk factors.
He worked as a roofer his whole life, so he was physically active. He was muscular, cut and, ripped. In fact, he looked like a body builder. He didn’t smoke and drink. At 155 pounds, he was not overweight. And his cholesterol levels were normal at 150 mg/dL.
Not your typical stroke victim, right?
So when he first came to my practice, doctors told him he had a 80 percent likelihood of a third stroke.
I tested Ed for one of these indicators and his levels showed 26 – the highest I’ve ever seen.
In one study of people who had had a stroke but had no other risk factors, 90 percent had elevated levels of this indicator.
Yet, incredibly, no one ever checked Ed’s levels.
And Ed wasn’t alone. Only a few of my patients ever had this indicator previously checked by their personal physicians.
Why is this the case?
The story of one of my patients, a 66-year-old woman, gives a clue.
Like Ed, she suffered from strokes. But all of her factors were normal. So I planned to check her blood for this stroke and heart disease indicator.
When she told her neurologist of my plan, he asked, “Why are they checking for that? Even if it is elevated, there is no drug to lower it.”
In the neurologist’s view, no drug equals no solution.
The simple truth is, no drug is necessary.
It’s easy to lower these levels quite effectively and reliably with safe and inexpensive supplements available at your local grocery, or health food store.
Which is why doctors and specialists, beholden to Big Pharma, don’t conduct these simple tests. Many of have never even heard of them.
With Ed’s case, I was able to lower his levels using a simple vitamin therapy. One you could apply at home.
And he never experienced a stroke again.
Even when his other doctors encouraged him to “get his affairs in order,” because of what they claimed was an 80 percent risk of another stroke.
Today, Ed is in his 60s and enjoying an active, productive life.
And Ed’s experience is hardly unusual.
I have a file drawer full of similar cases, with similar results.
I detail this, along with two other urgent heart disease indicators, inside my FREE dossier:
Each solution and insight you’ll find inside may prove vital to your heart health, and that of someone you love.
And here’s the thing.
To take advantage of these heart therapies...
The courage to stand up to people who tell you that drugs and surgery are the ONLY way.
If you’re willing to make that life-changing move...
If you’re motived to start taking back control of your health and well-being...
And if you are willing to buck the convention wisdom for the sake of your family...
Then my groundbreaking research is definitely for you.
And I urge you to act today.
In just a moment, I’ll show you how and where you can access your copy of, The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power
But here’s the thing... I’ve limited our openings to ONLY 500 new readers today.
So you’ll need to act fast before this handful of spaces fill up.
To be sure, if I allowed everyone to access this information, the FDA could crack down hard.
They could shut down my practice.
They could even revoke my medical license.
They’ve done so to dozens of top doctors in the past.
No surprise.
After all, trillions of dollars are made from diseases NOT being cured.
Men will resort to any means with this kind of money at stake.
That’s why I’m limiting the number of new openings.
And that’s why I can’t tell you ALL the details right here.
But in just a moment, I will share some of the details on these life-saving cures.
However, before I do, let me tell you the exciting news...
After nearly 60 years, the “Cholesterol Myth” is finally blowing up...
They can no longer hold the lid on this story.
And the truth is going mainstream.
In 2014, Time Magazine reversed course after six decades.
Their June cover story declared the end of the war on fat.
They even exposed Ancel Keys for his junk science.
It was now once again okay to eat butter.
Time acted like this was based on “new science.”
But don’t buy it.
For decades top scientists have confirmed the health benefits of saturated fat and cholesterol.
But still, with few exceptions, the mainstream media did not listen and continued to push a dietary philosophy that still exists to this day – one that continues to do great harm to people’s health.
Simply because the “Cholesterol Myth” is the backbone of Big Pharma and their statin drug profit machine.
And they’re not letting up.
Not with billions of dollars pouring into their corporate bank accounts.
Welcome to the new “drug war.”
100 Billion Reasons Why
A quick background: the drug industry started work on statins in the 1950s, around the same time the Cholesterol Myth became Gospel.
But statins didn’t reach the market until 1986, when Merck received FDA approval for the drug lovastatin.
Since then, statins have exploded into a $100 billion industry with no end in sight.
One out of every four Americans over age 45 now takes these cholesterol-lowering drugs, with disastrous results for their health and well-being.
That’s why the media, dependent on Big Pharma for $27 billion of advertising, has blacked out independent research which proves that these drugs take a heavy toll on human health.
In fact, over 900 independent studies confirm that statin use is strongly associated with...
Most of them serious, even deadly problems.
I’ve seen firsthand the damage these drugs can do.
Take Roy G., a friend of mine from college who suffered a heart attack. He came to me seeking help after his cardiologist put him on prescription drugs to help him “recover” from his heart attack.
Sitting in my consultation room, Roy looked at me with tears in his eyes.
“If this is what it’s like to survive a heart attack, I’d rather die.”
Roy was under 50 and had no prior knowledge that he suffered from heart disease.
His cardiologist’s only advice for him was to take prescription blood pressure and cholesterol drugs. But these drugs only interfered with the rehabilitation and the reconditioning of Roy’s heart.
He experienced common symptoms like...
If you’re on statins, or beta-blockers like Altace and Lopressor, it’s likely you’ve felt the same symptoms.
And so do millions of other Americans.
But before I continue Roy’s story, let me address the obvious question...
Now, you might be thinking that, for all of these symptoms and side effects, at least statins prevent heart attacks, right?
72 Million Americans Are Taking
In one of medicine’s strangest ironies, statins can ultimately end up CAUSING heart disease.
In December 2009, a study on statin drugs published in the Journal of Clinical Cardiology sent shockwaves throughout the medical community with proof that statin therapy weakens the heart muscle.
But here’s why this should have surprised no one.
Hundreds of clinical studies have proven that statin drugs...
But here’s the kicker.
Statin drugs deplete your body’s Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) levels – a vital nutrient for your heart’s functioning.
In fact, studies have found they can deplete your CoQ10 levels by as much as 45 percent.
This is especially critical in patients 45 and older, who usually experience a 75 percent loss of CoQ10 as they age.
That’s why I prescribed my friend Roy a 1,600 mg dose of a highly concentrated form of CoQ10.
Within 24 hours, he reported feeling better.
What’s more, I helped ween Roy off his prescription drugs.
Within several days of stopping Lipitor – the most highly prescribed statin drug – his muscle pain vanished. And after stopping the beta-blocker Lopressor, his chronic fatigue disappeared.
After using just three of the strategies you’ll discover in your FREE copy of The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power, Roy’s weight dropped from 235 pounds and 30 percent body fat down to 185 pounds and 16 percent body fat.
His heart grew stronger. His blood pressure normalized. His “good cholesterol” increased, while his “bad cholesterol” decreased. And his third stress test showed little evidence that Roy ever had a heart attack.
Not only does Roy’s case disprove traditional heart care treatment, it debunks conventional medical wisdom, which says its “impossible” to improve your heart strength after a heart attack.
Yet, even with several decades of evidence and over 100 studies confirming the cardiac benefits of CoQ10 – without side effects – people are only beginning to catch onto the nutrient. And many physicians still deny its use as a heart treatment.
Three decades ago, I was one of the first physicians to check my patients’ CoQ10 levels.
At the time, nobody spoke of CoQ10. Few doctors were privy to its importance.
And ONLY one lab in the country even measured CoQ10 levels. What’s more, getting these results was expensive, slow, and tedious.
As it turned out, my own studies revealed 82 percent of my patients were deficient of this vital nutrient.
This is when I began using CoQ10 therapy in my practice. And with the right dose, over half my patients were able to stop their blood pressure and cholesterol medication.
Take the example of one of my patients, a retired chorus line dancer from New York City, who came to my Center for Health and Wellness for the first time with high blood pressure – even though she was taking two blood pressure medications and a statin.
She said she felt constant fatigue and memory loss.
Her blood work turned up that her CoQ10 levels were lower than 95 percent of the population.
After taking a therapeutic dose of CoQ10 for several months, she was able to stop her blood pressure medications. And now she maintains a normal blood pressure.
She also reports feeling “energized” and she recovered her memory.
She returned to her cardiologist to tell him the good news.
But when she showed him her CoQ10 supplement had normalized her blood pressure better than drugs, he became irate.
He told her CoQ10 could not possibly help her blood pressure. And then he threw her CoQ10 in the trash!
I’d like to tell you stories like this are rare. But they’re not. My patients report similar reactions from their specialist doctors.
And the worst part is, the drug industry is well-aware of this deadly side effect.
They invented a CoQ10-statin combo drug, patented it, and locked it away so it would never reach the market.
Incredible, right?
How many lives were lost from this cold-blooded move?
And in Canada, the government label on statin drugs warns about the depletion of CoQ10...
“...could lead to impaired cardiac function in patients with borderline congestive heart failure.”
Yet the FDA has NOT required a similar warning, although it could save millions of lives.
And the agency continues to rubber-stamp Big Pharma’s statin drugs, no matter the evidence.
They don’t even need the slightest bit of proof that these drugs treat heart disease.
That’s because government bureaucrats have accepted the Cholesterol Myth as “fact.”
This means, in order to receive FDA approval, all these drug companies need to prove is their drug lowers cholesterol. That’s it. No proof of its effects on heart disease. Nothing.
Can you see why this Cholesterol Myth is so deadly?
Millions of people with heart disease are receiving the wrong treatment.
And the worst part is, there’s no proof that lowering cholesterol has any clinical benefits.
The truth is, you should NOT “lower your cholesterol.”
Cholesterol is a good thing.
In fact, higher cholesterol saves lives.
For instance, a 10-year study in the prestigious journal Lancet proved people with higher cholesterol had a lower risk of dying from any cause.
And a large first-of-its-kind study published in the American Heart Journal found an inverse relationship between cholesterol levels and death.
