Saturday, July 20, 2024

地球自轉的速度不斷減緩,它會停止嗎? 它的動力來自於哪裡?

生命之花 3.83K subscribers Subscribe 558 Share Download Thanks Clip Save 55,764 views Apr 30, 2024 你有沒有想過我們為什麼有晝夜交替? 為什麼我們要在某個時段工作,然後在另一個時段休息? 這主要是因為地球在自轉。 在本影片裡,我們將沿著這個大旋轉的線索,探討地球自轉的現象、原則及其對我們生活的影響。 地球自轉,大家可能都很熟悉,這是我們日常生活中常會接觸到的概念。 不過,大家是否想過,這個看似平常的自轉現象,其實負載著許多天文學和物理學的知識呢? 當地球以約107,000公里/小時的速度在公轉軌道上移動時,它還以約每小時1670千米的速度圍繞著地軸旋轉,真是忙得不可開交啊! 免责声明: 本频道的所有内容仅供参考和教育目的,不作为任何诊断、治疗或医疗建议。本频道的内容不应被视为医疗建议或代替医疗专业人员的建议,如果您有任何健康问题或疑虑,请咨询您的医疗专业人员。本频道的内容可能不完整、不准确或已过时,我们不保证其完整性、准确性或实用性。本频道的内容不应被用作诊断、治疗或预防任何疾病或健康问题的依据。本频道的内容可能受到地区、国家或其他因素的限制,不一定适用于所有人群或环境。任何因使用本频道的内容而导致的损失、伤害、财产损失或其他不良后果,本频道及其所有者、主持人、作者、出版人和关联方均不承担责任。使用本频道的内容即表示您同意本免责声明和条款。 生命之花 3.83K subscribers Videos About 31 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @Pqs67299 1 month ago 地球的自轉遠比所有數學公式及所物理知識加起來還要複雜,所以我乖乖的待在地球上認真的過日子就好了! 3 Reply @user-er8us5mp8o 3 weeks ago 冷熱與距離無關,與地球軸角度有關,地球軸傾斜23.5度,自轉接受陽光照射總量有差別,於是有四季。 4 Reply 1 reply @superwinter912 2 months ago 不錯哦 3 Reply @kantimmanual2504 1 month ago 夏至地球在遠日點,地球離太陽最遠;冬至地球在近日點,地球離太陽最近。遠日點與近日點差距大約500萬公里。地球氣溫的高低與距離太陽的遠近完全無關。 4 Reply @LARGO9595 2 weeks ago 地球自轉會減緩的原因至今尚無定論,然而科學家推論主要原因可能與太多的太空垃圾和人造衛星有關,地球自轉卻需要拖動這些龐大的廢棄物,消耗許多能量,這無疑是地球生態的另一個隱憂 1 Reply @XZ_Gray_Rhino 1 month ago 四季主要因素是因为地轴是倾斜导致的。 1 Reply @user-wg5xg7um9u 2 weeks ago 愛因斯坦“相對論原理”——太陽重力導致宇宙維度凹面,行星圍繞凹面作運動(公轉),同時行星重力又導致自身凹面滾動。這就是地球自轉的物理原因。 “太陽星云起源說”是錯誤的,如果星云轉動產生太陽系?就無法解釋“水星的逆向運行”。 無論地球內部構造多么復雜,都無法產生“自轉”,唯有地球重力產生的滾動,才是“自轉”的原因。星球自轉的重要因素——球體和重力 Reply @hihj-bn6po 2 weeks ago 人在世有多少年,有何變化現代人無緣看到,不用擔心啦! Reply @Toronto-zn9dc 1 month ago 你有一个错误 四季的形成不是由地球距离太阳的远近决定的 。比如当北半球夏季的时候南半球是冬季。澳大利亚的圣诞节是最热的时候。如果按照你说的由地球距离太阳的远近决定的四季 那么南北半球与太阳的距离是一样的 而南北半球的季节正好相反 3 Reply 1 reply @shzhugeliang 1 month ago 靠近太阳是夏天?远离是冬天? 那为什么南半球夏天的时候北半球冬天? 2 Reply 1 reply @user-mg2zy6oz3y 1 month ago 地球形成初期有大爆炸?你從哪裡聽來的?另外,即使地球停止自轉,也不會如你說的「一半永遠白天,一半永遠黑夜」,而應該是半年白天、半年黑夜。「一半永遠白天,一半永遠黑夜」的情形,只有在地球被太陽重力鎖住才可能發生,也就是地球的公轉周期與自轉周期相同,就像地月關係一樣。 1 Reply @jiayongchu1583 1 month ago 我只知道白天黑夜,哪里知道有什么地球自转? 1 Reply @wotaklai9937 2 weeks ago 月球也被慢慢離開地球 Reply @wotaklai9937 2 weeks ago 如果地球不自轉,可能被太陽吸進去了 Reply @leungleung4179 1 month ago 廢話一大堆,這是科學,不是文學! 2 Reply @darkoy-vb2rp 1 month ago 云栈萦纡登 Reply @zhiweilv833 1 month ago 不是离太阳最近的时候是夏天,正相反,夏天的时候太阳离我们最远,四季变化是自转轴的顷斜角产生的。关于自然科学的视频,请重视其科学性。 Reply 1 reply @victorleung8629 1 month ago 不正確資訊。 1 Reply @user-oi2jb8ml9x 1 month ago 地球自轉速度會逐漸消退吧 Reply @mhwtzou 2 weeks ago 自ㄓㄨㄢˇ 不是自「賺」。為什麼發音一定要這麼奇怪? 2 Reply 1 reply @FrancisLee-fo5cp 1 month ago 不到三分鐘,就覺得這不是我們的地球。 1 Reply @riccym4039 2 weeks ago 你知不知道你們在說國語時好像在吹口哨很難聽,因國語字如是,事,史 的同音字太多 說到那些字像吹口哨 難聽 應該改善一下 可以借監粤語 , 講粵語話好聽 歌更好聽 很想聽你們的意見 我是美國香港上海人的中國人 好就是好不好就是不好 Reply @jiayongchu1583 1 month ago 听不懂你在说些啥?不看了。 Reply

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Epigenetic Aging and Rejuvenation – David Sinclair at Longevity Summit Dublin 2023 Longevity Summit Dublin

Epigenetic Aging and Rejuvenation – David Sinclair at Longevity Summit Dublin 2023 Longevity Summit Dublin 1.79K subscribers Subscribe 236 Share Download Clip Save 8,560 views Apr 22, 2024 DUBLIN Epigenetic Aging and Rejuvenation – David Sinclair at Longevity Summit Dublin 2023 #DavidSinclair #EpigeneticAging #AgingRejuvenation #LongevitySummitDublin2023 #AgingResearch #DublinConference #Epigenetics #LongevityScience #BiologicalRejuvenation #DublinTalks #LongevityResearch #AgingReversal #MedicalScience #Healthspan #LongevityInsights #RejuvenationTherapies #AntiAging #BiomedicalInnovation #EpigeneticDiscoveries #LongevityStudies #ScientificBreakthroughs #AgeReversal Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Longevity Summit Dublin 1.79K subscribers Videos About 39 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @ronihana9164 2 weeks ago Give me just one achievement for Dr. Sinclair Reply @user-hx1ku8sp8c 2 months ago thats quite a jump forward in biology, assuming it pans out. 1 Reply @60-Is-The-New-30 1 month ago Why is he filtering the video to make himself look younger????? Reply @paoladegennaro204 2 months ago Hey doc. Sinclair, thanks for your great efforts, we love you️. I will be happy to see results in naion, but don't ever forget poor people suffering with glaucoma. Fingers crossed for you 2 Reply 1 reply @militiamc 2 months ago If O,S and k works so well and never lead to cancer then why not try to do a full body rejuvenation in a mouse 1 Reply 2 replies @JackAtkins-xz5wi 2 months ago I eat porterhouse every 35 hours 1 Reply @dinomiles7999 2 months ago David is done ! Junk science ! Eyes mind heart and soul wide open . NO FEAR ! 6 Reply 1 reply @AlexLacorum-hf9ie 1 month ago If you dont believe sinclaire why are you wasting your time here. You cannot force all viewers here to believe what you believe of sinclair. And who are you that we will gonna believe you. Why dont you post what youve got if you had something to bring about longevity. Reply @ronihana9164 3 weeks ago bla bla bla Reply @XTargi 2 months ago Mister Doctor Scammer 6 Reply 1 reply @shinkurt 2 months ago I know a scammer when I hear one 1 Reply @ATT935 2 months ago bro is a scammer why even invite him on? 6 Reply 7 replies @eaton55r 2 months ago What about all his false claims and bogus research? Why are you still inviting him... Paying Him? Reply @shinkurt 2 months ago Stop scamming. All he says is bs. Not a single thing he just said was true lol Reply @ronihana9164 3 weeks ago bla bla bla Longevity Enters the Mainstream: What Next? - Aubrey de Grey at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 1.1K views 2 weeks ago 14:11 Now playing Epigenetic Measures of Chronic Stress - Semira Gonseth Nusslé at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 72 views 2 weeks ago 20:42 Now playing Taking Mouse Lifespan to the Next Level Panel at Longevity Summit Dublin 2023 Longevity Summit Dublin 867 views 10 months ago 29:16 Now playing Inspiring and Enabling Progress in Longevity - Peter Diamandis at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 225 views 3 weeks ago 2:07 Now playing Longevity Summit Dublin 2023 Longevity Summit Dublin 428 views 10 months ago 23:26 Now playing Translating Rejuvenation of the Immune System - Sebastian Brunemeier at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 173 views 3 weeks ago 14:00 Now playing Philanthropy Remains Vital in Longevity Research - CEO Martin O’Dea at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 34 views 2 weeks ago 21:15 Now playing LSD 2024 Accelerating Longevity Therapeutics Longevity Summit Dublin 78 views 2 weeks ago 15:51 Now playing Supercentenarian Research in the Private Sector - Ben Meyers at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 163 views 2 weeks ago 27:17 Now playing Hevolution’s Vision and Investment Strategy - William Greene at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 157 views 2 weeks ago 1:29 Now playing Excited to have Liz Parrish CEO of BioViva Sciences this year at Longevity Summit Dublin 2023. Longevity Summit Dublin 925 views 1 year ago 27:34 Now playing Próspera: Optimising Governance to Accelerate Innovation - Trey Goff at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 140 views 2 weeks ago 22:26 Now playing Optimising Healthspan Begins in Childhood - Walter Crompton at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 76 views 2 weeks ago 5:04 Now playing Aubrey de Grey in conversation with Martin O'Dea of Longevity Summit Dublin. Longevity Summit Dublin 1.5K views 1 year ago 26:20 Now playing Status and Potential of Stem Cell and Gene Therapies - Yuta Lee at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 293 views 2 weeks ago 1:01 Now playing We are very excited to welcome Bryan Johnson at Longevity Summit Dublin 2023 Longevity Summit Dublin 773 views 1 year ago 26:34 Now playing Translating Clearance of 7-Ketocholesterol - Matthew (Oki) O’Connor at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 186 views 2 weeks ago 26:58 Now playing Selectively Enhancing Mitophagy to Treat Parkinson’s - Andy Lee at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 748 views 3 weeks ago 29:42 Now playing Proteomic Measures of Human Aging - Nir Barzilai at Longevity Summit Dublin 2023 Longevity Summit Dublin 675 views 10 months ago 11:39 Now playing Aubrey de Grey at Longevity Summit Dublin 2023 - Longevity Kickoff Longevity Summit Dublin 1.4K views 10 months ago 20:19 Now playing Stephanie Dainow inspires @longevitysummitdublin_ Longevity Summit Dublin 489 views 1 year ago 19:38 Now playing Global Longevity Advocacy and the Death of Death - José Cordeiro at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 128 views 3 weeks ago 22:22 Now playing Embracing Change and Innovation in Healthcare - Tom Lawry at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 36 views 2 weeks ago 21:16 Now playing Engineered Enzymes to Break Extracellular Crosslinks - Aaron Cravens at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 186 views 2 weeks ago 12:44 Now playing Evaluating and Improving Output from AI Models - Georg Fuellen at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 76 views 2 weeks ago 26:47 Now playing Restoring Vascular and Tissue Elasticity- Matthias Breugelmans at Longevity Summit Dublin 2023 Longevity Summit Dublin 493 views 3 months ago 31:12 Now playing Reversible Organ Cryopreservation - João Pedro de Magalhães at Longevity Summit Dublin 2023 Longevity Summit Dublin 475 views 10 months ago 30:34 Now playing Clearing Free Cholesterol Reverses Atherosclerotic Plaques - Reason at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 254 views 2 weeks ago 6:22 Now playing The State of Aging with- AMA Chair Dr. Michael Suk and John Sheehan at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 53 views 2 weeks ago 27:10 Now playing The Million Molecule Challenge for Life Extension - Matt Kaeberlein at Longevity Summit Dublin Longevity Summit Dublin 2.7K views 10 months ago 20:06 Now playing LSD 2024 Democratizing Longevity Longevity Summit Dublin 64 views 2 weeks ago 36:22 Now playing Designing, Explaining and Utilising Aging Clocks - Jan Gruber at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 157 views 2 weeks ago 19:09 Now playing Rigorous Validation of Supercentenarian Claims - Wacław Kroczek at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 58 views 2 weeks ago 31:31 Now playing Bryan Johnson at Longevity Summit Dublin 2023 Longevity Summit Dublin 2.3K views 10 months ago 17:40 Now playing Personal Autonomy in Sharing Health Data - Didier Coeurnelle at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 11 views 3 weeks ago 25:18 Now playing AI-driven applications and healthcare delivery- Sally Ann Frank at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 73 views 2 weeks ago 32:55 Now playing Longevity Startups: How to be a Live Player - Joe Betts-LaCroix at Longevity Summit Dublin 2023 Longevity Summit Dublin 506 views 10 months ago 37:17 Now playing Talking About Longevity – Panel Discussion at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 257 views 3 weeks ago 35:23 Now playing Practical Challenges in Supercentenarian Sampling - Natalie Coles at Longevity Summit Dublin 2024 Longevity Summit Dublin 38 views 2 weeks ago 33:50 Now playing Robust New Measures of Biological Age - Steve Horvath at Longevity Summit Dublin 2023 Longevity Summit Dublin 1.2K views 10 months ago

Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To The Aspen Institute Jul 11, 2024

Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To The Aspen Institute 242K subscribers Subscribe 438 Share Download Save 17,675 views Streamed live on Jul 11, 2024 Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To Featuring Dr. David Sinclair, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School and author of “Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To.” Dr. Sinclair explores the research that is pushing the boundaries of our perceived scientific limitations, revealing incredible breakthroughs that demonstrate how we can slow down, or even reverse, aging. He also delves into emerging technologies and simple lifestyle changes that have been shown to help us live younger and healthier for longer. Presented as part of the Murdock Mind, Body, Spirit Series. About the Aspen Institute: The Aspen Institute is a global nonprofit organization whose purpose is to ignite human potential to build understanding and create new possibilities for a better world. Founded in 1949, the Institute drives change through dialogue, leadership, and action to help solve society’s greatest challenges. It is headquartered in Washington, DC and has a campus in Aspen, Colorado, as well as an international network of partners. For more information, visit Follow us on social media for more big ideas: On YouTube: @aspeninstitute On Instagram: / aspeninstitute On Facebook: / aspeninstitute On LinkedIn: / the-aspen-institute On X: / aspeninstitute Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript The Aspen Institute 242K subscribers Videos About Instagram Facebook Twitter 58 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @PoliticsLost 5 hours ago (edited) I think David could reframe his aging car analogy to say "aging is similar to the wear and tear on cars, except the mechanic tasked with repairing it gets progressively worse at keeping it running." Another way you might frame it is "aging is like having a car where wear and tear outpaces the ability of the mechanic to repair all the problems." Reply @mikeghafoori8227 1 day ago Thank you David for your service it’s the best work you’ve done 1 Reply @user-kl6ov1cm4t 1 day ago I'm grateful to David for drawing my attention to longevity field, although he is full of BS ;) 4 Reply @MubarikSaleem-tz5ez 2 days ago I think he is a fraudster. I am listening to him for many years now. He keeps on changing his story and making millions for himself 11 Reply 2 replies @travisjewell8607 14 hours ago He is great. Reply @goodphone156 1 day ago David I am your fan ! Reply @vickybiagini8623 2 days ago Can't believe it has been eleven years I have been listening to David, and nothing has come to fruition. Now my whole family has died, and at almost fifty I am next. Our lives are literally a blink, then we are gone. It is amazing how fast we all die. God rest all the sould that have passed. 11 Reply 5 replies @xuxiaohong888 3 days ago Thank you Dr. SinClear for the insights 2 Reply @jeffersonveloso112 1 day ago Dr. David, parabéns pelo seu trabalho e pela sua coragem em enfrentar a bigfarma. Eu acredito em você e tenho seguido o seu protocolo. Reply @Telecom515 2 days ago He looks pretty good for a 55 year old… he is doing experiment on himself and we wouldn’t know if he lives to a 100 because we are normal people and eat a normal diet, and exercise like a normal person and become an average life expectancy statistic… 1 Reply @mbtmlawyers7903 5 days ago Thank you David for your work, you are a great being. 4 Reply 1 reply @betterstanding5186 57 minutes ago Aging disturbances run riot if lifestyle allows for it. Behavioral changes = ‘rebooting’. Reply @SuperDodoe 2 days ago I'm sticking to my low fat whole food plant based diet and daily exercise for a long and healthy life. 3 Reply 1 reply @user-bb9fv2yi3v 5 days ago These are the conversations that we need to have. Thank you for inviting Dr. David Sinclair. 1 Reply 4 replies @nadinejoyce1203 2 days ago He doesn't exude health or enthusiasm either. 3 Reply 1 reply @shinkurt 4 days ago Stop inviting scammers 12 Reply 2 replies @KlingbergWingMkII 4 days ago For such an interesting topic, he is really boring. 12 Reply 9 replies @SoulRoh 3 days ago He somehow looks not healthy and like he feels physically uncomfortable. 5 Reply 1 reply @UnsaltedCashew38 4 days ago (edited) All his company has learned is that nuking the cells of mice makes them age much faster, not how to reverse or stop aging. All his interviews are hype and stories, keep talking about your grandma, sleep and alcohol bud. 7 Reply 3 replies @rg-cb2wd 7 hours ago Dude is scammer 1 Reply @AvatarMakusan 54 minutes ago ALL LIFE has a BEGINNING...a MIDDLE...and an END. We are No different. FUNNY enough this also applies to the rest of the UNIVERSE! Yes... this spinning dirt ball will end at some point. Probably not before the 'smart' chimps completely destroy ALL LIFE and the environment that makes life possible. -namaskaram Reply

Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To The Aspen Institute Jul 11, 2024

Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To The Aspen Institute 242K subscribers Subscribe 438 Share Download Save 17,675 views Streamed live on Jul 11, 2024 Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To Featuring Dr. David Sinclair, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School and author of “Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To.” Dr. Sinclair explores the research that is pushing the boundaries of our perceived scientific limitations, revealing incredible breakthroughs that demonstrate how we can slow down, or even reverse, aging. He also delves into emerging technologies and simple lifestyle changes that have been shown to help us live younger and healthier for longer. Presented as part of the Murdock Mind, Body, Spirit Series. About the Aspen Institute: The Aspen Institute is a global nonprofit organization whose purpose is to ignite human potential to build understanding and create new possibilities for a better world. Founded in 1949, the Institute drives change through dialogue, leadership, and action to help solve society’s greatest challenges. It is headquartered in Washington, DC and has a campus in Aspen, Colorado, as well as an international network of partners. For more information, visit Follow us on social media for more big ideas: On YouTube: @aspeninstitute On Instagram: / aspeninstitute On Facebook: / aspeninstitute On LinkedIn: / the-aspen-institute On X: / aspeninstitute Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript The Aspen Institute 242K subscribers Videos About Instagram Facebook Twitter 58 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @PoliticsLost 5 hours ago (edited) I think David could reframe his aging car analogy to say "aging is similar to the wear and tear on cars, except the mechanic tasked with repairing it gets progressively worse at keeping it running." Another way you might frame it is "aging is like having a car where wear and tear outpaces the ability of the mechanic to repair all the problems." Reply @mikeghafoori8227 1 day ago Thank you David for your service it’s the best work you’ve done 1 Reply @user-kl6ov1cm4t 1 day ago I'm grateful to David for drawing my attention to longevity field, although he is full of BS ;) 4 Reply @MubarikSaleem-tz5ez 2 days ago I think he is a fraudster. I am listening to him for many years now. He keeps on changing his story and making millions for himself 11 Reply 2 replies @travisjewell8607 14 hours ago He is great. Reply @goodphone156 1 day ago David I am your fan ! Reply @vickybiagini8623 2 days ago Can't believe it has been eleven years I have been listening to David, and nothing has come to fruition. Now my whole family has died, and at almost fifty I am next. Our lives are literally a blink, then we are gone. It is amazing how fast we all die. God rest all the sould that have passed. 11 Reply 5 replies @xuxiaohong888 3 days ago Thank you Dr. SinClear for the insights 2 Reply @jeffersonveloso112 1 day ago Dr. David, parabéns pelo seu trabalho e pela sua coragem em enfrentar a bigfarma. Eu acredito em você e tenho seguido o seu protocolo. Reply @Telecom515 2 days ago He looks pretty good for a 55 year old… he is doing experiment on himself and we wouldn’t know if he lives to a 100 because we are normal people and eat a normal diet, and exercise like a normal person and become an average life expectancy statistic… 1 Reply @mbtmlawyers7903 5 days ago Thank you David for your work, you are a great being. 4 Reply 1 reply @betterstanding5186 57 minutes ago Aging disturbances run riot if lifestyle allows for it. Behavioral changes = ‘rebooting’. Reply @SuperDodoe 2 days ago I'm sticking to my low fat whole food plant based diet and daily exercise for a long and healthy life. 3 Reply 1 reply @user-bb9fv2yi3v 5 days ago These are the conversations that we need to have. Thank you for inviting Dr. David Sinclair. 1 Reply 4 replies @nadinejoyce1203 2 days ago He doesn't exude health or enthusiasm either. 3 Reply 1 reply @shinkurt 4 days ago Stop inviting scammers 12 Reply 2 replies @KlingbergWingMkII 4 days ago For such an interesting topic, he is really boring. 12 Reply 9 replies @SoulRoh 3 days ago He somehow looks not healthy and like he feels physically uncomfortable. 5 Reply 1 reply @UnsaltedCashew38 4 days ago (edited) All his company has learned is that nuking the cells of mice makes them age much faster, not how to reverse or stop aging. All his interviews are hype and stories, keep talking about your grandma, sleep and alcohol bud. 7 Reply 3 replies @rg-cb2wd 7 hours ago Dude is scammer 1 Reply @AvatarMakusan 54 minutes ago ALL LIFE has a BEGINNING...a MIDDLE...and an END. We are No different. FUNNY enough this also applies to the rest of the UNIVERSE! Yes... this spinning dirt ball will end at some point. Probably not before the 'smart' chimps completely destroy ALL LIFE and the environment that makes life possible. -namaskaram Reply

