Sunday, January 03, 2016

The Right Diet For Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

The Right Diet For Reversing Type 2 Diabetes

Dear Member

In my previous post, I told you about new research that has shown that type 2 diabetes is caused by fat accumulating in one particular place – the pancreas. An earlier study by the same team of researchers has shown that losing weight by dieting leads to exactly the same restoration of insulin production and blood sugar control.

In 2011, scientists at Newcastle University showed that a very low calorie diet (just 600 calories a day) can restore insulin production in the pancreas and reverse insulin resistance, in people with type 2 diabetes. Professor Roy Taylor, who led the research, was the first to show that diet alone can do more than any medication and can cure a disease that conventional medicine considers incurable.

In May 2015, I told you here the extraordinary story of Geoff Whitington, a "hopeless" type 2 diabetes case – obese, addicted to junk food, on multiple meds and facing a foot amputation – who turned his diabetes and his life around with encouragement from his two sons and under the guidance of Professor Taylor.

But if the thought of 600 calories a day is scary, don't worry – you don't need to stick to a rigorous "starvation diet" of this kind in order to reverse type 2 diabetes. You can lose the weight you need to, including that crucial one gram of pancreas fat that I mentioned earlier, by cutting out sugar and keeping to a low glycaemic load (low-GL) diet.

Following a low-GL diet will enable you to get slimmer, take control of your blood sugar levels, reduce your risk of heart disease and get your blood pressure down if you need to. Here are ten key principles to follow:

  • Avoid products made with added sugar.
  • Cut out white bread, potatoes, pasta and white rice; go easy on fruit juices.
  • For carbohydrates choose oats, rye, barley and quinoa instead of wheat.
  • Eat berries, oranges and apples instead of bananas and other sweet fruits.
  • Increase your intake of fresh vegetables, especially green, leafy ones.
  • Include pulses (e.g. lentils, kidney beans, chick peas) in your diet.
  • Eat protein foods at every meal.
  • Snack on nuts and seeds.
  • Use olive oil, hemp seed oil or linseed oil in the kitchen.
  • Eat oily fish two or three times a week.
If diet can reverse type 2 diabetes, when drugs can't, why do doctors keep on prescribing the drugs? The answer is Big Pharma's marketing machine, which relentlessly churns out new drugs that have no new benefits, putting profits before patients. In my next blog post I'll tell you about two more new drugs that have been found to have "no hint of added benefit" for people with type 2 diabetes. 

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