Thursday, April 30, 2020

Backyard paramedics

  • In addition to the clear directions for the three remedies I've already shown you, you'll also find out about hundreds of other powerful medicines.
  • Do you know what happens when you pour salt onto a cabbage and cover it with water?
The Lost Book Of Remedies
In a few days, it starts to ferment, bringing to life wonderful microbes that offer some of the best protection possible for your digestive tract while regulating your bowel movements and preventing both diarrhea and constipation.
For a mere 27 calories per cup, this probiotic offers 4 grams of fiber, 35 percent of your daily vitamin C needs, 21 percent of your daily vitamin K needs, and 12 percent of your daily iron needs. How's that for a nutritional powerhouse?
  • I'm sure you recognize this common driveway weed:
The Lost Book Of Remedies
Even if you're living in the city, it's kind of hard not to bump into it. What you probably don't know is that it's a powerful anti-inflammatory that helps wounds heal a LOT faster.
The Lost Book Of Remedies
I'll show you how to make a poultice out of its leaves and use it to dress your wounds or cuts.
Or if you or one of your friends is suffering from an autoimmune disease like arthritis, you can use this as a remedy immediately.
  • I'm pretty sure you would recognize a marshmallow,
...but maybe you wouldn't recognize the Marshmallow plant growing in your backyard.
Marshmallow plant with flowers:
Marshmallow Plant
But I'll show you how my grandfather unlocked the powerful antiviral properties hidden in its roots.
So, whenever you have an infection caused by a virus like flu, herpes, or hepatitis A, B, or C, this remedy will slow down the viruses' ability to reproduce and allow your body to fight back.
  • Another weed you'll find in your backyard is known as senega. The name comes from the Seneca natives. They used to make a poultice from it to cure deadly snake bites during the 18th century.
A Scottish doctor observed that symptoms of rattlesnake bites resembled the advanced stages of pneumonia and lung disease, so he tried it out... and it was so effective that soon the plant was exported to Europe, where it continued to save many lives.
My grandfather would turn it into an expectorant that cleared the lungs of his patients and expelled any mucus. If you ever have any kind of lung problems from the flu or a nagging cough that just won't go away, don't rush out to buy a pack of Mucinex for $35.
In this huge chapter, you'll find all the other medicinal weeds and backyard plants that are hidden around your property. You've got a homegrown pharmacy that you don't even know about! Most of these plants are edible and can provide you with precious nutrients if you ever run low on food. This goes for all the plants you'll find in The Lost Book of Remedies-not only will you learn what parts of the plants are edible, but I'll also show you how to prepare them.

In the second part, you'll discover how to identify thewild edibles and remedies that grow in forests.

  • If you ever need to go out foraging, will you know which of these plants are edible, which one is a remedy for hypertension, and which ones are poisonous?
The Native Americans knew all too well, and so did my grandfather. But very few people nowadays know, so don't feel bad if you don't. These kinds of skills will set you apart in any group... and will probably turn you into their guide or even savior.
I'm also sure that you've seen this plant too. It grows in most forest glades.
  • I'm also sure that you've seen this plant too. It grows in most forest glades.
You'll discover how to use it to effectively treat not only common colds but lung infections as well. Breathing in the steam from leaves that have been boiled in water will also calm any asthma attack.
This is why 100 years ago people with asthma didn't die from it.
  • If you ever walk through the edges of woodland, and get some sticky burrs attached to your clothing...
plant can bet you've just passed by this plant:
The best way to deal with this annoying weed?
Eat it!
Native Americans used it as a sweetener 200 years ago, and it tastes better than all the greens I know.
What people don't know is that this plant is a strong diuretic that you can also take for poor blood circulation. If you've ever felt a tingling and numbness sensation in a limb in certain positions, you probably have bad circulation. I've seen my grandfather's patients go from dizzy and tired most of the time to having an excess of energy in less than three weeks.

In the third part, you'll discover how to identify the wild edibles and remedies that grow especially in the prairie.