Cooper Flagg

COOPER FLAGG HAS THAT DAWG IN HIM 🤬🔥 | Ultimate Senior Season Highlights SLAM HIGH SCHOOL 341K subscribers Subscribe 843 Share Download Clip Save 77K views 2 months ago Cooper Flagg is the unanimous #1 ranked player in high school basketball. The hooper nicknamed the "Maine Event" led his 16U Maine United EYBL squad on a legendary Peach Jam run this summer. He followed that up with a perfect 33-0 National Championship winning season at Montverde. The Duke commit put on a show in his final year of high school. … Shop the SLAM HIGH SCHOOL store SLAM Cover Tee - Anthony Edwards (SLAM 233) White / S $45.00 SLAM SLAM Cover Tee - A'ja Wilson (SLAM 247) Natural / L $45.00 SLAM 30 YEARS OF SLAM: The Definition of Basketball Culture $49.94 SLAM SLAM Before '94 Tee - Charlotte Hornets White / L $40.00 SLAM SLAM Cover Tee - Anthony Edwards (SLAM 233) Navy / S $45.00 SLAM SLAM Cover Tee - Anthony Edwards (SLAM 233) Charcoal / M $45.00 SLAM 152 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @milkflameee 1 month ago (edited) 7'4" wingspan at 6'9" with 40" vertical. Forget the color of his skin. The kid is a top-tier athlete with NBA size and athleticism. RARE defensive instincts make him a generational talent... 160 Reply 17 replies @highflyer011 8 days ago I saw him play in Maine earlier this year against a top-ranked team in the country, and he made them look like your average small town high school team! On a court full of division 1 players. He looked like an NBA All-Star in comparison! The sky is the limit for this kid and I am rooting for him! 6 Reply @Mugo90 2 weeks ago Future Brooklyn Net 30 Reply 1 reply @youraverageweeb3823 3 days ago Holy shit Bro can dunk, layup, mid range, 3 point, ball handle, pass, protect the paint, and its hard to go offense against someone his size 2 Reply @jaypatel279 2 months ago "Top 2 Not 2" - COOPER FLAGG 40 Reply 1 reply @n1c98 3 weeks ago (edited) Cooper Flagg is my favorite hooper right now . Awesome talent to see, hope this young man develops the character to go with the basketball skills & background. Be blessed yall 4 Reply @healthfadsfade 2 weeks ago (edited) He refreshingly has great fundamentals for 2024. That jab step, boom 1-2, rip throughs, and triple threat is solid 3 Reply @milkflameee 1 month ago Best USA prep since LeBron in 02 14 Reply 1 reply @InHisThirties 1 day ago Bro's bag is so deep Reply @Vasco224 1 month ago He’s almost flawless, 3 level shot creator, good ball handler and underrated passer and he’s a paint protector with athleticism.. LeBron Bird ️ 17 Reply 1 reply @WitnesstotheCrime 1 day ago Two years in a row New England area is getting the top ranked recruit. Flag out of Maine and Dabansta out of Brockton, MA. Reply @brittanywilliams2013 8 days ago He's showing very good BBall IQ! 2 Reply @mackUSA2030 13 days ago Cooper Flagg is the truth! 1 Reply @SirCheez 7 days ago I can’t wait to see this dude at the next level. Even college 2 Reply 1 reply @FrmWest7Mile 6 days ago Lmfao Zach Efrons Highschool musical basketball dreams came to life Reply @erickford1624 4 weeks ago Larry Bird laughing 7 Reply 1 reply @lishamontoya5013 7 days ago (edited) Cooper got Mad Game he going too Be a Beast at Duke, He will 4 sure be a Top 5 pick in the N.B.A draft. Reply @tushign3169 2 weeks ago they say chet! I say Cooper might be Wemby's true rival! 3 Reply @delorean237 2 months ago He plays like if Larry Bird was black 48 Reply 5 replies @chrisbrown9336 6 days ago He's hella talented it's just too bad he'll be playing for either the Wizards,Nets, or Portland next year 1 Reply @VILEPAINTS 2 weeks ago Out of all these comps, I don’t think some y’all have seen prime Grant Hill… 7 Reply 3 replies @dariusmagada-ward3608 11 days ago I see a lot of Kevin Garnett in him! 2 Reply @life_sucks4402 3 weeks ago Bro is a demigod 2 Reply @jd39046 2 weeks ago Future Chicago Bull 2 Reply @redavis6581 2 weeks ago For now, bro's built like Gumby, but when he's 22 he'll be a beast. 1 Reply @bdub1934 7 days ago no that's skill and talent ! Reply @jaelie8398 1 month ago Oh my fucking God why do so many comments make a big deal about him being white? Just appreciate a good baller! 11 Reply @SidLaw500 2 weeks ago He looks like a condor flying through the air. Reply @adamabramson6094 2 weeks ago He’s a young Michael Beasley 1 Reply @bndzmrno 2 weeks ago Triple doubles with blocks he’s only gonna get more popular. 1 Reply @buntsikik6887 7 days ago Future bulls Reply @milkflameee 1 month ago I have a new comp that I see in Coop, young Amar'e Stoudemire 3 Reply 1 reply @claysoggyfries 8 days ago Bros the next Lebron 1 Reply @mrWyt-vn2jp 7 days ago this could be a problem in the league rn Reply @goranpanzov1736 7 days ago Just like Toni Kukoc in early days in Jugoplastika Reply @jdek88 3 days ago Put a little muscle on this kid... omg Reply @TomTomTheMan94 2 weeks ago He is Keith Van Horn with Ben Wallace Rim protection Reply @Rizzaycris2019 2 weeks ago He has a high release unlike Kat and JJJ Reply @TheReddyMovement 2 weeks ago future raptor 1 Reply 1 reply @duanewright915 1 month ago This is what you call a pro. Reply @taekim2378 2 weeks ago KG ???? 2 Reply @JayzoTheNextKobeBryant 2 months ago Yo I Want To Give a Special Shout Out To Cooper Flagg !!!!! 3 Reply @ogtripleog1558 2 weeks ago Boy hoopin' Reply @bigdawg-yq5bd 2 weeks ago 2025 Tom Chambers energies Reply @milkflameee 1 month ago My comparison more athletic Rasheed Wallace, with the defensive insticts of Ben Wallace 6 Reply @ZODAGOD7 2 weeks ago Brooklyn Nets lets go LoL Reply @spoders92 2 weeks ago (edited) Put this kid with Doncic and Kyrie on the Mavs. Championship team Reply @easyjay8865 2 weeks ago Please let the brooklyn nets draft this kid.. Reply @kingmusa8618 2 weeks ago Future hornet Reply @WillEvans-es4qt 2 months ago Tuff 1 Reply @user-zp2vq4nq4c 2 months ago Slam high school is the best YouTuber 2 Reply SLAM HIGH SCHOOL · 7 replies @Bolden47 2 weeks ago he reminds me of jayson tatum but more aggressive Reply @J-RC928 4 days ago (edited) 2062 black man can't jump Reply @marclaguardia3529 2 weeks ago As good a shooter as he is, he has surprisingly little rotation on his release. Picking nits, I know. He’s elite at reading the floor and attacking, accordingly. Just an observation. Reply @tomliu2526 2 weeks ago slim version luka doncic? 1 Reply 2 replies @krisjones7562 2 months ago More athletic Brandon Ingram 2 Reply @garrettlucas3628 2 weeks ago He’s 17. Reply @Cbts_jtny 3 weeks ago Kid has game….just hope he doesn’t turn into Micah downs. He was just like this but his ego was to big. I want to see Flagg do work Reply @johnmichaelperez2289 2 weeks ago I really want the Heat to just trade Jimmy for future assets and tank for this guy next year. Reply 2 replies @geeeeeeeee787 1 month ago We get to see if LeBron went to Duke... Reply @ManovSteelo 2 weeks ago Only question: Is he "The Man" on a good pro team, or is he the wingman to someone better? Does not seem "Generational"; DOES seem to be Best-In-Class, tho . . . . . Reply @dpmcmanus584 1 month ago damn hes so beautiful... look at him go Reply @mari11246 3 weeks ago mhm… put him on the mavericks 1 Reply 1 reply @Rizzaycris2019 2 weeks ago I hope he will be a Laker Reply @milkflameee 1 month ago You can make a case because of his defensive instincts and the style of play needed to win. He should have an opportunity to earn a spot on this summers Olympic team. He can help right now as a 17 year old. He that good. 3 Reply 3 replies @kingmusa8618 2 weeks ago He’s gonna be a problem Reply @HalfAsianDerp 7 days ago So I've heard a lot about this kid, and he looks good and athletic with good defensive instincts. But will he translate to the NBA, he doesn't seem to be much of a shooter, so how much value does a 6'9 wing defender have in the league. He currently looks like a 3&D wing, minus the 3. Not really all that valuable in today's NBA. I hope I'm proven wrong, but off this mix tape, I'm not sure I see the hype others seem to. Reply @gangstaxu 1 day ago He’s giving me Paul pierce vibes, can defend and score from anywhere. I’d even say he’s better than Paul Pierce. Reply 2 replies @ianpoool 6 days ago I hope he doesn't land on Detroit Reply 2 replies @francisnichole5789 1 day ago I told everybody that Caucasian people were genetically making their children to be dominant in sports and other areas I will be opening up a podcast to show you each and everyone of these people Reply @Thunderstick-y8h 1 month ago Bird ? No Luka ? No Paul George ? Yes People are too focused on skin tone to make the right comparison. 6 Reply 7 replies @maxsteelee 1 month ago It’s a white boy summer 1 Reply @xxcoyotekidxxa.c.3723 1 month ago If he grows any more or gets any better kid WILL be dangerous in the NBA but rn I can’t seen him being an all star due to half the nba being copies of him 1 Reply 2 replies @japansmoovee5594 5 days ago Am I the only person who don’t think he gonna be good in the NBA? Reply 1 reply @garysheriff3398 8 days ago If he can stay away from the women, drugs and alcohol he will be fantastic Reply @LaniJeb96960 1 month ago He’s not gonna be like Luka Reply 2 replies @Triple7000 8 days ago Don't be alarmed by this information. But Cooper Flag is better in his high school days than LeBron was. It's only the facts 1 Reply 3 replies What Cooper Flagg Just did to Team USA is Insane! Hoop Dungeon 10.9K subscribers Subscribe 1.3K Share Download Thanks Clip 203K views 5 days ago The talk of Team U.S.A. basketball this past week hasn’t been about NBA superstars like LeBron James, Steph Curry, or Anthony Edwards…. The talk has been centered around a 17 year old kid who is competing and holding his own against the best in the world although he just graduated high school and hasn’t even played a col … 198 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @resudeew2636 5 days ago (edited) A lot of people don't realize he is actually supposed to be preparing for his senior year of high school but reclassified during his junior year. 64 Reply 1 reply @pocketacesx 5 days ago Maybe Lebron should adopt Cooper and play with him on the Lakers in one year. 64 Reply 9 replies @MichaelDux-ft4ix 5 days ago He don’t need to be wemby,lebron,Edwards, or curry. He’s already on the court competing against the the best in the NBA at 17 years old. Trust me he’s only going to get better. 46 Reply 7 replies @tpdircks 5 days ago Time will tell. But to impress NBA stars the way he did tells you something. 31 Reply 3 replies @jordancobb7553 5 days ago Im jealous as fuck cooper is destroying team USA at 17 and i was going negative in black ops at 17 39 Reply 1 reply @derekxavier220 4 days ago He had 25 points, which is more than a third of his teams total 11 Reply @benhartart9487 4 days ago He’s 17 and has a decent high and frame, he’s good a controlling the tempo,he will have a good future 6 Reply @stevenygabbyperez695 4 days ago He's going to last 15 minutes in college before he gets drafted. I wish Miami would tank for this guy but Miami never tanks. 5 Reply @df4480 2 days ago Here comes Detroit, San Antonio, Houston, Charlotte….for that first pick 1 Reply @Dan-su4lr 1 day ago my observation is Cooper doesnt stop hustling. He plays all the way to the whistle all the time. Makes a shot then hustles back on defense for the block. Reply @user-hl9jm3we9o 1 day ago And you know what, Cooper ain't running his mouth like a lot of these dudes do. He's out there handling his business. 2 Reply @kentjax3622 3 days ago Coop has my attention. I will keep an eye on this kid moving forward. 2 Reply @thyslop1737 3 days ago I am surprised how good he is. His transtions are amazing and very little wasted motion. 2 Reply @danilobernales4991 3 days ago Totally different if you idolised the true goat rather than the self proclaimed one! 2 Reply @Zsklar 3 days ago Whoever has the #1 pick in the 2025 draft will really be hitting the lottery with this kid. He's gonna be one of the greats. 1 Reply @PU-Basketball 5 days ago Favorite Basketball Channel 6 Reply @salusa_secundus 4 days ago He needs to bulk up 3 Reply @MJoe-fb9ps 5 days ago Dope channel bro. Cooper legit 4 Reply @turtleislandlac1490 2 days ago There are probably still fans trying to call him overrated, when he just went toe-to-toe with the best in the NBA. And he almost beat them. It's true he still fell short, but a 17 year old isn't supposed to be able to do that. Reply @ecliqxse9591 5 days ago The white version of Kevin Durant 6 Reply 1 reply @markfox3083 2 days ago He could potentially grow even more. 1 Reply @DeBeard 2 days ago Nice vlog Thx a million Reply @gmel4967 4 days ago I'm a lifelong Ct. resident/B-Ball fan that's anti-Duke for 50 years. We got a 3-peat to defend, this kid is gonna be an issue. Hurley better get on that portal ASAP. LOL 1 Reply @Romeo_GR 4 days ago (edited) I wish him the best basketball future possible!! Appart this...before watching this video, I wathed a couple of others about Cailtin Clark. Now...KD praised Cooper, Booker praised him, young NBA players also praised him . Exactly as the WNBA players are doing for Clark!!!!! 1 Reply @roysomodio6884 4 hours ago Cooper can score 30 points within 1st quarter. He deserve to be nba player and offer salary usd 500 million a year. Reply @DJCal_Z 5 days ago (edited) Lakers need to just Tank this season 2024-2025, we aint winning the finals, tanking for Cooper Flag first draft pick for 2025 draft lol Let the tank games begin! 6 Reply 5 replies @chewpaeng12 4 days ago More power to him. NBA needs him Reply @AchillesWrath1 5 days ago I watched Montverde play this past year. What makes him stand out is he's good at both offense and defense. He can also dunk like it's nothing. Even if he doesn't end up going #1 in next years draft he'll be a good 2 way player for any team. For 6-8, 6-9 however tall he is he's pretty well rounded. He could really play any position. 1 Reply 2 replies @Reno-pz3kt 3 days ago I never heard of him before these games. The other day I click on the USA team scrimmage ,I was trying figure out who he was, his movements was legit, his shot selection was on point, he was not rushing...truthfully,I thought he was a player for the olympic team that I never saw. He should do two years of college and make his way to the league, he appears to be that good in my opinion . Reply 1 reply @williampapadopoulos8145 4 days ago Yep…he’s really good. NOW give Mac McClung a chance!!! 1 Reply @ibeeakilla 2 days ago We need him on the knicks plz Reply @kalihipalama1762 4 days ago Will be following his career! Reply @GeneralRock114 1 day ago And to top that off, he actually should be going into his senior year in HS. Reply @cindiperez965 3 days ago Kid played cause he is special and he showed us why he was invited at 17. Reply @dash9658 1 day ago If Flagg ends up a Spur I quit NBA Basketball. Reply @brendanmartin-ms3zo 5 days ago Best channel out there Reply @amrdel2730 1 day ago This cooper flag is the luka Doncic premature version of USA basketball Reply @citizenx3801 2 days ago Cooper wants to play for the Knicks Reply @OGKillaKush 4 days ago He's gonna be great we need him on the Portland trail blazers Reply @g-mane7497 4 days ago mark my words, while his shot is nice, once they teach him to put more rotation on it, its gonna be lights out. 1 Reply @rudedogcansurvive 3 days ago Why the hell is lebron still on the Olympic teem ,hes old lol 2 Reply 1 reply @DudeWypes-bz4dt 1 day ago .....and Campbell's Chunky Soups " Eats Like A Meal".... Reply @mattbrown2701 5 days ago Screw duke but he’s really good 1 Reply @user-xm3ve6fn3s 5 days ago He is like a blond LeBron/KD. Is a KD/LJ Mix. An instant legend in NBA like Wemby. 2 Reply 7 replies @user-rn9ge8pk5y 3 days ago And with the number one pick in the 2025 draft the Lakers select Cooper Flagg ! Reply @williampowers8268 3 days ago (edited) Offensive foul pushing off Jrue by Cooper 4:02 Reply @mamdouh-nadafhashim3769 1 day ago Reply @frankdoyle3716 1 day ago Should have had Matt McClung on there ! WTF? Reply @cdeezy2718 3 days ago (edited) That put back he had and the way hes shooting reminds me of larry bird dude. This kids iq is there. Im punching the air at finding out hes going to dukey Reply @LuciferMornStar 1 day ago Hes the second coming of white Jesus! He plays taller than 6'9". But its his Ballers IQ thats really impressive! That was Bird's biggest weapon! On top of it all they can't say he can't jump or that he's slow! Reply @BenjaminLascanoPadillaIV-xf7gx 3 days ago We know this already because Lebron has been scouting this kid . Reply @VatnikSlayer2799 2 days ago It's a shame that he'll likely have to play for the Pistons or the Wizards. If he's lucky it will be Brooklyn that wins the lottery. Reply @HoopsHubTV-cg5nk 5 days ago SUPERRBB VIDEO Reply @chunter3882 3 days ago Only winning by 1 point is a lose. 3 Reply @Kermit_T_Frog 4 days ago "Hype is real"? Exaggerations that are not meant to be taken literally cannot be real. Reply @EDsavant 3 days ago He is just supposed to be a senior in high school this year but some how he ships it and goes to duke Reply @BS-dd4tc 3 days ago Next best thing since Larry Bird Reply @Sam-bw4lp 3 days ago He plays like Lauri Marrkanen. Reply @Jojoburns26 4 days ago He graduated his Junior year. Technically this should be a HS Senior this upcoming year. Reply @tommywordsmith7491 1 day ago yay Reply @tombanaria97 3 days ago Well, that's a "real headline". Reply @SeriousPOV 4 days ago Don't worry, Durant is eyeballing playing with him after Wemby... Reply @mr.cookie7308 3 days ago Bronny is not showing his true potential bc they are tanking for Cooper Flagg. This upcoming season, Lebron will average 8 points a game in a career move negating his historic nba all time points stat. This trio will form the core of the Lakers next championship run. The team will be known as "raise the white Flagg." Reply @craigburnett6099 4 days ago Reminds me of drama with CC in wnba except these superstars are giving the kid his due. He will win some and lose some against these guys but at least nba studs have no problem bragging on him. Reply @mja4wp 4 days ago He will be dominant and unlike Christian Laettner, not stay 4 years at Duke and then fizz out in NBA...he will get drafted early and mature in the NBA and be a monster there! Reply @daviddoss1104 3 days ago Maybe the skill level in the NBA is not as great as we all think. I wonder what’s gonna happen in the Olympics? Reply @dreamlrg3993 3 days ago He should be able to play for his country, fuck his age. Reply @lionelsmith4755 2 days ago I kinda wondering why he didn't average more in HS.. Reply @user-nc5nl3pr6f 4 days ago Kid got a lot of hype .Can he live it up to it we will find out 2 Reply 4 replies @thehawk5967 3 days ago Hopefully he stays out of trouble in college. Reply @michaelb.8675 3 days ago This kid should go straight to the NBA he is better than Kobe at that age. Reply @42billykid 4 days ago BROOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY needs to take notes from COOOOOPPPPPERRRRR!!!!!!!! Reply @edwardkimakaballislifekim_578 5 days ago Copper future nba superstar 1 Reply @adatshhc 4 days ago The NBA will make sure the Spurs get him as well. Reply @raykarena4595 3 days ago Is he the Catlin Clarke to Bronny James, I think so Reply @Vanvan22m 1 day ago Next Larry bird Reply @chadcas 3 days ago Looks like a version of Orlando’s Paulo Banchero. Reply @edzeljereza8234 4 days ago If that kid was of the other gender trying to get into the pro ranks of a league that I won't mention COUGHWNBACOUGH!!.........imagine the hate and pettiness thrown towards the kid. Reply @mr.cookie7308 3 days ago The 2nd coming of Larry Bird, better believe it. You heard it here first. Reply @bobbobsin3202 2 days ago He will team up with luka to form lethal white duo Reply @stevekulbacki5238 4 days ago Cooper is no doubt special. I would like to see him get a little better backspin on his jumper. Those knuckle balls are inconsistent. Reply @kingsfan_Tim 5 days ago Modern day Larry Bird! 1 Reply 1 