Drug company executives must be praying more people don’t
discover this clinically proven blood sugar-busting
breakthrough that’s...
discover this clinically proven blood sugar-busting
breakthrough that’s...
THREE times more effective for controlling your blood sugar than
top-selling diabetes drugs
top-selling diabetes drugs
If you’re at risk from type 2 diabetes, then you need to read the results of this gold standard clinical trial TWICE...
...because you’ll scarcely believe how this 11 ingredient powerhouse formula delivers results Big Pharma can only dream about...
Fasting blood sugar levels plummet an astonishing 107 points on average – from 196 to 89 – in just 90 days
- 2 Hour Glucose levels down 54.55%
- HbA1c level drops a remarkable 3 points – from 7.7% to 4.7%
- ‘Bad’ cholesterol decreases by more than 34%
- Raised blood pressure drops, too ...down 28.4% systolic and 4.9% diastolic
PLUS!! Average weight loss of 9.3 lbs
Dear frustrated friend,
If you’re sitting at home reading this with a diagnosis of diabetes hanging heavy on your shoulders, then you’re not alone...
300 million people worldwide are in a similar situation as you...
...7 million new cases of diabetes are diagnosed every single year...
...and experts estimate that as many as 10 million people are currently living with diabetes WITHOUT even knowing it.
Diabetes is now so out of control that the World Health Organisation predicts that 1 in 3 people will be type 2 diabetic by 2030.
You're probably worried sick about the prospect of taking Metformin, Actos, Byetta and other diabetes drugs for the rest of your life....
And you’re right to be concerned…
Because, apart from the long list of horrendous side effects that these drugs wreak on your body, our researchers have uncovered another dirty little secret about them...
...and knowing this could decide whether you spend the rest of your life dependent on diabetes drugs - or whether you get your diabetes bully off your back once and for all.
Let down by prescription medicine?
Diabetes drugs only deliver a 1 per cent improvement…
Diabetes drugs only deliver a 1 per cent improvement…
You probably remember only too well the first time you heard the words: “I’m sorry, it’s bad news. You have type 2 diabetes."
You were probably in shock. You probably weren’t thinking straight...
So when your doctor reassured you that your condition was completely manageable with the latest diabetes drugs, you probably heaved a sigh of relief…
You were only too glad that there seemed to be a relatively simple, painless solution with solid scientific evidence behind it that could get you back to normal in no time.
Yes, it was bad news, but at least there was real hope that you could lead a normal life again…RIGHT?
Or so you thought.
Because what your doctor probably didn’t share with you - most likely because he doesn't even know this himself - is that the major prescription drugs for diabetes only provide a paltry 1% improvement in HbA1c levels among those who use them.
For some it’s a little better, for some a little worse….
(Editor's note: glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) readings allow clinicians to get an overall picture of what our average blood sugar levels have been over a period of weeks/months.)
…but a 1 per cent blood sugar improvement overall is a derisory return for the huge amounts of money that the drugs companies earn from these drugs.
Little wonder then that the drugs companies have tried their utmost to cover up these trial results in order to prevent doctors, patients and the medical authorities from knowing the real truth...
The real problem that’s stopping you from being free of type 2 diabetes
That’s why your problem is not the fact that you have out-of-control blood sugar…
The real problem…
…the one that’s been holding you back from having normal blood sugar levels again...
…the one that’s caused so many millions of people to suffer needlessly from type 2 diabetes…
…is that you’ve been lied to for decades.
You’ve been lied to by the drugs companies who have convinced us all that the best course of action is to take pharmaceutical drugs to control your blood sugar.
You’ve been lied to by patient groups who have given you the WRONG advice on diet and nutrition (who incidentally receive funding from the drugs companies…let’s face it it’s not in their interests to put themselves out of a nice cushy job by telling you the truth, is it?
You’ve been lied to by the food industry who have loaded their products with sugar whilst telling you that they’re healthy and natural.
You’ve been lied to by the food industry who have loaded their products with sugar whilst telling you that they’re healthy and natural.
You’ve been lied to by the medical establishment, who – surprise, surprise – receive $ hundreds of millions in funding from dug company sponsorship…
And then to cap it all, they’ll try and brainwash you into thinking it’s all YOUR own fault.
They try and blame YOU for leading an unhealthy lifestyle, eating too many sugary, fattening foods, not taking enough exercise…
It’s their way of SHAMING you into accepting a lifetime of medicine dependency where your diabetes isn’t cured, only managed by their drugs…
DON’T blame yourself, just take control
I’m not going to preach to you and tell you that you should have done this or that… eaten more healthily… taken more exercise....
I’m not going to do that because that’s all in the past.
What’s important now is what you do from today onwards...
This is about you – and you alone.
It’s about your commitment to be free of diabetes.
And it’s about taking one, very simple, easy step, as you’re about to discover...
Here's why it's absolutely vital that you take control RIGHT NOW...
If you’re suffering type 2 diabetes – or you’ve been told that you could be pre-diabetic - then drugs should be a last resort... after you’ve explored all the alternatives... NOT the first thing you turn to.
Drugs manage symptoms.
That’s all.
Don’t think that you can take a shot or a prescription pill and never have to worry about diabetes again.
Nope, doesn’t work that way…
…because the underlying cause of your diabetes will still be there.
It's a fact, too, that some of the drugs have even been linked with the very same health crises that diabetes causes itself... including heart attack, stroke and blindness.
But, there’s even worse news for diabetics…
Research published in the prestigious American Journal of Epidemiology reported that men and women with diabetes have ‘significantly higher prevalences of cancer’.
Even allowing for factors like age, race, smoking and alcohol, diabetics are more likely to get colon, pancreatic, rectum, bladder, kidney, breast and prostate cancer than those without it. (Source: Am J Epidemiol 2004;159:1160–1167).