Most of these are spread all over America as well.
  • Like Boneset:
...which can be easily turned into one of the most powerful Antipyretics. This means that it drastically reduces the fever. If fact, the name "Boneset" was derived from the plant's use in the treatment of Breakbone Fever.
  • Here is another widespread weed:
The folk name of this plants is the Cowboy's Toilet Paper. If you've ever touched its soft leaves, you understand why.
If you ever get an infected wound or cut, just apply The Frontier Poultice you'll find in my grandfather's notebook. I personally haven't seen a modern bandage that heals wounds faster and better than this.
And I'll also show you the strange reason why putting a leaf of this plant in your shoes in the morning is as good as a cold shower and a cup of coffee.
  • A similar weed, called Woolly Lamb's Ear, can be added to the frontier poultice to stop the bleeding in a matter of seconds.
This plant is high in Vitamin K, the vitamin that coagulates the blood. It is the powdered vitamin that was given to soldiers in WWII to pour over their wounds if they were shot. My grandfather used it when the bandages ran out and his brothers in arms were bleeding to death. I hope you never find yourself looking down at a wound that just won't stop bleeding, but if you do, be sure the frontier poultice is your best shot-other than being in the ICU. And if you or a loved one has diabetes or problems with coagulation or wound healing, make sure you have this healing cataplasm around your home without delay.
  • No matter where you live in America, there's a source of water nearby. And when there's water, there are... cattails.
If you find cattails, you'll have all the things needed for survival: water, food, shelter, and fuel.
You probably already know cattails are edible, but I doubt you know how tasty they are. I'll show you how I cook them in the field and at home and how to turn them into flour.
But probably the most important and least known thing about cattails is the jelly-like substance that grows between its leaves.
My grandfather prescribed it for most severe skin infections. And let me tell you, it's nothing short of a miracle. I've seen abscesses the size of a plate healing in just days. This gel is also one of the best cures for nail and foot fungus.
On a different note, this gel is the only part of the cattail that is widely considered to not be edible. It's not poisonous... so why isn't it edible?
Well, because it has a powerful numbing effect on moist tissues. It has even been used as a Novocaine substitute. Yes, it's an anesthetic that you can use in many, many situations. When the pioneers were hit with a ravaging toothache, they would just go get their jar of cattail ooze and rub it around their gums. The pain would subside in minutes.

Another part of The Lost Book of Remedies comprises all the medicinal and edible trees in North America.

  • One of the things you'll find here is the ultimate survival tree that grows on almost every street in the U.S. I call it that because you can use the sap as medicine, its flowers as sleeping pills, its leaves as food, and the inner bark as cordage.
You don't need much more than this to stay alive. But only a handful of people still know this lost skill. So, if you're an old-timer like me or my grandfather, get ready to use this knowledge for its full potential.
  • Do you recognize this tree?
You might even have scraped yourself on one of its thorns as a child.
The Native Americans would cook its honey-sweet pods and eat them. The sharp young spines were used as pins, nails, spear points, and animal traps during the Civil War, when the South suffered many shortages.
According to a recent medical study at Michigan State University, the flowers of this tree strongly prevent the spread and growth of prostate, breast, colon, and lung tumors.
You'll find all of these things in The Lost Book of Remedies.
Really, there's too much to say here. There are hundreds of plants you'll find in my grandfather's book, and you'll learn how to turn them into powerful cures.
Medicines in the past ALL originated from plants, until companies started making synthetic versions. This forgotten wisdom should be brought back. Today is your chance to play a role in doing that by putting The Lost Book of Remedies where it belongs: on your bookshelf or in your medicine cabinet.

Finally, in the last chapter of The Lost Book of Remedies...'ll find the once common treatments our grandparents used whenever they were ill.

These are the cures of my childhood and, if you've been here a while, maybe yours as well.
I'm talking about the common folk remedies they used to bring down fever, cure a sore throat, banish the flu, and many, many more. They used only common household items that you probably have in your cupboard right this second...
  • the spice you add to your meals that can stop bleeding in just a matter of seconds.
  • You'll also discover the one substance you probably overlooked and should add to your medicinal kit or stockpile. This detoxifying agent kills parasites and viruses in the digestive tract.
  • Or the common household "stain buster" that can clear away most fungus and bacterial skin infections. But you can also use it to disinfect huge quantities of water, even a well. It's much better than bleach, which leaves an odor for weeks.
As I've told you before, this is just a small glimpse of what you'll find in The Lost Book of Remedies. My grandfather's lifetime work is captured inside, but it's not just that. It's your grandparents' work too... and the generation before them.
Over hundreds of years, they conducted the longest, largest, and most honest clinical trial ever.
It's one that pharmaceutical companies' self-funded clinical trials rarely match. With big money on the line, they need these trials to validate their drugs. That's why many pills on the market today have a minimal effect or no effect at all.