reply @mdo5121 3 days ago 6'9 NOW AT 17....HE WILL BE TALLER BY 20. Reply @jemoua9429 4 days ago pretty legit hype Reply @adamexenvironmental4468 3 days ago He not to pearly white & American for the NBA like so many others that have been dismissed over the years? You know… like the guy who went over to China and scored 40 points a game and had a 70 point game a few years ago? Reply @faculty891 1 minute ago He won't be playing ball at Duke long Reply @personalfreedom7843 4 days ago The select team only has teenagers. He was talking about that. Reply @chriswillis1585 1 day ago no surprise here - AT ALL. Reply @alexandershapiro8591 1 day ago The hype machine be hyping. Games are games. Luca has mad skills but he is not mature. Hopefully Mr. Flagg keeps his focus on the game without letting all the noise get in his head. Be more JB and less JT. Reply @eyepv4 4 days ago he has vision and IQ too Reply 1 reply @brayse-kun 4 days ago White mamba️ seriously he got the Right mentality Reply @davidguliver3000 4 days ago If you are in mid 30’ you just simply too old or not he plays like vet Reply @ItZtHaDj 4 days ago Man this guy should be drafted by Toronto Raptors next yr. Reply @lvplackbussy9831 4 days ago Coop need to stay in Durham and build team chemistry instead of playing against Team USA. Reply @stretchstretch9112 5 days ago Kid can play....hope hes cool Reply @rev1558 4 days ago I hope he doesn't get criticised the way Caitlin Clark is having with the WNBA now when the time comes for Cooper - because he is WHITE. Would be branded having white privilege if he gets the attention he deserves because of his ability in playing the game. Reply @thomasbays8292 4 days ago When he has a few bad games in college it commentary will be brutal. Reply @bpsactclass2218 4 days ago (edited) Cooper is great, but it also reveals how bad the NBA has become. A high school student would have never showed up Jordan, Kobe, Bird, Magic, Wilt, Russell, Pistol Pete, Kareem, Hakeem, or Shaq. Reply 1 reply @user-kt3rw9ot2m 1 day ago no one sees it? he is a young copy of Larry Bird Reply @bitcoin457 3 days ago 2024 brandon ingram skill set but cheaper. Reply @ranielm2024 4 days ago I see Lebron already recruiting him. lol Reply @brucedavis3816 2 days ago Plus he is only 17 1/2!!!!! He doesnt turn 18 till december!!!! Reply @BamsCam226 4 days ago This era is they let a 17 yr old come in and show them up Reply @jasenjahn 4 days ago I smell a fat Nike deal? Reply @LudoM27 4 days ago 🇫🇷 Reply @raymondcapz9437 4 days ago Me Vs.Cooper Flagg Reply @sheikhboyardee556 4 days ago I'm sure he will get the Calin Clark treatment. The others will be jealous & claim he doesn't belong there. Reply 1 reply @MakaiMauka 3 days ago Larry Bird 2 Reply @AboveAverageAndAbove 4 days ago Okay no need to sick too much duck … this was a scrimmage… who expect jrue holiday to play “lockdown defense” you gotta stop it… cooper is nice… I’ve been checking out his last season… but c’mon now… Reply @rustytv3023 5 days ago How is Chet Holmgren not on the SELECT team? Reply @ericb3186 2 days ago Did he have to go to Duke? Reply @jamescariaga 3 days ago A lot of kids get all hyped up there is alot of things that can happen in a year. They're comparing him to Larry legend but I don't think he's going number one, maybe a top ten. Also, he is hyped up because he's white there's are a lot of blacks more better than him in college Reply @DTWINE 4 days ago White Mike Reply @hotsauce0606 5 days ago Tl;dr kid can ball Reply @ThePanman48 1 day ago White ball summer Reply @eddysphagetti4009 5 days ago All around offensive ball hawk at most Reply @timthomas1238 3 days ago (edited) He was just playing the way the game should be played. The nba is lame. Those guys suck. Lazy. Bring back Bird and Magic. Everyone keeps saying all these guys are superstars. Give me a break. I don’t know how anyone even watches it Reply @jackdavidson7853 1 day ago Larry bird ll Reply @ryanurban1 4 days ago He seems taller than 6'8". Is he still growing? Reply 1 reply @Blastme23 4 days ago Lebron is gonna get bronze again Reply @jmfabe4947 2 days ago (edited) Ok a lot better than Brony, only less privileged than him. Reply @thepowersofone2570 5 days ago HE IS GOING TO THE PHILIPPINES ! Reply 1 reply @gq5039 3 hours ago Too much hype..stop man.. you disgrace the other players by saying he was the best come on now Reply @rickytran2378 2 days ago (edited) never seen so much hype around a white boy Reply @mr.nobody9697 5 days ago Hes a heck of a talent. Sucks he went to duke. White america is so excited over him. 2 Reply 6 replies @jadou812 4 days ago Wizards need the first pick in 2025! This kid might make them relevant again. Reply @sparker1901 4 days ago this is another SO WHAT youre not gonna be kobe or mike or lebron UNTILL YOU ARE...good luck kid Reply @roysomodio6884 4 hours ago He is better than bronny... bronny sucks... Reply @user-hl9jm3we9o 1 day ago Where's Bronny? Oh, that's right his daddy, new Lakers OWNER/COACH couldn't payoff the Olympic committee to get him on the squad. Reply @philb.1502 3 days ago He's overrated. He's just athletic and 6'9. He needs a lot of work. Reply @mcflycowboy4088 2 days ago Won't be watching lachina James......not a fan of USA HATER/RACISTS. Reply @VanIyke 5 days ago He's no Wemby. So let's chill. He'll get to Duke and Y'all will see him either struggle or find out that "projected #1" title might flip more times than a burger. Reply 1 reply @user-wn3ii8no4l 2 days ago The kid proves that these overrated NBA divas are all a scam. Reply @edwinjangao 4 days ago he's going to be the Philippines naturalize player soon Reply @MakaiMauka 3 days ago Larry Bird 2 Reply Contents hide (Top) Early life and high school career Toggle Early life and high school career subsection Recruiting College career National team career Personal life References External links Cooper Flagg Article Talk Read Edit View history Tools Appearance hide Text Small Standard Large Width Standard Wide From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cooper Flagg No. 2 – Duke Blue Devils Position Power forward/Small forward League Atlantic Coast Conference Personal information Born December 21, 2006 (age 17) Newport, Maine, U.S. Listed height 6 ft 9 in (2.06 m) Listed weight 205 lb (93 kg) Career information High school Nokomis Regional (Newport, Maine) Montverde Academy (Montverde, Florida) College Duke (2024–present) Career highlights and awards USA Basketball Male Athlete of the Year (2022) National high school player of the year (2024) McDonald's All-American (2024) Jordan Brand Classic (2024) Nike Hoop Summit (2024) Gatorade National Men's Athlete of the Year (2022) Medals Men's basketball Representing the United States FIBA Under-17 Basketball World Cup Gold medal – first place 2022 Spain Team Cooper Flagg (born December 21, 2006) is an American college basketball player for the Duke Blue Devils. A native of Newport, Maine, Flagg initially attended Nokomis Regional High School before transferring to Montverde Academy in Montverde, Florida after his freshman year. In his last year of high school at Montverde Academy, Flagg won multiple national player of the year honors and was rated the consensus top recruit in the 2024 class. Early life and high school career Flagg was born in Newport, Maine,[1] and initially attended Nokomis Regional High School.[2] He became the first freshman to be named the Maine Gatorade Player of the Year after averaging 20.5 points, 10 rebounds, 6.2 assists, 3.7 steals, and 3.7 blocks per game.[3] Nokomis won the Class A state championship with Flagg scoring 22 points and grabbing 16 rebounds in a 43–27 win against Falmouth High School in the state final.[4] Flagg transferred to Montverde Academy in Montverde, Florida, at the end of his freshman year of high school.[5] Prior to the beginning of his first year at the school, he played in the Nike Elite Youth Basketball League (EYBL) for the Florida Eagles, an Amateur Athletic Union team affiliated with Montverde.[6][7] Flagg was named the MVP of the 2023 Hoophall Classic after scoring 21 points with 5 steals, 5 rebounds, and 3 assists in Montverde's 85–63 victory over La Lumiere Academy.[8] He also was named a semifinalist for the Naismith Prep Player of the Year Award.[9] Flagg averaged 9.8 points, 5.2 rebounds, and three assists per game in his first season at Montverde.[10] After the season, he played for Maine United in the EYBL and averaged 25.4 points, 13 rebounds, 5.7 assists, and 6.9 blocks in seven games at the Peach Jam tournament.[11][12] Flagg reclassified to the 2024 recruiting class after his sophomore year.[13] Flagg was selected to play in the 2024 McDonald's All-American Boys Game.[14] On March 27, 2024, He was named the Gatorade National Player of the Year.[15][16] Flagg was also named Mr. Basketball USA and the Naismith Prep Player of the Year.[17][18] He finished the season averaging 16.4 points, 7.5 rebounds, 3.8 assists, and 2.7 blocks per game during his final high school season while leading the Eagles to a perfect 34–0 record and the program's eighth National title.[19] Recruiting Flagg was ranked the third-best prospect in the 2025 recruiting class following the conclusion of his freshman season.[20][21] He re-ranked as the class's second-best recruit in August 2022 following his performance in the 2022 FIBA Under-17 Basketball World Cup.[22] Flagg received his first NCAA Division I scholarship offer from Bryant while in the eighth grade.[23] He reclassified to the class of 2024 during the summer after his sophomore year.[13] On October 30, 2023, Flagg verbally committed to play for Duke after also considering an offer from UConn.[24][25] He had initially planned to announce his commitment on October 27, but pushed it back in the aftermath of the 2023 Lewiston shootings in his home state of Maine.[26] Flagg signed a National Letter of Intent to play for the Blue Devils on November 8, 2023, during the early signing period.[27] Flagg finished as the highest rated recruit in the 2024 class[28] US college sports recruiting information for high school athletes Name Hometown High school / college Height Weight Commit date Cooper Flagg SF Newport, ME Montverde Academy (FL) 6 ft 8 in (2.03 m) 200 lb (91 kg) Oct 30, 2023 Recruiting star ratings: Scout: N/A Rivals:5/5 stars 247Sports:5/5 stars ESPN:5/5 stars ESPN grade: 97 Overall recruiting rankings: Rivals: 1 247Sports: 1 ESPN: 1 Note: In many cases, Scout, Rivals, 247Sports, and ESPN may conflict in their listings of height and weight. In these cases, the average was taken. ESPN grades are on a 100-point scale. Sources: "Duke 2024 Basketball Commitments". Retrieved December 7, 2023. "2024 Duke Blue Devils Recruiting Class". Retrieved December 7, 2023. "2024 Team Ranking". Retrieved December 7, 2023. College career Flagg enrolled at Duke University in June 2024 in order to take part in the Blue Devils' summer practices.[29] National team career Flagg played for the United States under-17 basketball team at the 2022 FIBA Under-17 Basketball World Cup.[30] He was named to the All-Tournament Team after averaging 9.3 points, 10 rebounds, 2.9 blocked shots, and 2.4 steals per game as the United States won the gold medal.[31] Flagg scored 10 points with 17 rebounds, eight steals, and four blocked shots in a 79–67 win over Spain in the final.[32] He was named the 2022 USA Basketball Male Athlete of the Year for his performance in the Under-17 World Cup and is the youngest player to win the award.[33][34] Flagg was named to the USA Select Team to practice with the United States men's national team in preparation for the 2024 Summer Olympics.[35] Personal life Flagg's mother, Kelly, played college basketball at Maine where she was a team captain as a senior.[36][37] His father, Ralph, played NJCAA basketball at Eastern Maine Community College.[38] Flagg has a fraternal twin brother, Ace, who was a teammate at Nokomis and transferred to Montverde.[39] Flagg's older brother Hunter was also a Nokomis basketball player and was a senior when the former was a freshman.[40] His family relocated from Newport to Florida after he and his twin brother transferred to Montverde Academy.[41] References Manoj, Kenneth (January 12, 2024). "Cooper Flagg returns to Hoophall: Learn more about the Maine-born basketball phenom". Mass Live. Retrieved January 26, 2024. Levinsky, Greg (July 6, 2022). "A 6–8 freshman from Maine is the nation's third-ranked basketball prospect in the Class of 2025". The Boston Globe. Archived from the original on November 11, 2022. Retrieved November 11, 2022. "Cooper Flagg named Gatorade Maine boys basketball player of the year". The Portland Press Herald. March 16, 2022. Archived from the original on November 15, 2022. Retrieved November 15, 2022. Craig, Steve (March 5, 2022). "Boys' basketball: Cooper Flagg leads Nokomis to its first state championship". The Portland Press Herald. Archived from the original on November 15, 2022. Retrieved November 15, 2022. Bonifant, Drew (March 29, 2022). "Twins Cooper, Ace Flagg to leave Nokomis High for Florida prep school". Kennebec Journal. Archived from the original on November 11, 2022. Retrieved November 11, 2022. Jordan, Jason (July 21, 2022). "Flagg Pushing Past the Top Spot at Nike Peach Jam". Archived from the original on November 15, 2022. Retrieved November 15, 2022. Bonifant, Drew (March 15, 2022). "Nokomis freshmen Ace and Cooper Flagg to compete in nationally renowned basketball league". Kennebec Journal. Archived from the original on November 15, 2022. Retrieved November 15, 2022. Nutter, Greg (January 14, 2023). "Montverde Academy's Cooper Flagg proud to represent Maine at Hoophall Classic: 'It's a great feeling". Archived from the original on January 16, 2023. Retrieved January 17, 2023. "Maine high school basketball star up for top national award". February 3, 2023. Archived from the original on February 20, 2023. Retrieved February 20, 2023. Bass, Tobias (August 11, 2023). "Cooper Flagg, top NBA Draft prospect, reclassifies to Class of 2024: How it impacts draft expectations". The Athletic. Archived from the original on August 11, 2023. Retrieved August 11, 2023. Peek, Krysten (July 5, 2023). "Peach Jam: Cooper Flagg, Maine United upset Cameron Boozer, Nightrydas". Yahoo Sports. Retrieved November 16, 2023. Fanta, John (October 25, 2023). "Top-ranked recruit Cooper Flagg reportedly set to announce commitment this week". Fox Sports. Retrieved November 16, 2023. Borzello, Jeff (August 11, 2023). "Cooper Flagg reclassifies, could be top 2025 NBA pick". Archived from the original on August 12, 2023. Retrieved August 11, 2023. Borzello, Jeff (January 23, 2024). "Duke commit Cooper Flagg tops McDonald's All American Game rosters". Retrieved January 26, 2024. "Star Duke commit Cooper Flagg wins Gatorade National Boys Basketball Player of the Year". Fox Sports. March 29, 2024. Retrieved April 3, 2024. "2023-2024 Gatorade National Boys Basketball Player of the Year". Retrieved April 3, 2024. Giles, Matt (May 4, 2024). "Duke Basketball: Blue Devils Add Another Mr. Basketball USA". Retrieved May 7, 2024. "Basketball: Cooper Flagg named Naismith Player of the Year". The Portland Press Herald. March 8, 2024. Retrieved May 7, 2024. Baxley, Rodd (April 14, 2024). "What Duke basketball's Cooper Flagg, Blue Devils recruits did in Nike Hoop Summit game". Fayetteville Observer. Retrieved May 7, 2024. Clark, Ernie (April 21, 2022). "Cooper Flagg ranked No. 3 high school freshman basketball player in the country by ESPN". Bangor Daily News. Archived from the original on November 11, 2022. Retrieved November 11, 2022. Roberts, Ben (July 24, 2022). "Cooper Flagg and top Kentucky basketball recruiting links". Lexington Herald Leader. Retrieved November 11, 2022. Robinson, Adam (June 23, 2022). "ESPN's Fran Fraschilla says Cooper Flagg is 'possibly on the verge of stardom'". Sun Journal. Archived from the original on November 15, 2022. Retrieved November 15, 2022. Clark, Ernie (August 3, 2021). "A 6-foot-7 Newport basketball star has a college scholarship offer. He just finished 8th grade". Bangor Daily News. Archived from the original on November 15, 2022. Retrieved November 15, 2022. Borzello, Jeff (October 30, 2023). "Projected top pick in '25 NBA draft Cooper Flagg commits to Duke". Retrieved October 30, 2023. Marks, Brendan (October 30, 2023). "Cooper Flagg's commitment proves Duke basketball's staying power under Jon Scheyer". The Athletic. Retrieved October 30, 2023. Wood, Trent (October 26, 2023). "Cooper Flagg was supposed to announce his college decision this week. Now he wants the focus on supporting victims of Lewiston shooting". Deseret News. Retrieved October 30, 2023. Stewart, Bill (November 8, 2023). "Cooper Flagg signs National Letter of Intent to play basketball at Duke". Kennebec Journal. Retrieved November 14, 2023. "Cooper Flagg-Industry Comparison". Retrieved July 11, 2024. Rowe, Adam (June 20, 2024). "First Look: Cooper Flagg in action with Duke Basketball". Retrieved June 24, 2024. Givony, Jonathan (July 19, 2022). "Cooper Flagg's rise, D.J. Wagner's struggles and other takeaways from FIBA U17s". Archived from the original on November 11, 2022. Retrieved November 11, 2022. Mandell, Mike (July 13, 2022). "Sidelines: After striking gold with U17 national basketball team, Cooper Flagg receives warm homecoming". Kennebec Journal. Archived from the original on November 14, 2022. Retrieved November 14, 2022. "Sports Digest: Flagg finishes just shy of triple-double as U.S. wins U17 Basketball World Cup". The Portland Press Herald. July 10, 2022. Archived from the original on November 15, 2022. Retrieved November 15, 2022. Robinson, Adam (December 21, 2022). "Cooper Flagg named USA Basketball's Male Athlete of the Year". Bangor Daily News. Archived from the original on December 22, 2022. Retrieved December 21, 2022. Giles, Matt (December 23, 2022). "Five-star Duke basketball recruiting target wins huge national honor". Archived from the original on December 25, 2022. Retrieved December 25, 2022. Vardon, Joe (June 28, 2024). "Cooper Flagg headlines select team that will practice against Team USA during Olympic training camp". The Athletic. Retrieved June 28, 2024. Kahn, Andrew (April 29, 2022). "Michigan basketball offers scholarship to a top high school freshman". Archived from the original on November 11, 2022. Retrieved November 11, 2022. Robinson, Adam (November 16, 2022). "Cooper Flagg's mom gives her son basketball tips over Twitter". Bangor Daily News. Archived from the original on November 17, 2022. Retrieved November 17, 2022. Canfield, Sam (October 2, 2023). "The impossible rise of Cooper Flagg". Bangor Daily News. Archived from the original on October 7, 2023. Retrieved October 5, 2023. Clark, Ernie (March 31, 2022). "Flagg twins' quest for improvement is not an indictment of Maine high school basketball". Bangor Daily News. Archived from the original on November 11, 2022. Retrieved November 11, 2022. Rogers, Sam (February 22, 2022). "Three Maine brothers are three wins away from achieving childhood dream". Archived from the original on November 15, 2022. Retrieved November 15, 2022. Marks, Brendan (February 2, 2024). "Cooper Flagg and the small New England town that raised basketball's brightest young star". The Athletic. Retrieved July 11, 2024. External links Montverde Academy Eagles bio USA Basketball bio Duke Blue Devils bio vte Mr. Basketball USA winners vte USA Basketball Male Athlete of the Year vte Gatorade High School Basketball Player of the Year Award vte Gatorade High School Athlete of the Year Award Categories: 2006 birthsLiving peopleAmerican men's basketball playersBasketball players from MainePeople from Newport, MaineSmall forwardsMontverde Academy alumniSportspeople from Penobscot County, Maine This page was last edited on 12 July 2024, at 15:03 (UTC). Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 4.0; additional terms may apply. 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Monday, July 15, 2024