Researchers investigated 17,791 heart disease patients and concluded that lower total cholesterol predicts increased mortality risk with startling accuracy.
All told, patients with cholesterol of 150 mg/dL – a level considered healthy – were at 48 percent greater risk of death than patients at so-called “dangerous” levels of 250 mg/dL.
These aren’t claims from some quack doctor or website.
They’re peer-reviewed studies from schools and medical journals with impeccable credentials.
But the medical establishment ignores their findings.
And according to the FDA, “the benefits of statin drugs outweigh the risk.”
Or, more accurately, the profit motive outweighs their concern for your health and well-being.
Heart disease is the #1 killer of Americans...
And mainstream medicine is incapable of stopping it.
In fact, everything they’re doing is making the situation worse.
And let’s face it...
As long as their balance sheets are healthy, they don’t care if you are.
But you don’t have to fall victim to their fraud.
And you don’t have to participate in Big Pharma’s mass guinea pig experiment.
Your only choice now is to take matters into your own hands, for the sake of you and your loved ones.
This is exactly why I’ve scoured over 30 countries searching for therapies and natural treatments for some of the worst illnesses and ailments known to man.
And that’s exactly why I’ve assembled my FREE dossier...
If that describes you... and if you’ve read this far I believe it does... I urge you to reserve your copy today.
The best part is, these secret heart disease therapies:
Just to be clear, in determining what qualifies as a real therapy, I’ve ruled out hundreds of “fakes” and “snake oils” along the way.
In order to fit the bill, these heart health solutions had to pass my rigorous 5-fold criteria:
Reverse Heart Disease
One of these is what I call a “third generation” form of CoQ10. Let me explain...
CoQ10 has been around for years. And it’s been helpful, to say the least. But there are major drawbacks to the old types of CoQ10: They’re both weak and expensive.
The problem with most commercially available CoQ10 supplements is that they use a cheaper form of the enzyme – known as ubiquinone – that is extremely difficult for your body to absorb.
Especially for people over the age of 50, who have trouble converting available CoQ10 into its usable form.
I used to tell my patients to take 400 mg of the old CoQ10 every eight hours to keep their blood levels high enough. It worked out. But it was very expensive. They could easily go through a bottle or two a week.
So in 2007, I met with the renowned Japanese biomolecular researcher, Dr. Tatsumasa Mae, who discovered a new form of CoQ10 – ubiquinol – and introduced me to his research.
After looking over Dr. Mae’s results, I knew this would change the field of cardiovascular health. And it did.
At that time, no one had heard of ubiquinol, the “reduced” form of CoQ10. But it changed the lives of my patients.
Ubiquinol allows your body to absorb 8 times the amount of CoQ10 as ordinary supplements. With just one caplet a day, your heart gets all of the same health benefits of CoQ10 – at a fraction of the cost.
Well now, years later, I’ve uncovered a breakthrough nutrient. One just as revolutionary as Dr. Mae’s discovery. And potentially even more so.
It’s what I call “3G” CoQ10.
You see, CoQ10 stimulates the production of energy in the mitochondria. So it’s limited by the number and power-generating capacity of mitochondria a person has. Or should I say, has left.
That's because your mitochondria ultimately become damaged and decrease in number as you age. And until now, the only way to create new mitochondria was though exhausting, vigorous exercise.
But this new “3G” CoQ10 is changing all of that.
This newly-discovered nutrient activates genes that trigger mitochondrial biogenesis—the spontaneous formation of new mitochondria in aging cells!
In short, th+is is the only nutrient I know of that can increase the number of mitochondria.
And taken the way I’ll show you, in the right dose and together with ubiquinol CoQ10... this nutrient could singlehandedly prevent and EVEN reverse heart disease.
And you might guess, it doesn’t stop at heart disease either.
According to dozens of independent studies, from prestigious institutions like the University of California, this “3G” nutrient has enormous implications for age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s and type 2 diabetes.
I’ll share all the details with you on this miracle heart cure, along with eight others, inside my FREE dossier: The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power.
The information inside could save you a small fortune on dangerous prescriptions and surgeries.
Not to mention save you immeasurable pain and suffering inflicted by these conventional “treatments.”
It’s all in this FREE dossier – and in a minute I’ll show you where you can instantly access this online.
But before I do, you need to know about...
The American Heart Association’s
Big Pharma couldn’t reap the extreme profits it does – at your expense – without some friends in high places.
For instance, there’s the American Heart Association (AHA), which does its fair share to expand the market for statin drugs.
In 2014, the AHA’s “Cholesterol Panel” released new guidelines that will double the number of statin drug users to 72 million.
In total, that would force half of the U.S. population over age 45 to take these deadly drugs.
That’s 36 million new customers for Big Pharma.
And if successful, a new $21 billion per year windfall.
Many of these people are perfectly healthy.
In fact, the new guidelines are so broad, they could include virtually everyone. And that’s the point. It’s not to treat people with heart problems, but create a whole new market for the drug industry.
That’s why experts like my friend, colleague, and board-certified cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra claim this new treatment protocol for statin drugs is at best 20 percent accurate.
What’s more, escalating demand for statins will drive already sky-high prices through the roof.
Just one of these prescriptions costs as much as $1,500. And sometimes even more.
But thanks to the AHA’s latest guidelines, this could easily double.
In return, the AHA receives $31 million annually from giant statin producers.
Apparently our leaders are willing to sell us out for a few pieces of gold.
This is a scale of corruption usually reserved for Third World dictatorships.
But in America’s health industry...
Where profit reigns supreme over health...
Where the drug industry will go to no limits to expand their profit margins...
And where our elected officials are willing to ignore their obligation to protect our safety...
It’s an everyday occurrence.
But once you dig a little deeper, it’s not hard to see why they’re serving us on a silver platter.
According to The New York Times, 12 out of the 16 members of the AHA’s “Cholesterol Panel” had financial ties to the drug industry.
These ties include over 50 different companies in the pharmaceutical industry.
Even more outrageous, only seven of the panel members disclosed this blatant conflict of interest.
It’s not just the drug industry either.
The AHA also gets its bread and butter from Big Agriculture.
It’s food certification program charges as much as $7,500 per product for the AHA seal of approval.
In total, the organization receives as much as $2 million a year from companies like Kellogg’s and General Mills.
And countless people are duped into thinking food is healthy to eat because of the AHA certification.
My point is simple.
You’ve seen the proof.
You’ve seen the numbers.
If their plot could EVEN take out Dwight D. Eisenhower – World War II hero and our beloved 34thpresident – do you think everyday Americans are safe?
Of course not.
But listen.
There’s good news...
The drug companies are NOT all powerful.
They haven’t banned every heart disease therapy available.
In their obsession for power and profit, they’ve let nine potent disease killers fly under their radar.
They’ve grown lazy and arrogant. They think because they bought the media, and most of the medical field, their minions will do the work of censorship. And for the most part, that’s true. That’s why you’ll never hear about these heart cures from the press.
But they don’t control me.
And today I’m blowing the lid open on nine secret health disease cures. You’ll find specific details on each of these in my FREE dossier:
There’s more – much more – that I want to tell you about, and you’ll find it all in your FREE dossier: The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power.
Inside, you’ll find very simple and safe treatments you can use today from the comfort of your own home.
And you don’t need expensive doctor’s visits, prescriptions, or physical exams.
What’s more, they could save you a fortune on medical bills for dangerous (and unnecessary) drugs and surgeries.
That’s why I could sell this report by itself and make a nice living.
But today I’m sending it to your absolutely FREE.
When the FDA Went to War on Your Health
There’s no time to waste. It’s vital you see this now, before the FDA and “Big Government” put more restrictions on what you can do with your own body.
As you’ve seen, there’s an ongoing war on your health freedoms. Some of their attacks are covert, and out of the public eye. Some are blatant, and out in the open.
And the combined effect is destroying your personal liberties.
Let me be clear: You have the right to choose how you take care of your own body. I have been doing my best to give that choice to my patients. Now, if you will let me, I would like to give that choice to you, too.
And I believe what the English philosopher John Stuart Mills said back in the 1800s:
Some of these breakthroughs are happening right in our own backyard. Yet some of them are unfolding in remote, forgotten countries that don’t get the attention or funding they deserve.
And I’m working to bring ALL of these discoveries right to your eyes for you to make your own choices.
I also go to the famous “Blue Zones,” places where people are known for their extreme longevity. Places where heart disease doesn’t exist… where Alzheimer’s is unknown… and where no one is obese. I do it to uncover what their secrets are and make them available to my patients and readers.
Some of these places are well known. Others are more exotic and I have to dig deeper or actually live among the aboriginal natives. Secrets that nature herself seems to keep confidential.
The important thing for you is this: No matter how you’re feeling right now; I’ve very probably discovered natural and effective secrets for you to live better, and feel younger.
In fact, on my recent trip to Africa, I found an incredible number of healing secrets almost unknown in the West. The healers there showed me what they use to successfully treat prostate and breast cancer.
I was shocked and amazed to see photos and case studies, where people are half eaten up with cancer – and in the next picture, you can see they’ve been healed. A lesion on a woman’s breast almost gone in four days. Skin cancer healed, prostate cancer gone.
I Want You to Use these Breakthroughs to
That’s why I’m inviting you to join my inner circle of confidential insiders… a select group who wants an unrestricted, in-depth look at the cures, advice and healing secrets that are transforming the lives of the people who use them.
I call this new membership service Confidential Cures: Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World.
You see, until now, I haven’t had a way to tell you about all of these cures.
I share what I can in my daily Doctor’s House Call letter, but those are meant to be brief and give you just one piece of advice you can act on right away. There’s simply not enough room to cover everything I’ve found.
