Why Are TOMORROW'S Groundbreaking Cancer Breakthroughs Being Withheld From The 352 Britons
who will die TODAY?
who will die TODAY?
Exposed: the 56 most promising natural preventions and treatments that the $200
billion worldwide Cancer Industry doesn’t
want you to know...
billion worldwide Cancer Industry doesn’t
want you to know...
Dear concerned friend,
There’s no other way of saying this, I’m afraid...
I have a nasty feeling that we’re all being CONNED.
For decades, the mantra from the mainstream media and the medical establishment has been that the war against cancer is being won, with ...
- Better detection and diagnostic techniques
- Increased survival rates
- ‘Wonderful new drugs’ and...
- Advances in genetic engineering that will literally ‘breed’ cancer out of future generations...
Professor Karol Sikora, who runs a network of private cancer centres, spoke recently about how dying from cancer would be "rare" by 2025 and that it would become more of a chronic disease that we live with, much like diabetes.
"Cancer will not necessarily be eradicated, but it will no longer cause patients anxiety," he hypothesised.
To support his view, Professor Sikora cites:
- the more than 500 cancer drugs being developed at the moment.
- new vaccines which mimic cancer cells to stir the body’s own immune system to attack the disease.
- ...and probably, most implausible of all, microchip implants which are inserted under the skin which feed information into a home computer linked to a healthcare provider, allowing cancer to be identified before it becomes deadly.
The stark reality, however, is that modern medicine hasn't achieved one single meaningful advance - not one meaningful breakthrough - in all this time.
What's worse, it has suppressed and demonised the cheap natural, non-aggressive therapies and treatments that I'm going to tell you about in this report as if they were voodoo medicine . . .
The Lancet's study showed that UK 5-year survival rates were generally lower - in some cases by as much as 10 per cent lower - when compared to other countries such as Canada, Australia, Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
But the bad news didn't stop there . . .
The report went on to reveal that UK survival rates for colorectal, lung, breast and ovarian cancer had barely improved between 1995 and 2007....
...which means that despite the £££ billions pumped into it each year, very little progress has been made.
Then there's the flip side of this, which mainstream medicine also conveniently fails to tell us, which is that the number of people developing cancer has risen alarmingly in recent years.
The UK Government’s own statistics reveal that between 1971 and 2008, the incidence of cancer – that is, the number of people developing cancer - has increased by 24 per cent in men, and by a staggering 49 per cent in women.
And the situation is getting worse almost by the day...
Just recently, in February 2011, damning new figures from the Office for National Statistics revealed a 25 per cent increase in breast cancer rates over the last 10 years.
This means that women now have a 1-in-8 chance of developing breast cancer in their lifetime . . . as opposed to a 1-in-9 chance only a decade ago.
Does this sound like we’re winning the war to you?
So, even though survival rates for some cancers are slowly improving, by 2030 cancer is set to kill more than 13.2 million per year worldwide… that’s a sharp increase to nearly double the 7.6 million people who died of cancer in 2008.
13.2 million people?
It’s almost too huge a figure to get your head around.
That’s upwards of 1,500 Americans dying daily at the moment...
Upwards of the 352 people who are dying each day in the UK...
...and the 920 Japanese and 5,479 Chinese every single day of the year....
Let’s put this in direct, personal terms...
What this means is that in a few short years cancer will be affecting MORE of the people you know and have daily contact with... your next door neighbour, the friendly check-out girl, your work colleagues, friends, family and loved-ones... will receive the hammer-blow of a diagnosis of cancer.
It might even affect you.
Believe me, I’m not trying to scaremonger or exaggerate the figures....
These are the official statistics released by the United Nations Cancer Research Agency.
Now, does this sound to you like we’re winning the war on cancer, especially since...
Mainstream Medicine’s Failure
Comes At A Huge Cost
Cancer is big business. Around $200 billion worldwide per year big...Comes At A Huge Cost
In the UK alone, we spent £6.3 billion in 2010....and that excludes money spent by pharmaceutical companies on research and development, or the marketing of cancer drugs.
But what EXACTLY do we get for this huge $200 billion taxpayer investment per year?
Well, to understand this, you need first to understand that the Cancer Industry operates in exactly the same way as any other business.
Firstly, it needs to operate in an expanding market where demand is high.