If you get The Lost Book of Remedies today, you'll also be able to take advantage of two exclusive gifts that will be off the table soon.

The first report you'll get is The 72 Square-Feet Medicinal Garden in Your Back Yard.
Wouldn't it be nice to walk out into your back yard and find the medicine you need growing right there?
If you think about it, 72 square feet is a very small piece of land; it's only 12 feet by 6 feet (3m x 2.2m). So no matter how small your backyard is, you can grow your own natural remedies there.
SHFT Medicinal Garden
*Digital format
I'll show you how to make a raised garden bed just like mine with the most effective medicinal plants you need as well as how to plant and harvest them.
You'll have the ingredients for my grandfather's remedies within reach, so your medicinal garden will stand toe to toe with any conventional pharmacy.
The second report you'll get is called Disaster Medicine: A Handbook for When Help Is NOT on the Way.
In a cataclysmic crisis, you can bet help is not coming from anyone but yourself. In this bonus, you'll find the 20 most common infections and diseases you could catch during a crisis, and you'll learn how to diagnose and how to treat them
Everyday Disaster Medicine Guidebook
*Digital format
In a crisis, they'll account for more than 95% of medical fatalities. And all that is just 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

诗词格律三日通(来自: 新梦书馆)


2020-04-29  rongmawlin  





















































Sunday, April 26, 2020


  • 内分泌腺是人体的腺体之中的一种。这些腺体没有导管因此又稱無管腺,旧称𣝗。它们分泌的激素直接进入腺体内的毛细血管,并随着血液循环输送到全身各处。 内分泌腺是人体的腺体之中的一种,它所分泌的物质直接进入血液,称为激素。由许多不同的内分泌腺组成的系统称为内分泌系统,和神经系统并称为两大人体调节系统。
    1 KB (157 words) - 22:56, 24 January 2019
  • 内分泌腺)所組成。另一個控制系統是神經系統。荷爾蒙又稱為激素,是一種化學傳導物質,自腺體分泌出來後,藉由體液或進入血液經由循環系統運送到標的器官而產生作用。 定義:所有分泌激素的腺体。 人體腺體分為外分泌腺和內分泌腺。 外分泌腺:釋放分泌物至導管內。例如:肝臟、胰臟、乳腺、淚腺 內分泌腺
    13 KB (1,548 words) - 00:48, 5 April 2020
  • 腺及粘膜。外分泌腺是人體兩種腺體系統之一,另一種是内分泌腺,直接將化學物質分泌到血液中。胰脏既是外分泌腺也是內分泌腺,是外分泌腺的原因是因為會分泌胰液(英语:pancreatic juice)到腸胃道中,但也會分泌其他激素到血液中,因此也是內分泌腺。 食道的截面圖 泌乳期乳房的解剖圖. Young