Researchers have attributed this increased incidence of cancer in diabetics to the high insulin and blood glucose levels, plus chronic inflammation, from which many of them suffer.
So let’s put some figures on it...
According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 17 percent of diabetic women and 16 percent of diabetic men get cancer, as opposed to only 10 and 7 per cent respectively in the overall population...
...which means that, if you’re a woman with diabetes, then you have a 70 per cent increased risk of cancer...
That’s bad enough in itself, but shockingly it’s worse for men...
If you’re a male diabetic, your cancer risk is DOUBLED!
For example, diabetic women are 300 per cent more likely to develop blood cancer than non-diabetic women.
But the most frightening increase is regarding pancreatic cancer, with diabetic men 400 per cent – or FIVE TIMES – more likely to develop it.
But the bad news doesn’t stop there...
Drugs can make the problem even worse...
In a bid to help profits – sorry, that should of course read ‘patients’ – Big Pharma have created a ‘popular’ class of diabetes drugs called DPP-4 inhibitors.
As the name suggests, these drugs shut down DPP-4, an enzyme that’s a natural tumor suppressor… so, by taking them, you continuously block one of the ways your body naturally beats off cancer.
Studies have shown DPP-4 inhibitors to be linked to thyroid, colon, skin and prostate cancer. In March 2013, even the Big Pharma-loving FDA said it was investigating the ‘potential safety issue’ with regard to these drugs and pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) and pre-cancerous cellular changes to the pancreas.
Believe me, it's not my intention to scare you...
I'm just trying to impress on you how important it is to take control of your own wellbeing - and not get sucked into a lifetime of medicine dependency, where the drugs either don't work as well as you're told they do.... or else they increase your risk of getting something even worse than diabetes.
But let’s not dwell on the negative
Because what I’m about to reveal to you here is a unique, once-in-a lifetime opportunity to bust free from this cycle of misery and get this diabetes bully off your back!
It’s an opportunity that 90% of others who are suffering the consequences of a lifetime of raised blood sugar may never be told...
… and it can prevent you falling into the spiral of medicine dependency that faces tens of millions of less fortunate people.
This advance ranks as one of the greatest breakthroghs for diabetics in two generations of sufferers…
Just imagine waking up one morning feeling full of energy, without feeling the usual symptoms of diabetes or the side effects of your medication…
Imagine the look on your doctor’s face when he signs you off because there are no signs of diabetes left in your body.
Imagine the delight you’ll feel....imagine the relief of your family and loved ones.
This is what now lies in your grasp and the only question you need to ask yourself now is: am I going to change all my tomorrows starting today?
If that answer is YES!, then I need to introduce you to 2 very important people who are going to be instrumental in making this happen for you...
An introduction that will change your life forever...
The message that just isn’t getting out about type 2 diabetes from doctors, the medical authorities and the drugs companies is that it's completely reversible – as long as you give your body the ammunition to heal itself.
That’s what first inspired two very special pioneers in natural and nutritional medicine.
Against all the odds and opposition from the medical authorities they set out to formulate the perfect blend of natural substances that would equip your body’s own ability to achieve perfect regulation of your blood sugar.
It was a long arduous journey that would see them risk everything – their reputations, their careers, not to mention several million dollars – and drive them to the edge of bankruptcy in order to prove the drugs companies wrong.
And boy, did they succeed!.
Dr. Vern Cherewatenko is pretty famous in the US. Not only is he a practising doctor at his own private clinic, his book The Diabetes Cure: A Natural Plan That Can Slow, Stop, Even Cure Type 2 Diabetes became an instant bestseller.
You see, Dr Vern completely understands what it’s like to be diabetic since he himself is a former type 2 diabetic.
I say ‘former diabetic’ because Dr Vern managed to rid himself of type 2 diabetes using the same secrets that he now shares with the thousands of patients who visit him at his clinic in Renton, Washington.
And now he’s sharing them with you and a few privileged others who – like Dr Vern himself – are saying ‘no’ to diabetes drugs and their harmful side effects in favour of less aggressive, more effective natural solutions.
But as good as his book is, Dr. Vern never rests on his laurels…
So, along with Ken Hampshire, they teamed together to look at all the latest cutting-edge research emanating from the Diabetes Foundation and all the other leading medical authorities on diabetes.
And what they came up with after years of research was a new super formula designed to help patients to…
- Control blood sugar…
- Boost the action and release of insulin…
- Help patients lose weight without restrictive diets…
- Help improve blood pressure and lower “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides…
- Fight the deadly and debilitating complications of diabetes…
- And, above all, to do it naturally – free from drugs that can trigger other nasty side effects.
It’s all very well designing a new formula and telling people that it should work for them in theory…
…but it’s quite another matter proving it in a rigorous, double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial.
Nutritional medicine is often criticised by Big Pharma and their stooges in the medical establishment for having no scientific evidence to show that it works.
Dr Vern and Ken Hampshire knew this and so they decided to risk everything – their reputations, their careers…they even put their homes on the line…in order to prove once and for all that their powerhouse formula did everything they knew it could.
And the results just blew any doubt out of the water…
Scientifically Proven in…not one, but… TWO gold standard clinical trials…
Syntra5™ - the amazing new, all-natural, scientifically-proven and patient-tested breakthrough outperforms prescription drugs
(And for a mere fraction of the cost!)
Syntra5™ - the amazing new, all-natural, scientifically-proven and patient-tested breakthrough outperforms prescription drugs
(And for a mere fraction of the cost!)
But it gives you…in one simple, easy to take capsule, indisputable proofthat the benefits we are claiming for it in this report are exactly what you get. How can I be so sure?
Because product formulators Ken Hampshire and Dr. Vern Cherewatenko took the unusual step of not only reviewing the ingredients individually, but by having Syntra5™ clinically tested in an unbiased, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study – on REAL patients, with RAGING diabetes…and the results couldn’t have been more encouraging.