Nvidia's New Computer Has Released A Terrifying Threat To Apple!

Nvidia's New Computer Has Released A Terrifying Threat To Apple! Cosmos Lab 277K subscribers Subscribe 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Share Download Thanks Clip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 views Jul 15, 2024 Nvidia's New Computer Has Released A Terrifying Threat To Apple! People are now debating what this could mean for the future of artificial intelligence. Why is Nvidia's new AI chip such a big deal? Let's explore how this could be a game changer and even a potential threat to humanity. Nvidia started out by making graphics better for video games. Based in California, it has grown fast and is now one of the few companies worth over $2 trillion, like Microsoft, Apple, and Alphabet (Google's parent company). Nvidia's value jumped from $1 trillion to $2 trillion in just eight months because of the high demand for its advanced technology, which is driving the boom in AI. But this wasn’t the end of the story. Nvidia's success with the Hopper products significantly increased its market value. Not stopping there, Nvidia introduced the Blackwell architecture, named after David Blackwell, a famous American mathematician. His work in game theory, probability, information theory, and statistics is key to modern AI models and training algorithms. How this content was made Altered or synthetic content Sound or visuals were significantly edited or digitally generated. Learn more Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript Cosmos Lab 277K subscribers Videos About 37:05 HUGE Earthquakes Have Just Hit The Enitre Unites States! by Cosmos Lab

Sunday, July 14, 2024

【鎮館之寶系列】南京博物院 18件逆天文物你見過幾件?