And there’s another problem. Because I offer nutrients to my patients, I can’t say that those nutrients treat or cure diseases. Why?
The FDA has a standing gag order in place, preventing ANYONE from making these claims when offering you a cure.
Until now, only my patients, staff and closest friends have had an unrestricted look at my discoveries from my travels. They’ve heard the stories, first-hand, about what is working for the patients who come to my clinic. And they’ve had a front-row seat to the latest anti-aging breakthroughs from my Wellness Research Foundation.
Confidential Cures: Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World is my solution for you.
Now it’s your turn.
As a member of this privileged group, you’ll have unrestricted access to information and advice you can act on immediately – information that will come to you on a monthly basis.
There’s a modest fee I’ll ask you to pay for this exclusive membership service, but it comes to less than the price of your morning coffee.
Just $3.25 a month – about what you’d pay for a good
Confidential Cures is only $39 for a 12-month subscription – an unbelievably modest $3.25 a month, or about the cost of a large coffee, or cappuccino from Starbucks.
Best of all, The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power is yours FREE when you subscribe to Confidential Cures today.
How important and exclusive is this?
Well, just remember that Confidential Cures offers you an inside look at remedies and treatments you’d never hear about otherwise – remedies that take you beyond the restrictive, “prescription only” tyranny of the big drug companies.
If this describes you, and if you’ve read this far I believe it does, I’m confident you’ll take action. But you’ll need to act fast before these 500 slots are filled up today. With the FDA cracking down on independent scientists and doctors, who knows if this website will still be here tomorrow.
Now, let me give you just a hint of what you’ll find every time you open an issue of Confidential Cures: Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World.
I’ll introduce you to the Nobel Prize-winning telomere and telomerase technology – the most important, dramatic, and still largely hidden anti-aging breakthrough of all time.
This alone would be worth your time and attention.
But you’ll also be given the keys to dozens of hidden cures, and forbidden technologies:
The African plains, the Amazon jungles, the Australian desert, the Antarctic Ocean – there is nowhere I won’t go if I think I can find something of value to bring back to you.
Ask yourself this one simple question – is my health and well-being worth the cost, once a month, of a cup of coffee?
And remember – when you sign up for Confidential Cures today, you will also receive, ABSOLUTELY FREE, your copy of The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power.
My Personal No-Risk, No-Hassle,
1. You must be completely satisfied with the discoveries and breakthroughs I share with you in Confidential Cures: Your Guide to Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World. If not, you may cancel your subscription at any time and receive a prompt refund for the entire year’s subscription rate.
That way you can review this exclusive service with NO risk and NO regrets.
2. And if you do cancel, you can still keep the FREE Bonus Gift you’ve received with my compliments and thanks.
So please hurry. I have so much to share with you.
I still have a decade’s worth of discoveries that will change the way you think about your body… your medicine cabinet… and your next birthday.
I showed you the hidden cause to the #1 killer of Americans.
And I invited you to try Confidential Cures RISK FREE for just a few dollars a month, with a special gift that shows you exactly how to implement life-saving heart cures RIGHT AWAY.
Now the decision is completely yours.
I wish I could click the Subscribe NOW button for you, but this is entirely up to you. Considering how much you stand to gain, I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to.
Don’t wait another minute.
I urge you to share in my latest Confidential Cures discoveries, and take advantage of the dramatic revelations, and unprecedented breakthroughs you’ll find in your FREE copy of The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power.
I’ll be with you every step of the way.
To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD
P.S. — Even if you don’t have heart disease yourself, or know someone who does, these proven techniques can easily ensure you and your family NEVER get heart disease to begin with... And if heart disease is in the early stages, (which may not show up during a regular check up), these little-known treatments can help wipe out, and eliminate the symptoms of heart disease before they take hold and overwhelm your body.
P.P.S. — It’s completely up to you whether you decide to try Confidential Cures. But what if I’m right? What if the little-known heart therapies that could have saved President Eisenhower’s life can really help you prevent, and treat heart disease, exactly as I say it will? Isn’t it worth a few minutes of your time to check it out?
P.P.P.S. — Remember, Confidential Cures comes with a completely risk-free, no time limit guarantee. You risk nothing but a few minutes of your time to find out more...
-Ronald Klatz, MD, DO Founder and President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
“Dr. Sears has distinguished himself as a leader in the area of Anti-Aging Medicine and recently in cell and telomere biology…”
-Frederic J. Vagnini, MD, FACS; Medical Director of the Heart, Diabetes and Weight Loss Centers of NY
“Dr. Sears masterfully explains how we can flip the switches that allow access to the store of human vitality that resides within each one of us. We understood how to do this when we were young and now Dr. Sears gives us the evidence-based means to tap into our potency, strength, and stamina with intention.”
-Paul L. Hester, MD, MBA
“Dr. Al Sears really gets it. What a refreshing breath of fresh air…”
-Jonny Bowden, author, Living the Low Carb Life: From Atkins to the Zone Choosing the Diet That’s Right for You
In 1969, the famous war hero and beloved president died from his last heart attack.
In circles today, it’s known as the “Eisenhower Paradox.”
And while this is only a single anecdotal piece of evidence...
The So-Called “Eisenhower Paradox”
Is Killing Millions of Average Americans
The medical establishment is still force-feeding us the same myth that ultimately killed Eisenhower.Remember: the conventional wisdom is that LDL cholesterol causes arterial plaque buildup, ultimately obstructing our blood flow and leading to heart disease.
You’ve heard it. I heard it repeated from elementary to medical school. And like my colleagues, I believed it without question.
That is, until I read thousands of studies proving otherwise.
Yes, LDL cholesterol can be found in the plaque that builds up along damaged arteries.
But this point misses a simple fact – one even a high school physiology course could tell you...
The damage to your arteries happens before NOT after the plaque builds up. Plaque is your body’s response to heart disease, not the cause of it.
LDL cholesterol catches blame because it’s found at the scene of the crime.
But that’s a lot like blaming a scab for the injury that caused it to form... or like blaming a band-aid for the injury its covering.
The truth is that the REAL culprit for heart disease has always been inflammation.
And the worst part is... the inflammation in our blood vessels is caused in part by the low-fat diet recommended for years by modern medicine.
That’s why Eisenhower’s heart disease grew worse, even on his “heart-healthy” diet... which replaced so-called “artery-clogging” butter with toxic vegetable oils.
And that’s why 950,000 Americans continue to die each year from heart disease, even as they consume record quantities of low-fat food, vegetable oils, and cholesterol-lowering drugs.
In fact, the truth about inflammation is old news. But the medical establishment still ignores it. Even when the mainstream media occasionally gets it right.
TIME Magazine Reveals the Secret Killer
For instance, a 2004 Time Magazine cover story identified inflammation as the “secret killer.” Take a look at the cover...
“Not long ago, most doctors thought of heart attacks as primarily a plumbing problem. Over the years, fatty deposits would slowly build up on the insides of major coronary arteries until they grew so big that they cut off the supply of blood to a vital part of the heart. A complex molecule called LDL, the so-called bad cholesterol, provided the raw material for these deposits. Clearly anyone with high LDL levels was at greater risk of developing heart disease.”
Then the writer quickly shuts it down....
“There’s just one problem with that explanation: sometimes it’s dead wrong. Indeed, half of all heart attacks occur in people with normal cholesterol levels.”
I wasn’t shocked to hear this.But I was stunned that this blunt article actually reached the mainstream.
Of course, this was more than 10 years ago. And in spite of the attention generated by this article, the market for cholesterol-lowering drugs to counteract heart disease has skyrocketed five-fold since then.
In short, there’s nothing stopping Big Pharma’s relentless march for profits... no amount of evidence... no matter how airtight... even from a prestigious source like Time Magazine.
Their profit margins trump proof. And it certainly trumps your health and your life.
But I have good news.
You don’t have to fall victim to their mass guinea pig experiment.
I’ve identified three urgent indicators of heart disease you can check with a simple blood test.
These tests indicate (with startling accuracy) that you could be at imminent risk of a heart attack or stroke.
In fact, one of these indicators can predict when that risk may jump by as much as 500 percent.
A review of 26 articles, published in the Journal of Biotechnology Information, proved even a very tiny increase in levels – 5 mcg – confirms a 20 percent increase in heart disease risk ... independent of ANYother factors for heart disease.
And I can speak from personal experience as a physician.
Take the incredible case of one of my patients, Edward N., 48 years old, who walked into my Center for Health and Wellness about ten years ago.
Ed had suffered two strokes, but what baffled medical experts was he showed none of the traditional risk factors.
He worked as a roofer his whole life, so he was physically active. He was muscular, cut and, ripped. In fact, he looked like a body builder. He didn’t smoke and drink. At 155 pounds, he was not overweight. And his cholesterol levels were normal at 150 mg/dL.
Not your typical stroke victim, right?
So when he first came to my practice, doctors told him he had a 80 percent likelihood of a third stroke.
I tested Ed for one of these indicators and his levels showed 26 – the highest I’ve ever seen.
In one study of people who had had a stroke but had no other risk factors, 90 percent had elevated levels of this indicator.
Yet, incredibly, no one ever checked Ed’s levels.
And Ed wasn’t alone. Only a few of my patients ever had this indicator previously checked by their personal physicians.
Why is this the case?
The story of one of my patients, a 66-year-old woman, gives a clue.
Like Ed, she suffered from strokes. But all of her factors were normal. So I planned to check her blood for this stroke and heart disease indicator.
When she told her neurologist of my plan, he asked, “Why are they checking for that? Even if it is elevated, there is no drug to lower it.”
In the neurologist’s view, no drug equals no solution.
The simple truth is, no drug is necessary.
It’s easy to lower these levels quite effectively and reliably with safe and inexpensive supplements available at your local grocery, or health food store.