- Fasting blood sugar levels dropped like a stone – with an average reduction from 196 to just 89! That’s not a typo, that’s an average blood sugar drop of 107 points!
- Haemoglobin A1c levels dropped from 7.7 to a low of 4.66!
- 2 Hour blood glucose levels DOWN 54.55%!
- “Bad” cholesterol levels fell by a whopping 98 points – down from 338 to just 240!
- Triglyceride levels fell from an average of 255 down to 203 – a drop of 52 points!
- Blood pressure readings showed equally impressive results, too – down from an average of 171/75 to 146/70!
Now here comes the really important part...
Syntra5™ delivers a Whopping 3% Improvement in HbA1c Levels!
Remember how we saw earlier that diabetes drugs only deliver a 1% improvement in haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) levels - which is the measurement that shows average blood glucose levels over a period of weeks or months)..
For people with diabetes, this is critical, because the higher the HbA1c, the greater the risk of developing diabetes-related complications, such as...
. . .Retinopathy (which can cause blindness)
. . .Neuropathy (which can lead to amputation)
. . .and kidney disease
Two large-scale studies - the UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) and the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) - demonstrated that improving HbA1c by 1% for people with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes cuts the risk of complications by 25%
But, Syntra5 improved HbA1c levels by a massive 3% - that's 3 TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE than diabetes drugs!
Why is this so important? Well, research has shown that people with type 2 diabetes who reduce their HbA1c level by 1% are:
. . . 19% less likely to suffer cataracts
. . . 16% less likely to suffer heart failure
. . . 43% less likely to suffer amputation or death due to peripheral vascular disease
. . . 19% less likely to suffer cataracts
. . . 16% less likely to suffer heart failure
. . . 43% less likely to suffer amputation or death due to peripheral vascular disease
So just think. . . Syntra5™ is 3 TIMES BETTER THAN THIS . . . It will give you 3 TIMES GREATER protection against suffering any one of these horrific scenarios!
But the good news doesn't end there...
Because during the clinical trial, they also ran a glucose challenge test, loading the subjects with 75 grams of glucose (that's about 6 tablespoons) to see the response.
Of course, when you take in that much sugar, your blood glucose spikes up, and it may take a long time to level out (the standard measure of how well the body handles sugar after eating is a two-hour test). Yet, almost everyone in the Syntra5™group had normalized blood sugar within 30 minutes of the glucose load!
So, what makes Syntra5™ so special…and so powerful? Well, there are a number of very good reasons, starting with…
The Apple Pie Breakthrough For Perfect Blood Sugar, Explosive Energy Levels…
Imagine if just a half teaspoon of an all-natural spice found in apple pie could give you all of these benefits…
- Better blood sugar control…
- Better triglycerides…
- Better LDL cholesterol levels…
- Better total cholesterol levels…
- And…
…A Whopping 20-Fold Boost In Energy Levels!
That’s something every type 2 diabetic would like, right? Well, that’s exactly what you get with the first ingredient in Syntra5™ . What is it? Nothing more complicated than good old Cinnamon. Yes, Cinnamon.
Did you ever suspect that lowly Cinnamon could give you all of these incredible benefits? Well, that’s exactly what you get with this amazing super-spice. And it’s all down to cinnamon’s active compound, called Methyhydroxy Chalcone Polymer, or MHCP, for short. And it can help control raised blood sugar like no drug in existence can.
In fact, no other drug or natural remedy can even come close to its spectacular effects. To begin with, cinnamon makes the fat cells in your body much more responsive to insulin, which helps your body burn excess sugar levels in your bloodstream.
Proven In Scientific Studies…
Cinnamon’s incredible effects on blood sugar levels isn’t just wishful thinking. It’s been proven in scores of well-documented studies to help tame out-of-control blood sugar and help keep it in the safety zone.
According to a study at the University of Hannover, Germany, and published in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation, cinnamon has a powerful effect on elevated blood sugar levels.
In the placebo-controlled, double-blind study, researchers gave 79 patients either cinnamon or a placebo pill for four months. The results? Patients taking cinnamon experienced a 10.3% reduction in blood sugar levels while the placebo group only received a 2.4% reduction.
In another study published in The Journal of Diabetic Medicine, researchers tested cinnamon against popular diabetes drugs. They gave one group the drugs. The other group took only cinnamon. And the results were conclusive: The participants in the cinnamon group had much better blood sugar control than the drug-only group.
And in another, Dr. Richard Anderson and colleagues at the Human Nutrition Research Centerperformed a double-blind, placebo-controlled study on patients with blood sugar problems.
They gave the patients either one, three, or six grams of cinnamon or an equal dose of a placebo and tested blood sugar levels at 0…40…and 60-day intervals. The results were interesting to say the least.>
In the placebo group, patients experienced zero or only very miniscule improvements in blood glucose levels, triglycerides, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels.
Yet…the patients taking cinnamon had impressive improvements in blood glucose readings and had better triglyceride, total cholesterol and lower LDL levels.
Long-Term, Spectacular Results…
What’s more, these researchers found that the longer the patients took cinnamon, the better their results. Indeed, 60-day readings proved better than 40-day readings.
All told, there has been more than 50 separate studies done on cinnamon’s effects on blood glucose levels. And in every case, patients got much better blood sugar control and cholesterol levels. In addition, cinnamon works fast – in a matter of mere days or even hours!
So it doesn’t just work better the longer you take it, it works almost from the very first dose.
All in all, cinnamon is a potent weapon in the fight against diabetes and elevated blood glucose levels. That’s why it’s included in Syntra5™ .
Now let me bring you the news about Diabetes Destroyer #2…
The Amazing “Cucumber Cure” For
Out-Of-Control Blood Sugar Levels!
Out-Of-Control Blood Sugar Levels!