    2 KB (126 words) - 14:51, 14 March 2020
  • 内分泌疾病是內分泌系統的疾病。与内分泌失调相关的医学分支称为內分泌學。 从广义上讲,内分泌失调可分为三类: 内分泌腺体分泌不足(导致激素缺乏) 内分泌腺体分泌过多(导致激素过量) 内分泌腺瘤(良性或恶性) 内分泌失调通常非常复杂,由于内分泌系统中涉及的反馈机制,可能有的激素分泌不足,有的激素又分泌过
    2 KB (127 words) - 04:34, 14 June 2019
  • 哺乳類動物中,腎上腺是呈三角形的內分泌腺體,位於腎臟上方,因而得名。其主要功能為通過合成皮質類甾醇和鄰苯二酚胺(例如皮質醇和腎上腺素)來調控身體對壓力產生的反應。 人體中,腎上腺位於胸腹中、腎臟之前上方。腎上腺也由腎囊和腎筋膜包裹着。人類腎上腺的位置在第12節胸椎,由腎上腺動脈提供血液。
    4 KB (405 words) - 08:35, 28 May 2019
  • 而靶细胞做出反应后,产生激素的细胞可以识别出这种反应,并最终使得激素产物降解 激素的降解 产生激素的细胞一般都是一类特异化的细胞,一般存在于特定的内分泌腺体中,例如甲状腺、卵巢或者是睾丸中。激素一般通过胞吐作用或者其他细胞膜转运途径从细胞内被运输出来。多级模型是信号转导过程的过分简化的模型。一种特定
    16 KB (2,013 words) - 18:44, 8 August 2019
  • 少數具有特殊功能的微血管兩端都連接動脈或靜脈,如肝臟微血管前端是肝門靜脈與肝動脈,後端是下大靜脈;腎絲球微血管前端是入球小動脈,後端是出球小動脈。內分泌腺體也有類似構造,如腦垂腺前葉。 微血管的主要組成如下: Tunica intima:由內皮細胞組成,彼此間有緊密連結(tight
    7 KB (996 words) - 01:12, 19 April 2018
  • 发表了一篇题为《睾丸的移植》的论文,通過精巢的移植,使閹割過的公雞恢復原狀,他得到結論睾丸是可移植的器官,不依赖局部的神经支配,由此可证明了睾丸是内分泌腺体。1856年,法国著名医学家在布朗-塞卡(C.E.Brown-Sequard,1817—1894)证实切除两侧肾上腺必定导致死亡。1859年由
    2 KB (261 words) - 03:42, 20 February 2020
  • 未特指的糖尿病 其他葡萄糖调节和胰腺内分泌的疾患 (E15-E16) (E15 ) 非糖尿病低血糖性昏迷 (E16 ) 胰腺内分泌的其他疾患 其他内分泌腺疾患(E20-E35) (E20 ) 甲状旁腺功能减退症 (E21 ) 甲状旁腺功能亢进症和其他甲状旁腺疾患 (E22 ) 垂体机能亢进 (E23
    5 KB (562 words) - 19:40, 12 February 2014
  • 为激素(荷尔蒙),激素通过血液输送到体内或外分泌腺。腺体的归类方式很多,可以依照组织所在部位、功能(作用)划分,解剖學和生理学上归类不完全相同。 内分泌腺(内分泌)和外分泌腺(外分泌) 非细胞性分泌腺 非细胞性分泌腺,acellular gland 细胞生成腺体,cytogenous gland 嗅腺(嗅觉),olfactory
    6 KB (786 words) - 12:31, 6 December 2019
  • 體溫調節(thermoregulation),指溫度感受器接受體內和外在環境溫度的刺激,通過體溫調節中樞的活動,引起內分泌腺、骨骼肌、皮膚血管和汗腺等組織和器官活动的改变使人体体温维持恒定的过程。 人體的體溫是恆定的,其內在溫度約維持在37℃左右,也就是所謂核心溫度(core body
    4 KB (458 words) - 14:07, 21 September 2019
  • tolerance)与获得耐受(acquired tolerance)三种形式。 免疫耐受中的遗传缺陷会导致自體免疫性疾病的发生,如I型自體免疫性多内分泌腺病综合征(APS-1)、IPEX综合征等。 Pontell, Emile B. Immune tolerance research developments
    1 KB (146 words) - 15:41, 12 November 2019
  • ) 其他內分泌腺和相关结构的惡性肿瘤 (C75.0 ) 副甲狀腺 (C75.1 ) 脑垂体腺 (C75.2 ) 顱咽管 (C75.3 ) 松果體 (C75.4 ) 頸動脈體 (C75.5 ) 主动脉体及其他副神經節 (C75.8 ) 未明示之多腺體牵连 (C75.9 ) 未明示之內分泌腺 (C76