Which is why doctors and specialists, beholden to Big Pharma, don’t conduct these simple tests. Many of have never even heard of them.
With Ed’s case, I was able to lower his levels using a simple vitamin therapy. One you could apply at home.
And he never experienced a stroke again.
Even when his other doctors encouraged him to “get his affairs in order,” because of what they claimed was an 80 percent risk of another stroke.
Today, Ed is in his 60s and enjoying an active, productive life.
And Ed’s experience is hardly unusual.
I have a file drawer full of similar cases, with similar results.
I detail this, along with two other urgent heart disease indicators, inside my FREE dossier:
The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power
And here’s the thing.
To take advantage of these heart therapies...
- You don’t need to spend a lot of time or money.
- You don’t need doctor visits, prescriptions or physical exams.
- And you don’t even need health insurance.
The courage to stand up to people who tell you that drugs and surgery are the ONLY way.
If you’re willing to make that life-changing move...
If you’re motived to start taking back control of your health and well-being...
And if you are willing to buck the convention wisdom for the sake of your family...
Then my groundbreaking research is definitely for you.
And I urge you to act today.
In just a moment, I’ll show you how and where you can access your copy of, The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power
But here’s the thing... I’ve limited our openings to ONLY 500 new readers today.
So you’ll need to act fast before this handful of spaces fill up.
To be sure, if I allowed everyone to access this information, the FDA could crack down hard.
They could shut down my practice.
They could even revoke my medical license.
They’ve done so to dozens of top doctors in the past.
No surprise.
After all, trillions of dollars are made from diseases NOT being cured.
Men will resort to any means with this kind of money at stake.
That’s why I’m limiting the number of new openings.
And that’s why I can’t tell you ALL the details right here.
But in just a moment, I will share some of the details on these life-saving cures.
However, before I do, let me tell you the exciting news...
After nearly 60 years, the “Cholesterol Myth” is finally blowing up...
They can no longer hold the lid on this story.
And the truth is going mainstream.
1961 | 2014 |
Their June cover story declared the end of the war on fat.
They even exposed Ancel Keys for his junk science.
It was now once again okay to eat butter.
Time acted like this was based on “new science.”
But don’t buy it.
For decades top scientists have confirmed the health benefits of saturated fat and cholesterol.
But still, with few exceptions, the mainstream media did not listen and continued to push a dietary philosophy that still exists to this day – one that continues to do great harm to people’s health.
Simply because the “Cholesterol Myth” is the backbone of Big Pharma and their statin drug profit machine.
And they’re not letting up.
Not with billions of dollars pouring into their corporate bank accounts.
Welcome to the new “drug war.”
100 Billion Reasons Why
Big Pharma Could Kill You...
If You’re Over the Age of 45
A quick background: the drug industry started work on statins in the 1950s, around the same time the Cholesterol Myth became Gospel.But statins didn’t reach the market until 1986, when Merck received FDA approval for the drug lovastatin.
Since then, statins have exploded into a $100 billion industry with no end in sight.
One out of every four Americans over age 45 now takes these cholesterol-lowering drugs, with disastrous results for their health and well-being.
That’s why the media, dependent on Big Pharma for $27 billion of advertising, has blacked out independent research which proves that these drugs take a heavy toll on human health.
In fact, over 900 independent studies confirm that statin use is strongly associated with...
- Type 2 diabetes
- Memory loss and disorientation
- Chronic fatigue
- Sexual dysfunction
- Muscle disease (Over 100 studies prove the myotoxic, or muscle-harming effects, of statins)
- Neuropathy (Over 80 studies confirm the nerve-damaging effects of statins)
- Liver damage
- And EVEN breast cancer
Most of them serious, even deadly problems.
I’ve seen firsthand the damage these drugs can do.
Take Roy G., a friend of mine from college who suffered a heart attack. He came to me seeking help after his cardiologist put him on prescription drugs to help him “recover” from his heart attack.
Sitting in my consultation room, Roy looked at me with tears in his eyes.
“If this is what it’s like to survive a heart attack, I’d rather die.”
Roy was under 50 and had no prior knowledge that he suffered from heart disease.
His cardiologist’s only advice for him was to take prescription blood pressure and cholesterol drugs. But these drugs only interfered with the rehabilitation and the reconditioning of Roy’s heart.
He experienced common symptoms like...
- Chronic fatigue
- Low-grade headaches
- Impotence
- Chronic pain in his back, legs, and muscles
If you’re on statins, or beta-blockers like Altace and Lopressor, it’s likely you’ve felt the same symptoms.
And so do millions of other Americans.
But before I continue Roy’s story, let me address the obvious question...
Now, you might be thinking that, for all of these symptoms and side effects, at least statins prevent heart attacks, right?
72 Million Americans Are Taking
Cholesterol Drugs That CAUSE Heart Disease
In one of medicine’s strangest ironies, statins can ultimately end up CAUSING heart disease.In December 2009, a study on statin drugs published in the Journal of Clinical Cardiology sent shockwaves throughout the medical community with proof that statin therapy weakens the heart muscle.
But here’s why this should have surprised no one.
Hundreds of clinical studies have proven that statin drugs...
- Raise blood pressure
- Lower levels of lifesaving HDL (‘good’) cholesterol
- And increase an important measure of blood clotting, linked to heart attacks.
But here’s the kicker.
Statin drugs deplete your body’s Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) levels – a vital nutrient for your heart’s functioning.
In fact, studies have found they can deplete your CoQ10 levels by as much as 45 percent.
This is especially critical in patients 45 and older, who usually experience a 75 percent loss of CoQ10 as they age.
That’s why I prescribed my friend Roy a 1,600 mg dose of a highly concentrated form of CoQ10.
Within 24 hours, he reported feeling better.
What’s more, I helped ween Roy off his prescription drugs.
Within several days of stopping Lipitor – the most highly prescribed statin drug – his muscle pain vanished. And after stopping the beta-blocker Lopressor, his chronic fatigue disappeared.
After using just three of the strategies you’ll discover in your FREE copy of The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power, Roy’s weight dropped from 235 pounds and 30 percent body fat down to 185 pounds and 16 percent body fat.
His heart grew stronger. His blood pressure normalized. His “good cholesterol” increased, while his “bad cholesterol” decreased. And his third stress test showed little evidence that Roy ever had a heart attack.
Not only does Roy’s case disprove traditional heart care treatment, it debunks conventional medical wisdom, which says its “impossible” to improve your heart strength after a heart attack.
Yet, even with several decades of evidence and over 100 studies confirming the cardiac benefits of CoQ10 – without side effects – people are only beginning to catch onto the nutrient. And many physicians still deny its use as a heart treatment.
Three decades ago, I was one of the first physicians to check my patients’ CoQ10 levels.
At the time, nobody spoke of CoQ10. Few doctors were privy to its importance.
And ONLY one lab in the country even measured CoQ10 levels. What’s more, getting these results was expensive, slow, and tedious.
As it turned out, my own studies revealed 82 percent of my patients were deficient of this vital nutrient.
This is when I began using CoQ10 therapy in my practice. And with the right dose, over half my patients were able to stop their blood pressure and cholesterol medication.
Take the example of one of my patients, a retired chorus line dancer from New York City, who came to my Center for Health and Wellness for the first time with high blood pressure – even though she was taking two blood pressure medications and a statin.
She said she felt constant fatigue and memory loss.
Her blood work turned up that her CoQ10 levels were lower than 95 percent of the population.
After taking a therapeutic dose of CoQ10 for several months, she was able to stop her blood pressure medications. And now she maintains a normal blood pressure.
She also reports feeling “energized” and she recovered her memory.
She returned to her cardiologist to tell him the good news.
But when she showed him her CoQ10 supplement had normalized her blood pressure better than drugs, he became irate.
He told her CoQ10 could not possibly help her blood pressure. And then he threw her CoQ10 in the trash!
I’d like to tell you stories like this are rare. But they’re not. My patients report similar reactions from their specialist doctors.
And the worst part is, the drug industry is well-aware of this deadly side effect.
The CoQ10-Statin Conspiracy
The drug company Merck found in internal studies that its statin drugs depleted CoQ10 levels. So what did they do?They invented a CoQ10-statin combo drug, patented it, and locked it away so it would never reach the market.
Incredible, right?
How many lives were lost from this cold-blooded move?
And in Canada, the government label on statin drugs warns about the depletion of CoQ10...
“...could lead to impaired cardiac function in patients with borderline congestive heart failure.”
Yet the FDA has NOT required a similar warning, although it could save millions of lives.
And the agency continues to rubber-stamp Big Pharma’s statin drugs, no matter the evidence.
They don’t even need the slightest bit of proof that these drugs treat heart disease.
That’s because government bureaucrats have accepted the Cholesterol Myth as “fact.”
This means, in order to receive FDA approval, all these drug companies need to prove is their drug lowers cholesterol. That’s it. No proof of its effects on heart disease. Nothing.
Can you see why this Cholesterol Myth is so deadly?
Millions of people with heart disease are receiving the wrong treatment.
“For decades, the theory that lowering cholesterol is always beneficial has been a core principle of cardiology. It has been accepted by doctors and used by drug makers to win quick approval for new medicines to reduce cholesterol. But now some prominent cardiologists say the results of two recent clinical trials have raised serious questions about that theory… Because the link between excessive LDL cholesterol and cardiovascular disease has been so widely accepted, the FDA generally has not required drug companies to prove that cholesterol medicines actually reduce heart attacks before approval….” — The New York Times, January 17, 2008 |
The truth is, you should NOT “lower your cholesterol.”
Cholesterol is a good thing.
In fact, higher cholesterol saves lives.
High Cholesterol Can Save Your Life
Scientific research confirms it.For instance, a 10-year study in the prestigious journal Lancet proved people with higher cholesterol had a lower risk of dying from any cause.