No problem there! As we’ve seen, more people are getting cancer now than ever before...
Secondly, it needs to provide products, services and facilities that claim to fulfil this demand.
Just think of all the cancer doctors, drugs companies, pharmaceutical sales reps, treatment centers, research laboratories, consultants, researchers, technicians, charities, PR companies, advertising execs, etc... who owe their lucrative livelihood to cancer...
And thirdly, it needs to supply these products and services at a profit.
For example, witness the huge amounts charged by the manufacturers of cancer drugs such as Herceptin and Avastin, which cost £24,000 and £21,000 respectively per patient, per year...
Based on these criteria, the Cancer Industry can congratulate itself for being one of the most successful industries on the planet.
But hold on one minute! There’s just one big flaw in this business model . . .
The Cancer Industry hasn’t come up with a single, meaningful breakthrough - let alone CURE - in the last 100 years.
Sure, they’ll offer you surgery, chemo and radiation to purge those cancer cells from your body....and then hope that the cancer will be killed before the patient.
But this 'heroic' cut, burn and poison methodology has changed very little since it began back in the late 1800s . . .
Nor has this ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution proved effective... no matter how many times we try it or how many variations we come up with. For example, chemotherapy contributes only around 2% to the 5-year survival figures.
Albert Einstein once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
If that’s the case, then the mainstream's approach to treating cancer can truly be described as insane . . .
Well, the good news is that you can now tap into innovative, cutting-edge therapies you
won’t hear about from your doctor
won’t hear about from your doctor
What may be closer to the truth, and what some sceptics claim, is that it’s NOT in their interests to find a cure for cancer . . . after all we’ve already seen that there’s a huge financial incentive in keeping cancer alive and well.
Nor is it in their interests to spend any of the £200 billion budget on prevention. Why would they when there’s no profit in healthy people?
And when it comes to natural treatments and the simple prevention strategies that I’m about to tell you about.....well, forget it! The mainstream Cancer Industry just isn’t interested in these.
But if you’re diagnosed with cancer then you need access to ALL the treatment options available…
That’s why in the next few moments I’m going to tell you about some of the most promising breakthroughs in natural medicine that can dramatically improve your chances of remaining cancer free...AND shorten the odds on you making a successful recovery following a cancer diagnosis.
I've commissioned our team of researchers and top experts at the Agora Health as a matter of urgency to research the very best treatment protocols and new breakthroughs that are showing real promise against the disease.
And I've included them all in this single 323-page definitive source...
The Cancer Survival Manual will help you make informed decisions about which ones may best be suited for you or for a loved one.
This will save you hours of tedious research.....at a time when taking immediate, decisive action could be critical.
Better still, this jargon-free, easy-to-follow and potentially life-saving information can benefit everyone.
Let’s face it, cancer doesn’t discriminate and affects rich and poor, famous and unknown, old and young alike. That’s why it’s so good to finally have more options at your fingertips....
How an integrative approach –
combining the best of natural and
conventional treatments – helps build
up your body rather than knock it down
Our team has worked tirelessly – trawling through the relevant medical journals that contain the most up-to-date and promising cancer research findings.combining the best of natural and
conventional treatments – helps build
up your body rather than knock it down
They've interviewed countless doctors and health professionals who are successfully using the most innovative cancer treatments to help their patients.
The Rainforest Herbal The Drugs Firms Couldn't Replicate... (The Cancer Survival Manual, page 296) The trail of evidence clearly shows...For 7 long years, a billion-dollar drug company covered it up! It all started in the early 1990s, when a well-known drug giant started pouring money into the search for a cancer cure. Like many such firms, they were intrigued by the healing powers of rainforest plants. They discovered that Graviola was being used by Amazon Indians to treat a huge range of diseases. And when they tested its cancer-fighting powers . . .bingo! they discovered a revolution. So the drug firm tried for seven years to come up with man-made duplicates. But they hit a brick wall. Try as they might, they couldn’t match Mother Nature. Finally, they threw in the towel... Call a news conference? Send out press releases? Fortunately, one courageous researcher just couldn’t live with that decision. He spilled the beans... and the result may turn out to be one of the greatest medical discoveries.
The Cancer Survival Manual
Get Your Copy Here With Our 365-Day Risk-Free Guarantee323 Pages |
Yes, you heard right…I did say conventional.