Our second diabetes destroyer takes us deep into the tropical plains of Asia… where doctors are prescribing a fruit extract from a little-known vine in the battle against out-of-control blood sugar levels.
And it’s making an absolute mockery of traditional drugs by doing exactly what insulin shots do for blood sugar numbers…
…Or suffering from the horrendous side effects these drugs can trigger!
Indeed, this amazing “Cucumber Cure” comes without even a hint of side effects. In fact, this breakthrough is so gentle and so incredibly safe that doctors in many countries around the world prescribe it as a remedy against colic in new-born babies!
In diabetics, it’s making insulin shots virtually obsolete because it has such an incredible andimmediate effect on the cells in your body. It boosts glucose uptake in the cells of your body for much greater insulin release…and even boosts the potency of the insulin that is produced!
Practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine have named this natural substance “plant-insulin”. But natural healers know it by its more common name, bitter melon – a natural fruit with a spiky exterior that looks much like a cucumber.
Works Better Than Many Drugs… Sends
Sky-High Blood Sugar Levels Plummeting…
Sky-High Blood Sugar Levels Plummeting…
In one study published in the Journal of Natural Products, bitter melon was prepared as an injectable “plant insulin” and given to patients with type 1 & type 2 diabetes.
In patients with type 1, average glucose levels dropped from 304 down to just 169 mg/dl just four hours after injection…and patients continued to maintain those numbers up to 8 hours later from a single dose!
And in type 2 diabetics, the researchers who conducted the study found similar results in dropping blood sugar levels.
In a 2007 study performed at the Phillipine Department of Health, researchers tested bitter melon directly against the diabetes drug, Glibenclamide, used to control blood sugar levels. These researchers found that a single 100mg dose of bitter melon worked betterthan the standard 5mg dose of the drug!
All told, more than 100 studies have been done on bitter melon’s terrific effects on diabetes over the last 60 years. That’s why it’s included in Syntra5™.
Important note: It is strongly advised that you should not refrain from taking any medication without first consulting your health advisor. You should always consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to your health and wellbeing.
Toss The Tabs!
This Sri Lankan Herb Makes Diabetes
Drugs Hopelessly Obsolete…
This Sri Lankan Herb Makes Diabetes
Drugs Hopelessly Obsolete…
You’ve seen the damaging effects pills and insulin shots can have on your body for very little gain.That’s why I’m excited to tell you about the next ingredient in Syntra5™.
In gold-standard clinical studies, patients are reducing their dependence on drugs. And as many as 25% or more of study participants have replaced drugs completely…
By supplementing with a single herb found in the tropical regions of Sri Lanka. And it’s all due to its unrivalled ability to not only assist pancreatic beta cells that pump out insulin…
But Its Ability To Actually Re-Generate
Insulin-Producing Islet Cells In Your Pancreas!
Insulin-Producing Islet Cells In Your Pancreas!
What is this amazing nutrient? It’s Gymnema Sylvestre – a common herb found in India and Sri Lanka. And it can have truly remarkable effects on both type 1 insulin-dependent and type 2 diabetes.
Here’s how it works: As you consume your foods and your body begins to break them down, your blood sugar levels begin to creep up. To keep glucose levels from rising too high and too rapidly, your pancreas swings into action and triggers the release of insulin through cells called islet cells.
But in people with type 2 diabetes, islet cells don’t work like they should do. So as glucose levels are rising, islet cells are stuttering. Not enough insulin is being produced in response to rising glucose levels.
So you’ve got an excess of glucose and a reduction of insulin. All that excess glucose has to go somewhere. This is how high blood sugar levels begin to damage your eyes, your kidneys, your heart, your limbs and all the other vicious complications associated with diabetes.
But Gymnema Sylvestre solves this problem. Unlike cinnamon, which helps pull sugar out of your bloodstream, gymnema blocks glucose from flooding into your bloodstream too quickly. That means there’s much less sugar for your body’s insulin to metabolize or “burn”.
Result: You get better, more stable, more controlled blood sugar levels!
That makes gymnema one powerful ally in the fight against out-of-control blood sugar levels.
And you get a full research dosage of gymnema in the powerful diabetes-destroyer, Syntra5™.
This “Dynamic Duo” Balances Blood
Sugar…Beats Neuropathy…Helps
You Shed The Pounds…
Sugar…Beats Neuropathy…Helps
You Shed The Pounds…
Do you ever suffer with numbness and tingling? Then you’re probably deficient in a critical nutrient ALL diabetics need more of. This one cheap, simple…yet amazingly effective nutrient helps maintain healthy, rock-steady blood sugar numbers by working directly with the pancreas to boost insulin secretion in response to excessive blood glucose levels.
And it gets better…by sidestepping spikes in blood sugar by actively seeking out and accelerating the breakdown of carbohydrates in your foods.
What is this important substance? It’s Biotin.
Pretty impressive, right? Well, studies show you can get even greater benefits from biotin by combining it with another important nutrient, Chromium. Chromium is a critical nutrient for all diabetics. It helps remove excess glucose levels from your bloodstream.
In addition, chromium helps your body’s insulin burn off excess fat… helps build muscle… and even helps to convert sugar into energy levels!
And according to many studies, almost all diabetics are deficient in chromium. That’s why you get a generous helping of chromium and biotin in Syntra5™ .
Undo Years’ Worth Of Damage Done To Your
Heart…Your Eyes…Your Kidneys…and
Your Entire Body!
Heart…Your Eyes…Your Kidneys…and
Your Entire Body!
Imagine if there was a simple, proven way to undo years of damage done by diabetes to your heart, your eyes, blood vessels, kidneys and your circulation. And imagine if the secret to reversing this damage was found in a simple cheap substance available at any supermarket or health food store.
Well, incredibly, there is such a substance. And it can help keep your eyesight crystal clear. It can help keep your kidneys in top working order. It can help keep your circulation like nature intended and prevent limb amputation so many diabetes patients have to endure. And it can help keep your heart functioning like it should be.