Researchers investigated 17,791 heart disease patients and concluded that lower total cholesterol predicts increased mortality risk with startling accuracy.
In other words, if you’re suffering from heart disease, lowering your cholesterol – even a little – INCREASES your risk of death.
In a study from Yale University, published in the prestigious medical journal JAMA, researchers at the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine discovered people with low cholesterol had nearly twice as many heart attacks as those with high cholesterol levels.They’re peer-reviewed studies from schools and medical journals with impeccable credentials.
But the medical establishment ignores their findings.
And according to the FDA, “the benefits of statin drugs outweigh the risk.”
Or, more accurately, the profit motive outweighs their concern for your health and well-being.
Heart disease is the #1 killer of Americans...
And mainstream medicine is incapable of stopping it.
In fact, everything they’re doing is making the situation worse.
And let’s face it...
As long as their balance sheets are healthy, they don’t care if you are.
But you don’t have to fall victim to their fraud.
And you don’t have to participate in Big Pharma’s mass guinea pig experiment.
Your only choice now is to take matters into your own hands, for the sake of you and your loved ones.
This is exactly why I’ve scoured over 30 countries searching for therapies and natural treatments for some of the worst illnesses and ailments known to man.
And that’s exactly why I’ve assembled my FREE dossier...
The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power
Inside are treatments that can help free-thinking and determined individuals take control of their health and well-being.If that describes you... and if you’ve read this far I believe it does... I urge you to reserve your copy today.
The best part is, these secret heart disease therapies:
- Don’t require expensive doctor visits or physical exams
- Take only minutes to apply
- Are natural - so Big Pharma can’t patent them
- Are available to ALL Americans
Just to be clear, in determining what qualifies as a real therapy, I’ve ruled out hundreds of “fakes” and “snake oils” along the way.
In order to fit the bill, these heart health solutions had to pass my rigorous 5-fold criteria:
- Backing from over 1,000 published scientific articles, studies, and citations in peer-reviewed journals...
- A proven track record of preventing and treating heart disease...
- Widespread application for multiple chronic diseases and illnesses...
- The ability to attack the main causes of heart disease – inflammation, oxidative stress, and more...
- All with ZERO dangerous side effects.
Reverse Heart Disease
Using Easy “At Home” Therapies...
No Doctor’s Visit or Prescription Required...
For ONLY Pennies a Day
One of these is what I call a “third generation” form of CoQ10. Let me explain...CoQ10 has been around for years. And it’s been helpful, to say the least. But there are major drawbacks to the old types of CoQ10: They’re both weak and expensive.
The problem with most commercially available CoQ10 supplements is that they use a cheaper form of the enzyme – known as ubiquinone – that is extremely difficult for your body to absorb.
Especially for people over the age of 50, who have trouble converting available CoQ10 into its usable form.
I used to tell my patients to take 400 mg of the old CoQ10 every eight hours to keep their blood levels high enough. It worked out. But it was very expensive. They could easily go through a bottle or two a week.
So in 2007, I met with the renowned Japanese biomolecular researcher, Dr. Tatsumasa Mae, who discovered a new form of CoQ10 – ubiquinol – and introduced me to his research.
After looking over Dr. Mae’s results, I knew this would change the field of cardiovascular health. And it did.
At that time, no one had heard of ubiquinol, the “reduced” form of CoQ10. But it changed the lives of my patients.
Ubiquinol allows your body to absorb 8 times the amount of CoQ10 as ordinary supplements. With just one caplet a day, your heart gets all of the same health benefits of CoQ10 – at a fraction of the cost.
Well now, years later, I’ve uncovered a breakthrough nutrient. One just as revolutionary as Dr. Mae’s discovery. And potentially even more so.
You see, CoQ10 stimulates the production of energy in the mitochondria. So it’s limited by the number and power-generating capacity of mitochondria a person has. Or should I say, has left.
That's because your mitochondria ultimately become damaged and decrease in number as you age. And until now, the only way to create new mitochondria was though exhausting, vigorous exercise.
But this new “3G” CoQ10 is changing all of that.
This newly-discovered nutrient activates genes that trigger mitochondrial biogenesis—the spontaneous formation of new mitochondria in aging cells!
In short, th+is is the only nutrient I know of that can increase the number of mitochondria.
And taken the way I’ll show you, in the right dose and together with ubiquinol CoQ10... this nutrient could singlehandedly prevent and EVEN reverse heart disease.
And you might guess, it doesn’t stop at heart disease either.
According to dozens of independent studies, from prestigious institutions like the University of California, this “3G” nutrient has enormous implications for age-related diseases like Alzheimer’s and type 2 diabetes.
I’ll share all the details with you on this miracle heart cure, along with eight others, inside my FREE dossier: The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power.
The information inside could save you a small fortune on dangerous prescriptions and surgeries.
Not to mention save you immeasurable pain and suffering inflicted by these conventional “treatments.”
It’s all in this FREE dossier – and in a minute I’ll show you where you can instantly access this online.
But before I do, you need to know about...
The American Heart Association’s
Death Decree
Big Pharma couldn’t reap the extreme profits it does – at your expense – without some friends in high places.For instance, there’s the American Heart Association (AHA), which does its fair share to expand the market for statin drugs.
In 2014, the AHA’s “Cholesterol Panel” released new guidelines that will double the number of statin drug users to 72 million.
In total, that would force half of the U.S. population over age 45 to take these deadly drugs.
That’s 36 million new customers for Big Pharma.
And if successful, a new $21 billion per year windfall.
Many of these people are perfectly healthy.
In fact, the new guidelines are so broad, they could include virtually everyone. And that’s the point. It’s not to treat people with heart problems, but create a whole new market for the drug industry.
That’s why experts like my friend, colleague, and board-certified cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra claim this new treatment protocol for statin drugs is at best 20 percent accurate.
What’s more, escalating demand for statins will drive already sky-high prices through the roof.
Just one of these prescriptions costs as much as $1,500. And sometimes even more.
But thanks to the AHA’s latest guidelines, this could easily double.
In return, the AHA receives $31 million annually from giant statin producers.
Apparently our leaders are willing to sell us out for a few pieces of gold.
This is a scale of corruption usually reserved for Third World dictatorships.
But in America’s health industry...
Where profit reigns supreme over health...
Where the drug industry will go to no limits to expand their profit margins...
And where our elected officials are willing to ignore their obligation to protect our safety...
It’s an everyday occurrence.
But once you dig a little deeper, it’s not hard to see why they’re serving us on a silver platter.
According to The New York Times, 12 out of the 16 members of the AHA’s “Cholesterol Panel” had financial ties to the drug industry.
These ties include over 50 different companies in the pharmaceutical industry.
Even more outrageous, only seven of the panel members disclosed this blatant conflict of interest.
It’s not just the drug industry either.
The AHA also gets its bread and butter from Big Agriculture.
It’s food certification program charges as much as $7,500 per product for the AHA seal of approval.
In total, the organization receives as much as $2 million a year from companies like Kellogg’s and General Mills.
And countless people are duped into thinking food is healthy to eat because of the AHA certification.
My point is simple.
The FDA Is NOT Looking Out for Your Health
They’re in the drug company’s pockets. And that’s where their focus is.You’ve seen the proof.
You’ve seen the numbers.
If their plot could EVEN take out Dwight D. Eisenhower – World War II hero and our beloved 34thpresident – do you think everyday Americans are safe?
Of course not.
But listen.
There’s good news...
The drug companies are NOT all powerful.
They haven’t banned every heart disease therapy available.
In their obsession for power and profit, they’ve let nine potent disease killers fly under their radar.
They’ve grown lazy and arrogant. They think because they bought the media, and most of the medical field, their minions will do the work of censorship. And for the most part, that’s true. That’s why you’ll never hear about these heart cures from the press.
But they don’t control me.
And today I’m blowing the lid open on nine secret health disease cures. You’ll find specific details on each of these in my FREE dossier:
The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power
Now let me show you a small preview of what’s inside...- The shocking story of how Big Pharma killed beloved war hero President Eisenhower... how it triggered his 7 heart attacks... and how its now killing 950,000 people every year (with no end in sight).
- 14 deadly statin side effects... hundreds of studies confirm them, but you won’t see them listed on the bottle... or hear about them from your doctor.
- Nine heart disease cures... and where you can find them at your local grocery store or pharmacy.
- How to build a disease-proof heart for pennies on the dollar... this could save you a fortune on statin drugs, coronary bypass surgery, and other conventional “break the bank” treatments.
- Could THIS kind of cholesterol save your life? Inflammation is the REAL culprit of heart disease and the best way to fight it is with a specific kind of cholesterol.
- The 3 REAL indicators of heart disease... and what to do about each. (I’ll even tell you what to say to your doctor if he/she refuses to test for them.)
- Cancel your coronary bypass surgery! Did you know 85 percent of all coronary bypass surgeries are unnecessary? Discover why this fact could save you $200,000 or more (and even save your life).
- The shocking truth about blood pressure medications... and why they could causeheart disease.
- WARNING! Avoid so-called heart healthy foods with this government label... I’ll show you how to build super heart strength by eating “forbidden foods” like steak, eggs, and bacon.
- Are you one of 50 million Americans who take aspirin daily? See why its making your brain bleed and could EVEN give you dementia. PLUS, the natural blood thinner that’s effective and completely safe.
- Is “cardio” killing you? Why the stress of jogging, marathons, and spending endless hours at the gym could inflict the SAME cardiac damage as a heart attack.
- Worse than high blood pressure! – virtually nobody knows about this secret killer, although it increases your risk of dying by 69 percent and it’s a FAR better predictor of heart disease.
- Better than fish oil. The problem with fish oil is it lacks the proper dose of DHA – a vital nutrient for heart function. But a brand-new discovery delivers MUCH more DHA right to your cells where it’s needed.