We’re not out to knock ALL mainstream cancer treatments – far from it.
Some have allowed many cancer sufferers to make successful recoveries from the disease or enjoy longer periods of remission.
What we take exception to here atAgora Health is the one-size-fits-all mainstream approach.
We strongly believe that the key to successfully beating the disease should rest on a case-by-case basis – taking each individual’s health issues into careful consideration… in some cases this may require an integrative treatment plan.
In fact, a combination of conventional and natural measures can sometimes be far more beneficial than an ‘either/or’ approach.
Take the research findings published in the journal Cancer Research, for example. When researchers combined the standard breast cancer drug tamoxifen with Indole-3-carbinol (a chemical that occurs naturally in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli) thespread of cancer cells was reduced by a whopping 95 per cent!
By contrast, the researchers found that, used alone, tamoxifen showed just a 60 per cent inhibition of cancer cells.
Even more astonishingly, when Indole-3-carbinol was combined with tamoxifen it appeared to limit the drug’s potentially harmful side-effects while amplifying its anti-oestrogen properties.
You'll learn all about this treatment on page 115
This means that women who need to take tamoxifen can combine it with Indole-3-carbinol to maximise its effects. In some cases they may be able to reduce their dosage, and in doing so decrease the likelihood of resistance to the drug and lower the risk of side effects. But please: Do not attempt to reduce the dose of your cancer drugs without consulting your doctor first.
If that wasn’t enough, broccoli also contains another incredible substance that has been found to target cancer-causing free radicals and render them harmless, up to 72 hours after ingestion.
In order to derive these benefits, it’s not quite as simple as including more broccoli in your diet… but don’t worry you’re about to discover how to take full advantage of this veggie’s cancer-protective powers in a brand new supplement.
We'll tell you how on page 118...
Urgent Note: It is extremely important that cancer patients seek professional advice before embarking on any alternative or complementary treatment. You should inform your doctor before self-medicating with any supplements and your progress should be carefully monitored by your doctor.
This single, Nobel Prize-winning secret can help prepare your body so that healing can begin...
Back in 1931, Dr Otto Warburg's research on cancer was awarded a Nobel Prize.Warburg clearly demonstrated that cancer is a fundamentally simple disease that occurs when cell oxygen levels fall to a sufficiently low level for the cell to change in nature.
Warburg defined cancer as a condition where the respiration of oxygen in the normal cell is replaced by the fermentation of glucose.
In short - Cancer loves sugar, but hates oxygen.
In 1966, after his efforts had been ignored by the cancer industry for over thirty years, Warburg addressed a group of fellow Nobel Prize winners, reiterating his views and concluded ...
“ .. nobody today can say that one does not know what cancer and its prime cause is. On the contrary, there is no disease whose prime cause is better known., … how long prevention will be avoided depends on how long the prophets of agnosticism will succeed in inhibiting the application of scientific knowledge in the cancer field. In the meantime, millions … must die of cancer unnecessarily.”
Today, some enlightened practitioners are using direct oxygen therapy and/or a diet regime of raw, organic, vegan, alkalising nutrition to rid the body of toxins and increase cell oxygen levels so that normal cell function can re-occur.
This knowledge, scientifically sound enough to achieve a Nobel Prize, has now been available for well over 70 years.
And yet, Dr Warburg’s work has never been refuted by the medical mainstream - instead they have just chosen to ignore it.
Just like they've chosen to ignore the 56 overlooked therapies contained in The Cancer Survival Manual . . .
Here are just a sample of tomorrow’s
breakthroughs you’ll discover TODAY…
breakthroughs you’ll discover TODAY…
- Discover the powerful antioxidant that – unlike chemotherapy – encourages the death of cancerous cells while leaving healthy cells intact…page 25
- How to combat anaemia caused by radiation therapy…page 107
- According to results published in the prestigious Journal Of the American Medical Association, supplementing with this mineral can halve the risk of dying from cancers of the prostate, lung, colon and rectum…page 48
- The remarkable, secret nutrient that one doctor claims can lead to“cancer cells dying off like flies!”…page 49
- How a unique form of honey can boost the immune systems of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy…page 52
- Men with prostate cancer take note: Never trust a single PSA test, and never allow a doctor to perform a biopsy based on a single test. Discover how a brand new testing procedure looks set to completely revolutionise how prostate cancer is detected. pages 64 to 66
- After 6 weeks on this treatment regimen one prostate cancer sufferer stunned doctors… when they went to perform his surgery they found there was no sign of cancer in his prostate tissue…turn to page 81 for the full details of his incredible story.