What is this seemingly amazing nutrient that can do all of this?
Lowly old Vitamin C! Yes, vitamin C. And it works by controlling elevated levels of sorbitol in your body. Now for most people, increased sorbitol levels are no big deal. But in diabetics, sorbitol is absolute murder on your body.
Left alone, it literally ravages your body by damaging the blood vessels that feed blood and nutrients to your eyes, your kidneys, your heart, and throughout your entire body! Unfortunately, prescription drugs are absolutely useless for taming high sorbitol levels. But studies show that vitamin C works like a charm for seeking out, arresting and swiftly removing excess sorbitol levels in your bloodstream.
And that’s why vitamin C is included in the potent diabetes fighter, Syntra5™ .
Natural Plant Extract Mimics Insulin…
Diabetes-destroyer #7 In Syntra5™ is a tasty tea used by people in the Philippines for the treatment of blood sugar problems. It’s Banaba Extract – and its incredible blood glucose-lowering effects come from its ability to transport blood sugar into your body’s cells – in the very same way your body’s insulin does.
Nicknamed “the insulin plant”, banaba’s mechanism of action is its natural concentration of corosolic acid, a compound that mimic’s the action of insulin by transporting glucose into cells and out of your bloodstream.
And it’s not just banaba’s positive effects on blood sugar levels. But studies show it can also help you lose weight – an average of two to four pounds per month! Combined with a healthy diet and exercise regimen, the weight loss results can be even greater.
That’s why Dr. Cherewatenko and nutritional expert Ken Hampshire insisted banaba extract be included in Syntra5™.
People with diabetes almost always suffer with one or more mineral deficiencies. So it’s important to replace these “missing minerals” in your body and help keep diabetes problems at arm’s length. And one of the most important minerals of all – which most diabetics are deficient in – is Vanadium.
Vanadium acts in the same ways as insulin by removing excess glucose from your bloodstream. It then shunts glucose into your body’s muscles and cells where it can be burned for energy. And that’s means not only do you get an immediate boost in energy…
But It Can Help You Lose Weight –
And Stay Slim & Trim…And…
And Stay Slim & Trim…And…
…Even help protect your heart, too by lowering dangerous triglyceride levels! Because left floating around in your bloodstream, excess glucose levels are converted into fats known as triglycerides which are stored in the fat cells in your body. This leads to increased weight gain… faster weight gain… and flab around your tummy, hips, thighs and your bottom.
2,000-Year-Old Chinese Secret For Better Blood Sugar
And Rock-Steady Cholesterol Levels…
And Rock-Steady Cholesterol Levels…
Blood sugar levels. Cholesterol. Triglycerides. All three of these are common problems for people with diabetes. That’s why Syntra5™ includes Fenugreek Seed Extract. Used for more than 2,000 years in China, fenugreek has shown terrific promise for balancing blood sugar levels and improving cholesterol and triglyceride levels, too.
In a recent study, patients with blood sugar problems were divided into two groups. The first group were instructed to take one gram of fenugreek for 8 weeks. The other group were instructed to make lifestyle and diet changes… and were also given a placebo pill.
The results were clear: The patients taking the fenugreek seed extract got significant results in dropping blood sugar levels and cholesterol and triglyceride numbers improved, too. But in the group who took the placebo and made lifestyle changes, the results were only minimal.
Many other studies have also proven fenugreek’s ability to help control blood sugar levels and also cholesterol and triglyceride numbers.
The results are the result of fenugreek’s high fibre content and other natural blood sugar fixers. And that’s why fenugreek is included in Syntra5™.
Up until this point, we’ve focused most of our attention on getting your blood sugar under control and boosting the effects of insulin. And rightly so because these “Terrible Twins” are the triggers behind blindness… amputations… high blood pressure… kidney failure… and the other damaging effects of diabetes.
And we’ve also seen how to drop cholesterol levels and triglycerides. But one of the most important steps in beating diabetes is maintaining your weight and staying slim and trim.
And it’s this to which we turn our attention to – with two of nature’s most powerful fat-burning nutrients.
Lose An Average 9.3 Pounds in 90 Days –
Without Needing To Exercise!
Without Needing To Exercise!
Now, we’re not recommending that you don’t take any exercise! If you can exercise then it will definitely help you, even if it’s just for 5 – 10 minutes a day.
But some folk find it hard to do exercise – even for a short period.
That’s why Ken Hampshire and his team have included not one but two dedicated fat-burners intoSyntra5™ . And the first of these weight-loss aids is Garcinia Cambogia – an indigenous fruit from India that looks a lot like a mini pumpkin.
And when it comes to shedding the pounds, very few natural remedies can come close to its fat-burning power.
As you can see, Syntra5™ contains 11 of the most powerful, research proven and patient-tested nutrients to help you fight diabetes and its destructive effects – and it gives you optimum levels of each nutrient as proven in all the studies mentioned here.
It gives you the simplest, most effective way I know of to help drop sky-high blood sugar levels and keep them rock-steady and in the safety zone… permanently. It helps normalize the function of insulin in your body…and even helps re-generate worn out islet cells in your pancreas to help boost the release of insulin.
It helps dial down high cholesterol and triglyceride levels… and keeps their damaging effects at bay.
It helps you get slim and trim… without having to exercise until you can barely breathe… and saves you from eating a bland, unappetizing diet that leaves you feeling hungry and deprived.
So, just imagine what will happen if you combine daily supplements of Syntra5™ with some moderate daily exercise... you could find yourself losing more weight than you’d ever dreamed possible.
Real People…Real Problems…
Syntra5™ has proven to be the last stop on a long, worrying, frustrating medical road for thousands of men and women just like you. Now, thanks to the introduction of Syntra5™, they’re dumping their diabetes meds (or dramatically reducing their dependence on drugs)… controlling the disease reversing symptoms, lowering their risk of life-changing complications and enjoying greater new freedoms than ever before.