【鎮館之寶系列】南京博物院 18件逆天文物你見過幾件? 尋寶隊長SIGMA 66.9K subscribers Subscribe 1.3K Share Download Thanks Clip 212,186 views Jul 12, 2022 台湾 【鎮館之寶系列】第一章:南京博物院 南京博物院是中國三大博物館之一,前身是1933年蔡元培等建立的國立中央博物院,是中國創建最早的博物館、中國第一座由國家投資興建的大型綜合類博物館。 南京博物院在2007年經過專家和市民選票,評選出18件南京博物院「鎮館之寶」。 當然,由於這些「鎮館之寶」價值太高,所以基本每次去你都看不全,下面就讓我們隆重介紹一下這18件寶貝。 Featured places See more information in Google Maps Nanjing Museum Art museum 4.4 (157) Details Transcript Follow along using the transcript. Show transcript 尋寶隊長SIGMA 66.9K subscribers Videos About 192 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @tz5931 1 year ago 第一次看到主人的节目, 谢谢你的工作。 建议你下次解说稍微慢一点, 最好能把物品的具体尺寸和重量标注出来, 能把细节高清晰图公布出来, 特别是平时大家看不到的地方, 比如南博战国金豹的底部图, 谢谢你! 22 Reply 3 replies @user-kj3it3so9t 8 months ago 中国创建最早的博物馆是1905年状元张謇建立的南通博物苑,不是南京这个。 2 Reply @Ppppiill 1 year ago 我有看過金龜印鈕 跟拱門(應該是展示贗品)..... 場館真的很大~~~可惜無法在去了 3 Reply @jamiezhang1319 9 months ago 竹林七贤的概念可能是逐步演变形成的,比如早期是七贤,后代再加入竹林的概念,最终形成竹林七贤,所以早期艺术不一定非要有竹林 2 Reply @hoi_polloi 1 year ago 10年去的时候见识还少,唯一震惊我的是铜祖哈哈 2 Reply @user-gq1sl9ye3t 10 days ago 南京博物院那个大转心瓶必上,还有南京博物院和南京市博物馆是2个博物馆,你说的2000箱南迁文物在南京市博物馆库房里,还有青花重器萧何月下追韩信梅瓶也是南京市博物馆的镇馆之宝。 Reply @user-xt9ms3nm4o 1 year ago 總結:深藏不露 1 Reply @aaafba5544 9 months ago 藝術創作之永久性與普遍性的特徵却是永在的 Reply @yuchinglo5192 1 year ago 講得太快,聽得吃力! 8 Reply 2 replies @Noname-iz9uo 1 year ago 希望多点视频 2 Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 1 reply @twngirlsshop242 8 months ago 第一次看你的影片,謝謝你的精彩介紹,很棒的解說,只是可以講解的慢一些嗎?聽著神經緊繃+頭痛。沒辦法看完。 1 Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 1 reply @user-uk6jm4rq6i 1 year ago 好奇0:20開始的背景音樂是什麼?很有意境,求來源 感謝 1 Reply @sarachen5783 1 year ago 語速太快,感覺就是草草結束,讓人覺得中國輝煌的歷史也草草結束了,以後要介紹這麼貴重的寶物,不要用這麼潦草的口吻,寶物們會哭 16 Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 13 replies @nianlisang7518 1 year ago 陈璋圆壶铭文“隹”读“唯”,通“唯”。彝器金文常用字。 1 Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 1 reply @game-3689 1 year ago 不展出的一般都被换了...反正即使展出也是用的赝品 4 Reply @gergerhsiao1688 1 month ago 說話介紹的速度太快,看電視跟聽話無法合一,所以沒有達到介紹的結果! Reply @weiseat 1 year ago 想請問背景音樂為何 謝謝好聽 1 Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 1 reply @user-to9lz3cu1w 1 year ago 好東西 都在台北故宮.. 2 Reply 1 reply @jiehu5855 1 year ago 那2000箱文物不是在南博,而是在朝天宫的南京市博物馆,也因为文物的归属问题一直没有确定,所以一直深锁在库房内不能展出…… 4 Reply 5 replies @user-nk7zp9kz7l 1 year ago 南迁文物很多都是文献资料,没有想象中的那么牛 1 Reply 1 reply @user-cg5bo9jc3e 6 months ago 合着去博物馆看到的也大都是赝品 Reply @qoo2100666 1 year ago 有北京故宮的解說嗎? Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 1 reply @zhichengzhao5907 1 year ago 博物馆真品好多都 不展出,去看什么呢? Reply @hgfghks1904 1 year ago (鎮館之寳)?X,寫錯字,(館)字X,呢個(館)字,係有(飲,食)供應嘅(館)✓,例如:(食物館,餐館)✓,博物(舘),應該係無(飲,食)供應嘅,所以係呢個(舘)✓正確,(鎮舘之寶)✓ 2 Reply @0418 1 year ago 南博去过几次,好多东西都没有展出过,大部分东西一般吧 Reply @kuo-weilee197 1 year ago 您介紹的不錯!但可否講慢一點! 3 Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 2 replies @joysca2476 1 year ago 有件大寶貝藏在揚州博物館 Reply @jzw1969 1 year ago 能不用機器語音嗎? 2 Reply @kinguytam 1 month ago 字画保存不容易,你藏起来就算了,那些金旮瘩,玉石头,千万年没有化学反应的,你要是藏起来,我就猜想你没有。 Reply @tomshih6401 1 year ago 講的好快,聽的好累,真可惜,應該慢些,細細品味才是,要不怎會有感覺呢~ 1 Reply @user-qu8pb4rz6i 1 year ago 速度0.75剛剛好 1 Reply @user-rp4mp4tf3t 1 year ago 我覺得瓷器 明瓷器。明釉裡紅精品都在台北故宮 南京故宮博物院我去過 呵呵 產出的是有特色 但規模一般 3 Reply 5 replies @Raymanwee1933 1 year ago 农民为什么不拿去卖 Reply @hugomom5223 1 year ago 樓主,你像唸 急口令一樣,聽得人辛苦 Reply @HanW 1 year ago 很趕時間嗎? 1 Reply 1 reply @heaphenjohn6708 1 year ago 有点可惜,只见过7件。 Reply @kaifookchoi2892 1 year ago 好介紹,多謝。 但讀得太快,趕着收工嗎? 5 Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 2 replies @harrychang4110 1 year ago 講得飞快, 声调令人紧张。 Reply 1 reply @alexcheang9844 1 year ago 內容不錯 但是演變成說唱了 2 Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 1 reply @eric880000 10 months ago (edited) 這些博物館在台北故宮前面就是個弟弟 中國博物館最多的就這幾十年的出土文物 (阿 還有民眾上繳的,忘了說) 真正精品都不再中國境內 抱歉~說了大實話 Reply 1 reply @munyimyeo2115 1 year ago 解说如开机关枪怎能看听下去? Reply @weichengli2380 9 months ago 說話速度有點過快,再慢一點點會比較好,可以讓看的人有思考的時間~ Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 2 replies @jutiwadleung9646 1 year ago 講得太快,可以慢點嗎 ? Reply @mengyuanxian3279 1 year ago 说郑和那个太扯了。郑和是回民穆斯林,怎么会葬在佛寺? 1 Reply 1 reply @user-jk9yx8kp2y 1 year ago 名家書畫太少 Reply 1 reply @9niwoume563 1 year ago 发音不清,语无顿挫, Reply @user-cw1sg1zk5o 1 year ago 大英博物館 2 Reply 1 reply @winstontho2822 1 year ago 讲得很赶时间似。。。 1 Reply @puichingkwan9827 1 year ago 機械聲, 怪蹩扭. Reply @user-xu2yb9kn4d 1 year ago 趕收工? Reply @myhe9940 1 year ago 这是得挖多少坟啊 Reply @kennylim8908 1 year ago 聲音太快似雞型. Reply @universalleathergoods6269 1 year ago 説得那麼急為啥? Reply @hsingchihhung3558 1 year ago 每句都要停顿一下,不是一口气唸完 Reply @6656poppo 1 year ago 這個人是不是盜用了你的影片? Reply @user-ku4rc1yw7b 1 year ago 南京博物馆是中国三大博物馆?那么它有几件是国家永不许出国的60件国宝之列? Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 2 replies @tinlee1214 1 year ago 趕住去找民物嗎?基本制作細節連小學生都不會犯的錯誤,有心做就精益求精,得過且過做視頻為咩制作,時間不夠用就別浪費自己時間。 Reply @user-ut5sc6rh1n 1 year ago 中華五千年 開國國璽 Reply @yuxiluo3127 1 year ago 语速太快了,大脑跟不上 Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 1 reply @TheLynchho 1 year ago 玉壽衣在大英博物館展出 Reply @Alexanderthegreat233 1 year ago 郑和是回民,你却把它说成佛教徒? Reply @user-gq9jn4cu2e 1 year ago 講那麼快要去趕火車趕飛機嗎 1 Reply @allenclose2572 1 year ago 解说速度太快,效果太差。 Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 1 reply @user-by9vc4tc2o 1 year ago (edited) 你介绍历史的东西能不能讲话慢一点?是要去抢孝帽子吗 ? Reply @user-vr6zo7fe5o 1 year ago 中國五千年瑰寶菁華 有八成都藏在台北故宮。 2 Reply 15 replies @universalleathergoods6269 1 year ago 說話太快完全不能消化 Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 1 reply @show-jf1iz 1 year ago 肉型石 翠玉白菜 在台灣故宮。中國國寶在台灣 1 Reply 6 replies @user-tg4cn8nh5j 1 year ago 這位旁白者,是急著去投胎嗎? 你是在解釋說明歷史珍寶,不是讓你來唸廣告的,觀眾聽到解說,必須給一點時間吸收,咀嚼,思考,..,因為聽到的字句,都不是平時聊天對話的用語 Reply @terryleung482 1 year ago 大陸D旁白真係快過光速,有必要講得咁快?連字幕也一樣 1 Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 2 replies @LakesouthTiger-tw6es 1 year ago 解说太差了,应该是电脑解说的吧? Reply @universalleathergoods6269 1 year ago 述説太快聽到頭疼 Reply 尋寶隊長SIGMA · 1 reply @zhangyouzhong928 1 year ago 国家级盗墓中心曹操看完都哭了 2 Reply @eraser6711 1 year ago 先不說真的假的 能平安度過文革沒被打爛真是不可思議 3 Reply 3 replies @leech6579 1 year ago 古人用的尿壺你們都當寶是吧 Reply @haichen8137 1 year ago 說話慢一點可以不?說的像抽風一樣,太難聽。 Reply @aqai2010 1 year ago 口條好差 Reply @louischen579 1 year ago 怎麼文革沒破壞乾淨?失敗 Reply 2 replies @user-zh8hj8yx4y 1 year ago 土瓷器,破銅爛鐵一文不值。 8分钟讲遍陕西历史博物馆各种镇馆之宝! 英国那些事儿 16K subscribers Subscribe 803 Share Download Clip Save 78,085 views Apr 15, 2021 8分钟讲遍陕西历史博物馆各种镇馆之宝!穿越到周朝到唐朝之间,感受那个时代工匠的精品!太惊叹了! Featured places See more information in Google Maps Shaanxi History Museum History museum 4.3 (471) Details 英国那些事儿 16K subscribers Videos About 33 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... @Brannee248 2 years ago 好特別的印是多角的特愛、大唐的遺產金銅幣、盤、杯、一群金舞馬也很美~大開眼界啦、謝謝分享~ 5 Reply @user-lv1vl7vq9i 2 years ago 陕西好多珍贵文物啊,有时间一定去看看。 1 Reply @beethoven868 2 years ago 這顆印章實在太有創意了。 4 Reply 1 reply @yueming9984 2 years ago 确实太有意思了,谢谢你的讲解哦 4 Reply @taoyuan2387 2 years ago 陕博的宝贝太多了。中国宋以前的精华,基本都集中在陕西和河南 2 Reply 2 replies @user-sr4ov3cp5t 1 year ago 我的家鄉美麗的古城西安(歷史博物館)(半坡博物館)(大唐不夜城)(兵馬俑)世界遺產 3 Reply @honghong7685 2 years ago 比起某些Xmm的遊記或者自稱什麼有文化有內涵的影片博主,你的頻道真的非常棒,不是那種單純流水帳看到什麼就說什麼表面的東西,你的影片還會深入去講有哪些精彩的文物非看不可的東西,或者是它的故事,真的非常棒,看了不會覺得浪費時間,訂閱一波了 5 Reply @dkkk9849 1 year ago 今年真想有机会去西安一趟 Reply @linchichang1669 2 years ago Reply @user-bt3cg9fx7y 3 years ago 欢迎事儿君來银川啊~ 1 Reply @mark8129 9 months ago 唐的女士们都是胖呼呼的,真是以胖为美啊 Reply @laiszefung1605 2 years ago 石器錢币是錦呂啦 Reply @baroccorhodes124 1 year ago 载乐(yue),载歌载舞,载乐(le)啊? 1 Reply @Charles-em5vd 1 year ago 请教一下,你从哪里得知唐朝昆仑奴是“贩卖”但长安的?史料证据从哪里来的? 1 Reply 1 reply @shawnlu7984 1 year ago 知道载的是乐团,还读le? 1 Reply @babc97 1 year ago 上次去 没有预约到参观 可惜 Reply @sujiangliaowei 2 months ago 陕西历史博物馆里的镇馆之宝都是外来货,进贡来的,可见唐朝在当时真的是繁荣之极。 还有,说个夸张的,全中国很多博物馆里的镇馆之宝都是出自陕西关中地区,宝鸡,咸阳,西安。 可以看看宝鸡的青铜器博物馆,里面有个“小本本”,是宝鸡青铜器博物馆记下“外借”的所有宝物,到了其它省或者市的博物馆后,就成了镇馆之宝 Reply @user-ym2sf7ix6z 2 years ago 唐三彩黄色衣服那个太像郭德纲了吧 Reply @brilliantliu9436 2 years ago 更正几个胡说的地方:来通杯来自于西亚,波斯,甚至这件玛瑙来通杯就是当时贸易的产品。汉雁鱼灯当时不是烧动物油脂是胡说 2 Reply @justinlew 1 year ago 秘色瓷呢? Reply @abcabc-gl7ug 10 months ago 远没有蒙娜丽莎牛 Reply @cody7202 1 year ago 背景音乐完全不符合 Reply @fly-kk3ph 2 years ago 以前去看都不要钱的,现在要三十块 1 Reply 1 reply @user-fy6hz9bw4h 2 years ago (edited) 青釉提梁倒注瓷壺應該是現代製品,釉看起來太新了。拍壺底那張照片像真的,對比就知道展品好新。 Reply @thomasanderson5046 2 years ago 从人面盘的眯眯眼就开始辱华了。 Reply

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Elon Musk Finally Opens Up To Nvidia CEO About The SHOCKING Truth

