Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Be aware of an aged spare tire

Be aware of an aged spare tire

According to TV news.  In United States, the average age of a car on the road is 11.5 years old. 
Recently, I got a chance to talk with a Tire company.  They gave me a very important knowledge about an aged spare tire.  
Although it is not always occur, but we don’t want to take chance.  If you have loved ones or friends, who is driving a car, 
which is more than 10 years old.  Please tell them to be aware of this.
If the spare tire has been placed for more than 10 years, please do not pump “AIR” in.  Because after years & years of 
interaction of chemical elements, the inner tubes may be dented or damaged.  The inner tube damage is invisible from 
outside.  But once you pump AIR in, the sudden pressure violent thru inner tube will cause the tire explosion.  
Some people lost their both arms because of this incident. 
Also if there are any loose old valves on 10 plus years spare tire, do not remove the old ones either.  
Let the expert take care of it.  Or, buy a new spare tire.

如果你是開著一輛車齡 10年以上的老車,車的備胎當然也已放10年以上.  當発現備胎沒氣時請勿灌氣.   
因為內胎經過經年累月的氧化作用內胎已有分離的情形但從外表卻看不出來備胎 一旦打氣急速灌進去的壓力
會使輪胎爆炸.  有人因此而失掉雙手雖然不是每次都會發生但機率很大

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