But hey, don’t just take my word for it. Listen to what just a small handful of grateful former diabetes sufferers have said about Syntra5™…
“6 Months Later, I didn’t Need Diabetes Drugs.”
I started taking Syntra-5 when I found out that my blood sugar was a 580 and it scared me. I was put on lots of different types of blood sugar medicines and had almost no improvement so I got the Syntra-5 and it went down drastically to just under 200 in a week. Then I was off the blood sugar meds in 6 months and stayed off . What a gift from above to be getting healthy.
C.C. – Dallas, TX.
“Syntra5™ Is An Absolute Must For Fighting Dreaded Diabetes!”
After taking Syntra-5 for 3 days, my readings have been 96, 96, 98, 100 and 113! I’m absolutely convinced that Syntra-5 has helped tremendously. No doubt in my mind. I told my doctor that I refuse to take insulin and I will lower it through diet, exercise and natural supplements. He then called me and said that my good cholesterol was only 32 and had to be at least 40, my triglycerides were 2200 and should be about 200 and my bad cholesterol was extremely high and he immediately prescribed Crestor. I do not want to take the drugs so I made up my mind that I would beat this on my terms!
I am excited to have such dramatic results in just 3 weeks but the really amazing results have been over the week I have been taking Syntra-5. I was steadily decreasing but only slightly, so the decrease from 168 to 96 in 3 days is absolute proof that your product is a must for anyone fighting dreaded diabetes.
Thank you so much!
G.D. – Erial NJ
And it’s only got better and better for G.D., as this recent update proves…
I have now lost 54 lbs, reduced my cholesterol from 525 to 127. My triglycerides have gone from 2200 to 120, my good cholesterol from a low of 32 to 45 and my sugars has been 83 to about 131. My doctor calls me the miracle man and I did it all in 93 days. I took your advice as well as several other people and pretty much realized that losing the weight was the most important thing. I am completely convinced that your product has significantly helped in reducing my sugar levels and helped me drop the pounds.
“I Refused The Drugs, Best I’ve Felt In 10 Years!”
After getting the results of the blood profile, my doctor painted a fairly gloomy picture of my future and gave me a month's supply of Avandia.
I am pleased to report that I never broke the seal on the Avandia, but quickly found out about Syntra5™ . Within a few days, my symptoms subsided and I started feeling better and better. Today, just over three months later, I can honestly say I feel better in every respect than I have in at least ten years, have lost twenty pounds and four inches in my waist, and feel confident that the next ninety days will continue to show progress in this area as well.
Also, my blood pressure at my last exam was spot on 110/80! I must say, when my doctor looked at my blood test, my weight, and my blood pressure... he could NOT suppress his astonishment, although he was REALLY trying! He simply said, "Just keep on doing what you have been doing!"
L.B. - Corrales, NM
“Better Blood Sugar Levels Almost Immediately.”
As soon as I started taking Syntra5™ my blood sugar dropped to 88 to 110 prior to eating and 94 to 120 two hours after eating. I am glad that with Syntra-5 I am on the path to maintaining healthy blood sugar.
R.A. - Wooster, OH
“Better Blood Sugar, More Energy, Lost An Extra 10lbs.”
I've had a lot of success with Syntra5™. My blood sugar has gone from 180 to under 120 and I have a lot more energy now... not so sluggish as before. I've also had the unexpected result of losing an extra 10 lbs. I would highly recommend this product to anyone. The extra H.C.A. in the new formulation is also an extra help.
M.H. - Eagan, MN
“My Diabetes Is GONE, Thanks To Syntra5™ !”
About 5 years ago I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes. Of course, I did everything the doctors told me to do (lose weight and exercise and eat better). It did help, but I was not making the progress I wanted until I started taking Syntra-5. That is when I lost even more weight, my total cholesterol went from 236 to 183 and I am no longer diabetic. That was two years ago. Syntra-5 is and will always be a part of my health regime.
M.S. - Sutherlin, OR
“Blood Sugar Levels Fell…Better Energy Levels.”
I started to use Syntra-5 when my blood sugar(fasting) was 181 and my A1C was 8.9. After three weeks my sugar is down to 116 (fasting) I have more energy, I feel better without the withdrawals I usually have when my sugar starts to drop. I would highly recommend this product if you are interested in lowering your blood sugar.
S.P. – Grand Prairie, TX
These are just a few examples. Our files are literally overflowing with similar stories from folks who once suffered from the hell of type 2 diabetes.
Doctors consider your case “hopeless” – once you’ve got diabetes then the only option is to take drugs or get insulin shots. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. As you’ve seen, for patients takingSyntra5™, a new day has dawned in their lives.
It’s a tremendous, satisfying feeling to hear about people with long-standing problems associated with diabetes to finally get the measure of relief they so badly seek. Now, they’ve got their blood sugar levels under control…their energy levels are positively exploding… they’re losing 10… 20… or more pounds in as little as a few weeks…
…They’re bringing down their cholesterol and triglyceride levels, dialling down dangerously -high blood pressure levels…and dramatically reducing their risk of blindness, amputation, heart problems, kidney disorders – and every other health threat diabetes poses.
And when you begin putting Syntra5™ to work in your life, I’m sure you’ll be as compelled as other people have to write in and tell us your own success story. Just imagine being able to…
- Get an explosion of new energy – by up to 20 times what you have right now…
- Dropping blood sugar levels like a rock – and managing it without worry…
- Keep enjoying your favourite foods – decadent ice creams, tasty treats, the occasional sweet, pizza…whatever your favourite food(s) may be…
- Protecting your heart by driving down blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides…
- Keeping your valuable eyesight intact – no cataracts or blurred vision…
- Lose all the weight you hate without dieting or exercising like a maniac – as much as 9.3 pounds in 90 days…
- Knock out diabetic neuropathy – keep painful and dangerous open wounds at bay – helping to avoid amputations and other problems…
That’s what life promises you with Syntra5™. Aren’t these the kind of benefits you want from your diabetes medication – but in a natural, no side-effect, positive way?