    17 KB (2,066 words) - 13:07, 24 June 2014
  • gland)是脊椎動物的一種內分泌腺,主要調節體內的鈣和磷代謝。人類和一些真獸類的副甲狀腺與甲狀腺有一定解剖學位置關係,在其他動物的副甲狀腺和甲狀腺並無密切關係。副甲狀腺與胸腺的關係更為密切,兩者都起源於咽囊。人類一般會有四個副甲狀腺,位在甲状腺的後面,不過也會有些變異。 副甲狀腺是內分泌腺
    14 KB (1,503 words) - 13:28, 17 June 2019
  • (194) 其他內分泌腺及相關組織之惡性腫瘤 (194.0) 腎上腺惡性腫瘤 (194.1) 副甲狀腺惡性腫瘤 (194.3) 腦下腺及顱咽管之惡性腫瘤 (194.4) 松果腺惡性腫瘤 (194.5) 頸動脈體惡性腫瘤 (194.6) 主動脈體及其他副神經節之惡性腫瘤 (194.8) 其他內分泌腺及相關組織之惡性腫瘤
    53 KB (8,349 words) - 11:08, 3 January 2020
  • 62年去世。他们有三个儿子:Alberto,Hector和Raul。贝尔纳多·奥赛死于1971年9月21日。 奥赛的研究涉及生理学的各个方面,但对内分泌腺有特别的兴趣。他用毕生的精力研究脑垂体,最重要的发现是关于垂体前叶在糖代谢中的作用和糖尿病的发病研究。他还对生理学和药理学的其他方面有所研究,包括
    3 KB (579 words) - 14:50, 2 October 2019
  • 结核病 R53 寄生虫病 R54 心脏、血管(循环系)疾病 R55 血液及淋巴系疾病 R56 呼吸系及胸部疾病 R57 消化系及腹部疾病 R58 内分泌腺疾病及代谢病 R59 全身性疾病、地方病学 R6 外科学 R61 外科手术学 R62 整形外科学 R63 外科感染 R64 创伤外科学 R65 外科学各论
    4 KB (665 words) - 03:05, 28 May 2009
  • (输卵管、子宫、阴道)、女阴(阴阜、大阴唇、小阴唇、阴道前庭、阴蒂、前庭球、前庭大腺组成。具有繁衍之功能。 内分泌系统:由身体不同部位和不同构造的内分泌腺和内分泌组织构成,其对机体的新陈代谢、生长发育和生殖活动等进行体液调节。 免疫系统:抵抗疾病,構成分子有白血球、抗体、T细胞等。 頭頸 1.頭部 -
    5 KB (637 words) - 13:46, 15 June 2019
  • D細胞(Delta cells,亦可寫作δ-cells或D cells)是一類可以分泌體抑素(somatostatin)的內分泌腺上皮細胞。D在胃、腸道,以及胰島中都有分佈。在人的胰島中,D細胞遍佈整個胰島。與之形成對比的是,在齧齒類的胰島中,D細胞多分佈在邊緣區。不過,在人和鼠體內,胰島B細胞分泌
    4 KB (610 words) - 20:46, 29 June 2018
  • 胰島A細胞(alpha cells,亦作α-cells),是胰島中的一種內分泌腺上皮細胞。在正常生理狀態下,胰島α細胞約佔胰島細胞總數的20%,而胰島β細胞約佔75%。胰島α與胰島β細胞的比例適當是維持血糖穩態平衡的重要基礎。通過馬洛里染色(Mallory Staining)可以區分胰島中的A細胞、B細胞、D細胞。
    4 KB (491 words) - 10:58, 18 November 2019
  • PCDH15:原粘蛋白15; PTEN gene:同源性磷酸酶-张力蛋白(多发性进展期癌突变基因1,MMAC1); RET:RET原癌基因(多发性内分泌腺瘤及甲状腺髓样癌1,巨结肠合并小肠结肠炎); UROS:尿卟啉原三合酶(先天形成红血球紫质缺乏症)。 下列是一些有关于10号染色体的疾病: 塔头并指畸形症
    6 KB (991 words) - 21:13, 2 September 2017

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Phantom of the Opera (disambiguation)

The Phantom of the Opera (disambiguation)

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The Phantom of the Opera is a 1910 novel by Gaston Leroux.
The Phantom of the Opera may also refer to:



Film and television[edit]

Other uses[edit]

See also[edit]