Why Elon Musk Is Building The World's BIGGEST Supercomputer The Tesla Space 443K subscribers Join Subscribe 6.1K Share Download Thanks Clip Save 213K views 13 days ago #TheTeslaSpace #Tesla #Elon Check out CyberGhost VPN at and you will get 84% off CyberGhost VPN. That's $2.03/month and 4 months free! It's risk-free with their 45-day money-back guarantee. Thanks to CyberGhostVPN for sponsoring the video! *Sponsor … Shop the The Tesla Space store Cybertruck 2077 T-Shirt $29.95 Fourthwall Excitement Guaranteed Mug $14.95 Fourthwall Excitement Guaranteed T-Shirt - White $29.95 Fourthwall Tesla Bot Mug $16.95 Fourthwall The Tesla Space Logo Dad Hat $24.95 Fourthwall The Space Race Logo Dad Hat $24.95 Fourthwall 404 Comments rongmaw lin Add a comment... Pinned by The Tesla Space @TheTeslaSpace 13 days ago (edited) Check out CyberGhost VPN at and you will get 84% off CyberGhost VPN. That's $2.03/month and 4 months free! It's risk-free with their 45-day money-back guarantee. 18 Reply @antonm4411 12 days ago A desire can be called an obsession when it's obscure and overhyped. A desire based on an objective and clear understanding of the evolution of reality is called vision. 70 Reply 2 replies @CosmicCells 12 days ago Nvidia stock goes bbrrrrrrtttt 47 Reply The Tesla Space · 8 replies @jcdisci 12 days ago All of the Tesla's connected with a hive mind. Like an ant army? 61 Reply 7 replies @aidilmarinho8289 13 days ago I wish all the happiness in the world to all of you Elon Musk employees. 62 Reply 5 replies @emerica187 12 days ago I think its a huge mistake to put grok behind a paywall and not have any kind of free version 29 Reply The Tesla Space · 3 replies @abeldyer8316 10 days ago Still waiting for Musk’s “supposed” smart phone! 4 Reply 3 replies @DT__1 10 days ago Elon reached the stage of nonsense that he doesn’t even probably know what the hell thus he want… 3 Reply @keinaanabdi6821 5 days ago He’s not building a super computer, he’s assembling a super computer. NVDIA is the one doing the building. 1 Reply @rodschmidt8952 9 days ago I wonder when we'll start to see Tesla bots helping to build Starships 1 Reply @sagecoach 12 days ago If supercomputers are an Elon Musk obsession, fasten your seatbelt, he has endless applications. It is a big advantage to have applications. 51 Reply 1 reply @dwightsmith5174 10 days ago Ever wonder WHO would be the one building the Borg, thinking it would be a wonderful world to live in? If you don't see it here, then you never will. You have already been assimilated. 2 Reply @jamielancaster01 3 days ago (edited) The Memphis plant will need 1 millions gallons of water per day to keep there computers cooled! 1 Reply @EricMuyser 12 days ago (edited) 7:38 - it wouldn't be 10x training, the training happens on the supercomputers not in the Tesla, and if OpenAI progress is any indication, will be a model much better than 10x the current one 6 Reply @abeldyer8316 10 days ago Still waiting for Musk “supposed” smart phone. 8 Reply 2 replies @kevingreen2626 7 days ago (edited) In Memphis!?!?!?!?! Whoa that area definitely needs the investment but wouldn’t expect that it would be anyone’s first choice for compute projects given the humidity. Humidity increases the resources required to cool and dehumidify the space where the components will be in operation. 2 Reply @kreynolds1123 7 days ago Why? Could it in small part be to get X off AWS, owned in significant part by Jeff Bezos as well as avoid having to use AWS for his other projects? 2 Reply @rmp1111 9 days ago Currently Money and Power are synonymous…in the future Compute and Power will be synonymous 1 Reply @cookymonstr7918 10 days ago Funny how first computers were the size of a room. Modern computers are the size of a small city. 8 Reply 4 replies @radeksparowski7174 11 days ago he understands now is the time when hw scaling can bring in agi, hw vs sw pushing the limit, the first one takes all 3 Reply @HappyHands. 6 days ago As long as he doesn't name it "Colossus" 1 Reply @Ulysses37 12 days ago Informative and expertly narrated. My go-to tech info channel. Thank you. 5 Reply @brentglittle 5 days ago It makes me wonder why Elon is not heavily invested in nuclear power plants as these AI server farms are probably the biggest drain on the electrical grid; add to that Tesla electric vehicles that need charging stations. Seems like a no brainer for him and all server farm companies to start building nuclear power plants next to all these server farms. 1 Reply @SMABEM 12 days ago Yeah, but can it run Crysis? 1 Reply @maggsvamp 6 days ago Musk should compete with Google and also create an OS to beat Windows 3 Reply @Chainyanker007 1 day ago (edited) Tesla should also be experimenting with quantum computing, magnitudes of times faster than the world's fastest supercomputers. Last year a Google team used their Sycamore quantum computer to run a complex, synthetic benchmark called random circuit sampling, which is exactly what it sounds like – taking readings from randomly generated quantum processes. They calculated the Frontier supercomputer, currently the most powerful computer in the world, would take a little over 47 years to crunch the same numbers, whereas the Sycamore quantum computer managed it in about 200 seconds. Reply @damarismaldonadorivera5037 13 days ago May YOU be successful in EVERY goal that set YOUR life living IN/WITH PURPOSE ️ 2 Reply @revaddict 9 days ago I can guarantee you that Elon isn't spending anywhere close to what Microsoft and Meta have spent and will spend.. 6 Reply 9 replies @1122stardust 6 days ago Elon IS Lex Luthor ! 4 Reply @NicholasNerios 12 days ago Ya know, I love a retro take on Optimus, built of cogs like an automaton. It'd be heavier, but it'd be awesome. Ai Autonomous Automatons. 1 Reply @Robbiemduncan 12 days ago Thinking DoJo was an important thing added to TSLA, instead of a bunch of cars. 4 Reply @WillProwse 5 days ago Good coverage 1 Reply @cyrilperry9775 1 hour ago Let the terminator theme start now Reply @punk3900 1 day ago you are wrong about the initial delay that you have when starting the answer from LLM. its not about the cloud. its because some matrix calculations need to be performed at the beginning. its barely the same on your local computer. the amount of data transfer is minimal and it is sent in no time so being online or local is negligible. Reply @MrAuswest 8 days ago $9 billion sounds like a lot of money to find for 300,000 GPU's but just last month Shareholders re-awarded Musk his $45 billion pay-packet and just this week TSLA stock increased by 45%! Yes, 45% in one week! 3 Reply @stephbarbershop2518 8 days ago So just how powerful is the Human brain? Reply @aykyi2668 7 days ago Decentralized to "outsource calculation power costs to the users and just send the compact data to the cloud" Cloud just sent position data to the cars to correct way. Sounds optimal but has a connection delay, the car -> cloud delay has to be fix low. More cars = higher bandwith is needed. Elon didnt consider it or let the goverment do its part. 1 Reply @craftymulligar 9 days ago Elon a regular richard Pryor of superman 3 Reply @jamielancaster01 3 days ago (edited) @ 12:30 The NVIDIA H100 cost $29,000 each. No wonder Elon is renting about 20,000 of these H100’s from Oracle Cloud just to train GROCK 3. Reply @icusawme2 8 days ago He’s doing it for the same reason Edmond Hillary climbed Everest,to get to the top. 1 Reply 1 reply @nnation 12 days ago Tenn, right on equake faultlines... not to smart.. 3 Reply @MarkLandrebe-ef5yd 5 days ago With AI in mind, why didn't Musk instead get involved in Quantum Computers ? Reply @tookster7483 6 days ago I wonder why Elon is going with the H100 since the new gen B100's are coming out this year? Reply @TimRobertsen 1 day ago Now I'm just waiting for him to start building mobile nuclear power plants:p Or, nuclear power plants Reply @robotsweee 12 days ago This one project will crash ERCOT 2 Reply @synergy021 2 days ago Umm no that 4am recharging or when the vehicle is not used cannot be used to mine your crypto or whatever Tesla wants. That hardware belongs to the buyer 100% of the time as well as the electricity that's going into that vehicle. Reply @TheTrock121 9 days ago At this rate, the carbon footprint to power the supercomputer will exceed the reduction from the electric cars! lol Reply @OzkAltBldgCo-bv8tt 4 days ago He should have built the whole damn thing underground Reply @chriswalter92 12 days ago Protecting your capital is much more important than making money. Basically because if you lose your capital, making money is much harder. ''Missing the train'' vs. ''losing your money''. There are a lot of trains, but if your money is gone, it's over. 1 Reply 2 replies @jaeluatl 5 days ago There is one fine example where Elon Musk is always gonna be on top forward thinking the AI ship has been built into every car for the last 10 years GM Chrysler Ford Mercedes Toyota, etc. it’s going to have a hard time catching up Reply @mrmattbassett 7 days ago Too bad full self drive won’t work on v3. I’m interested to see what they are going to do for those that were promised it would. Reply @widodoakrom3938 11 days ago Is he entering semiconductor chips industry? 2 Reply 3 replies @user-gn1ic9ww8q 3 days ago i did say i was gonna put something huge inside of memphis, go figure it has to do with computers and bunkers Reply @sativagirl1885 9 days ago 3lon should neuro-link himself to his very manly computer, and project his brilliance to infinity and beyond! --Buzz Lightyear Reply @leroyessel2010 13 days ago Centralized is old school and decentralized Blockchain with Smart Contracts avoids Centralized Computer Cloud Computing provides much needed AI transparency and ends data harvesting on UTOPIA or Internet Computer( (ICP). 2 Reply @Mercury0369 7 days ago I hope Elon can keep the hackers out of that supercomputer ! Reply @ingmarkronfeldt6174 12 days ago 5 GW is like 5 large nuclear reactors. 1 Reply 1 reply @simonscofield8825 9 days ago Standard super computers are all very well but with the advancement of quantum computers (yes i know they cant do all the same stuff as a standard computer) they will become obsolete very quickly rendering them useless very soon being able to do calculations in seconds and milliseconds in which a standard model could take minutes, hours or even years to work out.... 2 Reply 1 reply @kendrickpi 12 days ago Will help Tesla realise FSD and optimal Optimus! Reply @GlassChewer 8 days ago nice vid, you could improve the fps of some of your animations though, still a like Reply @PaulADAigle 12 days ago Elon fully intends to force Grok to match his unrealistic opinions. I really hoped AI would be able to clarify realism to people who lack it, but not with Elon's forced changes. 1 Reply 1 reply @leroyessel2010 12 days ago Centralized is old school and decentralized Blockchain with Smart Contracts avoids Centralized Computer Cloud Computing provides much needed AI transparency and ends data harvesting on UTOPIA or Internet Computer( (ICP). Elon would benefit if he operates on UTOPIA and X would benefit from Internet Computer ICP 2 Reply @soundslight7754 10 days ago We, Tesla shareholders, want a cut of xAI, say 25% 1 Reply 1 reply @Mithranos 9 days ago Why even build cars? With that much compute you could mine all the Bitcoin! Reply @user-wy3on1qr4w 2 days ago AI intelligence can be used for incredible safety in an Automobile that has self driving once it’s proven ins couple of years Reply @howardross9614 9 days ago Loved the God damned arms race reference! Nice work!!! Reply @nesseihtgnay9419 12 days ago That's why you got to move to the US man, 2 Reply The Tesla Space · 1 reply @hg6996 7 days ago (edited) One can only get scared by looking at what AI is already today capable of doing based on H100. But Nvidia Blackwell will be much more powerful. What will these supercomputers do? Reply @henzsy1404 12 days ago Great video So much info 1 Reply @RickRoss-np7mj 3 days ago Fantastic video! I have incurred so much losses trading on my own....I trade well on demo but I think the real market is manipulated.... Can anyone help me out or at least tell me what I'm doing wrong?? 104 Reply 61 replies @gmy33 12 days ago Great info !!!! .. very nice forcomprehending what is going on !! 1 Reply @brookss2141 6 days ago (edited) I hope he names the intergraded AI Tesla network Skynet. Reply @Zen_Power 5 days ago Elon will be able to summon computing power from vehicles like a spirit bomb. Reply @roberttuinstra5494 3 days ago Maybe that computer could be used for voting. We need something better than what we have now. Reply @187dyce 7 days ago Nice info. Theta could help Reply @mobilechaosyt 12 days ago So you’re saying Elon is mining Dogecoin with my car? Reply @Matt-ru5rw 5 days ago This channel is awesome. It should just say, why Elmo is the greatest being ever and everything he does is awesome. Just dont follow up on anything we say. 1 Reply @dporrasxtremeLS3 9 days ago Obsession??? What the Hellll? This Man has it Going On!!! No Obsession! 4 Reply @myxalplyx 12 days ago Can't wait to see Neuralink utilize all this generative A.I. compute, connecting the human brain as a collective to it for memory storage and faster input/output (thinking). That will be next level mind-blowing. All operating through Starlink (It's own internet). And it's own currency (Dogecoin). 4 Reply @johnevans6399 12 days ago If this was about self-driving it would be much more effective and cheaper to fit lidar. Unfortunately for the rest of us it's use/growth is sadly more sinister!! Reply @Boingfish1 10 days ago (edited) I wish he would create his own chips outside of China. Am I mistaken? My point is, if he can, they can and are…too Reply @nicknevco215 8 days ago Is it for AI managers Reply @bokoro5624 10 days ago Not a quantum computer ? Reply @HumHindustani007 12 days ago Enjoyed your videos…. Great contents!!! Thanks Reply @Jack_Rabbit71 5 days ago in 20 years all this will fit into a cell phone Reply @ggsap 10 days ago (edited) 7:36 Is elon sending that chip to you because how would it increase performance on the tesla you mor on? It will only decrease the training time Reply @keithlovelock8829 12 days ago many thanks…..easily the best technical insights into where Tesla is going. You should have a seat in the Tesla boardroom Reply @aidilmarinho8289 13 days ago Congratulations to everyone who contributed to the success. In a company you have to have excellent professionals to do the best work and business success. It is important to have responsible and capable people 3 Reply @kiyonmcdowell5603 12 days ago I think that Elon musk starships will have b200 GPU hardware onboard and it will have agi capabilities, which is what he needs to accelerate human scientific discovers, or just understand the nature of the universe. Reply @Braneloc 10 days ago He's mining Bitcoin :) Reply @chandrashekharrajput5332 2 days ago This is Cyberghost advertisement or talk about the world biggest supercomputer? Reply @MidnightMaker 12 days ago If I'm paying $80K for a Cybertruck, if Tesla wants to use my vehicle for Bitcoin mining, either I get to opt out or I get a cut. Reply @asimkasir 5 days ago Mark those location.. years from now all of us will be attacking those site to take back our world and defeat XSkynet Reply @joejoe6949 12 days ago I thought dojo was suppose to be more powerful the the h100 >? Reply 1 reply @jaeluatl 5 days ago Yes, he definitely needs a super computer or should I see a bigger super computer he apparently designs everything through a super computer down to the factory floor layout all the way up to starship. Reply @matthodel946 12 days ago Date processing centers in TX are stupid. CO can run circles around anything in TX because of the wet bulb and dry bulb temperature differentials. It cost a fraction to run servers up here instead of the hot humid south. I know, I helped Fed Ex leave TX for CO, a campus where every package in the world is tracked. It's a big data center. 