If so, I strongly urge you to give Syntra5™ a risk-free trial audition – so you can see what all the fuss is about…and begin feeling the tremendous benefits this all-natural, scientifically-proven formula can give you.
The recommended amount is two Syntra5 tablets taken three times a day, 15-20 minutes before eating. These tablets are very large – but they need to be to include all the sugar-busting powers of the formula.
Caution: If you are already taking blood sugar medication, work with your doctor while taking Syntra5. While Syntra5 does not appear to cause hypoglycaemia (based on the studies and customer feedback), medication can, and your doctor may need to adjust your dosage.
But, before you do there's one important thing you need to be aware of right now...
Limited stocks mean that we must restrict numbers
to 300 people only
Limited stocks mean that we must restrict numbers
to 300 people only
Unlike many mass produced products on the market which fall short of delivering on their claims,Syntra5™’s powerhouse eleven-ingredient, clinically-proven formula is produced in much smaller batches.
There's a very good reason for this...
Firstly, precisely because there are so many health-giving ingredients – eleven in all – crammed into each caplet, it takes far longer to produce Syntra5™ to the demanding requirements laid down by Dr. Vern and by Ken Hampshire, its pioneering formulator.
It’s important to emphasise here that Ken Hampshire is not the type of person to skimp on quality or cut corners like so many manufacturers of mass produced products.
Think about it...he’s invested so much of his life into making sure that Syntra5™ delivers on all its claims...
...he’s staked his reputation on proving that it works by subjecting it to the scrutiny of a rigorous double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial...
His faith in his formulation pushed him to the brink of financial ruin, so do you think he’s about to compromise his beliefs by delivering a product that is anything other than the highest quality?
Of course not!
And until now it's never been available for sale through high street retailers, nor appeared on the shelves of health shops or on the internet.
But for the first time, Dr Vern and Ken Hampshire have agreed to allow 300 of our members to trial this unique product….
And, as a privileged member, I'm giving you first refusal….
But, I can only hold this offer open for the first 300 members...so you need to act quickly! You need to be aware that we will be allocating places on a 'first-come-first-served' basis.
So, let me ask you this question: What's it worth to you NOT to live in fear each day of out-of-control blood sugar?
What's it worth to MASSIVELY REDUCE your risk of serious complications that raised blood sugar can have on your body?
Would it be worth, say, £5.00 ($7.50) per day?
Would your family and all those who depend on you financially and emotionally agree that it was worth just £5.00 per day?
Of course they would! But it's not going to cost you anywhere near that . . .
What about £2.50 per day? Frankly, at £2.50 per day it would be a screaming bargain...
In fact, it costs around £1.32 pence per day to power-up your body to help support healthy blood sugar and reduce your risk of the serious consequences that raised blood sugar can wreak on your body....
So here's what I’m recommending for you…
This option comes with our special autoship delivery service which means that we'll automatically keep sending you a fresh supply of Syntra5™ right to your door each month, until you tell us to stop.
(Please be advised: Initial orders for a one-off supply of Syntra5™can be placed at the standard price of £35.83 (plus shipping and VAT). However, we cannot guarantee that any of the 300 places will be available for you should you wish to re-order at a later date. For this option, call our Customer Service team on the phone numbers given on the order form).
Ordering Syntra5™ through our autoship service helps speed up delivery and means. . .
- NO repeat form-filling
- NO more worrying that you're going to run out
- SAVE over 10% on the standard price
- PLUS, we'll inflation-proof all future deliveries for at least 1 year which guarantees that the price you pay today will be frozen for at least the next 365 days!
Rest assured that for every shipment we send you, you are automatically covered by our rolling 30-day, money-back guarantee. This ensures that you're in total control of what you get, when you get it... and whether or not you pay for it!
This rolling guarantee applies whether it's your first batch or your 21st batch!
It's that simple...our policy is to always put you, the customer, first, second and third!
But, I'm not expecting this to even cross your mind...
You'll simply be relieved that, as one of the lucky 300, your supply of SYNTRA5 is turning up every month... as regular as clockwork... without you keep having to pick up the phone or fill in a form to order more.
Let me make this decision even easier for you!
Our special risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee means that you can order with complete confidence and peace of mind...
120,000 of our members around the world rely on us to produce reports like this, to help them avoid inferior quality products and scams.
It's why we've gone the extra mile to source for you the highest quality and standard of this remarkable supplement, available anywhere.
And it's why we always give risk-free, comprehensive money-back guarantees on all the products we recommend.
So, when you buy Syntra5™… I personally guarantee that the Syntra5™ you will receive contains the exact same premium combination of ELEVEN ingredients formulated by Ken Hampshire which was used to achieve such astonishing results in the human clinical trial.
But there are NONE that compare to Syntra5™... there are NONE that have been scientifically proven to work as well as Syntra5.
Syntra5™ is different for 3 very good reasons:
1. Syntra5 has been clinically proven to get results
2. No other product contains such a combination of ELEVEN blood sugar-busting ingredients
3. No other product gives you a quibble-free, 30 day money back guarantee (not including shipping) – which means that you can even return the empty bottle if you don’t start seeing the results I’ve told you about earlier on in this announcement.
How's that for complete reassurance that you're making the right choice!
How Fast Does Syntra5™ Work?
Naturally, that’s hard to say. You may begin seeing the benefits from the first few days. Or it may take longer to feel its positive effects. Everyone is different. But what I can say is that most people begin feeling the terrific benefits within the first few weeks. And from there, things only get better, and better, and better. Especially when you make Syntra5™ a part of your daily regimen.