- Better than CoQ10... This nutrient not only delivers CoQ10 to your cell’s mitochrondria, but creates NEW mitochondria. Prevents aging, revitalizes your body’s organs, and reverses diseases like Alzheimer’s.
- Why “low fat” diets can trigger heart disease... make you feel slow and tired, and make you GAIN weight.
- Burn fat while you watch TV... this weird little fitness technique continues burning fat for up to 16 hours after you’re done.
- Dump your gym membership!... the at-home, ten-minute exercise that could save you a fortune on overpriced and ineffective gym memberships.
- Drink your way to a long life?... how one, specific alcoholic beverage “switches on” your anti-aging gene and cuts your risk of heart disease by 40 percent.
- The truth about organic foods... the lie advertisers are telling you... and how to read through the organic “label.”
- Beware of this deadly amino acid – it’s the #1 predictor of heart disease, strokes, and EVEN death. PLUS – five simple vitamins and supplements that regulate your levels.
- Forget systolic or diastolic pressure – there’s a “hidden” number that’s a better predictor of heart disease. It’s brain-dead easy to calculate. And your doctor won’t tell you about it (because there’s no drug he can prescribe).
- CAUTION: Are you taking THIS blood pressure medication? If so, you could be at 60 percent greater risk of heart disease. Here’s how to get it.
- How HIGH cholesterol helped one of my patients shed 50 pounds and cut their body fat in half. This one secret lowers your risk of heart disease while helping you hit—and maintain—your ideal weight.
- Are avocados more effective than statin drugs? The strange truth about the overlooked “good fat” that wipes out inflammation and helps repair the lesions that accumulate on the lining of your blood vessels.
- Does moderate alcohol consumption PREVENT heart disease? The shocking study I found in JAMA. (I’ll show you how much you can actually drink and still get this remarkable benefit.)
- Is it healthier to eat chocolate cake than Corn Flakes? Discover the shocking chart that shows why. You’ll never look at the dessert menu (or your morning breakfast) the same way again.
- Is milk causing heart disease? The deadly hormone found in almost ALL milk, how to identify it, and how to find milk that’s actually fit for human consumption.
- Why you should NEVER exercise more than 15 minutes a day... its not only ineffective, but SHRINKS your heart’s output, and ability to pump blood through your body.
- The single strongest predictor of deadly heart events... including stroke, heart attack, angina, heart failure, or sudden cardiac death. And why no doctor knows it.
- NOTICE: If you’ve EVER had a stroke – checking these levels could save your life. (If they’re elevated, you’re guaranteed to have another stroke. Or worse, die.)
- Four simple cures for type 2 diabetes... how to easily train your body to prevent – and EVEN reserve – diabetes, WITHOUT punishing yourself with impossible diets, or depriving yourself of everything you love to do.
- STOP running on the treadmill... why this exhausting, crippling, and mind-numbing exercise could cause heart disease... PLUS – the easy 10-minute a day alternative which can leave you feeling energized, vital, and strong.
- The two best ways to supplement your vitamin D – your ultimate inflammation safeguard, and overlooked heart saver.
- SHOCKER: The vitamin compound that melts fat from your organs... the dosage your body needs ... and the right kind you should take. 20 placebo-controlled studies confirm this little-known vitamin’s role in protecting your heart.
- The red super-food that’s 6,000-times more effective than vitamin C... studies confirm it boosts your HDL “good” cholesterol by 15 percent, while decreasing your LDL “bad” cholesterol by 24 percent.
- Why 70 percent of heart attacks occur in people with NORMAL cholesterol levels... And the one form of cholesterol that virtually guarantees you’ll NEVER have a heart attack. Even if your total cholesterol is above 300 mg/dL!
- Why cheap water pills are more effective than blood pressure meds. Discover the sad truth that puts drug companies to shame, and how you can lower your own blood pressure without prescriptions or side effects.
- Aging inevitably weakens your heart, right? WRONG! Discover the miracle “mechanism” that preserves your heart as you age. By “switching on” this mechanism, 70-year-olds can keep their heart age at 35 or below.
- FULL eight-week heart care plan... a simple step-by-step guide to help rid your body of heart disease in less than two months, no matter how old you are, or what shape you’re in right now.
There’s more – much more – that I want to tell you about, and you’ll find it all in your FREE dossier: The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power.
Inside, you’ll find very simple and safe treatments you can use today from the comfort of your own home.
And you don’t need expensive doctor’s visits, prescriptions, or physical exams.
What’s more, they could save you a fortune on medical bills for dangerous (and unnecessary) drugs and surgeries.
That’s why I could sell this report by itself and make a nice living.
But today I’m sending it to your absolutely FREE.
Protect Yourself NOW – Send for Your FREE Dossier:
The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power
When the FDA Went to War on Your Health
Freedoms I Went In Search of the World’s
Most Powerful Natural Therapies... Before
They Disappear
There’s no time to waste. It’s vital you see this now, before the FDA and “Big Government” put more restrictions on what you can do with your own body.As you’ve seen, there’s an ongoing war on your health freedoms. Some of their attacks are covert, and out of the public eye. Some are blatant, and out in the open.
And the combined effect is destroying your personal liberties.
Let me be clear: You have the right to choose how you take care of your own body. I have been doing my best to give that choice to my patients. Now, if you will let me, I would like to give that choice to you, too.
And I believe what the English philosopher John Stuart Mills said back in the 1800s:
“Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.”
For my part, I’m bringing together the “forbidden technologies, and confidential cures” the FDA, Big Pharma, and even left-wing factions of the US Government are actively censoring, suppressing, and trying their best to outlaw. Some of these breakthroughs are happening right in our own backyard. Yet some of them are unfolding in remote, forgotten countries that don’t get the attention or funding they deserve.
And I’m working to bring ALL of these discoveries right to your eyes for you to make your own choices.
The Ageless Heart Manual Contains Only a Few of the “Confidential Cures” I Use with My Patients... There are Many More
For the last 20 years, I’ve made a pilgrimage around the world to the places where people are being cured of “incurable” diseases.I also go to the famous “Blue Zones,” places where people are known for their extreme longevity. Places where heart disease doesn’t exist… where Alzheimer’s is unknown… and where no one is obese. I do it to uncover what their secrets are and make them available to my patients and readers.
Some of these places are well known. Others are more exotic and I have to dig deeper or actually live among the aboriginal natives. Secrets that nature herself seems to keep confidential.
The important thing for you is this: No matter how you’re feeling right now; I’ve very probably discovered natural and effective secrets for you to live better, and feel younger.
In fact, on my recent trip to Africa, I found an incredible number of healing secrets almost unknown in the West. The healers there showed me what they use to successfully treat prostate and breast cancer.
I was shocked and amazed to see photos and case studies, where people are half eaten up with cancer – and in the next picture, you can see they’ve been healed. A lesion on a woman’s breast almost gone in four days. Skin cancer healed, prostate cancer gone.
I Want You to Use these Breakthroughs to
Unlock MORE Energy and MORE Immunity
That’s why I’m inviting you to join my inner circle of confidential insiders… a select group who wants an unrestricted, in-depth look at the cures, advice and healing secrets that are transforming the lives of the people who use them.I call this new membership service Confidential Cures: Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World.
You see, until now, I haven’t had a way to tell you about all of these cures.
I share what I can in my daily Doctor’s House Call letter, but those are meant to be brief and give you just one piece of advice you can act on right away. There’s simply not enough room to cover everything I’ve found.
And there’s another problem. Because I offer nutrients to my patients, I can’t say that those nutrients treat or cure diseases. Why?
The FDA has a standing gag order in place, preventing ANYONE from making these claims when offering you a cure.
Until now, only my patients, staff and closest friends have had an unrestricted look at my discoveries from my travels. They’ve heard the stories, first-hand, about what is working for the patients who come to my clinic. And they’ve had a front-row seat to the latest anti-aging breakthroughs from my Wellness Research Foundation.
Confidential Cures: Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World is my solution for you.
Now it’s your turn.
As a member of this privileged group, you’ll have unrestricted access to information and advice you can act on immediately – information that will come to you on a monthly basis.
There’s a modest fee I’ll ask you to pay for this exclusive membership service, but it comes to less than the price of your morning coffee.
Just $3.25 a month – about what you’d pay for a good
cup of coffee!
Confidential Cures is only $39 for a 12-month subscription – an unbelievably modest $3.25 a month, or about the cost of a large coffee, or cappuccino from Starbucks. Best of all, The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power is yours FREE when you subscribe to Confidential Cures today.
Privileged Information – But Only for a Privileged Few
Only the members of my inner circle ever see the unique, life-altering discoveries that Confidential Cures is packed with.How important and exclusive is this?
Well, just remember that Confidential Cures offers you an inside look at remedies and treatments you’d never hear about otherwise – remedies that take you beyond the restrictive, “prescription only” tyranny of the big drug companies.
Only 500 New Openings
And as I mentioned earlier, today I’m opening our doors to 500 individuals – like-minded people who are determined on seizing control of their health and lives. Everyday Americans who don’t want to fall victim to the mainstream medical establishment’s lies.If this describes you, and if you’ve read this far I believe it does, I’m confident you’ll take action. But you’ll need to act fast before these 500 slots are filled up today. With the FDA cracking down on independent scientists and doctors, who knows if this website will still be here tomorrow.
Now, let me give you just a hint of what you’ll find every time you open an issue of Confidential Cures: Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World.
I’ll introduce you to the Nobel Prize-winning telomere and telomerase technology – the most important, dramatic, and still largely hidden anti-aging breakthrough of all time.
This alone would be worth your time and attention.
But you’ll also be given the keys to dozens of hidden cures, and forbidden technologies:
- 12 new ways to conquer heart disease...