2 Reply 4 replies @stevenpike7857 12 days ago So basicly, Tesla can use your car computer when it's at rest, using up your power bill to make it richer. Sounds fair. Reply 1 reply @Hekkietoir 1 day ago he is building skynet Reply @Kevin-lf2nv 10 days ago They're Geth! Reply @user-kt7yo4qc6n 12 days ago musk is absolutely a fast thinker, yeah 1 Reply @EVRealFacts 1 day ago Elon is the greatest snake oil salesman in history. I'll file this with the solar tiles, hyperloop, roadster, dear moon story and self driving that will never happen. Reply @steveo6034 12 days ago You can thank Justin Castro Trudeau for the current state of Canada. 1 Reply @thatthotho 12 days ago Elon 🩷 vertical integration 2 Reply @paulperano9236 5 days ago If SpaceX wants to use robots to build infrastructure on Mars he will need a bit more than a Win11 midi-tower. Start bashing out super computers now so popping one in to a Starship is easy. Meanwhile use the resource for Tesla, etc. Reply @stephbarbershop2518 8 days ago Ai is driving portfolios Full speed ahead! Reply @solargod3671 4 days ago Idk how things don’t add up to yall. If he has his own satellite internet that comes out to his own engine search like Google , own email address like gmail, own marketing adds paid by companies , not even including maps an etc.The biggest thing he will do will be ???? Use your brain people. Reply @eugenestrawberry1835 12 days ago Elon cars turn against us. Reply @elissitdesign 5 days ago Elon needs to develop a nuclear reactor for all that desired power! Reply @ExecutiveZombie 12 days ago Awesome. 1 Reply @zmblion 12 days ago I would not want my 70k dollar car burning my hardware up for free. Tesla would need to pay Reply @TomTreutlein 12 days ago It's Proto Skynet. Elon's company or something like DARPA are going to make it and then... Reply @finn3408 15 hours ago god bless Elon Musk. Reply @Thomas-sb8xh 11 days ago The biggest does not mean the best, besides rest of the field don't sleep. Does he have any supercomputer in the top500 ? Just like that out of thin air will see BIGGEST EM SC...just like a colony on Mars. Reply @James-nx2sn 12 days ago (edited) Yes. But how does all this computer power relate to getting to Mars? Reply 1 reply @The-KP 12 days ago (edited) Weren't SpaceX building themselves a giant AI layer cake custom-fabbed chipset, the D1?? A cube-shaped compute module, which would convectively cool itself and be capable of simultaneously sending and receiving terabytes of data per second across many parallel channels? What became of this design..? What you shared with us doesn't seem remotely related to the D1. Reply 1 reply @jamescole3152 12 days ago Half Nvidia and half Tesla chips. The interesting thing is both chips are built in Taiwan. And soon to be built by Intel in the US. 1 Reply 1 reply @reyrox3274 8 days ago Skynet is coming Reply @secarl 8 days ago Disgusting about Canada. What a true shame. Reply @swayam1267 5 days ago T800 coming soon I guess Reply @MehranFarvardin 12 days ago What's the point of using your link again? There's no discount on your link! Regular link has the same price ️ Reply 3 replies @WyomingGuy876 8 days ago ?? Memphis ?? Elon will regret that. Copper is valuable and his plant will be stripped quicker than a Target or Macy's in Downtown San Francisco. Reply @user-su9ot3wf6t 12 days ago Good episode Reply @Manuel-6 12 days ago Make it happen Elon. 1 Reply @CC-uq4hu 2 days ago Here we go! He’s not me nice guy… Reply @BrutusMyChild 17 hours ago I would do the same for different reasons if I had that kind of money to be honest. Reply @monopolimanufacturing 12 days ago Reply @TheGoldNinja101 10 days ago 10:41 I see that Beymax has a family. 1 Reply @valentinaelenasavin8202 13 days ago ALL THE BEST OF LUCK THEN .SEEMS REALLY EASY THING Reply @derlynhernandez2727 9 days ago But can it play Crisis 3? Reply @sean9829 5 days ago Holy smokes there are so many factual mistakes in this video Reply @KariKreps-ps3jx 15 hours ago Cool... Reply @The_Invisible_Man 1 day ago General AI doesn’t exist bruh Reply @gigiwhoot 7 days ago I had no idea the government was restricting your internet. Who the heck are they? Horrified.! Reply @johnlysic6727 7 days ago Uuuugggghhhhh - it’s gonna take my brain a week to process all of this - bery interesting & very important - I have a Tesla car and I do use the self driving (it is mind blowing impressive) - so I get the Dojo training systems , the potential for combining the cars with the robots will not be understood by the general population but will certainly result in far far safer transportation in a much cooler way - the grok AI is literally scary and my mind goes straight to it causing massive unemployment, poverty and crime……… (sure hope I am wrong on that 0ne) Reply @johnwilson5743 9 days ago Thank you. This was a great summary of things surrounding Tesla and its need for compute power for its different ventures. Cheers. Reply @eddiekulp1241 5 days ago Its to keep track of his billions Reply @Normanx964 4 days ago In the future, Tesla could immobilize all its cars for national security reasons. Thanks, Big Brother 1984. Reply @kingphet123 1 day ago The judgment day are coming Reply @venkateshgod7568 12 days ago Super 1 Reply @chemistrysimplified1501 13 days ago 10th comment! What do I win? 1 Reply @castlerock58 5 days ago Canada stopped being awesome in 2015. Reply @daviddean707 11 days ago So corporations want their own nuclear power plants - I'm already going to watch Bladerunner again. Reply @DailyLifestyle6465 7 days ago (edited) I want privacy not share anything with any families or anyone accept myself that would be advantage of system 1 Reply 1 reply @geminivending 10 days ago Hey Elon 1 Reply @opinionmatters7119 10 days ago Simple. Ai will be Tesla, Tesla will be Ai. Reply @LakelandRussell 7 days ago Free Canada :-) Reply @shrisheel 11 days ago Hype Promises Not delivered Dates pushed More hype Finally will deliver a desk top PC with a clever name Will be called a visionary. 1 Reply @SiyamakZamanzadeh 4 days ago Reply @KrK-EST 12 days ago H100 used to be the industry standard, now there is few better options and the H100's are falling behind in several positions. Reply @wtftolate3782 4 days ago AI is dangerous! Reply @upp.social2490 4 days ago Love the Guy.. brilliant.. alittle scary If I cant compete but awesome Reply @tacosdecamaron 12 days ago Fk im scared Reply @007.M-D 8 days ago And i am stil stuck Reply @JOSEPHATJOSEPH-jb2rr 11 days ago Well done sir Elon Reply @DBCooper3 8 days ago "What the hell is a gigawatt?" Reply @hoodooking1133 7 days ago Beginning of the end Reply @oov55 7 days ago seems like some great ideas - from general to specific. How many of our GOVERNMENTS are making similar investments on behalf of the PEOPLE and TAXPAYERS? Why will my experience, intelligence, invention, activity etc ..... and my children's ..and my grandchildren's sucked up by Corporations whose main aim is to be 1. "Powerful', who's second aim is to be 2. 'Influential;' and, who make 3. "global profits", that have never been matched (... resulting in 1,2 and 3, get exponentially bigger , every month) ?? "I am not a Robot" and "I am not a "resource" and "I am not a mouse on a phucking wheel" Proposal - the wealth of Human Invention and Human Intellectual creativity - that was developed and supported by civilised societies ...that was enhanced and nurtured by humans supporting Universities and Research labs for 100s of years -... does not belong to Musk, or Brin, or Bezos or Gates. It belongs to the free World, to the people, the families, the individuals that shared their talents freely, to this planet. Corporate greed is Corporate greed - been the same for 100s of years. Banks , Oil, Food, Manufacturing, Weapons, Pharmaceutical didn't pop out of a billionaire's ass, fully formed Reply @user-pw4mj2tz2h 13 days ago Hi 2 Reply @user-xd7zk1pw5y 5 days ago Just like he made "SELF DRIVING CARS" that are crap Reply @tagalogelectronics6615 8 days ago AI ...Server Reply @d_no_allyn_86 8 days ago Fat stacks lmao Reply @richardadams6988 16 hours ago This is not so good !!! own all the knowledge of the planet, can and will be quite a mega i hope that the goverment entity that regulates who owns , maintains and controls of this future of this concept, is and will be heavily involved !!!! Reply @jamesbarry1673 4 days ago In the words of his father, my son has lost 44 billion and got fat Reply @mycents-ct8hi 10 days ago Not decentralized at all. More like 10's of thousands of cameras and data logging points for the AI machine. Reply @Bledi838 4 days ago Everything is Super Hyped when it comes to Super Computers and AI. That Chat GPT gives answers similar to a person who LACKS Character, it doesn't take any sides. And the info given is very small and superficial. Complete Useless technology zero worth. No Emotion shown by not choosing a side and afraid to stand up for something. I figure who is that human being who LACKS Emotions? Also even every animal in this planet has Emotions it is able to give love and hate, gets angry and friendly, dogs, cats, goats, cow etc etc. Another over hyped that only affects people perceptions but it doesn't worth the productivity increase for the cost it comes. Actually Negative productivity increase. Let's see how many human diseases will be found the cure through AI....I bet is ZERO. Nothing can replace the Human Brain. Reply @ReverendGreg 12 days ago Super poor choice of an advert. Reply @DeadManWalking2 12 days ago 42 Reply @RogueMaverick_ 12 days ago Reply @TheDjamsh01 1 day ago the answer is 42 Reply @GroovyVideo2 12 days ago people are toast Reply The Tesla Space · 2 replies @marek.nlmedia 13 days ago first 2 Reply @eduardodevera 6 days ago Elon will use the supercomputer when he rolls out X’s cryptocurrency payment platform similar to paypal using Starlink. This is part of Elon’s plan. Reply @jameswilson5165 12 days ago Profanity is not appreciated or necessary. Your channel is better than that. 2 Reply The Tesla Space · 2 replies @tarkovgroupie 10 days ago Ummm define awesome? Lack of freedom of speech? Lack of freedom in general. Doesn't sound awesome just saying. 1 Reply @ljre3397 4 days ago Musk wants to rule the world just like trump. Scarier is that he’s like trump with intelligence. Reply @lucadellasciucca967 8 days ago lol It takes 10 years just to have the nuclear plant operational xD Do your research, invest in Tesla. Reply @inqwit1 7 days ago Currently training on hardware 3. The extension at Giga T is hardware 4. Now questioning everything you deliver on this channel. Bye Reply @Dewouxohshs 9 days ago 🇧🇷 Reply @davidlepold 6 days ago I like Tesla but as to my knowledge there s nothing decentralized about it. Sounds like you got no clue what decentralized really means, ..... While the rest of the video is nice Reply @leonlawson3252 9 days ago Did you forget Elon is also building the biggest satellite network in the world! ! He can’t build a data cruncher fast enough. Reply @mpendulombhele5036 12 days ago Elon Reply @Withnail1969 11 days ago He is not building the world's largest super computer. Reply 1 reply @FarFetchedFlorida 9 days ago @TeslaSpace pumping scam VPN services Reply @Nicole-yz7bo 7 days ago 🇱🇷 Reply @roberthansen4673 5 days ago One big Spy Ring Reply @shop970 6 days ago Funny how we Know any new designs on the market. . . Have glitches. Lots of problems. " let's make a new system. At the job site." No. Let's not." Trust me. . . Nonsense. Aren't you glad you don't need a new compooter! Hint: Elon doesn't build anything. Reply @jimjames5612 12 days ago your title is shockingly stupid. "obsession" ? Reply @bobtarmac1828 10 days ago Massive Ai coming? Is it too late to cease Ai? Remember Hansel and Gretal and that scenario? Luring us in with sweets? Just to be… laid off by Ai, then… suffer human extinction? Or worse, imprisoned by an… ai new world order? Enforced by swell robotics popping up everywhere… replacing you with Ai jobloss? Reply @stormsake 9 days ago this guy should turn Africa to Amazons. Thanks to his efforts making world better place. Reply @omangatoloai9823 12 days ago DISRESPEC Reply @bullbutter9699 7 days ago Elons the Last Gasp of the Fish........... Reply @landofstan246 3 days ago Netfix sucks, period. Reply @charlesroberson3761 5 days ago If this doesn't scare yall, your fools. Reply @williamrosier5558 4 days ago He is not Building anything himself so stop with the lies Reply @jacekmarczyk4436 10 days ago He always promises somethe biggest, fastest, smartest, except that he never delivers. 1 Reply 2 replies @yc5391 10 days ago (edited) so he has some credit with our AI overlords, duh... Reply @RonaldAaronLopez 8 days ago Reply @ManMountainManX 10 days ago TY. 030724 Reply @nate5eplayer574 5 days ago Reply @user-wd6md1wi9v 9 days ago Reply @shop970 6 days ago And when it has no power to run. It's a joke. A.I. runs on electricity. Lots of it. Reply @wtftolate3782 4 days ago Will never own a EV! Reply @semikolondev 8 days ago dude can't even do a tunnel...please. Reply @saleesh4u 3 days ago This guy is nothing but a show off. Most of his ventures are failures sugar coated as success and labelled as "for humanity". Reply @daxtonbrown 7 days ago This is all scary as crap. Reply @woolfel 8 days ago Elon said DOJO using their own chip was supposed to be online by 2023. Guess what, it's a lot harder than just saying stuff. When Elon was asked his response was "but I would think DOJO as a long shot." This was back in December 2023. People should stop listening to Elon's marketing BS. he doesn't actually understand neural networks and has never trained a model. Too many drank the koolaid. After Karpathy left Tesla he said "turns out FSD is much harder than you realize." Read between the lines, it means Tesla FSD isn't going to be ready in the next 2 or 3 years. It's likely to be 10 years away. Reply @ShadySKWASHA 11 days ago Wow so many Elon Musk bootlickers in the chat lol, I can't believe y'all still believe so much in this vaporware salesman, my two Tesla employee friends can't stand him because he laid off tons of their coworkers and constantly makes their life harder while only giving Tesla more and more ridiculous and impractical projects which he comes up with during his Ketamine binges... 1 Reply @bobdylan4508 1 day ago Elon it’s a scammer Reply @kerravon9401 12 days ago If you do paid sponsorship on your channel , i unsubscribe See ya Reply 2 replies @D.Eldon_ 12 days ago Thumbs down for the profanity at the end. Pathetic! 3 Reply The Tesla Space · 1 reply @sherolinnaheang3009 13 days ago A wedding at Mar-a-la-Go for Julian and Stella Assange, Elon and Sherolinnah Musk 042025 inviting Xi, Putin, Modi, Kim Jun and TRUMP Elon Musk 2024 1 Nvidia CEO: "Our New AI Technology Will Transform the Industry Forever." ChipSurge 102 subscribers Subscribe 5 Share Download Clip Save 461 views 2 weeks ago Nvidia, a pioneer in the field of accelerated computing and artificial intelligence, has made a monumental leap forward with the full-scale production of the H100 GPU. This cutting-edge technology is set to redefine the landscape of the computing industry, heralding a new era where AI and accelerated computing are at the forefront. The Nvidia H100 GPU is not just an incremental improvement; it is a transformative innovation that promises to impact every sector, from healthcare and finance to manufacturing and entertainment. … 1 Comment rongmaw lin Add a comment... @InsightsNews2 2 weeks ago Great content, Keep the grind on! Reply