Remember the trial results which I showed you earlier? These took 90 days to achieve, which means that the longer you stick with it the GREATER the benefits you'll get.
Just two capsules, three times a day is all it takes to begin the revitalisation process. You’ll feel the benefit in your blood sugar… your energy levels… your kidneys… your eyes… and your entire body. PLUS, you'll keep type 2 diabetes at bay and preserve the good health and freedom that is your birth right.
Best Part: You Can Get Syntra5™ For Just 22p Per Health-Restoring Capsule!
Look, let’s be blunt here.
This is impressive. The hundreds of clinical studies on Syntra5’s™ ingredients prove it. The double-blind, placebo-controlled study done on the actual formula itself proves it. And the gushing customer testimonials really proves that we’ve got something very special here with Syntra5™.
Could you imagine if one of the big drug companies had a patented formula with so few downsides and so many incredible upside benefits – they’d charge a King’s ransom for it. But you don’t have to pay a King’s ransom – because for as little as 22p per capsule – that's just £1.32 per day – Syntra5™ is going to be the biggest bargain of your life.
Why Would Any Diabetic NOT Try This?
In truth, I can’t think of a single reason! If you’re constantly battling with your blood sugar… if you want to avoid the horrific side effects posed by drugs and diabetes… if you want to avoid being a mere statistic – one of the 300 people who will perish from diabetes in the next 60 minutes… then getting your risk-free trial of Syntra5™ is an absolute must.
And we’re making it doubly easy for you to do just that by giving you …
The recommended amount is two Syntra5 tablets taken three times a day, 15-20 minutes before eating. These tablets are very large – but they need to be to include all the sugar-busting powers of the formula.
Caution: If you are already taking blood sugar medication, work with your doctor while taking Syntra5. While Syntra5 does not appear to cause hypoglycaemia (based on the studies and customer feedback), medication can, and your doctor may need to adjust your dosage.
An Unconditional 30-Day, No-Risk Guarantee!
That’s right! You’re NEVER at risk when you purchase Syntra5™ because we give you a full 30 days to put it to the definitive test. That means you’ve got more than enough time to put it to the test on your own body… on your diabetes… and experience the incredible benefits it can give you, without worry.
And it MUST work like I have described here. If you don’t experience all the benefits I have mentioned in this announcement, then we don’t expect you to keep it. That being the case, we insist that you return the unused portion of your Syntra5™ for a full, no-questions-asked, unconditional refund on every penny you have paid (less shipping). Even if you’re down to the last capsule in the bottle!
If you’re not 100% convinced that Syntra5™ is the only diabetes remedy you’ll ever need to help control blood sugar… improve insulin levels… fight the complications of diabetes… help improve your weight… lower blood pressure levels… and every other benefit mentioned here – you get a 100% refund of every penny you paid (not including shipping). No ifs, ands, buts, or maybes!
The fact of the matter is: When you give your body exactly what it needs…and provide it with the correct balance of nutrients it needs…diabetes doesn’t have to be the destructive disease it is for so many people. And you don’t have to suffer the miserable complications and premature death we all fear.
Syntra5™ gives you the power over diabetes – it gives you the control over diabetes instead of being at the mercy of doctors and the sinister drugs they dole out every day. With the all-natural, research-proven and patient-tested ingredients in Syntra5™ you can…
- Help your body block diabetes’ devastating effects…
- Undo years of damage done by the disease…
- Get rock-steady blood sugar levels…
- Protect your heart…
- Tame out-of-control blood pressure levels…
- Supercharge your weight loss efforts, without exercise…
- Protect your eyesight and keep it crystal clear for life…
- Protect your kidneys and other organs…
- Knock out diabetic neuropathy…
- Avoid life-changing limb amputations…
- Beat sugar cravings…
- Boost your energy levels by up to 20 times what it is now…
- Help dramatically reduce or even totally eliminate your dependence on prescription drugs…
- And much, much more!
All of this – and much, much more – is now available to you with Syntra5™. Now, it’s never been easier to get control of your diabetes. And for just 22p per capsule, it’s probably the best investment you could ever make in your health.
Since its introduction, Syntra5™ has enabled literally tens of thousands of people to control their diabetes naturally and effectively – without drugs (or a dramatically reduced dose of drugs)… overly-restrictive diets…and lung-bursting exercise. And now, these benefits are available to you right nowwith the remarkable diabetes-destroyer, Syntra5™.
Why not join them today by clicking the ORDER NOW button below. If what I have written here has piqued your interest even in the slightest, I urge you to give Syntra5™ a no-risk test-drive today. The results will blow you away!
Here's To A Diabetes-Free Life,
Rachael Linkie, Editor
Journal of Natural Health Solutions
Journal of Natural Health Solutions
PS – Remember: Not only are ALL the ingredients in Syntra5™ proven to be powerful diabetes fighters in their own right…they’re also proven to work in one unique single blend. Check out the placebo-controlled study information on Syntra5™ further up in this announcement.
PPS – This is a completely NO-RISK FREE TRIAL of what possibly may be they single best solution available for fighting diabetes naturally. Click this link now to get started today… your health and your body will thank you for it!.
The recommended amount is two Syntra5 tablets taken three times a day, 15-20 minutes before eating. These tablets are very large – but they need to be to include all the sugar-busting powers of the formula.
Caution: If you are already taking blood sugar medication, work with your doctor while taking Syntra5. While Syntra5 does not appear to cause hypoglycaemia (based on the studies and customer feedback), medication can, and your doctor may need to adjust your dosage.
Copyright © by Agora Health Ltd. All material in this promotion is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this promotion; instead readers should consult their family doctor and other qualified health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided in this promotion are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgement available to the authors. Readers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. Agora Health Limited is registered in England and Wales with company number 714826 and VAT number GB 629 7287 94. Its registered address is Curzon House, 24 High Street, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2LJ.
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