- Beat the 5 kinds of cancer that are still running wild...
- Flush arthritis out of your joints – and live, walk, and run pain-free...
- 6 easy steps toward hi-def vision and razor-sharp eyesight...
- Reverse the “biological age” of your cells, tissues, and organs... And restore the energy and vibrancy you thought was gone forever.
The African plains, the Amazon jungles, the Australian desert, the Antarctic Ocean – there is nowhere I won’t go if I think I can find something of value to bring back to you.
Ask yourself this one simple question – is my health and well-being worth the cost, once a month, of a cup of coffee?
And remember – when you sign up for Confidential Cures today, you will also receive, ABSOLUTELY FREE, your copy of The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power.
FREE: The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power
I want you to know I stand behind everything I do. Confidential Cures is backed by my personal money-back guarantee – no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
My Personal No-Risk, No-Hassle,
100 Percent-Satisfaction-or-Your-Money-Back Guarantee
1. You must be completely satisfied with the discoveries and breakthroughs I share with you in Confidential Cures: Your Guide to Truth and Lies in Medicine from Around the World. If not, you may cancel your subscription at any time and receive a prompt refund for the entire year’s subscription rate.That way you can review this exclusive service with NO risk and NO regrets.
2. And if you do cancel, you can still keep the FREE Bonus Gift you’ve received with my compliments and thanks.
So please hurry. I have so much to share with you.
I still have a decade’s worth of discoveries that will change the way you think about your body… your medicine cabinet… and your next birthday.
Send for your FREE report that details how Big Pharma killed our beloved 34th President and simple cures that could help their scheme against America.
But I Need to Hear from You RIGHT NOW
In this letter I introduced you to Big Pharma’s secret plot to kill our beloved 34th President and World War II hero.I showed you the hidden cause to the #1 killer of Americans.
And I invited you to try Confidential Cures RISK FREE for just a few dollars a month, with a special gift that shows you exactly how to implement life-saving heart cures RIGHT AWAY.
Now the decision is completely yours.
I wish I could click the Subscribe NOW button for you, but this is entirely up to you. Considering how much you stand to gain, I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to.
Don’t wait another minute.
I urge you to share in my latest Confidential Cures discoveries, and take advantage of the dramatic revelations, and unprecedented breakthroughs you’ll find in your FREE copy of The Ageless Heart Manual: Advanced Strategies to Reverse Heart Disease and Restore Your Heart’s Pumping Power.
I’ll be with you every step of the way.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
P.S. — Even if you don’t have heart disease yourself, or know someone who does, these proven techniques can easily ensure you and your family NEVER get heart disease to begin with... And if heart disease is in the early stages, (which may not show up during a regular check up), these little-known treatments can help wipe out, and eliminate the symptoms of heart disease before they take hold and overwhelm your body.
P.P.S. — It’s completely up to you whether you decide to try Confidential Cures. But what if I’m right? What if the little-known heart therapies that could have saved President Eisenhower’s life can really help you prevent, and treat heart disease, exactly as I say it will? Isn’t it worth a few minutes of your time to check it out?
P.P.P.S. — Remember, Confidential Cures comes with a completely risk-free, no time limit guarantee. You risk nothing but a few minutes of your time to find out more...
Here's what industry experts are saying about Dr. Sears:
“Dr. Sears blows away the conventional medical wisdom…”-Ronald Klatz, MD, DO Founder and President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
“Dr. Sears has distinguished himself as a leader in the area of Anti-Aging Medicine and recently in cell and telomere biology…”
-Frederic J. Vagnini, MD, FACS; Medical Director of the Heart, Diabetes and Weight Loss Centers of NY
“Dr. Sears masterfully explains how we can flip the switches that allow access to the store of human vitality that resides within each one of us. We understood how to do this when we were young and now Dr. Sears gives us the evidence-based means to tap into our potency, strength, and stamina with intention.”
-Paul L. Hester, MD, MBA
“Dr. Al Sears really gets it. What a refreshing breath of fresh air…”
-Jonny Bowden, author, Living the Low Carb Life: From Atkins to the Zone Choosing the Diet That’s Right for You
Dan Mangan, “Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study,” MSNBC (June 25, 2013) http://www.cnbc.com/id/100840148 “Saturated Fats Are Healthy for You,” Healthy Eating Politics (2008) http://www.healthy-eating-politics.com/saturated-fats.html
Nina Teicholz, “The Questionable Link between Saturated Fat and Heart Disease,” The Wall Street Journal (May 6, 2014). http://online.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303678404579533760760481486
“1162 Lawsuits Filed Against Pfizer for Damages Due to Lipitor,” Health Impact News http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/1162-lawsuits-filed-against-pfizer-for-damages-due-to-lipitor/
W. P, Castelli, “Cholesterol and Lipids in the Risk of Coronary Artery Disease – The Framingham Heart Study,” Canadian Journal of Cardiology (July 4, 1998): Supplement A: 5A-10A. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3179802
“Four Veggies to Never Eat,” Healthy Eating Politics (2008) http://www.healthy-eating-politics.com/saturated-fats.html
“Why You Should NEVER Eat Vegetable Oil or Margarine!,” Wellness Mama http://wellnessmama.com/2193/never-eat-vegetable-oil/
L.L. Humphrey et al., “Homocysteine Level and Coronary Heart Disease Incidence: A Systematic Review and Analysis,” Mayo Clinic Proceedings (November 2008) 83(11): 1203-12. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18990318
Brian Shilhavy, “Time Magazine: We Were Wrong about Saturated Fats,” Health Impact News http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/time-magazine-we-were-wrong-about-saturated-fats/
“Simvastatin, Amiodarone, Side Effects Lawsuits,” Rottenstein Law Group http://www.rotlaw.com/simvastatin-amiodarone/
“New Bombshell of Disastrous Side Effects from Statins,” mercola.com http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/06/12/unintended-statin-sideeffect-risks-uncovered.aspx
“Statin Drugs,: GreenMedInfo http://www.greenmedinfo.com/toxic-ingredient/statin-drugs?ed=44387
Sayer Ji, “Consumer Alert: 300+ Health Problems Linked to Statin Drugs,” Health Impact News http://healthimpactnews.com/2012/consumer-alert-300-health-problems-linked-to-statin-drugs/
“Statin Therapy Decreases Myocardial (Heart) Function – GreenMedInfo Summary,” GreenMedInfo http://www.greenmedinfo.com/article/statin-therapy-decreases-myocardial-heart-function
Joseph M. Mercola, “Statin Drugs Create Over 60,000 New Diabetics a Year,” mercola.com http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/05/06/fda-warning-on-statins.aspx
A. W. Weverling-Rijnsbuger et al., “Total Cholesterol and Risk of Mortality in the Oldest Old,” Lancet (October 18, 1997) 350(9085): 1119-23. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9343498
Tamara B. Horwich et al., “Cholesterol Levels and In-Hospital Mortality in Patients with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure,” American Heart Journal (December 2008) 156(6): 1170-1176. http://www.ahjonline.com/article/S0002-8703(08)00571-1/abstract
H. M. Krumholz et al., “Lack of Association between Cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease Mortality and Morbidity and All-Cause Mortality in Persons Older than 70 Years,” JAMA (November 2, 1994) 272(17): 1335-40. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7772105
Joseph M. Mercola, “New Cholesterol Treatment Guidelines Could Double the Number of People on Dangerous Statins – Including Perfectly Healthy People,” Health Impact News http://healthimpactnews.com/2013/new-cholesterol-treatment-guidelines-could-double-the-number-of-people-on-dangerous-statins-including-perfectly-healthy-people/
“Cardiologists on Big Pharma Kickbacks Release New Statin Drug Guidelines in Effort to Double Prescriptions,” Natural News http://www.naturalnews.com/042963_statin_drugs_big_pharma_cardiologist_kickbacks.html
Steve Cooksey, “Big Pharma Pays $31.5 Million to ADA, Supremely Naïve?,” Diabetes-Warrior.net (February 9, 2014). http://www.diabetes-warrior.net/2014/02/05/big-pharma-pays-31-5-million-to-ada-supremely-naive/
“Non-Profit Organizations Receiving Corporate Funding,” CSPI US https://www.cspinet.org/integrity/nonprofits/american_heart_association.html
Nina Teicholz, “The Questionable Link between Saturated Fat and Heart Disease,” The Wall Street Journal (May 6, 2014). http://online.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303678404579533760760481486
“1162 Lawsuits Filed Against Pfizer for Damages Due to Lipitor,” Health Impact News http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/1162-lawsuits-filed-against-pfizer-for-damages-due-to-lipitor/
W. P, Castelli, “Cholesterol and Lipids in the Risk of Coronary Artery Disease – The Framingham Heart Study,” Canadian Journal of Cardiology (July 4, 1998): Supplement A: 5A-10A. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3179802
“Four Veggies to Never Eat,” Healthy Eating Politics (2008) http://www.healthy-eating-politics.com/saturated-fats.html
“Why You Should NEVER Eat Vegetable Oil or Margarine!,” Wellness Mama http://wellnessmama.com/2193/never-eat-vegetable-oil/
L.L. Humphrey et al., “Homocysteine Level and Coronary Heart Disease Incidence: A Systematic Review and Analysis,” Mayo Clinic Proceedings (November 2008) 83(11): 1203-12. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18990318
Brian Shilhavy, “Time Magazine: We Were Wrong about Saturated Fats,” Health Impact News http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/time-magazine-we-were-wrong-about-saturated-fats/
“Simvastatin, Amiodarone, Side Effects Lawsuits,” Rottenstein Law Group http://www.rotlaw.com/simvastatin-amiodarone/
“New Bombshell of Disastrous Side Effects from Statins,” mercola.com http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/06/12/unintended-statin-sideeffect-risks-uncovered.aspx
“Statin Drugs,: GreenMedInfo http://www.greenmedinfo.com/toxic-ingredient/statin-drugs?ed=44387
Sayer Ji, “Consumer Alert: 300+ Health Problems Linked to Statin Drugs,” Health Impact News http://healthimpactnews.com/2012/consumer-alert-300-health-problems-linked-to-statin-drugs/
“Statin Therapy Decreases Myocardial (Heart) Function – GreenMedInfo Summary,” GreenMedInfo http://www.greenmedinfo.com/article/statin-therapy-decreases-myocardial-heart-function
Joseph M. Mercola, “Statin Drugs Create Over 60,000 New Diabetics a Year,” mercola.com http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/05/06/fda-warning-on-statins.aspx
A. W. Weverling-Rijnsbuger et al., “Total Cholesterol and Risk of Mortality in the Oldest Old,” Lancet (October 18, 1997) 350(9085): 1119-23. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9343498
Tamara B. Horwich et al., “Cholesterol Levels and In-Hospital Mortality in Patients with Acute Decompensated Heart Failure,” American Heart Journal (December 2008) 156(6): 1170-1176. http://www.ahjonline.com/article/S0002-8703(08)00571-1/abstract
H. M. Krumholz et al., “Lack of Association between Cholesterol and Coronary Heart Disease Mortality and Morbidity and All-Cause Mortality in Persons Older than 70 Years,” JAMA (November 2, 1994) 272(17): 1335-40. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7772105
Joseph M. Mercola, “New Cholesterol Treatment Guidelines Could Double the Number of People on Dangerous Statins – Including Perfectly Healthy People,” Health Impact News http://healthimpactnews.com/2013/new-cholesterol-treatment-guidelines-could-double-the-number-of-people-on-dangerous-statins-including-perfectly-healthy-people/
“Cardiologists on Big Pharma Kickbacks Release New Statin Drug Guidelines in Effort to Double Prescriptions,” Natural News http://www.naturalnews.com/042963_statin_drugs_big_pharma_cardiologist_kickbacks.html
Steve Cooksey, “Big Pharma Pays $31.5 Million to ADA, Supremely Naïve?,” Diabetes-Warrior.net (February 9, 2014). http://www.diabetes-warrior.net/2014/02/05/big-pharma-pays-31-5-million-to-ada-supremely-naive/
“Non-Profit Organizations Receiving Corporate Funding,” CSPI US https://www.cspinet.org/integrity/nonprofits/american_heart_association.html
President Eisenhower Changed the Way Doctors Treat Heart Attacks:
On Sept 23, 1955, the President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower was in Denver, and staying at his in-laws’ house. While playing golf at Cherry Hills Country Club, he complained of pain in his chest and belly.