- The disturbing truth about mammograms – women have a right to know….page 96
- Research reveals how this all-natural compound is able to decrease cancer cell multiplication by up to 78! Page 119
- How a product derived from wheat germ is outperforming many leading conventional drugs… including Tamoxifen…page 128
- The low-down on skin cancer… could your sunscreen be doing you more harm than good? One common chemical in sunscreen more than doubles the risk of skin cancer on average and increases it four and a half times for people who don’t tan easily…page 136
- Cervical cancer – how Gardasil is not the ‘fairytale cancer vaccine’ it’s dressed up to be…page 176
- New hope for advanced lung cancer patients’ too sick for chemotherapy…page 200
- The Nobel Prize winning anti-cancer therapy….page 205
- Zap cancer cells by feeding them oxygen?…page 214
- Read the account of one man’s incredible cancer journey; when diagnosed with multiple myeloma (a cancer of the bone marrow), he was told that with aggressive chemotherapy he might live two years. Against all odds, he went on to live for eleven years…discover how on page 218
- Boost your immune system with “the most powerful immune complex…ever tested.” Studies show Biobran helps boost cancer-fighting cells by up to 300%!...page 255
- The natural compound that has been shown to decrease lung, skin, liver, breast and colon cancers by 60 per cent or more…page 262
- Discover how a weed could offer hope to countless cancer sufferers – it’s active ingredient has been found to prevent the spread of tumours by up to 73%... page 258
- The incredible anti-cancer actions linked to mushrooms: Red reishi powers up the immune system and helps stop cancer cells in their tracks….page 272
- Another mushroom extract has been found in studies to help preserve immune system activity despite the immuno-suppressive impact of radio- and chemotherapy…page 275
- Discover the natural remedy that could soon break into the mainstream as a cancer treatment used alongside chemotherapy…page 278
- Could this over-looked ‘waste product’ be the cancer fighting breakthrough of the century?…page 282
- How to overcome cancer-related fatigue…page 286
- This herbal formula’s remarkable pain-relieving and inflammation-fighting properties can ease cancer patients’ discomfort…page 309
Ask yourself why you (or a loved one) should suffer or succumb to cancer…while so many others make a successful recovery?
Don’t wait a minute longer to start receiving all this invaluable advice – you’re even fully covered by my gold-plated 365-day money-back guarantee.
Take That All Important Step Right Now
To keep Cancer Out Of Your Life...
If you're concerned about how cancer might affect your life, then there’s absolutely no sense in delaying a decision any longer.To keep Cancer Out Of Your Life...
Weigh it up.
Consider what you have to lose if you do nothing....and what you have to gain if just one single nugget of information contained in my book should pay dividends for you.
Take the full 365-days to put these cancer-busting strategies through their paces....some may work for you, others may not.
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I won’t think any less of you if you do...
If Not Now, When?
So what are you waiting for? Don’t take on cancer – or the mainstream cancer treatment industry – without The Cancer Survival Manual.I urge you, please don’t put off this decision for any longer....
Every minute you delay sending for your risk-free copy, is a minute lost where you could be doing some real good for yourself and for your loved ones...
But, before you do, there’s just one last important thing you should know…
For the next 5 days only, you can claim a privileged members’ discount on the Cancer Survival Manual.
That’s right.....The normal retail price for this book is £36.95 – but as a valued member you can save £7.00 . . . post and packing is included for all UK orders.
All I ask is that you don’t leave it any more than 5 days to place your order – because it’s very unlikely that we’ll be able to keep this offer open for any longer.
This book isn’t available anywhere else online.
It’s not available through booksellers or on Amazon.
It’s only available to our private list of clients.
And that means the only way you can secure your copy is here and now...
So is it worth £
You bet it’s worth it, especially when you consider that one in three of us will develop cancer in our lifetime.
Plus, remember:
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I’d hate for you to be disappointed so please . . .
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