Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Paul Saladino, MD,the carnivore code

by Paul Saladino, MD

The Carnivore MD himself. Relentlessly researching connections between nutritional biochemistry and chronic disease when he's not in the ocean chasing the perfect wave.

It’s coming, and it’s radical! You can pre-order here.

Who I am:

Dr. Saladino is the leading authority on the science and application of the carnivore diet. He has used this diet to reverse autoimmunity, chronic inflammation, and mental health issues in hundreds of patients, many of whom had been told their conditions were untreatable. In addition to his personal podcast, Fundamental Health, he can be found featured on numerous podcasts including The Minimalists,  Bulletproof Radio,  The Dr. Gundry Podcast, The Ben Greenfield Podcast, Dr. Mercola, Health Theory, Mark Bell’s Power Project, and many others.  He is a featured blogger for Psychology Today and is currently writing a book titled, “The Carnivore Code: Unlocking the secrets to optimal health by returning to our ancestral diet.”
Dr. Saladino completed residency in psychiatry at the University of Washington and is a certified functional medicine practitioner through the Institute for Functional Medicine. He attended medical school at the University of Arizona where he worked with Dr. Andrew Weil focusing on integrative medicine and nutritional biochemistry. Prior to medical school, Dr. Saladino worked as a physician assistant in Cardiology. It was during this time that he saw first hand the shortcomings of mainstream western medicine with its symptom focused, pharmaceutical based paradigm. He decided to return to medical school with the hope of better understanding the true roots of chronic disease and illness, and how to correct and reverse these. He now maintains a private practice in San Diego, California, and sees clients from all over the world virtually.
When he is not researching connections between nutritional biochemistry and chronic disease, he can be found in the ocean searching for the perfect wave,  cultivating mindfulness, or spending time with friends and family. 

What you’ll find in this book:

My goal with this book is to provide the ultimate resource for those interested in the science behind the carnivore diet, and guidance for how to eat this way in order to achieve optimal health.
I discuss our ancestral origins as hunters, and how eating animals made us human. I go into detail about plant toxins of all types, where they are found, and how to avoid these toxins. I also discuss the superiority of animal foods in terms of nutrient bioavailability, and I debunk all of the myths about animal foods being bad for us or bad for the environment. At the end of the book, I provide a detailed guide for eating a nose to tail carnivore diet, and I discuss how to avoid the common pitfalls. As a bonus, there are sample meal plans, starter recipes (the cookbook is in the works too!), and resources for obtaining high quality animal foods. The Carnivore Code has everything you need to deeply understand and implement the carnivore diet your ancestors thrived on for the last 4 million years, and is thoroughly substantiated with science with over 350 references!

Table of contents:

Foreword by Mark Sisson
Section 1: Where we’ve come from

1: Our Beginings 
2: The worst mistake in human history 

Section 2: Plants are not always our friends 

3: Chemical warfare- types of plant toxins
4: Isothiocyanates: is broccoli a super hero or super villain? 
5: Polyphenols: unicorns and fairy tales
6: Attack of the oxalates 
7: Lectins: of kidney beans and Parkinson’s disease

Section 3: Debunking myths about animal foods
8: Myth 1- We need plants for complete nutrition 
9: Myth 2: We need fiber for a healthy gut
10: Myth 3: Red meat causes cancer, and shortens our life
11: Myth 4: Red meat causes heart disease 

Section 4: Returning to the ways of our ancestors 

12: What to eat on a carnivore diet, AKA how to be radical
13: Common pitfalls and questions
14: The end of the road, the beginning of new adventures
FAQ, Recipes, Meal Plans, Bloodwork recommendations, Resources

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