MIS-DIAGNOSED AS INTESTINAL PAIN: He had dinner that evening with his physician, Major General Howard McCrum Snyder, and went to bed early, still complaining of pain. At 2:00 AM, the pain became so severe that the president’s wife, Mamie, called his doctor, Major General Snyder. At 3:00 AM, probably the only time ever, a major general in the United States Army made a house call for medical reasons. Dr. Snyder mistook the chest pain for another episode of intestinal cramping because the president had a long history of Crohn’s disease, recurrent ulcers in his intestines.
IT WAS REALLY A HEART ATTACK: It wasn’t until the next afternoon that an electrocardiogram was done, which showed that the president had had a left anterior heart attack He was transported by car to Fitzsimmons Veterans Hospital and placed in an oxygen tent.
NOT AN ANEURYSM: His military doctors listened to his heart and heard a grating sound, called a friction rub. They interpreted this sound as a sign that the president might have had an aneurysm, a ballooning of his heart, that could rupture and kill him instantly.
COMPLETE BED REST IS WRONG: They put him on absolute bed rest and did not allow him to move for several days. That could harm him because inactivity increases the likelihood of forming clots that can block arteries and kill him.
PAUL DUDLEY WHITE SAVED HIS LIFE: After a few days, the doctors finally requested a consultation from Paul Dudley White, a Harvard physician. White came to the president’s bedside and decided that Eisenhower did not have an aneurysm of his heart. He immediately got him up from his prone position in bed and sat him up in a chair. The president’s chest pain became so severe that they had to put him back in bed. Later Dr. White did get Eisenhower out of bed and encouraged him to exercise, which at that time was revolutionary. Now doctors recommend exercise for all heart attack patients as soon as they dare.
PAUL DUDLEY WHITE AND I BOTH RIDE BIKES: In 1961, I was a resident at the Massachusetts General Hospital where Dr. White saw patients. I remember seeing the 77-year old Paul Dudley White come to work on a bicycle. He continued to ride his bike to work into his eighties. I am that age now and ride more than 200 miles a week and race all-out three days a week. The difference between Dr. White and me, at the same age, is that I am retired and retirement is too rewarding to ruin with the stress of work.
SMOKING CAUSES HEART ATTACKS: In March 1949, six years before his first heart attack, Eisenhower’s personal physician, Dr. Howard Snyder, told Ike to reduce smoking from four packs of cigarettes per day to one pack. However, Eisenhower quickly learned that counting cigarettes is far more difficult than not smoking at all, so he gave up smoking altogether.
LIFESTYLE CHANGES TO AVOID HEART ATTACKS: Ike’s survival depended on changing his lifestyle. Paul Dudley White told Eisenhower to exercise, cut back on eating meat, take an anti- clotting agent called coumadin, eat a low-fat diet, and maintain his weight at 175 pounds. He went on to six more years as president and retired to an active life until he died 14 years later.
LOW-FAT DIET RECOMMENDED AT THAT TIME: This was the first time that the press extensively reported that heart attacks might be caused by cholesterol and saturated fat. Researcher Ancel Keys of the University of Minnesota claimed that a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet could prevent heart attacks. He was right, but wrong because he should have included restricting sugar and other refined carbohydrates.
REFINED CARBOHYDRATES CAUSE HEART ATTACKS ALSO. Preventing heart attacks requires more than reducing your intake of red meat, stopping smoking, losing weight, and exercising regularly. You also have to stop eating fried foods and reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates including sugared drinks and all sugar-added foods. People who are overweight, those who are diabetic, those who store fat primarily in their bellies, and those who have high blood cholesterol levels should restrict all refined carbohydrates.
HE DIDN’T CHANGE ENOUGH: From April through August 1968, Eisenhower had four heart attacks and his heart stopped beating 14 times. At 12:25 PM, March 28 1969, President Eisenhower died of heart failure, at the very young age of 79.
The book’s title is misleading, making it sound like a new diet fad. Barbara Ehrenreich says it might be called “The Great Low-Fat Diet Hoax.” Since the 50s, Taubes writes, scientists, the AMA, the surgeon general, the American Heart Assoc. and the USDA have urged Americans to eat less fat and lower their cholesterol to prevent heart disease. In fact, since the 60s, Americans have made an effort to eat less fat and there’s been a 30% reduction in high cholesterol levels, yet the incidence of heart disease has not gone down, and obesity and diabetes have risen at alarming rates. One in three Americans today is clinically obese.
Taubes advances the alternative hypothesis: that carbohydrates, especially starchy foods and sugar, are the cause and should be limited. But he acknowledges that there’s no scientific evidence yet to support that theory either.
What Taubes does not address – and I invite your ideas – is the addiction I and countless others have to eating, not to satisfy hunger but for the sensory pleasure, which triggers a craving for more and more. Taubes doesn’t take up the problem of overeating, or the question of why most people regain the weight they lose on any diet – fat free or low carb.
I went on my first diet when I was 20, newly returned from a semester in Italy where I’d put on 15 pounds eating pasta. I went to a doctor who prescribed appetite suppressants and a diet of only protein and water. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs and water – that was it. I dropped the pounds but as soon as I resumed “normal” eating, they came back.
Since then, I’ve been on and off diets continually. People tell me, “You don’t look heavy,” and I say, “I don’t have a weight problem, I have an eating problem.” I want to eat whatever tempting food is in sight, hungry or not, and I can’t leave food on a plate. Moderate portions do not satisfy me. Of course, this doesn’t apply to celery and such, which I can leave on a plate. I keep no bread, chips, or desserts in my house, so I have to go out to eat them.
When I was living in Venice, CA, and writing “Loose Change,” I made a daily trip to the corner liquor store to feed my habit – with a Hershey bar instead of alcohol. I tried shock therapy at the Schick Center for Weight Control and Smoking. For 10 weekly sessions, they put electrodes on my arm and sent mild shocks through me while I ate a Hershey bar. The first 9 times, I thought, it’s not working, the Hershey still tastes great, I’m just more stubborn than the machine. But after the tenth session, I lost my craving. It was wondrous! I could walk by a table loaded with chocolate and have no impulse to eat any. This lasted about two years, when, out of curiosity, I tried one chocolate truffle and that was it. Hooked again.
When the low-fat diets came into vogue in the 80s, I went on one, monitored by Gold’s Gym. I was allowed to eat bagels and pasta but I gained weight! So it was reassuring to read Taubes’ denunciation of that approach. Last year, I did the South Beach diet after a friend had dramatic success with it. It’s the low carb, high protein approach, and in 3 weeks I lost 12 pounds and went down one size. I’ve been able to keep it off for a year, and for the first time in memory, I’m happy with my weight!
But this hasn’t solved my overeating problem. Every so often, the monster in me runs amok and gobbles cake, mashed potatoes, guacamole and chips. Then I go back on the strict diet for a few days and undo the damage. It’s what Andrew Weil calls the “fast – glut cycle.” He thinks it may be a holdover from when we were hunter-gatherers and gorged when an animal was killed because a famine might be ahead. So that’s my story, and until a solution arises for my addiction, I’m stickin’ to it.
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